ML12251A359 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Braidwood |
Issue date: | 08/17/2012 |
From: | Enright D Exelon Generation Co |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
BW 120080 | |
Download: ML12251A359 (83) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:ExelonGeneration+ 3100 6agoi Ami &*o Sut 4
'mmmIIne, 3.UO?.61041901 August 17, 2012 BW 120080 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 2.0555-0001 Braidwood Station, Unit 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF 72 NRC Docket No. STN 50-456
Braidwood Station, Unit 'i Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report for Refueling Outage 15 In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.9, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Inspection Report," Exelor, Generat'n Company, LLG is repc hatirg the results of the SG inspections that were completed '-r-ir j the ,raidwood Station, Unit 1 Refueling Outage 16 (Al R16). The att.ched report i.* a!so bl- ,2bmitted in accordance with the rtquirements of th3 American Society of Mechanical Enaoin 'E)ji Zz,'ler and Pressue Vessel Code, 2001 Edition through 2003 Add.enda, Section
;>,"RP' Inse,.jice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," Article IWA-6000, "lec:. r Recports," and Paragraph 11-890.2.3, "Reporting" of ASME. Section V "Nondestructive 2xarinai,, , ,.-%rticle 8 - Appendix li, "Eddy Current Examination of Nonferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing," 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda.
If there are any questions regarding ;.his submittal, please contact Mr. Chris VanDenburgh, Regulatory Assurance Manager, .at (815) 417-2800. Respectfully, Daniel J. En right Site Vice President Braidwood Station
Braidwood Station, Unit 1 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report Sixteenth Refueling Outage (Al R1 6) cc: NRC Regional Administrator.- Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Braidwood Station Illinois Emergency Management Agency - Division of Nuclear Safety
Exelon Nuclear BRAIDWOOD STATION UNIT 1 35100 South Rte. 53, Suite 84 Braceville, IL 60407 COMMERCIAL OPERATION: July 29, 1988 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION REPORT SIXTEENTH RIEFUEL!NG OUTAGE (Al R1 6) April 2012 Exelon N!,:lear 430C Winfield Road Warronville, IL 60555 Document Completion Date: July 31, 2012
3.0 CERTIFICATIONS 3.1 Procedures/Examinations/Equipment 3.2 Personnel 4.0 EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES AND EXAMINATION SCOPE 4.1 Examination Techniques 4.2 Steam Generator Inspection Scope 4.3 Recording of Examinat'or Data 4.4* Witness and Verification of Examination 5.0 EXAMINATION RESULTS 5.1 Edd;,, Currn" I, pection 5.2 Other ;nspeciion 3esuiLs 6.0 RESULTS OF CONDITION MONITORING
- 6. 1 Fan Bar Wear 6.2 Lattice Grid Wear 6.3 Foreign Object Wear 7.0 TUBE PLUGGING
Braidwood Station Unit 1 operates with four Babcock & Wilcox Replacement Steam Generators (SGs) in the four loop pressurized water reactor system. The SGs each contain 6633 Thermally Treated Alloy 690 (A690TT) U-tubes that have a nominal diameter of 0.6875 inches and a nominal thickness of 0.040 inches. The tubes are supported by stainless steel lattice grid structures and fan bars. The tubes are hydraulically expanded into the full depth of the tubesheet. Main Feedwater enters the SGs above the tube bundle through a feedring and J-tubes. The SG configuration is shown in Figures A.1 and A.2. The replacement SGs were installed at the end of Cycle 7, in Fall 1998. In compliance with Braidwood Station Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.19, Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity," TS 5.5.9, "Steam Generator (SG) Program," and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code Section Xl 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda, IWB 2500-1, Examination Category B-Q, Item B16.20, SG eddy current examinations were performed during the Braidwood Station Unit 1 sixteenth refueling outage (Al R1 6). The inspections were *'erformed consistent with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) "PWR Steam Generator Examination Cuidelines," Revision 7, and Nuclear Energy Institute NEi 97-06, "Steam Ge.-;erator Progr.-m Guidelines," Revision 3. The inspections were conducted from April 21, 201? through April 28, 2012 by the Westinghouse Electric Company (Westii(jhouse). The Al Ri 6 refueling outage was completed on May 19, 2012. The following inspections were performed during this outage (TS 5.6.9.a).
- Fu",-lenqth bobbin coil eddy current examination of all in-service tubes o +Point TM inspection of all. hot leg E,-rn. & Dings greater than 2.0 Volts o D.iagnostic -PointTM eddy current bas,.d on bobbin coil eddy current results Visual ,nrlpsction of all existing tube plugs V
Visua.l inspection of all newly installed tube plugs The Bra!dwood Unit 1 SGs are currently in the 144 Effective Full Power Month (EFPM) inspection period following SG replacement, per TS 5.5.9.d.2. The Braidwood Unit 1 SGs have operated 137.588 EFPM within the 144 EFPM inspection period at refueling outage 16. Refueling outage 16 was the inspection outage nearest the end-point of the 144 EFPM period. The mid-point inspection outage was conducted during refueling outage 12 (69.9 EFPM within the inspection period). 2.0
The guidance in Revision 7 of the EPRI PWR Steam Generator Examination Guidelines (i.e., EPRI Guidelines and applicable interim guidance) was used during the inspection. A degradation assessment was performed prior to the inspection to ensure the proper EPRI Guidelines Appendix H, "Performance Demonstration for Eddy Current Examination," or Appendix I, "NDE System Measurement Uncertainties for Tube Integrity Assessments," qualified inspection techniques were used to detect any existing and potential modes of degradation. Each technique was evaluated to ensure that the 1
detection and sizing capabilities are applicable to the Braidwood Station Unit 1 site-specific condition in accordance with the EPRI Guidelines. All data analysts were qualified to Appendix G, "Qualification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel for Analysis of NDE Data," of the EPRI Guidelines (i.e., Qualified Data Analyst (QDA)). All data analyst and acquisition personnel satisfactorily completed site-specific training and testing prior to beginning examinations. An independent QDA process control review was employed to randomly sample the data to ensure that the analysis resolution process was properly performed and that the field calls were properly reported. An analysis feedback process was implemented that required the data analysts to review their missed calls and overcalls on a daily basis. The modes of tube degradation found during Al Rf16 were fan bar wear, lattice grid wear and foreign object wear. Pursuant to EPRI Guideline Section 3.7, "Classification of Sample Plan Results," the results of the inspection were classified as inspection category C-1 for the 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D SGs. No additional scope expansion was required since 100% full-length bobbin eddy currsnt inspection was already being performed in all four SGs. There were no scanning limitations during the eddy current examinations. As a result of the eddy current inspection of the SGs, only one tube was removed from service by mechanical tube plugging. The tube was removed from service due to having wear associated with secondary side foreign objects. Table 2.1, "Equivalent Tube Plugging Level," provides the total tube plugging history and equivalent plugging levels to-date for the Braidwood Station, Unit 1 SGs. Table 2.2 'Tubes Plugged During Al R44," provides the total number of tubes plugged during the current ouiage by degradati'- mode. Table 2.1 Equivalent Tu ,_jing Level (TS 3.6.9.f and 5.6.9.h) I A I SG I SG C I SG D Total Tubes Plujged at Factory 1 2 0 0 3 Tubas Plugged in A1R08 1 0 0 0 1 Tubes Plugged in AIR10 8 10 3 0 21 Tubes Plugged in ARll 0 2 2 1 5 Tubes Plugged in AlR12 11 17 0 0 28 Tubes Plugged in AIR13 6 8 7 0 21 Tubes Plugged in A1R14 0 1 4 0 5 Tubes Plugced in Al R16 1 0 0 0 1 Total Tubes Plugged 28 40 16 1 85 Total Tubes Plugged (%) 0.42% 0.60% 0.24% 0.02% 0.32% Note: Steam Generator Inspections Were Not Performed During Al R09 or Al R1 5. 2
Table 2.2 Tubes Plugged During Al R16 (TS 5.6.9.b and TS 5.6.9.e) Mode ofD gradation ::ISG:
ý. A SG B SG C SG D, Total Fan Bar Wear 0 0 0 0 0 Lattice Grid Wear 0 0 0 0 0 Foreign Object Wear 1 0 0 0 1 Total Tubes Plugged in A1 R16 1 0 0 0 1 3.0 CERTIFICATIONS 3.1 Procedures/Examinations/Equipment 3.1.1 The examination and evaluation procedures used during the eddy current inspection were approved by personnel qualified to Level III in accordance with the 1995 Edition of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ASNT CP-1 89, "ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel." For previously approved certifications, the 1991 edition of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ASNT CP-1 89 and the 1984 Edition of the American Society fcr Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, "Personnel Qualification and Certific'iton in Nondestructive Testing." Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) procedure ER-AP-335-039, "Multifrequency Eddy Current Data Acquisition of Steam Generator Tubing," Revision 6 and EGC 'rocedure ER-AP-335-040, "Evaluation of Eddy Current Data for Steam Gernerator Tubing," Revision 7, were used for data acquisition and analysis.
3.1.2 The examinatio, is, equipment and personnel were in compliance with the requirements of Exelon and Westinghouse Quality Assurance Programs for Inservice Inspection; Braidwood Station TS 5.5.9; 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section Xl, "Rules for Inservice Inspecticn of Nuclear power Plant Components," and Section V, "Nondestructive Examination"; EPRI PWR SG Examination Guidelines, Revision 7; and NEI 97-06, "Steam Generator Program Guidelines," Revision 3. 3.1.3 Certification packages for examiners, data analysts, and equipment are available at Braidwood Station. Tables A.1 and A.2 of Attachment A list all personnel who performed, supervised, or evaluated the data during this SG inservice inspection. 3.1.4 CoreStar International Corporation OMNI-200 MT Remote Data Acquisition Units (RDAUs) with Westinghouse SGPS 12.00.00 Rev., Version 5033 computer software were used to acquire the eddy current data. Primary and secondary analysis was performed with Westinghouse ANSER 12.00.00 Rev 11 Version 504 computer software. 3.1.5 The bobbin coil examinations of the SGs were performed with Westinghouse 0.560 inch diameter probes. For low row U-Bend tubing, a 3
0.540 inch diameter probe was utilized to achieve the complete full tube examination in tubes where there was difficulty using the 0.560 inch diameter probe. 3.1.6 The rotating coil examinations were performed with Zetec 0.560 inch diameter three coil +PointTM probes for straight section tubing. The coils within this probes were a 0.115 inch diameter pancake coil, a 0.080 inch diameter pancake coil and a standard +PointTM coil. For diagnostic evaluation of indications within the U-Bend tubing, a Zetec 0.520 inch diameter probe was used with a single standard +PointTM coil. 3.2 Personnel 3.2.1 The personnel who performed the SG eddy current inspections were qualified to Level I and Level IIcertification in accordance with the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, IWA-2300. The Level I personnel performed the inspections under the direct supervision of Level II or Level III personnel. A list of the certified eddy current personnel who performed data acquisition for the examination is contained in Table A.1 of Attachment A. 3.2.2 The personnel who performed the SG eddy current data analysis were qualified to a minimum of Level II, with special analysis training (i.e., Level H*A) in accordance with the 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda of ASME Se( 'on X;, IWA-2300. A list of the certified eddy current personnel who perft med data analysis for the examination is contained in Table A.2 of Attacnment A. 3.2.3 All SG eddy current data analysts were qualified in accordance with EPRI Appendix G for Qualified Data Analysts (QDAs). In addition, all data analysts were trained and tested in accordance with a site specific performance demonstration program in both the bobbin coil and +PointTM inspection data analysis. Resolution analysts were also trained and tested specifically for the performance of data resolution. All analysts were required to achieve a minimum score of 80% probability of detection with a 90% confidence level on the practical examination, and a minimum score of 80% on the written examination prior to analyzing data. 3.2.4 All SG eddy current data acquisition personnel were trained and tested in accordance with a site specific performance demonstration program. The data acquisition operators were required to achieve a written test score of 80% or greater prior to acquiring data. 3.2.5 The SG eddy current analysis was subject to two independent analyses. Primary analysis was performed by an automated data screening analysis system as described in the EPRI Guidelines, Revision 7. The analysis system was operated in the interactive mode and had successfully passed the EPRI Automated Analysis Performance Demonstration Database (AAPDD). Automated analysis was also required to successfully pass the site specific performance demonstration practical examination prior to analyzing field data. Secondary analysis was 4
performed manually. Discrepancies between the two parties required Level III concurrence between both parties for final resolution. 3.2.6 Two independent SG eddy current Level III QDAs who were not part of the resolution team were employed to serve as a process control reviewers, in accordance with EPRI Guidelines. The Independent Level III QDAs randomly sampled the data to ensure the resolution process was properly performed and that the field calls were properly reported. The Independent Level III QDAs also provided data acquisition oversight to ensure that the data collection process was in compliance with appropriate procedures, that all essential variables were set in accordance with the applicable Examination Technique Specification Sheet (ETSS) and to provid6 a data quality check of acquired data. The Independent Level III QDAs reported directly to the EGC Nondestructive Examination Level Ill. 3.2.7 Personnel from Mistras, N.D.E. Technology, INC., Tricen Technologies, Infineddy, LLC, Mainternance arnd Inspection Services, INC., and Westinghouse performed data analysis. 3.2.8 Per'onnel from System One and Westinghouse performed data acquisition. 3.2.9 Personnel qualified as data analysts performed real time data quality verifi.ations. 4.0 EXAMINATIO. I TECHiQUES AND EXAMINATION SCOPE Ali )ddy current examination techniques used were qualified in accordance with 1 x H or Appendix I of the EPRI PWR SO Examination Guidelines. Each Apper,u examination technique was eva:uatec to be applicable to the tubing and conditions of the Braidwood St:,'.on Unit 1 SGs. 4.1 Examinitcn Techniques (TS 5.6.9.c) 4.1.1 The bobbin coil examinations were performed with a 0.560 inch diameter probe as described in Section 3.1.5 of this report. For low row U-Bend regions where there was difficulty using the 0.560 inch diameter probe, a 0.540 inch diameter probe was utilized to achieve the full tube inspection. Nominal probe inspection speed was 40 inches per second for tubes in row 9 and higher and 24 inches per second for low row tubes. Sufficient sampling rates were used to maintain a minimum digitizing rate of 33 samples per inch. The bobbin probes were operated in both the differential and absolute modes at frequencies of 650 kHz, 320 kHz, 160 kHz, and 35 kHz. The following suppression mixes were used to enhance the inspection: 650/160 kHz differential mix, 320/160 kHz absolute mix, 650/320 kHz differential mix and a 650/320/160 kHz differential mix. 5
4.1.2 Inspections of non-quantifiable bobbin coil indications and hot leg dents/dings greater than 2.0 volts as detected by the bobbin coil examination, were performed utilizing +PointTM probes as described in Section 3.1.6. Maximum axial probe inspection speed was 0.8 inches per second for straight tubing, 0.33 inches per second for U-bend region of the tubing and 0.15 inches per second at dents and dings. Sample rates and rotation speeds were used to maintain a minimum digitizing rate of 30 samples per inch (i.e., 25 samples per inch for the axial direction and 30 samples per inch for the circumferential direction). The rotating probes for straight section tubing and dents/ding inspections were operated in the absolute test mode at frequencies of 300 kHz, 200 kHz, 100 kHz and 20 kHz. The rotating probes for U-bend section inspections were operated in the absolute test mode at frequencies of 400 kHz, 300 kHz, 100 kHz and 20 kHz. In addition to the four base frequencies, three process channels were used to display axial indications in the positive trace. 4.1.3 The eddy current calibration standards used for the bobbin coil and
+PointTM inspections met the requirements of the EPRI Guidelines, Revision 7, and Sections V and Xl of the ASME Code, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda.
4.1.4 The SG eddy current examination techniques used during this inspection were equivalent to the EPRI Guidelines Appendix H or Appendix I techniques 'isted in Table 4.1. Each ETSS was evaluated and determined to be applicable to site conditions. 6
Table 4.1 EPRI Appendix H and Appendix I chniques EPRI.ý
. Location . ... .. . . .. M o d e ::.. *
- Orientation Degradaton ;: : EPRI ETSS ETSS .. . Probe..
Mode Rev. Fan Bar & Lattice Grid Wear Vol 96004.3 13 Bobbin 96004.3 13 4 Bobbin
+oin Foreign Object/Freespan Wear Vol 998.1 21998.1 4 +Point US Sludge Pile, (Detection) 3 +Point ODSCC Axial 128425 Freespan Regions, Support Structures (Sizing) 2 +Point 128432 (Detection) 3 +Point 128424 (Siing ____
Sludge Pile Region ODSCC Axial (Sizing) 2 +Point 128431 TTS Expansion ODSCC Circ 21410.1 6 +Point TTS Expansion PWSCC Axial 20511.1 8 +Point TTS Expans~jn PWSCC C1i'c 20510.1 7 +Point Dents/Dings FWSCC Axial 96703.1 17 +Point Dents/Dings PWSCC Circ 20510.1 7 +Point (Detection) 3 +Point 128425 (i n2+ n Dents/Dings < 2 Volts ODSCC Axial (Sizing) 2 +Point 128432 Dents/Dings > 2 Volts ODSCC Axial 22401.1 4 +Point Dents/Dings ODSCC Circ 21410.1 6 +Point Tube Support Plate , GA/ODSCC Axial (Detection) 3 Bobbin Sludge Pile 128413 96004.3 13 0 Bobbin
+oin Tube-to-Tube Proximity Wear Vol 908.2 10908.2 0 +Point Freespan MBMs Vol 96010.1 7 Bobbin IGA - Intergranular Attack MBM - Manufacturing Burnish Mark ODSCC - Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking PWSCC - Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking TTS - Top of Tubesheet 4.2 Steam Generator Inspection Scope (TS 5.6.9.a) 4.2.1 100% of the in service tubes in all SGs were inspected full-length with a bobbin probe as described in Section 4.1.1.
4.2.2 Diagnostic examinations were performed on all non-quantifiable indications, locations of foreign object wear, and hot leg dents/dings 7
greater than 2.0 volts that were detected by the bobbin coil examination. Diagnostic examinations were also conducted in the vicinity of potential foreign objects to determine the extent of tubes potentially affected by the objects. These special examinations were performed with the three coil
+PointTM probe described in Section 4.1.2 above. See Section 5.1 and Attachment B.3 for further detail.
4.2.3 See Attachment B for tubesheet maps detailing the inspection scope for each SG. 4.3 Recording of Examination Data Results of the SG eddy current data analysis were recorded on optical disks. The data was then loaded into a Westinghouse Eddy Current Data Management System, "STMax"' version, 1.28.08. The system was used to track the completion of the examinations and was used to generate the final SG eddy current report summaries. 4.4 Witness and Verification of Examination SG eddy current inspections were witnessed and/or verified by the Authorized Nuclear Irservice Inspector3, Mr. L. Malabanan of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut, Chicago Branch, 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 500, Lisle, Illinois 60532-9871. 5.0 EXADJINATlON RESULTS 5.1 Edcdy Current Inspection (TS 5.6.9.b *dn TS 5.6.9.d) Full-length bobbin coil examination of elI inservice tubes was performed in all SGs. 5.1.1 Fan Bar Wear - A total of 67 indications of tube wear at the Fan Bar intersections were identified during Al R1 6. The largest indication of Fan Bar wear was 15% Through Wall (TW) as measured by the eddy current technique. The EPRI Appendix H bobbin coil technique 96004.3 was utilized in this inspection for depth sizing of all Fan Bar wear. Refer to Attachment B.4 for detailed locations and sizing for all Fan Bar wear. 5.1.2 Lattice Grid Wear - A total of nine indications of tube wear at the Lattice Grid intersections were identified during Al R1 6. The largest indication of Lattice Grid wear was 9% TW as measured by the eddy current technique. The EPRI Appendix H bobbin coil technique 96004.3 was utilized in this inspection for depth sizing of all Lattice Grid wear. Refer to Attachment B.5 for detailed locations and sizing for all Lattice Grid wear. 5.1.3 Foreign Obiect Wear - A total of seven indications of secondary side foreign object wear were identified during AlR16. The EPRI Appendix H
+PointTM technique 21988.1 was utilized in this inspection for depth sizing of all foreign object wear.
Of the seven indications identified during Al R1 6, four indications were identified during a previous SG inspection (Al R12) and were allowed to remain in service since they were below the TS plugging criteria of greater than or equal to 40% TW, and secondary side visual inspection confirmed that the objects that caused the tube wear were no longer present. Re-inspection of these indications during Al R13, A1 R14, and Al R1 6 confirmed that the associated wear had not changed since first identified during A1R12. Therefore these indications were allowed to remain in service. Three tubes contained secondary side foreign object wear that was newly identified during Al R1 6. In the 1A SG, Tube Row 19 Col 138 had a 39% TW foreign object wear indication, as measured by eddy current technique 21988.1, which was 0.30" above the hot leg top of tubesheet intersection. The inservice tubes surrounding the area of wear were inspected with +PointTM. Tube Row 17 Col 138 had a 25% TW foreign object wear indication, which was 0.09" above the hot leg top of tubesheet intersection, and Tube Row 20 Col 139 had a 13% TW foreign object wear indication, which was 0.16" above the hot leg top of tubesheet intersection, as measured by eddy current technique 21988.1 for both indications. Secondary side video inspection of the region as performed during Al R1G did not identify any foreign object(s) in 4Lha vicinity of the wear indications. Although Tube Row 19 Col 133, containing t,,e 39% TW ind;cation, was below the TS plugging criteria, it was conservativel7 removed from service via plugging. Since the other two nev/wndications were associated with relative:y smal! amounts of tube wear (13% TW and 25% TW), were below the TS plugging criteria of greater than or equal to 40% TW, and secondary side visual inspection ccnfirmed that the object(s) that caused the tube wear were no longer present., the indications were allowed to remain in service. Refer 'toAttachment B.2 for detailed locations and sizing for all Foreign Object wear indications. 5.1.4 Attachment B contains tube lists with axial elevations of all imperfections that contain measurable through wall depth that were found during the Al R1 6 eddy current inspection. 5.2 Other Inspection Results 5.2.1 Hot Lea Dent/ Ding Inspection: During refueling outage A1R16, 100% of the hot leg dents / dings greater than 2.0 volts were inspected with
+PointTM. A total of two tubes contained dings that met the inspection criteria and were inspected. No degradation was identified as a result of these inspections.
5.2.2 Visual Inspection of Installed Tube Plugs - All previously installed tube plugs were visually inspected for signs of degradation and leakage. In addition, all plugs installed during Al R16 were also visually inspected and the installation parameters were reviewed for acceptable installation. No 9
anomalies were found. Additionally, the two newly installed tube plugs were visually inspected and the plug installation parameters were verified and found to be acceptable. 5.2.3 Tube-to-Tube Proximity - The condition of tubes being in close proximity was monitored as part of the full-length bobbin coil inspection of all in service tubes in all four SGs during Al R16. The inspection results, including historical data related to tube-to-tube proximity is provided in the Table 5.2.3 below. No tube degradation was identified associated with tube-to-tube proximity. This condition will continue to be monitored during future scheduled SG inspections. Table 5.2.3 Tube-to-Tube Proximity Summary Numnber of Tubes Pre-Servico Ai, lO: 1:: I..I .. ::R,6 Inspection AIRO8 .. AR12 A1R113.A1R14 Noe~Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Total 508 186 132 139 1 188 1196 204 1249 Note 1: !G inspection performed wh~le the SGs were in a horizontal position. Note 2: During A".R10 the ;A SG received 100% full-length eddy current insoection and the 1B, 1C and 1D SGs received 54% full-length inspection. Notc 3- Only the 1B SG received 100o ,lu~l-length inspection through the area of interest during Al R1 1. Note 4: Due to the heighted sensitivity to the potential for tube-to-tube contact wear that was recently identified at Three Mile Island, ANO and San Onofre Unit 3, enhanced training was provided to all eddy current analysts prior to the Al R1 6 inspections. 6.0 RESULTS OF CONDITION MONITORIN -1(TS 5.6.9.g) A condition monitoring assessment was performed for each inservice degradation mechanism found during the Al R1 6 inspection. The condition monitoring assessment was performed in accordance with TS 5.5.9.a and NEI 97-06 using the EPRI Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines, Revision 3. For each identified degradation mechanism, the as-found condition was compared to the appropriate performance criteria for tube structural integrity, accident induced leakage and operational leakage as defined in TS 5.5.9.b. For each damage mechanism a tube structural limit was determined to ensure that SG tube integrity would be maintained over the full range of normal operating conditions and design basis accidents. This includes retaining a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation primary to secondary pressure differential and a safety factor of 1.4 against burst under the limiting design basis accident pressure differential. For Braidwood Station Unit 1, the limiting case is 3 times operating differential pressure, which is significantly higher than 1.4 times the most limiting accident condition (steam line break). The structural limit of 60% through wall used was based upon 360-degree uniform wall thinning for infinite length assuming ASME Code minimum material properties. The structural limits provided are conservative in that the limits assume 360 10
degree uniform wall thinning for the entire length of the tube and use conservative lower reactor coolant temperatures. Satisfying the structural limit ensures that the SG tube integrity performance criteria for structural integrity, accident induced leakage and operational leakage was maintained. The as-found condition of each degradation mechanism found during Al R1 6 was shown to meet the appropriate limiting structural integrity performance parameter with a probability of 0.95 at 50% confidence, including consideration of relevant uncertainties. No tube pulls or in-site pressure testing was performed or required during Al R1 6. Sections 6.1 through 6.3 provide a summary of the condition monitoring assessment for each degradation mechanism. 6.1 Fan Bar Wear The largest Fan Bar wear indication found during the Al R1 6 inspection was 15% TW as measured by the EPRI Appendix H qualified technique 96004.3. Considering technique and analyst uncertainties, the largest AVB wear indication found is corrected to 24.3% TW with a 0.95 probability at 50% confidence. This is well below the conservative Fan Bar wear conservative low Reactor Coolant Temperature Average (Tavg) structural limit of 60% TW. 6.2 LA-tice Grid Wen"
-*. 'ý-gest Lattice Grid wear indication found during the Al R16 inspection was 9% ,fW as measured by the EPRI Appendix H qualified technique 96004.3.
Considering technique and analyst uncertainties, the largest AVB wear indication found is corrected to 19.5% TIW with a C.95 probability at 50% confidence. This is well below the conservative Lattice Grid wear conservative low Tavg structural Ilmit of 60% TW. 6.3 Foreign Z"bjeet Wear The largest Foreign Object wear indication found during the Al R1 6 inspection was 39% TIN as measured by the EPRI Appendix H qualified technique 21998.1. Considering technique and analyst uncertainties, the largest Foreign Object wear indication found is corrected to 57.14% TW with a 0.95 probability at 50% confidence. This is below the conservative low Tavg Foreign Object wear structural limit of 60% TW. 7.0 TUBE PLUGGING
(TS Tube plugging was conducted in accordance with ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda. All tube plugging was performed by Westinghouse using an Alloy 690 mechanical tube plugging process in accordance with ASME Section XI IWA-4713, "Heat Exchanger Tube Plugging by Expansion." All tube plugging was performed in accordance with Westinghouse approved procedures. Table 7.0 summarizes the repairs performed during Al R1 6. 11
Table 7.0 Summary of AIR16 Tube Plug ging Repairs SG 1A SG 1B SG 1C SG 1D TOTAL Performed Tubes 1 0 0 0 1 Plugged Tubes 0 0 0 0 Stabilized 0 I I I _ I Refer to Attachment B for detailed locations and sizing of indications in tubes that were plugged during Al R1 6. 8.0 DOCUMENTATION All original data stored on hard drives have been provided to EGC and are maintained at Braidwood Station. The final data sheets and pertinent tube sheet plots are contained in the Westinghouse Outage Report for Braidwood Unit 1, Sixteenth Refueling Outage, and are also maintained at Braidwood Station. NOTE: The Braidwood Unit 1 Sixteenth Refueling Outage Steam Generator Repair/Replacement activities are contained in a separate transmittal: the "Braidwood Station, Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Summary Report." 12
9.0 FIG URES/TABLES/ATTACHM ENTS Attachment A Contents Table A.1 Data Acquisition Personnel Certification List Table A.2 Data Analysis Personnel Certification List Figure A.1 Babcock & Wilcox Replacement Steam Generator Braidwood Unit 1 Configuration Figure A.2 Babcock & Wilcox Replacement Steam Generator Braidwood Unit 1 Tubesheet Configuration Attachment B Contents Attachment B.1 As-tested Bobbin Inspection Maps Attachment B.2 As-tested +PointTM Special Interest Inspection Maps Attachment B.3 Tubes Damaged by Secondary Side Foreign Objects Attachment B.4 Tubes Containing Fan Bar WLar Attachment B.5 Tubes Containing Lattice Grid Wear Attachment B.6 Tubes Repaired During A1 R1 6 13
Attachment A Personnel Certifications
TABLE A.1 A1R16 Data Acquisition Personnel Certifications No. Name Compan Level QDA (Y IN ) 1 Hammon, M System One I No 2 Herold, CC System One II No 3 Lopez, PA System One I No 4 Bradley, GD West II No 5 Fore, SK West II No 6 Gault, WH West II No 7 Hopper, JM West II No 8 Labieniec, JP West II No 9 Mantich, SM West I No 10 Parris, JR West II No 11 Patton, BB West II No 12 Permuka, JD Wet II No 13 Schachte, DM West II No 14 Scott, AW West II No 15 Taylor, AW West I No 16 Thompson, KVW West II No 17 Whalen. DJ West III No
- .Vpe D I Wet-
TABLE A.2 A1R16 Data Analysis Personnel Certifications No. ____Y______ Name Company _____________ Level (YIN ODA 1 Hill, J Infin III Y 2 Rush, S Infin III Y 3 Holden, TA M&IS III Y 4 Carlson, C Mistras IIA Y 5 Gomez, A Mistras IIA Y 6 Welch, L Mistras IliA Y 7 Anderson,, DA NDE IIA Y 8* Black, CR NDE lilA Y 9 Brown Mike W NDE lilA Y 10* Brown, ME NDE lilA Y 11 Causby, GW NDE lilA Y 12 Drumm, RL NDE IliA Y 13 Dye, JE NDE IIA Y 14, Grant, BM NDE lilA Y IU Johinson, JC NDE IIA Y 10 Kova! asky, T NDE IIA Y I,- Lewis, CL NDE IIA Y 18 Lewis, DA NDE IliA Y 19 Lynn, V NDE lilA Y 23 McLeod, EJ NDE IIA Y 21 Richmond, MA NDE lilA Y 22 Schmitz, KJ NDE lilA Y Sj Shek.-n, JT NDE IliA Y 24 Siegel, RA NDE IliA Y 2S Thompson, KA NDE IIA Y 26 Owens, S Tricen Tech IIA Y 27 Stokke, T Tricen Tech lilA Y 28 Beehner, SJ West III Y 29 Ericson, ER West III Y 30 Lynch, DE West III Y 31 Maurer, RS West III Y 32 Pocratsky, RJ West III Y 33 Popovich, RA West III Y 34 Ripple, GB West IIA Y 35 Skirpan, JR West III Y 36 Spence, WJ West III Y 37 Terning, GA West III Y
- Independent Qualified Data Analyst
FIGURE A.1 Babcock & Wilcox Replacement Steam Generator Braidwood Unit 1 Configuration C= Lc~.
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e6 - A APPEISIX 12.8 WPE0gL I#TMEST PROt" Sraildood 1 AIRIA CCIt 2018401 041201101 14:07:01 RON OL VOLT8 016 10 IC PIER LOWN lowN6 I131N NOT COOT POIA PTTP( CAL LI
- 4. . ... * .. ... .. ......... *..,..*... *. ....... ..... ...........
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2267 $W MP U4P-* 916 TO Fl0 TIC .640
.040 ntLL WALL 101S Ci Hf 4317 WTC oeTi .mGo 63 4 C I I 4 67 No Fie TIN .846 WLL 101 Hf 4 57 IND Toe Tiu .60 wow1 4 Cf 6 or7 in Flo TI .60 OWALL 6 Cf 4
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S - A APPINDIX 12.8 SPMPiAL IWieREIT P6gROM Srutdwood I AIRIG CE 29120461 041/20/212 14WP7:01
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2 ST Max
90 - A APPENDIX 12.8 SPECIAL INTEIEST PROSIL Broldwood I AMRIS CCE 20120401 04/21/212 14:07:01 InRO COL VOLTo DSI too Pot ON LOWN ][CH INCH!2 SEP 900? POIA PTYPE CAL LI
........... ....... -... .- '.... ' - 4'o " . -. .... .. +... . ... .. .+ .. .. .. . 4-- .....--- 4 .. . . .. .
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$0 - A APPENDIX 12.0 SPE¢CAL TWVUIST PWM Groldwood I ARO 00 2"12m4l1 /41M/28 1M 14:07:01
*0M CDL VOLT8 1D0 PIu IN CNB LOO INCHt IM 16 SlGT POIA PTYPE EMT°. + .............- CAL LI k*-*°4. .. . . . .... -° ... *÷.. **...... 0o '°.'*
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.S MALL UMU 67 113 WI NJ ,?41) in owO 13 136 mDo TIN TIM .56 UPSW I 113 Ni 11 136 NOD TIC TEN .Aift 8ULL 66 WI is11 13n No TOM TSM .544 1-P1I0 113 NI I I 1 136 NOw TIC TEN .566 MALL 06 WI 13 136 NoD ToW To .64 WNW 113 "1 16 136 N00 TIC YEW .666 MALL WI "6
16 136 NOD TIW TIN .66 WOW13 113 WI 1 1I 17 136 NOD T1C TIN .SW MUALL 16 NI 17 136 N00 Tom To" .548 WSW 113 N1 16 136 moo TI TIM .506 ,M. 113 NW 21 135 -o TOW TIC TON TIN .506
.666 NP395 WSALL 113 6s WI NI go1136 No0 12 136 I I00 TiC TEN .666 MALL 66 WII 10 21 136 136 NoD NOD TON TEC TON 1LrS .64 .6 WIPSW MALL ob NJ 113 "
2t 136 I NON TIC TEN .566 MALL 66 WII 26136 10T TM TO1 .566 N9* 113 WI 12 136 NOD TIC YOE .660 MALL 6s WI I I is 137 NOD TSM TIM .56 MSP 113 NI 142 137 3100 NOD YEW TIC TIM TIN .500
.6660 WOW1 8SALL. 113 66141 "1 I1 136 14 TEC TO9 .&66 8SALL a6 NI "I I14 137 137 NOD NOD TM!1 TEN .566 UPl 113 TEN .666 N9613 113 as NJ i2 to 1 137 1373 I NoD TIC TG6 YEW .666 hAL WI I 16 137 MOD TIC TEN .A66 $BALL 86 "I 01 137 3O0 TOW TEN .660 NPWtE 113 HII I
I 26 137 300 TIC EW:1 TIC YIEW
.666 ISALL .I6O MALL 66 C66 WI I
14 137 NID 1 .137 NOD +.+... TE. 1.. .6.. 113 WI 18 137 NOD TMJ 1514 ,.6* 3PS11I 11) Wi 4,"
° 4. ... 4".......- 4.- ° .4." °° 4.... 4."°"°....4. 4,0............4............... .. °4. ................ +. 40" °÷.... . 4 I ROW COL VOLTE DI 130 PER CNN LOON IhO*l 11061 61EST ENDT POKA PTYPE CAL Ll .......... 4.............4....4*.............................4..............**.... 4. ....- *....44......................................
4 ST Max
96 - A APPENIOX 12.6 SPECIAL.NrflUEET PltGRAN Broldwood I AZIRW CCE 20104I 1l/28/2613 14:07:41
.. .* ;e e......... +. .. .... + .. . . . ** . * .... .... .... ... * ........ #*e.. .. 4 ... .. * .. .. +. .**
.*... .. +........ +.....*....#... * .... +.......* .. *........* .. ......... *..
I2 137 wO TC TIE .5" 8ALL 66 NI 22 137 NOD TOM TOM .50 N1PSUM 113 Ni I I 24 137 ODO TEO TEN .60 SALL as "I TIN T1O .5W NPM 113 NH 24 137 I NDO I 26 137 NOO TEO TEO .65 SMALL as NI o6 137 60 TSO TIN .GW NIPSWI 113 HI 26 137 M00 TEC TEN .50 UALL es NI 92 137 TIN TIM .560 VPVN 113 N1 I wOT 1 I11 136 No TEC TEN .S4 UMLL 91 "1 11 138 NOD TON Tom .40 1o8 113 NI I I 13 13 n00 TC TIEN .660 UALL ft "I I 13 138 no TON( TSN .00 191130 113 NJ is 136 noO TIC TEN .56" WSALL 91 "1 15 136 NOD TS7 TIM ,s" NPM 113 N" 17 13 wOe TIC TEN .060 WALL 91 "1 17 138 .268 m pet Is To" .40 T11 7 TO .50i 08 113 HI 17 138 .22 9 VOL #4 TON .11 TIM TN .6040 ~9S 113 14 17 13 .21 76 VOL P4 1T .11 TIN "m .601 Weil 11is H 21 138 woO TEO TEN .60 NALL 91 "1 21 138 OD0 TOM TIN .t60 NPS84 113 0I 3 1I 2*3 136 NOD TIC TI*N .5W 88ALL u1 HI 23 136 NoO TON T7N .5" 39O3 113 NI I I 26 13 No0 TEC TEN .60 IMALL 91 "I 27 138 nWo TOM1 To1 ,uW UPSIW 113 "I I I 127 13 wOO TIC TEN .65 SMALL 91 NI I I 14212 136 139 300 NOO TO1 TS6 TO1 T730 .66W WIN
.60 WSW 113 NJ NJ 18 139 I NOD TEC TON .60 WALL 91 "II 14 139 UO0 Tom TOM .50 39s 113 "1 n1 136 1 000 TEC TMN .666 =ALL S1 NII 01 139 W7SO P4To T78 .6" W98SWN 113 Ni 18 139 I WOO TIC TEN .646 $BALL 91 *II g18 135 00 TIN TIN .60 3996 113 HI 13 139 NOD TEC TEN .60 $BALL 91 "1 14 130 I NOD .8 T4N NSPIUM .5N0 113 NII 122139 l57 VLP S .04 78147T84 .5W0 P9 11314I 22 139 I NOO TIC TEN .60 SUALL 9101" I I24 135 WO TIC TEN .10 OA8&LL 61 NI 24 139 126135 100 ISO0 74T8H TIC TS TIN .660 .6i0 U181 ISALL 113 glINI NJ 5 ST NI mm 1O04L VOTS DEG INO PEt CON LOCK 13014 NCHR KOT VONA ,6OT P7791 CAL LI ........ #.........+...*.................... # ............. 4 .... * + ... + .................
6 ST Nox
....44... + ... .. -. .. *....4.... ..... ... .... .. ...... ........+ ..... # .
1314 WOO T1C TEN .US WALL so "I 13 140 o10 TVI TiO .600 1WM4 113 NH 15 140 NDD TIC TEN .5"* ALL so NI is 146 wOO T*N TON .560 OPOWN113 WI I I 17 1" 10 TIC TEN .590 MALL as N! 17 140 wo0 TON TON .15 RPSfh 113 NI I I 1i 145 IO TIC TEN .An nALL so "I 19 14 No0 ToN To .-so WIN" 113 N! I I 21 145 IwO TIC TUK .50 8ALL so aI as 145 mOo TON TIM .6190 11SN1 113 Nl 93 14M 100 TIC TEN .56i hALL a WI 23 140 I No0 TIN TMN .54 WM 113 WH I 26 144 mOO TIC TEN .MS UALL 8a HI 95 2148 W TIN 'IN .560 N5I5N 113 NI I I 14 141 1i00 TIC TIN .50 ISALL s "I 14 141 I1O Too TON .541 M S9m 11)3 NI I I is 141 no0 TIC TEN .50 ISALL so "I 18 141 mo ToN TyN .564 WS 113 "1 II 18141 NO0 TIC TIEN .6 8WALL so "I is 141 OD TIN TON .60 W19SWiN 113 WI I I 26 141 NOID Tic TEN .wi &M1L so "I 20 141 No10 TON TOl -Us WlSNN 113 NJ 20 141 lO0 TIC TEN .560 ALL so WI I 141 I WOO TON TON .A" WM 113 NI I 24 141 1100 TIC TEN .A6f WALL so "I 24 141 wo- TON TIN .-Mi WM91119 113 Ni to4141 MOD TIC TEN .AU KALL so Ni 14 142 NOO TON TIN .50** f11W 113 NI 17 142 wo TIC TEN .MS SALL s "I 17 142 moo TOll M .s9n WOSIN 113 oi 19 147 naoa TIC TEN .506 WALL IN WI 1i 14t I NOD TIN TIN .10 WSW1113 113 N1 I 21 142 NOO TIC TEN .510 MALL 89 "I t1 14* NOO TIN TUN .110 WMIN 113 NI
....... ....... ,..#..4.. *.... #...... 6............ ....*....*....*........... ........ ...
........ +.............. .... #...*. #......*..+..........4 .......... ......... + .*..... . ...4 ... +.
Tubes: 110 Reoords: 261 6 ST Nox
S.-A DA AND 1C SAROSPECIAt. INTIRMST MoMM Brtidwood I AIRlO CeI 2*461401 041901/112 13:64&5U I mOm COL VOLTS 1 INO Ptoo CHOLoco INI INCNM iST E1OT POIA PTYPE CAL LI 4......+.-..... .+..-.-.÷-o-4"--4*-.--.4...........+ ..
,.........+................ +.4..+
I31 4 .27 *PCT 6 PI FOO i.$ TIO UMN .50 WSALL 71 "1 I31 4 .t s VOL P4M F 1.1? ON FOG .Aft ZPVW 111 NJ 1 11 ONI0 PlO TIC .560 ISALL 1t CI 1 11 2.44 1830N$ P1 TO IO.6 PIS TIEN ,640 ULL to7 o I 6 11 NOF a To" 1*.-54S 61k .T6 InPI 16 in go 36 .11 11 OF$ 3 ON 14.36 Tic TEN .544 LL 41 6 I 6 30 o.D I so 14.36 Uso SI .6".0 ZPUU 111 HI II So6 77 2.21 179 ONT Pl. am .8 TeC TIN SNS WALL 21 N! so 77 fO I am .82 UNoup .600 ISO "I I I so 107 we TIC TUN .690 OALL 7 "I o 107 .0 124 VOL P4 T .860 TO TiNS .0 w oPw6 1O "I 96 107 .13 116 PCT 14 a.TK .of4 TOINM .9010W OM*P "rI 1 I 1 o 107 IOn TEC Tif .56 ONL 7 NI s o 107 .11 64 VOL P4 ToI6 .0 TON TON .9Me N 140 oI Is 107 .14 9 POT 14 t TIN .4i ToN Tom .All PSIm I lNI I i I 0t NO n TMC TIN .50 NBALL 7 NI 67 1to .14 91 PCT 14 1 TH .81 TS"TTI .666 WSW 1W9 "I 197 t1 .e 0VOL S P4 TiS .43 Tat To .440 wow M #11 I I 19 136 .06 13011I I TIN .37 TIC 1 Tf* SMWALL 91 NJ 10 136 .66mu PCT 3 23TOM .36 TOM TO" NO NPUP In Il S19136 .40 709 VI P4TIN .T4 Two ToS .6AS0iS1 WW M Il I 19 136 TIP ToN To .604 wow 113 "I 119 136 .1. 10 To
.sPi6 .36 To TIM .640 wow 11it1s 1 ---...--.. ;;i+-....- ;;Z..-* .... -.. 4....... * ......... .............. .*.. ..........-.*......
I MW COL VOLTS onS RNO PIot 65 LOC INoN INC=S O651 NIOT POIA PTYPE CAL LI 4.................. ......- ++ TVbee: S Reoords: t3 1 BT Hex
SB - I APPENDIX 12.6 SPECIAL INTEREST PROM mratdvood I AIRIO ON 2619061 04/,812912 14:17:;1 +....4+.... +- .... o +4 .... * ... ... .....+ ,I- .......
+. -,+ +............ - 4,-o +-...... +4 ......... 4- 4 I RON CoL VOLTS 0ES IND PER ClEW LOCX IlCHI LICNIK ET [NDT POIA PTYPE CAL LI 4....-..-.... .................. * .4*.... *...*- .. ... -*".............. 4.......*+ + . .......
41 67 n0o TIC TEN .65" TSALL 23 N1 4* 67 300 TIo TN .6"I NPON 06 "I I I 4267 100 TEO TEO .56U TIALL 23 NI 42 67 lo TIN TIs .e wPS:IN 96 NI I I 44 67 NO TEC TEN .6OS TBALL 23 HI 44 67 NOD TIH ToN .4 IPSIW 66 HI 39 68 ND0 T1EC TIN MO MIALL 17 NI 39 68 wo Tel ToN ." UPm 66 NI 41 6S no TVC TEH .O0 TRALL 17141 4159 NOD TIN TOO .61 WPiNU 96 oi 43 68 NOD TIC TEN .641 TIALL 17 oi 4360 SO T1N TIN .$a6 IPIIN 966 46 so ND TEO TEN .$U TIALL 17 "1 465 w NOD T IN m .S UPO wo NI 413 69 no TIC TEN .666 TIALL 21 Nj 43 69 NO TIo TIN .5" UPINt 96 5 42 69 WO0 TIC TEN .566 TIALL 21 NI 46 60 SOwTI TIN .66 UI"UN 96 N1 44 9 M00 TEC TIN .O64 hALL 21 NI 4269 I 1N00 TIN T151 .MO WPSI 66 NII 46 69 SOD Tic TEN .5e TIALL 21 NI 46 9 1 mm TN TIo .M66 lPUN 96 NII 37 40 ADD TEC TIM .On TUALL 19 HI 34 69 I No TI TN .T1o M PSIWW 96 HII 39 SO N4 TIC TEN . TIALL S6 U 19 NI 39 as I Soo TIN TON .6" PIEU e6 fllI 4196 O TiC TON .65" TUALL 19 NI 141 Of NODD 11s Too .5"M IIeII $6 HI I I 43, 43 6 NOID N100 TEC TIN TIN To .14ti
.666 TBALL UPIUN to HI 66 Ni 46 61 I NO TIC TEN .666 T1ALL 19 "II 45 OS NOD ToN TIN .W0 P 96 NI 47 66 No TtC TEN .566 TIALL tS HI 47366 SO ToN ToN .60 owPS"N 66 11 34 61 I SOD TEC TEN .6M TIALL 193 HI 38 61 NOO TIO Tim .56o IPSUE 66 HI 78I S0 I
46 44 61s 21.98 4.07 "-N aa t m 15.24 1O.O TtC TEN TEC TEN .660
.65 TALL TIALL 13 14i 21 NJ 47 61 SO TIO TIN .660 NPSMN 96 Nj I I 42 61 NDO T1C TEN .&U TBALL 23 NJ 42 61 SO TIN TSH .166 39S16 96 "I 4OM6 VOLT$ 06 IND PER CTN LOCK INCH1 8ot ELIT .i56 MIA PThPE 9AL LI .... +-4....... ......... + .. 4..... 4- - +*. ..... --.-.................. ......... ...... +.4.... ... 4... 4...
I ST max
W- 3 APPEMIX 12.6 sPCIAL INtEREST PRO Br.ldvood 1 AIRS$ OCE 29116lO *4/29/2012 14:07:01 I....ROW COL V0LTI 016 LID PER CNN LOCO tINCi 11CKE IGT ENOT POIA PTYPI CAL It
*-4 o-o................................-.... @' - " - * ' ' "" ' *................"'
44 61 Nw T TEO .66 ntALL 23 NI 44 61 No TotN 73 .566 s III ePIK 39 42 NO TO TUN ,50 TULL Z 30 a No Tom To .5e TSIMA 96 N 41 6 goo0 TOC TEN .-s" MSALL 29 H 41 42 No To TON .60M wowN 66 WI 43 W weO T TIN A6, TIALL 23 W 43 goo ND Tom TON .6" IPIPI #I0 41 62 00 IEC TEN .OU MA*L 29 HN 40 43 3 no mW ME TEN TO0N TO .5O TIALL
.60 NPIP 33 BO 01 40 l 42 43 wO RIC TEN .GU 1tALL 33 NI 4 36 No7 TON TSH .M4e wohw so011 46 63 NNl TIIC TEN .A" TSALL 33 HI 14 43 Nw ToC ToN .6s TiALL 3) Wi 11 78 I=o ON FIg piN TEC T70 ,ffIMW .664 ALL IMAL 6J C 07 "1 7N 1 7I #i00 TO" m .1" Iwo 96 N 3 70 NOD FIO TIC .56 IWALL 6 C3 3 4 96 No Flo4T 7 A .Tot
- L 87 "1 3 76 =a TIM ToN .Go wow 93 N 6 76 I NW0 F1O TEC .A 010ALL a CII I 76 NI6D PF1" 10 .640 MALL 67 1I 1 76 NWo TON TiN .M6 0341M 66 "I 7 76 NOD FPB Tai .-s" WALL 8 Cl 7 76 nO FP1 TEN .640 MALL 47 "1 7 76 nDo 7301 TON TIN . n mI B *1 I 76 I NOD piO TIC .We hhALL B CII 1 76 NW FiO TIN .640 WALL 67 NJ 4 79 NW TO TIN .6O WSWm 96 WI I 776 NO IO TEC .166 WALL s CI 4 79 NW Fie Tgf .546 MALL 07 "1 4 776 NW TIN We NPIN
,660 96 NI Ia 79 NO FiO TIC .6Af WBALL SC 79 NW FO TEN .64 SWALL 67 607 NI I I479 4 79 NW NWO FlO TO TIN[ TOC .6461 .66 MALL WOLL 96 CJ H
I 79 NW0 7314730 .56O 0*6 3001 I6 s NN F" TIC .666 NULL 6 CI 16 N NOD FiO TIN .564 OALL 67 NI I o7 No TON T30 .660 wPsIN 96 Wi 3 67 wO fiO TIEC ,Is" ALL 4 CI
+-----, .4.
RON1l WOT....
*4,----* ;o- -.-.-
OT ,--
- I ...--.-
ND P- ....- + CM - LOW -4 *' low-+................... ISM -....... MT + POIA ......+ ...... PTYPN. CAL LI
. +----+-........*..----+--'-4,--o-4 .. .*.-- -. *...........4-...........*.. "'÷ .+°+..*. ... 4'°'°"......4.'
9 8T Max
so - a APPENDIX 12.8 SPE.AL ITgRaET PIOetAr Uroldwood 1 AIR18 CM 24120401 041994602 14:t7t~l IRON CCL VOLT8 DEG II4 PER CNN LOCR IICHI IICH! SIaS ENOT POIA PTYPE CAL LI
...-+oo.----.... .. . -o. . .. . --. ,"kooo- +....-- ... -o+-I---- .... +... +- 4--.. - ., . . -,4--"~k 3 O 5I0 Flo TEN .640 8SALL s HI 33 f 00 nTo TIN .666 UPSIN 9Wow I I 6 so ISo F1o TEC .660 MhALL 0 CI 6 o NOD Flo TEN .640 UALL as I I as NOD TIN TSN .660 WImI 95 HI I I 77so NoD Fit TIC .6646 WALL OI 77 0 N0D FPlo TEN .640 $8ALL at Hi 7 Us NO TSH ToN .560 l*UlS 96 HI I I 9 as NOD TIC TEN .660 TALL 39 NI 9 W 600 TIs TON .560 WSOM U 95U I I I 22 s1 N00 FI TEC MO IOALL SCI I e81 Uo Flo TEN ,640 WALL so "I Tom TiN .560 NPIU So NI I ft I UP I 44 1 NOD FlO TEC .-On 01ALL a C 4 a o Pllo TEN .410 WALL as NI 4 81 Im Tom TON .640 WSWIW 9 HI I I 6 01 ND Flo TIEC .606 NALL S 01 I 81 UNP Flo TEN .640 WULL so HI S661 I UPo TO1 T1N .6460 M s I 95 "1I a 01 eNOD Fl TIEC .660 MhALL a C & fS NOD Flo TEO .604 W1ALL atHi a a1 Uo To" TON .$a0 SPOIl 9 HI i10 1 NIO TIC T1N .660 TUALL 30 N 106 a NOD ToN TIs 4660 NMI"u 6 "I SI a moo Flo TIC .50 M1ALL a Cl 1 2 ND00 Fit TEN .S"0 NALL 87 NJ 1 82 NDU ToN TsN .666 MIN go N 33 2 UP Flt TIC .566 WALL 6 CI 3 OR NOD Flt TEN .646 MALL 07 "1 330 No TON TIN 1 .5 UPSIS U5 HI 1 I IS UOD F1. TIC .60 ISALL S C 6 s moo0 Flo TEN .640 SMALL 67 HI I 82 IU TIM ToN .060 woIM 95"1 I I 77 2 ND Flo TIEC .54S SMALL a CI 7 82 nOP FIS TEN .640 UALL 87 HI 7 a NOD TIN ToN .566 W0W 9U NI 9 52 Uo TIC TEN .660 TBALL 37 HI 9 a UP TON TON .660 IPSW 9U "
656 2 NOD TIC TIN .5 OWALL 79 N 66 at UD TON TiN .660 WPowe 101 Ni 16782 NOD TEC TEN .50 WMALL 79 N 107 UtPo TIN Tl .O6G0 S I 101 HI I I 69 62 NOD TIC TIN .660 $ALL 79 "1 so 42 NOD TON TSO .60 NPeIl 96O HI 71 of INO TEC TEI .580 OWL 79 HN 71 02 NOD Tis TaN .660 P 96 HI
..........--.--- 4... ......... ........... .... ......
80 - 9 APPENDIX 12.8 SPEOC!, MlMT PROW1 Braldwood I AIRI6 CCa 2612001 64/21*2012 14:07:01 4...... +o 4+ ÷
+,.. . 4-- .. .. - . *o.*oo-- ...... . . . -4 . ..* "-to . . . ÷ InOw COL VOLTS ago IND PaER O LOCH INCHI IN13N20 EtT 1ST PDIA PTYPE CAl. LI 73 82 NDD TIC TER ."I SMALL 79 NI 73 02 NSD To" TIN ." Um 96mH I I 22 3 MD FPlo TIC .64o0 IALL a C 2 83 NOD Flo TEN .6 SMALL 07 HI 263 NOD ToN TIN NG NPI "NI 9U 4 3 MOO Fl1 TIC .609 NPAIL 6 CI 4 3 n3 Fli TEN .644 MALL 67 *1 4 63 NOD Ten ToN .1U1S0 OS HI NOD fit 11C .640H WIALL 8 CI 166S 63 83 N00 Flo TIC .660 MUALL 6a 1 I I 6 63 NO Fl1 TEN .640 MALL 87 "1 86 3 no To TIN .-w6e 26 NJ IS 63 NOD TIC TEC .10 TIALL 37 N It 43 NiOD TO" TG .0 IOPMN 96 "1 a6s83 NOD TIC TER .650 WSALL 79 NI 84 83 NoD TIN TIN .4e No lot HI 1 6 03 NOD TIC TIN .SW TWALL 79 NI U 93 NO Tom TOM .5"1 SPN 101 NJ 66 63 N00 T1N TOW .600 SMALL 01 Nj as1 83 NOD Ten TS" NO11 W 96 "1 76 83 NOD TIC TEN .560 8ALL 70 HI 74 83 no TIN To .SM WSW 96 NJ 7266 3 no TIC TEN .NO6 MALL 70 N" 79 43 NOD To To .50M WS 96 "1 74 74 6 033 Vl0 nO TEC ToN TERTIN .5600 .-US MAL WSNW 79 NJ 91 HI 114 63 Do TEC TIEN .6W WOALL 71 NI 114 63 ND00 TIN TIN -NO .m I6 N I17 63 NOD TEC TEN .506 $IALL 71 "1 700 83 i0DD ToN To" 5I "M 96 11 I 84 N Fil TIC .540 iI 1 64 NOD FIo TEN .640 SSALL 7 "I 1040 2 TNN TIN .-NO WSW 97 NJ 1 37 4 I ND0 piC TEO .000 WALL a OI I 1 43 N4OD FTi TIN .644 MUPISL s9 NI 13 NOD To"II TOM .560 WS 97 "1 6 114 00 TFI TEC .56 WALL 1 Nj Be 6
1 6 84 MID N4D Fie TIm TIEN TIs .644
.64 WALL *3Paw6 96 "I N1 7 63 NOD FTI TEC .MO NUALL a CI 7 MOD N4 pTs TEN .663 88ALL 82 11 7 84 N30 Tom TIC .660 AL L 7 CI 9 64 NOD TEC TEN .540 TUOLL 39 "1 9 84 N00 TSN TSN .566" NP 97 Ni I RON6 4 VOL I CNN LOW I OT EMT POIA PTYPLE CAL LI 4.-. . ...- 4o # ....---..... ,I,- - -+- .. .. . ... +4- ... +,.-.-.......... ...-....-.- ".... " 4' .. ".. 4" .. """ .. . o".. . '4.. +
4 ST Max
9S - 8 APPENDIX 12.8 SPECIAL INTMEST PROWN Ureidwod 1 AIRIG CCE 0l"Ol 04/28/012 14:07:01
.... .......
- 4 - - -o
- +---....... ...... - .* # .. o #o .. .... .... . .. #....... +....0....o . o° . o o...*.. ..
. .. .. ..... .-. . ...... .. ....... .I.. .... .... .. ..... ......
63 04 Wo TEC TEN .060 "ALL 77 HI 63 04 NOD TOW TOR .- 60 oN 11 NI I I a6 84 NDD TOC TEN .60 OWALL 77 NI 166 4 NOD TIN TIN .000 wPoI 101 "II I 67 84 OD TEC TE .606 MALL 77 NI 67 84 16.66 s 1 PLP Is ToE .01 TSH TU .66N IIpe 96 NH I I 69 94 NOD TEC TEN .G0 UALL 77 NI 6984 NOD TO TOW .648 wPowN 90 NI I I 17104 NO TEC TEN .600 OSALL 77 NI 71 4 87.79 77 PLP U To .43 Tom Ta .U u aPSs 6NJI I I 7304 NOD TEC TIN .O0 SOALL 77 NI 73 84 WO0 TIN TOW .640 NPil 96 Of I I 7664 SD TC TEN .5" WALL 77 NJ 10384 WOO TIC TEN .068
.60 WINNM 80ALL 7'7 NI as WI 76364 NOD TON TIN 6564 No TIC TEN .650 ALL 77 Hi 1664 3no TIo TOM .60 WSW 95 "1 I 167s NOD TIC YEN .560 UAL.L 77 "1I as70 NOD TOW TEC ToN TEN .666 SPOWN ."I6 MSALL 977 WI "1 8704 NOD 1$7 04 nOD TOW ToU .56 WIPUNN 96 HN I I 19 9o 04 I TeC TEN .5600 IALL 77 NJI 61 MOO Tom TIN .66 NOoiM 96 WI 9364 NO TEC TEN .60 SOAL 77 WI 183040nO TIn To .-so 1 96 HI I I 113 I oo TEC TYE .540 SMALL NI 113 04 ND m TON .6 UPOW 96 HI I110 84 I NO0 TIC TIN .040 SALL 69 NII Ills 04 SD TOW To .60 wow 9 NI 117 04 I D TIC UN .6 SMALL 68 II 117 84 NOD TIN Tom .566 OWN 95 "I I e6 SOD Flo TIC M50MALL 6 Cl I12 6s Sn Fl¢ TEN .640 WALL 93 HI 2 a0 NOD ToN ToW .560 7 HI I40 NOO p10 TEC .560 NSALL 6 Ci I46 NOD Fl1 TEN .60 WALL 93 NI 4 Oo TYm TOW .506 O855 97 NI Flo TEC .560 WALL a Cl I66 a as I NODWOO FLO TIN .0 MALL 93 NII I66 SD TON TO .50 8f8 97 Ni a 65 NOD FO TIC .51 NULL a CI I as NOO Flo TEY .540 GALL 93 NI a6 6sOo TOW TIN .Mo P" 97 HI ,..,... ... . ... + ......... ,*...... +.....
*.+..... ..... *....°.....+..... .... ........................ . .. ..... +.#
5 YTMax
SS - B APPENDIX 19.8 SPECIAL:UINTfEST PROOM relcdwood 1 AIR16 CCE 26126401 04/26/M2 14:07:61
.4*0* . #*....4...4... * .
RON COW VOLTS 01G INO PER CHN LOCO INCH1 INC= BEST BT T POIA PTYPE CAL LI I I 96486 weO TIo TEN .66s MALL 77 NI 6406 noO Tom TOH .160 SPUIN 101 NI 660 6 NOD TIC TEN .650 SALL 77 N 66 86 NOO Tom TIO .640 W Sm 96 N1 68 85 N00 TEC TiN .560 8IALL 77 NI s0 86 NDO TO IN .660 MPSN 96 NI i70 6 WOO TIC TEN .on SNALL 77 NI 70 66 28.64 77 PLP I ITON .01 TINTT .656WPI8Wo 96 N1 72 06 noO TIC TEN .660 MALL 77 Nf 72 65 NOO to TON .660 WPSWIN 96 HN 74 06 NOD TvC TIE .660 hALL 77 NJ 74 06 WO, TSN TIN .6 wPSw 96 "I 64 06 no TEC TOI .6O6 OALL "NI 64 06 NO T1N TO .1$6 NPII 96 Hi as a nOO TIC TEN .560 911ALL 77 Nj 6 a6 NOD TOM TON .60 UP 6 NI as as I NO TEC TEN .606 SALL 77 Nlg as s6 NOD TON TN .660 EPSMN 06 Nl f S6 MOD TEC TEN .660 MALL 77 "1 66 56 NOD TIN TaN .66 *Pew 96 NI 7 o6 NOD TEC TEN .560 1ALL 77 NI TIN TIN .660 RPMAhh "1 49 86 I WD I Se as 3.08 176 OPT PT ON 1.66 TC TN .560 SALL 79 NJ 16 w NOD Tio Tio .660 EPh 101 " 6706 NoO TIC TIN .540 8ALL 7T NJ I7 8 NOD TSM TON .50 wPSw 96 "I aI as NOD TIC TIN .660 SMALL 79 NI 69 6 NOO TIN ToN .600 wPoN 96 of 71 067NO TEC TON .660 $MALL 79 NJ 710 6 NWO TON ToN .660 iPSMI so "I 73840 OI TIC TIN .606 SOULL 79 NI 173 06 WDO To" TO" .5606 OPSI 91 NI SO017 WOD TIC TEN -560 SBALL 7914J 68 97 we TON TSN .5660 PSIW 95 NI 70 67 WOOD TIO TIN .660 =ALL 79 NJ 170 07 noO TIN TON .660 EPSO 95 N1 72 87 nWo TIC TEN .660 ISALL 79 NI 72 S7 NOD TON TIN .660 NPSow 96 NI
.-. *.................. .... , ..+ ... . +*- ,. + ,.. .* .. 4.. .. . ...................- , . - .. ...... +.,+
I ROM CCL VOLTS DEG INO PER CN LOCN INCHI IN SSIT ENOT POIA PTYPE CAL L! 4.......... .................... *.....* . ............
+ ......... ...... # ... +...... ...... ..... *.. +
Tubes: 116 Records: 263 6 ST WOx
- o -
.. . + . * ...*4° . . ........ '....+ ........ . #4.. . . . . ....... "...... -
(69 6 N10 TEC TEN .660 IWALL I NI 69 26 NOD TON TIN .660 NPSIN S 9O 91 26 nO0 TIC TEN .660 UALL 3 N 91 26 N00 TON TON .660 NP8NM 96 N as 27 NOD TEC TEN .60 WALL 3 NI as 27 NOD TIN TsN .M60 WPSh 95 NI 90 27 N00 TEC TON .6608 UALL 3 N go 27 NOD TO T TIN .M6e 11 95 NI 92 27 D00 TEC TEN .660 BUALL 3 NI 92 27 NOO ToN TIN .560 NPOS 96 I 67 28 W ToC TIN .560 WALL 3 N 67 26 NOD TIN TIN .66 UPIM 95 N 89 29 WD TOe 'MR .5We IINL 3 Of so 2* NoD Ts T"IN .640 MINH~ 96 H 9328 20N TEC TIEN .60* ALL 3 01 93 20 No Tom TiN .56e NP$IN 96 N I to w TEC TEO .560 NWL I " of 29 MWO TON TSH .600 IPsNN 96 "I 93 26 no TEC TIN .660 NWALL I NI 80 29 NOW TON T1N .68 P 96 NI 9462 ND TIC TEN .660 MALL I NI 94 29 NO0 TIN TIN .608 IPSlN 96 N S369 NOD TEC TIN .Ms liALL I HI I 5 32 NW TIN T1m .so N9M 96 Nf 97 34 No TEC TIN .M60 hALL I N Y42 NWo TI ToN .650 6, M 95 NI 96 30 NOD TI TEN .5600 WALL I oI 96 3 NOD TIN TiN .460 WON 96 NI 6 31 N"D TIC TEN .O60 BALL 3 NI 16 31 um Tom TIN .608 NPm 95 N 89 31 No TON Tom .50 wm NI 90 31 iODD MI TIN .6O WALL 3 H O6 31 NW T"N TOI .60 NI5NN 95 H 92 9 31 31 NWD NWo TIC TIN TEC TEN .660 NUALL
.566 WALL 3 NI 1ff94 31 NWD NWD ToN TIN TIN .608 39811 .600 NP*IN 95 N NII 90 31 NOD TEC TEI .660 NIALL 3 HI 06 31 N30 TON TSH .Ml NP81N 96 HI BY 32 NWD T1C TIN .6Wl WALL 3 NI BY 31 NWD Ts" TSm .608 NPU9N 95 NI j9 32 NDD TEC TEN .56 WALL N 3 HI
.. --... . ...,...,-.... - .,4....,....................
.... *.... .................... * . 4...,
..........................- .... +........ -, . #........ *...... + .- ...-........-. ............ +..+
I ST Max
= - 8 DA AND EC MAUED SPECIAL IUTMEIST PRO Sreldwood I AIRIS =CI 112641l I41/2812912 13t54:52
......- 4i ........- ....- + ...... -....--....... *- ... - .- ...-- +'.. . . . . . *.--+--
ROW01. VOLTS Dei IND Do &M0IC PER ..........-........ INCH2I 30IW! 6167 1IT POIA PTYPE CAL LI
...- 4# .. . . . .. . ... * ' ' .........'-'- ' - - 4" ........ .... + . ... 0..+
61 32 no0 TO TiN .To IPIIwo 9w 5 I I I 931 32 INO TC TEN .AU MEALL 3 NI 101 32 wo TO" TIN .5660 "h h 6 N I I 91332 NOD TIC TIN .561 ALL 3 HI TIN ToH .60 96 "HI V332 I NOD PSm I 106 32 NOD0 TIC TIN .510 hIALL 3Mfl 906 32 ISO T3W TEN .530 UPE P6HI 0o 47 NOD TIC Tin An6 "ALL 7 HI 98 47 .24 S7 VOL P4 to" .- TONTON -SPe
.s N 96 "HI 0647 .2 IM PCT 23 S TON T Tom ON .1 wowP 96 NJ 119 71 .35 70VOL P4 SIC 1.61 on0620 we At 6631 IoC 119 70 .65 0 Pet t Ps sac 1.1 TiRC TN .5IUALL 71 H 47 as w a on 8.71 49c on .560 "PoU 1s CI 473a .08 a iOF I on0 *.71 TIC TIN GoTUALL 3 NJ 49 Of fm a o6 2.46 60 6N¢ .566 WP t 601 49 0 .07 137 OF0 I on I." 119C TEN lw TUALL 39 H1 496as0w TIC TIN .AM TtALL 37 NI 49 96 NOD a6m s6o .,6 MPM 65 "I 49 no 07W 6 -w .ON eWSW 9 "1 496 I00 w9W m ran .566 WNSWK 9H" 1616 U00oTIC TIN .5t UALL 79 NJ a516a No 07H 07H AM.M0 WPEN 96 "1 61 as NOD 6N 0 -N .s6o WW 0 NI 51 a6 fee ON1 -w .so hIs 95 NH 53 06 ow TIC TEN .56i hALL 76 N 16366 ISo soK UN .60 PEWM 95 N1 66 as 566 WOOI66K no 66 66,.1* .5" ON .5O UIqlUN WPSm 905 NI 96 WI 53i of 100 970 07H ,An ~~~ 96 "1 55 as no TIC TEN .5M WIALL 79 "1 165 as NO0D 07K MW .560 NIP8W 95 "I 411 a7 fl0 ON mi .651 WM~l 96 "1 0711 TIC 671t 45560IDO TIEN .5661 .60O UPiW TIALL 05 37 NI Nj 46 87 ODo 4 I W0 0i1n6N .s6 NPwu 96 "1I 4667 No NlD so fO .530 WMPS 95 "1 1466 NO 67W 67" am MW woHI t "
48 87 NOD TEC TEN .560 T1ALL 37 HI 46 87 I NOD 07N 6N .5MI NW.SW 96 NII 14667 mD soW ON .10 W~SW 95 NI 467 No am so .M0 NIll s "HI 566 7 N0 TEC TEN .60 TBALL 37 NJ 6t 87 I NOD W" 67 .a?" IPIN 06 HII G6 87 no0 to" ON .5i WSNSt 96 NJ 666t 7 600 amN m6 -No6 3090 95 WI I I I52 67 NOO TIC TIN .506 SALI. 79 HJ U5 67 no. 6714 ON .5M WON66 tOI1 I 2 87 NOD ONK so1 .560 WSW16 95 "1 B5267 noD 661 ON .6" NOSE 95 N1
.-......----....... 4...---- ......-. . .- , ........- ,-....... ... .
............ .... .. ... +....*............ *........... .. "ST - ' "' @ ' - *-- 4 +- -'. --@- o - --.- '"' -- '- - @ -2 2 8T" Max
89 - OA ARC EC BASED SPECIAL INTEREST PRORDM C Orsidwood I AIRIS ME: 9612"1 41/29/912 13464:S2
+. ... +-*-.. -+ .+ . .+ .... ... *+ - - - -** +,............. .. - ..o .. k*-.. .+..- + . . ... . . +4...... * .. +
. . -*... .. .... # ....-. * + * .++ **-. . . . .- *- -*. .*-. *+---oo 64 a? TEC TON ,Me .6M $BALL 70 NI 64 67 07 MO so 64 67 OD. Um 95 W 64 67 UD. $N I7H Wm ALL 66W 011K "PSM 9. NI .7 TE1 .60 T1ILL 87 $71 .56 IPSM 96 N1 66 s NI 46 67 IT C 07" TIN 45 45 a, NOD so so ON TIC TIN .50 39 N1 45 as No 07N Tmm .560 Wme 95 N1 46 .5M 116 "1 47 M WSW as U ONK .M6 30 NI 47 Tee .666 TOALL 47 as 30 .660 36 NJ 47 U *D0 mm TE14 OIN TiK .606 omm 47 of UNi WTN .640 39 NJ so am .660 96 HI 95 N 49 N as ASll w0 n0 *7N .64 TIULL OPS- 959W NJ 48 we as 071 TIC .60l Rpm.
49 is 0tK .506 wom. a as 30 06*1 .666 65 fm t'c TIN SMALL 77 H 56 aS ROO 67H NO 07H 66 so TON 96 NJ 67 .66 as M RD. Noo io
.7 06 -o am TIN RW" 77 NI noo NDo .660 ISAIL 06 H 67 se no ONIm ,560 NPWS 67 .7 as TEC ONK 96 "1 no0 .66M 66NJ .141 44 as MD no N HI 44 so .666 66 NJ 44 S. TIN Mm 88 T11ALL WON 66 Nj 44 go M ON .66 ON 070 TIC wm 06W SWILL UlPS-TMALL 39 N 46 asU .666 Us 3i0 .60l NPWS 95 NJ 96 H 46 NOD tm .666 WSWU s6 89 ON 546 OS ROD 30 TEC sI 47K 71 Nj Be ON am .6*l Wm!
M 66 NRD ONK mm .60 3 NJ 66 NOD 67W TIN NOD 67Wt .60 WMg 71 95 "1#1 66 RD TOI Us WSW N0 Nw 61K NFMi, 96 Nj 46 69 ROD 46 NOD TIC .6ee TOAIL so TEN 0711 .666 37 HI 46 so .666 IWSW 45 07H Taft .666 Npl 96 N 69u .566 ilpSl 95 Nj 47 RD I NOD TIC TIN .S0 TOILL 37 NJI 47 90 No ON SO .6" US 9 "1 47 " IMD 67*967K .5"6"PM 96 "1
*47 9 NOO NH UoN .60 P"NM 96 Nj ..........-...... *.- - .... + .... 4 ... # .................. +......+....*-...-... .................--
.............. 4 ....-+ .. ..........-. -.... *+ . . *- *- + .........................
a ST Nex
86 -5 DA AND EC SAKlE 0S IAL H*TMI* T PROGOtAN Braifdwd I £1R14 OC ISS10i 0412S12012 13:54-52 ... -... °°..-.*
. . * '" 4 .... , .. .,*. . .,... . . . . . . . * ...., '0... ,* * * ...-- -+..... . ... *°- * .+
IRON COI VOLTS 010 IND PER CNN LO IiNCH INCHN OUT EIDT POZA P1IPE CAL LI I I i I 409 WOl TIO TEN .AN TBALL 37 NJ 49 uOm so ON .6* IPih 06 NJ 40 9 NOD Ow O7 .soM NI 05 HI 14 90 NOD 0714070 .6" NPSi U "1 67 W NOD TIC TEN .60 WALL SI NJ 46706 567 so m WOO WNw am U7 .66
.566 WPSI NPSIN t 96 HI NI so wo "M TIC am a" TE .5MI SUALL *Pa 016 "I H
47 NOD @8H No .64 UP*W 051 4 90 I9 W9O 0,107O .760 NPSI 05 H 46 92 NOD TEC TN .* IMALL 37 NJ 69 of m so SON .5" NP 96 0 6 HI 46 I4O 91 UI WOO LID OH 107 140 .66 WPOI OPsnM 0614 4 $ N a .I I 9 HI ND1 T*C UN .566 TIALL 37 H 46 1 NOD 071*014 .6If ~ e6 HI
" 91Swo NO OW Uf ON an U Aft .6 wm NPwN 95" "
Is 460 WOOIX @6066 .640 UPOII 96Kg so 91 IOO TIC TEN .66Of TALL 37 H so691 woO Wm 07*1 .50 NPOWI 961of 6 46 So 91 1 91 MS Io O= eo UN W N UN 000 .66 391
."s A .a6n1 API i4m 1 95141 96 NI HI so6 01 NOD TIC UN .656 WALL 6o NI 16691 WOm 0114 071 .540 WPSW 06 14 ed 91 ODD UN so .6s NPSIM 0 HI 6 91 ODD ON UN .666 wow 0514 4601 91 W NO HDO 07H01401 to "m .6* .50 AI "s 05 95 N "
66 91 no TEC TEO .66 SULL so 0 so8 91 NOD 07H UN .660 WM11 96 of
*wow1961 966065 I I
160 1 n NwO UN I so9* .-w 1490 2 I= TIC TIN .- 6O MSLL 2011 40 902 0 07H 070 .6 ~ 5I "614 I I 151 02 "MO TIC UN .666 ShALL $a "I1 1610 WOO U"N wN .661119 0o N " 16102 WOD UNH UN .560 WON 0514I 67I 13 92*I* No TIC tIN .5"T *6 MALL 66 HI"1 56302 OM UNH UN .660 HPSIS 66141 563 9 NOD w61 UN .666 PSkS 6614 56092 WOO TIC TEN .S* SmALL 71145 1 66 92 WO ow so" .661"WSW141H01 es5 92 no *7m 0214 MO61961 WSW HI4 65 *t wO U9N MPH .566 ASm 05 "1 I67 02 NwO TIC TIN .6t WALL 11 HI 567 92 OD--00 so 6o *pew 96 4of 16702 HUD 07140714 .666069W1 05 141
............ .......*.. +*. **** ......... ........... ...... , .. ...-..... +....++
... ............ 4..... *....*....*...........................4..... ......... *....*....... . 4. .
4 8S" Max
80 - S DA AND EC MBSD SPClg, * ~ PT T M8T AM Breidwood I AIRI£ OCt MgmI 04/20/2012 13:64:62 I OL VOLT$ 0E6 IND PER CNN LOC ItWl INM BSlT ENDT 9IA PTYPE CAL LI 157 I2 I " so soN .6 w ow 06 "II Iso 93 NWD TIC TEN ."I0 TBit. 39 NJ 50 93 NO0 07H U7 .560 SPI 96 HI 6003 NO UN UN .60 mPmNN 95 HI OS N00 TEC
,6 TEN .50 NALL 67 NI 152 93 No N" An wo .09" 91 "I 62 93 l00 *7H 07N .50 VPM 96 HN 164 I O 9 30 n O*i NW .6WI .560 hM 991 II*IIS "I 6 03 TIC TEN .664 IALL 67 NI 64 03 SOD0GM @7W .66 SPS 9 mI 16493 NW UN ON .660 ~ so HI 16493 "Do so s9o .6"W SW990 95 NI 1O 93 NOD TIC TIN .664 IALL 67 NI 5693 II SO NW so .560 UPIN 96 "1 " 93 NO 07H PH .54S OWN " NI 16693 No NW UON .60 "powE 95 NI 1 104 SO F10 TIC .6W WALL 20 1 I 164 NOD 07C P7C .66 tP10 is Cl I 1"4 000 06 fC 60 ."I 10 IIc 1 18 "DO 06C NC .-66391 1O i C 1 1W NOD FI0 TIN .640 WALL 91 "I I 1 16 SO 910 TIC .649 INLL 2 C1 0C 07C .Cw UPS*IS i0t I I2115 I N I 106 No M6 WC .660 OPM 10 Cl 22105 N91vi TEN .5640 SmL 93 HI II 16INs no 45 o .50 wow is2 'c NWD Via TIC .6W NWALL 1 I11 PC070o .on spow 10 ClI S1106 I NW No NoC 4C .6W SPN 1O cl I 106 N10 a 60 .50 118101 is Cl 1 I0 no FI TEN .50 OWALL 91 hl 3 106 N0 Fie TIC .5 N0AO L 201 I 106 N 07T0 07a .660 UPW i0 Cl I NW 0- NC .660 SPINS 1O Il S3107 3 106 nW V10 TEN .I0 SALL 01 "I 1021 Cl 2
2 107 107 I N NOD0 fliTO0w 07C GU "pow
.50 ..610 NML "00 is201l 0II C1 24 107 nWo NC F*I NC TIC .660 WOALL 2107 NW Ne 050 .660 386 10 Cl 2 107 NOW 2 107 NW Fie TEN .640 IALL 91 NI I 107 NW O TC .600 ALL 2 Cl 4 107 NOD 07C O . 58 0i C0l 34 107 I NW NC IN .560 3983 10 ClI 4 10? NW NC NC .we M eUNm i CI I 410? NOD F10 TEO .640 SBALL #1 "I I 3160 NWD F10 TC .6N NUALL 2 CI 33106 300 07C 070 .SGS SF811 1o001 1 Ise I NW NC seC .56o MP"N 1t00 I I 3106 NWD NC N6C .560 oPINS 100 I 3106 NWD F16 TIN .640 SMAL 93 "1 I I II ....... 4........ .....
+..............*....*....+.............+......... ..... *........... . + ............. .--
6 ST Max
S - B DA AND EC BASED B1ECIAL INTEREST PRORAN Broldwood 1 AIRIS CCE 20126401 44/81/2012 13:64:62 4... ..... .... + .........
..... -,-*-o. .... .' . .+' '.. . . . "F .... oo ...""' 4°"""""°°*""' .. .. + .. "°°'.... . ........
I RO COL VOLTS CEO INW Pin am1 Loco I10CHI N1H2 IGT MlYT POIA PTYPE CAL LI I 108 NOD Fie TIC .566 ISALL 4 CI 6 in6 MOD 07C 07C .M0 PW is CI I 66 166 lee W00 ODD 60 96C WV Nc .566
.MI U1,61 Np~w 16 is Cl CI 6 FlO TEN .640 MALL 93 HI 618 I ND0 I 2 19 no0 FPlo TeC .50i "MALL 2 Cl 2221S 109 1OD no0 so fe70n o7f .540 NPiM .660 NPSNMg is 1o C VII I 1n 10 MOD C .ow IMPS IN l CI FlP TIN .646 $ALL 91 HI 2 19 I MOD I 4 1n6 no0 Fl1 TEC .6MS NMALL 2 cI 441n 300 070 *C i.on6 P1im so C I sV ow U M PO 16 CI 441e 4 to9 MOD AD 05C o6 .S" WN i I l TIN .640 MALL 93 HI 4418 I 0000 FiP I
I1 11i lS0 Flo TIC .40 hWALL 2 CI I 116 t00 s07C 60 .546 MI 1s Cl I I lie it 116 N0 IO ow 0ow WV 05C .664, WON"
.664 NPMINN 1s I* CICI 1 119! 1100 Flo TIN .564 $BALL 91 HI I 1 a3 t16 no0 Fl TEC .560 NULL 2 CI 3 11 NOO 0C sec M. PS 1s CI 3 11. II00 M7D o 70 ss1 wPmI 16 C1 3 11e NOD o4 NC .s-o "PSm 10 CI 3311 NO FlO TEN .064 $SALL 91 NI I I 2 lit INo Flo TIC .560 IMALL 2 CI 2 i21 NOD 07C *?C .860 IPISN i0 cI t 111 NOD oW WVc .560 WPSW i C¢I 2 111 LOp on 60 .56s IPUS 16 CI 2I 111 SOD Flt T$ALL TIN .F4l 91 HI I I 1 112 ltO F1 TIC .6M ISALL 2 01 1 112 INOD 7C 07C .560 WON 10 C I 112 10 a 06c .M $104 mPm 1 Cl I 11N 66O WV WV .0O WOPSIIN is Cl I1 11 Fie TEN .646 GSALL 91 HI I ISO I 21 114 2.86 soA09 a Fos 0.70 TEI TEN .6ISMALL U HI 21 114 law I FOS 6.70 SON FOs .620 ZPI, 99 I I I 1 124 .21 147 0)88 Pt o .7 Flo TIEC .560 WALL 2 Cl I1 124 10? P4 ow .7 SC etc .560 IPSIM 1s CI 1 124 NDD Fle TEN .640 WhALL 91 "I ....- ,........ . .......... 4 .... * .... # ..................... ....-............. * # ,..4.. 4.
ROM VOL VOLTS 016IND PIER M LOCW 11100 111002 SOT EIOT PDIA PTYPE CAL LI Tubes: 83 Records: 296 6 ST Max
92 - C APPENDIX 12.98 ft~I~LiI'EuIift ST PKOMM Bratdwood 1 AIRIS COE MUM640 44198/2612 14:6?74l I RON CL VOLT 010 IND PER: CNN LOWS 1WO"t 16014 61? EOT POIA PtYPt CAL L
#. +. ...... ..... .. +.. .... * .... ............................ +.
163 48 TEO TEN WALL 37 NI 46 NOD Ts" Tom WON" 103 NI 163 I.' NOD TI C nmm NI TEO 37 NI in 48 46 "M0 Tic Tm .669 NMALL 103 NOD .5n0 NI 187 46 TIC TIN MALL 37 167 48 no0 TON mm 103 102 TON NI 48 NO0 TIN TEN MALL. 36 102 49 UKO TON TmH mm 103
.660 NI 164 4. NOD TIC Tic TIN MALL 35 NI 104 lee 49 TON To .500 103 .569 M.L NI In 49 TiC TIN 36 NI
- 4. Tom TIN .660 166 ODO "MALL NI
- 4. TEN .640 39 NI 49 Tsm NP-g 163 NI S0l MOD TIC ToC Sol 181 so TV" TEN hALL 31 NI so TOm 103 NI NOD ToN NI 101 so 10 .660 TEO NI 1O3 so NOD Tom TEN NBALL 31 103 56 Tom ToW .660 uPSm 103 NI TOM 106 NI 106 SO TEC .660 105 NOD Tom TEN .660 31 NI 6o ToN NVALL 103 so TEC 167 TON TEN 31 HI 107 Tm 103 NI 50 .660 MOALL NI of NOD TEC .600 NP-10 TON TEO 31 U TON 103 Il .669 -mm NMALL SDD
$1. TEN NALL 37 NI 100 Ngo Tse TsN .540 103 61 Ios NI 61 U NOD Tm 1102 TEC .660 NI 51 61 NOD TON TEN 37 $1 no. TIC Tm 103 lot 61 "Do ToN NOALL .560 NI TON 106 NI no0 TEN *MALL 37 1104 51 no TOW Tm lI,'L NI 166 104 61 fm0 Tm .No6 U1PS' NI TEC TIC NI 106 61 NDO toN TIN MALL 37 ISO NDD TsN 103 NI TEe .666 NI Isn 660 TEN 37 51 ODD TEm Tom m 103 .660 MBALL .No6 MALL 61 An TIN TEN 37 61 sD TIC TON .660 163 .566 33 62 sOD TO TEN TIC 52 NOD To" Tom TOW 103 I 103 62 No TEN MNALL 33 1 103 61 NOD Tom Nsm 103 IRON COL VOLTS 010 10 INSs C LOC 1RUCHI UCNiSTI ENOT PDIA PTYPE CAL LI + ......... *......... +..-. # ....# ....... ... * ....+......... +......... +..**.***............. +...... +..........ST Max 1
- e*eeo I OT Max
SO - C APPENDIX 12.6 fEC*LIkleERST PROMM Iraldweod 1 A1116 ACC 2032 1 O4128/2011 14t07:01 + .... * .....- -- ......-.... . . *....... .**o..*.. .*......- +* IRON COI VOLTO 016 lN PER a LOCN
.. .. .. 1UCS .. . .. ..RCN .. ..414T'. ENDT PCIA .......... PTYPE..... CAL .... LI I I I1I6 62 I)0 TEC TEN .56 I4ALL 33 NI 106 62 no TOM TIN .M60 1iSUNHI ,03 I I 107 62 NOD TEC no .6*0 IALL 33 Nj 107 62 NOD TOM TUK .660 MP6M 113 N I I 1$9 62 two TVC TEN .660 WIALL 33 NJ 1S 6 INO TiN TrN .50IN1,PS 103 "1 I I 102 NIALL Ni lot 63 63 iDO Ino TEC TSO TEN TSH .60 .5SNO M 3I NJ 1*3 I I 1"*
104 53 63 NOD NOD TOW TIC TIN TIN .660
.60 ISALLNPOIK 103 31 Nj NI SOo 63 No0 TiN TSN .60 NPOM 103 NI I I 104 6) 0No TIC TEN .50 WALL 31 HI too 63 NOD TIN TON .640 1903N 103 HI I I 103 63 NOD TMC TEN .6O hhALL 31 NI 14 3 I NOD0 TSM TSM .40t WS 103 HII 103a 4 NOD TIC TEN .664 INALL 31 HN 1Los 64 163 "aO N TON M TINTON TN .560 MPSON .560 NPMN 163 NI 103 Nj 1 6oS4 NO TIC TEN .564 WALL 31 NI 106 54 NOD TSI TSW .66 WPSW 103 "I I I 107 64 NOD TIC TER .640 NI*.L 31 NI 107 64 NOD TOM TO4 .640 PW 103 HI I I 41 t NOw TIEC TEN .560 MALL 61 HN 41 60 I nO0 TIO TSH .660 WW 103 NII 40 s NoD TIC TIN .460 ILL 61 WI GO61 NOD TI TIEN .64 t 103 NJ I I 47 62 NOD TIC TN .6I0 WALL 31 N1 I 462 I NOD TON TSN .W16 39 103 NjI 708s NoI TIC 11r .66O NUPSI 16 o 78 s I NOn TIC TEN .660 IALL 17 HII 1 as So rTIC TIC .6O OPSM 16 9 so NOD TIO TIN .560 WALL 17 NI I I 6l 6a WO0 ToC TIC .568 IPSNN 16o c 62 8a NOD TEC TEN .O NIBALL 17 NI I I 846 o NOD TiC Tu .6603 N8 16s C 8468 I NOD TIC TEN .660 WALL 17 NII TIC TIC ... 01..... 16 Cl 177 6.77 ND...
100O TiCe TIN .50 HIAt. ,1,7 NI I I 700 100O TIC TIC .660 SPuN 1601 O OM NOD TeI TEN .5MI NAI L 17 NI 61 06 m. +I TIC TI8C .660 19P1 16 C l 181 06 NOD TIC TEN .660 IAI.L 17 Ni I I 630M NOD T~IC TIC .660 391851 16 CI 83 6 MiO0 TIC TEN .560 hALL 17 N! I I 4.0---).........,---..-*.-o.4...,..., .............................. *..'*+..-..*...... ..... **..--4 I aOe CCL VOLTS DE8 l130 PER CN;ILOCNI IZNI CNO2 StEiOTDT PO1A PTTPE CA LI 4, "........-*- .*......*--*+- -- , ...--...... - "0÷'4......... *+'*.......... 4 .- + 2 ST max
6 - C APPENOIX 12.8 SPICIAL ITERIST PROTON Oraldwood I AIRI6 CCE 291"461 *412611112 14:67:01 I C VOLTS ii iO PER CNN LOCN INCI ICHI SEW INOT POIA PTYPE CAL LI N6666MOD TIC TIC Mo NPSU t10C SO a00 TIC TIN .66 WALL 17 HI I 176 67 000 TIC TEN .666 WALL Is Hi 76 87 NO T7C TI .666 OKpL 16 CI 766 w I we TIC TEN .569 NNALL i5 HI I 17667 MO Tic TIc .660 NtPS 16 CI 67 Mo TIC TIN .560 WALL Is HI 1f667 wO TIC TIC .666 "POW 10 Ci 02 87 I NOD TIC TIN .660 WALL 16 "II w 67 NOD ToC TOC .560 WINN 16 Cl 64 w7 MO TIC TIN .60 ALL 16 NI 1 64 MO TIC m .666 NPIW 16 Cl I I 6 87 I Mo TIC TEN .66 MALL is "II 6 v7 no TIC TSC .6" 0910 to Cl I 1114 67 no TIC
- TIN .t
- 16 ISC NJ 1114 67 NOD TIC TIC .-no EPSIN 10 cI 171 M NO TIC TIN .560 NMALL Is NII 176 as n TIC TIC .6s0 1s CI 776 I Mo TIC TIN .666 MALL 1i HII 77 66 MNO TIC TIC .-U N13 16 Cl I 79 SB I *00 TIC TEN .660 MNALL 1s "II 7 a6 MO TIC ToC .60 is 1l6 a616s I MO TIC TEN .660 MAL 1I NII 91 66 NO TIC TIC .660 SPm 1i CI 8 8 NOD Tee TEN .St* MAL is "I 6
813 6asMas I NO TIC Ts TIN TS .1666
.6"l WALL is Iis "I ClI 0636 08mo Tic TIC .560 wPI 06 CI 11 68 NO TIC TIEN .N SMALL 16 NJ 6668 NO TIC TIC .MO PIUM 16 Cl I I 116 88 No TIC TEO . IMALL 16s I 113 so I mo TIC TIC .50 MPSM 16 CII Ill 6 MO TIC TSI .640 mAL is I 1 76 a NOD TIC TIC .660 WALL 17 NI I I 78 17 so In f0 Io To TIC Is TIC .66 .646 IPSLL to1 "I 17 Cl as as66o 6 Be S7 No 40WO TSC TC .50 .6 UpoN to 16 ClCiI I No TICS TEN .60, MALL 17 NI 820as I we TEI TEN .68 GlOLL 17 NII 142 86 MO TIC TIC .569 NP" i6 Cl 84 9 MOD TIC TEN .56 NMALL 17 NI 1648s No. TIC TIC .56" NPtN 16 Cl *.#o ....... #0..0+. *.o+ .- **-* - .* . .. 4 I R,0 C VOLTS 01E IND PER CON LOK INCHI INCHR SEWT ENT POIA PTYPE CAL LI ............. ...... .* .. ---....... ......... + .......................................... ...
3 ST Max
SO - C APPENDIX 12.8 SPECIAL INiTERET PROSAN Srtlvrood I AIRIB CC[ 012M401 64/201212 14:07:01
*-- ÷ ... ....... + ...-- + .. .. .. #4 .. +--- ..-+-......-- .-- ...- .. . .................. .. 4...
. .. .. **.. t . . . ... * .... *. e - +* ... +o -- -- #*.. .. .... . ... * .
112 69 N*O TEC TEN .660 WSALL 17 "I I I 114 10 NOO TIC TSC .660 WPSW 16 C1 1114 89 NOD TIC TEO .660 NSALL 17 "I I I 77 go TEC TEN .9" SMALL 13 HI 77 96 NOD TIC TIC .600 WPBII 10 Cl I I to s NOD TEC TEN .680 MALL 13 NJ 7969 WOO TBC TIC -5s NOso 16 CI I I
$1 so WOO TIC TIEN .564 NMALL 13 HI 61 Yet TIC .640 WNiIN" 16 Cl 9 I NOD I 03 O9 NOO TIC TEH .669 UNALL 13 NI 836N WoO TIC TC .660 NSM 16 C1 I I 113 O9 NOO TEC TEN .640 WSALL 13 HI 113 90 000 TIC TIC .669 3lPB1 16 CI Of 107 NOO TEC TEN .600 NWIL I HI o9 107 NO ToN TIN .560 3I1B3 101 NI 116 107 NOD TMC TEN .5" BMALL 1 "I Is1 107 NoO TON TIN , W ON 101 HI I I 97 WOS 0 TIC TEN .660 WALL 5 NI 97 140 #I0O TIM TIn .560 NPB3W 101 "1 9910 NODO TIC TEN GGO NBALL SN I to10o TIN TIN .640 Np390 101 ,lI I Woo 101 128 NOO TIC TEN .Me0 MALL S6 I 101 108 WO0 TSIN TON .64 UPN 101 NI I I o 1Is9 WOO TEI TEN .660 NAL1L 7 NI 6 109 N00 TIN TIN .604 "p1w 11 Ni 1s 10e NOO TIC TEN .60 MIALL 6 HI 10 109 WOO TON ToN .4O NPISW 101 Nle 34 129 rwo Tin TIC .6600 WSW 10 CI 34 129 wOe TIC TEN .650 BALL 73 NI 391 115 NOD TBC Ts .56 WSWN is Cl 36 129 NCOD TIC TEN .5601 OALL 73 "1 36 129 NOO TIC TIC .640 NPB 81 16 CI 38 129 NDO TEC TEN .660 MALL 73 NJ 33 1in NDO TIC TBC .660 11 16 C 33 130 *Do TEC TEN .560 WBALL 73 "
33 130 NWO TIM TIC .66- NPB9N 10 CI I3 134 NOD TIC TEN .e w IALL 73 "j 35 130 NOD TN TI .660 3961 101 NI 37 130 NOD TIC TIC .640 3WSW3 16 CI 37 138 NDOI TIC TEN .660 MALL 73 N 37 130 NOD TIN TIN .$a0 NPBNN 101 "I 39 130 NOO TIC TEN .5640 NALL 13 "I 139 130 WOO TIC TIN .60 ISALLN 13 NI 139 136 WOO TC TIC .560 39113 16 CI
...... ......... W...+......+...............................
- 4*... ......
- 4........-....* . ...... + ..... . +#
4. 4 ST max
86 - C APPENDIX 12.8 SPEkiAL imEesiT Po lroldwood I AIRIM cm 21120401 04/28/2012 14:47:01
..... 4.. - .. .. 4.....".... . .4..--*- - ...... ..-.. . + .........-......... .. . ....... 4+.
ROM COL VOLTS DEG IND PER CNN LOCll INCI 4...........4......MWZEGT ENOT .... POIA . PTYPE CAL LI 4.....o4.....,...... o.4. ,..... ,.. .... ,..... t4....4.. ....... To" TSH .se u4 101 NI 13 130 I NOD I 41 130 NO TIC TEN .560 NBALL 13 NI 41130 NOD TsI ToH .6604 PSM 10 "I I 1 32 131 NOD TIC TC .5640 OH 16 CI 32 131 NOD TIE TIEN .60 MALL 71 NH 32 131 mDm TIH TOM .640 "PSew 101 Nj I I 34 131 NOD TmC TIC .640 NPeNw 16 CI 34 131 NO TIC TEN .660 NSALL 71 NI 34 131 NOD T SNtsN .640 OPSIM 101 NI I I 36 131 NOD Toe TIs .540 NPP 16 CI 36 131 sOD TIC TEN .560 WALL 71 NI 36 131 no Tom TO .560 WOES 101 "I I I 30 131 NOD Tee ToC .60 16 ClPSIS 38 131 NOD TIC TER .640 SMALL 71 H" 38 131 NOD ToN TmN .660 wPoN lo HI I I 40 131 NOD TIEC TEN .68 WALL 13 Nj 404131 NOD Toe TSC .-we IPw t10 CI 40 131 NoD Tis TON .60 UPSI 101 N1 I I 42 131 NOD TIC TEN .- 60 WOALL 13 NI 42 131 "Do ToN TOH .6o0 NPSIS le1 "I I I 31 132 NOD TIC TSC IM4 NPSWN 16 CI 31 132 n00 TIC TIN .6f0 MALL 71 NI 31 132 NOD TON TSH .660 WPSMI l01 "I I I 33 132 no TSC TIC .500 *PS 16 C 33 132 NOD TeC TEN Go60 SMALL 71 NI 33 132 NOD TMN ToN .500 iI1 101 NI I I 36 132 No0 TIC TIC .560 NPIU 16 C1 as 13e NOD TIC TIN .-so nALL 71 HI 35 132 NOD TN TIN MM
.6I0 101 "1 37 132 n TIC TIC .6o NPO. 1is C 37 132 NOD TIC TEN .56" SMALL 71 "I 37 132 NOD TIN T1N .660 SW 101 HI s9 132 weO TIC TIC .660 wow 16 CI 39 132 NOD TIC TEN .650 NALL 71 NI 39 132 NOD Tom TIN .560 WS 10i Nj I I 41 132 NOD TIC TEN .660 NIALL 11 HI 41 132 NOD TIC ToO .60 "PSeN 16 CI 41 132 NOD TIo TSN .60 NmPOJ 101 N 43 132 NOD TIC TEI .660 WALL 11 "1 43 132 NOD To" TS" .560 wPIwN 101 H 32 133 NOD TSC TIC .669 NPS 16 CI 32 133 NOD TIC TEN .500 NBALL 69 HN 32 133 NOD TON TON .660 NPIWN 101 NJ 34 133 nOD TSC TSC .660 NPSIN 16 Ci 34 133 NDD TIC TEN .600 BALL 69 HI 34 133 NOD TIN TIN .650 NPSNN 101 N1 I I 36 133 NOD TSC TeC .560 NPSWN 16 CI 4.. -... 4.---.... * +-..-.-- *...4 .... 4.............................. 4 4. ............... .....-... 4.
I ROW CDL VOLTS 098 IND PER CNN LOCO INCHI INCW ROT ENOT P)IA PTYPE CAL LI 4.. ...-.. . * .............. -- *....*...'.
+........................................... ...... + ... .........
ST Mex
so - C APPENDIX 12.e *.pfq1k. INTEREST POWM Sreldmood I AIRIS CC 24129401 04/23/912 14:07:01 ..-.- -. - -.-... ....... -... - - ....-..-... -.-.-.-. o *-...- .....-.........- ...- - - -....--.-.- - * ..-...-.-- .......... 4. -4 IMRO ~COL ~ VOLTS
'1.- ~ CE6 INO PER CHI LOOK ................... . .. . . .. . . . O " -b"o INOCHI"k "' INI SiT "" " "4' .... "b EINT 4'....
" ' 4 13 I30 no T TEN .5669 ALL 69 Na 30 133 woO TIN TmN .6560 191 101 lj S
36 133 nO TeC ToC .5610 383m 16 Cf 36 133 moo TEC TEN .660 NBALL so " I 30 133 NODT 1 6r .To1 1P01K 1.1 NI I I 40 133 NOD TIC TIC .566 NPNN 16 C "4 133 ND TIEC TEN .560 NIALL 09 NI 414 133 MOD ToN Tin .5"0 391 11 HI I I 42 133 no TOC TEN .660 MALL 11 "I 42 133 mo TIm TSN .560 IU*)U 101 "I 1 33 134 No TIC TIC .566 wow 16 CI 33 1S4 SON TC TEN .669 MMALL a "I 33 134 No TIN tN .646 Ow lot "I 35 134 NO TI T9C .501 3wow 160 I 35 134 NOD TMe van .l lNALL 6s9 I 35 IM4 Iw To Tom .5"H WON" lot "I
$7 134 NW TeN TiC .606 3M 1o Ci 37 134 537 134 NWD moo Tee TOC TEN TEN .560. lout6 .460 WALL 10"II 611 371 34 WO TON TiN .6-$0 NPLL 131 N1 I I 3 134 WO TIC TIN .101iISALL. £3 Nj 3 134 "o T T .m 066 NPM 10 Cl 39 134 ND TOI TiM .An0 O lot "I 41 134 Nw TIEC TIN .160INULL 13 NI 41 134 no TIm TIN .66103 1SN 101 HI I I 34 136 NOD TIC T .60e 1 is CI 34 135 No TIC TEN .60O hALL 71 NI 34 136 no TSN TN ,o0 WSW l0 N 36 136 NOD TIC TSC .6610 Wm 16 C 36 135 Woo TEC TEN .6An hALL 71 NI 30 1365 n TON TSH .60 wow 101 N 36 135 NOD TIC TIC .604 O1WN 16 C 36 136 NOO TIC TEN .501 SALL 71 N 38 135 Nw TSN TO .614 WMI 10 NI 40 13 W00 TIC TEN .660 WSALL 13 N1 40 135 nWO Tom TN .660 393K 101 NI *... .... ;;.*.........*.*..4.-...*...............................**.* - . . ....... 4 I Om COt VOLTS Ogg ID PER C"l4 LOCO tNCHI I3N=08 13T 0iT POIA PTYPE CAL L + ..............-........... ....-.-.........-.....- *-.....+ ...... 4-......
Tubes: 112 Records: 256 6 ST 1ax
20 - C DA AND EIC 5MU1D PECIAL IWMtST POW Breadwood I AIRIO Cc! 2016m41 04/1/2812 13:54:52 IROU COL. VOLTS 098 IN0 PEl CHi LOCW IRCa INCNR OT EMT POIA PTYPt CAL LI 72 72 17 "Do NM TIC TIN To" TsM
."0 NALL 3. "1 27 "1 17 NOD .660 -me NL- 31; MI 74 17 300 TIC TON 97 NI 74 17 TIN Tam IBALL 39 "I TIC Tam .66 97 "1 71 18 NOD -mi .668 198MM 39 "I 71 18 N0o TiN Tom 97 "i .M WML I 73 18 INO TIC TEN .-s NULL is NI 73 18 N0O Too TON 97 "I 1-76 18 Iwo TI C TEN .60 NULL 3$ NI 76 1i TOS TIN .560 97 "1 1
77 18 TOC TEN .58 39 HN 77 18 3I00 ToN TON .so 97 NJ NUL-IMALL 70 1i 3mO TIN 41 "I 70 Tan *PMN 97 P 41NII uno 19 NOD at "II 72 TEC Ts" .5"
.56 WM~l 72 19 10 U.0 TIm TIN 97 NI .160 69 NOD 11C TEN .66 NULLNo sme 69 20 TiN TON 97 0I 41 "1 I 71 to NOD TiC TEN 39 07 NJ I 71 t0 TiO NULL 39 NJ NI Iwo 1 61 20 all ToC TIN .560 39 NI 81 20 NO0 .660 97 NI U.0 woo Ts" .560 .560 WSALL 76 1I 21 ImO NOD TIN TIN 76 70 21 MOO 3No TON TIC .666 NULL 72 21 TIM TEN .5M6 WNALL 97 Ni 97 MI U. TOM .56 39 2t U.D .66 39 S NI NII TEC 74 21 TIN TIN fALL 07 NI 74 21 TON .56 NPN-MOO TIC .56 76 21 um0 TON TEN WMALL 97 NI 76 t1 IMP UOD TIC TON .680 19S30 Wow 39 "I NN 78 21 TON TEN .56 MALL 39 NJ 21 TON .66 97 NI ino 97 "1
[as 21 TEN .560 MALL 39 HI 21 Tem .56 97 NI TIC 1 21 goo TIN TEN .660 MALL 39 NI 21 TON m PIN 97 HI MOO TIC 1I 71 92 no TON TEN .560 ISALL NOD TIN UPSW 97 NJ 71 22 I TC 39 HI 73 22 TIN TEN NSALL NoD TON .56 07 NJ 73 2* I TEC 39NI 76 92 TO" TEN .568D MALL 76 22 TON WPim 97 "1 1 TOC TIN .60O NOALL 41 NJ 77 22 + .... + .... ; . *-.. ......... ...... .........-.....
-,..-...- . .+---.--#.....
.... I.....+.........+.................................+..........*.......... +
I ST Nex
6 - C DA AND EC MASED SPECIAL INTEREST PROSM Braldwood I AIRIS6 Oct *m401 4128/2012 13:64262
- .... . -+ ......
- . .. ..... 4..-.- ---. * ----e . +** .. -....... .-- *..... + .........
IRON COL VOLTS 06 ... INID #- PER + 0-,- LOCW ImCsI IN=N 2IT ElOT POIA PTYPE CAL LI .4 . . . . . . ...-..............- o ... .. ..'o . - . o-.. 4 . . ....- #l......* ."*..........-- . . 4.. 77 22 NOD TON TIo .68M PSuN 97 HI I I 79 22 iDn TEC TEN .566 hALL 41 NI 79 22 nopl o Tm .TO" No 97 "I 81 22 NOD TIC TEN .50" NALL 3s HI al 22 NOD TON TON .66 MPSIN 07 HI 78 23 N00 TIC TEN .60 AMALL 41 HI 78 23 No0 TON ToN .6*08 06 97 HI S0 23 ROD TIC TEN .5W MBALL 41 No N0 23 1O0 TON Ts" .508 IPSON 97 H" 7124 UiD0 Tat TEN .54 NBALL 41 *1 79 E4 NOD To TON .646 PIUN 97 HI 10 59 foo TIC TEN .608 h1ALL 33 HI 7 9 51 of6 100 "Do ToG TIEC TEN TON .6$a
- 33 NJ I NO69IID TIIM I*H G.MO PMN 97 NJI 7a of O0 TIC TEN .60t MALL 33 HI 179 of NO TSO TO" .50 WSW 97 HI 8 6 INOD TiEC TIEN .506 MSALL 33 NJ 61 61 NiO ToN ToN .65t lSMN 97 N1 f7 61 1D) TC TEN .666 hALL 31 HI s70 61 no T TON .6" WSW 17 HI
@a6 61 nDo TiC TEN .$" IWALL 31 HI 77 61 NOD TIN TIO .65" NP1W 97 N" 76 81 00 TEC TEN .5W IALL 31 1 626 1 IMO Tom TON .666 WIN 17 H 7762 ilo TOC TEN .660 ouAtL 27 NJ 7762 SNOD TON TIN .Me MPSIM 97 Ni 796 2 N0 TIEC TEN .6" MALL 27 N 76 3 INo TON TON .56 IPSW 07 NI 81 62 No TEC TEN .6O WALL 27 N 8162 I3OD TON TON .660 1PSW9 97 Ni 6 62 N00 TEC TEN .540 NUALL 337 "
83262 00 TIo TIN .5 I*PWIN 97 HI 7663 TC TEN .50 hhAL 33 NJ so 63 76 .9 0P NDo -. 4 E TiN TIN E .TON f IwPSN M 973N NJI2Fe 7063 IO0 TEC TEN .66 NWALL 93 "1 7663 No TUG ToN .6-
" PISW 97 N 10 ..
66363 ... 4.66!9 66S.PCT PLP ...2.. 11ITOH .... 1..4 .13 TEC..TE. TSINTIN .SO.IS.ALL
.SWNPSN . 33.
97NH 626 VOLTO LSALI. TIC TIN .660 33 NI 852 03 UPD TIN TON .660 UPOWNl 17 Hi I I 64 63 iSO0 TIC TEN .508 WLt.L 33 Nj 84063 mU TIN TON .608 191 97 NI I I I77 64 lOB TIC TEN .6611 hhALL 21 NI 177 64 MO0 O8 TSNI .584 195MMN 07 HI 166W COL VOLTS 010 11WO PER CHlILOCN RICHi IMN2H6 ISTEIDT PDIA PTVPE CAL LI
.. -,.....- ........ + ............... ..... +.... ...... +..,
2 ST Mix
SB - C OA AND EC MUAD SPECIAL I*IITIRET PROUMM Sroldwood I AIRIO =9 29161241 04128/2012 1344:62
. L. . . . .. . . ;;S .T. T A L LI R0N ~OT80 ~ ~ 11PE ~ + ;W ~ N LC Lo IO liHI IN NOiT SNOT MOIA PTYPE CAL. Ll
.+ .... . ........... ....
*.* +......o..*.. o.....+..........+ ..... #... .. * ... * ...... ÷.......+....... *..+
7, 64 NOD TEC TEN Tim .660 mALL 29 "I 79 64 NOD To TsN 97 N
.660 SI 04 NOD TEC TEN nALL 20 Nj To" TON .560 IP~M NOD .560 P9 HI 83 64 TiC TEN NWALL TSm TOm .560 I,...
03 MOD .680 *w.L 97 NJ 20 H 78 60 0O1 TEC TEN .660 WSN 27 HI 70 es TOm Tom
.660 97 H 46 TIC TIEN hALL 27 NI e6 TsN Tom Mom USALL .0600 fm 82 6s NOD NM TIC TIEN WALL 97 Nj WmSW NOD wo TIC TON 27 NJ 70 U of No TEO TIm .560 97 "j 71 ft No. 27 N1 TEC TIN .660 MALL 97 HI at 66 TEN 97 N" NOD TSf" S4 97 NOm Tsm .569 MALL 97 17NJ 00 67 NDO TIC am TIN WmW.
I'EC TEN 27 HI 40 47 NOD OSH .660 MALL NPSM 07 NI
- 40. No 43H O R.66
.060 WMM 07 NJ 37 .7 NODSO TEC 63.'
0316 TEN .660 IVALL NPSN1. N'S,. 17 Of 37 mo A 03f -1.40 17 N TEC TIN UPW. 40 90 NOD e03 -3. .660 *BALL 97 Nj
- 4. 86
.06 TON .660 '7 34 TIC Ts" TON .660 MALL 97 Nj 67 1I 34 97 so WO we Tom .660 33 90 "Do TIC TEN 33 NO TIo 06 NjI Tim 35 NO TEN -500 97 "1 35 IOo TO" TEN TIC 60 Nj1 Wpsm 32 TEC TIN .160 N1ALL 97 NI 32 99 NOD TsN 07 NII 0100 .640 IPSAL N8ALL 34 90 TIC TIEN WALL 65 "i 34 Tom Tm OPW 97 NJ .560 MOALL 65 HI 36 NOD TEC TIN .660 97 HII 30 9. NOD TOm Tm In A560 SUALL WINK 31 in NOD SO TtC TEN -560 97 NI1 31 160 "DO T$" Ton 67 Nj .6600 33 ioo TEC TEN 67 NJ NI Tm Ti" 33 Ts" OSALL 97 SO .660 upSIP 67 01 35 100 IsC TEN TON 97 "1 36 Tsm I .. . . . ......*............. .. .4. . 4 . . . ...... + .- + -+
................. ......... ......... +.............. ..... *....+....4 ... 4 .. 4.......
3 ST Max
80 - C DA AND EC BASED P9PCIAL INTEREST PRORAM Breldmod I AiRIG 00! 2012"1 04/20/2012 13:04:5* IROW COL VOLTS 016 INI PER CNN LOCM INCHs INCH2 INEW EOT POIA PTVPE CAL LI ................. ...... .*.........*....*....4............ *....*. ...... 4 .... ..... + 1 37 10 NOo TEC TEN .66f SBALL 67 NI
- 37 1s* Moo TVO Tom .50 UPSNN 97 Nl I I I 30 101 No TEC TIM .540 WALL 67 NJ 30 101 NOO TON TIN .660 NPSWN 97 Ni 132161 NOD TEC TEN .MO $@ALL 67 N1 32 101 UP00 TIN TIN .060 NPSNP 97 HI 1 34 161 NOO TIC TEN .60 MALL 67 NI 34 101 NOD Tsm TVO .5i NP 97 "1 1 36 101 NOD TEC TEI .500 MALL 67 NI 36 101 NOD TO" TIM .660 NPWSW 97 N 1 39 101 IDO TIC TIN .A" ISALL 67 HI 138 161 n00 TIM Tim .6 WSeIW 07 "I I I 29 102 we TIC TEM .5" INALL 65 NJ 29 142 Ioo TOM TOM .119 NPSNN 97 HI I I 31 i1 NOD TIEC TIM .6r41 I.L Is o 311W UPDO To Tam .5"0 UPOI 97 HI 133 102 NO TEC TEN .560 NMLL 05 NI 33 142 NO Tim Tom .Aft WSWh 07 MI 36 102 *DO TEC TEI .I60 NOALL 6 N "
35 102 goo Tsm Too .56s I"Pa 97 N1 37 102 NOD TEC TEN .5" NSALL 66 NI 37 102 NOD TIN TSM .60 UPSN 97 NJ 39 102 NO0 TEC TIN .M6G WALL 3 NI 39 102 NOD Tot T"N .50 NPIW 97 30 103 M00 TIC TIm .60 WSALL a6 M 30 103 NOD Tom TIM .560 WPSWN 97 Ni 132 103 no TEC TEM .6ft MALL 66 MI 32 103 NM TIm TON .50 SPPS4 97 N1 I I 34 103 NDO TIEC TEN .6N WALL 06 HI 34 103 1100 TSH Tot .600 NPSiS 97 NI 36 1013 NO TEC TEI .Au0 NALL 65 "I 36 113 NUP ToM Tom .560 UFPhMN 97 NH 1 I 36 103 UPo TEC TEN .660 WALL 66 NI 38 103 UPo TON ToN .60 o PSlWi 07 mI 1 1 104 UP TEC TEN .50 SUALL 67 NI 31 104 ND TSN TIM .560 IPhSN 97 NI I I 33 104 NOD TEC TEN .560 SBALL 67 Nj I 33 104 WOO TIM TSH .Me 98P90 97 NI I I 356 M 0WOO TEC THM .660 1ALL 67 N4 35 104 PO TIH TIm .Af t PIUW 97 oI 1 37 104 NO TEC TEN .560 ISALL 67 NI 37 104 Uo Tot TsI .660 WiPSW 97 Ni I I 1 32 106 UDO TIEC TEM .50 SOALL 67 Nj
- . 4..... - .4........ - ....* 4 ....- .... * .... ........................ .... 4-... + 4.-... .. . 4...4.
I ROW COL VOLTS DEG INO PER CNN LOCN INCH1 1 INCH2 lOGT ENDT POIA PTYPE CAL LI +.+ ... * ............ .... * ..............
........ +.............. ... ............ ..
4 ST Max
8 -CC CAANDEC BMEO'ft.AL INTEREST PROGMM Oraldwood 1 AIRIG CCe soIIwl 41212M 2 13:64:5U
-..- ..... * ......... o4.-° + .... *. -- . .- . + . . -... ., - . . . . *4' . ---- 4"--4" R COL VOLTS ;is IND PER to LZC; IWO1 I N 6 E O T OKIA PflPE CAL LI .. .....* ....... . ... ... ... . 4 .... * .... 4+.... 4....... . +.4+
1321K WOO TIN TIN .I5 pmN 97 HI I I 34 165 "O TEC TIN .660 MALL 67 HI 34 106 on Ta Tom .660 NPI 97 Hi I I 36 166 NOD TEC TIN .566 NALL 67 HI 33 196 No TIN TIN .560 MPSI 97 HI 33 100 133166 NOD NOO TC TIN TEN TiN .SuIs WALL lPSWON 66 97 HI .HI I I I35 US 100 TIC TIfN .5660 ALL 65 Nj 35 166 no TIN TIN .609 NP-O 97 NI I I 34 17 NOD T"C TEO .50 IMALL 65I 34 107 go To TN .60 31 97 Hi
......... .............. .. ..................... .... ................ 4..
........ + ............. * ..... .................................... . . ..+ +,
Tubos: 91 Reoordst 162 6 ST Max
SB - 0 CA AND EC BASED PECIAL INTERESIT fOSM Orefdweed I AIRIS WEi M""I6e 04I19l8/12 13:64:62 IRON 001 VOLTS DES IND PE OM C 13031 INCH KOT COOT POIA PTVP CAL LI 121 26 .6 WP 3 FOG S.36 TtC TEN -500 BLL 73 #1 21 26 MOF IFOG 6.S$ am Fie 5
.2PM 97 NJ 33 110 .13 1036 US6*m .16 TtC TO .S60 OALL 53 NJ 33 111 MOF P4 s .1 O s 5"U WMSWP 9 N 4......-* ... ;;i.* . .. # .. .... +....* * ..... * ...... 4 ....- .* .... *............ 4.+ ......... +
IRON 00 OTS 0WS IND PE am LOON INCH 1312BT ENOT IN= POIA PTYPE CAL 1I Tubes: 2 Records: 4 1 ST Max
Atmrot 93 'SutS @emqsby Iks-nmu so Pompn @WscW Al "
Be - A Tubes with F*,igvm object wamr SraI1Ied 1Al111 211401 041111111912 2#1i69,1
. - -. . . .. . . .. * . . Q . .o . . . . . . . -41 .. .. - . ... *. . . . .~ - -. . . .. #. '. ... ... . . . . . . , . -. . -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . i l**. ". . . . . #. i iý + . . . . . . . . . .
IN +............
#POATE 0 Om VOLTS 01 M ,.......eo --
i=11 ....... Icln - 010 UNIT POIA ....-..
""IY1e#.....#..CAL LCO1 - a.
e GO to? Not ETEN AI MALL 7 of; 90 ,*, .08130 VOL P4 to .n Tn "K .5ft WSW to "I o 117 .13 1 PCT 14 TIM .94 To" To .m O Io "I 1 261,3/41 o8 107 we TIC To .6f6 nut. 117 *1 1 #009193141 86 107 .10 GO VOL P4 Tom .11 TON TON .11106w 1n MIf 1 1100103/01 GO 10 .94 20 OCT 16 T .TU Tom To .60 410111M 1 to[ 1 311,fo01 so 107 11 WC TEM .186 =ALL it "I I 0ow/1o0/1 Go w .13 317 VOL P4 TIN .16 TIN TIN .An 21 133 WI I #0110710/f to 107 .16 80 PC? Is I TON .16 TON TIN .990, EPSON 133 NJ I0 0107 no5 TIC TON .166011 VAL 7 "1 161 so .11 as . P413TO .40 To "N oo1K I10IUNJ I 107 .14 asCI 14 8 TON .00 T1o mr1 .61001 11in "I 1 9MI413101 94 3A7 no TIC TV .-610 II3411 III NJ oI 1 9 0*7 .:14 70VO L 4 TIN .0a TIN T .m6 t ill g /o 3, 01 so . o, . 14 o3 , e a T oN . 32 T oN ToI . 60 WO N I n "I I 20*711101 to 17 11 TIC TEN .51,1 MIXL 1o If 1 2007/14101 16 107 .13 46 V0L P4 To .10 TIN Tim . 010 153 1I I l/10t/m to If? .1 a0 m to a ToN .10 TiN TON .36 Z1W 133 NJ I s e4 1 TIC T o . 646 8 L 7 I 97 01 .14 O PCT 14 TUN .a to TIo .1010 110i N I7 10711 UVOL is rd31 up esis TomIE .36061 1Now isIN 12 009103101 97 In we TIC TEN .9110 U.L 180 NI I #001/431 9" 100 .15 271! PV I 1 AlN .17 T TI .60m 1m U1 NI I 3*660*l631 V? In0 .15 a VOL P4 TON .19 TIN TIN .in 1WS NI I *7110#01 07 10in TEC TIN .10 53L*L 17 Il I #00710/1 07 in .11 o6 VOL 04 T .To w TN .m 133 off S 70011110O 07 160 .1U3 m0 PCT 14 a TiN .16 TIN To .560 1 133 "1 17130 "D TIC TI NL .TE 01Aft I 17 13 .-a m3 PCT 3 1 TIN .0 TON TIN .- s 113 "two FORE1GNKJEC*T wa 17 130 .8 40 VOL P4 TmN .11 TIN TN .A60 1M 113 *JIjM FORE1GN CJiCT iFMI 17 138 .31 70 V P4 T .11 TN TON .6" 011m 11g "I I 1610/03/01 17 130 us M TEM .0 SALUL 01 I I 1 217110/01 17 130 iTC TIN Af1t WALL N "I 10 1 .00 138* 13K .I7 TICt UK N ,40 OWeL 91 "1 t10 13 .0 141 PCT 30* TIo .20 TO N .=
- Aft 109 MINN FORtEI1N OBCT NI s10 130 .40 70 361 14 TIN .3 TIN TIN An MINN 10 MINN FOREIGINCJOCT EAMI I9 1130 TOP TON TIN .360061 113 "1 1 91013 .65 0 PIO I TSo .6 TINmTo on won 1131 1 1 S0103101 1t 130 w TIC TEN .110 MALL 01 NI
$I 190711410t 10tO 13i TIC TnI .110 LL. is "I I I I 19 J313 no TEOCTEN .10011611 $I mlI 1 20 133 .11 70 VOL P4 ToI .N TN TN .610 WNW 113 MiUS f16116 M*ICT WA I 1a 139 .11 go7 OCT 0S a TIN .18 TWO TON .600 WlOR 113 MIiUIFORtEIMGN aW tI 1 20130 .00 f VO P4 11 .04 UK m . -on WIN! l1t11I I 360e/OOl as 1S so TIC TiN .560n211A 01 NJ I lO71IS/1 a 130 TIC TEN .000 MUL 23111 1 *...... ;" ...... ----------.-.... -.. . +* .... . . ...... # ... .......................
IN501?T M CRO VOLTS MLOI1 96i INK Iuhs 061OW 1IIf@ 3DDT M01A 01t CAL I. CON I
.......... ......... + ........... ................ ... . . # ......... ... -,................
Tube: 6 Reords: 46 1 ST max
80 - S Tubes with Foreign Object Wear Breldwood I AIRIO CC. ioLN4I $412612012 1:69:12 I INSPOATE RON COL VOLT ON IND P5R CNN LOC 0112 130610 M NO ETlDT PSIA PTYPE CAL L COI
...... .. *4.. ...... .. 4 ... ..... ............ .... 4...... ... *4 .. #
IO 4? NOD TIEC TIM .500 hALL 7 NJ I I 9 47 .24 $7 VOL P4 Ti .0 .5"Tom 3" TIM 9SNJ I I W 4? .6 m PCT 23 216 .T4 To1TOO .660 IPSmI 96 I I 20*/0931O61 N 4? Wm TEC TEN ,660 ZWAL 31 Of I 2519103101 0 47 .22 7? VOL P4 TOM .92 TomSTom .6OUNP8 11i1e" I D0*M03101 98 4? .10 so PCT ft Pl 1T1N .03 1Tom TO3 s60 PW 11 HI f 2007110101 so 47 NWD TEC TIN .Sf ZOALL 19 NI I 2017110141 f 4? .26 7 PCt' 22 P1 ToN -..01, Tom Tm .6O ZPSIm 12"1 1 I2407/10/41 0 4? .1 04 VOL 0 P4 TIM .01 TOM TIM .5Z0 P1 127 16I
*.........-..............,-......,...4*...................4..................4 .... ,+......................4...+
*..... 4......... ......... +......#...... ...........
Tubes: I R0corde: 9 I ST Rex
No Tubes Damaged by Secondary Side Foreign Objects in the IC and ID SGs During Al RI6
Tb Oseashuv Pan Ow Wur AIR"
so - A Fan Bar Woof Indications with History brstdwood I AIRIS cCa MUM 0418*1011 11:04:13
... . . . . . . . . ... ......... ..... .* .... #-. . ... . . o.... . .-... ... #o INUSPOATE *.... ROam C0 VOLTS 010 lob 4o....P1u aIm LOC 11"I041 ......... ICNM 8iST ELIST POIA PTYPt CAL #..+LI .,.......... ..--- . ... 4 .. ......... * * .....-.... +-* #*o .--.- ....
31 4 .27 0 P"T Ps Fos I." TCTam SS smALL 71 1 31 4 .29 of VOL P4 FOS 1.17 O0 FNS .5 MsZPUI 111i g2m9103101 31 4 TCE TIN .6O0 ZSALL 63 NJ M107/10101 31 4 "Do TIC TIN .560 IMAL 66 "I I I o6 49 .1 0 am 0P F104 .74 Tit M .50 OALL 61 "1 2MS/03/01 6* 49 NOD TC TEN .6Mi ZALL 17 NI S2N07110101 s6 40 lO TIC TEN .-s6 SOALL 77141 71 a .82 SPOT 6 Pt F84 -1.60 TEC TEN .6 NALL 37 14 II /4/)I01 71 62 .21 4 PCT
- P0 F44 -1.06 TEC TIEN .660 ALL 5 "1 MI7/10I01 71 OR .17 0 PCT 4 pz 04 -1.61 TEC TEN USOALL 73 NJ B 67 .19 SPOT 3 Pt F97 1.64 TMC TI .60W ALL 29o a 2M9/03/01 60 07 rno TIC TEN .6AN MALL 7 NI 2"07110101 so 07 NOD TIO TIH .6690 8ALL 4 HI 03 770 .19 09pT 3 PI FOS .-a TC TIN .141 LIL 26 NJ 9M0I/ 311 ISS 70 .*0 S PT 6 I F106 .46 1TO TEN .6AN ,ALL 69 HI M18 7110901 63 70 .11 PKT 4 PI f16 .54 TIC TEN .MID6 ALL 47 Il 67 70 .81 PCT 6 p2a P 1.3 TO TIN Aft *MS L 19 14 S /00/63101 67 76 No TEC TEN .666 RALL 67 HI IM110l01 67 76 NOD TEC TEN .A" GSULL 43 HI S7784 .21 0 PCT 4 Pt Fos -. 97 TIC TEN .NS ALL 17 14 l/*3l01 77 4 N00 TEC TON .650 WALL 140 Il 201017110111 77 84 no TEC TEN .66r ZALL 35 MI 64 *7 .331 SPa 7 Pt FO6 -. 48 TEC TEN .660 IiSALL 16s I IM11031/S1 6407 .37 S PCT s iPR F6 -. *1 TOCTo .9 MhALL i1s 14 am/0719/01 84 07 .a POT 5 pt Fs6 -1.04 TEC TIN .SO ZDALL 36 H
*.............*........-*......*.-....*- -*-----*.........*. 4... ......
*......... +........... .......
- Records: 25 I Mamx
so - I Fen set Wso Indications with History Sraldwood I AIRI6 CC[ 212401 0IMI/i12 11:04-13 IhPMTI RON COt VOLTS CEO iND PER CN LOCW HiCH& 31l52 KTT MT PO1A PTYPM CA LI S67 42 .27 S PCT 7 PitZ -1.6 Tat TIEN A" NSALL 13 NJ 126 /103101 67 42 .24 0 OCT 6 P F"P -1.66 Ti TEO .6 WALL 27 H4
,207110101 67 4 .19
- PCT 4 Pt FN -1.63 TIC TEN .6ZSMLL IV HN I I 78 67 .43 0 PCT 7 P2 F67 -1.30 TO TEO .50 TLL 1654 MIg0l3/01 76 67 no TOC TEN .60 TIAUL 33 NI M27/160101 78 67 NOD TIC TEN .66 WALL 33 NJ I I lo 67 .93 0 P9 ' S P2 FP7 1.44 TlC TMN .t 1LL 19 HI
*MI9/03101 5 166 67 we TC TIN .560 ZALL 47 NI I 6711*101 1i0 67 NOD TIC TEN .660 ZALL 37 NJ I I 71 6 .22 PCT 4 Pfi oi .77 TC TEN .-n SALL 76 "1 m/608111 71 6* .1 0 PerT 6 P2 F*4 1.N TIC UEN .69 ZALL 49 "1 N071116/1 71 42 .- 1 Pet 6 P" F"N 1.66 TEC TEN .A6 ZhALL 46 NJ " 63 .30 S POT 6 P2a F6 1.23 TIC TEN A OWL1 76 Ni "W1H0*3101 68 3 U .1*t1 PC9 6 Pt Fag 1.41 TicCT .so ZBALL 49 "1 IN,710151 553 I .11 0 PCT 6 P Fag .7 TIC TEN .W9 ZALL 39 HII a8 66 .20 a POT 6 P9 6 .Fs TICTIM .TOUSOWLL 73 NJ M9103101 " 66 "D TIC TEN .6An ZA.L 61 "I 12/0110101 s a N6o TOC TEN .5 ZmALL 45 NJ o107 a .21 9 PCT P Pa Ff* 1.. TEC Tt1 .S6S ALL 69"I 2@N/0131/0 107 so .21 # P5T 6 paP IF 1.65 TEC TIm .66 TSALL 63 "I 1267/1011 t7? a .17
- POT 6 P2 Fo6 1.69 TEC TI .O*N ZALL 47 N l2 6e .09 S PCT 3 PPF* -1.-4 TOE TE .- 65 6ALL 73 H2 200/03101 U 69 .14 POT 2 P2 VW -1.02 Ta TEN .160 ZALL s "I I21L7114i4l *2 6a .26
- POT 6 Pa Fs6 -1.10 T6C TEN .61 ZALL 46 N1
*6 70 .34 S POT 6 P2 m -1.13 TEC TEN .50 6 UALL 76 Oi 200/03/01 06 70 .N e PCT S Pt Fag -1.07 TOC TEN .501 hA L 67 NI Ne7/1*5,1 6 70 .23 S OT 4 OR F" -.. U TICTEN .An I*ML 6,1 N 6711 .3t 9 "* PS FS .6 TEC TEN .50 IIBAUL 75 "1 ,I 200031I 4 71 NWD TIC TEN .On ZALL 67 "I 1071/10/1 66 71 NOD TIC TEN .GU6 ZALL 47 01
- e6 73 .41 PmT 0 Pe FOS -1.46 TIC TEN .5n ALL 73 N 2668/03/01 6 73 we TIC TEN .0 V*LL 69 "1 2071I10 I 66 73 WSD TC TEN .666 2*ALL 63 01 76 73 .0 0 i9a 5 Pt FO6 -1.30 TEC TEN .S0 SALL 73 NJ ISO*101 70 73 .23
- PCT 4 P22 -1.66 TI TEN .650 Z6 LL 6s "I 3071101/1 76 7) .10 S POT 4 12 Fe6 -1.20 TEC TEN .Ar66 ZDALL 653 73 112 .29 SPMT 6 PS F6 .91 TSC TEN .56*0 OWL 61 "1 I6/030* 1 73 10 we0 T IN .51 18.L "ao 7 NI I 0711*/01 73 102 I W TIC TIN .665 ZBALL 77 NI I
42 137 .24 S PCT Pt Fos 1.13 TIC TEN .5U6N6ALL 63 "1 290103/01 42 137 .0 136 1If PI 96 1."4 m TEN .5O TSALL 107 14 2607116/01 49 137 .10 1*6 On P1 P 1.16 TIC TIH .560 Z26.L 101 14 INSMPOATE RON COL VOLTS no too PER CN LOCK IfU,1 IlIC41 UMT 6NOT 3IA PTY1 CAL L
*--0-4~--......................*..... ...*. *........ .......
Tubest 14 Refords: 42 1 ST Max
80 - C Fen Uer Wear Indications with History Ursidwood I AIRIS CC! 206M41 04/20/2012 11:04:13 ÷............4"..... + .... *.... ...... .. * ... .... ,.....,#....,..........,......... +....,............ #......, ..... +..+"° INSPfMTE ROm COL VOLTS 0E* 1N PER CNN LOok INCHL I CM2 SET WEMDT POJA PTYPE CAL LI
............ *.... + .... . ......... . +- - .... .# ....- * ..-.. °4-........ - ......... .. .* ... +°............. * ...... #..+
1 66s .26 OPCet 6 Pt Fos 1.06 TEC TEN .e0NSAI.L 33 "1 120 /03/01 65 66 .32
- PCT 6 P2 FI 1.63 TEC TEN H .5OUA.L 77 01 5207/lo 0 l 6s o .21 OPOT 0 P2 Fo 1.29 TEC TEN .50 ZALIL 61 "1 96 6 .36 0P M 7 P FIG -.60 TEC TEN .M* SALL 31 NJ 2009/03101 9 66 .39
- PCT OPpa Fs -. 71 TIC TEH .600 TUALL 76 HI 90*7116/01 96 68 .27
- PCT & P2 P -.. 7 TEC TEN .660 ZALL 67141 o1016 .3 MPCT 7 P2 F45 1.69 TIC TEH .5* WOALL 33 NJ M209103101 1016 .26 1 PC 4 P2 FOS L.6 TEC TEN .0 TMALL 73 HI 2t07/16101 101 o .2a PCT 6 P2 FOS I.* TIC TEO .SO ZIMAL 66 #1 S I 66 61 .64 O MO 10 P2 F07 1.66 TIEC TEN .6 t iMLL 31 N1 2"91l03/01 G 61 .37 a POT *P 2 F*7 1.02 Im TEN .606 ZALL 71 14 52T07/10/01 061 s .38 IPT I* P FS? 1.9 TEC TEN .660 ZMLL 0l 4 2 e11001 0 61 .47 06 VOL P4 V67 1.84 F#7 F07 .62S ZPUM 121 01 102 01 .46 $ PCT PI Fos .92 TEC TEN .At iMLL 31 1I 0999/03101 102 61 NOD TEC TEN .606 TUALL 73 NJ 201107110/I1 1 011 TIC TEO .666 Z*ALL 67 NJ I S 74 63 .16
- PCT 3 P"IP D -1.17 TIC TEN SI SALL 33 01 S2009/03101 74 63 W TIC TEN .56 TIALL 69 "1 5 67110/01 74 63 no TEC TEN .Of ZIMLL 6s o I 1 63 .16 PCT S Pt F4 -1.64 TEC TEN AS ImtALL 33 14 60 63 4.650 PLP 11 TIN .13 TS1 TIN .96 NPSU 97 "1 R /0Is31 8 o1 63 e .31 SPCT 6 P FIG -1.61 TIC TEN .6On TALL 60a I 2109103101 60 63 6.53 10 PLP 11 To" .26 ToN ToN .560 ZPoIw 1u6 "I 26071101*1 1 of 63 .26 0 PCT 0 P2 F06 -1.31 TIC TEN .660 ZMALL 69 NJ I S 94 63 .40 0 PT 8 Pt Fe -1.40 TIC TEN ASN IO LL 33 HI 591/431/0 94 63 .36 6 PCT I P9 F4i -1.67 TEC TEN I4 TULAL 71 "1 2007/10/01 4 63 .36 PCT to P2 Fes -1.70 TEC TIM Is" ZALL 66s5 5107/16101 04 03 .20 13 VOL P4 FiP6 -1,66 Fes Fe0 .6U0 ZPUMN 121 "1 104 63 .34 PCT 7 P FOG 1.67 TIC TEN .S600 ALL 33 NJ 2060/03/01 1"463 .29 O PCT 6 P2 FI 1.67 TIC TEN .*60 ZML 63 "1 M2007110/61104 3 .17 O T 7 P FIOS 1.46 TEC TEN .5* ZlALL 65 1 76 66 .1 OPOT 4 P2 FI6 .03 TIEC TEN .660 A1LL 27 1 M2009103/01 76 66 .16 0 PCT 2 PR FU .71 TEC TEN .5 ZMALL 67 1 201 1091 76 66 WO ToN ToN .600 2*PUU 12 "I 2ER07l/O0 76 8 .12 S PCT 4 P2 FI .*1 TEC TEN AnO ALL 67 14 6 as .16 0 POT 4 PR FG6 .0 TIC TEN .500 IULL 914e I206/31001 0 66 .26 a PT 4 P2 FG .OR TEC TN .66 ZDALL 674N 2067/101 s so .14 4 P 44T P Fos .98 TEC TEN .O ZOMAL 46 NJ I I "7765 .as S PMT 11 PIOSFO -. TICTEN .660 WALL 20 "1 2001/03/01 77" .64 O PCT 9 P2 Fes -. 66 TIC TEN .on ALL 67 HI 2007116101 77 66 .6 OPCT is PPFes v -1.03 TIC TEN .560 ZIL 45 15 I I 112 69 .60 POT 11 P2 Fs -. 6 TEC TEN .560* ALL 27 oi 9/03/016O R2s69 .65 PCT to P2 F6 -. 79 TEC TEN .6 TMALL 61 14 2 7/10101 f26 .49 S POT 11 Pt FOS -. 90 TEC TEN .60 ZALL 47 141 207110/01 02 69 .38 O6 VOL 4 Fes -. 43 FOS FeS . ZPIR 191 "1 3 70 .36 PCT 7 P&P FO 1.84 TEC TEN .50 IMLL 63 Of 509/03/01 36 70 .26 0 PCT 4 P FIG 1.68 TIC TEN .560 TA.L 611I 52007110/01 36 70 .36 76 1I6 0 TIN 11.*0 TIC TER .560 ZMALL 47 145 2007/10191 36 10 .15 0 PCT a P2 Fo0 1.11 TIC TEN .560 ZWALL 47 "1 107 70 .33 0 PCT 7 P Foe 1.66 TEC TEN ,O6 NUALL 27 NJ 20091/03/01 107 70 NOW TIC TEN .560 ZMALL 63 H4 2007/20/01 107 76 .63 62 NO 6 01l1 20.70 TIC TIN .660 ZOALL 61 "1 I I 106 72 .36 0 PC? 7 P2 F03 -. TEC TEN .660 11iALL 29 14 52iM0103/01 106 72 .20 0 P5 r 3 PS F03 -. 46 TEC TER .O40 TBALL 61 5I 207/10/01 416 72 .1 S PCT 6 P2 F$3 -. 39 TIC TEN .660 Z3ML 63 14
- .............4...*oo................................................. ..... ................. +
5 INSPOATI ROW COL VOLTS 0ES INO P1R CNN LOCN INCHI INCH USST ENOT POIA PTYPE CAL LI ..... . . ........ #......... ................. ...... .... + ........................ ................ ................. I ST Nex
36 - C Fen Bar Moor Indleatione with History Braldwood I A1I16 cm Rou"I $41281112. 11:04:13 I 11iPATE *
*.......... ROlN . COL. . ........VOLTS *,.666( ............. RID P63 "OW ....* LOOlN -4 .. ......... 16l011 4.......... IRONI! 660 *....4'..... ENDT * ......PORA 4* .....
PTVPI 4.... CAl.
--- L**L.I 74 76 .27 09 O 6 P F06 -1.66 TICTEN .6N IALL 13 HJ I
26M/0311 74 76 MOD TIC TIN .Of TMALL 61 HI I87/11/01 74 75 NWO TEC TEN .6500 ZLL 41 of I I too 76 .28
- Pa 6 PC89 -1.3? TM TEN .I0 NUALL is IN I266/31O1 1"6 75 MD TIC TEN .9660 hALL 69 HN M07110/1 166 76 NoD TIC TEN .500 MALL 41 NJ I I 107 76 .10 0 Pet 4 P2 Fis -1.35 Tee TEN .0S0 MALL 23 NJ 2661*1/o1o 107 76 No TIC TEN .566 TUALL 67 "I I2671101/1 107 76 no0 TIC TEN .66 zmLL 63 NI 67 78 .6 PO T 7 PC8 t .76 TICTEN .50 IALL a6s I 120000/3101 67 76 .6 S PCT 6 PC96 Fos TIC TEN .506 TOLL. 49 14 2007/161010 57 78 .33 0 POT 9 9C2p66 .94 TICTIM .56SALL u9 f 63 76 .19 SPCT 2M6/03/O0 a3 76 .23 0 POT 6
6l P 9196m FO
-.07 -. 44 TEO TEN TIC TEN .5WISALL .Bob TUALL 25" 49 1I 4 PCT 12W141I02 93 78 .24 S 7 P8 FOG -.71 -. 44 ME TEN TIC TEN .5604 .f ALL TIL*L 39 aO N 1#I MDN,.,.I a 79 .,a PC 14 P FOG M7/019~l So of 78 7" .77 .73 .POT . M 14*2*Fe ,4 P, FOS 1.1.
1.39 TICTEN TIC TIE" ..56 O WlALL ALL 373 HI HI 13 M71/1 05,0/ oU 71 79 .JS
.. 7 a0 PCT VO 14 ,, FOG V4 P9 ,1.21 1.71 FOG TIC FOS TIN .020 .M60 TML ZU.M 1,1 4 Of Nj I26S7/1S/,1 6676 .73 @90? N.o 41,90 1 TEITC N .Tam ALL 37 H 6716T/Ol . 7 .70 OSVOL 94i6 1.21 ,sW FTi .,40 z & 121 NJ O 4 .31 o I P Fe7 .4 TIC YEN .6 f"L is "I ZMIO10 107 4 NOD .4TEN TIC .0S SBALL 57 1H 2067/10/01l 9if 0l4 "N.. Tif Tim .so na.I 63 "1 M0903/01 101 04 ho TIC TEN .6A TIAL 67 H I 67110/1 1061N on TIC TIC TEN ME .600 .60 211.ALL MMAL 33 is NI "l
lot 4 .43 0 PCT 0 P2 FS? .45 9e0 a4 .33 S P P2 FOG .1.6 ITO TEN .5S6 AW L 16 "1 IM/103101 676 34 #00 TIC TIM .60e MAL L 67 "I i7/10101 97 6 .Ca s TIe TEN .669 iALLt 33 01 91 64 .43
- PCT 6 P9 F9 I.6 TIC TEN .MS W ALL 1i NJ nI6/06391 971 64 M TeC T A
.TO TULL 67 NJ 086711O01 67 a0. TIC TIN .540 ZtALL 33 NJ 97l a .13 S PCT 4 P Fos6 1.73C e TaN .6 WNALL 1i N M9103101 07110101 111 Ill So PO NmO OD1 TL TIC TEN TIM .-680 WW mtll BALL 67 63 N NJ 79 94 .63 0 PCT iT P4 Fe -1.1.86C TIM .5 USALL 9 "1 2M/63/01 71
- 94 .4 PCT 9 ps Fee -1.18 TEC TEN .66 TUALL 46 Nj 2667/10/ 14 7/ .42 O PCT 9 PC Fes -. TIC TEN .660 DALL 31 01 I NMATE O1 OOL VOLTS DSIEG600 11 M LMS HT TiCHN .E6*T OIA C7 L
.. --.. ........ +" -....... ...... 4 Tubesi 89 Recordos 96 8 ST Nax
88 - 0 Fen l.r Weer Indications with History Breidwood 1 AlfRle WC 8610401 041*6/R162 1144:13 I INPOATIA 001 C OLtS DIG Ii1 2ND 4em LOCW 211CI I 0113 10=?T END? ODIA PTYPE CAL LI
........... + ............... ... ............. *.... ...................... ... *.# .... + .... ......
104 63 .33 4 Pet S Ps F5 1.17 TC TEN .0 NMILL 17149 N29163191 104 53 amO TEC TEN A.ft ZSALL 36 NI S26/7,10/1 1"4 53 I INM TIC TEH .5" MALL 43 Of I 6667 .11 6 PC 3 026 F1S 1.8 TEC TEN .on W6ALL 17 "1 IM0163/01 W6 57 NW TEC TEN .66 ZMLL 36 NI I26010141 so 6? N TEC TEN .An OALL 3SIN so6 6? .40 .4 M 11 02 F0 1.65 TEC TEN Aft NALL 23 NJ I N9103/01 U6 67 NWO TIC TEN .66 ZUALL 41 "1 2"47/141011 as 67 No TEC T11 .6t 24ALL 63 HI S1" 67 .L 0 OCT 6 pt P" 1.76 TO TIN .A"6I&LL63 2 J I M860/3/01 160 67 No TiC TEN .Au 21MAL 41 NJ 4117l001 1to 67 MO TIC TEO ,600 Z6 tL 53 NI es 66 .37 60 60 2Pa F#7 1.43 TIC TEN .6" 0 L 2314 61663181 06 68 RIM TIC TEO .666 D L 43 I1 MI 71101#1 6 46 No TIC TSN .666 WALL 66 N 6 a08 .41 S PCT 1t 01067 1.-4 70 TO MO WSALL 83 01 t,66/63/01 01666 weO TKC TEN .501 ZWALL 43 NI IET26/1661L 6 66 aI0w TIC TIM .6 SUMl. 6B HI f6 66 60 P4at 11 0t067 -1.16 TEC TEN MS nutLL 26 "1 61/03/01 86 Of I=7 TEC TEN .56ON .L 47 H1 I17/3101 as a 66o TIC TlEO .6e WALL 66 NI a56 .45 000CT to " Fl .53 11071WN .66515MML to1NJ 12666,0s51 966" I .4 SPCT 602Pt 6 .47 TEC TIN .50 ZSALL 47 "1 I so 6 47/101 .10 4 t2oOB1 5 -f.5F TIC TEN .m6 AIL 56 "I 18667/16/1 so a .$1 0 FOT 60806Fe .47 WICTEN Aff SMAL 56 "1 I1 6 70 .3 61001130I 065 -1.22 TIC .TI6IM ALL Is "I S 11103/411 01 70 no T0C TEN .66 MALL 45 "I I 2671/61 61 76 um TiC Till .566 ZDALL 67 "1I I 65 76 .76 46 T161 "2 O -1.16 TIC TEN .6WM LL 26 11 I6l6661 40 76 .6 6 OCT 1s PR F0o -1.64 110 Til .66 2*L 46 NI MI71111141 0 70 .2 INm 1to 0a8 -1.29 TOC TEN .W663BALL 67 "I 06 67 a1 to p Feel 1.43 .5" 0WL 67 I .0 M7/10111 TEITN "1 I 53 70 ." 6OCT11 is " F -1.0 TIC TEN .5" 64BALL 2 fit M 5/03101 93 76 No T TCTN .6 ZUMLL 46 "1 M7211661401 03 70 in TC TEN .60 ULL 57 "I I I 72 71 .30 OCT #6 8F66 .96 TI TEN ..5" WALL 93 NJ 261/03101 72 71 .3 2 IOCT I PR 0 .99 TIC T1H .VON 41.ZLL 409 N I6 7a1s111 72 71 .61 to s f0ee -..a 101 TEC .Aft ZALL 57 NI 1260110/14 s 7871 .46 a POT? P 08Fe O .1 TICT .T6N M Zl.L 67 #II I 07 77 .85 0 mT 7 pt Fl0 .3 T1C TIM .6501 MALL 23 23 f I I666/03/61 97 71 16S TIc TEN .66 2BALL 47 1I M6711611 67 72 WDO TC TIN .AM5 ML so "61I1 I 17 74 .47 OOCT is 26 F -. 72 TEC TE .50 MML 26s N 12666/0316 17 74 .36 01P PT I" U -. 67 11 T4H 1 .66Me LUL 40a N 6716/10t 97 74 .4 SPT S1 P2 m -. 69 TI TEN .50 n L 57 NJ I I 1477 .256 PCT 7 2P2 O -. I66 T TETH .OfMALL 27 HI 12 1451/311 10477 .42 01 W 7 126F6S -1.660 TIC TEN .60 zlm3L 53 HI 87/61/11 PCI 7 TIC TIN .561 MALL 69 5 I 104 77 I .37 08 F06 -1.6 I 36 13U .So 0 CT 90P0 F0o 1.36 10 TEN .5" 3A1LL 49 Oi 21800/03141 3 136 .44 PCT a Pt Fo6 1.63 T0 TIN .5661.1AL 97 NI 1 I267/10161 36136 .33 01 r 6 Ps F*06 1.1 TIC TEN .60 20A1L 8O "I .... .... ..... ......... # o+*............ IN14T8 am CO0 rVOLTS 16 1N 1IO U N LOON 2144 11142 OUT 110OT POIA PTYPE CAL LI
.... . ........... 0....... ................ ...... --
Tubes: 16 Records: 61 1 OT Max
pdsLm NW Atagu.gS
86 - A Lattice Grid Wear Indicstioo8 with History firsidwood I AIRIV Oct 26120 04128/2612 11:1#227
-#..... ...... * +.... .... .... 4 .... *# .... + .... o4--1*-0.... ........... .... +' °° ........ ° . . ......... * ° I INSATE RON COL VOLTS 016 IND 1 CNN LOWK zIMi ICut2 *E6T OIOW POIA P*MlP CAL LI .......... o.. o .. ....- ... ... .. . .. +. .. .... .. . . . ............. 6. o.....
78 10 ,20 CT 6 Pa ON .34 TEC TER .SU NAL 6514w 240W/03/91 72 19 .17
- my 4 P2 s .34 TIC TEN .50) TIALL 47 HI 200711001 72 81 .17 0 9P 4 P2 061 .48 TIC TEN .M6 2 ALL 97 NJ I I 30 70 .43 0 OC 6 Pa Sim -1.26 TIC TIN .660 SOUL 73 Of 21600103161* 39 70 .47 0 POCT 11 Pa Sim -1.61 TIC TEN .MO Z5LL 7 "I 207110101 30 70 .36 a0 1 P1 Si -1.-6 TIC TrEN .6606*88L 47 "1 118 71 .26 0 Pat P2 1IC .11 TOCT .5" N0ALL 17 N4I 2800103101 118 71 .16 0 PCT 6 P2 siC .91 TO TIN .50 ZSAILL 9 1 IWOi/83101 116 71 .2s UIVML P4 0si .67 fie tic .660NPhM 38 l 2071/1011 11i 71 No TEC TM .660 8BALL 46 NI I I 75 1W .15 9 PCT 2 P8 07H -1.6,3 T7C TEN . n W ALL 9 "1 200910310 75 IN .13 0 PcT 4 P2 0711 -1.60 TI TEN .0 ZIMLL 117 "1 266/603/01 78 166 .14 7. VOL P4 07H -1.06 071 0W7 .6MH wwPS it0s I aIm7/191O1 75 Iss NW0 TEC TEN .U6S ZWALL 17 "I
+ . ...... ........ ..... - ....
.... ... ........ ........ +.........*....... + *.
Tubes: 4 Pecords: 14
£ ST Max
SO - 8 Lattice Grid Moer Inctroation$ with History Iraldwood 1 MASIS C" 2S12ml 04/28/2012 11:10:27 4-............ *.... 4-.... *- ......... -. .. , . . . . .... *.....-.. -... ... ......... *..... .. .. .... 0....... 4...-.. #--.+ IMSPDATE RON*4...... I4-................ cOL **........* VOLT$ 0age+ ....IN 4.....PER Ci LOON* ......... ICI1 4"......... INCI= *. KBT EDT
. . - *4 POIA .......PTYPE
- CAL +---*
LI I 47 24 .23 OPPT 3 PZ so -1.-6 TEO5 TER .5 IWALL 11 "i I 209103101 47 24 .28 POT 3 Pf ON -*1.U TIC TEN .6W ZMLL 13 Hi 22W7I101411 47 24 RO TIEC TEH .540 hDALL 11 HI I 207/10101 47 24 Alm TIC TEN .50 MALL 21 Hi I 207/10101 47 24 .11 0 POT 3 Pt 0H -1.53 TIC TER .60 ZMALL 27 HI II I 110 70 .-
- PCT 9 P2a o 1.12 TeC TEN usIMALL 71 H I 2M1/i301 11 7M ON TIC TEN .60 TIULL 61 H I 2SP710/, 110 70 NOW TEC TEN .A" ZmALL 53 H II I 0 107 .46 POT 7 P2 07" .67 TEC TE -SO NALL 3 NH IZN I3101 0 107 *0 OPT 7 P2 071 .67 TOC TO -NO MALL 67 14 I 200/7 01 it? .69 SPCT 10 P2071 .57 TEC TIM AMZMALL 7 NHJ
- 4 .-.-.-.-- -........ -..-. * ---.--..-................ ,..- ..................... .... # ...... ...... 4...,
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Tubes: 3 Records: 11 I ST Max
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