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E-mail, SG Program (TSTF-449) LAR
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/2006
From: Vincent D
Nuclear Management Co
To: Mahesh Chawla
Download: ML062830022 (14)


From: "Vincent, Dale M." <>

To: "Chawla, Mahesh" <>

Date: 10/04/2006 8:49:13 PM


Prairie Island Responses to SG Program (TSTF-449)

LAR Mac, attached are draft responses to the second round of RAIs on the SG Program (TSTF-449)

LAR. Please pass these on to your SG reviewers and let me know if this addresses the questions.

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Creation Date From: Created By: Prairie Island Responses to SG Program (TSTF-449)

LAR 10/04/2006 9:29:43 AM"Vincent, Dale M." <> Recipients OWGWPOO3.HQGWDO01 MLC (Mahesh Chawla)Post Office OWGWPOO3.HQGWDOO1 Files MESSAGE TEXT.htm Index to Changes.doc RAI responses 10-4-06.pdf Mime.822 Options Expiration Date: Priority: ReplyRequested:

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Security: Route Size 192 1693 40448 1134311 1611670 None Standard No None No Standard Date & Time 10/04/2006 9:29:43 AM Junk Mail Handling Evaluation Results Message is eligible for Junk Mail handling This message was not classified as Junk Mail Junk Mail settings when this message was delivered Junk Mail handling disabled by User Junk Mail handling disabled by Administrator Junk List is not enabled Junk Mail using personal address books is not enabled Block List is not enabled Index to Changes Additions shown in bold double underline, deletions shown in shaded strikethrough.

Note, bold removed from additions provided in Supplement 1 and shaded strikethrough wording in Supplement 1 has been deleted.Question Location of changes 1 5.5.8.b.1 (page 5.0-14)Page B 3.4.19-2 Page B 3.4.19-3 2 5.5.8.b.1 (page 5.0-13)3 5.5.8.b.2 (page 5.0-14)Page B 3.4.14-2 (2 places)._ _ Page B 3.4.19-2 4 5.5.8.c.2 (page 5.0-14)5 5.5.8.c.2(a)(1) (page 5.0-20)6 5.5.8.c.2(a)(2) (page 5.0-20)5.5.8.c.2(a)(3) (page 5.0-20)7 5.5.8.c.2(b) (page 5.0-20)8 5.5.8.c.2(b)(1) (page 5.0-20)5.5.8.c.2(b)(2) (page 5.0-21)5.5.8.c.2(c)(1) (page 5.0-21)5.5.8.c.2(c)(2) (page 5.0-21)5.6.7.a.10 (page 5.0-40)9 5.5.8.d (page 5.0-26)10 5.5.8.d.3(a) (page 5.0-27)5.5.8.d.3(d) (page 5.0-28)11 5.5.8.d.3(a) (page 5.0-27)5.5.8.d.3(c) (page 5.0-28)12 5.5.8.d.3(b) (page 5.0-27)5.5.8.d.3(c) (page 5.0-28)5.6.7.b (page 5.0-40)13 5.5.8.f.2(b) (page 5.0-28)14 5.6.7.b.2 (page 5.0-40)5.6.7.b.3 (page 5.0-40)5.6.7.b.4 (page 5.0-41)15 To be discussed 16 Page B 3.4.19-3 Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals (continued) 5.5.8 Steam Generator (SG) Tubec Surveillance m A Steam GeneratorProgram shall be established andinmplcmnntd to.ensure that SG tujh integritjs maintained.

In addition, the Steam 3encratarPro.gram shall include. the Jb. oqingproisIons.

a. Provisions for condition monitoring assessm..ents.

Condition mon itoring assessment means an..evaluation of the..'_as found" condition ofte tubi with respe thpertonance criteria for structural integrity and accident induced leakage. The "as found" condition refers to the condition of the tubing during an SG nspection detennined frQ o en(servieinspection .results or by. other mean pnor to the gn g or repair oftuhes_ _ooniti nionQnit g assessments shall be_conductedd ujnepac.h o-utageduring-whicbtbh SGtubQesarcj toconfirm th-otrhc performance criteria are being met.b, Performance criteria for SG tube integrity.

SG tube integrity shaIl be meetinghej.ero.rmane criteria for tube structural integ1rityacciddent inducedIeakage,_and opcrationa LEAKAGE.1. St~rpurai nt~erityLgrformance criterion:

All in-service steam generator tubes shall retain structural inte ry over the full range oDfinvo~rm..alo~p~r~ating conditions (includingta~r~tupopeatonin the power range, hot standyand cool down and allanticipated transients included in the desiign_ speceification) and desigon basis Sc-cidentsTh-is-inchides

_..r-e aining".nsu atyvfactro-f3_,0a gairst burst under norm alsteadystate fu!_powcroperptonjrpriar-_o-secondaryprqessure differential and, except for flaws addressed through application of the alternate repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8.c.2(c).

a safety factor of 1.4 againstburst applied to the design basis accident pri nary-to-secondary p r~ss~ r~ dife ren Amat-1from addition.,_aoadin.gcondti ons associated witl dsgn basis accidents, or combination of accidents in. c Zo.rdance with the design-nd!Jimcnsing bgasis.shallalso be cyauatedtodeteQrmine if the~asasociated loads contribute s ificantlyto burst or comlalase.

In-theassessment of tube inLeogrityi,,_those loads that do Prairie Island Unit I -Amendment No. 4-59 Units I and 2 5.0-13 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 significantly affect burst or collapse shall be determined and assessed in combination with the loads due to_pressure with a safety factor of 1.2 on the combined primary loads and 1.0 on axial secondary loads. For Unit 2. when alternate repair criteria discuss ad jnSpecification 5.5.8.c.2(c) arepplied to t6'-" be ar6loft'j.


.... +1-- 1.....iifr1hflyaNialxp oricntcd outside diameter stress corrosion cracking indications at the tubes__upport plate locations 4 theqprbability that one or nre of these indications inan__SG will burst under postulated main steam line break conditions shall be less than iiiiiffainine b...w. EA02in "6co4dance witfi'Ae regiiirpmT Ot 2_Accident -in du ced ! e akagepflerformance criterion-TJveprimary to 5econdary accident induced leab rate forar_ nbnai accident.

other than a SO unthe leakage rate assumed in the accidaentanalysis in terms of total eLeak,_aqe rate for all SGs and leaka rate for an individual SG.For Unitleakagejsoqt to eLxceed l!gpmper SG. For Unit 2,!eakagfrmall sourees. exclu~dingt helk age- attributcdtothe degradation.associatedvwith implcmentaipn.oafthe, voltýage-based repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8.c.2(c).

is not to.exceed I m per SG.3. The operational LEAKAGE performance criterion is specified in LCQO3 4,1RS Oprational LEAKAGE," c. Proyisio~ns, foArS erue irecpriteria:

Unit I steam generator tubes founhy~binservieinspection to contain flaws with adep.thequgal to or exceeding 40% of the nominal tube wall thickness shall be pjugged.2 Unit 2 steam generator tubes found by inservice inspection to contain flaws shall be dispositioned as follows: fo]&*ngcrteia hal e ~igd 64ri-eaircd.(a) Depth Based Criteria: Steam generator-tubes in each unit shall be determined OPERABLE by the Prairie Island Unit 1 -Amendment No. 4-58 Units I and 2 5.0-14 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5. Pro ,,,,n ,

n.. 5..lSea Gnraor SC;)oTube byinsericln~e isPreeratmoncntaininbafawdi (f)eee d reinswihae-pth equal depth at cr-beyong which the tube shall be removed from seorice by plgi repaired by, sleeving because it may beome inse'riceathru p~rio to the next inspection and is (I) Ttib=jun f y nrvic inspection containi~~

flawý in a non-sleeved reiomn wyith a-depl equal to or exceedling 50%of the nominal tube wall thickness-shall be phtgggd-or repaired except if permitted to remain in servicegthrouph application of the voltage-based repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8.c.2(c).

If significant general tube thinning occurs, this er.iteriawill-beri~terion_is reduced to 40% wall penetration.

_21 I~bspfouindLb' cQntaining aflaw-4in The repaii limit .f. the pressure boundary region of any.-)sleeve.-f, rssr o ryLo f h iaj walin the s '&otbjonwth'epih'1'4alo o.. ........ ..... ,, "J ... ..-... ..1 .o .exceedingis 25% of the nominal sleeve wall thickness shall be plug"ed. This definition does not apply to tube support plate intesecttions for-which the voltage based repair criteria are being applied. Refer to Spe.ific.ation 5.5.8.d.4 for the repair limit applicable to these intersections.

(3) Tubes with a flaw in a sleeve to tube joint shall be plugged.(b)lThe following F* or EF* Alternate Repair Criteria may be applied as an alternative to the depth based criteria:

Ylaws (1) F* Crdtcrion:

Ifthe bottomnQ!thQ-jwpp.ermo.sthardrol I transition in the tiubesheetibelow the midplane of the itibesheet.

thenall flaws_- esocated below 1.07 inches Prairie Island Unit 1 -Amendment No. 8 Units 1 and 2 5.0-20 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 from the bottom of this uppermost hardroll transition (not in cluding geddy uncet _a ]maybe all owed to remain in service provided _te tube_ doesnot contain any flaws withinithis 1,07-inch span(not including eddy curreýnt unezr~tinty),_ThisJs,0_7-inch.span (not including ed dycuen.t mu.certa.ity_)

referred to as th F* _rcgion._

f flaws are conta-ined within theF* rregionthe-tube shalbe pl gge!d or repaired.(2) EF* Crite riopn: I.f_ the bottom of the u -pernmo~st hardroll transi~tionin__the tubeseetisabove the midplane of the tubes-heetb.ut at least_2.0 inches below the t-opfthe secon-daryfacýýo tthe tu hesheet tthhen all flaws ee located-belowv.1.67 inchesfr~om-the bottonm-o f he tran.siJtion._(n ot incl. ttding eddv current uncertainty) may be allowe-d to remain in servic provided the tube does not contain any flaws within this 1.67-inch an not includjngddy current uncertainty).

This 1.67-inch span (not includingeddycurrent uncertainty) is referred toas the EF* region. If flawsare ccrntained within the EF* regi-o, the tubjeshal lbe.plugged or.repaire~d._

Lc) -The following Alternate Tube Support Plate Vol -Based Repair Criteria may be applied as an alternative to the depth based criteria:

Forregions of the tube affected b_predominately axial] oriented outside diameter stress corrosion cracking-poni ned.yithnthethicknessof.

tube 5vpprtlates the -lw ggigorrepairhiti!sjasfotllows:

(1) If the bobbin -voitagejass~ciated with the indiha Jion degirad4tiste-.lss_!an o~requt-nhZ2-jVolts,Ahle indication deg~adti6-jisallowed to remain in service.(2)Ifthe bobbin voltageiss-o.peiate d with heindicgation greater than_,ZOofts, the Jtube.shall.bhe pjugge~dorr-epairedeupnesssAhtholtage islejssthan or equal to the upper voltaRerepr air limit (calculated accordin_

to the methodologyznL 95-05 as suppenmen edand a rotating-p-ancake coil (or comparable examination echnique)_does no detect a iha-flaw.

lnhis atter case 4 the indication faW-may reimnai service.Q( 3).fan-unscheduled mid-gycle jn septionis-perform Prairie Island Unit 1 -Amendment No. 4-5-8 Units 1 and 2 5.0-21 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 Programs and Manuals 5.5.8 Steam Generator (SG) Tube Surveillance Program (continued)

CL = cycle length (time between two scheduled steam generator inspections)

VSL structural limit voltage Gr = average growth rate per cycle length NDE = 95 percent cumulative probability allowance for nondestructive examination uncertainty (i.e., a value of 20 percent has been approved by the NRC)Implementation of these mid-cycle repair limits should follow the same approach as described in Specifications 5.5.8x,2iPUC~d.,(a),


Note: The upper voltage repair limit is calculated according to the methodology in QIL 95-05 as supplemented.

d. Provisions for SG tube inspections.

Periodic SG tube inspections shall-e-performed.

The number and portions tfuhettbes inspected and methods of inspection shall be performed with theobjective f d(eiciing-f!_aws-ofny tivie~g.;,_v al and.circtun ferentialcracks) that alongthe ien th ofthe t ubp from mthe tube-to-tubesheet welIdjat the tube inlet to the tubte-to-tubesheet weld-at ,thetube outlcl, and-that-inay)sýatiLsfy-ýh eapnplicable tube repair criteria, In tubes repaired by sleeying, the portionofthe original tube wall between the sleeve's joints is not anLarea requiring re-inspection, The tube-to-tubjesheet weld is not part- he tube, ln.additkr!o neo..eeingthej requirenmen~tSo1f__dA_,_d.2_.3 and dA bI o,.hens~p~

e nscpen. ispcionmme~thods

__n~dninsp ection in tervalsshbat llb_¢_such to ensuretha SGtthe~ntegrityismantained untiL he. ncxSG iospection, An assessment of degradation shalLbe performed to determine the type and loc~aiin of flaws to which the Prairie Island Unit I -Amendment No. 4-5-Units 1 and 2 5.0-26 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 tubes may be susceptible and based on this assessment, to determine which ianection methods need to be emploved and at what locations.

1,Inspect 100% of the tubes in eachSG duridnghe first refueling at ig"ae following__SG replacement.

2. For UJ.nit 1Ss_ insgct 1_0. 0_o.f the tubes at-sequenitial .pgeriods of'.44 108472 and. thereafter._60 effective fullpower months.ThIie first__sequentialperiod shall be considered to begin after the first inservel_.nsp-vctioinof theSs. In adoditif-nirnspe5

_f the tubes b iyhe refuelin taenearest the midpoint ofthe p-r-d-and-h-e.-r~em-,ai~n-.i~ng5 end ofthe-period.

NQ.SG-sha!Loperiate formore than 72 cffectiy efull.v. ppwr months oQr three refuel i ngoutagcs (whichever is less) without beinginspected.

3. For Unit2_SGs inspect 100% of the tubes atse quential periods of 60 effective full power months. The first sequeitial period shall be considerel to begin__ateir the first inservice insiection o-f the s_._NoSG_ .shallopcrate m ore... than 24 vr monaths or onere.fue!in g outagc-xv__hichevcr is less) without_being inspected.(a). During each Unit 2 SG pjeriodic L, insectionjall tubdes within that SG which h-aqveN.adAhejEY!

or E_* criteria applied will inspted in the F* and EF*regi ons of the roll!expanded

_in.,_The nof these t ubhe s,.e!kov _th~eF*_an~dE*reions b~ ~! ~Jr the-inspgection requirements, _1nessdai_1l__p th u esv has been installed, (b). Implementation of the SG tube alternate repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8.c2(c).l,.4

.,." plate ýia,px;,, :o n..... .........-.-

q....a 100 erc~ent bob~bin c~oil in sp~cti onSor~h otleg.._an dco! d_!eg .tub.cs~upp oi _p!at e intersections down to the lowest cold leg tube s11Dport plate with known outside diameter stress corrosion cracking (ODSCC) indicalions.

The determination of th- lowest cnod legube s ppor plate intersections having ODSCC~~uof aikast a ha.!! be b~asjezd onrhL Cr~onpansge of a-t le (~a Prairie Island Unit I -Amendment No. 4-58 Units I and 2 5.0-27 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Programs and Manuals 5.5 20 percent random sampg of tubes inspected over their fulllJIgiL (c). SG tube indications left in service as a result of application of the alternate repair criteria discussed in Specification shall b!e i nsp~t~e~byhey jbobJ noi !probe durin a ! future periodic inspections-ief,ý " "g'e (d). When the F* or EF* methodology has been implemented.

inspect 100% of the inservice tubes in the non-sleeved tubesheet region with the objective of detecting flaws that maysatisfy the applicable tube repair criteria of Specification 5,5.8.c.2(b).

4. If crack indicatio-n-s are found in any SG tube. then the next inspecton for each SG for the degradation mechanism that caused the crack indication shall not exceed 24 effective full power months onre_ -re definitive information.

such as fromeuxamination ofa.pullled tube,_diagn-gstic non-_destrtctiv.etosting -Q ner pg evaluation indicatesthat a crack-like indication is not as soiad with a crack(s), then the indication need not be treated as a_cr~ack.e. PrQfvisions-fLor onitorming.operatiQnailpirimaroy_!,LEAKAGE.

f,.Projisions for SG tuberepajr t t generator e mtehodIssha!Lrprovi de the means to reestablish the Cspure boundajy integrity of SG tubes withoput removing the tube from scrviee.

F__o-r theQpumrposes of -thes-eSpgeificat.ons,_tube plug.g i 'snot a, re-pair. Al!__acg-~etptabe tuberep-air methods are listcd-below.

L There-arcn noappro~vedS.G-ubeyrepair methods for the Unit1 SGis.2. F.or WUn2,_th_

l ig are a _nvTed repair methods: (a)._Alloy 690 tungsten inertgas welded sleeves in accordance with CEN-629-P.

Revision 03-P_"Repair oWestin h use Series 44_a.n~d51 Ste~atn3egnerya torT~ubes~s UingLeak T~ight_Sle~eye~s"_.

Prairie Island Unit 1*- Amendment No. 4-58 Units 1 and 2 5.0-28 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 449 Reporting Requirements 5.6 8, The effective plugginaPercentage for all _lugaing and tube repairs in 9. Rep_air and the number of tubes repaired by each rmp=_etb_od,,ar~d

10. The results of inspections perlormed under Specification fraltbstahayvef a ewis6ýelow th~eF_* r_EF*_distance,_and werenotplugged.,The rcportshall include:_a) nE.*tubpes*

8nd b) lcation-ancndx:LentLof d~egr~a~dati on_b..5. For implementation of the alternate repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5,8,c2(c) vlae ae ae~gitr-64ia to tube support plate intersections, notify the NRC staff prior to returning the steam generators to service should any of the following conditions arise: distribution exceeds the leak limit (determ-ined from the licensing-ba-s-iss-tdese--ea leulafioen.

for the postulated main...a.....e break) for the next operating eyec-le7 l2b. If circumferential crack-like indications are detected at the tube support plate intersections., 2-3e.If indications are identified that extend beyond the confines of the tube support plate, or-_34d. If indications are identified at the tube support plate elevations that are attributable to primary water stress corrosion cracking,tand Prairie Island Unit I -Amendment No. 15 -162 4-68 Units I and 2 5.0-40Unit 2 -Amendment No. 4-49 4-53 4-58 Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.7 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report (continued)

Ic. f tecalcuated co-ndiinlbrt rbblt bsd h p~srojced end of cyo,*!(or if nta,-eaizrbtidaluiexthee sctEua2 measured-n-f4 e EM Report When a report is required by Condition C or I of LCO 3.3.3, "Event Monitoring (EM) Instrumentation," a report shall be submitted within the following 14 days. The report shall outline the preplanned alternate method of monitoring, the cause of the inoperability, and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrumentation channels of the Function to OPERABLE status.5.6.8 Prairie Island Units I and 2 Unit 1 -Amendment No. 158 162 163 4-68 Unit 2 -Amendment No. 149-153-454 448 5.0-41 RCS Operational LEAKAGE B 3.4.14 BASES APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES Except for primary to secondary LEAKAGE, the safety analyses do not address operational LEAKAGE. However, other operational LEAKAGE is related to the safety analyses for LOCA; the amount of leakage can affect the probability of such an event. The safety analysis for an event resulting in steam discharge to the atmosphere assumes theotalprimary to s ndar LEAKAGE is I galonpr minutefrom the faulted SG or is assumed to.increase to__!ga!._er minute as a rcsult of accident induccd conditionjs.plus_!5Q gallons dr aday from the intactS. When the alternate

_re criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8.c.2fe)Iare lemented for Unit 2_onyh sanfe ayasisassumes the leakagej iom the faultedJS_._


d l minte._ban actor_!alt..tern.em perLat-urQeo if5_7_8_(, Primary to secondary LEAKAGE is a factor in the dose releases outside containment resulting from a steam line break (SLB)accident.

To a lesser extent, other accidents or transients involve secondary steam release to the atmosphere, such as a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR). The leakage contaminates the secondary fluid.The USAR (Ref. 2) analysis for SGTR assumes the plant has been operating with a 5 gpm primary to secondary leak rate for a period of time sufficient to establish radionuclide equilibrium in the secondary loop. Following the tube rupture, the initial primary to secondary LEAKAGE fetyialysisassumpioqnis relatively inconsequential when compared to the mass transfer through the ruptured tube.The SLB is more limiting for site radiation releases.

The safety analysis for the SLB accident assumes the total primary to secondary LEAKAG! -is I gallonpr minute fromithe dtdS___oris-assurmed to increase to 1 2allonper minute as a result of accident induced conditions pulusL5_0gallonUs per-ayfrom the intact SG. When Ahe alternatie_4gebae repair criteria discussed in Specification 5,5.8.e,2(cj) a-re i e me ented for-Unitsaet a assumes the leakage .orqjhisjepair method-vil!_belinmited to 1_.42 g&. n.per minute (based on a reactor coolant system temperaturo__f 5_7_8.. The dose consequences resulting from the SLB accident are Prairie Island Units I and 2 Unit 1 -RevisonAmenment-N 5 B 3.4.14-2 Unit 2 -R,,,^is.o-!'.mendm.ent No. 1419

_S_1TubeJnt qegrit 13 -- J 9 I3ASES_BACKGROUQJIJND

....There ar~chMtre_SGpcrftrrnance criteria .-stlrvituraint1jegnty, (contined_)

accident indtced leakag_.adqiperationaI LEAKAGE. The SG perhrmance criteraar~edescribed in Specification 5.5.8. Meeting r ia p~rkide s re a so nab~e~as suranc~e__of mainl[aJ ni ng. t ntbe~ii n t eg r c~id~e~n t.¢o~nd~i.tio nis_The p rocessesius~edto..m~c~tjhe SG~p_¢r~forman cc cfiterijaarce~efinc~dh. ete am__Ge ncrat o~trfrogram_huid elin es_(ge f, 1., AP]I JLCABLE The steam eble.patureST.R_)_agcidedsn e lir SA1FIY design-.basissoevent for SG tubes andvaynidinpuS_3 is-the-basis ANALYSES for this Spsgei~cation.

Thenajysis~xfiiSGTRcventasunesj ou n adngprLEArKoon da ryLE A KA atgr~ca a Ih ) he peati(_na LEAKA.GE rate limits in LCO 3A4.,_ _CSQp.erationa!

!LEAKAGE, 1_p]us thej!eak age ratea s s ociate~d wvi~th a .do ub b-e:nd ed rplture of The, acident an-alysisfor a SMAR._ss ues the contaminatesdecodaD'fuidis relea dA to the anobhere via urpi."I:he__anI!

3begAir asi s _ c _i~de t s~an~d~tan.s~i~en t~s~otbheiAh SWYIR asRumcthc SGtubes retain their structuta1intcgrity!(,ejhey rejassumed-noIt optmu re_)_lt!eseana!yse

,!tea .discirgc Lo-b heat__sp!heresisd-on the total nrim O .egon darv LEAKAGE of I gllon per minute fronl!tefTulted S.G or is as-sume~d-t-oiner-casej~oA-gallon per miniiu--_,Ais_-,-irjesult-Lo-_,ccid-ent j n d Lcndcmd" ns-p-crudayAtrm the intacSG.Vhebn th ld-r__gepiir criteria disssed in Specification 5.5.8.c2(c) are Implementedfor Unit_2.(ohly),_the,th _hglca k age frgmm.tAh e~fapuIted.

SDi_ sJ im i tedt o.1.42 allons perminuleasI on a reacgrcolnt system temnerature

_f578 1F). When alternate repair criteria discussed in Specification 5.5.8,c.2(c) arc applied to axially oriented outside diameter stress corrosion cracking indications probability that one or more of thes indications in an SG wvill bf Priri_ Island i Iniiq 1 ~nnr 9..A 4 41 -9 Unit I -Revision I Wti 2 -Revi-,inn I Injiq I anti SG Tubeintegrity B 3.4.19 burst under postulated main steam line break _conditions shall be less thanmifi.M...-dbelw I E,02 in acoer-dance with 'the requirment m fNC~e~i etr(L 50 BASES APPLICABLE__

Fo-r-acc-id-ents that do not involve fuel damage ath-pi-na -coolant SAFETY .......__a- _tii l fD)QSE .EQU VALENT 1.3_1_i wresumed tobe ehquaI NALYS ES to or greater than the LCO 3.4.17,'RCSSpecific Activity,"limits.


For e-pr.lmary--coolant activity is.a function o the amountof activity released from the damae futjel..he dTos e.*onsequences of these events are within the limits of_GDC 10 CFýR.W 10 Ref.3 3_or_fi_thN!C__approved i.c.n..sigbasis(e.,g.,,.as~mall fraction of these limits).Stearmgencratorjtubeintegitv satisfies Criterion 2 of 10 CFR.50.36002Xii1 LCO The LCO mquiresthat SG tube intebrite be maintained.

The LCO also eqLires that all SG tubes that satisfy the renair criteria be plugged or _repnared inaccordance with the Steam Generator Program.Du~rinan .i spqeWoayj ins pe-teQ.ueAhat eSleam Qeneragtorfrgrqnrepair criteria is re aired or removed from service by pluine. If a ttiube was determined to satisf.y therepair criteria but wasnot-pugged or repairedhe t_ may stil have tube irnitegrdity

_.In the context f this Specification,_an SG tube is defined as the entirecleýngth_oft he.tubeencludingthe tube wal andany_ repair_mnade to i between the tube-to-tubesheet weldd at the tube inlet and the tube-to-tubesheet weld _atthe tube outlet. The tube-to-tubesheet weld is not considered .par of the tube, nor is the region of tube below the F* and EF* reginldita

_s. nor the portion of the tube between sleeve joints.Prairie Island _andUnit I -Revision Units 1 and 2 B 3.4,19-3 Unit 2 -Revision