L-2007-112, License Amendment Request No. 178, Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy - Implementation Schedule, Clarification of Prior Response and Camera-Ready Pages

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License Amendment Request No. 178, Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy - Implementation Schedule, Clarification of Prior Response and Camera-Ready Pages
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/17/2007
From: Jefferson W
Florida Power & Light Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML072080469 (22)


Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant 9760 S.W. 344 St.0 Florida City, FL 33035 FPL 10 CFR 50.90 L-2007-112 July 17, 2007 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 License Amendment Request No. 178 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy -Implementation Schedule, Clarification of Prior Response and Camera-Ready Pages


1) Florida Power and Light Company Letter L-2005-247, dated January 27, 2006, License Amendment Request No. 178, Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy 2) Florida Power and Light Company Letter L-2007-079, dated April 30, 2007, License Amendment Request No. 178: Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Remedy, Response to NRC Request for Additional Information In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.90, Florida Power and Light Company (FPL)requested in Reference 1 that Appendix A of Facility Operating Licenses DPR-31 and DPR-41 for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4, respectively, be amended to incorporate changes to the Technical Specifications (TS). TS Sections 3/4.9.1-Boron Concentration, 3/4.9.14 -Spent Fuel Storage, and 5.5.1 -Criticality, would be revised to include new spent fuel storage patterns and the use of MetamicTM rack inserts. The referenced license amendment request indicated that an implementation schedule would need to be established at the time of amendment issuance.

FPL provided additional information in Reference 2 in response to an NRC staff request. The purpose of this letter is to document FPL's intended implementation schedule, to provide a clarification of information provided in Reference 2, and to provide the revised (camera-ready)

TS pages for the license amendment.

As regards the implementation schedule, FPL will complete the implementation of the Boraflexremedy license amendment for both the Turkey Point Unit 3 and Unit 4 spent fuel pools prior to the end of Unit 4 Cycle 24.On May 10, 2007, representatives of FPL discussed with the NRC staff a clarification of a statement made in FPL's request for additional information response (Reference 2). On page 7 of the response, FPL provided acceptance criteria for neutron attenuation testing of MetamicTM neutron poison material intended for use in the spent fuel pools (Reference 1). The NRC staff sought clarification of the statement regarding "significant decreases in areal density." The paragraph below addresses the clarification.

During the teleconference, FPL defined "a significant decrease in areal density" as any unexpected decrease in areal density from the as-fabricated condition outside the statistical Scof an FPL Group company Florida Power and Light Company Letter L-2007-112 Page 2 of 2 inaccuracies of the testing methodology.

If testing identifies a significant decrease in areal density, it would be identified within the Corrective Action Program resulting in specific analyses to determine the cause and to understand the boron depletion mechanism.

FPL will establish the as-fabricated condition by using the fabricatiofi features, qualification and acceptance testing values for the boron areal density provided by the manufacturer.

The manufacturer provides a guaranteed minimum value or a given value with a confidence range.FPL will review the fabrication qualification and acceptance test data to determine whether the value provided is acceptable for pre-characterization.

If this value is determined not to be acceptable, FPL may decide to perform neutron attenuation testing of a coupon prior to.installation of the MetamicTM inserts to establish a baseline.The revised camera-ready TS pages are attached.The original No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination remains valid considering the information provided herein and no revision of the requested TS changes is involved.In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), a copy of this letter is being forwarded to the State Designee for the State of Florida.Should there be any questions, please contact James Connolly at 305-246-6632.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.ZVer tuyy xecutedn William Je Vice President Turkey Point Nuclear Plant


Camera-Ready TS Pages cc: Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, USNRC, Turkey Point Plant Florida Department of Health Attachment Florida Power & Light Company License Amendment Request No. 178 Boraflex Remedy L-2007-112 Revised Camera-Ready Technical Specification Pages Index Pages: xiii and xiv Section 3/4.9 Pages: 3/4 9-1 and 3/4 9-15 Section 5.5 Pages: 5-5 through 5-19 INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION ISOLATION SYSTEM ................................

3/4 9-10 3/4.9.10 W ATER LEVEL -REACTOR VESSEL .........................................................

3/4 9-11 3/4.9.11 W ATER LEVEL -STORAGE POOL .............................................................

3/4 9-12 3/4.9.12 HANDLING OF SPENT FUEL CASK ............................................................

3/4 9-13 3/4.9.13 RAD IATIO N M O NITO R ING ..........................................................................

3/4 9-14 3/4.9.14 SPENT FUEL STO RAG E .............................................................................

3/4 9-15 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 3/4.10.2 3/4.10.3 3/4.10.4 3/4.10.5 S H U T D O W N M A R G IN .................................................................................

GROUP HEIGHT, INSERTION, AND POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS .......P H Y S IC S T E S T S .........................................................................................(This specification number is not used) .........................................................

POSITION INDICATION SYSTEM -SHUTDOWN ........................................

3/4 10-1 3/4 10-2 3/4 10-3 3/4 10-4 3/4 10-5 TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 xiii AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 INDEX DESIGN FEATURES SECTION PAGE 5.1 SITE 5 .1.1 S IT E LO C A T IO N .........................................................................................................

5-1 5.2 CONTAINMENT 5.2 .1 C O N F IG U R A T IO N ......................................................................................................



5-1 5.3 REACTOR CORE ,5 .3 .1 FU E L A S S E M B LIE S ...................................................................................................

5-4 5.3.2 CO NTRO L RO D ASSEM BLIES ..................................................................................



5-4 5 .4 .2 V O L U M E .....................................................................................................................

5 -4 5.5 FUEL STORAGE 5 .5 .1 C R IT IC A L IT Y ..............................................................................................................

5-5 5 .5 .2 D R A IN A G E .................................................................................................................

5 -6 5 .5 .3 C A P A C IT Y ..................................................................................................................





5-13 FIGURE 5.5-1 ALLOWABLE REGION I STORAGE ARRAYS .............................................

5-14 FIGURE 5.5-2 ALLOWABLE REGION II STORAGE ARRAYS ............................................

5-15 FIGURE 5.5-3 ALLOWABLE INTERFACES BETWEEN REGION II- REGION I ARRAYS. 5-16 FIGURE 5.5-4 ALLOWABLE REGION II STORAGE ADJACENT TO SPENT FUEL PIT W A L L S .........................................................................................................

5 -1 7 5.6 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT ..........................................................

5-18 TABLE 5.6-1 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS .........................................

5-19 TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 xiv AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 I:.~.1, *~'3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.1 BORON CONCENTRATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.1 The boron concentration of all filled portions of the Reactor Coolant System and the refueling canal shall be maintained uniform and sufficient to ensure that the more restrictive of the following reactivity conditions is met; either: a. A Keff of 0.95 or less, or b. A boron concentration of greater than or equal to 1950 ppm.APPLICABILITY:

MODE 6.*ACTION: With the requirements of the above specification not satisfied, immediately suspend all operations involving CORE ALTERATIONS or positive reactivity changes and initiate and continue boration at greater than or equal to 16 gpm of a solution containing greater than or.equal to 3.0 wt% (5245 ppm) boron or its equivalent until Keff is reduced to less than or equal to 0.95 or the boron concentration is restored to greater than or equal to 1950 ppm, whichever is the more restrictive.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The more restrictive of the above two reactivity conditions shall be determined prior to: a. Removing or unbolting the reactor vessel head, and b. Withdrawal of any full-length control rod in excess of 3 feet from its fully inserted position within the reactor vessel. The boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant System and the refueling canal shall be determined by chemical analysis at least once per 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Valves isolating unborated water sources**

shall be verified closed and secured in position by mechanical stops or by removal of air or electrical power at least once per 31 days.* The reactor shall be maintained in MODE 6 whenever fuel is in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned or with the head removed.** The primary water supply to the boric acid blender may be opened under administrative controls for makeup.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 3/4 9-1 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.14 SPENT FUEL STORAGE LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.9.14 The following conditions shall apply to spent fuel storage: a. The minimum boron concentration in the Spent Fuel Pit shall be 1950 ppm.b. The combination of initial enrichment, burnup, and cooling time of each fuel assembly stored in the Spent Fuel Pit shall be in accordance with Specification 5.5.1.APPLICABILITY:

At all times when fuel is stored in the Spent Fuel Pit.ACTION: a. With boron concentration in the Spent Fuel Pit less than 1950 ppm, suspend movement of spent fuel in the Spent Fuel Pit and initiate action to restore boron concentration to 1950 ppm or greater.b. With condition b not satisfied, suspend movement of additional fuel assemblies into the Spent Fuel Pit and restore the spent fuel storage configuration to within the specified conditions.

c. The provisions of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable.

SURVEI LLANCE REQUIREMENTS The boron concentration of the Spent Fuel Pit shall be verified to be 1950 ppm or greater at least once per month. A representative sample of inservice Metamic inserts shall be visually inspected in accordance with the Metamic Surveillance Program described in UFSAR Section 16.2. The surveillance program ensures that the performance requirements of Metamic are met over the surveillance interval.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 3/4 9-15 TAMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 DESIGN FEATURES 5.5 FUEL STORAGE 5.5.1 CRITICALITY The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with: a. A keff less than 1.0 when flooded with unborated water, which includes an allowance for biases and uncertainties as described in UFSAR Chapter 9.b. A keff less than or equal to 0.95 when flooded with water borated to 650 ppm, which includes an allowance for biases and uncertainties as described in UFSAR Chapter 9.c. A nominal 10.6 inch center-to-center distance for Region I and 9.0 inch center-to-center distance for Region II for the two region spent fuel pool storage racks. A nominal 10.1 inch center-to-center distance in the east-west direction and a nominal 10.7 inch center-to-center distance in the north-south direction for the Region I cask area storage rack.d. A maximum enrichment loading for fuel assemblies of 4.5 weight percent of U-235.e. No restriction on storage of fresh or irradiated fuel assemblies in the cask area storage rack.f. Fresh or irradiated fuel assemblies not stored in the cask area storage rack shall be stored in accordance with Specification or configurations that have been shown to comply with Specification 5.5.1. la and 5.5.1.lb using the NRC approved methodology in UFSAR Chapter The racks for new fuel storage are designed to store fuel in a safe subcritical array and shall be maintained with: a. A nominal 21 inch center-to-center spacing to assure keff equal to or less than 0.98 for optimum moderation conditions and equal to or less than 0.95 for fully flooded conditions.

b. Fuel assemblies placed in the New Fuel Storage Area shall contain no more than 4.5 weight percent of U-235.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 &-4 5-5 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 DESIGN FEATURES Credit for burnup and cooling time is taken in determining acceptable placement locations for spent fuel in the two-region spent fuel racks. Fresh or irradiated fuel assemblies shall be stored in compliance with the following:
a. Any 2x2 array of Region I storage cells containing fuel shall comply with the storage patterns in Figure 5.5-1 and the requirements of Table 5.5-1 and 5.5-2, as applicable.

The reactivity rank of fuel assemblies in the 2x2 array (rank determined using Table 5.5-3) shall be equal to or less than that shown for the 2x2 array.b. Any 2x2 array of Region II storage cells containing fuel shall: i. Comply with the storage patterns in Figure 5.5-2 and the requirements of Table 5.5-1 and 5.5-2, as applicable.

The reactivity rank of fuel assemblies in the 2x2 array (rank determined using Table 5.5-3) shall be equal to or less than that shown for the 2x2 array, ii. Have the same directional orientation for Metamic inserts in a contiguous group of 2x2 arrays where Metamic inserts are required, iii. Comply with the requirements of for cells adjacent to Region I racks, and iv. Comply with the requirements of for cells adjacent to the spent fuel pit walls.c. Any 2x2 array of Region II storage cells that interface with Region I shall comply With the rules of Figure 5.5-3. Arrays II-E and Il-F may interface with Region I without special restriction.

d. Any 2x2 array of Region II storage cells may adjoin a row of assemblies with a reactivity rank of 112 (or lower) that is located in the outer row adjacent to the spent fuel pit wall. The outer row of reactivity rank 11-2 (or lower) fuel assemblies need not contain any Metamic inserts or full length RCCAs, as long as the following additional requirements are met: i. Fuel is loaded to comply with the allowable storage patterns defined in Figure 5.5-4, and ii. Arrays II-E and Il-F are loaded without any additional restriction on that 2x2 array. Arrays II-E and II-F do not have empty cells, Metamic inserts, or RCCAs that restrict the interface with the adjoining reactivity rank 11-2 (or lower) fuel assemblies.

DRAINAGE 5.5.2 The spent fuel storage pit is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pool below a level of 6 feet above the fuel assemblies in the storage racks.CAPACITY 5.5.3 The spent fuel pool storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 1404 fuel assemblies in two region storage racks, and the cask area storage rack is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 131 fuel assemblies.

The total spent fuel pool storage capacity is limited to no more than 1535. fuel assemblies.


--i C m Table 5.5-1 Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note 1 for use of Table 5.5-1 Fuel Blanketed Fuel Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients 1 Minimum Burnup 1 (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment 2 Cooling A B C D E F G Timen3 2.5 w% 3.0 w% 3.3 w% 4.0 w% 4.5 w%1_14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-2 18.8602 -1.090486 0.266387 -0.00474496

-0.158563 0.00314739

-30.1637 0 10.17 16.60 20.20 27.83 32.62 2.5 9.87 16.11 19.59 26.96 31.57 5 9.60 15.67 19.06 26.19 30.62 10 9.18 14.98 18.20 24.94 29.10 15 8.92 14.52 17.62 24.08 28.04 20 8.82 14.30 17.32 23.61 27.45 l-1. 16.2639 -0.712257 0.175883 -0.00399237

-0.166686 0.00370969

-19.5118 0 16.70 22.87 26.40 34.15 39.25 2.5 16.13 22.10 25.52 32.99 37.90 5 15.62 21.43 24.74 31.96 36.70 10 14.82 20.34 23.49 30.32 34.78 15 14.27 19.61 22.65 29.23 33.50 1 20 13.99 19.24 22.22 28.67 32.85 11-2 14.4600 -0.372732 0.132275 -0.00617104

-0.187813 0.00526411

-12.8293 0 20.99 27.20 30.83 39.05 44.69 2.5 20.19 26.18 29.68 37.59 43.02 5 19.48 25.28 28.67 36.32 41.57 10 18.32 23.85 27.07 34.35 39.32 1 15 17.50 22.89 26.04 33.11 37.94 20 17.04 22.42 25.56 32.62 37.44 11-3 15.4624 -0.501267

-0.06553 0.00160009

-0.161078 0.00340497

-11.2483 0 24.27 30.63 34.32 42.58 48.18 2.5 23.17 29.33 32.91 40.90 46.31 5 22.19 28.18 31.65 39.41 44.65 10 20.60 26.32 29.63 37.00 41.97 15 19.53 25.05 28.25 35.36 40.13 20 18.96 24.38 27.51 34.47 39.14

--I C m 0 z C z 90 m z m z H z 0 N,)z 0 CD N.)IC)Table 5.5-1 (continued)

Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note 1 for use of Table 5.5-1 Fuel Blanketed Fuel Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients' Minimum Burnup 1 (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment2 A B C D E F G Cooinmg 2.5 w% 3.0 w% 3.3 w% 4.0 w% 4.5 w%_____ _ __ ____Time3 11-4 15.3172 -0.444842

-0.114363 0.00273060

-0.162664 0.00344467

-9.1868 0 26.33 32.76 36.52 44.96 50.73 2.5 25.09 31.34 34.98 43.16 48.73 5 24.00 30.08 33.61 41.55 46.96 10 22.25 28.04 31.41 38.97 44.09 15 21.06 26.67 29.92 37.20 42.14 20 20.44 25.94 29.13 36.27 41.10 11-5 15.1701 -0.387768

-0.163521 0.00394514

-0.164014 0.00345174

-7.1273 0 28.37 34.89 38.71 47.35 53.29 2.5 27.02 33.34 37.05 45.41 51.15_ 5 25.82 31.97 35.57 43.69 49.26 10 23.90 29.77 33.20 40.93 46.22 15 22.60 28.28 31.59 39.05 44.14 20 21.93 27.50 30.75 38.06 43.05 11-6 13.4516 -0.078364

-0.266734 0.00288411

-0.147006 0.00446530

-3.3460 0 29.79 36.30 40.19 49.21 55.60 2.5 28.30 34.64 38.42 47.20 53.42 5 26.97 33.17 36.87 45.45 51.53 10 24.86 30.85 34.43 42.73 48.61 15 23.44 29.35 32.88 41.05 46.85 20 22.73 28.66 32.20 40.41 46.23 11-7 13.7900 -0.086680

-0.355570 0.00574698

-0.145745 0.00426994

-2.0705 0 31.86 38.52 42.49 51.70 58.23 2.5 30.17 36.65 40.53 49.50 55.86 5 28.67 35.02 38.81 47.58 53.80 10 26.31 32.45 36.11 44.60 50.61 15 24.76 30.80 34.41 42.76 48.67 20 24.03 30.09 33.70 42.06 47.99 H-C m 0 Z CD.9, Table 5.5-1 (continued)

Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note I for use of Table 5.5-1 Fuel Blanketed Fuel Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients' Minimum Burnup 1 (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment 2 A B C D E F G Cooling 2.5 w% 3.0 w% 3.3 w% 4.0 w% 4.5 w%___ Time 11-8 14.1212 -0.094016

-0.448138 0.00877894

-0.143511 0.00402944

-0.7808 0 33.93 40.74 44.80 54.20 60.86 2.5 32.04 38.67 42.63 51.80 58.29 5 30.37 36.86 40.74 49.71 56.06 10 27.75 34.04 37.79 46.47 52.61 15 26.07 32.25 35.94 44.47 50.51 20 25.34 31.51 35.19 43.71 49.75 (0 Notes 1. All relevant uncertainties are explicitly included in the criticality analysis.

For instance, no additional allowance for burnup uncertainty is required.

For a fuel assembly to meet the requirements of a Fuel Category, the assembly burnup must exceed the "minimum burnup" given in the table for the assembly "cooling time" and "initial enrichment." Alternatively, the specific minimum burnup required for each fuel assembly may be calculated from the following equation:

Bu = A x En + B x En2 + C x Ct + D x Ct 2+ E x Ct x En + F x Ct 2 x En + G. Only cooling times of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years may be used in this equation.

Actual cooling time (Ct) is rounded down to the nearest value.2. Nominal central zone U-235 enrichment:

Axial blanket material is not considered when determining enrichment.

3. Cooling time in years.4. Fresh unburned fuel up to 4.5 w% U-235 enrichment:

No burnup is required.m z M m 0 CA)z 0 M 0 z z C)z 03 z 0 z 0 (D)Table 5.5-2 Non-Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note 1 for use of Table 5.5-2 Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients 1 Minimum Burnup 1 (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment 2 A B C D E F G Cooling 1.8 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Time 3 w% w% w% w% w%I-1' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-2 18.1371 -0.944126 0.253120 -0.00553408

-0.151450 0.00334051

-29.3574 0 0.23 10.08 16.56 22.56 28.08 2.5 0.18 9.79 16.08 21.90 27.25 5 0.14 9.53 15.66 21.33 26.52 10 0.08 9.11 14.99 20.40 25.34 15 0.05 8.84 14.55 19.79 24.56 20 0.03 8.70 14.33 19.48 24.16 I1-1 11.9800 0.158287 0.237665 -0.00688305

-0.192273 0.00492032

-14.2029 0 7.87 16.74 23.16 29.67 36.25 2.5 7.62 16.16 22.36 28.64 35.00 5 7.38 15.66 21.66 27.75 33.91 10 6.99 14.85 20.56 26.35 32.22 15 6.69 14.31 19.85 25.46 31.16 20 6.49 14.04 19.53 25.10 30.74 11-2 11.8419 0.287918 0.113820 -0.00527641

-0.175033 0.00507248

-9.9305 0 12.32 21.47 28.19 35.04 42.04 2.5 11.84 20.71 27.22 33.87 40.67 5 11.41 20.04 26.38 32.86 39.49 10 10.69 18.98 25.07 31.30 37.68 15 10.17 18.28 24.25 30.37 36.63 1 20 9.83 17.96 23.94 30.06 36.32 11-3 12.6055 0.361578 -0.075193 0.00118870

-0.152297 0.00386780

-8.6212 0 15.24 25.15 32.45 39.93 47.59 2.5 14.42 24.08 31.20 38.50 45.98 5 13.70 23.14 30.11 37.25 44.58 10 12.56 21.68 28.41 35.32 42.41 15 11.83 20.76 27.35 34.12 41.07 20 11.51 20.38 26.92 33.65 40.56

--i C m 0 z z CD, 90 z 0 z-i z 0 z 0)Table 5.5-2 (continued)

Non-Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note 1 for use of Table 5.5-2 Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients 1 Minimum Burnup' (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment 2 A B C D E F G Cooling 1.8 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Time 3 w% w% w% w% w%11-4 12.6130 0.436168 -0.128105 0.00275389

-0.151579 0.00377707

-7.0392 0 17.08 27.22 34.73 42.45 50.39 2.5 16.13 26.03 33.36 40.90 48.67 5 15.31 24.99 32.16 39.56 47.17 10 14.02 23.37 30.31 37.46 44.83 15 13.21 22.36 29.15 36.16 43.39 20 12.88 21.96 28.70 35.67 42.85 11-5 12.6086 0.517311 -0.185177 0.00442008

-0.150482 0.00367344

-5.3438 0 19.03 29.41 37.14 45.12 53.37 2.5 17.96 28.09 35.64 43.45 51.52 5 17.02 26.94 34.34 42.00 49.91 10 15.57 25.16 32.32 39.73 47.41 15 14.67 24.05 31.06 38.33 45.86 20 14.32 23.62 30.58 37.80 45.27 11-6 17.1055 -0.116940 0.024104 -0.00410005

-0.262366 0.00761230

-10.7361 0 19.67 31.30 39.53 47.70 55.81 2.5 18.61 29.81 37.74 45.61 53.42 5 17.67 28.51 36.18 43.79 51.35 10 16.15 26.47 33.77 41.01 48.20 15 15.11 25.18 32.30 39.36 46.36 20 14.55 24.63 31.76 38.83 45.85 11-7 17.5099 -0.130912

-0.143634 0.00199657

-0.235656 0.00625103

-9.1041 0 21.99 33.85 42.25 50.58 58.84 2.5 20.65 32.13 40.25 48.31 56.29 5 19.48 30.63 38.51 46.33 54.08 10 17.64 28.29 35.82 43.28 50.68 15 16.45 26.83 34.16 41.42 48.62 20 15.93 26.25 33.54 40.76 47.92 Table 5.5-2 (continued)

Non-Blanketed Fuel -Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Burnup (Bu) as a Function of Enrichment (En) and Cooling Time (Ct)See note 1 for use of Table 5.5-2 Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Non-Blanketed Fuel Category Storage Curve Coefficients' Minimum Burnup' (GWd/MTU) for Initial Enrichment2 A B C D E F G Cooling 1.8 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 A Time 3 w% w% w% w% w%11-8 17.9109 -0.143928

-0.308137 0.00796481

-0.209912 0.00492410

-7.4704 0 24.30 36.41 44.97 53.45 61.87 2.5 22.69 34.45 42.76 51.01 59.17-5 21.29 32.75 40.85 48.87 56.82 10 19.13 30.11 37.86 45.55 53.16 1 15 17.80 28.48 36.01 43.48 50.88 1 20 17.31 27.86 35.30 42.68 49.98 Notes 1. All relevant uncertainties are explicitly included in the criticality analysis.

Forfinstance, no additional allowance for burnup uncertainty is required.

For a fuel assembly to meet the requirements of a Fuel Category, the assembly burnup must exceed the "minimum burnup" given in the table for the assembly "cooling time" and "initial enrichment." Alternatively, the specific minimum burnup required for each fuel assembly may be calculated from the following equation:

Bu = A x En + B x En2 + C x Ct + D x Ct 2+ E x Ct x En + F x Ct2 x En + G. Only cooling times of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years may be used in this equation.

Actual cooling time (Ct) is rounded down to the nearest value.m z 0 z--z 0 C-z 0 N)N)CJo 2. Nominal U-235 enrichment.

3. Cooling time in years.4. Fresh unirradiated fuel up to 4.5 w% U-235 enrichment:

No burnup is required.

Table 5.5-3 Fuel Cateaories Ranked by Reactivity' Fuel Category Region I Region II I-1 I1-1 1-2 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 Notes 1. Reactivity Rank: Fuel Category is ranked in decreasing order of reactivity, e.g. 11-2 is less reactive than I1-1, etc.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-13 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 IREGURE 5.5-ALLOWABLE REGION I STORAGE ARRAYS DEFINITION 1'4 ILLUSTRATION 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 Array I-A Checkerboard pattern of Category I-1 assemblies and empty (water filled) cells.Array I-B Category 1-2 assembly in every cell.LI~J bjj~J Array I-C Category I-1 assemblies and Category 1-2 assemblies:

Each Category I-1 assembly shall have a full length RCCA in the assembly.

The number of Category I-1 assemblies with RCCAs in the assemblies is unrestricted.

Notes: 1. Fuel Categories are determined from Tables 5.5-1 and 5.5-2.rn[j~4jjJ L~4ThI-ij

[huh ~2. Shaded cells indicate the fuel assembly contains a full length RCCA.3. E indicates an empty (water filled) cell.4. Attributes for each 2x2 array are as stated in the definition.

Diagram is for illustrative purposes only.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-14 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 FIGURE 5.5-2 ALLOWABLE REGION II STORAGE ARRAYS DEFINITION

'4 ILLUSTRATION", 2 , 3 , 4 Array II-A Category I1-1 assembly in three of every four cells: One of every four cells is empty (water-filled).

Array Il-B Category 11-2 assembly in every cell: Two of every four cells contain a Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly).

Array II-C Checkerboard pattern of Category 11-3 and 11-5 assemblies:

One of every four cells contains a Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly).

Metamic inserts (or RCCAs) may be in either 11-3 or 11-5 cells.Array II-D Category 11-4 assembly in every cell: One of every four cells contains a Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly).

Array II-E Checkerboard pattern of Category 11-6 and 11-8 assemblies.

Array II-F Category 11-7 assembly in every cell.II-Z ~2 11-2 _Iý E2I~~11-2 Lj~I~2j 1-2 12 1-2 11-2 I.fi -1 1. 1. l Notes: 1. Fuel Categories are determined from Tables 5.5-1 and 5.5-2.2. Shaded cells indicate either a Metamic insert in the cell or the fuel assembly contains a full length RCCA.3. E indicates an empty (water filled) cell.4. Attributes for each 2x2 array are as stated in the definition.

Diagram is for illustrative purposes only.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-15 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 FIGURE 5.5-3 ALLOWABLE INTERFACEs:BETWEEN REGION ILEL,'REGION I ARRAYS DEFINITION 1 , 4 ILLUSTRATION' 2 ,3,4, 5 For Array Il-A, the empty cell shall be in the row adjacent to the Region I Rack.For Array Il-B, the reactivity rank of assemblies adjacent to the Region I rack shall be reduced from a rank of 11-2 to a reactivity rank of 11-4 or lower. The Array Il-B pattern shall have the required Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly) placed in the row adjacent to the Region I rack.For Arrays Il-C and II-D, the Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly) shall be placed in the row adjacent to the Region I rack.Region I Rack 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 I-2 -2 1-2 1-2 11-1 E 11-1 E t1-1 11-1 I 11 I1 Array Il-A Region I Rack Region I Rack Region I Rack 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 114 11 1- 11-4 11-4. 11-4 i~i:;l-4 11-4li~i Array Il-B Array Il-B Array Il-B Region I Rack Region I Rack Region I Rack 1-2 1-2 1-2 -2 3-2 1-2 1-2 I 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1I-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 11-3 H-5 11-3 1__I __ 11-5 11-5 ,3 11-4 f 411- 11-4 11-4 11-5 11-3 11-5 11-3 11-3 11-5 11-3 11-5 11-4 11-4 11-4 11-4 Array Il-C Array Il-C Array 11-D Notes: 1. Fuel Categories are determined from Tables 5.5-1 and 5.5-2.2. Shaded cells indicate either a Metamic insert in the cell or the fuel assembly contains a full length RCCA.3. E indicates an empty (water filled) cell.4. Attributes for each 2x2 array are as stated in the definition.

Diagram is for illustrative purposes only.5. Region I Array 1-2 is depicted as the example; however, any Region I array is equally representative.

TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-16 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 FIGURE 5.5-4 ALLOWABLE REGION II STORAGE ADJACENT TO SPENT FUEL PIT WALLS DEFINITION 1'4 iLLUSTRATION 1'2,3'4 An assembly of rank 11-2 placed in the* peripheral row of a Region II storage rack shall not be adjacent to a Region I storage rack..11-2 11-2 11-2 11-3 11-3 1il-3 11-5 11-5jjl311-5 11-3 Region 2 (Array Il-C)1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 Region I (Array I-B)1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 For Array Il-A, the empty cell in the 2x2 Il-A array shall be adjacent to the peripheral row that contains the category 11-2 assembly(s).

For Array Il-A only, the peripheral row may contain category I1-1 assemblies as the outer two rows will comply with Array Il-A requirements.

11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 A1-1 E a 1-1 E 11-1 11-1 11-1 I1-1_ArraylI1-A Array1-1 E Arrayl11-A For Array Il-B, the Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly)shall be adjacent to the peripheral row that contains the category 11-2 assembly(s).

11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 Array Il-B Ar-2 1Il-B A 1I-2 li-B l-Array 11-B Array II-13 Array 11-B For ArrayslI-C and 11-D, the Metamic insert (or full length RCCA in the assembly) shall be adjacent to the peripheral row that contains the category 11-2 assembly(s).

11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11ý-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-2 11-5 11- 11-5 I13 1- 11-3 11, 3 1- 14 11- 11-4~II-3 Ar-5 Il-3 Ar-5r Il-3 Arr5 ay-4 11-4 II-4 II-4 Array 11-C Array 11-C Array 11-D Notes: 1. Fuel Categories are determined from Tables 5.5-1 and 5.5-2.2. Shaded cells indicate either a Metamic insert in the cell or the fuel assembly contains a full length RCCA.3. E indicates an empty (water filled) cell.4. Attributes for each 2x2 array are as stated in the definition.

Diagram is for illustrative purposes only.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-17 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229 DESIGN FEATURES 5.6 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT 5.6.1 The components identified in Table 5.6-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.6-1.TURKEY POINT -UNITS 3 & 4 5-18 AMENDMENT NOS. 234 AND 229

--H C;rn m 0 z Z-4i Cn z--4 TABLE 5.6-1 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS COMPONENT Reactor Coolant System C,'CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT 200 heatup cycles at < 100°F/h and 200 cooldown cycles at< 100°F/h.200 pressurizer cooldown cycles at < 200°F/h: 80 loss of load cycles, without immediate Turbine or Reactor trip.40 cycles of loss-of-offsite A.C. electrical power.80 cycles of loss of flow in one reactor coolant loop.400 Reactor trip cycles.150 leak tests.5 hydrostatic pressure tests.6 loss of secondary pressure 50 leak tests 35 hydrostatic pressure tests.DESIGN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT Heatup cycle -Tavg from < 200'F to > 5500F.Cooldown cycle -Tavg from > 550'F to < 200 0 F.Pressurizer cooldown cycle temperatures from > 650 0 F to < 200 0 F.> 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER to 0% of RATED THERMAL POWER.Loss-of-offsite A.C. electrical ESF Electrical System.Loss of only one reactor coolant pump.100% to 0% of RATED THERMAL POWER.Pressurized to _ 2435 psig.Pressurized to > 3100 psig.Loss of Secondary pressure Pressurized to _ 1085 psig Pressurized to > 1356 psig.m Z m z 0 CA)N)Secondary Coolant System