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Final Report for the 40th Year (10th Period) Tendon Surveillance at Three Mile Island, Unit 1
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Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/17/2014
From: Makinson A M, Maldonado D G, Schafer D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML14189A283 List:
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0 PAGE: i PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 ENGINEERING REPORT DOCUMENT COVER SHEET DOCUMENT TITLE: Final Report for the 4 0 TH Year (1 0 th Period) Tendon Surveillance at Three Mile Island Unit I PSC ENGINEERING AND CLIENT REVIEW NAME ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE DATE PREPARED BY: David Maldonado 71 04/07/14 VERIFED BY: David Schafer, P.E. 04/07/14 APPROVED BY: Andrew Makinson, P.E. 04/07/14 CLIENT APPROVAL: Note: This document is applicable for the 4 0 th Year, 1 0 th Period, IWL Tendon Surveillance at TMI Unit 1.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: ii PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 RECORD OF REVISIONS REV.NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 0 04/07/14 INITIAL ISSUE* 4 4 4 j 4- *4- 4 1- 4 v 10+ 4+ 4+ 4 Note: Significant changes are briefly described in this table.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: iii PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI Cl51I -ANCE DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 ABSTRACT....... .. ...: .: : : , .. .... .... .... .. ...... ......, ..... ..............The purpose of this report is to present the results of the 2013 Three Mile Island Unit 1 -4 0 TH Year (1 0 th Period) In-Service Inspection on the containment structure post-tensioning system. The details of this investigation are discussed in the body of the report and a summary of the results are listed below:> Summary of Scope: 1. Acceptable corrosion levels were found on all selected tendon ends and no cracks were found on anchorage components, all of which were rated with a corrosion level A or B.2. No water was detected at any of the tendon ends during the 2013 tendon surveillance.

3. Nine (9) sheathing filler (grease) samples were found to have Neutralization Numbers (or base numbers) less than the lowest test limit value. The second sample for nine (9) tendon ends, plus one (1) additional sample, was sent for further testing. Three (3) of the second samples indicated a neutralization number of approximately zero; the remaining seven (7) had acid numbers between 0.530 and 2.64. The remaining sheathing filler sample analysis indicates results within the acceptance limits of Table IWL-2525-1.
4. The buttress 4 (shop) end of hoop tendon H24-15 was found to have two (2) protruding wires not previously reported (see NCR-NCR-N1091-001).

The bottom (field) end of vertical tendon V-136 was found to have one (1) missing wire not previously reported (see NCR-N1091-002).

No other protruding/missing wires were noted during the surveillance.

5. The south (shop) end of dome tendon D-143 and the buttress 1 (shop) end of hoop tendon H1 3-08 were found to have excessive shim gaps. These findings were recorded in NCR-N1091-004 and NCR-N1091-005, respectively, and submitted to TMI Engineering.

The buttress 4 (shop) end of tendon H24-22 was found with an excessive shim gap; the condition was corrected prior to resealing the tendon end.6. No recordable indications were noted during a detailed visual inspection performed within a 24" perimeter of concrete surrounding the bearing plate of each tendon end inspected.

7. No tendons were found to have liftoff values below 95% of their Predicted Forces.8. Vertical tendon V-1 36 was locked off at a force greater than 70% of GUTS. The final lock off force was equivalent to 72% GUTS for 167 effective wires (see NCR-N1091-003).

All other detensioned tendons were retensioned to acceptable forces, per IWL-2523.9. All elongation measurements were acceptable for tendons where elongation was measured during this surveillance.

10. All test wires removed and tested were found to have acceptable corrosion levels, diameter, yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation (see Appendix C).11. All inspected tendons were resealed and greased to acceptable levels.12. The hydraulic jacks used for tendon liftoffs were calibrated before and after the surveillance period and found to be within an acceptable variation of +/- 1.5% of GUTS.13. A comparison of the "As-Found" force levels to measured forces during original installation was performed, and no abnormal average force differences were observed.14. The Containment General Visual Examination was performed per PSC procedure SQ 8.4 and documented in Appendix J.> Summary of Final Report In summary of the Final Report for the 4 0 th Year Tendon Surveillance at Three Mile Island Unit 1, no abnormal degradation of the inspected post-tensioning systems have been recorded, identified, or presented within this document.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:



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ii ABSTRACT ......... .........iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..... ......................



1 Table 1-1: TMI Unit 1 -40TH Year Surveillance Original Scope 2 Table 1-2: TMI Unit 1 -4 0 TH Year Surveillance Augmented Scope 2 2.0 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES

...... 3 3..0 S H EATHING FILLE R, ANA.,ySIS


...._._ ._._.... 4 Table 3-1: SQ7.0 -Sheathing Filler Analysis -Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 5 Table 3-2: SQ7.0 -Sheathing Filler Analysis -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 6 Table 3-3: SQ7.0 -Sheathing Filler Analysis -Unit 1 Acid Test Results 6 4.0 VISUAL INSPECTIONS 7 Table 4-1: SQ6.0 -Grease Cap Removal -Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 8 Table 4-2: SQ6.0 -Grease Cap Removal -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 9 Table 4-3: SQ6.1 -Inspection for Water -Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 10 Table 4-4: SQ6.1 -Inspection for Water -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 10 Table 4-5: SQ8.0 -Buttonhead Count -Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 12 Table 4-6: SQ8.0 -Buttonhead Count -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 13 Table 4-7: SQ8.0 -Anchorage Corrosion Condition

-Unit I Original Scope Tendons 14 Table 4-8: SQ8.0- Anchorage Corrosion Condition

-Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 15 Table 4-9: SQ8.3 -Bearing Plate Concrete Inspection

-Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 17 Table 4-10: SQ8.3 -Bearing Plate Concrete Inspection

-Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 18 5.0 HYDRAULIC JACK CALIBRATIONS 19 6, M N IO R T E N D N, O R E .........................

.. ....... .........................

... ... .... ....... -_6.0 MONITOR TENDQN FORCE 20 Table 6-1: SQ9.0 -Monitoring Tendon Force -Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 21 Table 6-2: SQ9.0 -Monitoring Tendon Force -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 22 Table 6-3: SQ 11.0 -Tendon Restressing

-Unit 1 Original Scope 24 Table 6-4: 501 1.0 -Tendon Restressing

-Unit 1 Augmented Scope 26 7.0 COMPARISON WITH ORIGINAL INSTALLATION DATA 28 Table 7-1: Comparison with Installation Data -Unit 1 Original Installation Tendons 28 Table 7-2: Comparison with Installation Data -Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 28 8.0 WIRE INSPECTION AND WIRE TESTING 29 Table 8-1:5010.2

& SQ10.3 -Visual Inspection

& Tensile Testing of Wire -Unit 1 Original Scope 30 Table 8-2: SQ10.2 & SQ10.3-Visual Inspection

& Tensile Testing of Wire -Unit 1 Augmented Scope 30 9.0 TENDON RESEALING

_ ____31 9=,0. E N D Q N ,R E EA IN G....................




..... _ _ 131- -Table 9-1: SQ12.1 -Grease Loss vs. Grease Replacement-Unit 1 Original Scope Tendons 32 Table 9-2: SQ12.1 -Grease Loss vs. Grease Replacement

-Unit 1 Augmented Scope Tendons 33 10.0 CONTAINMENT SURFACE EVALUATION

... .34 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:



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35 APPENDICES Appendix A: Survellance Data Sheets Appendix B: Laboratory Analysis of Sheathing Filler Appendix C: Wire Sample Analysis Appendix D: Jack Calibrations Appendix E: PSC Surveillance Procedures Appendix F: Daily Gauge Calibration Records Appendix G: Correspondence Appendix H: Non-Conformance Reports Appendix I: Field Change Requests Appendix J: Containment General Visual Examination Appendix K: Grease Cap Inspection NO. OF PAGES 348 25 5 30 415 17 N/A 20 11 70 20 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:



This report details the 4 0 TH Year Three Mile Island (TMI) Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 containment structure post-tensioning system IWL Tendon Surveillance.

The surveillance program is a systematic means of assessing the quality and structural performance of the post-tensioning system.1.1 The tendon surveillance program consists of a periodic inspection of the condition of a selected group of tendons. This program provides confidence in the condition and functional capability of the system, and an opportunity for timely corrective measures if adverse conditions are detected.The 2013 tendon surveillance at the Three Mile Island Power Plant began on September 23, 2013 and was completed on December 7, 2013. This surveillance period consisted of a visual and physical inspection of the three tendon groups of Unit 1. A visual tendon surveillance consists of: sheathing filler inspection and testing, inspection for water, anchorage inspection, concrete inspection around tendons, general concrete inspection (VT-3C), and replacement of grease after completion of all inspections.

A physical tendon surveillance consists of a visual inspection, force monitoring, and testing of removed wire samples for detensioned tendons.1.2 The Three Mile Island Technical Specifications, PSC Surveillance Procedures, the Code of Federal Regulations 10 CFR 50.55a, and ASME Section Xl, Sub-Section IWL define the specific requirements for the selection of the inspection tendons as well as specific requirements and acceptance criteria for the performance of the inspection.

1.3 Twenty-one (21) tendons were selected for inspection during the 2013 tendon surveillance at Three Mile Island. Of these tendons, four (4) Unit 1 tendons were affected by Repair/Replacement activities, and the tendon examinations for the four (4) were performed in accordance with IWL 2521.2. The tendons which were affected by repair/replacement activities are termed "Augmented Scope Tendons".

The tendons unaffected by the repair/replacement activities are termed "Original Scope Tendons".

The tendon selection for the 2013 IWL Tendon Surveillance was performed by Exelon and provided to Precision Surveillance Corporation (PSC).1.3.1 One (1) tendon was added to the scope during the surveillance as a "Gasket Repair" tendon.This tendon is included in the group "Original Scope" tendons.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 2 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 DATE: /07114 I Table 1-1: TMI Unit I -4 0 TH Year Surveillance Original Scote I'







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0 PAGE: 3 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI 40 LARNCDESUVILAC A M DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 2.0 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURES Appendix E of this report contains the detailed procedures of the tendon surveillance conducted.

The surveillance procedural steps are summarized below: 2.1 Grease cap removal and visual examination of sheathing filler (grease).2.2 Analytical testing of sheathing filler (grease) samples and examination for the presence of water and analysis of water samples.2.3 Measurement of external threads for each tendon selected for liftoff testing.2.4 Inspection of the anchorage assembly of each surveillance tendon end for deleterious conditions such as corrosion, cracks, broken or missing wires or buttonheads.

2.5 Inspection of 24" of concrete surrounding each surveillance tendon bearing plate for any recordable indications.

2.6 Inspection of the tendon anchorage grease caps for all accessible ends.2.7 General visual inspection of the accessible exterior concrete surfaces of the containment building.2.8 Measurement of the liftoff force for each physical surveillance tendon.2.9 Detension of selected tendon for wire removal (if applicable).

2.10 Removal of test wire from designated physical surveillance tendon for examination and testing (if applicable).

2.11 Visual inspection for corrosion, pitting, or any significant physical change of the removed wires testing (if applicable).

2.12 Test of samples taken from wires removed from tendons for yield strength, ultimate strength, and percentage elongation at failure testing (if applicable).

2.13 Retension of de-tensioned tendons and measurement of the corresponding tendon elongation (if applicable).

2.14 Resealing of tendon caps and replacement of lost sheathing filler (grease).2.15 Evaluation of test and inspection results to assess the general condition of the post tensioning system.ip Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 4 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI i --DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04107/14 3.0 SHEATHING FILLER ANALYSIS Two samples of sheathing filler (grease) were removed from both ends (two samples taken at each end) of each surveillance tendon. Chemical tests were performed on a sample from each end by a testing firm. The results of the sheathing filler analysis are included in Appendix B.3.1 All grease samples sent for testing indicated results within the acceptance limits of Table IWL-2525-1.

The results of sample testing are included in the Table 3-1 and Table 3-2.3.2 Nine (9) of the original samples were found to have neutralization numbers (or base number) less than the minimum test limit value. Therefore, it is undeterminable whether the value is greater than 0, as required by Table IWL-2525-1.

Additionally, a second sample was sent for the field end of V-108 because the original sample neutralization number was near the reporting limit. In order to determine the neutralization number of these samples, the second samples collected for each respective tendon were sent to Suburban Laboratories, Inc. for testing.3.2.1 The second test for neutralization number was performed using the acid test, as outlined in ASTM D974. The results of the acid tests are included in Appendix B and summarized in Table 3- The results of the acid tests show three (3) of the second samples had neutralization numbers below the reporting limit. These findings assume the samples are neutral, or have a base number approximately equal to zero.3.2.3 The results of the acid tests show seven (7) of the samples had neutralization numbers (or acid numbers) between 0.530 and 2.64.Grease samples were collected from the selected tendon ends and sent to the laboratory for testing.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 5 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07114 Table 3-1: SQ7.0 -Sheathing Filler Analysis -Unit I Original Scope Tendons D-143 D-146 D-225 D-237 D-303 z~mor i ýi FIELD I E SHOP / S FIELD I E SHOP W FIELD E SHOP/ W FIELD I SE SHOP/N FIELD/ISE<U.5U<0.50 0.50 0.50<0.50<0.50&050<0.50 0.50<U.5U <U.0U<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<U. I u<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10 1.U2 1.02 2.08 1.90 38.4 38.1 2.06 34.6<0.500*1.04 H13-03 H1 3-08 H13-10 H24-15 H24-22 H24-47 H35-02 H62-26 SHOP/ BT 1 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP/ BT 1 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP / BT 1 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP/BT4 FIELD / BT 2 SHOPIBT4 FIELD / BT 2 SIHOP/IBT 4 FIELD I BT 2 SHOP/ BT 5 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP / BT 6 FIELD / BT 2 0.50 0.50 0.50 N/A<0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 N/A N/A 0.50 0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50 N/A N/A<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <8.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50 N/A N/A N/A N/A<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50 0.31<0.10<0.10 N/A 0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10 0.10<0.10 N/A N/A<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.500*<0.500*<0.500*N/A 1.98<0.500" 1.44 2.26<0.500*3.70 N/A N/A 2.72<0.500*42.1 47.9-' -V-32 V-84 V-108 V-159 SHOP/TOP FIELD I BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT<0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50 N/A N/A<0.50 <0,50<0.50 <0.50 0.50 <0.50<0.50 <0.50<0.50<0.50 N/A<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.10 0.20 N/A<0.10<0.10<0.10<0.10 0.19 53.1<0.500*N/A 1.61 26.9 0.520*26.3<0.500*0.50<0.50*See section 3.2.ACCEPTANCE LIMITS TEST LIMITS WATER SOLUBLE CHLORIDE 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUBLE NITRATES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUSE SULFIDES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER CONTENT 10% MAXIMUM NEURALIZATION NO. GREATER THAN 0.0 mg KOHtg Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 6 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40'h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04107/14 I Table 3-2: SQ7.0 -Sheathincq Filler Analysis -Unit I Auaqmented Scope Tendons H46-34 FIELD/BT4 HSHOP/ BT 1 FIELD/BT 5<ut) :U -<u1u <U.1U bb.4<0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1 <0.10 50.4<0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.10 46.6<0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0,10 48.2 S SHOP/TOP V-115 FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50<0.50 0.28<0.10<0.10 0.22 57.9 28.4 45.9 35.2 ACCEPTANCE LIMITS TEST LIMITS WATER SOLUBLE CHLORIDE 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUBLE NITRATES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUBE SULFIDES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER CONTENT 10% MAXIMUM NEURALIZATION NO. GREATER THAN 0.0 mg KOH/g Table 3-3: SQ7.0 -Sheathinci Filler Analysis -Unit I Acid Test Results S H13-03 SHOP /HT 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A <0.500t H1I3-03 FIELD / BT 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.530t HI13-08 SHOP/BT 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.06*H13-10 FIELD BT 3 N/A -~ N/A N/A N/A 0.530t H24-22 SHOP / BT 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A <0. 500t H35-02 FIELD / BT 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,06-V-32 FIE V-1 08 FIE V-159 jFIE t See section 3.2.2.f See section 3.2.3.LD /BOT LD /BOT LID /BOT N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 64 1 0,530t<0. 500t ACCEPTANCE LIMITS TEST LIMITS WATER SOLUBLE CHLORIDE 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUBLE NITRATES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER SOLUBE SULFIDES 10.0 (PPM) MAXIMUM WATER CONTENT 10% MAXIMUM NEURALIZATION NO GREATER THAN 0.0 mg KOHIg Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 11 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE l PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC.RCI N .DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 7)R THE 40h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14 4.0 VISUAL INSPECTIONS In the following discussion, all procedures referred to are included in Appendix E of this report and all completed data sheets are included in Appendix A.4.1 SQ6.0 -GREASE CAP REMOVAL 4.1.1 Inspection of the anchorage components began by removing the grease cap (PSC Procedure SQ6.0) of each surveillance tendon end. Acceptable grease coatings were found on all tendon ends inspected.

The grease coverage for each anchorage component is tabulated in the tables below.4.1.2 Throughout Table 4-1 through Table 4-2, "N/A" means inspections were not performed for that tendon end.r 0 F Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 12 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 8)R THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14 I Table 4-1: SQ6.0 -Grease Cap Removal -Unit I Original Scope Tendons SSHOP /S D-143 FIELD/ E SHOP/ S D-146 FIELD / E SHOP/W D-225 FIELD/ E SHOP/W D-237 FIELD /SE ISHOP / N D-303 FIELD / SE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I SHOP /BT 1 H 13-03 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP / BT 1 H13-08 FIELD/BT 3 SHOP/ BT 1 HI 3-10 FIELD BT 3 SHOP /BT 4 H24-15 FIELD/ BT 2 ISHOP/BT4 H24-22 FIELD /BT 2 SHOP /BT 4 H24-47 I FIELD / BT 2 SHOP/6T5 H35-02 FIELD / BT 3!SHOP/BT6 H62-26 FIELD / BT 2 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 NIA 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 0O0 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 m S SHOP /TOP V-32 FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP V-84 FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP V-108 FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP V-159 FIELD / BOT 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100 100 100 100 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 13 of 1008 PRECISIN LNC DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 9 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0"h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 in Table 4-2: SQ6.0 -Grease CaD Removal -Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons I H46-34 FIELD I BT 4 SHOP/ BT 1 H51 -40 lOO 100 100 100 lOU 100 100 100 lUO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 lOU 100 100 100 V-1 15 V-136 SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD/IBSOT 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1001010------------

lOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 p I0 I 9 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 14 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:


& TESTING Beginning with the grease cap removal and throughout the inspection process, the presence of water on any anchorage component is monitored.

Water Inspections are summarized in the tables below.Water was not detected at any tendon end during the surveillance.

Int Table 4-3 through Table 4-4, "N/A" means inspections were not performed for that tendon end.Table 4-3: SQ6.1 -Inspection for Water -Unit I Original Scope Tendons 4.2.1 bHUP /D-143 FIELD / E SHOP / S D-146......................

FIELD / E SHOP / W D-225 FIELD / E SHOP/W D-237 SO FIELD / SE SHOP/ N D-303 FIELD / SE SHOP/ BT 1 H13-03 FIELD/ BT 3 SHOP / BT 1 H13-08 SHOP/-T-FIELD / BT 3 ISHOP/ BT 1 H13-10 FIELD/ BT 3 SHOP/ BT 4 H24-15 FIELD / BT 2 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 H24-22 F /FIELD / BT 2 SHOP/BT45¶ FIELD/ BT 2 H35-02 FIELD / BT 3 SHOP/BT6 H62-26 FIELD /BT 2 V-2 SHOP /TOP FIELD / BOT V-84 FIELD /BOT 1 SHOP/TOP V-108 F"LO-BOT 1FIELD /BOT VSHOP/TOP I V-1 59 FIELD /BOT U 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 4-4: SQ6.1 -Inspection for Water -Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons S., a, SHOP/BT6 H46-34 FIELD I BT 4 0 0 0 0 SHOP/TOP V-115 FIELD / BOT 0 0 0 0 H51-40 SHOP / BT 1 FIELD / BT 5 V-136 SHOP/TOP FIELD / BOT Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 15 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FO DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 11)R THE 40 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14 I 4.3 SQ 8.0-VISUAL INSPECTION r 4.3.1 4.3.2 An inspection for defective, unseated, and missing buttonheads or wires was performed on each surveillance tendon end. This inspection was performed to acquire information on the function of the tendon since the original installation or previous surveillance.

A missing or defective buttonhead decreases the number of effective wires in the tendon. The results of these inspections are summarized in the tables below.The buttress 4 (shop) end of hoop tendon H24-15 was found to have two (2) protruding wires not previously reported.

This finding was recorded and submitted to TMI Engineering via NCR-N1 091-001. The bottom (field) end of vertical tendon V-1 36 was found to have one missing wire not previously reported.

This finding was recorded and submitted to TMI Engineering via NCR-N1091-002.

No other missing or protruding buttonheads were discovered at any other tendon end inspected in this surveillance.

In Table 4-5 through Table 4-6, "N/A" means inspections were not performed for that tendon end.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 16 of 1008 7-DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 12)R THE 40t YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMt DATE: 04/07/14 Table 4-5: SQ8.0 -Buttonhead Count -Unit I Orininal Scope Tendons SHOP/ S 0 D-143 FIELD / E 0 SHOP / S 0 D-146 FIELD/ E 0=iSHOP /W 0 D-225 iSHOP /W 0 D-237 FIELD/SE 0 SHOP/N 0 D-303 FIELD/SE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 1 69 168 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 169 168 0 0 0 0 169 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 SHOP / BT 1 0 H1 3-03 FIELD / BT 3 0 SHOP / BT 1 0 H13-08 FIELD / BT 3 N/A SHOP/ BT 1 0 H13-10 FIELD / BT 3 0 SHOP/BT4 0 FIELD / BT 2 0 SHOP/BT4 0 H24-22 FIELD /BT 2 0 SHOP /BT 4 N/A H24-47 FIELD /BT 2 N/A 1 SHOP /BT 5 0 H35-02 FIELD /BT 3 0 SHOP / BT 6 0 H62-26 FIELD / BT 2 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 2 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 169 N/A 169 169 167 169 169 169 N/A S N/A 169 169 169 169 168 168 169 N/A 169 169 167 167 169 169 N/A N/A 169 169 169 169 V SHOP/TOP 0 V-32 FIELD / BOT 0 SHOP/TOP N/A V-84 FIELD/BOT 0 SHOP/TOP 1 0 FIELD/BOT 0 v-, SHOP/TOP 0 V-1F59 0 FIELD / BOT 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 S0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 I I 0 0 N/A 0 0 0 169 169 N/A 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 N/A 169 169 169 168 168 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 17 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 13 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI 1& DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 Table 4-6: SQ8.0 -Buttonhead Count -Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons I SHOP / BT 6 H46-34 FIELD / BT 4 H51 40 SHOP / BT 1 FIELD/BT 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 169 169 169 169 169 169 168 168 V V_4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 SHOP/TOP 0 0 0 0 1FIELD/,OT 0 0 0 0 IS361 TO 0 0 0 0 S FIELD/BOT 0 0 0 1 SO 8.0- ANCHORAGE INSPECTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 169 0 169 1 169 1 168 169 169 167 167 An inspection of the corrosion level of each anchorage component was performed on each surveillance tendon end. The results of this inspection are summarized in Table 4-7 and Table 4-8.All inspected tendon anchorage components were found with acceptable corrosion levels of 1 or 2. See Appendix A, and section SQ8.0 of the procedure for further details of corrosion levels and acceptance limits.All anchorage components inspected were found to have corrosion levels of A or B. No cracks or corrosion level of C were observed on any inspected tendon end during this surveillance.

In Table 4-7 and Table 4-8, "N/A" means inspections were not performed for that tendon end. Also, "N.B." means no bushing is installed at that end.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 18 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 14 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 i 0 Table 4-7: SQ8.0 -Anchorage Corrosion Condition


  1. OF CRACKS FIELD / BOT 664/N.B.A -No visible rust (nill oxide coating Is In this category).

B -Rust which appears to have formed prior to initial filler Installation and shows no evidence of having progressed In the Interim.C -New or progressive rust.N.B. -NO BUSHING Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 19 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 15 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI P LAN DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1 091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 Table 4-8: SQ8.0 -Anchorage Corrosion Condition

-Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons H46-34 H51 -40 SHOPIBT6 FIELD / BT 4 SHOP/ BT I FIELD / BT 5 EX6W6 /1067 FY30R30 / N.B.866/ 983 567 / N.B.A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE N.B.A, NONE N.B.Iil A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE B, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE B, NONEý- " -ý -. -M -, S -I -~l VSHOP/TOP 753/774 A, NONE FIELD / BOT 717/N.B. A, NONE SHOP/TOP X21W21 1100 A, NONE V-136 I BOT FY4R4/ N.B. B A, NONE A- No visible rust (nlil oxide coating Is In this category).

8 -Rust which appears to have forned prior to Initial filler Installation and shows no evidence of having progressed in the Interim.C -New or progressive rust.N.B. -NO BUSHING A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE N.B.A, NONE N.B.A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE A, NONE B, NONE A, NONE B, NONE B, NONE Example: A, NONE INDICATES CORROSION LEVEL ,A' '-NDICATES


0 PAGE: 16 R THE 401h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04107/14 4.5 SQ 8.3- CONCRETE INSPECTION A concrete inspection was performed within 24 inches of the bearing plate of each tendon inspected.

This inspection is performed in order to detect any cracks in the concrete greater than 0.010" in width. The results were recorded and are summarized in the tables below.4.5.1 4.5.2 No cracks wider than 0.010" were found in the 24" perimeter of concrete around the bearing plate of any surveillance tendon throughout the tendon surveillance.

In Table 4-9 through Table 4-10, "N/A" means inspections were not performed for that tendon end.I Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 21 of 1008 i m1 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE IA. PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 17)R THE 4 0 1h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04107/14 Table 4-9: SQ8.3 -Bearing Plate Concrete Inspection


0 PAGE: 18 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 SE.F Table 4-10: SQ8.3 -Bearing Plate Concrete Inspection

-Unit I Augmented Scone Tendons I SHOP/ BT 6 UNABLE TO LOCATE 0 0 0 FI46-34 JFIELD/ BT 4 UNABLE TO LOCATE 0 0 0!SHOP/ BT 1 UNABLE TO LOCATE 0 0 0 H5140 F FIELD/I BT 5 UNABLE TO LOCATE: 0 1 0 0 SHOP/TOP UNABLE TO LOCATE V-115 FIELD / BOT UNABLE TO LOCATE V-136 SHOP /TOP UNABLE TO LOCATE FIELD / BOT 481WD651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 23 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 19 5 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI VN-E DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 5.0 HYDRAULIC JACK CALIBRATIONS Precision Surveillance Corporation has developed a program for calibrating hydraulic jacks utilizing regression analysis.

This is a process where a straight line is mathematically best fit to a set of data points (in this case, force versus gauge pressure).

This results in a linear equation which relates the ram area (slope) and constant (y-intercept) for each jack calibration, allowing the conversion of pressure to force and vice versa. The completed calibration data for the hydraulic jacks used during the tendon surveillance is contained in Appendix D and summarized in Table 5-1.5.1 A comparison of the force at various jack pressures for the pre and post inspection calibrations shall be within a tolerance of 1.5% of GUTS (reference PSC procedure QA 12.8.G-W Appendix 1, p. 3). The percent variation was obtained by comparing the maximum force at the maximum pressure on sheet 3 of 3 of the respective jack calibration.

A before and after comparison of the stressing rams was performed and it revealed a range of variations all less than 1.5%, shown in the table below, indicating that all jacks remained in a properly calibrated status throughout the surveillance.

5.2 Note that the force exerted by a jack can be calculated as follows: Force = Area x Pressure /1000 + Constant (K) (in 2) (PSI) (K)Table 5-1: Hydraulic Jack Calibrations 9400 08/16/13 231.847 -0.269 1854.51 01/10/141234.987

-4.091 1875.81 8000 +1.148 1 9401 08/19113 233.566 -5.197 1980.11 01/13/14 230.716 -1.510 1959.58 8500 -1.0371 9501 11/13/13 373.666 1.684 1944.75 12/30/13 376.178 -5.4 2 0 1 9 5 0.7 1 5200 +0.306 TFP-6 08/21/13 203.411 1.802 1985.06 01/14/14 202.444 1.293 1975.12 9750 -.5011 TFP-9 08/21/13_205.618

-7.801 1996.97 01/08/14 204.161 -3.966 1986.6 9750 -0.519 Stressing rams (jacks) are used to perform tendon liftoffs for each physical inspection tendon.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 24 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 20)R THE 4 0 t" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14 6.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE 6.1 SQ 9.0-TENDON LIFTOFF FORCE A liftoff force is defined as the actual force or pressure required to transfer the load on a tendon from the shim stack to the stressing ram and is representative of the force held by a tendon. A liftoff is performed on each physical surveillance tendon to monitor the force applied to the containment structure from the tendon. PSC Procedure SQ 9.0 details the steps taken to perform a liftoff per IWL-3321.1.

The results are summarized in the tables below.6.1.1 6.1.2 All as-found tendon liftoff forces were within acceptable limits and are acceptable.

All shim stack height measurements in the tables below are recorded in the as-found condition.


0 PAGE: 21)R THE 40th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14 Table 6-1: SQ9.0 -Monitoring Tendon Force -Unit I Original Scope Tendons I v D-143 D-146 D-225 D-237 D-303 SHOP / S FIELD / E SHOP S FIELD/E SHOP/W FIELD / E SHOP/W FIELD / SE SHOP/ N FIELD / SE 6.1 j169 [9,401 1218.68 N/A JN/A NIA NA 4.8 169 9400 1172.88 5.25 189 t9401 1195.33 7.6 169 9400 1098.69 4.7 169 19401 1113.58 6.1 j169 ~9401 1190.68 5.3 169 9401 1143.95 4.75 169 j 9,401 1181.32 4.75 169 91401 1218.69 1218.68 1184.11 1106.14 1167.31 1200.01 1153 1095 1110 1054.5 1061 1008 1088 1034 1142 1085 1038 YES 999 955 979 1028 YES YES YES YES-S -I -I -I -i -em i --I -am H13-03 H13-08 H13-40 H24-15 SHOP BT1 13.3 FIELD/BT3 N/A SHOP /BT1 N/A FIELD /BT3 N/A SHOP/ BT 1 .8 FIELD / BT 3 6.5 SHOP/BT4 N/A FIELD / BT 2 9.8 SHOP/BT4 7.4 FIELD/BT 2 6.7 SHOP I/BT4 N/A FIELD / BT 2 SHOP/BT5 6.85 FIELD BT 3 7.2 SHOP/BT6 6.85 FIELD / BT 2 I7.2 169 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 169 TFP-9 169 TFP-6 N/A N/A 169 9501 169 9401 169 9501 N/A jN/A N/A N/A 169 9501 169 9501 169 9400 169 9501 1230.02 N/A N/A N/A 1139.55 1161.24 N/A 1143.14 1185.99 1135.60 N/A N/A 1216.10 1216.10 1117.23 1135.60 1230.02 N/A 1150.40 1143.14 1160.80 N/A 1216.10 1141 1084 1027 YES N/A N/At N/A IN/A 1097 1042 {987 YE 1051 998 946 YES 1116 1060 1004 YES N/A N/A N/A N/A I H24-22 H24-47 H35-02 H62-26 1093 j 1038 9841 YES 989 1YES 1126.42 1099 1044 a----,-V-32 V-84 SHOP/TOP f 14.2 169 9401 FIELD / BOT I N/A N/A N/A SHOP/TOP N/A N/A N/A FIELD / BOT N/A N/A N/A SHOP/TOP 14.25 169 f 9401 FIELD/BOT N/A N/A N/A SHOP/TOP 15.7 169 9400 FIELD /BOT N/A N/A N/A 1181.27 1 1 2 1181.271 1176 1117 1058 YES N/A .-N/A N/A N/A N/A 4N/A N/A+/- .-.'.- .... i 1224.92-1224.92 1155 41097 1040 1YES N/A N/AH1154.334 1149 1092411034 YES t I V-108 V-159 D L Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 26 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 22 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 m I Table 6-2: SQ9.0 -Monitoring Tendon Force -Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons SHOP / BT G 7.35 169 9401 1337.81t H46-34 FE. B 4 7. 1 9401 1397.37 1232 1170 1 1109 YES FIELD .IHBT4 -7........1 1 1456.93 SHOP / BT 1 8.8 169 ý 9401 1396.20 YES FIELD/BT 5 8.3 169 9400 1286.481 I .a m ~ a m~m a ~WA a ~ I ~SS I W SHOP/TOP 1588 169 1377.51 V-115 ..-- 1377.51 FIELD/BOT N/A N/A N/A N/A SHOP/TOP 15 168 9400 11335.17 V-136 ,- 1335.17 FIELD/BOT N/A N/A t N/A N/A 1311 1245 1180 YES 1306 1241 1175 1 YES I Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 27 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 23 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI R LAN DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04107/14 6.2 SQ 11.0 -TENDON RESTRESSING The tendons that were detensioned for test wire removal were retensioned per PSC Surveillance Procedure SQ1 1.0 and in accordance with ASME section Xl, subsection IWL-3220, in order to restore them to an acceptable working force per IWL-2523.3(a).

The results of the retensioning process were recorded on Data Sheet SQ1 1.0 and are summarized in the table below.6.2.1 According to ASME, Section Xl, subsection IWL-3221.1 (d): Measured tendon elongations are acceptable if the following conditions are met: (d) The measured tendon elongation varies from the last measurement, adjusted for effective wires or strands, by less than 10°%o.6.2.2 All retensioned tendon elongations were compared to original elongations and found to be acceptable.

6.2.3 A force versus elongation graph of each original scope tendon retensioning is plotted to show the comparison of retensioning compared with original stressing force and elongation values.6.2.4 After each detensioned tendon is retensioned, each tendon's anchorage components were visually examined for any evidence of damage. No damage to the anchorage components was recorded for any tendon for this surveillance due to restressing activities.

6.2.5 Vertical tendon V-1 36 was locked off at a force higher than 6% of the as-found liftoff force.Tendon V-136 was locked off at 1414 kips, which is equivalent to 72% of GUTS based on 167 effective wires. This was recorded and submitted to TMI Engineering via NCR-N1091-003.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 28 of 1008 11ý PRECISION I ....DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 24 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 Table 6-3: SQ11 .0 -Tendon Restressincq

-Unit I Original Scope SHoP/ 37 9401 1190.66 1228.03 D-237 9.4 -9.0 -4.26 167.31 122364 +4.83 YES FIELD SE 5.3 9401 1143.95 1219.25.SHP T 49 FP91230.02, 1279.36 H13-03 --- 9.8 -9.5 3.06 230.02 1272.02 +3.41 1 YES FIELD /BT 3 4.6 9501 N/A A12646 SHOP 12.35 9400 115433 V-159 --..... 12.3 -.12.35 +0.41 ..1154.33 1205.34 +4.42 YES FIELD/BOT N/A N/A N/A IN/A ELONGATION FOR TENDON D-237 -ORIGINAL SCOPE TENDON 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii-->-40th year Original z 0 11 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 FORCE (kips)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 29 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC PRS DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 25 iR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14.mm1bI, I p ELONGATION FOR TENDON H13-03 -ORIGINAL SCOPE TENDON z 0-j III 12 10 8 6 4 0 --,>-40th year 0 200 401-0-Original I I III I I I I I I I I I 2 0 0 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FORCE (kips)ELONGATION FOR TENDON V-159 -ORIGINAL SCOPE TENDON 1-z 0 z 0--I LU 14 12 10 8 6 4-o--40th year-.- -Original 2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 FORCE (kips)[A Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 30 of 1008 PREIlIN LANCE DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 26 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 t" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 I Table 6-4: SQ1 1.0 -Tendon Restressinq

-Unit I Augmented Scope I I m II I SHOP/BT1 480 H51-40

  • 10.75 10.25 -4.65 FIELD/BT5 5.45 i 9401 1396.20 1358.83-- 1341.34 V ý -ý1367.87

+1.98 YES 9400 128z6.481369 9 4 0 1 1l3 3 5 .1!7 1 4 1 4 .0 0 1_ _ 1335.17 -1414.00 +5.90 YES*N/AI N/A N/A SHOP/TOP V-136 FIELD / BOT*Se NCR-N1091-003 12.05 N/A 12.05 ELONGATION FOR TENDON H51 AUGMENTED SCOPE TENDON 12 10 z 0 I-w 8 6 4 2 0 i I , I I ot: I 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FORCE (kips)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 31 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 27 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 401h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14...................................

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ELONGATION FOR TENDON V-136 -AUGMENTED SCOPE TENDON 14 I I I I I I I I I H40 t I II 12 ~ ~ ~ 4t year --o Original ..........

12-~10 Z 8 0 f3 6 ' I z 0 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FORCE (kips)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 32 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 28 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 0 7.0 COMPARISON WITH ORIGINAL INSTALLATION DATA A comparison of "As-found" force levels found during the 4 0 th year surveillance was made to the forces found during each tendon's original installation or re-stressing/re-installation, in order to discover any major changes in the liftoff forces.7.1 The Unit 1 Original Scope tendons original installation seating forces are compared to their as-found liftoff forces and are summarized in Table 7-1.7.2 The Unit 1 Augmented Scope tendons original installation seating forces are compared to their as-found liftoff forces and are summarized in Table 7-2.7.3 Based on the comparison results, losses are within the anticipated range and no abnormal average liftoff force loss is noted.Table 7-1: Comparison with Installation Data -Unit I Original Installation Tendons U-1i4, 1442.22 1218.F8 223.54 15.50 D-1 46 D-225 D-237 1421.39 1 1426.60 1442.22 1 1423.99 1184.11 1106.14 1167.31 1200.01 237.28 320.46 274.91 223.98 16.69 22.46 1"19.06 17.89 H13-03 j 1416.19 H13-10 1437.01 IH24-15 11447.42 H24-22 1457.84 H35-02 1426.60 H62-26 1416.19 V-108 1416.19 V-159 1437.01 1230.02 1150.4 1143.14 1160.8 1216.1 1126.42 186.17 286.61 304.28 297.04 210.50 289.77 19.94 21.02 20.38 14.76 20.46 18.29 118i61. 27-1224.92 1154.33 27,6.57 191.27 282.68 13.51 19.67 17.38 Table 7-2: Comparison with Installation Data -Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons M4U-S4 1 1417.8 1397.37 20.43 H51-40 1406.1 1341.34 64.76 V-115 1440.9 1377.51 63.39 V-136 i 1414.1 -1335.17" 78.93 1.44 4.61 3.03 I 4.40 5.58 4.99 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 33 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 29 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 401h YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 8.0 WIRE INSPECTION AND WIRE TESTING A sample test wire was removed from each detensioned tendon. Detension data records are included in Appendix A of this report. Each removed wire was inspected for defects, cracks, and corrosion.

Tests for diameter, yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation were conducted on each sample wire. Testing was performed by Exova, Inc. The test results are in accordance with ASTM A370-12 & ASTM A421/A421M-10.

8.1 According to ASME, Section Xl, subsection IWL-3221.2:

Tendon wire samples are acceptable if: (a) Samples are free of physical damage;(b) Sample ultimate tensile strength and elongation are not less than minimum specified values.8.1.1 There was no evidence of defects, cracks, or corrosion found on the removed tendon wires.8.1.2 Wire diameter measurements were all within acceptable tolerance limits of 0.250" +/- 0.002".No mechanical damage was noted on any of the wires.8.1.3 The ultimate stress of the sample wires exceeded the specified ultimate tensile strength criteria of 240 ksi. The lowest recorded ultimate tensile strength was 248.2 ksi.8.1.4 The yield strength for all wire samples exceeded the minimum of 204 ksi. The lowest recorded yield stress was 207.9 ksi.8.1.5 The percent elongation at sample failure was above the required minimum of 4.0% for all samples tested. The lowest recorded elongation at failure was 4.2%.Once a tendon is detensioned, the anchorhead is pushed back so that one (1)wire can be removed from the tendon selected for wire sample removal and testing.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 34 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FC I LN DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 REVISION:

0 PAGE: 30 R THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DATE: 04/07/14-.5-Table 8-1: SQ10.2 & SQl0.3 -Visual Inspection

& Tensile Testing of Wire -Unit I Original Scope 1 A 0-10 D-237 2 -A 60-70 1 3 A 120-130 1 A 0-10 H13-03 2 { A 70-80 3 A 140-150 1 A 0-10 V-159 1 2 A 90-100 1 3 1 A 1170-180 0.2500 0.2500 0.2490 0.2490 0.2490 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 t 220.600 219.700 222.100 219.900 219.200 210.300 212.700 21 3.300 254.700 253.500 258.900 258.500 257.800 249.400 251.600 253.500 I 0.2500 ,223.500 ý59.600 5.2 YES 5.1 YES 5.8 YES 6.2 _-YE 5.8 YES 5.0 YES 4.8 YES.... i Table 8-2: S010.2 & SQ10.3 -Visual Inspection

& Tensile Testing of Wire -Unit I Auqmented Scope 1 A 0-10 0.2500 1 207.900 j 248.200 5.2 YES H51-40 2 A 1 70-80 0.2500 209.900 }249.700 5.8 YES 3 A 140-150 1 0.25001 212.100 248.800 5.0 YES 1 A 0-10 0.2490 236.100 262.800 4.2 YES V-136 2 A 90-100 02490 234.100 262.000 5.4 YES 3 A 170-180 0.2490 1 238.200 263.400 4.7 YES Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 35 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 31 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07114 9.0 TENDON RESEALING After completion of all inspections, liftoffs, detensioning, and retensioning, the anchorage components were hand coated with cold grease to ensure complete coverage.

All tendon caps were replaced using new gaskets and rubber washers.Once the grease caps were installed, each cap was refilled with new sheathing filler (grease) to the highest level possible from the dome-end grease spout. The tendon grease spout plug was then installed and any excess grease was cleaned from the outer tendon cap surfaces and any surrounding concrete areas. The collected data can be viewed in Appendix A and is summarized in Table 9-1 and Table 9-2.9.1 All tendons were refilled within the acceptable limits as stated in PSC Procedure SQ 12.1, except dome tendons D-143, D-146, and D-237. These tendons received greater than ten percent of their respective net duct volumes in excess of the grease lost during their inspections.

These discoveries were reported to TMI Engineering via NCR-N1091-006 (D-143), NCR-N1091-007 (D146), and NCR-N1091-008 (D-237).9.2 In Table 9-land Table 9-2, "N/A" means grease pumping/pouring was not performed for that tendon end.Upon completion of the anchorage inspection, the grease cap is reinstalled and grease is pumped back into the tendon void.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 36 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 32 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 Table 9-1: SQ12.1 -Grease Loss vs. Grease Replacement

-Unit I Original Scope Tendons S., D-143 1 SHOP/S ý 15.5 70.69 I FIELD /E SHOP/S D-146 ...........

I FIELD / E I SHOP /W D-225 FIELD I E SHOP / W FIELD /SE SHOP / N 4.0 11.5 4 4.25 4.0 16.0 4.75 3.75 6.0 I N/A 63.16 15.5 N/A 5.31 8.25 4.88 65.37 20.75 N/A 5.31 9.75 70.69 63.16 51.19 85.4 47.66 81.0 59.94 No0*58.84 NO*1.99 YES I 10.19 1.94 97.5 65.37 44.62 92.8 1 48.08 NO*D-303 11.5 1.75 80.3 2.18 YES SHOP/ BT 1 H13-03 s T FIELD /BT 3..........


t -- ~ ..... .....SHOP/BTI1 H13-08 1 FIELD BT 3 SHOP/ BT 1 H13-10 FIELD /BT 3 SHOP /BT 4 H24-15 SHP/FIELD/ BT2 SHOP/ BT 4 H24-22 ................

H FIELD / BT 2 SHOP/IBT 5 H24-47 FIELD /BT32 SHOP / BT 5 H62-26 FIELD / BT 2 5.25 4.5 4.5 N/A 3.0 5.0 6.75 5.25 5.0 3.5 N/A 3.0 4.50 4.25 5 5 9.74 9.75 5.31 5.31 4.5 N/A 5.31 8.0 ' -6.20 7.08 12.0 --.. ......5.75 5.97 8.5 ----..5.31 N/A 3.0 5.31 8.75 5.31 5.31 10 5.75 15.05 5.3 109.7 4.83 YES 5.31 0.81 110.7 0.73 YES YES 11.51 3.51 110.7 3.17 12.83 0.83 110.9 0.75 YES 11.28 2.78 i 110.1 2.52 YES 5.31 2.31 1 110.1 2.09 ' YES-1 10.62 1.87 1 110.1 1.70 1 YES 11.06 1.06 110.1 0.96 YES SHOP /TOP V-32 ,-FIELD /BOT SHOP/TOP V-84 FIELD /BOT V SHOP/TOP FIELD I BOT SHOP/TOP V-159 FIELD / BOT*See section 10.5 N/A 8.0 5.5 13.0 6.0 68.0 16.37 14 N/A 8.85 8.0 N/A 18.59 18 .5 ...................

N/A N/A 74.0 77.77 16.37 2.37 120.4 1.97 YES 8.85 0.85 120.0 0.70 YES 18.59 0.09 i 120.3 0.07 YES.4 77.77 3.77 ! 119.9 3.14 1 YES Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 37 of 1008 PRECISION LANCE DOCUMENT STATUS: PROJECT TITLE: DOCUMENT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 33 FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 Th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 A adm Table 9-2: SQ12.1 -Grease Loss vs. Grease Replacement

-Unit I Augmented Scope Tendons q pI H46-34 H51-40 SHOP BT 6 FIELD /BT 4 SHOP/ BT 1 FIELD/BT 5 5.0 4.75 3.25j 4.25 9.75 7.50 5.31 5.31 5.75 5.31 10.62 3.56 {109.8 109.1 0.79 3.26 YES YES V-115 V-136 SHOPITOP FIELD / BOT SHOP/TOP FIELD/ BOT 9 5.0 7.0 14 12.0 16.37 N/A N/A-A 16.37 2.37 { 119.0 1.28 121.6 1.99 1.05 YES YES i 13.28 11 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 38 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 34 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 40t YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07/14 10.0 CONTAINMENT SURFACE EVALUATION A General Exterior Concrete Examination (VT-3C) was performed on the accessible exposed exterior concrete surfaces of the Unit 1 containment structure.

The VT-3C examinations were performed in accordance with the PSC Procedure SQ 8.4: General Visual Examination of Concrete Containment.

10.1 The recorded observations of the examinations include peeling paint, concrete deterioration and active grease leaking. Various recordable indications were found and were documented on the"Data Sheet SQ 8.4", as shown in Appendix J.10.2 All recordable indications at each general location were reported during the current inspection.

If the same recordable indication was found on a previous report, it was identified as "previously reported".

All information only and reportable indications were submitted to the Utility for review.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 39 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:



A review of this surveillance was conducted per IWL-3221 Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems and is outlined below: IWL-3221 Acceptance by Examination IWL-3221.1 Tendon Force and Elongation.

Tendon forces and elongation are acceptable if the following conditions are met: (a) The average of all measured tendon forces, including those measured in IWL-3221.

1(b)(2), for each type of tendon is equal to or greater than the minimum required prestress specified at the anchorage for that type of tendon.Results: The average of all measured tendon forces was above the minimum required prestress force.The minimum required prestress forces, per TMI Procedure 1301-9.1, are as follows: Domes -1064 kips, Hoops -1108 kips, and Verticals

-1033 kips. The average tendon group forces for this surveillance are as follows: Original Domes- 1175.25 kips, Original Hoops- 1171.15 kips, Original Verticals

-1186.84 kips, Augmented Hoops -1369.36 kips, Augmented Verticals

-1356.34 kips.(b) The measured force in each individual tendon is not less than 95% of the predicted force unless the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) The measured force in not more than one tendon is between 90% and 95% of the predicted force.(2) The measured forces in two tendons located adjacent to the tendon in IWL-3221. 1(b)(1) are not less than 95% of the predicted forces.(3) For tendons requiring augmented examination in accordance with Table IWL-252 1-2, Item L2-10, the measured forces in two like tendons located nearest to but on opposite sides of the tendon described in IWL 3221- 1(b)(1) are not less than 95%of the predicted forces.(4) The measured forces in all the remaining sample tendons are not less than 95% of the predicted force.Results: All of the tendon liftoff forces were found within the acceptable limits.(c) The prestressing forces for each type of tendon measured in IWL-3221.

1(a) and (b), and the measurement from the previous examination, indicate a prestress loss such that the predicted tendon forces meet the minimum design prestress forces at the next scheduled examination.

Results: The tendon liftoff forces are expected to meet the minimum prestress forces at the next examination period.(d) The measured tendon elongation varies from the last measurement, adjusted for effective wires or strands, by less than 10%.Results: All tendon elongation measurements for all other tendons were within IWL requirements.

IWL-3221.2 Tendon Wire or Strand Samples. The condition of wire or strand samples is acceptable if: (a) samples are free of physical damage;Results: All test wire samples collected for this inspection were found to have acceptable corrosion levels and free of physical damage.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 40 of 1008 DOCUMENT STATUS: ISSUED FOR USE REVISION:

0 PAGE: 36 PROJECT TITLE: FINAL REPORT FOR THE 4 0 th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE AT TMI DOCUMENT NUMBER: REP-1091-510 DATE: 04/07114 (b) sample ultimate tensile strength and elongation are not less than minimum specified values.Results: All test wire samples had acceptable results for ultimate tensile stress (2- 240ksi) and elongation

(> 4.0%).IWL-3221.3 Tendon Anchorage Areas. The condition of tendon anchorage areas is acceptable if-(a) there is no evidence of cracking in anchor heads, shims, or bearing plates;Results: Detailed inspections did not reveal any cracks in the anchorage components for any inspected tendon end.(b) there is no evidence of active corrosion; Results: No tendon end inspected revealed active corrosion on the anchorage components.(c) broken or unseated wires, broken strands, and detached buttonheads were documented and accepted during a pre-service examination or during a previous in-service examination; Results: Tendon H24-15 was found with two (2) protruding wires not previously reported (see NCR-N1091-001), and tendon V-136 was found with one (1)missing buttonhead that was not previously reported (see NCR-N1091-002)No other protruding/missing wires/buttonheads were discovered during the examinations of surveillance tendon ends that were not previously reported.(d) cracks in the concrete adjacent to the bearing plates do not exceed 0.010 in. (0.3mm) in width;Results: No cracks wider than 0.010" were found in the 24" perimeter of concrete around the bearing plate throughout the tendon surveillance.(e) there is no evidence of free water Results: No free water was observed during the tendon end inspections.

IWL-3221.4 Corrosion Protection Medium. Corrosion protection medium is acceptable when the reserve alkalinity, water content and soluble ion concentrations of all samples are within the limits specified in Table IWL-2525-1.

The absolute difference between the amount removed and the amount replaced shall not exceed 10% of the tendon net duct volume.Results: Nine (9) grease samples had base numbers less than the lowest test limit value. The second samples taken at each of the nine tendon ends have been sent for testing to determine each sample's pH value. All other grease sample results were within the acceptance limits of Table IWL-2525-1.Dome tendons D-143, D-146, and D-237 accepted more than 10% of their respective net duct volumes. TMI Engineering was notified via NCR-N1091-006, NCR-N1091-007, and NCR-N1091-008, respectively.

No tendon accepted more than 10% of its net duct volume more than was removed, and all refills were acceptable.

Summary Comments: In summary of the Final Report for the 4 0 th Year Tendon Surveillance at Three Mile Island, Unit 1, no abnormal degradation of the inspected post-tensioning system has been recorded, identified, or presented within this document.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 41 of 1008 REP-1 098-51.0 Appendix A, Page 1 of 348-:;ATTAC1*MNT I OATASHMZ1 Rw.66.4t;0 NOV.f 'Ir~ .~C 'i~ O1It41 Fim iOI--- iINo Ma?'- -:.I. -A, ---6-A -j -o -.fN -Y Jj~47 M I7~ JLL ..-O -A --~ 1~hAUr). 1: JNo NAf IN~Ic Yea/No WA:: Yd1o I'Mdw.N 777--77 -------- ---7-NDtes~ (iiMtl~) &Ow tA1 A-; ý 2 bt A.1 ..ý'm U 46 .*4 -... ...... .. .. .......-7 1 _'ým AN~I AL EIE HAOU 9s~DAT0 so1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 42 of 1008 REP-1098-51 0 Appendix A, Page 2 of 348 Ii.dXr .A 814lT 2 As-PaumiLltOrF~~Shn~yNstt

'1 ~G14,I R0VIs1~n 23~'~e~t~12I Asdoo. dUft: Of P ,~4 FrdoAdP~ Fion froup ID hop E-I'I Pjd VW: -F eRoA t~~t Ybo of NO;Y ~ ~ yyyo ?sNd__1-_ PRO__ Yea/No_______~ Ie/N Y8No,________.

No/N_____:NIA Yes__ m~/o ____ e/i NIA YesN ____ 0*N_____ _____ N/A yet__ t___ ____ 'RNo Y-631No NIA Yes INa -YINO:________ yesI ftoYU~~~fe~/o YesNo YOS I No es Yes I o yeli/MO.--~~Y" -K0 -Notes. (tnit~aI & dat)42-3c(5... .i ........ANIIA~ I IE Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 43 of 1008 9 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 3 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 4 Average of the Normalized Lift-Off Force I) (2)Off Normalizing Non Factor (NIF) Lift O 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 7 of 21 (4)Acceptance Yes -- bb (1 Uft EMr (3)rnalized Uf (1) +TendonID 3. ~+/-~4. +5. -L o 2.3.MTrA0 W> 0ý~~ t6 1I4O .!4 _"/ _AV0 A6.d- DI4 oa 4 1 5. 4121r4 AX_____ __AI.4__ _________-____

Aerae 14 I 6 .________ /A/ VA__e __g V____ t________7. _________________

Average (Average Equal to or greater than 1084 kips)(Average Equal to or greater than 1033 kips)2. jj 35 -12 A124 6. 1LZ J L 8. _ _ _ _ _pVdr& I Si7'e d- MP .4.07VF 46104.4CP uiIJ7W Cognizant Me xvJrt~o* ei n erag Reviewed By:(tri r d-d rivre I-(Average Equal to or greater than 1108.kips)Date: .g3 2" L.3 Performed By: ht I.IN --35 AW.,AI EVIEW Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 44 of 100 an/0 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 4 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 4 Average of the Normalized Lift-Off Force (1) (2) (3)Lift Off Normalizing Normalized FeFactor MF) Lft Off (1) + (2)1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 7 of 21'(4)Acceptance Yes Ng Tendon!i QoMe Te-ndone Tendons~3fl&Total Average (Average Equal to or greater than 1064 kips), 7.V_ if Hoor, Teondons 1. i{4j .5 2. !5.4 ____J13717S Total Average__ _ ....~ 3 (Average Equal to or greater than 1033 kips)(Average Equal to or greater than 1108 klps)Total 2. $27 Average Cognizant Mech/S 2hglnee 0 0 ./;A Performed By:;7~~.)Date:. I Date: .2 -26 5 ANI/AII.I EW 35 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 45 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 5 of 348 ATTACHMENT 1 DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 8 Re-Tensioning Criteria Confirmation 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 8 of 21 (1)TENDON ID OME END bj-Z-SIFIELD END_SHOP END__ FIELD END VERTICAL VASI-SHOP END__ SHOP END-SHOP END HOPOP.TENDONS-.-


[(3)+(4)1+2 FORCE Yes I No A161~ally, MAW.I~04,52 z23Z4I L~tJ1 luu53t lZIuJs 1J4L JAIL Ke Cognizant Mec~h/cngaln

-Reviewed By: Performed By: 16 , ,_(? -6A%, ýI Date: 12 ) /5 Date: ..Z01 Predicted Base Force from C-1101-153-E410-048.

P0 ýEVIEW-NMI~36 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 46 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 6 of 348 ATTACHMENT 1 1301-9.1 DATA SHEETS Revision 23 Page 8 of 21 DATA SHEET 6 Re-Tensioning Criteria Confirmation FOP 56-L> TCA/bON5 (1)TENDON ID (2)(3)NUMBER OF 70 % OF EFFECTIVE ULTIMATE WIRES STRENGTH[8.24 X (2)](4)PREDICTED BASE FORCE 1 (5)AVERAGE[(3)+(4)1*2 (6)(7)LOCK-OFF (4)<(6)<(3)

FORCE Yes I No DOME_____SHOP END FIELD END SHOP END____FIELD END VERTICAL ALJZ.LSHOP END SHOP END_______SHOP END HOOP TENDONS ff5.-/'iQSHOP ENDFIELD END SHOP END FIELD END SHOP END FIELD END 167 1" 13%.s 11 q,9 1,141, L12gl.I'LZ91L4 iruo AIA~J I)3ng0 IJord~I Cognizant Mech/Stru. .n. ,e Reviewed By: Date: r /aT Performed By.. z_... Date: -, 0-r:6cco Z~ Acc~ ' ~'/6?6 1 Predicted Base Force from C-1 101-153-E410-046.

ANI/AI PNIEW 36 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 47 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 7 of 348 ATTACHMENT 1 DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET S Tendon Anchorage Area MolsturelFree Water Inspection Inspection Period Tendon MolstureNater No. Location es or No). Descripifn of Free MoisturiW.ater-QuanUy Locatc~ ~ a_w.J .. ... :_10. t.'.. " N'ý ....- .! ..r. HA At At ..... ,/A...10. h 244 (e i .,, 1.& -7 !-A. d --.. --.A 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 9 of 21 UMQIT: Location: Hoop Tendons: Vertical Tendons.Dome Tendons: Ito 8- Buttress number at end of tendon TorB- Top or Bottom 1 to6- Number of buttress nearest to end of tendon Cognizant QV Inspector Verification By:.-.37 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 48 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 8 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEETS Tendon Anchorage Area MolsturelFree Water Inspection 1301.9.1 Revision 23 Page 9 of 21 Inspection Period Tl h 0 f Tendon MolstureNlater No. L,. on (Yes or No).2. -V-.J~, .Z_ g t f 3 MVL 5 -4.7. YJ-A 3;10, -11.12.DeII ription of Free MolstureNWeter-Quantity, Location AIA 14.MIA 01.At ,/A Ini Inspect..

By DaeIa .(Initials) 4-1/5 9M .-13Location: Hoop Tendons: Vertical Tendons.Dome Tendons: I to 6 -Buttress number at end of tendon T or B

  • Top or Bottom 1 to 6 -Number of buttress nearest to end of tendon Cognizant OV Inspecto Verification By: Dae j "1, 5 Review (I Date: ANIAI F-E Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 49 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 9 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 8 Anchorage Assembly Surveillance Inspection Dome Tendons 1301.9.1 Revision 23 Page 11 of 21 W6P. BY VER1P BY OONTR. COGNIZANT FOeMNpY Ar'INSPECTION PERIOD-A 0 V,-&STRE5BINO WASHER DATE 0 .a -.. HeHSAPING PLATE ifIN. uIMPMJT AND"O GARAGED LD. LomI ion Corr. WIRES CORR. SKEuTCHED CORA, CRACKS SETCHEDce CORR. CRACKS el9cHols CORR. CRACKSe SKETCHED 1 2 3 4 a 6 7 B 0 10 11 11 13 14 16 5LL A~ -A-~ NA- A A&2 Ai&si A --A=A -4&f --VIA 17 lB i L.. 46 Afae- 9 0 N No TEINDON END-aoCTOUN IDENTIPY TMOON END (AHOP OR EMFLD) AND NW, NO~S. s 99ýil AWAI ýEVWW LNTIAL I Iq Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 50 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 10 of 348.ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 9 Anchorage Assembly Surveillance Inspection Vertioal Tendons 13014-.1 Revision 23 Page 12 of 21 INSPECTION PEIDA ý mI 8TRWSOIMn WMNER IN8P. OY VERIF. 8y DATi CONTR. COGNIZANT SEARING INOP. COMMENTS FORMAM QV INBP..MMurN &ED U -utU, ,, [ BIA ...NO. OF BROKEIN, ANDIOR DAMAW ID. Lt011on Corr. WIRES CORP, SKI8rCHUD CORP, CRACKS SKETCHNO CORR. CRACKS CORR. CRACKS SKETCHED 1 Z .4 1 .- 10 11 '12 13 14 1i 10 17 Is 19~__4 ,1. A.AL.A...

A mA A A.BQ-tA --A- A- kA- ---V A rsE- A- A.... -&.. iZ A --0 -/A -AL ." O~ AD~a4. -A-A /A. 4. __ _ _WYLI 1A& A. -AA- A. dA A. 0 .&~ jog '4 SI. A L.. A- RA A. -A-.- ORR.~ .&... .~ *t qL15 ti_ A. -A A- .AA BL 9-E A- -A- A- 0 .A-f. L-P -. 4.. A. A. 'H *- -f YbgEN N NO TENDON ENDNNCATION IDENTIFY TENDON END (,QHOP OR 1,1U.D) AND TOP Mp 0 .T. TEN DON/e 13f;rd'40 FVIEW WMnAI ,4-Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 51 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 11 of 348 ,4 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 10 Anchorage Assembly Surveillance Inspection Hoop Tendons 1301.9.1 Revision 23 Page 13 of 21 INSPECTION PERIOD 4 0 ib 6 " STReSSING WASHIER INSP, BY VERIF. BYCONR. COOM T RARANG PLATI INSP. CflMMIA IU DIIAN OVINS2i = rNa. OF , BROKEN, ANWOKR 12AMAQGE I'D, Loeatiao Caor. WIROS CORR. 8KETCHE0 CORR. CRACKS 8KUrCIO CORR. CRACKS MEMO) CORR. CRACKS SKETCHED 1 2 3 4 a ? a 9 0 10 11 12 13 14 tO 1 I? 1s 1IN S11.0M A A -0 A e A o- _ -_ MJ -.A.._ .k. A. _m _ .IA _. __. ..0 ._ ...*/... WI2i3_..... &L.. A_ .... ~.. _ L _ _ _; __ _ _.. 2 /Z .L _2 .- -.......-o...°AI A A ._ -- --A -----&U. A _1-_ .4. _o_ --- _A- A A-.AV A- A A-... A .~ .13N'- i ALE h~ A- .A A- A- D :*il dog woe BIE A- A ~ aA- -A-4. .4 AM R DINERAL Y NOYE8 N mNO TENDON IND.LOCATION IDENTIFY TENDON END 01HOP OR FIELD) AND NUMBER OF SU (I TO DON END........r ... * * ; ..7 " 41 u l1rTAL.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 52 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 12 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 10 Anchorage Assembly Surveillance Inspection Hoop Tendons 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 13 of 21 INSPECTION PERIO 0 211- k&&C 3R7eS1iNa WASHIR 0kW INSP. BY VERIJP. BY CATE7 COOIZt4 MMUN MNU wNU C1WU 12meWISAING PLATE_ INS& COMMIWN! iUIkMIUN.ANfDIOR DAMAGED IAL. Localloo Ouff WIRES CORR. SKETCHED OOPA CRACKS SKETCHED CORW CRACKS RJIITCHSEI CORW CRACKS SKETCHED 1 a 2 4 1

  • 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 14 Is IN 17 is Is Al &AI A 11 A AJ~4 -a -WA. -A-0 ~ &1 M~ JL-V- Wp A ~ ~ /.J&I8-Q--.-

1,21 fe Y -YES NPNO'FMQI.N END"-OOATION IDENTIFY TENDON END L4140P ORI EIRLDI AND NUMBER OF BUUTREU i TO 6) AT TADON END 6116'. LL~~~41 ANI/Al R VIEW Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 53 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 13 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 12 Tendon Anchorage Area Concrete Crack Inspection Inspection Perod A 6 , Dome Tendons 1301.9.1 Revision 23 Page 15 of 21 Tendon 3b-'M-&.-4bM- ---515--IR Rgmgrks about -Cracking Patter CIA insp. By Verify. By Cracks with width >0.01" Date Contr. Cognizant L=g.g(A) Wdj (B) mF en Innn____8.NOTE: (A) Location: Identify Tendon End (fhop or Fleld) and NW, NE, SW, SE (B) If concrete crack width > 0.01', provida sketch Cognizant Et~l Reviewed B. Date:L2&A IWO .i Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 54 of 1008

.REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 14 of 348 ATTACHMENT i DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 13 Tendon Anohorage Area Concrete Croak Inspection Vertical Tendons 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 16 of 21 Inspection Period.Tendon 1,t 4 Cracks with width >0.01" LocaionA)

SdM CIN.(B)Date'?24- C5 V-qt, 7..4 4/AA 3.+/-NOTE: (A) Location: Identify Tendon End (.hop or Field) and T or B -Top or Bottom of Vertical Tendon (B) If concrete crack width > 0.01', provide sketch~Lf~ AI IJA+h ~fL~4A4AtA~flA')4 L~3~d3 18.34%10 '~~-i5'I*24 '13 Insp. By Verify. By Contr. Cognizant A," Cognizant M En Reviewed Br oate,.. /I 6ý9 /.44.EAWW______

Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 55 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 15 of 348 ATTACHMENT I DATA SHEETS DATA SHEET 14 Tendon Anchorage Area Concrete Crack Inspectlon Hoop Tendons 1301-9.1 Revision 23 Page 17 of 21 Inspedion Period k 6 Tendon ft ia Leamm 2. 1-%!&4Z ".All? ecekk A111 Ltaek'S Data UL-1-12.3+~ZT-I3 iu L- IB mop, fy Verify. By w'Qgzetg np WREfL 9100~~1IAQ eaeve ArItiA 4g-MIA-___ _A~I4 AoIDan ead i~k&-t-e lb. rt-13 NOTE: (A) Locatlor: Iden:!t Tendon End (1hop or toiad) end I , 8Numnber of ButtressAtflftdofTenldon (0) If concrete crec vwdth:- 0.01*, provide *etchd 46 Detaj--d!ý-

AZ A/OEW K Tw 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 56 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 16 of 348 Project: TMi 4OT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

÷ UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No." , -I H 3. Tendon End:. ,_______._*

tO'Shop LI Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: / 0. q- 13 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on'Grease Cap and/or.Anchorage I Yes JaNo (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

hv ..F Thermometer No;: " Re-Cal Date: /Ln ,Z .- j AmbientTemp.; (P.3 OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: __-_/___(8.4) AnchorheadI.D4.: (lan Anchorhead Verification:

j. Match I] No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete .Partial ........ Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete j Partial Uncoated _ , Bearing Plate -A" Complete Partial Uncoated ............

-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

A]!iJg (8.7) Grease Color Match: I-Yes [ No Grease Color: Comments:

_/,OA, (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2..- Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? L Yes, L No*.Location Of Removal o0 AH. rj B.P. (M Shims 1% Cap [r Duct (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: ,gal (8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? []Yes Z No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: SDQ gal..(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

," gal.(9.7) Damage during, cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

LI Yes 09 No Describe:

1111/A (10.3) Method of TendonProtection:

-I ,S-TA-LI-.

c i r tC A )/Wo7,j /4'SKkT-(10.4) Amount of GreaseLoss from Tendon duct://.6 gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) + " (8.9) 0- + (8.901) + (9:6). -_ (10.4)iA = TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Date Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

O Yes QC Reviewed: Level:.ale: 13 SO 8.0 TMI, 13 181 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 57 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 17 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09103113 Pagelof I Revision rl: Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE!

UNIT1 (7.3) Tendon No.: Tendon End: C1 " Shop [] Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: /0'- f o I " 5 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage El Yes 0 No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:.

f 0> OF Thermometer No.: 51 £eb Re-Cal Date: /DL'/..3 Ambient Temp.: ., 4 F Thermometer No.: j'g Re-Cal Date: (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

9].Match [I No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete {/ Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete V' Partial Uncoated _ _0 Anchorhead

-Complete; Partial Uncoated %Shims Complete partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete.

Partial Uncoated %(1) -Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap..(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

,/O#..(8.7) Grease Color Match: [-Yes No Grease Color. l 4e0j'Ihk Comments:

AIDUe.(8.8) Quantity of Samples 2-.... Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? 0 Yes 0 No Location of L A.H. C B.P. I[ Shims IgCap UI Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost duringremoval of cap: v,25 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? C1 Yes_ No Oty. of Grease removed from cap: ",0 gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:,'AAA M,2s gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes 9. No Describe: ,tj___(10;3) Method:ofTendon Protection: 4.ish ,tl 44, 4ta CAiL. W/A AXW,, J ASktek (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: Eý. gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) A5- + (8.9) -02.S (8.9.1)1 + (9.6) o.S+ (10.4) i = aO TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

9.Yes El No OC Reviewed: 2 r, ý' -PýýLevel: Date: ',k.I.13 SO 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 58 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 18 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 61 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Shoat 61 P S- 09103/13 PRECIS.ON ANCE* Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 19 UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.; D] I L/ .Tendon End'.(K Shop rEl Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP'Water Detected:

[] Yes j" No Quantity:

Sample Taken
El Yes El No. JS N/A Moisture


0 Observable Moisture Cl Significant Moisture J Not Applicable Comments:

NJONEj" (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes i9 No Quantity:

Sample Taken: 0 Yes .l No [9 N/A Moisture



E].Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

/V ....(9.7, 1) AROUND TENDON:ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected, Cl Yes gNo Quantity:


[I Yes n No Ej.N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture E] Significant Moisture.

1 Not Applicable Comments:

_______ _(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONINGA//A Water Detected:

Ej Yes E/ No Quantity:

..._ Sample Taken: E] Yes E] No. ElN/A Moisture


nl Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture I] Not Applicable Comments: (11. 1) NOTIFICATION N'V/A Exelon Notifed: El Yes Individual Name; Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND:STORAGE

/A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

L. Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: 0C Signoff: j,,, /6-J- ..Level- Date: , QC: Reviewed:

________ ______Level:

_. __ Date: i-O-/1W `14S0 6.1.TMlA3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 59 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 19 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ:6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 8.1* ~09/031l13 PRýECISON

.ANCE Page. 1 of 0 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 10 UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: h ,_1 Tendon End: El Shop j] Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 0 No Quantity:

v Sample Taken: El Yes C] No 0 N/A Moisture


El" Observable Moisture [] Significant Moisture lNot Applicable Comments: ,A0 Ale (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes EJ No Quantity:

o Sample Taken: .l Yes El No SN/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture IXNot Applicable Comments:


El Yes LRNo Quantity:

b Sample Taken: El Yes fl No j NIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture :[I Significant Moisture a.Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING VA Water Detected:

El Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes E] No El NIA Moisture


E]. Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El: Not Applicable Comments.(11.1) NOTIFICATION t/A Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE ?.4/A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

C3 Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: Q Signoff: Level: Date: SQC Reviewed:

4 Level: _ Date: 4/, /14 SQ 6.1.TMI.13 IS!Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 60 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 20 of 348 PREISION ANC NI091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 71 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: Tendon No.: TMI -40n YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon End/Buttress No.: 5.- t-JI])'Anchorage ID;: i/0,1 -/19 R)7 Adaptor ID: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal. Date ID.No. Recal Date ID No...... Recal Date Ext.Major C, :5Z q '~71,i Ext..Pitch GZ- 2-7-14 iLL.D9 Z -11 /0- 2-1-)3 6 u01K, '1, -l20 1 Ext.Minor S- L z..7- e'4 0~ .- n -1'i-3 i '-O Int.N/A N/A Int; /.A /Minor MEASUREMENTS THREADWire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3V' 6"' 9 h Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Major 2_ 9_37&Ext. I q.!5-_f__Pitch (1) 2 a..3 q3 t3 50 Ext.Th7 ?.~ __ _Minor (2) 2 -9709.19 Int; I N/A N/A_Major 2 N/A N/A.It. I / N/A N/A Minor 2 NIA NIA N/A InL GO Gauge ID: N/A: Recal Date; N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Uiameter = (Averagej

.. [VVre uonstantJ

-t[Snim Size](2) External Minor Diameter [Average].

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial. I Tral: 2 Tal 3 1 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark Cl .1 Min. Minor Diameter from AdaptorTablQ I :[ .....ýO 01 -Acc ptable? (Yes or No) QC Signoef: QC Reviewed:

b/Level:. Date: Level: j Date: I 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 61 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 21 of 348 Project-., TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3).Tendon No.: Tendon End: ." [ Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA VA As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 0 Post Re-Tensioning 0.C. Signoff 9A & 10.0 -CORROSION

&CRACK INSPEC.TON (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.(2) ,n No C] N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level. A (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes (2) 0 N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: (100.) Cracks [IYes t z [1 No 0l NIA (9.2) Shims Level: .(10.1) Cracks El Yes(2) [No [I NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: t (10.1) Cracks L4 Yes 12) ! No ELNIA-1}_Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 42)_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.1t.0 -B, ,TTCNHEADQ INSPEgILOti.

0 Offslze (Malformed)

~ ~Protruding/unseated 11- 1111 wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

-\o o o oooooo Previously identified as missing 00000%00 .0-___ ____ ____00000000000\


-removed this 0 0 0 0)( 0 0 00 a0)0 0 surveillance

/ 0000000000000 wire(s) being removed during this 00 000 00 0 00 0000 surveillance for testing i I 0OOOOOOOOOO.O0 (t1 ) ncorea i0) .O 000 0.0 0000000 O .(11,2) Anchothead.

o \ooo01ooooooooo0ot

\q000000000000 Located on Sketch: [] Yes EJ No \ 00000OO O00O0 OO.0 /Bushing I.D. 0ooooooo ooo Located on Sketch' (A Yes EL No 0000 0a 0 8 ./-,0000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found'AO O[] Yes El No Quantity:

".Additional Information:

.7.(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w)'. (8.3) Illumination source ,________(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9.: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12,6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes No (12.5) Total #of Effective Buttonheads Seated: lb? Wires Identified?

L l/PNo (12.7) Overall Results C Acceptable CIUn.Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#, N I -0014 O 1 -1,3 00 Reviewed:

Level: _27 Dale: I 18 SO 8.0;TMI.13 IS81 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 62 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 22 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT T (7.3)Tendon No.: L3 Tendon:End: , Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ____,,,, 0" As-Found .0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wlire Removal. 0: Post Re-Tensioning 0.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9,2) Buttonheads

Level: 'l (10.1) (.Cracks ...Yes [,) N I NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A(101) Cracks Zl-Ies(2) INo [1] N/A (9.2) Bushing. Leyel: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes 1 2) 4 No [I N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks '0 Yes.(2) qNo 0 N/A (92) Bearing*Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes t 2 3 CM No C1 NIA" )Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 2_ Compose a.sketch:of~the cracks .on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR, 11 i n .81ITTONII4FAf INqPr-rTifnm R Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wirebuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance 0000050000


\o0 0000000000


I O00OOOQO)0O 0000000000000/

0.000000000.0 0-0o0o oo ooo.5 f 90176/Ln wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing//(11.2) Anchorhead I1.. LOVJ 2.Located on Sketch: (3 Yes 0l No Bushing ID. 9. la,-Located on Sketch: allYes C- No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:/,4:El]Yes El No Quantity:, 1.A Additional Information:

/6./ 4- 7-..... -...... ...//-i/ ,..(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): f (8.3) Illumination source: (. __.__, (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0,4: w (12.4) Total 0fiProtruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? El Yes W No (12.5) Total 0 of Effective Buttonheads Seated: l Wires Identified? " No (127) Overal! Results ."l Acceptable N Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: -.J I -P0 'QC Reviewed: A /_Level: I Date: 18 So 8.O.TMI.13 191I Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 63 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 23 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: ./Tendon End: A S Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 19 As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 03 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & l1.6,- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level'. (10.1) Crkcks (2Yes)( UN/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (4 u [NIA (9.2):Shims Level. A) (10.1) Cracks 0Yes"(} foN Ul NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10-ij Cracks* 0Yes.(2) r0 UN/A Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION b Offsize (Malformed)


'- -" wiruton e/ad tnhad 0 Broken/missing wkebuffonheads 0000000* Previously Identified as missing 00 00 0000-" " / ___ _00000000000 32q Discontinuous

-removed this: 0000000000.00 surveillance.

000.0000 000000 wire(s) removed during thls O:000O 0O 00OO surveillance for testing 000000000.00000 000000000O0000 0000000000000 O000000OO0000.00 (11 .2) Anchorhead I.D0. 0 00) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(D (-0 0 00 0 Located on Sketch: RYes C] No D 0.00 0 0:0 0 0 00 N 00000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: j/\0 0.0000 0 00 0000000/0 Yes C- No Quantity:

0000000 Additional Information:

N" (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): .. (8.3) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 , :. _(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0- (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?.

0 Yes Ij No (12.5) Total # of Effective Bultonheads Seated: I Wires ldentilied?% .es 0 No (12.7) Overall. Results [] Acceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#' /CewLeD 18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 64 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 24 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I.Tendon No.: ._J) B' Tendon End, Sb.'T-/ .tShop

  • Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification
  1. . TO: LOAM'.1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate Identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, Including other defects, existing on the.concrete In .the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.9 4 i V e4 r 104u V 2W 1< , ,.A_,, <.4 % 0 On Hoop and dome this edge is Vertical Tendon, this is toward Ihel center of the containment..
  • a .1 Auxiliary Light Source used: 0 YesDD No.(7.3) Illumination source.(7.5) Cracks k 0.010" E Yes N No Quantity:

Max. Width: ,Max Length. NCR: nslt QC Inspector:",,/

,---//{ j". -' Level: 'Date: .... JC Reviewed: W. £Level: Date: AIJ/ -g:~-(19 SN.3 TMI. 13 IS)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 65 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 25 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09/03113 Page: I of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1.Tendon No:: .,- Tendon End: " -Shop E'Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. U.01, .hi..-tA, 1. Orient the bearing plate with the. sketch below.2; Locate the bearing plate identification and documentithe location.

on.the. sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of.24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in.accordance with Procedure OA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exeon approval,.

On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the{center of the containment., ,,6A1 , ' "ei.i&Auxiliary Light Source used: C] Yeso No (7.3) Illumination sourceý CCOC.I I -Q49 (7.5) Cracks a .00" []Yes No Quantity:

Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

Level: Date: i o AIDS.,IC Reviewed:

Level: Date:/19 SQ 8.3 TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 66 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 26 of 348[. N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0.MONITOR TENDON FORCE S P"DATA SHEET 9,0 ,4 09103/1.3 PPRECtSION 5 ANCE Page 1 of8 R .... Revision 0 Proec TM 4 7HYEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Ui Prjc: .M 050Ui (- ..)Tendon No, I TendonEnd:

TL4 JShop C Field , LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

LP -F Thermometer No.: Recal oats: jlj Ambient Temp.: 5 Thermometer No.: Recat Date: 1/-/ I (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: g gAcceptable El Unacceptable, (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: I A at (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter EngagementAlignment -MAcceptable D unacce.ptable I. c--* ' : -" " " .Z33._.5 " ." (9.7) RAM ID: qLiO I Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area- 1. =1<Gauge.ID: .C- L?'7 .Recal U Daily Check: (/--,&d-).

/0-(-(9.8) Shim .Stack Height: #1. in.. #2 /. / in. Ruler ID: / LRecal Date Individual Shims: Stack #1: _ 2.- in. Stack #2 , in. : .-.?. /(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): /~1Z kips Pressure:

psi (0.10) PF: k.-S3 kips 95%.PF: 0/q3 kips: 90% PF: 1/3. kips 5&,, 8,-71 psi q7/o ,. psi q'/tj.3.9 psi (9. 11 5) As-Found Lift-Off:


Circled Values Stack #1: 1) .SQ 1/0: psi Stack #2:

1) ,../O. psi: 2) 5;2 /, psi, 0~ psi 2) 5 ýOI psi 3) U4(e~ psi. 3) Sl'/ 6 psi &(9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): I2.- :1 a ...Average: psi. -V-' $(9.11A 4) End Avg; Force (other end):: m .kips* (9.11 15) Average Liftoff (ALV) / ; " kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV)Acceptance Criteria: ,Jb-fT.'-

UCI- eJ P4 6 A ?IACge $ a) ...Acceptable-ALVis5%PF.

e, -to 4o b) El'Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALVis e 95%PF but _ 90%PF. Documenton a NCR.c) El Unacceptable

-ALV'is <9 0/oPF. Document on a NCR.NCR Required rI-Yes J4 No. Customer Notified NCR No.: (9.11.17)

Adjacent Tendon Llft-O ffs (Note: Use a separate.Date*Sheet.9:o to document Liftoff forces,): Ad).Tendon:

.E Acceptable

-ALV >.95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be Sa). -This Tendon: _ restored to within -V1+6% of PF. but In no case, no greater than 0.70 GUT as Adj Tendon: ._ ...._ determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notifled.

El-Yes E No Name/Oate:

.. .._/_....__"________.

b) .Adj Tendon: _ l Unacceptable-ALV < 95% of.PF for either tendon. Document the conditioi Adj Tendon::. -on a NCR. .".Customer Notified NCR No.:. /V{ Adj Tendon: on_"_EUnacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the Con, iio* Tendon:o'-_

_o on a NCR.N7 _Customer Notified NCR No.: 5_________.

C Reviewed:

S 0Level_ Date: 21 SO 9.6 MI. 13 ISIa.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 67 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 27 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP pmu.2 Oata Sheet 12.0&'a 09103113 ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40."' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Jj/j"Tendon End: C o!,,. T7--1 ['Shop El Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING.PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:





ate: I1L2-9ý-/3 QC Reviewed:

hl .L....v.e.:.

Da: vl Da-te I.30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 lSI. W Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 68 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 28 of 348 IN1091 PSC PROCEDURE SO 12.0 I REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0.09103113 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1< ..Revision*



Date: ____QC Reviewed:

K)-X),ýLevel: 7L Dale: /1 .3l/t" 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13.ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 69 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 29 of 348 Project: TMI 4W YEARTENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: ,-i 4" GREASE REPLACEMENT OC SIGNOFFS (84) Grease Used C@ DNEW [I OLD -TEST DATE: 1- ACCEPTABLE 0 APPROVAL LETTER 8.Q PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for Se"4--x tendon end: a.5, 981. gf.-/ 5 (8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for 4 , j, tendon end'" gal. A6&711w (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end-: .,, gal.(818) Estimated grease losses from leaks for .... tendon end: (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 2.'0 INITIAL PRESSURE PUMPING (1.2.6) Ambient Temp.: 'I 0 F Thermometer ID: Recal Date; /,. /,!'.1I/, (12.7) Grease Temp.: 266 OF Thermometer 10: RK -ARecal Date: 10- d.- 14 (12.9) Iitiiia Grease Height (a) ,43 5 in. (12.14) FEjlM Grease Height (b) "3 in.(12.16) Total amount of Grease Pumped: , gal. (a-b)x 1.77 intothe end (1218) Quantity of Waste Grease: 10 gal. (12.17) Was Exit Achieved?

W Yes 0]No j12.19) Total Grease Replaced this end: 61,gal. If no, Pressure Held for A ....1 PUMPING -SECOND END (If necessary)

(13.6) Ambient Tarl .. 0 F Termomne r D: Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: PF e"Theomt : t Recal Date: (13.9) jnital Grease Height (a) I Final Grease Height (b) in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: gal. (4 -bi x 1.77 the, end (13.10) Quantity of Waste Greaise:.

gaL (13.15) Cl Poured- 06 ýHan d (13.17) Total Grease Reglaed this end: gal_14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

"70161 gal. (12.19 + 13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: 5 ,Aj gal. Rew t-,so m22- SRnuvcs., thTo, ie,o* .,mt adw (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced (14.1)- Total Tendon Loss (8.9) 1 .qq %Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2)(14.4) Grease Leaks: C1 Yes (N No (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

[I Yes tress t1a0% ', No 'gwretertha,, o%).If No -Customer Notified NCR No.'. -OE),. A&8-(14.6) Comments:

A/&QC Reviewed:

K LLevel: I-_ Date: /1 15 -31 SQ. 12.1"TMI.t13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 70 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 30 of 348 i N1091 PSC PROCEDURE:SQ 6.0 I : GREASE CAP REMOVAL I s"DataSheiet 6A0 P S >09103113ýPEClSlOP .ANCE: Page1 of 1 I Re I AERevision P-Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.: rT .Tendon End: ___. __.__ Shop Li Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: 10 -Ii- 2O 3 (7.7): Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage Li Yes TNo (7,8) Temp..of.Concrete- (p' OF Thermometer No.: 5/ Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp..: Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: 15 (8.4) Anchorhead I.D .Anchorhead Verification:

tZ Match I] No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated Buttonheads

-Complete Partial 'Uncoated


-Complete V Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -Complete Partial Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions: .ON (8.7).Grease Color Match: -l Yes [] No. Grease Color. L 1 dJ kA Comments:.

(8.8) Quantity of Samples 2 Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? l] Yes 0 No Location of [ A.H. 1 B.P. OShims mcap C Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: G gal.(8,91) Grease from cap to be reused?. El Yes gg No Qty. of Grease removed from-cap: gal (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

o A;. gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

El Yes 91 No .Describe:

(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

A Nd- a (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct:.. " gal.( 0.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) ._ + (8.9). 4,' (8.9.1) 3 + (9.6)5 + (10-4)YZL

= 0T TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12:1, GREASE REPLACEMENT. ,Yes U No QC Reviewed.(C-Level: Date:.1 13 S 6.0 M1.1./S I 13 SQ 6.0 TMI. 13. IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 71 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 31 of 348.N1.091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL p S ~ .Data Sheet 6.0l" 09/03/13 PRCIsION LANCE Pagel of 1 Revision 17 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE M UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: J) Tendon End: _,________

Shop I Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: ./ -2 / (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 5 Yes H1 No(7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

G Thermometer No.: r-/oi .Re-Cal Date:: J. -. /.Ambient Temp.: *2:- QF Thermometer No.: p#/*. ,p4 Re-Cal Date: __,_.-__(8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

LI Match ZNo-Match (8.5) Grease Coaling /Grease Cap -Complete .. Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial: Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated .%Shims -Complete Partial. Uncoated %Bearing.Plate

-Complete Partial Uncoated %.. Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8,6) Unusual Conditions:

, (8.7).Grease Color Match: C3 Yes No Grease Colorn C o m m e n ts : 4 a ....(8.8) Quantity of Samples Z > Quart Samples identified perStep 8.8.1? K.Yes [I No Location of ..H 0 B.P. qShims Kcap 1` Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during.removal.of cap: = P gal., (8.9.1) Grease-from cap to be reused? [i]Yes No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: JtL gal.(9.6) Qty: of Grease removed from anchorage:

/, '5 gal-(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[] Yes K No Describe: (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection: , ! /l hQ/4 MsA, ,i :.(10.4).Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8). +(8.9) -0.' +(8.9. 1).g&+(9.6)

'5 + (10.4) TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

JYea I-No CC Reviewed:/2 a, P-ti Level: 21 Date: ~ oii I 0 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 72 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 32 of 348 Project: TMI 40e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE, UNIT.(8.1) Tendon No.: LII,, Tendon End: .[] Field.(9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected.

  • Yes
    lNo Quantity:

t Sample Taken: E] Yes Li No IM NIA Moisture


Li Observable Moisture .i: Significant Moisture I] Not Applicable Comments:

_(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

L] Yes Eg No Quantity:

.Sample Taken: Li Yes Li No .NIA Moisture


L] Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture rN Not Applicable:

Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

Li Yes a No Quantity:

t Sample Taken: [] Yes C1 No J'M N/A Moisture -Description:

i Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture 21. Not Applicable Comments:

dv,#.(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING i1/" Water Detected:

i' Yes L] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: EL Yes i- No Li NIA Moisture


L] Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture EL Not Applicable Comments: (11.1:) NOTIFICATION N .Exelon Notified:

0i Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

C1 Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: .... Level: Date: i QC Reviewed: 041 Level: _ _ _ Date: _____/__14 SQ 6. .TM 13 IS]m Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 73 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 33 of 348 Project: TMi 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE C UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: i4 Tendon End-: C ] Shop Og Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes t No Quantity:

.Sample Taken: [],Yes [I No O N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture [1 Significant Moisture (&Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[E Yes %.No Quantity: Sample Taken: E] Yes E] No 1 N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

El Yes l] No Quantity:

.Sample Taken: El]Yes El No Il N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture 1] Significant Moisture IZNot Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING I/Water Detected:

El Yes 0L No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes: E] No El N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

E] Yes Individual Name. Datez SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

E] Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: ._. 6,4A.. u i Level: Date: -.-QC Reviewed:

.OL Level: _ Date: /0/ 3.,43 14 SQ 6.1."MI.13 tSI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 74 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 34 of 348 PRECISION LANCE N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13 Page lofl Revision.0 Project: TMI -4 0 m YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: 14 / 4-6 Tendon End/Buttress:No.:

~pgA,/&B eAA Anchorage 1D.: Adaptor i1: b. 3 EQUIPMENT MICROMETER.

WIRE SHIMS-Thread MiG.ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No.. Recal Date Ext.Ext.Pitch QC 2- 2-7-gm is su Ext.Minor &C -5 Z 2 1i , ,"-43 ID) j0 .4 Int;.aoo "N/A N/A, Minor MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Sh...Av.rage Th er e d 3 .9 A v erag e W ire .W ire Shim .A verage Thread Read A Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 4aue D 4,D73 Ru major 2 q, 1~71 375 5_..._...___34 Ext. 1 %5 1 .2- ____Pitch: (1) 2 453 C,5 7426 Ext. 0 Minor (2) 2 el .ffsit~'S 10 'I's~ :2 Int.. 11 N/A N/A Major 2 N/A N/A Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 N/A N/A NIA Int. Go Gauge 11): N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID:lrNolse: 1) ruc'nuiamewer -Lveragel

-Lonlm oizej (2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Sizel DISPOSITION Trial 1 Trial 2 I Tuial3 .I. Thia4 I Adaptor Mark. D -:Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table , I Acceptable? (Yes or No) V, S QC Signofft QC Reviewed:.U. &A, Level: Level: Date: /Date: /-q 0 I .-' ~**-_v/~17 SO:7.1 TMI.13 131 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 75 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 35 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7,1 09103/13 RECISION ANCE page 1 OfA1 Revision 0 Project: .TMI -40e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: b 14 Tendon End/Buttress No.: Anchorage ID.:.. q ... Adaptor ID: e-. I EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Minor ( 2 -1 275Zf1 Ext.Minor 67¢ -z---r'- 0-70 1 D"- 3 ar 149 /0-Zq- 15 Major NIA N/A Int. NIA N/A Minor...MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3rd 6t 9 1h Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Major 2 J.5 .2 qj.5a 9T2,7, Ext. 1 9. 4-Pitch (1): 2 ~.5 .5 Minor (2)_ _Int. 1 N/AN/Major 2 N/ANA Int. 1 N/A NA N/.A Minor 2 NIA NIA NIA Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA ID:.(l) External Pitcn ulameter = [Iiveragei

-lvvire Cooniaw -nto-iIi oizej (2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-[2.X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size)DISPOSITION I Trial 1 I Trial 2 Trial 3 1 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark I_ I Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table I, 7" Acceptable? (Yes or No)CC Signoff: QC Reviewed: if* 77WflW I~1 Level:*Level: 0 Date: Date: W1I/vI.10 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 76 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 36 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 I ANCHORAGE INSPECTION I Data Sheet 8.OB PRECISION LANCE Page I of 1 Revision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT I (7.3)Tendon Noa: ii ..Tendon End: -.Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 0 Post Re-Tensioning 9.0 & 10.0:- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level:. A (101) Cracks [I Yes12 1 KNo C3 N/A (9 .2) A nch orhe ad Level: A (10 .1) C racks .C 1 Y es (2) k Q N o [ -]NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: A (10.1) Cracks [] Yes l12 No C3 N/A (9.2) Shims Level:. (10.1). Cracks r0 Yes (2) JR No O:1 N/A ( 9 .2 ) B e a r i n g P la te L e v e l; A ) ( 1 0 .1 ) C r a c k s C 1 Y e s 1 2 )] 'N o , t -] N / A 1 1 1-Corrosion Level=f C requires a NCR. I2I- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.44 fl ~I ITTAhIU~An IMQD~TIAM Olfsize (Malformed)


___wire/bu Iton heads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing m L i w Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed duringthis surveillance for testing 00000000.


\.000000000000 0000000000:000 0000000000.0000 0000000000 000 S/ ~ ~ oo oo oooo ooc*00000000/

/ / oo o o o oo( \0/ 0 (1 )0o o o 7 1 ~ o .o oo~0o o (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. :ri Located on Sketch: [I No Bushing:I.D.

Located on Sketch: [J Yes [L No (111.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: t4 /E Yes C3 No Quantity:'

4 Additional Information:

1 A 4 f:2 --.: I?.Y: W/(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8,3) Illumination source C _______(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9b: .(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Misting Bultonheads:

.(12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? Cl Yes Vd No (12.5) Total # of Effective Butlonheads Seated: W ires Identified?

/s [ No =(12.7) Overall Results J Acceptable

-Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed:

P = 0 -I Level: Date:sQaioi.i~l sII 18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 181 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 77 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 37 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0B ps~ 09103/13 PRECISION ANCEof Revision Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: ' Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA Il As-Found El Post:De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 0" Post Re-Tensioning (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks ElYesip) E0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: 4ir. (10.1) Cracks E] Yes'2) [Elro, 0 N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: 4 (10:1) Cracks C3 Yes(2) [ LI N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes.Z E -N/A (92) Bearing Plate Level A M (10.1) Cracks "-.:Yes(2)

IlRNo E' N/A.Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2). Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet8.0 and initiate a NCR.II 0 -BUTTON"FAfl IN-Qpr-CAM

  • Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as: missing 101 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing 00O0000O>

00 7.00000000


/ ooooooooooo~o (0000000000 co0/O0OO0O0O0O00000 00 000.0000000000 00000000000000 00000.000000:0 00000000000000o 00000000000,000 0000000,00000/,o0 00 o00:0 oD:o 0./\0000000 /00000(), /(11.2). Anchorhead I.D.Located on Sketch: J§ Yes C1 No Bushing I.D. fat-Located on Sketcht REYes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: El Yes El. No Ouantity: Additional Information:

S'm i't.A -2,. 2. V,.--: =I -(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 ,5'(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: V (8.3) Illumination source (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? El ,es C9 No Wires tdentified?

4 No I (12.7) Overall Results jOAcceptable El Un-Acceptabe Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: 6~o~P Level: Date:1064 3 18 SO B.O.TMI,13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 78 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 38 of 348 Project: TMI 2013:TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: > I14 Tendon End:

  • Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ___II___As-Found 0l Post De-Tensloning I PreoWire Removal r- Post Re-Tensioning:

Q.C. Signoff 9.0.& 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (" (10.1) Cracks [I Yes .(21)] NA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: J (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes.= 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks y'- e [ N0A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.2 [fNIA 41/.N0A t Corrosion Level of C iequiresa NCR._(t Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet.8.0 and imi1iite a NCR.I1f I- RISrTTONiHPAn mqJP~r~Tifnt I Offsize (Malformed)


__ wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 4~1 F--].Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing (11.2) Anchorhead I.D.Located on Sketch: Q Yes []No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: x 0 Yes, 0 No Quantity: Additional Information:

000000,0 000,00000 00000000000 0000000060000 0000000000000 60000060000000 000.0000000000 00000000000000 0:000000000000 0 0 (000000000 0CC 000.0000.0.0000 0:00000000000 000000U00000 00000000 0000000 N V~fflib (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w,); : (8.3) Illumination source , o41 ____(12.3) Number of Missing: Buttonheads (0, 0): __ " (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads'.

-0(12,6) Continuity Test Requested?

[l Yes 91N6 (12.5) Total # of: Effective Buttonheads Sealed: 7j6T Wires Identified?

C3 No (12.7)Overall Results 'OAcceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCRN: jV " t"L QC Reviewed: P, Ca P't', Level: Date:, 18 SQ 8.01TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 79 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 39 of 348...N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0.ANCHORAGE INSPECTION WIN op,.0ý1Data Sheet 8.0A, 09/03/13 PRECISION ANC* Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

'UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Ti Tendon End: f Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ........E] As-Found 0'Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning O.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Bultonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 0Y E [I NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A ,, (10.1) Cracks D Yes 2) N/A*(9,2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 4 l --i4 /0- LI N/A (9.2). eadng Plate Level: 'A (10.1) Cracks [I Yes 4 iNo 0I NIA ,/Zi'i (11- Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t 3 lCompose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION

.. /le zc 's."4W.I Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated 0 E 1 TV wire/buttonheads

.0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 0 0.../ 00.00000\9 Previously identified is missing 0 0 0 000 000 00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000 surveillance.

0000000000000 0000Q:00.000000 surveillance for testing 00000 00000000 0000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead l.D. 00000000000000 0000000.00000 Located on Sketch: r"] NO 000O 00:0 00000:=(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: ,4/ 00000 0000 r3 Yes 0 No Quantity:

iO 0000000 /\, /Additional Information:

(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads. (w): C) (8.3) Illumination source ,.' ________(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0,@t: .(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

r Yes [@ No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identihed?AAYes D No (12.7) Overali Results M Acceptable EU Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR*; Al/.QoC Reviewed:

Level: .t- Date: Iz a (/ /18 SO 8.0TMIh13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 80 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 40 of 348.1 P1 .A N'O19i PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103113.:Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 v Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE , UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End:. 0 Shop -LiField (74). Bearing Plate Identification

  1. _M4A6 1.kIk?I Orient the. beefing plate with the sketch belowý.2. Locate the bearing, plate identificatlon anddocument the location on. the sketch'.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the-concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for adistance.o.f 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate, 4.. For. cracks equal to.or wider than 0.010 inches, document conditlon.on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon. approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is Vertical Tendon, Ihisis toward the center of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: I" Yes&] No.(7,3) Illumination source: 4OI oi______(7.5)Cracks>O.010" []Yes: JNo Quantity:..

Max. Width: Max Length: NCR .-t SInspecor

.. f L l:..a t: JC Reviewed: Level;Date:0.-..iw 19 S0 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 81 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 41 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No.: h 1 f .. Tendon End: 1 '-Shop Field (7,4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. JLbfa 1:. Orient the bearingplate with the sketch.below.
2. Locate. the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, Including other defects, existing on the concretein the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0,010 Inches, documentcondition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon aprovaL On Hoop and dome this edge is.up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the Center of the containment..

Auxiliary Light Source used: E. Yeso No (7.3) Illumination

.source: LeieipLi.Ls'04-(7.5) Cracks> 0.010 [1 Yes r No Quantity::

Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

Level:. Date- A0 /3..C Reviewed:

Level: Date: //30L : 1 19 SQ 8.3 TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 82 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 42 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 Th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ Unit I (7.8)Tendon No..,:.. Tendon End: wt&,k :1Shop EiReid LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C Slgnoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

1 F. Thermometer No.: V,10Z Recal DateW .2 -1'3 Ambient Temp.: 4 'I Thermometer No.: PDK Recal Date: -15 (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads':

1 Acceptable E] Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: 1, (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing.Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

E Acceptable Dl Unacceptable

!i (9.7) RAM ID: RecalDate:

ehd ofjob RAM Area: K=, Gauge ID: .C p 5 Recal Date:" W ,,, Daily Check: Or_ $ '.(9,8) Shim Stack Height: #1 4., in. #2 It in. Ruler ID: e.. qf Recal Date: 1I. 9-..Individual Shims: Stack #1. ___ As, 1/4. in. Stack #2:--, /. yL In, (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): z kips Pressure: (9.10) PF: jj f{ kips 95% PF- 10Si .5 kips 90% PF; kips Ps 7-pi ý1/Oc4974psi.

4:(9.11.5).As-Found Lift;Off*

(9. 11. 13) Circled Values Stack #1: 1) psi Stack #2: 1) (4 psi 1) psi.2) O2 psi 2) 2)p 3) 5l psi 3) 7 ý psi 3) ~ psi (9.11.:13)End Average Force (this end): .kips-V,/

Average: -.0 psi (9.11 .14) End Avg. Force:(oiher end): 1j, kips (9.11.15)

Average'Liftoff (ALV) I kips (v A1 .16) Liftoff (ALV) AcceptanceCriteria:

a) (aAcceptable.-ALV is t.95% PF.b) 0- Adjacent Tendons to be~stressed

-ALV isli; 95%PF but i90%PF. Document on a NCR:.c) E-UnacceptabIe ALV:is .90%PF. Document on a NCR.NCR Required M- Yes Z No Customer Notified NCR. No.:,. Al 1A (9.11.17)

Adlacent Tendon Lift-Offs (ote.: Use aseparate Data Sheet 9.0 to dociaent Liftoff-forces.).Tendon.* n] Acceptable

-ALV >.950% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be /a) This Tendon__ *restored to within -01+6% of PF, but In no case, no greater thanO.70.GUTS a Ad edn determined for the number of effective wires,* ./]-AdCuOto Notiired:

NtiYes NCRNo NamelNate:

"_ _ ___b) Ad) Tendon: _--] Unacceptable

-ALV: < 95% of: PF for either tendon. Document Ihe conditio c).. Adj Tendon: .on a NCR.* ~ ~~Customer Notified NCR No.:: B ........ ..'" Te d n a, NCR Customer Notified NCR No.: _________QC Reviewed:

(2 .12 .Level: ._ _ _ Date:.3A 21 SO 9;0 TMI.13 ISie Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 83 of 1008 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project::

TMI 4 0" IYEAR TENDON: SURVEILLANCE M Unit 1*(7.6)Tendon No.: .4....... Tendon End: -Shop Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

'IF Thermometer No.: " 0. Recal Date: Ambient Temp.: VZ -F Thermometer No.: PK%104 Recal Date: (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: QJAcceptable E] Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: I .(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter EngagementlAtignment:

IAcceptable El Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: 90 Recal Date: endtofjob RAMArea: 2 31S K= -- %.q*'7 Gauge I;: Recal Date: j ..Daily Check: (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 5,5 in. #2 Z5: in. Ruler ID: Recal Dale:l/ '.L1-* Individual Shims: Stack #1: .. / jt l , in. Stack #2: " $i, '(,.. in. *(9;9) Liftýoff Overstress Force (LOSF): /. s ,, kips Pressure: (9.10) PF: l 2 kips 95% PF: 1054,5S kips 90% PF: kips (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off (9. 11.13) Circled Values Stack #1:. 1) psiO psI Stack#2: 1) A 1) , p 2) 4p9( psi 2) 6j 4Dp s 2) I ( 3) MO. psi 3) 511?) psi 3) ,,- psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): I 19 kips -Averagp: psi (11.14) End Avg. Force (other end): 1172Akips (9.11;15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) p, *kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria:.

a) 9 Acceptable

-ALV is -a 95% PF.b) El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but ,. 90%PF. Document on a NCR..*c) C1 Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF,. Document on.a NCR.NCR Required C3 YeS N] No Customer Notified NCR No.:. At (9.11.17)

Adlacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Nut.: Lusa aeseparete Data Sheet 9.0 to document Uftoff forces.)..Adf Tendon:. _E Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -01+6% of PF, buti n no case, no greater than 0.70GUT a Adj Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

[] Yes [I No Name/Date:


b) Adl Tendon: _] Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condition l_ Adj Tendon': on a NCR. A CustomerNotifiedNCR No.: 7A f..Z4.j- Ad) Tendon: C] Unacceptable ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the conditio C) L_ AdjTendon:____

on a NCR. "AIZ"o Customer Notified NCR No.: IV,-A W/4*ZJ-I-QC Reviewed:


Date: /0 30/21 SQ 9.0 TMI.13 ISli Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 84 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 44 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ. 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project: TMI 40 TYEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End:




ElJNO 51NO C1NO C1 NO C1NO COMMENTS A15046e, CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF /V/< Date-. Z&/6J-31 tju~QC Reviewed: Level: __Date: I 30 SO 12b.OMI-113 IS1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 85 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 45 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: q 4, Tendon End: -" Shop [ Fietd ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:





_ _ _ _ -_ _ "_ _ _ _ _ _ Level: -_ --" Date: _________30 SO 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 86 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 46 of 348 Project: TMI 40Q Tendon No.: GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS: (8.4) Grease Used: NEW -OLD -TEST DATE: F0 ACCEPTABLE E APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total: GreaseLoss from Data Sheet 6.0 for SPA tendon end; IInd gal. (8,6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: ki t2P.15:.(8.7) Estimated grease losses from Ieaaks for: tendon end: -0 gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for , tendon end: 0 gaL (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss; :_ I gal. 4' I-f 12.0 INITIAL PRESSURE PUMPING (1.2.6) Ambient Temp.: .. F Thermometer:ID:

RILA Recal Date: 1b -I- (12.7) Grease Temp.: ;Z6o OF Thermometer ID: Recat Date: (1 2.9) ta UGrease Height (a) &Z 75 in. (12.14) Fina .Grease Height (b) 2 (12;16) Total amount of Grease : 1 gal. (a-b)x tf into the end (.12.18) Quantity of Waste Grease: .gal. (12.17) Was Exit Achleved?

X.Yes O NO.12.19) Total Grease Re laced this end: (23, IL gal. If no, Pressure Held for / p L 7T." ND PUMPING -SECOND END (i1 necessary)

(13.6) F Thermometer ID: Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: rometer I Recal Date: (13.9) Lqitlal Grease Height (0) in. 1QVFInal Grease Height (b).. in.(13.14) Total amo unt of Grease added-,al (a~bx17 oh end (13.16)Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. (13.15) 0 Poured 0 Han ed (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) TotaI.Tendo .Grease: Replaced:

gal.. (12.19+13.17)

(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: .: .,J gaL Rfa.erro SO f2.2-krf. Tenon .. me,(" v6rfm Total Tendon Rep)aced(14:A)

-Total Tendon Loss.(8.9)

.k'~ 143 ercent Dirr~erncej:

(1.4,4).Gtease Leaks: 03 Yes (14.5) Refil Acceptable::

0 Yes gess i Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14,2)QNo ,an No0A NO (Cs aoerihae NR% .If No -Customer Notified NC R.No.: 100 _agLa& % Difference WAWA-IL-19-1.3 (14.6) Comments: AQ,Ue, QI OC Reviewed: Level: _ Date: "a.L 9 43 W 31 SQ 12.1 TMt.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 87 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 47 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 1W UNIT 1.(7.3) Tendon No.: -2 .Tendon End: Shop [] Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: i 1- 5 -(7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage El Yes A No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

K,% OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: te /3 Ambient Temp.: OF Thermometer No.: 2K If> Re-Cal Date: I ,2L.i (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorliead Verification:

[] Match []No-Match

.(8,5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial. Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -* Complete Partial :_ Uncoated 1 n Limited withinthe inside diameter of the grease cap, (8,6) Unusual Conditions:

dOA...(8,7) Grease Color Match: i9.Yes 0 No Grease Color:.ael 51 Comments:

A _ __OM!L,, (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2... Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? ( Yes I] No Location of. C A.H. 0- B.P. [9 Shims [2.Cap El Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: ,,__ g__.(8.9.1) Grease: from cap to be reused? [] Yes [O No 0ly. of Grease removed from cap: 3 gal (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

p, gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[l Yes [4 No Describe:

AIoM_-(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

-.4 A tul 4CrAR A CMW a,4 1 A..'(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below);8 + ,9 + (8.9.1) + (9.6),_..+

(10.4) £ = TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

M Yes 17 No QC Reviewed: I Level;Date: 13 SO.:6&0 TMI. 13 .1 S Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 88 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 48 of 348 Project: TMI 40: YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT i (.7 .3 ) T e n d o n N o .: D 2 -L , T e nd o n E n d : C__ "_ ...._,_ _] S ho p 1 J F ie ld Grease Cap Removal (7.8) Date Removal Started: ,5- 2W5z i (7.7): Dry Ice Used onGrease Cap andlor Anchorage

[I Yes l No (7.8) Temp; of Concrete:

' ThermometerNo.:

Re-Cal Date: /Ozq3 Ambient Temp.: "1 OF ThermometerNo.:

PX.1 -- Re-Cal: Date:. jp ,2'V -/ '(8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: L,4 Anchorhead Verification:

W Match C1 No-Match (8:5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete V Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial! Uncoated _ __Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -l ) Complete Partial Uncoated %(1) Limited within the inside diameter of the greasemcap.

  • (816) Unusual Conditions: (8.7) Grease Color Match: Ol No Grease Color. Ald, Comments:

A"ov, (8.8) Quantity of Samples Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? 7 J Yes, [3 No Location of [ A.H. [I B.P. CtShims Vs Cap El Duct=Removal I (8.9) Qty, of Grease lost during removal'of cap: ,. " gal.(8.9.1) Greasefrom capto be reused? [] Yes [ No Qty, of Grease removed from cap: 3,*25gal.(9.6) Qty; of Grease removed from anchorage:

O,ZS- gal.(9.7).Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0] Yes 0 No Describe: (103) Method of TendonProtection:

A ,'d ,-J 11I.A 4 9A, S ,/A (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: "gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below):.8 _ (8:9). ._ __ (8 9.,1) 3 + (9.6) 0 .25 + (10.4) ,_ _ = 4. -0 TO TAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

4 Yes [3 No QC Reviewed: P a-Level: Date:: I 13 SQ8.0 ML 1 IS1 13 SQ 6.0 IMI. 13 lSI: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 89 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 49 of 348 Project: TMI 40T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNI. 1 (8.1) Tendon No,.: 2:2 S Tendon End: Ld/43.- El Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E] Yes J4No Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: E] Yes C] No I( N/A Moisture


[I Observable Moisture Sl Significant Moisture [M,,Not Applicable Comments:..

...a (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[I Yes No Quantity:

6 Sample Taken: ] Yes E) No BN/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture (] Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

E] Yes [(&No Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: El Yes E] No [a N/A Moisture


0l Observable Moisture [0 Significant Moisture [] Not Applicable Comments:

Ale)(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING I/A Water Detected:

El Yes [E No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E-l Yes nl No El] N/A Moisture


rl Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION i\I/A Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE /A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: i C

...... Level: _ _-, ,Date:. /0, -f2 QC Reviewed:.

Level: ,1Date: /14 SQ 6.1,TMI-13 151 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 90 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 50 of 348 Project: TM1 4 0 6 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE mf; UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.: .1 22- Tendon End: £ i " E Shop 10 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP ,Water Detected:

0 Yes '8 No Quantity:

O Sample.Taken:

I-.Yes U No I N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture C0 Significant Moisture IJ. Not Applicable Comments:

A, 4 .(9,6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

U Yes [ No Quantity:

d Sample Taken: U-Yes "]No ;. NIA Moisture


U Observable Moisture Ul Significant Moisture El Not Applicable, Comments:


COMPONENTS Water Detected:

E] Yes {0 No Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: Q Yes E] No. I N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture .Significant Moisture I1I Not Applicable Comments:

N/BA/, (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING F/.Water Detected:

[] Yes U] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: U .Yes E] No [I N/A Moisture


U Observable Moisture U Significant Moisture-U Not Applicable Comments: (11.1)NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

.- Yes Individual Name:. Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE N/A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

D Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: j ayii .__ _ 1 -5 1 QC Reviewed: (I Level: E Date: / o// f2 14 SQ 6. 1..TMI. 13.1Sr Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 91 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 51 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09103113 Page. 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMI -4 0'"YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: b 22 5 Tendon EndiBullress No.:.Anchorage ID.: 1 157 Adaptor ID: Y -.... ... .. ..... ...2.EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mid ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ExA Major "5-3 27-14 Ext.Pitch ..3 2.7-14 -A. 5,4>q-r s u. 9' i /Dz,9-.I Ext.Minor_ SC 3 2 A4 j 01I13 6MCý6 Mnt. NA iNA Major- N/Int.MinorNA N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3w 6 9 Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 N/AI / ' Ext. 1 Major 2. NA NA Ext, I _ _Int. 1I / N/A N/A Minor 2. N/A N/A N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A ID: 0 Notes: (1) External Pitcn uDiameter

= [Average]

-(Wire uonstanq -(Snim Size](2) External Minor Diameter = (Average)

-[2 X WireDiameter].- (Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Trial 1 1 Trial 2 I TrialS 3 Trial 4 1 Adaptor Mark K 2.Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Tabl 7 e.Acceptable? (Yes or No) .QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: Level;. Date: Level: .Date: /, -V I a I W 17 SO 7.1 TMi 13 IS]Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 92 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 52 of 348~~4AOE, N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION.

DATA SHEET 7.1 09103/13 Page 1 of 1* Revision 0 Project TMI -40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE TMI -4& YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End/Buttress No.:/Anchorage ID,: 04 _ ...Adaptor ID: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER:

WIRE ' SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID :No. Recal Date MajOr* ) ,' .2. 'Ext.Pitch -2.7'- Al 46 .21'~f -j. iO23 Minor &c.- 52 .77 14 'c /t)Z ..j IL) , Int.MaorN/A N/A Int.-Minor N/A; N/A MEASUREMENTS' THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 rd 6 1. 9 Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 q.3 5,9.7 Major 2 %237T .3w 3-71'-Mitch (2) 2 a 4 b EExt. 1 5 ~Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A major 2 N/A L\&ýNj N IA ' ,'Int. 1 NIA .NIA NIA." 'Minor 2 N/A N/A NIA tnt. Go Gauge ID- NIA Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID: " N : (1) External Pitch Diameter = [Average]

-(Wire Constant]

-- [Shim Sizel (2) External Minor Diameter =.:Averagej

-[2X Wire. Diameter]

-iShim Size]DISPOSITION OC Signoft QC.Reviewed:

17 SO 7A1 TML13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 93 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 53 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ.8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.OB 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 4ý GRevision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Z)J Z 5. Tendon End: , Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found El Post De-Tensloning I Pre-Wire Removal 0l Post Re-Tensioning 0.0. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: 01 (10.1) Cracks [I-Yes(t 2 9,.NI [I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0l Yestz ) VNo Cl N/A (9.2) Bushing. Level:. 0 (10.1) Cracks C' Yes(2) iN,.o ElNIA (9.2)Shims.

Level: (I) (10.1) Cracks C-'lYes~t2r NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level:. (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.( NI'o [I N/A-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR.2 t)- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.44 -IITAMU~flIM Ocftfr* Offsize (Malformed)

Protrudinglunseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads ( Previously identified as missing f'] Discontinuous-removed this surveillance wire(s) being. removed during this_ surveillance for testing LIIIIZ/0 01 0 (112) Anchorhead I.D. "M_ _Located on Sketch: [& Yes [I No Bushing I,D. 11 ,, Located on Sketch: 54.Yes 0l No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: El Yes nl No Quantity: Additional Information: 7, iv..0 0000000/000000000 o000000000000 0o0000000000o0 000000000000 ooo000000000000

.000000000000 0000000000000

)0000.O04000000 000000000000) 00000000 0000 000OO0 00O ,,0000000QO/-

\. ooo~o~ooo c, o/-ii I I f I j I (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source;(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, ): V (12.4) Total of Protruding.

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? Cl Yes [ZNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?j.fts E] No (12.7). Overall Results ,J Acceptable D[ Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: A Za QC Reviewed: (IiY 4~A~-LeveIk Date: I I8 SQ 8.0.TMI. 13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 94 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 54 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.,: 1)22 Tendon.End:!


0. As-Found C0 Post De-Tensioning I Pro-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning; 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: 0) (10.1) Cracks [I Yesa ') II[R o E- N/A.(9;2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks ] Ye .8 5 t2) ( N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: 1(0.1) Cracks DYes(2) Ia-1ri [.N/A (9:2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks Q]Yes12) [¶ --lNIA (9.2) BeaHng Plate *Level: ..(10,1) Cracks C1 Yes(= ( N 2)o 0 N/A (i -Corrosion Level'of C requiresa NCR; 2)- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.44 A -_ IT'rtlllAt IkOILd-'Tarlt I Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wireibutlonheads.

Previously identified as missing m,.--.------4 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(v) being removed during this S1sureillance for testing ,46FYrZupe

'A, o00000000000

/ozoooooooo l S00000000000000

\0 0 0 0 0 00 0.o 0 00 ()0000000000.0000

\0000000000000 0,,o co o o.'0 .,o0o00 70.1.000000000000/

P\000000000010,\ 00000000/> ")(11.2) Anchorhead L.D.Located on Sketch- Yes [I No Bushing I.D. 7 Located on Sketch:. fYes [.No.(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: Dl Yes C1 No Quantity: Additional Information:

2, za I.. -V-p SE mesE'o $j I (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w)'. (83) illumination source ._# .LI. (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, a): ,___(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Bultonheads:

__ _ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes El No S(12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: ( Wires Identified?

eYs 0- No ,(12.7). Overall Results PgAcceptabfe El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified.NCR#:

A,, QC Reviewed: Level: Date:: I0" -q -/ 3 I... .... .. ..._18 SO 8,0.TMI.1 3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 95 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 55 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8,0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A PRECISION ANCEP 09103/13~Page I of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 2 2 Tendon End: , /Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA XI. As-Found 0: Post De-Tensioning./IPre-Wire Removal 0 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORRO.SION

&CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks E" Yesl= 53No 0- N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A "1 (10-1) Cracks. 0 Yes=(" 1 (Z.p. 0 N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes (2) (No C1 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes (2 No 0I N/A ("-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2) Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONIHEAD INSPECTIOP b Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated" w wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads/

00000000* Previously identified as missing 0 0 00 000 0 00000000000

_ Discontinuous

-removed this 00. 00000000(O surveillance.

0000000000000 wire(s) removed during this 000. 0 0 000000* surveillance for testing O O 0 0000000c)O cD 0000000o0.00000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. (X4 00000000000000 0000000000000 Located on Sketch: [&Yes ElNo 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 000 0 0 0 0 0000 , O.O000 0000 Yeas [No Quantity:,( it 0000000 Additional Information:

!uki S4Aekk4. -/,7/ f2 ,-2 .(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads Q (8.3) Illumination source exi. l" ____(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0,): : (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

19 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

0] Yes 0 No (12.5) Total # of Effective Butlonheads Seated:. , .Wres ldentified?A f s 0 No (12.7) Overall Results K.Acceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR.: GO Reviewed:

DLevel:. Date: izi.. _ __,o30j 18,S0 8.O.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 96 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 56 of 348 Project; TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE 2UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 1 ) ... Tendon End: 01Reid ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 1 As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal C] Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes ( i 112 NIA, (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks O[Yes (4 1 5M [1 NIA (9.2) Shims Level:. IL (10,1) Cracks C1- Yes {(2) N 1 NIA (9:2).:Bearng Plate Level, (:10.1) Cracks ["Yes (2 1o ENA ON/.A3 (1 Corrosion Level of.C requires a NCR. t 2)Compose:asketO of the ciacks on SketchSheet 8.0 and.initUate aNCR.41 fl -RIiTTflNW~Afl IN~WFflTIANI Offsize (Malformed)'

Protrudinglunseated Swire/buttonheads 0 Brokenlmissing wireibuttonheads AS v--i Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing 0000000 00000000 0000:00000000 0000000000.000 0 0 0.00o0000,00000

0.0. 0000000000


0000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000 000000000000 00000000000 00000000: 0000000 (12) Anchorhead I.D.Located on. Sketch: 0 Yes E1 No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: E1 Yes l No Quantity Additional Information:

4kL. ,4,,,t ..L4. --4.-" h -.. (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source

  • _______(12:3) Number of Mlssing:Buttonheads:(0, , __: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

ID (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[I Yes 5g No (12.5)Total

  1. of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires I dentifted?

AYes 112 No (12:7) Overall Results 4Acceptable

.0 Un-AcceptAble Customer Notified NCR#: /lr/;OC Reviewedn:

Level:.Date:/0Ov 18 SO 8.O.TMI13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 97 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 57 of 348 11091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103113'.,r0PMRECI$NU1E r LANCe Page I of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT I Tendon No.. P Z25 Tendon End: .. cShop -l Field (74) Bearing Plate Identification
  1. 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on: the sketch, 3. Sketch all cracks, including otherdefects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon a proval.qt ~, shr#.Akhy_

crAd(-On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, Ihisis toward thei center of the containment.0 Auxiliary Light Source usoed4 C] Yes[( No: (7.3) Illumination source: a_* 0CIC.(7.5). Cracks > 0.010' ] Yes ,No Quantity:

-Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#:+QC inspector:

~ ~ II. ~Level: gr-Date: JC Reviewed:

4+.._ +.QI. Level: D Date': 19 SO 8.3 TM)t.13ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 98 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 58 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I Tendon No.: Tendon End:, h -.Shop j Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. .AAI__ 4 / !-41 1'. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below..2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the. location on the sketch;.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with.Procedure QA 9.0. NONCONFORMANCES.

for Exelon approval.rNir On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon. this Is toward the center of the containment.

I clA.,o,, e ,All ýý55i .A 016 P Auxiliary Light Source used: C] Yes I No (7.3) Illumination source: aC-, ll _ _0_ _(7.5 Crcks~. .01 1 Yes 10 No Quantity:

o Max. Width: /A.MxentNR:

QC Inspector:

kI_ .e-A Level: D a te : / 0 4 5 -w -0 _JC Reviewed: fjp-4-Level: Date:/1 /39 3_t9 SO 8.3 TM.13 1SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 99 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 59 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0: MONITOR TENDON FORCE p s-2 DATA SHEET 9.0 ,,,- 09/03/13 E Page 1 of 1 I c Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE R Unit I (7)Tendon.No.=



~& 4. w.fshop El Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

'" F Thermometer No.: .:Sr i0 Recal Date: b- 2'?-/13 Ambient Temp.: 53 OF Thermometer No.: pK jo Recal Date: A ,.q1 10 .9.14 (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: 1] Acceptable

[3 Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: I_ _ _(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

0 Acceptable El Unacceptable tJ, -I (9.7) RAM ID: .405 Recel Date: end of job RAM Area: ?31.-141 K= -241 Gauge ID: C(3 .Recal Date: bA; Daily Check: .(9.8) Shim StacK Height: #1 74, In. #2 7,4,. in.. Ruler ID:-R. Recal Date: /I-.q/13 individual Shims: Stack #1: 2I2,, , I../ in. Stack#2- 202._11I0;/X.

in. AX424,4,l1 (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): 1 9. kips Pressure:

6B,7,7( psa (9.10) PF:. kips, 95% PF:. /66% kips 90% PF: 9-, kips p*(9.11.5).As-Found Lift-Off (9,11.113)

Circled Values Stack#1; 1) In psi Stack#2: 1) psi 1) .p 2) ~?D psi 2) 4701Psi 2) 0?,40 psi 3) psi 3) psi 3) //7 #0 psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): kips Average: 474O psi _,_____,__


End Avg. Force (other end): k (9.11.15)

Average Lifloff (ALV) 1/iOL. #kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria;:

a) N Acceptable

-ALV is ;95% PF.b) El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but _ 90%PF. Documenton a'NCR.c) C3 Unacceptable -ALV is< 90 0/oPF. Document On a NCR. " NCR Required 0l Yes RNo Customer Notified NCR No.: (9.11.17)

Adjacent Tendon Lifl-Orff (Not: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff 1orces.)/Adi Tendon: C___ Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within .-0/+6% of PF, butin no case, no greater than 0.70 GUT a Adj Tendon: _ determined for the number of effective wires. N EXELON Notified:

ElYes E] No Name/Date:

b). Adj Tendon: .. El Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the b) Adj Tendon: ... .on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: Adj endo: ______ LIUacpal L. 0 fP o.Dcmn h odto Adl Tendon. C-] Unacceptable -ALV < 90% ofpOF for either tendon. Document the " i ..-condition/

c) _ Adj Tendon: on a NCR, Customer Notified NCR No.: Mau____oC Reviewed: ( Level: -Date:./1 0 /3 21 SO 9.OTM1.13 ISIl TopicalReport 213 Attachment 2 Page 100 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 60 of 348 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.0 UnIt 1 (7.6)Tbridon No.: Tendon End: [!__._-___

Shop : Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA ..C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. Of Concrete:

10 oF Thermometer No.: .,.. Recal Date:* .i!:L.3,..-..

Ambient Temp.: 7 -F. Thermometer No.:. /: b,. RecalDate: ,D.g.- .1 A (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: O Acceptable

[f Unacceptable:

(9.5) Number of Effective Wires;: 1/0 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

9 Acceptable 0l Unacceptable L (9.7) RAM ID: Recal Date: end ofJob RAM Area: =K= -D.7 Gauge ID: i Recal Date:h_4 Daily Check: 4 (9.8) ShIm.Stack Height: #1 4,1 in. #2 41. -1 in. Ruler ID:- Recal Date: Individual Shims:. Stack #1: 2.2 /a V' in. Stack #2: .2.., " .in. 4LWASA (9.9) LiftW0ff.Overstress Force (LOSF):. kips Pressure:

13 .(9.10) PF: kips 95% PF: j ,i kips 90%.PF: kips* 6Ir. psi Psi 44111 .b3 psi: R I-(9.11.5).

As-Found Lift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack #1: 1) psi Stack 42: 1) psi 1) 479o psi 2) 47t0 psi 2) L .ý -psi 2) 4_71j-..3) _ R-0 psif 3) psi 3) ' 19V psi.(9,.11 13) End Average Force (this end): 1i. 1 .3 i" Average: , psi (9. 11.14) End Avg. Force (other end):. /6 (9.11. 15) Average. Liftoff (ALV) , / kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) 1 Acceptable

-ALV is >:95% PF.b) fl Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is 95%PF but > 90%PF_ Document on a NCR".c) l Unacceptable-ALV is < 90%PF. Document on a NCR.NCR. Required El Yes 0 No Customer Notified NCR No.:. .q ..(9,11.1 7) Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs. (NoM: Use a separate Data:Sheeaf90 to document Liftoff ..Adj Tendons E] Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL b a) This Tendon:: restored to within -0V+6% of PF, butin no case, no greater tha 0 ORO Adj Tendon:: determined for.the number of effective wires..EXELON Notified:

El Yes El No Name/Date:

//'.b) F Adj Tendon.: _____onEl Unacceptable cALV < 95% of PF for. either tendon. Document the con itlon I **Customer Notified NCR No.: I\11A c) r'.Adj Tendon: CE Unacceptable

-ALV <.90% of PF for either tendon. Document the cond'tion L Adj Tendon: on a NCR. A, Customer Notified NCR No.: Ae&z26L /&~7 QC Reviewed: Level: , 212 Date: 51____21 SO 9.0 TMt13 ISta1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 101 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 61 of 348 Project: TMI40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End: 4%,W &Shop 0 Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: GREASE CAP SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: GASKET MATING SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: STUD/BOLT HOLES PROPERLY PREPARED: FOREIGN MATERIAL EXCLUSION CONTROLLED:

31YES (INO El NO ElNo El No El NO 0 COMMENTS , CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF , Date: ________QC Reviewed:


ý YES El NO C3 NO£JNO ONO El NO COMMENTS il _CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF ~Date: P a-143D 1 (QC Reviewed: Level: 72 Date: / o//30 SQ1 2.0 TMI. 13 ISI.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 103 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 63 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT Data Sheet 12.1b -Hand Pumping 09/03/113 Page 1 of I Revision r Project: TMI 40&"YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: b2." GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used NEW [I OLD TEST DATE: 0 ACCEPTABLE

[] APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 8.0 for tendon end: (8.8) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: ,. gal. ,!(8,7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for. ke tendon end: gal.(8.6) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end:

  • gal. , ,I (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 1110 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (1 3.6) Ambient Temp.: 4J, OF (13.7) Grease Temp,;e 7?"F (13.9) LI Uta Grease Height (a)(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this en Thermometeri6:


/3-Zq-/3 Thermometer ID: jj,,. Recal Date; ::2." in. (13.12) FInal Grease Height (b) "t in.5, _S, gal. (a- b) x I77 into the end gal. (13.15) UýPoured [I Hand Pumped d: ga.3 1-b 13.0 HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.' O, °F Thermometer ID:; 4 Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: OF Thermometer ID: PKioii Recal Date: (13.9) LItial Grease Height (a). in. (13.12) fI-lq Grease Height (b) jJ in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: 4 gal. (a-b)x 1.7; into the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: O gal. (13.15) -4Poti'ed Hand Pumped (13.17). Total Grease Replaced this end: 4, PJ< gal. i,,.l14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

^,. q gal. (13.17 + 13.17)(14.2) NetTendon Duct Grease Volume: t7# gal. RefeatoSO 172- GREA.evaLwt..fortheTerdoNeNIOutDudfuf (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced (14,1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9) x 100 = 4 qq .% Difference Not Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2)(14.4) Grease Leaks: DI Yes No IN.(14.5) Refill Acceptable:.

RYes fIessiThanto)

C] No ( i I1-lr If No -Customer Notified NCR No.; /pie-A.(14;6) Comments: w QG Reviewed: V 6L (~-'~-.~Level: ---_Date: ,,/0 h 0 I 31 $Q 12.1 TMI.13 IS, Topical Rep0rt 213 Attachment 2 Page 104 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 64 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 AQ YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: -V Tendon End' M Shop [-]Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Dale Removal Started: La..j14_ Z- Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used onGrease Cap andlor Anchorage r Yes IN No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

46 OF Thermometer No.;. Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp.: .F Thermometer No.: PK.i 0J Re-Cal Date: .(8.4) Anchorhead I.D,.: Anchorhead Verification:

@9 Match (3 No-Match ,/A 4, (805) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial _Uncoated_%


-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %, Shims -Complete Partial. Uncoated %Bearing Plate.-t 1 Complete ___ Partial: Uncoated %. --Limited within the inside diameter of the greame cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:.

ALM.(8.7) Grease Color Match: 0 Yes { No Grease.Color.

o w/J A, Comments' A , o a" I4,ii (8.8) Quantity of Samples Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? aYes El No Locationof A.H. C1 B.P. 0] Shims J Cap [I Duct: Removal: too t4. I (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: / gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? ] Yes No Qty; of Grease removed from cap: 3,!5 gal. 0 6&6(1413 (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

6 ,gal.(9.7) Damage during-cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[I Yes I& No Describe: (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection-..

V,,O .1, (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: , o gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) D6 ,+(8.9)L.Q,..

0__, (10.4) LL = ._ TOTAL (11.12) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

0 Yes C1 No oC Reviewed:

Level: Date: a0 13SO 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 105 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 65 of 348.100 RECIIONANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09/03/13 Pagel of 1 Revision P W Project: TMI 4 0TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE I UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.: _1 -23 1 Tendon End: S, I6 Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: /0"/ 14. Z6 1j' Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used o0n Grease Cap and/or Anchorage -I Yes [O No (7.8)Temp.

of Concrete:

,7 'IF ThermometerNo.:

ST1I2 Re-Caltate:

Ambient Temp.: l7 OF Thermometer No,: n t Re-Cal Date: jr).;L3 D.6 (8.4).Anchorhead 1.D.: 12 Anchorhead Verification:

5? Match: '] No-Match (8.5) Grease.Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead


Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete fj/ Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete Partial Uncoated %V 5 -J4.S- Liited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

WP/ma,, f A-13 (8.7) Grease Color Match:. 0 Yes OQ No Grease Color. A&L h wd Comnts: IrDi. It (8.8) Quantity of Samples .Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8,1? (M Yes 0 No Location of [Z A.H. DI B.P. LM Shims 94 Cap 0 Duct 14-1, Removal a~ 4t_(8.9) Qty, of Grease lost during removal, of cap: 0, 5 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0]Yes qNo Oty. of Grease removed from cap: 315 gal. U RO 4-1, (9.6) Cty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

0. 2- gal.(9,7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes, KNo Describe: ,ogA/L. m io-'41*, (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

4,4JUA. .f e.s /o 11 (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: 0) gal, A O (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease(below)-

(8.9) 0, + (8.9,1)1.+

(9.6) 5 + (.10.4) 0 116 TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

I] Yes [I No A 1 Ii OC Reviewed: ('4 a.'K>Level: Date: 10 / 3 () 1/) 1. 1ý I 13 SQ8.60 TMI,13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 106 of 1008 W REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 66 of 348 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.E UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: .Tendon End: 4 I.l Shop E-]Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes No. Quantity:

t Sample Taken: El Yes E] No 0 N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture fJNot Applicable Comments: ,A/vA,, .e ,O. i4i (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes. (3 No Quantity:

o Sample Taken: C1 Yes El No OQ N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture E) Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

We , .,o.,4-t.(9,7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detectadtr1-1 Ye s NM N o liintituk Tnden- 1 Vc. r-l MK1. A KIIA Moisture



.Observable Moisture Comments:

14//A 1 it, & ,-El Significant*Moisture*

t] Not Applicable (9,9:1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

El Yes JXNo Quantity:

C Sample Taken: El Yes [E No. N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture. (aNot Applicable Comments:

A/nAI. hle. 10,f.IA (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE Nj/V (122) Samples adequately identified:

Li Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC. Signoff: ..14P. A 'ai I P 01,, Level: r Level: ______Date: 10"/A" [K Date: 3 I QC Reviewed: 14 SQ 6.1.TMI.13 ISI1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 107 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 67 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 1 PRECISION, ANCEP 09103113 Page i of1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 Te YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT1 (8.1) Tendon No.: "Tendon End: $ ,, .IjFild.(9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL.OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[] Yes QNo Quantity:

-Sample Taken: El Yes [I No 1 NiA Moisture


0I Observable Moisture [] Significant Moisture KNot Applicable Comments:

.,,,e#' , (9.8.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C1 Yes ZI No Quantity:. ( Sample Taken: El Yes [j No Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [kNot Applicable:


Ali) NO-. ,. -....(9,7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:.

[I Yes K.No Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: 0 Yes LI No P N/A Moisture


.E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [SNot Applicable Comments:

./og h',e ,O/ 4-t3 (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

LI Yes [] No :Quantity:

Q Sample Taken: Li Yes El No , N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture jRNot Applicable Comments:

Moel A 1- .- 1"?5 (11.1) NOTIFICATION A 7 Exelon Notified:

0l Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Ye (12.3) Samples stored at: QCSignoff:

_ -Level: .Date: /___46,-_QC Reviewed.

Level: _Date: /O34,o 0 0.J 14 SO 61.irM1.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 108 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 68 of 348 j p5'" oePRECIS ON .ANCE V, 1 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TI Tendon No.: AnchorageiD.:, MI -40 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE h -231 Tendon End/Buttress No.:.kvS5¶ /A D &AJ U. -.l_________ .Adaptor.ID:

EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date IDNo. Recal Date ID No, Recal Date Ext.""'Ext.Pitch 5 'Z. 2-7-14 P4A 10,11 5L4g 9.1i Ext.Minor -~2 7 4j jjI N/A MinorNAN/MEASUREMENTS THREAD .Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 r .. 9 1h Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 (ft gW7 Major 2 .. N 372 4A7 1,N37:Pitch (1). 2 q 's4C 21.S Et. 1 N/A5, q Manor () 2 N/ 9,_qa Int. i N/A NA NIA Minor 2 N/A N/A N /A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: NIA Result; NIA ID:(1) External Pitch Diameter = [Average]

-[Wire Constant]

-[Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim SizeJ DISPOSITION Trial Trial 2 Trial 3: Tda14 Adaptor Mark X_ Z Min.. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table " ". j 27-.Acceptable? (Yes or No) e S QC. Signoff: QC Reviewed: oU e Level: .. ,Date- 0. 1 -Z6 17 Level: Date:. ! l/ 4-z 17 SO 7A1 TMI.13zISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 109 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 69 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1.09103113 00"PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project:.

TMI.- 40e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE tendon No.'Anchorage ID.:.X~2'31~z5 A'S 6154 ZLo 1da Tendon End/Buttress No.: Adaptor ID: /EQUIPMENT' MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc iD Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No; Recal Date"" Ext." " Major -r-2. 1T4 Ext;Pic ac 2 1tt Sa ____ jgg Ext.Minor N N-A Ad (/" Int.N/A N/A Major _______ ______Int.MinorNANA MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Reada 3 rd 6t Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 Pitch (1) 2 C44OS. q,'q1' , .iZ,/$Ext. 1 -1 4 Minor (2) 2 qq4g i4*: *3A'Ir~mt. 1 N/A NIA Major 2 N/A NtA Int. 1 N/A NIA N/A Minor 2 N/A N /A NIA Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: NIA Result:. NIA Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result:* N/A ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter = [Averagel


-(Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter = (Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial I Tral 2 Tral 3 1 Triai 4 Adaptor Mark e.-I i X -?- I ." I Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table , , S. , 7, , t Acceptable? (Yes or No)QC Signoff:.QC Reviewed: Level: Level: Date: Date:-v p rtv.- r-*- --I 17 SQ 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 110 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 70 of 348 Project TMI 2013-TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1.(7.3)Tendon No.:, 3't Tendon End: .Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found E1 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal Dl Post Re-Tensioning O.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks r:Yes~z' El N/A (9.2) Anchorhead" Level: .(10U) Cracks [IYes. (2) a l N/A (9,2) Bushing. Level:. LJ1 (10.1) Cracks [Yes(2 1 E1< El NIA (9.2) Shims: Level: 0) (10.1) Cracks [I Yest(21 [7oi C1 N/A (9.2).Bearing Plate Level: 5) (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes"' [42) EC NtA.Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (21_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.4 CI l iU A tlklamcf-rin I OffsIze (Malformed)

Prolruding/unseated Swirelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wtre/buttonheads Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed during this I Jsurveillance for testing.008 ..00 0(-0000000

/ /.oo~ooo oo~ocoo o 0000000,0000) o000000000000

/~~ 0.0 0 o o o 0.oo0 0 o, .o o.0000000000000O0 000o000000Oo00 0000000000000

\ ..\6§oooooo oo /ý000000Q000000 0.0000000 ,, .-/D00000000000J (11.2) Anchorhead I.D;Located on Sketch: 6,Yes [No Bushing I.D. a Located on Sketch:: KYes [I No (11.4): Missing Buttonheads Found: N!.0 Yes [].No Quantity:e-Addilional Information:

V'bim-I&14-13 11 1 1 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads(,): ( ) (8.3) Illumination source CCA ./ -041 (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 0 : 9 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ _ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? Yes M No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?.

E No (12.7) Overall Results Y.Acceptable.

] Un.Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: At/1A L.QC Reviewed:

~DLevel: Date: 18. SQ 8O.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 111 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 71 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.06 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: ýb:? Tendon End: , []Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA .....Cl As-Found DO Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A 1)10,1) Cracks "] yet 2) 9'No 0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.~ ( EI ' N/A (9.2) Bushing Level:: (10.1) Cracks El Yes 0) [h1o -1 N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.11) Cracks [3 Yes(: 2 1 G ,9 0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate: Level: 12 (1) (101) Cracks El Yes 12) ;za C] N/A Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t -_Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initate a NCR.1,1.0 -BUTTON HEAD INSPECTION." Oosoze (Ma-rormed)

Protrudinglunseated W wrelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missin~

wlre/buttonheads 5 0000000*D Previously identified as missing / 00000000 Discontinuous-removed this / oOoOo000000d0 surveillance

/0000000000000 t /ooo oooooo~oo:0oo\

wire(s) being removedduring this M 6 00 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 O (81 surveillance for testing 0000000000O0 OO OO 00l\ \0060000060000 (1 1.2) Anchorhead I.D. 00 0 00 0 Located on Sketch: C]ENo \'0OOO OOOO00000 Bushing I.0.. C\\Q0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C / /Located on Sketch: j Yes [I No -'" -40 0 0 0 0 0 /(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N IA "-".....1

/El Yes El No Quantity: Additional Information:

5h .- _I~An 1AJ (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source -oa _(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9.: C (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ (12.6). Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes 0 No (12.5) Total N of Effective Buttonheads Seated: J Wires es [E No (12.7) Overall Results 0.Acceptable

[E Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: Al QC Reviewed:.

eG0w Level: _I Date: , 1/18 SQ &O.TM.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 112 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 72 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE (0.UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: .... Tendon End: ,.Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 0 As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal Post Re-Tensioning.

q 0 R& i1 0 -CO'RflRIOlN A CRACKINSPCECTIOfN-(9.2) Buttonheads Level; (10.1.) Cracks C] Yes 2 1 691Ný D] N/A (9.2)Anchorhead.

Level: .. (i (10.1) Cracks C Yes (21 N/A (9,2) Bushing Level: A (10.1) Cracks [I yes (2) W [3 N/A (9,2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks .- Yes (O1 [] N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks (I Yes 9No [I NIA ilL Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 1 2 3-Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and iniilate a NCR.44 A. 01ITTeNNmrAflIMwtm-Tinr

  • Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated Swire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing m -4 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance

--- I wire(s) being removed during this s surveillance for testing S000000 0000000".000000000000

ý0000000000000 0*00000000000.0.

00000000000000 O000000000000


°oo°°/\0000000000000 0 000000000000

~0ac0000C)( 00(\3,0. 0 0 0)0/(11.2) Anchorhead i)D. .Located on Sketch: [,Yes 0 No Bushingl:.0.

j.j =Located on Sketch: , Yes [I No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: O Yes 0 No Quantity: Additional Information:

VLm .,.&,".* .-If (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source C. a ,.4i' __, _(12.3) Number.of Missing. Butlonheads (0, .(.12.4) Total of.Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(1.2.6) Continuity Test Requested

? .] Yes C.No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

Yesj C No (12.7) Overall Results RAcceptable 0 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#'. " QC Reviewed: P/6L I Level: Date: /o 3(0 13.(I-H 18 SO 8.0.TMI.13 ISt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 113 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 73 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: t , Tendon End: -"Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ........11 As-Found Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal [] Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: .:i. (10.1) Cracks D Yes iGNo L]N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks L] Yes(2). UK% 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2) IN*' [I N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate .Level- (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2) V o [I N/A (') Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2) Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.14 A .ITTr1N14FAn l ~JWIFrTIA~rJ Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated r n wire/buttonheads 0 Brokenmissing ire/butthnheads ( Previously identified as missingOlscontinuous

-removed this surveillance, wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 923 Located on Sketch: WYes LI No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N!0 Yes 0 No Quantity: Additional information:

xch~m 4Atti W, -AtrS 1Atk~~ AM 0000000 00000000 00000000000 000000000000 00000.000000 00000000.000000 00.00000000000 000000000000.0 0000000000000 00000000000000 0:000000000000 000000000000 00000000000 00000000 0000000 (12.2) Number of Protruding Bultonheads (w): (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0,9 b: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 0 (8.3)Illumination source At (12,6) Continuity Test Requested?

ElYes ffNo Wires Identified?

Yes C1 No W;I (12.7) Overall Results f Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: 1CL PleýLevel: Date: I.18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 114 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 74 of 348 N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.6A PRIEISION ANCE 09103113 PCICE Page I of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE -UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: b 237 Tendon End: L, .51- ... Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA .....V, As-Found 0l Post 0e-Tensioning I Pie-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 10, -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Bulttnheads Level: 0 (10.1) Cracks '].Yes ( j) jjo el N/A (9,2) Anchorhead Level: 0 (10.1) Cracks l-:Yes t z (4 No0 El N/A (9.2)Shims Level: -1) (10.1) Cracks r- Yes (2) &14.[ E-N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: 2 (10:1) Cracks 0- Yes (2) El N/A..Corrosion Level of C: requlres a NCR. t (2 Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheel.8.0 and initiate a NCR.I4I4 fl. RITTANHFAQ INt4Z13FCTIn1J Offsize (Malformed)

Protrudinglunseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing 0000000 00000.000 00000000000 00000000.000.0 00.000000000,(0000000000000 000000000000(.000:000000O000 00.0000000000C 0000000000000 00000.00000000 000000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance..

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing 0)0:)p, (11.2) Anchorhead ID: b,-Located on Sketch: "- Yes [] No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:/V4 El Yes El No Quantity: -A Additional Information:

6 hs-A~k A, .3 1 ,5 00000000000 00000000 0000000 ii ./~A-.6 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 1 (8;3) Illumination source 64" (12.3) .Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 5: V (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes [K No (12 5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified

?f es El NO (12.7) Overall Results VAcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: P, a Level: Dale: 0 ?W 18 SO B.O.TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 115 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 75 of 348'N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION p.i .Data Sheet 8.0A.09/03113 PRECISION PLANCE Page I of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE OUNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: ] Tendon End: , Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA Dl As-Found C3 Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal IN Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9,0. 0 -CORROSION CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (1 .0 (i0.1) Cracks [] Yes (2 IN' [I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks C] Yes (2L N0 El.NIA (9.2) Shims Level' (10.1) Cracks C] Yes(2 No [I NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate. Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes ( ti [I N/A / 4 0 -Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 12) Compose a sketch of Ihe cracks on: Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiale a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION I Offaize (Malformed)nglunseated

... -W wirelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/butlonheads 0 0 0 0 0 0 00* Previously identified as missing 0 0 00 0 () 00 0-/ _00000000000 Discontinuous-removed this 000000000000 surveillance.

!0000000:000000 wire(s) removed during this , 0 0 000co o0 o_ s Surveillance for testing ,O 000000000000

$~'-4r 0000000000000O0: 0 0 8 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11;2) Anchorhead I.D. 0000000000000 Located on Sketch: NYes ElNo 1O-A "3 00000.0000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0 .00 00 000 00*

  • 00OOO000[] Yes, [17No Quantity.Y k 0 000 00 0/-Additional Information:/

4 7.17~(12:2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): _ (8.3) Illumination source " -f t (12.3) Number of Missing-Buttonheads (0:, 0: 1 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes J No (12.5) Total # of Effective Bultonheads Seated: / Wires ldentirled?/

1 Yes [] No (12.7) *Overall Results OAcceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: 14 I.QC Reviewed:

C,. Level: Date:/18 SQ 8.0,TMI,13 ISl Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 116 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 76 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT 1 Tendon No.:, h.2 T7 Tendon End: I .[ Shop CField (7.4): Bearing Plate. identification#: " Ab ..,i e_, 4 4 .I. Orient the bearing plate with (he sketch below.2I Locate thebearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal:to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA9.0, NONCONFORMANCES,.

for Exelon aproval.YA k4 (OnHoop and dome this edge is'Up.Vertical Tendon, this:is toward the center of the containment.

APP 16vJ- /ZI 6toAýe W, -~4_44 e00 i o k)'cVe Auxiliary Light Source used: Yes(V.No (7.3) Illumination sourceX, ev C I I -oh's (.7.5) Cracks a 6.019' 0 Yes U(No Quantity:

Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

Level: Date: JC Reviewed: Level: Date: c /19 SO. 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 117 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 77 of 348 N109i PSC PROCEOURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION.DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09t03113 Page I of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT 1 Tendon No6: h;937 Tendon End: ,.R, I4 " Shop 0 Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification#:

..4 J.... .#.1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an.Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approvaL On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the canter of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: C] YesR1 No (7.3) Illumination source:.(7.5) Cracksz~O.010" E]Yes lE Nor Quantity'.

Max. Width: h.Max Length: NCR#-.QC Inspec .tor: 04Level .. Date: .JC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 77_19 SO 8.3 TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 118 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 78 of 348 r. N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE IDATA SHEET 9.0" 09103113: PAICE lPage 1 ofP 0 Revision 0: Project: TTMI 401T YEARJTENDON

SURVEILLANCE Unit i1 (7.6)Tendon No.: b 2 *3 -7 Tendon End: 0.$,, $hop LI Field.LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp; ofConcrete; 70OF Thermometer No.: .Recal Date:. /Vs.9.-t'3 Ambient Tamp.: OF Thermometer No.: ,). g/r6" Recat Date: I/to,' ,71/5 (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: glAcceptable LI Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires:: (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/AlIgnment

[I Unacceptable (9.7) RAM I: 40: Repel Date: end ofjob RAM Area: , K =. ", q7 Gauge ID0: /.%L4M Recal Date:.' Daily Check: (9.0) Shim Stack.Height:

  1. 1 .f inm $2 'in. Ruler ID RO Recal Date: L/4,,?,)l individual Shims: Stack. #1.: , ....... in. Slack#2: -In.(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): (9-10) PF: L,0 6:$ kips i496, 4/: psi (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off Stack.#l:
1) 51W psi 2) psi 3) /Io psi (9. 1.13) End Average. Force (this end): (9t 11A14) End Avg. Force (olher end): " .... .l$gZ , kips 95,% PF: kips Stack #2: 1) /psl 2) i Pressure: 90% PF; kips!Apsi:_(9.11.13)

Circled Values 1} ) psi 2) psi 3) _ SL psi*Average:*

.',, psi (9.11,15)

Average Liftoff(ALV) 1117, 3( kips (9.11.16), Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) .' Acceptable--

ALV is > 95% PF.b) LIAdjacent Tendons to be stressed*-

ALV is< 95%PF but -90%PF, Document on a NCR.c) LI Unacceptable-ALV is<90%PF.

Document ona NCR.NCRRequired

'I Yes ,.No CustomerNotified NCR No.: (9.11.17 )Adiacent Tendon LIR-Offs *2Note: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Ufroff fomcesj Adj Tendon: E] Acceptable

-ALV >95%. of PFP The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restoredto within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.7 Adj Tendon: :determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

C] Yes El No Name/Date:

4J17"[b) -c" Ad Tendon: El Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the Condit* n L.Ad] Tendon:.____

on a NCR. .leod6 Customer Notified NCR No.: /V/A _______I -- m _ 7. ..c)-. Adj T'endon:"_______

LC Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the cond onZ j endon: _on a NCR. Customer Notilied NCR No.: OC Reviewed:

k)-CL (-LL 1 Level: jjic-Date: /0/3 21 SO.9.0 TMI.13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 119 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 79 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09/03113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project; TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ Unit ;I0d (7.6)Tendon No.- .2 ... Tendon End: JK .ef 'I3 5 LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA OC, Signoff (9.3): Temp of Concrete:

67 OF Thermometer No.: Sr.- Lo 7 Recal Date: fj3 Ambient Temp.: 6SjF Thermometer No.:: tk/r, Recal Date: Low & --&.I (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads:.

g Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number Of.Effective Wires: ItA (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment

f] Acceptable 0I Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: q /o Recal Date: end of job RAM Area: K = 19ig 7 Gauge lD: Recal.Date:1,4,4t .IL DailyCheck:

",!(9.8) Shim Stack Height:: #1 t, in. #2 a5 3 In. Ruler ID: I_.94 Recal Date: Individual Shims: Stack #1: / in. Stack #2A Iin.(9,9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF):

Pressure:, psi (9,10) PF: 16 51 kips 95% PF: ,.og4' kips 90% PF: kips psi:O* zpsi 4213,1? psi k& .14-1 (9.11.5) AsaFound Lift-Off psi (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack#1; 1). psi Stack .2: 1) K ) i pý i 1) 4 psi 2) IqO PSI 2) .iA ~ p ) *pb psi psii 2)3) AJqJb psi. 3) ) 3) psiJ..)4 D psi.(9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): 14,.g kipsAS..T' Average: 4i., psi (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): jjq01 6 kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff(ALV) (fI73j kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a). EAcceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.b) El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but z 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) F1 Unacceptable

-ALV is. < 90%PF. Document on a NCR. , NCR Required C] Yes XNo Customer Notified NCR No.: 4 (9.11.17)

Adiacent Tendon LlftOffs (ote: Use a separate Daeta Sheet 9.0 to documentLiftoff forces.)O-, Adj Tendon: _ [I Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon* restored to within -00÷6% of PF. but in no caspi no greater than 0.70 GUTS as Adj Tendon: __ determined for-the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

ED Yes E] No NamelOate:

b) ' Adj Tendon: __C] Eo Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condilion A nonCustomer Notified NCR No.: 14 Adi Tendon: _ _ Unacceptable-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the C) Adj Tendon:. on aNCR. -~~Customer Notified NCR No.:/ .QC Reviewed2 Level Date: 3 21 S094O.TMI.3 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 120 of 1008

... .... .. :... ......... ....., _ ,, ..... ..... ..... ..... ...REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 80 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ10.2 TEST WIRE REMOVAL Data Sheet 10.2 I 09/03/13< CANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End: 0, Shop jN.Field Removal Date: Inspection Date: WIRE REMOVAL INSPECTION CORROSION INSPECTION


Document the Corrosion Category for each 10' of wirein the increments below. Use Categories described in PSC SQ 8.0.For Corrosion Level C document condition on an NCR. NCR Req'd: NO [I YES NCR# A4/,, (

Document the total length of the wire on the diagram below. Completed; 0 NO aYES ,,-----I Buttonhead End 010' 120' 30'30' 40' 10' 60'2 ,12 0' 110' 120'a.(taaaaa A ns a M a A, a a 4n a a..a.a -a. a a. .A .a a nAn. a na K a a K a, A A, A Mx A sAnAM 160' ----- ,y'* i 130 ISO, 160' 170' 180'A a.. A AM A AM A A A A A aM MAX Af M a A^^ A^ a: A a a A^ a aaaa Afa t A A A A A AMA A AA aaa A^ MAMMaA AA A AM Aa aa 180' 190' 200' 210'210! 220' 230' 240'240' 250' 260' 270'270' 280' 290' 300'300' 310' 320' 330'Cut End (

Was the wire cut for samples: [I NO R.YES document the area of removal above using symbol (8.7) Document the location of wire. removed on Data Sheet 8.0, ANCHORAGE.INSPECTION: (Completed (8.8) Measuring Device: ID Number: Recal Date:. ./t , (8.8) Wire Pull Ram ID Number: ,i A Ins~tr iQ' Level:. Date: 0.C oc 1eviewed LL Level: Date: .30 1.3 25 SQ 10.2 TMI.13 ISl Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 121 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 81 of 348 Project: 'TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Unit I F1 Unit 2 (9.3)Tendon No.: Z 57 Tendon End: 0 Shop El Field (9.4) Temp. of Concrete:.

.F Thermometer No.: "T .. Recal Date: AmbientTemp.:

to OF Thermometer No.: PK Recal Date: _____-___(9.5): Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: J Acceptable

[I Unacceptable RETENSIONING DOCUMENTATION QC Signoffs (9.6) Numberof Effective Wires: 16S (from Data Sht. 8.0)(9.7) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter EngagementlAlignment j Acceptable

[l Unacceptable (9.7.3) RAM ID: Recal Date: ob RAMArea: 7gq,5., K -5, f17 Gauge ID: Recal Date: bAIy&)M g16 Daily Check: /Calculated Force for Elongation Measurement and Retensioning using formula below NOTE Stress dudng Lift-Off should not exceed 9.425 kfps per effective wire or 1592 kips fora 169 wir tendon.(9.8.4) PTF= 2'7 kips Pressure:

-.,*3 psi Step 1= 00 kips Pressure:

3447, psi Elongation:

in.Step2= 1Z100 kips Pressure:

5ul Elongation:.

l, in.LOF= 7 31 kips. Pressure:

6).1_6.. psi OSF= 6S10 kips Pressure:

(,0 7UZO psi Elongation:

9_,.- £in..P =.(F-.K) x1000 Key: F= Force (kips)A A = Ram Area (ih2)P = Gauge Pressure (psi)K = Constant factor (kips)(CAUTION: "K! constants can be either positive or negative,)

QC Reviewed:

LC) 6 .JY -Level: Date: /0 01/28 SQ 11.0 TMI,13 ISI.doc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 122 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 82 of 348 N11091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 11.0 RETENSION TENDONS DATA SHEET SQ 11.0 09103113'Page 2 of 2 Revision" Project: TMI4eTh YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE u unit 1 U unit 2 (9.3)Tendon b 7 Tendon End' -1 Shop 0 Field Actual Observed Force and Elonation Measurements using formula below QC Signoffs (

PTF 2 0 7.oLq kIps. Pressure:

4? .. psi ( Elongation:

LA2!L (

Step 1 1 kips Pressure:

3450 psi Elongation:

4,& im.(

Step2 _7A,60 kips Pressure:

.psi Elongation:


OSF 3 .kips. Pressure:

.psi 0 Elongation:

&5 in. I0.1- l*AxP 1000 (9.9.8) (2"- (D ._.7 in. Elongation Value (this end)(9.9.9) in. Elongation Value (opposite end).(9.9.10) in. TOTAL Tendon Elongation Value (9.9.1201)

Elongation An % Ruler ID: b.1'5 Recal0ate; 1,.9 -13 (9.9,12.3)

Elongation Results EM Acceptable CJ Unacceptable Customer Notified NCR No: Options Original Lift-off Values from Data Sheet SQ 9.0 A Lift-off < Predicted Force 'U Use Predicted Force -0 + 6%1/o.B Lift-off > Predicted:

Force i Use Lift-off -0 + 6%C Lift-off > 67% GUTS 0 Use 70% 40 -3% GUTS: (effective wires)D. Lift-off > 70% GUTS (7 Use 70% + 0- 3% GUTS (effective wires)(9.1.0,5)

LOF Acceptable Range Min -.. Max As found lift-offlorpredicted. (highest):

,/f 4 7, 3 1 kips /;31 15'kips*From: 2.0 ,P A- rS psi To: ' , pT7-I'(9.10.6) Actual Lift-Off.

(9.10.8) Circled Values Stack #1: 1) .4 P.'D'0 psi Stack #2: 1 'siopsi 1 psi 2) Z5-,tO psi 2e 2) si 3) C-0 psi 3 3) i psi (9,1O;8) Force (this end): 1., 0 _ kips ual Average: _f2 t P-i (9.10.9) Force (opposite end); 12 Iq, , kips (9.10.10)TendonALV Force , (4kips (9.10.11)

ALV Acceptable:

R Yes C1 No Customer Notified NCR No.: (9A0.15) Additional broken/mIssing wires: { No C1 Yes Amount: 4el'(9.10.16)

Additional ProtrudinglUnseatedmwires: No [I Yes Amount:, If Yes -Customer Notified NCR No.: A114 (9.10.17)

Final Shim Stack Height: #11. t 11,4 £ in. 42: E g -.1 OC Reviewed:

  • a Level:. ia Date: 0 I 28 SQ 11.0 110M.13 ISl.do0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 123 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 83 of 348 Project: TMI 40M YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 9 Unit 1 0 Unit 2 (9,3)Tendon No.: D 23-7 Tendon End: !5,b"" l] Shop La Field* (9.4) Temp. of Concrete:

10 'F Thermometer No.: ST Recal Date: 41 Ambient Temp.: 71 OF Thermometer No.: Recal Date: (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: I Acceptable.

[I Unacceptable:

RETENSIONING DOCUMENTATION QC Signoffs (9.6) Number of Effective Wires:. _ _ _ _ (from Data Sht. 8.0)(9.7) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

%Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.7.3) RAM ID: q40 Recal Date: 6 Aa RAM Area: ~A~13 2L. K = r~ 1 j Gauge ID: Recal Date: Daily Check: Calculated Force for Elongation Measurement and Retensioning using formula below NOLTE Stress duting Lift-Off should not exceed 9.425 kips per effective wire or 1592 klps for a 169 wire tendon.(9,8.4) PTF = kips Pressure: ,WjI psi Step 1= ARM:) kips Pressure:

_451.71 psi Elongation:

in Step 2 = 1206 kips Pressure:

-1fol psi Elongation: in.Lo3 = .i 16Z3 kips Pressure:

S A19 Ps'OSF = 5/C) kips Pressure:

5/4651 psi, Elongation:

q, in. Ar i0 ii//P = (F-K) x 1000 Key: F = Force (kips)A A = Ram Area (in 2)P = Gauge Pressure (psi)K.= Constant factor (kips)(C6ATION: "K" constants can be either positive or negative.)

oC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 28 SQ 11.0 TMI13 ISIdoc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 124 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 84 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 11.0 RETENSION TENDONS DATA SHEET SQ 111.0 09/03113 Page.2 of:2 Revision r Project: TMI 40" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE lRUnit.1 0. Unit 2 (9,.3)Tendon b Z 31 Tendon End: ' Li Shop , Field Actual Observed Force and Elongation Measurements using formula below [ IQC Signoffs (

PTF = j ,4,4q. kips Pressure:

940 psi D Elongation:

.8 in.(

Step 1 "J3, A 1 9 kips Pressure:

34 psi Elongation.

':,Z in, (909.6.1)

Step 2 J2M,-tb kips Pressure: , psi Elongation:


OSF =kips Pressure:.

psi 0 Elongation:

In, AxP F= -+K 1000 (9.9.8) (D (= .6 in. Elongation Value (this end)(9.9.9) 5., 7 in. Elongation Value (opposite end)(9.9.10) 41 .0 in. TOTAL Tendon Elongation Value (


-%.. Ruler.ID:

K -" '3 Recal Date: _/!____ I (


Results [lAcceptable

[].Unacceptable C ustomer Notified NCR No: N!A.Options Original Lift-off Values from Date Sheet SQ 9.0 A Lift-off <.Predicted Force L-i Use Predicted Force -0 + 6%B Lift-off >.Predicted Force Use Lift-off -0 + 6%C Lift-off > 67% GUTS Li Use 70% + 0. 3% GUTS (effective wires)D Lift-off>

70% GUTS Li Use 70% + 0 -3% GUTS (effective wires)(9.10.5) LOF Acceptable Range Min Max As found lift-offlor predicted (highest):

jfj&,'. kips 123T.15 kips From: t)bV.9q psi To: PSI 10/111~ 17 (9.10;6) Actual Lift-Off (9.10.8) Circled Values Stack#1: 1) 6Z-6O psi Stack,#2:

ýVbo si 1) , psi 2) :51 0... psi ..i_2)0 516 psi (2~ psi .5 si 3). 0Z, psi (9.*108) Force (this en jg. kips Actual Average: 5Z.4O psi (9.10.9) Force,(opposite end): 1Z .0 .'5 kips (9. 10.10Tendon ALV Force I 5./ L kips (9.10.11)

ALV Acceptable:

f'Yes Li No Customer Notified NCR No.: -A /A..(9.10;15)

Additional broken/missing wires:ý E] Yes Amount: ". /A (9:10.16)

Additional ProtrudinglUnseated wires:* [No 11 Yes Amount: If Yes- Customer NotifiedNCR No.: N/A.(9.10.17)FinalShimStackHeight:

  1. 1: .I' in. 42:7 , in. .q 0 /, =OC Reviewed: (L- Level: ."_ _ Date: 0/ 30 /1... .........

.. / , ., U-28.SQ I1. I.TMI.13 ISt.doc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 125 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 85 of 348 Project: TMI 4eT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End: K Shop El Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:





KYES. El NO.............

ow...... -------------.................................



COMMENTS CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF. All ___________________

Date: JL-3 QC Reviewed:

2 Gt 1 QA 7 Level: i~1 .Date: 10_-30_3 30 SO 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 126 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 86 of 348 P EEi~sioN ANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ. 12,0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0 09/03113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project:.


[,YES[VES IdYES[w"KES EI'YE[:1 NO 0 NO[] NO INO E3NO COMMENTS, NleW& 6*14-1-ltP S I CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF Date: o I i ,, _-9-Ou QC Reviewed: Level : ___Date .____I 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 127 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 87 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: b 2"'7 GREASE REPLACEMENT 0C SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used [ NEW 0i OLD -TEST DATE: i']ACCEPTABLE

[IAPPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for Jp, .tendon end: gal.(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for $ tendon end: 4 .T5 gal.(8.7) Estimated grease tOSSes from teaks for ._ _ tendon end:,'(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for V tendon end: -gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 94g 12.O INITIAL PRESSURE PUMPING (12.6) Ambient.Temp.:

Fd OF Thermometer ID: , Recal Date: g4*(12.7) Grease.Temp.:

_z. 0 F Thermometer ID:

Recal Dale: _. i(- i4,-(12.9) !itUa Grease Height (a) L in. (12,14) Grease Height (b) .. _ in.(12.16) Total amount of Grease Pumped:. gal. (a-b)x 1.77 into the j end (12.18) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. (12.17) Was Exit Achieved?

[aYes [I No 12.19) TotalGrease Replaced this end: &4,31 gal. If no, Pressure Held for.. kpsl, .&min.0 " PUMPING -SECOND END (if necessary)

(13.6) AmbientTe

F Thermometer ID: Recal Date: (1 3.7)z Grease Temp,: OF ameter ID: Recal Date: (13.9) Initlal Grease Height (a) in. 12). I al Grease Height(b) in (13.14) Total amount of Grease added: gal.. a- 1.77 the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: go. 3. 5) [] Poured Han d (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION.

OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

4'$ gal. (12.19 + 13.17)(14,2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: .. 2,. gal Reftoto SO 12.2-c AG.USELUVE.Ttr e Total Tendon Replaced ('14.1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9) x 100 =1 6 % Difference (14.3) Percent Difference:

Net*Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2)(14.4) Grease Leaks: 0 Yes Jg No (14.5) Refill Acceptable; (3 Yes (less 1o%) I No (grea-er han 10%)If No -Customer Notified /)9 " _(14.,6) Comments:

.QC Revieweved:

Date: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 128 of 1008 31 SO '12.1 TMI. 13 181 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 88 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6&0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6,0 09/03113 Pagel of I Revision r'Project: TMI 40r YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT i'(7.3) Tendon No.: ,. -'S0 Tendon End:: Ak,,- L 0 Shop EO Field II ~~Greasse Cap Removal ............

(7.6) Date Removal Started, QC. Signoff (7,7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage

...0 Yes 54 No ('7.8) Temp. of Concrete-

/ ' Thermometer*No..- -ST 10. Re-Cal Date: /01/- 14 Ambient Temp.:* .°F Thermometer No.: P At Re-Cal Date: MR-i -0 Z1311 (8.4) Anchorhead 1.0,: fe.wD Anchorhead Verification:

CMaich 0 No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete V/_ Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete Partial Uncoated 0 Anchorhead, Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete __ Partial Uncoated %Limited within the inside diameter of the gmase cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

AI6AJt.(8.7) Grease Color Match: C3QYes tKNo GreasetColor:

bAlk. N)UJ64 Comments:

& A/lt (8,8) Quantity of Samples , Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? aYes 0 No Location of [ A.H. liB.P. [] Shims 0 Cap C Duct Removal .3 (8.9) Oty. of Grease lost duringrernoval of cap: gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0 Yes. HNo Qty: of Grease removed from cap: ; ,*) gal.(9.6) Qty, of Grease removed from anchorage, 6 gal. 10- (9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

E] Yes [ No Describe:

A0 4/o)fzt-l (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

A W s V A f .4- && 16,.W (10.4) Amount of*Grease Loss from Tendon duct: -gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) ii_. (8.9) (8.9.1)5J

÷+(9A8) A.__ *(10.4) 3 = _ _ TOTAL (11.1.2) Document.TOTAL grease-lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

Yes El NO -'QC Reviewed: Pt2-C6..Alell Level: I.Z Date:/ý/' rb/i ;/I w 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 129 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 89 of 348 cPEsii LANCE Ni 081 PSC PROCEDURE.

SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09103113 Pagel of 1 Revision r W Project: TMI 4e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: , Tendon End: C] /3A14 i' Shop Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: 15, 2, I..(7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage El Yes M] No (7,8) Temp. of Concrete: -r 3. OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cai Date: I- i3 Ambient Temp.: O 0 F Thermometer No.: PX 101t1 Re-Cal Date:, 1p.;Z9" 13 (8,4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

I. Match. C1 No-Match (8.5) Grease Coaling Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated_%


-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated /Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete Partial. Uncoated %( Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: I. Yes No Grease Color. o d Air hmoW Comments:

AvM,...(8.8) Quantity of Samples ... Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? fO Yes C No Location of [I A.H. [] B.P. C] Shims [I Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: O1 6 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be roused? C] Yes K.No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: _1O gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

0.6 gal$(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

C1 Yes R9 No Describe:

A/oNpe-(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection: ,A;,s048l 4-, -J, tA Au/, h.tI.(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: I (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8)." + (8.9) .j + (8.9.1) .3.0 + (9.6) 0.! + (10.4) 6 = .0 TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

QqYes C No QC Reviewed: P a~6)2 Level: Date:/0/3 !)/~3 p 1 I 40 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 I1S Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 130 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 90 of 348 N1 091 PSC- PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 8S1 09103/13 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision.0 P.roject:

TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE I UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: ___. _____ Tendon End. r Shop E- Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

'] Yes 54 No Quantity' 0 Sample Takent C] Yes E] No N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture I-] Significant Moisture t[l Not Applicable Comments:'

(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E] Yes [ No Quantity:

t) Sample Taken: U] Yes El No RI N/A Moisture


'Ej Observable Moisture F1 Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments: (9.71) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

E- Yes IINo Quantity:

O Sample Taken: El Yes [J No 1 N/A Moisture


[] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture I] Not Applicable.


dO -(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING A//Water Detected:

El Yes E. No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes 0 No I--N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture M- Not Applicable Comments: (11.1.) NOTIFICATION N 7 A Exelon Notified:

.[ Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE ,A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff':

..... ... Level: # Date: .. .-k a QOC Reviewed: Level: __ _ Date: /O/30/3 14 SQ 6..i.M .13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 131 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 91 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6,1 09/03113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE , UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.:. Tendon End: 1644l C3 Shop [E Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 0 No Quantity: Sample Taken: []Yes .[]No [R.N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture E0 Significant Moisture ['Not Applicable Comments:

, (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes [B No Quantity:

o Sample*Taken:

1"' Yes El No [] N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments:


[I Yes Z No Quantity:

-Sample Taken: El Yes l-No [] N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [1] Not Applicable Comments: ,M -, (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING

//Water Detected:

0l Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: Cl Yes El No El N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture E] Not Applicable Cormrmens (11. 1) NOTIFICATION Ak Exelon Notified(.

[E] Yes *Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE tIVA (12.2) Samples adequately identified: (l Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: L t'inAL. ý Level: J-Date: /o45 13 QC Reviewed:

/Q 6 Level: 1iZ Date: ___!______

14 SQ 6.1.TM1I.13 ISt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 132 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 92 of 348 Project:.


Tendon End/Buttress No.:=d 0 v4l~ ,AIAr~p.12 0O , Adaptor ID: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date. ID No, Recal Date. ID No. Recal Date Ext. 'N Ext.Pitch Ma- j 2-7-1r OfAIt I)-I/.-14

.. r I .Ext.Ext.Major N/A N/A .....Int, Minor MEASUREMENTS THREADýrd h th Aveag& ire ire Sh Irim Average Thread Read 6 9 Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 / Major 2 N (a.373 7 78¶,3 Ext. 1.Pitch (1) 2 ____Ext. 1 Minor (2)' 2 .2) 13 hi.1 N/A N/___Major 2 N/A N/A__Int, I N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 1N/A N/A N/Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: N/A Result:. N/A ID: Notes: kl) r-MeIridIir-IuRIUldIIIUWI Lveraguy~

-jvvire onsaUtiLIJ

-LohimF WeiLJ (2) External Minor.Diameter

= (Average)

-[2 X.Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION TdalI Tral2.. Trial 3 Tral 4 Adaptor Mark e- J Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table 'R, S 7 Acceptable? (Yes or No)QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: Li -4 V-. f _ -Level: Date: Level: .Date: ,o.t~- /3 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 133 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 93 of 348 N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1-I INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7,11 PS P09103/13 P'PRECISION Eage I of I Revision 0 Project: TM 1-40& YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Anchorage ID.: b. h n Tendon End/Buttress No.: 5 td/~4~S_7__ Adaptor ID: 6-1, EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Major 2-7-Ext.Ext.Int.Manor N/A NIA MEASUREMENTS THREAD Aveag Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 31d atf 9 kh Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. ~ C 1 3i~7o 4Jj 37 Major 2 J.375" q.3 Pitch (1). _____ Z1* 1 %Z Ext. 0 Minor (2) 2 4 Int. 1 N/A N/A Major 2 N/A N/A Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A MInor 2 N/A N/A N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA ID: LI Notes: 1 Extemarta Pitcn uiameter =wveragel tv(Wre Constanij

-j~nim Sitzej (2) External Minor Diameter (Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size)DISPOSITION Tda1 I Trial 2 Trial3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark 8$45'Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table C- I Acceptable? (Yes or No)OC Signoff: QC Reviewed: a.6 44<Level: c Date:, Level: Date: tJ-16 --63 I 17 SQ 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 134 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 94 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: ) Tendon End: " Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA C, As-Found 0l Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff;9,0 & 10,0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: ( Cracks C.Ye1 o NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks rl:Yes.1 2) i rNo C N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: A (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes (2) W'o C1 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 yes.(2 y t)1 [1 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10:1) Cracks Dl Yes( ) [No 0N NIA l1)_ Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.111 111 -RBJTTONHEAfl wn~PErTrflin Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wirelbuttonheads a Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance 1 wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing/ooooooooo", 0 0OO.Q 0 , 0OO 0\00:00000,00)000 00000000,00000 00000000000.000 I.o oo co DCo-oooo0 0000000000000 60600000o0o0o00


\ 0000000,000000


\. 00000000 / /00,0 0'/.K")00-.--.J54-(11.2) Anchorhead I.0. D,/Located on Sketch: 0Yes C1 No Bushing I.D. 419 Located on Sketch: K Yes Cl No (11 .4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0 Yes El No A Additional Information'

.1, 1 , h l2. P. vs-..Y- " 11- If (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): = .(83) Illuminalion source e _ de I (12,3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, ,: 1_0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

1 (12.6) ContinuityTest Requested?

C]Yes IgNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires IdentifiedA es C] No (12.7) Overall Results 2Acceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#;QC Reviewed: P'. a P--" Level: Date: ../,D/3 I I-g p 18 SO 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 135 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 95 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0B P .09/03113 PRECISION LANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision" Project:.

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE I]UNIT 1.(7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: .Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA El As-Found 0] Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wiie Removal El Post Re-Tensioning:

Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1). Cracks 0l Yest 2 lfif N ] (9,2) Anchorhead Level: )(101) Cracks 12 Yes)t [l N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks C3 Yes.(2) GO NtA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks C1 Yeste 3 [] N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Levelk .____ (A!001) Cracks C1 Yes.t 2) 'o N/A-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR, {3)- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11,0 -BUTTONHEAQ INSPECTION L.FT 66' Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated 1 1 1 S wire/buttonheads 0 Brokenimissing wire/buttonheads 0000000*[ Previously identified as missing ' 00c0 0 00 0______ ___ ___ ___000000G0(0000 Discontinuous-removed this 0 0 00000 00 surveillance

/0 0 .000000C<.'

S 0000000000000 wire(s) being removed during this O 0 0000 0 0O 0 000 0 surveillance for testing 00000000000000

.0 00 000000:00 (11.2) Anchorhead.I.D..\

000 --00000000000 Located on Sketch: f es No 0 OOOOO O OO /Bushing I.D. \000 0O OO OO 00 O/0 Busing.D.OW\oooooooooo

/Located on Sketch: K.Yes [I No \ 0{) 0 9O__ /(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: -"--... ....-/El Yes E1 No Quantity:

co /Additional Information:

  • .,-(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads

(,w): (8.3) Illumination source z.o (12.3) Number of Missing. Buttonheads:

(0, ___ 0_(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:.. .Z) (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

azYes B.No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified'YeS El No.(12.7) Overall Results GKAcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed:

Q { ) Level:, 2 Date: 0 18 SO 8,0.TMI;13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 136 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 96 of 348 01 E NANCE N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A:09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE gUNIT1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: : Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ... .....As-Found C1 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 12 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 0.0 & 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (92)Buttonheads Level: D (1) (101) Cracks 13 Yes e~ [ o 12N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level.- (10.1) Cracks [1 Yes P) [1/ 12'1 NIA (9.2) Shims Level; , (10,1) Cracks [I Yes UTZo flN/A (9.2) Beating Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks ']:Yes I 12 N/A *(1 1-Corrosion Level of Orequires a NCR. 4 2 1 Composea.sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Mnitate a NCRd 11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)

Proirudinglunseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Brokenlmissing wirelbuttonheads Previously identified as missing 1 Discontinuous

-removed this, surveillance.

0 0 O 0 Q;O0.OO0000 000 000000.00 000000001000 0000000000.00 0000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000 0.©00000000000 000000000000.0 00000000000000 O0000000O.OO 000000000000 00000000.000 000000.oo 0:00000.0 m Wre(s) removed durig this surveillance for-testnin (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. :SIG:Located on Sketch: N Yes D2 No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads C] Yes C] No, Quantity:

ýA Additional Information:

4Aita U~k. -475.1. I. / 77"I (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source _(__,__I-__4*.

(12.3) Number of Missing Buftonheads (0 : _(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ (12.6)'Continuity Test Requested?

r] Yes 95 No (1 2.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated; Wires Identified?

Q/,m r No (12.7) Overall Results ZAcceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: At -QC Reviewed: P a2 Level: :1: Date: /03zý /18 $0 &U.MI.13 1S11 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 137 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 97 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (73)Tendon No.: 30 3 Tendon End: , Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA._

El As-Found [I Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal: E] Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A, (1) (10.1) Cracks ]Yes (2 [JIo, [I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks E] Yes O El NIA (9.2) Shims Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2)t El NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks El"Yes 2I) [] N/A a -t (" Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initate a NCR.11.0 -ByTTONHEAD INSeCTION A5 L F7-5 A4 1l Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated 7 --v wire/buttonheads 0 Brokenlmissing wire/buttonheads i00 0.... / OOO0000* Previously Identified as missing 0 0 00 0000 0o0000000000Discontinuous -removed this 000000000000 surveillance.

0000000000000 vire(s) removed during this 000000O 000 S surveillance for testlng O0OOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000(D000 00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D.. 114o00 00000 0,000 00000000000.0 Located. on Sketch: 91 Yes E-]"No 0O D0 0 0 0 O oG 0 ) 0 O.O G .(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 El~osEl~o00000000 r'Yes [I No Quantity:/K 0000000OO~ooo oo Additional Information:

i \_ %If s~ ak S 4A I. -4I7 5 A M an Laii -(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, g): 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Bultonheads:

a (12:6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes 0-No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires

{s El No (12.7) Overall Results C&Acceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: ,JA J erLe 0C. Reviewed:

.., Level- .Date: 106o/ iii 18 SOO :0.TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 138 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 98 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3,:0910313 Page 1.0f: Revision 0 Projecti TMi2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

  • UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End:
  • Shop: 0 Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification
  1. A LIk *O /A,4e-1. Orient the bearing plate with (he.sketch below, 2. Locate thefbearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch>3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of: 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to orwider than O;0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANcES.

for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is.upýVertical rendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

I Auxiliary Light. Source us~ed": r] YesUA No (7.3)soIllttumination .10 (7.5) Cracks > 0.010" 0 Yes 1 No Quantity:

Max. Width: Max Length:ý NCR#: OCIseco:Level:

Date: -'ZI AC Reviewedt U: -6? L L--&(Level: Date: 1 1o3 0 w 19 SO 8.3 TMI.13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 139 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 99 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEOURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ:8.3 09103/13 page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I Tendon No.: 30 .Tendon End: J, L Shop EZ Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. IOU, -./ !e .1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing, plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document.condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCEs, for Exelon approval.* .1( e.Wk 41r. " 4 JCM4- ;6 34 (E1S10%5" On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: [I Yes(W No (7.3) Illumination source: (7.5) Cracks 0.010' Yes Quantity:

f,. Max. Width: 44 Max Length: V NCR#: QC Inspect.or:

Level: Date:.)C Reviewed:

fJ 7 Level: Date: ,/3o/ ) ?v (, 19 SO 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 140 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 100 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09103/13 Page 1 of i Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 19 Unit I (7.6)Tendon No.: .. ,b" Tendon. End:. ..,o4 ',. W.Shop C1 Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

Q. -F Thermometer No.: L Recl Date: ,j-,/- 74 Ambient Termp.: L1?_ oF ThermometerNo..

pKA RecalDate:

.A- .-a -1 (9.4). Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: &Acceptable


(9.5) Number of Effective Wires:.(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment,:

IX Acceptable

(] Unacceptable

/0 .(9.7ý RAM ID. qZol RecalDate:

end ofjob RAM Area: z33A K=Gauge ID: Recal Date: Daily Check: ,orq (9.8) Shim Stack Height; #1 /f, 75 in. #2 4.7.5 in. Ruler ID: .Recal Date: Individual Shims: Stack.U1.:

VzLZ in. Stack #2: ../ 3in (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): .I 0 Z- kips Pressure.

62315.3 Psi (9.10) PF: IZ kips 95% PF: j0S kips 90% PF: /6 ZB kipsPs' ( ./gsi psi (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off (90 11.13) Circled Values Stack#. !) psi Stack #2:. 1)1) 5 ?j psi 2) psi 2) s 2) 502:Cl psi.3)I IIi 3). k5"Cb psi 3) psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end):. 1 k --' Average: f;,DD psi: (9.11. 14) End Avg. Force (other end): 61.6, kips (9.11.15)


/20,O01 kips.(9. 1.16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria;a) KAcceptablo

-ALV is > 95% PFR b) El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but _ 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) [E Unacceptable

-ALVis -90%PF. Document an a NCR. NCR.Required C3 Yes 0 No Customer Notified NCR No.: .4 (9. 1.17) A..djacent T~e~ndon Li(t-Offs (Noe.,: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff (ames.){ AdJ Tendon: __ -- Acceptable

-ALV> 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUT Is Adj Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires. USI EXELON Notified:

I] Yes EJ No Name/Date:

oreIt.b) Adj Tendon:. Ql Unacceptable

-, ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. .Document the condition) .Adj Tendon: on a. NCR. , T n oCustomer Notified NCR No.: AdJ Tendon: -El Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the coni c { Adj Tendon: on a NCR..Customer Notified NCR No.: OC Reviewed:

£1 Level: Date: ______21 SO 9.0 TML 13 ISla: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 141 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 101 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09/03113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project: TMI 4 0" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 59 Unit I (7.6)Tendon No.; b 163 Tendon End: .. JA 4 .Shop Field LIFT.OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3). Temp. of Concrete:

T "Thermometer No.: 17-b2 Recal Date: 13 Ambient Temp.: 14-F Thermometer No.: P It: Recal Date: j- ,9.. (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: : Acceptable C3 Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires:. 1.(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

N Acceptable 53 Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: .. _ Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 5',i=, K = [ , Il7'Gaugel D: alls37sj Recal Date: b4,,JV Daily Check: ,'. o (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1

  • 41 5 in, #2 _4&15 In. Ruler lD: RecalDate:

/1.9t9115 Individual Shims: Stack #1: -@"4 V4 in. Stack #2: 4-41 In.(9.9) Lift-off OverstressForce(LOSF):

...kips Pressure:

p 3 Psi (9.10) PF: JJ kips 95% PF.: 10045 kips 90% PF: Rf kips_4psi 44h1. ez, psi psi (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack#1: 1) g'f psi Stack #2: 1) 1 psi 1) psi 2) SZVl psi 2) pi2)ps 3) 4;i40 psi 3) psi 3) ,.IM psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): /ZIS, /,9 kips .., Average ps (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end), .kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) =,61' kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) k Acceptable

-ALV is>_ 95% PF.b): El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV.Is < 95%PF but i 00%PF. Document on a NCR.c) E] Unacceptable--

ALV is< 90%PF. Document on a NCR.NCR Required El Yes 0 No Customer Notified NCR No.: *.(9..11.17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Note: Use a. separate Data Sheet 9.0 to documrnt.Lifloff forces.){ AdJ Tendon: Cl Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -01+60% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUTS AdJ Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

-] Yes El No Name/Date: ,A _, b)i Adj Tendon: n_ Unacceptable-ALV < 95% of.PF for:either tendon, Document the condition LAdJ Tendon: on a NCR. .iA Customer Notified NCR No.:_7_ _c) Adj Tendon: __ El Unacceptable.-

ALV < 90% of .PF for either tendon. Document the condi10o c)LAdj Tendon: on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: QC Reviewed:




/2 .LA Level: 7 Date: ;_ __,_, 30 SO 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 144 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 104 of 348 Project: TMI 401n YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.'GREASE REPLACEMENT 0C SIGNOFFS (8A) Grease Used NEW 0' OLD -TEST DATE: 0 ACCEPTABLE 1 [ APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: 3,. gal.(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for , -A" tendon end: 4,o gal.(8.7) Estimated grease losses from teaks for 4 j tendon end: o gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for 5"6 tendon end: 0 gal (8.9) TOTALTendon Grease Loss: I go,-13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 4 4 Thermometer ID; -29A Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp;: ; 6 Thermometer ID: P ,4 Recal Date: (13.9) !anila Grease Height (a) / 8175 In. (i3.12) Final Grease Height (b) /.1,ý_5 n.(13.14) Total amountof Grease added: s,3 gal. (a-b)x,177 intofthe ALA,/h end (13,16) Quantity of Waste Grease: .gal. (13.15) 0 Poured Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease R acedthis end: 1 jgal.13.0 HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.:. O Thermometer ID: Rk- A Recal Date:.(13.7) Grease Temp.: ?OO OF Thermometer ID: Recal Date: (13.9) Initial Grease Height (a) 2.L,5S in. (13.12) Finja Grease Height (b) 2.(13.14),Total amount of Grease added: -,jcl gal (a-bx,.7?

into the , end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: C gal. (13.15) E- Poured I4 Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal..14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

.j , gal. (13.1t7 + 13.17).(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: p) gaL -iSo I , 22-eo rend on&,ei, a furm (14:3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendn Replaced (14.1)- Total Tendon Lss (8.9).Not Tendon:Duct Grease Volume (1412)(14.4) Grease Leaks: El Yes M No ."! .!(14.5) Refill Acceptable:

a Yes 7ess than. tO%) .0. No rgeater than 1o%) ,. o If No -*Customer Notified NCR No.:: (14.6) Comments:

.A, QC Reviewed::

Level: Date_31 S` 12,1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 145 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 105 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6;0: GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Shoet 6.0 09/03/13=M ANPagel of 1I Revision V Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: H1,/ -03 Tendon End: I I Shop i-1Field Grease Cap Removal __________

(7.6) Date Removal Started: 2!i" jZ 015 Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 0 Yes 0 No, (1.8) Temp. of Concrete:

7- OF Thermometer No.: _ST__ _ Re-Cal Date: ,D-.l- I Ambient Temp.: 71 OF Thermometer No.: pK A ReeCal Date: 10"1- (4 (8.4) Anchorhead l.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

9 Match 03 No-Match &II -, Ii (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete 7 Partial Uncoated .Buttonheads-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete Partial Uncoated %________

i-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap... .. ..... .t (8.6) Unusual Conditions:

AJ6AI._ka fl-12-IL 0 (8.7) Grease Color Match: U Yes O No Grease Colorn Comments:

A/d-,c Nd- 2 (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2- Quart Samples identified per. Step 8.8.1? kYes [I NO Location of El A.H. 0 B.P. El Shims J Cap [l Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: b,Z. gal; 4& q (8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0 Yes j No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: 4,D gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

oD5 _gal. Li- tz-, (9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[I Yes 0 No Oescribe:

da0,"-4.1 .t or ! 4*t. -/ _ .1. , 1 l. '(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

.,,/ .....V (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: ,,. gal, (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below):.(8.8) + ÷(8.9) VZ6 + (8.9,.1) Q + (9.6) 6 + (10.4) ...= TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

OYes 0 No , QC Reviewed:

/ (' Level: Date: , I 0 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.1.3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 146 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 106 of 348 Project: TMI: 40' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.
H /13 303 Tendon End: f)u4.3ie;S

.fl Shop t@ Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: Q Z = J Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used onGreaseCap and/or:Anchorage.

0 Yes { No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete: !F Thermometer No.: ST"6-. Re-Cal. Date: /- , Ambient Temp.; 7) OF Thermometer No.: £344 .ReaCal Date: /0- i4 (8.4) Anchorhead I.D. 471 Anchorhead Verification:

MatchI I No-Match I (8.5) Grease Coating.Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %.Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated.

%" Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -(1) Complete Partial Uncoated % M .I .Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

A -Ol".(8,7) Grease Color Match:. C- Yes .No Grease Color _A1 4 I;*lkJ Comments: -i4e yL (8,8) Quantity of Samples 9... Quart Samples identified:per Step 8.8.1? E Yes, [I No Location of 03 A.H. 0 B.P. 0 Shims M Cap .0 Duct Removal Lad (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: 0. S gal. .1 e -.z-i (8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0 Yes ,No Qty. of Grease removed from.cap:

6 gal- 2 (9.6) Qty.. of.Grease removed from anchorage:

j 1 ,S gal. ii-iZ-.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

C1 Yes Kio Describe:

A& W.e'f)- TW- V" 3rAI- q fpe -S (10. 3) Method of Tendon Protection:

4 h (10.4) Amount of.Grease Loss from Tendon duct: .i-.t (105) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) 0 .5 (8;9) , (8.9.1) $ ÷ (9.6)O,?5 (10.4) _ = J TOTAL (11.1.2) DocumentTOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12,1, GREASE REPLACEMENT; .Yes 0] No l '/ Z QC Reviewed: kp Level4 -: Date: /a I 13 SQ 6:0 TMI..13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 147 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 107 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER p 2 N~cData Sheet 6.1 PRECISION ANCE 09/03P13 Page 1 of. 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4eT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 2 UNIT 1 (8.1) TendonNo.:

j ..Tendon End: -Shop El Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E] Yes &No Quantity:

V Sample Taken. E- Yes El No RJ N/A Moisture


Cl Observable Moisture nl Significant Moisture j Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

F1 Yes I4 No Quantity: ) Sample Taken: E] Yes C] No NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture E] Significant Moisture Applicable Comments:

Jo-" IkL' 11-12-1.(9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

"- Yes (,No Quantity:

.Sample Taken: E-]Yes nl No N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture 19 Not Applicable Comments:

w&-- /l-J- /13 (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

E] Yes ZLNo Quantity: Sample Taken: El Yes El No ZLN/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture gLNotApplicable Comments, (11.1) NOTIFICATION A Exelon Notified:

E] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE ,/A (12,2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: 0 QC Signoff: 1A1- 41 11, Level: Level: __a: Date: 1L--IS213 Date: 1/ )o//3 QC Reviewed: I A*I.-I -14SOS06.1TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 148 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 108 of 348 Project: TMI40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.:: 1 13 3 Tendon End: C ] El Shop KField (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[] Yes ,No Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: [: Yes El No N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture F Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments: , e- V,&e 11 0 (9.6.1).INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C3 Yes .No Quantity: Sample Taken: C] Yes (] No R NIA Moisture


El Observable.

Moisture .E- Significant Moisture 5 Not Applicable Comments:



nl Y IV Nn uanftitv:

.RSampnl ThkAn: Ml Yes r In No N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture Comments: El Significant Moisture.11-12-13..

19 Not Applicable (99.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

r] Yes C4 No Quantity: , Sample Taken: C1 Yes

  • No: [ N/A Moisture


n- Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture KNot Applicable Comments: .Jb0J (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

E3 Yes, Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:, ElYes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: 11, ---L_ _ .Level: Date: ,,/__ ,____QC Reviewed:

aLevel: ILCDate: Up 14SO.,1.TMLI3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 149 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 109 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE.


  • LANCE Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI -40b YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: J1 / 5- Tendon End/Buttress No.:.LA~A4tsI s ,D&Anchorage ID.:-9,S0 Adaptor ID:.. -1i4 I EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recal Date: ID No. Recal Date ID No. Rocal Date Ext, Major )C," 52 2-7-j Ext.Pitch 'l 2-7-(14 .b iVlIIIq I/ g.z l/I Pitch ic &2- 2-7 14 SW Io-IiQ-20-44 Ext.Major N/A N/A Maior Int..Minor N/A N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 rd 8 hth Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. _ _Major .2 l 3 "/Ex-t._______ 2 , 9,z1Mo Pitch (1) 2 -431A- Igo IF Ext.Minor (2) 2 tozi,, (,.Int. I N/A WNA Major 2 N/A N/A lnt. I N/A NA N/A Minor 2 N/A NIA N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: NIA Pilch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID: kl rNotes: i) Extemarl Pitchn uiameter L~veragel.-

Lwire .,onstatMJ

-torim Sirej (2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: I 17 SO.7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 150 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 110 of 348 Project:.



Tendon No.:, H I. ")05 Tendon Endlluttress No.: A114ý37 Anchorage ID.: 71i' .Adaptor iD: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date: ID No. Recal Date Maior ~Ext.Ext.

2.. 7- I4l ID-//-I/ 1 q.z-.-.Manor NIA NIA I -N Int.Minor N/A N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 th th Average Constant Diameter Size.. Diameter Ext.Major 2 Cjr343 4 q,34"7 ?,3_5__,_Ext.. 1 037 Pitch (1) 2______ IL3i Ext. .1 Minor (2) 2 ,2 tnt. 1 N/A, N/A Major 2 NIA N/A.Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 N/A N/A NIA Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date:. NIA Result: N/A ID: _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _N2 .(1) External Pitch Diameter = (Averagel

-(Wire Constant]

-[Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Trial1 I Trial 2 1 Trial 3 1 Trial 4 1 Adaptor Mark -Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table Acceptable? (Yes or No)OC Signoff: 0C Reviewed:~.1~..&A .A lu £-l~Ue h~~Level: Level: Date: Date: 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 151 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 111 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE H.UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: , -3 Tendon End: , Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found L- Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal rI Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0-CORROSION*&

CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks LI Yes 0r N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0I Yes rw L E NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks 0I Yes (2) N Lo P N/A (9.2)Shims Level: 4 (1) (10.1) Cracks EL Yes (2) = CI N/A (9U2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Ciacks [I Yes1) INO EL NIA{_ Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR: (2)_-. Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR, 11.0- BUTTONHEAO INSPECTION I Offsize (Malformed)


-IIIIII0iJ W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wlrelbuttonheads Previously identified as missing 00 0 0 0 000___ _ ____ ____ ____00000000000 F Discontinuous

-iremoved this 00000000000 (X surveillance 0000000000000 wire(s) being removed during this , 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000.40 surveillance for testing [ 0000 0000000000 C 0000000 C)000.00 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. S\00000000000000 Located on Sketch, ,JYes [INo \0000000000000 1\ o0000000oo0o/

Bushing I.D. \,,00 30000000,/

Located on Sketch: D Yes 0 No \ 00000000.\<000000 o (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: J/A EL Yes LI No Quantity/

/Additional Information:

,, 1t 1A,- 1X, 3'-(4.4A,4 /. #/.R)__(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w)ý & (83) Illumination source f!ItL1~" (Ci~I~tr/° I (12.3). Number:of Missing.Buttonheads.(0, ): 0 V 011, kL-(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? E] Yes j No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 1IM Wires Identified?

Yes LI No (12.7) Overall Results 9Acceptable LI Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: /4, QC Reviewed: c( Level: 7-1E Date: //A /13 111a011 0 18 SO 8.0.TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 152 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 112 of 348 Project. TMI 2013 TENDONSURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 3" Tendon End: ,,Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ,0 As-Found (W Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal. 0 Post Re-Tensioning

  • .. ..n .f& a l n,* *ll l I U ,U 0. 1 U -U : Ut.,U R LU IU l1 4. #,, di.l " : l uril/(9.2) Buttonheads Level:. A (10.1) Cracks [I DYes(2 1 12'o 0 NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks E) Yes(1 2) E19o r-1N/A (0.2). Bushing Level: A (1O.1) Cracks 0lYes.' I NIA (9.2) Shims Level: A 10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 0N (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes t2) I'N0 0 NIA*(-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR-.'2)- Composea sketch of thecrackeson Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiatesa NCR.11 A -BLITTAOdI-IAf IN5sp~r~Tifm COffsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated w wireibuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing m .Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing II +,c.. 2L, Ie,(+,',)/

./P1,e 7 -fe4-ce A ,i.chw e 1:; 75,/\/oo.000000oN



/o00000a00o0oooo00 00/00000000000000 00000000000,-




\ ",Oo~oo~oooooo/" \ ( 1 0- 0 o 40 ,¢) 0o 0 0 ( *0,0* \~00000000O0


>C1 0C) ) O _X (11.2) Anchorhead

!.O. Val Located on Sketch: QkYes C No Bushing .. " .Located on Sketch: Z'Yes 0'No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: Nj/E0 Yes [] No Quantity:

/t Adoilional In formation:

'rAJ A LI -t I vaRPdIS-1i~

(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttohheads (w):: 0 (&3)y :imination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, "_ _(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? [] Yes I: No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated:, Wires Identified?Jls 0 No (12.7),Overall Results WAcceptable r]Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#:. A wee 11, J V3 QC Reviewed:

/. Level: °"'Date:___ __ ___ __ __ _....JJ 1/&oP 18 SQ 8,0.TMI.13 IS!Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 153 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 113 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0B 09/03/13 PRECISION LANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision r, Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE U UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Zj/3.7 Tendon End: ,T" fY'/e.SS IN /Shop ANCHORAGE.

INSPECTION CRITERIA[I As.Found C' Post De-Tensioning/

Pre-Wire Removal I Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

&CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A 0) (10.1) Cracks [] Yes 1 2 Z No El N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (,) (101.) Cracks. [l Yes.t 1 if No 0 NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks [l Yes,(2) No EJ.NIA (9.2) Shims Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks [I-Yes t 2) 9 No 0] NIA (9.2) Bearlng.Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks C] Yes$2 1) NI No C1 N/A Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. -Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.1I.0,- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION -i40.#n diy frt. -e oi o T III Offsize (Malformed) 12' 87 Protruding/unseated

.[ 111%W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wvireibuttonheads (9 Previously identified as missing 000000000___ _ _____ _____ __ 0 00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000 surveillance 00000000000000 wire(s) being~removed during this 00 000 0 0 0 0 0000 0 surveillance for testing 00000000000

.00 S0000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 8o oo7 \ OOO OOOOOOOO..06 Located on Sketch: []Yes (JNo \00..0000000000\ 00..0000000000I BushingI.D.

q.50 \ 0 .0000000000 Located on Sketch: EYes [-No (D\. 00 0 0 00 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0.-..... 7 SlYes .No QuNantity:TY

/Additional Information:

,. 5b L it .1 i t 1 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): ( (8.3) illumination source ", " e il ______(12.3) Number, of Missing Buttonheads (0, Kb: ___.._(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested C1 No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: J (0 Wires Identified?

e (3 No (.12.7) Overall Results M Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: .QC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 18 SQ 8,0.TMI, 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 154 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 114 of 348 S E.N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8,0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Shoot 8.OA 09103113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 v Project; TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE ( UNIT 1 (713)Tendon No,: ///3 -0 Tendon End: ' .Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA, ' ......" As-Found -II Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal [] Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & ,0.0 -CORROSION


(9.2):Buttonheads Level' A (10.1) Cracks 0. Yes < 0 N/A.(9.2) Anchorhead Level: A4.,t (10.1) Cracks 0[].Yes Vto 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level. (10.1) cracks 0 Yes [] N/A (9.2)Bearlng Plate Level- A (10.) Cracks ,] Yeas rNo 0 NIA.(! -Corroslon:Levet of C requires a.NCR. I 1 Compose a sketch of the cracks onSketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR._44n 0"T nMW=A~flID r-rTI FJ Offsize (Malformed)


' wi/rebuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads ( Previously identified asmissing 9 1 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

I 0 wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing 00.00000 0000000.0 000000000000 000000O00000 000000000.00000 00000000000.00 00000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 0000..0000000"00 000000000000 O0000,O0000o 000O0OOOO OO00000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 479 Located on Sketch: 'Yes I]'No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: &,/0 Yes [] No Quantity:

IlL Additional Information:

fL;II. ~4AA. W. -2" ( ;\(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w); (83) Illumination u sI;(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9!: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing :Buttonheads:

"9 (12.6) Continuity'Test Requested?

[] Yes týJNo (12.5):Total

  1. .of:Effecdive Buttonheads Seated: b Wres Identified?,/5 s [] No (12.7) Overall Results 1AAcceptable

[-]Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: (4 Level: 2FE Dale: , /J -/I a-18 SQ. 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 155 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 115 of 348 r -N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A09103113 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: J1- 63 Tendon End: / Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ..... ...C As-Found JA. Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal C] Post Re-Tensioning:

Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks [J Yes VQ RNo 0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 03 Yes l <BJi 0 N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes P' 'Ng 0 NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 1 2 1 or"o [I NIA £-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 12) Composeaa sketch of the cracks an Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)" q' Protrudlinglunseated " i'-Y]wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wireibuttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing 00 000000-__ ___ ____ ___00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000 surveillance..

0000O000000000 v) wre(s) removed d'uring this 0 0000000 O© ©00000O 00000000000 00 surveillance for testing OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000 00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead

[.0. 00000000000000 Located on Sketch: 4 Yes 0 No 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N/

0 00 Ql YeS s No Quantity:

-(. 0000000 Additional Information:

5 h~im ýIfk kA, -Ale -i..J-;.N (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads

(.): ID (8.3) Illumination source .1 lc4 !.(12,3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0,.; 9:19 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested? , Yes 5 No (12.5) Total #,of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 0L Wires Identiried, 4 ,s C No (12.7) Overall Results iW.Acceptable 0 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: & 1141 QC Reviewed:

§ q .Level: 37 Date: ., ./18 SQ 8.0,TMI.13.ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 156 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 116 of 348 PRECI j L.ANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0.ANCHORAGE INSPECTION' Data Sheet 8.0A 09/03/13 Page 1.0f l Revision 0 Project: TMI 20-13 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: J 132-5 Tendon End: / Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 0] As-Found ! Post De-Tersioning 1 Pre-Wire Removal E Post Re-Tensioning 0.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (101) Cracks* Yes (2) 12 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks C] Yes (2) L C N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (2) " i* 0 N/A (9.2) BearIng Plate. Level: A.A " (10.1) Cracks C- Yes ( No C NIA ,0 ("-Corrosion Levelof C requires a NCR.

  • 0Compose a sketch of the cracks on SketchSheet 8.0 and i~nitiate.a NCR.11.0 -BUTTIONHEAO INSPECTION I Offaize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wife/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads I*Previously identified as. missing Discontinuous

-remnoved this surveillance.

D.-. A or beoiv,'i5 p11-6-7 4A. 0 i r 0f ./A 0 4'0000000e Eft#JJL6 r4e4I!./ ooooooo~ooo 0000000000,0 00.0.000000000 00.00000000000 o oooo oo oobo.oo0, 00000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00 00000000 0 00 0 0100,0000000000 00.00,0000000 00000000 .. /0000000 0 wire(s) removed during this surveillancefor testing (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. _,,_,O _Located on Sketch: 0 Yes [] No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads

Found: A?!0 Yes. [ No Quantity:

7' ýAdditional Information; e.W5 / ...Z, ,,. .(., (1.22) Number of Protruding Buttonheads,(w):

p (8.3). Illumination sou0ce i Cco .l, -d46.(12.3) Number of Missing Bultonheads (0 Lj'ao3 (12.4) Total of. Protruding

  • Missing Buttonheads:

(12,6) Continuity Test Requested? r, No (12.5) Total. # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 69 Wires Identified?

Yes 0 No (12.7).Overall Results KAcceptable 0 Un-Acceptable Customer.Notified NCR#: I 43 QC Reviewed: Level:, jf Date: 1 Qo , 18 SQ 8.0.TM1.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 157 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 117 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURESQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103[13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.: J/. 3 Tendon End: uj,$ f Shop E3 Fied (7,4) Bearing Plate Identification#:

M.E.. 4 Mk Ioi 4I. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2.. Locate the bearing plate identification and document-the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a dislance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate, 4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure OA 9,0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome thisedge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

~ 0 1~Y(.4~ td~4b I4CA 4; ows.Auxiliary Light Source used: j Yes[] No (7.3) illumination ui r, , ,.f. , t source:. awhp'&i 0'(7.5)Cracks>-0.010" []Yes (gNo Quantity:


Max Length: NCR#: At /QC Inspector:

Level: 5 Date: LeveRvieed Date: A 19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13 IS).Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 158 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 118 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No,: 1H -0L Tendon End: 34j4C]." El Shop []Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification,#:

.1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below..2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document:the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing. plate.4. For cracks. equal to orwiderthan 0.010 Inches, document condition on anNonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this:edge is up..t Vertical!

Tendon, this is toward thel centerof the containment.

CoakAl-A 6t4 LO f /A 4 L iS f ieltAvr.Auxiliary Light Source used: [Yes[3 No (7.5) Cracks a 0.010" 0 Yes K.No Quantity:

Max. Width: 44 Max Length:- NGR#-. 'QC Inspector:.

Level: Date:. V- t MAI JC Reviewed: Level: Date: /_/C)_oh I.19 SQ 8.3 TM1.131SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 159 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 119 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE PDATA SHEET 9.0 09103113 Page I of 1 Revision 0____i Dae Sin Project: TMI 40T 'YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 0 Unit i (7 .6)Tendon No.:

End:. 3,1t4_t.,rvss l.. {Shop 0] Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA O.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete-:

71 Thermometer No.: 51l: Recal Date: Ambient Temp.: .F Thermometer No.: P.r Recal Date- ______"____

9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads : [ Acceptable

[ Unacceptable 90.5) Number of Effective Wires: ., (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

Acceptable l Unacceptable

., (9.7) RAM ID:; Recal Date: end otjob RAM Area: Z K " Gauge ID, i Recal Date: t Daily Check: .( A (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 1,,3 in. #2 13,1 In. Ruler ID: t Recal Date: 1&1-1#Individual Shims: Stack #11l: n. Stack #2: , .., (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): ._. __ kips Pressure:

'055 4. psi (9.10) PF: 1141 kips 95% PF, 14 ( kips 90% PF: i1Z-7 kips S!Malp. psi psi:03Z44 si (9..11.5)

As-Found Lift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack#1: 1) psi Stack#2: 1) p 1) pOt) psi 2) psi 2) 60 ). .psi 2) 4OZ0 psi 3) psi 3) 6t4 10j psi 3) bOO psi (9. 1113) End Average Force (this end): k Average: .psi (9.11.14).

End Avg; Force (other end): kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) 1 t3O.2kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) 5 Acceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.b) CQ Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 05%PF hut 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) [J Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF. Document on a NCR. R.NCR Required 0 Yes 4 No Customer Notified NCR No.:. 4 (9.11. 17) Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Yo(.e Use a seperate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff { Adi Tendon:. 0f- Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -0+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GU s Adi Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified' C] Yes El No Name/Date:

_VP u b) .AAdj Tendon:Tendn

_ EoI Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the iti Customer Notified NCR No.:)lJ3 C) Adj Tendon: [ Unacceptable-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the onn~ilion-Adj Tendon: o a C._f .I.. .... .............


Notified NCR t Al 1 QCReviewed:

L l Date:_21 SQ 9.0TMI,13 ISle Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 160 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 120 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ10.2 TEST WIRE REMOVAL 1Data Sheet 10.2....M 09/03/13 0 RECISION LANCE Page 1 of 1 A.- Revision .Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End: 5 n1 Shop El Field Removal Date: 'L,%,g Inspection Da3te: WIRE REMOVAL INSPECTION CORROSION INSPECTION (0 LENGTH INTERVALS (8.5.4. 1.1) Document the Corrosion Category for each 10' of wirein the increments below. Use Categories described in PSC SQ 8.0.For Corrosion Level C document condition on an NCR, NCR Req'd: 2q NO El YES NCR#.(

Document the total length of the wire on the diagram below. Completed:

El NO S YES Buttoahead End ft A-- vý. V~~f~~tt~VWtll WXVVtrXVtW -VWXX .W.VW VXXWXXYXX W 2.0' 630'30' 40' 10' 60'XSI K AM Mt U~ CSMWXWMSXwwUxmf en

  • e ee en n W S A 120' 130 .. ..'V 80' 100' 2110' 120'12010 1130' 130' 240'"s W 15 'Ig~y4p+5 ,i 6 0 i 170' 180180' 1l0' 200' 2010 A A A'A , A A , ,* s % A A 4 .. , A A ,.,.A A A AA A % %U, A L A A A A A AA A A .t.P AA A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A S A A: 210' 220' '230' 240'240': 250' .260' 270'270' 280' 290' 300'30W 310' 320' 330'Cut End k _ 1 (

Was the wire cut for samples: Li NO 1 YES document the area of removal above using symbol X.(8.7) Document the location of wire removed on Data Sheet 8.0, ANCHORAGE INSPECTION:

9 Completed (8.8) Measuring Device:.a L l 10 Number: Recal Date:I (8.8) Wire Pull Ram ID Number: ",//-QC Inspector:

J L .Le .,-a/iev'iewed o~Level: Date: 0 ' 25 SQ1 10.2. TMI.13 151 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 161 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 121 of 348 Project: TMI40T1 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE U Unit !I Unit 2 (9.3)Tendon No.: 3' zA-( Tendon End: 8 vf (t S .i 5 Shop 0 Field (9.4) Temp. of Concrete:

272 OF Thermometer No.: sr- 'i Recal Date: ._____I_, Ambient Temp.: 7 1? F Thermometer No.: P< 6 Racal Date: /OJ0 //1 A9.5) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: IN Accepta ble [E Unacceptable RETENSIONING DOCUMENTATION (9.6) Number of Effective Wires: _ __, __ __(from Data Sht. 8.0)(9.7) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment

H Acceptable 0 Unacceptable (9.7.3) RAM ID: TiFP." -' Recal Date: RAM Area: ., K .-75. K'.Gauge ID: C 13ý76 Recal Date: pDIy yn V e Daily Check: di#Calculated Force for Elongation Measurement and Retensioning using formula below N0: Stress during Lift-Off should not exceed 9.425 kips pereffective wire or 1592 kips for a 169 wire tendon.(9.8.4) PTF = 0 kips Pressure:

J/vl t t, psi Step I= 0' 02. kips Pressure:

1 6 , psi Elongation:

5, o in 1.Step 2 Q/, (90 kips LOF= f4230ao0 kips osF=. kips Pressure:

59Z&7, 0O psi Pressure:

60.c psi Pressure:

7/' q/ psi Elongation:

9 1, in., Elongation:

in... ...........

Pz=(F-K), x1000 A Key: F = Force (kips)A Ram Area (in0)P = Gauge Pressure (psi)K = Constant factor (kips)(CAuoM: WK constants can be either positive or negative.),xhote.' (Ae,e*7Oi~eJ I set of Lj4" aod 15e-t of /"Sj,;ns Mid ,,~jvIe~af i-AR_ Dvtr'e~s~s 3 end.,~ a-i:hi/4 #.ed e'A 9 c WstmskJ Utf~ý Fý3L6LI690Q QC Reviewed:

W AL ,-"~ Z Level: Date: //Zea- 2c5/5 28 SO 11.0 TMI,13 ISI.doc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 162 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 122 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 11.0 RETENSIONJTENDONS DATA SHEET SQ 11.0 09/03113 Mcls°lo ANCEPage 2 of 2 Revision V-Project: TMI 4 0 7H YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE X Unit .I0: Unit 2 (9.3)Tendon j 6:3 Tendon End:. fau (t,,, ., , ., Shop, :] Field Actual Observed Force and Elongation Measurements.

using formula below QC Signoffs (99.4.1) PTF = o:, kips Pressure-

/O 9e, psi 0 Elongation:


Step 1 900,.;1 kips Pressure:

.'17O psi Elongation: in. /?, /'(9.9..1) Step 2 j/l/, 1"' kips Pressure:

5 70 psi Elongation:

'jj, In. //;eO/',1 (

OSF= /(,7 kips. Pressure:

7/TO psi 0 Elongation:.

' in.AxP (9.9.8) 0 -.(D= It ,1j in. Elongation Value (this end)(9.9.9) 44 in, Elongation Value (opposite end)(9.9.10) in. TOTAL Tendon Elongation Value (


30 % Ruler IO: i? 'I Recal Date: iPi/i (9,9.12.3)

Elongation Results U.Acceptable E] Unacceptable i1/2v/i.Customer Notified NCR No: Options Original Uift-off Values from Data Sheet SQ 9.0 A Lift-off < Predicted Force " Use Predicted Force -0 + 6%B Lift-off > Predicted Force t2 Use Lift-off.

-0 + 6%C Lift-off > 67% GUTS C0 Use 70% + 0 -3% GUTS (effective wires)D Lift-off>

70% GUTS .Use 70% +0-3% GUTS (effective wires)(9.10.5) LOP Acceptable Range Min Max As found lift-oftlor predicted (highest):

I Z3 , 02, .kips 13,o3, Y-. kips From: 02O psi To: .,39,do psi (9.10.) Actual Lift-Off (9.10.8) Circled Values Stack #l: 1)[ f jO psi Stack#2:1 (0',0 psi 1) ( psi 2) k psi 2 60 O psi 2) ,A,60 psi, 3)\ 61 ,2-01psi 34 t. W LVt, psi. )&a0P-(9.10.8).Force (this end): kips Actual Average: 2 6 psi (9.10.9) Force (opposite end): 41 ,1.4% kips (9.10. 10iTendon ALV Force 1/20/1 5 (9.10.11)

ALV Acceptable:

a Yes El No Customer Notified NCR No.: (9.10.15)

Additional brokenlmlssing wires:z IM No 0] Yes Amount: (9.10.16)

Additional ProtrudinglUnseated wires: is No 0 Yes Amount: _ _lfYes -Customer Notified NCR No.: __ ______(9.10.17)

Final Shim Stack Height: #1: , in. #2: 1 ,/"¥~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4 ,y.....

  • a ....QC Reviewed-.

_W &W .Level:.Z.Date: / go -zo (3_28 SQ 11.0 TMI.13 ISI.doc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 163 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 123 of 348 Project, TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Unit 1 C3 Unit 2 (9.A3)Tendon No.: IS _03 Tendon End: C ... Shop Field (9.4) Temp. of Concrete:

7- -F Thermometer No,: JD .Recal Date: .4' ib~r'i Ambient Temp.: -j F Thermometer No.: ... z " A Recal Date: }D...(9.5) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: IN Acceptable El Unacceptable, RETENSiONING DOCUMENTATION QC Signoffs (9.6) Number of Effective Wires'. , (from Data Sht. 8.0)(9.7) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

2 Acceptable

] Unacceptable (9.7.3) RAM ID: Ol Recal Date: J J RAMArea: K ./ ,4M-Gauge ID: Recal Date: e Daily: Check: " " Calculated Force for Elongation Measurement and Retensioning using formula below NOTE: Stress during Lift-Off should not exceed 9.425 kips per effective wire or 1592 kips fore 169 wife tendon.(9.8.4) PTF = kips Pressure:

psi Step 1 = .kips Pressure:

__ g s Elongation:

.Step 2 = 12 t kips Pressure:

32b4,9Zpsi Elongation:

i.72 In.LOF = Tsip kips Pressure:

p OSF= 44/ft kips Pressure:

p.t, si Elongation:

in'.- 1 P = (F-1K) x 1000 Key: F = Force (kips)A A = Ram Area (inf)P = Gauge Pressure (psi)K = Conslant factor (kips)(CAUTION: "K* constants can be either positive or negalive.): ed I it c- 4'~z" .4 , 4u se iv " .5// A .p m 44r5 I ev l u .,4 ek I -e s -'- f I '-F Z F QC Reviewed:

_Level: Date:: // a /y 28 SQ 11.0 TMI. 13.ISI.doc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 164 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 124 of 348 Ao- PR N109i PSC PROCEDURE SQ 11.0 RETENSION TENDONS lDATA SHEET SQ 11.0.09103113.l Page 2 of 2 J Revision r 1 Project:.

TMI 40 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE u unit I a Unit 2 (9.3)Tendon , Tendon End:& 0 Shop 540Field Actual Observed Force and Elongation Measurements using formula below DC.Signoffs (

PTF = 2b&f kips Pressure:

55" psi (D Elongation:


Step I 7,, kips Pressure:

21.30 .. psi Elongation:

A (9.936.1)

Step 2 426( 4 1S kips Pressure:

!. 216 psi Elongation:


OSF kips Pressure:

3 j psi (D Elongation:

9,1ln. wej eI-Z -I F=...÷K'1000 (9.9.8) b- Q= 4 it, in. Elongation Value (this end)(9.9.9) in. Elongation Value (opposite end)(9.9.10) , in. TOTAL Tendon Elongation Value (

Elongation 3.-6 % Ruler 10i RecalDate:

J1 iA.-(9.9.12,3)

Elongation Results 0 Acceptable

0. Unacceptable Custormer Noliffed NCR NO: AJ.. ....Options IO.riglnal Li .t...'°fValues from Data Sheet SO 9.0 X: Lift~off < Predicted Force '"D Use Predicted Force; 0:+ 6%B. Lift-off > Predicted Force []Use Lift-off -0 + 6%C Lift-off > 67% GUTS [] Use 70% + 0 -3% GUTS (effective wires)D Lift-off > 70% GUTS C3 Use 70% + 0 -39/ GUTS (effective wires)(9:10.5) LOF Acceptable Range Min Max As found liftwoff/or predicted (highest):

12.S.00 kips 1363M kips From:. p psi To: 31.... SO psi (9. 10t6).Actual Lift-Off 00..-... (9.10.8) Circled Values Stack 1: 1) psi Stack#2: 1j 154) "32D,) psi 2) psi 2 2)3Wpsi psi 3) psi 3) s (9.10.8) Force (this end): kips Actual Average: 3gO psi (9.10.9) Force (opposite end): l .kips (9.10.10)Tendon ALV Force (9.10.11)

ALV Acceptable:

o Yes 0 No Customer Notified NCR No.: MIA (9.10.15)

Additional broken/mnissing wires: J4 No QYes Amount. e4911'(9.10.16).Additional ProtrudinglUnseated wires; 5?:No 0 Yes Amount: ,-If Yes -Customer:Notified NCR No.:#. ., (9,10.17)

Final Shimn Stack Height: #1A2: f~.'6'!?)'-*DC Reviewed:



6L Level: Da o to:Dato,,;:


e'YES M /YES rK'YES: UNO SNO[3ONO El NO El NO: COMMENTS CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF J/4 UDate: II-QC Reviewed: Level: -12Z1 Date: _5 30 SQ 12.0 .TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 167 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 127 of 348 Project: TMI 40&" YEAR TENDONSURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: dc GREASE REPLACEMENT 0C SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used OR NEW EJ OLD- TEST DATE: [I ACCEPTABLE

] APPROVAL LETTER 8.g PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for 3 tendon end: gal.(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for ! tendon end: g (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for fiU44MS tendon end: gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end: gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 5. ,7ga!.1t _l P(tIRIN(, AND HAND PUMP1NG -FIRST END ',130 POU IN AN ..... ... .... ... P M IN -. .FIRS ... ND (13.6) Amblent.Temp.:

7q O'F Thermometer ID: i A. Recal Darb: (13.7) Grease Temp.: 220 OF Thermometer ID: PK-A Recal Date: (13.9,) ~t a Grease Height (a) in. (13.12)FinaI Grease Height: (b)(13114) Total amount of Grease added: .gal. (a-b)x 177 into the (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal (13115) I Poured (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.10 -d- i14 10 14.24,i in.end 0 Hand Pumped.)WWL. " 13.0 HAND PUMpING-SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 79 OF ThermometerD' PKIDA Recal Date: 14 (13.7) Grease Temp.: 22 C) F Thermometer ID: ek-A. Recal Date: (13.9) LIntial Grease Height (a) "Zt in. (13.121) Final Grease Height (b) in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: Il74 gal. (a- b) x 1.77 into the & end.(13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease; 0 gal. (13.15) 1Z Poured. 0 Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Rplaced this end: gL gal. !L f, 14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

i,,OS gal. (13:17 4. 1317)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: /6.1' gal. ReOW,0 SO 12.2 -MEASevouVE., otM O TeO-f N ,, ot Total Tendon Replaced (14.1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9)(14.3) Percent Difference:

X T Grease Volume (142) .100 = Z % Difference (14.4) Grease Leaks: L Yes [ No (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

9 Yes pless thUan %) No (greaterthan to%) .iZ If No -Customer Notified NCR No.: (14.6) Comments:

dVlo..SRevied L l D : W D /I v 0 31 SO 12.1 TMI..13 ISI: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 168 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 128 of 348 Project: TMI 40T YEARTENDON SURVEILLANCE.

UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: ur#r.c55 s Shop EField Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: jA -3 1 -2.01 3 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage E] Yes M No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

Oj. F Thermometer No.: 51 Re-Cal Date: 5 /-Ambient Temp.: -0 F Thermometer No.': KI-,DS Re-Cal Date: w.b IIt (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchoirhead Verification:

W Match C] No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating /Grease.Cap:-

Complete V/ Partial Uncoated V Buttonheads

-Complete Partiall Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial, Uncoated _ _Shims Complete Partial Uncoated %, Bearing Plate -Complete Partial _Uncoated

%Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: El Yes 4.No Grease Color. tsuk.. &OWv'o.Comments: *(8.8) Quantity of Samples 2 Quart Samples identified per Step. 8.8,1? 6Yes [I. No Location f [I A.H. [I B.P. .0 Shims KICap El Duct Removal I (8.9) Qtyo, of Grease lost during removal of cap: ,2 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? El Yes [] No Qty. of Greaseremoved from cap: gal.(9.6) Qty, of Grease removed from anchorage:

,2.5 gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes 09 No Describe: (10.3) Method, of Tendon Protection:

I" Will/A 4216 (104). Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal.(10,5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8 .(9.6) +(10.4) TOTAL (11. 1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

W Yes 0l No QC Reviewed: lzC rJ_6 Level: 77 ..Date:.1141 bl.I-I w 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 169 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 129 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1.INSPECT FOR WATER.Data Sheet 6.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: H /3 -Tendon End: qu .lShop 0 Field (9,5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE.CAP Water Detected:

0 Yes 0,No Quantity:

C Sample Taken: .-'Yes C1 No 0 N/A Moisture


E- Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes [&No Quantity: Sample Taken: El Yes El No i] N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture .Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

[] Yes No Quantity:

_ Sample Takenp: C] Yes El No N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING A , Water Detected:

E] Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes El No. [ON/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture E] Not Applicable Comments-(11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

E] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE /'/(12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: OC Signoff: Level:. Date: ,6-5 1&--, C Reviewed:--

Level: _Date:,.14 SQ 6.t.TMl.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 170 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 130 of 348'Project:

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.:. H tý3 -761 Tendon End: &44.5/5-L H.Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found [I Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal l Post Re-Tensioning Qfl A I 'An -l t'0(Q qIAN P- CRArI INQ -r'TiA (9,2) Buttonheads Level: A(10.1) Cracks El Yest~ 12) E N/A (9.2).Anchorhead Level: A(1;i) Cracks W9 Yest 2 0 [41o El N/A'(9.2) Bushing Level: (1. (101) Cracks C] Yes!= ( N2o E3 N/A (9.2) Shims Level:, (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes t't " l N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: =,, i (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes'2} 0'No El N/A-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2)- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCRý.110 -StJITTflN14FAO imYqP~rTifnm 0 Offslze (Malformed)

W " Protruding/unseated r nswire/buttonheads 0 B3rokenlmissing wirelbuftonheads GAP see-Aea~-5\ ASeAt+Previously identified as missing-~ I Mwjfm Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance 1wire(s being removed during this_ surveillance for testing N.(11.2) Anchorhead I.D. t'o- .Located on Sketch: [Yes El No Bushing .D0 sit Located on Sketch: 4 Yes [O No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: a /Cl Yes El No Quantity:IA Additional Information:

A.z. I&2 ) -* 00000000 '-..00000000000\0 0000000000000 00000000000 000

\00 0000 0 Q00000000 00000000\ 00,000000000

\ o00000000,0.00 S00 000.0:0C0?.:10000000 OOOOOc, J J (12'2) Number Of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination sourc9Ce A'.t4 4 0 t (12.3) Number of MissingButtonheads(0, ( O_*_"_: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+.Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) ContinuitY Test Requested?

[E Yes LNo (12.5) Total A of Effective Buttonheads Seated: -Wires ldentified?t, ' Yes [] No (12.7) Overall Results El Acceptable XUn-Acceplable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed:

.. Level: -r Date: I 18 SQ 80.TM1,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 171 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 131 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Sketch Sheet 8.0 09103113 Page l of I Revision 0 Project: Exelon 2012 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT I Tendon No.: 1/3 Tendon Ent t .Shop El Field (10.2) Sketch each crack as it appears in the anchorheads/bushings, shims and bearing plates. Identify each Unit by number; record the location of the anchorhead or bushing identification and apply to the sketch. Use as many Sketch Sheets as necessary being sure to list the page number below and to apply a Sketch Number to each unit with cracks.Ensure a Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.K Li-I "!1.6 A'4:.1 I I I I

  • i , I .I ~ ~ r1~-l--1!i V...F 3'A-A ---4 4 4-.I t -- t -t --A -4. 44-. ----:t .... I"l'--t"-"t" ;: : !-I I I I ...... 1-4-- t ,-j**1 4J 4-I.Ai ii k rA I 0.. .... .- ._-....--.-..

.... ..... ..... ... ..... ... .. .--..........

____. ..........

E &..... ......QC Inspector:

4/ _ Level: Date: QC Reviewd: , Leve i Date: 18 SQ 8.0,TMI. 13 iS)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 172 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 132 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT .1 Tendon N.I Tendon End: Sop Field (7.4.) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. (.IL4, oA~1i. Orient the bearing plate with thesketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketchi 3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Reporl in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On:Hoop and dome this edge is Up" Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: YesC No J.:1 ,. k,-(7.3) Illumination

-6"* ___II-_____

source: cc Oc).6 (7.5) Cracks 2t.0016'~

OJ Yes 9~No Ouantity:

Max. Width: 14 MaxLength:

NCR#: QC Inspector:

2d -- Level: Date: ~



__ __ _ __ _ ,_ __ _ __ _ Level: -_ Date: _ _ _ _30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 1SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 174 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 134 of 348 Project: TMI 41f YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: 4 1- -%GREASE REPLACEMENT oC SIGNOFFS (8.4):Grease Used C NEW 0 OLD -TEST DATE: 0 ACCEPTABLE

[ APPROVAL LETTER 10 -31,43 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total:Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for .tendon end: 4 5 gal. , [...(,8.6) Total*Grease*Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for .A tendon and: .J/ gal.(81) Estimated grease-losses from leaks for 8,,+frt%, tendon end: Q gal. -(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for /Je tendon end: Maio ,1-1i (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease. Loss: al.13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END....I *(13.6) Ambient Temp.: Z4 *F Thermometer ID: 105 Recal Date: ' o.-Il- i (13.7) Grease Temp.,. =CO OF Thermometer ID: p 5 Recal-Date:

-ft. II (13.9) !aft Grease Height (a). in. (13.12) Final Grease Height (b in (13.14) Total amouniofGreaseadded:.

.gal. (a-b).x.t.7 into te end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: b gal. (13.15): RPoured E0 Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease. Relaced this end: 53f gal./-.-~ -___________

w 13 -HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6) Ambient OF Thermometer I : Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: mometer Recal Date: ,(13.9) Initial Grease Height (a). in, (13. Inal Grease Height (b) inm (13.14) Total amount of Grease.added:

A gal. (a -b)~ *1.77 the end: (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: *. gal. (13.15) Poured .] Hand (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

5," I gal. (13.17 + 13.17)(14. 2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: -1f,7 gal. RrtoSO 12.2 -GRE vorttuaS.

b.ttr ernd ,,cnNMt Votu,,e (14:3) Percent Difference:

TotalTendon Replaced (14.1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9) X100 = __7_ %Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume, (14.2) .(14.4) Grease Leaks: n Yes I] No M,-.H3 (14.5) Refill Acceptable::

Yes eels than io%) No (greater than tor%) MOM ,__If No -Customer Notified NCR No.
r ,/6 (14.6) Comments:

n .../1 _ _._'QC Reviewed:.

Level'Date: iL/06,.3.i 31 SQ 12.1 TMi.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 175 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 135 of 348 V(PECI~i~fgS.ILANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09103113 Pagel of 1 I.Revision

-Project: TMI 40 T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE I (7.3) Tendon No,: /VY/-,ý/O Tendon End; Shop C'- Field'"

Removal (7,6) Dale Removal Started: /,/ 3 Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andlor Anchorage 0l Yes aJ No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

% I F Thermometer No.: 5T. IJ5 Re-Cal Date: /., 1- $~Ambient Temp.: 96 OF Thermometer No.: PK"

  • Re-Cal Date: W D-I{ -l1 4 1 --(8.4) Anchorhead 1.0.: ,, Anchorhead Verification:

tAMatch 0 No-Match (8.5) Grease Coaling Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partiat Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial. Uncoated W Bearing Plate -(1) Complete V Partial Uncoated %__,__"_-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap (8k6) Unusual Conditions: (8.7) Grease Color Match: 0 Yes lNo Grease Color. brk ,w-Comments:

A,/0-.e--4, (8.8) Quantity of Samples Z Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? aYes r- No Location of []A.H. 0 B.P. 0 Shims ACap El Duct (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: 0, 2- gal..(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? -Yes 4No Oty. of Grease removed from cap. ,, 0 gal. -i (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage: , gal. -(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes ,KNo Describe:

A Aej_ I/t -5'-(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

& 4zj, l 4),,. -rd/M ,,,4_ W. k-, (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: '0 gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) Z + (8.9)

Z 1 ÷9.6)6-6 0 (10.4) 3C ) TOTAL (1 1.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT. ,Yes E] No a ,.,I QCReviewed:

Level: Date-:.0 113 SQ 6.0 TMI. 13 ISI*Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 176 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 136 of 348 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE:

UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.': -Z, Tendon End: .A '55 3 -Shop PField Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date:Removal Started: (.-'- " ..(7.7). Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 11 Yes 9 No (7.8 Temp. of Concrete:

7q -F Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: 3'Ambient Temp.: 77 -F Thermometer 1 Re-Cal Date: 10j-2.7-Jg_

(8.4) Anchorhead

[1.: D. ..IAnchorheadlVerification:

ki Match [ No-Matchl (8.5) Grease Coating /Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete , Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated _Shims -Complete f Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -(') Complete*

T Partial Uncoated W.( Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

/at. .(8.7) Grease Color Match:. 0 Yes FNo Grease Color: .l/,k .d Comments'(8.8) Quantity of Samples 2, Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? 4Yes 0 No Location of %A.H. E' B.P. Shims 4Cap El Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: gal (8.9.1).Grease fromcap to be reused? 0 Yes ;4NO Mty. of Grease removed from cap: 4 gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

DA gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[I Yes jDNo Describe: ,A,.(10.3) Method of Tendon.Protection:

1-,*A MO IAAAtt _(10.4) Amount of.Grease Loss from Tendon duct: e gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below):)+ 1.4) TOTAL (11.1,2) Document TOTAL grease lost on:Data Sheet 12.1i GREASE REPLACEMENT; ,Yes 0 No F OC Reviewed:

9,/ý&14i I Level* Date: 6'I 13 SQ 6.0 TM1.13 ISI: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 177 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 137 of 348 N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ.6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 PRECiSION

$ ANCE Page 1 ofp 8 0 1031 Revision Project: TMI 4 0 T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No..: 3.. -it) Tendon End: OU "Shop El Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 9No Quantity: ( Sample Taken: El Yes El No IN N/A Moisture


_] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture NINot Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

EJ Yes [SNo Quantity:

C> Sample Taken: El Yes C] No ta NIA Moisture


El Observable Moisture 0 Significant Moisture I Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

El Yes Quantity: Sample Taken: E] Yes [] No I NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture 0l Significant Moisture Not Applicable.


__(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING 4A Water Detected:

El Yes -l No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes E] No nl N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION rAA Exelon Notified:

E] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE /A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12,3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff::-

Level: _ _ __ Date: I QC Reviewed:

Q £ Level: I Date: _/_///_14 SO 6. IJ MI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 178 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 138 of 348 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: 9 13 40 Tendon End: &14 "D Shop 64 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OFGREASE CAP Water Detected:

[I Yes E No Quantity; ) Sample Taken: El Yes [] No ý] N/A Moisture


[] Observable Moisture D Significant Moisture M.Not Applicable Comments:__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(9.681) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E! Yes [] No Quantity:

t7 Sample Taken: C3 Yes [- No EgN/A Moisture


E[ Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture I Not Applicable Comments:


ED Yes E9 No Quantity: Sample Taken: E' Yes 1J No 0 NIA Moisture


[] Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture iQ Not Applicable Comments:

WO,/Pe-(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

0D Yes ED No. Quantity:

Sample Taken: ED Yes, 0] No ED N/A Moisture


ED Observable Moisture ED Significant Moisture ED Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

E Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE /t//k (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

[] Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC.Signoff-

.~ ~L Level-, 'i Date*. 94Z -'QC Reviewed:, Z0 1 Level: .Date: 7- 9 7 '/14 $0 6.I.TMLI3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 179 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 139 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13.Page 1 of I Revision 0 I1 Project: TMI -40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Anchorage ID.: Tp / / 0 Tendon End/Buttress No.:~, 1 4 4 v~~ I 7 (4, 5 Adaptor ID;r-, i 4 EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Ext.Pitch 2-7-- SZ. 2-7-Il " 10"!"' Sar II -iL int.Major N/A N/A Iint.Minor MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 rd 8a 9t Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext, 1 3 44 37 D 7t Major 2 p, 4. q, _._7Nw Ext. 1 N/A N/A Major 2 N/A N/A Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 NIA N/A NIA Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter = [,verage]

-[Wire uonstant]

-L~nlm Sizel (2) External Minor Diameter = (Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size].DISPOSITION Tral I Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark J 1 .4 Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table i Acceptable? (Yes or No)QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: w -Atu" -Level: Date: Level: ______ ___Date: __________

I 17 SO7.1 TML13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 180 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 140 of 348 I 1*N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA.SHEET 7.!09/03/13 Page 11of 1 Revision 0.Project:

TMI. -4 0' YEAR TENDON:SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: ii /3 .. Tendon End/Buttress No.:: Anchorage ID., .l I Adaptor ID: 4:5.EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread. Mic ID Recal. Date: ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date MaCor --7,*1l- -S u Ext.Pitch .2 6' .7- 14 .-13 S.4-, , Ext.Minor N/A N/A Minor*MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 Ara 9g Constant Diameter Size Diameter Major 2 %1j7"E) q.%'7, <TO 1,.376 Ext. 1 '134sil:Pitch () 2 01IF.T11s

___Ext. 1 54 Minor (2) 2 .\.,, Int Nr/A N/A Major 2 N/A N/A mnt. I N/A N/A NIA Minor. 2 N/A NIA N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch. No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date'. NIA Result:: NIA ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter = [Average]

-[Wire Constant]

-SlSim size](2) External Minor Diameter [Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size)DISPOSITION I Trial 1 ITrla2 1. Trial3 1 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark I A 5 1.Min. Minor Diameterfrom*Adaptor Table .4.. ,15 Acceptable? (Yes or No)OC Signoff: QC Reviewed: Level: D__ __ _.ate: ~ z 'Level: ~ fi Date: '. -,1/,4 _/_ -/- /, /C ~7L 17 SQ 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 181 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 141 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT1 (7.3)Tendon No.: H 13-10 Tendon End: ',,441'e5


As-Found 0l Post De-Tensioning i Pre-Wire Removal 0l Post Re-Tensioning QOC.Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION


(9.2) Buttonheads Level:. A t' (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes'12) M', C] N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level:. (1) (10.1) Cracks [3 Yes.t (2) El NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: A (10.1) Cracks [] Yes() .[ N/A (9.2) Shims Level., (10.1) Cracks -lYes.'1 (2) N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes.(f). E NIA £J ,5!- Corrosion Level Of C requires a NCR. t 3--Comrpose a sketch ofthe cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0- BUTTONHEAD INSPECIiON

  • Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

.000(000* Previously idenlified as. missing 0 0 0 0?01 00o0 0*__' __* _,_ /00 0.0000000 Discontinuous -removed this 0 -0 0 -0G0000.0 0 0 0 surveillance 00000000000000

-- wire(s) beingremoved.durdngthis 0 0I00.O.C).O.0O0 0000 0... ~( .'D f 0} O (©O surveillance for testing, 000 C) 0000000 0000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhiead I.D. b \00000.0.00 00.0000 Located on Sketch: [ Yes El No \ 00000000000 00 Bushing iD.

/LocatedonSketch Yes No,\ 0000 000/ ~ ~ ,~ ,)000 El Yes El No Quantity:/

, Additional Infornjation:

  • ,,-.". : (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads

(,) 0. (8,3)llluminalion source 0 fj) G 0 (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (03, 66 0 000000.(12,4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonhe.ds::

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes No (12.5) Total# of Effective Bultonheads Seated: Wires Identified?N E No (12.7) OverallResults FnAcceptab El U]n-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: ./ ,l /C] Ye [I o Quatity QC Reviewed: a Level:, Date:..18 SQ 8.O.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 182 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 142 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No,:, 14 /5? 10. Tendon End: , Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION:

CRITERIA.0 As-Found [0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal: 0 Post Re-Tensioning a fl A 411 A~ rlDfI~ 'AI IQPmlIwIJU n1,wna r) ,4,sfl V,%rI.',*(9.2) .Buttonheads Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes J 2 1 MM 0 N/A (9.2).Anchorhead Level: .. (101) Cracksa C0 Yes (2) :E L N/A (9.2):Bushing Level: (10.1). Cracks 01 Yest(2 1.E0 N/A (9.2) Shims Level: AJ (10.1) Cracks 01 Yes. 2) rN/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10.1) Cracks C10Yes(2 No 0 NIA.-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. l2- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0'and initiate a NCR, 11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION SO"ffsize (Malformed)

'W Protruding/unseated wirelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing ooo0 00.0 0)00/000000000,0 00000000000000 ooooooo0o0000 0000000000C000.

OOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00000000000000 10

\oooooooooo00 oo0\00 00000000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0-Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

1 wire(s) being removed during this~ j Surveillance for testing 5%/(1.12) Anchorheadi D.Located on Sketch: KYes 0 No Bushing I.D.Located on Sketch: I,.Yes 0] No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0 Yes El No Quantity:

A Additional Infoiat ion: -- ",'.'4 ," 74.. 1. V1,. V,4",\1 0 010 0 0 00>)on (D 80o o//A 2, .0 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (12,3) Number of Missing. Buttbnheads (0, g: (12.4A) Total of Protruding.

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total #.of Effective.Buttonheads Seated: V (8.3) illumination source ~i~ij~ ~ h (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? 0]Wires Identified?

(12:') Overall Results XAcceptable 0l Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: I LDate: I I 18 SO 8.0,TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 183 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 143 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet.B.0A 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I1 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE iUNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 14 IS to Tendon End: ,,Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIAAs-Found D Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal ' Post Re-Tensioning 0.C. Signoff*9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks* l Yes 12) flo, 0 N!A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks [] Yes(2) ';9'o, 0o .N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes ( r-0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 2 1 N/A E N/A (" " Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t 2.Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8&0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated w wirerbuttonheads

/" 0 Broken/missing wirelbuttonheads 0000000ol* Previously Identified as missing .00000000 o, 000000:00000


-removed this 0.0000000000 surveillance. " 00000000000 wire(s) removed during this 00000000000000 surveillance for testing OOOOOO .OOO0i 00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. .! 0000000000000 Located on Sketch: 16Yes 0l No 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 00000000F~nd:/, " 00000.00.0 00/0. Yes 0[No Quant0y: 000 000 Additional Information:

'(12.2) Number of Protruding Bultonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source q. IrL (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 ,9: ___(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

O Yes &No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: W wires Identified? ( Yes C] No S(12.1)Overall Results 54Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#' .2 QC) Reviewed:

Level: Date:l 13 18 SQ 8O.TM7IV.113 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 184 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 144 of 348 PRECSIONANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0.ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A 09/03113 Page. 1 of I Revision 0 v Project:*


f-1i310 Tendon End: ._ Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ... ... ..0l As-Found 0] Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning QC. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: 4j. (10.1) Cracks [I Yes 1, INo E] N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes 1 f0 No El N/A (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks El Yes I [No. N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 12) No 0 N/A , P Corrosion Lave! of C requires a. NCR. 121 Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.iIf -.I Q"TrFJIW=An wiparDiriewA I Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/umseated w wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing ire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing 45L6Frr5XAMN IDiscontinuous

-removed thisl surveillance.

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing (0000000 00000000 00000000000

.000000000000 0000000000.000 000.000000000,00, 000.000000000 00000000000000 000.0000000000 OOuOOOOOOOOO000 00000:00000000 000000000000 00000:000.000 00000000000 00.00000 (1U12) Anchorhead 1.D. [ 2Ye Located on Sketch: 4 Yes ENo (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N/[I Yes C1 No Quantity:.Additional Information:

~~Is~%, *Iek4 IF 1.jgR?-,t7i451 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) .llumination source (tf_.__(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, b: .(12.4) Total of Protruding

-Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity TestRequested? (I Yes QrNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identifie/.d' Ye 0 No (12.7) Overall Results Acceptable

El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: Or QC Reviewed: 6~'4~4~ i~4 Level: Date: 18 SQ 8.0.TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 185 of 1008 REP-i1098-510 Appendix A, Page 145 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 , Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.: /3-13 ) -Tendon End: ,9/# 'e5 I IShop C3 Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification
  1. t..IL -. J~e..4e 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the .sketch:, 3. Sketch all:cracks, Including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches frormthe edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.:On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

I IV,> w1'1,4 Auxiliary Light Source used; (&Yes- No FIASk1* Uk"1"4 (7.3) Illumination source:, (7.5) Cracks 0.010W 0 Yes (ý5No Quantity:

Max. Width: Max Length:,/[

NCR#: _./]QC Inspector:

4 -Level: of Date: *.. g XC Reviewed::9 Level:. Date: /I T 3. -19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13 ISt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 186 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 146 of 348 Project- : TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No.: jJJ I Tendon End: , .j, ..[Shop (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. i t4, / le4-.1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing, plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, Including other defects, existing on the concretein the area :surrounding the tendon anchorage tor a dislance of 24 Inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0,010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance wilh Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop andidome this edge is up..Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

te 6(Ifo4 Of 6b AVA Ma I'$(Auxiliary Light Source used: 0 YesO No (7.3) Illumination

-" source' c. oU ___,___;(7.5) Cracks 20.010' C]Yes No Ouantity.

Max. Width:L Mx ength: NCR#:: Q..Ispector:.

.Level:*e .. A.1 QC Inspector:

Level-. -f Date-. )2 ":(1::, .; ; ; .i .0, .. .... .... ...JC Reviewed:

'1 [0.1 N /Level: Date: '- D / L/19 SQ 8.3 TMMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 187 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 147 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09/03113 P.,cision N Page I of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40M YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE N Unit I (7.6)Tendon No.: ./ 13 Tendon End: a / RShop [I. Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C, Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concret4:

-Thermometer No.: Recal Dat.: Ambient Temp.: $-15ý Thermometer No.: , R ecal Date: .1*- 14 (9.4) Anchoihead and Stressing Adapter Threads: I] Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: ILI (9,G) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment

[Acceptable 0L Unacceptable 4 -l 43 (9.7) RAM ID: 7pFp. Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 26K= ,,,(,IdO K Gauge ID: Recal Date: bAJ.i , Dally Check: (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 in. #2 j,' in. Ruler ID: g Recal Date: /..L Individual Shims: Stack #1:". 4 0 21 I/ $4/t. in. Stack #2: % 2. .In., (9,9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF.): ., ' kips Pressure.

77, *45 psi (9.10) PF: /167' kips 95% PF. _c4- kips 90% PF: ?87 kipsS3Tho5 PS.(5,Ssi Psiw (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off---..%

(9. 11.113) Circled Values Stack #1: 1) , psi Stack #2: 1) r50\ psi 1) psi 2) £ psi 2) 51o psi 2) ý5; psi 3) psi 3) \psi 3) psi.(9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): , Average: , psi (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): J (9.11.15)

Average Lifltoff (ALV) Rips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) PAcceptable-.

ALV is> 95% PpF.b) fl Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but >t 90%PF. Documentoan a NCR.c) C3 Unacceptable

-ALV is < 900/61F. Document on- NCR..NCR Required *Jyes 9 o Customer Notified NCR No.: VA1. 17) Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Note: ,Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forcel.)r Adj Tendon: __ El Acceptable-ALV> 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.Ad] Tendon: __ determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

-' Yes r- No NamelDate:

-*b) -Adi Tendon: _ E]unacceptable-ALV

< 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the conditio b AdJ Tendon: on a NCR. Customer Notified NCR No.: hw 1-Adj Tendon: []Unacceptable -ALV 90%g~ of PF for either tendon. Document the c it AjTno:oaNC.

Customer Notified NCR No.:." QC Reviewed:

k2 Level." D Oate: /21 SQO 9.0TMI. 13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 188 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 148 of 348 N1091 PSCGPROCEDURE SO 9.0 MONITOR.TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 09103113 Page :1 of I Revision 0.Project. TMI 4 0 N YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.'Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.: f. Tendon End: &4&&S J_" _ ._____...

____ r_ Shop 4 Field LIFT-OFFINSPECTION CRITERIA O.C. Signoff.(9.3) Temp. of Concrete-

'" °F Thermometer No: F. Recal Date: .0-ZI. 13 Ambient.Temp.:

71 OF Thermometer No.: P Recal Date.(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads.:

Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: .. _ __I_(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagemenl/Atignment:

[ Acceptable 0 Unacceptable 7-(9.7) RAM ID: F Recal Date: end ofjob RAMArea: , K .- *O.Gauge ID: CC Recal Date: S1al! Daily Check: (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 4. in, #2 4,5 in. Ruler ID: .Recal Date: L L Individual Shims: Stack #1:- _. 2 Stack #2: 4, .,, Ky In. A (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): 151Z kips Pressure:

/T (. G Psi (9.10. PF: iog"r kips 95% PF: /647- kips 90% PF: kips 53%4AL2 P.. 5037"/7 psi .S 43. 0 psi 11IM61-t.(9.11.5)

As-Found Lift-Off , .(9.11.113)

Circled Values:.Stack #: 1) .. psi Stack #2: 1)/. 100 psi: 1). , psi 2) S'qw psi 2) psi 2) 5746 psi.b 3) pt' i psi 3) -I1 7W psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): II1,lI kips\ ..' Average: 5760 psi Wall W-(9,11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end):. jk (9.11. 15) Average Liftoff (ALV) p kips (9, 11.16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria:.

Wa) [Acceptabla

-ALV is 295% PF.b) [] Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is< 95%PF but ;- 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) .] Unacceptable.-

ALVis < 90%PF,. Document on a NCR..NCR Requited El Yes I] No: Customer Notified NCR No.: / .(9.11,1.7).Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (hoNo: Use.a.separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff farces.)c Ad) Tendon; _ _ Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF. The original scope tendon SHALL be a) ThisTendon:

_ restored to within -0/+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUTS a t Adj Tendon: determined for the number.of effective wires. A EXELON Notified:

".Yes [] No Name/Date:

..Adj Tendon: _ __ Unacceptable-ALV <.95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condvtion.b Adj Tendon: on a NCR. /\I Customer Notified NCR No.: .(" Adj Tendon: C] Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document th. co ition c) Adj Tendon: _____ on a.NCR>Customer Notified NCR No.: _..R ,/GC Reviewed: (J Level: ,_ -- _ _Date: .LZ2Z.--I 21 SO 9.0 TMI.13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 189 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 149 of 348..-N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SO 12,0 REPLACE GREASE CAP moft Data Sheet 12.0 p8 S 09103/1*3 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1.Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End: &4,(/4,55






I,, ...,C , Level: -_ _ Date: _____ ._30 SQ 12.0 TMI-13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 190 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 150 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0 09/03/13 PRE6CISION ANCE q Io= c s, Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40"T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE



M'YýE!S Wy S 7yý S.7YES NO.DNO Q3NO ElNO[INO COMMENTS /CRE.W FOREMAN SIGNOFF W4J. -i a -Date: ___ ___OC Reviewed:

ý ýLevel: Date: -7/3 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.-13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 191 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 151 of 348 Project: TMI 40r YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE, Tendon No.: -GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used C NEW D OLD -TEST DATE: (I ACCEPTABLE 0 APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for -3 tendon end:. gal, (8.8) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for reS .tendon end;. ga's eiz (8,7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end: -gal.(8,8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for I tendon end:- 0 gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 9.aL gl.13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END 1.... ..... PO RN AN HAN PUMPING. -FIRST... .. EN (13.6) Ambient Temp,: 77 IF Thermometer ID: P/ /q Racal Date: /3 (13.7) Grease Temp.: ýF Thermometer lo: k" Recal Date: /o, a"-/3 (13.9) tdM Grease Height(a)

-33. in. (13,1.2) Final Grease Height (b). ,;?, S in.(13A14) Total amount of Grease added: :, gal. (a- b) x 177 into the 8,4/, 3 end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: O gal. (13.15) :I Poured [I Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: 4.2o gal, f~'t~I&13.0 HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: .F Thermometer ID: zn, Recal Date: 1,9.1-.4 (13.7) Grease Temp.: .220 F Thermometer ID: Pl/ Recal Date: ,p I Zt (13.9) !a Grease Height (a) q? 5 in. (113.12) Final Grease Height .(b) , L (13.14) Total amount of Grease added: :3I gal. (a-b)xll.,7 into the end (.13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: 0 gal. (13.15) IR.Poured, [I Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Reolaced this end: I gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

I1,51 gal, (13.17+ 13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: '.7 gal. Re'-erSQ O2 -GREASE VLUMESX Me (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon:Replaced (14.1) -Toal:Tendon Loss (8.9) X.100 % Difference Net.Tenidon Duct Grease Volume (14,2) 10 ,./.L .." Dfeec (14.4) GreaseLeaks:

C Yes No -(14.5) Refill Acceptable:

I Yes 1eSS 1han t0%) Li No (rearer than to%)If No -Customer Notified NCR No.: (14.6) Comments:

A&Ale C Reviewed: .Level: I w 0 31 SQ 12.1 TrMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 192 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 152 of 348 Project:.

TMI 4eT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 1 UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.: 24 A Is Tendon End: 4 1- Shop [I Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: 7.2 O7- j.3 Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andlor Anchorage Y Yes H No (7.B)Temp.

of Concrete:

131 OF Thermometer No.: "5 Io? Re-Cal Date: 1o-12--_Ambient Temp.: 0 0 F Thermometer No.: -_______ Re-Cat Date: _ 4_f 14-.. 2-2-I (8.4) Anchorhead ID..: Anchorhead Verification:

MMatch El No-Match -153 (8.5) Grease Coating.Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial __ Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %______, Bearing Plate.- 1 Complete / Partial Uncoated %(1. Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap..(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

MIN (8.7) Grease Color Match: 0 Yes IR No Grease Color: "I/< .RRDR tItV'" Comments: OIL Otpt-Z_¶¶ftý-

.-(8.8) Quantity of Samples 2 Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8,1? 0Yes [ No Location of Removal 0-AH.. 0 B.P- 0 Shims -Cap 0 Duct (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: .gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0 Yes I] No Qty..of Grease removed from cap: (W 91- gal.=(9.6) Qty, of Grease removed from anchorage- , gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes ; No Describe:

q:O-(10.3). Method of Tendon Protection:


CAP 7,,A-"T-.

((10.4) *Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal. ;, (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) ÷ (8.9) + (8.9.1) S .+ (9.6) 2 .+ (10.4)f j__ = TOTAL C6W (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1i GREASE REPLACEMENT.'

P~Yes " No I QC Reviewed: iV ~~Ut1 40011(,=__ý Level: Date: J* _._.I-I 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 1SI, Topical Report 2143 Attachment 2 Page 193 of 1008 1' REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 153 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09/03/13 Pagel of 0 Revision r -Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE:

UNIT 1 (7,3) Tendon No.: !/. Tendon End: .3 7" 2- -Shop j Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: ... /- / Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry !ce Used on Grease Capand/or Anchorage C1 Yes 9 No (7.8) Temp.. of Concrete-.

7*4 F Thermometer No.: ST "05 Re-Cal Date: /O-/t-I/Ambient Temp.;. 77Z OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Oate: /o.Ii-.t I -i-i (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

[] Match No-Match I -(8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated Buttonheads

-Complete liZ Partial, Uncoated V0 Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate o Complete_

-- Partial Uncoated %_____ '/1.-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap., (8.6) Unusual Conditions:

.(8.7) Grease Color Match: C' Yes No Grease Color: Comments:

,*l-,ge--5 (8.8) Quantity of Samples !2,- Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? 9 Yes El No Location of El A.H. [I 8.P. 0Shims Cap Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 1l Yes 5ANo Qty. of Grease removed from cap:. 4.6i gal. 1 1.(9.6) Qty, of Grease removed from anchorage:

', Z5 gal. wj,.- 3-(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

E Yes ZLNo Describe:

AJOA0 J.-l-i (10.3) Method of Tendon Protectlon. " 1.6.IA 4,A , AV s, AIN rLA-1~ k 13-(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss. from Tendon duct: 4b'- gal. '.I (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) P + (8.9) WS + (8.9.1) + (9.6)VZi + (10.4) Z. '=.ZS TOTAL .(111.1,2)

Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1. GREASE REPLACEMENT.

9 Yes El No i- QC Reviewed:

Level: M Date: 13 SO 6.0 TMI.13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 194 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 154 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FORIWATER Oata Sheet 6.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project' TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE H UNIT I (8.1).Tendon No.: 2 1 1 t 15 Tendon End:* 14. {Shop [I Field (9.5,1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes El No I@ N/A Moisture


"- Observable Moisture [-] Significant Moisture N] Mot Applicable.

Comments: .A_ ____ _(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[] Yes KNo Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes El No N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture I] Not Applicable Comments:


0- Yes ER No Quantity:


Yes [ No $ .N/A Moisture


0l Observable Moisture E] Significant Moisture, %Not Applicable Comments; (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING

/1/ ,A Water Detected:

E] Yes /] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes E] No .l NIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION VA Exelon Notified:

[] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE A/A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes N111 (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: Level: Date: _______.QC Reviewed:

LlDate: g, 7 14 SO B.l.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 195 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 155 of 348'C PROCEDURE SQ 6.1.INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 8.1 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0.. YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.:. 1 / ,. Tendon End:. Supr, 2- El-Shop Field (9.51) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

0l Yes , No Quantity: ) Sample.Taken:

El Yes [I No g. N/A Moisture


F1 Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture ANot Applicable Comments-.

(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 04 No Quantity:

.Sample Taken: El Yes El No N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture:

0 Significant Moisture ( Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:.

E Yes gNo Quantity.:

tSample Taken: C] Yes El No [M N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture IKNot Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING 1`1/A Water Detected:

El Yes [] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes [].No 0] NIA Moisture


Cl Observable Moisture [0 Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION

//Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified' 0 Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: ..Level' Date: QC Reviewed:

______ ___ _ Level: ____ Date: i, 14 S06,1.TMIlA31S1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 196 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 156 of 348 PRECISION ANCE, N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 I INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI -400 YEAR TENDON SURVEILILANCE Tendon No.:.'4 5V4-1s Tendon End/Buttress No.:/Anchorage'ID.:

.g Adaptor. D: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread: MIc 1D Reca:Date" ID No '. Recal Date ID No.. Recal Date Ekt.Ext.Pitch 2-7-Il/,_

i'-I .; !

  • mt.Msior N/A NA Int. NIA.N/Minor N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Thread ld Read 3 .6h 9th Average Wyire. Wire Shim Average Trd e Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext.1 Maior 2 Int. 1 NIA N/A major. 2 N/A N/A Int. I N/A N/A N/A Minor [2 N/A. 1NA NA Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID: N _otes: (1) tExtemal itccn Diameter = (Average]

-(Wire ConstantJ

-[Shim Sizel (2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Trial 1 I Trial 2 1 Trial 3 1 Trial 4 MAdaptor Mark A-5 Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table %,V Acceptable? (Yes or No) J,: , OC Signolf: QC Reviewed: t. /Level: -.,,Date: /L 1- 13 Level:; Date: _L1 7T 4 It5 ffc.I.l17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 197 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 157 of 348 Project::

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE NIUNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: 24 R I'5 Tendon End: S Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA q9 As-Found 0l Post De-Tensioning I Pro-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning o.C.Signoff

.9.0 & 100- CORROSION

&CRACK INSPECTON (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (2) IN No [D N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10,1) Cracks 0 Yes (2 0]No 0 N/A (9.2) Bushing Level:- (10,1) Cracks 0 Yes(2) $] No El N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10,1) Cracks 0 Yes (2 )? ]No 0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks C- Yes(2) M No. C" N/A-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR (-Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR. .11.0I -UTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated Ge;v wre/butt~onheads 0 Broken/missing wreibuttonheadsO, / ,+A* Previously identified as missing 0000000 0 Discontinuous

-removed this \\000 0000 0___surveillance O O OO O O O .. \ .surveiance 0000000000000

-wire(s) being removed during this 0000 0 000000_ _surveillance for testing 0000000~ ooo Dn00000 o I D (11.2),AnchorheadLD.

000000000000 Located on Sketch: iMYes ONo 0000000 00 Bushing I.D. 1155 .00000000000 Located on Sketch: O.Yes r- No 00000000 000000 W*)T43 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: C3 Yes 0l No" -Quantity:

A Additional Information:

5h 4 1 ,-,,/(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (2)e 2 (8.3) Illumination source OCC )- o.'

(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 5: 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

2.. (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[I Yes 0 No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: i Wires Identified?

0l Y r' No (12.7) Overall Results [ Acceptable iVAUn-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#- ,oj.:.0 o q -,O QC Reviewed: , Level: -Date:.188Q 8.0.TMI.13 ISI@1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 198 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 158 of 348 PRCI jMHANC E N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.OA 09/03113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project. TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: : 2/ -Tendon End: & .Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA I As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning Pre-Wire Removal 03 Post Re-Tensioning 0C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9,2) Buttonheads Level: 0(0.1) Cracks 01 Yes ( 0 NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: *':(10.1)

Cracks Yes 0o N/A (9,2) Shims Level: (1.0.1) Cracks 0 Yes ( 0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes. esNo [] NIA* ( Corrosion Level of C requires.a NCR. ( Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketci Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.111.0 -RUTTONHEAD INSPECTION.

I Offsize (Malformed)

  • W Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads

[0 Brokenlmissing wire/buttonheads Previously Identifiedasmlsslng Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

m. .m .......wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing (0000000 00000000 00000000000 000000000000 0000000:000000 00000000000.000 0a.00000:000000 00000000000000 00000000000OO 00000000.000000 0000000000000 00O000O00000 00000000000 00000.000 0000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. q I Located on Sketch: K Yes Di No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found /0 Yes 0 No Quantity;Additional Information: , ;,.4af U. ..- q, A: OX t1+15* -(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): _ (813) Illumination source ________(12.3) Numberof Missing Buttonheads (0, )(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ ('12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[] Yes O No (12.5) Total # of EffectiveSuttonheads S eatd. Wires ldetified?,,A Yes Q No (12.7) Overall Results f& Acceptabte 0 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: L, -il--r QC Reviewed:.

Level: l Date: m 18 SQ 8.0.TMI. 13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 199 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 159 of 348 Project. TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE RUNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: .j !. Tendon End: &ja j?, .- Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA C] As-Found Ii Post De-Tensioning i Pre-Wire Removal 0 Post ReTensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level; A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 0) 03"1 C] N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks El Yes (21 lE I0o El NIA (9:2) Shims Level: .(10.1) Cracks E] Yes (!'No El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (1) (10A1) Cracks [n Yes.21 No E NIA Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2) Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11,0- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION A --5 /e-I1. ,,A ,M S Offize (Malformed)


[w wirerbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads.//

0000000 4 Previously Identified as missing 0 0 0 0 0000-"_ 00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000.



%vire(s) removed during this 00000000000000

_ surveillance for testing ()OO0O 00000 00O 0000000000000

.00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead 1.0. 0000000000000 OOO OOO.. O00 :O0 O00000000 Located on Sketch. (A Yes E No 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Butlonheads Found: 00000000000 0 00 00000 El Yes El No Qu nty" .0000000 Additional Information:

'-(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): Q (8.3) Illumination source ( o 4$' ____(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 5]): (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0__ (12.6) ContinuityTest Requested?

[I Yes KNo (12:5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wres Identified?

A4a ElNo (12.7)"Overall Results .Acceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR4: A/J-- I" rC Reviewed:

/9 Level: jDate: /185 Q8.0.TMI.13 lSt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 200 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 160 of 348 Peoject: TMi 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End: 0 1N Shop 0 (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. tN4B/fTO LZnc-r, 1. Orient the beadhg plate wilth the sketch below.2.Locate the bearing plate identification and documnent the location on the sketch.SSketch ail cracks including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorag .fora distance of 24 inches frot m theedge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document.

condition on. an.Nonconformance Report in accordance With Preue lQA 9.T NOCNO ACS or x n Hoop ado mel this edg is ..... , Sup.On Hoboante dofmt e o thisndent

s. " Vertical Tendon, this is toward thie center of the containment.

I ,66ozwo1 PLA/V / HIISýAuxiliary Light Source used: Yes[] No (7.3) Illumination (7 5) Crackspet0.010r CYes ONO Quantity:

Max. Width: ev!Max Ltength: NCR*QC Inspector:

Level: -1Date: $ .3.11 Revieawed:

4 f .- ---Level: Date: 19 SQ 8.3:TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 201 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 161 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3.09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

= UNIT 1 Tendon No.: I 24- I Tendon End: 3,, " 0 Shop [ Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. A .Io- hI 1. Orient the bearing plate withtthe sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate dentification and document the location (n the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks:equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches,. document condition on an Nonconfomance Report in accordance with Procedure.QA 9.0,. NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval .On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon; this is toward the center of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: ElYesEJ No F/Alkliqk+

(7.3) Illumination source: ..(7.5) Cracqksa0.010" El Yes .No Quantity:-

Max, Width: Max Length: NCR#: Qc inspector:

-~ ~ ~Level: Date: Reviewed-.

Level: Date: 19 SQ'8.3TMI.113 IS 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 202 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 162 of 348 ON ANCE N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0'09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SUF (7.6)Tendon No.: _/ 24-5 "

Unit 1-Shop fidField Tendon End:.LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Il (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

T Thermometer No.:. ST-I.105.

Recal Date:. 10/Jl Ambient Temp.: 72 Thermometer No.: l Recal Date: ,.p/- 14 (9.4):Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: 0 Acceptable L1 Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: __ l__l _(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

(2 Acceptable 0] Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: .I Recal Date: end ofjob RAM 3.6l9 K: GaugelD: :'Recal Date: I4r, DailyCheck:

Oj<(9.8) Shim: Stack Height: #1: in.. #2 :in, RulerID: y RecalDate Individual Shims: Stack #1: 4 1 iI/ in. Stack #2: In.(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): /5 -, ' kips Pressure:

2 psi (9.10) PF: LQ51 kips 95% PF: _ kips 90%. PF: .6Z4 kips 172 1 Psi 31 psi si (9. 11,5) As-Found Lift-Off,.-.-...

(9.11 13) Circled'Values Stack#1: 1). ) o psi Stack #2:. ) A 1) psi 2). 36 psi 2) J36qopJ 2 .2) MAO PS 9.11)Ed 3) :3=z: psi 3) ý 4, s )pi (9.A.1.3)

End Average Force (this end): kips,-__.-s Average: a, psi (9. 1.14) End Avg. Force. (other end): JA kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff ALV) /ll , 1 4- kips (9.11. 16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria:*a) [AAcceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.b) E' Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but z 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c). r: Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF0 Document on a NCR.NCR Required El Yes J3 No. Customer Notified NCR No.0 (9. 11.17) Adjacent Tendon Lift-l r Adi Tendon: _.... .a) -. This Tendon'._.

Adi Tendon: __"__EXELON Notified: ffs (yNoe:. Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Lifoff ftcesl C1 Acceptable -ALV "> 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0. 70 GUTS as determined for the number of effective wires.0l Yes El No Name/Date:

___b) {Adj Tendon: Adj Tendon: L] Unacceptable.-, ALV e 95%0f PF for either tendon. Document the cons on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR NO,: ___________

1_).- Adj Tendon: ________Adj Tendon: 0l Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document.the condil on a NCR.CustomerNotified NCR No.: QC Reviewed:

P- (L2 Level: _VI Date.SI 21 SQ 9.0 TM 13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 203 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 163 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 Te YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE.


13YES YES YES YES SYES.C1NO ENO jNO C1JNO:[I NO COMMENTS&CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.._-_ Date: '=c/- ' 1*OC Reviewed:

't 6 Z.2--. Level: Date: 2.7- 13 30 SQ12.0 TMI.13 1SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 204 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 164 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12,0 REPLACE GREASE CAP i ' m-Data Sheet 12.0 09103/13.LANC E Page 1- of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEARi TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No:: Tendon End: / -r Shop Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ,/BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:. n NO GREASE CAP SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:.




[UES NO.COMMENTS 4 CREW FOREMANSIGNOFF , 4 i/ -Date: 0Pt Cl Level: OC Reviewed: Date: ,,__,__I k 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 205 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 165 of 348 N`1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 p 5 v GREASE REPLACEMENT Data:Sheet -Hand Pumping 09103113 PoPR.AC Page 1 of 1 Revision r Project: TMI 40'" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: 2H 14 GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used N NEW 0l OLD -TEST DATE: nl ACCEPTABLE C1 APPROVAL LETTER 7t, , t..8.0 PEREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6:0 for tendon end:, (.75 gal. -2l1t (8.6) Total Grease Loss from Dala Sheet 6.0 for tendonend: , (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for aye s tendon end: gal, (8.8) Estimated grease tosses from leaks for tendon end: 0 gal. / 1-(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 0 gal.V~.fl PflhIRIN(~

At'ifl HANfl PIIMPINfl.-

FIRST Ftdfl J I n POURING AND HAND Pt IMPING -FIRST EN (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 7' *F Thermometer ID: P J I 0 1 Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: ) OF. Thermometer ID: Recal Date: (13.9) !aft Grease Height a) 2q ,L in. (13.12) Final Grease Height (b)(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: , gal. (a-b)xit77 into the (13,16) Quantity of Waste Grease:: 0 gal. (13.15) (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: A.y' gal.11-14-13, 1ý4,, -13&dL. end C3 Hand Pumped 13.0 HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.; 74 -IF Thermometer ID: Recal Date:: (13.7) GreaseTemp.:

1!5 2F Thermometer ID: PJKA Recal Date: lo"t--4 (13.9) lnttal Grease Height (a) in. (13.12) jFnal Grease Height (b) J5,2 in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: 5;.5 gal. (a-b)x ,77 into the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: v gal.. (13.15) K Poured [I Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: ' 75 gal./14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

gal. (13; 1 + .13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: to gal. ReW1osQ Votu (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced(14.1)rTotalTendonLoss(8.9): -x/)o= #7 %Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2) /" ..j (14.4) Grease Leaks: El Yes gg No 1,/- -(14.5) Refill Acceptable:

0 Yes itess than 1o%) 0l No (gaaterthan t0%) (5 If No -Customer Notified NCR NO.:-(14.6) Comments:

Level: Dt IL-" C IReviewed:.

.... L_ 5C= Level: /.w 31 SO 12,1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 206 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 166 of 348 Project: TMI 40. YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (73) Tendon No.: /2, 9- 24 -Tendon End: _____ ...... ___ Shop El Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: Q.C. Signoff (7,7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 0... Yes (X No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:.

O F Thermometer No.: _SI-2q3 Re-Cal Date: / .-.f_..-7 Z((.,,I Ambient Temp.: O 0 F Thermometer No.: P10 / 0/ Re-Cal Date: /i-/ /a (8.4) Anchorhead iD.; 05 7 Anchorhead Verification, U] Match 3 No-Match --(8,.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %10 Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete 7 Partial: Uncoated %___,0 Bearing Plate -'1 Complete .Partlalý Uncoated % A9-P-/3-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:.

A .(8.7) Grease Color Match: U Yes 9 No Grease Color: .6--, Comments: -I-i (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2.. Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? ( Yes U No Locatlonof C1 A.H. UI B.P. U1 Shims 25-Cap U Duct Removal * -1.?(8.9) Qty, of Grease lost during removal of cap:. gal. /4z W (8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? U Yes aNo Qty. of Grease removed from cap: -3.5 gal. ./, t (9.6) Qty..of Grease removed from anchorage:

/ t2 gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[]Yes [] No Describe: .V/4,.J .c .o- f-Iz (10.3) Method of Tendon Protectionm wIT5Ut7b-A t-n% e cAP Lt. I, .). &v -)-(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal. C6 L4 (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) .+ (8.9) 0 + (8.9.1) 5' + (9.6). 0 + (16.4) 0 = 0 TOTAL (11.11.2).Document TOTAL grease lost on.Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

,3 Yes U- No i~~~ .i//-OC Reviewed: iL ~Level: Date: i I 13 SQ 6.0 TM1,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 207 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 167 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 I GREASE CAP REMOVAL I Data Sheet 6.0 I 09g03/13 I Pagel of Revision 11 Project: TMI 4 0 7H YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE W'UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.; //?Y-2 Z Tendon End: p477 [3 " Shop Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: q/ -I.Z1P (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andorAnchorage "I Yes [ No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete::

'IF Thermometer No.: 3 Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp.: 4G 0 F Thennometer No.:-, ,- A Re-Cal Date: I f1,tl ((8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

C1 Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial _Uncoated Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %_ _Bearing Plate -Complete Partial Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the.grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: C1 Yes .JA No Grease Color:. h r .tou,: Comments-: , e_.(8.8) Quantity of Samples , Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? AYes [I No Location of.[E A.H. [I B.P. I] Shims 1] Cap El Duct Removal.1@1 (8.9) Qty, of Grease lost during removal-of cap: 0Z .gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to bereused?

[] Yes ,KNo Qty. of Grease removed from cap: '-, '5 gal.(9.6) Oty. of Grease removed from anchorage:.

0. Z5 gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

El Yes CNo Describe:

A ke-(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

&,k-4AII,,A khe_ jre __ / Am") ,4As ,,-(10.4) Amount of Grease.Loss from Tendon duct: .gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) T24 +(8.9) 0,5+ (8.9.1),Z2._

4(9.8) 012.5 (10.4) Tf 3, TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

aYes C] No QC Reviewed: c5L'K)Level: _V _: Date: 3 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 1SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 208 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 168 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 09/03/13 PRAECISION ANCE Page 1' of I Revision d Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT I (01i) Tendon No.: I 2 Tendon End: [ fShop OJField.(9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E] Yes ( No Quantity:

_ Sample Taken: El Yes F1 No N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

AI/-(9-6A1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes B No Quantity: , Sample Taken: E] Yes El No .j N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture [E Significant Moisture [0 Not.Applicable Comments:


i- Yes [A No Quantity: Sample Taken: Cl Yes C] No , NIA MoistureDescription:

El Observable Moisture C1 Significant Moisture ( Not Applicable



,//4 Water Detected:

E] Yes E] No Quantity::

Sample Taken: El Yes E] No El N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION 1/11A_ _ _Exelon Notified:

E[ Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

Cl Yes (I 2.3),Samples stored at: QCSignoff:

_/Y_ Level: 22' Date: /0I--l3 QC Reviewed:

.*_e Level: ..Zf Date: 14 SQ 6.1.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 209 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 169 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 09103113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.!UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.: R 2/4 -2 Z, Tendon End: &A -C] Shop [0 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

LI Yes No Quantity:

Q0 Sample Taken: D. Yes 0l No% I NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: .M-(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E- Yes [aNo Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: El Yes C] No kg N/A Moisture


[] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture PSNot Applicable Comments:


El Yes [aNo Quantity:

_ Sample Taken: El Yes C] No KNIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [2,Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING

ý'/A Water Detected:

0l Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes E] No E] N/A Moisture


[] Observable Moisture 0l Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11. 1) NOTIFICATION "A Exelon Notified:

E] Yes Individual!

Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE'(12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff; .Level: Date: ./LL '-" 1".QC Reviewed:

.Level Date: 0 1 14 SQ 6.1.TMI113 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 210 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 170 of 348 Project: TMI -40' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.:

  • H~t-*Anchorage 6D.:4 Tendon End/Buttress No.: 1, Adaptor:ID:

EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE, SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recali Date ID No.. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.____ qc.1*

2\Major Ext.Ext. 7 .mnt, N/A N/A Major _____________

In.NIA NIA Minor _MEASUREMENTS THREAD .Average Ura Wire Shim Average Thread. Read 3 rd ..6 9Av Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 377_Major 2_ NA_._N.Ext.I 533-lýPitch (1) 2 53 _____.____

3____ _____9.a_minor (2) 2 _1 V11 4- 7'7 ,,',-Int. 1 NIA NIA Major 2 N/A N/A Int. 1 NIA NA N/A Minor 2 N/A. N/A N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date:. N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: NIA Result.. NIA ID: Note: (1) External Pitch Diameter = [Average]

-(Wire Constant)

-[Shim Size)(2). External Minor:Diameter (Average]

-(2 X.Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION.Trial 1 Trai 2 I Trial3 I Trial 4.Adaptor Mark C.!-Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table 0. o..Acceptable? (Yes or No) -0C Signoff:.QC Reviewed: Level:.Level: , Date:.Date: " 1!I LA",; aA I 17 SQ 7AITMIA13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 211 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 171 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION p~i2 DATA SHEET 7.1 PRECISION Page I of I Revision 0.Project: TMI -400 ..YEAR.TENDON SURVEILLANCE.

A,#,exsý-i 2- lr,'e. fd &,4 Tendon No.: Anchorage ID.;*-I -Z .- .. Tendon End/Buttress No.:.l6_ _ _ _l Adaptor ID: A..-"/I.EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc IO Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.. A Ext.Pitch ."Z 2 ,7-1L! O /O"1-14' 5 ar (4 g.zo-j4 Ext.MajorNANA mnt, Minor NIA NIA MEASUREMENTS THREAD Aveag Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3'f 6" 9 Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. i 3. p 1.3 7q ,_ Major 32 ......_N5 q_.7 NI Ext. I qA. 3 ,__.. ___Pitch (1) 2 _________

&,I ____ ____* Ext.1 Minor (2) 2 C Int. 1 N/A N/A Major 2 1N/A. N/A Int. _1 N/A PN/A N/A Minor 2 N/A N/A N/A Int.. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch. No-Go. Gauge N/A Recal Date: NIA. Result:- NIA ID: jn2Lesl, (.) External ritcn uiameter verageI -v0we uonstanij

-Lohim oizel (2) External Minor Diameter = (Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size)DISPOSITION I Trial i Tdal.2 .Tdal 3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark A., Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table -Acceptable? (Yes or No) )ke-OC Signoff: QC Reviewed: p (-'L Level: Level: ._ .Date: ,) _.'1- 203 Dale: J I I 0 w 17 SQ 71 TMI13.ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 212 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 172 of 348 Project:, TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE I UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No -, Tendon End: 2 t., -r-I [] Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA§9 As-Found El Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire:Removal 0 Post Re-Tensioning O.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: 0 () (10.1) Cracks 0Yest Or 1 No DI N/A (9.2) Anchorhead:

Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes t 2} JON0 [I NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: .(10.1) Cracks E] Yes t (2 IM No 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: .(10.1) Cracks C1 Yes(2) JO No E] N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes 2) [R:No [I N/A 0)- Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. -2 1 Compose:a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR: ,44 IO I11VV', UlAf IOnctl-i'eSka Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads.

0 1Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance

@ /ooooooooo

\000o00o0000 000000000 00 00 0 0 0 0 100 00 00000000000000 0 000000000000 K 000000000 f00000000 000000000000 0..o6 o -6 00o00:0o0 0001700.00000:00:

0000 '00000.00.

"-..oo oo oo o0V 0 0.oo ooooo/PP bbT r1~O'~JiLik~wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing (11.2) Anchorhead 1.0. o/,10 Located on Sketch: [9 Yes [I No Bushing I.D. .& -Located on Sketch:: r2,Yes [I No (11.4) Missing Buttontheads Found: LI.Yes [I No: Quantity:/V114 Additional Information:

At 1ý&U""7,,4 " -7q i(Z, 2--I -. 2. S'..'AI1..... .... : J ---(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (12.3) Number of Mlssing:Buttonheads (0, ): (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12:5) Total 0 of Effective Buttonheads Seated:-4-'(8.3) Illumination sourcecC (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

?Wires Identified?

(12.7) Overall Results 0 Acceptable Ci Un-Acceptable Cuslomer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: dt: ZU Level: Date: ,o-~-Z~I3 18MSG 8.0.TMt,13 11S Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 213 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 173 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No., Hay-xz Tendon End: t Tr"/ Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA*Dl As-Found 5] Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10,0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.1 2 fM No C1 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (2) (-.No 0l NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: ___ (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (2) No [I NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2 ) 1 No El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (-1 (10.1) Cracks C3 Yes'2) V No El N/A /?-1 /-3-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 1 2)-.Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -UTTONHEAD INSPECTION IS4/ 7 \/I V 0 Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated o k ' -W wire/buttonheads

/.0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 0 Previously identified as missing 00 60000 0\_____~~~~~~


0000 o o)00 o0 't~I Discontinuous -removed this 000000000000 surveillance 00000000.00000 wire(s) being removed during this .0 00000. 000 0000 surveillance for testing I OoOOOO "OOOO O 0 O0O00000.0000

/(11,2) Anchorhead I.D. /// \00000000000000, Located on Sketch: 9 Yes rlNo 000000000000/

Bushing D. 51 000000000000 Located on Sketch:. I Yes ElNo (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:A//

0 \-El Yes [I No Quantity:

//Additional Information:

  • A C67 " Y4 -,5 /'~ a- t rO-i3 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source Or_._- _r (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, )Y (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

B (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? El Yes [E No (12.5) Total #of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

0 es 0 No (12.7) Overall Results ,WAcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: !0-7 .W QC Reviewed::


Date: W_ _I 0 18 SQ 8.0,:TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 214 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 174 of 348 P C I ANCE N 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.OA 09M03113.Page I of I:Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

..UNIT1 (7.3)Tendon No.: J-Z " z .Tendon End: , , Field;ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA R As-Found C] Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 0' Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION


/(9.2) Bultonheads Level: A 11) (1o.1) Cracks El Yes t 0- N/A (9;2):Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks [" Yes (2 N6 .NIA (92) Shims Level' (10.1) Cracks EYes [1 E N/A (9,2) Bearing Plate Level.: (10.1) Cracks 5 ]'No El NIA..... CorosionLevof C elrea NCR.2 2Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate NCR.44 di "ITTn ~UCAfl ILIQ0Ci'TJIk

  • Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated w wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing I 0 0 0II0 0 ooooooo.Dý.

00000000.00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

/m _ " ....wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing 0 C 0 C 0.r.(1 1.2) Anchorhead I.D. IV6 Located on Sketch: 0 Yes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: /0 Yes [- No Quantity:I'/A Additional Information:


.000000000000 000000000000.0 0000000000000

)00000000 00,00 OOOOOO.O.00O00l 000000000000.

ooooooooooooo 000000000000 0000000.000 0000o00:o OOOOOQ./~4Aekk-47(4ZJ

  • A>I --(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads,(w):

0 (8.3).Illumination source

$s41,I:(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (10, 5: _ _(1 2.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) ContinultyTest Requested?

El Yes 9No (12.5).Total N of Effective Buttonheads Seated: ,.,,. Wires Identified?

El No (12.7) Overall Results ; Acceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: ql'QC Reviewed:/q-z-1 Level: Dale: I V 18:SQ B.O.TMI.13 IS]Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 215 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 175 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A 09/03/13 PRISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: -Tendon End: 7 -EField ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 0- As-Found [I Post De-Tensloning I Pre-Wire Removal C Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes. 0o N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes N/A (9.2)AShims Level ( (10.1) Cracks rl Yes I'd El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: AJt (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 12) [No 0 NIA .-(1t- Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t 1 1 Compose s sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8;0 and initiate a NCR."1". BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION A C L FT 6XA M b Offsize (Malformed)


[ ]v wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wireobuttonheads 0 0 0 000,0000.* Previously identified as missing 00000000.0 00000000000

1 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000.

_ surveillance.

0000000000000 wire(s) removed during this 00000OOO b0D0__ surveillance for testing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 00 00000000000000 (11.2Anchrheal.D.00000000000.000 0000000000000 Located on Sketch: .Yes El No 000000000000-.O 0000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found; 0 00 000 00 0 Yes C1 No Quantity:

0000000 Additional Information, (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 , §: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Bultonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[] Yes ] No (12.5) Total #of Effective Buttonheads Seated: ____ Wires Identified?/,95

[I No (12.7) Overall Results W.Acceptable E] Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: N , //A.QC Reviewed:

Level,* Date:-.1/1/18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISi Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 216 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 176 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I Tendon No.: Tendon End: ."Shop El Field: (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. D. t.S0'oTe-1.. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2.. Locate. the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24.inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to orwider than 0.010 Inches, document condition anan Nonconformance Report in-accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is S.&eOn u ...() "77//u I4;?) Vertical Tendon .Ihis is:toward the center of the containment.

>101eA'1a Auxiliary Light Source used: C) Yespf No (7.3) Illumination source: ( ' I ( -O._(7.5) Cracks a 0.010' C]Yes ENo Quantity:

PK_.Max. Width: Max Length: / NCR* .OC Inspector:

Level: Date:.-3C Reviewed:

rV _ Level-, Date: .1.9 SQ 8. 3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 217 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 177 of 348 N11091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.31 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3* 09103113* Page Iof I Revision 0 Project: TM) 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE, UNIT 1 Tendon No.: Tendon End: []'Shop I] Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification#:

6LnM 4P -11,1Ale.1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than-0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure OA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is up, Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

StiAl I~Ij~C Auxiliary Light Source used' MYesE] No (7.3) Illumination source; e6 6 _-: (7.5) Cracks? 0.010" U-Yes 0No Quantity:

O Max. Width: MaxLength:.

NCR-: QC Inspector:


Date: 261)C Reviewed:~

Level: Date: /4 5 rA .<71 I 19 SQ 83 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 218 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 178 of 348 Project: TMi 40 THYEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 19 Unit 1 (7:6)Tendon No.: &,'.-//.Z Q- Tendon End,: Atpf-F 4/ ,IShop OField LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concretet:

F Thermometer No:: 5-r/V3 Recal Date: / -Ik -S,* Ambient Temp.. 9- T Thermometer No.: Recal Date: ///.?, (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing AdapterThreads:

J Acceptable

[] Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires:: (P (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

0 Acceptable

[ Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: 7 LtOl Recal Date: end of job RAM Area:a. & K = 5. h :j Gauge-( RecaIDate:bftji uN L SE, Oail(yCheck:

Ok (9.08):Shim Stack. Height: #1 7.. in; #2 I. V in. Ruler ID: Recal Date: 1,5 Individual Shims: Stack#i: 41 :,., in. Stack #2: ti/'-, ,-- /" ' in.(AL4.~iO- (-/3 (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): (9.10) PF: j ( kips.(9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off Stack#1: 1) psi-2 .) o psi 3)SO psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end):: 1 5X Z kips 95% PF;. /0127 kips6 psi Stack #2: 1) ,(J1'.v psi 2) ps../ , psi_ Mosp 11,3'.4a6 kips (9A Pressure:

Q3, ¶ psi 90% PF: kips ,. psi (9.11.13),,Circled Values 1) Go/0- psi 2) .oo psi*31* < psi Average: ..-,100 psi 1.15) Average Liftoff (ALV) k , ips ie,?,4L/(9:11.. 16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) I64,Acceptable

-ALV is :95% PF.b) E Adjacent Tendons to be stressed.-

ALV is <.95%PF but > 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) E] Unacceptable

-ALV is < 9W/PF. Document on a NCR.NCR Required [ Yes P4 No Customer Notfied NCR No, *.f (9.11.1t7)Adjacent Tendon Lift-Offs INote Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forces.)Adj Tendon: _ 0 Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon:SHALL be This Tendon: .restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 G JS S L Adj Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires. g thn07 EXELON Notified:

El Yes C] No Name/Date:

,, ,.b ) Adj Tendon: _ _ .- Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the conditio' Adi Tendon: on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No: .... .J-c, " Adj Tendon: _ _ Unacceptable -ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon,. Document the con(ditl" Tendon:._____

on a NCR. ... ,...T n. _. CustomerNotified NCR No.: J:,-Jj'... J '-' ...........

.% : * =..... "..... iIr " " " Level: T: Date: /1/ 3 QC Reviewed:/21 SQ 9.0 TMI.13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 219 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 179 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

' Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.: [..... , " Tendon End. 2 (Shop IM Field'LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA ... .Si'n.of.(9.3) Temp. ofConcrete:

43 OF Thermometer No.: ST. (iD Recal Date:

Ambient Temp.: &0 OF Thermometer No.: PK. A Recal Date:. ,4 (9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: Acceptable

[I Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: _____1_'(9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/AlIgnment

.O Acceptable

[] Unacceptable 4 (A,0-4 (9,7) RAM ID: 9sb RecalDate:

endofjob RAMArea:MK

= -K 2j:Lf Gauge ID: Recal Date: Daily Check: 0IA" .(9.8) Shim Stack.Height:

  1. 1 #2. z,-7 in.. Ruler ID: Recal Date: ,L./-i4 Individual Shims: Stack #1: Stack.#2: Zg "/ in.(9.9) Lift-offOverstress Force (LOSF): ,S , kips Pressure:

£,Z3 psi (9.10) PF: II(* kips. 95% PF: 10(o kips: 90% PF: fi04/- kips (q6i1q9 psi ISM p37 psi i,. 75 psi f_&11f 4/(9.11,5) As-Found Lift-Off -(9.11.13).

Circled Values Stack#1: 1) psi Stack#2: f.i ' psi. 1) .Psi 2) 30o.c0 psi 2. 2> j psi. 2). 3OZa- psi 3): .'07I1 .psi 3) 120 JPsi 3) 10,S psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end).: (00., Average:.

362b psi .-(9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): 1 (9.11k.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) kips Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: all RAcceptable

-ALV is >95%.PF.1-6). [IAdjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but > 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) n- U nacceptable-ALV Is -90%PF. Document on a NCR.NCR: Required C] Yes M] No Customer Notified NCR No.-(9.11.17)

Adiacent Tendoni Lift-Offs (6Note- Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to documen( Liftoff f6fces.)AdJ:Tendon:

"1 Acceptable.-

ALV > 95%.of PF. The original.scopete on SHALL be a) -This Tendon: restored to within -00+6% of PF, but in no case, no gre er than 0.70GUTS as AdJ Tendon: .determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

El Yes a l No NamelDate:

At_,___.b) Adj Tendon: D. o Unacceptable

-ALV .< 95% of PF for either tendon.. Docume tl~e condition c) AjAdj Tendon:edn

.. on] aUnacceptablecR " ALV < 90% Of PF for either tendon.. Document./he n LAdf Tendon: _ ___ on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: ./,-5: QC Reviewed:




_ _ _ _ _ _ Level: Date:/S Z-"/3.30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 222 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 182 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT Data Sheet 12.1b -Hand Pumping 09/03/13 Page. 1 of 1 Revision r, Project: TMI 4 0 1. YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: -,2..GREASE REPLACEMENT ac SIGNOFFS: (8.4) Grease Used CR NEW OOLD- TEST DATE: 1- ACCEPTABLE Er APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 REREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total .Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for .41/` 779 .tendon end: .. gal.(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for .tendon end: gal. *,A I- T-(8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for 'Rwrral /!5ý12)tendon end: gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from *leaks for 61I .Z tendon end: 1., gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: gal.t3.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: I °F ThermometertOD p1 0 Recal Date:.(13.7) Grease Temp.: / Ok) 0 F Thermometer ID: Recal Date:: 14_4_ ,5 (13.9) Ini!ti Grease Height (a) .in; (13.12) Final Grease Height (b) 22 VS in;(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: ,5,9 gal...(a-.blx,;77 into the _aA, L end.(113.1.6)

Quantity of Waste Grease: 0 gal; (13.15) [9.Poured

[]Hand Pumped 0!3.17) Total Grease _Repl!aced this end: gal. 1 3.0 HAND PUMPIPLG.'.SECOND END (13.6) AmbIent Temp.: ,g OF. Thermometer ID: PK 4 Recal Date' , -1.(13,7) Grease.Temp.'

22'C) -F Thermometer ID: pK Recal Date: J/-14 (13.9) Jniial Grease Height (a) 12,! in: (13.12) FinLa Grease Height (b) 9,. in.(13.14) Total amount of Greaseadded:

.3, gal.. (a-b)xI.77 into the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: 'C gal. (13.15) [M Poured El Hand Pumped (13.17) Total*Grease Replaced this end; S,.. gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING.(14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

/1, -gal.. (13.17+ 13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: r/n I gal. RoetoSo 12.2- G voFA s.$ br rer~t~e. .1101 (1.4.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced (14. 1) -TotalTendon Loss (8 9).Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2) 100 -% Difference (14.4) Grease Leaks: .l Yes IV No we. I i -g-er (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

Ej Yes oess than to%) No (greater than 10) i s-If No -CuMtomer Notified NCR No.: .4, (14.6) Comments: 31 SO 12.1 TMI.13IS]Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 223 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 183 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09/03113*0 PP a g e l o f I .PRCSIN c oC ,~O; Revision r Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1.(7.3) Tendon No.: Tendon End: a 2. W1 Shop f}*Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andlor Anchorage MlYes :FZNo (7.48) Temp. of Concrete:

OF Thermometer No.: j Re-Cal Date: w- ,,- Ambient Temp.: 7 'F. Thermometer No.; Re-Cal Date: I .O -(8.4) Anchorhead I.D. : & Anchorhead Verification:

C-1 Match PAJ] No-Match ANIL -rL-(8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete I Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete_

Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plale- ) Complete Partial. Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: .l Yes [ No Grease Colorn b&A h/otA/o Comments:

AILQA.,-(8.8) Quantity of Samples , Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? ] Yes E ] No Removal o [I A.H. 0l B.P. Shims [I cap El Duct , 16,lW (8.9) Oty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: C, .Z gal. V49 .(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? El Yea Q No Qty. of Grease removed from cap:: 2, ' gal. a,0b,16-13 (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

5.. gal.(9.7) Damage durng cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

E] Yes [] No Describe:

4/OANi 4' LWL (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection;


! "A hi/A Mw s e ,w 1 01 (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct:. -gal. , -t.t (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): T (8.8) + (8.9) 0A, + (8.9.1) 1, j + (9.6) 01S_+ (10.4) ," = TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease: lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

§gYeS El No iv-L.QC Reviewed:

Level: Date:* 1/1 3 I 13 SQ 6.0 MI.13 ISI.0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 224 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 184 of 348 I N1091 PSC PROCEDURE So 6.1 I* .INSPECT FOR WATER I Data Sheet 6.1 I M 09/03/13 P PEIbNJYLAN CE Page 1 of ll* : Revision 0 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR-TENDON SURVEILLANCE 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: q L 2 47 Tendon End: -l Shop 0 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE:CAP Water Detected:

El Yes CNo Quantity:

o Sample Taken: E] Yes E] No ;VN/A MoistureDescription:

[3 Observable Moisture []'Significant Moisture 5d Not Applicable Comments:

dame (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 9 No Quantity:

O Sampte Taken: El Yes El No [ N/A Moisture


"].Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture PNot Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

Dl Yes No Quantity:

_ _ _ Sample Taken: Moisture


E0 Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture ,Comments:

X/o/e__ElYes D No M N/A j] Not Applicable (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING A/A Water Detected:

El Yes o Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes El No El N/A Moisture


E- Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture E]lNotApplicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION d/A Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE 1 (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

0 Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: I QC Signoff.,Aoki QC Reviewed: U. 4.: z Level: Level: ._-- _ _-Date: /1.q 4 Date: /____/_3 14.S0 5.1,TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 225 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 185 of 348.. -N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SO 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP 0ata. Sheet.12.0 09/03/13 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0.... I S Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE:


--- ---/7 Tendon-End:


M-'YES 04ES[9<YES El NO C1NO C-'NO EI-NO El NO: COMMENTS A .CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF 2. Date: -//.b/&/OC Reviewed: P-e-)Level: Date: /4v-ii3 I I I 30 SQ 12,0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 226 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 186 of 348 Project: TMI 40' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: , .-7j GREASE REPLACEMENT QCSIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used NEW [I OLD -TEST DATE: C1 ACCEPTABLE 0l APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5): Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for / .tendon end- 3, C gal.(8.6) Total Grease*Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end; gal.(807) Estimated grease losses from leaks for t. WH tendon end! /., 1A gal'(8.8) Estimated grease losses trom leaks for tendon end: 9,ig.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss:- gal.13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END I I I I I I I I (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 176 OF Thermometer ID: .e- 10),4 Recal bate: I 1'.- /3 (13.7) Grease Temp.: 1 )eF Thermometer ID: ,rt* RecalOate: ,i'(13:9.) It Grease*Height (a) ...._j in. (13.12) Final Grease Height (b) .5 in.(I!3:14) Total amountof Grease added: .. ',/ gal. (a-.b)xxi77 into the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: -gal. (13.15) [4 Poured [I Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Replace this end: 3 I gal.13.-144AND PUMPING -SECOND FND (13.6) Ambie~nt en -:F ýThermomleter I0. Recall Date: (1317) Grease Temnp.: Fometer ID Recal Date: (13.9) Initial Grease Height (a) in. 13.12 a Height (b) in.(13114) Total amount of Grease added: al. (a-lb) 177 the ý end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. (13.15) 0 Poured [I Hand (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

S3 1 gal. (13: 4? .+ 13:17)(1.4.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: // ( gal. ReOWitoSo f2- GREASE Men.LuVES, UIt*"Ter1n Noth NtVejume Total Tendon Replaced (14.1) -TotalTendon Loss (8.9) x10 2 9 % Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14ý2).(14.4) Grease Leaks: El-Yes J No el, -, (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

] 9Yes tlessthhm E No (goeaterman 10%)If No -Customer Notified NCR No.: Z /-1 (14.6) Comments:........ , _ / .......4 QC Reviewed: Level: __ _ _Date: I 31 SQ:12.1 TMI.13 11 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 227 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 187 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 PS 09103/13:Pagel of 1 Revision.

P Project: TMI 40e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.: +/-/.-3.

Tendon End: ._____,J_

__ __ CKShop 0 Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started;:

1j Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage

'lYes (M No (7.'8) Temp. of Concrete:

71' -F Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: 10-'1141 Ambient Temp6: "'7 OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: /t-e -lo (8.4): Anchorhead i.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

04Match [I No-Match j jf..(8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete V Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -.Complete Partial Uncoated _________

-( Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: 0jYes IX1 No Grease Color.Comments:

'Il-I1 (8.8) Quantity of Samples , Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? Q Yes E0 No Location of El A.HC B.P. 0 Shims C Cap C3 Duct --Removal (I A.H 1- 6 (8.9) Qty, of Grease lost during removal of cap: gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? [E Yes {qNo Qty. of Grease removed from cap: gal. -I-*(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

QL gal. k/9 I1-(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

El 'ýes B o -escdbe: (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

IL ,J4 2~~A4 4 azI~ gd 1C ~A /A A1k ¶44LO ~ak-15 (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: .rgal. 1'(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) D.IS + (8.9) .+ (8.9.1)+ + (9.6) O + (10.4) A = .TOTAL ." (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 121, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

64Yes OlNo I -QC Reviewed: .Level: Date: , /13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 228 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 188 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 8.0 PC "09/03/13 PRECISION LANCE Page! of I Revision P-Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.:

Tendon End: K. , -9h Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: / / ... Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 0 Yes MJ NO (7,8" Temp. of Concrete: " 0 F Thermometer No,: Re-Cat Date: Ambient Temp.: '7. OF Thermometer No.: Pe- A Re-Cal Date: , IAb( " (8,4) Anchorhead I.0.: .. .3.L Anchorhead Verification:

[] Match %,No-Match 01 (8.5) Grease Coating, /Grease Cap -Complete j// Partial_//

Uncoated %Buttonheads


Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead Complete Partial Uncoated %_Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated _Bearing. Plate -0) Complete Partial Uncoated % j. " ..Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap;(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

do 11JR I I.(-(827) Grease Color Match: 0l Yes 0J.,o Grease Color Comments:

N -_ --(8.8) Quantity of Samples s,,, Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? O Yes 0' No, Location of Removal OA.H. C B.P. 0 Shims cap. Dud-3 (8,9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: 0.25 gal.(8,9.1) Grease from.cap to be reused? rl.Yes [No Qty. of Grease removed from cap; 3,Q gal. .-(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage: , 5 gal., (9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

.Yes No Describe: , I-(103) Method of Tendon Protection: , A X (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: ,... gal. .(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below)!(8.8) +j (8.9).O Zi. +(819. 1) jP _ +(9.6) 0.5 + (10.4) -t s , TOTAL.(11.1 .2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

EYes C] No QC Reviewed:

._Level: j Date: -..i _ I 13 SQ 6.0 TMIL13 ISl Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 229 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 189 of 348 Project: TM1 4 0 t YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT 11 (8.1) Tendon No.
j4 36- 62 Tendon End:& &j&:0 IShop 5 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[] Yes No Quantity:

1 Sample Taken: El Yes C] No i0 NIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture C1 Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9.6,1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

0 Yes JaNo Quantity:

..Sample Taken: [I Yes E) No 23 N/A Moisture


[] Observable Moisture [] Significant Moisture [, Not Applicable Comments:


0l Yes 5ý No Quantity:

_ _ Sample Taken: C] Yes [I No N] NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture C3 Significant Moisture E Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING

Water Detected:

[] Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El.Yes 0l No nl NIA Moisture


Cl Observable Moisture Cl Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION

/A_/_Exelon Notified:

[E Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at QC Signoff: Level: " Date: I QC Reviewed:

4Level: Datei 114 SO6 TMIVA nISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 230 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 190 of 348 N1091 PSC.PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 631 09/03113 PRECISION S ANTE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0'YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

  • [ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: Y 35- Tendon End: q.5 Gh Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes ] No Quantity:.


0 Yes [].No [RN/A Moisture


[I Observable Moisture 0 Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

AO..(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C] Yes [ No Quantity:

W Sample Taken: C1 Yes C] No NIA Moisture


[] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture ] Not Applicable Comments:


El Yes 0 No Quantity: K1i;tnr 6 -;fnin r-.lh ,nhe an hla hAnt riar-6 Sample taken: M -l Inrnfir~nn#

Mifs'itirgb ElYes 0lNo IXJNIA AW Nr AnnUir-hIl Comments:


/-Water Detected:

Cl Yes [E No Quantity:

Sample Taken: C3 Yes El No El NIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (114.) NOTIFICATION./A Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date:.SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE $1 (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

Y s (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: Lt.. --. Level: ,_ _. Date: /1"1- "o05 P= 0- &- ý -- I Level: .7z QC Reviewed: Date: ///.,?/ __3 14 SO.61.TMI 13 iSI Topicat Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 231 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 191 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09103/13 Page 1 of 1 Revislon 0 I Project: TMI -4& YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: a 95 Tendon End/Buttress No.: uA~es~ 5 Anchorage ID.: I1!0 Adaptor ID: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread McI D Recal: Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Mpja -S 2 A Ext.Pitch- 2 !4 ______._ , _______Ext.Minor & " MjrN/A NIA Int.:-Minor N/A N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Averag Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 31 Average6 Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext.. 37~Li2q, r37 i5 Ext. 1-Pitch (1) 2 5_8 9._ _Ext. 1 Minor (2) 2._q744-1 Int. I N/ANA Major 2 N/A Int. I N/A N/A NIA.Minor 2 NIA N/A N/A lIht Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date' N/A Result: NIA Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter [Average]

-(Wire Constant]

-(Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter = (Average]

-(2X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark A -3 Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table ', Acceptable? (Yes or No) V,!5 QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: tAt /~,J 8-1 -.Level: Date: Level: Date: F1 f ll .V'-. L'L I 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 232 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 192 of 348<00"'P PECISION LANCE.N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09103/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: T Tendon No., Anchorage ID.;MI.- 40u YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE-H 36-02 .r4~Tendon End/Buttress No.:'Adaptor ID1.4 ý. '3 ..I Aper '11-It-15 EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIlCID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID.No. Recal Date Ext.Major _______ ______Pitch 2-7:-1t OrAMaae. vllll 14ufI qZ'~E xt. N / N /A Minor MEASUREMENTS THREAD lWire Wire Shim Average Thread Read: 3 vd 6m t Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Major 2 ,7 .VI Pitch. (1) 2 7~Z -DZI_ ____Ext. 1 q ,4t111 Minor (2) 2. 51__Int. I N/A N/A, Major 2 N/A NIA Int. 1 NIA N/A N/A Minor 2 N/A NIA N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A ID:& a NOtLes: (1) External.Pll-tchulameter



-[Shmn SizeJ.(2). External Minor Diameter (Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial I Tral 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark A-Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table z5 Acceptable? (Yes or No) £-%QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: a, a, -0 /2 Levelt 7 Date:- .,/ j L~eveIL Date-.: ý /.~-I 17 SQ 7]1 TMI.13 IS!Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 233 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 193 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.09 09103/13 PRECISION LANCE Page 1 of 1I Revision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found 0l Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (t (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2) [I NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks E" Yes (2) INo ] NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: _, (10.1) Cracks Cl Yest 2 o N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.2 3 El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: .t2 (10.1) Cracks C3 Yes t4) [No CJ N/A -II.,")-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. ()_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.iI 0A- BUTONHEAD INSPECTION I Offslze (Malformed)


  • ]wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/mnissing Wlreibuttonheads 00 Previously identified as missing. 0 000 00 00 00 0\Discontinuous

-removed this /000000000000 surveillance t0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00o.o wire(s) being removed during this , 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 surveillance for testing l .0 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 D 0 oooooo.oooooo~o (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. '70 \O0000 0000 0000 Located on Sketch: Yes 0 No \00 0.0 0 0000 0 .0 0 0 ( 0 0 00000000000 Bushing I.D. \ýt 0 ).,00 .- 00 0 0 0 o a/Located on Sketch: I-No 0 0 0 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: Vk.---.---" 3 Yes 0 No Quantity:"/A4

/Additional Inf rmation:. I .V2- ."1 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w):. Ill (83) iumination source FA](12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, K: --/(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? (]Yes. ZNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Bultonheads Seated: .Wires.

0 No (1217) Overall Results NAcceptable rlUn.Acceptable Customer Nolified NCR#* 'V OC Reviewed: QK.CA, P--t, Level: Date: "/1 /2/18 SO 8.o.TMI.,13,S 1 S Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 234 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 194 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE f]UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 1 3, -&.Z Tendon End: , [ Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 0 As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning.

I Pre-Wire Removal 0i Post Re-Tensioning (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracksý 0 Yest.(2 l0 NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks m- 2) Li NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: A.2L (10.1) Cracks [I Yes [9 r',o [-:N/A (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks 53 Yes(2) 70 [:1 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: Aj (10.1) Cracks [] Yest 2 2 , 62 Noý 0 NIA.Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. ")- Compose a sketch ofthe cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11.0. -RTTONHEAD INSPECTION:

Offslze (Malformed)


wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missingwlre/buttonheads S Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance w ire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing If... \00000000 \000.000.00o0;00 00000000 0 700 00000000 oo. ) 00 00000cO0000000/




\00000000GO N.oo, 0"0, 0o(o 0 0 o, ()-. ./C 0_ 0... .N (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 7-Located on Sketch: I :Yes 0i No Bushing i.D. 111b Located on Sketch: in Yes: C1 No (11A4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 14/A L3 Yes L0 No Quantity*1 24 Additional Information:

I'M1441k ,,-.. 1. 2. VY- .111, ý951I* I v (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 1 (8.3) Illumination source 6,4 4, (12.3) Number of Missing Butionheads (0, 9: 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ ..._ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? C1 Yes g] No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

Yes: [] No (12.7) Overall Results IRAcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: A1/4-.QC Reviewed: W-CC.P'14ýLevel: Date: I 18 SO 8O0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 235 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 195 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8. OA*M 111iIR 09103/13 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 ofps. DaaSet 1O Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: 14 i. Tendon End: C ýu4 9 Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA" As-Found C. Post De-Tensioning I Pie-Wire Removal -Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (1) :(10.1) Cracks C1 Yes.a 2 3 [9o 0 NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (010.1) Cracks El Yes 14 e ] 0 N/A (9.2) Shims Level: -1) (10-1) Cracks 0 Yes (al V 0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks [3 Yes (21 ENo E[ N/A Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t 2 Compose a sketch.of:the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiale a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)


-[1 .11____ ,,vre/buitonheads

/ K 0 Broken/missing wirelbuttonheads 0000000* Previously identified as mIssing 0000000 0-/ _ _ _00000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000


_00000000000.00 wre(s) removed during this 00000000000000 surveillance for testing 0000000 0 0000 0000000000000 (0000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 000 00a() 000(* 5A 0000000000000 Located on Sketch: IM Yes L] No 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0' \ 0 0 0000 v0/00000000000 Yes nONo Quantity:\4 0000000 Additional Information:

..t .12 *k-(12.2). Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): C (8.3) illumination source 4j 4 " (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, i; _.0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

0 Yes IW] No (12.5) Total #of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 1 Wires s 0 No (12.7) Overall Results ZAcceptable C3 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#:wn-1113-QC Reviewed:

/9Level: Date: /g /i8 SO 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 236 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 196 of 348.. ..stR ANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8,OA 09103113 Page 1 of .Revision 0 Project::

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE RUNiT i (7.3)Tendon No.;. 6_. Tendon End: .Field: ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ".......C1 As-Found E0 Post De-Tensioning iPre-Wire Removal E- Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0.4 1.0-CORROSION


....l (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yesr.(. ( o E-C N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2) I El N/A (9.2) Shims "Level A (10.1) ,Cracks [I Yes (21 El N/A (9.2). Bearing Plate .Level: A(0.1) Cracks. 0 Yes (2) [eNo E N/A 1 -, (1 1-Carrosion Level of C requires a NCR (1 2 Compose:a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and iniliate:a NCR.44 A -0" ITTKr ,ILUArt lIwrl.A.. .Y.I 0 Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing 000000.00 0,O..0O0:000 0 Discontinuous-removed this surveillance..

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing i (1.1.2) Anchorhead WD. 63 Locatedon Sketch: BYes. El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: U Yes -No .Quantity" kA Additional*Information.

w 4A& U .2. 1U U J U U U '.U UU 000000000,000 TOOOO000000000 0000000000000 0:00000000ý0000(0000000000000

.0O000000000O0O(0000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000 00000000000 000000.0 D j).,0 ý'(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (W): _ (8.3) I!,umination source " ((12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, a.: __,.(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

EjYes No (12.5) Total l of Effective Buttonheads S -eated pt be. Wires Identified?

se NNo.(12.7) Overall Results ;&Acceptable El Un-Acceptable:

Customer Notified NCRA: QC Reviewed: a2 Level:*jDate:__U7_ .._Ilb I /r31"/18 SO 8.0.TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 237 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 197 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON. SURVEILLANCE " UNIT 1.Tendon No.: 1I 5-.2. Tendon End: .A .Shop -] Field (7.4) Bearing Plate identification

  1. 1A 2-I( La, JocA 4 1.I. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the localion on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing, on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment..

I Auxiliary Light Source used: ,Yesr- No (7.3) Illumination source: Fi1 4 be. ~t a w-4C 11 ." 41 s4 (7.5) Cracks k 0.010" []Yes IANo Quantity:

Max. Width:* Max Length: R:,¢oo Inscto: Level: Date: ,Lz.4C Reviewed:


Date: ________I 19 SO 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 238 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 198 of 348 PRýSOAC N1091.PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103113 Page I ofz I Revision 0 V Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I Tendon No.: ..'6"D Tendon End: 0, , .Shop. Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

.: .?J, .... ...*.......1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate Identification and document the location on the sketch.3.. Sketch all cracks, includingother defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance:of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to0or wider than 0.010 inches,. document condition on an, Nonconformtance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exeton approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

NDvA1 ;4 1 .Auxiliary Light Source used: J.&Yeso No (7.3) Illumination sd-e "-4____(7.5) Cracks a 0.010" 0 Yes Z~4'o Quantity:

-.Max. Wit:~~ Max Length: NCR#:.QC Inspector:

l'4 , Level:, Date: S O1 JC Reviewed::

1"?fJ-e Level: Date: H _ _ _ _ _f 19 SQ8-3TMIA13ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 239 of 1008 Project: TMI 40e" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE:

5 Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.: SI -'; r. 6 Tendon End: e,,t- .S (&Shop S(Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

-Thermometer No.: -j5 Recal Date: Ambient Temp.: 69 'F Thermometer No.: P(- A .RecalDate:

w /...(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing.Adapter Threads: f] Acceptable

[_ Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires:: lb9 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stresslng Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

M Acceptable C Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: 15 Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 3 , K =K .,-/, o'$Gauge ID: Reca Date: qSA J Ide Daily Check: (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 i in. #2 1 Ruler ID: A Recal Date: Individual Shims: Stack #1: 4 y Y In. Stack #2: I4 1 in.(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): 159 .kips Pressure:

psi (9.10) PF: 1 kips.q:Z6 ý 7 psi (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off Stack#! 1) _..zlb Psi: 2) 3?_23 psi 3) 3 Z?0 psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): 95% PF: k Stack #2: 1)2) 3ZSpo 3) A!25 tjjj,./0 kips 121S , 10kips ips 90% PF: t Zj- kips psi f Ist psi (9.11.13)

Circled Values psi 1) ,T, Psi 2) o.psi 3) 5e. psi Average: 3z 56 psi (9.11.15)

Average Lifloff (ALV) kips (9.11.1) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) M Acceptable

-ALV is a 95% PF.b) El Adjacent Tendons lobe stressed -.ALV is < 95%PF but 2 90%PF. Documenton a NCR.c) C] Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF. Document onea NCR.NCR Required E] Yes § No Customer Notified NCR No.: I (9.11.17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs Adi Tendon: __a) This Tendon: I Adj Tendon: (Not.e: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forces)El Acceptable.-

ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be restored to within -0/+6% of PF, but in nocase, no greater than 0,70 GUTS.determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

El Yes El No Name/Date:;

b) .Adj Tendon:. El Unacceptable -ALV e 955% of PF for either tendon. Document the L Adj Tendon: on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.'.Adj Tendon:_c) Adj Tendon: __E] Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: I Qu P__Ln Level:___QC Reviewed:.

Date: I I 21 SQ 9.0 TMI.I13 ISle Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 240 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 200 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0* 09103/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0..w Project;.

TMI 4 eTh YEAR TENDON.SURVEILLANCE Unit i OShop (7.6)Tendon No.: d 67-Tendon End: .4 32 ig Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA (9:3).'Temp.


'I I -F ThermometerNo.:

.71 105, Recal Date: 10-11-1, " Ambient _ -Thermometer No.: ARecat Date:.j ./ 4-(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: fX:Acceptabie C] Unacceptable:

(9.5) Number of.Effective Wires:, (9.6).Anchorhead and StressingAdaptet Engagement/Alignment::

tQ.Acceptable 0 Unacceptable (9.7) RAM: ID: Recal Date: endof job Gauge ID: eCti. 5 4& Recal Date: (9.8)Shim.Stack Height:. #1 j.7 in. #2 1,. in.Individual Shims: Stack #1: (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): (9.10) PF;. J.3 kips57123i (9;11,5) As-Found Lift-Off Stack #1: 1) 12 3t psi'2) VA0 psi.3) 4 psi (9.11,1.3)

End Average Force (this end): (9.11.14)

End Avg% Force (other end): ,, /5 9 ?-95% PF: 1031 Stack #2: i)13) Z!5 It) kip s RAM.Area:

3 7%4 K= + J.,6 'q4 Daily Check: 6K Ruler lo; '9/ Recal Date: /- -Stack #2: -41, l,/sly in.kips Pressure:

1J 2 6 a 1 , PSI kips' 90% PF: k kips g.psi: (9.11.13).

Circled Values 1) 1.90 Psi._si 2) .-_ vz_ psi V si3) 72,51O psi Average: 372 p6 si (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV), 0 kips.(911.16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) RAcceptabie--

ALV ist 95% PF.b) I] Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is.<95%PF but ;t 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) L3 Unacceptable

-ALV iS:.90%PF.

Document on a NCR.NCR Required L] Yes 0[1 No Customer Notified NCR No.: /1 (9. 11. 17) Adiacent.Tendon Lift-O Adj Tendon:.a) This Tendon: AdjTendon:

__EXELON Notified: Ift (Note: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forces.)El Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be restored to within -04+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUTS determined for the number ofeffective wires. "/"[] Yes D.]No NamelDate:

  • b) Ad] Tendon:_ Adj Tendon: LI Unacceptable-.ALV

< 95% of PF for eithertendon.

Document.the condition on a NCR. ... .Customer Notified NCR No., I.lAd] Tendon: _ _ Unacceptable

-ALV< 90% of PF for either tendon; .Document the cor c) AdjTendon:.

on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR NO.: J h OC Reviewed:

I (A~,Level: ._ __ _ __ __ _Date:. /i /, *_I/21 SQ 9.0 TMI.13 ISia Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 241 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 201 of 348 N1091 PS


SQ 12,0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0 09103)13 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4eT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: .,5; pp Tendon End: -j-re/'t.








Level: _________


YES EL NO COMMENTS CREW FOEA ,SIG)OF -@ bae ..-21 QC Reviewed: Level: _2_::t 3.I 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 243 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 203 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT Data Sheet 12.ib- Hand Pumping 09/03/13.Page: 1 oft .Revision r Project: TMI 40'" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE-Tendon No.: //35-dZ.GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS.(8.4) Grease Used OR NEW 0 OLD -TEST DATE: El ACCEPTABLE 0 APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for &44teZ 3 tendon end: 4z gal.(8.8) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 8.0 for tendon end: --,SO ga.(8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for '5 tendon end: gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for at /,tr: 5* tendon end: O gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: 215 gall 13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: A 4F (13.7) Grease Temp.: 200 T (1139) Initia Grease Height (a)(13. 14) Total amount of Grease added: (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: (13.17) Total Grease Reotaced this en'Thermometer 1D: ,AK A Recal Date: Thermometer ID' Recal Date: 33j in, (13.12) Final Grease Height (b) 3 in.., 3( gal. (a-bl.x 1.7.7 into ha. end 5 gal. (13.15) ,Paured 0] Hand Pumped d: '5,*5 gal.welus-A a 13.0 HAND PUMPING-SECOND END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 7j OF ThermometerID:


(13.7) Grease Temp.: 26f -F Thermometer ID: Recat Date -(1319). jfla:Grease Height (a) 30 in. (13.12) Finla Grease Height (b) "7_: in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added: gal. (a-b, i.77 intothe & 5 end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: g al. (13,15) Q& Poured 0 Hand Pumped (. 3.17) Total Grease Reolaced this and: 5. 31 gat.: bZ/lq.W_14.0 gALCULATION OF PR.ESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced , gal. (13.17 + 13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume:: /jQ, gal. RewfeoSO rewowNeal0wIfu, (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced (14.1)- Total Tendon Loss (8.9) 0 = 7 % Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2)(14.4) Grease Leaks: CI Yes gj No (14.5) Refill Acceptable' D& Yes giossan to%) -No (greaterlhan to%)If No -Customer Notified NCR Nom: (14.6) Comments:

A/oeJe. .. 3 w 0 31 SQ. 12.1 TMI.13.ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 244 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 204 of 348 Project. TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE " UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: .ý_ -211a Tendon End: lueM, .Shop Er Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: /et 2j', 0Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anrchorage Ci Yes 0 No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

O*j°F ThermometerNo.:

6T°.162 Re-Cal Date: f/, -Ambient Temp.: 44. 0 F Thermometer No.: 1, 16 Re-Cal Date:.4 p4. , (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: 'Z4- Anchorhead Verification:

0 Match C No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating. /Grease Cap -Complete L Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial. Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims- Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -o Complete V Partial Uncoated %n Limited Within the inside diameter of the grease: cap, (8.6) Unusual Conditions: ,l....(8.7) Grease Color Match: &Yes Li No Grease Color Comments:

fo . '(8.8) Quantity of Samples 5?" Quart Samples identifiedpero Step 8.8.1? 0 Yes (2No Location of [4A.H. EL B.P. [j Shims Cap C Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during..removal of cap: gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? []Yes 04No Qly. of Grease removed from cap: 4,t gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

6, .gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes C No Describe:

Wk- 101 13 (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

&14A(ItA 41a '

A-i (10.4) Amountof Grease Loss from Tendon duct: ,,.,- gal. e1ZR Iola (10,5) Total.quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) ki+(8.9)..-0-+(8.9'1)k

+(9.8) +÷(10.4) T = .TOTAL (11.112) Document TOTALgrease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, .GREASE REPLACEMENT.

[AYes t3 No g ID.QC Reviewed:

LeveDa 13 SO 6O0 TMI.13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 245 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 205 of 348 Project: TMI 40eM YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE j UNIT I (7.3) Tendon No.: I -Tendon End: _______ _ _ El Shop [ Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: -z" I. I .I (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andforAnchorage 0 Yes 99 No (7,.8) Temp. of Concrete:

9 Thermometer No.: ST- to Re-Cat Date: __.__./_Ambient Temp.' 7t OF Thermometer Noý; PC .: A Re-Cal Date: _______-_(8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

0 Match C1 No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete / Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete i Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete f Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete Partial. Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.I (8.6) Unusual Conditions:

M&INP-1-3-10 (8.7) Grease Color Match: [&Yes [I No Grease Color: rw Comments:

AW (,-3 (8.8) Quantity of Samples ,. Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.17 Yes 0- No Location of Removal El A.H; 17 B.P. C Shims 9 cap E-]Duct (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: ga l. gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? [IQYes lNo Cty. of Grease removed from cap: 4,0 gal. A 1ee "(I (9.6) Qty, of Grease removed from anchorage: , gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal oranchoragecleaning?

I Yes 0 No Describe:

13 (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

".m,15A 4ki-t e Q -C-P 7 -3 (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: -gal, 1121 (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): ., " (8.8)041÷ (8.9) i .. + (8.9.1). 4._ + (9.6) +L÷ (10.4) __" = TOTAL (,&.1-74, (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

C(Yes C- No --QC Reviewed:

X/? Level: Date: : ,, -, 0 13 SO 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 246 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 206 of 348 Project- TMI40r YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 1"UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: J4,-Z = Tendon End:: .- II Shop lField (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[I Yes 1] No Quantity:

.. Sample.Taken:

El Yes 0i No [] N/A Moisture


[I Observable Moisture [II Significant Moisture [] Not Applicable Comments:.

(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C] Yes (3 No Quantity:

v Sample Taken: E] Yes [I No [I NIA Moisture


E] Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture Applicable Comments:


C] Yes [] No Quantity:

Q Sample Taken: F1 Yes El No (B N/A , Moisture


Ci Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [: Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING M/A Water Detected:

F1 Yes L].No Quantity:

Sample Taken: F1 Yes ]l No. [l NIA Moisture.Description:

C] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture C3 Not.Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION 14 Exelon Notified:

Li Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE 4 (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

es (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff. Level: b Date: _ _A- 1__-4 QC Reviewed:

-4Level: S6 Date:TM1.3 14 SO 6.1.TMI.113 IM1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 247 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 207 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project; TMI40T1 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE S,.UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: i -zc Tendon End: .. I Shop Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[] Yes [ No Quantity:

_C) Sample Taken: Li Yes Li No [ N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture E] SignificantMoisture KNot Applicable Comments:

A ae-(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

L] Yes 2g No Quantity:

C) Sample Taken: Li Yes Li No [] N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture J] Not Applicable Comments:

A m$,#0l...(9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

Li Yes ' No Quantity: Sample Taken: Li Yes Li No [ N/A Moisture


EL Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments:


Li Yes L] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: Li Yes L] No Li NIA Moisture


Li Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture L] Not Applicable Comments:, (11.1) NOTIFICATION A/V Exelon Notified:

Li Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE MIA7 (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

[I Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: Level: Jr- Date: ,I -4 " 1 QC Reviewed:

(- Level: _____ Date: J/ W 3 14 SQ 6.1TMI.13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 248 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 208 of 348 (PRECISI N, ~YLNce N.1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09603/13 Page1 Iofl Revision 0 Project TMI -40& YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: _Y & Z_ NO Tendon End/Buttress No.: F4,jjeroA0 h6 ,<LA r~lJ Anchorage.


WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ExL " Ext..Pitch :~2-7-14 I)o-1-Ext.Minor - Azt ioZ9..3 5,4( ID ,*2 Int.Minor N-----A MEASUREMENTS THREAD .Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3V 6"t 9 Average: Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 " ,l4 7i Pitch. (1.) 2 9 __________

Minor .(2) 22 1 Int. 1 N/A N/A Major 2 N/A NIA Int. 1 NIA N/A. NIA Minor 2 N/A N/A NIA int Go Gauge ID' NIA R.ecal Date: N/A Result' N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A ID:_Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter [Average)

-fWire Constanti:

-(Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter [Average]

-12 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Trial .1 I Trial 2 T aI 3. I Trial 4 1 Adaptor Mark ,-.Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table -, I ..Acceptable? (Yes or No) V.0C Signoff: QC Reviewed: t~L ~Level: JI , Date: -3 Level:. Date: /-.Z ,ýL 9.LA X//.-/M 111f11 f//__ I -17 S0.7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 249 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 209 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 71 09/03/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMI -4 0"~ YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Anchorage ID.: N L~2- Z, Tendon End/Buttress No.: 5 71 Adaptor ID: Ak I Ru/4mmi 2 /FjA4I el 1 EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recal Date ID No. Recall ate ID No. Recal Date Major 5Z Z-7t"/q Ext.Pitch 5?C- 2-7-14 ________ z o _____Ext.V Minor (6)-c5-! -2.7- IA I .. c-/.- V.yj, I Major. N/A N/A ,nt.Minor N/A N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD " Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 r 6 9 Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext.Major_ 2 .5 e 3 Pitch (1) 2 lab 423 1 *6 #14 Ext. 1 Minor (2) 2 ~~ IC bZ ~Li Int. 1 N/AN/Major 2 N/A N___A Int. 1 N/A NA N IA Minor 2. N/A NA N/Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date:. N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date:. NIA. Result:..

N/A ID: I&Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter [Averagel

-L(Wre Constant]

-[nSim Sizej (2). External Minor Diameter = (Average]

-(2 X Wife Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial 1 Trial 2 Tdal3 Trial 4 Adaptor Mark A ` .3 Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table 8,60 Acceptable? (Yes or No) VA, QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: d 7 Level: Date: Level: Date: I 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 250 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 210 of 348 Projecti TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

{ UNIT I (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: Shop ANCHORAGE:

INSPECTION CRITERIA-- As-Found C3 PostDe-Tensioning I Pee-Wire Removal I-] Post Re-Tensioning:

a~ n 0 4a ft fle Ie~ tI 0 flflAA'. *.Uenl n,*,n ~N/A (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks ElYes2) [NIA (9.2) Anchorhead

    • Level: (10.1) Cracks []:Yes(2) .El NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (2) E N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks C3 YesI [(N2) N N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (101) Cracks nl Yes12) No E2 NoA 413 Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 1.2 1Caposea sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet8.0 and initiate a NCR, 44 A Dl ITflMUIAfl ILI0YI I -% Ma tTInI~I P Offsize (Malformed)

IPirotruding/unseatedwire/buffonheads I Broken/missing wire/buttonheads I Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance I wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing S00000000

0000000000 000000000000 000000000o0000" 0000000oo00 0 0 0K 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00000000000 000 0 00 0000 (00.00 0000000000000

\ 0 ,. 00000 0 00 0 68\0000000(000

0. 000.00'O 00 0: 0,/00-000C"oc 0 0, OO .O 0 "0O: ll." /J (11.2). Anchorhead I.D. 4.3" Located on Sketch: J4Yes E[ No Bushing I.D.Located on Sketch. ,Yes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N/Cl Yes C3 No Quantity:

/A Additl nal Information:

%1 -4 I fI (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illuminationsource ( ______(12.3) Number of Missing 8uttonheads (0, 5: 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding.+

Missing Buttonheads:

____" (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes 0 No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

C] No (12.7) Overall Results %Acceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#:-QC Reviewed: , Level: bate: 18 SO..8i0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 251 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 211 of 348 Project:.

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE U] uNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No,: , Tendon.End:

.Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA[I As-Found C3 Post De-Tensioning./Pre-Wire Removal Li Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes!2') IrNo l N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: , 1 (10.1) Cracks rlIYes(2 131N, [I NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: (1) (10.1) Cracks [I Yes ( .) Nlo N/A (9.2) Shims: Level: A (1) (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes 12) PN NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: _& 0) (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes (2) V]o N/A LCorrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (21_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11, -BUTTIONHEA.EINSPETION, A S L6FTr 4XAdV\) Offsize (Malformed)

Protrudinglunseated LI --.wire/buttonheads

.0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 50000000000.

  • Previously idenlified as missing /iC 0 0 Discontinuous

-removed this 00000000 0000 surveillance 000.0000000000 wire(s) being removed during this ) 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 00000 surveillance for testing .0 ( 0 0 00 00 0000.0 c 000l 000000.0000oo<

(11.2) Anchorhead LD. \00000000000000 Located on Sketch: Yes Li No 0\ 00 0000000000:

D0000Q000~000 Bushing i.D; 0 \ 0 0000000 0000 r 000:00000 Located on Sketch:. I;Yes Li No 0 0 0 © .(1.1.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: K-, die[I Yes [I No Quantity: Additional Information:

'(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 0 (8.3) Illumination source .$~ ________(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, g: 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? EL Yes & No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 0 Wires Li No (12.7) Overall Results W Acceptable Li Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: Al III QC Reviewed:

,1 ,Level: DateW a 18 SQ 80.TMI.13 IS1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 252 of 1008 REP-i1098-510 Appendix A, Page 212 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT1 (7.3)Tendon No..: J & "ZC Tendon End: UM , -5 _ &Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ... ..5d As'-Found El Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal 0 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level:, Ai1. (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes C 1"'o ONIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: -(10.1) Cracks C] Yes l N 2 E0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes la El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: 4jl (10.1): Cracks -]'Yes 0"N'o El N/A -(1 1_Corrosion.Level of C requires a NCR. 2 1)Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8&0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTON HEAD INSPECTION:

Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

  • Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance.

wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing 0000000 00000000 00000000000 0000000000 00 0000000000000; 00000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 O.OO"O 000000 00 000000000000 00i00:00001000 000000O,00

.0"0 0 0 )0 .0 0000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. "1 (7 Located on Sketch: 5§ Yes E] No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N /* Yes 0 No Quani: 4" Additional Information:

Additional Information:

<4,,,ie U 7.2 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w,): (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, ): (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total N of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 0 0 (8.3) Illumination source ishiW (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

Cl Yes .I No Wires Identified?

C1 Yes E No (12.7) Overall Results M.Acceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#.: QC Reviewed: Level: it Date: / b/., /( .18 SQ 8.0..TM1L13 ISI: Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 253 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 213 of 348 N1091:PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Pats Sheet 8.0A*0PR N A09/03113 Page 1 of i Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT I*(7.3)Tendon No,: tj 42- 2= Tendon End: revs Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA iii__0 As-Found E5 Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION


(9.2): Buttonheads Level: A (101) Cracks .0 Yes C eNo 5 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks C] Yes :i2) ° [I NIA (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks [] Yes IS) I"5 NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: 4 (10J.) Cracks El Yes 12 'No Sl N/A (-7.-)Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR.) t Compose. a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTIOn:

As L-d4 EK ; .0 Offsize (Malformed)

.-'.... i Ptotrudinglunseated w t/ [ .. ,]wire/button heads.0 Brokentmissing wireibuitoriheads

,/.00 0 0//' '0000000** Previously identified as missing / 0 0 0 00000 00000000000 Discontinuous-removed this 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0.surveillance.

0000000000000 wIhe(s) removed during this: 00000000000"00, surveillance for testing 0000 00 00000 000 00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead ID. 1Io0000000000000o 00000oo00o0oo Located on Sketch: Q9Yes El No 0000000000 00 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 4/ 000000000000.

0 Yes [I No Quantity:

N/0 0000000 /Additional Information:

". /(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source 'l. a ..(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 0..(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

C5 Yes 09 No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified? s [I No (12.7) Overall Results: )n Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: A-ll OC Reviewed:

h Level: Date: , / i2 I : ......l8 SQ 8.0.TM1.13IS1*

Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 254 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 214 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.:. /. Tendon End: Shop f Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. i 4 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification.anddocument the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchoragefor a distance of 24 inches from the edge of thebearingplate.
4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval;On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this Is toward the center of the containment, Ar" 12, .I, 6 fAa htS.A~44ee5 AtýA pow~l 'o-e" .w -e Auxiliary Light Source used: C3 Yes(Z No (7.3) Illumination t .source: , e 1l-p (7.5) Cracks a 0.010" E Yes ZNo Quantity:.

Max. Width: Max.Length:

NCR#:..C Inspector:

Level: Date: JC Reviewed:

.//4,/(- -Level: Date: /./c7. /.19.SQ 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 255 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 215 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ8.3 09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 a1 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.: /. , 24 Tendon End: q5. [I Shop apField (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. "_ _ __....1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distanceof 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For-cracks equal to or wider than 0.010Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.SD0AII buvk614 W16~d4 f .: Auxiliary LightSource used: D4 Yes(] No (7.3) Illumination ( l C i -source: (7.5) Cracks a O010 C3 Yes AQ No Quantity:, Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

Level". Date.,1C Reviewed:

K Level: ' Date:.a I / h 19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13-181 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 256 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 216 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE.p 5DATA SHEET 9.0 09/03113* .Cs .i .Page I of I Revision 0.Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.: 146- Z, Tendon: End, _ ___ ShoP 0 Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

c,(,F Thermometer No.: s.-14 .Recal Date: 4_____ _-5_"* Ambient Temp.: 4 QOF Thermometer No.: p r Recal Date: lip !9-, (9ý4) Anchorhead and Stressing.Adapter Threads t Acceptable E- Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires:" I (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:


[0 Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 2 K .e.c., Gauge ID: C. Recal Date:hti Daily Check: ..4,.. 0-li (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 (.Sg in. #2 t1 in. Ruler ID: 1 Recal Date: i,/.-./(Individual Shims: Stack #1: .in. Stack#2: 4. Z. Y4 In.(9.9) Lift-:ot Overstress Force (LOSF): kips Pressure:

-?16", psi (9.10) PF: kips 95% PF: 1044 kips 90% PF: Q¶', kips 4~4~p~pps (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off -(9.11 .13) Circled Values.Stack.#1:

1) psi Stack.#2:

Ii 1) Psi .psi 2)' 4 7 10~ psi 2) -) 4f. psi 2 3) ?,-VO psi 3) 20 pi3. %t s (9.1 13) End Average Force (this end): .Average: gz, psi.(9.!1.14)

End Avg, Farce (other end).: 1 -3 ,6) kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) //b,/Z. kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) [4 Acceptable

-ALV is >. 95% PF.b) C] Adjacent Tendons to be Stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but >_ 90%PF_ Document on a NCR.Sc) U unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF. Document on a NCR.NCR Required E-] Yes [0 No customer Notified NCR No.: ,* (9.11,17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs... (Note: Use a separate oats Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff :forces.)" Adj Tendon: El Acceptable

-ALV >'95% of PF. The original scope tendon SHALL be a)

  • This Tendon: restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, nogreater than 0.70:GUTFas Adj Tendon: .... .determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

[].Yes El No NameiDate:

A. l-71 b) Adj Tendon: _ _ Unaccepteble.-

ALV.< 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condition b) C Adj Tendon: _ on.a.NCR:

tl d n Customer Notified NCR No.: [1, Adj Tendon: El Unacceptable.--

ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the condition"1.-. Adj. Tendon: on a NCR. C.. .S"Customer Notified NCR No.: __________

.// ', / / i, aC Reviewed:

(/ /L%'/4 1 t .. Level: ZZ: Date: it) -/0 -/3 21 SQ 9.0 TMI.13 IS1s Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 257 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 217 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE SDATA SHEET 9.0 09103113 Page: 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4eT YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE (9 Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.: k t ',. , Tendon End' 4' .FShop [ Feld LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

A OF Thermometer No.: 5Jj RecalDate', 10 [I-!i.Ambient Temp.: 4F Thermometer No.: X A Recal Date: .fi.f.p I 4 o 4" 1 ..(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: 0 Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: _ _ _ _9 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

0 Acceptable (3 Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 374&J K L7. 11, Gauge I" .Recal Date:b u ,". Daily Check: OK (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 #2 42 In. Ruler ID: g.91Recal Date: Individual Shims: Stack #1: / A I. -in, Stack #2: I n. -(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF):. ... ... kips Pressure:

4 3g psif (9.10) PF: 18611 kips 95% PF: 1844 kips 90% PF: qQkips_29Z 2 Psi 27%. q/ Psi. Psi NE.1-3 (9,1 1.5) As-Found Lift-Off (9,11.13)

Circled Values Stack#i: 1) psi Stack #2: ifi 1) 5vzlo psi 2)),p 2.2) ps370psi 3) S 96 )psiJ3) 30ZD psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): Average: a3twpsi: (9.11 14) End Avg. Force (other end): j (9.11.15)

Average Lifloff (ALV) l i.Jps (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) Wcceptable

-ALV is ;t 95% PF.b) C] Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but ; 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) 0l Unacceptable

-ALVis.< 9%/PF. Document on a NCR. .VT-NCR Required [E Yes (CNo Customer Notified NCR No., (9.11,17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Notf: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff .rces.) -f Adj Tendon: ._ E Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon; _ restored to within -0146% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUTS as Adj Tendon: _ determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

E] Yes C] No Name/Date:

K /AJ__ _ _ _b) _Adj Tendon: [] Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Documentthe col LAdj Tendon: on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: __c) -Adj Tendon; El Unacceptable

-ALV. < 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the coi"-!.- Adj Tendon: ._ _ on a NCR.:Customer Notified NCR No.:./.} /V QC Reviewed:

.. .Level: Date:.. 3.21 SQ 9,0 TMI.13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 258 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 218 of 348 Project: TMI 40M YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: .I 2 Tendon:End:



Level ,___A____Level: -gz--Date:1 -/I V -/&-I 30 SO 12.0 TMI.13.1S!



__ _ __ _.__ _ _ __ _ _ _._..... Level: -_ Date: /_ __ __ I 30 SO 12,0 TMI,13 IS1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 260 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 220 of 348:N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT Data Sheet 12.ib -Hand Pumping, 09/03/13'Page I of 1.Revision r Project: TMi 40"' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: k GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used ' NEW 0l OLD -TEST DATE: El ACCEPTABLE El APPROVAL LETTER. -8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: gep (8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: gal l-I-I (8.7) Estimated.grease losses from leaks for tendon end'ý 0 gal. t (8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end; i. gal. 7.-i 5 (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss:. ga ,L 13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.A) Ambient Temp.: .j (13.7) Grease Temp.: 2 Zo F (13:9) 10AM Grease Height (a)(13.14). Total amount of Grease added'ý(13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: (13.17) Total Grease Realaced lhIs end Thermometer ID: Recal Date: ' -zt-i3 Thermometer ID: k Recal Date: poý) : 3 in. (13.12) Final Grease Height (b). Z7 in.6S1 gal. (a-b)xl.77 into the &* end C) gal. (13.15) KPoured -- Hand Pumped: j3j :gal.hwho/0-9-13

+13.0 HAND PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6)Ambient Temp.: 70 OF Thermometer ID:ý PK A Recal Date: -(13.7) Grease Temp.: Z OF Thermometer ID: P-,- Recal Dale: (13.9) initial Grease Height (a) in. Grease Height (b) 3,ZS in.(13:14) Total amount of Grease added: _S.7S gal. (a-b)x 1.77 into the end (13.i6) Quantity of Waste Grease: C) gal. (13.15) J.Poured E Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease ReplaceA this end: gal.ukpt-IP- 1_5 14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

gal. (13.17 + 13.17)(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume:: ?. gal. Re.ecoSO I i.2-c,-GtE Oud Volurm Total Tendon Replaced (14.1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9)(14.3) Percent. Difference:

No ednDc raeVlm (14.2 _ 00= 104% % Difference Nel Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2) U,/-5[](14.4) Grease Leaks: C1 Yes .No (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

9 Yes oess than Fo%) 0 No (greatertan 10%) tviv a.If No -Customer Notified NCR No.: / ", 7-1 (14.6) Comments:

.QC Reviewed: Level: Date:/~1 m 31 SO 121 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 261 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 221 of 348 Project: TMI 40T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

' UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: V" 2 Tendon End: "]-b P .9 Shop El Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: Z- I (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/orAnchorage QYes 1W No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

' IF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: w /Ambient Temp.: F Thermometer No.: 1,0. Re-Cal Date: Og.(8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: Anchorhead Verification' KMatch El No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete V Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims- Complete Partial .... Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete Partial Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the. grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

AhI_(8.7) Grease Color Match: 5f Yes C0 No Grease Color.Comments: (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2 Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? ER Yes 0 No Location of E- B.P. 93 Shims [I Cap [E Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: C gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? El Yes 1 No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: O0 .5 gal, (9.6) Oty. of Grease removed from anchorage'.

,, gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

.] Yes W'No Describe:

A&A14 (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection: , _. arA:z, c4, W gcke (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) D._+ (8.9) +(8.9.1).&_5_.+

(9.68) + (10.4) = .. TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

KYes El No.C Reviewed: Level: Date: 9-~~--' 3 13 SQ 6.0TMI.i3 IS@Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 262 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 222 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0:H YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[]UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No... L,-. 37-- Tendon End: .__---/_L_,e'_._...

[" Shop I Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date. Removal Started: .... 2 M.. 2015 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap andlor Anchorage 02 Yes 9 No (7.8) Temp.: of Concrete:

Oq°F Thermometer No.: sf .1OZ Re-Cal Date: ,! I Ambient Temp.:: IS 6F Thermometer No.: PK 141t Re-Cal Date: /6 -4.(8.4) Anchorheadl.D.:

Anchorhead Verification:

OI Match .[ No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete V/L Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete Partial Uncoated '.*Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %.Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -( Complete _ _ Partial Uncoated %* Limited within the inside dianeter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual.Conditions:

(8.7) Grease Color Match: 0 Yes El No Grease Color: Comments:

A&A_.(8.8) Quantity of Samples Quart Samples Identified per Step 8.8.1? ]l Yes. [I No Location of [I B.P. C] Shims ICap 0 Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap:: 0 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? C1 Yes 1.No Oty. of Grease removed from cap: 34ga1..(9:6).Qty.,of Grease-removed from anchorage:

0.5 gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal

[I Yes 0'No Describe:.

(10.3) Method ofTendon.Protectionw e -A/&d .,-. 440... IA/A AUeuj .kc4 (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) a,. + (8.9) .+ (8.9.1)3 _ +

(10.4) j. ..., TOTAL (1.1.12) Document.TOTAL grease lost onData Sheet 12.1,GREASE REPLACEMENT.

.4Yes r- No QC Reviewed:

" 13 SQ6,0 MI~i !'I Level*Date:.13 SQ 6,0 TM1. 13 ISI.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 263 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 223 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 19UNIT1.(8.1). Tendon No.: V -31 Tendon End: KT__ [ Shop C1 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVALOF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes 5a No Quantity'.

@Sample Taken: EJ Yes E! No B] N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [KNot Applicable Comments:

iv'oJA.-*(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

E] Yes [] No Quantity:

O Sample*Taken:

El Yes C] No N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

El Yes RNo Quantity:

7) Sample Taken: El Yes El No [] N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture 01 Significant Moisture C&Not Applicable.

Comments: (9,9.1) DURING DETENSIONING AJ/A Water Detected:

[I Yes El No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes. [E No E] N/A Moisture


[E Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments:.

(11.1) NOTIFICATION N/A Exelon Notified:

[] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE tIA: (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: ft/.u (~5&~47Lfr Level: .Date: -Level: _ Date: 2"zLL.....

K QC Reviewed: 14 SO6.I.TMI.13 1S1 I Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 264 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 224 of.348 Project:.


[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: .... Tendon End: .II Shop F] Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C] Yes M No Quantity: Sample Taken: 'E5 Yes E] No E N/A Moisture


C1 Observable Moisture -Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C1 Yes (N No Quantity:.

Sample Taken: C Yes El No [] N/A.Moisture


0 Observable Moisture 0 Significant Moisture [] Not Applicable Comments:


C] Yes fJ-No. Quantity:

L Sample Taken: C1 Yes [I No [] N/A* Moisture


C] Observable Moisture C., Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:'

(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING N/A Water Detected:

CI Yes Cl No Quantity:

Sample Taken: C Yes [C No [I N/A Moisture


C Observable Moisture Cl Significant Moisture Cl Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

C].Yes, Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

[Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: ~ t Level: 2 Date: I-Z f--c QC Reviewed:

Level: J Date: q2-94!- /i4 SO. 6.TM.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 265 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 225 of 348 Project: TMI YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: V- 32 Tendon E:ndlButtress No.:-, -- Anchorage ID.: IOSO Adaptor ID: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MID ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date.: ID No. Recal Date Major Ext.!Pitch ____-___-

2-'7-4 ________ St(R-'

Ext.Minor -a c7- 14 ,- I ... Z '?13 S -IL) /oz.z.r Int.Moaor NIA NA Int.NINA Minor. NM I MEASUREMENTS THREAD _____ Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 6 Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 4.101 J Major 2 , q ..,3 7 1 E(1) 1 ._ 754 31 4 Minor (2). 2 4qtb~z *y Int. 1 NIANA Major 2 N/A___mnt; N/A N /A N/A Minor 2 NIA NIA NIA Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA ID: UO9_2S: (1) xtermal Pitcn uiameter = LverageJ -lyVvre Conslani -t"Imm oBzeJ (2) External Minor Diameter = [Average]

-[2 X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size].DISPOSITION Trial 1 Trial 2 1 Trial 3 Tral.4 Adaptor Mark (.- I Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table 14. 6 5II Acceptable? (Yes or No). 'e,_QC Signofed I. AL.QC Reviewed:

/ -4 Level: .f Level: .4r Date: 1-13 Date: , ;,: 1 1 I1 17SQ07.1TMIA 3 1S1je Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 266 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 226 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT 1 (7,3)Tendon No.: ..3 Z Tendon End: = Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found [3 Post De-Tensloning I Pro-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning.

Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks [I Yes.1 2 1 13'No, 0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes () No ONIA (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (2) E/1o 0 N/A (9.2) Shims: Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yesl Ot2) I- NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: > (10.1) Cracks El Yes(2 1 [No El N/A ()- Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2) Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 nd initiate a NCR.44 fl I1 Ir I CUIAI I ,onTIt lP," Offslze (Malformed)

Prolrudinglunseated wire/buttonheads Broken/missing wlreibuttonheads 0 Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillancebeing removed during this: surveillance for testing 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000000.

p 00:0000.0000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000 00000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. t j :3 Located on Sketch: IOYes 0 No Bushing I.D. 60150 Located on Sketch: []es ( No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:/AJ/

C0 Yes% 0 No, Ouantity: Additional Information:

t4.- [ 44 t .yp- YJ J I -Y -'(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): C (8.3) Illuminationsource C -ac _(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (02 .): 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

0 Yes, (12-5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified? 1 IJNo (12.7) Overall Results JqAcceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed:.1 Level: Date: i 18 SQ 8.0.TMI..13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 267 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 227 of 348 31 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.08 09103113 Page 1 of 1 Revision rW Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1.(7.3)Tendon No.: 7_ Tendon. End- TO- [Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA 01 As-Found Li Post Oe-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal Li Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level:. A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (21 LJi- 0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: -A (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (2)ONo [ N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: A'JL (10.1) Cracks C3 Yes m .N. [I N/A (9.2) Shims Level: 4 A L (10,1) Cracks C]Yes (2 , ; [N N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level- g (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes (2) QN iA NIA ,Z (1) -Corrosion Levet o C requires a NCR. 12)_ Compose a sketch of lhe cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.1 1.0 -BUTTO_NHEAD INSPECTION ,,4v I--.... Offslze (Malformed) f,/ ". .. -..Protruding/unseated

/[ wirelbUttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

" 0000000 0000000000Previously identified as missing 0 0 0 0 0 (_0 00 00 Discontinuous-removed this 000000000000 surveillance

_00.00000000000 00000000000000 wire(s) being removed duing this 0000000000000 surveillance for testing OOOOOOO DO OOOO 00000000000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 10Ab 000400000000000 Located an Sketch: CYes [l No 0 0 .0 0 000 0 000 o 0 0 Bushingl.D.

00.000000000 00000000 Located on Sketch: Yes El No \ 0000000 /(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:' /l Yes I: No Quantity$,.

/Additional I formation:.

V .y4 ý "'---(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (0)t .(8.3) Illumination source ________,_____

(12.3) Numberof Missing Bultonheads (0 9: (12.4) Total of Protruding.+

Missing Buttonheads: ) (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? C] Yes E.No (12.5) Total.# of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 1 /, Wires Identified?, es [i]No (12.7) Overall Results C.Acceptable El Un-Acceplable Customer Notified NCR#: oC Reviewed:

h Level:. Date: 'C/0 18 SO 8A0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 268 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 228 of 348 P ANCE N1 091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0.ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data. Sheet 8.0A 09/03/13.Page 1.f1 1 Revision 0 Project' TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

  • UNIT 1*(7.3)Tendon No.: Vj 31-: Tendon End: i Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA MAs-Found r-. Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal C1 Post Re-Tensioning O.C. Signoff 9;0 & 10M0.- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Bultonheads Level: A t" (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes : Imno 0I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: AI1. (10.1). Cracks 0 Yes ( 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks 0rYes t~ liONP C- NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: -____ (10.1),Cracks 0-Yes " I-oN/A (, .z/,-.5-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 1) Compose a sketch ofthe cracks on. Sketch Sheet 8.0 and iniUate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION R Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated Swimre/buttonheads

  • 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads ( Previously identified as missing Discontinuous.-

removed this.surveillance.

BE -0000000.00000000 O0000.0000000.

000000000000 0000000000000 O0000.00000001O 00000.000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 QOOOOOOOOOOoO 0000000000000

.0000000OOQOci 000000000000 00000000000 00000000 000000..0 wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testinhq (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. 457 Located on Sketch: RYes tlNo (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: !,'/0 Yes C] No Quantity: Additional Information:

s~;i ~4ae6A-7 (12.2) Number of-Protruding Buttonheads (w): 6 (8.3) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9b: _ _(12.4) Total of Protruding 4 Missing Buttonheads:

_ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

Q Yes (.No (12.5) Total.# of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 1. I Wires Identifled?

Ys C. No.(12.7) Overall Results ,Acceptable (3 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#:. At Al QC Reviewed:ýý& llvaý-Level: Date: 9 tI8 SQ 8.0.TMI. 3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 269 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 229 of 348 Project: TMI 2043 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.: V. Tendon End:. "ro Shop 0 Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. 4- (.A 4 (1. Orient the bearing plate .with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, Including other defects,.existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this Is toward the center. of the containment; I NO ft!Auxiliary Light Source used: 0 Yes0 No (7,3) Illumination

_0 source: oc (7.5) Cracks 0.0010 []Yes [No Quantity:

Z. Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: , QC Inspector:

4. Level: e Date: X Reviewed:

?V Level: Date: 19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 270 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 230 of 348 PRE C IS I ON LANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 v Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I Tendon No.: s Tendon End: ., Shop 1X Field.(7A) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. .AA l,. ..1. Orientthe bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects,.existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal~to or wider than 0,0.10 inches, document.condition on an Nonconformiance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval..

W *O 1 .On Hoop and dome this edge is up.VerticaITendon, this is toward the centerof the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: Yes[] No (7.3) Illumination.

4:-source: C(Octt -04'9 (7.5): Cracks 0.010' *eYes. No Quantity:

Max. WidthM e : NCR*Q npco:Level:

J Date: 4...C Reviewed: Level: Date: ?-.,- I m A'19 80 8.3 TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 271 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 231 of 348 Project: TMI 40" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Unit 1 (7.U)Tendon No.: Tendon End: "Top EJ Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete; 6 OF Thermometer Recal Date: L6 -9t?- 1r'Ambient Temp.: Id OF Thermometer No.: ,p'Jt 1-o Recal Date: .r -1'5 qZ'(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: S Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: /1 9 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

M Acceptable n' Unacceptable

.251 (9.7) RAM ID: 901 Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 3_,31566 K= -S,1I7 Gauge ID: 1 Recal Date: ])-Lob Daily Check: ok- e I .1 (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 .1. t, In. #2 /,4In. Ruler ID:R _. RecalDate:

Individual Shims: Stack.#1:

4 .tjI..'in.

Stack #2: Z/, , /---9/. ., (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): 1 g2. kips Pressure: 31 psi (9.10) PF: 117 kips 95% PF: 1"7 kips 90% PF: kips 0 s -1.o 2si 4psi -3: (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack#1: 1) psi Stack.#2:

1) K5O0 psi 1), y0so psi 2). 5"t.0 psi 2) \Sor. t psi 2) SOo psi 3) ) O"0 psi 3) kpsi 3) SOSO psi (9,11.13)

End Average Force (this end):

Average: 6'0O psi -A4 -15 (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): N4/ kips (9:11.15)

Average.Liftoff (ALV) 1 11- 71 kips.(9.11.16)

Li If (ALV) Acceplance Criteria: a) (3 cceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.b) ] AdjacentTendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but k 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) El Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF. Documerton a NCR. .z'.NCR Required C3 Yes []' : Customer Notified NCR No.:-.(9.11.17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (ft: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff force&){ Adj Tendon: 0l Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a), This Tendon: restored to within -01+60/a of PF, but in no case, nogreater than 0.70 GUTS as Adj Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

El Yes 0l No NamelDate:

/A A0 .'-2 b) Ad] Tendon: r-3 Unacceptable -ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the conditio b .~. Ad) Tendon: _____ on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: (Aaa_____


_____ El Unacceptable

-ALV c 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the odt-c) { A dj Tendon: on a N C R .C t e N i d N N o... ........Customer Notified NCR No.:. , , 3 _.__ _-/QC Reviewed:

., _________

__,__ .Level: Date: 9 3 21 SQ 9.0 TM1.13 ISle Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 272 of 1008 Project: TMI 40T" YEAR TENDON. SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: V- .Tendon End: 770 E Shop El. Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:-



YES 0 NO 0 NO 0INO 0JNO E3NO COMMENTS AZ CREW-FOREMAN SIGNOFF 1' i/Date: __;_rz___QC Reviewed-Level: _ _ _ __Date: IT-R6--/3 30 SQ 12,A TMI 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 273 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 233 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0.09103/13 ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE:






7-o4-__QC Reviewed:

4U ,, 4 Level: Date: 9'-, j 303 S12.0 TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 274 of 1008 Project: TMI 40" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: V,:?Z GREASE REPLACEMENT 0C SAGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used NEW [1 OLD -TEST DATE: 0 ACCEPTABLE ED APPROVAL LETTER§ý0 PREREqU ISiTEI DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for "rio tendon end: ga-(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: ,, 5 gal.(8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end- gal.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for 1A( tendon end: e gal.(8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: t4 ga..-113.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) AmbientTemp.:

85 °F Thermometer IO:*j tol Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: PF Thermometer ID: j Recal Date: / /-,,1/ j (13.9) .JHj Grease Height (a) I 7-. 57 in. (13.12),Fina!

Grease Height (b) 3 0 in.(11314) Total amount of Greaseadded:

i ,u"gai. (a-b) x 1.77 into* tha ! end (13.16) Quantity ofWaste Grease: gal. (13.15) J Poured El Hand Pumped (13.17.) Total Grease Replaced this end: m_+I3fli4AND PUMPING -RECONO FNI~APING -SECOND END (13:6) Ambient Tern-,_ -F Thermometer ID: Recal Date: (13:7) Grease Temp.: _ _mometer ID: Recal Date: (13:9) IBM Grease Height (a) :in. 2) In Grease.Height (b) in.*~~ ~~~~ ............. G e s ~ ih b n (13.14) Total amount of Grease added: Z -b) X 1.77 ftkL*8 ~ and (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. (13.15) 0 Poured U Hand odP e..(13.17) TotalGrease Rlplaced this end: gal 14.0CALLCULATION OF PRESSUE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendol Grease Replaced:

(17 gal. (13.17 + 13.17);(14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: 7 y gate , lrU ,fu m (14.3) Percent Difference:

total Tendon Replaced (14.1) -Total Tendon Loss (8.9) x 100 i. 7 % Difference Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2) .100 Al I % ien (14.4) Grease*Leaks:

0 Yes 19 No (14.5) Refill Acceptable:

.Yes gess then ioM) ." No (greatorthan 10%) 4 q If No- Customer Notlified NCR No:: iA/ -, (14,6) Comments:

Al OAb/f C41 QC Reviewed: Ic:% -6t Level: ~Date:/.1 31 SQ.12.1 TMI.13 IS1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 275 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 235 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 H" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I..(7.3).Tendon No.: -tL Tendon End: 6 Ei- Shop Field Grease Cap Removal (7,6) Date Removal Started: 7- Q.C. Signoff (7:7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage

.. Yes RNo .(7.8) Temp. of Concrete W Thermometer No.: eCa'at a e:-ýCiD /ac/Ambient Temp.: E3 OF Thermometer No.: Ei ReuCalPate:

/1:11d3 C--.u/. .1.1 (8.4) Anchorhead i.D.: Anchorhead Verification:

kMatch El No-Match 7 0 (8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap- Complete 7 Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial. Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %___...c w Bearing Plate -) Complete v--1-__ Partial Uncoated % 2-- 1.-/3 (l) -Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap..(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

A10t / P, .(8.7) Grease Color Match: EL Yes .No Grease Color /Comments:

0L L , (8&8) Quantityof Samples 2_.. Quart Samples identified'per Step 8.8.1? LI Yes Li No Location of Li A.H. [I B.P. El Shims ,A Cap Li Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: / 0 gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? i- Yes ,aNo Qly. of Grease removed from cap: .j3.Vgai.


(9,6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage: , gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

Li Yes A No Describe: , f.,-;(10.3) Method ofTendon Protection: ...' Lo/,,#7 1 j 4'.,.(10,4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct:

  • gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below), 617L:1 (8.8) -* + (8.9) 1, 0 + + (9.6) 5 + (10.4) 0_0 O..' TOTAL 0- -A_-.t (11.1 2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

PJYes [3.No ci.-QC Reviewed:

.. f .Level: Date:-i s 1 3 SO 6,0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 276 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 236 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: Tendon End: Dl-e/.. DShop tField (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

Fl Yes Quantity:

IV,// Sample Taken: El Yes nl No N/A Moisture Description*

E] Observable Moisture []Significant Moisture [fNot Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAPR Water Detected:

(] Yes No Quantity:

/t/ Sample Taken: El Yes C3 No EN N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture -E] Significant Moisture.

,[Not Applicable Comments:


C] Yes 1ANo Quantity:

'A Sample Taken: C1 Yes E] No NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture " Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable

~~~Comments: (9.9.1) DURING Water Detected:

[] Yes E :No Quantity:

Sample Taken; E] Yes [- No E] NIA Moisture


El Observable.Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11. 1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Ye 6 s (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: 7K /ji Level: 4 Date: 10.2-1!3 QC Reviewed: Level: j Date: ____;______:

14 SO 6A.TMI.13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 277 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 237 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A 09103/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE JR UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: t- Tendon End: R,% S Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found 0l Post De-Tensioning/I Pre-Wire Removal Cl Post Re-Tensioning QC. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9,2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes t~l J3 No [I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes.4 2) W No [I NIA, (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks El Yes (2 [ No C1 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks Ye Y1s2 .0 No El N/A.(') Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR t 2 1 Compose. a sketch of the cracks on Sketch. Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11. BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION

  • Offsize (Malformed)


___---Swwirelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 0000000* Previously Identified as missing 0 0 0 0 0000 00000000000 j~J Discontinuous

-removed this 000000000000 surveillance.

0000000000000 wire(s) removed during this 000000000-00000 surveillance for testing 00000000000000 0 0O :00' 0.. 0 0 0 0 0.00000000000000 (11.2)Anchorheadl.D.

0000000000000 Located Yes 0e No 000000000000

\. 00000000000

/.(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 00 000 0 000 /0 F1 Yes C3 No Quantity:N'-

360000.000 Additional Information:

(12,2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (8)3)U Iluminationsource

_C- I" V (12.3) Number of Missing.Buttonheads (0, 5: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[I Yes 0l No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

C ](12.7) Overall Results Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#4: L / 4 -1;QC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 18 SQ 80.TM1.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 278 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 238 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I Tendon No.:. Tendon End: ,- Shop %Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. t. LoCATC 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below..2. Locate thebearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch: 3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existirig on the concretein the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate, 4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES,.

for Exelon approval.4~- ~LACMp, ,v C /V 171w ýAw' tl L 5PA 4L, 4, )/,t 9-4 P/e/Tt, /8 IF On.Hoopanddomethis edgeis .__ , //V ,t14, Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containmentL LJ7AQ. 6, -E rIACJQýO)$

IS OMA' ILA Auxiliary Light Source used: VJYes[O No (7.3) Illumination

.... source: ...°CA 1-0 I-L .(7,5) Cracksz: 0.010O fYes N.No Quantity:

Max Width: I ltMax Length?,-/I NCR#:1 QC Inspector:

Level: Date: /., p JC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 19 sO S .83 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 279 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 239 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0* 09/03/1 3 PRECISION ANCE Page 1 of 10(1 ,MsRevision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: V41 Tendon End: C ,-Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:




Pa YES El NO COMMENTS V/0 IV CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF 1 i4i J Date: 19- 2 -13 QC Reviewed:

Level: Date: 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 280 of 1008 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT Data Sheet 12.ib -Hand Pumping 09/03/13 Page I of. 1 Revision r Project: TMIA40 YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: -.GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used. NEW :] OLD -TEST DATE: [I ACCEPTABLE.

.[APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for .tendon end: gal _343 (8u6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6,0 for .. 1A tendon end:& .4 A .gal (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for J--IAII .../ tendon:end.

.gal, (8.8) Estimated greaslosses from oks for tendon gal.(8,9). TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: gal.13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: O F' Thermometer ID: F Recal Date: i (13.7) Grease Temp.: Zot OF Thermometer ID: A Recal Date: / -/4 (13.9) 1BMaGrease Height (a) in: (13112):Fna_.I Grease Height (b) , in (13.14) Total amount of Grease added: gal. (a-b)xl.??

into the end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: -gal. (13.15): IaPoured C] Hand Pumped (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: _ gal.-II, ~.- J~14 I PUMPING -SECOND END (13.6).AmbientTe

IF Thermometer ID: Recal Date.: (13.7) Grease Temp.: OFometer ID. Racal Date:, (13.9) !Llla Grease Height (a) in. .1 n a Grease Height (b) in.(13,14) Total amount of Grease added; g (a .77 .end (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. 1 15) C Poured D Hand (.13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE,,UMPING (14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced:

gal.: (13,17 + 13.17)(14.2). Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: gl / .f.efar so f22 -remreon Not IV vol (14.3) Percent Difference,.

Total Tendon.Replaced (14.1) -Total.Tendon Loss (8.9) "x :100 = % Difference NetTendon:Duct Grease Volume (14.2)(14.4) Grease Leaks: LC Yes No (14.5) Refill Acceptable; 0 Yes pess han 10%): 0 No (greater Tan to-) 1.If No -Customer Nolifled NCR No.: 41A (14.6) Comments:.

0C Reviewed: K< 61 Level: Date: I al.3._ .I I m 31 SQ 12.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 281 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 241 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL_Data Sheet 6,0 09103/13 P Pagel of 1 PR ANC2 Revision P Project: TMI 4 0TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE.

UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: V- / 0 Tendon End: 72P [. Shop C Field, Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: 25 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage El Yes k3 No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

11F Thermometer No.: j,,- Re-Cal Date: wO 2*,(3 Ambient Temp.: .O.j F Thermometer No.: py_ Re-Cal Date: /4.24.1. , (8.4) Anchorhead ID. Anchorhead Verification:

4 AMatch El No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating /Grease Cap -Complete..

Partial %Uncoated Buttonheads

-Complete V/ Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims- Complete Partial _ _ Uncoated %Bearing Plate-l Complete _ Partial Uncoated.

%th -Lnited within the iistde diameter of the grease. cap.: (8&6) Unusual Conditions:

AlO. ..(8.7) Grease Color Match: 0 Yes Grease Color;Comments:

_4 0 __ _ __.(8.8) Quantity of Samples 9 Quart Samples identified per Step 08.817 m Yes [ No Location of [&A.H. [l B.P. Shims El Cap El Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap:. gal.(8.9.1:) Grease from cap to be reused? 17] Yqs 1k] No Qty; of Grease removed from cap: gal. _(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

C)t, O gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

E]Yes E3 No. Describe:.

I/ _I 1 0. Alv I (10.3) Method: of Tendon.Protectlon::: ,ib&(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: C) gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8).. _+ (8.9) vO i.(,9.1)1,.+

(9.6)4 .+(1o.4) = .5 _. TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on. Data Sheet 12A, G.REASE REPLACEMENT.

g1Yes 0l No QC Reviewed: Level: Date: q-164-1 3 I 13 SO 6:0 TMI,13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 282 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 242 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6,0 09103/13, Pagel of,1 PRECISION ANCE Revision P Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.:: \/./ ..Tendon. End: ___ _-,_/ _

  • 0 Shop .Field Grease Cap Removal (7-6) Date Removal Started: 9 ,.z -Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Usedon Grease Cap and/or.Anchorage ElYes .1 No (7.8)"Temp.

of Concrete:.

4D 'F Thermometer No.: ._"A-" .Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp.: 'I 0 F Thermometer No.:. Re-Cal Date: -, z4l (8.4) Anchorhead:l.D.:

.71" Anchorhead Verification:

1)Match .0 No-Match , q..(8.5) Grease Coating.Grease Cap -. Complete X Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial _Uncoated


-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated ...0 Bearing Plate -ti) Complete Partial Uncoated %'.Limited within the inside diarneterof the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:.

jAJu (8.7) Grease Color Match: C- Yes M No Grease Color.Comments: , 6kyt/(8.8) Quantity of Samples Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? IaYes El No Locationof 9LA.H. -B.P. ,Shlms 5kCap C3 Duct Remr oval' 8 .D (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost duringremoval of cap: -gal. ,xe-al (8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0l Yes U No Cty. of Grease removed from cap: 4,C) gal. 3,L.g4-i (9.6) Qty. ofGrease removed from anchorage:

), 5 gal.(9.7) Damage duringcap removal or anchorage cleaning?

C1 Yes 04 No Describe: ,A,/e.(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:


kl,/A A14H ,A&A !W 16r (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: So, gal. .J '(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) &L + (8.9) .÷(8.9-1) 4,0 + (9.6) 0_ + (10.4) .= .TOTAL (11.1.2) Document.TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

&YeS El No ,/,, 4-IS OC Reviewed:

d ?n// Level: Date: 13 SQ 6.0 TMI,13ISt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 283 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 243 of 348 Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE.

UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.: o 'is Tendon End: ./j I Shop ["]Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP* Water Detected:

E] Yes KNo Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: El Yes El No 0 NIA Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture SNot Applicable Comments:

, (9.6,1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

El Yes No Quantity: ) Sample Taken: nl Yes El No N/A Moisture


[I Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture ,)SNot Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

El Yes ,4No Quantity:

_. Sample Taken: I_] Yes [E No IVAN/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture -Not Applicable Comments: (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

E] Yes E] No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes (3 No [- N/A Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (111.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date:: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El Yes;(12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff.4

..3 Level: 4 Date:i QC Reviewed: (i7 1 d ~Level: Date: 1-9,5 t3 14 SQ 8.1TMI. 113 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 284 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 244 of 348 e PRECISION ANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 09103113-Page !.o fi Revision 0 v Project: TMI 40' YEAR TENDON:SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: , .. 1 TendonEnd:

C3 Shop CI Field (9.5,1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

0 Yes f] No Quantity: Sample Taken: El Yes El.No [] N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture 0-I Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C1 Yes ZNo Quantity:

E Sample Taken: nl Yes El No ,J NiA Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture SNot Applicable Comments:


nl Yes {j No .Quantity:

0 Sample Taken: El Yes E] No Mi NiA Moisture


El Observable Moisture n. Significant Moisture, "J Not Applicable Comments:.


/Water Detected:

El Yes F No Quantity:

Sample Taken: E] Yes E[ No [l NIA Moisture



E Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture:

El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE NA (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

E] Yes (1.2.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: W V/ a- v, Level: *Date: qz4-z.o3 QC Reviewed: Level: 7 Date:. e7..,-11 14 SQ 6.1.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 285 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 245 of 348 N11091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 71 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMi -4&~ YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End/Buttress No.: Anchorage ID.: I/11 Adaptor I: EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread Mic ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Major C0(1 Pitch 2 2 A Adi r? r'-g , '3 Ext. q1 Minor aý 2-- 4 q(-5L Int..Major N/A NWA Int. NANA Minor N/m m MEASUREMENTS THREAD Aveag Wire Wife Shim Average Thread Read 3 rd u Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 :.37 9,51 Major 2 9.3 5 315 {Ext. 1 6S'-Pitch (1) _2 231 03Z______

9,___ _ 60_Ext. 1 Minor (2) 2 69o 0- o z Int. 1 N/A N/A Major 2 N/A N/A Int. I N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 NIA N/A N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: NIA Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Dater N/A Result: NIA ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter [A~verage]

jvAire Constant)

-tSnIm Size)(2) External Minor Diameter fAverage]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Thiall 1 Trial2 I Trial3* 1 Trial 4 1 Adaptor Mark e_-I Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table -%,637 Acceptable? (Yes or No) *Yg5 OC. Signoff: QC Reviewed: A i/~ I, Level: Date: Level:; ~ Date: -704 j I 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 286 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 246 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE, [ UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.:ý V -IM Tendon End; .Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning/Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10,0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: ,u.1 (10.1) Cracks E] Yes (2) 92'No Cl N/A (92) Anchorhead .Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes:: .1N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: (.11 (10.1) Cracks. El Yes N C]NN/A (9.2) Shims Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0l Yes.(2). [I N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level ' (0A) Cracks p :Yes(2) No NIA _._____Corrosion Level of.C requires a NCR. 1 2-Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and nitilate s NCR.I u.Q -AUTTONMEAD lINSPECTION

  • Offslze (Malformed)


W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/butlonheads Previously identified as missing-U --4 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for.testing 000OC 000/ooooooonoooooo\,/ 0000,000000.00c' 000000..,000 o0 0000000000000o' 000000000.,000

'0000)CD0000000.0 00 oooo0ooooo0oo

0o0.0o 0 o o 0 o0 ,0 00\0 0000000000 o 1/000//N"\ //00G (11.2) Anchorhead I.D.Located on Sketch: es E] No Bushing I.D. ]Jq I Located on Sketch: IEYes 17 NO (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: f"1 Yes. El.No Quantity:.-"n Additional Information:

(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): t (8.3).illumination sourc _ o___I (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, Kb: _(1 2.4) Total of Protruding

.+ Missing Buttonheads:

__ .(12;6) Continuity Test Requested

? E[ Yes [61No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads.Seated:

_ Wires Identified?

es []No (12.7) Overall Resublts Acceptable C1 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: ,/,/N.QC Reviewed: Level: Date: 9-,;- ( -3 w_18 SQ 8.0TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 287 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 247 of 348 ,LANCE N11091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.08 09/03/13 Page 1 of 11 Revision r 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: V- Tendon End: = P Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA El As-Found El Post De-Tensioning I Pro-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Bultanheads Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes ( 2) 2io [E N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks C-]Yes.(2) 0 NIA (9.2) Bushing Level: V) (10.1);. Cracks 0 Yes (2) [N N/A.(9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes ,(El NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks C3 Yes 2) No [ N/A -q--i Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR, (2 tCompose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11.0- BUTTONHEAQ INSPECTION 4 L-e4 ra I Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wtre/buttonheads ( Previously identified as missing / 0 00000000 -\/-O 0000 0000\ \wr Discontinuous-removed this 000000000000 surveillance 0000000000u000 00000000000000 wAire(s) being removed during this,.C 00 0 000 0 (0000 surveillance for testing 00000000000000 0000000000000 (11.2)Anchorheadi

.. 00000(I'D 0000 0.00 Located on Sketch: U!Yes El No \ b 0 0 C) C5§0 0 0.00 0 /\ 000 0000 00 0/Bushing I.D. .j/\00000000G00-C (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:/. \. "--.- -/E Yes El No Quantity:

7 Additional Information:

_'S 1/4L.511 4 2 (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads

(,w): O (8.3) Illumination source (_t__l___(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 0 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing.Buttonheads:

_ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested

? El Yes ,No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: t Wires Identified3?

4 Yes (I No (12.7) OverallResults ,gzcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notifled.NCR#' , QC Reviewed:

Level: Date:,____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _..0 I8 SQ 8&0,TMI.3 ISI1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 288 of 1008 Project: TMI1.2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No. V I 0S ' Tendon End.:. A Ha Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA: As-Found [] Post Oe-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal. 0: Post Re-Tensioning Q.C.. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0- CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2).Buttonheads Level;: AJL (I (1.0.1) .Cracks [I Yes: ' '2. N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 1" Yes viMN 0 N/A (9.2) Shims Level:. (10.1) Cracks [1 Yes t " N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10.1) Cracks EYes M No E N/A *Z4-.'-(- Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (12lCompose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet8.0 and initlate:a NCR.Ii (1. I~AITTAIJHFAfl I~~F~~.TIAN

  • Offaize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wireibuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-.removed this surveillance, wire(s) removed during this surveillance for testing (0000000.00000000000 000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000.

000000.00000000 O00.OOO.OO.OO.O0 0000000.0000000 0000000000,000 000000000000 00000000000 00000000 0000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D. "7 (Located on Sketch: KYes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 0 Yes. 0l No Quantity:

/ A Additional Information:

e.L.. 4uki L4 6~~~(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads:(w).

0 (8.3) Illumination:

source d .6 (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads.(0, ): (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

.(.12.6) Continuity.Test Requested?

[] Yes H No (12.5) Total # of Effective 8uttonheads Seated: Wires Identifled?

es El No (12.7) Overall Results J4Acceptable C3 Un.Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: IQC Reviewed:

6,4 6a Level: Date: q-~~ 5;-~~.61 U 18 So 8.0JTIVI13 IS[Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 289 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 249 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE V UNIT 1 Tendon No.: 12% Tendon End: / Shop 0 Field.(7.4) Bearing.Plate Identification

  1. 2 ,J .. 1. Orlent.the bearing plate with the sketch below.2, Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location rin the sketchK 3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects. existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is Vertical Tendon, this is toward thel center of the containment.

fA1 4LLe). 44 A&m V;A-15 ,4e CvdAeed6 3 oA-e J 0iw Auxiliary Light Source used: E] Ye No (7.3) Illumination ILI source: .." 0 C I/(7.5) Cracks , 0.010" 0 Yes ,No Quantity:

Max. Width: 4 Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

~'~ ~Level: 7 Date: -,3"~j~JC Reviewed:

Level:*V Date: eq- ; -/3 19 SO 8.3lTMI.13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 290 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 250 of 348 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No.:. _y _ Tendon End: El, Shop 1] Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification,#:

HA.I.. 4 01 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate;4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval, On. Hoop and dome this edge is, up.Vertical Tendon,. this is toward the center of the containment.

Skv~i4 ttiA4 Llf loul 1<Auxiliary Light Source used: :9 YesEJ No (7.3), Illumination source: e") I b'- f (7.5) Cracks .0,010 [] Yes b No. Quantity:

0 Max. Width: Max Length: NCRN: QC Inspector:.

Level: _1C Date: g.~k2fI3 ,1C Reviewed:

ýZ ýAýLevel:: _7T Date *. _ _AM~-.t9 SQ 8.3 TML13 ISt Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 291 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 251 of 348 N1091 Psc PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET,9.009/03M1* .ANcS Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE unit 1 (7.6)Tendbn No.: V/- to o. Tendon End: 77) f Shop 0 Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp. of Concrete: F Thermometer No.; STr 03 Recal Date: A _10,1mlo Ambient Temp.: "-71 IF Thermometer No.: PK 1'D1 Recal Date:, 1F-/101 ,tq I-(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: M Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: ((09 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

0 Acceptable

-]. Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 3 3 tb K= .-. /Gauge ID: _ Recal Oate 1 USE Daily Check: 0/ .'r_24'-3 (9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1: 1q, 2 5 in. #2 tl'.ý.. in. Ruler ID: , Recal Date:. JJ'j,-.J, Individual Shims: Stack #1: _n.. Stack #2:-,'/j L, .n.(9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): 5 V 2.- kips Pressure:

ps. 3' I ps (9.10) PF: kips 95%PF,: 1091 kips 90%PF: 1 O. kips Li_ _ 1-__" psi D4 to psi -Ps -, 3 (9.11.5) As-FoundLift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values Stack #1: 1) 5,go psi Stack #2: 1) 5A& psi 1) SAW psi 2) Aao psi 2) ý46z' psi 2) LA & V psi 3) SA50 psi .3) 0 psi 3) _.(jO psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end)- 1 Ips Average:. , (j7 psi -./(9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): kips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) Z .7.qJ2_ kips (9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) a Acceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.h) E] Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but _ 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) [E Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF Document on a NCR. 241J NCR Required LI Yes 29 No Customer Notified NCR No.: AM (9.11.17)

Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Note: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forces.)Adj Tendon: _10 Acceptable

-ALV >95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: .restored to within -01+6% of PF, but in no case, no greater than 0.70 GUTS as AdJ Tendon: __ determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified; L- Yes CI No Name/Date:

Ao//w i plo 3- V-b) rAdj Tendon: El Unacceptable

-ALV c 95% of PF for either tendon.. Document the condition L. AdlTendon:

on a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: ,/- a 7-a-,) .Adj. Tendon; __ _ El Unacceptable

-ALV < 90% of PF for either tendon, Document the condition C) Adi Tendon: __on a NCR. NRN, .Customer Notified NCR No.QC Reviewed:

0Level: Date:.21 SQ9O.0TMIL13 l~ta 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 292 of 1008 REP-i 098-510 Appendix A, Page 252 of 348 pi?-LMM P~~A R EIS N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0 09103/13 Page. 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE.





g-z4-zoia QC Reviewed:.

__ _ _ _ _ _ __"_"_ _ __ Level: .___v _ Date: 9'-) g-l 3 30 SO 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 294 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 254 of 348* ' 1091 PSC PROCEDURE SO 12.1 GREASE REPLACEMENT p8-*2 f Data Sheet 12.b -Hand Pumping 09/03/13 PRECISION St LANCE Page 1T of i Revision r Project::


[I APPROVAL LETTER , L..I , 8,0 PREREQUISITES DATED: (8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for tendon end: .;5.a- gal..(8.6) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for C)41,L.e-Ry tendon end: /. , gal.. --1 (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for T tendon, end: gal. q"a 4-13 (8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end: gal. 3 (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Gmease Loss: gq 13.0 POURING AND HAND PUMPING -FIRST END (13.6) Ambient Temp.: 6_ !I F Thermometer ID: k.. 0N Recal Date: 3 (13.7) GreaseTemp.:

2 ID -F ThermometerID:

// J RecalDate:

,, (13.9) InitalM Grease Height,(a) j.'2., in. (13.12)Finad Grease Height (b) 21.5 in.(13,14) Total amount of Grease added: 1#,5-1 gal. (a-b)* 1.77 into the -I-djP end: (13.16) Quantity of Waste Grease: gal. (13.15) A Poured Cl Hand Pumped (.13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end:= lb, 5q. gal. -Z I .AU PUMPING -SECOND END (.13.6) Ambient e -.0 F Thermometer I Recall Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.:- eter ID, Raca, Date.-(13.9) Initial Grease Height (a) .in.. ( .12),Bnal Grease Height (b) "__ in,___-_--

(11.14) iota] amount of Grease added: 1. (2-b~x 1.77 .end (13.16) Quantity oaf Waste Grease: PON (13.15) El Poured (3 Hand u (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end: gal.14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING (14.1) Total Tendoen Grease Replaced:

/:. Cgt gal. (14.2) Net Tendon Duct Grease Volume: / gal, Referto SQ (14.3) Percent Difference:

Total Tendon Replaced (14.1).- Total Tendon Loss (8.9) x 100 0. 01 % Difference C4 IJ N(t Tendon Duct Grease Volume (14.2) Dfeec C /,- .(14.4) Grease Leaks: El Yes t No .,-W (14.5) Refill Acceptable

.Yes (tessthn t%) C -No (greater than to%) q. , If No -.Customer Notified NCR No.: .I,, (14.6) Comments:

J 0 -' I o- Reviewe d: ', Level;: Dlate: q 70 -13 I 31 SQ 12.1 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 295 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 255 of 348 Ni091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data Sheet 6.0 09103/13 Pagel of 1 Revislon.Po Project: TMI 40TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT i (7.3) Tendon No.: -1 59 Tendon End: * "J P j1j Shop E Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: /0. 3 -20 1 Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage

[] Yes X No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

O °F Thermometer No.i .""O- Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp.: O Thermometer No.: P9, 1O4 Re-Cal Date: Pc-Z1-I3 -,, -A (8.4) Anchorhead I.D. : &S 4 Anchorhead Verification!

NMatch 0 No-Match -(8.5) Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete .Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate-_t Complete Partial .... Uncoated % I to 4-( Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

/(8.7) Grease Color Match" [XYes [I No Grease Color: Comments:

Alor', A/&16-3-(8.8) Quantity of Samples .Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? M Yes [I No Location of R'A.H.. 0 B.P. I Shims (q Cap E] Duct Removal (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: 0 gal.(8.9,1) Grease from cap to be reused? (I Yes J4 No 0ty. of Grease removed from cap: , gal. WeplO.3-13 (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

4. , t) gal. b -, (9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

0 Yes t No Describe:

W 3-(10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

,,J,4A1' A , p -a' e A w/A a W/Af+ e,1e.- 16-1-(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: ,.§al.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8)a6_.

+ (8.9)..4D-

+ (8.9.1) L,5_ + (9.6) 4.1) + (10.4) = , TOTAL.(11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data: Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENT.

CKYes E] No 1 QCReviewed:

,,. I/'- Level: Date: 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 296 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 256 of 348 Project: TMI 4 r0TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILL.ANCE UNIT I (7;3) Tendon No,: V/- 1-/5 Tendon End:

E-]Shop Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: , -(7.7)Dry Ice Used on Grease Capand/or Anchorage 0 Yes .No /O/'aq/13 (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

J -°F Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: Ambient Temp.: 69.5 -F Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: I/,/, J.(8.4) Anchorhead ID.: Anchorhead Verification:

j0 Match C1 No-Match (8.5) Grease Coating.Grease Cap- Complete.

Partial Uncoated %Buttbnheads

-Complete Partial Uncoated %,Anchorhead

-Complete Partial Unclated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -i" Complete V/ Partial Uncoated %-Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

  • /.. ..(8.7) Grease Color Match: 0i Yes W No Grease Color /1/. /Comments:

I L e rFA (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2, Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? RYes: ri No Location of [0 A.H. C3 B.P., C1 Shims ,3Cap El Duct Removal (8.9). Qty, of Grease lost during removal of cap: p gai (8.91) Grease from cap lo be reused? Li Yes ,No Cty. of Grease removed from cap: i4, Q gal.(9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage; , _G gal.(9.7) Damage during.cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

Li Yes ,ANo Describe:

, (10.3) Method of. Tendon Protection:

r I.-,/d W 6-*, k.' -r (1.0.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon. duct: (q. ?. / , -gal.(10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8;8) + (8.9) ' + ( {.9.D1) + (9.6) 5 + (10.4) 4t3. (7 I TOTAL (11.1z.2)

Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE REPLACEMENTi mYes QC Reviewed: I V. &4, a = _zz:ýI Level: J r Date: A9 zo 1 13 SO 6.0 TMI. 13 ISt B Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 297 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 257 of 348;C PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6.1 09/03/13:Page 1 of I Revision 0 I Project TMI 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: .Tendon End: El, Shop 9 Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

[I Yes I No Quantity: Sample Taken: U Yes 0] No C] N/A Moisture


En Observable Moisture [] Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

A4/,e'.(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C) Yes [ No Quantity.

0 Sample Taken: [ Yes E] No t] N/A Moisture


[I Observable Moisture [] Significant Moisture [ Not Applicable Comments:


El Yes [Z No Quantity:

o Sample Taken:E, 0 Yes C] No 0 N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture U Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

,/o,,.(9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

E] Yes R] No Quantity:

O Sample Taken: 0 Yes E] No [] N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture I] Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION N/,L-Exelon Notified:

El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE Al//p (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

El es (12.3) Samples stored at: QC Signoff: , / Level: ir Date: o,6'-ZO15' QC Reviewed4:

/ A6..TM Level: L77- De , a 14 SO 6A.1MI.113 is1 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 298 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 258 of 348 Project: TMI 4 0 W" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE , UNIT I (8.1) Tendon No.: -5cl Tendon End: EILLR. E Shop Field (9.5.1) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP.Water Detected:

El Yes ONo Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes C] No IM NIA Moisture


C] Observable Moisture 0 Significant Moisture , Not Applicable Comments: (9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

0 Yes IXNo Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes [] No N N/A Moisture


0l Observable Moisture I!J Significant Moisture RlNot Applicable Comments:.


r1 Yes t3No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes l No: N/A Moisture


E- Observable Moisture dSignifcant Moisture Not Applicable Comments:

A 1../ar (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING Water Detected:

El Yes JANo Quantity: ,I/A Sample Taken: EIlYes El No JM NIA Moisture


C1 Observable Moisture C3 Significant Moisture l Not Applicable Comments:


/~ /f Exelon Notifi d: /d Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

es (12.3), Samples stored at: QC Signoff. Level-F Date: &-3-/Z QC.Reviewed:

_ ._____,_,_______

Level: Jr- Date: 10, t3 14 SQ 6.1.TMI.13 151 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 299 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 259 of 348 N 1091 PSC:PROCEDURE SQ 7.1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0"I Project: TMI -40e YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: VIlSl Tendon End/Buttress No..TOM Anchorage ID.: 10 ?4 ,, Adaptor ID: X-2.EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.E4;Pitch C- Z .(17 _______ -Ent. 2-7I-14 Gb ,,o~-ZI/:

Sei.-o Ext.Major ' ' ..Minor N MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average ,Thrad.. Read 3 d Gb h Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter ,Ext. 1 1 7 Minor (2) 2 Major 2 N/A N/A tnt. 1 NIA NA N/A Minor 2 N/A N/A NA Int. Go Gauge ID: NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: NWA Pitch No-Go Gauge NIA Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA ID: Ulotes: tly Extemal r,-1l Uldi r LU imlraJ -- kreI ',UlWItaLtj

-toitm ;Li (2) External Minor Diameter [Average].

-[2.X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION I Trial 1 I Trial 2 Trial 3 Tral 4 I Adaptor Mark. YIK-Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table 1 I0 I Acceptable? (Yes or No) e QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: W1 gt, "IP 4A-1 Level: -,T Date: /o -3"-Level: C Date: /0 -4/73 Adaptor Mark= Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table I Acceptable? (Yes or No) !/,#_.5 ,'4tg/,- /L).'kiJ 17 SO 7.1 TMI.13 151 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 300 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 260 of 348 r N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8,0 I ANCHORAGE INSPECTION.:

Data Sheet 8.08 09/03113 RECISION ANCE Page I of I Revision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1: (7:3)Tendon.No.:

' S *Tendon End: "u"J.. .[ Shop' 'ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found C] Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal [I Post Re-Tens!oning Q_0 & 1n0n -CflRROSION


9 0 & 10 0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (110.) Cracks .0 Yes 1) o [ N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level- (10.1) Cracks .Yestzl i 0 N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes 1= ) [4o I N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks Cl Yes.(2 1 I El N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: ,12 (10,1) Cracks [] Yes g 2 1 '1o El N/A W t-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. I'l_ Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads 0 .1 Broken/Missing wirelbuttonheads Previously identified as missing[01 Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance

__--_ wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing aOO0 00'\ t 00000000 i /ooooooooooo, 000000ooooo\


0 000000Q000(.-)0\0 00000000 000,000 K00000100000.000 00.00 0000 000 000/0.00-000,0000000




\ \ O:O00 O 0 0 ©0 0 O-.000000>..\ \ooooooo~oo/

\ \ooo~ooo~o~/

/',, \o ooo.oo/(11.2) Anchorhead I.D0.L; ('5 Located on Sketch; IYes El No Bushing I.D. /0 Located on Sketch:: 0:Yes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 41 El Yes [I No Quantity: AdditionallInformation: , k, b -.!- j5 7"'1'4,.It4.

2; , 1. ,r A I (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads

(,): I (8.3) Illumnination source ________ r (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads(0.

9b: _(1124) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

.(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

C Yes ,fNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads.

Seated: 1 0 Wires El No (12.7) Overall Results .Acceptable El Un-Acceplable Customer Notified NCR#: " 0 QC Reviewed:

Level: Date:* al ":J_.18 SQ 8.O;TMI.13.1Sl Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 301 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 261 of 348 H1 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0B 09/03/113 Page I of 1 .Revision r Project:.

TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE Cg UNIT1 (7.3)Tendon No.: V,-. ,5,1?Tendon End; ', Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA Ei As-Found K Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal: C1 Post Re-Tensioning 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: Aj l (10-1) Cracks b":Yes", El NIA (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks 0I Yes (2)Ot [] N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: J.LL (10.1) Cracks EL Y'es(2) 7X []:N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1). Cracks El Yes (2) (M LI N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level-: j=j (10.1) )Cracks LI Yes IXN LI N/A-Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 2 1-Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUrTONHEAQ INSPECTION l Offsize (Malformed)


.I ]wvire/buttonheads\

0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads

____Previously identified as missing , 0OO0Oo "00 Discontinuous

.removed this .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 00 surveillance 00000000.000o wire(s) being removed during this. 00 0 0 0 0 0a 0 0 00 0 GO000000000000 (9 surveflKance for testing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 (11.2) Anchorhead .O. 05 0000000000000O Located on Sketch: RYes lNo 00000.000o 0 000 0 /0x0000.0000000 BushingLD IA. 0 00000000b Located on Sketch: 0 Yes [I No \00000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: sd/ \, EL Yes CI No Quantity: -A Additional Information:

&91*Aim;a (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, Kb: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated:.0 (8.3) Illumination source t(epc iI-dit (12.6). Conlinuity Test Requested?

LI Yes tf No Wir, .Idenlified?VAL es C1 No (12.7) Overall Results V Acceptable LI Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#-QC Reviewed:.(ýý /,a /&z -I Level: Dale: 18 SQ 8O.TMI.13 IS)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 302 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 262 of 348 Project, TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

=UNITI (7,3)Tendon No.: V_Is. Tendon End: ..Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA.E] As-Found El Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal j Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff A90 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A.J1 (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (2) Ido [I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks -l Yes(2) rb [I N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: (10.1) Cracks: E Yes1 2=) a o-io El N/A (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1). Cracks El Yest [2' V d N/A (9.2) Beating Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks. yes.N)ON/A 2 0/O1 0N/1 -Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2)- Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR..'tin -Rtir'rflwI4PAn IN~PFCTlfltJ Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads Previously identified as missing Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) being removed during this surveillance for testing.D )0 0 b000 00.0000000.000 1000000000000 0000000000000 000q000000000008')

(0,)0000000 000000 DO00000000

~000000!.0 0 0 00 0/(11.2) Anchorhead 1.D., 4Ll%Located on Sketch: 0 Yes [I No Bushing I.DO 1_8__ _....Located on Sketch: 91 Yes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: ElYes 0lNo Quantity: Additional Information:

,%(444* t/.-A/4 7 1 .1 I j I I (12:2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): O (8.3) Illumination source a o_ _(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, _): _(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing. Buttonheads:

J (12:6) Continuity Test Requested

? El Yes O No (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: (LA._ Wires tdentified?!

jYes 0 No (12:7) Overall Results jOAcceptable Cl Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: QC Reviewed: Level'Date: I 18. SO 8.0.TMI.13 ISI.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 303 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 263 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A 09/03113: Page I of 1:,Revision 0 I i .1. iiii ii i ii ,, ... ..Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE C9UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: -Tendon End: CA , I YField ANCHORAGE INSPECTION.

CRITERIA _... ....Qq As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal C3 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheada Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (,1 No 0I N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks [I Yes (2.) 1A No 0. NIA (9.2) Shims Level: ' (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes 1 2 No [I NIA (9.2) Bearing Plate Level:l (10.1) Cracks C] Yes () JNo [NIA -A37 (- Corroslon Level of C requires a NCR. t 2 1 Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAO INSPECTION I Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated F 1 wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 0000000 0 Previously Identified as missing 000 0 0 0000 00000000000


-removed this / 000000000000 surveillance.

QI000-00000000 w0re(s) removed during this 00000000000000 81 surveillance for testing 0000000000000



0000000000000 (11,2) Anchorheadi.D..

b.q 0.00000o000 00000.... t O0O000000 0000 Located on Sketch: ,&Yes [I No 000000000000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: a00000000000 0 Yes [I No Quantity:-

.A 00.0000:0 Additional Information:

/____ ___"__-_----____0-3" I (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): 4. (8.3) Illumination source O,. r- ýt ! F't .ri" (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 5~ : (12.4). Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

C] Yes ONo.(12.5)I Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Jjp3 Wires Identified?/AYes C3 No (12.7) Overall Results ,Acceptable E) Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: C I Q0 Reviewed:

j/ # , Level:.. Date: 0 I8 SQ 8.0,TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 304 of 1008 4ý.

REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 264 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A I 09/03/13 ANCE Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE .UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: t .Tendon End: " Field ANCHORAGE; INSPECTION CRITERIA, 0 As-Found C&. Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal. C Post Re-Tensioning QZC. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1). Cracks [ Yes!= 4No 0- N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level:. (1.0.1) Cracks El Yes (2) j4No 0 NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks E0 Yes (2) l No [3 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: (10.1) Cracks C Yes (A1 No El NIA (1). Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR: (2)Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR...........I-RUTTONHEAD INSPECTION Offsize (Malformed)

Protrudingiunseated W wire/buttonheads 0 Broken!missing WireioUttonheads Previously Identified as missing-removed this C-0.0000000 00000000 00000000000

0.0 0000000000

)00000000,0oo000 0000000000000 0000000000.0:00 000000000000 0O0000000000.

0000000000000 000.000000000 00000000000 00000000 0,000000 (11.2) Anchorhead I.D, L0 t/4 Located on Sketch: [0 Yes C] No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found://I C1 Yes C[ No Quantity:

/Additional Information: .wa, -A.ek k4..'N .7/-/,.A/0 Qldqýt IA!(12.2) Number of Protruding Bultonheads (m,): (8.3) Illumination source ,l-yj .(12.3)Number .of Missing Buttonheads (0:, B: (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing (12,6) Continuity Test Requested?

0 Yes C3 No: (12.5). Total # of Effective Buttonheads.Seated:

Wires Identified?

[]eesAN. .o ('12.7).Overall Results PtAcceptable

0) Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCRA: /V 1 QC Reviewed:-A/. Y 4a-Level: Date: i/- Z153 18 SQ 8,01*MI: 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 305 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 265 of 348 N 1891 PSC PROCEDURE SO 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION.Data Shoot 6.0A 09/03/13 PRECISION LANCE Page I of T Revision 0.Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE (UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: \JX. .,

End: .Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA ..... ...0i As-Found [1i Post Do-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal ( Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION.&

CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks El Yes 2) No [ N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level.: (10.1) Cracks []Yes [ No Li N/A (9.2) Shims Leve:' A (10.1) Cracks *Cyes:'1 fNo rI N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: l (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes [ laNo [I N/A ( L till.Corroslin Level of C requires a iCR. t 2 1 Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet8.0 and initiate a NCR..11. 0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offsize (Malformed)

,-Protruding/unseated L ]wirelbuttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 0 0*, Previously identified as missing 0 0 00 0 000-0000.o0000bb V F___ Discontinuous

-removed this. 00000000000, [V'7OK7".'"1' surveillance.

0000000000 O /wire(s)*removed during this 0 000.0 00 0 00 0 00 0 surveillance for testing ....OO(0000000000000'O.C 0000D0000000:0.

00000000000000 (11.2)Anchorheadl.O.

3OOOOO OOooooooooo o0o Located on Sketch: M Yes 0 No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 00 0 0 0 0 D LYes LNo Quanlity:

VA 0000000 0000"00000D Additional Information:

(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads(0, : (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

\ (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

[I Yes Li No (12.5) Total # of Effective Butlonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

LI Yes No (12.7) Overall Results RAcceptable C] Un-Acceptable Customer Notfied NCRt: 10- -oC Reviewed:

Leve: Date: 18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 306 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 266 of 348 Project: TMV2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 Tendon No,: Tendon End:': .fjnp. C] Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. tA,(A-6 4&' 1i0CAd 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document.

the location on the sketch..3. Sketch all cracks, Including other defects, existingon the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24.inches from the edge of the bearing plate..4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with: Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon aetroval;On Hoop and dome this edge is up.Vertical Tendon, this is toward the center of the containment.

toj~tsC~~k faL (OtA54L &'P. 4he.. e)(4 .i 4WA..Me,-' V;Ab. CrAckS.E&powL ge~qr;.. £s .Auxiliary Light Source used: C Yes[XNo, (7.3) Illumination source:, CC",,;Ol (7.5) Cracksa 0.010' 17 Yes No Quantity:

_ Max. Width: Max:Length:

NCRK : QC Insp~ector:

j Level: Date: jC Reviewed: (i/A (" P j -Level: 7 Date: / qJJ1"lg SO 8.3 TMI.13 ISI, Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 307 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 267 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION.DATA SHEET SQ 8.3 09/03/13 Page I of 1 RevIsion 0 I Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE " UNIT 1 Tendon No.: V/ (¢J\ Tendon End: C- -F 0"Shop ( Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. ..L1- 7Z. Ot A,7T'T I. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch;3. Sketch all cracks including other defects, existing on the concrete In the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate..4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches, document condition on an Nonconformnance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.On Hoop and dome this edge is $. -\ * "---.... K up.. .. .. s Vertical Tendon. this Is toward the center of the containment.

Auxiliary Light Source used: 1. Yes[] No (7.3) Illumination source: (7.5) Cracks a 0.010" E)Yes jKNo Quantity:,AJ/

Max. Width:t " Max Length: NCR#, QC Inspector:

Level:. ,zz/" Date:.XCReviewed9.

S Level: Date:T 3 19 SQ 8.3 TMI.l13 ISI 0 Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 308 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 268 of 348 Project: T1i 4 0 Tm YEAR TENDONSURVEILLANCE 19 Unit 1 (7.6)Tendon No.:. V-/ ... Tendon End: .IgShop : Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA:

Q.C. *(9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

19 -. Thermometer No.: ST'-1Z0. Recal Date: l0 ,-.-.l"3*AmbientTemp.:

-If F ThermometerNo.:

PKg .64 Recat Date:.______________

(9;4) Anchorhead andStressing Adapter Threads: [] Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: .....___9__.(96). Anchorhead and.Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment:

^2 Acceptable 0l Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: q4W .Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: 231..14-1 K= -, Z4.Gauge ID: q Recal Date: Daily Check: .., (9,8) Shim Stack Height: *#1 in. #2 .4,7 in. Ruler ID:. Recal Date: Individual Shims: Stack #1: 4 4 42.I'/, in. Stack #2: 44 1q.2., .A[ in, (9.9)Lift-0ff Overstress Force (LOSF): .j.j kips Pressure: 67,,7, psi k(9.0) PF:jf.4 ips 95%P: 90%PF: /o.01 kipsp. Psi: .444.1.6e) psi, (9.11.5) AsaFound Lift-Off (9.11.13)

Circled Values stack#1: 1> 414t psi Stack#2- 1) psi 2) 4146 psi 2) q'%0 psi 2) .....29.o ps .i-3) £jiaV psi 3) I 0 psiP5 3) 01~30 psi (19.11.13)

End Average Force (this end).: l1-4 55 kip\,,,/ Average: psi (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end):. q kips (91 1.15) Average Liftoff (ALV) jj:1j "kips (9.1 1.16) Liftoff (ALV) Acceplance Criteria:.

a) MAdceptable ALV is 2 95% PF.b) El Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALVis < 95%PF but!> 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) [] Unacceptable

-ALV is .< 90%PF. Document on a NCR. , NCR Required.

"- Yes (M No Customer Notified NCR No.:. A (9.11 ..17) Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offs (Note: Use a separate.Data Sheet. 9.0 to document Liftoff fores)Adi Tendon:. _' Acceptable

-ALV s 95% of.PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: restored to within -01+60 %of PF, but in nol case, no greater than 0,.70 GU s LAd Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified' El Yes El.No NamelDate:

_ __ __'___b) Adi Tendon: [-E Unacceptable-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condition b).- Adj Tendon: on a NCR.n" D dTonCustomer Notified NCR No.: .,)-Adj Tendon; El Unacceptable-ALV<.,90%

of PF for either tendon. Document the condition c) l-cAdj Tendon: a____ n a NCR.Customer Notified NCR No.: _ _ _ _ _ a/. 13 QC. Reviewed Level.-. Date:.21 SQ9.0 TMI.13.ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 309 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 269 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ10.2 TEST WIRE REMOVAL Data Sheet 10.2 P S,, 09103/13 PRECISION ANCE. Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 40T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 Tendon No.: V, 1.5q Tendon End: 7 ,- Shop 0 Field Removal Date: Inspection Date: gL) 3 -.WIRE REMOVAL INSPECTION CORROSION INSPECTION


Document the Corrosion Category for each 10' of wire in the increments below. Use Categodes described in PSCSQ 8.0.For Corrosion Level C document condition on an NCR. NCR Req'd: (ZNO [] YES NCR#(

Document the total length of the wire on the diagram below. Completed:

Li NO (Z YES~ Buttonhead End Z.- WV N V. ..V .V V .V ..( .r ..W.V .w ..V .WVV .t V V .....U ..7 ..U.. V W WV.1* 001 ( o O i' 10' 20' 30'30' 40' 50' 60'60' 70' 80' 90'qb 10' 40ir IM, o( Zlbb 110 120'.., AA.*..........

.u .. .. -,.,,,,, a............

£ X...... .a.......

.... ~ ,,,SL.....

A,,,.120' 130' 140' 150'150' 160' 170' .4$,p/E. 3 /'t't.://'

1R.19' , 200' 210'-r-,~~......

, 210' 220' 230' 240'240' 250' 260' 270'270' 280' 290' 300'300' 310' 320' 330'Cut End (8.524.62)

Was the wire cut for samples: C1 NO .YES document the area of removal above using symbol X.(8.7) Document the location of wire removed on Data Sheet* 8.0, ANCHORAGE INSPECTION:

' Completed (8.8) Measuring Device: ,¶j/,I d_-.. ID Number: R. , Recal Date: J, _1q (8.8) Wire Pull Ram ID Number ,V/A.Inspector:

Level: Date: ./ 2e9" )QCi leviewed Level: Date: 25 SQ 10.2 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 310 of 1008 Project: TMI 40Th YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

' Unit 1: .Unit 2 (9.3)Tendon No.: i/-i59 Tendon End: .._. ____. __ jShop C Field (9.4) Temp. of Concrete:

OF Thermometer No.- Sr IO.?-" RecalDate:

-621-13 Ambient Temp.:. F ThermometerNo,:

PK- b64 Recal Date: ie'-i5 (9:5) :Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: Acceptable El Unacceptable


QC Signoffs (9.6) Number of Effective Wires: _ _ __,_,_(from Data Sht.,8.0)(9.7) Anchorhead and Stre sing Adapter Engagement/Alignment: Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.7.3) RAM iD: Recat Date: 4A-RAMArea:

.23I, 4 1'n ' -K).h9 Gauge ID: C Recal Date: h Daily Check: , 3 Calculated Force for Elongation Measurement and Retensioning using formula below NOTE: Stress during Lift-Off should not exceed 9.425 kips per effective wire or 1592 kips for a 169 wire tendon.(9.8.4) PTF.= 207 kips Pressure:

AI, psi Step It job. kips. Pressure:.

344./ psi Elongation:

'in.Step 2 120 kips Pressure:

5 psi Elongation: iZ in;LOFz / .31 kips OSF= _14&.4 kips Pressure:

/-'W 6OPsi Pressure:

15j ,.'1 psi I jive B_Elongation:

J;Z... in.P =(F-K) x1000 A Key: F.= Force (kips)A = Ram Area (in)P = Gauge Pressure (psi)K = Constant factor (kips)(CAUM *`K7 constants can be either positive or negative.)

/de; 4~yot 6 F&' Y6P _IjiAi 4A~d/&id Ie- A'W S 4 o~f '/z!~uh~ j~ 3-q~)-t2l n4 4ekp exd, (A~eL) ~A ~ I %h~r-i /~- 4-1' 4k/-I~~ ///o0(~AIVCV e-xi QC Reviewed: (U/- ze za"4,ýLevel: .Date: p V I 28 SQ 11ý0 TMII 3 ISIdoc Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 311 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 271 of 348 Ni 091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 11.0 RETENSION TENDONS.DATA SHEET SQ 11.0 09103113 Page 2 of 2 Revision r -Project: TMI 40 T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE 1 Unit I 0 Unit2 (9.3)Tendon k/15 Teendon End: ______ 50 Shop C) Field Actual Observed Force and Elongation Measurements using formula below Q DC Signoffrs (

PTF= 2,0,1j kips Pressure:, Is(o psi (D Elongation:

i (

Step 1: I t,/0 kips, Pressure:

3 4,56 psi Elongation:

im (9.9.6,!)

Step 2 1,J00',0 kips. Pressure:

..p psi Elongation:ij.


OSF = ..I , kips Pressure: ( i O psi 0D Elongation-

/ , -/ Ax P F = A +K 1000 (.9... ) j .in. Elongation Value (this end)(9.9.9) l in._ Elongation Value (opposite end)(9.9,10) /,3 in. TOTAL Tendon Elongation Value (

Elongation O 4j 4,4&% RulerID: j? .4 RecalDate:

1(-9,,13 (99,12.3)

Elongation Results JS Acceptable C] Unacceptable Customer Notified NCR No N ..Options Original Lift-off Values from Data Sheet SQ 9.0 A Lift-off < Predicted Force 2 Use Predicted Force 0 + 6%a Lift-off > Predicted Force Use Lift-off -0 + 6%C Lift-off > 67% GUTS C) Use 70% + 0 -3% GUTS (effective wires)D Lift-off > 70%1 GUTS C1 Use 70% + 0 -3% GUTS (effective wires)(9.10.5) LOF Acceptable Range Min Max As found lift-offlor predicted (highest):

115 kips. IgS, Sj kips From: 4 q .psi Toe psi 2, -.3.J3 (910,) Actual Lift-Off (9.10.8) Circled Values Stack #1: 1) 6'2y)psi Stack #2: 1psv 1) 5I2YJ Psi 2) ps~i ps 2) 5,?_O psi 3) 15 Z 2p si 3 ~ 3)si~ s (9.10.8) Force .(this end): kips Actual Average: 57zX,> psi (9.10.9) Force (opposite end): .ý4 kips (9.10.10)Tendon ALV Farce 1.29_1,.-3 kips (9.10.11)

ALV Acceptable:

0 Yes C) No Customer Notified NCR No.: (9. 10. 15) Additional broken/missing wires:' gNo U) Yes Amount: ,,.-(9.10.16)

Additional Protruding/Unseated wires: ,qNo El Yes Amount: ,, If. Yes- Customer Notified NCR No.: (9.10.17)

Final ShimStackL Height: #1 ,in. #2:.. Dtn: ,,,C/ Reviwed Leel -I Dae /0 ....a g,,,--28 SOQ 1,0 TMI.13 iSl.doc W Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 312 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 272 of 348 IN1091. PSO PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 IREPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0< PORECI ANCE 09103/13 Page. 1 of1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 40P YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Tendon End: 7 Shop El Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: GREASE CAP SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: GASKET MATING SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: STUD/BOLT HOLES PROPERLY PREPARED: FOREIGN MATERIAL EXCLUSION CONTROLLED;[ NO El NO C3 NO C- NO[I-NO COMMENTS A wt-CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF h/., -. Date: 31 QC Reviewed: Level: Date: /IV , tf-/3 w 30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 IS)W 30 SO 12,0 TMI,13 IS)Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 313 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 273 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 12.0 REPLACE GREASE CAP Data Sheet 12.0.* 09/03113 PRECISION ANCE Page l of 1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 TH YEARTENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: -Tendon End: V-Jk ) l- Shop Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA BEARING PLATE SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: El NO GREASE CAP SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED: .YES .3 NO GASKET MATING SURFACE PROPERLY PREPARED:



[2 YES El NO COMMENTS A CREW FOREMAN SIGNOFF _______ _______ Date: La'.lJ-'QC Reviewed:

14Z 49.L# Level: Date:/_-______

30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 314 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 274 of 348 Project: TMIA 4 0 m YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: GREASE REPLACEMENT QC SIGNOFFS (8.4) Grease Used N NEWý OLD- TEST DATE: 0 ACCEPTABLE F'APPROVAL LETTER 8.0 PREREQUISITES' DATED:.(8.5) Total Grease Loss from Data Sheet 6.0 for 1. A-L *tendon end:. 11.q 0" gal. ....(8.8) Total Grease Loss from. Data Sheet 6.0 for TO tendon end:. -g /0-3-3 (8.7) Estimated grease losses from leaks for t, 'ty tendon end: jai.(8.8) Estimated grease losses from leaks for tendon end:gl,1 (8.9) TOTAL Tendon Grease Loss: "w. gal.12.0 INITIAL PRESSURE PUMPING (12.0) Ambient Temp.: "97 oF Thermometer ID: .KA Recal Date: , (12.7) Grease Temp.:- 220 F Thermometer ID: J K. Recal 0ate-. fl (12.9) !a Grease. Height (a) 'S in. (12.14) FEn4 Grease Height (b) i , in.(12.16) Total amount of Grease Pumped7 77 gal. ta-b)xi.?7.

into the _,________,__

end (12.18) Quantity:of Waste Grease: , 0 gal: (12.17) Was Exit Achieved?

EYeS O-NO.1.12.19)

Total Grease 89 edthis-end: 7:t gal;. Ifno, Pressure Hetd for A*,.g/ psi gfifziAL_1-ITO-"ND PUMPING -SECOND END(If necessary)

(1316) Ambient e .5F Thermometer I: _ Recal Date: (13.7) Grease Temp.: .F__mometer I: Recal Date: (13.9) Initial Grease Height (a) in. .12) Grease Height (b) in.(13.14) Total amount of Grease added* A, .(ab) x 1,77th end (13.18) Quantity of Waste Grease: / al. (13,15) I-IPoured.

0 Han d (13.17) Total Grease Replaced this end' If gal. _i 14.0 CALCULATION OF PRESSURE PUMPING.. .... .... ...... .....(14.1) Total Tendon Grease Replaced::

777.1 .gal. (12.19 + 13.1)(14.2) NetTendon Duct GreaseVolume.:

R oq gat. 'SO 2.2 -,"I- SEwwovEs, & Is Ten. MRcOu Vo Total Tendon Replaced (14.1)- Total Tendon Loss (8.9)(.14.3) Percent WJIlerer (14.4) Grease Leaks: (14.5) Refill Acceptabl inn =. Of. £N- 0/. 1liff-r,,.,.

Nat.Tendon Duct Grease Volume (142) -' .0 Yes No e: X Yes 0ess than ioýj) 0 No (gfeaterthan 10r%If'No -Customer Notified NCR No.: A~~eei~(14.6) Comments: 7).Ma Q C Reviewed:

! ..Level: Date:.i 31 SO. 12.1 TMI. 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 315 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 275 of 348 Project: TMi 4 0 TH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE JR UNIT!*(7.3) Tendon No.; Tendon End: ,krs ,b : Shop -Field Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: 10. -1, 0 -201 (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage 0l Yes CO No (7.8) Temp. of Concrete:

4 1 7F Thermometer No.: 102- Re-Cal Date: t10 1- I" AmbientTemp.:

Oe 0 F Thermometer No.: 'a. t Re-Cal Date: (8.4) Anchorhead I.D.: i/bi Anchorhead Verification: (K Match 0 No-Match (8.5): Grease Coating Grease Cap -Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads

-Complete /j Partial Uncoated %Anchorhead

-Complete 4- Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Bearing Plate -Complete =/ Partial Uncoated %(1)- Limited within the inside diameter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:.

(8.7) Grease Color Match: KYes 0 No Grease Color. )/LtJ, Comments:

Alo,/-o (8.8) Quantity of Samples 2. Quart Samples identified per Step 8.8.1? 0 Yes El No Location of 91 A.H. E B.P. 0 Shims lRCap L3 Duct Removal I (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: , gal.(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? [] Yes J No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: " (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

1.0 gal.(9.7) Damage during cap removal or anchorage cleaning?

[I Yes Co No Describe:

,10Ae, (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

JAPIIA.AA 111 J 4 1W kL A 9*,e CA ( ,A ew 4AA 6A .(10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal, (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below):

+ (8.9.i) 6..£'+(9.6)1L.0

  • (10.4) .& = _____. TOTAL (11.1.2) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12,1, GREASEREPLACEMENT.

&Yes QC Reviewed:.

0L lqlý,ýLevel: .: Date: y ///I.0 13 SO 6.0 TrMl.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 316 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 276 of 348 Ni09l PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.0 GREASE CAP REMOVAL Data.S~heet 8.0 09103113 I. eN ACPagel'of I R SNCRevision (1, Project: TMI 40T YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE.

QUNIT 1 (7.3) Tendon No.: 1z/'6'-3'/

Tendon End: Al4 4l -'Shop l]JField Grease Cap Removal (7.6) Date Removal Started: /6 -20 21 !5 Q.C. Signoff (7.7) Dry Ice Used on Grease Cap and/or Anchorage.

0 Yes t9 No (7.8) Temp, of Concrete:

O, F Thermometer No.: 167 Re-Cal Date: -n .' 75 Ambient Temp,: OF Thermometer No.: Re-Cal Date: .-(8.4),AnchorheadI.D.:

FY36 01.3t) Anchorhead Verification:

O.Match, 0 No-Match, (8.5) Grease Coating Grease:Cap

-- Complete Partial Uncoated %Buttonheads-Complete Partial _Uncoated


-Complete Partial Uncoated %Shims -Complete Partial Uncoated %Beadrng Plate -:0) Complete Partial Uncoated .. % , ., SLimited within the inside diemeter of the grease cap.(8.6) Unusual Conditions:

A,/o te-(8.7) 4Yes CJ No Grease Color.Comments:

AhA.(8.8),Quantity of Samples -.Quart Samples identified:per Step 8,8.17 0 Yes [I No Location of 12A.H. 0l B.P. IZ.Shims Q Cap O Duct Removal 413 (8.9) Qty. of Grease lost during removal of cap: ,.r'gal*(8.9.1) Grease from cap to be reused? 0Yes [0No Qty. of Grease removed from cap: 4 p gal., .4 (9.6) Qty. of Grease removed from anchorage:

p, gal.(9.7) Damage during capremoval or anchorage cleaning?

E0 Yes 14 No Describe:

gee i0; -a (10.3) Method of Tendon Protection:

1 4 A Aco s u lA tu) Q1VR (10.4) Amount of Grease Loss from Tendon duct: gal 4 (10.5) Total quantity of lost grease (below): (8.8) t2 .* (8.9) * (8:9.1) .+ (9.8) + (10.4) .-0 = ._ TOTAL Iv.., (11 12) Document TOTAL grease lost on Data Sheet 12.1, GREASE. REPLACEMENT gi Yes: C1 No JR. ,'QC Reviewed:

£5, Level: bate:, 13 SQ 6.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 317 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 277 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ.6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER: Data Sheet 6.1 09103113 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Water Detected:

L i Yes!N Qun ity: i i apeTkn iYs E o~Project:u TMI40Tio YEAR TENDON SURVEIsLLANCE S UNIT (8.C) Tendon Not: 14/O/ 14 Tendon LShop C] Field (9.51) DURING REMOVAL OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:

CL Yes V&No Quantity: ) Sample Taken: El Yes [I No Z) N/A Moisture


C] Observable Moisture [I Significant Moisture Applicable Comments:

Alo ...(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

0i Yes Quantity:

L) Sample Taken: -i Yes Li No NIA Moisture


C1 Observable Moisture Li Significant Moisture Not Applicable Comments: (9,7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Water Detected:

.[] Yes WNoo Quantity:

...._. __Sample Taken: 0l Yes Li No [i N/A Moisture


Li Observable Moisture ni Significant Moisture i Not Applicable Comments: t9.9. 1) DURING DETENS1IONING Water Detected:

n- Yes 06 No Quantity:

Sample Taken: []Yes. F1 No E] N/A Moisture Description;

-] Observable.


-Significant Moisture El Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION Exelon Notiledi El Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE 4/A (12.2) Samples adequately identified:

Li Yes (12.3) Samples stored at: QCeSignoff:

I .-L. ..Level: 0 Date: ,O12. 3 QO Reviewed:______________

Level: tt Date:_____

14 SO 6.I.TM1.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 318 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 278 of 348 PRECISI~ N, ANGE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 6.1 INSPECT FOR WATER Data Sheet 6,1 09103113 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0, v Project: TMI 40rH YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE

[ UNIT 1 (8.1) Tendon No.: 14 W,- 3 L4 Tendon End: ' l Shop C4 Field (9.5.1),DURING REMOVAL.OF GREASE CAP Water Detected:.

C] Yes [ No Quantity:

O Sample Taken: El Yes C1 No f9 NIA MoistureDescrption:

[I Observable Moisture ElSignificant Moisture 'J Not Applicable Comments:

WoIU-e-(9.6.1) INSIDE GREASE CAP Water Detected:

C] Yes 0 No Quantity: Sample Taken: El Yes -" No [ N/A Moisture


El Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture j Not Applicable Comments: (9.7.1) AROUND TENDON ANCHORAGE COMPONENTS Watkir Ml Yes faNn Oirnntitvhr

,% nmnlm Tln- rF l Vo= r- 1i7 % r KMIA Moisture


El Observable Moisture E] SignificantMoisture Comments'.

Amy:$(M Not Applicable (9.9.1) DURING DETENSIONING I/Water Detected:

0l Yes E[ No Quantity:

Sample Taken: El Yes El No 0l NIA..Moisture


E] Observable Moisture El Significant Moisture E] Not Applicable Comments: (11.1) NOTIFICATION te Exelon Ntified: l] Yes Individual Name: Date: SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION AND STORAGE ./(12.2) Samples adequately identitied:

E] Yes: (12,3) Samples stored at QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: g I Level: [)Date: Level: I Date: 2/14 SQ 6.1.TM1.f1 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 319 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 279 of 348 N109.1. PSG PROCEDURE SQ7T1 INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION DATA SHEET 7.1 09/03/13 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 I Project TMI -40' YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE Tendon No.: Anchorage ID.:* 4 &_.:3 Tendon End/Buttress No.: Adaptor ID:.e.I EQUIPMENT MICROMETER WIRE SHIMS Thread MIc ID Recal Date ID No. Recal Date ID No. Recal Date Ext.Major INZ-1 1 Ext.Pitch ( 5- -? 2-7-: ,.CI /04 j -o 13 Sor 9 .0-29-13 Ext.Minor (¢..- S. I4 L " OZ."i-3 S t tr , ,1-ai--3 Int. AN Major _______fInt. N/A NIA MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3 , Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1 -U?4 ALJJ qL !1.3 a Major 2 66'3 L3,..v.T6 Major 2 NSA C __._NIA Int. I N/ M N/A NIAJ Minor 2 NIA NIA N/A Int. Go Gauge ID: N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: NIA Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A Result: N/A ID: Notes: (1) External Pitch Diameter [Averagel

-LWire Constant]

-(Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter (Average], -[2X Wire Diameter]

-[Shim Size]DISPOSITION t I Triall I Trial2 1 Trial3 1 Trial4 1 Adaptor Mark -( I 1 Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table V, &Z2 Acceptable? (Yes or No) .QC Signoff: QC Reviewed: W.Level: Date:. C -zOI3 Level: -" Date:. 4 , I 1111111111111F 17 SO.7.1 TMIVI. 3 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 320 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 280 of 348 Project: TMI -4Dm YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE TendonN o.: ,kIL Tendon End/Buttress No.: S Anchorage ID.: FILi:L) : AdaptorID:


WIRE. SHIMS Thread MIc ID Reiai Date ID No.. Recall Date. ID No. Recal Date Ext..Major 9-________.Ext Int..Major NANA Int. N/A N/A MEASUREMENTS THREAD Wire Wire Shim Average Thread Read 3' 6 h Average Constant Diameter Size Diameter Ext. 1, 4 .X ,5 " Major 2 1.' q.1 q .337 Ext. I .5.2q Pitch (1) __2 I j5'N___Ext. 9___ 7_ _Major 2 N/A I__N/A Int. 1 N/A N/A N/A Minor 2 N/A. NIA N/A Int.. Go Gauge 10: NIA ROWa Date: N/A Result: N/A Pitch No-Go Gauge N/A Recal Date: N/A. Result: N/A ID: Notes (1) _xtemal Pitch uDameter [Averagei

-[Wire Constant]

-(Shim Size](2) External Minor Diameter [Average]

-(2 X Wire Diameter]

-(Shim Size]DISPOSITION Trial I TrIal 2 Trial 3 ITrial4 OC Signoff: QC Reviewed: Adaptor Mark Min. Minor Diameter from Adaptor Table a 2-.Acceptable? (Yes or No) ye t -, I+ _0 .....Level: : Date: -Level. D'ate: 17 SO 7;1'TMI.13.1SI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 321 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 281 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SO 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.08 09/03/13 PRCO Page 1 of 1 Revision r Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE JUNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: /7 4f Tendon End: i #..s5 [ Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIAAs-Found -' Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning 0.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level; (10.1) Cracks El 1 o El N(A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: (10.1) Cracks [] Yes (2) No E N/A (9.2) Bushing Level: A (10.1) Cracks Cl Yes, [No. C N/A (9.2) Shims Level: .(10,1.) Cracks [] Yes t 2) [1 gN [I N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: A (10.1) Cracks: 0 Yes(2 =) [ o [E NIA tl) Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. (2) Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and Initiate a NCR.11.0'- BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION 0 Offslze (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated W wre/butlonheads/

0 Broken/mIssing Wire/buttonheads

.------.'-Previously identified as missing 00000 000/ 0000000000 Discontinuous

-removed this / /)O0000.000O 005J5)00 surveillance 00OOO O 0OO.O wire(s) being removed during this 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0000 surveillance for testing 0) 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 00 00< \000000.O000000/

(11.2) Anchorhead l.D. 0 0 0000 -%o0 Located on Sketch: Yes 000No .0000000o O000\0 000000000/00 Bushing I.D. \100000000'00o00 Located on Sketch: Yes 0l No-. 00000000/(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found:,I/, .//El Yes El No Quantity: Additional Information:

5Ik4,47 (12.2) Number of Protruding Bultonheads (w): (83) Illumination source (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, 9b: ___(12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

_ _(12.6) Continuity T est Requested

? El Yes KNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: Wires Identified?

es [- No (12.7) Overall Results MAcceptable El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified:

NCR#: A-1, QC Reviewed::( Level: .~ Date: /a 18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISI " Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 322 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 282 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION.

Data Sheet 8.08 1P -09103113 lPRECISION LANCE Page 1: of 19.lRevision r-Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE ItUNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: Tendon End: 2 ]Shop ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA.El As-Found ( Post De-Tensioning

/ Pre-Wire Removal C1 Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10.0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: 4J! (10.1) Cracks [] es () EINo UN/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: AL (10:1) Cracks 1 Y60.t 2) El No 0l NIA (92) BuShing Level: A (10.1) Cracks [I Yes 1 2 1) El No 11 NIA (9.2) Shims LeveVI (10.1) Cracks []1Yes 1 2) C3 No [E N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate. Level: AJ (10.1) Cracks. El Yes.(2) El No El N/A .1 *i* Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. 12) Compose a: sketch of the cracks on Sketch ,Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.I1 i. n -TTnNtI4;:An I mWFCttnfm 0 Offslze (Malformed)

Protrudinglunseated wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wireibuttonheads Previously identified as missing m Discontinuous

-removed this surveillance wire(s) beingremoved during this~I ;surveillance for testing (11.2) Anchorhead I.D.Located on Sketch: [KYes El No Bushing I.D. 1 I PE Located on Sketch: 4¥Yes El No (11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: N A Cl Yes [E No Quantity:

/Additional Information: (f4 ,,fi b -2\ta" 00000000/ .OOOOQOO C,O \0000000006000 0:000000(00ooo0 0 0 0000 o 0 0000000 0)O.O.O. 0 00000000 000/0000000000000 O:O ©0.0 0'D0 00 D0000 0.0 0,1 O00000000C.000 W 0 0 0o oD o a 0o -..oD01 0000O00000000 00000000000/

/'\, 00000000 / /"K)O..0 0Zc.o0>--" 5//-v-I-, (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (1213) Number of Missing. Buttonheads (0 ,K: (.12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

(12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: 0 u~I (8.3) Illumination source 041 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

El Yes No Wires identified?j%4,s El No (12.7) Overall Results %.Acceptabte El Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCR#: o OC Reviewed: A"It'-1 Level: WT Date:. ////Q.J3 I I'18 SQ 8.0.TMI. 13. ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 323 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 283 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.0A 09103/13 Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT 1 (7.3)Tendon No.: H L/ -, Tendon End: Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA As-Found C1 Post De-Tensioning

/ Pro-Wire Removal U Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 0.0!% 10.0_ -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: (10.1) Cracks E0 Yes:'= I(2) o 0 N/A (9.2) Anchorhead Level: A (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes (1 Z I 0NIA (9.2) Shims LeVel: (10.1) Cracks 0 Yes. 121 LN,. C]0 N/A (9.2) Bearing Plate Level: 0(10.1) Cracks NI Yes l iiio N/A , -, 1 Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. "'t Compose a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.11.0 -BUTTONHEAD INSPECTION

.Ofsize (Malformed)


..._ wire/buttonheads 0 Broken/missing wire/buttonheads 7, 0* OOOOO000 Previously Identified as missing 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0'm Discontinuous

-removed this 00000000.0

.000000000.000 surveillance.

toV 0000000000000 wire(s) removed during this 0>0 00 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 surveillance for testing 0000000000000.

..... ....O.O000000000000 , 0000000000000.


Fo' ( o0000000000006 000000000000-0 Locatedon Sketch: QYes ONo 000000000000-(11.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: 00 ,". 00 00 0"0

  • 0 ()0.0 0 0 Iv Yes EJNo Quantity:

0000000 Additional Information:

(12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): (8.3) Illumination source. CCI','cI 041, (12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0 ,: 91 (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0 (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

(] Yes & No (12.5) Total # of Effective Bultonheads Seated:: J g Wires Identifiedq Yes [1 No (12.7) Overall Results AAcceptable 0 Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCRf#: .ý4 /1 QC Reviewed: .9 Level: ...zr Date:..., ,,,__ ,, 3 I8 SO 8.0.TMI 13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 324 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 284 of 348 00"PRSIO10w~

ANCE N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.0 ANCHORAGE INSPECTION Data Sheet 8.OA 09/03/13 Page1 of.1 Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE

.UNIT I (1.3)Tendlon.No.:

aktTendon End: M&. Field ANCHORAGE INSPECTION CRITERIA*C1 As-Found 0 Post De-Tensioning I Pre-Wire Removal El Post Re-Tensioning Q.C. Signoff 9.0 & 10,0 -CORROSION

& CRACK INSPECTION (9.2) Buttonheads Level: A (10.1) Cracks C1 Yes. M" No 0 NIA.(9.2) Anchortead Level: -(10.1) Cracks 0] Yes (2 [RN. [I NIA (9.2) Shims Level: (10.1) Cracks []-Yes ( o, [J N/A (9.2). Bearing Plate Level- .2I. (10.1) Cracks A Yes ( E[ NIA Corrosion Level of C requires a NCR. t 2 lCompose.a sketch of the cracks on Sketch Sheet 8.0 and initiate a NCR.we 13 .Offsize (Malformed)

Protruding/unseated Swre/buttonheads L 6F-re-A 0 Broken/missing wireibuttonheads-I 4 Previously identified as missing-removed this/1 0000000: 00000.000 00000000000 000000000000., 0000000000000 00000:000000000 00000.00000000:

00000000000000 0000000000000:

00.000000000000 00000.0000:0000 00000000000.0 00000000000.

00000000 000o000 (11.2) Anchorhead l.D.Located on Sketch: El Yes [I No (i1.4) Missing Buttonheads Found: ,/C0 Yes n No Quanti : Additional.


t, dAII<.,, LJ.. -. .z'f, U , 4- lo L -. 77 "$ J (12.2) Number of Protruding Buttonheads (w): Q (8.3) Illumination source/) g.(12.3) Number of Missing Buttonheads (0, (12.4) Total of Protruding

+ Missing Buttonheads:

0_ * (12.6) Continuity Test Requested?

0 Yes RNo (12.5) Total # of Effective Buttonheads Seated: I Wires Identified?A0Yes

[I No (12.7) Overall Results ] Acceptable

[I Un-Acceptable Customer Notified NCRA: I QC Reviewed: P_1/4a Ale_ýLevel: Date:ý///J -/18 SQ 8.0.TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 325 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 285 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 8.3 BEARING PLATE INSPECTION' DATA SHEET SQ 8;3.0910311.3.

Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT I Tendon No.: k 4& 4 Tendon End: .uv,. Shop 0 Field (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. 4 r., 1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below.2. Locate the bearing plateidentification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch alt cracks, including other defects,.

existing an the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of the bearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 Inches, document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval.V" Wt de- An'b" pIA -WA 44ý,e- Cofr~iOM Pop I' Io a. ). ", K 60 I",4.On Hoop and dome this edge is up.SVertical Tendon, this is toward the I center of the containment.

e.A.; re- .4 M AreeA Auxiliary Light Source used: C[. YesfQ No (7.3) Illumination* source: ; iiet (7.5) Cracks 0.010' 0 Yes N o Quantity,, Max. Width: Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

.Level: Date: i ,'i-./_I.CReviewed:


Date: 19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 326 of 1008 REP-1098-510 Appendix A, Page 286 of 348 Project: .TMI 2013 TENDON SURVEILLANCE UNIT.1 Tendon No.: Tendon End: -El, Shop (7.4) Bearing Plate Identification

  1. trLe ,/ '1. Orient the bearing plate with the sketch below: 2. Locate thebearing plate identification and document the location on the sketch.3. Sketch all cracks, including other defects, existing on the concrete in the area surrounding the tendon anchorage for a distance of 24 inches from the edge of theabearing plate.4. For cracks equal to or wider than 0.010 inches. document condition on an Nonconformance Report in accordance with Procedure QA 9.0, NONCONFORMANCES, for Exelon approval:.

On Hoop and dome this edge is Vertical Tendon,: this is toward thel center of the containment.

Auxiliar Light Source used: , ies., No (7.3) Illumination 0 source: C(6cjjj.1/-

O____(7.5) Cracks 0O.0107' []Yes Q*No Quantity:

Max. Width Max Length: NCR#: QC Inspector:

! -Level: Date: -20(.I i JC: Reviewed: K--_ (A-.Level: Date: / /,/"19 SQ 8.3 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 327 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 287 of 348 31 PSC 9.0: MONITOR TENDON T9RCE DATA SHE T 9.O 09103113 Page 1 of 1.Revision 0 Project: TMI 4 0 T" YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE C@ Unit 1 (76)Tendon No.: .3 !. .Tendon End: _. _____[&Shop C] Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff (9.3) Temp, of Concrete:

t12F. Thermometer No.: In 167- Recal Date: 113 Ambient Temp.: .55O Thermometer No.: _PKp- 4 Recal Date: 115. .(9.4) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Threads: Z Acceptable El Unacceptable (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: ___, ___" (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter Engagement/Alignment Z J Acceptable

[JUnacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: K=Gauge ID: , Recal Date: Daily Check: C*-,.(9.8) Shim Stack Height: #1 "36 in, #2 "1,S In. Ruler ID: AP. Recal Date: 1 1. .o'Individual Shims: Stack #1: 4111 J,§12, in. Stack#2: in.(9.9) Lift-off Overstrqss Force (LOSF): f -kips Pressure:.

2 psi (9.10) PF: /Z3A. kips 95% PF: 9.70 kips 00% PF: /169 kips (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off.


Circled Values Stack#l: 1) S ti.O psi Stack#2: '1) _ 1) .2) S psi 2)/ tro psi, 2) 5750 psi 3) Skvo psi 3) 7 3) 5'f psi (9.11.13)

End Average Force (this end): 1397.11 kips\%...

Average: y7-, psi (9.11.14)

End Avg. Force (other end): .. ! ,5, ips (9.11.15)

Average Liftoff (ALV) .1J37, kips.(9.11,16)

Liftoff (ALV): Acceptance Criteria: a) .Acceptable

-ALV is > 95% PF.b) RAdjacent.Tendons to be stressed -ALV is < 95%PF but a 90%PF. Document on a NCR.c) [] Unacceptable

-ALV is < 90%PF.. Document on a NCR. ., NCR Required El Yes 9JIo Customer Notified NCR No.: ... _/,__(9.11.17)

Adjacent Tendon Lift1Offs lNoe.: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to documentLtolt.

os.)Adj Tendon; El Acceptable

-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendon SHALL be a) This Tendon: __ restored to within -00+6% of PP', but in no mae, no greater than 0.70 GUTS a AdjTendon'.

determined for the number of effective wires. EXELON Notified:

C] Yes El No Namne/Date:.

V b) -Adi Tendon:. 0_r Unacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the j c) L._ Adj Tendon: on a NCR.QCReiedCustomer Notified NCR NO.:: j AdJ Tendon: C] Unacceptable

-ALV,:* 90% of PF for either tendon. Document the cono/ition' C) __ Adj Tendon: on a NCR. '"x/Customer Notified NCR No.: r r

  • i QCRvee,41Lvl ae 0 21 SO 9,0 TMI.13 ISle.Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 328 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 288 of 348 N1091 PSC PROCEDURE SQ 9.0 MONITOR TENDON FORCE DATA SHEET 9.0 p09103113^R J:Ce Page 1 of I Revision 0 Project: TMI40N YEAR TENDON SURVEILLANCE
14. Unit I (7.6)Tenddn No.: jj4 , -, Tendon End: , 5 .Shop .0 Field LIFT-OFF INSPECTION CRITERIA Q.C. Signoff I III III I I I:1 I lU lalljil i
  • I .(9.3) Temp. of Concrete:

4D OF Thermometer No.: ST it,1- Recal Date: / .j Ambient Temp.: 62-oF Thermomreter.No.:

P. Recal Date:: '3-(9S4) Anchorhead and Stressing:

Adapter Threads : I ACceptable El Unacceptable, (9.5) Number of Effective Wires: ...9 (9.6) Anchorhead and Stressing Adapter EngagementiAlignment


[I Unacceptable (9.7) RAM ID: ./4QL Recal Date: end ofjob RAM Area: .23.56& K -- ,.1J Gauge ID: e Recal Date:- aily Check: (9.8) Shim Stack Height'. #1 -.7 in. #2.7"-7 in. Ruler IM- g Recal Date Individual Shims: Stack #1: 1.... L " in. Stack #2: in.I, 7, ,VAR8 l-15 (9.9) Lift-off Overstress Force (LOSF): (9.10) PF: ,/Z 3 *? kips (9.11.5) As-Found Lift-Off Stack#l: 1) Psi.2) 0 ZZO psi 3) .' 7O psi (9,11.13)

End Average Force (this end): (9.11.114)

End Avg. Force (other end): 1190 Stack #2: 1)2)ip 3) ,.1537,31 kips~'kips Pressure:

4., t-3.2!psL kips 90% PF:: 16.j kips 4 psi. -7 70,57psi (9.11.13)

Circled Values psi 1) psi psi 2) (.4 psi/psi. 3) 60(.00 psi Average: [ (,o psi.(9.1.115)

Average Liftoff (ALV) /3,397 i kips'(9.11.16)

Liftoff (ALV) Acceptance Criteria: a) KAcceptable

-ALV iS a 95% PF.b) [] Adjacent Tendons to be stressed -ALV is:< 95%PF but _> 90%PF. Document ona NCR.c) F1 Unacceptable

-ALV is.< 90%PF. Document on a NCR: NCR Required ZYes 1Ako Customer Notified NCR No.: /, (9.11. 17) Adiacent Tendon Lift-Offis (Note: Use a separate Data Sheet 9.0 to document Liftoff forces.)Ad) Tendon: 0l Acceptable-ALV > 95% of PF, The original scope tendonSHALL be a) This Tendon: _ restored to within -01+6% of PF, butin no case, no greaterthan 0.70. GUTS as Adj Tendon: determined for the number of effective wires.EXELON Notified:

El Yes E] No NamelDate;


b -Adi Tendon: _ _ Elunacceptable

-ALV < 95% of PF for either tendon. Document the condition* LAd] Tendon: _ __ on a NCR.b) Ad] Tendon: on a NCR. Customer Notified NCR No.:, ouet h o-Adj Tendon: __ El Unacceptable

-ALV: < 90% of PF for either tendoný Document the condition 1. Adj Tendon: on a NCR., Csmroi.NRo:

Customer Notified NCR No.: P Level: -: Date:. / h32,// ?OC Reviewed:-7/21 SQ 9.0.TMI.13 ISla Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 329 of 1008 REP-1 098-510 Appendix A, Page 289 of 348 N1091 PS


SQ 12.0 REPLACE"GREASE CAP~Data Sheet.12,0







-G- Level: &7 -. Date: ____,_,/ __30 SQ 12.0 TMI.13 ISI Topical Report 213 Attachment 2 Page 330 of 1008