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Callaway, Unit 1 - Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) Appendix J, Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report, Revision 003
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Site: Callaway  Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/2016
Ameren Missouri, Union Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Attachment 1 to ULNRC-06294 Page 1 of 2 RERP Appendix J, Revision 003 Summary of Changes Section / Step Number Description of Change Reason for Change Reason Change will not be a Reduction in Effectiveness Page 16, Analysis #1, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Design Basis Threat Changed Step numbers referenced in Analysis #1, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Design Basis Threat, to match Steps in OTO-SK-00001. OTO-SK-00001 was revised, and Analysis #1 was revised accordingly. These step number changes are strictly administrative to match the associated procedure. Page 48, Analysis #5, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, RCCA Ejection Changed Step numbers referenced in Analysis #5, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, RCCA Ejection, to match Steps in ES-1.3. Added "Monitor ECCS for Leaks" to Task section, and changed "Makeup to CST" to "Makeup to RWST" in the "Task" section. Also, added NLO3 to the "Assigned Resources" section. ES-1.3 was revised to implement FLEX strategies, and Analysis #5 was revised accordingly. The step number changes are strictly administrative to match associated procedure. The additional action of monitoring for ECCS leaks was added to an existing continuous action step. While this is an additional burden, it is negligible and it does not add additional time to the step since it was already a continuous action step. The change from CST to RWST was to fix an acronym typo that was identified; ES-1.3, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation," was always about makeup to RWST, not CST. Adding NLO3 to the "Assigned Resources" section is a result of Monitoring ECCS for leaks. NLO3 is a resource that was used earlier in the scenario, but was not being utilized at this point in the timeline. Page 58, Analysis #6, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, SGTR Changed Step numbers referenced in Analysis #6, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, SGTR, to match the Steps in E-3; this was the result of moving the action to "Restore PRZ Heaters" to earlier in the E-3 procedure.

"Restore PRZ Heaters" was also moved in the "Task" section. E-3 was revised, and Analysis #6 was revised accordingly. The step number changes are strictly administrative to match associated procedure. The exact same actions are being performed just in a different order. (Restoring PRZ heaters was moved up in the procedure thus causing the steps to be renumbered.) to ULNRC-06294 Page 2 of 2 RERP Appendix J, Revision 003 Summary of Changes Section / Step Number Description of Change Reason for Change Reason Change will not be a Reduction in Effectiveness Page 67, Analysis #7, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, LB LOCA with Release and PARs Changed Step number referenced in Analysis #7, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, LB LOCA with Release and PARs to match Steps in ES-1.3. Added "Monitor ECCS for Leaks" to Task section, and changed "Makeup to CST" to "Makeup to RWST" in the "Task" section. Also, added NLO3 to the "Assigned Resources" section. ES-1.3 was revised to implement FLEX strategies, and Analysis #7 was revised accordingly. The step number changes are strictly administrative to match associated procedure. The additional action of monitoring for ECCS leaks was added to an existing continuous action step. While this is an additional burden it is negligible and it does not add additional time to the step since it was already a continuous action step. The change from CST to RWST was to fix an acronym typo that was identified; ES-1.3 was always about makeup to RWST, not CST. Adding NLO3 to the "Assigned Resources" section is a result of Monitoring ECCS for leaks. NLO3 is a resource that was used earlier in the scenario but was not being utilized at this point in the timeline. Page 83, Analysis #9, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Aircraft Probable Threat Changed Step numbers referenced in Analysis #9, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Aircraft Probable Threat, to match Steps in OTO-SK-00002. Also changed "Switchyard and NB02" to "NB02 Switchgear and NE02" in the "Task" section. OTO-SK-00002 was revised, and Analysis #7 was revised accordingly. The step number changes are strictly administrative to match associated procedure. Directing the Ops Tech to the switchgear instead of the switchyard will allow for a quicker response; both accomplish the same purpose. Pages 98 & 99, Analysis #11, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Station Blackout Changed Step numbers referenced in Analysis #11, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions, Station Blackout, to match Step numbers in ECA-0.0. Added a new Step 9 for the SM to check AC power can be restored within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and a new Step 17 to Monitor RCS Integrity. ECA-0.0 was revised, and Analysis #11 was revised accordingly. The step number changes are strictly administrative to match associated procedure. The addition of Steps 9 and 17 do not add additional burden to Analysis #11, as these steps utilize available resources currently not being utilized in the timeline and do not add significant burden (i.e.,

additional parameter to monitor). This was determined by a table top review during the revision of ECA 0.0. Several "Task" descriptions, "Assigned Resources," and "Timeline" were modified to match the revision of ECA 0.0. These changes align Analysis #11 with ECA 0.0.

Attachment 2 to ULNRC-06294 RERP Appendix J, Revision 003 "Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report" 241 Pages RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis i Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1References ............................................................................................................................................................ 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 1TABLE 1 ................................................................................................................................... 3TABLE 1A ................................................................................................................................ 4TABLE 2 ................................................................................................................................... 5ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................ 6APPENDIX A PHASE II ANALYSIS RESULTS ................................................................... 8Phase II Preliminary Conclusions........................................................................................................................ 9Phase II Recommendations: .............................................................................................................................. 10APPENDIX B PHASE II EVENT ANALYSIS TABLES ..................................................... 11Phase II Event Analysis Table Index ................................................................................................................. 12On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During Phase II Analysis ..................................................................... 13APPENDIX C PHASE III TIME MOTION STUDY ANALYSIS RESULTS ................... 111Phase III Time Motion Study Results ............................................................................................................... 115 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 1 Introduction 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, effective on December 23, 2011 directed that a detailed study be performed by December 24, 2012, to ensure on-shift staffing was adequate to perform critical functions until relieved by the augmented Emergency Response Organization (ERO). The NRC in the published staff guidance (Reference 2) endorsed NEI 10-05 as an acceptable means of performing the required staffing analysis.

This report documents the result of that analysis for Callaway Plant (CP). References 1. 10 CFR 50 Appendix E 2. NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance, Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants 3. NEI 10-05, Revision 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities 4. CP RERP, Revision 39, Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response 5. CP RERP, Revision 39, Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/On-Shift Emergency Response 6. CP FSAR Chapter 15 7. CP RERP, Revision 44, Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response 8. CP RERP, Revision 44, Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/On-Shift Emergency Response Executive Summary A detailed staffing analysis performed in accordance with NEI 10-05 was conducted to document the adequacy of shift staffing as required by 10 CFR 50 Appendix E. The minimum staff described in the Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 of the CP Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP), Revision 39, was used to perform the on-shift staffing analysis. Table 1 of this report lists the on-shift staffing as described in Revision 39 of the CP RERP.

NRC staff guidance directs the scenarios that must be used to demonstrate the adequacy of on-shift staffing to perform required functions for event mitigation, radiation protection response, firefighting, chemistry and Emergency Plan functions. Those scenarios include specific design basis events as described in the FSAR as well as specific scenarios defined in the staff guidance document. Table 2 identifies the scenarios that were examined. The next phase required of NEI 10-05 requires a dedicated team using tabletop techniques to examine the scenarios for conflicts between the functional areas that must be resolved by detailed procedural analysis. For those scenarios where no conflicts are identified in the specified areas no further actions are required. Table 2 also identifies the scenarios that required detailed analysis due to conflicts in response functions. Appendix A to this report documents the results of the procedural analysis. Appendix B includes the completed event scenario analysis tables.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 2 The final phase of NEI 10-05, Time Motion Studies (TMS), identifies any staffing conflicts with the minimum shift that must be resolved. The TMS for Callaway Plant determined that staffing conflicts do not exist. Appendix C summarizes the results of the time motion studies (TMS). The effective date of this staffing analysis is the date of ORC approval. Revision 001 is incorporated into this report to support the conversion to NFPA 805, Risk Informed Performance Based Fire Protection standards from the 10CFR50 Appendix R standards. This conversion required a revision to the Control Room Evacuation procedure OTO-ZZ-00001, Control Room Inaccessibility, Revision 040. The revision to the procedure required a re-evaluation of the On-shift Staffing Analysis for the NFPA 805 Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions event. Revision 002 is incorporated in this report due to a change in the amount of time required to open all Control Room Cabinet Doors during a Station Blackout scenario. As documented in NRC Inspection Report 2014007, in which Callaway received a Green Non-Cited Violation (NCV) of 10 CFR Part 50.63(a)(2),due to a change that was made to Emergency Operating Procedure Addendum 20, "Control Room Cabinet Door List," without any analysis or calculations performed to justify whether the electronics in the cabinets would have sufficient cooling with a minimum of one door open during a Station Blackout. Changing procedure to have the operator open all doors meets the requirement for adequate ventilation but also requires more time to accomplish than was indicated in previous analysis.

Additional timings of this evolution were performed to verify the appropriate amount of time to be added to the Staffing Analysis. This does not affect the overall amount of time required to complete steps of the Station Blackout procedure.

Revision 003 is incorporated in this report to support changes that were made to procedures included in the staffing analysis of this document. In particular, changes were made to the Station Blackout procedure ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power. This was due to NRC Order EA-12-049, Order to Modify Licenses With Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design Basis External Events (BDBEE) and CAR 201306512 Procedure Development Tracking for Fukushima Project. This does not affect the overall amount of time required to complete steps of the Station Blackout procedure.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 3 Conclusion The minimum staff identified in Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 of the Callaway Plant Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Revision 39, is adequate to respond to the scenarios identified in the regulations until relieved by the augmented ERO. Table 1 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing CP RERP, Rev 039 Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/ On-Shift Emergency Response Position On-Shift Shift Manager (SM) 1 Control Room Supervisor (SRO) 1 Field Supervisor (SRO) 1 Reactor Operator (RO) 2 Ops/Assistant Ops Technicians (NLO) 4 Other Operations Personnel 2 HP Operations 1 HP Technical Support (DA) 1 Chemistry Technician 1 Shift Security Supervisor 1 Total: 15 Fire Brigade 5 Search & Rescue/MERT 2 Security Sec plan RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 4 The minimum staff identified in Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 of the Callaway Plant Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Revision 44, is adequate to respond to the NFPA 805 Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions until relieved by the augmented ERO. Table 1a Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing CP RERP, Rev 044 Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/ On-Shift Emergency Response Position On-Shift Shift Manager (SM) 1 Control Room Supervisor (SRO) 1 Field Supervisor (SRO) 1 Reactor Operator (RO) 2 Ops/Assistant Ops Technicians (NLO) 5 Other Operations Personnel 2 HP Operations 1 HP Technical Support (DA) 1 Chemistry Technician 1 Shift Security Supervisor 1 Total: 16 Fire Brigade 5 Search & Rescue/MERT 2 Security Sec plan

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 5 Table 2 Callaway Plant DBA/ISG Analyzed Events TMS Required DBA/ISG Event # Summary Description of Event or Accident YES 1 Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat (DBT). NO 2 Steam System Pipe Break (MSLB) NO 3 Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) NO 4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) NO 5 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break 1 NO 6 Spectrum of rod cluster control assembly ejection accidents (RCCA Ejection) NO 7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) NO 8 Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LB LOCA) 2 NO 9 Fuel Handling Accident 3 NO 10 ATWS NO 11 Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214, Guidance for Assessment of Beyond-Design-Basis Aircraft Impacts NO 12 Revised for NFPA 805 Control room fire leading to evacuation and safe and stable plant conditions, as referenced in IN 95-48 "Results of On-Shift Staffing Study" NO 13 Station (Unit) Blackout NO 14 NFPA 805 Fire Response 4 NO 15 SAMG 1 Per the Callaway FSAR, event consequences and response are the same as for the RCP Locked Rotor Event (Event #4). Therefore, this event is bounded by Event #4 and no further analysis is required. 2 DBA Event designated as proceeding non-mechanistically to General Emergency with release exceeding Protective Action Guides. 3 Fuel Handling Accident is not analyzed with the existing on-shift staff. The Callaway FSAR states that this event involves fuel that is decayed for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown, therefore it is applicable to refueling conditions. Refueling operations are staffed for the evolution with additional Operations, RP, and support personnel. 4 The Control Room fire with evacuation and safe and stable plant conditions is the bounding NFPA 805 fire scenario; therefore, no further analysis of this event is required.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 6 Acronyms ADV Atmospheric Dump Valve ANI American Nuclear Insurers ASD Atmospheric Steam Dump BOP Balance of Plant CAS Central Alarm Station CET Core Exit Thermocouple CFR Code of Federal Regulations CP Callaway Plant CR Control Room CSF Critical Safety Function CSFST Critical Safety Function Status Tree CT Chemistry Technician DA HP Technical Support DBA Design Basis Accident DBT Design Basis Threat ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECL Emergency Classification Level EDG Emergency Diesel Generator ENS Emergency Notification System. EOL End of Live EOP Emergency Operating Procedure EP Emergency Preparedness ERDS Emergency Response Data System ERO Emergency Response Organization ESF Engineered Safety Feature FB Fire Brigade FS Field Supervisor FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report HP Health Physics IC Instrument and Control INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations ISG Interim Staff Guidance LB LOCA Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident LOOP Loss of Offsite Power MERT Medical Emergency Response Team MFLB Major Rupture of Main Feedwater Line MSIV Main Steam Line Isolation Valve MSLB Steam System Pipe Break NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NLO Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OATC Operator at the Controls OCA Owner Controlled Area Ops Operations ORC Onsite Review Committee OTO Off-Normal Procedure PA Protected Area PAR Protective Action Recommendation PORV Power Operated Relief Valve RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 7 PRZR Pressurizer RCCA Rod Control Cluster Assembly RCP Reactor Coolant Pump RCS Reactor Coolant System RO Reactor Operator RP Radiological Protection RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RVLIS Reactor Vessel Level Indicating System Rx Reactor SAMG Severe Accident Mitigating Guideline SAS Secondary Alarm Station SB LOCA Small Break Loss of Coolant Accident SG Steam Generator SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture SI Safety Injection SM Shift Manager SRO Senior Reactor Operator/Control Room Supervisor/Field Supervisor SSO Safe Shutdown Operator SSS Security Shift Supervisor STA Shift Technical Advisor T-G Turbine Generator TMS Time Motion Studies WPA Workman's Protection Assurance RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 8 Appendix A Phase II Analysis Results RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 9 A multi-disciplined team of subject matter experts from Callaway Plant was assembled October 3-5, 2012 to provide input into the shift staffing analysis of events identified by NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance, Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants. This team consisted of: the Assistant Operations Manager (Shift Manager/SRO); a Reactor Operator; an Operations Technician (NLO);

Chemistry Supervisor; an RP General Supervisor; a Fire Marshal; a Security Supervisor; a Safety Analysis Engineer; and Emergency Planning staff (station and consultants). The team provided analysis support during the Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis as follows: Table 1 On-Shift Staffing Analysis Team Team Member Subject Matter Expertise Assistant Operations Manager Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) actions for SROs and ROs Off-Normal Technical Operating Procedure (OTO) actions for SROs and ROs Operating Procedure actions Site Emergency Director (E Plan) Actions for Shift Manager Fire response actions Reactor Operator EOP actions for ROs OTO actions for ROs Operating Procedure actions Fire response actions Operations Technician (NLO) EOP actions for NLOs OTO actions for NLOs Operating Procedure actions for NLOs Fire response actions for NLOs Fire Marshal Fire Brigade Response actions Chemistry Supervisor Chemistry Technician response actions RP Supervisor HP Technician response actions Security Supervisor Security Response actions Accountability Response actions Safety Analysis Engineer DBA Event response actions Emergency Planning Emergency Plan response actions The Phase II Analysis was conducted in three steps: identification of events for analysis; minimum shift staffing complement determination; and, a table top analysis of the on-shift staffing resources required for response to the identified events. The team reviewed a total of twelve (12) events. The results and recommendations of the Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis are documented in this report.

Phase II Preliminary Conclusions 1. A Time Motion Study (TMS) of the Shift Manager position is required for the Design Basis Threat Event due to competing Emergency Plan functions/tasks - State/Local Notifications and NRC Notifications. The TMS will determine if these functions can be performed by the Shift Manager during an event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 10 Phase II Recommendations: 1. Determine most effective methodologies to perform remaining scenarios requiring detailed time motion studies (Simulator based Drill, timed in-plant response, combinations, other). 2. Schedule and conduct Phase III analysis for the following event: a. Design Basis Threat RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 11 Appendix B Phase II Event Analysis Tables RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 12 Phase II Event Analysis Table Index Analysis (Scenario Number) FSAR DBA/ ISG Event # (Appendix A) Title Source Page Number 1 1 Design Basis Threat ISG 12 2 2 Steam System Piping Failure (MSLB) FSAR Condition IV 19 3 3 Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) FSAR Condition IV 27 4 4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) Including Loss Of Offsite Power FSAR Condition IV 35 5 6 Spectrum of Rod Cluster Control Assembly (RCCA) Ejection Accidents FSAR Condition IV 42 6 7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) FSAR Condition IV 51 7 8 Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release and resulting PARs FSAR Condition IV 61 8 10 ATWS ISG 70 9 11 Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214 ISG 77 10 12 NFPA 805 Control room fire leading to evacuation and safe and stable plant condition, as referenced in IN 95-48. ISG 85 11 14 Station Blackout (Current Licensing Basis) ISG 94 12 15 SAMG ISG 103 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 13 On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During Phase II Analysis Position Designation Assignment Shift Manager Shift Manager Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator Control Room Supervisor SRO #1 Control Room Supervisor/STA Field Supervisor SRO #2 Field Supervisor /STA Reactor Operator RO #1 Reactor Operator Reactor Operator RO #2 Balance of Plant (BOP) Operator Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #1 Secondary NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #2 Inside NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #3 Polisher NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #4 Radwaste NLO/Fire Brigade Member Other Operations Personnel NLO #5 Offsite Communicator Outside NLO Other Operations personnel NLO #6 Primary NLO /FBL Reactor Operator RO #3 WPA RO/CSF Monitor Other On-Shift Assignments Used During Analysis Position Designation Assignment HP Technician HP #1 HP Operations HP Technician HP #2 Offsite Dose Assessment Chemistry Technician CT #1 Chemistry Sampling/Count Room On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During the NFPA 805 Control Room Fire Leading to Evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions (Analysis 10). Position Designation Assignment Shift Manager Shift Manager Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator Control Room Supervisor SRO1 Control Room Supervisor/STA Field Supervisor SRO2 Field Supervisor /STA Reactor Operator RO1 Reactor Operator Reactor Operator RO2 Balance of Plant (BOP) Operator Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO1 Secondary NLO/Fire Brigade Member/FBL Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO2 Inside NLO/Fire Brigade Member/FBL Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO3 Polisher NLO/Fire Brigade Member/FBL Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO4 Radwaste NLO/Fire Brigade Member/FBL Other Operations Personnel NLO5 Outside Operator / Offsite Communicator Safe Shutdown Operator SSO1 WPARO or NLO (extra NLO position staffed if only 2 RO's) Ops/Ass Ops Technician NLO6 Primary NLO /FBL Other On-Shift Assignments Used During the NFPA 805 Control Room Fire Leading to Evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions (Analysis 10). Position Designation Assignment Security Officer SEC1 Medical Emergency Response (MERT) Security Officer SEC2 Medical Emergency Response (MERT) Security Shift Supervisor SSS Fire Response Secondary Alarm Station Operator SAS Fire Response RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 14 Appendix B Analysis #1: DBA/ISG Event #1 - DBT ECL: Site Area Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L7 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No Yes 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 T5/L5 No No 6. Security Shift Supervisor CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T2/L7 No No 7. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 15 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 1 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor. Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 7. Security Shift Supervisor Security Shift Supervisor Security Training Notes: Notify and remain available to Shift Manager RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 16 Analysis #1, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 17 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #1 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: N/A no Fire Brigade response required RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 18 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #1 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: No response - Chemistry and HP in duck and cover RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 19 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis #1 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) RO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Complete State/local notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications Shift Manager EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A - after ERO augmentation N/A Notes: Site Area Emergency, EAL HS4.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 20 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #1 Design Basis Threat Initial Conditions:

Time: Sunday @0230 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

0235 Adversary force assaults Callaway and attempts to breach the protected area fence Security engages adversaries and notifies Shift Manager 0236 CR personnel initiate Security Event response OTO Rx manually tripped On-site protective actions initiated

Emergency Plan entered 0240 Security informs Shift Manager that PA has been breached 0245 Security informs Shift Manager that adversaries have been neutralized No injuries to site personnel No fires or collateral damage to plant equipment No adverse consequences to plant safety RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 21 Appendix B Analysis #2: DBA/ISG Event #2 - Steam Line Break ECL: Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 9. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 10. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 11. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 12. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 22 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 2 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 23 Analysis #2, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~






    1. $$$.%~%~% +.0% 0>09%~% +.'~",/%~%~+30% +.'(?,%~% +.'#~ ,/.7)%~%~+.'~!(0>))8%~% +.'~". 09%~%~+)01~)02% +. '~$)()',/9'

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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 24 ~~








)%~% +.~1~'~5.%$;./< 29 3@%~+.~1~'~5.%4;@.7)-%~3@%!3@%#+.~1~'~5 )% <8.~1~' ~!6.73@%~% +

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 25 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 2 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 26 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis # 2 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: SG sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 27 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 2 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification N/A N/A 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: NUE, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 28 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #2 Steam System Pipe Break (Main Steam Line Break)

Initial Conditions: Time: Saturday @ 0250 Unit @ Mode 3, Hot Zero Power; EOL RCS @ Hot Zero Power operating temperature (Tavg = 557 F) and pressure Sequence of Events:

0250 SG B Main Steam Line fails (double-ended rupture), outside of containment but upstream of MSIV.

LOOP occurs coincident with steam line break EDG's start and load supplying power to ESF busses MSIVs closed within 17 seconds Rx Trip initiated on low steamline pressure signal Most reactive RCCA stuck in full withdrawn position SI initiated 'A' High Head Safety Injection Pump starts and supplies flow 'B' Train of SI fails

0255 Emergency Plan Initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 29 Appendix B Analysis #3: DBA/ISG Event #3 - Main Feedwater Line Break ECL Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 9. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 10. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 11. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 12. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 30 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 3 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 31 Analysis #3, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~






    1. $$$.%~%~% +.0% 0>09%~% +.'~",/%~%~+30% +.'(?,%~% +.'#~ ,/.7)%~%~+.'~!(0>))8%~% +.'~". 09%~%~+)01~)02% +. '~$)()',/9'

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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 32 ~~








)%~% +.~1~'~5.%$;./< 29 3@%~+.~1~'~5.%4;@.7)-%~3@%!3@%#+.~1~'~5 )8% <8.~1~' ~!6.73@%~%~+

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 33 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 3 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 34 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis # 3 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: SG sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 35 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 3 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification N/A N/A 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: NUE, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 36 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #3 Major Rupture of A Main Feedwater Line (Main Feedwater Line Break) Initial Conditions: Time: Wednesday @ 2250 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2250 Main Feedwater Control System fails Rx Trip initiated on Lo-Lo Steam Generator Level LOOP occurs coincident with Rx Trip EDGs start and supply power to ESF busses Main Feedwater line to SG C ruptures (double ended) downstream of the check valve inside containment Main Feedwater isolation valves closed Aux Feedwater Flow initiated 2300 Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 37 Appendix B Analysis #4: DBA/ISG Event #4 - RCP Locked Rotor ECL: Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 9. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 10. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 38 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 4 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 39 Analysis #4, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 40 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 4 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 41 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #4 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Sample and analyze SG. On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 42 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 4 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification N/A N/A 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Unusual Event, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 43 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor)

Initial Conditions:

Time: Friday @ 2045 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ maximum steady-state temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2050:00 B RCP rotor seizes Rx Trip initiated on low RCS flow signal T-G Trip Loss of Offsite Power occurs; EDGs start and load to essential buses 2050:05 RCS pressure increases peaks and begins to decrease

PRZR Spray fails to initiate PORV/PRZR safeties setpoint reached; however, PORVs fail to open RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 44 Appendix B Analysis #5: DBA/ISG Event #6 - RCCA assembly ejection ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 9. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 10. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 11. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 45 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 12. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 T4/L8 T4/L9 No No 13. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 46 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 5 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 47 Analysis #5, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 48 ~~~~  !!!!""""####



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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 49 ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 50 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #5 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 51 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #5 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Steam Generator Sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: RCS Sampling On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 9. Chemistry function/task #3 - Describe: RCS Analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment In Plant surveys of Main Steam Line per EOP Chemistry sampling per EOP CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination Chemistry directed by EOP to sample containment atmosphere however, no procedure guidance exist (CAR 201201251).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 52 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 5 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert EAL FA1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 53 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #6 RCCA Ejection Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday @ 0430 Unit @ 100% Power @ BOL; Control Bank D inserted to its insertion limit RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

0430 RCCA H5 is ejected due to unidentified SCC around the housing (circumferential crack) Rx trips on high neutron flux One control rod, adjacent to ejected rod, sticks (does not fully insert) SB LOCA conditions exist LOOP occurs coincident with Rx trip EDGs start and load to ESF buses

0435 Emergency Plan initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 54 Appendix B Analysis #6: DBA/ISG Event #7 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 9. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L9 No No 10. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 11. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No 12. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 55 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 13. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 14. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 T4/L8 T4/L9 No No 15. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 56 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 6 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 9. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 10. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 57 Analysis #6, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 59 ~~~~  !!!!""""####




RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 60 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #6 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 61 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #6 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Steam Generator Sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: RCS Sampling On-Shift Position: CT #1 X 9. Chemistry function/task #3 - Describe: RCS Analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment In Plant surveys of Main Steam Line per EOP Chemistry sampling per EOP CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 62 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 6 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL FA1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 63 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Initial Conditions:

Time: Wednesday @ 2100 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2105 SGTR occurs - double ended guillotine break of one hot leg SG tube in D SG AB-RE-0016D, N16 monitor GE-RE-92, Condenser off Gas 2111 Rx trip on overtemperature T or manual trip by RO Highest worth control rod stuck in fully withdrawn position

SI initiated Loss of offsite power occurs; EDG startup and provide power to necessary engineered safeguards equipment D ASD fails open

AB-RE-114, D Main Steam Line ASD Monitor, in alarm Emergency Plan initiated 2131 Operators manually close D ASD block valve RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 64 Appendix B Analysis #7: DBA/ISG Event #8 - LOCA, with release and PARS ECL: Site Area Emergency- General Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 T5/L3 T5/L4 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 9. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 10. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 65 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 11. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 12. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No 13. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No 14. CAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L15 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 66 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 7 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 67 Analysis #7, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~ ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 68 ~ ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 71 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 7 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations Shift Manager (GE) EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits Shift Manager (GE) EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability CAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program Notes: Site Area Emergency - General Emergency EAL FS1.1 and FG1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability State and local notifications communicated electronically (Sentry). NLO #5 is able to maintain NRC communication during GE.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 72 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #8 Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release exceeding PAGs and resulting PARs Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday @ 2200 Unit @100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events: 2200 LB LOCA (guillotine break on A cold leg) initiated RCS leak rate > charging pump capacity Rx trip on low pressurizer pressure T-G trip Loss of offsite power; EDGs start and supply power to respective ESF buses SI initiated B train fails A train pumps on and supplying flow (high head charging pump/safety injection pump/low head injection pump) trips 2201 Operators enter OTO/EOPs 2202 Emergency Plan initiated 2215 RVLIS level 42% with RCP off Initial Emergency Classification determined 2230 Initial notification to offsite agencies initiated 2235 Conditions degrade CSFST indicates Core Cooling Red CSFST indicates Containment Red Containment Press > 47 psig RCS Subcooling Margin < 0 F

General Emergency Conditions exist Release occurs PARs required RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 73 Appendix B Analysis #8: DBA/ISG - Event #10 - ATWS ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 7. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 8. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 74 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 8 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 75 Analysis #8, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions  !~~~~  !!!!""""####



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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 76 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 8 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 77 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #8 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment Chemistry post trip sampling after augmentation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 78 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 8 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL SA2.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 79 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #10 ATWS Initial Conditions:

Time: Saturday @ 1400 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

1400 Turbine trip occurs due to loss of main condenser vacuum without RPS initiated Rx Trip signal

Manual Rx trip by RO in control room is successful 1405 Control Room Supervisor informs Shift Manager of initiating conditions and event Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 80 Appendix B Analysis #9: DBA/ISG Event #11 - Aircraft Probable Threat ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L8 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 T5/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 9. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L9 No No 10. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 11. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No 12. Security Shift Supervisor CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T2/L11 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 81 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 13. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 82 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 9 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 9. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 10. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor. Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 11. Security Shift Supervisor (SSS) Security Shift Supervisor Security Training Notes: SSS remains available for contact with Shift Manager and directs closure of main gate.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 83 Analysis #9, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions " ##~~~~~  !!!!""""####


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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 84 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 9 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Fire Brigade Leader (NLO6 - FBL) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 2. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 3. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 4. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 5. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Ops/Fire Brigade Training Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event. FB personnel dispersed per OTO-SK-0002 (see Table 2A)

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 85 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #9 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: No required actions for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 86 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 9 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) RO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL HA4.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 87 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #11 Aircraft Probable Threat Initial Conditions:

Time: Wednesday @ 0300 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

0300 NRC notifies Callaway control room of confirmed aircraft threat Probable Threat - > 5 minutes < 30 minutes 0301 CR personnel initiate Security Event response OTO On-site actions initiated Emergency Plan initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 88 Analysis #10: DBA/ISG Event #12 - NFPA 805 Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions $" % ~"&~'()~#~*+*,~%-./&.~1 (2).'0~'=~3 @~@~33 1 %A?)%~~).'0~'=~3 @ @33!1 %A0% ~).'0~'=~3@~33"1 %%~).'0~'=~3 @!331 %% ).'0~'=~3!@"33#1 %%(3@%~ ).'0~'=~3!@ 33$1 %%(3@% ).'0~'=~3!@!3341 %%(3@%! ).'0~'=~3!@"3351 %%(3@%" ).'0~'=~3!@33~1 %)3@%).'0~'=~$ @@5@~~@~!33~~1 (/A).'0~'=~3!@433~ 1 /%~~).'0~'=~3!@#33~!1 /% ).'0~'=~3!@$33~"1 %).'0~'=~3 @$33~1 %(3@%#0-@ ).'0~'=~3!@~33~#1 (8%~).'0~'=~3 @#33~$1 )%).'0~'=~3@#3301~1/(%A)01 0-/%%(

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 89 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe and Stable Plant Conditions Analysis # 10 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation ~1 (2(2% 1 (A%A?)%~%!1 %%)%%~%"1 %-%%% %1 +/%%(3@%%#1 %(%(8%%~% 01= %%.% Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation $1 %%/ 01%+/(88((2A1 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 90 Analysis #10, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions - Control Room Fire ~~~~






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3@%%~J~~~!)+(82J~".3-% %~J~~52*A0-09*2J %@<,!#%~J ~ "*0>09-2J #))>-*%~% %~J $ 4 ))-%~%~% %~J 5! 2@A'3)2J !!!# 2=)2J!" .394%~J('~!! (8%%~J(-'-~-! -%%% J()')~)!# %%%~J(*'*~*" )%~J RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 91 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 10 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method ~1 0-@3@%#0-@%0- 1 %%(3@%~%0-!1 %%(3@% %0-"1 %%(3@%!%0-1 %%(3@%"%0-#1 /%~/$1 /% /41 /(A/ 01~ A2.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 92 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #10 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) ~~~~  !!!!""""####$$$$44445~1 A/%(;<K~ 1 %A/%(;<K~!1 2%(;"1 F=)A%(;1 %%(;<K #1 %(?*=;%(;$1 )(/K~?*=;%(;)K~41 )(/K ?*=;%(;)K~ 0137(1A(0-71 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 93 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 10 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method ~1 *(./)@A.)@(2.%.* 1 A%A33!1 A3~.%.*"1 A+8=331 3(11'='A'1%~.%.*#1 .%)%..*$1 ==A3)*-A3341 )3~.%.*51 3@%..*~1 )3)A% .%.*~~1 A.*3@%.%.*~ 1 %33~!1 3)3@%.%.*~"1 (A11'3%'3'133~1 =/33 01'.@<1~~0(A'(A'8(.:: ~'**13%271 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 94 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #12 Control Room Fire with evacuation and Safe and Stable Plant Conditions Initial Conditions:

Time: Friday @ 2100 Unit @ 100% Power, RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2105 Operators observe smoke coming from behind control board 2106 Smoke in CR becomes thicker/flames observed 2107 Operators attempt to extinguish flames without success RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 95 Appendix B Analysis #11: DBA/ISG Event #13 - SBO ECL: Site Area Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 6. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 8. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2.L8 No No 9. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2.L9 No No 10. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 11. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 96 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 12. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 T4/L3 No No 13. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 14. CAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L15 No No 15. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 97 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 11 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 6. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 7. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 8. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 9. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 10. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 98 Analysis #11, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~&~~~~  !!!!""""####



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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 100 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 11 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 101 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #11 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment Chemistry Post trip Sample after augmentation HP#1 surveys of Main Steam Lines after personnel monitoring of NLO #6 (RCP seal isolation)

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 102 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 11 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability CAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program Notes: Site Area Emergency, EAL SS1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 103 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #13 Station Blackout Initial Conditions:

Time: Sunday @ 0100 Weather: Thunderstorms with heavy rain; .5" recorded in last 15 minutes Unit @ 100% Power; EOL RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events: 0110 Lightning strike affects offsite power grid resulting in loss of Off-site power Unit Main Turbine trips resulting in Rx Trip 0110:35 Unit EDGs fail to start and load to essential buses - no AC power is available Operators initiate OTOs/EOPs in response Safety diesel fails to start (Alternate Emergency Power Supply)

Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 104 Appendix B Analysis #12: DBA/ISG Event #15 - SAMG ECL: General Emergency conditions existed (see Analysis #7) TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 1. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L4 No No 2. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 3. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 4. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 5. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L13 No No Notes:

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 105 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 12 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 1. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 2. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 3. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 4. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 106 Analysis #12, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""##



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RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 107 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 12 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. N/A N/A 2. N/A N/A 3. N/A N/A 4. N/A N/A 5. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 108 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #12 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 5. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 See Analysis #7 6. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 8. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 109 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 12 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) N/A N/A 2. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 3. Approve content of State/local notifications N/A N/A 4. Approve extension to allowable dose limits Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) N/A N/A 6. ERO notification N/A N/A 7. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 8. Complete State/local notification form N/A N/A 9. Perform State/local notifications N/A N/A 10. Complete NRC event notification form N/A N/A 11. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 12. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 13. Perform NRC notifications 1 NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 14. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: EAL (GE conditions already existed - see Analysis #7) Emergency Plan functions completed during Analysis #7 1 10 CFR 50.54x notification RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 110 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #15 SAMG Response Actions Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday @ 2250

Unit @ 0% Power - General Emergency conditions exist (follow up to Event #8, 50 minutes after LB LOCA initiating event)

Sequence of Events:

2250 Loss of SI Trains occur - no ECCS equipment available 2300 >5 CETs reading 1200 °F and trending higher SAMG entry conditions met

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 111 Appendix C Phase III Time Motion Study Analysis Results RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 112 The results of the Phase II On-Shift Staffing Analysis conducted October 3-5, 2012 identified one (1) event with potential conflicts requiring further Phase III Time Motion Study analysis. The event is listed in Table 1 below. Table 1 Callaway Plant - Phase III Time Motion Study Event Event/Scenario Functions to be Evaluated Affected Position TMS Method Design Basis Threat State/Local Notifications (T5/L9) 1 Shift Manager Simulator Run NRC Notifications (T5/L13) 1 1 NEI 10-05, Appendix B, Table 5 reference On November 1, 2012 the selected scenario for the Time Motion Study (TMS) was conducted in the Callaway Plant Training Center on the simulator. In attendance to conduct the TMS Scenario were: Fred Bianco Operations - Shift Manager Shannon Gaydos Operations - Control Room Supervisor Randy Bisig Operations - Field Supervisor Dan Parker Operations - Reactor Operator (OATC) Jeff Landrum Operations - Reactor Operator (BOP) Micah Benningfield Operations - Reactor Operator Nick Turner EP Coordinator Rodney Brown EP Consulting, LLC Kevin Bruckerhoff EP Consulting, LLC Rex Krohn EP Consulting, LLC The following tables document the results of the TMS for the identified event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 113 APPENDIX D Function / Responsibility (Task) Analysis Template Event: Design Bases Threat (Event #1) Position: Shift Manager Line #: T5/L9, T5/L13 Function Responsibility (Task) Action Step Duration 1. Emergency Plan Implementation 1.1 Complete State/Local Notification form 1.1.1 Field Supervisor (FS) starts to fill out notification form on computer @ 0742 for Alert 2 minutes 1.1.2 Shift Manager (SM) approves notification form @ 0743 < 1 minute 1.1.3 FS starts to fill out notification form on computer @ 0746 for Site Area Emergency (SAE) 2 minutes 1.1.4 SM approves notification form @ 0748 < 1 minute 1.2 Perform State/Local Notifications 1.2.1 FS transmits notification by SENTRY 1 @ 0744 for Alert 2 minutes 1.2.2 FS transmits notification by SENTRY 1 @ 0748 for SAE 2 minutes 1.3 Complete NRC Notification form 1.3.1 FS starts additional data form for NRC @ 0750 2 minutes 1.4 Perform NRC Notification 1.4.1 FS contacts NRC Resident Inspector of event @ 0750 < 1 minute 1.4.2 FS updates NRC HQ on event and maintains an open line with head set @ 0752 Duration 1.4.3 FS transmits additional data to NRC Operations Center @ 0753 1 minutes Conflict for Shift Manager resolved by assigning all notifications except for the Abbreviated NRC notification (which is allowed by NEI 10-05) to the Field Supervisor. The Field Supervisor's assigned work location is directly across from the Control Room (hallway separation), which allows for quick access to the Control Room. Per the RERP (5.1.2), the Field Supervisor reports to the Control Room and performs actions as directed by the Shift Manager. During this event, the SM directed the FS to perform State/Local and NRC Notifications. 1 SENTRY is a computer driven emergency notification process that is used to complete and transmit the State/Local Notification Form to required offsite agencies.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 114 Timeline - Design Basis Threat (Event #1) Time Task 0734 Crew brief on plant conditions 0735 Security PA announcement of entry into Code RED - adversaries inside OCA 0736 Shift Manager (SM) directs RO#2-BOP to close the security missile door to control room 0736 SM talks with security about event and security state that there are 5 adversaries 0737 SM performs abbreviated notification to NRC about event 0737 Manual Reactor trip by Control Room crew Control Room Supervisor (CRS) initiates E-0 actions CR missile door is closed by RO#2 0738 GAI Tronics announcement - Code RED by RO#2 SM and Field Supervisor (FS) discuss the EALS 0739 SM declares Alert (EAL HA4.1) 0740 Security PA announcement of Code BLACK - adversaries inside PA 0741 Control Room Supervisor (CRS) verifies that missile door is closed RO#2 makes PA announcement over radio and activates plant siren/alarms 0742 FS starts to fill out notification form on computer 0743 SM approves notification form 0744 FS transmits notification by SENTRY system (notification completed in 2 minutes) - crew update 0744 SM updates crew about Alert classification 0745 SM and Security discuss event RO#2 informs SM that security made an announcement at 0740 about Code BLACK 0746 SM upgrades classification to Site Area Emergency (EAL HS4.1) FS starts filling out notification form on SENTRY 0746 RO makes PA announcement 0747 SM verifies with CRS and ROs that the announcements are complete 0748 SM approves notification form and FS transmits for on SENTRY (notification completed in 2 minutes) SM activates ERO through Security - message #12 0750 FS completes Control Room Notification Package (NRC Notification Form), EIP-ZZ-00201, Addendum A FS contacts NRC Resident Inspector of event 0752 FS updates NRC HQ on event and maintains an open line with head set 0752 CRS update ROs and SM on plant conditions 0753 FS transmitted additional data to NRC Operations Center 0757 CRS announces transition from E-0 to OTG 0759 SM calls security for update on event and adversaries - all adversaries are neutralized SM update crew that site is still in a Code BLACK 0802 SM reviews EAL for any upgrade in classifications 0806 SM and CRS discuss plant condition and where they are - plant is in stable condition SM contacts EDO about plant event and conditions - EDO expected to arrive onsite in 20 minutes 0808 SM informs CRS to stay in Mode 3 until plant access is allowed 0809 CRS informs crew that they will be staying in Mode 3 0812 TMS terminated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 115 Phase III Time Motion Study Results The conflicts for the Shift Manager identified in the Phase II On-Shift Staffing Analysis were resolved by assigning State/Local and NRC Notifications to the Field Supervisor. With the Field Supervisor's normal work location being located adjacent to the control room, separated by a hallway, the Field Supervisor is able to rapidly respond to the Control Room during this event prior to the control room door being secured. Per NEI 10-05 guidance, personnel are assumed to be at their normal work location at the initiation of the event.

Additional Observations/Comments The use of SENTRY for State/Local Notifications facilitates the notification process, such that State/Local agencies are notified within 4 minutes (as demonstrated during the TMS) of the start of the notification process. The location of the NRC ENS phone inside the Control Room also provides the ENS communicator with immediate access to the Shift Manager and plant data system, enabling the ENS communicator, if STA qualified, to perform STA functions and maintain an open-line with the NRC.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 116

The following pages are the Interim Report that will help users understand aspects of the Final Report that may need further clarifications. Originally a separate document, it was attached to the back of the Final Report for user convenience and to assure that the two documents would not be separated.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 117 Purpose Changes to 10 CFR 50 Appendix E were effective on December 23, 2011 directing a number of changes to EP Regulations. This report is focused on the requirement to perform a detailed staffing analysis validating the ability of the minimum on-shift staffing component described in the Emergency Plan to respond to a variety of scenarios specified in the new regulation. This report provides interim status of the analysis of the scenarios.

Schedule/Requirements The detailed staffing analysis is required to be completed by December 24, 2012. Any deficiencies identified by the analysis are required to be entered into the licensee Corrective Action Program and interim compensatory measures be put in place within 30 days of time of discovery. This interim report identifies areas requiring further detailed study and does not constitute identification of staffing deficiencies.

Process The Interim Staff Guidance (NSIR/DPR ISG-01) supporting the Emergency Preparedness Rule endorses the staffing methodology contained in NEI 10-05, Revision 0, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities" as an approved methodology for conducting the detailed staffing analysis. No other methodology has been endorsed to date. Callaway Plant initiated the study using NEI 10-05. NEI 10-05 separates the study into three phases:

Phase I - Identification of required scenarios. Appendix A to this report documents completion of Phase I. Twelve (12) scenarios were carried forward to Phase II.

Phase II - titled by NEI 10-05 as On-Shift Staffing Analysis is conducted by a multi-disciplined team using site procedures to determine if tasks have been sufficiently analyzed for performance by the minimum on-shift staff as designated in the Emergency Plan. Task areas analyzed include:

  • Event Mitigation (EOP/AOP, other site procedures)
  • Fire Response (as determined by the scenario)
  • RP/Chemistry Functions (as specified in site response procedures)
  • Emergency Preparedness Functions (NUREG-0654 Table B-1/ISG -01) Phase II is not designed to identify staffing deficiencies. Phase II documents areas requiring further study as designated in Phase III of NEI 10-05. Phase III determines if any Phase II identified conflicts will result in any position not being able to perform the assigned functions. Any conflicts that cannot be resolved will require compensatory measures within 30 days of acceptance of the Phase III results.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 118 Executive Summary NRC changes to 10 CFR 50 Appendix E require each utility to perform a detailed staffing analysis for specified scenarios to determine if the minimum staffing designated in the Emergency Plan is sufficient to permit required mitigation response and effectively implement the Emergency Plan. The staffing study is required to be completed by December 24, 2012. NEI 10-05, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities," has been endorsed by the NRC as an acceptable means of performing the analysis.

This interim report addresses completion of Phase I and II in accordance with NEI 10-05 and identifies areas which require further time motion study (TMS). Phase II is not designed to identify areas requiring immediate compensatory measures. Any deficiencies noted upon approval of the study completed in Phase III must be addressed in the Corrective Action Program and compensatory measures established within 30 days of discovery.

The rule requires that the following events be analyzed which result in Classification by the approved Emergency Action Level Scheme: 1. Condition IV events as described in the updated Safety Analysis Report 2. Station DBT 3. Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214, "Guidance for Assessment of Beyond-Design-Basis Aircraft Impacts;" and 4. Control Room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown, as referenced in IN 95-48 "Results of On-Shift Staffing Study." The rule also requires an analysis of the following additional areas to be performed unless justification exists, which would allow the licensee to not perform them.

1. Station Blackout (Using existing FSAR assumptions) 2. Appendix R Fire Response 3. SAMG Response (to the extent performed by on-shift personnel prior to augmentation) Events requiring analysis were determined by reviewing the Callaway Plant (CP) FSAR. Callaway personnel reviewed the listing and validated that the identified FSAR DBA events listed in Appendix A were applicable for review according to the NEI 10-05 guidance.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 119 The regulatory analysis requires that the scenarios be evaluated using the approved minimum staffing in the Emergency Plan. A comparison of the Callaway Plant Radiological Emergency Plan (CP RERP) to other administrative guidance (e.g., ODP-ZZ-00001, Operations Department - Code of Conduct) identified inconsistent minimum on-shift staffing requirements.

Staffing Table CP RERP, Rev 039 Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/ On-Shift Emergency Response ODP-ZZ-00001, Rev 076 Operations Department - Code of Conduct 1 Position On-Shift Position On-Shift Shift Manager (SM) 1 Shift Manager (SM) 1 Control Room Supervisor (SRO) 2 1 Control Room Supervisor (SRO) 2 1 Field Supervisor (SRO) 2 1 Field Supervisor (SRO) 2 1 Reactor Operator (RO) 2 Unit Reactor Operator 2 Ops/Assistant Ops Technicians (NLO) 4 Ops/Assistant Ops Technicians 5 Other Operations Personnel 3 2 Additional Operations Personnel 3 2 HP Operations 1 HP Technical Support (DA) 1 Chemistry Technician 1 Shift Security Supervisor 1 Total: 15 Total: 12 Fire Brigade 4 5 Fire Brigade 4 5 Search & Rescue 5/MERT 6 2 Security Sec plan 1 ODP-ZZ-00001, Operations Department - Code of Conduct, is not consistent with Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1of the CP RERP. 2 Shift Technical Advisor (STA) and Fire Brigade Leader (FBL) are collateral duties of the Operating Supervisors. Typically, one Operating Supervisor is assigned as Control Room Supervisor and the other is assigned as the Field Supervisor. STA and FBL are qualifications. 3 Offsite Communications is assigned to one of the Other Operations Personnel. 4 Fire Brigade is collateral duty of on-shift Operations personnel. The Fire Brigade consists of 1 Incident Commander (FBL) and 4 Fire Brigade Members.

5 Search & Rescue is a collateral duty of Operations, Security, and Chemistry personnel. 6 MERT is a collateral duty of Security. Summary of DBA/ISG Events Requiring Further Evaluation: 1. Design Basis Threat

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 120 DBA/ISG Events Not Requiring Further Evaluation 1. Steam System Pipe Break (MSLB) 2. Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) 3. Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) 4. Rod Cluster Control Assembly Ejection Accident 5. Steam Generator Tube Rupture 6. Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release exceeding PAGs and resulting PARs 7. ATWS 8. Aircraft Probable Threat 9. Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown 10. Station Blackout 11. SAMG DBA/ISG Events Not Requiring Analysis 1. Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break - bounded by Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) 2. Fuel Handling Accident - Per the Callaway FSAR, this event is applicable during a refueling outage and is not analyzed with the existing on-shift staff. 3. Appendix R Fire Response - Per Callaway personnel, this event is bounded by the Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown event. Preliminary Results:

  • A Time Motion Study (TMS) of the Shift Manager position is required for the Design Basis Threat Event due to competing Emergency Plan functions/tasks - State/Local Notifications and NRC Notifications. The TMS will determine if these functions can be performed by the Shift Manager (SM) during an event. Other Identified Issues
  • ERDS activation after Control Room evacuation. No procedural guidance exists. (EP to evaluate and resolve - CAR 201207097)
  • Step 12 of E-1 directs Chemistry sampling of the Containment atmosphere. Currently no procedure guidance exists for this process. (Chemistry and Operations to evaluate - CAR 201201251)
  • STA availability during the Control Room Fire with evacuation and remote shutdown event. During this event an STA is not available for 30 minutes. (Operations to evaluate - CAR 201207095)
  • Current practice at Callaway Plant utilizes a non-licensed operator as the NRC Communicator. NRC expectation is that this communicator be a licensed operator (SRO preferred). (EP to evaluate)

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 121 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 122 Recommendations: 1. Determine most effective methodologies to perform remaining scenarios requiring detailed time motion studies (Simulator based Drill, timed in-plant response, combinations, other). 2. Schedule and conduct Phase III analysis for the following event: a. Design Basis Threat RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 123 Details The On-shift Staffing Analysis (Phase II of NEI 10-05) for the Callaway Plant was conducted October 3-5, 2012 using NEI 10-05, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities.

The NRC Commission amended 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV.A, "Organization," to address concerns regarding the assignment of tasks or responsibilities to on-shift emergency response organization (ERO) personnel that would potentially overburden them and prevent the timely performance of their emergency plan functions. Licensees must have enough on-shift staff to perform specified tasks in various functional areas of emergency response. All shifts must have the capability to perform these emergency functions 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day, 7 days a week, to minimize the impact of radiological emergencies and to provide for the protection of public health and safety.

The rule became effective on December 23, 2011 with implementations dates associated with this issue as follows: 1. On-shift Staffing Analysis completed by December 24, 2012. 2. Analysis results indicating insufficient staffing must provide for compensatory measures with 30 days of completion of the analysis. 3. Permanent staffing changes must be completed within 24 months of completion of the analysis.

NEI developed the document NEI 10-05, "Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities," Revision 0, dated June 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML111751698), to establish a standard methodology for a licensee to perform the required staffing analysis. The NRC has reviewed NEI 10-05 and found it to be an acceptable methodology for this purpose.

The following departments and personnel were present to complete the assessment: Emergency Preparedness Nick Turner Operations - AOM Mark Covey Operations - RO Jake Santie Operations - NLO Zach Brauks Radiation Protection Vince Miller Chemistry Joe Howard Security Roger Baumeister Fire Marshal Jeff Wallendorff Safety Analysis Engineer Malcolm Smith EP Consulting, LLC Rodney Brown, Kevin Bruckerhoff, Rich Brown RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 124 In accordance with NEI 10-05, the following Callaway Plant DBA/ISG events were considered for the analysis: DBA/ISG Event # Summary Description of Event or Accident 1 Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat (DBT). 2 Steam System Pipe Rupture (MSLB) 3 Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) 4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) 5 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break 6 Spectrum of Rod Cluster Control Assembly Ejection Accidents (RCCA Ejection) 7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) 8 Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release exceeding PAGs and resulting PARs 9 Fuel Handling Accident 10 ATWS 11 Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214 12 NFPA 805 Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown, as referenced in IN 95-48. 13 Station Blackout (Current Licensing Basis) 14 Appendix R Fire Response 15 SAMG These events were determined for analysis by review of the FSAR Design Basis Accidents (DBA), selecting those events that are identified as Condition IV events per the following guidance provided in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance, Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants: To ensure that the on-shift staff can carry out their assigned emergency response functions until the augmenting ERO arrives, each licensee should:

  • Define the events that will be used in the staffing analysis. These events should include the following: (1) Postulated DBAs (Condition IV events) presented in the FSAR, as updated, and which would result in an emergency declaration. At least one DBA should result in the declaration of a General Emergency and radiological doses to the public that exceed the EPA PAGs and necessitate licensee PARs; (2) Station DBT; (3) Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214; and (4) Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown, as referenced RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 125 in IN 95-48. NSIR/DPR ISG-01 also specifies three additional scenarios for 'consideration.' If these scenarios are not performed justification must be provided in the final analysis. The three scenarios for considerations are:
  • Station Blackout (Current Licensing Basis) - this event scenario was performed in the Phase II analysis.
  • Appendix R - this event scenario was considered but not performed in the Phase II analysis since it is bounded by the Control Room fire with evacuation and remote shutdown.
  • SAMG Response - Response was limited to actions performed prior to activation of the TSC and SAMG augmented personnel. This scenario was initially included in the Phase II analysis; however, during the analysis it was determined that SAMG actions implemented in accordance with SACRG-1 did not require on-shift support outside of licensed and non-licensed operators. Per the guidance in NEI 10-05, no further analysis of this event is required.

The Loss Of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) was selected as the DBA event to be taken to General Emergency with corresponding release exceeding EPA PAGs. This scenario was also the basis for the initial SAMG analysis. Methodology A multi-disciplined team of subject matter experts from Callaway Plant was assembled to provide input into the shift staffing analysis of events identified by NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance, Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants. This team consisted of: the Assistant Operations Manager (Shift Manager/SRO); a Reactor Operator; an Operations Technician (NLO); Chemistry Supervisor; an RP General Supervisor; a Fire Marshal; a Security Supervisor; a Safety Analysis Engineer; and Emergency Planning staff (station and consultants). The team provided analysis support during the Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis as follows:

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 126 Table 1 On-Shift Staffing Analysis Team Team Member Subject Matter Expertise Assistant Operations Manager Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) actions for SROs and ROs Off-Normal Technical Operating Procedure (OTO) actions for SROs and ROs Operating Procedure actions Site Emergency Director (E Plan) Actions for Shift Manager Fire response actions Reactor Operator EOP actions for ROs OTO actions for ROs Operating Procedure actions Fire response actions Operations Technician (NLO) EOP actions for NLOs OTO actions for NLOs Operating Procedure actions for NLOs Fire response actions for NLOs Fire Marshal Fire Brigade Response actions Chemistry Supervisor Chemistry Technician response actions RP Supervisor HP Technician response actions Security Supervisor Security Response actions Accountability Response actions Safety Analysis Engineer DBA Event response actions Emergency Planning Emergency Plan response actions The Phase II On-Shift Staffing analysis was conducted in three steps: identification of events for analysis; minimum shift staffing complement determination; and, a tabletop analysis of the on-shift staffing resources required for response to the identified events.

Identification of Events for Analysis Prior to the analysis, a review of Chapter 15 of the CP FSAR identified the Design Basis Accident (DBA) events to be analyzed during Phase II. Section of the CP FSAR identifies those DBA events that are designated as Condition IV events and meet the requirements of NSIR/DPR-ISG-01 (Attachment 1). These events were incorporated in Appendix A, Analyzed Events and Accidents. The on-shift staffing analysis team validated these events and included an analysis of an ATWS event, even though it is not identified as a FSAR Chapter 15 DBA Condition IV event. This resulted in a preliminary listing of FSAR Chapter 15 DBA events for review and assessment by the team. The FSAR Chapter 15 Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) DBA event (Section 15.6.5) was determined by the team to be the event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 127 to be analyzed as requiring a General Emergency classification with an offsite radiological release (NSIR/DPR-ISG-01 requirement) and resulting PARs. Additional events identified in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01 were also identified for review by the team. Those events identified for the shift staffing analysis were the Security DBT event; aircraft probable threat event; Control Room fire with evacuation and remote shutdown; Station Blackout; Appendix R Fire response; and, SAMG response prior to augmentation of the on-shift ERO.

The team assigned and validated the event emergency classifications for the events to be analyzed. The results of this review are documented in Appendix A. The events listed in Appendix A were then used to perform the initial Phase II Shift Staffing analysis.

Minimum Shift Staffing Complement Determination NSIR/DPR-ISG-01 allows the use of guidance in NEI 10-05, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities to conduct the Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis. Using the guidance from NEI 10-05, the team reviewed the minimum on-shift emergency response organization (ERO) numbers identified in Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 of the CP RERP and used these numbers to perform the Initial Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis. Table 2 identifies the on-shift ERO staffing used for the initial Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis. Table 2 CP RERP, Rev 039 Figure 5-1, On-Shift Emergency Response Table 5-1, Emergency Staffing Requirements/ On-Shift Emergency Response Position On-Shift Shift Manager (SM) 1 Control Room Supervisor (SRO) 1 Field Supervisor (SRO) 1 Reactor Operator (RO) 2 Ops/Assistant Ops Technicians (NLO) 4 Other Operations Personnel 2 HP Operations 1 HP Technical Support (DA) 1 Chemistry Technician 1 Shift Security Supervisor 1 Total: 15 Fire Brigade 5 Search & Rescue/MERT 2 Security Sec plan Tabletop Analysis of On-Shift Staffing for Identified Events RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 128 The tabletop reviews were conducted in the Callaway EOF which enabled the team to have ready access to procedures and other support documents. Using the guidance in NEI 10-05, the team performed a tabletop review of on-shift actions in response to those events identified in Appendix A. This review included the identification of needed resources and the time required to complete identified actions until augmentation of the on-shift ERO. Each event was analyzed separately and documented in the applicable event analysis tables. The shift staffing analysis was conducted by first reviewing the event described in Appendix A. This review provided the team with a basic understanding of the event and resulting emergency classification.

The SRO reviewed EOP, OTO and other operating procedure actions and identified them to the team.

Specific resources needed to perform initial event response actions were identified from the EOP, OTO, or other operations procedures and documented as per the guidance in NEI 10-05. The team determined when other on-shift resources, such as the RP or Chemistry Technician, would be required and identified the time required to perform expected emergency plan functions. This information was documented on the applicable tables identified in NEI 10-05. The Emergency Plan functions for the event were reviewed and assigned to the on-shift resource responsible for performance of the identified function and documented as per NEI 10-05. Finally, the on-shift resources and their actions were summarized in a table (NEI 10-05 Table 1), with conflicts requiring additional analysis identified as per NEI 10-05. The team reviewed a total of twelve (12) events. The results and recommendations of the initial Phase II Shift Staffing Analysis are documented in this report.

Preliminary Conclusions:

  • A Time Motion Study (TMS) of the Shift Manager position is required for the Design Basis Threat Event due to competing Emergency Plan functions/tasks - State/Local Notifications and NRC Notifications. The TMS will determine if these functions can be performed by the STA during an event
  • Further Phase III analysis is required for the following events: 1. Design Basis Threat Recommendations: 3. Determine most effective methodologies to perform remaining scenarios requiring detailed time motion studies (Simulator based Drill, timed in-plant response, combinations, other).

4. Schedule and conduct Phase III analysis for the following event:

b. Design Basis Threat RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 129 APPENDIX A Analyzed Events and Accidents Event # Event Type Summary Description of Event Plant Mode Reference Document(s) Event ECL Analysis Required? 1. DBT Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat (DBT). Any ISG IV.C Site Area Emergency Yes 2. DBA Steam System Pipe Break (MSLB) 3 FSAR Chapter 15.1.5 Unusual Event Yes 3. DBA Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) 1-4 FSAR Chapter 15.2.8 Unusual Event Yes 4. DBA Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) 1-4 FSAR Chapter 15.3.3 Unusual Event Yes 5. DBA Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break (Note 1) 1-4 FSAR Chapter 15.3.4 None No 6. DBA Spectrum of rod cluster control assembly ejection accidents (RCCA Ejection) 1-4 FSAR Chapter 15.4.8 Alert Yes 7. DBA Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) 1-4 FSAR Chapter 15.6.3 Alert Yes 8. DBA Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LB LOCA) (Note 2) 1 FSAR Chapter 15.6.5 Site Area - General Emergency Yes 9. DBA Fuel Handling Accident (Note 3) 6 FSAR Chapter 15.7.4 Alert No 10. ISG ATWS 1-2 ISG IV.C FSAR Chapter 15.8 Alert Yes RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 130 Event # Event Type Summary Description of Event Plant Mode Reference Document(s) Event ECL Analysis Required? 11. ISG Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214, Guidance for Assessment of Beyond-Design-Basis Aircraft Impacts Any ISG IV.C Alert Yes 12. ISG NFPA 805 Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown, as referenced in IN 95-48 "Results of On-Shift Staffing Study 1-4 ISG IV.C Alert Yes 13. ISG Station (Unit) Blackout Any ISG IV.C Site Area Emergency Yes 14. ISG Appendix R Fire Response (Note 4) Any ISG IV.C Alert No 15. ISG SAMG Any ISG IV.C General Emergency Yes Note 1: Per the Callaway FSAR, event consequences and response are the same as for the RCP Locked Rotor Event (Event #4). Therefore, this event is bounded by Event #4 and no further analysis is required. Note 2: DBA event designated as proceeding non-mechanistically to GE with release exceeding Protective Action Guides Note 3: Fuel Handling Accident is not analyzed with the existing onshift staff. The Callaway FSAR states that this event involves fuel that is conditioned at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown, therefore it is applicable to refueling conditions. Refueling operations are staffed for the evolution with additional operations, RP and support personnel. Note 4: Per Callaway personnel, the Control Room fire with evacuation and remote shutdown is the bounding Appendix R fire scenario; therefore, no further analysis of this event is required.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 131 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #1 Design Basis Threat Initial Conditions: Time: Sunday @0230 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

0235 Adversary force assaults Callaway and attempts to breach the protected area fence Security engages adversaries and notifies Shift Manager 0236 CR personnel initiate Security Event response OTO

Rx manually tripped On-site protective actions initiated Emergency Plan entered 0240 Security informs Shift Manager that PA has been breached 0245 Security informs Shift Manager that adversaries have been neutralized

No injuries to site personnel No fires or collateral damage to plant equipment No adverse consequences to plant safety RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 132 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #2 Steam System Pipe Break (Main Steam Line Break)

Initial Conditions:

Time: Saturday @ 0250 Unit @ Mode 3, Hot Zero Power; EOL RCS @ Hot Zero Power operating temperature (Tavg = 557 F) and pressure Sequence of Events:

0250 SG B Main Steam Line fails (double-ended rupture), outside of containment but upstream of MSIV.

LOOP occurs coincident with steam line break EDG's start and load supplying power to ESF busses MSIVs closed within 17 seconds Rx Trip initiated on low steamline pressure signal Most reactive RCCA stuck in full withdrawn position SI initiated 'A' High Head Safety Injection Pump starts and supplies flow 'B' Train of SI fails

0255 Emergency Plan Initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 133 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #3 Major Rupture of A Main Feedwater Line (Main Feedwater Line Break) Initial Conditions:

Time: Wednesday @ 2250 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2250 Main Feedwater Control System fails Rx Trip initiated on Lo-Lo Steam Generator Level LOOP occurs coincident with Rx Trip EDGs start and supply power to ESF busses Main Feedwater line to SG C ruptures (double ended) downstream of the check valve inside containment Main Feedwater isolation valves closed Aux Feedwater Flow initiated 2300 Emergency Plan initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 134 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor)

Initial Conditions: Time: Friday @ 2045 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ maximum steady-state temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

2050:00 B RCP rotor seizes Rx Trip initiated on low RCS flow signal T-G Trip Loss of Offsite Power occurs; EDGs start and load to essential buses 2050:05 RCS pressure increases peaks and begins to decrease PRZR Spray fails to initiate PORV/PRZR safeties setpoint reached; however, PORVs fail to open

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 135 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #5 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break

Initial Conditions: Time: Friday @ 2045 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ maximum steady-state temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

2050:00 C RCP rotor seizes Rx Trip initiated on low RCS flow signal T-G Trip Loss of Offsite Power occurs; EDGs start and load to essential buses 2050:05 RCS pressure increases peaks and begins to decrease PRZR Spray fails to initiate PORV/PRZR safeties setpoint reached; however, PORVs fail to open

This event has same consequences/response actions as Event #4, RCP Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor). Therefore, no further analysis performed.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 136 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #6 RCCA Ejection Initial Conditions: Time: Monday @ 0430 Unit @ 100% Power @ BOL; Control Bank D inserted to its insertion limit RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

0430 RCCA H5 is ejected due to unidentified SCC around the housing (circumferential crack) Rx trips on high neutron flux One control rod, adjacent to ejected rod, sticks (does not fully insert) SB LOCA conditions exist LOOP occurs coincident with Rx trip EDGs start and load to ESF buses 0435 Emergency Plan initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 137 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Initial Conditions: Time: Wednesday @ 2100 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2105 SGTR occurs - double ended guillotine break of one hot leg SG tube in D SG AB-RE-0016D, N16 monitor GE-RE-92, Condenser off Gas

2111 Rx trip on overtemperature T or manual trip by RO Highest worth control rod stuck in fully withdrawn position

SI initiated Loss of offsite power occurs; EDG startup and provide power to necessary engineered safeguards equipment D ASD fails open AB-RE-114, D Main Steam Line ASD Monitor, in alarm Emergency Plan initiated 2131 Operators manually close D ASD block valve

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 138 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #8 Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release exceeding PAGs and resulting PARs Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday @ 2200 Unit @100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

2200 LB LOCA (guillotine break on A cold leg) initiated RCS leak rate > charging pump capacity Rx trip on low pressurizer pressure T-G trip Loss of offsite power; EDGs start and supply power to respective ESF buses SI initiated B train fails A train pumps on and supplying flow (high head charging pump/safety injection pump/low head injection pump) trips 2201 Operators enter OTO/EOPs 2202 Emergency Plan initiated 2215 RVLIS level 42% with RCP off Initial Emergency Classification determined 2230 Initial notification to offsite agencies initiated 2235 Conditions degrade CSFST indicates Core Cooling Red CSFST indicates Containment Red Containment Press > 47 psig RCS Subcooling Margin < 0 F General Emergency Conditions exist Release occurs PARs required RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 139 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #9 Fuel Handling Accident

Initial Conditions: Time: Sunday @ 0100 Unit in Mode 6; Day 7 of refueling outage Rx Vessel head is removed; fuel canal is full, fuel movement in progress Sequence of Events:

0105 Fuel handling crew in the process of moving fuel from RxV to SFP 0106 While moving a fuel bundle to the up ender in the fuel transfer canal, the fuel assembly grappler catastrophically fails and the fuel assembly drops to the bottom of the fuel transfer canal floor All fuel rods in the assembly are damaged, releasing the gap inventory in the assembly 0110 Valid alarms received on Containment Monitors HP evacuates personnel from containment Personnel hatch fails open 0111 Fuel Handling SRO notifies control room of event Emergency Plan initiated This event occurs during a refueling outage and is therefore not analyzed with on-shift staff. Additional shift staffing is available to support the refueling outage.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 140 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 141 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #10 ATWS

Initial Conditions: Time: Saturday @ 1400 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

1400 Turbine trip occurs due to loss of main condenser vacuum without RPS initiated Rx Trip signal Manual Rx trip by RO in control room is successful 1405 Control Room Supervisor informs Shift Manager of initiating conditions and event Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 142 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #11 Aircraft Probable Threat Initial Conditions: Time: Wednesday @ 0300 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

0300 NRC notifies Callaway control room of confirmed aircraft threat Probable Threat - > 5 minutes < 30 minutes 0301 CR personnel initiate Security Event response AOP

On-site actions initiated Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 143 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #12 Control Room Fire with evacuation and remote shutdown Initial Conditions: Time: Friday @ 2100 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

2105 Operators observe smoke coming from behind control board 2106 Smoke in CR becomes thicker/flames observed FB activated

2107 Operators attempt to extinguish flames without success Decision is made to evacuate control room Emergency Plan initiated RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 144 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #13 Station Blackout

Initial Conditions: Time: Sunday @ 0100 Weather: Thunderstorms with heavy rain; .5" recorded in last 15 minutes Unit @ 100% Power; EOC RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure Sequence of Events:

0110 Lightning strike affects offsite power grid resulting in loss of Off-site power

Unit Main Turbine trips resulting in Rx Trip 0110:35 Unit EDGs fail to start and load to essential buses - no AC power is available Operators initiate OTOs/EOPs in response None safety diesel fails to start (Alternate Emergency Power Supply)

Emergency Plan initiated

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 145 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #14 Appendix R fire -

Initial Conditions: Time: Friday @ 2100 Unit @ 100% Power RCS @ normal operating temperature and pressure

Sequence of Events:

2105 Operators receive numerous Fire Detector alarms indicating fire in an Appendix R designated area Fire pumps auto start Sprinkler system activates

2106 FB activated 2107 Control Room personnel smell smoke and observe erratic indications on control panels Emergency Plan initiated

No analysis required for this event. Callaway Plant personnel have determined that the limiting resource response event is Event #12.

Therefore this event response is bounded by the Control Room Fire with evacuation and remote shutdown response RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 146 APPENDIX A.1 Event Timelines and Assumptions Event #15 SAMG Response Actions Initial Conditions: Time: Monday @ 2250 Unit @ 0% Power - General Emergency conditions exist (follow up to Event #8, 50 minutes after LB LOCA initiating event)

Sequence of Events: 2250 Loss of SI Trains occur - no ECCS equipment available 2300 >5 CETs reading 1200 °F and trending higher SAMG entry conditions met

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 147 APPENDIX B Event Scenario Analysis Tables Analysis (Scenario Number) FSAR DBA/ ISG Event # (Appendix A) Title Source Page Number 1 1 Design Basis Threat ISG 145 2 2 Steam System Piping Failure (MSLB) FSAR Condition IV 150 3 3 Major Rupture of a Main Feedwater Line (MFLB) FSAR Condition IV 155 4 4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) Including Loss Of Offsite Power FSAR Condition IV 160 5 6 Spectrum of Rod Cluster Control Assembly (RCCA) Ejection Accidents FSAR Condition IV 165 6 7 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) FSAR Condition IV 171 7 8 Loss of Coolant Accident (LB LOCA) with release and resulting PARs FSAR Condition IV 177 8 10 ATWS ISG 183 9 11 Response actions for an "aircraft probable threat" in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(1) and as discussed in RG 1.214 ISG 188 10 12 Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown, as referenced in IN 95-48. ISG 194 11 14 Station Blackout (Current Licensing Basis) ISG 200 12 15 SAMG ISG 206 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 148 Appendix B Analysis #1: DBA/ISG Event #1 - DBT ECL: Site Area Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 8. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L7 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No Yes 9. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 10. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 11. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 12. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 T5/L5 No No 13. Security Shift Supervisor CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T2/L7 No No 14. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 149 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 1 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 6. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 7. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 8. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 9. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 10. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor. Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 7. Security Shift Supervisor Security Shift Supervisor Security Training Notes: Notify and remain available to Shift Manager RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 150 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #1 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: N/A no Fire Brigade response required RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 151 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #1 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: No response - Chemistry and HP in duck and cover RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 152 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis #1 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) RO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 23. Complete State/local notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications Shift Manager EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A - after ERO augmentation N/A Notes: Site Area Emergency, EAL HS4.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 153 Appendix B Analysis #2: DBA/ISG Event #2 - Steam Line Break ECL: Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 13. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 14. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 15. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 16. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 17. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 18. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 19. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 20. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 21. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 22. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 23. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 24. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 154 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 2 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 9. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 10. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 11. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 12. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 13. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 14. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 15. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 155 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 2 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 156 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis # 2 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: SG sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X X X X X X 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 157 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 2 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification N/A N/A 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: NUE, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 158 Appendix B Analysis #3: DBA/ISG Event #3 - Main Feedwater Line Break ECL Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 13. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 14. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 15. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 16. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 17. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 18. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 19. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 20. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 21. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 22. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 23. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 24. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 159 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 3 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 9. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 10. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 11. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 12. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 13. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 14. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 15. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 160 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 3 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 161 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis # 3 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: SG sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X X X X X X 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 162 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 3 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification N/A N/A 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: NUE, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 163 Appendix B Analysis #4: DBA/ISG Event #4 - RCP Locked Rotor ECL: Unusual Event TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 11. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 12. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 13. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 14. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 15. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 16. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 17. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 18. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 19. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 20. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 164 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 4 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 9. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 10. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 11. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 12. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 13. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 14. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 15. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 165 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 4 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 166 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #4 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Sample and analyze SG. On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 167 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 4 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification N/A N/A 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Unusual Event, EAL SU1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 168 Appendix B Analysis #5: DBA/ISG Event #6 - RCCA assembly ejection ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 14. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 15. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 16. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 17. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 18. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 19. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 20. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 21. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 22. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 23. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 24. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 169 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 25. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 T4/L8 T4/L9 No No 26. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 170 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 5 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 9. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 10. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 11. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 12. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 13. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 14. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 15. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 171 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #5 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 172 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #5 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 10. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X 11. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 12. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 13. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 14. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 16. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Steam Generator Sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X X X X X X 17. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: RCS Sampling On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X 18. Chemistry function/task #3 - Describe: RCS Analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment In Plant surveys of Main Steam Line per EOP Chemistry sampling per EOP CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination Chemistry directed by EOP to sample containment atmosphere however, no procedure guidance exist (CAR 201201251).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 173 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 5 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert EAL FA1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 174 Appendix B Analysis #6: DBA/ISG Event #7 - Steam Generator Tube Rupture (Stuck ADV) ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 16. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 17. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 18. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 19. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 20. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 21. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 22. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 23. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 24. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L9 No No 25. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 26. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 175 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 27. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No 28. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 29. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 T4/L8 T4/L9 No No 30. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 176 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 6 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 11. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 12. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 13. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 14. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 15. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 17. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 18. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 19. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 20. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 177 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #6 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 178 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #6 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 10. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X 11. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 12. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 13. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 14. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 16. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Steam Generator Sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X X X X X X 17. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: RCS Sampling On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X 18. Chemistry function/task #3 - Describe: RCS Analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment In Plant surveys of Main Steam Line per EOP Chemistry sampling per EOP CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 179 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 6 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL FA1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 180 Appendix B Analysis #7: DBA/ISG Event #8 - LOCA, with release and PARS ECL: Site Area Emergency- General Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 15. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L2 T5/L3 T5/L4 T5/L5 No No 16. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 17. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 18. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 19. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 20. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 21. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 22. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 23. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 24. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 181 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 25. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 26. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L7 No No 27. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No 28. CAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L15 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 182 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 7 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 9. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 10. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 11. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 12. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 13. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 14. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 15. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 183 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis #7 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 184 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #7 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 8. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X 9. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 11. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 12. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 14. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: Steam Generator Sampling and analysis On-Shift Position: CT #1 X X X X X X X Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment In Plant surveys of Main Steam Line per EOP Chemistry sampling per EOP CTP-ZZ-02590, Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination Chemistry directed by EOP to sample containment atmosphere however, no procedure guidance exist (CAR 201201251).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 185 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 7 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 31. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 32. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations Shift Manager (GE) EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 33. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 34. Approve extension to allowable dose limits Shift Manager (GE) EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 35. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 36. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 37. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 38. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 39. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 40. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 41. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 42. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 43. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 44. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 45. Personnel accountability CAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program Notes: Site Area Emergency - General Emergency EAL FS1.1 and FG1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00212, Protective Action Recommendations EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability State and local notifications communicated electronically (Sentry). NLO #5 is able to maintain RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 186 NRC communication during GE.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 187 Appendix B Analysis #8: DBA/ISG - Event #10 - ATWS ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 9. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 10. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 11. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 12. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 13. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 14. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 15. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 16. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 188 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 8 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 6. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 7. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 8. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 9. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 10. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 189 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 8 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 190 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #8 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment Chemistry post trip sampling after augmentation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 191 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 8 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL SA2.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 192 Appendix B Analysis #9: DBA/ISG Event #11 - Aircraft Probable Threat ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 14. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L8 No No 15. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 16. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 17. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 18. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 T5/L5 No No 19. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 20. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 21. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L8 No No 22. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L9 No No 23. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 24. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 193 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 25. Security Shift Supervisor CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T2/L11 No No 26. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 194 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 9 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 12. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 13. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 14. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 15. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 16. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 17. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 18. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 19. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 20. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 21. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor. Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 22. Security Shift Supervisor (SSS) Security Shift Supervisor Security Training Notes: SSS remains available for contact with Shift Manager and directs closure of main gate.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 195 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 9 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. Operating Supervisor (IC-SRO#2) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 7. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 8. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 9. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 10. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Ops/Fire Brigade Training Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event. FB personnel dispersed per OTO-SK-0002 (see Table 2A)

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 196 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #9 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: No required actions for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 197 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 9 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) RO#2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL HA4.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 198 Appendix B Analysis #10: DBA/ISG Event #12 - Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown ECL: Alert TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 18. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 No No 19. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 T5/L5 No No 20. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 2 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L1 No No 21. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 22. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 23. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1)3 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L2 No No 24. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) 3 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L3 No No 25. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) 3 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L4 No No 26. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) 3 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L5 No No 27. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 28. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 29. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T3/L9 No No 30. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T3/L8 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 199 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 31. Security Officer #1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L6 No No 32. Security Officer #2 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T3/L7 No No 33. CAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No 34. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS). 2 Incident Command is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS). 3 Fire Brigade response is a collateral duty of assigned Ops/Asst Ops Technicians RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 200 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 10 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 8. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 9. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) 1 Operator Training 10. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 11. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 12. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor. Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 13. SAS Operator SAS Operator Security Training Notes: SAS Operator reports to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel with Shift Manager at evacuation.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 201 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 10 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 9. Operating Supervisor (IC-SRO#2) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 10. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 11. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 12. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 13. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Ops/Fire Brigade Training 14. Security Officer #1 Security Training 15. Security Officer #2 Security Training 16. Chemistry Technician (CT #1) Chemistry Training 17. Radiation Protection Technician (HP #1) Radiation Protection Training Notes: Security Officer #1 supports IC with security related duties such as access controls. Security Officer #2 provides MERT (medical supports as an EMT)

Chemistry Technician provides non-radiological air sampling Radiation Protection Technician provides respiratory protection support i.e. SCBA bottle refill RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 202 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #10 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: See Table 3 Post trip sampling after ERO augmentation.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 203 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 10 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications N/A 1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) SRO #1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification CAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form N/A 1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS No procedure guidance for this event N/A 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: Alert, EAL HA5.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation 1 For this event, there is a preapproved notification form, with procedure guidance in EIP-ZZ-00201. NO direct SM actions are required.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 204 Appendix B Analysis #11: DBA/ISG Event #13 - SBO ECL: Site Area Emergency TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 16. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L1 T5/L3 T5/L5 No No 17. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 18. Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 T5/L11 No No 19. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 20. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L5 No No 21. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L6 No No 22. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L7 No No 23. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2.L8 No No 24. Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2.L9 No No 25. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L8 T5/L9 T5/L10 T5/L13 No No 26. Ops Technician (NLO #6) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L10 No No RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 205 Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 27. HP Technician (HP #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L1 T4/L3 No No 28. HP Technician (HP #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T4/L5 No No 29. CAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L15 No No 30. SAS Operator CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T5/L6 No No Notes: 1 STA is a function and not a position. STA is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisors (CR or FS).

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 206 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 11 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 11. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 12. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 13. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - FS (SRO #2) 1 Operator Training 14. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 15. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training 16. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #1) Operator Training 17. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #2) Operator Training 18. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #3) Operator Training 19. Auxiliary Operator Ops/Asst Ops Technician (NLO #4) Operator Training 20. Auxiliary Operator Ops Technician (NLO #6) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions 1 STA function is a collateral duty of the Operating Supervisor.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 207 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 11 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event.

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 208 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #11 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 X X X X X X 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: HP #1 X 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment Chemistry Post trip Sample after augmentation HP#1 surveys of Main Steam Lines after personnel monitoring of NLO #6 (RCP seal isolation)

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 209 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 11 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A N/A 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 21. ERO notification SAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 24. Perform State/local notifications NLO #5 EP Training and EP Drill Program 25. Complete NRC event notification form NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 26. Activate ERDS SRO #2 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability CAS Operator EP/Security Training and EP Drill Program Notes: Site Area Emergency, EAL SS1.1 EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions EIP-ZZ-00200, Augmentation of the Emergency Organization EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications EIP-ZZ-00217, Emergency Data System Activation EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 210 Appendix B Analysis #12: DBA/ISG Event #15 - SAMG ECL: General Emergency conditions existed (see Analysis #7) TABLE 1 - On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) Role in Table#/Line# Unanalyzed Task? TMS Required? 6. Shift Manager CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L1 T5/L4 No No 7. Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L2 No No 8. Reactor Operator (RO #1) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L3 No No 9. Reactor Operator (RO #2) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 N/A T2/L4 No No 10. Offsite Communicator (NLO #5) CP RERP, Figure 5-1, Table 5-1 75 T5/L13 No No Notes:

RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 211 TABLE 2 - Plant Operations & Safe Shutdown Analysis # 12 One Unit - One Control Room Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement OTOs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Performance Validation 5. Shift Manager Shift Manager Operator Training 6. Shift Supervisor Operating Supervisor - CR (SRO #1) Operator Training 7. Reactor Operator (OATC) Reactor Operator (RO #1) Operator Training 8. Reactor Operator (BOP) Plant Operator (RO #2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for OTO/EOP actions RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 212 TABLE 3 - Firefighting Analysis # 12 Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method 6. N/A N/A 7. N/A N/A 8. N/A N/A 9. N/A N/A 10. N/A N/A Notes: No Fire Brigade response for this event RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 213 TABLE 4 - Radiation Protection & Chemistry Analysis #12 Line Position Performing Function/Task Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes) 0- 5 5- 10 10- 15 15- 20 20- 25 25- 30 30- 35 35- 40 40- 45 45- 50 50- 55 55- 60 60- 65 65- 70 70- 75 75- 80 80- 85 85- 90 9. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 10. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: HP #1 11. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position: 12. Job Coverage On-Shift Position: 13. Offsite Radiological Assessment On-Shift Position: HP #2 See Analysis #7 14. Other Site-Specific RP - Describe: On-Shift Position: 15. Chemistry function/task #1 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 16. Chemistry function/task #2 - Describe: On-Shift Position: CT #1 Notes: EIP-ZZ-01211, Accident Dose Assessment RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 214 TABLE 5 - Emergency Plan Implementation Analysis # 12 Line Function/Task On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 16. Declare the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) N/A N/A 17. Approve Offsite Protective Action Recommendations N/A N/A 18. Approve content of State/local notifications N/A N/A 19. Approve extension to allowable dose limits Shift Manager EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 20. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to assemble, evacuate, etc.) N/A N/A 21. ERO notification N/A N/A 22. Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A 23. Complete State/local notification form N/A N/A 24. Perform State/local notifications N/A N/A 25. Complete NRC event notification form N/A N/A 26. Activate ERDS N/A N/A 27. Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A 28. Perform NRC notifications 1 NLO #5 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 29. Perform other site-specific event notifications (e.g., INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 30. Personnel accountability N/A N/A Notes: EAL (GE conditions already existed - see Analysis #7) Emergency Plan functions completed during Analysis #7 1 10 CFR 50.54x notification RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 215 ATTACHMENTS Attachment # Title/Description Page # 1 Callaway Plant Condition IV Events 212 2 E-Mail from Fire System, Supervising Engineer 213 3 On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During Analysis 214 4 Analysis #1, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 215 5 Analysis #2, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 216 6 Analysis #3, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 218 7 Analysis #4, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 220 8 Analysis #5, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 221 9 Analysis #6, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 224 10 Analysis #7, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 227 11 Analysis #8, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 229 12 Analysis #9, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 230 13 Analysis #10, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 231 14 Analysis #11, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 233 15 Analysis #12, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions 235 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 216 Attachment 1 Callaway Plant Condition IV Events CALLAWAY - SP Condition IV - Limiting Faults Condition IV occurrences are faults which are not expected to take place, but are postulated because their consequences would include the potential for the release of significant amounts of radioactive material. They are the most drastic which must be designed against and represent limiting design cases. Condition IV faults are not to cause a fission product release to the environment resulting in an undue risk to public health and safety in excess of guideline values of 10 CFR 100. A single Condition IV fault is not to cause a consequential loss of required functions of systems needed to cope with the fault, including those of the emergency core cooling system and the containment. For the purposes of this report the following faults have been classified in this category: a. Steam system pipe break. b. Feedwater system pipe break. c. Reactor coolant pump shaft seizure (locked rotor). d. Reactor coolant pump shaft break. e. Spectrum of rod cluster control assembly ejection accidents. f. Steam generator tube rupture. g. Loss-of-coolant accidents, resulting from a spectrum of postulated piping breaks within the reactor coolant pressure boundary (large break). h. Design basis fuel handling accidents.

15.0-216 Rev. OL-19 5/12 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 217 Attachment 2 E-Mail From Callaway Fire System, Supervising Engineer

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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : LEE EITEL Supervising Engineer Nuclear Engineering Systems - Balance of PlantC 314-225-1550 E .........................Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant P.O. Box 620 Fulton, MO 65251 RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 218 Attachment 3 On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During Analysis Position Designation Assignment Shift Manager Shift Manager Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator Control Room Supervisor SRO #1 Control Room Supervisor/STA/IC Field Supervisor SRO #2 Field Supervisor/IC/STA Reactor Operator RO #1 Reactor Operator Reactor Operator RO #2 Balance of Plant (BOP) Operator Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #1 Secondary NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #2 Inside NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #3 Polisher NLO/Fire Brigade Member Ops/Assistant Ops Technician NLO #4 Radwaste NLO/Fire Brigade Member Other Operations Personnel NLO #5 Offsite Communicator Other Operations personnel NLO #6 Primary NLO Reactor Operator RO #3 WPA RO/CSF Monitor Other Operations Personnel NLO #7 Outside NLO (25 minute response outside OCA) Other On-Shift Assignments Used During Analysis Position Designation Assignment HP Technician HP #1 HP Operations HP Technician HP #2 Offsite Dose Assessment Chemistry Technician CT #1 Chemistry Sampling/Count Room RERP Appendix J Rev. 003 Interim Report Callaway Plant On-Shift Staffing Analysis 219 Attachment 4 Analysis #1, Table 2A - OTO/EOP Actions ~~~~  !!!!""""####


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