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Response to NRC 800909 Second Round of Interrogatories & Requests for Production of Documents.Witnesses Not Yet Determined Due to Burden of Proof Falling on NRC Re All Issues Except Penalty.Documents & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/16/1980
From: Bielawski A
NUDOCS 8010210532
Download: ML18045A804 (34)


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Docket No. 50-255 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY License No. DPR-20 (Palisades Nuclear Power Facility)

(IP ocr&o CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE NRC STAFF'S SECOND ROUND OF INTERROGATORIES AND DOCUMENT REQUESTS Consumers Power Company hereby submits its res-ponses to the "NRC Staff's Second Round of Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents", dated September 9, 1980.

Interrogatory No. 1

1. In Consumers Power Company's (CPC) response to interrogatory 4 of the Staff's first round of interrogatories, CPC states that Richard D. Story installed the replacement HEPA filter in pene-tration 4a. on April 5, 1978.
a. Describe the steps Mr. Story took when he replaced the filter. Your description should include an identification of the administrative approvals of the proposed replacement, the physical acts he undertook in replacing the filter, and the administrative concurrences in*or approvals of the completed replacement.
b. Did Mr. Story functionally test the replace-ment filter in order to demonstrate its operability? If Mr. Story did not so test the filter, identify the person who did test the filter.
c. Describe the steps taken by the person who functionally tested the filter to demonstrate its operability. This description should identify the manner in which the air flow required for the test was provided.
d. Identify the documents which refer or relate to the matters described in response to a.

and c. above.

e. Provide a copy of all documents identified in response to d. above.


a. Mr. Story does not specifically recall each of the steps taken in replacing either the HEPA or the charcoal filters. The actual maintenance operation of replacing the filters would not involve the opening of the valves. Indeed, procedure M-VAS-3 (Attachment A hereto), which is the applicable Maintenance Department procedure used for replacing the charcoal filters, ,requires that the filter system be isolated.

Isolation of the filter system is accomplished by ensuring that the manual isolation valves are tagged shut as a pre-caution to workmen performing the filter replacement.

Equipment Outage Request, initiated 4/5/78, completed 4/7/78 (Attachement E to Consumers' Response to the Staff's First Round of Interrogatories) indicates that these valves were

-tagged shut for the filter replacement operation. This same Equipment Outage Request also indicates that following the completion of the filter replacement, the tags were removed.

b. No.

Mr. Fred Leckie, Nuclear Containment Systems, Inc., 1225 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43215 (614)486-7113.

Mr. Leckie, an outside contractor who was employed by Nuclear Containment Systems at the time the tests were performed, was supervised by Thomas P. Neal.

c. The steps taken in functionally testing the filter are set forth in procedure NCS-375, Rev. 1., 8/22/75 (Attachment D to Consumers Responses to the Staff's First Round of Interrogatories.) Air flow required for the test may have been provided by opening the manual isolation valves in question which permits suction .on the main exhaust plenum to provide the necessary motor force to draw air through the filters. Alternatively, if the filter housing unit was open at the time the test was performed, air flow may have been supplied by leaving the valves in a closed position *and drawing auxilliary building air through the filter system. The possibility that this alternative method of drawing air through the filter system may have been used has only recently come to light. Mr. Neal does not recall which method was used for the April, 1978 filter tests.

Consumers' investigation with respect to this issue continues.

Previous answers by Consumers to the Staff earlier discovery requests which may be viewed as inconsistant with the newly discovered information should be viewed as modified accordingly.

d. M-VAS-3, "Ventilation System Carbon Trays Emptying" (Attachment A hereto.) The remaining documents are identified above and have been provided to the Staff in Consumers' Responses to the Staff's First Round of Interro-gatories.
e. See answer to d. above.

Interrogatory No. 2

2. In CPC's response to subparts (b) and (e) of interrogatory 7 of the Staff's first round of interrogatories, CPC states that "[e]xisting documentation would suggest that valves were opened and closed on April 6, 1978."
a. On what basis does CPC conclude that the valves were closed after being opened on that date?
b. In what manner do the documents identified in response to interrogatory 7(e) indicate that the valves were closed on April 6, 1978?


a. Our answers to the Staff's Interrogatory 7(b) and (e) did not suggest that Consumers has reached any conclusions regarding the dates on which the valves were opened and closed. Consumers continues to investigate these matters and will not reach any conclusion until the invest-igations have been completed.
b. The relevant portions of existing documentation available as of June 23, 1980 which suggested that the valves were closed on April 6, 1978 are: 1) Procedure H.P.

' I, 6.27 (Attachment C to Consumers' Response to Staff's First Round of Interrogatories) outlines the steps followed in performing the inplace HEPA and charcoal filter tests on the filters in penetration 4a. H.P. 6.27 requires that pro-cedure NCS-375 Rev. 1, 8/22/75 (Attachment D to Consumers' Response to Staff's First Round of Interrogatories) be

  • followed in performing the tests. 2) Section 4.1.11 of NCS-375 requires that the system be closed after testing, and that the person performing the test "notify designated plant personnel that test is completed and system may be put in normal operation.". 3) Equipment Outage Request, initiated 4/5/78, completed 4/7/78 (Attachment E to Consumers' response to Staff's First Round of Interrogatories) documents that the functional tests were completed no later than 4/6/78. 4)

NCS-375 Rev. 1 does not require that the valves be opened to perform the tests.

Interrogatory No. 3

3. If the two manual containment isolation valves were not left in a locked-open condition on April 6, 1978, on what date does CPC contend that the valves were left in a locked-open condition prior to the discovery of the valves in this condition on September 11, 1979? If CPC cannot identify the specific date on which the valves were opened, then identify the time period before August up to September 11, 1979, during which CPC believes the locked-open condition of the valves existed.
  • I
a. On what basis does CPC conclude that the valves were left in a locked-open condition on that alternative date or during that time period?
b. Identify all documents which show or on which CPC relies to show that the valves were open on this alternative date or during this time period.
c. Provide a copy of all documents identified in response to b. above.

Answer As related in Consumers' answer to the Staff's First Round of Interrogatories, Consumers' attorneys and other representatives have been conducting investigations regarding the date the valves may have been locked-open.

These investigations continue, and we have not reached any definite conclusions regarding the date which the valves were opened.

a. Not applicable.
b. Not applicable.
c. Not applicable.

Interrogatory No. 4

4. Identify and describe all operations, including but not limited to repairs and tests, that were conducted in penetration 4a between April 6, 1978 (the date by which the HEPA filter in the line had been replaced and the new filter tested) and September 11, 1979.
a. Identify all documents which concern such operations.
b. Provide a copy of all documents identified in response to a. above.

Answer As of this date, we are aware of these "operations" conducted in penetration 4a between April 6, 1978 and Sep-tember 11, 1979. These operations are:

1. The April 6, 1978 functional test of the filters which is described in Consumers answer to Interrogatory 1.
2. A containment integrity check of the penetration 4a test port was conducted on May 16, 1979.
3. A local leak test of containment penetration 4a performed on September 11, 1979.

Other operations may have occurred regarding this penetration during cold shutdown which would not necessarily have been documented, and which would not necessarily be recalled by the particular individual who may have opened or closed the valves in question.

a. The Containment Integrity check list which documents the operation identified in 2.

above is attached as Attachment "B".

b. See a. above.

Interrogatory 5

5. In CPC's response to interrogatory 5 of the Staff's first round of interrogatories, CPC states that James McEwen inspected the test port in penetration 4a. during completion of Containment Integrity Checklist C.L. 3.3. CPC also states Mr. McEwen's inspection of penetration 4a. "may have been done on April 1 or 2, 1978, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m."
a. . Identify the documents which indicate that Mr. McEwen inspected the penetration on April 1 or 2, 1978.
b. Provide a copy of the documents identified in response to a. above.
c. Provide a copy of the checklist which Mr.

McEwen completed.


a. Containment Integrity Check List CL 3.3 which consists of four pages dated respectively April 4, 1978, April 2, 1978, April 2, 1978, April 6, 1978. In particular, see page 4 line 2 entitled "C.B. Purge Exhaust Bypass Penet No. 4a Test."
b. The Check List is attached hereto as Attach-ment C.
c. See b. above.

Interrogatory 6

6. Identify all occasions after April 1, 1978, but before September 11, 1979, on which CPC completed a containment integrity checklist that included an inspection of penetration 4a.
a. Identify the persons who inspected penetration 4a. during completion of any such checklist.
b. Provide a copy of the checklists that were actually completed on the dates so identified.


6. Based upon our investigations to date, we have identified the following occasions on which a containment integrity checklist which included an inspection of the penetration 4a test port were performed after April 1, 1978 but before September 11, 1979:
1. Between April 1, 1978 and April 6, 1978.
2. Between May 16, 1979 and May 17, 1979.
a. The April, 1978 check of the penetration 4a test port was performed by James McEwen. The May, 1979 check of the penetration 4a test port was performed by Thomas Neil Stevenson.
b. With respect to the April, 1978 checklist see answer to Sb. above.

The May, 1979 checklist is attached hereto as Attachment "B".

Interrogatory 7

7. Identify the facts on which CPC will rely in support of the position that the manual contain-ment isolation valves were not in a locked-open condition between April 6, 1978, and September 11, 1979.

Answer Inasmuch as the NRC Staff has the burden of proof with respect to establishing that the valves in question were in a locked-open condition between April 6, 1978 and September 11, 1979, Consumers has not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence whatever with respect to this issue. See also the answer to Interrogatory 3 above.

Interrogatory 8

8. Identify each witness, and describe the matters to which he or she will testify that CPC will present with respect to whether or not the valves were in a locked open condition between April 6, 1978, and September 11, 1979.

Answer See answer to Interrogatory 7 above.

Interrogatory 9

9. Identify the evidence, factor~, or criteria on which CPC will rely and which CPC will present in support of its position that the noncompliances cited in Item 1 of the Notice of Violation should not be classified in the "violation" category under the Commission's enforcement criteria.

Answer The NRC Staff has the burden of proof with respect to this issue. Consequently, Consumers has not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence whatever with respect to this issue. See also the answer to Interrogatory 3 above.

Interrogatory 10

10. Identify each witness and describe the matters to which he or she will testify in support of CPC's position that the noncompliances cited in* Item 1 of the Notice of Violation should not be classified in the "violation" category under the Commission's enforcement criteria.

Answer See answer to Interrogatory 9 above.

Interrogatory 11

11. Identify the evidence, factors, or criteria on which CPC will rely and which CPC will present in support of its position that civil penalties should not be imposed for each day of the breach of containment integrity cited in Item 1 of the Notice of Violation.

Answer The Staff has the burden of proof with respect to this issue. Consequently, we have not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence whatever with respect to this issue. See also our response to Interrogatory 3 above .

.Moreover, given the Staff's refusal to identify any of the factors or criteria which the Staff generally relies upon in determining whether to classify an item of

' I noncompliance as a continuing violation, we are not in a position to determine what evidence, if any, should be adduced with respect to this issue.

Interrogatory 12

12. Identify each witness and describe the matters to which he or she will testify in support of CPC's position that civil penalties should not be imposed for each day of the violation of containment in-tegrity cited in Item 1 of the Notice of Violation.

Answer See answer to Interrogatory 11 above.

Interrogatory 13

13. Identify the evidence, factors, or criteria on which CPC will rely and which CPC will present in support of its position that Item 2 of the Notice of Violation should not be classified in the "violation" category under the Commission's en-forcement criteria.

Answer The NRC Staff has the burden of proof with respect to this issue. Consequently, we have not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence whatever with respect to this issue. See also answer to Interrogatory 3 above.

Interrogatory 14

14. Identify each witness and describe the matters to which he or she will testify in support of CPC's
  • J position that Item 2 of the Notice of Violation should not be classified in the "violation" category under the Commission's enforcement criteria.

Answer See Answer to Interrogatory 13 above.

Interrogatory 15

15. Identify the evidence, factors, or criteria on which CPC will rely and which CPC will present in support of its position that the civil penalties imposed under the Director of the Off ice of Inspection and Enforcement's Order of December 20, 1979 should be mitigated or remitted.

Answer The question of whether or not civil penalties should be mitigated or remitted presupposes a finding that Consumers actually commmitted*an item of noncompliance.

Accordingly, Consumers has not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence with respect to this issue.

Interrogatory 16

16. Identify each witness and describe the matters to which he or she will testify in support of CPC's position that the civil penalties imposed under the Director's Order should be mitigated or remitted.

Answer See our answer to Interrogatory 15 above.

Interrogotary 17

17. If any of the persons identified in response to interrogatories 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 will be presented as expert witnesses, identify the following with respect to each witness:
a. The witness' field of expertise and the facts which qualify the witness as an expert in that field; and
b. any other administrative or judicial proceeding in which the witness has been granted status as an expert witness.

Answer Not applicable.

Interrogatory 18

18. If CPC intends to present witnesses other than those identified in response to interrogatories 8, 10, 12, 13 and 16, identify each such witness and the matters to which he or she will testify. If any such witness will be presented as an expert witness, provide the information requested in interrogatory 17 as part of the identification of any additional expert witness.

Answer Since the NRC Staff carries the burden of proof with respect to all issues in this matter, except possibly the issues relating to mitigation and remission of fines (see answer to Interrogatory 15 above), Consumers has not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce anv evidence whatever at the hearinq. Consequently, Consumers has not determined what witnesses, if any, it intends to produce at the hearing.

Interrogatory 19

19. Identify and describe all of the evidence, documentary or otherwise, which CPC intends to present at the hearing.

Answer Since the NRC Staff carries the burden of establishing that the alleged noncompliances occurred and that civil penalties are warranted, Consumers has not determined at this time whether there will be any need to introduce any evidence whatever at the hearing.

Interrogatory 20

20. Identify the document referred to as MARU 63-79 in CPC's internal document RWS 168-79, dated December 5, 1979. Provide a copy of the document identified as MARU 63-79.

Answer MARU 63-79 is a Consumers Power internal memorandum from R.M. Marusich to R. W. Sinderman, dated December 4, 1979 entitled "Ability of the Filter Bank In The Containment Exhaust Value Bypass Line To Withstand The Effects of Blowdown" Rev. 1. This document has already been provided to the Staff as an enclosure to the December 6, 1979 letter from Mr.

Youngdahl to Mr. Stello regarding the Notice of Proposed Violation, and immediately follows RWS 168-79 referred to in Interrogatory 20.

Interrogatory 21

21. Provide a copy of the document identified as CPC internal memorandum JLB 74-79, dated December 5, 1979. The reference is made in CPC's answer to interrogatory 3 of the Staff's first round of interrogatories.

Answer JLB 74-79 is a Consumers Power internal memo from J. L. Beer to R. W. Sinderman dated December 5, 1979 entitled "Technical Review of Radiation Dose Estimates Post-DBA With Containment Purge Filter Valves Open (RWS 168-79) ." As with the document requested in the previous interrogatory, JLB 74-79 was provided to the Staff as an enclosure to the December 6, 1979 letter from Mr. Youngdahl to Mr. Stello.

The persons who prepared or contributed to the preparation of the answers to these interrogatories are as follows:

Interrogatory 1 Richard D. Story, Assistant Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Covert, Michigan 49403 (616) 764-8913; Thomas P. Neal, Senior Technical Analyst, Consumers Power Company, 212 West Michigan Avenue, Jackson, Michigan 49201 (517) 788-1603; Paul M. Murphy, Outside Counsel to Consumers Power Company, Isham, Lincoln & Beale, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60603, (312) 558-7500; Alan P. Bielawski, Outside Counsel To Consumers Power Company, Isham, Lincoln & Beale, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60603, (312) 558-7500.

Interrogatory 2 Alan P. Bielawski.

Paul M. Murphy.

Interrogatory 3 Alan P. Bielawski.

Paul M. Murphy.

Interrogatory 4 Thomas P. Neal.

James McEwen, Auxilliary Operator, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Covert, Michigan 49403 (616) 764-8913.

Thomas N. Stevenson, Auxilliary Operator, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Covert, Michigan 49403 (616) 764-8913.

Alan P. Bielawski.

Interrogatory 5 Alan P. Bielawski.

Interrogatory 6 James McEwen.

Thomas N. Stevenson.

Alan P. Bielawski.

Paul M. Murphy.

Interrogatories 7-21 Alan P. Eielawski.

Paul M. Murphy.

DATED: October 16, 1980. One of the Attorneys for Consumers Power Company Michael I. Miller Paul M. Murphy ISHAM, LINCOLN & BEALE .

One First National Plaza Suite 4200 Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 558-7500




CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY ) Docket No. 50-255 (Palisades Nuclear Power ) License No. DPR-20 Facility) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Alan P. Bielawski, one of the attorneys for Consumers Power Company, certify that copies of "Consumers Power Company's Response to the NRC Staff's Second Round of Interrogatories and Document Requests" have been served in the above-captioned matter on all parties on the attache9 service list by United States mail, postage prepaid, this ~ day of October, 1980.

Alan P. Bielawski DATED: October ;t I 1980.

~. ..

Honorable Ivan W. Smith Administrative Law Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 James P. Murray, Esq.

Director and Chief Counsel Rulemaking and Enforcement Division Office of Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 James Lieberman, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Legal Director Washington, D.C. 20555 Stephen G. Burns, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Legal Director Washington, D.C. 20555 Docketing and Service Section Off ice of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Judd L. Bacon, Esq.

Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201

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Ventillation System Carbon Trnys 1.0 Purpose To remove ventille.tion carbon trays and prepare them .:for shipment to vendor for refill *

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2.0 Initial Conditions

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.*.:;:..:~~.filter system has been isolated for removal of: the t.rays.

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[.~::*::.-:media shall be denoted by the abbreviation of' uno~ appliciable!' (N/A )-

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  • 4*:0*.r~ecautions

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~: l Clearance must be obtained from the Shift Superv1 sor before aJ.lowi ng

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  • work :to begin in the :filter housing .

.*~:' 4.2 A radiation, end co:nte.rr:ination !:Ur>.rey shouJ.d be conducted on the cer'bon t::ay~ __ bef'ore removal_ and prior to shi-pment f'or rei' *

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Adequate ventillation or suitable contamination controi of' the area

  • .-** .* .. is. required as charcoal 1fill dust to some ext.ent arid may pose a

. *.* - ** **. '. .. ,.:~clean up problem. Check with Radiation Protection for an area,

._*--<.:..*-.-~~~* - * ..... ,~**;;;:i;;;*clothing and . respiratory requirements.

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ool_. or reactor cavity with the spent fuel pool .caroon trays removed *

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.Clearance :for working wi:~ L~e :filter trays is received :front the

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, -~~i-~ Supervisor. S_.S. ,.

4µ~ _Date_3,1..Lf-/~--* .

-* 5.2 _:*A survey has been conducted h~ RadiP.tion Proted;ion pripr to start-

. * *ing work. Date D) 3-t c-*1 $ !) "f; a fr'l-4. * "

5."3 Unbolt the carbon trays and remove carefully frorri .t.he f"ilter l1ousil1[.{.

Caution: Preform steps 5. 4, 5. 5,. nnd ~. G in rm aclequatel~/

ventillated area. Provide suitable contamirmtion c_ontrol 2.S directed by Radiation Protection.

With the cnrbon trays :flat on a table or other smooth suri"ace clrill.

out t.he two sealing plate rivets with a Ho. 30 drill (2 plates p-?.r tray assembly). Be careful to drill only the rivet need and not; _-Lhe tray wall. Save the plates :for ret:urn to the vendor with the empty trays. (See attached sketch) .

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REV. 0 Tu.e;e 2 of' I; Alte:r:-nate: With the carbon t:rays flat on e. table or other smooth surface*insert a sharp bladed thin chisel between the rivet head and the plate or between the -plate and the tray wall. Be careful not to punch a hole in the tray wall.. Tap sharply with a -bam.-:ler to sheer the rivit. Save the plates for return to the vendor with the empty trays. (See attached:sketch).

  • ~ .


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....... .!.-'------._.~--------


--~..., ':- <.

.... ~


.. i..:

  • ,_~~.*

___ ~...... -.

-.-*-~ -*

. *~

~~- .*_ -~~- *.... -*:


_-.... .::*  : .... * ~

. :~ .: .

. .. .: ~ . .......~

... ~.


~ ' ' '":,

... ~ -r:-:.:r~

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.* ~:;i-_j/~;;,ft *~--*.~*--. ',,-~;;:~~::;~.; _._,,j.. ;i<:;'".


.*... . ~**


-Rev. 2 Check whether the following valves are verified operable (stroke & observe position lights), or are LOCKED CLOSED:

OPERATES LOCKED VALVE* NO. Cl3 P.AI{EL NOR?:W.LLY CLOSED CV 1911 Containment Bldg. Selected Samples 'Jf{l .

CV 1503 Containment Heating Steam CV 0738 S-G No. 2 Top Blowdown _tztl*

CV 0739 S-G No. 1 Top Blowdown itlL.

CV 0939 Shield Cooling Surge Tank CV 1004 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Inlet CV 1037 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Recirc.

CV 1358 Nitrogen Supply 1/iL-

..... I CV 1001 Primary Sys. Drn. Tank Recirc.

CV 1910 Contf'-*.nment Bldg. _Selected Samples

  • f;V 1808 Containment Purge Supply CV 1814 Air Room Supply


  • -CV 1806 Containment Purge Exhaust CV 1501 Containment Heating Steam Return .iAL CV 1101 Containment Vent Header .1 'Jii..

CV 1064 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Vent CV 1103 Containment Sump Drain CV 1002 Primary Sys. Drain Tank Outlet CV 1036 Clean Waste Recvr. Tanks Recirc. :17+L*

CV 1044 Clean Waste Recvr. Tanks Outlet CV 0120 Pressurizer Instr. Test SiiL CV 0770 S-G No. 2 Bottom Blowdown Jlh.

CV '07'.l'.l S-G No. 1 Bottom Blowd.own CV 1807 Containment Purge Supply CV 1813 Air R66m Supply

.CV.. 1805 . *
  • Con:tairunent _Exhaus ~

CV 1803: * -- . Conie.inme.nt Purge Exhaus~

CV 1502 ContainT.ent Heating Stea!!l Return SNL I

CV l102 CV 1104 Containment Vent Sump Drain He~der *)J/L.

t Completed by: ~J.; . Date r

~1~7£~_s/Z1/9 ,,

PRC 'APR 6,,, 1976 - -o- - .... _ .

CL3.3 Rev. 2

~.'1.PPR.* i//

~~ ..

CV 1007 .Prim. Syst. Drain Tank Outlet .....

CV 1038 Clean Waste Recur. Tanks Recir. :f7f-l-CV 1045 Clean Haste Recur. Tanks Outlet

  • CV 1065 Clean Haste R2cur. Tanks 'le::t CV 0767 -S-G No. 1 Bottom Blowdown ."J'7/L .

CV 0768 S-G No. 2 Bottom Blowdm-m _)l}-l CV 0121 Pressurizer Instr. Test Console CV 0910 CV 0911 Containment Component Cooling Inlet Containment Component Cooling Outlet.

cc' CV 0940 Cout:~inment _Component Coqling O.:ttlet

  • CV 2009 Letdown

_CV 2083 PCP Controlled Bleedciff CV 0155. Quench Tank Spray ILRT PANEL MQV P-1 Containment test header isolation Room No.

120SFP Reactor Cavity Fill (outside) 121B/l50 118S?P Reactor Cavity Drain (Outside) 121B/150 512CRW CHRT Vent*Penet. No. 25 Test 121B/150 l l 70 .A NSSS Selecte:::tcd Samples Penet Ho. 21 121B/150

-1170 B Test_ - -

ContaiilI!lent 1'12 Supply-pe~et *No.* .26 Test 121B/150

  • ILRT Fill Line Penet No. 2r{ 'i'est 12l:S/l50 2320 eve r.ettimm Pe net Ho. 36 Test 121B/150 503 CE~*: PDT Pvs Hecirc. rcnet rro. 37 Test 121B/150 C.B. Heat in:.; c,-,ncicns~te renet. Ho.

38 Test Completed by:

!-"RC '9/7/71 Rev. 3

..APPR. _j~ .*e

--503 VA C.B. Heating Steam Penet, No. 39 Test 121B"ll50 506 CRi*T C'i'ffiT inlet Penet No. 41 Test 121B/150 1126 PC Pl-1~*7 to Quench tank Penet No. 42 Test 121B/150

. 500 HG C. B. Vent Header Penet ~ No. 116 Test l21B/l50 514 SFP Reactor Cavity Fill Penet No. 64 . l21B/150 * .

.515sFP Reactor Cavity Drain Penet No. 72 Test 121B/l50 515 CR:l CHRT Recir. Inlet Penet No. 67 Test *m )lb n~  :) "'/.~7*1 I

,<505 VA Air Room Purge Supply Penet No. 68 Test l21B/l50  :,.1iJJ?-5-I& *1 518 CRH C\-ffiT outlet Penet No. 69 Test 118

-n,rs  :; ..,,,-r.,.,.75


~*(, s-1~ 1/  ?.z 3344 ES C. B. Spray Pen et. :r-;o. 30 Test


~--s .ZC/l-7' I

3227 ES c. B. Spray Recirculation 121A

-____;;.=------ ~ S-/~-7' 3346 ES C. B. Spray Penet No. 31 test


-=TV-S ,e;"-/(~7 I

3217 ES c. B. Spray Recirculation


~ .~:-1(, .-;;

3348 ES S. I. Tanks Drain Penet No. 33 Test q~S) ,_$:,le( 7

-121A 3234 ES Inj. Recirc. Isolation 121A

~<S .._s .,,:  ;

3236 ES Inj. Sample Flush to EDT


~ ~/{:_~/

3237 ES Inj. Recirc. Isolation 121A

-~=------ ~ <;;-/(-2 5 -k*77 500 DRW C.B. Sump Drain Perret i:.-o. 52 Test

- - - - - ~

502 CRW PDT Outlet Penet. No. 47 Test

-118- - - - - - 'ftJS. S'/&*7j 513 CRH CWRT Recirc *. Outlet Penet No. 49 test

-118- - - - - - ~~ LJ- 'r'Cr~7 i 507 CC C. B. Component Cooling Inlet Penet 123 -rrs) .S-lt-77

No. 14 Test ----='--------


508:_CC. . ._.: -C. ~~ .. Goffil'onent Cooling Outlet Penet _1_2~3'------ **:n~; ':?_--JC-T lro'; l5. Test .

  • l22G!i, Service Air to Cantain.,~ent 23G r,. B. Service :Ur Pi=net No. 10 Test

PRC 3/8/78 .' .nc:v. _j I.."O.t:)'C ., U..L "'T CL3.3

.J( ~-'""-


C. B. Purge Exhaust *Penet No. 4 Test 238 11'S 1-)-r l -nx C.B. Purge F.:~ho.ust Bypass Penet Ho. 238 =N~ ~-1{7(

50'7 VA I~ a* Test S-G No. l Bottom B-D Penet No. 5 Test 238 ~ u--11.r~'~

.*568 !1$ S-G No. 2 Bottom B-D Penet -No. 6 Test 2~8

~ s-~r:, 7(

-i536 CD Shield Cooling Surge Tank Fill.Penet 2~8* -~  !;-IC~

No. ll Test 338 ~ ~ll-7/

J;o3 vA c. B. Purge Supply Penet. No. l Test

'j...ll 7SFP Reactor Cavity Drain (Inside). 142 s-- fb-17 Xl21SFP Reactor Cavity Fill*(Inside) 142A

/(60lVA PI header isolation - inside l42A P-5VA Personnel Lock pressure test. I 233 ll2.9 PC PZR. Inst. Test pen *~t No. 20 Test 233 602VA PI header test 227 ,.-, ,,"



F-6VA Escape Lock Pressui*e test

  • 341 L-6VA PI header isolation - outside 223

'n3*r" O~ V..M. PI header,drip leg 223

~Fuel Transfer Tube and threading cable Blind Flanges Bolted in Place <FY -)-/~7/z;;


< .?'

_;_-!* 7 ;'-,c:.

°J . I :;:::._

Personnel Emergency Escape Lock Door(s) Closed f.;0/-:i.c;* "/7 ~

Date of Latest Leak Test: (i;: ~- ..-;;--/ -,./--;-.*;

(  % .. *, *,' ~ . ,/

Personnel Lock Door(s) Closed E?;-//.'-7 tf-1:7 ~/

Date of Lat~st Leak Test:

Equipment Door Bolted in '?lace & I.~3.k Tested, & Test connection c;:;::;- "'> *-! ,/~'/

capped Date of Lat~st Leak Test:

Conteinment Test Header Blind Flange Bolted in place (penetration No. 27, immediatel:r ".Jerieath Personnel Lock) \

I NOTE: During Refueling or Cold Shutdown both doors of the Personnel J,o~k -~ay_ be *open at :t~e same".tillle i~ the.

equipme~!: as required in Check Sheet B28-6 and the SEP charcoal filters are in operation

  • L._. '.-.-,,/

Completed b:.r :_,,,..,._~_/*~-_ _ __

. ** PRC APR 6, 1976

-* ~ APPR.

Check whether the following valves are verified operable (stroke* & observe position lights), or are LOCKED CLOSED:

OPERATES LOCKED VALVE NO. Cl3 PANEL NORMALLY CLOSED CV 1911 Containment Bldg. Selected Samples CV 1503 Containment Heating Steam CV 0738 S-G No. 2 Top Blowdown CV 0739 S-G No. 1 Top Blowdown CV 0939 Shield Cooling Surge Tank CV 1004 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Inlet

  • CV 1037 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Recirc.

CV 1358 Nitrogen.Supply CV 1001 Pr~mary Sys. Drn. Tank Recirc.

CV 1910 Containment Bldg. S_elected Samples  :./

CV 1808 Containment Purge Supply /

CV 1814 Air Room Supply

  • -CV 1806. Containment Purge Exhaust CV 1501 Contain.~ent Heating Steam Return CV 1101 Containment Vent Header CV 1064 Clean Waste Recvr. Tks. Vent.

CV 1103 Containment Stm1p Drain CV 1002 Primary* Sys. Drain Tank Outlet CV 1036 Clean Waste Recvr. Tanks Recirc.

CV 1044 Clean Waste Recvr. Tanks Outlet CV 0120 Pressurizer Instr. Test CV 0770 S-G No. 2 Bottom Blowdo-wn CV 'OTll S-G No. 1 Bottom Blowdown CV J.807 Containment Purge Supply CV 1813 Air Room Supply CV 1805 Containment Purge Exhaust

' CV 1803 Containnent Purge Exhaust CV 1502 Containment Heating Stea~ Return CV 1102 Containment Vent Header CV 1104 Sump Drain r

/* . I I I/

' I / '  ! I Completed ~y:_--._1_*_-_.*_____/ ___ Date ~/- / /.


Pnge 2 of 4

,- ~,... -: PRC . APR .~ 1976 1

APPR. _j,,~_..!:..r..

Rev. 2 CL3.3 CV 1007 Prim. Syst. Drain Tank outlet CV 1038 Clean Waste Recur. Tanks Recir.

CV 1045 Clean Haste Recur. Tanks Outlet CV 1065 Clean Haste Recur. Tanks Vent CV 0767 S-G No. 1 Bottom Blowdmm CV 6768 S-G No. 2 Bottom Blowdmm CV 0121

  • Pressurizer Instr. Test Console CV 0910 Containment Component Cooling Inlet L/ *tAL..-

CV 0911 Containment Component Cooling outlet // *i.//

Comt~inment_Component Coqling Outlet - i / .J ir'L CV 0940 CV 2009 Letdown CV 2083 PCP Controlled Bleedoff CV 0155 Quench Tank Spray


ILRT PANEL MOV P-1 Containment test header isolation Check The Following Valves LOCKED CLOSED, and test connections capped:

(Test valves may be lock wired closed)

Room No.

120SFP Reactor Cavity Fill (Outside) 12lB/l50 ~*

118SFP Reactor Cavity Drain (Outside) 121B/l50 5l2CRW CWRT Vent P2-net. No. 25 Test 121B/150 ll70 A HSSS Selecte;:;t(;d .Samples Penet No. 21 121B/150

-1170 B Test Containment N2 Supply Penet No. 26 Test 121B/l50 501 V A ILRT Fill Line Penet No. 27 Test l21B/150 l21B/150 '*

2320 eve Letclmm Penet No. 36 Test PDT fys Recirc. Penet Ho. 37 Test l21B/150 503 Cff:l C.B. Heating Conclensate Penet. No. 12113/150 38 'i'est

\.~ ~""


-. PRC


9 /7 /77. A


Rev. 3 e

Room No.

Pae;e 3 of 11 CL3.3

  • 503 VA C.B. Heating Steam Penet, No. 39 Test 121B/150 506 CRH CWRT inlet Penet 1fo. 41 T~st 121B/150 1126 PC PMW to quench tank Penet No. 42 Test 12lB/l50 500 EG C. B. Vent Header Penet. No. 116 Test l2lB/l50 ~I 514 SPP Rea~tor Cavity Fill Penet No. 6!f Test l21B/150
    • 515SFP Reactor Cavity Drain Penet No. 72 Test 121B/l50 "b 515 CRH CWRT Recir. Inlet Penet No. 67 Test

~- ~~11i -,~[h-,K-~-


.:-505 VA Air Room Purge Supply Penet No. 68 Test l21B/l50 518 CRW C"vffiT Outlet Penet No. 69 Test 118 604 VA FI Header Isolation l21B/150 3344 ES C. B. Spray Penet. No. 30 Test 12J.A 3227 ES C. B. Spray Recirculation l21A

  • 3346 ES C. B. Spray Penet No. 31 test l21A 3217 ES C. B. Spray Recirculation 121A 3348 ES S. I. Tanks Drain Perret No. 33 Test l21A 3234 ES Inj. Recirc. Isolation l21A 3236 ES Inj *. sample Flush to EDT 121A 3237 ES Inj. Recirc. Isolation 121A 500 DRH C.B. Sump Drain Penet No. 52 Test 1

,- 502 CRH PDT Outlet Penet. No. 47 Test 118 513 CRH CWRT Recirc. Outlet Penet No. 49 test 118 . D-t 1<

507 cc C. B. Component Cooling Inlet Penet No. 14 Test 508 cc C. B. Component Cooling Outlet Penet 123

  • No. 15 Test 122CA Service Air to Containment 238 142 Cfa_ C. B. Service .'Ur Penet No. 10 Test 238 ~---

PRC 3/8f78 .\;- Rev. 3 e Room No.

Pag;c 4 of 4 CL3.3 APPR * .j~"'

  • 506 VA C.B. Purge Exhaust Penet No. 4 Test -~-*I 238 ~
  • 507 VA C.B. PurBe Exhaust Bypass Penet No. 238

""----[;' ~

l~ a* Test S-G No. l Bottom B-D Penet No. 5 Test 238

.*568 MS S-G No. 2 Bottom B-D Penet No. 6 Test 2~8

  • , I"

-:i530 CD Shield Cooling Surge Tank Fill Penet 2:i8 No. ll Test J:)o8 VA c. B. Purge Supply Penet. No. 1 Test 338 117SFP Reactor Cavity Drain (Inside) 1112 121SFP Reactor cavity Fill (Inside) 142A 6olVA PI header isolation - inside C<'.'rvT. 142A Personnel Lock pressure test . 233 PZR. Inst. Test pen;t No. 20 Test 233 602VA PI header test 227 P-6VA Escape Lock Pressui*e test

Fuel Transfer Tube and threading cable Blind Flanges Bolted in Place

. . -- l-.~~~~~~~

Personnel Emergency Escape Lock Door(s) Closed ~ JJ)

Y- 7:7 '.' '-*-

De:te of Latest Leak Test: -,

Personnel Lock Door(s) Closed Date of Latest Leal~ Test:

"j- - _::: 7 - ;:-,;- JI:)

Equipment Door Bolted-* in *?lace & L~'.3.k Tested, & Test connection [)/t 121(,20,/;'i capped Date of' Latest Lea.k Test: \

. ,9 /( lf/c/1 { I l .

Containment Test Header Blind Flange Bolted in place

- tslf,K I

ih/z'l I I (penetration No. 27, irmnediatelJ ""-:Jereath Personnel ID ck)

NOTE: During Refueling or Cold Shutdown both doors of the Personnel Lock may be open at the same time if the equipme~t as required in Check Sheet B28-6 and the SFP charcoal filters are in operation.

Completed by: Jt~ ~1I F-<:........, Date