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Final Status Survey Final Report Phase IV, Appendix A15, Survey Unit Release Record 9106-0015, Discharge Canal
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2006
From: Newson C
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Download: ML063410432 (350)


{{#Wiki_filter:Book 16 of1 Final Status Survey Final Report Phase IV Appendix Al 5 Survey Unit Release Record 9106-0015, Discharge Canal November 2006

CYAPCO FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 Prepared By: Date: 1/1-2 -9(, FSS Engineer Reviewed By: Date: /[- ? /-OC FSS Engiq6 Approved By: Date: 1_____ Technical Support Manager Revision 0


1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ................................................................ 3
2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ....................................................................... 3
3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ................................................... 5
4. SURVEY DESIGN ................................................................................... 8
5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................ 12
6. SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................................... 13
7. QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................. 15
8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ........................................................ 16
9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ............................................................ 18
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN ..................... 18
11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ............................................... 18
12. A NO M A LIES .......................................................................................... 19
13. CO NC LUSIO N ........................................................................................ 19
14. ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................... 20 14.1 Attachment 1 - Figures (9 pages including cover) 14.2 Attachment 2 - Sample and Statistical Data (318 pages including covers)

Revision 0

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 9106-0015 (Discharge Canal) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class I and consists of approximately 1,170 m (0.29 acres) of water covered sediment in an area located approximately 0.81 miles from the reference coordinate system benchmark used at the Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) (see Attachment 1, Figure 1). The Discharge Canal is a man-made mile long waterway that runs parallel to, and ultimately communicates with the Connecticut River. The Discharge Canal is subdivided into fifteen (15) survey units including two (2) permanent wetland areas for FSS purposes. The survey unit is completely surrounded by Discharge Canal Survey Unit 9106-0007. The survey unit comprises the canal sediments to the depth of three feet from the top of the sediment layer or the original construction depth. This survey unit is bounded by reference coordinates E022 through E029 and by S133 through S143 (refer to License Termination Plan Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS) based on the Connecticut State Plane System North American Datum (NAD) 1927.

2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10, "Survey Unit Classification." The historical information, scoping analyses and characterization results provided sufficient data to designate Survey Unit 9106-0015 as Class I in June 2006.

The "Classification Basis Summary" conducted for this survey unit consisted of: a) A review of the 10CFR50.75 (g) (1) database, b) A review of the "InitialCharacterizationReport" and the "HistoricSite Assessment (HSA) Supplement," c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Visual inspections and a "walk-down." e) Formal or informal interviews with cognizant personnel. A review of the IOCFR50.75(g)(I) database report identified a number of events that may have impacted this survey unit. Several events indicated the potential for plant related contamination in the survey unit. These included a number of primary side system to secondary side system leakage events, contamination found to be present in secondary side systems and components, and unmonitored spills that drained to the discharge canal. In 1986, samples were taken from the legacy dredge spoils removed in 1979 dredged spoils area and from recently dredged canal sediment. The sample analyses indicated that the concentrations of Cs-137, Co-60 and other radionuclides were a small Revision 0 3

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD fraction of the DCGLs for those nuclides that could be identified by gamma spectroscopy. (refer to NE-86-RA-1 142 dated 11-13-86). None of the available historical information reviewed would support a conclusion that any residual activity in this survey unit is likely to be present at concentrations greater than the respective DCGLs. Additional information was provided by several historical documents, including the "Results of Scoping Survey", (completed 9/1/98), the "Historical Site Assessment", and the HSA Supplement (dated 6-30-00). These documents presented the results of several sediment samples taken in 1997. These sample results indicated concentrations of 0.5 pCi/g for Co-60, 0.024 pCi/g for Cs-134 and 0.722 pCi/g for Cs-137. The survey area that constitutes Survey Unit 9106-0015 was initially a portion of Class 2 Survey Unit 9106-0007. However, upon reviewing the FSS data for Survey Unit 9106-0007, it was determined that one (1) sample exceeded the Operational DCGL for the area. This required that a portion of Survey Unit 9106-0007 be reclassified as a Class I survey unit. This was done and the newly created survey unit was designated 9106-0015. The FSS data taken in association with the initial FSS design for Survey Unit 9106-0007, was deemed to be appropriate for characterization data for Survey Unit 9106-0015. This consisted of fifteen (15) sediment samples taken from fifteen (15) locations. All of the samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and for Sr-90. In addition, two (2) of these samples were analyzed for all Hard-to-Detect (HTD) nuclides. The results indicated that the radionuclides of concern identified for FSS planning purposes were Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90 (refer to Table 1). Tobie I Baisic staitisticaI Quantities For Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr 90

             ~P~arfrometheCharcteizaioC S t-60Se9'                                   C Minimum Value:              -1.62E-02             -1.46E-02             -9.81E-03 Maximum Value:                6.42E-01             3.09E+00              4.04E-02 Mean:                  2.25E-01              4.90E-01              8.03 E-03 Median:                  2.21 E-0 1            1.20E-0 1            7.30E-03 Standard Deviation:            2.22E-01              8.32E-01              1.08E-02 NOTE: The Operational DCGLs from Table 2 are 6.01 pCi/g for Cs-137, 2.90 pCi/g for Co-60 and 1.18 for Sr-90; these are used in conjunction with the unity rule to achieve nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE The FSS Engineer performed a visual inspection and walk-down during May 2006 to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions.

Based upon the historical information and the results of radiological surveys performed during characterization, it was concluded that there was significant probability for residual radioactivity to be present in this survey unit in Revision 0 4

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD concentrations greater than the Operational DCGLs justifying a final survey unit classification of Class 1 (refer to Section 3).


FSS design and planning is based on the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparationof Final Status Survey Plan," and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual" (MARSSIM). A summary of the main features of the DQO process are provided herein. The DQO process incorporates hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would satisfy the release criteria objective of the FSS. The primary objective of the Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 9106-0015 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs). The DCGLs represent the concentration of radioactivity above background, equivalent to a dose-based release criterion and is presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soil (called Base Case Soil DCGL), for existing groundwater radioactivity and for future groundwater radioactivity that will be contributed by building foundations and footings. As described in detail in the LTP, the dose model applied to the discharge canal presumes that the canal sediments are dredged to a depth of three (3) feet below the top of the sediment layer and spread for the planting of crops per the Resident Farmer Scenario. Consequently, the soil DCGLs are directly applied to the canal sediment media The DCGLs presented in Chapter 6 of the LTP were developed for exposures from three (3) components, that is, residual radioactivity in soil, existing groundwater radioactivity, and future groundwater radioactivity from the burial of concrete foundations or footings from site buildings containing residual radioactivity. Equation I shows the mathematical relationship between the three (3) components and the total dose. Revision 0 5

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Equation 1: HTotal=Hsoil (sediment) + HExisting GW + HFuture GW The total dose under the LTP criteria is twenty-five (25) mrem/yr TEDE from all three components. The allowable total dose under the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) radiological remediation standard for Connecticut Yankee (CY) is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE. To satisfy both the LTP and CY CTDEP criteria, the dose from soil must be reduced when using the groundwater dose values discussed above. This survey unit is not affected by existing groundwater, (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). Therefore, dose contribution from existing groundwater is zero (0) mrem/yr TEDE. This survey unit is not impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no concrete foundations or footings remaining within the groundwater saturated zone in the area (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). The dose contribution from future groundwater is zero (0) mrem/yr TEDE. Equation 2: 19 mrem/yrTotal= 19 mrem/yrsoi1+0 mrem/yrExisting GW+O mrem/yrFuture GW The allowable dose for soil in this survey unit is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE as shown by Equation 2 above. The concentration of residual radioactivity resulting in nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE is designated as the Operational DCGL, and has been established for the radionuclides of concern as provided in Table 2. Note: The survey design used a much smaller value for investigation than the Operational DCGL provided by Table 2 to conservatively account for the contribution to the total dose from existing and future groundwater which had not been established at the time of planning the FSS. Revision 0 6

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Taible 2 -Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCG.Is~

        ~~ >iand I eqiii, 4 d Minimnum DetectnbIe Concentitotjs~

Radionuclide" D Cse Sol

                            'Base('             'Operational DCG(L< Requir-ed MWC H-3                4.12E+02                 3.13E+02                 1.65E+01 C-14                5.66E+00                 4.30E+00                 2.26E-01 Mn-54                 1.74E+O1                 1.32E+01                6.96E-01 Fe-55               2.74E+04                 2.08E+04                 1.10E+03 Co-60                3.81E+00                 2.90E+00                 1.52E-01 Ni-63               7.23E+02                 5.49E+02                2.89E+O1 Sr-90                1.55E+00                 1.18E+00                6.20E-02 Nb-94                7.12E+00                 5.41 E+00                2.85 E-01 Tc-99                1.26E+01                 9.58E+00                 5.04E-0 I Ag- 108m               7.14E+00                 5.43 E+00                2.86E-01 Cs-134               4.67E+00.                355E+00                  1.87E-01 Cs-137               7.91 E+00                6.01 E+00                3.16E-01 Eu-152               1.01E+01                 7.68E+00                 4.04E-01 Eu- 154               9.29E+00                 7.06E+00                 3 .72E-0 I Eu-155                -).92E+02                2.98E+02                 1.57E+01 Pu-238                2.96E+01                 2.25E+01                 1.18E1+00 Pu-239/240              2.67E+01                 2.03 E+O 1              -1.07E+00 Pu-241                8.70E+02                 6.61E+02                3.48E+O1 Am-241 ()               2.58E+01                 1.96E+01                 1.03E+00 Cm-243/244               2.90E+01                 2.20E+01                1.1 6E+00 (1) Bold indicates those radionuclides considered to be Hard to Detect (HTD)

(2) The Base Case Soil DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6 and are equivalent to twenty-five (25) mrem/yr TEDE (3) The Operational DCGL is equivalent to nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE (4) The required MDC is equivalent to one (1) mrem/yr TEDE (5) Americium-241 can be analyzed by gamma and alpha spectroscopy and is considered to be Easy to Detect (ETD). The preferred result is the alpha spectroscopy's when both analyses are performed. Another important facet of the DQO process is to identify the radionuclides of concern and determine the concentration variability. Initial characterization was performed in April of 2004 as discussed in Section 2. Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90 were found to be the predominate radionuclides of concern. The basic statistical quantities (i.e., mean, standard deviation, median) for Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90 are provided in Table 1. As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration (<MDC) were not accepted for FSS. Sample report Revision 0 7

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, and uncertainty to two (2) standard deviations, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the required and observed MDC. The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) consists of comparing each measurement from the survey unit with the investigation levels discussed in Section 4 (and presented in Table 4). As stated in Section 5.8.3 of the LTP, any measurement from the survey unit that is greater than an investigation level indicates an area of relatively high concentrations that should be investigated, regardless of the outcome of the nonparametric statistical tests. Thus the use of the EMC against the investigation levels may be viewed as assurance that unusually large measurements will receive proper attention regardless of the outcome of those tests and that any area having the potential for significant dose contributions will be identified. The LTP (by way of Equation 5-3 1) states that if residual radioactivity exists in an isolated area of elevated activity in addition to residual radioactivity distributed relatively uniformly across a survey unit, the unity rule will be used to ensure the total dose is within the release criterion. This is demonstrated in equation 3. Equation 3.: 6 + Celevated 6 <1 DCGLW (AreaFactor)x DCGL W Where: 6 =average concentration outside the elevated area, Celevaled = average concentration in the elevated area. A separate term will be used in Equation 3.0 for each elevated area in a survey unit.

4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparation of Final Status Survey Plans".

This survey was initially designed to ten (10) mrem/yr TEDE. At the time when the survey was designed, the dose contribution for existing and future groundwater had not yet been determined. Subsequently, a conservative value Revision 0 8 Revision 0 8

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD was chosen for the design DCGL. This approach is no longer required as the total dose from existing and future groundwater has been established. The dose for soil used for this survey unit to demonstrate compliance with the LTP criteria is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE, as discussed in Section 3 of this Release Record. The DQO process determined that Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90 were the radionuclides of concern (refer to Section 2). The sum of fractions or unity rule was used with the individual Operational DCGLs because multiple radionuclides (Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90) were considered in the survey design. Surrogate DCGLs were not required for this survey unit based on process knowledge from FSS of nearby adjacent areas and via screening process described in LTP Section, "Gross Activity DCGLs". Sr-90 concentrations in sediment and soil were ascertained by direct analysis. Radionuclide screening or de-selection is a process where an individual radionuclide or aggregate may be considered insignificant and eliminated from the FSS. The criteria for de-selection are concentrations that are less than 5% for individual radionuclides and that are less than 10% for the aggregate of all radionuclides that are de-selected. This process was applied to analysis data for this survey unit. The EMC applies to this survey unit since it is a Class I area. The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test to demonstrate that the null hypothesis was rejected. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. In addition, this approach is conservative since it includes background Cs-137 as part of the sample set. The number of sediment samples for FSS was determined in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-12, "Determination of the Number of Samples for Final Status Survey. " The Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) was set in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-11 to 0.394 to maintain the relative shift (A/a) in the range of I and 3. The resulting relative shift was 1.1. A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10 CFR 20, Subpart E). The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the survey design. This indicates that the survey unit has a high probability of rejecting the null hypothesis, assuming that the characterization data are representative of the FSS results. Survey design specified twenty-eight (28) sediment core samples for non-parametric statistical testing. The grid pattern and locations of the sediment samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying, and Marking Surface Sample Locationsfor Final Status Survey. " Revision 0 9

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Visual Sample Plan was created by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the United States Department of Energy. A systematic triangular grid pattern with a random starting point was selected for sample design, which is appropriate for a Class I area. Sample locations were identified using AutoCAD-LT, a commercially available plotting software package with coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System. These coordinates were integrated with a GPS to locate sample locations in the field. Sample measurement locations for the design are listed with the GPS coordinates in Table 3. Table 3 -Sample Measurement Locations with Associated GPS Coordinates De>+/-'i:sign Northing [Easting 9106-0015-OO1F 235153.65 672480.81 9106-0015-002F 235133.21 672445.41 9106-0015-003 F 235133.21 672469.01 9106-0015-004F 235133.21 672492.61 9106-0015-005F 235112.77 672410.01 9106-0015-006F 235112.77 672433.61 9106-0015-007F 235112.77 672457.21 9106-0015-008F 235112.77 672480.81 9106-0015-009F 235112.77 672504.40 9106-0015-01 OF 235092.34 672421.81 9106-0015-01 IF 235092.34 672445.41 9106-0015-012F 235092.34 672469.01 9106-0015-013F 235092.34 672492.61 9106-0015-014F 235092.34 672516.20 9106-0015-015F 235071.90 672433.61 9106-0015-016F 235071.90 672457.21 9106-0015-017F 235071.90 672480.81 9106-0015-018F 235071.90 672504.40 9106-0015-019F 235071.90 672528.00 9106-0015-020F 235051.46 672445.41 9106-0015-021F 235051.46 672469.01 9106-0015-022F 235051.46 672492.61 9106-0015-023F 235051.46 672516.20 9106-0015-024F 235051.46 672539.80 9106-0015-025F 235031.02 672457.21 9106-0015-026F 235031.02 672480.81 9106-0015-027F 235031.02 672504.40 9106-0015-028F 235010.58 672469.01 Five (5) sediment samples were analyzed for the full suite of radionuclides specified in Table 1, exceeding the requirement to analyze 5% of the sample population for HTD analysis specified in procedure RPM 5.1-11. Three (3) of the five (5) samples were randomly selected using the Microsoft Excel "RAND" Revision 0 10 Revision 0 10

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD function. The two (2) samples exhibiting the highest observed radionuclide concentrations by gamma analyses were also selected. The results of one (1) additional sample, number 9106-0007-017F, were included in this report as a result of the investigation that was conducted based on the results of the sample analyses. The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey, " required the collection of three (3) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the off-site laboratory. These locations were selected randomly using the Microsoft Excel "RAND" function. The number of quality control samples exceeded the 5% requirement as specified by the LTP. Section of the LTP specifies that scanning is not required for the FSS of the Discharge Canal. Table 4 provides a synopsis of the survey design. Table 4'-Syjiopsis 'f thie Survey Design1 Feture Pqsign Criteria D, -- asis Survey Unit 1,170 m2 Based on AutoCAD-LT and Visual Land Area Sample Plan calculations Type 1 and Type 2 errors were 0.05, Number of 26 sigma was 0.552 the LBGR was set to Measurements(3 0.394 to maintain Relative Shift in the range of I and 3, Relative Shift was 1.1 Grid Spacing 7.21 m Based on triangular grid 3.16 pCi/g Cs-137 Design DCGL 1.52 pCi/g Co-60 To achieve ten (10) mrem/yr TEDE 0.62 pCi/g Sr-90 Operational 6.01 pCi/g Cs-137 To achieve nineteen (19) mrem/yr DCGl 2.90 pCi/g Co-60 TEDE (2) to demonstrate compliance with DCGL 1.18 pCi/g Sr-90 Equation 2 of this Release Record Scan Coverage N/A The LTP exempts this area Sediment 6.01 pCi/g Cs-137 The Operational DCGL meets the LTP Investigation 2.90 pCi/g Co-60 criteria for a Class I survey unit Level 1.18 pCi/g Sr-90 The survey unit area divided by the Area between 45 m2 number of direct measurements points used to calculate the grid size. (1,170 m2/26 = 45 M2 ) (1) The survey design used a much smaller value for investigation than the Operational DCGL provided by Table 2 as the total dose from existing and future groundwater had not been established at the time of planning the FSS (2) The allowable dose for soil in this survey unit is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE as the bounding dose from existing and future groundwater has been established based on field data (reference CY memo ISC 06-024.) (3) The grid size selected was based on twenty-six (26) samples. However, the VSP run generated twenty-eight (28) measurement locations, each of the twenty-eight (28) measurements taken were used in the Sign Test. Revision 0 I1I Revision 0 11


5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Final Status Survey field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 2006-0021. The WP&IR package included a detailed FSSP, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures for reference. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey. The "Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS.

Measurement locations were identified in North American Datum (NAD) 1927 coordinates that were supplied to the sampling vendor, Ocean Surveys, Inc. (OSI) of Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Discharge Canal sampling was accomplished using direct push technology to collect composite samples of bottom and mean high water mark sediments. Sediment cores from the Discharge Canal were obtained by OSI using a vibrating corer that is platform mounted on a sampling vessel. The core barrel was a three (3) inch diameter thin-walled aluminum tube which also served as a core liner (ten (10) feet or less). A core catcher was available to prevent the sample from sliding out of the bottom of the tube. Vessel positioning and the determination of sample locations were accomplished using a GPS interfaced with a navigation and data logging system. After extraction, water was drained from above the sample by drilling holes above the sediment. The liner was cut, capped, sealed, labeled and turned over to site personnel who processed and controlled the samples under Chain of Custody (COC) protocols in accordance with procedure RPM 5.1-5, "Chain of Custody for Final Status Survey Samples. " Rinsing of the barrel and associated equipment was performed between sampling events. New aluminum tubes were used for each sample to prevent cross-contamination of subsequent samples. The twenty-eight (28) sediment samples were collected and packaged in accordance with Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Sample Media for Final Status Survey" and FSS design. Samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off-site laboratory using COC protocols. Five (5) samples (9106-0015-002F, 9106-0015-004F, 9106-0015-015F, 9106-0015-018F and 9106-0015-021 F) of the total number of samples identified for non-parametric testing were selected for HTD radionuclide analysis by the off-site laboratory. A sixth sample, 9106-0007-017F, was originally collected and analyzed as part of Survey Unit 9106-0007. However, since the sample results exceeded the limits for a Class 2 survey unit, Survey Unit 9106-0015, a Class 1 survey unit, was created. The results of sample number 9106-0007-017F were included in this survey unit as a investigative sample result that required Revision 0 12 Revision 0 12

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD additional sampling and analysis and not for non-parametric testing purposes (refer to Section 8). The implementation of quality control measures included the collection of three (3) split samples at locations (9106-0015-005F, 9106-0015-012F and 9106-0015-01 8F for comparative analysis by the off-site laboratory.

6. SURVEY RESULTS The off-site laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) - Charleston, South Carolina. The laboratory analyzed the twenty-eight (28) samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing and the associated duplicates using gamma spectroscopy. Sr-90 was analyzed by liquid scintillation analyses. All analyses were performed to the required MDC.

Cs-137 was positively identified (i.e., a result greater than two (2) standard deviations uncertainty) in twenty-four (24), Co-60 was positively identified in twenty-one (21) and Sr-90 was positively identified in five (5) of the twenty-eight (28) samples. Several other radionuclides, which were positively identified, could be de-selected or excluded using the 5% and 10% rule described in Section of the LTP. None of the sample results exceeded the Operational DCGL or required further investigation. A summary of the sample results is provided in Table 5. Revision 0 13

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD 9106-0015-0031F 4.67E-02 1.42E-0 1 -3 .33E-03 5.319E-02 1.08E-0 1 9106-0015-004F -8.56E-03 9.74E-03 1.98E-02 1.86E-02 1.88E-02 9106-0015-005F 5.89E-02 9.29E-04 1.33E-02 2.13E-02 7.54E-02 9106-0015-006F 3.22E-01 3.50E-01 8.64E-03 1.82E-01 2.36E-01 9106-0015-007F 2.85E-01 3.55E-01 2.98E-03 1.72E-01 2.26E-01 9106-0015-008F 2.15E-0I 3.49E-01 1.05E-02 1.65E-01 2.19E-01 9106-0015-009F 1.1 9E-02 3.23E-02 1.55E-02 2.61 E-02 8.03E-02 9106-0015-01OF 2.53E-01 0.OOE+00 3.71E-03 4.52E-02 9.93E-02 9106-0015-011 F 4.93E-01 3.96E-01 1.88E-02 2.34E-01 2.88E-01 9106-0015-012F 3.47E-01 6.55E-01 3.27E-03 2.86E-0I 3.40E-01 9106-0015-01 3F 4.43E-01 7.05E-01 5.OOE-03 3.21 E-01 3.75E-01 9106-0015-014F 4.43E-02 4.32E-02 2.22E-02 4.09E-02 9.90E-02 9106-0015-015F 2.08E-01 7.07E-02 2.11 E-02 7.67E-02 4.79E-02 9106-0015-016F 3.02E-01 1.01 E-01 -2.59E-03 8.29E-02 1.37E-01 9106-0015-017F 4.74E-0 I 2.90E-01 4.49E-03 1.83E-01 2.37E-01 9106-0015-018F 3.54E-01 1.1 6E+00 -1.1 5E-02 4.49E-01 4.72E-01 9106-0015-019F 9.01 E-02 2.38E-01 9.59E-03 1.05E-01 1.59E-01 9106-0015-020F 9.79E-02 2.03E-01 -8.28E-03 7.93E-02 1.33E-01 9106-0015-021 F 3.98E-01 0.OOE+00 -1.17E-02 5.64E-02 7.43E-02 9106-0015-022F 3.46E-01 6.97E-01 2.53E-03 3.OOE-01 3.54E-01 9106-0015-023F 3.28E-01 1.06E+00 -1.20E-02 4.1 OE-0 I 4.64E-01 9106-0015-024F 6.71E-02 1.15E-01 2.52E-02 7.20E-02 1.03E-01 9106-0015-025F 1.17E-02 -3.63E-03 1.28E-02 1.1 5E-02 4.25E-02 9106-0015-026F 3.23E-01 5.75E-02 6.5 1E-03 7.90E-02 1.1 OE-01 9106-0015-027F 2.73E-0I 1.39E-01 3.14E-03 9.60E-02 1.27E-0 I 9106-0015-028F 4.90E-03 -3.79E-03 -1.53E-02 -1.33E-02 1.77E-02 (1) The Operational DCGLs from Table 2 are 6.01 pCi/g for Cs-137, 2.90 pCi/g for Co-60, 1.18 pCi/g for Sr-90; the Operational DCGL for C-14, a HTD radionuclide identified in one (1) or more FSS samples analyzed for HTD, is 4.30 pCi/g, These values were used in conjunction with the unity rule to achieve nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE. (2) This column is the sum of the DCGL unity fraction from identified radionuclides of concern and HTD isotope(s) exceeding the 5%/10% rule for one (1) or more FSS samples. For those samples not measured for HTD isotopes, an average calculated value of 3.1% of the DCGL was added to each sample. The off-site laboratory also processed a total of five (5) samples, collected for non-parametric testing, for HTD analysis as required by the sample plan. Sample number 9106-0007-017F was including in this report for the following reasons; because the sample result exceeded the Operational DCGL, the sample Revision 0 14 Revision 0 14

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD result precipitated the creation of this survey unit, and as a part of the investigation relating to this sample to ensure that it complies the DCGLEMC comparison Test of Section 5 of the LTP. The analyses included alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting, and liquid scintillation depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method. All analyses met the required MDC. Three (3) of the five (5) samples collected for non-parametric testing, and analyzed for HTD radionuclides, met the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two (2) standard deviations uncertainty. Each of the positive results for HTD radionuclides could be de-selected based on the 5% and 10% rules, with the exception of one (1) sample, 9106-0015-002F, which exceeded the 10% rule for a total of four (4) HTD radionuclides. Based on the HTD analyses, the maximum dose impact from these results was added to Table 5. The HTD results are presented in Table 6. S, Table 6 -Harod-ti-Detect Samipe Resul isi 2

        'SaI1131e        C-14          Tc-99Oo    Amr-241       N iPu241. 1Fraction of~,
     *Nuniber-7         (P( I/          I         (r0/0)l (p f)(1~/2)       Operational J(9106-)                                                              DCGL"'~

0015-002F 2.07E-01 3.90E-01 2.92E-01 2.46E+01 0.1409 0015-004F 8.18E-03 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0019 0015-015F -1.24E-01 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 -0.0288 0015-018F 5.72E-02 0.OOE+00 1.93E-01 0.OOE+00 0.0232 0015-021F -4.90E-02 2.81E-01 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.0179 0007-017F(3 ) 3.04E-02 1.20E-01 3.00E-03 -1.93E+00 0.0218 (1) The Operational DCGLs for C-14 is 4.30 pCi/g, Tc-99 is 9.58 pCi/g, Am-241 is 19.6 pCi/g, and Pu-241 is 661 pCi/g. These values were used in conjuncture with the unity rule to achieve nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE. (2) This column is the sum of the DCGL unity fraction from identified HTD radionuclides identified in one (1) or more FSS samples. (3) Sample number 9106-0007-017F was the initiating sample for the generation of this survey unit. This sample was analyzed for HTD radionuclides as part of the investigative process for an EMC. The results of the sample analyses of 9106-0007-017F were not included in the results of sample analyses conducted for non-parametric testing. (sample 9106-0007-017F was not taken as a part of the sample design for this survey unit).

7. QUALITY CONTROL The three (3) split samples taken for QC were analyzed by the off-site laboratory. The data were evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 and as detailed in HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey. "

Revision 0 15 Revision 0 '5

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD One (1) split-sample (9106-0015-005F/S) did not meet the comparison criterion for Cs-137. A possible cause for this anomaly could be the presence of Cs-137 tightly bound to organic material in the sample aliquot. This distribution of material does not lend itself to homogenous mixing in a sediment matrix and, therefore, is not necessarily an indicator of inadequate sampling or sample preparation methodology. Additionally, since the resolution ratios for both Co-60 and Sr-90 were less than four (4), and the USNRC Inspection Procedure 84750 does not give guidance on resolution ratios below four (4), a determination on acceptability for such ratios can not be made. In this sample, K-40, a natural radioisotope, was found to be present at an acceptable level of agreement; therefore, the comparison was determined to be acceptable. For the other two (2) QC split samples (9106-0015-012F/S & 9106-0015-018F/S), there was an acceptable level of agreement between the samples for Cs-137, Co-60 and K-40. However, the resolution ratio for Sr-90 was less than four (4), and the USNRC Inspection Procedure 84750 does not give guidance on resolution ratios below four (4), a determination on acceptability for such rations can not be made. The sample analysis vendor, GEL, maintained quality control and quality assurance plans as part of normal operation. Refer to Attachment 2 for data and data quality analysis results.

8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS One (1) sample result, that led to the creation of this survey unit, was found to exceed the Operational DCGL of nineteen (19) mrem/yr, exceeding the investigation level from Table 4. Thus an investigation was required to determine compliance with Equation 3 of Section 3.

The first step in determining whether compliance with the EMC unity rule is to determine the area extent of the elevated measurement region. This was done by taking investigation samples at a distance of one (1) meter in each of the four (4) compass directions about the elevated sample point (9106-0007-017F). When these sample results were determined to be below the investigation levels specified in Table 4, the area was said to be bounded. The area of the elevated measurement location (also the area used to determine area factors) was conservatively calculated by assuming the area was a circle with a radius equal to the most distant bounding measurement location. This was done using actual GPS log data. This was the most prudent approach since maneuvering the sampling vessel to obtain samples within such closely spaced locations imposes unusually high positioning precision. Table 7 provides sample measurement location information (in NAD 1927) and distances from sample location 9106-0007-017F. Revision 0 16

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD UNIT CANAL 9106-0015 RECORD 9106-0007-017F RELEASE SURVEY DISCHARGE 235080.50 672486.69 9106-0015-017A 2235083.20 672486.95 0.827309 9106-0015-017B 235080.67 672489.39 0.825131 9106-0015-017C 235076.99 672487.21 1.082234 9106-0015-017D 235081.57 672483.02 1.165954 Area (M 2) 4.3 Since the bounded area was determined to be 4.3 m2, the Area Factor (AF) values from Table 5-5 of the LTP for six (6) m2 were conservatively applied to determine the DCGLEMC for each nuclide. With this information, it is possible to assess compliance with the EMC rule. This is demonstrated in Table 8. A map of the investigative sample locations is provided in Figure 6 of Attachment 1.

                                  --Table 8-Inv\est[ ation Resuilts<2 Sal "ple        Cs- 137          C-0               r        Fraction of the OperaiionaIl
     ~Num~ber       C-37,o-O                           <r9 P('i/gl          pCi~

1 pi/ gb),il Area Factor (6 m 2) 7.01 3.29 211 DCGLEMc 4.21E+01 9.53E+00 2.49E+02 Nuclides of concern°') 0007-017F 6.42E-01 '3.09E+00 8.94E-03 1.1 8E+00 0015-017A 3.65E-01 1.02E+00 -1.08E-02 4.04E-01 0015-017B 1.92E-01 3.57E-01 3.32E-03 1.58E-01 0015-017C 1.95E-01 2.45E-01 4.84E-03 1.21 E-01 0015-017D 3.13E-01 8.95E-01 -3.67E-03 3.58E-01 2.26E-01 2.96E-01 5.37E-03 1.44E-01 Fjr-acti ni of the fDCGLLNr CeJeveed 3.41 E-0 1 1.1 2E+00 5.26E-04 C elvaod -- ( 1.15E-01 8.26E-01 -4.84E-03 Nuclides of concern"1) C eleated -- ( DCGL EMC 2.74E-03 8.67E-02 -1.95E-05 8.94E-02 Hard-to-Detect (HTD) Results(2) 3.1 OE-02 Total 2.64E-01 (1)This represents the unity fraction of the DCGL from nuclides that are considered nuclides of concern (Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90) from the FSS plan. (2) This represents the unity fraction of the DCGL from HTD nuclides that were not considered nuclides of concern from the FSS plan, and represents an increase of 3.1%. These values were not subtracted from the mean activity of the elevated area, which is conservative. Revision 0 17 Revision 0 17


9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS Historically, no radiological remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS. Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARA Evaluation of Soil Remediation in Support of Final Status Survey, " determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria to be unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in soil was ALARA.
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN The survey was designed to ten (10) mrem/yr TEDE which was conservative and necessary at the time of FSS planning. It is no longer required as the total dose from existing and future groundwater has been established. The dose for soil used to demonstrate compliance with the LTP and CTDEP criteria is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE as discussed in Section 2 of this Release Record.

The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment." The sample design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results indicates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criterion, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 1. The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). The standard deviation was slightly more than the value used for the survey design. This is represented by the shift in the retrospective power curve as shown in Attachment 2f. This would indicate a need to change the original LBGR in order to maintain the number of samples at twenty-eight (28) to meet the Operational DCGL. However, the value of LBGR is not a critical issue as the survey unit has passed the statistical test, and the mean and median values are well below the Operational DCGL when used in conjunction with the unity rule. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criterion with adequate power as required by the DQOs The range of the data, about 3.47 standard deviations, was not unusually large. The difference between the mean and median was 42.2% of the standard deviation which indicates some skewness in the data. The data was represented graphically through posting plots, a frequency plot, and a quantile plot. The frequency plot shows some positive skewness as confirmed by the calculated skew of 1.09. Revision 0 18 Revision 0 18

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD The survey area had one (1) elevated measurement location, which was evaluated using the unity EMC test. This resulted in a passing value of 0.264, which is significantly below unity. All data, assessments, and graphical representations are provided in Attachment 2.

12. ANOMALIES The anomalies associated with a disagreement on one (1) of the field splits has been discussed in Section 7. The source of the disagreement for Cs-137 is believed to be due to Cs-137 being tightly bound to organic materials in the sample media. Such a physical form does not lend itself to homogenous mixing in a sediment matrix.
13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9106-0015 has demonstrated compliance with the dose based, unrestricted release criterion. The sample data passed the Sign Test and the null hypothesis was rejected. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. Reclassification and remediation of this survey unit was not required.

Graphical representation of data indicates some positive skewness that is probably due to localized differences in particulate deposition rates, hydraulic velocity and sedimentation rates. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved. The survey unit was properly designated as a Class I survey unit. The dose contribution from sediment in this survey unit is 3.1 mrem/yr TEDE based on the average concentration of the samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling. This survey unit is not affected by existing groundwater (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). It has been determined that the dose contribution from groundwater sources is bounded by zero (0) mrem/yr TEDE. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no concrete foundations or footings containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third dose component is, therefore, zero (0) mrem/yr TEDE. The average total dose from residual radioactivity in this survey unit, including exposures from the three (3) components as described in Section 3, that is, residual radioactivity in soil, existing groundwater radioactivity, and future groundwater radioactivity from the burial of concrete foundations or footings from site buildings containing residual radioactivity, will not exceed 3.1 mrem/yr Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE). Revision 0 19


14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment I - Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 - Sample and Statistical Data Revision 0 20

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 1 Figures (9 pages)

0 500 1000 F Nofto Coordinat ae in NAD27 Conneccut stiat Plane Systm Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9106-0015Final Status Survey Design

             #4 12.5      25
    #3                                                         Notes
                                       #14              Cooalhtucsarc in
              #8                                       NAD27 Connectct
                                                  #19  Statc Plane System
     #7                                                      Desgn Sanple
                                        #18                      Locaion
 #6                                                #23
                                            #26 9106-0015, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9106-0015FinalStatus Survey Design

4 25 Notf Coamynate ami NAD27 Conneiut StaftPlne SYM 910604015-017A 91064)017B 9106 9106001.01-7C 0 91 06-60007-017F which was the (1.18) the arWdWs Of 9106-0015 SwvuyAres 9106M601. AcMtal Sple Locaft fir O 0Amsa BounayAr te DCOLax calculatiof (iRV mctm ofthe DP-Wen Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9106-0015Elevated Measurement Compron (EMC) CalculatonData

12.5 25 Notes Coordbiat*eamin NAD27Conemcicut Stte Pla*e*ystm 91 06-005-017A 9106-0015-017B 0 Nuzmber 9)06-0015-017 91 06-000WI7-01 7F Twhch Was doe (0.107) laidauxvwaer die creation Of Sor vy Area 9106-0015 9106-0015. Actual Sample Locatios for O Arma Bomwwymicfor dieDCGL Calculatio (A")= FructiM of dw DCML due to Ocsizza-437 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9106-00l5*evalted M*aumentm Cmion(C) CalculaionDt fi

Notes Coonlnas or ain NAD27Cbomxcdcut StAtte Plne System 9106-0015*O17A 9106-0015-017B to.*j *(o. 12j)

                     ,91o         7D             9106-0015-017C 9106-0007-017F which uWa  the (1.07) the arildnof S90wyAr01 9106-0015                                                      9106-0015.

0 O Ae')M= Bamnda fir te DCG ~wc Calculatio Fracon D= ofthe DCOL de t Cohit-6 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9106-0015ElevatW Meamument Cowison (EMC) CalculationData fir Cobalt-60

12.5 Noft NAD27Cbnwecut Sta PlaneSysttm 9106-0015-01 7A 9106-00L5-017B 911.0606-00-0* -00 which WaM & (0.0076) the welion of Su10-yAw1 9106-0015 9106-0015. O Loain far ActualSmple InrtiaOiya&Mp 0Ama Boandwy fr calcubdton (= F49audoofth DCaL hw to S&OIdMlIm-90 Connecticut Yankee Atomic PowerCompany 9106-0015 EevatedMenurment Commison (EM) CalculaonData Abr

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2 Sample and Statistical Data

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2a Sample Data (294 Pages)

Table of Contents G eneral Narrative .................................................................. 1 Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation ........... 5 Radiological Analysis ......................................................... 13 Sample Data Summary ...................................................... 37 Q uality C ontrol D ata ........................................................... 104


General Narrative 1

CASE NARRATIVE For CONNECTICUT YANKEE RE: Soil PO# 002332 Work Order: 167556 SDG: MSR #06-1037 August 2, 2006 Laboratory Identification: General Engineering Laboratories, LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30712 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Express Mail Delivery and Shipping Address: 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Telephone Number: (843) 556-8171 Summary: Sample receipt The sample(s) for this Project arrived at General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, (GEL) in Charleston, South Carolina on July 21, 2006. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. The chain of custody contained the proper documentation and signatures. The laboratory received the following sample(s): Sample ID Client Sample ID 167556001 9106-0015-022F 167556002 9106-0015-023F 167556003 9106-0015-024F 167556004 9106-0015-026F 167556005 9106-0015-027F 167556006 9106-0015-028F 167556007 9106-0015-018F 167556008 9106-0015-025F 167556009 9106-0015-001F GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP,INC. P.O. Box 30712 ° Charleston, SC29417 ° 2040 Savage Road (29407) Phone (843) 556-8171

  • Fax (843) 766-1178

167556010 9106-0015-002F 167556011 9106-0015-003F 167556012 9106-0015-005F 167556013 9106-0015-006F 167556014 9106-0015-007F 167556015 9106-0015-008F 167556016 9106-0015-009F 167556017 9106-0015-01OF 167556018 9106-0015-01 IF 167556019 9106-0015-012F 167556020 9106-0015-013F 167556021 9106-0015-014F 167556022 9106-0015-016F 167556023 9106-0015-017F 167556024 9106-0015-019F 167556025 9106-0015-020F 167556026 9106-0015-005FS 167556027 9106-0015-012FS 167556028 9106-0015-018FS 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F Items of Note: There are no items of note. Case Narrative: Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are listed below by analytical parameter. Analytical Request: Twenty-eight soil samples were analyzed for FSSGAM and Sr-90. Three soil samples were analyzed for FSSALL. Internal Chain of Custody: Custody was maintained for the sample(s). GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP INC. P.O. Box 30712

  • Charleston, S49417
  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)

Phone (843) 556-8171 ° Fax (843) 766-1178 °

Data Package: The enclosed data package contains the following sections: Case Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation and all analytical fractions. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature. Cheryl Jones Project Manager GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP INC. P.O. Box 30712

  • Charleston, S(429417 - 2040 Savage Road (29407)

Phone (843) 556-8171 - Fax (843) 766-1178


Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation 5

Health Physics Procedui?,,,,-(,,./. GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major Ill#~ Health Physics Pro ceduJ~~(

                                        ~~*LV   I

GPP-GGGR-R5 104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-04 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company No. 2006-00443 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories < 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 R 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones CI) Priority: E] 30 D. M 14 D. 13 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type C Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID 9106-0015-022F 6-27-06 16:24 SE C BP X X Z.106-0015-023F 6-27-06 16:03 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-024F 6-27-06 15:42 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-026F 6-27-06 14:58 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-027F 6-27-06 15:17 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-028F 6-27-06 14:31 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-018F 6-27-06 17:18 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-025F 6-27-06 16:43 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-021F 6-27-06 17:01 SE C BP X NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-/O10 SSWP# NA Z LTP QA 13 Radwaste QA E] Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container Z Fed Ex Temp.:  :* Deg. C El uPs F1 Hand Custody Sealed? YO N7

1) Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Received Py Date/Time Custody Seal Intact?

E3 Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received By Date/Time YO NO Bill of Lading #
                                                                                                                       .Tq   10 5- --ý // 001

Health Physics Procedure I GPP-GGGR-RS 104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00448 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested .... -- .. ,r. Contact Name & Phone: oM-nn iitst: ... . Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 0 C 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones - C Priority:E]- 30 D. Z 14 D. i- 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code " - - Comment, Preservation Lab S naip!*e ID 9106-0015-01 IF 6-28-06 14:39 SE C BP X X _,_"_.K -4106-0015-012F 6-28-06 10:58 SE C BP X X - -',_____,_,___... 9106-0015-013F 6-28-06 10:04 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-014F 6-28-06 09:05 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-015F 6-28-06 08:25 SE C BP X 9106-0015-016F 6-28-06 08:46 SE C BP X X - . -.,.,_v..,______......... 9106-0015-017F 6-28-06 09:47 SE C BP X X - - ____:__:______________..- 9106-0015-019F 6-28-06 09:25 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-020F 6-28-06 07:59 SE C BP X- X - - - _______._______.:__.. .... NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-10 3 - SSWP# NA SLTP QA 0l Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via: 0 Fed Ex El ups C"s' ~oiytdiefl) El Hand 1ý D I;  : L e nqu s ed By Date/Time 2)ceive~ Date/Time Custoy -SealIntact?. J-n-i-t-1k cgý El Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received by 7, Date/Time Y. Na Bill of Lading#
                                                                                                                                      -7V/0 Y-: at 170*

Health Physics Procedure, GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 1 Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-04 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company No. 2006-00447 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested La'bWsl Q!Yfifi. Contact Name & Phone: 'Cqomments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) - General Engineering Laboratories . 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 < CI 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones C Priority: E] 30 D. Z 14 D. E] 7 D, Container Sample Size- " . - . .. . Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation * ~WSa*mp* e ID, 9106-0015-OOIF 6-28-06 13:36 SE C BP X X ._______.___ SC9106-0015-002F 6-28-06 14:15 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-003F 6-28-06 13:15 SE C BP X X _____.____.__"_.._-__"_.___ fo 9106-0015-004F 6-28-06 12:54 SE C BP X - - -,__,___' "">__'"____.


9106-0015-005F 6-28-06 15:47 SE C BP X X _: . .. 9106-0015-006F 6-28-06 16:10 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-007F 6-28-06 11:33 SE C BP X X 5 9106-0015-008F 6-28-06 11:10 SE C BP X X :___.____.__.___.,__._... 9106-0015-009F 6-28-06 10:25 SE C BP X X - - ______"__"_'_.__-_-______ 9106-0015-01OF 6-28-06 15:17 SE C BP X X '_ NOTES: PO#: 002332 MSR#: 06-/03% SSWP#NA Z LTP QA [I Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via: >?,Intem17alAConta'irer: 2 Fed Ex El ups El Hand '- CustodySeale4?

1) Relinquished By DareTime 2 ceied y Date/Time ,Custody Seal Intact?'

El Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received by 1Date/Time YfJ] N0 Bill of Lading #

GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major Health Physics Procedure 16-ý-55;6 -/. Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00468 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested a ,; .> Contact Name & Phone: *:,m-nts: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 0 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 '" 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: [] 30 D. Z 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation x ý-,Ib Sml I'D Z4 9106-0015-005FS 6-28-06 15:47 SE C BP X X

; )9106-0015-012FS               6-28-06         10:58      SE        C        BP      X          X 9106-0015-018FS               6-27-06         17:18      SE        C        BP      X          X
                                                                                                                                               .   ..-      ,. .   .  ,.:-.

NOTES: PO#: 002332 MSR#: 06-10*f3- SSWP#NA Z LTPQA 13 RadwasteQA [] Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Ifterndl ýQo ,ftairier, 0 Fed Ex L] uPs ,Terip9-Dý-Dglb ý [] Hand

                                                                                                                                                 -Cu~stody     Sea          t7 1)Relinquish1 By                             Date/Ti* e         2) Receivel By                       Date/Time 61AMle tE"TE                  7-zo. 0 ! 44r-               (\71k
                                                                       ,                                                  El Other
3) Relinquished By Date/fime 4) Receive*By- Date/Time YELJ N F]

Bill of Lading #

                                                                                                                          . '7/0 5-7/1 1l7


                                'f~tO             IES'PM                                                     uVreonly                a                       ..

0,rd,,,:I 4 ,/V7

                          'V 15rDcIARCflC/Work Dat Reevd:toPM(A)                                                     Review (esue oncoaforiniao            ~teps arerslm        prior to Apging):
 ~DtReceived   B:                                            I~                                                        -i1 Sample Receipt Criteria               Z     Z             Comments/Qualifiers (Requlr~d for Non-Conforming Items)

Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged conc iner leaking container other (dscribc) and sealed? I Samples requiring cold Circle Coolan # ice bags blu ice dry ice n other describe) 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? / Record preservation method. Cd\1 , i ._i-.! _ Chain of custody documents / included with shipment? _ Sample containers intact and Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leaking container other (describe) sealed? _ Samples requiring chemical Sample ID's. containers affected and observed p1: preservation at proper pH?- VOA vials free of headspace sample ID's and containers affected: (defined as < 6mm bubble)? Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes. immediately deliver to a VOA laboratory)

     'Samples received within holding                       Id's and tests affected:

8 time? 9 Sample ID's on COC match ID's Sample ID's and containers affected: on bottles? ' ( off -. . Date & time on COC match date Sample ID's affected: 10

     & time on bottles?

Number of containers received Sample ID's affected: match number indicated on COC? a COC form is properly signed in relinquishedfreceived sections? / Air Bill ,Tracking #'s, & Additional Comments

                                                      - RSO RAD Receipt                        i      r          m Suspected Hazard Information           1 Z*If              > x2 area background is observed oh samples identified as "nn-regulated/non-radioactive, contact the l"iation Safety group for frth"er
                                                     = linvestigation.

A Radiological Classification? Aximum.CountsObserved*:' (D., SPCB[ Regulated? Shipped as DUI Hazardous 4Cmmts. C Material? If yes, contact Waste (Hazrd Class Shipped.

   ,Manager or        H Manager.                         C PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classilication:                           initials                           Date:           14"z"0(o I.U                                                    k V

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received: cq3\ . , SDG#: ,Ats POd5 M.to5O3 ot,-iocgj Work Order Number:___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ Shipping Ccdntainer ID $*

  • C C* S\>\Q<-Q _ Chain of Custody'# Ž b-k.
                                                                                                      *       .
1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact?:.. Yes t ] No k-f
2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [i No [I ]i t-
3. Chain-of-Custo'y record present?. Yes No
4. C o ole r te mp era tu re ,*w
                                          . C_ý C.-"A                                                       "
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [ ] Dry I 6: Number of samples in shipping container: . (2 -- ' *\,ZD '
7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes [ No
    .8.. Samples     have:'

l s he vhta p a za rd la b e ls _h

            ."*C        _custody seals           ----'appropriate       sample labels
9. Samples are:
                                                    -       leaking 9-am efýs Ibrokengood condition,
                                                       -...have air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? . Yes[ No
11. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers):

Sample Custodian/Laboratory :, Date" C -i ' Telep hon ed to: _On."_ By 11

          -  2-33o                        00L ;o i.,LA-     Fea E 4L-.-oDO4 V C-Ol q%0o- Doo,-    oCxqfS 12


Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 167556 Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 552678 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201146077 Method Blank (MB) 1201146078 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201146079 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201146080 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 1 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. 14

Ouality Control (0C0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167555016 (9106-0013-004F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 15

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 11-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 550872 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141927 Method Blank (MB) 1201141928 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141929 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141930 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 1 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167555016 (9106-0013-004F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 16

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate. from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 11-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 550873 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 17

Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141931 Method Blank (MB) 1201141932 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141933 167555016(9106-0013-004F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141934 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s).. Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167555016 (9106-0013-004F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation 18

Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Analytical Method: EML HASL 300, Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 551078 Prep Batch Number: 550552 19

Sample ID Client ID 167556001 9106-0015-022F 167556002 9106-0015-023F 167556003 9106-0015-024F 167556004 9106-0015-026F 167556005 9106-0015-027F 167556006 9106-0015-028F 167556007 9106-0015-018F 167556008 9106-0015-025F 167556009 9106-0015-001F 167556010 9106-0015-002F 167556011 9106-0015-003F 167556012 9106-0015-005F 167556013 9106-0015-006F 167556014 9106-0015-007F 167556015 9106-0015-008F 167556016 9106-0015-009F 167556017 9106-0015-01OF 167556018 9106-0015-01IF 167556019 9106-0015-012F 167556020 9106-0015-013F 1201142453 Method Blank (MB) 1201142454 167556001(9106-0015-022F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201142455 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 13 REV# 11. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556001 (9106-0015-022F). 20

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments The sample and the duplicate, 1201142454 (9106-0015-022F) and 167556001 (9106-0015-022F), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement for Ac-228 and Cs-137, however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with a value of 2.29 for Ac-228 and 2.54 for Cs-137. Qualifier information 21

Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample UI Data rejected due to interference. Europium- 155 167556002 167556003 167556010 Manganese-54 167556003 U' Data rejected due to low abundance. Bismuth-212 167556017 Cesium- 134 167556003 167556015 167556017 167556019 Cobalt-60 167556017 1201142453 Europium- 154 1201142454 Europium- 155 167556007 Silver-108m 167556010 UI Data rejected due to no valid peak. Cesium- 134 167556013 Method/Analysis Information Product: Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Analytical Method: EML HASL 300, Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 551081 Prep Batch Number: 550554 22

Sample ID Client ID 167556021 9106-0015-014F 167556022 9106-0015-016F 167556023 9106-0015-017F 167556024 9106-0015-019F 167556025 9106-0015-020F 167556026 9106-0015-005FS 167556027 9106-0015-012FS 167556028 9106-0015-018FS 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201142459 Method Blank (MB) 1201142460 167556029(9106-0015-021 F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201142461 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 11. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556029 (9106-0015-021F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information 23

All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample UI Data rejected due to high peak width. Bismuth-212 167556022 Cobalt-60 167556029 UI Data rejected due to interference. Manganese-54 167556024 167556026 167556031 UI Data rejected due to low abundance. Bismuth-214 167556027 Cesium-134 167556021 167556026 167556031 1201142460 Lead-212 167556023 1201142459 Method/Analysis Information 24

Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 550820 Prep Batch Number: 550564 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550552 Sample ID Client ID 167556001 9106-0015-022F 167556002 9106-0015-023F 167556003 9106-0015-024F 167556004 9106-0015-026F 167556005 9106-0015-027F 167556006 9106-0015-028F 167556007 9106-0015-018F 167556008 9106-0015-025F 167556009 9106-0015-001F 167556010 9106-0015-002F 167556011 9106-0015-003F 167556012 9106-0015-005F 167556013 9106-0015-006F 167556014 9106-0015-007F 167556015 9106-0015-008F 167556016 9106-0015-009F 167556017 9106-0015-OIOF 167556018 9106-0015-01 IF 167556019 9106-0015-012F 167556020 9106-0015-013F 1201141746 Method Blank (MB) 1201141747 167556008(9106-0015-025F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141748 167556008(9106-0015-025F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141749 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information 25

All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556008 (9106-0015-025F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Samples 1201141746 (MB), 1201141747 (9106-0015-025F), 1201141748 (9106-0015-025F), 1201141749 (LCS), 167556001 (9106-0015-022F), 167556002 (9106-0015-023F), 167556003 (9106-0015-024F), 167556004 (9106-0015-026F), 167556005 (9106-0015-027F), 167556006 (9106-0015-028F), 167556007 (9106-0015-018F), 167556008 (9106-0015-025F), 167556009 (9106-0015-001F), 167556010 (9106-0015-002F), 167556011 (9106-0015-003F), 167556012 (9106-0015-005F), 167556013 (9106-0015-006F), 167556014 (9106-0015-007F), 167556015 (9106-0015-008F), 167556016 (9106-0015-009F), 167556017 (9106-0015-010F), 167556018 (9106-0015-01IF), 167556019 (9106-0015-012F) and 167556020 (9106-0015-013F) were dried and reweighed due to low matrix spike recovery. 26

Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 550821 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 Sample ID Client ID 167556021 9106-0015-014F 167556022 9106-0015-016F 167556023 9106-0015-017F 167556024 9106-0015-019F 167556025 9106-0015-020F 167556026 9106-0015-005FS 167556027 9106-0015-012FS 167556028 9106-0015-018FS 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141750 Method Blank (MB) 1201141751 167554004(9106-0007-021 F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141752 167554004(9106-0007-021 F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141753 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information 27

Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167554004 (9106-0007-021F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 28

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 550849 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141843 Method Blank (MB) 1201141844 167556030(9106-0015-004F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141845 167556030(9106-0015-004F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141846 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556030 (9106-0015-004F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information 29

All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 550847 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141835 Method Blank (MB) 1201141836 167555017(9106-0013-009F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141837 167555017(9106-0013-009F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141838 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3. 30

Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167555017 (9106-0013-009F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 31

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 556697 Prep Batch Number: 550566 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 550554 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201155543 Method Blank (MB) 1201155544 167555017(9106-0013-009F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201155545 167555017(9106-0013-009F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201155546 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167555017 (9106-0013-009F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 32

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were reprepped due to low/high recovery. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 550850 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141847 Method Blank (MB) 1201141848 167556031(9106-0015-015F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141849 167556031(9106-0015-015F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141850 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 12. 33

Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556031 (9106-0015-015F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 34

Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 550851 Sample ID Client ID 167556029 9106-0015-021F 167556030 9106-0015-004F 167556031 9106-0015-015F 1201141851 Method Blank (MB) 1201141852 167556029(9106-0015-021 F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201141853 167556029(9106-0015-02 IF) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201141854 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 167556029 (9106-0015-021F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information 35

All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 1201141852 (9106-0015-021F) was recounted due to high MDA. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package. The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: Reviewer/Date:0 4 - c 36




GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOO Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: MSR#06-1037 GEL Work Order: 167556 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by 38

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-022F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 39.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.799 +/-0.156 0.0607 +/-0.156 0.128 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2157 551078 I Americium-2 4 1 U 0.0246 +/-0.104 0.0853 +/-0.104 0.176 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.457 +/-0.238 0.126 +/-0.238 0.266 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.612 +1- -0.0886 0.030 +/-0.0886 0.0628 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0453 +1- -0.0355 0.0231 +/-0.0355 0.0482 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.346 +1- -0.0445 0.0178 +/-0.0445 0.0372 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.697 +1--0.0732 0.0191 +/-0.0732 0.0409 pCi/g Europium- 152 U 0.0354 +1--0.0503 0.0423 +/-0.0503 0.0878 pCi/g Europium- 154 U -0.00728 +1--0.0592 0.0487 +/-0.0592 0.105 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0128 +1--0.0649 0.0455 +/-0.0649 0.0935 pCi/g Lead-212 0.742 +1--0.0572 0.0235 +/-0.0572 0.0486 pCi/g Lead-214 0.625 +1--0.0879 0.0296 +/-0.0879 0.0615 pCi/g Manganese-5 4 U 0.022 +/-0.0235 0.017 +/-0.0235 0.0358 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00715 +/-0.0183 0.0156 +/-0.0183 0.0326 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.5 +/-0.783 0.138 +/-0.783 0.302 pCi/g Radium-226 0.612 +/-0.0886 0.030 +/-0.0886 0.0628 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00466 +/-0.0164 0.0143 +/-0.0164 0.0298 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.219 +/-0.0428 0.0167 +/-0.0428 0.0349 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00253 +/-0.0182 0.0196 +/-0.0182 0.0421 pCi/g BXF1 07/28/06 2004 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified 39

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-022F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556001 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 73 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R      Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

U1 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 40

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-023F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556002 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21 -JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 50.3% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.918 +/-0.311 0.111 +/-0.311 0.236 pCi/g MJHl 08/02/06 2157 551078 1 Americium-241 0.132 +/-0.0628 0.031 +/-0.0628 0.0639 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.708 +/-0.479 0.232 +/-0.479 0.493 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.655 +1-0.150 0.0538 +1-0.150 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0612 +/-0.0474 0.0391 +/-0.0474 0.0825 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.328 +/-0.0695 0.0278 +/-0.0695 0.0592 pCi/g Cobalt-60 1.06 +/-0.130 0.0345 +/-0.130 0.0748 pCi/g Europium-15 2 U 0.0443 +/-0.0817 0.070 +/-0.0817 0.146 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0323 +/-0.108 0.0858 +/-0.108 0.187 pCi/g Europium-155 UI 0.00 +/-0.100 0.0533 +/-0.100 0.110 pCi/g Lead-212 0.890 +/-0.134 0.0377 +/-0.134 0.0783 pCi/g Lead-214 0.652 +/-0.128 0.0484 +/-0.128 0.101 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0531 +/-0.0448 0.0363 +/-0.0448 0.0767 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.018 +/-0.0337 0.0259 +/-0.0337 0.055 pCi/g Potassium- 4 0 13.5 +/-1.43 0.242 +/- 1.43 0.541 pCi/g Radium-226 0.655 +1-0.150 0.0538 +1-0.150 0.114 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00144 +/-0.0278 0.023 +/-0.0278 0.0486 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.264 +/-0.0861 0.0297 +/-0.0861 0.0628 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.012 +/-0.0132 0.0172 +/-0.0132 0.0381 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 41

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-023F Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556002 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 74 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 42

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-024F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556003 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 45.7% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.06 +/-0.175 0.0574 +/-0.175 0.120 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2158 551078 I Americium-241 U 0.0554 +/-0.084 0.0647 +/-0.084 0.132 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.705 +/-0.250 0.131 +/-0.250 0.272 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.793 +/-0.103 0.0302 +/-0.103 0.0625 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.00 +/-0.0438 0.0223 +/-0.0438 0.0461 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0671 +/-0.0327 0.0165 +/-0.0327 0.0343 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.115 +/-0.033 0.0194 +/-0.033 0.0408 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0101 +/-0.0582 0.0458 +/-0.0582 0.0939 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00943 -+/-0.0646 0.0545 +/-0.0646 0.114 pCi/g Europium-155 UI 0.00 +/-0.0595 0.0419 +/-0.0595 0.0853 pCi/g Lead-212 1.16 +/-0.0754 0.0248 +/-0.0754 0.0506 pCi/g Lead-214 0.903 +/-0.093 0.0319 +/-0.093 0.0654 pCi/g Manganese-54 UI 0.00 F/-0.0334 0.0169 +/-0.0334 0.0352 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00695 F/-0.0185 0.0149 +/-0.0185 0.031 pCi/g Potassium-40 17.0 +/-0.888 0.157 +/-0.888 0.335 pCi/g Radium-226 0.793 +/-0.103 0.0302 +/-0.103 0.0625 pCi/g Silver-108m U -7.690E- +/-0.0192 0.015 +/-0.0192 0.0309 pCi/g 05 Thallium-208 0.358 +/-0.0516 0.0168 +/-0.0516 0.0348 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0252 +/-0.0167 0.0139 +/-0.0167 0.0312 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified 43

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-024F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556003 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS 77 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 44

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-026F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556004 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 36.3% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.690 +/-0.174 0.0631 +/-0.174 0.136 pCi/g MJH1 08/02/06 2159 551078 1 Americium-241 U 0.0332 +/-0.091 0.0732 +/-0.091 0.151 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.692 +/-0.285 0.134 +/-0.285 0.286 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.655 +/-0.0893 0.0307 +/-0.0893 0.0652 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0397 +/-0.0294 0.023 +/-0.0294 0.0487 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.323 +/-0.0534 0.0189 +/-0.0534 0.040 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0575 +/-0.0355 0.0178 +/-0.0355 0.0392 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00373 +/-0.0526 0.0453 +/-0.0526 0.0949 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0133 +/-0.0654 0.0531 +/-0.0654 0.116 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0257 +/-0.0565 0.0493 +/-0.0565 0.102 pCi/g Lead-212 0.752 +/-0.0638 0.0275 +/-0.0638 0.0569 pCi/g Lead-214 0.576 +/-0.0913 0.0335 +/-0.0913 0.070 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0123 +/-0.0224 0.0185 +/-0.0224 0.0395 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00994 +/-0.0204 0.0174 +/-0.0204 0.0368 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.6 +/-0.899 0.162 +/-0.899 0.360 pCi/g Radium-226 0.655 +/-0.0893 0.0307 +/-0.0893 0.0652 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00308 +/-0.0185 0.0159 +/-0.0185 0.0335 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.252 +/-0.0476 0.0171 +/-0.0476 0.0364 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00651 +/-0.0133 0.0135 +/-0.0133 0.0304 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 45

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-026F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556004 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 77 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD I Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 46

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-027F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556005 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21 -JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 31.6% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamna,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.597 +/-0.226 0.0755 +/-0.226 0.162 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2159 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.0217 +/-0.0333 0.0295 +/-0.0333 0.0607 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.505 +/-0.284 0.167 +/-0.284 0.356 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.550 +/-0.102 0.0374 +/-0.102 0.0795 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.00267 +/-0.0397 0.0285 +/-0.0397 0.0603 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.273 -F/-0.0624 0.0235 +/-0.0624 0.0498 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.139 F/-0.0451 0.0288 +/-0.0451 0.0621 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0331 +/-0.0566 0.0484 +/-0.0566 0.102 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0308 k/-0.0866 0.0704 +/-0.0866 0.153 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.00801 +/-0.0513 0.0449 +/-0.0513 0.0928 pCi/g Lead-212 0.645 k/-0.0718 0.0324 +/-0.0718 0.067 pCi/g Lead-214 0.522 +/-0.0805 0.0343 +/-0.0805 0.072 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0262 +/-0.0297 0.0227 +/-0.0297 0.0485 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0158 +/-0.0251 0.022 +/-0.0251 0.0465 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.4 +/-0.947 0.198 +/-0.947 0.440 pCi/g Radium-226 0.550 +/-0.102 0.0374 +/-0.102 0.0795 pCi/g Silver--108m U 0.00333 -/-0.0212 0.0186 +/-0.0212 0.0392 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.253 d-/-0.0576 0.0206 +/-0.0576 0.0438 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00314 d-/-0.0156 0.0168 +/-0.0156 0.0378 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 47

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-027F Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556005 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 62 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 48

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-028F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556006 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 24.7% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.367 +/-0.103 0.0378 +/-0.103 0.081 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2159 551078 I Americium-241 U -0.0354 +/-0.0729 0.0606 +/-0.0729 0.126 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.352 +/-0.173 0.0996 +/-0.173 0.210 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.202 +/-0.0692 0.0216 +/-0.0692 0.0455 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0147 +/-0.0192 0.0135 +/-0.0192 0.0286 pCi/g Cesium- 137 U 0.0049 +/-0.0152 0.013 +/-0.0152 0.0273 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00379 +/-0.0141 0.0112 +/-0.0141 0.0245 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0,0128 +/-0.033 0.0287 +/-0.033 0.0604 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0203 +/-0.0397 0.0346 +/-0.0397 0.0748 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.052 +/-0.0407 0.039 +/-0.0407 0.0806 pCi/g Lead-,212 0.444 +/-0.0425 0.0197 +/-0.0425 0.0408 pCi/g Lead-214 0.295 +/-0.0608 0.0201 +/-0.0608 0.0424 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00289 +/-0.0136 0.0119 +/-0.0136 0.0253 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00973 +/-0.013 0.0114 +/-0.013 0.0239 pCi/g Potassium-40 5.18 +/-0.461 0.0737 +/-0.461 0.168 pCi/g Radium-226 0.202 +/-0.0692 0.0216 +/-0.0692 0.0455 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00217 +/-0.0111 0.00985 +/-0.0111 0.0208 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.101 +/-0.0274 0.012 +/-0.0274 0.0253 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.0153 +/-0.016 0.0213 +/-0.016 0.0472 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 49

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-028F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556006 Client ID: YANKOO 1 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 58 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD. Ul Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 50

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556007 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 30.5% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.704 +/-0.174 0.0798 +/-0.174 0.167 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2200 551078 1 Americium-24 I U 0.0293 +/-0.0449 0.040 +/-0.0449 0.0822 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.681 +/-0.263 0.152 +/-0.263 0.319 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.517 +/-0.0941 0.0319 +/-0.0941 0.0669 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0448 +/-0.047 0.0235 +/-0.047 0.0492 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.354 +1-0.0551 0.0169 +/-0.0551 0.0355 pCi/g Cobalt-60 1.16 +/-0.100 0.0146 +/-0.100 0.032 pCi/g Europium-I152 U 0.019 +/-0.0509 0.0446 +/-0.0509 0.0926 pCi/g Europium- 154 U 0.0126 +/-0.0546 0.046 +/-0.0546 0.0996 pCi/g Europium- 155 UI 0.00 +/-0.0634 0.0432 +/-0.0634 0.0888 pCi/g Lead-212 0.690 +/-0.0918 0.0309 +/-0.0918 0.0634 pCi/g Lead-214 0.601 +/-0.0993 0.0288 +/-0.0993 0.0601 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.020 +/-0.0201 0.0185 +/-0.0201 0.039 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0139 +/-0.0187 0.0169 +/-0.0187 0.0354 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.7 +/-1.09 0.127 +/-1.09 0.283 pCi/g Radium-226 0.517 +/-0.0941 0.0319 +/-0.0941 0.0669 pCi/g Silver- 108m U 0.0183 +/-0.0182 0.0162 +/-0.0182 0.0337 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.243 +/-0.0458 0.016 +/-0.0458 0.0337 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.0115 +/-0.0136 0.018 +/-0.0136 0.0403 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 51

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556007 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 60 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 52

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-025F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556008 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 45.6% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GanimaSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.922 +/-0.242 0.087 +/-0.242 0.174 pCi/g MJH1 08/02/06 2213 551078 1 Americium-2 4 1 U 0.0512 +/-0.0952 0.0694 +/-0.0952 0.139 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.551 +/-0.420 0.179 +/-0.420 0.357 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.755 +/-0.149 0.0416 +/-0.149 0.0831 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0485 +/-0.058 0.0288 +/-0.058 0.0576 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0117 +/-0.0299 0.0248 +/-0.0299 0.0495 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00363 +/-0.0334 0.027 +/-0.0334 0.0539 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0385 +/-0.0988 0.0582 +/-0.0988 0.116 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0447 +/-0.0909 0.0705 +/-0.0909 0.141 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0768 +/-0.0905 0.062 +/-0.0905 0.124 pCi/g Lead-212 1.12 +/-0.120 0.0344 +/-0.120 0.0688 pCi/g Lead-214 0.929 +/-0.136 0.0408 +/-0.136 0.0816 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0174 +/-0.0295 0.0235 +/-0.0295 0.047 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0143 +/-0.0259 0.0226 +/-0.0259 0.0451 pCi/g Potassium-40 17.2 +/-1.53 0.199 +/-1.53 0.397 pCi/g Radium-226 0.755 +/-0.149 0.0416 +/-0.149 0.0831 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00906 +/-0.024 0.0192 +/-0.024 0.0384 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.308 +/-0.0692 0.023 +/-0.0692 0.0459 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0128 +/-0.0169 0.0164 +/-0.0169 0.0368 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1029 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 53

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-025F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556008 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 66 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A      The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 54

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-OOIF Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556009 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.2% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Ganmma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.592 +/-0.136 0.0625 +/-0.136 0.125 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2213 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.00472 +/-0.0757 0.0598 +/-0.0757 0.120 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.646 +/-0.242 0.112 +/-0.242 0.223 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.464 +/-0.0832 0.0304 +/-0.0832 0.0607 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0344 +/-0.0232 0.0212 +/-0.0232 0.0425 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0256 +/-0.020 0.0182 +/-0.020 0.0365 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.012 +/-0.019 0.0171 +/-0.019 0.0341 pCi/g Europium- 152 U -0.00443 +/-0.0637 0.0423 +/-0.0637 0.0846 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0276 +/-0.0606 0.0489 +/-0.0606 0.0977 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.057 +/-0.0546 0.0464 +/-0.0546 0.0928 pCi/g Lead-212 0.634 +/-0.074 0.0235 +/-0.074 0.047 pCi/g Lead-214 0.550 +/-0.0878 0.0295 +/-0.0878 0.0589 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0143 +/-0.0195 0.0156 +/-0.0195 0.0311 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00316 +/-0.021 0.0154 +/-0.021 0.0308 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.8 +/-1.02 0.116 +/-1.02 0.231 pCi/g Radium-226 0.464 +/-0.0832 0.0304 +/-0.0832 0.0607 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00452 +/-0.0168 0.0144 +/-0.0168 0.0287 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.221 +/-0.0445 0.0159 +/-0.0445 0.0317 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0248 +/-0.0208 0.0185 +/-0.0208 0.0416 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 55

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-001F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556009 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Rccv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 55 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H 'Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 56

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-002F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556010 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 38.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.867 +/-0.261 0.108 +/-0.261 0.217 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2214 551078 1 Americium-241 U 0.0351 +/-0.0435 0.0289 +/-0.0435 0.0578 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.817 +/-0.454 0.213 +/-0.454 0.426 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.602 +/-0.128 0.0455 +/-0.128 0.0909 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0334 +/-0.0399 0.0358 +/-0.0399 0.0716 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.522 +/-0.0825 0.0274 +/-0.0825 0.0548 pCi/g Cobalt-60 1.11 +/-0.109 0.0296 +/-0.109 0.0593 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.05 +/-0.0956 0.0591 +/-0.0956 0.118 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00342 +/-0.0997 0.0824 +/-0.0997 0.165 pCi/g Europium-155 UI 0.00 +/-0.0735 0.0479 +/-0.0735 0.0958 pCi/g Lead-212 0.828 +/-0.0995 0.0315 +/-0.0995 0.063 pCi/g Lead-214 0.611 +/-0.118 0.0421 +/-0.118 0.0842 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00239 +/-0.0385 0.0327 +/-0.0385 0.0654 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0158 +/-0.0294 0.0261 +/-0.0294 0.0522 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.2 +/-1.09 0.246 +/-1.09 0.492 pCi/g Radium-226 0.602 +/-0.128 0.0455 +/-0.128 0.0909 pCi/g Silver-108m UI 0.00 +/-0.0604 0.0211 +/-0.0604 0.0421 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.248 +/-0.0665 0.025 +/-0.0665 0.050 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.0188 +/-0.00973 0.0159+/-0.00974 0.0359 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 57

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-002F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556010 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrierf~racer Recovery GFPiC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 66 (25%- 125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 58

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-003F Project: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 167556011 ClientiD: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 51.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.957 +/-0.187 0.0691 +/-0.187 0.146 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2319 551078 Americium-241 U -0.019 +/-0.124 0.0838 +/-0.124 0.172 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.724 +/-0.331 0.144 +/-0.331 0.302 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.712 +/-0.114 0.0344 +/-0.114 0.0718 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0123 +/-0.0552 0.0238 +/-0.0552 0.0499 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0467 +/-0.0304 0.0208 +/-0.0304 0.0434 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.142 +/-0.0629 0.0219 +/-0.0629 0.0468 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00241 +/-0.061 0.0472 +/-0.061 0.0979 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0408 +/-0.0795 0.0675 +/-0.0795 0.143 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0416 +/-0.0637 0.0521 +/-0.0637 0.107 pCi/g Lead-212 0.998 +/-0.076 0.0268 +/-0.076 0.0553 pCi/g Lead-214 0.706 +/-0.0995 0.0358 +/-0.0995 0.0741 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0141 +/-0.0255 0.021 +/-0.0255 0.044 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00372 +/-0.0263 0.0183 +/-0.0263 0.0382 pCi/g Potassium-40 15.0 +/-0.976 0.184 +/-0.976 0.398 pCi/g Radium-226 0.712 +/-0.114 0.0344 +/-0.114 0.0718 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00288 +/-0.019 0.0155 +/-0.019 0.0324 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.282 +/-0.0552 0.0177 +/-0.0552 0.0371 pCi/g Rad Gas, Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,!Sr90,solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00333 +/-0.0138 0.0162 +/-0.0138 0.0368 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified 59

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-003F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556011 ClientID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 62 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 60

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-005F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556012 Client ID: YANKOO 1 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 43.7% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.944 +/-0.231 0.0665 +/-0.231 0.143 pCi/g MJH1 08/02/06 2320 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.0774 +/-0.104 0.0786 +/-0.104 0.162 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.426 +/-0.330 0.165 +/-0.330 0.350 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.548 +/-0.0998 0.0431 +/-0.0998 0.0904 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0306 +/-0.0418 0.0272 +/-0.0418 0.0574 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.0589 +/-0.0336 0.0198 +/-0.0336 0.042 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.000929 +/-0.0279 0.0233 +/-0.0279 0.0507 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0167 +/-0.0582 0.0482 +/-0.0582 0.101 pCi/g Europium-15 4 U -0.022 +/-0.0786 0.0638 +/-0.0786 0.139 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0444 +/-0.0641 0.052 +/-0.0641 0.108 pCi/g Lead-212 0.811 +/-0.101 0.0367 +/-0.101 0.0756 pCi/g Lead-214 0.711 +/-0.0995 0.0368 +/-0.0995 0.077 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00375 +/-0.0264 0.0217 +/-0.0264 0.0462 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0166 +/-0.0243 0.0197 +/-0.0243 0.0417 pCi/g Potassium-40 14.2 +/-1.04 0.177 +/-1.04 0.396 pCi/g Radium-226 0.548 +/-0.0998 0.0431 +/-0.0998 0.0904 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00534 +/-0.020 0.0169 +/-0.020 0.0356 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.301 +/-0.0503 0.0203 +/-0.0503 0.0429 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0133 +/-0.018 0.0173 +/-0.018 0.0391 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 61

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-005F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556012 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 60 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UJI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 62

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-006F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556013 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 31% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Ganmma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.630 +/- -0.158 0.0716 +/-0.158 0.153 pCi/g MJH1 08/02/06 2320 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.0436 +/- -0.148 0.0812 +/-0.148 0.167 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.700 +/- -0.269 +/-0.269 0.159 0.337 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.530 +/- -0.091 +/-0.091 0.0365 0.0771 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.00 +/-0.0371 0.0225 +/-0.0371 0.048 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.322 +/-0.0592 0.0193 +/-0.0592 0.0409 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.350 +/-0.063 0.0198 +/-0.063 0.0434 pCi/g Europium- 152 U 0.0139 +/-0.0652 0.0545 +/-0.0652 0.114 pCi/g Europium- 154 U -0.0671 +/-0.0782 0.058 +/-0.0782 0.126 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0798 +/-0.0796 0.0573 +/-0.0796 0.118 pCi/g Lead-212 0.728 +/-0.0655 0.0307 +/-0.0655 0.0636 pCi/g Lead-214 0.578 +/-0.0742 0.0402 +/-0.0742 0.0837 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0161 +/-0.031 0.0213 +/-0.031 0.0452 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00415 +/-0.021 0.0175 +/-0.021 0.0371 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.4 +/-0.882 0.157 +/-0.882 0.353 pCi/g Radium-226 0.530 +/-0.091 0.0365 +/-0.091 0.0771 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00876 +/-0.0226 0.018 +/-0.0226 0.0377 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.236 +/-0.0559 0.0184 +/-0.0559 0.0391 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00864 +/-0.020 0.0207 +/-0.020 0.0462 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 63

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-006F Proiect: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 167556013 ClientID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 54 (25%- 125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 64

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-007F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556014 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 36.2% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GamimaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.677 +/-0.304 0.109 +/-0.304 0.230 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2321 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.00383 F/-0.0411 0.0335 +/-0.0411 0.0689 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.485 +/-0.523 0.218 +/-0.523 0.459 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.546 +/-0.127 0.0561 +/-0.127 0.117 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0351 +/-0.0412 0.0355 +/-0.0412 0.0746 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.285 F/-0.0741 0.0253 +/-0.0741 0.0535 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.355 F/-0.0793 0.0294 +/-0.0793 0.0634 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0141 +/-0.082 0.0661 +/-0.082 0.138 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0392 +/-0.106 0.0846 +/-0.106 0.182 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0388 F/-0.0957 0.0571 +/-0.0957 0.118 pCi/g Lead-212 0.653 /-0.0873 0.0421 +/-0.0873 0.0867 pCi/g Lead-214 0.650 +/-0.128 0.0461 +/-0.128 0.0961 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0107 +/-0.0383 0.0317 +/-0.0383 0.0667 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00394 /-0.0314 0.0261 +/-0.0314 0.0548 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.4 +/-1.25 0.228 +/-1.25 0.501 pCi/g Radium-226 0.546 +/-0.127 0.0561 +/-0.127 0.117 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00244 d-/-0.0267 0.023 +/-0.0267 0.0481 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.229 d-/-0.0738 0.027 +/-0.0738 0.0567 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00298 1-/-0.0178 0.0193 +/-0.0178 0.0437 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 65

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-007F Project: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 167556014 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90. solid-ALL FSS 50 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 66

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate nf Analv-iq Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-008F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556015 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 51.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.605 +/-0.173 0.048 +/-0.173 0.101 pCi/g MJHI 08/02/06 2321 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.0586 +/-0.115 0.0867 +/-0.115 0.178 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.410 +/-0.217 0.100 +/-0.217 0.211 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.542 +/-0.0813 0.0245 +/-0.0813 0.051 pCi/g Cesium-134 UT 0.00 +/-0.0246 0.0164 +/-0.0246 0.0343 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.215 +/-0.0393 0.0146 +/-0.0393 0.0303 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.349 +/-0.0513 0.0129 +/-0.0513 0.0277 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00521 /-0.0451 0.0359 +/-0.0451 0.0743 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00882 +/-0.054 0.0442 +/-0.054 0.0937 pCi/g Europium-155 0.0782 -/-0.0643 0.0369 +/-0.0643 0.0756 pCi/g Lead-212 0.742 H-/-0.0872 0.0204 +/-0.0872 0.0419 pCi/g Lead-214 0.612 d-/-0.0914 0.0262 +/-0.0914 0.0541 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0307 H-/-0.0243 0.0153 +/-0.0243 0.032 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00405 +/-0.016 0.0132 +/-0.016 0.0276 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.8 +/-1.02 0.125 +/- 1.02 0.270 pCi/g Radium-226 0.542 H+/-0.0813 0.0245 +/-0.0813 0.051 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00592 H-/-0.0152 0.013 +/-0.0152 0.0269 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.244 H-/-0.0493 0.0136 +/-0.0493 0.0284 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0105 H-/-0.0168 0.0163 +/-0.0168 0.0372 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 67

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-008F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556015 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS 56 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 68

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-009F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556016 Client ID: YANKOO I Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 27.5% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.768 +/-0.163 0.0612 +/-0.163 0.122 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 0645 551078 1 Americium-241 U -0.0144 +/-0.0646 0.0497 +/-0.0646 0.0992 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.362 +/-0.212 0.118 +/-0.212 0.236 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.517 +/-0.0964 0.0292 +/-0.0964 0.0583 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0282 +/-0.0267 0.0205 +/-0.0267 0.0409 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0119 +/-0.0201 0.0174 +/-0.0201 0.0348 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0323 +/-0.0249 0.0194 +/-0.0249 0.0387 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00615 +/-0.061 0.042 +/-0.061 0.0839 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0311 +/-0.0614 0.0486 +/-0.0614 0.0971 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0437 +/-0.0523 0.0465 +/-0.0523 0.093 pCi/g Lead-212 0.730 +/-0.0781 0.0244 +/-0.0781 0.0488 pCi/g Lead-214 0.591 +/-0.0853 0.0314 +/-0.0853 0.0628 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0323 +/-0.0292 0.0172 +/-0.0292 0.0343 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00976 +/-0.0172 0.0154 +/-0.0172 0.0308 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.3 +/-1.12 0.119 +/-1.12 0.239 pCi/g Radium-226 0.517 +/-0.0964 0.0292 +/-0.0964 0.0583 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00821 +/-0.0166 0.0146 +/-0.0166 0.0292 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.235 +/-0.0438 0.0154 +/-0.0438 0.0309 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0155 +/-0.0187 0.0182 +/-0.0187 0.0402 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 69

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-009F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556016 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 68 (25%/w- 125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 70

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-OIOF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556017 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 24.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GanmaSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.886 +/-0.192 0.0637 +/-0.192 0.127 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 0646 551078 I Americium-241 U 0.0804 +/-0.0885 0.0709 +/-0.0885 0.142 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-0.213 0.200 +/-0.213 0.400 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.490 +/-0.113 0.035 +/-0.113 0.070 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.00 +/-0.0357 0.0236 +/-0.0357 0.0472 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.253 +/-0.0477 0.0181 +/-0.0477 0.0362 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0.0301 0.0277 +/-0.0301 0.0554 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00295 +/-0.0908 0.0461 +/-0.0908 0.0921 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0233 +/-0.066 0.0572 +/-0.066 0.114 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0607 +/-0.0751 0.0475 +/-0.0751 0.095 pCi/g Lead-212 0.830 +/-0.0917 0.0274 +/-0.0917 0.0548 pCi/g Lead-214 0.743 +/-0.110 0.0343 +/-0.110 0.0685 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.014 +/-0.0226 0.0181 +/-0.0226 0.0362 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00115 +/-0.0214 0.0179 +/-0.0214 0.0357 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.4 +/-1.20 0.178 +/-1.20 0.355 pCi/g Radium-226 0.490 +/-0.113 0.035 +/-0.113 0.070 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00373 +/-0.018 0.0152 +/-0.018 0.0304 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.279 +/-0.0557 0.0166 +/-0.0557 0.0332 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00371 +/-0.014 0.0149 +/-0.014 0.0335 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 71

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-OIOF Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556017 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, St90, solid-ALL FSS 72 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 72

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-01 IF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556018 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 26.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.811 +/-0.213 0.0921 +/-0.213 0.184 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 0646 551078 1 Americium-241 U 0.0265 +/-0.0368 0.0293 +/-0.0368 0.0586 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.541 +/-0.298 0.165 +/-0.298 0.330 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.569 +/-0.124 0.0405 +/-0.124 0.0809 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0423 +/-0.0528 0.0283 +/-0.0528 0.0566 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.493 +/-0.0759 0.0257 +/-0.0759 0.0513 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.396 +/-0.0728 0.0235 +/-0.0728 0.047 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.054 +/-0.0716 0.0536 +/-0.0716 0.107 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00904 +/-0.0929 0.0781 +/-0.0929 0.156 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0563 +/-0.0579 0.0453 +/-0.0579 0.0905 pCi/g Lead-212 0.721 +/-0.086 0.0286 +/-0.086 0.0571 pCi/g Lead-214 0.553 +/-0.104 0.0404 +/-0.104 0.0807 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0238 +/-0.0237 0.0246 +/-0.0237 0.0492 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00116 +/-0.0261 0.0196 +/-0.0261 0.0392 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.2 +/-0.982 0.201 +/-0.982 0.402 pCi/g Radium-226 0.569 +/-0.124 0.0405 +/-0.124 0.0809 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0109 +/-0.0233 0.0194 +/-0.0233 0.0387 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.222 +/-0.0573 0.0235 +/-0.0573 0.047 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0188 +/-0.0204 0.019 +/-0.0204 0.0428 pCi/g BXF1 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 73

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PON 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-01IF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556018 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 55 (25%-/125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

U1 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 74

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-012F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556019 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 37.4% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gannna,Solid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.545 +/-0.190 0.073 +/-0.190 0.155 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 0749 551078 I Americium-241 U-0.000712 +/-0.135 0.0767 +/-0.135 0.158 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.495 +/-0.270 0.156 +/-0.270 0.331 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.538 +/-0.0906 0.0344 +/-0.0906 0.0727 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.00 +/-0.0327 0.0243 +/-0.0327 0.0513 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.347 +/-0.0464 0.0191 +/-0.0464 0.0405 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.655 +/-0.0758 0.0183 +/-0.0758 0.0402 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0264 +/-0.0656 0.0534 +/-0.0656 0.111 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0739 +/-0.0791 0.0704 +/-0.0791 0.151 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0911 +/-0.0754 0.0532 +/-0.0754 0.110 pCi/g Lead-212 0.704 +/-0.0622 0.0298 +/-0.0622 0.0617 pCi/g Lead-214 0.608 +/-0.0947 0.0394 +/-0.0947 0.082 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00361 +/-0.0246 0.0205 +/-0.0246 0.0435 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.000366 +/-0.0209 0.0178 +/-0.0209 0.0375 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.8 +/-0.881 0.173 +/-0.881 0.383 pCi/g Radium-226 0.538 +/-0.0906 0.0344 +/-0.0906 0.0727 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00627 +/-0.0213 0.0172 +/-0.0213 0.036 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.255 +/-0.0488 0.019 +/-0.0488 0.0402 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00327 +/-0.016 0.0172 +/-0.016 0.0388 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 75

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-012F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556019 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifler Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/fracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS 60 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UT Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 76

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-013F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556020 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 41.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Ganmna,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.891 +/-0.296 0.109 +/-0.296 0.229 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 0749 551078 1 Americium-241 U 0.0308 +/-0.0435 0.0365 +/-0.0435 0.075 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.554 +/-0.355 0.234 +/-0.355 0.491 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.659 +/-0.156 0.051 +/-0.156 0.107 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0764 +/-0.0633 0.037 +/-0.0633 0.0775 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.443 +/-0.0825 0.0307 +/-0.0825 0.0644 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.705 +/-0.111 0.0289 +/-0.111 0.0624 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0411 +/-0.0808 0.0675 +/-0.0808 0.140 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0205 +/-0.112 0.0911 +/-0.112 0.194 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0149 +/-0.0911 0.0565 +/-0.0911 0.116 pCi/g Lead-212 0.709 +/-0.0944 0.0452 +/-0.0944 0.0928 pCi/g Lead-214 0.683 +/-0.115 0.0491 +/-0.115 0.102 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0037 +/-0.0425 0.0344 +/-0.0425 0.072 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0225 +/-0.0323 0.0278 +/-0.0323 0.0582 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.2 +/-1.24 0.295 +/-1.24 0.635 pCi/g Radium-226 0.659 +/-0.156 0.051 +/-0.156 0.107 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00193 +/-0.0268 0.0231 +/-0.0268 0.0482 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.222 +/-0.080 0.0294 +/-0.080 0.0616 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.005 +/-0.0179 0.0191 +/-0.0179 0.0425 pCi/g BXFI 07/31/06 1228 550820 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 07/21/06 1531 550552 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 77

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-013F Proiect: YANK0 1204 Sample ID: 167556020 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 64 (25%-0125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A      The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B      Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C      Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J     Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R      Sample results are rejected U      Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 78

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Certificateof Analvsis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-014F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556021 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 64.3% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.857 +/-0.320 0.114 +/-0.320 0.236 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 2120 551081 1 Americium-241 U -0.014 +/-0.0435 0.0317 +/-0.0435 0.0646 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.585 +/-0.605 0.244 +/-0.605 0.504 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.756 +/-0.167 0.0568 +/-0.167 0.117 pCi/g Cesium- 134 UI 0.00 +/-0.0662 0.039 +/-0.0662 0.0804 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0443 +/-0.0394 0.0328 +/-0.0394 0.0676 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0432 +/-0.0428 0.0365 +/-0.0428 0.0762 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0422 +/-0.0867 0.0654 +/-0.0867 0.134 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.103 +/-0.118 0.0905 +/-0.118 0.190 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.066 +/-0.0764 0.0567 +/-0.0764 0.116 pCi/g Lead-212 1.01 +/-0.0961 0.0357 +/-0.0961 0.073 pCi/g Lead-214 0.850 +/-0.139 0.0505 +/-0.139 0.104 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.025 +/-0.040 0.0305 +/-0.040 0.0634 pCi/g Niobium-94 U - 0.00255 +/-0.0365 0.0289 +/-0.0365 0.0597 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.2 +/-1.43 0.284 +/-1.43 0.601 pCi/g Radium-226 0.756 +/-0.167 0.0568 +/-0.167 0.117 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0181 +/-0.0311 0.0258 +/-0.0311 0.053 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.273 +/-0.095 0.0298 +/-0.095 0.0615 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0222 +/-0.0208 0.0191 +/-0.0208 0.0428 pCi/g BXFI 07/30/06 1114 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified 79

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun. Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-014F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556021 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter - Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 64 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 80

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-016F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556022 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 32.4% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.817 +/-0.201 0.0536 +/-0.201 0.115 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 1539 551081 1 Americium-241 U -0.0173 +/-0.0759 0.0648 +/-0.0759 0.134 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-0.345 0.123 +/-0.345 0.263 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.697 +/-0.118 0.0324 +/-0.118 0.0682 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0299 +/-0.023 0.0212 +/-0.023 0.0448 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.302 +/-0.0569 0.0174 +/-0.0569 0.0369 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.101 +/-0.0393 0.0204 +/-0.0393 0.0439 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00133 +/-0.0618 0.0463 +/-0.0618 0.0967 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0226 +/-0.0617 0.0523 +/-0.0617 0.113 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00768 +/-0.064 0.0541 +/-0.064 0.112 pCi/g Lead-212 0.833 +/-0.0921 0.0266 +/-0.0921 0.0552 pCi/g Lead-214 0.647 +/-0.110 0.0328 +/-0.110 0.0685 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00512 +/-0.0208 0.0172 +/-0.0208 0.0367 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00927 +/-0.0184 0.0162 +/-0.0184 0.0343 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.4 +/- 1. 11 0.126 +/-1.11 0.282 pCi/g Radium-226 0.697 +/-0.118 0.0324 +/-0.118 0.0682 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00762 +/-0.0178 0.0153 +/-0.0178 0.0322 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.252 +/-0.0502 0.0177 +/-0.0502 0.0374 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,S90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00259 +/-0.0179 0.0207 +/-0.0179 0.0464 pCi/g BXFI 07/30/06 1225 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSW1 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 81

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-016F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556022 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 56 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 82

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556023 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 32.5% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GanmmaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.849 +/-0.216 0.0965 +/-0.216 0.193 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 1549 551081 1 Americium-241 U -0.0909 +/-0.107 0.0747 +/-0.107 0.149 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.493 +/-0.275 0.192 +/-0.275 0.383 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.503 +/-0.103 0.043 +/-0.103 0.0859 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0541 +/-0.0346 0.0323 +/-0.0346 0.0645 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.474 +/-0.0715 0.0241 +/-0.0715 0.0482 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.290 +/-0.0732 0.0295 +/-0.0732 0.0589 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0207 +/-0.0897 0.0626 +/-0.0897 0.125 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0229 +/-0.0979 0.0808 +/-0.0979 0.162 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0412 +/-0.075 0.063 +/-0.075 0.126 pCi/g Lead-212 UI 0.00 +/-0.101 0.0367 +/-0.101 0.0734 pCi/g Lead-214 0.663 +/-0.129 0.0442 +/-0.129 0.0884 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00553 +/-0.0317 0.0263 +/-0.0317 0.0526 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.016 +/-0.0283 0.0216 +/-0.0283 0.0431 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.0 +/-1.28 0.217 +/-1.28 0.433 pCi/g Radium-226 0.503 +/-0.103 0.043 +/-0.103 0.0859 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0122 +/-0.0283 0.0228 +/-0.0283 0.0457 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.278 +/-0.0618 0.0209 +/-0.0618 0.0417 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00449 +/-0.0181 0.0193 +/-0.0181 0.0436 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1225 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 83

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556023 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 59 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 84

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-019F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556024 Client ID: YANKO0 I Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 61% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.02 +/-0.176 0.0562 +/-0.176 0.117 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 2120 551081 1 Americium-241 U 0.00165 +/-0.133 0.0887 +/-0.133 0.181 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.713 +/-0.308 0.131 +/-0.308 0.271 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.745 +/-0.126 0.0324 +/-0.126 0.0668 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0417 +/-0.0377 0.0205 +/-0.0377 0.0423 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.0901 +/-0.0369 0.0172 +/-0.0369 0.0356 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.238 +/-0.0442 0.0163 +/-0.0442 0.0345 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0236 +/-0.0532 0.0428 +/-0.0532 0.088 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0354 +/-0.0642 0.0531 +/-0.0642 0.111 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0656 +/-0.103 0.0483 +/-0.103 0.0987 pCi/g Lead-212 1.14 +/-0.072 0.0248 +/-0.072 0.0508 pCi/g Lead-214 0.884 +/-0.0967 0.0303 +/-0.0967 0.0623 pCi/g Manganese-54 UI 0.00 +/-0.0255 0.0166 +/-0.0255 0.0344 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0232 +/-0.0205 0.0153 +/-0.0205 0.0317 pCi/g Potassium-40 16.7 +/-0.832 0.141 +/-0.832 0.299 pCi/g Radium-226 0.745 +/-0.126 0.0324 +/-0.126 0.0668 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00571 +/-0.0182 0.0148 +/-0.0182 0.0306 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.273 +1-0.0515 0.0165 +/-0.0515 0.0341 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00959 +/-0.0191 0.0192 +/-0.0191 0.0437 pCi/g BXFI 07/30/06 1225 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 85

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-019F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556024 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result , Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 56 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A, Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

Ut Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 86

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-020F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556025 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 53% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.06 +/-0.220 0.0646 +/-0.220 0.135 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 2314 551081 I Americium-2 4 1 U 0.0148 +/-0.0265 0.0213 +/-0.0265 0.0434 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.646 +/-0.287 0.139 +/-0.287 0.291 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.728 +/-0.122 0.0344 +/-0.122 0.0714 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0341 +/-0.0405 0.0236 +1-0.0405 0.0489 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0979 +/-0.0494 0.0192 +/-0.0494 0.040 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.203 +/-0.0509 0.0191 +/-0.0509 0.0406 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0475 +/-0.0527 0.0444 +/-0.0527 0.0915 pCi/g Europium-15 4 U 0.0684 +/-0.0693 0.060 +/-0.0693 0.127 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0653 +/-0.0648 0.0373 +/-0.0648 0.0761 pCi/g Lead-212 1.09 +/-0.137 0.0234 +/-0.137 0.048 pCi/g Lead-214 0.920 '+/-0.130 0.031 +/-0.130 0.0638 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0291 +/-0.0221 0.0191 +/-0.0221 0.0399 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00245 +/-0.0226 0.0179 +/-0.0226 0.0371 pCi/g Potassium-40 14.7 +/- 1.23 0.170 +/-1.23 0.364 pCi/g Radium-226 0.728 +/-0.122 0.0344 +/-0.122 0.0714 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00757 +/-0.026 0.0162 +/-0.026 0.0334 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.306 +/-0.0675 0.0174 +/-0.0675 0.0362 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00828 /-0.0139 0.0175 +/-0.0139 0.0396 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1226 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSW1 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 87

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-020F Proiect: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 167556025 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 64 (25%-/125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 88

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-005FS Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556026 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 40.6% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamnma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.841 +/-0.177 0.0452 +/-0.177 0.0951 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 2033 551081 1 Americium-241 U 0.000696 +/-0.103 0.0865 +/-0.103 0.177 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.288 +/-0.248 0.104 +/-0.248 0.216 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.526 +/-0.0834 0.0251 +/-0.0834 0.052 pCi/g Cesium-134 UT 0.00 +/-0.0198 0.0173 +/-0.0198 0.036 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.222 +/-0.0438 0.0156 +/-0.0438 0.0322 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0632 +/-0.0366 0.0159 +/-0.0366 0.0337 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0128 +/-0.0469 0.0373 +/-0.0469 0.0768 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0345 +1-0.055 0.0434 +/-0.055 0.0917 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0594 +/-0.0588 0.0374 +/-0.0588 0.0765 pCi/g Lead-212 0.974 +/-0.106 0.0201 +/-0.106 0.0412 pCi/g Lead-214 0.689 +/-0.0946 0.0264 +/-0.0946 0.0544 pCi/g Manganese-54 UI 0.00 +/-0.0229 0.015 +/-0.0229 0.0312 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00363 +/-0.0156 0.0128 +/-0.0156 0.0266 pCi/g Potassium-40 14.9 +/-1.20 0.126 +/-1.20 0.270 pCi/g Radium-226 0.526 +/-0.0834 0.0251 +/-0.0834 0.052 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00987 +/-0.0144 0.0123 +/-0.0144 0.0254 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.291 +/-0.0447 0.0128 +/-0.0447 0.0267 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0149 +/-0.0199 0.0194 +/-0.0199 0.0434 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1226 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1518 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 89

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-005FS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556026 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 63 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI ýGamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 90

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-012FS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556027 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 35.6% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammnna,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.760 +/-0.213 0.0971 +/-0.213 0.194 pCi/g MJHI 08/03/06 1550 551081 1 Americium-241 U -0.0898 +/-0.0992 0.082 +/-0.0992 0.164 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.493 +/-0.353 0.168 +/-0.353 0.336 pCi/g Bismuth-214 UT 0.00 +/-0.114 0.0877 +/-0.114 0.175 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.055 +/-0.0454 0.0277 +/-0.0454 0.0553 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.328 +/-0.0634 0.0236 +/-0.0634 0.0472 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.626 +/-0.0821 0.0189 +/-0.0821 0.0379 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0189 +/-0.0795 0.0579 +/-0.0795 0.116 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0718 +/-0.0877 0.0791 +/-0.0877 0.158 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0413 +/-0.0707 0.0612 +/-0.0707 0.122 pCi/g Lead-212 0.719 +/-0.0934 0.0327 +/-0.0934 0.0654 pCi/g Lead-214 0.567 +/-0.110 0.043 +/-0.110 0.086 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00108 +/-0.0317 0.0268 +/-0.0317 0.0536 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00351 +/-0.023 0.0187 +/-0.023 0.0375 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.4 +/-1.26 0.163 +/-1.26 0.326 pCi/g Radium-226 0.503 +/-0.114 0.0461 +/-0.114 0.0922 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0149 +/-0.0244 0.0214 +/-0.0244 0.0428 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.203 +/-0.0574 0.0236 +/-0.0574 0.0473 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00815 +/-0.0147 0.0147 +/-0.0147 0.0332 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1226 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1519 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 91

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-012FS Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556027 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS 73 (25%-/125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 92

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018FS Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556028 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 52.8% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.727 +/-0.341 0.142 +/-0.341 0.283 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 1551 551081 1 Americium-241 U 0.0233 +/-0.0517 0.0364 +/-0.0517 0.0727 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.576 +/-0.466 0.289 +/-0.466 0.577 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.570 +/-0.156 0.0628 +/-0.156 0.126 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0389 +/-0.054 0.0427 +/-0.054 0.0854 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.398 +/-0.0986 0.0407 +/-0.0986 0.0813 pCi/g Cobalt-60 1.09 +/-0.120 0.0241 +/-0.120 0.0482 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0152 +/-0.131 0.0839 +/-0.131 0.168 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0517 +/-0.129 0.112 +/-0.129 0.223 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00474 +/-0.0783 0.0646 +/-0.0783 0.129 pCi/g Lead-212 0.948 +/-0.122 0.0394 +/-0.122 0.0788 pCi/g Lead-214 0.672 +1-0.155 0.059 +/-0.155 0.118 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.022 +/-0.0519 0.0422 +/-0.0519 0.0843 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0292 +/-0.0385 0.0344 +/-0.0385 0.0688 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.2 +/-1.54 0.306 +/-1.54 0.612 pCi/g Radium-226 0.570 +/-0.156 0.0628 +/-0.156 0.126 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0123 +/-0.0354 0.0287 +/-0.0354 0.0573 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.334 +/-0.0879 0.0337 +/-0.0879 0.0673 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0146 +/-0.0182 0.017 +/-0.0183 0.039 pCi/g BXFI 07/30/06 1226 550821 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSW1 07/21/06 1519 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 93

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018FS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556028 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrierffracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 58 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 94

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-021F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556029 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.03% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U -0.162 +/-0.221 0.311 +/-0.222 0.778 pCi/g MXA 08/01/06 0823 552678 1 I Curium-242 U 0.0918 +/-0.285 0.255 +/-0.285 0.693 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.287 +/-0.361 0.274 +/-0.364 0.705 pCi/g AIphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.00298 +/-0.114 0.120 +/-0.114 0.341 pCi/g JXG1 07/27/06 1535 550872 2 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00 +/-0.0729 0.00 +/-0.0729 0.101 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -4.29 +/-8.51 7.32 +/-8.52 15.3 pCi/g JXGl 08/03/06 0118 550873 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.790 +/-0.172 0.0624 +/-0.172 0.136 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 1646 551081 4 Americium-241 U 0.0198 +/-0.114 0.0743 +/-0.114 0.154 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.359 +/-0.298 0.143 +/-0.298 0.307 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.508 P/-0.0957 0.0358 +/-0.0957 0.0762 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0251 +/-0.0294 0.0208 +/-0.0294 0.0447 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.398 /-0.0607 0.0188 +/-0.0607 0.0402 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 /-0.0661 0.0192 +/-0.0661 0.0427 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0597 /-0.0735 0.0515 +/-0.0735 0.108 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0284 /-0.0714 0.0577 +/-0.0714 0.127 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0771 /-0.0795 0.0563 +/-0.0795 0.116 pCi/g Lead-212 0.668 -/-0.0704 0.0297 +/-0.0704 0.0617 pCi/g Lead-214 0.682 -/-0.0987 0.0351 +/-0.0987 0.0739 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00723 d-/-0.0238 0.0195 +/-0.0238 0.0419 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0046 d-/-0.0252 0.0183 +/-0.0252 0.039 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.7 +/-0.959 0.144 +/-0.959 0.330 pCi/g Radium-226 0.508 d-/-0.0957 0.0358 +/-0.0957 0.0762 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0179 +-/-0.0211 0.0167 +/-0.0211 0.0354 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.259 + 1/-0.0511 0.0181 +/-0.0511 0.0386 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.0117 +/-0.0147 0.0189 +/-0.0147 0.0418 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1226 550821 5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS 95

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-021F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556029 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 1.36 +/-6.20 5.10 +/-6.20 11.0 pCi/g NXPI 08/02/06 1942 550850 6 Liquid Scint C14, SolidAllFSS Carbon-14 U -( 0.049 +/-0.124 0.105 +/-0.124 0.213 pCi/g ATH2 07/29/06 0827 550851 7 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -0. 0337 +/-19.0 15.0 +/-19.0 31.7 pCi/g MXP1 08/03/06 1159 550847 8 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U - -5.71 +/-6.73 5.83 +/-6.73 12.0 pCi/g MXPI 08/14/06 0806 556697 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U ().281 +/-0.191 0.150 +/-0.191 0.311 pCi/g EGDI 08/03/06 1847 550849 11 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1519 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I l-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified 11 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 53 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 76 (15/-,125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL Fý 79 (25%-0125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 69 (25%- 125%) 96

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils P04 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-021F Proiect: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 167556029 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 95 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 82 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 87 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 97

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-004F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556030 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 26.3% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U -0.0595 +/-0.0921 0.136 +/-0.0924 0.366 pCi/g MXA 08/01/06 0823 552678 1 I Curium-242 U -0.0864 +/-0.0564 0.137 +/-0.0574 0.382 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0859 +/-0.207 0.189 +/-0.208 0.472 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.0291 +/-0.0571 0.00 +/-0.0572 0.079 pCi/g JXGl 07/27/06 1535 550872 2 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0373 +/-0.0841 0.0575 +/-0.0842 0.194 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -2.82 +/-8.21 7.01 +/-8.22 14.6 pCi/g JXG1 08/03/06 0134 550873 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.767 +/-0.182 0.0447 +/-0.182 0.0973 pCi/g MJHl 08/03/06 1646 551081 4 Americium-241 U -0.0267 +/-0.103 0.0846 +/-0.103 0.175 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.408 +/-0.269 0.120 +/-0.269 0.256 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.550 +/-0.101 0.0271 +/-0.101 0.0574 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0201 +/-0.0204 0.0189 +/-0.0204 0.0402 pCi/g Cesium-137 U -0.00856 +/-0.0183 0.0147 +/-0.0183 0.0313 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00974 +/-0.0202 0.0177 +/-0.0202 0.0384 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0233 +/-0.0435 0.0395 +/-0.0435 0.0826 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0107 +/-0.0585 0.0477 +/-0.0585 0.104 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0755 +/-0.0498 0.0468 +/-0.0498 0.0964 pCi/g Lead-212 0.734 +/-0.083 0.0227 +/-0.083 0.0471 pCi/g Lead-214 0.653 +/-0.0961 0.026 +/-0.0961 0.0545 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0198 +/-0.0254 0.0151 +/-0.0254 0.0324 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0179 +/-0.0169 0.0152 +/-0.0169 0.032 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.2 +/-1.21 0.144 +/-1.21 0.319 pCi/g Radium-226 0.550 +/-0.101 0.0271 +/-0.101 0.0574 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00388 +/-0.014 0.0124 +/-0.014 0.0261 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.282 +1-0.0555 0.0163 +/-0.0555 0.0345 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0. 0198 +/-0.0185 0.0167 +/-0.0185 0.0377 pCi/g BXF1 07/30/06 1226 550821 5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS 98

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-004F Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556030 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -2.23 +/-5.76 5.02 +/-5.76 10.8 pCi/g NXPI 08/02/06 1957 550850 6 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All,FSS Carbon-14 U 0.00818 +/-0.125 0.105 +/-0.125 0.214 pCi/g ATI-12 07/29/06 1003 550851 7 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 14.1 +/-21.5 16.4 +/-21.7 34.7 pCi/g MXPI 08/03/06 1216 550847 8 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -5.42 +/-5.34 4.65 +/-5.34 9.59 pCi/g MXPI 08/14/06 0838 556697 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.178 +/-0.190 0.153 +/-0.190 0.317 pCi/g EGDI 08/03/06 1946 550849 11 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry SoilPrep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSW1 07/21/06 1519 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am24 1, Cm, Solid ALL 78 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 89 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25%/-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 66 (25%/ 125%) 99

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-004F Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556030 Client ID: YANKOO 1 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 91 (15%-1125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid ScintNi63, Solid-ALL FS 95 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 85 (15/-1125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 100

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-015F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556031 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 29.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.00402 k/-0.0974 0.101 +/-0.0974 0.287 pCi/g MXA 08/01/06 0823 552678 1 1 Curium-242 U -0.0145 +/-0.114 0.131 +/-0.114 0.360 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0227 +/-0.170 0.190 +/-0.170 0.465 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.00829 F/-0.0163 0.0394 +/-0.0163 0.172 pCi/g JXGI 07/27/06 1535 550872 2 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0497 k/-0.0398 0.0964 +/-0.0401 0.286 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -4.09 +/-8.10 6.97 +/-8.11 14.5 pCi/g JXGI 08/03/060150 550873 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamnia,Solid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.747 +/-0.157 0.0482 +/-0.157 0.103 pCi/g MJH1 08/03/06 1646 551081 4 Americium-241 U 0.021 +/-0.108 0.0836 +/-0.108 0.173 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.427 +/-0.259 0.108 +/-0.259 0.229 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.531 --/-0.0855 0.0268 +/-0.0855 0.0563 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.00 --/-0.0359 0.0195 +/-0.0359 0.0408 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.208 -/-0.0325 0.0153 +/-0.0325 0.0321 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0707 +-/-0.0298 0.0144 +/-0.0298 0.0311 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0367 +-/-0.0423 0.0355 +/-0.0423 0.0742 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.011 -+/-0.0561 0.0453 +/-0.0561 0.0969 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0566 +-/-0.0709 0.0483 +/-0.0709 0.0997 pCi/g Lead-212 0.804 -+-/-0.0557 0.0237 +/-0.0557 0.049 pCi/g Lead-214 0.637 4-/-0.0847 0.0267 +/-0.0847 0.0558 pCi/g Manganese-54 Ul 0.00 +-/-0.0203 0.0129 +/-0.0203 0.0276 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0205 +-/-0.0372 0.0134 +/-0.0372 0.0281 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.8 +/-0.775 0.120 +/-0.775 0.263 pCi/g Radium-226 0.531 4 0.0855 0.0268 +/-0.0855 0.0563 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00734 + /-0.0147 0.013 +/-0.0147 0.0272 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.242 +F/-0.0419 0.0146 +/-0.0419 0.0306 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0211 4

                                                    -/-0.0182   0.0161 +/-0.0182   0.0363       pCi/g           BXFI  07/30/06 1226 550821  5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS 101

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-015F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 167556031 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 2.73 +/-7.57 6.14 +/-7.57 13.3 pCi/g NXPI 08/02/06 2013 550850 6 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All FSS Carbon-14 U -0.124 +/-0.124 0.106 +/-0.124 0.216 pCi/g ATH2 07/29/06 1104 550851 7 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 3.86 +/-16.9 13.2 +/-16.9 27.8 pCi/g MXPI 08/03/06 1232 550847 8 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -1.76 +/-7.03 5.96 +/-7.03 12.3 pCi/g MXPI 08/14/06 0909 556697 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.175 +/-0.186 0.150 +/-0.186 0.311 pCi/g EGD1 08/03/06 2002 550849 11 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 BSWI 07/21/06 1519 550554 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 8 DOE RESL Fe-l, Modified 9 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 102 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 78 (15%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 83 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 68 (25%- 125%) 102

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: August 14, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-015F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 167556031 Client ID: YANKOO I Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 97 (15/- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 86 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 87 (15%-0125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R     Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 103


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Reoort Date: August 14, 2006 Client : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 13 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 167556 Parmname NOM Samnle Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 550872 QC1201141928 167555016 DUP Plutonium-238 U 0.00 U 0.00115 pCi/g 200 (0% - 100%) JXGI 07/27/06 15:35 Uncert: +/-0.0636 +/-0.0623 TPU: +/-0.0636 +/-0.0623 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0195 pCi/g 100 (0%- 100%) U -0.00648 Uncert: +/-0.0721 +/-0.0665 TPU: +/-0.0721 +/-0.0665 QC1201141930 LCS Plutonium-238 U -0.095 pCi/g (75%-125%) 07/27/06 15:34 Uncert: +/-0.103 TPU: +/-0.103 Plutonium-239/240 12.0 9.17 pCi/g 76 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.01 TPU: +/-1.37 QC120t141927 MB Plutonium-238 U 0.017 pCi/g 07/27/06 15:35 Uncert: +/-0.0678 TPU: +/-0.0678 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0249 pCi/g Uncerl: +/-0.066 TPU: +/-0.0661 QC1201141929 167555016 MS Plutonium-238 U 0.00 U 0.0791 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0636 +/-0.121 I TPU: +/-0.0636 +/-0.121 Plutoniumn-239/240 12.3 U -0.00648 11.9 pCi/g 97 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0721 +/-1.26 TPU: +/-0.0721 +/-1.79 Batch 550873 QC1201141932 167555016 DUP Plutonium-241 U -3.28 U -3.69 pCi/g (0% - 100%) JXGI 08/03/06 02:22 Uncert: +/-7.74 +/-7.74 TPU: +/-7.74 +/-7.75 QC1201141934 LCS Plutonium-241 139 124 pCi/g 90 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 02:54 Uncert: +/-12.3 TPU: +/-17.2 QC1201141931 MB Plutonium-241 U -3.62 pCi/g 08/03/06 02:06 Uncert: +/-8.07 TPU: +/-8.08 QC1201141933 167555016 MS Plutonium-241 140 U -3.28 133 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 02:38 Uncert: +/-7.74 +/-13.0 105

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 2 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 550873 TPU: +/-7.74 +/-18.3 Batch 552678 QC1201146078 167555016 DUP Americium-241 U 0.166 U 0.0987 pCi/g 51 (0%- 100%) ,XAI 08/01/06 12:11 Uncert: +/-0.236 +/-0.149 TPU: +/-0.237 +/-0.149 Curium-242 U 0.0107 U 0.0613 pCi/g 141 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0813 +/-0.0979 TPU: +/-0.0814 +/-0.0982 Curium-243/244 u 0.0872 U 0.0225 pCi/g 118 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.181 +/-0.169 TPU: +/-0.181 +/-0.169 QCI201146080 LCS Americium-241 13.3 16.6 pCi/g 125 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.61 TPU: +/-2.68 Curium-242 U 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0807 TPU: +/-0.0807 Curiumn-243/244 16.2 16.8 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.63 TPU: +/-2.71 QC1201146077 MB Americium-241 U -0.0657 pCi/g 08/01/06 08:23 Uncert: +/-0.0872 TPU: +/-0.0876 Curium-242 U -0.0159 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.022 TPU: +/-0.0221 Curium-243/244 U 0.0313 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.172 TPU: +/-0.172 QCI201146079 167555016 MS Americium-241 13.6 U 0.166 13.0 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 08/01/06 12:11 Uncert: +/-0.236 +/-1.30 TPU: +/-0.237 +/-2.05 Curium-242 U 0.0107 U -0.00953 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0813 +/-0.0187 TPU: +/-0.0814 +/-0.0187 Curium-243/244 16.6 U 0.0872 17.7 pCi/g 107 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.181 +/-1.52 TP[J: +/-0.181 +/-2.65 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551078 QC1201142454 167556001 DUP Actinium-228 0.799 0.934 pCi/g 38 (0% - 100%) MJHI 08/03/06 07:50 Uncert: +/-0.156 +/-0.173 TPU: +/-0.156 +/-0.173 106

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 3 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551078 Americium-241 U 0.0246 U 0.016 pCi/g 122 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.104 +/-0.113 TPU: +/-0.104 +/-0.113 Bismuth-212 0.457 0.333 pCi/g 32 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.238 +/-0.245 TPU: +/-0.238 +/-0.245 Bismuth-214 0.612 0.623 pCi/g I (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0886 +/-0.0891 TPU: +/-0.0886 +/-0.0891 Cesium- 134 U 0.0453 U 0.0442 pCi/g 5 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0355 +/-0.0223 TPU: +/-0.0355 +/-0.0223 Cesium-137 0.346 0.426 pCi/g 23 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0445 +/-0.0418 TPU: +/-0.0445 +/-0.0418 Cobalt-60 0.697 0.882 pCi/g 20* (0%-20%) Uncert: +/-0.0732 +/-0.0656 TPU: +/-0.0732 +/-0.0656 Europium- 152 U 0.0354 U -0.00721 pCi/g 2650 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0503 +1-0.051 TPU: +/-0.0503 +/-0.051 Europium- 154 U -0.00728 UI 0.00 pCi/g 151 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0592 +/-0.0709 TPU: +/-0.0592 +/-0.0709 Europium- 155 U 0.0128 U 0.0488 pCi/g 42 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0649 +/-0.0617 TPU: +/-0.0649 +/-0.0617 Lead-212 0.742 0.848 pCi/g 12 (0%-20%) Uncert: +/-0.0572 +/-0.0639 TPU: +/-0.0572 +/-0.0639 Lead-214 0.625 0.666 pCi/g 5 (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.0879 +/-0.0868 TPU: +/-0.0879 +/-0.0868 Manganese-54 U 0.022 U 0.00611 pCi/g 156 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0235 +/-0.0227 TPU: +/-0.0235 +/-0.0227 Niobium-94 U 0.00715 U 0.0114 pCi/g 46 (0)%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0183 +/-0.0172 TPU: +/-0.0183 +/-0.0172 Potassium-40 12.5 14.1 pCi/g 12 (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.783 +/-0.877 TPU: +/-0.783 +/-0.877 Radium-226 0.612 0.623 pCi/g I (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0886 +/-0.0891 TPU: +/-0.0886 +/-0.0891 Silver-1 08m U 0.00466 U -0.00177 pCi/g 424 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0164 +/-0.0177 TPU: +/-0.0164 +/-0.0177 107

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 4 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551078 Thallium-208 0.219 0.243 pCi/g 18 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0428 +/-0.0419 TPU: +/-0.0428 +/-0.0419 QCI201142455 LCS Actinium-228 U 0.0932 pCi/g 08/03/06 07:51 Uncert: +/-0.385 TPU: +/-0.385 Americium-241 23.4 25.5 pCi/g 109 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-2.06 TPU: +/-2.06 Bismuth-212 U -0.0457 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.703 TPU: +/-0.703 Bismuth-214 U -0.0521 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.173 TPU: +/-0.173 Cesium- 134 U 0.0241 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0978 TPU: +/-0.0978 Cesium- 137 9.60 10.7 pCi/g 111 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.956 TPU: +/-0.956 Cobalt-60 14.7 15.2 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.948 TPU: +/-0.948 Europium- 152 U -0.0199 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.228 TPU: +/-0.228 Europium- 154 U -0.00469 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.229 TPU: +/-0.229 Europium- 155 U -0.0534 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.275 TPU: +/-0.275 Lead-212 U 0.131 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.129 TPU: +/-0.129 Lead-214 U -0.0264 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.155 TPU: +/-0.155 Manganese-54 U -0.0301 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0923 TPU: +/-0.0923 Niobium-94 U 0.0336 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0841 TPU: +/-0.0841 Potassium-40 U 0.279 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.767 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 5 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Ran2e Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551078 TPU: +/-0.767 Radium-226 U -0.0521 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.173 TPU: +/-0.173 Silver-108m U 0.0643 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0799 TPU: +/-0.0799 Thallium-208 U 0.0241 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0853 TPU: +/-0.0853 QC1201142453 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0428 pCi/g 08/03/06 07:50 Uncert: +/-0.100 TPU: +/-0.100 Americium-241 U -0.0272 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0189 TPU: +/-0.0189 Bismuth-212 U 0.0764 pCi/g Uncert: +1-0.150 TPU: +/-0.150 Bismuth-214 U 0.0338 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0366 TPU: +/-0.0366 Cesium- 134 U 0.00494 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0199 TPU: +/-0.0199 Cesium-137 U 0.00159 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0169 TPU: +/-0.0169 Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0635 TPU: +/-0.0635 Europium- 152 U 0.0138 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0386 TPU: +/-0.0386 Europium- 154 U 0.0793 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.059 TPU: +/-0.059 Europium- 155 U -0.0205 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0333 TPU: +/-0.0333 Lead-212 U 0.0209 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0501 TPU: +1-0.0501 Lead-214 U 0.0167 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0313 TPU: +/-0.0313 Manganese-54 U -0.00145 pCi/g 109

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 6 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual OC Units RPD% REC% Ran2e Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551078 Uncert: +/-0.0166 TPU: +/-0.0166 Niobium-94 U -0.00102 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0166 TPU: +/-0.0166 Potassium-40 U 0.127 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.219 TPU: +/-0.219 Radium-226 U 0.0338 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0366 TPU: +/-0.0366 Silver-108m U -0.00435 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0144 TPU: +/-0.0144 Thallium-208 U 0.0137 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0191 TPU: +/-0.0191 Ratch 551081 QC1201142460 167556029 DUP Actinium-228 0.790 0.488 pCi/g 47 (0% - 100%) MJH1 08/03/06 20:35 Uncert: +/-0.172 +/-0.186 TPU: +/-0.172 +/-0.186 Americium-241 U 0.0198 U 0.00445 pCi/g 127 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.114 +/-0.037 TPU: +/-0.114 +/-0.037 Bismuth-212 0.359 0.753 pCi/g 71 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.298 +/-0.446 TPU: +/-0.298 +/-0.446 Bismuth-214 0.508 0.502 pCi/g I (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0957 +/-0.135 TPU: +/-0.0957 +/-0.135 Cesium- 134 U 0.0251 UI 0.00 pCi/g 108 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0294 +/-0.0698 TPU: +/-0.0294 +/-0.0698 Cesium-137 0.398 0.431 pCi/g 8 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0607 +/-0.0855 TPU: +/-0.0607 +/-0.0855 Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 U 0.0491 pCi/g 14 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0661 +/-0.0506 TPU: +/-0.0661 +/-0.0506 Europium- 152 U 0.0597 U 0.0396 pCi/g 40 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0735 +/-0.0735 TPU: +/-0.0735 +/-0.0735 Europium- 154 U -0.0284 U -0.0666 pCi/g 81 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0714 +/-0.0761 TPU: +/-0.0714 +/-0.0761 Europium- 155 U 0.0771 U 0.0902 pCi/g 16 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0795 +/-0.0667 110

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 7 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551081 TPU: +/-0.0795 +/-0.0667 Lead-212 0.668 0.725 pCi/g 8 (0% - 20%) Uncert: +/-0.0704 +/-0.115 TPU: +/-0.0704 +/-0.115 Lead-214 0.682 0.682 pCi/g 0 (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.0987 +/-0.145 TPU: +/-0.0987 +/-0.145 Manganese-54 U -0.00723 U -0.00539 pCi/g 29 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0238 +/-0.0291 TPU: +/-0.0238 +/-0.0291 Niobium-94 U -0.0046 U 0.00917 pCi/g 604 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0252 +/-0.0277 TPU: +/-0.0252 +/-0.0277 Potassium-40 10.7 10.8 pCi/g (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.959 +/-1.39 TPU: +/-0.959 +/-1.39 Radium-226 0.508 0.502 pCi/g (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0957 +/-0.135 TPU: +/-0.0957 +/-0.135 Silver-108m U -0.0179 U -0.00479 pCi/g 116 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0211 +/-0.0252 TPU: +/-0.0211 +/-0.0252 Thallium-208 0.259 0.201 pCi/g 25 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0511 +/-0.0618 TPU: +/-0.0511 +/-0.0618 QC1201142461 LCS Actinium-228 U 0.679 pCi/g 08/04/06 05:20 Uncert: +/-0.533 TPU: +/-0.533 Americium-241 23.4 23.9 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.486 TPU: +/-0.486 Bismuth-212 U -0.492 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.975 TPU: +/-0.975 Bismuth-214 U 0.0917 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.224 TPU: +/-0.224 Cesium-134 U 0.112 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.141 TPU: +/-0.141 Cesium-137 9.60 10.4 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.482 TPU: +/-0.482 Cobalt-60 14.7 15.1 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.658 TPU: +/-0.658 Europium- 152 U 0.251 pCi/g ill

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 8 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551081 Uncert: +/-0.259 TPU: +/-0.259 Europium- 154 U -0.0933 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.284 TPU: +/-0.284 Europium- 155 U 0.0511 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.218 TPU: +/-0.218 Lead-212 U 0.0671 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.143 TPU: +/-0.143 Lead-214 U 0.0144 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.186 TPU: +/-0.186 Manganese-54 U 0.0924 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.120 TPU: +/-0.120 Niobium-94 U 0.0204 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.114 TPU: +/-0.114 Potassium-40 U -0.16 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.14 TPU: +/-1.14 Radium-226 U 0.0917 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.224 TPU: +/-0.224 Silver-108m U 0.0594 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.101 TPU: +/-0.101 Thallium-208 U 0.00785 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.111 TPU: +/-0.111 QCI201142459 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0349 pCi/g 08/03/06 16:47 Uncert: +/-0.092 TPU: +/-0.092 Americium-241 U -0.0155 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0308 TPU: +/-0.0308 Bismuth-212 U -0.00927 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.119 TPU: +/-0.119 Bismuth-214 U 0.000364 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0284 TPU: +/-0.0284 Cesium- 134 U -0.0203 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0167 TPU: +/-0.0167 112

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 9 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 551081 Cesium- 137 U 0.00632 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0155 TPU: +/-0.0155 Cobalt-60 U 0.00791 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0133 TPU: +/-0.0133 Europium- 152 U 0.0226 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0397 TPU: +/-0.0397 Europium-154 U -0.0169 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0349 TPU: +/-0.0349 Europium- 155 U 0.00825 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0314 TPU: +/-0.0314 Lead-212 Ul 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0486 TPU: +/-0.0486 Lead-214 U 0.00294 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0376 TPU: +/-0.0376 Manganese-54 U -0.005 pCi/g Uncert: +1-0.0155 TPU: +1-0.0155 Niobium-94 U -0.00181 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0139 TPU: +/-0.0139 Potassium-40 U 0.133 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.157 TPU: +/-0.157 Radium-226 U 0.000364 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0284 TPU: +/-0.0284 Silver- 108m U 0.0148 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0137 TPU: +/-0.0137 Thallium-208 U 0.0242 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0173 TPU: +/-0.0173 Rad Gas Flow Batch 550820 QC1201141747 167556008 DUP Strontium-90 U 0.0128 U -0.00326 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) BXFI 07/31/06 12:27 Uncert: +/-0.0169 +/-0.0135 TPU: +/-0.0169 +/-0.0135 QC1201141749 LCS Strontium-90 1.48 1.27 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%) 07/31/06 14:58 Uncert: +/-0.0879 113

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 10of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 550820 TPU: +/-0.0956 QC1201141746 MB Strontium-90 U -0.0183 pCi/g 07/31/06 12:27 Uncert: +/-0.00866 TPU: +/-0.00868 QC1201141748 167556008 MS Strontium-90 1.56 U 0.0128 1.27 pCi/g 82 (75%-125%) 07/31/06 14:58 Uncert: +/-0.0169 +/-0.0963 TPU: +/-0.0169 +/-0.104 Batch 550821 QC1201141751 167554004 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.00221 U -0.00355 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) BXFI 07/30/06 12:41 Uncert: +/-0.0165 +/-0.0144 TPU: +/-0.0165 +/-0.0144 QC1201141753 LCS Strontium-90 1.53 1.55 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) 07/30/06 17:23 Uncert: +/-0.101 TPU: +/-0.111 QC1201141750 MB Strontium-90 U -0.00113 pCi/g 07/30/06 12:26 Uncert: +/-0.014 TPU: +/-0.014 QC1201141752 167554004 MS Strontiun-90 1.54 U -0.00221 1.43 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) 07/30/06 12:41 Uncert: +/-0.0165 +/-0.136 TPU: +/-0.0165 +/-0.142 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 550847 QC1201141836 167555017 DUP Iron-55 U 8.69 11 0.0266 pCi/g (0% - 100%) vIXPI 08/03/06 13:05 Uncert: +/-22.8 +/-15.1 TPU: +/-22.9 +/-15.1 QC1201141838 LCS Iron-55 580 449 pCi/g 78 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 13:37 Uncert: +/-34.1 TPU: +/-88.0 QCI201141835 MB Iron-55 U 5.19 pCi/g 08/03/06 12:48 Uncert: +/-20.9 TPU: +/-20.9 QC1201141837 167555017 MS Iron-55 663 U 8.69 553 pCi/g 83 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 13:21 Uncert: +/-22.8 +/-43.5 TPU: +/-22.9 +/-119 Batch 550849 QC1201141844 167556030 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.178 U 0.247 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) EGD1 08/03/06 20:34 Uncert: +/-0.190 +/-0.188 TPU: +/-0.190 +/-0.188 114

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel com QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page I Iof 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 550849 QCI201141846 LCS Technetium-99 13.1 12.2 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 21:06 Uncert: +/-0.459 TPU: +/-0.536 QC1201141843 MB Technetium-99 U 0.155 pCi/g 08/03/06 20:18 Uncert: +/-0.172 TPU: +/-0.172 QC1201141845 167556030 MS Technetium-99 12.8 U 0.178 11.9 pCi/g 92 (75%-125%) 08/03/06 20:50 Uncert: +/-0.190 +/-0.459 TPU: +/-0.190 +/-0.532 Batch 550850 QC1201141848 167556031 DUP Tritium U 2.73 U 0.00 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) NXP1 08/02/06 20:45 Uncert: +/-7.57 +/-6.18 TPU: +/-7.57 +/-6.18 QC1201141850 LCS Tritium 68.4 56.4 pCi/g 83 (75%-125%) 08/02/06 21:17 Uncert: +/-12.5 TPU: +/-12.5 QC1201141847 MB Tritium U 3.69 pCi/g 08/02/06 20:29 Uncert: +/-8.58 TPU: +/-8.58 QC1201141849 167556031 MS Tritium 63.9 U 2.73 55.0 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%) 08/02/06 21:01 Uncert: +/-7.57 +/-11.8 TPU: +/-7.57 +/-11.9 Batch 550851 QC1201141852 167556029 DUP Carbon-14 U -0A049 U -0.229 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) ATH2 08/03/06 00:16 Uncert: +/-0.124 +/-0.108 TPU: +/-0.124 +/-0.108 QCI201141854 LCS Carbon- 14 7.10 6.83 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 07/29/06 16:11 Uncert: +/-0.238 TPU: +/-0.261 QC1201141851 MB Carbon- 14 U -0.157 pCi/g 07/29/06 13:08 Uncert: +/-0.123 TPU: +/-0.123 QC1201141853 167556029 MS Carbon- 14 15.6 U -0.049 14.8 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) 07/29/06 15:10 Uncert: +/-0.124 +/-0.514 TPU: +/-0,124 +/-0.564 Batch 556697 QC1201155544 167555017 DUP Nickel-63 U -2.07 U -4.18 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) vIXPI 08/14/06 10:13 115

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 12 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 556697 Uncert: +/-6.24 +/-5.43 TPU: +/-6.24 +/-5.43 QC1201155546 LCS Nickel-63 512 461 pCi/g 90 (75%-125%) 08/14/06 11:16 Uncert: +/-15.9 TPU: +/-21.7 QC1201155543 MB Nickel-63 U -3.67 pCi/g 08/14/06 09:41 Uncert: +/-6.25 TPU: +/-6.25 QC1201155545 167555017 MS Nickel-63 551 U -2.07 496 pCi/g 90 (75%-125%) 08/14/06 10:44 Uncert: +/-6.24 +/-17.2 TPU: +/-6.24 +/-23.7 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
   <     Result is less than value reported
   >     Result is greater than value reported A     The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B     Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C     Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D     Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H     Analytical holding time was exceeded J     Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R     Sample results are rejected U     Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded 116

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 167556 Page 13 of 13 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. 117

Table of Contents G eneral N arrative .................................................................. 1 Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation ........... 4 Radiological Analysis .......................................................... 8 Sam ple Data Sum m ary ...................................................... 13 Q uality C ontrol D ata ........................................................... 23

General Narrative 1

CASE NARRATIVE For CONNECTICUT YANKEE RE: Soil PO# 002332 Work Order: 166655 SDG: MSR #06-0968 July 21, 2006 Laboratory Identification: General Engineering Laboratories, LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30712 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Express Mail Delivery and Shipping Address: 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Telephone Number: (843) 556-8171 Summary: Sample receipt The sample(s) for this Project arrived at General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, (GEL) in Charleston, South Carolina on July 7, 2006. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. The chain of custody contained the proper documentation and signatures. The laboratory received the following sample(s): Sample ID Client Sample ID 166655001 9106-0015-017A 166655002 9106-0015-017B 166655003 9106-0015-017C 166655004 9106-0015-017D 2

Items of Note: There are no items of note. Case Narrative: Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are listed below by analytical parameter. Analytical Request: Four soil samples were analyzed for FSSGAM and Sr-90. Internal Chain of Custody: Custody was maintained for the sample(s). Data Package: The enclosed data package contains the following sections: Case Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation and all analytical fractions. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature. Cheryl Jones Project Manager 3

Chain of Custody And Supporting Documentation 4

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 lnjun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 iect Name: Haddam Contact Name & Phone: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) ~t  ;** .*.'.;*

                                                                                                 .              :** . ir.  ,*,   :* *    -*K.***        y:*rg    ,-.*.! [, .'.

General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority:,Z30 D. 0 14 D. E 7 D.

                                                                           ............"i'°* rf..................         7.....      ! *.7.L'" *;.*'77.?." S ;S,;*,S;W ;.LT'-?

Comment, Preservation I: Ul Samples Shipped Via: [ 1jd Ex

                                                                             ]       HUPS IZ Hand n Other
   *Connecticut          Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services                                   tt  =l ,
                                                                                                         .cY-lsc-sow-o0J Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/Time Received:                                l7' SDG#:

Work Order Number i6&~3/ aoas~*ifu ~o Shipping Cdntainer ID.- Z , I 2- " hainofCustody# n ,7

  • 1. Custody Seals oxishipping container intact?
                                                                                    -Yes F] No01
2. Custody Seals dated and signed?

Yes £ o4[Jo

  • 3- Chain-of-Custody record present?

Yes t '" I

4. Cooler t.emperature .o.
                                                             --.  =              -     ,           'J.

5" ..Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet D

6. : Number of samples in shipping contaier: r. (i ) @.

l (7) ' 7- Sample holding times exceeded? Yes [ No f ]

10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? (No. .

Yes [ 11... .Description of anomalies (include sample numbers): j* . .  : - Sample" *stod/an/La toi'l Telephoned to:-i B 6.


             ;'41OR10-                                                                                  PM use only Client('"-a/-D44~                                      SDG/AR4COCiWork           Ordr:   /J2~/o,5                           b4(,(

Date Received: 71PM(A) Review ( re nmcon-coring " ems are resolved prior to signing): Received By: . ., Sample Receipt Criteria Comments/Qualifiers (Required for Non-Conforming Items Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leaking coatainer (describe) and sealed? Samples requiring cold Circle Coolam # ice bags blue ice dry ice ne oh;er describe) 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? Record preservation method. Chain of custody documents .. .... included with shipment? 4 Sample containers intact and Circle Applicable, seals broken damaged co iner leaking container olicr (describe) sealed? 1 7 5 Samples. requiring chemical Sample ID's. containers affected sa*ed pH:

     !preservation at proper pH?

VOA vials free of headspace Sample ID's and containes lecied: (defined as < 6mm bubble)? Are Encore containers present? 7 (if yes, inunediately deliver to VOA laboratory) _n IS affected: Samples received within holding time? Sample ID's on COC match ID's Sample ID's and containers affected: on bottles? Date & time on COC match date Sample ID's affected:

     & time on bottles?

Number of containers received Sample ID's affcted: match number indicated on C COC form is properly sig in relinquished/received tions? Air Bill ,Tracki #'s, & 14Additional C entsI CY-RSO

                                                 ,a             RAD ReceiptN#___________

SH if > x2 area background is observed on samples identified as "non-Suspected Hazard Information 6 a" regulated/non-radioactive', contact the Radiation Safety group for further S4 EE investigation. A Radiological Classification? Maximum Counts Comments: Observed*: 11 B [PCB Regulated? . Shipped as DOT Hazardous c Material? If yes, contact Waste Hazard Class Shipped: Manager or ESH Manager. I --,I PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classification: Initials Date:

  • f -

(j 7


Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 166655 Method/Analysis Information Product: Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Analytical Method: EML HASL 300, Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 546530 Prep Batch Number: 546300 Sample ID Client ID 166655001 9106-0015-017A 166655002 9106-0015-017B 166655003 9106-0015-017C 166655004 9106-0015-017D 1201131807 Method Blank (MB) 1201131808 166655001(9106-0015-017A) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201131809 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 11. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Oualitv Control (OC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. 9

Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 166655001 (9106-0015-017A). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments The sample and the duplicate, 1201131808 (9106-0015-017A) and 166655001 (9106-0015-017A), did not ineet the relative percent difference requirement for Ra-226, however they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with value of 1.94. Qualifier information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample UI Data rejected due to high peak width Bismuth-212 166655002 UI Data rejected due to low abundance Cesium-134 166655003 Method/Analysis Information 10

Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 547395 Prep Batch Number: 546301 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 546300 Sample ID Client ID 166655001 9106-0015-017A 166655002 9106-0015-017B 166655003 9106-0015-017C 166655004 9106-0015-017D 1201133604 Method Blank (MB) 1201133605 166653016(9106-0012-004F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201133606 166653016(9106-0012-004F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201133607 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 166653016 (9106-0012-004F). QC Information

All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package. The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: vie N.

                                -4 Reviewer/Date:





GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOO Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: MSR#06-0968 GEL Work Order: 166655 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by 14

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017A Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.8% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.880 +/-0.190 0.0701 +/-0.190 0.148 pCi/g MJHI-1 07/17/06 1826 546530 1 Americium-241 U 0.0144 4-/-0.0976 0.0798 +/-0.0976 0.164 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.586 +/-0.272 0.126 +/-0.272 0.266 pCi/g 4.-/-0.0901 0.0315 +/-0.0901 Bismuth-214 0.599 0.066 pCi/g 4 /-0.0293 +/-0.0293 Cesium-134 U 0.0267 0.0214 0.0449 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.365 +/-0.050 0.0181 +/-0.050 0.038 pCi/g 4f/-0.0748 0.0175 +/-0.0748 Cobalt-60 1.02 0.038 pCi/g 4f-/-0.0546 0.0456 +/-0.0546 Europium-152 U 0.0287 0.0946 pCi/g 4./-0.0614 0.0526 +/-0.0614 0.113 pCi/g Europium- 154 U 0.0179 4-/-0.0829 0.0441 +/-0.0829 0.0908 Europium- 155 U 0.0449 pCi/g 4-*/-0.0599 +/-0.0599 Lead-212 0.818 0.0252 0.052 pCi/g Lead-214 0.731 +/-0.087 0.0298 +/-0.087 0.062 pCi/g 4-/-0.0224 0.0194 +/-0.0224 Manganese-54 U 0.0186 0.0406 pCi/g 0.0138 4*/-0.0188 0.0163 +/-0.0188 0.0342 Niobium-94 U pCi/g Potassium-40 13.7 +/-0.845 0.155 +/-0.845 0.339 pCi/g 4-/-0.0901 0.0315 +/-0.0901 0.066 pCi/g Radium-226 0.599

                                                  +F                    +/-0.0173 Silver-108m                      U 0.00949        /-0.0173   0.0153              0.0318          pCi/g
                                                  +F/-0.0477            +/-0.0477 Thallium-208                           0.265                   0.017             0.0356          pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90                    U  -0.0108    +/-0.00917   0.00818 +/-0.00918   0.0171          pCi/g            BXFI      07/14/06 2255 547395 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method             Description                                             Analyst      Date            Time     Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep       Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                              LXM2         07/09/06         1715    546300 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method             Description I                   EML HASL 300, 2                   EPA 905.0 Modified 15

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017A Proiect: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 166655001 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 68 (250/-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
 <     Result is less than value reported
 >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 16

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017B Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655002 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 27.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamnma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.747 +/-0.273 0.096 +/-0.273 0.192 pCi/g MJHI1 07/17/06 1847 546530 1 Americium-241 U 0.0467 +/-0.101 0.0738 +/-0.101 0.148 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-0.458 0.194 +/-0.458 0.388 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.726 +/-0.124 0.042 +/-0.124 0.084 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0606 +/-0.0415 0.0319 +/-0.0415 0.0637 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.192 +/-0.057 0.0269 +/-0.057 0.0537 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.357 +/-0.0806 0.0313 +/-0.0806 0.0626 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0185 +/-0.107 0.0685 +/-0.107 0.137 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00443 +/-0.102 0.0838 +/-0.102 0.168 pCi/g Europium-155 U - -0.00816 +/-0.0781 0.0634 +/-0.0781 0.127 pCi/g Lead-212 0.818 +/-0.102 0.0367 +/-0.102 0.0734 pCi/g Lead-214 0.756 +/-0.121 0.046 +/-0.121 0.0919 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0425 +/-0.0386 0.0252 +/-0.0386 0.0504 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0111 +/-0.0275 0.0226 +/-0.0275 0.0451 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.8 +/-1.41 0.216 +/-1.41 0.431 pCi/g Radium-226 0.726 +/-0.124 0.042 +/-0.124 0.084 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0101 +/-0.0278 0.0235 +/-0.0278 0.0469 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.309 +/-0.067 0.0212 +/-0.067 0.0424 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00332 +/-0.0102 0.00839 +/-0.0102 0.0175 pCi/g BXFI 07/14/062255 547395 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LXM2 07/09/06 1715 546300 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 17

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017B Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655002 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 66 (25%- 125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R     Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

U1 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 18

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO4 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017C Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655003 Client ID: YANKOO1 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 28.2% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.651 +/-0.218 0.101 +/-0.218 0.201 pCi/g MJHI 07/17/06 1849 546530 1 Americium-241 U 0.0671 +/-0.122 0.0913 +/-0.122 0.182 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.903 +/-0.350 0.205 +/-0.350 0.409 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.567 +/-0.142 0.0456 +/-0.142 0.0911 pCi/g Cesium-134 UT 0.00 +/-0.0758 0.0328 +/-0.0758 0.0656 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.195 +/-0.0465 0.0248 +/-0.0465 0.0496 pCi/g

  .Cobalt-60                             0.245    +/-0.0599    0.0122  +/-0.0599  0.0243          pCi/g Europium-152                    U -0.0437      +/-0.0885    0.0616  +/-0.0885    0.123         pCi/g Europium-154                    U -0.0373      +/-0.0952     0.075  +/-0.0952    0.150         pCi/g Europium-155                    U    0.0405    +/-0.0812    0.0682  +/-0.0812   0.136          pCi/g Lead-212                              0.627    +/-0.0977    0.0356  +/-0.0977  0.0712          pCi/g Lead-214                              0.653      +/-0.142   0.0467   +/-0.142  0.0932          pCi/g Manganese-54                    U -0.00607     +/-0.0318    0.0265  +/-0.0318  0.0529          pCi/g Niobium-94                      U     0.012    +/-0.0311    0.0261  +/-0.0311  0.0522          pCi/g Potassium-40                            11.1      +/-1.28    0.279    +/-1.28   0.559          pCi/g Radium-226                            0.567      +/-0.142   0.0456   +/-0.142  0.0911          pCi/g Silver-108m                     U    0.0232    +/-0.0269    0.0236  +/-0.0269  0.0473          pCi/g Thallium-208                          0.240    +/-0.0661    0.0237  +/-0.0661  0.0473          pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,SO9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90                    U  0.00484    +/-0.00887  0.00724 +/-0.00887   0.0151          pCi/g            BXFI    07/14/06 2256 547395 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method             Description                                            Analyst      Date            Time     Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep       Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                             LXM2         07/09/06         1715    546300 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method            Description I                   EML HASL 300, 2                   EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery        Test                                   Recovery%        Acceptable Limits 19

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017C Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655003 Client ID: YANKOO Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 80 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 20

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017D Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 166655004 Client ID: YANKOO0 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.5% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.566 +/-0.242 0.103 +/-0.242 0.220 pCi/g MJHI 07/17/06 1854 546530 1 Americium-241 U 0.0677 +/-0.107 0.0878 +/-0.107 0.182 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.686 +/-0.349 0.195 +/-0.349 0.417 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.582 +/-0.125 0.0395 +/-0.125 0.0849 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0273 +/-0.0482 0.030 +/-0.0482 0.064 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.313 +/-0.064 0.0255 +/-0.064 0.0544 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.895 +/-0.107 0.0205 +/-0.107 0.0466 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0387 +/-0.0717 0.0607 +/-0.0717 0.128 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0601 +/-0.0784 0.0729 +/-0.0784 0.161 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0863 +/-0.0665 0.0608 +/-0.0665 0.126 pCi/g Lead-212 0.804 +/-0.0801 0.0309 +/-0.0801 0.0648 pCi/g Lead-214 0.709 +/-0.124 0.0385 +/-0.124 0.0817 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00366 +/-0.0295 0.0247 +/-0.0295 0.0533 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.01 +/-0.0236 0.019 +/-0.0236 0.0411 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.2 +/-1.12 0.185 +/-1.12 0.427 pCi/g Radium-226 0.582 +/-0.125 0.0395 +/-0.125 0.0849 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00728 +/-0.0225 0.0199 +/-0.0225 0.0423 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.228 +/-0.0512 0.0214 +/-0.0512 0.0459 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00367 +/-0.00821 0.00707 +/-0.00821 0.0148 pCi/g BXFI 07/14/06 2256 547395 2 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LXM2 07/09/06 1715 546300 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits 21

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: July 21, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-017D Project: YANKO1204 Sample ID: 166655004 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 68 (25%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Atialyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 22


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: July 21, 2006 Client : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 5 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 166655 Parmname NOM Samole Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 546530 QC1201131808 166655001 DUP Actinium-228 0.880 0.785 pCi/g ,7 (0% - 100%) MJHI 07/17/06 19:00 Uncert: +/-0.190 +/-0.261 TPU: +/-0.190 +/-0.261 Americium-241 U 0.0144 U 0.0531 pCi/g 44 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0976 +/-0.0519 TPU: +/-0.0976 +/-0.0519 Bismuth-212 0.586 1.42 pCi/g 67* (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.272 +/-0.597 TPU: +/-0.272 +/-0.597 Bismuth-214 0.599 0.695 pCi/g 32 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0901 +/-0.165 TPU: +/-0.0901 +/-0.165 Cesium- 134 U 0.0267 U 0.035 pCi/g 24 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0293 +/-0.0628 TPU: +/-0.0293 +/-0.0628 Cesium- 137 0.365 0.359 pCi/g I (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.050 +/-0.0764 TPU: +1-0.050 +/-0.0764 Cobalt-60 1.02 0.828 pCi/g 20 (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.0748 +/-0.132 TPU: +/-0.0748 +/-0.132 Europium- 152 U 0.0287 U 0.0537 pCi/g 56 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0546 +/-0.0862 TPU: +/-0.0546 +/-0.0862 Europium- 154 U 0.0179 U 0.127 pCi/g 361 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0614 +/-0.129 TPU: +/-0.0614 +/-0.129 Europium- 155 U 0.0449 U 0.055 pCi/g 24 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0829 +/-0.109 TPU: +/-0.0829 +/-0.109 Lead-212 0.818 0.756 pCi/g 6 (0% - 20%) Uncert: +/-0.0599 +/-0.0927 TPU: +/-0.0599 +/-0.0927 Lead-214 0.731 0.694 pCi/g 4 (0%- 20%) Uncert: +/-0.087 +/-0.121 TPU: +/-0.087 +/-0.121 Manganese-54 U 0.0186 U 0.0308 pCi/g 49 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0224 +/-0.0506 TPU: +/-0.0224 +/-0.0506 Niobium-94 U 0.0138 U 0.00511 pCi/g 15 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0188 +/-0.0378 TPU: +/-0.0188 +/-0.0378 24

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 166655 Page 2 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 546530 Potassium-40 13.7 12.6 pCi/g 5 (0% - 20%) Uncert: +/-0.845 +/-1.23 TPU: +/-0.845 +/-1.23 Radium-226 0.599 0.695 pCi/g 32 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0901 +/-0.165 TPU: +/-0.0901 +/-0.165 Silver- 108m U 0.00949 U 0.00566 pCi/g 71 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0173 +/-0.0494 TPU: +/-0.0173 +/-0.0494 Thallium-208 0.265 0.271 pCi/g 6 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0477 +/-0.0726 TPU: +/-0.0477 +/-0.0726 QC1201131809 LCS Actinium-228 U 0.160 pCi/g 07/17/06 19:01 Uncert: +/-0.545 TPU: +/-0.545 Americium-241 23.4 24.4 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.599 TPU: +/-0.599 Bismuth-212 U -0.135 pCi/g Uncert: +/-I1.00 TPU: +/- 1.00 Bismuth-214 U -0.106 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.219 TPU: +/-0.219 Cesium-134 U -0.0105 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.149 TPU: +/-0.149 Cesium- 137 9.61 10.8 pCi/g 112 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.468 TPU: +/-0.468 Cobalt-60 14.8 15.5 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.660 TPU: +/-0.660 Europium- 152 U 0.0894 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.281 TPU: +/-0.281 Europium- 154 U 0.0901 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.291 TPU: +/-0.291 Europium-155 U 0.0661 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.236 TPU: +/-0.236 Lead-212 U 0.00863 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.144 TPU: +/-0.144 Lead-214 U -0.0928 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.197 25

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 166655 Page 3 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 546530 TPU: +/-0.197 Manganese-54 U -0.0301 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.142 TPU: +/-0.142 Niobium-94 U -0.105 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.119 TPU: +/-0.119 Potassium-40 U 0.577 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.17 TPU: +/-1.17 Radium-226 U -0.106 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.219 TPU: +/-0.219 Silver- 108m U -0.0449 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.101 TPU: +/-0.101 Thallium-208 U -0.0572 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.118 TPU: +/-0.118 QC1201131807 MB Actimurn-228 U 0.0538 pCi/g 07/17/06 18:57 Uncert: +/-0.0733 TPU: +/-0.0733 Americium-241 U 0.0126 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0946 TPU: +/-0.0946 Bismuth-212 U -0.0364 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.125 TPU: +/-0.125 Bismuth-214 U 0.00552 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0416 TPU: +/-0.0416 Cesium- 134 U 0.00875 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0182 TPU: +/-0.0182 Cesium-137 U -0.000566 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0173 TPU: +/-0.0173 Cobalt-60 U -0.015 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0194 TPU: +/-0.0194 Europium- 152 U 0.0584 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.053 TPU: +/-0.053 Europium- 154 U 0.0222 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0583 TPU: +/-0.0583 Europium- 155 U -0.0079 pCi/g 26

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 166655 Page 4 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 546530 Uncert: +/-0.0403 TPU: +/-0.0403 Lead-212 U 0.0336 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0283 TPU: +/-0.0283 Lead-214 U 0.0301 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0341 TPU: +/-0.0341 Manganese-54 U 0.0139 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0175 TPU: +/-0.0175 Niobium-94 U -0.0065 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0171 TPU: +/-0.0171 Potassium-40 U 0.122 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.188 TPU: +/-0.188 Radium-226 U 0.00552 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0416 TPU: +/-0.0416 Silver-108m U -0.00533 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0176 TPU: +/-0.0176 Thallium-208 U 0.000666 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0172 TPU: +/-0.0172 Rad Gas Flow Batch 547395 QC1201133605 166653016 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.00399 U -0.00417 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) BXFI 07/14/06 22:56 Uncert: +/-0.0104 +/-0.00812 TPU: +/-0.0104 +/-0.00812 QC1201133607 LCS Strontiurn-90 1.50 1.45 pCi/g 97 (75%-125%) 07/14/06 22:56 Uncert: +/-0.104 TPU: +/-0.110 QCI201133604 MB Strontium-90 U -0.00607 pCi/g 07/14/06 22:56 Uncert: +/-0.0062 TPU: +/-0.0062 QC1201133606 166653016 MS Strontium-90 1.52 U -0.00399 1.24 pCi/g 81 (75%-125%) 07/14/06 22:55 Uncert: +/-0.0104 +/-0.0934 TPU: +/-0.0104 +/-0.0986 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: 27

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn QC Summary Workorder: 166655 Page 5 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Ran2e AnIst Date Time

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
   <      Result is less than value reported
   >      Result is greater than value reported A      The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B      Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C      Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D      Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H      Analytical holding time was exceeded J      Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R      Sample results are rejected U     Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. 28


7ýp Lua Member of THE GEL GROUP, INC. Meeting Todays Needs with a Vision for Tomorrow October 31, 2006 Mr. Jack McCarthy Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Re: Soils PO# 002332 Work Order: 174791 SDG: MSR#06-0730

Dear Mr. McCarthy:

General Engineering Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the following analytical results for the sample(s) we received on May 24, 2006. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures. Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4243. Sincerely, Cheryl Jones Project Manager Purchase Order: 002332 Chain of Custody: 2006-00362 Enclosures

Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Soils PO# 002332 Work Order: 174791 SDG: MSR#06-0730 Laboratory ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F

Table of Contents G eneral Narrative ................................................................. I Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation ........... 5 Data Review Qualifier Definitions ....................................... 11 Radiological A nalysis ........................................................... 13 Sam ple Data Sum m ary ...................................................... 27 Q uality C ontrol D ata ........................................................... 32

General Narrative 1

General Narrative for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Work Order: 174791 SDG: MSR#06-0730 October 31, 2006 Laboratory Identification: General Engineering Laboratories, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 (843) 556-8171 Summary Sample receipt The sample arrived at General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, Charleston, South Carolina on May 24, 2006 for analysis. Shipping container temperature was checked, documented, and within specifications. The sample was delivered with proper chain of custody documentation and signatures. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. Sample Identification The laboratory received the following sample: Laboratory Sample Identification Description 174791001 9106-0007-017F Items of Note Dale Roberts requested via email on 10/24/06, to analyze this sample for FSSALL minus gamma and Sr-90. Case Narrative Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are contained in the analytical case narratives in the enclosed data package. Analytical Request One soil sample was reanalyzed for FSSALL, minus gamma and Sr-90. See attached email. Data Package The enclosed data package contains the following sections: General Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation, Data Review Qualifier Definitions, and data from the following fractions: Radiochemistry. 2

I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature. Cheryl MJones Project Manager 3

List of current GEL Certifications as of 31 October 2006 State I Certification Alaska UST-062 Arizona AZ0668 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 01151CA Colorado GenEngLabs Connecticut PH-0169 Dept. of Navy NFESC 413 EPA WG-15J Florida/NELAP E87156 Georgia E87156 (FL/NELAP) Hawaii N/A Idaho N/A Illinois 200029 Indiana C-SC-01 Kansas E-10332 Kentucky 90129 Louisiana 03046 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M-SCO12 Michigan 9903 Nevada SC12 New Jersey SC002 New Mexico FL NELAP E87156 New York 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina Drinking W 45709 North Dakota R-158 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania 68-00485 South Carolina 10120001/10585001/10120002 Tennessee 02934 Texas TX213-2006A Texas NELAP T104704235-06-TX U.S. Dept. of Agriculture S-52597 US Army Corps of Engineer N/A Utah 8037697376 GEL Vermont VT87156 Virginia 00151 Washington C1641 4

Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation 5

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-RS t04-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 I Major HealthPyic Procdur li GGRR51m-03-ttchenI -C-0 1Mao Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00362 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT06424 / 32....... 860-267-2556 . ( 2 ~ 1.


Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested __ Kbz: Contact Name & Phone: I. , . - , Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3024 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 , 843 556 8171. Attn, Cheryl Jones COO Priority: Z 30 D. []14 D. [17 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code omoment, Preservation 9106-0007-016F 5/10/06 14:54 SE C BP X x Transferred from CCC 2006-00343 9106-0007-0171F 5/1 1/06 10:39 SE C BP x X Transferred from COC 2006-00345 0'n 9106-0007-001F 5/11/06 09:43 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00345 9106-0007-002F 5/08/06 13:27 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00329 . 9106-0007-003F 5/08/06 13:53 SE C BP X X Transferred from COC 2006-00329 9106-0007-004F 5/08/06 14:13 SE C BP x x Transferred from CoC 2006-00329 , 9106-0007-004FS 5/08/06 14:13 SE C BP X X Transferred from COC 2006-00329 9106-0007-05"F 5/08/06 14:32 SE C BP X X Transferred from CC 2006-00329 . 9106-0007-006F 5/08/06 14:52 SE C BP XX Transferred from COC 2006-00329 1

  • _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z IZ IIZ Z Z L .*-'*""**,- ....... ***

NOTES: P0#:002332 MSR#:06-O736 SSWP#NA Z LTP QA [I Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via: [ Fed Ex Iz UPS ~dfpet", H aind FeiI Nfi"Dg S1)eli. ishe Date/Time 2) Reee..M Date/Time [ Other Y; 3)e'linquished By DateTi-'me 4) Rece d ByY Date/Time Bill of Lading # Z(o 6y9-.7

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5 104-003-Attachment 8-CY-OD 1 Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-06 No. 2006-00363 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 / 3'*-2 . Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested__ . . Contact Name & Phone: -- - ~ P - Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3024 . Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories ". ," 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 " 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: Z 30 D. E] 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sam ple Size- -  : . , Media TypC &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation

 \91  06-0007-007F                  5/08/06            15:11      .SE              C       BP*      x     ___      X                  Transferred from COC 2006-00329 9106-0007-008F                   5/09/06            10:39       SE              C       BP       X              x                  Transferred from COC 2006-00334 9106-0007-010F                   5/09/06           09:43        SE              C       BP       X              X                  Transferred from COC 2006-00334 9106-0007-01 2F                  5/09/06            13:27       SE              C       BP       x              x                   Transferred from COC 2006-00334 9106-0007-013F                   5/09/06            13:53       SE              C       BP       x              x                   Transferred from COC 2006-00334 1 9106-0007-013FS                   5/09/06            14:13       SE              C       BP              __      x                   Transferred from COC 2006-00334 j   9106-0007-014F                    5/09/06           14:13       SE              C       BP        X             X                   Transferred from COC 2006-00334 9106-0007-015F                    5/16/06           07:56       SE              C       BP        x             X                   Transferred from COC 2006-00353 9_     0007_   15F_               5/16/0            07:5        SEBTranserredfrom                                                                        2000035 NOTES: PO #: 002332           MSR#: 06- OTc13             SSWP#NA                  [ LTP QA        [] Radwaste QA       Fl Non QA            Samples Shipped Via:                      ""vi C-   ý3/0(                                                                            Z Fed Ex El UPS E] Hand                     h'"'USWdy,
                                                                                                                                                                                      'N' Y"'0 1)1linquis                                        Date/Time               2) R.eiv     By                            Date/Time              E] Other A
3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Rec ived y Date/Time y Bill of Lading #

V~21 6573 &4*'5

9.106-0007-017F, FSSALL reccjucSt


9106-0007-017F, FSSALL request From: "Dale Randall" <randall> Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:02:27 -0400 To: "Cheryl Jones" <> CC: "Arthur L. Hammond" <>, "John McCarthy"


Cheryl: We need sample 9106-0007-017F, initially sent as part of MSR#06-0730, to be analysed to the FSSALL protocol. It has already been measured for FSSGAM and Sr-90. Once you have had an opportunity to verify that you have enough sample aliquot and can estimate the turn around time (TAT) please call or e-mail me at your earliest convenience. Thank You, Dale (860) 267-3133 I of I , J *! z."* I --'VVU 2:18 PM ts

0 SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM r J PM use only PM(A) Review (ensure n-o are resolved prior to signing): Date Receive Received By:/AR......

Orde.:, ...

h igSample Receipt Criteria . Comments/Qualifiers (Required for Non-Conforming Items) container other (describe) Circle Applicable; seals broken damaged container leaking 1 Shipping containers received intact and sealed? ... ........ .... Circle Coolant # ice bags blue ice dry ice other describe) Samples requiring cold 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? Record preservation method. /_ __ _ _ _ 3 Chain of custody documents

 . included with shipment?

4 Sample containers intact and Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leaking container other (describe) sealed? Sample 13's. containers affected and observed pri: Sreservation at proper pH? Sample ID's and containers affected: 6 VOA vials free of headspace (defined as ( < 6amm bubble)? ,_, Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory) ..... ..

  . Samples received within holding                           fd's and tests affected:


  . Sample ID's on COC match ID's                             Sample ID's and containers affected:

on bottles? Date & time on COC match date Sample ID's affected:

     & time on bottles?

Number of containers received Sample ID's affected: match number indicated on COC? COC form is properly signed in relinquished/received sections? /ZI Air Bill ,Tracking #'s, & 14Additional Comments 7 c*[ - z 5 4 /S , 5Z RSORAD Receipt # Spt Hafr I m area background is observed on samples identified as "non, tiazarc Unomto 60 ' regulated/non-radioactive ", contact the Radiation Safety group for further A RadiologiealtClassification? ' Maximum Counns Observed*:

  • PCB Regulated? 1 omments ghippe as M-1Hazar ousHa rd C ssS i p  :

C Material? if yes, contact WasteHardCssSue: i L- - - -1i Manager or ESH Manager. U# PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classification: InitialsDae 9

connectiCut Yankee Lab .CY.ISC-SOW-00l Services Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Figure I. Sample Chcck-in List


DateliDeC Rectv"d Work Order Number, "" ( 2 fCstd Shipping Cdntainer lDf.SM3n ý ýCan Yes. No

1. Custody Seals odshipping container intact? ...

7 Y"s..l No[

2. Custody Seals dated and signed
3. Chain-of-CuStody record present? YeS j" NO 11

.4. Cooler temperature Wet Dy ' I VA

5. Vermiculite/packing materials is:

6: .Numbecr of samples in shipping container. Yes (1 No

7. Sample holding times exceeded?
8. Samples have:
                    /'taphazard                          labels
          .4custody seals                       appropriate sample labels
9. Samplesrt :

in good condition leaking broken -have air bubbles Yes'gf No f[

10. Wtre any anomaliesidentified in sample receipt?

II..-Description of anomalies (include sample numbers):

Data Review Qualifier Definitions 11

Data Review Qualifier Definitions Qualifier Explanation

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
**  Analyte is   a surrogate compound
  • Result is less than value reported
  • Result is greater than value reported RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank B Metals-Either presence of analyte detected in the associated blank, or MDL/IDL < sample value < PQL BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample d 5-day BOD-The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample E Organics-Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range E Metals-%difference of sample and SD is >10%. Sample concentration must meet flagging criteria H Analytical holding time was exceeded h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N Metals-The Matrix spike sample recovery is not within specified control limits N Organics-Presumptive evidence based on mass spectral library search to make a tentative identification of the analyte (TIC). Quantitation is based on nearest internal standard response factor N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the reporting limit UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not Spiked with this compound Z Paint Filter Test-Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed.


  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)

Phone (843) 556-8171

  • FaL23) 766-1178


Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 174791 Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 582798 Prep Batch Number: 582531 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 582530 Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215730 Method Blank (MB) 1201215731 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215732 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215733 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. 14

Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 15

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 11-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 582799 Prep Batch Number: 582531 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 582530 Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215734 Method Blank (MB) 1201215735 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215736 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215737 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 1 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (OC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 16

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 1201215734 (MB) and 174791001 (9106-0007-017F) were recounted due to detector error. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I1-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 582800 Prep Batch Number: 582531 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 582530 17

Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215738 Method Blank (MB) 1201215739 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215740 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215741 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this 18

SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 582788 Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215687 Method Blank (MB) 1201215688 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215689 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215690 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volumes in this batch. 19

Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were recounted due to a suspected blank false positive. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 582786 Prep Batch Number: 582531 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 582530 20

Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215679 Method Blank (MB) 1201215680 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215681 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215682 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this 21

SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 582787 Prep Batch Number: 582531 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 582530 Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215683 Method Blank (MB) 1201215684 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215685 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215686 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. 22

Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 582789 23

Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215691 Method Blank (MB) 1201215692 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215693 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215694 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this 24

SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 582790 Sample ID Client ID 174791001 9106-0007-017F 1201215695 Method Blank (MB) 1201215696 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201215697 174791001(9106-0007-017F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201215698 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (0C0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 174791001 (9106-0007-017F). 25

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package. The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: Reviewer/Date: ýi// V9 o'7 26




GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOO 1 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: MSR#06-0730 GEL Work Order: 174791 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by 28

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: November 3, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0007-017F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 174791001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: I -MAY-06 Receive Date: 24-MAY-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 38.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.010318 +/-0.0201 0.00 +/-0.0201 0.0896 pCi/g MXA 10/27/06 0938 582798 1 M Curium-242 U -0.( 0163 +/-0.137 0.061 +/-0.137 0.306 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.10591 +/-0.0945 0.0302 +/-0.0947 0.151 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.t0128 +/-0.133 0.106 +/-0.133 0.309 pCi/g MXA 10/28/06 1032 582799 2 I Plutonium-239/240 U 0.t0469 +/-0.129 0.0844 +/-0.129 0.265 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U - 1.93 +/-6.47 5.51 +/-6.47 11.6 pCi/g MXA 10/31/06 0217 582800 3 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 2.94 +/-7.03 5.68 +/-7.03 12.3 pCi/g MXPI 10/26/06 2118 582789 4 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All, FSS Carbon- 14 U 0.( 0304 +/-0.120 0.0999 +/-0.120 0.205 pCi/g AXD2 10/28/06 0831 582790 5 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U - 7.05 +/-34.5 26.2 +/-34.5 55.0 pCi/g MXPI 10/31/06 1634 582786 6 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 2.73 +/-9.43 7.78 +/-9.43 16.4 pCi/g MXPI 11/02/06 0756 582787 7 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0 .120 +/-0.236 0.194 +/-0.236 0.404 pCi/g KXR1 11/02/06 1009 582788 8 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 MXP2 10/24/06 1704 582530 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 29

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: November 3, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0007-017F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 174791001 Client ID: YANKOOl Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EPA 906.0 Modified 5 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 6 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 7 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 9 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 85 (15%- 125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 91 (15%-125%) Plutonium-241 Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 100 (25%/- 125%) Iron-55 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 54 (15%-125%) Nickel-63 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25/-,125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25%- 125%) Technetium-99 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 75 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 75 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL 30

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: November 3, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0007-017F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 174791001 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 31


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: November 3, 2006 Client : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 5 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 174791 Parmname NOM Sample Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 582798 QC1201215731 174791001 DUP Americium-241 U 0.00318 U 0.0674 pCi/g 182 (0% - 100%) AXAI 10/27/06 09:38 Uncert: +/-0.0201 +/-0.103 TPU: +/-0.0201 +/-0.103 Curium-242 U -0.0163 U 0.0722 pCi/g 317 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.137 +/-0.142 TPU: +/-0.137 +/-0.142 Curium-243/244 U 0.0591 U 0.090 pCi/g 41 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0945 +/-0.124 TPU: +/-0.0947 +/-0.124 QC1201215733 LCS Amnericium-241 13.5 11.7 pCi/g 87 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.32 TPU: +/-1.99 Curium-242 U 0.00 pCi/g Unceri: +/-0.0764 TPU: +/-0.0764 Curiumn-243/244 16.3 15.5 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.52 TPU: +/-2.49 QC1201215730 MB Americium-241 U 0.0124 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0448 TPU: +/-0.0448 Curium-242. U 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0827 TPU: +/-0.0827 Curium-243/244 U -0.0201 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0868 TPU: +/-0.0869 QC1201215732 174791001 MS Americium-241 13.5 U 0.00318 13.2 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0201 +/-1.30 TPU +/-0.0201 +/-2.06 Curium-242 U -0.0163 U -0.0163 pCi/g Uncern: +/-0.137 +/-0.137 TPU +/-0.137 +/-0.137 Curium-243/244 16.6 U 0.0591 15.2 pCi/g 92 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0945 +/-1.40 TPU +/-0.0947 +/-2.32 Batch 582799 QC1201215735 174791001 DUP Plutonium-238 U 0.0128 U -0.0132 pCi/g 13000 (0% - 100%) AXAI 10/27/06 09:37 33

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 174791 Page 2 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample _Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 582799 Uncert: +/-0.133 +/-0.057 TPU: +/-0.133 +/-0.057 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0469 U 0.0208 pCi/g 77 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.129 +/-0.0553 TPU: +/-0.129 +/-0.0553 QC1201215737 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.0489 pCi/g (75%-125%) 10/27/06 09:37 Uncert: +/-0.0966 TPU: +/-0.0967 Plutonium-239/240 12.5 10.1 pCi/g 81 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.03 TPU: +/-1.53 QC1201215734 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0402 pCi/g 10/28/06 10:32 Uncert: +/-0.117 TPU: +/-0.117 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.00717 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0798 TPU: +/-0.0798 QC1201215736 174791001 MS Plutonium-238 U 0.0128 0.0824 pCi/g (75%-125%) 10/27/06 09:37 Uncert: +/-0.133 +/-0.0933 TPU: +/-0.133 +/-0.0938 Plutonium-239/240 12.5 U 0.0469 12.7 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.129 +/-1.15 TPU: +/-0.129 +/-1.84 Batch 582800 QC1201215739 174791001 DUP Plutonium-241 U -1.93 U -2.07 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) AXAI 10/31/06 02:49 Uncert: +/-647 +/-6.94 TPU: +/-6.47 +/-6.94 QC1201215741 LCS Plutonium-241 144 134 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) 10/31/06 03:21 Uncert: +/-12.2 TPU: +/-17.8 QC1201215738 MB Plutonium-241 U -2.88 pCi/g 10/31/06 02:33 Uncert: +/-6.98 TPU: +/-6.98 QC1201215740 174791001 MS Plutonium-241 147 U -1.93 131 pCi/g 90 (75%-125%) 10/31/06 03:05 Uncert: +/-6.47 +/-12.2 TPU: +/-6.47 +/-17.5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 582786 QC1201215680 174791001 DUP Iron-55 U -7.05 U -26.2 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) VIXPI 10/31/06 17:07 Uncert: +/-34.5 +/-29.4

                                                                     +/-29.4 34

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www QC Summary Workorder: 174791 Page 3 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 582786 TPU: +/-34.5 QC1201215682 LCS Iron-55 679 624 pCilg 92 (75%-125%) 10/31/06 17:40 Uncert: +/-48.6 TPU: +/-72.2 QC1201215679 MB Iron-55 U 7.04 pCi/g 10/31/06 16:50 Uncert: +/-28.0 TPU: +/-28.0 QC1201215681 174791001 MS lron-55 763 U -7.05 681 pCi/g 89 (75%-125%) 10/31/06 17:23 Uncert: +/-34.5 +/-57.0 TPU: +/-34.5 +/-86.9 Batch 582787 QC1201215684 174791001 DUP Nickel-63 U 2.73 U 5.54 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) vIXPI 11/02/06 08:28 Uncert: +/-9.43 +/-9.33 TPU: +/-9.43 +/-9.33 QC1201215686 LCS Nickel-63 573 479 pCi/g 84 (75%-125%) 11/02/06 09:01 Uncert: +/-24.2 TPU: +/-29.7 QC1201215683 MB Nickel-63 U -0.527 pCi/g 11/02/06 08:12 Uncert: +/-9.21 TPU: +/-9.21 QC1201215685 174791001 MS Nickel-63 581 U 2.73 455 pCi/g 78 (75%-125%) 11/02/06 08:45 Uncert: +/-9.43 +/-23.5 TPU: +/-9.43 +/-28.7 Batch 582788 QC1201215688 174791001 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.120 U 0.198 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) KXRI 11/02/06 10:42 Uncert: +/-0.236 +/-0.241 TPU: +/-0.236 +/-0.241 QC1201215690 LCS Technetium-99 12.8 11.6 pCi/g 91 (75%-125%) 11/02/06 11:14 Uncert: +/-0.496 TPU: +/-0.559 QC1201215687 MB Technetium-99 U 0.0646 pCi/g 11/02/06 10:26 Uncert: +/-0.215 TPU: +/-0.215 QC1201215689 174791001 MS Technetium-99 12.8 U 0.120 11.3 pCi/g 88 (75%-125%) 11/02/06 10:58 Uncert: +/-0.236 +/-0.548 TPU: +/-0.236 +/-0.604 Batch 582789 QC1201215692 174791001 DUP 35

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn QC Summary Workorder: 174791 Page 4 of 5 Parmname NOM Samnle Oual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 582789 Tritium U 2.94 U 2.89 pCi/g (0% - 100%) vIXP1 10/26/06 21:50 Uncert: +/-7.03 +/-6.93 TPU: +/-7.03 +/-6.93 QC1201215694 LCS Tritium 57.1 56.6 pCi/g 99 (75%-125%) 10/26/06 22:22 Uncert: +/-10.2 TPU: +/-10.3 QC1201215691 MB Tritium U 3.92 pCi/g 10/26/06 21:34 Uncert: +/-6.59 TPU: +/-6.59 QC1201215693 174791001 MS Tritium 66.9 U 2.94 62.5 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%) 10/26/06 22:06 Uncert: +/-7.03 +/-11.9 TPU: +/-7.03 +/-11.9 Batch 582790 QC1201215696 174791001 DUP Carbon- 14 U 0.0304 U 0.0477 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) NXD2 10/28/06 10:05 Uncert: +/-0.120 +/-0.113 TPU: +/-0.120 +/-0.1 i3 QC1201215698 LCS Carbon- 14 6.70 6.44 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 10/28/06 11:40 Uncert: +/-0.228 TPU: +/-0.249 QC1201215695 MB Carbon- 14 U -0.0883 pCi/g 10/28/06 09:18 Uncert: +/-0.109 TPU: +/-0.109 QC1201215697 174791001 MS Carbon- 14 12.8 U 0.0304 12.2 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) 10/28/06 10:53 Uncert: +/-0.120 +/-0.433 TPU: +/-0.120 +/-0.473 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • a A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
   <     Result is less than value reported
   >     Result is greater than value reported A     The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B     Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD    Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C     Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D     Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H     Analytical holding time was exceeded J     Value is estimated Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more 36

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 174791 Page 5 of 5 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time N/A R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD. UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. 37

CASE NARRATIVE For CONNECTICUT YANKEE RE: Soil PO# 002332 Work Order: 170683 SDG: 170683 September 6, 2006 Laboratory Identification: General Engineering Laboratories, LLC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30712 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Express Mail Delivery and Shipping Address: 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 Telephone Number: (843) 556-8171 Summary: Sample receipt The sample(s) for this Project arrived at General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, (GEL) in Charleston, South Carolina on August 17, 2006, July 07, 2006, July 13, 2006, July 21, 2006 and June 21, 2006. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. The chain of custody contained the proper documentation and signatures. The laboratory received the following sample(s): Sample ID Client Sample ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 170683008 9106-0015-018F GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP, INC. P.O. Box 30712 - Charleston, SC 29417

  • 2040 Savage Road (29407)

Page 2 of 108 Phone (843) 556-8171

  • Fax (843) 766-1178 -

170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F Items of Note: At the request of Dale Randall on August 31, 2006, the samples listed above were relogged for various analyses. A list of Sample ID's and requested tests follows. Case Narrative: Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in General Engineering Laboratories (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are listed below by analytical parameter. Analytical Request: Ten soil samples were analyzed for various analyses included in the FSSALL suite. Internal Chain of Custody: Custody was maintained for the sample(s). Data Package: The enclosed data package contains the following sections: Case Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation and all analytical fractions. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature. Cheryl Jones Project Manager GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC a Member of THE GEL GROUP INC. P.O. Box 30712 - Charleston, SC 29417 - 2040 Savage Road (29407) Page 3 of 108 Phone (843) 556-8171

  • Fax (843) 766-1178 -

Analysis renuest - 8/31/08 Done T n h*_ d~nn_ Previous GEL ID CY sample location IDs FSS Gain Sr-90 Ni-63 Am Pu Sr9O Pu241 Fe55 N163 Tc99 H3 C14 165614006 9106-0011-018F x x X X X X X X X X 166653003 9106-0012-005F x X X X X X X X X X 166653010 9106-0012-014F x X X X X X X X X X 167555007 9106-0013-005F x X X X X X X X X X 00 167555001 9106-0013-006F x X X X X X X X X X 167014026 9106-0014-012F x X X X X X X X X X 167014042 9106-0014-033F x X X X X X X X X X 167556010 9106-0015-002F x x X X X X X X X X 167556007 9106-0015-018F x x X X X X X X X X 169489001 9106-0001-132F x X X X X X X X X X RELOGGED AS 170683

List of current GEL Certifications as of 06 September 2006 State Certification Alaska UST-062 -I Arizona AZ0668 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D094046

                                 -California                  011~51CA Colorado                      G*enngjabs Connecticut                     PH-0 169 Dept. of Navy                   NFESC 413 EPA                          WG-15J Florida/NELAP                      E87156            -- I
  • Georgia E87156-(FINELAP)

Idaho N/A i.ii~

              ........          Illinois In diana                      C-SC-01
               ............. Kansas                         E- 10332
              ..           .Kentucky                            90129 Maryland                            270 Massachusetts                    M-SC012 Michigan                           9903 Nevada                           SC12 New Jersey New York SC002 11501 ii North Carolina                        233 North Carolina Drinking W.                  45709 North Dakota                       R-158 Oklahoma                           9904 Pennsylvania                      68-485 South Carolina           10120001/105850C Tennessee                         02934 Texas                      TX213-2006A U.S. Dept. of Agriculture              S-52597 US Army Corps of Engineer                     N/A Utah                    8037697376 GEL Vermont                            N/A Virginia                         00151 Washington                          C223 Page 5 of 108

Chain of Custody And Supporting Documentation Page 6 of 108

P76 Z';3 Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5 104-003 -Attachment B-CY-O001 Major -o 0 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 0 860-267-2556 00 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissic Contact Name & Phone: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3024 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: [] 30 1. M 14 D. E] 7 D. Date 5/17/06 5/17/06 Samples Shipped Via: Z Fed Ex El ups LI Hand LI Other Bill of Lading # 79'tv ;,3;v2 "41


                             -C/ARCOCIWork                      jsDG-t:                      Order:       £,5-/

Received: ,PM(A) RecyDate Review (Esre non-eonfo n mSare resolved prior to saigni): tReceived By: (/ [ A-j Sample Receipt Criteria Comments/Qualifrers (Required for Non-Confonning Items) Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leaking container odier (describe) and sealed? I Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant # ice bags blue ice dry ice 0diT desibe) 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? Record preservation method. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chain of custody documents included with shipment? Sample containers intact and Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leakina container olber (describe) sealed? 5 Samples requiring chemical Simple ID's. containers affected and observed pH: preservation at proper pH? Sample ID's and containers affected: 6 VOA vials free of headspace (defined as < 6mm bubble)? Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory) .. . . Id's and tes. affcted: 8 Samples received within holding time? ,,, Sample ID's on COC match ID's Sample tD's and containers affected: on bottles? Date & time on COC match date Sample ID'S affected:

    & time on bottles?                                           Tn& 4A0,47e 1                             hleý46         kI/fdA'             *,-P Number of containers received                             Sample ID's affected:

match number indicated on COC? COC form is properly signed in 12relinquished/received sections?____________________________ 14 Air Bill ,Tracking #'s, & Additional Comments "7[W 2 ?2 e t

                                                     *,'u ;. RSO RAD Receipt #

s *'if> x2 area background is observed on samples identified as *non-Suspected Hazard Information " Z am regulated/non-radioactive, contact the Radiation Safety group for further 1Z CC investigation. A IRadiological Classification? Maximum Counts Observed :' AV34 B PCB Regulated? Comments: Shipped as DOT Hazardous C [Material? If yes, contact Waste Hazard : Class Shipped: [Manager or ESH Manager. I! III PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classitfiation: Initials 7 Date: L 1 2- 110 I I Page 8 of 108 (3

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received: O [06

                                          " i2      £'0i5 31 SDG#:                                               Ak~~( 0                  OT Work Order Number:                             I to 5.'-,- A     '11 Shipping Cdntainer ID.,:               O 2?72      2-f 0        Chain of Custody# .*        OOf3
1. Custody Seals otf shipping container intact?- -Yes [A No [ I
2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [ No .
3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes (7q No [ ]
4. Cooler temperature
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [-. Dry i I
6. Number of samples in shipping container: 8
7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes No [ ]
8. Samples have:'

__L azr labels

                 "*...__.custodyseals              Kappropriate sample labels
9. Samples are! .

i1 in good condition _leaking

             -broken                                 "     have air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [ ] No j*]
11. Description of anomalies. (include sample numbers):

Sampple.Custodian(Labpratory:Dae 21O O'3 Telephoned to: On By Page 9 of 108

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 I Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-05 CD Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company No. 2006-00451 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 Conetiut 860-267-2556 Company' 00 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning A'nalyses Requested Lab Use Only Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 0 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones . Priority: [ 30 D. Z 14 D. Li 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID 9106-0012-002F 6/23/06 08:56 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00436 &D t 9106-0012-003F 6/23/06 08:39 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00436 6- -11.. 9106-0012-004F 6/23/06 09:32 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00436 of 9106-0012-005F 6/23/06 09:56 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00436 6 9106-0012-006F 9106-0012-010F 6/23/06 6/23/06 13:07 11:08 SE SE C C BP BP X x Transferred from COC 2006-00436 4

                                                                                                                                                                         ,I       I Transferred from COC 2006-00436       0    9106-0012-013F                   6123/06       10:56      SE        C            BP        x                                 Transferred from COC 2006-00436 9106-0012-013FS                  6/23/06       10:56      SE        C             BP       x                                 Transferred from COC 2006-00436 NOTES: PO#: 002332 MSR #: 06-aog                 SSWP# NA 0         LTP QA           [   Radwaste QA      Li Non QA            Samples Shipped Via:            Internal Container Z Fed Ex                        Temp.: _ Deg.

D uPs c E] Hand Custody YC] Sealed? NC] I) Relinquished By Date/Ti*ne 2) R eived By 'D te/Time Custody Seal

            ~iiZ14'&C                                     'v.L                                                                   E]~.i~

Other Intact?

3) Relinquished By Date/Time c4e-*ived By Date/Time Bill ofLading ___y 0 NEJ
5) Relinquished By Bill of Lading #

Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time *.1 * *-*' 4* j:'

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 1 Major

-c 0'

(5 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00452 0 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 & 0 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only 00 Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories < 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 C 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: [] 30 D. S 14 D. [] 7 D. Container Sample Size-

                                                             "Media     Type      &Type Sample Designation                Date        Time        Code      Code       Code                                              Comment, Preservation          Lab Sample ID 9106-0012-007F               - 6/21/06        09:32       SE         C         BP-X                                                  from COC # 2006-00433 9106-0012-008F                  6/21/06       09:00        SE        C         BP       X
                                                                                                         -     -Transferred Transferred from COC #2006-00433 9106-0012-012F                  6/21/06       09:19       SE         C         BP       x                                Transferred from COC # 2006-00433            ,

9106-0012-014F 6/21/06 90:05 SE C BP X Transferred from COC # 2006-00433 9106-0012-014F 6/21/06 09:51 SE C BP x Transferred from COC #2006-00433 010 9106-0012-015F 6/21/06 14:24 SE C BP X Transferred from COC # 2006-00433 0 *il 9106-0012-009F 6/23/06 10:33 SE C BP x Transferred from COC # 2006-00436 .i 7 9106-0012-009FS 6/23/06 10:33 SE C BP x Transferred from COC # 2006-00436 013 - 9106-0012-O0IF 6/23/06 09:18 SE C BP X Transferred from COC # 2006-00436 0"1 NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-*416 SSWP# NA Z LTP QA E] Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal [3 Fed Ex Container El UPS Temp.: _ Deg. C E- Hand Custody Sealed? 1)Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Re ei d By ---- ate ~ine Custody Seal

                     ~ ~~--           ~      -h~/4ý                                                                               El other                               Intact?
3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) e~d By ",r batehime BillofLading ___Y Y NO 5)i Relinquished By  ! Bill of Lading Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time / qfl* '8 #2. ? I Z-?

S]- SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM SAM PLE A.A -ki, 4. SDGI~~A RCOC/Worlk Orde;1& N 11(;a b 5 DaleReceived: ,PM(A) Review (e/fre are rtsolved prior Received By: , to H ,ug). Sample Receipt Criteria Z Z Comments/Qualifiers (Required for Non-Conforming Items Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: ealsbroken damaged conmainer leaking container ibe) and sealed? Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant # irc bass blue ice dry ice other describe) 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? Record preservation method. Chain of custody documents included with shipment? and bai 4 Sample containers intact and ircle Applicable: seals broken damaged cofiner leaking conainer (dacrite) sealed?*Xd Samples requiring chemical Sample ID's. containers affected ad pH: preservation at proper pH? VOA vials free of headspace Samle ID's and coainsied: 6 (defined as < 6mm bubble)? Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory) Id's saffecd

    'Samples received within holding time?          ....       ._

9 Sample ID's on COC match ID's Sample ID's and comaimers affected: on bottles? Date & time on COC match date Sample ID's affected: 10 & time on bottles? _ 11Number of containers received S,Sample ID's affected: match number indicated on C COC form is properly sig in relinquished/received tions? __............. Air Bill ,Tracki #'s, & Additional nts V RSO RAD Receipt # Suspected Hazard Information ~ ~ If>

                                                                *11 x2 area background is observed on sanmies idemifled as "mno-t arti.regulated/non-radioactive",
  • cotact the Radiation Safety group for Murther A adiological CLassification? Maximum Counts Observed*:'

B 'CBRegulated? Sipped as I H azardous [ Cor l Shpe: Class Shipped: C ]Mngro Material? If yes, contact Waste SMaangr U/*, Hazard UN#: Manager or ESH Manager-PMM (or PMA) review of H-azard classificaion: Inirials Date:o (J Page 12 of 108

Conneclicut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services . .W-owo Figure 1 Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received: 7 7 6( SDG#* Work Orde rNumb~er: /~&~'3 ~ I 4 Shipping Cntainer ID,: ?4t? =ti , Chain of Custody - I. Custody Seals on'shipping container intact? .-Yes [] No r,

2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yc5s'L"o .-
3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes ~jc~
       .4.         Cooler temperature
5. Vermiculite/packiug materials is: Wet fi:o ,,
6. Number of samples ir sbipping container. . A (L~'
7. Sample.holding times exceeded7 Yes [ I No []

II.*. . .. were any. ano *0. .alesidentified in sample receipt? YeI [] < J.1. .Description of anomalies (include sample numbers)a SaOmple Custodi'anLaboratoiy: TclcPhoned to* . .... y ýO - Page 13 of 108

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major 1/~~~ Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00434 CD 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 8Lab-Use-Only 00 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only 00 Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories )4* 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Att. Cheryl Jones Priority:E] 30 D. Z 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Co Preservation _ment, Lab Sample ID 9106-0013-006F 6/21/06 10:33 SE C BP X 9106-0013-003F 6/21/06 10:51 SE C BP X 9106-0013-002F 6/21/06 10:19 SE C BP X 9106-0013-002FS 6/21/06 10:19 SE C BP X 9106-0013-010F 6/21/06 13:56 SE C BP X 9106-0013-OIOFS 6/21/06 13:56 SE C BP X 9106-0013-005F 6/21/06 14:40 SE C BP X 9106-0013-01IF 6/21/06 13:35 SE C BP X _ NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-J03tSSWP# NA Z LTP QA [] Radwaste QA Fl Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container E Fed Ex Temp.: ýj Deg. C El UPS El Hand Custody Sealed? 1)Relinquished By Date/Time 2), ed, Date/Time Custody Seal Intact?

                                            -W/4-f                                                                          [1I Other
3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received-by Date/Time BillofLading___Y [ N 0 Bill of Lading #
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time q/L 9 - 12 4 I I,=

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major


of Custody Form 2. CChain U362 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company No. 2006-00444 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 2, 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories < 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 0 "e 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones rn Container Priority: ] 30 D. Z 14 D. ] 7 D. Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID

*9 9106-0013-007F                 6-27-06         10:58       SE       C          BP      X fo 9106-0013-014F                  6-27-06         09:22       SE       C          BP      X                               -

[( 9106-0013-015F 6-26-06 15:06 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00438 9LnU6-0013-001F 6-23-06 13:32 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00437 if. 9106-0013-004F 6-23-06 13:51 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00437 L 9106-0013-009F 6-23-06 14:08 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00437 9106-0013-013F 6-23-06 14:38 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00437 9106-0013-008F 6-26-06 " 11:11 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00438 9106-0013-012F 6-26-06 12:35 SE C BP X Transferred from C0C 2006-00438 NOTES: PO#:002332 MSR#:06-4O34 SSWP#NA 0 LTP QA [I Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container 0 Fed Ex Temp.: c2] Deg. C El ups E] Hand Custody Sealed? YC Ne"

1) Relinquished By Date/Timrle 2) R iv Byi Custody Seal Intact?

J*&IMF *-- -Dae0 El Other _0 /) I U -,rZTkary, r

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Receive' By Date/Time YO NEI Bill of Lading #

5 K7 1 1 5- t Zoe


  • PM-. u~ei.- ely
                                                                                                                           -*..          a .-i i-,--T         ,~     -IA--A    I SIDGE/ARCOC/Wodu Order.,                 I          S      k, 114 Itol' I      -

Ix //(Oýý /Si( 1

                                               ~~~1 l
                                                                                                                         ~ weravedv prior to sipgnlg):

Date Received: Received


By:_____________ 777zI vo PM(A) Review ioi.O fa 7 I Sample Receipt Criteria Comments/Quali(ers tui for Non-Conforming Item) Shipping containers received intact

                                                   /            Cclecontaeineres(dscrbe Applicable: seals bmkca   damuaged c~hipping  ae k-akg c.*ineW                 (,ecrb) a n d s e a led ?                                            Ci rcle C l_                 se              c_                   _ib                      _    _     _   _

Samples requiring cold =i*le oo~ant' ice o descibe) 2 preservation within (4 +/-2 C)? / Record preservation method. '-- b4.~~QJ~____________ Chain of custody documents3l t included with shipment? _ Sample containers intact and /cke Atir.: ft eA d .W. kakiqmmier ther Oscrb) sealed? e e Samples requiring chemical mple ID:. coi-,e af,=ta li c pp preservation at proper pH? VOA vials free of headspace p ID' al CIIS attce: (defined as < 6mm bubble)? ,_ _ _ i Are Encore containers present? 7 (if yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory) Samples received within holding time? /

                                                  /ds,             andwt; affected:

Sample ID's on COC match ID's / Lpk IDIs afd aisected: 9on bottles? C C r"- \_ _ _ _ _ _ Date & time on COC match date iSan ID2 affeclew:

   & time on bottles?                                       i__

Number of containers received /ampe tD's aeced: ( match number indicated on COC? 12i COC form is properly signed in relinquished/received sections? Air Bill ,Tracking #s, & Additional Comments RSO RAD RecEipt #_! Suspected Hazard Information *if > a background is obsered 0o samples identifed as "non-SuseedH ard r ogultno-radiocive, contact he iiatin Safety grmo for further s; inetgain Radiological Classification? Maxim o O B PCB Regulated? om Shipped as DO0I Hazardu-s Material? If yes, contact Waste ( Hazard Ca Shipped: . Manager or ESH Manager. 0 w of Hazard classitication: Initials bates -L.{.oco

SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM CONTINUATION FORM tVA~u*Th\~V ~ŽOc~~ 9 x-ocý- li lqtu -_ IDo * .- ocLm-G2 - 00T4 u2YU -ý 2.3 ev- pI IQU - Dot 13 -oL4 fz~ cý c Page 17 of 108

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services -CY-ISC-SOW-O01 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received::_ SDG#: o 34 Work Order Number:______________________ Shipping Cdntainer ID: . C-C '\k

                                                    -          Chain of Custody# $!(2C         C         . __
1. Custody Seals on shipping container intact? -Yes. [ No
2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes[[.No []
3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes No
4. Cooler temperature 9,-9. (,Of -

5., Vermiculite/packing materials is: *Wet [ DrI\]l:t

6. Number of samples in shipping container' .. .. ,
7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes ]Nogd'
8. Samples have.

z~.tape _____hazard labels

                .ýicustody Seals                 .*appropriate        Sample labels
9. Samples are:

good condition leaking broken have air bubbles

10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes[] Noj<
11. *Description of anomalies (include sample numbers):

Sample Custodian/Laboratory:4,/ "."' Date:," Telephoned to:_ ____________________ Page 18 6f108

GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 I Maj or Health Physics Procedure / ý' -,To 14 -/ CD Chain of Custody Form N.20-05 No. 2006-00456 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company C) 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 00 Project Name: IEaddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested "'YseO1" , Contact Name & Phone: - . men... .. Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) ., General Engineering Laboratories... 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 . 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: E 30 D. Z 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sample Size- ._-.. -- _._____*_. . _. Media Type &Type . . ... ___._- ___:. ___ Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation L -S . 9106-0014-021F 6/15/06 10:50 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00407 9106-0014-030]F 6/15/06 11:20 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00407 .:... .*. .. '*. 9106-0014-032F 6/15/06 09:31 SE C x raferred from COC 2006-00407 9106-0014-043F 6/16/06 08:45 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00409 Transferred from COC 2006-00391 a 9106-0014-OIOF 612/0 6 14:23 SE C BP X- _ -___________ 9106-0014-016F 6/12/06 14:51 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00391 9106-0014-022F 6/12/06 15:12 SE C BP x Transferred from COC 2006-00391 9106-0014-013F 6/13/06 15:06 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00394 9106-0014-024F 6/07/06 09:58 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00385 1 -

*,L  "

NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06- SSWPf NA Z LTP QA 0l Radwaste QA [] Non QA Samples Shipped Via: lteia otie [ Fed Ex 1 UPS 60s El Hand

1) Relinquised By Dateime 2) Pcved By Date/Time ji Other
3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) ived By By0tefTime Bill of Lading #
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time ft 4?5V 396-
  • A I
                                                 . "144 Health Physics Procedure Jl Z

('7 I GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-001 Major CDNo. Chain of Custody Form 2006-00457 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424

2. 860-267-2556 5 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only Contact Name & Phone:

Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 (4 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones C Priority: ] 30D. Z 14 D. [ 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designpaion Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID L1' 9106-0014-025F 6/7/06 10:18 SE C BP X Transferred from CO( 2006-00387 0 ( 9106-0014-031F 6/7/06 10:44 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 0j 9106-0014-017F 6/9/06 07:39 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 0)( 9106-0014-023F 6/9/06 08:23 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 61 9106-0014-035F 6/9/06 09:03 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 9106-0014-038F 6/9/06 10:59 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 6 9106-0014-039F 6/9/06 09:28 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387 9106-0014-042F 6/9/06 09:53 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00387

    '9106-0014-034F                   6/9/06         10:11   -  SE       C         BP      X                                    Transferred from COC 2006-00387 NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-                    SSWP# NA [E LTP QA              [I Radwaste QA       [I Non QA               Samples Shipped Via:         Internal Container q0 Fed Ex                   Temp.: _ Deg. C E[  USs
                                                                                                                    .      .Yfl     E] Hand                       Custody Sealed?


1) Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Reg d By DatV' i Custody Seal Intact?

3J*4tfE Al .IXTE 7" l14t ,1 O -/ Z " Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) R ived By /Bill of Lading # Y NE
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time .1 4q5VO Jq

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attarhment B-CY-001 Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-05 Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power No. 2006-00458 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 .. .. 5 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Lab Use Only 00 Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones rI Priority: El 30 D. Z 14 D. El 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type .... Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation La,.b Sample [I

  . 9106-0014-029F                 6/09/06       08:42       SE         C        BP      X                                   Transferred from COC 2006-00387 9106-0014-009F                  6/13/06      08:44       SE         C         BP     X                                    "Transferredfrom COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-028F                  6/13/06       08:08      SE          C        BP      X                                   Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-028FS                 6/13/06       08:08      SE          C        BP      X   _                               Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-036F                  6/13/06       09:38       SE         C         BP     X                                   Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-037F                  6/13/06       09:12      SE          C        BP            X            _                Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-040F                  6/13/06       10:42      SE          C        BP      X              "___Transferred                   from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-041F.                 6/13/06       10:13      SE          C        BP      X                                   Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-041FS                 6/13/06       10:13      SE          C        BP      X                                   Transferred from COC 2006-00392 NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-                  SSWP# NA        [    LTP QA       [I Radwaste QA     E] Non QA                 Samples Shipped Via:         Internal Container 4"                                                                                     Z Fed Ex                    Temp.:   _       Deg. C El    uPs El    Hand                    Custody Sealed?

YC Nn 1)Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Rec *ved By Drate/Time Custody Seal Intact?

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) . ____B___tiloLang Y(- N 5)Relique By DBill of Lading #

5")Relinquished By Date/Time- 6) Received By Date/Time *qg 4f-7? /40/

Health Physics Procedure I i /7-GPP-GGGR-R5 104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-0045 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556, c Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested ':*; ÷' Contact Name & Phone: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (1Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 "-, 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: [] 30 1D.0 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media TYPO &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation 9106-0014-012F 6/06/06 12:47 SE C BP X I Transferred from COC 2006-00384 3"t y 9106-0014-018F 6/06/06 14:45 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00384 9106-0014-019F 6/06/06 14:25 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00384 ': 9106-0014-0OIF 6/09/06 13:37 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-002F 6/09/06 14:40 SE C 3P X Transferred from COC 2006-00392 '.. 9106-0014-002FS 6/09/06 14:40 SE C BP X Tranferred from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-005F 6/09/06 14:12 SE C BP XTransferred from COC 2006-00392

 ,9106-0014-006F                6/09/06       13:07       SE       C      BP        XTranferred                            from COC 2006-00392 9106-0014-011F                6/09/06       12:44       SE       C      BP             XTransferred X_'_                              fromnCOC 2006-00392     .

NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06- SSWP# NA 0 LTP QA El Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via:

  • C] Hand Other

Health Physics Procedure /GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-0O1 Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006.0046, 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 0 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested J.- eP I

~    Contact Name &Phone:

Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 ___________.______ ,___....._

                                                                                                            £    '

Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 4 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones

    ,Priority: [I-30D. Z* 14 D.El_. 7 D.                                  Container    :                       -:,w, ".**:         *   ,'    ',-:"**'*.,,...


                       .~           7D.Sample                               Size-Media    Type  &Type Sample Designation              Date        Time       Code     Code   Code                                                                 77n      -1 Preservation "Comment 04    9106-0014-003F                6/14/06       08:46       SE       C     BP        X                    Transferred from COC 2006-00396 0    9106-0014-007F                6114/06       09:13       SE       C     BP      X                      Transferred from COC 2006-00396 9106-0014-008F                6/14/06       07:34       SE       C     BP      X                      Transferred from COC 2006-00396 6/11/06       07:34       SE   IC        BP      X
  ~i9106-0014-014F' 9106-0014-018FS                6/14/06        07:3 10:23       SE
                                                             ,SE      C C     BP RP"     X X

Transferred from COC 2006-00396 Transferred from COC 2'006-00396 *?,i)*::t*:i*. Other

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 1 Major

                                            /6-1-2DA/i Chain of Custody Form                                         No. 2006-00461 CD            Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 lnjun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556
                                                                                 -Y 00   Project Name: laddam Neck Decommissioning                                                      Analyses Requested           I -

V- I - r


Contact Name & Phone: Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 CA 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: I] 30 D. 0 14 D. [E 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code r 9106-0014-015F 16/14/06 113 SEI I C t P R~t BP y X t i l tnrTransferredii&- nn from COC 2006-00396 9106-0014-020F 6/14/06 13:10 SE - - - - 9106-0014-026F 6/14/06 13:53 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00396 9106-0014-027F 6/14/06 14:26 SE C BP X JTransferred from COC 2006-00396 9106-0014-027FS 6/14/06 14:26 SE C BP X Transferred from COC 2006-00396 64 9106-0014-033F 6/14/06 15:04 SE C BP X NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06- SSWP# NA U QA LTP En Radwaste QA LI Non QA Samples Shipped Via: a~se' *UPS Fed Ex El Hand

1) Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Re vedIt^By Ali*D Date/Time
                                                                                                                   -fljr-[-J                      Other
3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4).ceived By ""3- ý ate ime Bill of Lading #
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time 1 400 f" 9 91'


                                                   **         PM(A)    Review (jnsure D[G/ARCOC/Work         Odrnon-moni             /(       We resolved prior to Aping):

L te Reired: Clent- By:..* Received for Non-Conforrming lie nnnents/Qualiriers (Requlr*d Sam leRecip CrteiaCo I d=mage cC w ul*ikig comfii *(desi) Circle Applicable: seals Fr-e aShipping containers received intact Samples requiring cold 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? RecordPreservation Chain of custody documents Rec ritera Sampl ipt method. I~ J~ ~ t cile Coolant # ice bags nsQulrir blue ice

                                                                                                    . (R. qIr   ..

dry fo No-ne ofrmn other describe) i includedwith shipment? Apicable. seals broLa da flar leakill contanier other (dfcriW) Sample containers intact and 1Circle sealed? Sample D's. conaMie e observed pp: Samples requiring chemical reservationat pro  ? bubble)?. Sample Ils and coms affected: VOA vials free a...__,s of headspace

                     < 6tur Encore containers present?

(defined Are to rnediately deliver 7(If yes, im

  • _

VOA laborato=* I n re t af e h o ldin g Samp le s re ce ived with in lime? anwl ID's and containers anecied


Sample ID's on COC match ID's ID'S affectd S2a1ple atch date 10Date & time on CO(Cm .

       &timeon bottles?                                     Sample lD'afet:

Number of containers receiv-- PCOC? match number indicated COC form is Proper signed in Air BillT kig#s& Add Comments Cal _ isobserved o* samples identifiedas 'non-e H InSO *I >RAD Zara bck*oun Receipt Suspcte HaardInfomaton contact Radiation fth Safet ru o ute I regulted/nonradioactive%, dr :" f O bs e ve

                                                               " "

r e" Corrmmes: a OUS lp as C Mazerial? If yes, contact Waste azard Class Shipped: Manager or ESH Manager. PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classigicatiors. Initials Page 25 of 108

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received: ; SDG#: AASL4 (,o si Work Order Number: 1(.-0.- Shipping Cchtainer ID:, 2% "*/ Z!5tP69 Chain of Custody #

1. Custody Seals. o6 shipping container intact?
                                                                                  .Yes       [Ir
2. Custody Seals dated and signed?

Yes [q'*o []

3. Chain-of-Custody record present?

Yes t"j No I ]

  -4.         Cooler temperature           *2#lC
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is:

wet [*yt 6.' Number of samples in shipping container:

7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes - %o[ ]

       .8. Samples have:'

hazard labels ICustody seals appropriate sample labels

9. Samples are..

_Xý good condition -leaking

                -broken                           -have     air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt?

Yes No

  • 1. .. Description of anomalies (include sample numbers):
     *"ae Custodia- Labpa.o.*

Telephoned to: O. By Page 26 of 108

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-O01 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/Time Received: - 0 9"-6" Work Order Number. I((01e1 94 Shipping Codtainer ID:, a - 10 91- Chain of Custody #"

   " I.           Custody Seals on'shipping container intact?.                               -Yes .*14o[                 -
2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes 'No I I-
3. Chain-of-Custody record present?

Yes [ifNo t j 4;

4. Cooler temperature r- -Y #.
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is:

Wet F-llDy ['I 6.' Number of samples in shipping container:'

7. Sample holding times exceeded?


                         - .uuuuau   on            ...       leaking
                   -broken                             -have      air bubbles
10. Weere any anomalies identified in saple receipt? Yes [] No Inp . T Yes No

11..Description of anomalies (nclude sample numbers): Sa.ple CuStodiaWaboratory:... Trccphoned to, On_______

~~~~~On ] , . . .. . .
               .~~  ~~~~                                                 '.     =., - - - .-----------.-

Page 27 of 108

    -      Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services                                                         cY-lsC-soW-oo1 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/Time Received"                7h                                         ,,ve SDG#
                                              -.      Ii*.-~i.,III Work Order Number:                  "       /       ffjf-f Shipping Container ID:              A/ *"-*-Vto 7                      Chain of Custody# "           -OLq(I5.
1. Custody Seals onishipping container intact?,..
                                                                                                   -Yes W,9     [I
2. Custody Seals dated and signed?

Yes' Pik o [I - 3 Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes L-.No ]

      .4.         Cooler                           _____emperature


5. Vermiculite/packing materials is:

Wet f3;

                .'Number ofsanples in shipping container:.
7. Samnle holding, timev iyPyg'"Arl9"
                         -- - - ~~C              ~           S Yes L J NNo [ J
          .8. Samples have-'
                         .~*iitap-hazard                                      labels

_ctoyseals -..appropriate sample labels

9. Samples are.
                    *-.ingood conditionlekn broken              .have                              air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt?
                                                                                          ,."Yes[      No W,]--
     .        .Desipti,= of afoa~ji(include sample numbers):

o ratory : Telephoned to:_________: , "*__:______________ n' By. . .* "' - . Page 28 of 108

  • Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services CY-ISC-SOW-001 Figure 1. Sample Check-in List..

Date/Time Received: R' l  :/t SDG#: ( 9 0 Work OrderNumber- C '/ Shipping Co*tainer ID: -6/ '(95") 39f Chain of Custody # :*O(. "6eY-0

1. Custody Seals oni shipping container intact?-
                                                                                     -Yes t     o   [No
2. Custody Seals dated and signed?

Yes If o [

3. Chain-of-Custody record present?

Yes Not

4. Cooler termperature
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is:

Wet [,-, ry f"I 6.' -Number of samples in shipping container:

                                                                      "_ _      _"_              ;       _   _
7. Sample holding times exceeded?

Yes *yrNo []

  • mgooo condition .,._ leaking.,-" ....
                    -*broken                           -have air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt?

l Yes H No WPsr

11. *Description of anomalies (include sample numbers):

e-cphouad to:.O -. n, _ Page 29 of 108

Connecticut Yankee Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services Cy-Isc-sow-OOI Figure 1. Sample Check-in List. Date/Tim e Receive d: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SDG#: IL 0(1 Work Order Number: (C?-C.'( Shipping Cdhtaier ID:1.._______ Chain of Custody# e - e9C 4/ 1.. " Custody Seals of shipping container intact?. .. Yes $ o [ ]o-

2. Custody Seals dated and signed? "Ye Yes No [J.
3. Chain-of-Custody record psent? Y_. Lr' o 11 4.
        * "      - Cooler terperaturet-                  .  .                                       .
5. Verniculite/packizig materials is: Wet prvry t,*,

6.- "Numberofsarnples in shipping containerr

7. Sample.holding timC3 exceeded? Yes [q7o [ ]
          .8.. Samples have:'
                                                   .... haz      d labels S. s D acrony seals       (cPP)pudiate                  sample label$
9. Samples are:
  *               ..~_,6 good Conditio.                      ekn
                       -boe                            ----   have air bubbles
           ~O. Wore any    anmles dentified in sample, Jrceipt?Ye[1N I<

P~litio ofano~ie,(iclue sample numbers): Sample CustodiaatlebOrto" S Tr lcphon ,d £; ,-

  • Page 30 6f 108

Health Physics Procedg GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 1 Major

                                       -     57(Ir
                                 - --    "          Jr IcChain                                                                                                         of Custody Form                     N.20-04 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company                                                                                                  No. 2006-00443 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556
. Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning                                                    Analyses Requested        Lab Use Only Contact Name & Phone:                                                                                                  Comments:

Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Z Priority: [] 30 D. Z 14 D. El 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type C Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID 9106-0015-022F 6-27-06 16:24 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-023F 6-27-06 16:03 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-024F 6-27-06 15:42 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-026F 6-27-06 14:58 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-027F 6-27-06 15:17 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-028F 6-27-06 14:31 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-018F 6-27.06 17:18 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-025F 6-27-06 16:43 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-021F 6-27-06 17:01 SE C BP X NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06-/OJ 7- SSWP# NA Z LTP QA [] Radwaste QA 0 Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container [ Fed Ex Temp.: D Deg. C UPS E Hand Custody Sealed? YO N7"

1) Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Reqeived y Date/Time Custody Seal Intact?

[ Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received B ,Y`
                                                                                        .J                 Date/Time                                   YO     NO Bill of Lading #
                                                                                                                               ý-J 1o 5 -/1

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 I Major Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00448 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 o860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested ,,.. Contact Name & Phone: 0 MR

                                                                                                                                          ....           .

Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC, 29407 4 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones

  • V)

Priority: E] 30 D. [ 14 D. El 7 D. Container Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code " Comment, Preservation ID 9106-0015-01 IF 6-28-06 14:39 SE C BP X X 7`-_ 9106-0015-012F 6-28-06 10:58 SE C BP X X 1o 9106-0015-013F 6-28-06 10:04 SE C BP X X

4 9106-0015-014F 6-28-06 09
05 SE C BP X X 31 9106-0015-015F 6-28-06 08:25 SE C BP X 9106-0015-016F 6-28-06 08:46 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-017F 6-28-06 09:47 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-019F 6-28-06 09:25 SE C BP X X 9106-0015-020F 6-28-06 07:59 SE C BP X X NOTES: PO#: 002332 MSR#: 06-.o37 SSWP#NA Z LTP QA El Radwaste QA El Non QA Samples Shipped Via:

0 Fed Ex F1 uPs 0l Hand

1) Relinquished By Date/qime
2) Rceive+~Bv Date/Time C Us3tod`y- Seal Inact!
  ._          9J              -oJt/                    4fz                                                                  El Other kA
3) Relinquished By Date/Time ý k by
4) Received . Date/Time
                                                                     ýZ                                                     Bill of Lading #

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 I Major CChain Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company of Custody Form No. 2006-00447 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested Contact Name & Phone: *.brmntg.:.. Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 - Analytical Lab (Name, City, State)  :..... General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Cn ,. . - Priority: 1l 30 D. S 14 D. E] 7 D. Container Sample Size- -'. Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation

  • Idb* e I) .-

je*i 9106-0015-0OIF 6-28-06 13:36 SE C BP X X 0 9106-0015-002F 6-28-06 14:15 SE C BP X X II 9106-0015-003F 6-28-06 13:15 SE C BP X X ,o 9106-0015-004F 6-28-06 12:54 SE C BP X '2 9106-0015-005F 6-28-06 15:47 SE C BP X X 1 9106-0015-006F 6-28-06 16:10 SE C BP X X _ ______,_'.:'" 9106-0015-007F 6-28-06 11:33 SE C BP "X X - - _'_____:________.-.__-.. 5 9106-0015-008F 6-28-06 11:10 SE C BP X X - - -"___"_____".... "........ C, 9106-0015-009F 6-28-06 10:25 SE C BP X X ___________ .,.: .

  ,9106-0015-00F                6-28-06         15:17      SE        C            BP     X           X NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR#: 06-/03-" SSWP#NA                                SLTP QA      E- Radwaste QA L-      Non QA              Samples Shipped Via:

[ Fed Ex C El Hand ~dSe~1e~? I) Relinquished By Date/rime 2 ceived Date/Time jdySea~1intact?-' 32egyj - 1445r Dat/Tm D('f-r Zl Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received y Date/Time Y'n 1~4o Bill of Lading #

c//o y-,:// (z 2 ,9


Health Physics Procedure HeltPyic PrcdueGP-GG-5

                                                    //1-4-5540      I-.                                          GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Affachment B-CY-00 I Major 4-0-Atcheti-Y-O1              ao Chain of Custody Form                           No. 2006-00468 CConnecticut                    Yankee Atomic Power Company 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 Project                   ~~~~860-267-2556        -        -           -Aaye               euse Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning                                                 Analyses Requested 0 Contact Name & Phone:."ic:n"                                                                                                                                .:

Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 J C\ 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority: E 30 D.[ 14 D. D 7 D. Container -- Sample Size-Media Type &Type Sample Designation Date Time Code Code Code Comment, Preservation - Li sarn*p.m IDl 9106-0015-005FS 6-28-06 15:47 SE C BP X X _____ 9106-0015-012FS 6-28-06 10:58 SE C BP X X I 9106-0015-018FS 27-06 17:18 SE C BP X x X- A

                                                                                                            --   - -  - -  V                                -     --

NOTES: PO#:002332 MSR#:06-/e73- SSWP#NA Z LTP QA M Radwaste QA [] Non QA Samples Shipped Via: [ Fed Ex Il UPS D Hand .Custody Sea d6?

1) Relinquished By Date/T'ie 2) ceivedBy Date/Time Custody Sea'1tact?

El Other

3) Relinquished By Date/time 4) ReceiveByV" ' Date/Tirne YOD I Bill of Lading #

41/0~ S-7/11 1


                                                                                                                                                         '.4 I'meo nly PM sue onli' l*.-     . /*_A.^

Date Received: C> M(A) Review (esum BOncoufruda avrersolved prior io signing): J *t Received By: ot ornent/Qu~inrs(Requirtdrr N01CnotigItems) Sample Receipt Criteria ZCommentsualilers (e for Nen-Confoningt Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: seals broken damaged cwir lakinig coainer Ohdw (d*scibe) and sealed? .... _____--'___ Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant cebag& blueieke dryice od eled-WriV) 2 preservation within (4 +/- 2 C)? Record preservation method. 4.2. (CA4 - G Q _0_ _ Chain of custody documents included with shipment? ,__ Sample containers intact and 4sealed?-

                                           /                    itele Applicab^e: seas broken danaged cowlaner kaking cominfr          oiwr (descrb)

Samples requiring chemical / Smple ID'. coiin affected and observed ppI preservation at proper PHi_ VOA vials free of headspace Sample ID's and containers affece: (defined as < 6mm bubble)?__.__ _ Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes. immediately deliver to VOA laboratory) Samples received within holding Id's and esm affected: aime? Sample ID's on COC match ID's / D's and cers affected-on bottles? " ___ Date & time on COC match date 1 time on bottles?

                                           /Samle                     IDas affected:

__ Number of containers received Sample ID's affected: i match number indicated on COC? COC form is properly signed in relinquishbd/received sections? jAir Bill ,Tracking #'s, & Additional Comments3

                                               .    '[     RSO RAD Reeipt                     _       _ _I Suspected Hazard Information'                         *f       > x2 area background is observed oO samples identified as noa-regulated/non-radioactive, contact the lJadation Safety group for flhrther
               '"_ _   __                ~investigation.

A1Radiological Classification?-Maimm Couns ObservedI: B lPCB Regulatedce: Ihtpped as DIT Hazardous C Material? If yes, contact Waste Hazard Class Shipped: [Manager or ESH Manager. PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classiC2,ation: Initials -- ate: --{t


I Page 35 of 108

Connecticut Yankee YISC-SOW-001 CY Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services Figure 1. Sample Check-in List.

  • Date/Time Received:

MASO(D' 1 M~612:00~C U< 0s~(~,-/031-SDG#: Work Order Number: 15' Shipping Cdhtainer ID ,C* C S. ,ý- Chain of Custody# E*o C ,

1. Custody Seals oxi shipping container intact?., -Yes [ J No 4 "
2. Custody Seals dated and signed? Yes [ No I I.
3. Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes*.No I
4. Cooler temperature 2.?9& (2Z'_ - * &A*

5., Vermiculite/packing materials -is: Wet [ Dry tk, 4p . . 6." Number of samples in shipping container:

                                                .       S4..J      (*._A-               .4.          .
7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes [ No
8. Samples have" tape .- hazard labels z*1custody seals .. *appropriate sample labels
9. Samples are:
           .,c~ingood condition                   -leaking
              -broken                             -have     air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [ No,- "
11. *.Descriptionof anomalies (include sample numbers):

Sample. CustodiantLaboratory:'* 1 I4 Datc (10 Telephoned to: On By___ Page 36 of 108


            . o,,,xA.*c-*-3         c-   - .   *-.*O..- - 00443W_

-0 Qpý f jr O Uj A- e'44' VCL"30 M~y--L' Qc~-oL4 ~ OWL4k4Cn Page 37 of 108

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 1 Major Chain of Custody Form N.20-09 No. 2006-00496 C0 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 0 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested J ..- 00 Contact Name & Phone: -"-.- Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State)  : . General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones ) Priority:. ] 30 D.E 14 D. ] 7 D. Z 3 D. / Container Sample Size-Sample Designation Date Time Media Type &Type Comment, Preservation L:b SanlIV. Code Code Code 9106-0001-132F SE C BP X 9106-0001-112F SE C BP x 9106-0001-132A .. SE C BP X 9106-0001-132B SE C BP X ____ - _, _ _:  !..: ._.,_:_:__ 9106-0001-132C SE C BP X __,______.____"_"____ __.......__" 9106-0001-132D SE C BP X _______.__,_:__."____.____.._.___ " 9106-0001-112A SE C BP X *,. _._-._-_' 9106-0001-112B SE C BP X "... _._. __." 9106"0001-112C_ SE C BP x NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: 06- tj0 SSWP# NA [ LTP QA [ Radwaste QA E] Non QA Samples Shipped Via: _IWhat"rn1ot.ainir. [ Fed Ex .Tep D6g, IjUPS C7E L1 Hand _Cusiody Soaled?

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Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Attachment B-CY-00 I Major Conaecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00497 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Decommissioning Analyses Requested -,." 00 Contact Name & Phone: M

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Jack McCarthy 860-267-2556 Ext. 3924 Analytical Lab (Name, City, State) General Engineering Laboratories 2040 Savage Road. Charleston SC. 29407 843 556 8171. Attn. Cheryl Jones Priority:E] 30 D.[14 D. 7D. 3 D. Container is Sample Size-Sample Designation Date Time Media Type &Type Comment, Preservation "Lb$atId amp IDT. Code Code Code SE C BP X T"" 9106-0001-112D

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Bill of Lading # 5)Relinquished By Date/Time 6)Received By Date/Time -q/fz/ <y13' 3 40 ".

Connecticut Yankee CY-ISC-SOW-O01 Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Dateffime Received:1 710 SDG#: . Work Order Number: . g q

7. /
                                                                                 "*. 6*2.'r

(-0 ' _ Shipping Cdctainer ID: 7'?U 6. .i. ,l. Chain of Custody# Yes [ No (&I--- I. Custody Seals oei shipping container intact?. Yes[ No

2. Custody Seals dated and signed?
3. Chain-of-Custoly record present? Yes *,Nio I I
4. Cooler temperature " 2 "
5. Vermiculitetpacking materials is: Wet [E'-ry b. I 6:- Number of samples in shipping container. /0 JC .i k'_
7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes [ J No []
   .S. Samples have:
                                             -hazard      labels V!:_'ustody seals              --- appropriate sample labels
9. Samples are:

_;ý ngood condition leaking

              -broken                            -hav,;    air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [No [
        .Decription Des.         Of anomalies (include sample nunIbers):          n 0*7' c" Sample, CustodiaWLaboratoiy:          6ts                                     Date:

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Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 170683 Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565213 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201175602 Method Blank (MB) 1201175603 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175604 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175605 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 I REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683004 (9106-0013-006F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Page 43 of 108

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments The sample and the duplicate, 1201175603 (9106-0013-006F) and 170683004 (9106-0013-006F), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement, however they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with value of 2.11. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 567705 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201181287 Method Blank (MB) 1201181288 170683003(9106-0012-014F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201181289 170683003(9106-0012-014F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201181290 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Page 44 of 108

Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 I1 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683003 (9106-0012-014F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Batch reprepped due to Thorium interference. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments The sample and the duplicate,1201181288 (9106-0012-014F) and 170683003 (9106-0012-014F), did not meet the Am-241 relative percent difference requirement, however they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with a value of 0.512. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Page 45 of 108

Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 11-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565210 Prep Batch Number: '564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201175591 Method Blank (MB) 1201175592 170683001(9106-0011-018F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175593 170683001(9106-0011-018F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175594 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 I1 REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683001 (9106-0011-018F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Page 46 of 108

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565214 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201175606 Method Blank (MB) 1201175607 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175608 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175609 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-0 I1REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Page 47 of 108

Ouality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683004 (9106-0013-006F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565216 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201175614 Method Blank (MB) 1201175615 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) Page 48 of 108

1201175616 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175617 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683004 (9106-0013-006F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 1201175614 (MB), 1201175615 (9106-0013-006F), 170683004 (9106-0013-006F), 170683005 (9106-0013-005F), 170683008 (9106-0015-018F), 170683009 (9106-0015-002F) and 170683010 (9106-0001-132F) were recounted due to high MDAs. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Page 49 of 108

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-3 00, Pu-1I-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 567883 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201181751 Method Blank (MB) 1201181752 170683001(9106-0011-018F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201181753 170683001(9106-001l-018F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201181754 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683001 (9106-0011-018F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Page 50 of 108

Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis The batch was reprepped due to high MDAs. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565250 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201175679 Method Blank (MB) 1201175680 170683002(9106-0012-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175681 170683002(9106-0012-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175682 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Page 51 of 108

Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683002 (9106-0012-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 170683001 (9106-0011-018F) and 170683006 (9106-0014-012F) were recounted due to high MDAs. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Samples were dried and reweighed due to low matrix spike recovery. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565253 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683010 9106-0001-132F Page 52 of 108

1201175686 Method Blank (MB) 1201175687 170683005(9106-0013-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175688 170683005(9106-0013-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175689 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683005 (9106-0013-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Page 53 of 108

Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 564445 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 1201173840 Method Blank (MB) 1201173841 170544018(9304-0002-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201173842 170544018(9304-0002-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201173843 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170544018 (9304-0002-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Page 54 of 108

Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 564623 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201174253 Method Blank (MB) 1201174254 170683001(9106-0011-018F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201174255 170683001(9106-0011-018F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201174256 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683001 (9106-0011-018F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Page 55 of 108

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 1201174254 (9106-0011-018F) was recounted due to high MDA. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 565648 Sample ID Client ID 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201176786 Method Blank (MB) 170683010(9106-0001-1 32F) Sample Duplicate 1201176787 (DP (DUP) 1201176788 170683010(9106-0001-132F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201176789 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Page 56 of 108

Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683010 (9106-0001-132F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565287 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201175808 Method Blank (MB) 1201175809 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175810 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175811 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3. Page 57 of 108

Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (OC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683006 (9106-0014-012F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 1201175810 (9106-0014-012F), 170683001 (9106-0011-018F), 170683002 (9106-0012-005F) and 170683006 (9106-0014-012F) were recounted due to the quench number being outside the calibration range. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. The following NCR was generated for this SDG: NCR 356906 was generated due to Container scanning event for custody missed. 1. The analyst did not scan the sample 170683001 into the batch prior to analysis, however the samples did remain in their custody at all times. 1. The error has been corrected and the analyst has been instructed on the proper scanning procedures. Reporting results. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565291 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Page 58 of 108

Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201175818 Method Blank (MB) 1201175819 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175820 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175821 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683004 (9106-0013-006F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 170683004 (9106-0013-006F) and 170683009 (9106-0015-002F) were recounted due to the quench number being outside the calibration range. Page 59 of 108

Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565289 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201175814 Method Blank (MB) 1201175815 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175816 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175817 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683006 (9106-0014-012F). Page 60 of 108

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni- 1, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 565293 Prep Batch Number: 564526 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 564525 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201175822 Method Blank (MB) 1201175823 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201175824 170683004(9106-0013-006F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201175825 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information Page 61 of 108

All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683004 (9106-0013-006F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 564447 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 1201173844 Method Blank (MB) 1201173845 170544018(9304-0002-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201173846 170544018(9304-0002-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201173847 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Page 62 of 108

SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (00 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170544018 (9304-0002-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples 1201173846 (9304-0002-005F) and 1201173847 (LCS) were recounted due to low/high recovery. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. The following NCR was generated for this SDG: NCR 356177 was generated due to Container scanning event for custody missed. 1. Container scanning event for custody missed: The analyst did not scan the samples into the batch prior to analysis, however the samples did remain in their custody at all times. 1. The error has been corrected and the analyst has been instructed on proper scanning procedures. Reporting results Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Page 63 of 108

Analytical Batch Number: 564514 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201174038 Method Blank (MB) 1201174039 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201174040 170683006(9106-0014-012F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201174041 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (OC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683006 (9106-0014-012F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: Page 64 of 108

NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 565650 Sample ID Client ID 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201176794 Method Blank (MB) 1201176795 170683010(9106-0001-132F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201176796 170683010(9106-0001-132F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201176797 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683010 (9106-0001-132F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Page 65 of 108

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 564449 Sample ID Client ID 170683004 9106-0013-006F 170683005 9106-0013-005F 170683008 9106-0015-018F 170683009 9106-0015-002F 1201173848 Method Blank (MB) 1201173849 170544019(9304-0002-008F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201173850 170544019(9304-0002-008F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201173851 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170544019 (9304-0002-008F). Page 66 of 108

QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 1201173849 (9304-0002-008F) was recounted due to a negative result greater than three times the error. Samples 170683008 (9106-0015-018F) and 170683009 (9106-0015-002F) were recounted to verify results. Second counts being reported. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 564520 Sample ID Client ID 170683001 9106-0011-018F 170683002 9106-0012-005F 170683003 9106-0012-014F 170683006 9106-0014-012F 170683007 9106-0014-033F 1201174056 Method Blank (MB) 1201174057 170683007(9106-0014-033F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201174058 170683007(9106-0014-033F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201174059 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Page 67 of 108

Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683007 (9106-0014-033F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 565649 Sample ID Client ID 170683010 9106-0001-132F 1201176790 Method Blank (MB) 1201176791 170683010(9106-0001-132F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201176792 170683010(9106-0001-132F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201176793 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by General Engineering Laboratories, LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. Page 68 of 108

Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Ouality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 170683010 (9106-0001-132F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package. The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: Reviewer/Date: L(;/ W - I1 Page 69 of 108

General Engineering Laboratories NCR Report No.: 356906 Form GEL-NCR Revision No.: Rev. 06/05 COMPANY -WIDE NONCONFORMANCE REPORT Mo.Day Yr. Division: Quality Criteria: Type: 11-SEP-06 Radiochemistry Specifications Process Instrument Type: Test / Method: Matrix Type: Client Code: LSC DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Solid YANK Batch ID: Sample Numbers: 565287 See Below Potentially affected work order(s)(SDG): 170683 Application Issues: Container scanning event for custody missed Specification and Requirements NRG Disposition: Nonconformance


1. The analyst did not scan the sample 170683001 into the batch prior to 1. The error has been corrected and the analyst has been instructed on the analysis, however the samples did remain in their custody at all times. proper scanning procedures. Reporting results.

Originator's Name: Data Validator/Group Leader: Melanie Aycock 11-SEP-06 Heather Anderson 11-SEP-06 Quality Review: Director: Page 1 Page 70 of 108

General Engineering Laboratories NCR Report No.: 356177 Form GEL-NCR Revision No.: I Rev. 06/05 COMPANY - WIDE NONCONFORMANCE REPORT Mo.Day Yr. Division: Quality Criteria: Type: 08-SEP-06 Radiochemistry Specifications Process Instrument Type: Test / Method: Matrix Type: Client Code: LSC EPA 906.0 Modified Solid YANK Batch ID: Sample Numbers: 564447 See Below Potentially affected work order(s)(SDG): 170543(MSR#06-1172),170544(MSR#06-1174),170683 Application Issues: Container scanning event for custody missed Specification and Requirements NRG Disposition: Nonconformance


1. Container scanning event for custody missed: The analyst did not scan 1. The error has been corrected and the analyst has been instructed on the samples intot he batch prior to analysis, however the samples did proper scanning procedures. Reporting results remain in their custody at all times.

Originator's Name: Data Validator/Group Leader: Kenshalla Oston 08-SEP-06 Melanie Aycock 08-SEP-06 Quality Review: Director: Page 1 Page 71 of 108



Page 72 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOO Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: 170683 GEL Work Order: 170683 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with General Engineering Laboratories, LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by Page 73 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0011-018F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 17-MAY-06 Receive Date: 21-JUN-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 36.3% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.0277 +/-0.0418 0.0128 +/-0.042 0.0643 pCi/g TC] 09/14/06 0931 567705 1 Curium-242 U 0.00666 +/-0.0505 0.037 +1-0.0505 0.138 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0167 +/-0.0348 0.0388 +/-0.0349 0.117 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.148 +/-0.269 0.289 +/-0.270 0.795 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565210 3 I Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00321 +/-0.174 0.144 +/-0.174 0.505 pCi/g LiquidScint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 9.87 +/-11.1 8.90 +/-11.1 18.6 pCi/g TCl 09/17/06 0214 567883 4 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00422 +/-0.0151 0.0123 +/-0.0151 0.0271 pCi/g KSDI 09/11/06 1917 565250 6 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 3.33 +/-6.35 5.16 +/-6.35 10.9 pCi/g DFA1 09/05/06 1123 564514 7 Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Carbon-14 U 0.00 +/-0.0818 0.0686 +/-0.0818 0.140 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0035 564520 8 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 0.852 +/-61.3 41.7 +/-61.3 86.4 pCi/g MXPl 09/10/06 1419 565287 9 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.341 +/-0.291 0.235 +/-0.291 0.485 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1232 564623 10 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 09/01/06 1328 564525 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Page 74 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0011-018F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683001 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I -RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 10 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am24 1, Cm, Solid ALL 89 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 38 (15%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 89 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 51 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 75 (15%-/125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 78 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectro scopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded Page 75 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0011-018F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683001 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. Page 76 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-005F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683002 Client ID: YANKOO Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 23-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.4% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.00725 +/-0.0262 0.0156 +/-0.0262 0.0644 pCi/g TCl 09/14/06 0931 567705 1 Curium-242 U 0.00 +/-0.0343 0.00 +/-0.0343 0.0474 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.00297 +/-0.0249 0.0111 +/-0.025 0.0557 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.0214 +/-0.203 0.159 +/-0.203 0.498 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565210 3 I Plutonium-239/240 U 0.120 +/-0.237 0.134 +/-0.238 0.449 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -10 +/-8.47 7.55 +/-8.47 15.8 pCi/g TCl 09/17/06 0230 567883 4 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00415 +/-0.016 0.0141 +/-0.016 0.0332 pCi/g KSDI 09/08/06 1803 565250 6 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 4.39 +/-5.57 4.46 +/-5.57 9.42 pCi/g DFA1 09/05/06 1155 564514 Liquid Scint C14, Solid AllFSS Carbon-14 U -0.0271 +/-0.0822 0.0694 +/-0.0822 0.141 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0253 564520 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 3.71 +/-50.4 34.5 +/-50.4 71.6 pCi/g MXPI 09/10/06 1435 565287 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 5.04 +/-7.63 6.28 +/-7.63 12.9 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 0035 565289 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.057 +/-0.270 0.225 +/-0.270 0.464 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1249 564623 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 09/01/06 1328 564525 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Page 77 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-005F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683002 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-II-RC Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA EERF C-0I Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 90 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 47 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 78 (25%-i125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 99 (25%-/125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 67 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 85 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 82 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Page 78 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-005F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683002 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. Page 79 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-014F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683003 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 21-JUN-06 Receive Date: 07-JUL-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 24.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.012 +/-0.0233 0.00 +/-0.0234 0.032 pCi/g TCI 09/14/06 0931 567705 1 Curium-242 U -0.00814 +1-0.0351 0.0215 +/-0.0351 0.089 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.00571 +/-0.0246 0.0151 +/-0.0246 0.0624 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.00589 +/-0.322 0.272 +/-0.322 0.744 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565210 3 I Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0588 +/-0.218 0.147 +/-0.218 0.494 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 4.22 +/-11.5 9.47 +1-11.5 19.8 pCi/g TC1 09/17/06 0246 567883 4 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0176 +/-0.0191 0.0133 +/-0.0191 0.0316 pCi/g KSDI 09/08/06 1803 565250 6 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 1.38 +/-6.13 5.08 +/-6.13 10.7 pCi/g DFAI 09/05/06 1226 564514 7 Liquid Scint C14, SolidAllFSS Carbon-14 U 0.00209 +/-0.0745 0.0625 +/-0.0745 0.127 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0501 564520 8 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 13.9 +/-36.7 24.3 +/-36.7 50.7 pCi/g MXP I 09/07/06 2253 565287 9 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 4.26 +/-8.20 6.78 +/-8.20 13.9 pCi/g MXP1 09/08/06 0106 565289 10 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.269 +/-0.281 0.228 +/-0.281 0.470 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1305 564623 11 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 AXP2 09/01/06 1328 564525 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Page 80 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-014F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683003 Client ID: YANKOO I Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 95 (15%-.125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 44 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 100 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 70 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 79 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 81 (150/-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Page 81 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0012-014F Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683003 Client ID: YANKOO0 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. Page 82 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0013-006F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683004 Client ID: YANK0O 1 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 21-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21-JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 0.187 +/-0.170 0.0339 +/-0.172 0.170 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 0844 565213 1 I Curium-242 U -0.0387 +/-0.0438 0.0836 +/-0.0442 0.313 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.00608 +/-0.118 0.102 +/-0.118 0.308 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.012 +/-0.0236 0.045 +/-0.0236 0.226 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565214 2 1 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0601 +/-0.0526 0.100 +/-0.0531 0.337 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 16.2 +/-13.4 10.8 +/-13.5 22.3 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 2245 565216 3 I Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.000813 +/-0.0187 0.0156 +/-0.0187 0.036 pCi/g KSDI 09/08/06 1932 565253 4 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 0.997 +/-4.80 3.98 +/-4.80 8.39 pCi/g DFA1 09/05/06 1847 564447 5 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All,FSS Carbon-14 U -0.0199 +/-0.109 0.0921 +/-0.109 0.192 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0955 564449 6 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 33.7 +/-51.9 34.2 +/-52.0 71.2 pCi/g MXPI 09/11/06 1150 565291 7 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 0.395 +/-9.40 7.88 +/-9.40 16.2 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 2220 565293 8 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U -0.0409 +/-0.273 0.231 +/-0.273 0.475 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1637 564445 9 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EPA 905.0 Modified Page 83 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0013-006F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683004 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 5 EPA 906.0 Modified 6 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 7 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 8 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified 9 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 86 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 60 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 72 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 100 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 70 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 43 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 79 (15%-/125%) Notes:; The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  <    Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

Ut Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 84 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0013-005F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683005 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 21-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 0.505 +/-0.295 0.0542 +/-0.304 0.224 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 0844 565213 1 Curium-242 U 0.00 +/-0.119 0.00 +/-0.119 0.165 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0327 +/-0.0868 0.0387 +/-0.0869 0.194 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.008 +/-0.0157 0.0299 +/-0.0157 0.150 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565214 2 I Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0399 +/-0.035 0.0668 +/-0.0352 0.224 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 7.84 +/-13.5 11.1 +/-13.5 22.8 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 2332 565216 3 1 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U-0.000759 +/-0.0157 0.0133 +/-0.0157 0.0313 pCi/g KSD1 09/08/06 1932 565253 4 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -0.175 +/-4.77 4.01 +/-4.77 8.45 pCi/g DFA 1 09/05/06 1919 564447 5 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All, FSS Carbon-14 U -0.0246 +/-0.107 0.0905 +/-0.107 0.188 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 1027 564449 6 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 8.33 +/-39.2 26.6 +/-39.2 55.3 pCi/g MXP I 09/08/06 0121 565291 7 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -1.92 +/-5.36 4.55 +/-5.36 9.32 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 2323 565293 8 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.0807 +/-0.273 0.227 +/-0.273 0.468 pCi/g KXRI 09/06/06 1654 564445 9 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I -RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EPA 905.0 Modified Page 85 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Certiicatof Aaksi Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0013-005F Project: YANK0 1204 Sample ID: 170683005 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 5 EPA 906.0 Modified 6 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 7 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 8 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified 9 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 68 (155%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 86 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241,. Solid-ALL FS 71 (25%/.-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 101 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 71 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 72 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 80 (15%-/125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 86 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0014-012F Proiect: YANKO01204 Sample ID: 170683006 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 06-JUN-06 Receive Date: 13-JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 0.0945 +/-0.0698 0.0158 +/-0.0709 0.0654 pCi/g TC1 09/14/06 0931 567705 1 Curium-242 U 0.0191 +/-0.0374 0.00 +/-0.0375 0.0517 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0473 +/-0.0497 0.0113 +/-0.050 0.0567 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.113 +/-0.329 0.328 +/-0.330 0.930 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565210 3 I Plutonium-239/240 U -0.097 +/-0.0951 0.181 +/-0.0963 0.637 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 4.84 +/-11.6 9.54 +/-11.6 20.0 pCi/g TCI 09/17/06 0302 567883 4 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U -0.00246 +/-0.00901 0.00776 +/-0.00901 0.0169 pCi/g KSDI 09/11/06 1917 565250 6 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 3.44 +/-6.25 5.07 +/-6.25 10.7 pCi/g DFA1 09/05/06 1258 564514 7 Liquid Scint C14, SolidAllFSS Carbon-14 U 0.0486 +/-0.0773 0.064 +/-0.0773 0.130 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0635 564520 8 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -12.6 +/-44.5 30.6 +/-44.5 63.6 pCi/g MXP I 09/10/06 1451 565287 9 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 4.82 +/-7.80 6.44 +/-7.80 13.2 pCi/g MXP I 09/08/06 0138 565289 10 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.0865 +/-0.281 0.234 +/-0.281 0.481 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1321 564623 11 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified Page 87 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis of Analvsis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0014-012F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683006 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 93 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 33 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 91 (25%-9125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 74 (15%-/125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 80 (25%-o125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 79 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
   < Result is less than value reported
   > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 88 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0014-033F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683007 Client ID: YANKOO 1 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 14-JUN-06 Receive Date: 13-JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 0.0906 +/-0.0692 0.0118 +/-0.0703 0.0594 pCi/g TCI 09/14/06 0931 567705 1 Curium-242 U 0.0195 +/-0.0383 0.00 +/-0.0384 0.053 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.0799 +/-0.0639 0.00 +/-0.0648 0.0361 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U - -0.0396 +/-0.254 0.229 +/-0.254 0.638 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565210 3 1 Plutonium-239/240 U -( ).203 +/-0.182 0.244 +/-0.184 0.666 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 4.34 +/-11.1 9.14 +/-11.1 19.2 pCi/g TCI 09/17/06 0319 567883 4 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0 0411 +/-0.0167 0.0133 +/-0.0167 0.0316 pCi/g KSDI 09/08/06 1803 565250 6 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 3.13 +/-5.10 4.12 +/-5.10 8.71 pCi/g DFAI 09/05/06 1330 564514 7 Liquid Scint C14, Solid All FSS Carbon-14 U 0. +/-0.0918 0.075 +/-0.0918 0.153 pCi/g AXD2 09/06/06 0807 564520 8 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 19.3 +/-37.9 24.9 +/-37.9 51.8 pCi/g MXPI 09/07/06 2326 565287 9 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 4.62 +/-7.14 5.88 +/-7.14 12.1 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 0209 565289 10 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.00 +/-0.282 0.236 +/-0.282 0.487 pCi/g KXRI 09/06/06 1338 564623 11 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified Page 89 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0014-033F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683007 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 7 EPA 906 0 Modifiedl 8 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-I, Modified II DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 87 (15%-1125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 41 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 89 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 99 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 76 (15%-/125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 84 (25%/.-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 78 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 90 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683008 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 27-JUN-06 Receive Date: 21 -JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Riesult Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 (1.193 +/-0.166 0.00 +/-0.168 0.101 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 0844 565213 1 1 Curium-242 U 0.0784 +/-0.147 0.0655 +/-0.147 0.271 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0942 +/-0.129 0.0474 +/-0.130 0.196 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0. 0325 +/-0.0637 0.00 +/-0.0638 0.0881 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565214 3 1 Plutonium-239/240 U 0. 0013 +/-0.0705 0.0582 +/-0.0705 0.204 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 7.19 +/-12.0 9.91 +/-12.1 20.4 pCi/g MXA 09/13/06 0019 5652163 1 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -c .686 +/-5.32 4.50 +/-5.32 9.48 pCi/g DFA I 09/05/06 1950 564447 4 Liquid Scint C14, Solid AllFSS Carbon-14 U 0.'0572 +/-0.114 0.0942 +/-0.114 0.193 pCi/g AXD2 09/09/06 0331 564449 5 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 7.27 +/-37.9 25.6 +/-37.9 53.2 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 0137 565291 6 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U - *2.39 +/-7.60 6.43 +/-7.60 13.2 pCi/g MXPI 09/09/06 0025 565293 7 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0'.132 +/-0.270 0.223 +/-0.270 0.460 pCi/g KXRI 09/06/06 1710 564445 8 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1i -RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EPA 906.0 Modified 5 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 6 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 7 DOE RESL Ni-i, Modified Page 91 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-018F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683008 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 8 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 78 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 86 (15%- 125%%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 79 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 79 (15/%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 47 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 82 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 92 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-002F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683009 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 28-JUN-06 Receive Date: 2 1-JUL-06 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier R esult Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 0.292 +/-0.213 0.0479 +/-0.217 0.198 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 0844 565213 1 M Curium-242 U. 0.0522 +/-0.102 0.00 +/-0.103 0.141 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0289 +/-0.0766 0.0341 +/-0.0767 0.171 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0. 0352 +/-0.0798 0.0658 +/-0.0798 0.231 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565214 2 I Plutonium-239/240 U 0.019 +/-0.0758 0.0465 +/-0.0758 0.192 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 24.6 +/-16.2 13.0 +/-16.5 26.7 pCi/g MXA 09/13/06 0106 565216 3 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U -1.6 +/-7.22 6.13 +/-7.22 12.9 pCi/g DFA I 09/05/06 2022 564447 4 Liquid Scint C14, Solid AIlFSS Carbon-14 0.207 +/-0.113 0.0898 +/-0.113 0.185 pCi/g AXD2 09/09/06 0418 564449 5 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U 10.8 +/-47.1 31.3 +/-47.1 65.2 pCi/g MXPI 09/11/06 1206 565291 6 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U - -3.07 +/-6.78 5.76 +/-6.78 11.8 pCi/g MXP I 09/09/06 0127 565293 7 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U (0.390 +/-0.283 0.227 +/-0.283 0.468 pCi/g KXR1 09/06/06 1726 564445 8 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I -RC Modified 4 EPA 906.0 Modified 5 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 6 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 7 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Page 93 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel com Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0015-002F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683009 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd 8 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 78 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 79 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 75 (25%- 125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 74 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 55 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 80 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B     Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on an "as received" basis. Page 94 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0001-132F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 170683010 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: SE Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 07-AUG-06 Receive Date: 17-AUG-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.8% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS 4 Americium-2 1 0.160 +/-0.147 0.0296 +/-0.148 0.148 pCi/g MXA 09/12/06 0844 565213 1 M Curium-242 U 0.00 +/-0.0754 0.00 +/-0.0754 0.104 pCi/g Curium-243/244 0.132 +/-0.130 0.00 +/-0.131 0.0896 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0279 +/-0.0954 0.0976 +/-0.0955 0.306 pCi/g MXA 09/11/06 0919 565214 2 I Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0591 +/-0.0934 0.0903 +/-0.0934 0.292 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 14.0 +/-14.7 12.0 +/-14.8 24.6 pCi/g MXA 09/13/06 0153 565216 3 I Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,S90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00619 +/-0.0168 0.0131 +/-0.0168 0.0311 pCi/g KSDI 09/08/06 1932 565253 4 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid-HTD2,ALL FSS Tritium U 4.94 +/-7.02 5.55 +/-7.02 12.0 pCi/g ATH2 09/07/06 0102 565650 5 Liquid Scint C14, Solid AlI,FSS Carbon-14 0.324 +/-0.115 0.0889 +/-0.115 0.183 pCi/g AXD2 09/08/06 0456 565649 6 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -1.92 +/-38.0 25.9 +/-38.0 53.9 pCi/g MXPI 09/08/06 0210 565291 7 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U 0.735 +/-5.83 4.88 +/-5.83 10.0 pCi/g MXPI 09/09/06 0229 565293 8 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U 0.0126 +/-0.193 0.161 +/-0.193 0.330 pCi/g KXRI 09/12/06 1349 565648 9 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 09/05/06 1736 565454 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description Page 95 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0001-132F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683010 Client ID: YANKOO0 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 4 EPA 905.0 Modified 5 EPA 906.0 Modified 6 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 7 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 8 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 9 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am24 1, Cm, Solid ALL 87 (15%-/125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 66 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FS 66 (25%-0125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS 100 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FS 76 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FS 72 (25%-/125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 72 (15%/-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  • Result is less than value reported
  >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound Page 96 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: September 18, 2006


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9106-0001-132F Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 170683010 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. Page 97 of 108


GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Chareston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Revort Date: September 18, 2006 Client : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 10 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 170683 Parmname NOM Sample Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Ranie Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 565210 QC1201175592 170683001 DUP Plutonium-238 u -0.148 U 0.137 pCi/g 5180 (0%- 100%)vAXA1 09/11/0609:19 Uncert: +/-0.269 +/-0.303 TPU: +/-0.270 +/-0.304 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00321 U -0.215 pCi/g 206 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.174 +/-0.181 TPU: +/-0.174 +/-0.183 QC1201175594 LCS Plutonium-238 U -0.0564 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.446 TPU: +/-0.446 Plutonium-239/240 12.3 9.42 pCi/g 77 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/- 1.98 TPU: +/-2.49 QC1201175591 MB Plutonium-238 U 0.117 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.220 TPU: +/-0.221 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0802 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.226 TPU: +/-0.226 QC1201175593 170683001 MS Plutonium-238 U -0.148 U 0.110 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.269 +/-0.175 TPU: +/-0.270 +/-0.176 Plutonium-239/240 12.5 U 0.00321 11.8 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.174 +/-1.70 TPU: +/-0.174 +/-2.29 Batch 565213 QC1201175603 170683004 DUP Americium-241 0.187 0.163 pCi/g 14 (0% - 100%) AXAI 09/12/06 08:44 Uncert: +/-0.170 +/-0.149 TPU: +/-0.172 +/-0.151 Curium-242 U -0.0387 0.143 pCi/g 348 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0438 +/-0.162 TPU: +/-0.0442 +/-0.163 Curium-243/244 U -0.00608 U -0.0487 pCi/g 156 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.118 +/-0.0768 TPU: +/-0.118 +/-0.0769 QC1201175605 LCS Americium-241 13.5 12.8 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.24 TPU: +/-2.12 Page 99 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 2 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 565213 Curium-242 U 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0625 TPU: +/-0.0625 Curium-243/244 16.4 15.1 pCi/g 92 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.35 TPU: +/-2.44 QC1201175602 MB Americium-241 U 0.0812 pCilg 09/12/06 08:44 Uncert: +/-0.107 TPU: +/-0.108 Curium-242 U 0.0664 pCi/g Uncen: +/-0.106 TPU: +/-0.107 Curium-243/244 U -0.00886 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0744 TPU: +/-0.0745 QC12O1175604 170683004 MS Americium-241 13.7 0.187 14.1 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) 09/12/06 08:44 Uncert: +/-0.170 +/-1.41 TPU: +/-0.172 +/-2.41 Curium-242 U -0.0387 0.209 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0438 +/-0.205 TPU: +/-0.0442 +/-0.207 Curium-243/244 16.7 U -0.00608 16.2 pCi/g 97 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.118 +/-1.52 TPU: +/-0.118 +/-2.71 Batch 565214 QC1201175607 170683004 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.012 U -0.0415 pCi/g 110 (0%- 100%) AXAI 09/11/0609:19 Uncert: +/-0.0236 +/-0.0941 TPU: +/-0.0236 +/-0.0941 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0601 U -0.0311 pCi/g 64 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0526 +/-0.0917 TPU: +/-0.0531 +/-0.0917 QC1201175609 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.00142 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0772 TPU: +/-0.0772 Plutonium-239/240 12.5 10.7 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-1.21 TPU: +/- 1.66 QC0201175606 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0382 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.113 TPU: +/-0.113 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0891 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.066 TPU: +/-0.0669 QC1201175608 170683004 MS Page 100 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 3 of 10 Pnrmnomo NANI Samnil Oual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Parmname NOM Rad Alpha Spec Batch 565214 Plutonium-238 u -0.012 U 0.0632 pCi/g (75%-1 25%) Uncert: +/-0.0236 +/-0.143 TPU: +/-0.0236 +/-0.143 Plutonium-239/240 12.6 U -0.0601 10.9 pCi/g 87 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0526 +/-1.20 TPU: +/-0.0531 +/-1.66 Batch 565216 QC1201175615 170683004 DUP Plutonium-241 U 16.2 U 5.89 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) vIXAI 09/13/06 03:26 Uncert: +/-13.4 +/-12.7 TPU: +/-13.5 +/-12.7 QC1201175617 LCS Plutonium-241 341 310 pCi/g 91 (75%-125%) 09/12/06 11:26 Uncert: +/-32.9 TPU: +/-45.2 QC1201175614 MB Plutonium-241 U 5.70 pCi/g 09/13/06 02:39 Uncert: +/-12.7 TPU: +/-12.7 QC1201175616 170683004 MS Plutonium-241 344 U 16.2 341 pCi/g 99 (75%-125%) 09/12/06 11:10

                                                     +/-13.4            +/-5 1.8 Uncert:
                                                     +/-13.5            +/-66.7 TPU:

Batch 567705 QC1201181288 170683003 DUP Americium-241 U 0.012 0.120 pCi/g 164 (0%- 100%) TCI 09/14/06 09:31 Uncert: +/-0.0233 +/-0.0804 TPU: +/-0.0234 +/-0.082 Curium-242 U -0.00814 U 0.00 pCi/g 200 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0351 +/-0.0381 TPU: +/-0.0351 +/-0.0381 Curium-243/244 U -0.00571 U -0.0196 pCi/g 110 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0246 +/-0.031 TPU: +/-0.0246 +/-0.031 QC1201181290 LCS Americium-241 5.23 5.41 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.508 TPU: +/-0.878 Curium-242 U 0.00 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0244 TPU: +/-0.0244 Curium-243/244 6.31 6.40 pCi/g 101 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.553 TPU: +/-1.01 QC1201181287 MB Americium-241 U 0.00039 pCi/g 09/14/06 09:31 Uncert: +/-0.00421 TPU: +/-0.00421 Page 101 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 4 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 567705 Curium-242 U - 0.00902 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0239 TPU: +/-0.0239 Curium-243/244 U -0.00283 pCi/g Uncen: +/-0.0238 TPU: +/-0.0238 QC1201181289 170683003 MS Americium-241 5.27 U 0.012 5.58 pCi/g 106 (75%-125%) 09/14/06 09:31 Uncert: +/-0.0233 +/-0.524 TPU: +/-0.0234 +/-0.908 Curium-242 U -0.00814 U 0.0183 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0351 +/-0.0359 TPU: +/-0.0351 +/-0.036 Curium-243/244 6.41 U -0.00571 7.36 pCi/g 115 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0246 +/-0.603 TPU: +/-0.0246 +/-1.15 Batch 567883 QC1201181752 170683001 DUP Plutonium-241 U 9.87 U -3.06 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) TC1 09/17/06 03:51 Uncert: +/-11.1 +/-10.4 TPU: +/-11.1 +/-10.4 QC1201181754 LCS Plutonium-241 135 120 pCi/g 89 (75%-125%) 09/17/06 04:24 Uncert: +/-16.2 TPU: +/-19.8 QC1201181751 MB Plutonium-241 U 1.78 pCi/g 09/17/06 03:35 Uncert: +/-9.61 TPU: +/-9.61 QC1201181753 170683001 MS Plutonium-241 142 U 9.87 113 pCi/g 80 (75%-125%) 09/17/06 04:08 Uncert: +-'--11.1 +/-15.8

                                                     +/-11.1        +/-19.1 TPU:

Rad Gas Flow Batch 565250 QC1201175680 170683002 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.00415 U 0.000131 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) KSDI 09/08/06 18:03 Uncert: +/-0.016 +/-0.0253 TPU: +/-0.016 +/-0.0253 QC1201175682 LCS Strontium-90 1.56 1.63 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 18:05 Uncert: +/-0.151 TPU: +1-0.155 QC1201175679 MB Strontium-90 U -0.00458 pCi/g 09/08/06 18:03 Uncert: +/-0.018 TPU: +/-0.018 QC1201175681 170683002 MS Strontium-90 3.13 U -0.00415 2.38 pCi/g 76 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 18:03 Page 102 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 5 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual OC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 565250 Uncert: +/-0.016 +/-0.249 TPU: +/-0.016 +/-0.253 Batch 565253 QC1201175687 170683005 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.000759 U -0.000963 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) KSDI 09/08/06 19:32 Uncert: +/-0.0157 +/-0.0166 TPU: +/-0.0157 +/-0.0166 QC1201175689 LCS Strontium-90 1.57 1.20 pCi/g 77 (75%-125%) 09/09/06 12:26 Uncert: +/-0.113 TPU: +/-0.118 QC1201175686 MB Strontium-90 U -0.0216 pCi/g 09/08/06 19:32 Uncert: +/-0.00992 TPU: +/-0.00992 QC1201175688 170683005 MS Strontium-90 3.14 U -0.000759 2.77 pCi/g 88 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 19:31 Uncert: +/-0.0157 +/-0.189 TPU: +/-0.0157 +/-0.205 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 564445 QC1201173841 170544018 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.128 U 0.0496 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) KXRI 09/06/06 17:59 Uncert: +/-0.272 +/-0.251 TPU: +/-0.272 +/-0.251 QC1201173843 LCS Technetium-99 12.7 13.0 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 18:32 Uncert: +/-0.501 TPU: +/-0.582 QC1201173840 MB Technetium-99 U 0.0991 pCi/g 09/06/06 17:43 Uncert: +/-0.243 TPU: +/-0.243 QC1201173842 170544018 MS Technetium-99 13.1 U 0.128 13.3 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 18:15 Uncert: +/-0.272 +/-0.540 TPU: +/-0.272 +/-0.620 Batch 564447 QC1201173845 170544018 DUP Tritium U 1.53 U 0.760 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) DFAI 09/05/06 21:25 Uncert: +/-6.54 +/-5.24 TPU: +/-6.54 +/-5.24 QCI201173847 LCS Tritium 46.9 44.3 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%) 09/07/06 11:21 Uncert: +/-8.94 TPU: +/-8.98 QC1201173844 MB Tritium U -0.43 pCi/g 09/05/06 20:54 Page 103 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 6 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Ran2e AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 564447 Uncert: +/-4.67 TPU: +/-4.67 QC1201173846 170544018 MS Tritium 54.5 U 1.53 57.4 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) 09/07/06 11:05 Uncert: +/-6.54 +/-10.7 TPU: +/-6.54 +/-10.7 Batch 564449 QC1201173849 170544019 DUP Carbon- 14 U -0.0997 U -0.0804 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) NXD2 09/09/06 05:04 Uncert: +/-0.0966 +/-0.108 TPU: +/-0.0966 +/-0.108 QC1201173851 LCS Carbon- 14 6.66 6.26 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 13:38 Uncert: +/-0.258 TPU: +/-0.276 QC1201173848 MB Carbon-14 U -0.0326 pCi/g 09/06/06 12:02 Uncert: +/-0.102 TPU: +/-0.102 QC1201173850 170544019 MS Carbon- 14 6.86 U -0.0997 6.85 pCi/g 100 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 13:07 Uncert: +/-0.0966 +/-0.273 TPU: +/-0.0966 +/-0.293 Batch 564514 QC1201174039 170683006 DUP Tritium U 3.44 U 1.46 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) DFAI 09/05/06 14:33 Uncert: +/-6.25 +/-5.79 TPU: +/-6.25 +/-5.79 QC1201174041 LCS Tritium 48.4 53.7 pCilg 111 (75%-125%) 09/05/06 15:36 Uncert: +/-7.25 TPU: +/-7.31 QC1201174038 MB Tritium U 0.308 PCilg 09/05/06 14:01 Uncert: +/-4.66 TPU: +/-4.66 QC1201174040 170683006 MS Tritium 49.1 U 3.44 61.1 pCi/g 124 (75%-125%) 09/05/06 15:05 Uncert: +/-6.25 +/-7.58 TPU: +/-6.25 +/-7.65 Batch 564520 QC1201174057 170683007 DUP Carbon- 14 U 0.0995 U 0.0741 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) kXD2 09/06/06 10:24 Uncert: +/-0.0918 +/-0.118 TPU: +/-0,0918 +/-0.118 QC0201174059 LCS Carbon- 14 6.58 6.51 pCi/g 99 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 11:28 Uncert: +/-0.263 TPU: +/-0.282 Page 104 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 7 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 564520 QC1201174056 MB Carbon- 14 U -0.0231 pCi/g 09/06/06 09:53 Uncert: +/-0.105 TPU: +/-0.105 QC1201174058 170683007 MS Carbon- 14 7.19 U 0.0995 6.42 pCi/g 89 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 10:56 Uncert: +/-0.0918 +/-0.276 TPU: +/-0.0918 +/-0.293 Batch 564623 QCI201174254 170683001 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.341 U 0.187 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) KXRI 09/08/06 19:42 Uncert: +/-0.291 +/-0.211 TPU: +/-0.291 +/-0.211 QCI201174256 LCS Technetiurn-99 13.0 12.2 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 14:43 Uncert: +/-0.490 TPU: +/-0.566 QC1201174253 MB Technetium-99 U 0.151 pCi/g 09/06/06 13:54 Uncert: +/-0.247 TPU: +/-0.247 QC1201174255 170683001 MS Technetium-99 13.0 U 0.341 12.9 pCi/g 99 (75%-125%) 09/06/06 14:27 Uncert: +/-0.291 +/-0.547 TPU: +/-0.291 +/-0.623 Batch 565287 QCI201175809 170683006 DUP Iron-55 U -12.6 U 38.3 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) vIXPI 09/07/06 23:59 Uncert: +/-44.5 +/-41.2 TPU: +/-44.5 +/-41.2 QC1201175811 LCS Iron-55 628 613 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 00:31 Uncert: +/-56.2 TPU: +/-67.5 QC1201175808 MB lron-55 U 10.2 PCi/g 09/07/06 23:42 Uncert: +/-35.9 TPU: +/-35.9 QC1201175810 170683006 MS Iron-55 746 U -12.6 675 pci/g 91 (75%-125%) 09/10/06 15:07 Uncert: +/-44.5 +/-60.5 TPU: +/-44.5 +/-73.4 Batch 565289 QC1201175815 170683006 DUP Nickel-63 U 4.82 U 6.11 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) vIXPI 09/08/06 03:13 Uncert: +/-7.80 +/-9.03 TPU: +/-7.80 +/-9.03 QCI201175817 LCS Nickel-63 512 443 pCi/g 87 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 04:16 Page 105 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 8 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 565289 Uncert: +/-15.2 TPU: +/-20.8 QC1201175814 MB Nickel-63 U 5.67 pCi/g 09/08/06 02:41 Uncert: +/-7.44 TPU: +/-7.44 QC1201175816 170683006 MS Nickel-63 572 U 4.82 475 pCi/g 83 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 03:44 Uncert: +/-7.80 +/-15.4 TPU: +/-7.80 +/-22.2 Batch 565291 QC1201175819 170683004 DUP Iron-55 U 33.7 U -4.73 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) vIXPI 09/08/06 02:42 Uncert: +/-51.9 +/-40.3 TPU: +/-52.0 +/-40.3 QC1201175821 LCS Iron-55 628 652 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 03:15 Uncert: +/-52.2 TPU: +/-64.9 QC1201175818 MB Iron-55 U -26.7 pCi/g 09/08/06 02:26 Uncert: +/-35.6 TPU: +/-35.6 QCI201175820 170683004 MS Iron-55 711 U 33.7 744 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 02:59 Uncert: +/-51.9 +/-60.1 TPU: +/-52.0 +/-75.2 Batch 565293 QC1201175823 170683004 DUP Nickel-63 U 0.395 U 0.122 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) vIXP1 09/09/06 04:34 Uncert: +/-9.40 +/-7.25 TPU: +/-9.40 +/-7.25 QC1201175825 LCS Nickel-63 512 467 pCi/g 91 (75%-125%) 09/09/06 06:38 Uncert: +/-15.4 TPU: +/-21.5 QC1201175822 MB Nickel-63 U -2.47 pCi/g 09/09/06 03:32 Uncert: +/-5.58 TPU: +/-5.58 QC1201175824 170683004 MS Nickel-63 531 U 0.395 535 pCi/g 101 (75%-125%) 09/09/06 05:36 Uncert: +/-9.40 +/-21.6 TPU: +/-9.40 +/-27.8 Batch 565648 QC1201176787 170683010 DUP Technetium-99 U 0.0126 U 0.0841 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) K.XRI 09/12/06 14:53 Uncert: +/-0.193 +/-0.206 TPU: +/-0.193 +/-0.206 Page 106 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 9 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 565648 QC1201176789 LCS Technetium-99 13.1 13.2 pCi/g 101 (75%-125%) 09/12/06 15:56 Uncert: +/-0.349 TPU: +/-0.480 QC1201176786 MB Technetium-99 U 0.00238 pci/g 09/12/06 14:21 Uncert: +/-0.154 TPU: +/-0.154 QC1201176788 170683010 MS Technetium-99 13.0 U 0.0126 12.1 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) 09/12/06 15:24 Uncert: +/-0.193 +/-0.383 TPU +/-0.193 +/-0.489 Batch 565649 QC1201176791 170683010 DUP Carbon- 14 0.324 0.204 pCi/g 46 (0% - 100%) NXD2 09/08/06 07:38 Uncert: +/-0.115 +/-0.112 TPU +/-0.115 +/-0.112 QCl201176793 LCS Carbon- 14 7.27 8.39 pCi/g 115 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 09:12 Uncert: +/-0.256 TPU +/-0.288 QC1201176790 MB Carbon-14 U 0.0136 pCi/g 09/08/06 06:51 Uncert: +/-0.109 TPU +/-0.109 QC1201176792 170683010 MS Carbon- 14 7.22 0.324 7.14 pCi/g 94 (75%-125%) 09/08/06 08:25 Uncert: +/-0.115 +/-0.239 TPU +/-0.115 +/-0.264 Batch 565650 QC1201176795 170683010 DUP Tritium U 4.94 U 7.42 PCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) ATH2 09/07/06 01:36 Uncert: +/-7.02 +/-7.37 TPU +/-7.02 +/-7.37 QC1201176797 LCS Tritium 64.5 64.9 pCi/g 101 (75%-125%) 09/07/06 02:09 Uncert: +/-10.8 TPU +/-10.8 QC1201176794 MB Tritium U 4.55 pCi/g 09/07/06 0 1:19 Uncert: +/-6.87 TPU +/-6.87 QC1201176796 170683010 MS Tritium 64.7 U 4.94 67.5 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) 09/07/06 01:52 Uncert: +/-7.02 +/-10.9 TPU +/-7.02 +/-10.9 Page 107 of 108

GENERAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 170683 Page 10 of 10 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
   <      Result is less than value reported
   >      Result is greater than value reported A      The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B      Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD     Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C      Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D      Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H      Analytical holding time was exceeded J      Value is estimated N/A    Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more R      Sample results are rejected U      Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

A The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. Page 108 of 108

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2b Split Sample Assessment Forms (3 Pages)

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health 24265-000-GPR-GGGR-R5124-000 Attachment A Physics Procedure Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area Survey 15 Survey Discharge Canal

#:9106                     Unit #:              Unit Name:

Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2006-021 SML #: 9106-0015-005FS Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #05 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by an off-site vendor laboratory. The standard sample was 9106-0015-005F the comparison sample was 9106-0015-005FS. STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable (Y/N) Value Error Range Value Error Ratio Cs-137 5.89E-02 1.68E-02 4 0.5 2.00 2.22E-01 2.19E-02 3.77 N Co-60 9.29E-04 1.40E-02 0 NONE 6.32E-02 1.83E-02 68.03 N/A Sr-90 1.33E-02 9.OOE-03 I NONE 1.49E-02 9.95E-03 1.12 N/A K-40 1.42E+01 5.20E-01 27 0.75 1.33 1.49E+01 6.OOE-01 1.05 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: In consideration of the Co-60 & Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used Sr-90 results, guidance for agreement ranges, obtained from to assess split samples. USNRC Inspection Procedure 84750, does not address resolution ratios less than 4, therefore, a determination of Resolution Agreement Range acceptability for such rations cannot be made. Since Cs-137 has 4 7 0.50 2.00 a likelyhood to be tightly bound to organic mater in the sample 8 15 0.60 1.66 matrix, one would not neccassarily expect it to be 16 50 0.75 1.33 homogenuously mixed if processing of the sample-split aliqot is 51 200 0.80 1.25 not effective in dispersing organic material uniformly through > 200 0.85 1.18 the sample aliqot. Since K-40 was found to be present at an acceptable level of agreement, no further action is warranted. Performed By: Date: Reviewed By- , Date: ____ ___ ___ ___6:, v WPIR - Work Plan and Insl~ion Record SML - Sample Measurement Location designation Page I of I

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health 24265-000-GPR-GGGR-R5124-000 Attachment A Physics Procedure Split Sample Assessment Form Survey 9106 Survey - 15 Survey Unit Discharge Canal Area#: Unit #: Name: Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2006-002 1 SML #: 9106-0015-012FS Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #12 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by an off-site vendor laboratory. The standard sample was 9106-0015-012F. the comparison sample was 9106-0015-0122FS. STANDARD COMPARI SON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable (Y/N) Value Error Range Value Error Ratio Cs-137 3.47E-01 2.32E-02 15 0.6 1.66 3.28E-01 3.17E-02 0.95 Y Co-60 6.55E-01 3.79E-02 17 0.75 1.33 6.26E-01 4.1IE-02 0.96 Y Sr-90 3.27E-03 8.OOE-03 0 NONE 8.15E-03 7.35E-03 2.49 N/A K-40 1.18E+01 4.41E-01 27 0.75 1.33 1.24E+01 6.30E-01 1.05 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: In consideration of the Sr-90 Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used results, guidance for agreement ranges, obtained from USNRC to assess split samples. Inspection Procedure 84750, does not address resolution ratios less than 4, therefore, a determination of acceptability for such Resolution Agreement Range rations cannot be made. Since Cs-137, Co-60 and K-40 was 4 7 0.50 2.00 found to be present at an acceptable level of agreement, no 8 15 0.60 1.66 further action is warranted. 16 50 0.75 1.33 51 200 0.80 1.25

                                                                              > 200           0.85           1.18 Performed By:                                   Date:                 Reviewed By-                      Date:

WPIR - Work PIaWand Inspection Record SML - Sample Measurement Location designation Page I of I

Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project Health 24265-000-GPR-GGGR-R5124-000 Attachment A Physics Procedure Split Sample Assessment Form Survey 9106 Survey 15 Survey Unit Discharge Canal Area#: Unit #: Name: Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2006-0021 SML #: 9106-0015-018FS Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #18 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by an off-site vendor laboratory. The standard sample was 9106-0015-018F, the comparison sample was 9106-0015-018FS. STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (YN) Cs-137 3.54E-01 2.76E-02 13 0.60 1.66 3.98E-01 4.93E-02 1.12 Y Co-60 1.16E+00 5.OOE-02 23 0.75 1.33 1.09E+00 6.OOE-02 0.94 Y Sr-90 -1.15E-02 6.80E-03 -2 NONE 1.46E-02 9.10E-03 -1.27 N/A K-40 1.27E+01 5.45E-01 23 0.75 1.33 1.32E+01 7.70E-01 1.04 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: In consideration of the Sr-90 Table is provided to show acceptance criteria results, guidance for agreement ranges, obtained from USNRC used to assess split samples. Inspection Procedure 84750, does not address resolution ratios less than 4, therefore, a determination of acceptability for such Resolution Agreement Range rations cannot be made. Since Cs-137, Co-60 and K-40 was 4 7 0.50 2.00 found to be present at an acceptable level of agreement, no 8 15 0.60 1.66 further action is warranted. 16 50 0.75 1.33 51 200 0.80 1.25

                                                                              > 200           0.85        1.18 Perform d By:                                   Date:                 Reviewed By:                    Date:

PerformeI//-/46 WPIR - Work PI and Inspection Record SML - Sample Measurement Location designation Page I of I

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2c Preliminary Data Forms (2 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5121-001 Attachment B, Rev. CY-001 MAJOR Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5 121-001 Attachment B, Rev. CY-00 I MAJOR Preliminary Data Review Form - Samples for the Sign Test Survey Unit: 9106- 15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal Classification: 2 Survey Media: Water Type of Survey: Final Status Survey Type of Measurement: Radionuclide Specific Number of Measurements: 28 Operational DCGL: 1 BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTITIES Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 Minimum Value: -8.56E-03 -3.79E-03 -1.88E-02 Maximum Value: 5.22E-01 1.16E+00 2.52E-02 Mean: 2.26E-01 2.96E-01 5.3 7E-03 Median: 2.63E-01 1.41E-01 4.75E-03 Standard Deviation: 1.69E-0 1 3.57E-01 1.25E-02 RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATION (pCi/g) NUMBER Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 9106-0015-001F 2.56E-02 1.20E-02 2.48E-02 9106-0015-002F 5.22E-01 1.11E+00 -1.88E-02 9106-0015-003F 4.67E-02 1.42E-01 -3.33E-03 9106-0015-004F -8.56E-03 9.74E-03 1.98E-02 9106-0015-005F 5.89E-02 9.29E-04 1.33E-02 9106-0015-006F 3.22E-01 3.50E-01 8.64E-03 9106-0015-007F 2.85E-01 3.55E-01 2.98E-03 9106-0015-008F 2.15E-01 3.49E-01 1.05E-02 9106-0015-009F 1.19E-02 3.23E-02 1.55E-02 9106-0015-OIOF 2.53E-01 O.OOE+00 3.71 E-03 9106-0015-01 IF 4.93E-01 3.96E-01 1.88E-02 9106-0015-012F 3.47E-01 6.55E-01 3.27E-03 9106-0015-013F 4.43E-01 7.05E-01 5.OOE-03 9106-0015-014F 4.43E-02 4.32E-02 2.22E-02 9106-0015-015F 2.08E-01 7.07E-02 2.11E-02 9106-0015-016F 3.02E-01 1.01 E-01 -2.59E-03 9106-0015-017F 4.74E-01 2.90E-01 4.49E-03 9106-0015-018F 3.54E-01 1.16E+00 -1.15E-02 9106-0015-019F 9.01E-02 2.38E-01 9.59E-03 9106-0015-020F 9.79E-02 2.03E-01 -8.28E-03 9106-0015-021F 3.98E-01 O.OOE+00 -1.17E-02 9106-0015-022F 3.46E-01 6.97E-01 2.53E-03 9106-0015-023F 3.28E-01 1.06E+00 -1.20E-02 9106-0015-024F 6.71E-02 1.15E-01 2.52E-02 Page 1 of 2

9106-0015-025F 1.17E-02 -3.63E-03 1.28E-02 9106-0015-026F 3.23E-01 5.75E-02 6.51 E-03 9106-0015-027F 2.73E-01 1.39E-01 3.14E-03 9106-0015-028F 4.90E-03 -3.79E-03 -1.53E-02 Performed By: Date: /(-/ -$/ 06 Independent Review: Date: //--?[-06 Page 2 of 2

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2d Graphical Representation of Data (6 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-OO1 Attachment C Quantile Plot For Cesium - 137 Survey Unit: 9106-15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal Mean: 2.26E-01 pCi/g 6.OOE-01 5.OOE-01 - - _ O 4.OOE-01 0 3.OOE-01--, 2.OOE-01-- a)


O.OOE+00 - -*--

        -1.00E-01                            '        4I)P   n g      I0         8 Percentage Cs-137       Rank              Percentage             Cs-137    Rank             Percentage
    -8.56E-03         1                         2 %         2.73E-01     15             52 %

4.90E-03 2 5 % 2.85E-01 16 55 % 1.17E-02 3 9  % 3.02E-01 17 59  % 1.19E-02 4 13  % 3.22E-01 18 63  % 2.56E-02 5 16  % 3.23E-01 19 66  % 4.43E-02 6 20  % 3.28E-01 20 70  % 4.67E-02 7 23 % 3.46E-01 21 73 % 5.89E-02 8 27 % 3.47E-01 22 77 % 6.71 E-02 9 30 % 3.54E-01 23 80 % 9.01E-02 10 34 % 3.98E-01 24 84 % 9.79E-02 11 38 % 4.43E-01 25 88 % 2.08E-01 12 41 % 4.74E-01 26 91 % 2.15E-01 13 45 % 4.93E-01 27 95 % 2.53E-01 14 48 % 5.22E-01 28 98 % Prepared By: 71 I-

                                            /                             Date:    /1-1/"c (,

Reviewed By: Date: /5 5

Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5 123 -Rev.CY-OO 1 Attachment C Quantile Plot For Cobalt - 60 Surve*y Unit: Survey Unit Name: Mean: 2.96E-01 pCi/g 1.40E+00 - 1.20E+00 1.OOE+00 0. 8.OOE-01 0

       = 6.00E-01                              ,,

4.OOE-01 0 2.OOE-01

  • 0.00E+00 , " " "" " ' ,*
         -2.OOE-01 Percentage Co-60        Rank            Percentage             Co-60    Rank             Percentage
           -3.79E-03       1                       2 %         1.42E-01    15              52 %
           -3.63E-03       2                       5 %         2.03E-01    16              55 %

0.OOE+00 3 9 % 2.38E-01 17 59  % 0.OOE+00 4 13 % 2.90E-01 18 63  % 9.29E-04 5 16 % 3.49E-01 19 66  % 9.74E-03 6 20  % 3.50E-01 20 70  % 1.20E-02 7 23 % 3.55E-01 21 73 % 3.23E-02 8 27 % 3.96E-01 22 77 % 4.32E-02 9 30 % 6.55E-01 23 80 % 5.75E-02 10 34 % 6.97E-01 24 84 % 7.07E-02 11 38 % 7.05E-01 25 88 % 1.01E-01 12 41 % 1.06E+00 26 91 % 1.15E-01 13 45% 1.11E+00 27 95 % 1.39E-01 14 48 % 1.16E+00 28 98 % Prepared By: Date: //-/..- -0*2 Reviewed By: Date:

Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-OO1 Attachment C Quantile Plot For Strontium - 90 Survey Unit: Survey Unit Name: Mean: 5.37E-03 pCi/g 3.OOE-02 2.50E-02 - 4 2.OOE-02 , , _ -, 1.50E-02 - - - - - -. - 1.OOE-02 - - -*-

    . 5.OOE-03                  --...                        _

0.00E+00 - ,

        -5.OOE-03 I                         '2--

V4,0. * -' " 0 C -1.OOE-02 * * * , 0 O-1.50E-02 *

        -2.OOE-02              -    '     _                       '
        -2.50E-02      -                                             I     I                            lit Percentage Sr-90        Rank                     Percentage              Sr-90      Rank                Percentage
         -1.88E-02         1                              2 %          5.00E-03       15                    52 %
         -1.53E-02         2                              5 %          6.51 E-03      16                    55 %
         -1.20E-02         3                              9 %          8.64E-03       17                    59 %
         -1.17E-02         4                            13 %           9.59E-03       18                    63 %
         -1.15E-02         5                            16 %           1.05E-02       19                   66 %
         -8.28E-03         6                            20  %          1.28E-02       20                    70 %
         -3.33E-03         7                            23  %          1.33E-02       21                    73 %
         -2.59E-03         8                            27  %          1.55E-02       22                    77 %

2.53E-03 9 30  % 1.88E-02 23 80 % 2.98E-03 10 34  % 1.98E-02 24 84 % 3.14E-03 11 38 % 2.11E-02 25 88 % 3.27E-03 12 41 % 2.22E-02 26 91 % 3.71E-03 13 45 % 2.48E-02 27 95 % 4.49E-03 14 48 % 2.52E-02 28 98 % Prepared By: 6%~1 2A~X/ 9 Date: //-. - QI Reviewed By: Date: /(,/3-OL 6


Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Frequency Plot For Cesium - 137 Survey Unit: 9106-15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal Mean: 0.226 pCi/g 12~ 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Upper End Value (pCilg) Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency 0.1 11 39% 0.2 0 0% 0.3 5 18% 0.4 8 29% 0.5 3 11% 0.6 1 4% Total 28 100% Prepared By: 69~f 4/ Date: Date: Reviewed By: /2 J 6,

Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Frequency Plot For Cobalt - 60 Survey Unit: 9106-15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal Mean: 0.296 pCi/g 20

         ~10 3m..

u.5 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 Upper End Value (pCi/g) Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency 0.20 15 47% 0.40 7 22% 0.60 0 0% 0.80 3 9% 1.00 0 0% 1.20 3 9% Total 28 88% Prepared By: ,/fz5J7IzIz~ Date: //-/ Y- 0 Reviewed By: Date: L//3//'

Health Physics Procedure GGGR-R5123-Rev.CY-001 Attachment C Frequency Plot For Strontium - 90 Survey Unit: 9106-15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal Mean: 0.005 pCi/g 10 ~~1~ 8-6- 4-U_ 2-0 1ý1 1 -,+ FW0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Upper End Value (pCi/g) Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency 0.000 8 25% 0.005 6 19% 0.010 4 13% 0.015 3 9% 0.020 3 9% 0.025 3 9% 0.030 1 3% Total 28 88% Prepared By: Date: Reviewed By: Date: 113106

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2e Sign Test Calculation (2 Pages)

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R512 1-000 Attachment A, Rev. CY-00 I MAJOR Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5121-000 Attachment A, Rev. CY-001 MAJOR Sign Test Calculation Sheet For Multiple Radionuclisdes Survey Unit Number: 9106-15 Survey Unit Name: Discharge Canal WP&IR#: 2006-021 Classification : I TYPE I (a error):0.05 TYPE I (13 error):0.05 Radionuclides: Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 HTDs Survey Design DCGL (pCilg): 6.01 2.9 1.18 I Results Cs-137 Results Co-60 Results Sr-90 Results other HTDs DCGL-Result Sign 2.56E-02 1.20E-02 2.48E-02 3.1OE-02 9.40E-0 1 1 5.22E-01 1.11E+00 -1.88E-02 1.41 E-0 1 4.05E-01 1 4.67E-02 1.42E-01 -3.33E-03 3.1OE-02 9.15E-01

     -8.56E-03                9.74E-03             1.98E-02              1.90E-03         9.80E-01 5.89E-02                9.29E-04             1.33E-02              3.1OE-02         9.48E-01 3.22E-01                3.50E-01             8.64E-03              3.1OE-02         7.87E-01 2.85E-01                3.55E-01             2.98E-03              3.1OE-02         7.97E-0 1 2.15E-01                3.49E-01             1.05E-02              3.1OE-02         8.04E-0 1 1.19E-02                3.23E-02             1.55E-02              3.1OE-02         9.43E-01 2.53E-01               O.OOE+00              3.71 E-03             3.1OE-02         9.24E-0 1            1 4.93E-01                3.96E-01             1.88E-02              3.1OE-02         7.35E-01 3.47E-01                6.55E-01             3.27E-03              3.10E-02         6.83E-01            1 4.43E-01                7.05E-01             5.OOE-03              3.1OE-02         6.48E-01 4.43E-02                4.32E-02             2.22E-02              3.10E-02         9.28E-01             1 2.08E-01                7.07E-02             2.11 E-02            -2.88E-02         9.52E-0 1            1 3.02E-01                1.01E-01            -2.59E-03              3.10E-02         8.86E-01             1 4.74E-01                2.90E-01             4.49E-03              3.1OE-02         7.86E-01             1 3.54E-01               1.16E+00             -1.15E-02              2.32E-02         5.28E-01             1 9.01 E-02               2.38E-01             9.59E-03              3.1OE-02         8.64E-0 1            1 9.79E-02                2.03E-01            -8.28E-03              3.1OE-02         8.90E-0 1 3.98E-01               O.OOE+00             -1.17E-02              1.79E-02         9.26E-0 1 3.46E-01               6.97E-01              2.53E-03              3.1OE-02         6.69E-0 1 3.28E-01               1.06E+00             -1.20E-02              3.1OE-02         5.59E-01 6.71 E-02               1.15E-01             2.52E-02              3.10E-02         8.97E-0 1 1.17E-02               -3.63E-03             1.28E-02              3.1OE-02         9.58E-01 3.23E-01                5.75E-02             6.51 E-03             3.1OE-02         8.90E-01 2.73E-01                1.39E-01             3.14E-03              3.1 OE-02        8.73E-01 4.90E-03               -3.79E-03            -1.53E-02              3.1OE-02         9.82E-01 Number of Positive Differences (S+):           28 Page 1 of 2

Critical Value: 18 Survey Unit: Meets Acceptance Criterion Performed By: Date: Independent Review: Date: Page 2 of 2

DISCHARGE CANAL SURVEY UNIT 9106-0015 RELEASE RECORD Attachment 2f COMPASS DQA Surface Soil Report with Retrospective Power Curve (5 Pages)

DQA Surface Soil Report Assessment Summary Site: 9106-0015 (19mrem/yr) w/HTDs Planner(s): Dale Randall Survey Unit Name: 9106-0015 Report Number: 1 Survey Unit Samples: 28 Reference Area Samples: 0 Test Performed: Sign Test Result: Not Performed Judgmental Samples: 0 EMC Result: Not Performed Assessment


Reject Null Hypothesis (Survey Unit PASSES) Retrospective Power Curve a 1 0.9071

  • 0 .8 *1 -' -s "~


                      . 0.
                                       ! -

P_ 0.5 I-- oC. _ I - _ _ _

                  ,0.3 0.20
                    *'  0.1 0.0           0.2          0.4           0.6        0.8          1.0        1.2 Unity Rule Sum-of-Ratios, including background
                     -   -    Prospective Power        U     1-beta              .... Actual Power
                        -LBGR                        -   -  Estimated Power DCGL                   ----   Retrospective Power COMPASS vl.0.0                                                 1112112006                                            Page1I

DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Type = "S"indicates survey unit sample. Type = "R" indicates reference area sample. Sample Number Type Am-241 (pCi/g) C-14 (pCilg) Co-60 (pCi/g) 9106-0015-001F S 0.1 0.1 0.01 9106-0015-002F S 0.29 0.21 1.11 9106-0015-003F S 0.1 0.1 0.14 9106-0015-004F S 0 0.01 0.01 9106-0015-005F S 0.1 0.1 0 9106-0015-006F S 0.1 0.1 0.35 9106-0015-007F S 0.1 0.1 0.36 9106-0015-008F S 0.1 0.1 0.35 9106-0015-009F S 0.1 0.1 0.03 9106-0015-01OF S 0.1 0.1 0 9106-0015-011 F S 0.1 0.1 0.4 9106-0015-012F S 0.1 0.1 0.66 9106-0015-013F S 0.1 0.1 0.7 9106-0015-014F S 0.1 0.1 0.04 9106-0015-015F S 0 -0.12 0.07 9106-0015-016F S 0.1 0.1 0.1 9106-0015-017F S 0.1 0.1 0.29 9106-0015-018F S 0.19 0.06 1.16 9106-0015-019F S 0.1 0.1 0.24 9106-0015-020F S 0.1 0.1 0.2 9106-0015-021F S 0 -0.05 0 9106-0015-022F S 0.1 0.1 0.7 9106-0015-023F S 0.1 0.1 1.06 9106-0015-024F S 0.1 0.1 0.12 9106-0015-025F S 0.1 0.1 0 9106-0015-026F S 0.1 0.1 0.06 9106-0015-027F S 0.1 0.1 0.14 9106-0015-028F S 0.1 0.1 0 Sample Number Type Cs-137 (pCilg) Pu-241 (pCi/g) SrY-90 (pCilg) 9106-0015-001F S 0.03 4.92 0.02 9106-0015-002F S 0.52 24.6 -0.02 9106-0015-003F S 0.05 4.92 0 9106-0015-004F S -0.01 0 0.02 9106-0015-005F S 0.06 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-006F S 0.32 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-007F S 0.28 4.92 0 9106-0015-008F S 0.22 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-009F S 0.01 4.92 0.02 9106-0015-01OF S 0.25 4.92 0 9106-0015-011F S 0.49 4.92 0.02 9106-0015-012F S 0.35 4.92 0 9106-0015-013F S 0.44 4.92 0 9106-0015-014F S 0.04 4.92 0.02 9106-0015-015F S 0.21 0 0.02 9106-0015-016F S 0.3 4.92 0 9106-0015-017F S 0.47 4.92 0 9106-0015-018F S 0.35 0 -0.01 9106-0015-019F S 0.09 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-020F S 0.1 4.92 -0.01 9106-0015-021 F S 0.4 0 -0.01 11121/2006 Page 2 vl.0.0 COMPASS vl.0.0 1112112006 Page 2

DQA Surface Soil Report Survey Unit Data NOTE: Type = "S"indicates survey unit sample. Type = "R" indicates reference area sample. Sample Number Type Cs-137 (pCilg) Pu-241 (pCilg) SrY-90 (pCilg) 9106-0015-022F S 0.35 4.92 0 9106-0015-023F S 0.33 4.92 -0.01 9106-0015-024F S 0.07 4.92 0.03 9106-0015-025F S 0.01 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-026F S 0.32 4.92 0.01 9106-0015-027F S 0.27 4.92 0 9106-0015-028F S 0 4.92 -0.02 Sample Number Type Tc-99 (pCilg) 9106-0015-001F S 0.13 9106-0015-002F S 0.39 9106-0015-003F S 0.13 9106-0015-004F S 0 9106-0015-005F S 0.13 9106-0015-006F S 0.13 9106-0015-007F S 0.13 9106-0015-008F S 0.13 9106-0015-009F S 0.13 9106-0015-01OF S 0.13 9106-0015-011F S 0.13 9106-0015-012F S 0.13 9106-0015-013F S 0.13 9106-0015-014F S 0.13 9106-0015-015F S 0 9106-0015-016F S 0.13 9106-0015-017F S 0.13 9106-0015-018F S 0 9106-0015-019F S 0.13 9106-0015-020F S 0.13 9106-0015-021F S 0.28 9106-0015-022F S 0.13 9106-0015-023F S 0.13 9106-0015-024F S 0.13 9106-0015-025F S 0.13 9106-0015-026F S 0.13 9106-0015-027F S 0.13 9106-0015-028F S 0.13 1112112006 Page 3 COMPASS vl.0.0 11/2112006 Page 3

                                /DQA             Surface Soil Report Modified Data (Unity Rule SOR)

NOTE: Type = "S"indicates survey unit sample. Type = "R" indicates reference area sample. Sample Number Type Sum-of-Ratios (SOR) 9106-0015-001F S 0.08 9106-0015-002F S 0.59 9106-0015-003F S 0.1 9106-0015-004F S 0.02 9106-001 5-005F S 0.07 9106-0015-006F S 0.23 9106-0015-007F S 0.22 9106-0015-008F S 0.21 9106-0015-009F S 0.08 9106-0015-01OF S 0.09 9106-0015-011F S 0.28 9106-0015-012F S 0.34 9106-0015-013F S 0.37 9106-0015-014F S 0.09 9106-0015-015F S 0.05 9106-0015-016F S 0.13 9106-0015-017F S 0.23 9106-0015-018F S 0.47 9106-0015-019F S 0.15 9106-0015-020F S 0.13 9106-0015-021F S 0.07 9106-0015-022F S 0.35 9106-0015-023F S 0.46 9106-0015-024F S 0.12 9106-0015-025F S 0.06 9106-0015-026F S 0.13 9106-0015-027F S 0.15 9106-0015-028F S 0.04 COMPASS v..O.P 11/21/2006 Page 4

W DQA Surface Soil Report Basic Statistical Quantities Summary Statistic Survey Unit Background DQO Results Sample Number 28 N/A N=15 Mean (SOR) 0.19 N/A 0.21 Median (SOR) 0.13 N/A N/A Std Dev (SOR) 0.15 N/A 0.29 High Value (SOR) 0.59 N/A N/A Low Value (SOR) 0.02 N/A N/A 11121/2006 Page 5 COMPASS vl.0.O v1.0.0 1112112006 Page 5}}