BSEP 11-0038, Renewed Facility Operating License and Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report

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Renewed Facility Operating License and Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report
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Site: Brunswick Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2011
From: Mentel P
Progress Energy Carolinas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BSEP 11-0038
Download: ML11109A058 (48)


jProgress Energy APR Q8 2011 SERIAL: BSEP 11-0038 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2 Renewed Facility Operating Lice nse No. DPR-62 Docket No. 50-324 Unit 2 Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP), Unit 2 Cycle 20 operation. Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L), now doing business as Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., is providing the enclosed COLR in accordance with Brunswick Unit 2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.d. The enclosed COLR supersedes the report previously submitted by letter dated April 1, 2009 (i.e.,

ADAMS Accession Number ML090970247).

No regulatory commitments are contained in this letter. Please refer any questions regarding this submittal to Mr. Lee Grzeck, Acting Supervisor - Licensing/Regulatory Programs, at (910) 457-2487.

Sincerely, Phyllis N. Mentel Manager - Support Services Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.

Brunswick Nuclear Plant POBox 10429 Southport, NC28461 x c

Document Control Desk BSEP 11-0038 / Page 2 WRM/wrm


Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report, April 2011 cc (with enclosure):

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II ATTN: Mr. Victor M. McCree, Regional Administrator 245 Peachtree Center Ave, NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Electronic Copy Only)

ATTN: Mrs. Farideh E. Saba (Mail Stop OWFN 8G9A) 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 cc (without enclosure):

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Mr. Philip B. O'Bryan, NRC Senior Resident Inspector 8470 River Road Southport, NC 28461-8869 Chair - North Carolina Utilities Commission P.O. Box 29510 Raleigh, NC 27626-0510

BSEP 11-0038 Enclosure Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report, April 2011

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 1, Revision 0 BRUNSWICK UNIT 2, CYCLE 20 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT April 2011 Yodersmith, Stephe'n Prepared By: 2011.03.28 13:08:05 -'04'00' Stephen Yodersmith BWR Fuel Engineering Westmoreland, Gregory 2011.03.30 08:37:13 -04'00' Verified By:

Gregory Westmoreland BWR Fuel Engineering Thomas, Roger Approved By:

2011.04.01 10:53:00 -04'00' Roger Thomas BWR Fuel Engineering - Supervisor

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 2, Revision 0 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page(s) Revision 1-45 0 This document consists of 45 total pages.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 3, Revision 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Paqe C o ve r .................................................................................................................................................. 1 List of Effective Pages ........................................................................................................................ 2 T a b le o f C o n te n ts ............................................................................................................................... 3 L is t of T a b le s ...................................................................................................................................... 4 L is t of F ig u re s ..................................................................................................................................... 5 N o m e n c latu re ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction and Summary .................................................................................................................. 8 A P L H G R Lim its ................................................................................................................................... 9 MC P R L im its ....................................................................................................................................... 9 L H G R Lim its ..................................................................................................................................... 10 P B D A S e tp o in ts ................................................................................................................................ 11 R B M S etp o in ts .................................................................................................................................. 12 Equipment Out-of-Service ................................................................................................................ 12 Single Loop Operation ....................................................................................................... ... 12 Inoperable Main Turbine Bypass System .................................................................................... 13 Feedwater Tem perature Reduction ............................................................................................... 13 R e fe re n c e s ....................................................................................................................................... 14

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 4, Revision 0 I CAUTION References to COLR Figures or Tables should be made using titles only; Figure and Table numbers may change from cycle to cycle.

LIST OF TABLES Table Title Paqe Table 1: R BM System Setpoints .............................................................................................. 16 Table 2: RBM O perability Requirem ents ................................................................................ 17 T a ble 3 : P B D A S etpo ints ............................................................................................................. 18 Table 4: Exposure Basis for Brunswick Unit 2 Cycle 20 Transient Analysis ............................. 19 Table 5: Power-Dependent MCPRp Lim its ................................................................................ 20 NSS Insertion Times - BOC to < NEOC Table 6: Power-Dependent M CPRp Lim its ................................................................................ 21 TSSS Insertion Times - BOC to < NEOC Table 7: Power-Dependent MCPRp Lim its ................................................................................ 22 NSS Insertion Times - BOC to < EOCLB Table 8: Power-Dependent MCPRp Lim its ................................................................................ 23 TSSS Insertion Times - BOC to < EOCLB Table 9: Power-Dependent MCPRp Lim its ................................................................................ 24 NSS Insertion Times - BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

Table 10: Power-Dependent MCPRP Lim its ................................................................................ 25 TSSS Insertion Times - BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

Table 11: Flow-Dependent MC PRf Lim its .................................................................................. 26 Table 12: AREVA Fuel Steady State LHGRss Limits ................................................................. 27 Table 13: G E14 Steady-State LHGRss Lim its ............................................................................ 28 Table 14: AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACP Multipliers ............................................. 29 NSS Insertion Times - BOC to < EOCLB Table 15: AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACp Multipliers ............................................. 30 TSSS Insertion Times - BOC to < EOCLB Table 16: AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACP Multipliers ............................................. 31 NSS Insertion Times - BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

Table 17: AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACP Multipliers ............................................. 32 TSSS Insertion Times - BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

Table 18: AREVA Fuel Flow-Dependent LHGRFACf Multipliers ................................................ 33 Table 19: AREVA Fuel Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits .......................................................... 34 Table 20: GE14 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits ..................................................................... 35 GE14-P1ODNAB439-12G6.0-100T-150-T-2575 (only)

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 5, Revision 0 Table 21: GE14 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits ..................................................................... 36 GE14-P1ODNAB407-16GZ-10OT-150-T-2853 (only)

Table 22: GEl4 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits ..................................................................... 37 GE14-PlODNAB425-18GZ-10OT-150-T-2854 (only)

Table 23: GEl4 Power-Dependent MAPFACP Multipliers .......................................................... 38 Table 24: GE14 Flow-Dependent MAPFACf Multipliers ............................................................. 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title or Description Paqe Figure 1: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 40 OPRM Operable, Two Loop Operation, 2923 MWt Figure 2: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 41 OPRM Inoperable, Two Loop Operation, 2923 MWt Figure 3: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 42 OPRM Operable, Single Loop Operation, 2923 MWt Figure 4: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 43 OPRM Inoperable, Single Loop Operation, 2923 MWt Figure 5: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 44 OPRM Operable, FWTR, 2923 MWt Figure 6: Stability Option III Power/Flow Map ........................................................................... 45 OPRM Inoperable, FWTR, 2923 MWt

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Caic. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 6, Revision 0 NOMENCLATURE APLHGR Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate APRM Average Power Range Monitor (Subsystem)

ARTS APRM/RBM Technical Specification BOC Beginning of Cycle BSP Backup Stability Protection BWROG BWR Owners Group CAVEX Core Average Exposure COLR Core Operating Limits Report CRWE Control Rod Withdrawal Error DIVOM Delta CPR Over Initial MCPR Versus Oscillation Magnitude EFPD Effective Full Power Day EOC End of Cycle EOCLB End of Cycle Licensing Basis EOFP End of Full Power EOOS Equipment Out of Service F Flow (Total Core)

FHOOS Feedwater Heater Out of Service FFTR Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction FWTR Feedwater Temperature Reduction HCOM Hot Channel Oscillation Magnitude HPSP High Power Set Point HTSP High Trip Set Point ICF Increased Core Flow IPSP Intermediate Power Set Point ITSP Intermediate Trip Set Point LCO Limiting Condition of Operation LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRss Steady-State Maximum Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFAC Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor LHGRFACf Flow-Dependent Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor LHGRFACP Power-Dependent Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor LPRM Local Power Range Monitor (Subsystem)

LPSP Low Power Set Point LTSP Low Trip Set Point MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MAPLHGRss Steady-State Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MAPFAC Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor MAPFACf Flow-Dependent Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor MAPFACp Power-Dependent Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor MAPFACSLO Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Factor when in SLO

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 7, Revision 0 NOMENCLATURE (continued)

MCE Maximum Core Exposure MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRf Flow-Dependent Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRp Power-Dependent Minimum Critical Power Ratio MELLL Maximum Extended Load Line Limit MEOD Maximum Extended Operating Domain MSIVOOS Main Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service NEOC Near End of Cycle NFWT Nominal Feedwater Temperature NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSS Nominal SCRAM Speed OLMCPR Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor 00S Out of Service P Power (Total Core Thermal)

PBDA Period Based Detection Algorithm PRNM Power Range Neutron Monitoring (System)

RBM Rod Block Monitor (Subsystem)

RFWT Reduced Feedwater Temperature RPT Recirculation Pump Trip RTP Rated Thermal Power SLMCPR Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio SLO Single Loop Operation SRV Safety Relief Valve SRVOOS Safety Relief Valve Out of Service STP Simulated Thermal Power TBV Turbine Bypass Valve TBVINS Turbine Bypass Valves In Service TBVOOS Turbine Bypass Valves Out of Service (all bypass valves OOS)

TIP Traversing Incore Probe TLO Two Loop Operation TS Technical Specification TSSS Technical Specification SCRAM Speed

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 8, Revision 0 I

CAUTION References to COLR Figures or Tables should be made using titles only; Figure and Table numbers I may change from cycle to cycle.

Introduction and Summary The Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) provides values for the core operation limits and setpoints required by Technical Specifications (TS) 5.6.5.a.

Item Requirement TS Table Average Power Range Monitors - OPRM Upscale.

Function 2f TS LCO IAlternate Condin method to detect and suppress thermal-hydraulic instability oscillations.

LCO Condition I TS Table Rod Block Monitor- Upscale and Operability Requirements Function 1 TS 3.2.1 Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR).

TS 3.2.2 Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR).

TS 3.2.3 Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR).

TS LCO 3.4.1 APLHGR, MCPR and LHGR limits for SLO.

TS LCO 3.7.6 APLHGR, MCPR and LHGR limits for an inoperable Main Turbine Bypass System.

Core Operating Limits required to be documented in COLR:



" PBDA setpoints

  • RBM allowable values and power range setpoints TS 5.6.5.b Analytical methods approved by the NRC for determining core operating limits.

Core Operating Limits shall be determined such that all applicable limits of the safety analysis are met.

TS 5.6.5.d The COLR shall be provided upon issuance for each cycle to the NRC.

The core operating limits and setpoints presented in this COLR have been determined using NRC approved methodologies (References 7, 12, 14-32) in accordance with TS 5.6.5.b and are established such that all applicable limits of the plant safety analysis are met in accordance with TS 5.6.5.c.

In addition to the TS required core operating limits and setpoints, this COLR also includes maps showing the allowable power/flow operating range including the Option III stability ranges.

The generation of this COLR is documented in Reference 1 and is based on analysis results documented in References 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 9, Revision 0 APLHGR Limits Steady-state MAPLHGRss limits are provided for AREVA Fuel (Table 20) and GE14 (Tables 21 - 23).

These steady-state MAPLHGRss limits must be modified as follows:

  • GE14 MAPLHGR limits have a core power and core flow dependency. GE14 power-dependent MAPFACP multipliers (Table 24) and flow-dependent MAPFACf multipliers (Table 25) must be used to modify the steady-state MAPLHGRss limits (Tables 21 - 23) for off-rated conditions.
  • AREVA Fuel MAPLHGR limits do not have a power or flow dependency. However, in order to be consistent with the determination of GE14 MAPLHGR limits, power-dependent MAPFACp multipliers and flow-dependent MAPFACf multipliers with a constant value of 1.0 under all conditions have been assigned to AREVA Fuel.
  • GE14 power-dependent MAPFACp multipliers include all allowed EOOS conditions as indicated in Table 24. See COLR section titled "Equipment Out of Service" for a list of analyzed EOOS conditions. Care should be used when selecting the appropriate multiplier set.
  • The applied MAPLHGR limit is dependent on the number of recirculation loops in operation.

The steady-state MAPLHGR limit must be modified by a MAPFACsLo multiplier when in SLO.

MAPFACSLo has a fuel design dependency as shown below.

The applied TLO and SLO MAPLHGR limits are determined as follows:

MAPLHGR LimitTLO = MAPLHGRss x (MAPFACp, MAPFACf, 1.0)min MAPLHGR LimitsLo = MAPLHGRss x (MAPFACp, MAPFACf, MAPFACSLO)min where MAPFACsLo = 0.85 for ATRIUM-10 fuel

= 0.80 for ATRIUM 1OXM fuel

= 0.80 for GE14 fuel Linear interpolation should be used to determine intermediate values between the values listed in the tables. Some of the limits tables show two breakpoints at 26.0%P and 50.0%P. IF performing a hand calculation of a limit AND the power is exactly on the breakpoint (i.e. 26.0 or 50.0), THEN select the most restrictive limit associated with the breakpoint.

Hand calculated results may not match a POWERPLEX calculation since normal monitoring of the APLHGR limits with POWERPLEX uses the complete set of lattices for each applicable fuel type provided in Reference 5 and as validated in Reference 9.

MCPR Limits The MCPR limits presented in Tables 5 through 11 are based on the TLO SLMCPR listed in Technical Specification

" MCPR limits have a core power and core flow dependency. Power-dependent MCPRp limits are presented in Tables 5 through 10 while flow-dependent MCPRf limits are presented in Table 11.

" Power-dependent MCPRp limits are dependent on CAVEX, SCRAM insertion speed, EOOS, fuel design, number of operating recirculation loops (i.e., TLO or SLO) and core thermal power.

Values for the CAVEX breakpoints are provided in Table 4. See COLR section titled

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 10, Revision 0 "Equipment Out of Service" for a list of analyzed EOOS conditions. Care should be used when selecting the appropriate limits set.

" The MCPR limits are established such that they bound all pressurization and non-pressurization events.

" The power-dependent MCPRp limits (Tables 5-10) must be adjusted by an adder of 0.02 when in SLO.

The applied TLO and SLO MCPR limits are determined as follows:

MCPR LimitTLO = (MCPRP, MCPRf)max MCPR LimitSLO = (MCPRP + 0.02, MCPRf)max Linear interpolation should be used to determine intermediate values between the values listed in the tables. Some of the limits tables show two breakpoints at 26.0%P and 50.0%P. IF performing a hand calculation of a limit AND the power is exactly on the breakpoint (i.e. 26.0 or 50.0), THEN select the most restrictive limit associated with the breakpoint.

LHGR Limits Steady-state LHGRss limits are provided for AREVA Fuel (Table 12) and GE14 (Table 13). These steady-state LHGRss limits must be modified as follows:

  • AREVA Fuel LHGR limits have a core power and core flow dependency. AREVA Fuel power-dependent LHGRFACP multipliers (Tables 14-17) and flow-dependent LHGRFACf multipliers (Tables 18-19) must be used to modify the steady-state LHGRss limits (Table 12) for off-rated conditions.
  • AREVA Fuel power-dependent LHGRFACp multipliers are dependent on CAVEX, SCRAM insertion speed, EOOS, fuel design and core thermal power. Values for the CAVEX breakpoints are provided in Table 4. See COLR section titled "Equipment Out of Service" for a list of analyzed EOOS conditions. Care should be used when selecting the appropriate multiplier set.
  • The original licensing basis for GE14 LHGR limits did not include a core power and core flow dependency. However, in order to be consistent with the determination of AREVA Fuel LHGR limits, power-dependent LHGRFACP multipliers and flow-dependent LHGRFACf multipliers with a constant value of 1.0 under all conditions have been assigned to GE14.
  • GE14 LHGR limits are effectively monitored by GE14 APLHGR limits in accordance with the NRC approved methodology described in Reference 12.
  • The applied LHGR limit is not dependent on the number of operating recirculation loops. No adjustment to the LHGR limit is necessary for SLO.

The applied LHGR limit is determined as follows:

LHGR Limit = LHGRss x (LHGRFACp, LHGRFACf)min Linear interpolation should be used to determine intermediate values between the values listed in the tables. Some of the limits tables show two breakpoints at 26.0%P and 50.0%P. IF performing a hand

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 11, Revision 0 calculation of a limit AND the power is exactly on the breakpoint (i.e. 26.0 or 50.0), THEN select the most restrictive limit associated with the breakpoint.

PBDA Setpoints Brunswick Unit 2 has implemented BWROG Long Term Stability Solution Option III (OPRM) with the methodology described in Reference 6. Plant specific analysis incorporating the Option III hardware is described in Reference 13. Reload validation has been performed in accordance with Reference 7.

The analysis was performed at 100%P assuming a two pump trip (2PT) and at 45%F assuming steady-state (SS) conditions at the highest rod line power (60.5%). The PBDA setpoints are set such that either the least limiting MCPRP limit or the least limiting MCPRf limit will provide adequate protection against violation of the SLMCPR during a postulated reactor instability. Based on the MCPR limits presented in Tables 5 through 11, the required Amplitude Trip Setpoint (1.12) is set by the least limiting 100%P MCPRP limit (1.39) which has an associated Confirmation Count Setpoint (14). The PBDA setpoints shown in Table 3 are valid for any feedwater temperature.

Evaluations by General Electric (GE) have shown that the generic DIVOM curves specified in Reference 7 may not be conservative for current plant operating conditions for plants which have implemented Stability Option I1l. To address this issue, AREVA has performed calculations for the relative change in CPR as a function of the calculated HCOM. These calculations were performed with the RAMONA5-FA code in accordance with Reference 8. This code is a coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic three-dimensional transient model for the purpose of determining the relationship between the relative change in ACPR and the HCOM on a plant specific basis. The stability-based OLMCPRs are based upon using the most limiting ACPR calculated for a given oscillation magnitude or the generic value provided in Reference 7.

In cases where the OPRM system is declared inoperable, Backup Stability Protection (BSP) in accordance with Reference 10 is provided. Analyses have been performed to support operation with nominal feedwater temperature conditions and reduced feedwater temperature conditions (FHOOS and FFTR).

The power/flow maps (Figures 1-6) were developed based on Reference 4 to facilitate operation under Stability Option III as implemented by Function 2.f of Table and LCO Condition I of Technical Specification All maps illustrate the region of the power/flow map above 25% RTP and below 60% drive flow (correlated to core flow) where the system is required to be enabled. The generation of these maps is documented in Reference 2.

The maps supporting an operable OPRM (Figures 1, 3 and 5) show a Scram Avoidance Region, which is not a licensing requirement but is an operator aid to illustrate where the OPRM system may generate a scram to avoid an instability event. Note that the STP scram and rod block limits are defined in Technical Specifications, the Technical Requirements Manual, and Plant procedures, and are included in the COLR as an operator aid rather than a licensing requirement.

Figures 3 and 4 implement the corrective action for AR-217345217345which restricts reactor power to no more than 50% RTP when in SLO with OPRM operable or inoperable. This operator aid is intended to mitigate a spurious OPRM trip signal which could result from APRM noise while operating at high power levels.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 12, Revision 0 RBM Setpoints The nominal trip setpoints and allowable values of the control rod withdrawal block instrumentation are presented in Table 1 and were determined to be consistent with the bases of the ARTS program (Reference 11). These setpoints will ensure the power-dependent MCPR limits will provide adequate protection against violation of the SLMCPR during a postulated CRWE event. Reference 3 revised these setpoints to reflect changes associated with the installation of the NUMAC PRNM system. RBM operability requirements, consistent with Notes (a) through (e) of Technical Specification Table, are provided in Table 2.

Equipment Out-of-Service Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 is analyzed for the following operating conditions with applicable MCPR, APLHGR and LHGR limits.

" Base Case Operation



  • Combined TBVOOS and FHOOS Base Case Operation as well as the above-listed EOOS assumes all the items OOS below. These conditions are general analysis assumptions used to ensure conservative analysis results and were not meant to define specific EOOS conditions beyond those already defined in Technical Specifications.
  • Up to 40% of the TIP channels OOS
  • Up to 50% of the LPRMs OOS Please note that during FFTR/Coastdown, FHOOS is included in Base Case Operation and TBVOOS.

Single Loop Operation Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 may operate in SLO over the entire MEOD range with applicable MCPR, APLHGR and LHGR limits. The following must be considered when operating in SLO:

  • SLO is not permitted with MSIVOOS.

Various indicators on the Power/Flow Maps are provided not as operating limits but rather as a convenience for the operators. The purposes for some of these indicators are as follows:

" The SLO Entry Rod Line is shown on the TLO maps to avoid regions of instability in the event of a pump trip.

" A maximum core flow line is shown on the SLO maps to avoid vibration problems.

" APRM STP Scram and Rod Block nominal trip setpoint limits are shown at the estimated core

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 13, Revision 0 flow corresponding to the actual drive flow-based setpoints to indicate where the Operator may encounter these setpoints (See LCO, Reactor Protection System Instrumentation Function 2.b: Average Power Range Monitors Simulated Thermal Power - High Allowable Value).

When in SLO, Figures 3 and 4 implement the corrective action for AR-217345217345which restricts reactor power to no more than 50% RTP with OPRM operable or inoperable. This operator aid is intended to mitigate a spurious OPRM trip signal which could result from APRM noise while operating at high power levels.

Inoperable Main Turbine Bypass System Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 may operate with an inoperable Main Turbine Bypass System over the entire MEOD range and cycle with applicable APLHGR, MCPR and LHGR limits as specified in the COLR. An operable Main Turbine Bypass System with only two inoperable bypass valves was assumed in the development of the Base Case Operation limits. Base Case Operation is synonymous with TBVINS. The following must be considered when operating with TBVOOS:

  • TBVOOS operation coincident with FHOOS is supported using the combined TBVOOS/FHOOS limits.

" SLO is not permitted with TBVOOS.

Feedwater Temperature Reduction Brunswick Unit 2, Cycle 20 may operate with RFWT over the entire MEOD range and cycle with applicable APLHGR, MCPR and LHGR limits as specified in the COLR. NFWT is defined as the range of feedwater temperatures from NFWT to NFWT - 10'F. NFWT and its allowable variation were assumed in the development of the Base Case Operation limits. The FHOOS limits and FFTR/Coastdown limits were developed for a maximum feedwater temperature reduction of 11 0.3*F.

The following must be considered when operating with RFWT:

" Although the acronyms FWTR, FHOOS, RFWT and FFTR all involve reduced feedwater temperature, the use of FFTR is reserved for cycle energy extension using reduced feedwater temperature at and beyond a core average exposure of EOCLB using FFTR/Coastdown limits.

  • Prior to reaching the EOCLB exposure breakpoint, operation with FWTR >107F and reactor power > 30% RTP requires use of the FHOOS limits. Below 30% RTP, Base Case Operation limits bound FHOOS limits.
  • Until a core average exposure of EOCLB is reached, implementation of the FFTR/Coastdown limits is not required even if coastdown begins early.

" When operating with RFWT, the appropriate Stability Option III Power/Flow Maps (Figures 5 and 6) must be used.

" FHOOS operation coincident with TBVOOS is supported using the combined TBVOOS/FHOOS limits.

" SLO is not permitted with RFWT.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 14, Revision 0 References References designated with asterisks denote documents containing NRC approved methodologies listed in Brunswick Unit 2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.b.

1. BNP Design Calculation 2B21-0640, "Preparation of the B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report,"

Revision 0.

2. Design Calculation 0B21-1015, "BNP Power/Flow Maps," Revision 7.
3. Design Calculation 2C51-0001, "Power Range Neutron Monitoring System Setpoint Uncertainty and Scaling Calculation (2-C51-APRM 1 through 4 Loops and 2-C51-RBM-A and B Loops),"

Revision 3, May 2004.

4. ANP-2956(P), "Brunswick Unit 2 Cycle 20 Reload Safety Analysis," Revision 0, October 2010.
5. NEDC-31624P, "Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis Report for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 Reload 17 Cycle 18," Supplement 2, Revision 10, January 2007.
6. NEDO-31960-A, "BWR Owners Group Long-Term Stability Solutions Licensing Methodology,"

November 1995.

  • 7. NEDO-32465-A, "Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions Licensing Basis Methodology for Reload Application," August 1996.
8. BAW-10255PA, "Cycle Specific DIVOM Methodology Using the RAMONA5-FA Code," Revision 2, May 2008.
9. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy 0000-0091-3483-RO, "Evaluation of LOCA Analysis Effects from Installation of Adjustable Speed Drive and ECCS Performance Changes for Brunswick,"

Revision 0, January 2009.

10. OG02-0119-260 "Backup Stability Protection (BSP) for Inoperable Option III Solution, GE Nuclear Energy," July 17, 2002.
11. NEDC-31654P, "Maximum Extended Operating Domain Analysis for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant," February 1989.
  • 12. NEDE-2401 1-P-A, "GESTAR II - General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel", and US Supplement, Revision 15, September 2005.
13. GENE-C51-00251-00-01, "Licensing Basis Hot Bundle Oscillation Magnitude for Brunswick 1 and 2," Revision 0, March 2001.
  • 14. XN-NF-81-58(P)(A), "RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model,"

Revision 2, March 1984.

  • 15. XN-NF-85-67(P)(A), "Generic Mechanical Design for Exxon Nuclear Jet Pump BWR Reload Fuel,"

Revision 1, September 1986.

  • 16. EMF-85-74(P) Supplement I(P)(A) and Supplement 2(P)(A), RODEX2A (BWR) Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Evaluation Model," Revision 0, February 1998.
  • 17. ANF-89-98(P)(A), "Generic Mechanical Design Criteria for BWR Fuel Designs," Revision 1, May 1995.
  • 18. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 1, "Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors -

Neutronic Methods for Design and Analysis," March 1983.

  • 19. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 4, "Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors:

Application of the ENC Methodology to BWR Reloads," Revision 1, June 1986.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 15, Revision 0

  • 20. EMF-2158(P)(A), "Siemens Power Corporation Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors:

Evaluation and Validation of CASMO-4/MICROBURN-B2," Revision 0, October 1999.

  • 21. XN-NF-80-19(P)(A) Volume 3, "Exxon Nuclear Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, THERMEX: Thermal Limits Methodology Summary Description," Revision 2, January 1987.
  • 22. XN-NF-84-105(P)(A) Volume 1, "XCOBRA-T: A Computer Code for BWR Transient Thermal Hydraulic Core Analysis," February 1987.
  • 23. ANF-524(P)(A), "ANF Critical Power Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," Revision 2, November 1990.
  • 24. ANF-913(P)(A) Volume 1, "COTRANSA2: A Computer Program for Boiling Water Reactor Transient Analyses," Revision 1, August 1990.

Revision 3, September 2005.

  • 26. EMF-2209(P)(A), "SPCB Critical Power Correlation", Revision 3, September 2009.
  • 27. EMF-2245(P)(A), "Application of Siemens Power Corporation's Critical Power Correlations to Co-Resident Fuel," Revision 0, August 2000.
  • 28. EMF-2361(P)(A), EXEM BWR-2000 ECCS Evaluation Model," Revision 0, May 2001.
  • 29. EMF-2292(P)(A), "ATRIUMTM-10: Appendix K Spray Heat Transfer Coefficients," Revision 0, September 2000.
  • 30. EMF-CC-074(P)(A) Volume 4, "BWR Stability Analysis - Assessment of STAIF with Input from MICROBURN-B2," Revision 0, August 2000.
  • 31. ANP-10298PA, "ACE/ATRIUM 1OXM Critical Power Correlation," Revision 0, March 2010.
  • 32. BAW-1 0247PA, "Realistic Thermal-Mechanical Fuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors," Revision 0, April 2008.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 16, Revision 0 Table 1 RBM System Setpoints1 Setpoint a, d Trip SetPoint Allowable Value Lower Power Setpoint (LPSP ) 27.7 < 29.0 Intermediate Power Setpoint (IPSP ) 62.7 < 64.0 High Power Setpoint (HPSP ) 82.7 < 84.0 Low Trip Setpoint (LTSPc) < 114.1 < 114.6 Intermediate Trip Setpoint (ITSPc) < 108.3 < 108.8 High Trip Setpoint (HTSPc) < 104.5 < 105.0 RBM Time Delay (td2) < 2.0 seconds < 2.0 seconds a See Table 2 for RBM Operability Requirements.

b Setpoints in percent of Rated Thermal Power.

c Setpoints relative to a full scale reading of 125. For example, < 114.1 means

< 114.1/125.0 of full scale.

d. Trip setpoints and allowable values are based on a high power analytical setpoint of 108% (unfiltered).

1 This table is referred to by Technical Specification (Table and 5.6.5.a.5.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 17, Revision 0 Table 2 2

RBM Operability Requirements IF the following conditions are met, THEN RBM Not Required Operable Thermal Power

(% rated) MCPR

>29% and < 90% 1.86 SLO 9%1.86 SLO

>90% >1.47 TLO 2 Requirements valid for all fuel designs, all SCRAM insertion times and all core average exposure ranges.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 18, Revision 0 Table 3 3

PBDA Setpoints Amplitude Trip OLMCPR(SS) OLMCPR(2PT)

Setpoint (SP) 1.05 1.20 1.25 1.06 1.22 1.27 1.07 1.24 1.29 1.08 1.26 1.31 1.09 1.28 1.33 1.10 1.30 1.35 1.11 1.32 1.37 1.12 1.34 1.39 1.13 1.36 1.42 1.14 1.38 1.44 1.15 1.40 1.46 Acceptance Criteria Off-rated OLMCPR @ Rated Power 45% Flow OLMCPR PDBA Setpoint Setpoint Value Amplitude Trip (Sp) 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Confirmation Count (Np) 14 15 16 16 3 This table is referred to by Technical Specification (Table and 5.6.5.a.4.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 19, Revision 0 Table 4 Exposure Basis 4 for Brunswick Unit 2 Cycle 20 Transient Analysis Core Average Exposure Comments (MWd/MTU) 31,843 Break point for exposure-dependent MCPRp limits (NEOC) 33,679 Design basis rod patterns to EOFP + 15 EFPD (EOCLB)

End of reactivity for FFTR/Coastdown -

Maximum Core Exposure (MCE) 4 The exposure basis for the defined break points is the core average exposure (CAVEX) values shown above regardless of the actual BOC CAVEX value of the As-Loaded Core.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 20, Revision 0 Table 5 5

Power-Dependent MCPRP Limits NSS Insertion Times BOC to < NEOC EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRp MCPRP 100.0 1.39 1.48 90.0 1.41 1.50 50.0 1.64 1.63 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F Operation 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.04 1.81 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.41 1.49 90.0 1.43 1.52 50.0 1.64 1.65

> 65%F <65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.04 1.81 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 100.0 1.40 1.49 90.0 1.42 1.51 50.0 1.64 1.63

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.04 1.81 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.42 1.50 90.0 1.44 1.53 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.68 and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F FHOOS 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.04 1.81 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 21, Revision 0 Table 6 6

Power-Dependent MCPRP Limits TSSS Insertion Times BOC to < NEOC EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRP MCPRP 100.0 1.44 1.53 90.0 1.45 1.55 50.0 1.64 1.63 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F Operation 50.0 1.98 1.73 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.46 1.54 90.0 1.47 1.56 50.0 1.64 1.68

> 65%F 5 65%F > 65%F <65%F TBVOOS 50.0 1.98 1.73 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 100.0 1.45 1.54 90.0 1.46 1.56 50.0 1.64 1.63

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.98 1.73 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.47 1.55 90.0 1.48 1.57 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.70 and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F FHOOS 50.0 1.98 1.73 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 6 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 22, Revision 0 Table 7 7

Power-Dependent MCPRP Limits NSS Insertion Times BOC to < EOCLB EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRP MCPRP 100.0 1.41 1.54 90.0 1.43 1.56 50.0 1.64 1.63 Base Case > 65%F 5 65%F > 65%F < 65%F Operation 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.43 1.54 90.0 1.44 1.57 50.0 1.64 1.68

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F TBVOOS 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 100.0 1.42 1.55 90.0 1.44 1.57 50.0 1.64 1.63

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.44 1.55 90.0 1.45 1.58 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.70 and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F FHOOS 50.0 1.94 1.71 2.07 1.84 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 23, Revision 0 Table 8 8

Power-Dependent MCPRp Limits TSSS Insertion Times BOC to < EOCLB EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRP MCPRp 100.0 1.44 1.57 90.0 1.45 1.59 50.0 1.64 1.63 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F 5 65%F Operation 50.0 1.98 1.74 2.10 1.87 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.46 1.58 90.0 1.47 1.59 50.0 1.64 1.69

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.98 1.74 2.10 1.87 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 100.0 1.45 1.58 90.0 1.46 1.60 50.0 1.64 1.63

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 1.98 1.74 2.10 1.87 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.47 1.59 90.0 1.48 1.60 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.71 and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F _ 65%F FHOOS 50.0 1.98 1.74 2.10 1.87 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 24, Revision 0 Table 9 Power-Dependent MCPRp Limits 9 NSS Insertion Times BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRP MCPRP 100.0 1.46 1.57 90.0 1.47 1.59 Base Case 50.0 1.64 1.63 Operation > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 1.95 1.72 2.08 1.84 included) 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.46 1.57 90.0 1.48 1.59 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.70

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 1.95 1.72 2.08 1.84 included) 26.0 2.26 2.05 2.39 2.17 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVQOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Caic. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 25, Revision 0 Table 10 Power-Dependent MCPRp Limits 10 TSSS Insertion Times BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10/GE14 Condition (% rated) MCPRP MCPRp 100.0 1.52 1.64 90.0 1.52 1.66 Base Case 50.0 1.64 1.66 Operation > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F !565%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 1.98 1.76 2.11 1.88 included) 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 2.28 2.07 2.40 2.19 23.0 2.35 2.15 2.47 2.27 100.0 1.52 1.64 90.0 1.53 1.66 TBVOOS 50.0 1.64 1.71

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 1.98 1.76 2.11 1.88 included) 26.0 2.27 2.06 2.39 2.18 26.0 3.03 2.74 3.23 2.94 1 23.0 3.23 3.01 3.43 3.25

'0 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service. For single-loop operation, the TLO MCPRp limits shown above must be adjusted by adding 0.02. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 26, Revision 0 Table 11 Flow-Dependent MCPRf Limits 1 1 ATRIUM 1OXM, Core Flow ATRIUM-10, and GE14

(% of rated) MCPRf 0.0 1.70 31.0 1.70 55.0 1.58 90.0 1.27 100.0 1.20 107.0 1.20 11 Limits valid for all SCRAM insertion times and all core average exposure ranges.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Caic. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 27, Revision 0 Table 12 AREVA Fuel Steady-State LHGRss Limits Peak ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 Pellet Exposure LHGR LHGR (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft) (kW/ft) 0.0 14.1 13.4 18.9 14.1 13.4 74.4 7.4 7.1

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 28, Revision 0 Table 13 12 13 GE14 Steady-State LHGRss Limits '

Peak GE14 Pellet Exposure LHGR (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft)

All 13.4 12 GE14 LHGR limits are effectively monitored by GE14 MAPLHGR limits in accordance with the NRC approved methodology described in Reference 12.

13 GE14 LHGR limits do not have a power or flow dependency. Thus, the GE14 LHGRFACp and the LHGRFACf multipliers have a constant value of 1.0 under all conditions.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 29, Revision 0 Table 14 14 AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACP Multipliers NSS Insertion Times BOC to < EOCLB EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 Condition (% rated) LHGRFACp LHGRFACp 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 50.0 0.92 0.85 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F Operation 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.79 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.90 90.0 1.00 0.88 50.0 0.92 0.84

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F TBVOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.79 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 50.0 0.92 0.85

> 65%F 5 65%F > 65%F 5 65%F 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.79 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.90 90.0 1.00 0.88 50.0 0.92 0.84 TBVOOS and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F and 50.0 0.80 0.80 FHOOS 0.69 0.79 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 14 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 30, Revision 0 Table 15 15 AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACP Multipliers TSSS Insertion Times BOC to < EOCLB EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 Condition (% rated) LHGRFACP LHGRFACP 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 50.0 0.92 0.84 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F Operation 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.78 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.88 90.0 1.00 0.87 50.0 0.92 0.83

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F TBVOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.78 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 50.0 0.92 0.84

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.78 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.88 90.0 1.00 0.87 TBVOOS 50.0 0.92 0.83 and > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F 5 65%F and 50.0 0.80 0.80 FHOOS 0.67 0.78 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 15 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 31, Revision 0 Table 16 16 AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACp Multipliers NSS Insertion Times BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 Condition (% rated) LHGRFACp LHGRFACP 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 Base Case 50.0 0.92 0.84 Operation > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.79 included) 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.88 90.0 1.00 0.87 TBVOOS 50.0 0.92 0.83

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.79 included) 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.64 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 16 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 32, Revision 0 Table 17 AREVA Fuel Power-Dependent LHGRFACp Multipliers 17 TSSS Insertion Times BOC to < MCE (FFTR/Coastdown)

EOOS Power ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 Condition (% rated) LHGRFACp LHGRFACP 100.0 1.00 1.00 90.0 1.00 1.00 Base Case 50.0 0.92 0.82 Operation > 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.78 included) 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.56 0.62 23.0 0.58 0.64 0.54 0.60 100.0 1.00 0.85 90.0 1.00 0.85 TBVOOS 50.0 0.92 0.83

> 65%F < 65%F > 65%F < 65%F (FFTR/FHOOS 50.0 0.80 0.80 0.67 0.78 included) 26.0 0.60 0.66 0.57 0.63 26.0 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.46 23.0 0.37 0.42 0.38 0.41 17 Limits support operation with any combination of any 1 inoperable SRV, 2 inoperable TBVs, up to 40% of the TIP channels out-of-service, and up to 50% of the LPRMs out-of-service.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 33, Revision 0 Table 18 18 AREVA Fuel Flow-Dependent LHGRFACf Multipliers Core Flow ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10

(% of rated) LHGRFACf LHGRFACf 0.0 0.58 0.85 31.0 0.58 0.85 65.0 --- 1.00 75.0 1.00 ---

107.0 1.00 1.00 18 Multipliers valid for all SCRAM insertion times and all core average exposure ranges.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Caic. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 34, Revision 0 Table 19 1 9 20 2 1 AREVA Fuel Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits ' ,

Average Planar Exposure ATRIUM 1OXM ATRIUM-10 (GWd/MTU) MAPLHGR MAPLHGR (kW/ft) (kW/ft) 0.0 13.1 12.5 15.0 13.1 12.5 67.0 7.7 7.3 AREVA Fuel MAPLHGR limits do not have a power or flow dependency. Thus, the ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM 10XM MAPFACp and the MAPFACf multipliers have a constant value of 1.0 under all conditions.

2' ATRIUM-10 MAPLHGR limits must be adjusted by a 0.85 multiplier when in SLO. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

21 ATRIUM 1OXM MAPLHGR limits must be adjusted by a 0.80 multiplier when in SLO. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 35, Revision 0 Table 20 22 GEl4 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits GE14-P1ODNAB439-12G6.0-10OT-150-T-2575 (only)

Average Planar Exposure Limit (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft) 0.00 9.68 0.22 9.72 1.10 9.79 2.20 9.89 3.31 9.99 4.41 10.09 5.51 10.20 6.61 10.31 7.72 10.43 8.82 10.55 9.92 10.67 11.02 10.79 12.13 10.92 13.23 10.93 14.33 10.92 15.43 10.90 16.00 10.89 16.53 10.88 18.74 10.81 21.09 10.66 22.05 10.60 27.56 10.18 33.07 9.76 38.58 9.32 44.09 8.87 49.60 8.37 55.12 7.83 60.63 5.54 62.06 4.88 22 The GE14 MAPLHGR limits presented in this COLR are a composite set of limits based on the most limiting MAPLHGR limits from each lattice.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 36, Revision 0 Table 21 23 GEl4 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits GE14-P10DNAB407-16GZ-10OT-150-T-2853 (only)

Average Planar Exposure Limit (GWd/MTU) (kW/ft) 0.00 9.47 1.10 9.71 2.20 9.87 3.31 10.02 4.41 10.17 5.51 10.31 6.61 10.45 7.72 10.57 8.82 10.70 9.92 10.82 11.02 10.93 12.13 11.05 13.23 11.06 14.33 11.05 15.43 11.05 16.00 11.05 16.53 11.05 18.74 11.02 21.09 10.91 22.05 10.87 27.56 10.49 33.07 10.08 38.58 9.58 44.09 9.07 49.60 8.54 55.12 7.99 60.63 6.34 63.50 5.03 63.84 4.88 23 The GE14 MAPLHGR limits presented in this COLR are a composite set of limits based on the most limiting MAPLHGR limits from each lattice.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 37, Revision 0 Table 22 24 GE14 Steady-State MAPLHGRss Limits GE14-P1ODNAB425-18GZ-10OT-150-T-2854 (only)

Average Planar Exposure Limit (GWd/Mt) (kW/ft) 0.00 8.85 1.10 9.01 2.20 9.14 3.31 9.27 4.41 9.41 5.51 9.54 6.61 9.68 7.72 9.82 8.82 9.95 9.92 10.09 11.02 10.23 12.13 10.27 13.23 10.29 14.33 10.31 15.43 10.34 16.00 10.35 16.53 10.37 18.74 10.44 21.09 10.47 22.05 10.48 27.56 10.28 33.07 9.84 38.58 9.38 44.09 8.91 49.60 8.41 55.12 7.88 60.63 5.70 62.23 4.96 24 The GE14 MAPLHGR limits presented in this COLR are a composite set of limits based on the most limiting MAPLHGR limits from each lattice.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 38, Revision 0 Table 23 25 26 GE14 Power-Dependent MAPFACP Multipliers '

EOOS Power GE14 Condition (% rated) MAPFACP 100.0 1.00 50.0 0.73 Base Case > 65%F < 65%F and all supported 50.0 0.64 0.73 EOOS Conditions 26.0 0.56 0.61 26.0 0.43 0.49 23.0 0.41 0.45 2, Multipliers valid for all SCRAM insertion times and all core average exposure ranges.

26 The GE14 power-dependent and flow-dependent multipliers are capped at 0.80 when in SLO. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 39, Revision 0 Table 24 27 GE14 Flow-Dependent MAPFACf Multipliers Core Flow GE14

(% rated) MAPFACf 0.0 0.56 31.0 0.56 80.0 1.00 107.0 1.00 27 The GE14 power-dependent and flow-dependent multipliers are capped at 0.80 when in SLO. SLO not permitted for FHOOS, TBVOOS or MSIVOOS.

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 40, Revision 0 Figure 1 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Operable, Two Loop Operation, 2923 MWt I This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 120.0 Minijinuni Maximum (ME tL.) i ICF)

Core Core 110.0 Power Flow Flow


....... Mibs/hr Mibs/hr 100 76.19 80.47 99 75.04 80.47 100.0 98 73.89 80.47 97 72.75 80.47 96 71.61 80.47 95 70.49 80.47 90.0 94 93 69.36 68.25 80.47 80.47 92 67.13 80.47 91 66.03 80.47 80.0 90 64.93 80.47 89 63.83 80.47 88 62.74 80.47 87 61.66 80.51 86 60.58 80.60 70.0 85 59.50 80.69 84 58.43 80.79 83 57.37 80.90 o 60.0 82 56.31 81.05 81 55.25 81.21 80 54.20 81.36 79 53.16 81.51 78 52.12 81.67 50.0 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 75 49.02 82.13 74 48.00 82.29 40.0 73 46.98 82.44 72 45.96 82.60 71 44.95 82.75 70 43.94 82.91 30.0 69 42.94 83.06 68 41.94 83.22 67 40.95 83.37 66 39.96 83.52 20.0 65 64 38.97 37.99 83.68 83.83 63 37.01 83.99 62 36.04 84.14 10.0 61 60 35.06 34.10 84.30 84.45 59 33.13 84.61 58 32.17 84.70 0.0 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design CaIc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 41, Revision 0 Figure 2 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Inoperable, Two Loop Operation, 2923 MWt This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 120.0 Minimum Maximum (MELLL) (ICF)

Core Core 110.0 Power Flow Flow

% Mlbs/Ibr Vlbsh 100 76.19 80.47 99 75.04 80.47 100.0 98 97 73.89 72.75 80.47 80.47 96 71.61 80.47 95 70.49 80.47 90.0 94 93 69.36 68.25 80.47 80.47

  • .

....... .. 1.:


92 91 67.13 66.03 80.47 80.47 90 64.93 80.47 80.0 7 7 -'--- 7-89 63.83 80.47 88 62.74 80.47 87 61.66 80.51 86 60.58 80.60 70.0 85 59.50 80.69 84 58.43 80.79

-- 83 57.37 80.90 82 56.31 81.05 o 60.0 81 55.25 81.21 80 54.20 81.36 79 53.16 81.51 78 52.12 81.67 50.0 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 75 49.02 82.13 74 48.00 82.29 40.0 73 46.98 82.44 72 45.96 82.60 71 44.95 82.75 70 43.94 82.91 30.0 69 68 42.94 41.94 83.06 83.22 67 40.95 83.37 66 39.96 83.52 20.0 65 64 38.97 37.99 83.68 83.83 63 37.01 83.99 62 36.04 84.14 61 35.06 84.30 10.0 60 34.10 84.45 59 33.13 84.61 58 32.17 84.70 0.0 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 42, Revision 0 Figure 3 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Operable, Single Loop Operation, 2923 MWt This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 1 2 0 .0 ............... .;. . .. .. . . . .

120.0 ......... Minimum Maximum


Core Core 110.0 - -- Power Flow Flo-

/4 Mlbs/hr

  • ; . ..~j---i

----------- -------- ---- --- ..... ,-,-_-..__-. .......- 99 100 75.04 76.19 80.47 80-47 100.0 - --------. 99 73.89 80.47

... . . i . 1-STP

.,RM ,

ROd I Bl..k,95 97 96 72.75 71.61 70.49 80.47 80.47 80.47

Bock .94 69.36 80.47 93 68.25 80.47 92 67.13 80.47 91 66.03 80.47 80.0 L---:-.-.-'- - - ------- LL .* -------

_L... .*.-L.4 .. .. - -90 64.93 80.47

. -t j i *-- 89 63.83 80.47 fiii 88 62.74 80.47

...-. 87 61.66 80.51 70.0 .......... ...... ........... .. .... .. ....- 86 85 60.58 59.50 80.60 80.69

.. *."" ... . 84 58.43 80.79

...... i 2 .... "- -. i .- 83 57.37 80.90

60. - ------- -------.. 82 56.31 81.05 "toi60..0 ,'{4
  • j ..i .. . j 81 55.25 81.21 j 80 54.20 81.36

- - -i-. - -+-* * -*"79 I* 53.16 81.51 50.. ,...--..-. . . . .. .78 52.12 81.67 50.0 L Line 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 4i 4 ."7 -

75 74 49.02 48.00 82.13 82.29 Scanovo R....

30.0 ------ -------- - - - --------

. ... . n.. .=. - ---




1-4 4

73 72 71 70 69 46.98 45.96 44.95 43.94 42.94 41.94 82.44 82.60 82.75 82.91 83.06 83.22

  • 68 k . 67 40.95 83.37 T;66 39.96 83.52 20.0 .... ---.-,-.- 45M Ib Max, Core FI .

-I4 I '65


. .

38.97 83.68 64 37.99 83.83 Nat aF """Ii ,, H 1 63 37.01 83.99

. . . - 62 61 36.04 35.06 84.14 84.30 10.0 Circulto ,----


10Cuio M be . .60 34.10 84.45

. . 59 33.13 84.61 351, n PuMinimu 4 PwerLinOp 58 32.17 84.70 0.0 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 - 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 43, Revision 0 Figure 4 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Inoperable, Single Loop Operation, 2923 MWt I This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 1 120.0 Mhinimnum Maximum

( M EI.,I..I.) (ICF )

Core CorC 110.0 Power Flow Flow V. MIlbs/hr Mlbs/hri 100 76.19 80.47 99 75.04 80.47 100.0 98 73.89 80.47 97 72.75 80.47 96 71.61 80.47 95 70.49 80.47 90.0 94 93 69.36 68.25 80.47 80.47 92 67.13 80.47 91 66.03 80.47 90 64.93 80.47 80.0 89 63.83 80.47 I 88 62.74 80.47 zf 87 61.66 80.51 86 60.58 80.60 70.0 85 59.50 80.69 84 58.43 80.79 83 57.37 80.90 I 82 56.31 81.05 0

a. 60.0 81 55.25 81.21 80 54.20 81.36 79 53.16 81.51 78 52.12 81.67 50.0 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 75 49.02 82.13 74 48.00 82.29 40.0 73 46.98 82.44 72 45.96 82.60 71 44.95 82.75 70 43.94 82.91 30.0 69 68 42.94 41.94 83.06 83.22 67 40.95 83.37 66 39.96 83.52 20.0 65 64 38.97 37.99 83.68 83.83 63 37.01 83.99 62 36.04 84.14 61 35.06 84.30 60 34.10 84.45 59 33.13 84.61 58 32.17 84.70 0.0 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 44, Revision 0 Figure 5 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Operable, FWTR, 2923 MWt I This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 1 120.0 Minimum Maximum C MELLL) (ICF) 110.0 .1.. .. Power Core Flow Core Flow 100 76.19 80.47 99 75.04 80.47 100.0 . 98 73.89 80.47 97 72.75 80.47 96 71.61 80.47 95 70.49 80.47 90.0 94 93 69.36 68.25 80.47 80.47 92 67.13 80.47 91 66.03 80.47 80.0 "*--.--- 90 64.93 80.47 89 63.83 80.47 88 62.74 80.47 87 61.66 80.51 70.0 ........ 86 85 60.58 59.50 80.60 80.69 84 58.43 80.79 83 57.37 80.90 o 60.0 82 56.31 81.05 81 55.25 81.21 80 54.20 81.36 79 53.16 81.51 78 52.12 81.67 50.0 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 75 49.02 82.13 74 48.00 82.29 40.0 73 46.98 82.44 72 45.96 82.60 71 44.95 82.75 70 43.94 82.91 30.0 69 68 42.94 41.94 83.06 83.22 67 40.95 83.37 66 39.96 83.52 20.0 . --.-.-- ii

-. .. 65 64 38.97 37.99 83.68 83.83

    • ' "-* !: i i .......... 63 62 37.01 36.04 83.99 84.14 84.30 10.0 61 60 35.06 34.10 84.45 59 33.13 84.61 MnmmPow#er Line..:, 58 32.17 84.70 0.0 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7

Progress Energy Nuclear Fuels Mgmt. and Safety Analysis Design Calc. No. 2B21-0640 B2C20 Core Operating Limits Report Page 45, Revision 0 Figure 6 Stability Option III Power/Flow Map OPRM Inoperable, FWTR, 2923 MWt This Figure supports Improved Technical Specification and the Technical Requirements Manual Specification 3.3 120.0 Minimum Maximum (MELLL) ([CF)

Core Core 110.0 Power Flow Flow 046 Mlbs/hr ..Mblbs/h 100 76.19 80.47 99 75.04 80.47 100.0 98 73.89 80.47 97 72.75 80.47 96 71.61 80.47 95 70.49 80.47 90.0 94 69.36 80.47 93 68.25 80.47 92 67.13 80.47 91 66.03 80.47 80.0 90 64.93 80.47 89 63.83 80.47 88 62.74 80.47 87 61.66 80.51 70.0 86 85 60.58 59.50 80.60 80.69 84 58.43 80.79 83 57.37 80.90 o 60.0 82 56.31 81.05 81 55.25 81.21 80 54.20 81.36 79 53.16 81.51 78 52.12 81.67 50.0 77 51.08 81.82 76 50.05 81.98 75 49.02 82.13 74 48.00 82.29 40.0 73 46.98 82.44 72 45.96 82.60 71 44.95 82.75 70 43.94 82.91 30.0 69 42.94 83.06 68 41.94 83.22 20.0 I l65

ý.5%.BufferRegion I it i' iii tt: 1 i/ ............ 39.96 38.97 83.52 83.68

.. -0' 64 37.99 83.83

-. 63 37.01 83.99 1 Natura I- tt 62 36.04 84.14 10.0..Lie. 10.0 ... . . . .Circulatio-

. .. L *.. -... . . . 60 61 34.10 35.06 84.45 84.30

- 59 33.13 84.61

- ", 'i 1 35/o~Mii. X.u ........ ... .. wer

..... L 58 32.17 84.74 0.0 7.7 1 4 5 6 6 0.0 7.7 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0 84.7 92.4 Mlbs/hr Core Flow 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120  % Core Flow


0B21-1015, Revision 7