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{{#Wiki_filter:a,Wp~.s SUBJECT;Forwards Endorsement 5 to MAELU Binder XB 59'ISTRIBUTION CODE.MOOIS COPIES RECEIVED:LTR l'ENCL (SI2E I TITLE: Insurance:
Indemnity/Endorsement AgreementsNOTES'.IREGULA(~INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION~STEM (RIDS)ACCESSION NBR:8103110651 DOC~DATE!81/03/06NOTARIZKDt'O FACIL:50-335 St.LuciePlantEUnitiiFloridaPowerKLightCo~50389StLuciePlant<Unit2PFloridaPower8LightCo~'UTH~NAMEAUTHORAFFILIATION FIELDERPJ
Indemnity/Endorsement Agr eements NOTES'.I REGULA(~INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION~STEM (RIDS)ACCESSION NBR:8103110651 DOC~DATE!81/03/06 NOTARIZKDt'O FACIL:50-335 St.Lucie PlantE Unit ii Florida Power K Light Co~50 389 St Lucie Plant<Unit 2P Flor ida Power 8 Light Co~'UTH~NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION FIELDERPJ~Florida Power 8 Light Co, RECIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION
~Antitrust DivisionDOCKET0500033505000389INTERNAL:
~Antitrust Division DOCKET 05000335 05000389 INTERNAL: F IL T FTN 8 07 01~08 RECIPIENT'D CODE/NAME'OPIES LTTR ENCL 0 1 1" 1 1 RKCIPIENT ID-'ODE/NAME' NRC PDR 02 SOULESgJ~06 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 EXTERNALS LPDR 03'1 NSIC 1 1-TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 7 ENCL' 0,P tg C II 0 W l II h 1 t o 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201*"~Telephone 214 742;March 6, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie MAELU SFP Excess Binder XB-59 Endorsement
LTTR7ENCL' 0,PtgCII0WlIIh1to 400NorthAkardStreetDallas,Texas75201*"~Telephone 214742;March6,1981Mr.JeromeSaltzman, ChiefOfficeofAntitrust
&Indemnity NuclearReactorRegulation NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555FloridaPower&LightCompanyPlantSt.LucieMAELUSFPExcessBinderXB-59Endorsement

==Dear Mr.Salztman:==
Enclosed for your records are two certified copies of Endorsement 85 to Florida Power&Light Company's Plant St.Lucie MAELU SFP Excess Binder XB-59.Sincerely, Jean Fielder cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain gpgp jg dr~/~Enclosure 1 8 X 63110 (u~l A national service of Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated Cl~y 0 t ky4-l ft NUCLEAR ENERGY LIP,-I LXTY I NS URANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY L DOABILITY UNDER''RI TERS ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.XB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Policy Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(Dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATXONS is amended to read as follows: Xtem 4..Xdentification of rimary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and 1'mit of liability thereof Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88 36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the primary financial protection?
No II M~I Effective Date of this Endorsement May 1, 1979 To form a part of Binder No.~B-59 Issued to 12:Ol A.M.Standard Time&Li ht Com an Date of Issue March 4, 1981 By Endorsement No Countersigned by This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original endorsement, bearing the number designated hereon, for insurance coverage under the DRAFT MASTER POLICY-NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY POLICY (Secondary Financial Protection).
No insurance is afforded by this copy.Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201~Telephone 214 742~February 23, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C..20555 0 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie ANI Excess Binder EB-59 Endorsement II5 CERTIFIED COPIES

Enclosedforyourrecordsaretwocertified copiesofEndorsement 85toFloridaPower&LightCompany's PlantSt.LucieMAELUSFPExcessBinderXB-59.Sincerely, JeanFieldercc:R.E.HindsA.R.Swaingpgpjgdr~/~Enclosure 18X63110(u~lAnationalserviceofMarsh&McLennan, Incorporated Cl~y0t ky4-lftNUCLEARENERGYLIP,-ILXTYINSURANCEMUTUALATOMICENERGYLDOABILITY UNDER''RI TERSENDORSEMENT TOBINDERNO.XB-59FormingPartofDraftMasterPolicyNuclearEnergyLiability Policy(Secondary Financial Protection)
==Dear Mr.Saltzman:==
(DatedJune24,1977)ItisagreedthatItem4.oftheDECLARATXONS isamendedtoreadasfollows:Xtem4..Xdentification ofrimaryfinancial protection applicable tothenuclearreactorand1'mitofliability thereofNuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association PolicyNF-227$124,000,000 MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters PolicyMF-8836,000,000 Doothernuclearreactorssharethelimitofliability providedundertheprimaryfinancial protection?
Enclosed for yourrecords are two certiried copies of Endorsement 85 to Florida Power'Light Company's Plant"St.Lucie ANI SFP Excess Binder EB-59.This is dated May 1, 1979.Sincerely, Jean Fielder cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain Enclosure A national service of Marsh 5 McLennan, Incorporated c Nuclear Energy Lfablllty Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.EB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Polic Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATIONS is amended to read as follows: Item 4.Identification of rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit of liability thereof: Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227'$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88$36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the rimar financial rotection?
NoIIM~IEffective DateofthisEndorsement May1,1979ToformapartofBinderNo.~B-59Issuedto12:OlA.M.StandardTime&LihtComanDateofIssueMarch4,1981ByEndorsement NoCountersigned by Thisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalendorsement, bearingthenumberdesignated hereon,forinsurance coverageundertheDRAFTMASTERPOLICY-NUCLEARENERGYLIABILITY POLICY(Secondary Financial Protection).
This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having tho endorsement number and being made part oZ.the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-gnated he eon.Mo Znsuranoe is afforded h sunder.J n~Quattrecchi, Vice p American Nuciear In~'ity Un erMrri)n)r Effec:)ve Date of this Endorsement 2:Ot A.M.Standard Time issued to Florida Power 8 Light Company Dale of Issue Februar 9 1981'I To form a part of Binder No.EB-59 For!he su cr)b)ng co panies Endorsement No By Countersigned by General Manager NUclear Energy Lllblltty insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABJLITY lNSURANCE ASSOClATION ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.EB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Polic Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATIONS is amended to read as follows: Item 4.Identification of rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit of liability thereof: Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88$36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the rimar financial rotection?
Noinsurance isaffordedbythiscopy.MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters 400NorthAkardStreetDallas,Texas75201~Telephone 214742~February23,1981Mr.JeromeSaltzman, ChiefOfficeofAntitrust
This is to certify that this is a true copy og the original Endorsement having tho ondorsemont number and being made yart o the Huclear Energy Liability Policy (F cility Form)as des-i nated.reon.N Insurance i~aiTord ereunder.Ji n L, Qusttrocchi, Uice resiaent L&ility bna~nvi<In~American Nucl ear lnsurers Effec'<ve Date of this Endorsement 2i 01 A.M.Standard T ime Issued to FlOrida POWer 8i Li ght COmpany Dale of Issue Februar 9 1981 To form a part of Binder No.EB-59 or the su cribinp co panies Endorsement No By Counteralpned by General Manager C}}
&Indemnity NuclearReactorRegulation NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C..205550FloridaPower&LightCompanyPlantSt.LucieANIExcessBinderEB-59Endorsement II5CERTIFIED COPIES
Enclosedforyourrecords aretwocertiried copiesofEndorsement 85toFloridaPower'LightCompany's Plant"St.
LucieANISFPExcessBinderEB-59.ThisisdatedMay1,1979.Sincerely, JeanFieldercc:R.E.HindsA.R.SwainEnclosure AnationalserviceofMarsh5McLennan, Incorporated cNuclearEnergyLfablllty Insurance NUCLEARENERGYLIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TOBINDERNO.EB-59FormingPartofDraftMasterPolicNuclearEnergyLiability Policy(Secondary Financial Protection)
(datedJune24,1977)ItisagreedthatItem4.oftheDECLARATIONS isamendedtoreadasfollows:Item4.Identification ofrimarfinancial rotection applicable tothenuclearreactorandlimitofliability thereof:NuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association PolicyNF-227'$124,000,000 MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters PolicyMF-88$36,000,000 Doothernuclearreactorssharethelimitofliability providedundertherimarfinancial rotection?
ThisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalEndorsement havingthoendorsement numberandbeingmadepartoZ.theNuclearEnergyLiability Policy(Facility Form)asdes-gnatedheeon.MoZnsuranoe isaffordedhsunder.Jn~Quattrecchi, VicepAmericanNuciearIn~'ityUnerMrri)n)rEffec:)ve DateofthisEndorsement 2:OtA.M.StandardTimeissuedtoFloridaPower8LightCompanyDaleofIssueFebruar91981'IToformapartofBinderNo.EB-59For!hesucr)b)ngcopaniesEndorsement NoByCountersigned byGeneralManager NUclearEnergyLllblltty insurance NUCLEARENERGYLlABJLITY lNSURANCE ASSOClATION ENDORSEMENT TOBINDERNO.EB-59FormingPartofDraftMasterPolicNuclearEnergyLiability Policy(Secondary Financial Protection)
(datedJune24,1977)ItisagreedthatItem4.oftheDECLARATIONS isamendedtoreadasfollows:Item4.Identification ofrimarfinancial rotection applicable tothenuclearreactorandlimitofliability thereof:NuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association PolicyNF-227$124,000,000 MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters PolicyMF-88$36,000,000 Doothernuclearreactorssharethelimitofliability providedundertherimarfinancial rotection?
ThisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyogtheoriginalEndorsement havingthoondorsemont numberandbeingmadeyartotheHuclearEnergyLiability Policy(FcilityForm)asdes-inated.reon.NInsurance i~aiTordereunder.
JinL,Qusttrocchi, UiceresiaentL&ilitybna~nvi<In~AmericanNuclearlnsurersEffec'<ve DateofthisEndorsement 2i01A.M.StandardTimeIssuedtoFlOridaPOWer8iLightCOmpanyDaleofIssueFebruar91981ToformapartofBinderNo.EB-59orthesucribinpcopaniesEndorsement NoByCounteralpned byGeneralManager C}}

Revision as of 13:20, 7 July 2018

Forwards Endorsement 5 to Maelu Binder XB-59
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/06/1981
NUDOCS 8103110651
Download: ML17266A406 (10)



Indemnity/Endorsement Agr eements NOTES'.I REGULA(~INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION~STEM (RIDS)ACCESSION NBR:8103110651 DOC~DATE!81/03/06 NOTARIZKDt'O FACIL:50-335 St.Lucie PlantE Unit ii Florida Power K Light Co~50 389 St Lucie Plant<Unit 2P Flor ida Power 8 Light Co~'UTH~NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION FIELDERPJ~Florida Power 8 Light Co, RECIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION


~Antitrust Division DOCKET 05000335 05000389 INTERNAL: F IL T FTN 8 07 01~08 RECIPIENT'D CODE/NAME'OPIES LTTR ENCL 0 1 1" 1 1 RKCIPIENT ID-'ODE/NAME' NRC PDR 02 SOULESgJ~06 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 EXTERNALS LPDR 03'1 NSIC 1 1-TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 7 ENCL' 0,P tg C II 0 W l II h 1 t o 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201*"~Telephone 214 742;March 6, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie MAELU SFP Excess Binder XB-59 Endorsement


Dear Mr.Salztman:

Enclosed for your records are two certified copies of Endorsement 85 to Florida Power&Light Company's Plant St.Lucie MAELU SFP Excess Binder XB-59.Sincerely, Jean Fielder cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain gpgp jg dr~/~Enclosure 1 8 X 63110 (u~l A national service of Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated Cl~y 0 t ky4-l ft NUCLEAR ENERGY LIP,-I LXTY I NS URANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY L DOABILITY UNDERRI TERS ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.XB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Policy Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(Dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATXONS is amended to read as follows: Xtem 4..Xdentification of rimary financial protection applicable to the nuclear reactor and 1'mit of liability thereof Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88 36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the primary financial protection?

No II M~I Effective Date of this Endorsement May 1, 1979 To form a part of Binder No.~B-59 Issued to 12:Ol A.M.Standard Time&Li ht Com an Date of Issue March 4, 1981 By Endorsement No Countersigned by This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original endorsement, bearing the number designated hereon, for insurance coverage under the DRAFT MASTER POLICY-NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY POLICY (Secondary Financial Protection).

No insurance is afforded by this copy.Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters 400 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201~Telephone 214 742~February 23, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C..20555 0 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie ANI Excess Binder EB-59 Endorsement II5 CERTIFIED COPIES

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

Enclosed for yourrecords are two certiried copies of Endorsement 85 to Florida Power'Light Company's Plant"St.Lucie ANI SFP Excess Binder EB-59.This is dated May 1, 1979.Sincerely, Jean Fielder cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain Enclosure A national service of Marsh 5 McLennan, Incorporated c Nuclear Energy Lfablllty Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.EB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Polic Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATIONS is amended to read as follows: Item 4.Identification of rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit of liability thereof: Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227'$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88$36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the rimar financial rotection?

This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having tho endorsement number and being made part oZ.the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-gnated he eon.Mo Znsuranoe is afforded h sunder.J n~Quattrecchi, Vice p American Nuciear In~'ity Un erMrri)n)r Effec:)ve Date of this Endorsement 2:Ot A.M.Standard Time issued to Florida Power 8 Light Company Dale of Issue Februar 9 1981'I To form a part of Binder No.EB-59 For!he su cr)b)ng co panies Endorsement No By Countersigned by General Manager NUclear Energy Lllblltty insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABJLITY lNSURANCE ASSOClATION ENDORSEMENT TO BINDER NO.EB-59 Forming Part of Draft Master Polic Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Secondary Financial Protection)(dated June 24, 1977)It is agreed that Item 4.of the DECLARATIONS is amended to read as follows: Item 4.Identification of rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit of liability thereof: Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association Policy NF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Policy MF-88$36,000,000 Do other nuclear reactors share the limit of liability provided under the rimar financial rotection?

This is to certify that this is a true copy og the original Endorsement having tho ondorsemont number and being made yart o the Huclear Energy Liability Policy (F cility Form)as des-i nated.reon.N Insurance i~aiTord ereunder.Ji n L, Qusttrocchi, Uice resiaent L&ility bna~nvi<In~American Nucl ear lnsurers Effec'<ve Date of this Endorsement 2i 01 A.M.Standard T ime Issued to FlOrida POWer 8i Li ght COmpany Dale of Issue Februar 9 1981 To form a part of Binder No.EB-59 or the su cribinp co panies Endorsement No By Counteralpned by General Manager C