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ATTACHMENT C MARKED UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES NPF-11                            NPF-18 1-5*                              15 1-6
* This page has been included for information only. No changes have been made i
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F:\NLA\LASALLE\TENDSUP\13 9403310080 940322 PDR    ADOCK 05000373 P                    PDR
.          DEFINITIONS
(~        OPERABLE - OPERABILITY 1.27 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall-be OPERABLE or have    l OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s),
and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, a normal and an emergency electrical power source, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystam, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capaMe of performing their related support function (s).
OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION 1.28 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e., CONDITION, shall be any one inclusive          l combination of mode switch position and a.verage reactor coolant temperature as specified in Table 1.2.
PHYSICS TESTS 1.29 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental        I nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and 1) described in Chapter 14 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) othe mise approved by the Commission.
PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE 1.30 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakage through a non-isolable fault        l in a reactor coolant system component body, pipe wall or vessel wall.
: a. All primary centainment p'enetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either:
: 1. Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE primary containment automatic isolation system, or                              -
: 2. Closed by at least one manual valve, blind flange, or deactivated automatic valve secured in its closed position, except as provided in Table 3.6.3-1 of Specification, 3.6.3.
: b. All primary containment equipment hatches are closed and sealed.
: c. Each primary containment air lock is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification
: d. The primary containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification
LA SALLE UNIT 1                            1-5                    Amendment No. 85
,          DEFINITIONS
: e. The suppression chamber is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification
: f. The sealing mechanism associated with each primary containment penetration; e.g., welds, bellows or 0-rings, is OPERABLE.
r                >
4 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM 1.32 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current fomulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes                  l based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid                  l wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance                  '
with 10 CFR 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid            ''
radioactive waste.
PURGE - PURGING 1.33 PURGE or PURGING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity,            l concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replace-ment air or gas is required to purify the confinement.
RATED THERMAL POWER 1.34 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3323 MVI.
1.35 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall be the time interval from when the monitored parameter exceeds its trip setpoint at the channel            l sensor until de-energization of the scram pilot valve solenoids. The-                I response time may be measured by any series of sequential, overlapping or            !
total steps such that the entire response time is measured.
l REPORTABLE EVENT 1.36 A REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in-Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50.
1.37 ROD DENSITY shall be the number of control rod notches inserted as a fraction of the total number of control rod notches.        All rods fully inserted is enuivalent to 100% R0D DENSITY.
                            . Pca y Cn%cnts%tml inteyit y has been                                  i f
W      Ve&f'ed in accordance                                                  1 i6 Surveillance %;cemeZ w/ '
LA SALLE UNIT 1                              1-6                      Amendment No. 85 i
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  '                    a'wrkncevoth Saeveillanc DEFIN iTON
                                                                      - u,Pe,n ert %,I,I,e.                              l r
I i              OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION                                                                        1 1.28 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e. , CONDI110N, shall be any one inclusive                        l combination of sade switch position and averaDe reactor coolant temperature                        <
as specified in Table 1.2.                                                                          '
PHYSICS TESTS 1.29 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental                        !
nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation                              !
and 1) described in Chapter 14 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the                                  '
provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission; PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE                                                                    -
1.30 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakaDe through a non-isolable fault                        !
in a reactor coolant systeza cocponent body, pipe wall or vessel wall.
PRIMARY CONTAIhHENT INTEGRITY 1.31 PRIWRY CONTAlHMENT INTEGRITY shall exist when:                                                !
: a.      All primary containment penetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either:
: 1. Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE primary contairnent t
automatic isolation system, or                                                ,
: 2. Closed by at least one manual valve, blind flange, or deactivated automatic valve secured in its closed position, except as provided in Table 3.6.3-1 of Specification.                -
: b.        All primary containment equipment batches are closed and sealed,                    j
: c.        Each primary containment air lock is OPERABLE pursuant to                            i Specification ,
: d.        The primary containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification    .
I                          e.        The suppression chamber is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification                      ''
l                          f.        The sealing mechanism associated with each primary containment penetration; e.g., welds, bellows or 0-rings, is OPERABLE.
1.32 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formu1as, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demon-strated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements Doverning the disposal of solid radioactive waste.
* 1.33 PURGE or PURGING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or I                  gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, l
concentration or othnr operating condition, in such a manner that replace-
)                  ment air or gas is tsquired to purify the confinement.
LA SALLE - UNIT 2                                1                        Amendment Nc. 69
_                ,}}

Latest revision as of 11:39, 6 January 2021

Proposed Tech Specs Re Deletion of Primary Containemnt Structural Integrity
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/1994
Shared Package
ML20065A190 List:
NUDOCS 9403310080
Download: ML20065A223 (4)




  • This page has been included for information only. No changes have been made i

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F:\NLA\LASALLE\TENDSUP\13 9403310080 940322 PDR ADOCK 05000373 P PDR


(~ OPERABLE - OPERABILITY 1.27 A system, subsystem, train, component or device shall-be OPERABLE or have l OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s),

and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, a normal and an emergency electrical power source, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystam, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capaMe of performing their related support function (s).

OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION 1.28 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e., CONDITION, shall be any one inclusive l combination of mode switch position and a.verage reactor coolant temperature as specified in Table 1.2.

PHYSICS TESTS 1.29 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental I nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation and 1) described in Chapter 14 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) othe mise approved by the Commission.

PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE 1.30 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakage through a non-isolable fault l in a reactor coolant system component body, pipe wall or vessel wall.



a. All primary centainment p'enetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either:
1. Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE primary containment automatic isolation system, or -
2. Closed by at least one manual valve, blind flange, or deactivated automatic valve secured in its closed position, except as provided in Table 3.6.3-1 of Specification, 3.6.3.
b. All primary containment equipment hatches are closed and sealed.
c. Each primary containment air lock is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification
d. The primary containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification

LA SALLE UNIT 1 1-5 Amendment No. 85


e. The suppression chamber is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification
f. The sealing mechanism associated with each primary containment penetration; e.g., welds, bellows or 0-rings, is OPERABLE.

r >

4 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM 1.32 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current fomulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes l based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid l wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance '

with 10 CFR 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid

radioactive waste.

PURGE - PURGING 1.33 PURGE or PURGING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, l concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replace-ment air or gas is required to purify the confinement.

RATED THERMAL POWER 1.34 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3323 MVI.


1.35 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME shall be the time interval from when the monitored parameter exceeds its trip setpoint at the channel l sensor until de-energization of the scram pilot valve solenoids. The- I response time may be measured by any series of sequential, overlapping or  !

total steps such that the entire response time is measured.

l REPORTABLE EVENT 1.36 A REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in-Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50.


1.37 ROD DENSITY shall be the number of control rod notches inserted as a fraction of the total number of control rod notches. All rods fully inserted is enuivalent to 100% R0D DENSITY.


. Pca y Cn%cnts%tml inteyit y has been i f

W Ve&f'ed in accordance 1 i6 Surveillance %;cemeZ w/ '

LA SALLE UNIT 1 1-6 Amendment No. 85 i

7 -gn ,:. w =

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' Y '- }, Pnmay cor& ment sindNd ideyT y ks been veAhed in  ;

' a'wrkncevoth Saeveillanc DEFIN iTON

- u,Pe,n ert %,I,I,e. l r

I i OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION 1 1.28 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e. , CONDI110N, shall be any one inclusive l combination of sade switch position and averaDe reactor coolant temperature <

as specified in Table 1.2. '

PHYSICS TESTS 1.29 PHYSICS TESTS shall be those tests performed to measure the fundamental  !

nuclear characteristics of the reactor core and related instrumentation  !

and 1) described in Chapter 14 of the FSAR, 2) authorized under the '

provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, or 3) otherwise approved by the Commission; PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE -

1.30 PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE shall be leakaDe through a non-isolable fault  !

in a reactor coolant systeza cocponent body, pipe wall or vessel wall.


a. All primary containment penetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either:
1. Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE primary contairnent t

automatic isolation system, or ,

2. Closed by at least one manual valve, blind flange, or deactivated automatic valve secured in its closed position, except as provided in Table 3.6.3-1 of Specification. -


b. All primary containment equipment batches are closed and sealed, j
c. Each primary containment air lock is OPERABLE pursuant to i Specification ,
d. The primary containment leakage rates are within the limits of Specification .

I e. The suppression chamber is OPERABLE pursuant to Specification


l f. The sealing mechanism associated with each primary containment penetration; e.g., welds, bellows or 0-rings, is OPERABLE.



1.32 The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the current formu1as, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demon-strated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements Doverning the disposal of solid radioactive waste.


  • 1.33 PURGE or PURGING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or I gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, l

concentration or othnr operating condition, in such a manner that replace-

) ment air or gas is tsquired to purify the confinement.

LA SALLE - UNIT 2 1 Amendment Nc. 69

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