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NPF-11                  NPF-18 6-1                    6-1 6-la                    ---
6-3                    6-3 6-4                    6-4 6-5                    6-5 6-6                    6-6 6-7                    6-7 6-8                    6-8 6-9                    6-9 6-10                    6-10 6-11                    6-11 6-12                    6-12 6-17                    6-17 6-19                    6-19 6-20                    6-20 0851K 0512310155 851220 PDR  ADOCK 05000373
: p.                PDR
6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEW, INVESTIGATION, AND AUDIT A.      The Station T_N N D. shall have overall full-time responsibility for safe operation of the facility. During periods when the Station                        .
        % e. p S p ric.t -i nt is unavailable, he shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate who satisfies the ANSI N18.1 of March 8, 1971 experience requirements for plant manager.
The Shift Supervisor shall be responsible for directing and commanding          G '
      ~                        the overall operation of the facility on his shift. The primary manage- { 7 ment responsibility of the Shift Supervisor shall be for safe operation          /
        @ _of the nuclear facility on his shift under all conditions. A management directive signed b7 94,4e4ea Vice President' 1.;;;;. ".,;et;;c.; empha-sizing this primary management responsibility and that clearly establishes          W the command duties of the Shift Supervisor shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.
B.      The corporate management which relates to the operation of this station is shown in Figure 6.1-1.
C.      The normal functional or ani        ion for operation of the station shall be as shown in Figure 6.1-2.          The shift manning for the station shall'be as        I i 4 shown in Figure 6.1-3.            The individual filling the ppJition of Assistant                '
                  .          Superintendenn-            ----2---
r : m Servicesg shall meet the minimum acceptable level for " Technical Manager" as described in Section 4.2.4 of ANSI N18.1-1971 4 4      1. At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in the control room y
                      , 3 when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the reactor is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at least one licensed Senior i
Reactor Operator who has been designated by the Shift Supervisor to o        assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in the Control Room.
f, *y] j Areactor.
* s 2.        heaith physics technician
* shall be on site when fuel is in the g h        3. All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by fj'i  u
                            ,  g either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator k{ qoj [- during ,this operation. Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurren 7  A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite fi b f.Nd5I 2 at    all times *. The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Supervisor, the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2 other members of the mini-
  ,g'                  *        @ mum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit and any y
g I required for other essential functions during a fire emergency. personnel A
The health physics technician and Fire Brigade composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accomodate unexpected absence provided inrediate action is taken to fill the
_ required positions.
r        D r2; r a-un F                                                                                  g LA SALLE - UNIT 1                            6-1                          Amendment 8
                                          .a.    . . , .  .  . - ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ -              -
e 6.1-2 indicates that the Operating Assistant Superintendent is required to ho        SRa license. The following exemption from this requirement is authorized.    .      September 30, 1983:
An individual who meets t          ~ utrements of ANSI N18.1-1971, for the ANS pasitions of Plant Manag and                tions Manager, with the sole exception                                                                  k that he does not hold current SRO                se at LaSalle, will be allowed to assume the position          Operating Assistant            rintendent, providing
: a. He sits for the SRO examination at LaSalle no                                                        an          the first opportunity after six months following his appointment                                                                      osition.
: b. Operating d cisions made by this individual prior to his holding a current SRO          aSalle shall be approved by, or directed through, individual (s) ho              trent SRO license at LaSalle.
j i
        ?Y . ,
          . . .                                          .                                    s                                                                                    i A
LA SALLE m UNIT 1                            6-la                                                                    Amendment 8 3
C                  ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS n n.,0:n10n Anydeviationfromtheaboveguidelinesshallbeauthorizedbythe(Sibd'C Superintendent or his deputy, or higher levels of management, in accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for. granting the deviation. Controls shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed monthly by the St "i;r, Superintendent or his designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine deviation from the above guidelines is not authorized.
        .                        D. Qualifications of the station management and operating staff shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel," dated March 8, 1971. The Rad / Chem Supervisor shall meet the requirements of radiation protection i
manager of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September,1975. The ANSI N18.1-1971 qualification requirements for Rad / Chem Technician may also be met oy either of the following alternatives:
: 1. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program and have accrued 1 year of working experience in the                                                          i@
specialty, or
: 2. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program, but have not yet accrued 1 year of working experience                                                      g in the specialty, who are supervised by on-shift health physics
(                              supervision who meet the requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.3.2, " Supervisor Not Requiring AEC Licenses," or Section 4.4.4, " Radiation Protection."
E. Retraining and replacement training of Station personnel shall be in accordance with ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel", dated March 8, 1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55, and shall include familiarization with relevant industry operational experience identified by the ONSG.
F. Retraining shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 2 years.
G. The Review and Investigative Function and the Audit Function of activities affecting quality during facility operations shall be constituted and have the res ogsjbil,i,t4s and authorities outlined below:
: 1. The _gr;i;;r of the Offsite Review and Investiaative Function                                                        7 shall be appointed by the Dim *" , Nuclear Safety. The Audit                                                  Y"FD Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager of Quality Assurance and shall be independent of operations,
: a. Offsite Review and Investigative Function
                              $d#!AMhe T            idai;;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall: (1) provide directions for the review and investigative function and appoint a senior participant to provide appropriate l
direction, (2) select each participant for this function (3)                                                      l select a complement of more than one participant who collectively possess background and qualifications in the subject matter under review to provide ' comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage                                                !
LA SALLE - UNIT 1                                      6-3                                        Amendment No.18
                                                                        . , , . _ . . ~    .--~v  v--- a=~ - e w '- *- - - - ' *  "  - - ' ^^ ^ - ' " ' "
i a  . .
* l under this function, (4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing        -      d the review and investigative function, (5) approve and report in a timely manner all findings of non-compliance with NRC require-ments to the Station " --' ' " * "'"'-i- "'-- " - '"--' ' '
Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations. During periods when the L,,,.rci- -
of Offsite Review and Investigative Function is unavailable, he L a a, shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate, ' T ~ ~~
who satisfies the formal training and experience for the S p rci---
The responsibil-of the Offsite Review and Investigate Function.ities            of theg perso The Offsite Review and Investigative Funt tion shall review:                  1
: 1)    The safety evaluations for (1) changes to procedures, equipment, or systems as described in the safety analysis              j report and (2) tests or experiments completed under the                i provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did              l not constitute an unreviewed safety question. Proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Program description shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager of Quality Assurance.
: 2)    Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which
(                        3) involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.
Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.
: 4)    Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or NRC operating licenses.
: 5)    Noncompliance with NRC requirements, or of internal procedures, or instructions having nuclear safety significance.                '
: 6)    Significant operating abnormalities or deviation from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety as referred to it by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
: 7)    Reportable occurrences requiring-24 hour notification to the NRC.
: 8)    All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety-related structures, systems, or components.
: 9)    Review and report findings and recommendations regarding                l all changes to the Generating Stations Emergency Plan prior to implementation of such change.
: 10) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding all items referred by the Tecenical Staff Supervisor, Station T- ;.in'.,.;t at, C h'-' n "i:: a e *c at - Nuclear Ibefv -            stau un    nd Manager of Quality Assurance.
LA SALLE  UNIT 1                          6-4                        Amendment No.14
* OWald  h db.49 M d
: b. Audit Function f/L Q Ms.\ The Audit Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager
  -                                    T of Quality Assurance independent of the Production Department.
p*4 4                      Such responsibility is delegated to the Director of Quality Qu d +- h gs{
U. _
age {y @ ;d qe 2 ff gjp;g,g,] u3 37
                                            . ?. ' 7 ; i X " " " " ' " " " ' " ' "" ' " " " " " " M ~ ' ''
(_,..,_ -_ i_ . _    ,                ...
  -L EitherYshall approve the audit agenda and checklists, the findings and tne report of each audit. Audits shall be performed in accordance with the Com3any Quality Assurance Program and gga                      Procedures. Audits shall )e performed to assure that safety-s          related functions are covered within a period of 2 years or less as designated below.
I  5%^                              1)      Audit of the conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical SpecificatiJns and applicable p                    license conditions at least once per year.                                                              ,
w,                            2)      Audit of the adherence to procedures, training and L                                            qualification of the station staff at least once per year.
: 3)      Audit of the results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems, or methods of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
: 4)      Audit of the peformance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of Appendix "B" 10 CFR 50.
: 5)      Audit of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing                                              ~
                          .                      procedures at least once per 12 months.
: 6)      Audit of the Eacility Security Plan and implementing procedures.
: 7)      Audit onsite and offsite reviews.                                                                        -
: 8)      Audit the Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
: 9)      The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 maaths.
: 10) The 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures.
L LASALLE-UNIT l                                        6-5 l
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Audit Function (Continued)                                                                v C-                      11) The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for solidification of radioactive wastes.
: 12) The performance of activities required by the Company Quality Assurance Program and Procedures to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 4.15, December 1977, at least once per 12 months.
Report all findings of noncompliance with NRC requirements and recommendatio s and results of each audit to the Station Supeac      ,
M              't..iat, OL u o Nuclear Safety, the Oi.if er Vice Presidenta- Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, the gw                Vice Chairman, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations.
to = 3%    c. Authority The Manager of Quality Assurance reports to the and the S;?r"iea- of the Offsite Review and Investigative  Chairman    [6 M S p, *v i* Function reports to the I . --            o mNuclear Safety. Either the r of the Offsite Manager Review and  of Investigation Quality Assurance Functionorhas thethe 5;:r;p:thority au        to order
                                                                                                %8784 unit shutdown or request any other action which he deems                  a[
necessary to avoid unsafe plant conditions.
: d. Records
: 1)    Reviews, audits, and recommendations shall be documented and distributed as covered in 6.1.G.1.a and 6.1.G.1.b                y C                      2)    Copies of documentation, reports, and correspondence shall be kept on file at the station.
: e. Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for the offsite reviews and investigative functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.a. and for the audit functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.b. Those procedures shall cover the        .,
: 1)    Content and method of submission of presentations to the 3
                                      -" 4 Mr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.
                          ,2) Use of committees and consultants.
: 3)    Review and approval.
: 4)    Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.
: 5)    Method of (1) appointing personnel, (2) performing reviews, investigations, (3) reporting findings and recommendattor:s
                        .        of reviews and investigations, (4) approving reports, and (5) distributing reports.
: 6)    Determining satisfactory completion of action required I
based on approved findings and recommendations reported by l                                personnel performing the review and investigative function.
(                                                                                                  w l          LA SALLE - UNIT 1                        6-6 1
C-  ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Offsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued) p,. ,, j
                                                                                            . .                        3,
: f. Personnel
: 1)  The persons, including consultants, performing the review and investigative function, in addition to the Cup;r...;.
of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have expertise in one or more of the following disciplines as appropriate for the subject or subjects being reviewed and investigated:
a)    nuclear power plant technology, b)    reactor operations, c)    utility operations, d)    power plant design, e)    reactor engineering, f)    radiological safety, g)    reactor safety analysis, h)    instrumentation and control, i)    metallurgy, and j)    any other appropriate disciplines required by unique characteristics of the facility.
: 2)  Individuals performing the Review and Investigative Function
(                        shall possess a minimum formal training and experience as listed below for each discipline.
a)    Nuclear Power Plant Technology Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years experience in the nuclear power field design and/or operation, b)    Reactor Operations Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years                                      .,
experience in nuclear power plant operations.
c)    Utility Operations Engineer'ing graduate or equivalent with at least 5
                  .            years of experience in utility operation and/or engineering.
              ,          d)    Power Plant Design Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in power plant design and/or operation.
e)    Reactor Engineering Engineering graduate or equivalent.                In addition, at least 5 years of experience in nuclear plant engineering, operation, and/or graduate work in nuclear engineering or equivalent in reactor physics is required.
LA SALLE - UNIT 1                      6-7 r                                                        -
CJOffsiteReviewandInvestigativeFunction(Continued) f) Radiological Safety Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in radiation control and safety.
g)  Reactor Safety Analysis Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in nuclear engineering.
h)  Instrumentation and Control EngineerinD graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in instrumentation and control design and/or operation.
f q
i)  Metallurgy Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least
                    - A ^#
5 9                      5 years of experience in the metallurgical field.
: 3)    The Ep;rci r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have experience and training which satisfy ANSI N18.1-1971 requirements for plant managers.
: 2. The Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall be supervised by the Station Ep H tende t V h p ,
Onsite Review and Investigative Function
: a.                                                                                1&
The Station gi(V\wpp;r.t r ' r.t c. .. shall: (1) provide direction for the        al Review and Investigative Function and appoint the Technical Staff Supervisor, or other comparably qualified individual as a senior d
3 participant to provide appropriate directions; (2) approve partici-        33 pants for this function; (3) assure that a component of more than            D one participant who collectively possess background and qualifica-            g tions in the subject matter under review are selected to provide                F comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage under this function; (4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations
developed by personnel performing the Review and Investigative Function; (5) report all findings of noncompliance with NRC reouirements, and
          .          provide _ recommendations to the Oi.!;icr "ic: " d idrt-Nuclear Stations 3Ygt        -
and the" p rvi;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function; and (6) submit to the Offsite Review and Investigative Function for concurrence in a timely manner, those items described in Specifica-tion 6.1.G.1.a which have been approved by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
The responsibilities of the personnel performing this function are stated below:
: 1)    Review of (1) procedures required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, (2) all programs required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, and (3) any other proposed procedures or changes theretc as determined by theSTE    '" nt Rp;WePrint:-i
_f        r.t to affect nuclear safety.
: 2)    Review of all proposed test and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
LA SALLE - UNIT 1                            6-8
            - -- Onsite Review and Investicative Function (Continued)
: 3)    Review of all proposed changes to the Technical Speci-fications.
: 4)    Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
_                5)    Investigation of all noncompliance with NRC requirements and shall prepare and forward a report covering evalua-
    .                                        tion and recommendation:, to prevent recurrence to the 9/4/4al.**CC M                    Oi.!;i: "i:: "r;;id;;t-Nuclear Stations and to the
        ) M & m %er Ex$r"i:
q.xr of> the a Offsite " Mw; r,and Investigative Function.
: 6)    Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hnards.
: 7)    Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Ex tr""^r of t' Offsite Review and Investigative Function.                            $
: 8)    Review of the Station Security Plan and shall submit recommended changes to the P i ';n V.u P c s e : d-..t-Nucl e a r Stations.                                      Y
: 9)    Review of the. Emergency Plan and station implementing procedures and shall submit recommended changes to
(                                      the D',,, icier "ic: Pie, .Je. t-Nuclear Stations.
: 10) Review of reportable events and actions taken to prevent                                        l recurrence.
: 11) Review of every unplanned onsite release of radioactive material to the environs including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation, recommendations and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recur-l              rence to the D' 'rie "i;; P,m;-d;;t-Nuclear Stations and to the 'r---"f::7 of the Offsite N war Review and                                        "
    ~                  .                e investEgative Function.                            %
: 12) Review of changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL, and radwaste treatment systems.
: b. Authority The Technical Staff Supervisor is responsible to the Station Movy-Sp;. :nt;c.t;nt and shall make recommendations in a timely manner in all areas of review, investigation, and quality control phases of plant maintenance, operation, and admin 4 tra-tive procedures relating to facility operations and shall have the authority to request the action necessary to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, and procedures when in his opinion                                  MW      Pl !
                                .      such action is necessary. The Station Lp; in rnder. shall follow                                        I fM L)te.                        such recommendations or select a course ~of action that is more conservative regarding safe operation of the facility. All such l
('P M M                        , disagreements shall be reported immediately to the Civi;ica
                                      , .i:g
                                              ".x ;id;;t-Nuclear Stations and the M r ;r of the Offsite t              g ,J Review and Investigative Function.                                              g LA SALLE UNIT 1                              6-9                            Amendment No. 23
                                                                              - , _ . . . _  -- , _ . - _ _ -  , . , , . . _ , + +    r    -
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS                                                                          ,
( Onsite Review and Investigative Function (Cont nued) cumLaw. Oh PM 4
: c. Records
: 1)    Reports, reviews, investigations, and recommendations shall be documented with copies to the -Oi.i;icr '.'ic: "rc;id:nt-Nuclear Stations, the & :r;i;;r of the Offsite Review and D      Investigative Function', t.he Station Ep:rint:nd:nt, and the Manager of Quality Assurance.                W ^4%
: 2)    Copies of all records and documentation shall be kept on file at the station.
d.'  Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for conduct of the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
These procedures shall include the following:
: 1)    Content,and method of submission and presentation to the              ;
M hy      --      Station"4, int;ni...;. "i . i;i;.. 'L r i o . .. -Nuclear Stations, and the O per;i-gr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.      \, g
: 2)    Use of committees.
: 3)    Review and approval.
(                  4) 5)
Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.
Procedures for administration of the quality control activities.
: 6)    Assignment of responsibilities.
: e. Personnel
: 1)    The personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investiga-tive shallFunction, consist of in  addition persons      to the having  expertise Stationin:E;;r'-t-)-d:nt, g
a)    nuclear power plant technology,                                        ,
b)    reactor operations,                                                    l c)    reactor engineering,                                                    l d)    radiological safety and chemist, e)    Instrumentation and control, and f) mechanical and electric systems.                                          )
: 2)    Personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investigative                      I Function shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1-1971, Sections 4.2 and 4.4.
H. Fire Protection Program An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection ana                      ;
audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either                          !
qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire p                    ion firm.
An inspection and audit of the fire protection and d prevention program shall be performed by a qualified outside fire consultant at least once per 36 months.          v LA SALLE - UNIT 1                        6-10
                                                                . , , ~
  ,                                            FIGURE 6.1-1 1 -11                l ilg-)
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FIGURE 6.1-2 Il                                          Il                                                                    i l
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LaSalle Unit 1                                                                6-12
l l
B. Radiation control procedures shall be maintained, made available to all station personnel, and adhered to. These procedures shall show permissible radiation exposure and shall be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20. This radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20.
C. 1.              Procedures for items identified in Specification 6.2. A and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Operating Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor in the r                                    areas of operation, fuel handling, or instrument maintenance, and tdit                                by ""*-+- e -~ "- '- r and Technical Staff Supervisor in the Sy    LEAP                        are'as of plant maintenance and plant inspection. Procedures for
                      } ggy- g                              items identified in Specification 6.2.B and any changes to such L                                      procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Technical Staff
                                          . w Supervisor and the " ^'
                                                                                                        - ' Supervisor. At least one m                          person approving each of the above procedures shall hold a valid
+                                                            senior operator's license. In addition, these procedures and changes thereto, must have authorization by the Station Sr;rintudst Mhp
(                      2.
before being implemented.
Work and instruction type procedures which implement approved maintenan or modification procedures shall be approved and authorized by the afd                    Maintenance E gi r r wherethe written authority has been provided by
                            $                              the Station A p; d ats d;nt. The " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" utilized for' safety-related work shall be so approved only if pro-cedures referenced in the '' Maintenance / Modification Procedure" have been approved as required by 6.2.A. Procedures which do not fall within the requirements of 6.2.A or 6.2.B may be approved by the Department Heads.                                                                ,
D. Temporary changes to procedures 6.2.A and 6.2.B above may be made provided:                              -
: 1.            'The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
: 2.              The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's Licese on the unit affected.
: 3.              The change is documented, reviewed by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function and approved by the Station 5 g r -+aadan+        i within 14 days of implementation.                              hp E. Drills of the emergency procedures described in Specification 6.2. A.4 shall be conducted at frequencies as specified in the Generating Stations Emergency Plan (GSEP).                These drills will be planned so that during the                        ;
course of the year, communication links are tested and outside agencies are contacted.
1 LA SALLE - UNIT 1                                    6-17                          ,
                                                - - - - - ,                                      ~      , ,,
                                                                                                            -    . - - - -  - - - - ,    , . .    - - ~ ,
p Ga w+
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( . . . .
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED If a safety limit is exceeded, the reactor shall be shut down immedi$itely pursuant to Specification 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, and critical reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC. The, conditions of shutdown shall be promptly reported to the Oi.i:f r "i : "r; ''"r.t-Nuclear Stations or his designated alternate. The incident shall be reviewed pursuant to Specifi-cations 6.1.G.I.a and 6.I.G.2.a and a separate License Event Report for each
occurrence shall be prepared in accordance with Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible              j and in all cases within one hour. The "' '    2--
                                                                  "'- "-- '"- ^-Nuclear Stations and the Dir::t r of Nuclear Safety shall be notified within 24 nours.                -]
Mwe 6.5 PLANT OPERATING RECORDS A. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for at least 5 years:
: 1. Records of normal plant operation, including power levels and periods of operation at each power level;
: 2. Records of principal maintenance and activities, including inspection C                    and repair, regarding principal items of equipment pertaining to nuclear safety;
: 3. Records and reports of reportable events;                                      g
: 4. Records and periodic checks, inspection and/or calibrations performed to verify that the surveillance requirements (see Section 4 of these specifications) are being met. All equipment failing'to meet surveil-          '
lance requirements and the corrective action taken shall be recorded; . . . ,
: 5. Records of changes to operating procedures;
: 6. Shift engineers' logs; and'
: 7. Byproduct material inventory records and source leak test results.
L LA SALLE UNIT 1                      6-19                    Amendment No. 23
Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be recorded in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for the life of the plant:
Substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment pertain-
  ,                  ing to nuclear safety; 2.
Changes made to the plant as it is described in the SAR; 3.
Records of new and spent fuel inventory and assembly histories; 4.
Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant; 5.
Records of plant radiation and contamination surveys; 6.
Records of offsite environmental monitoring surveys; 7.
Records of radiation exposure for all plant personnel, including all contractors and visitors to the plant, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20;
: 8.                                                                                  l Records of of radioactivity in liquid and gaseous wastes released to C        9.
the environment; Records of transient or operational cycling for those components that have been designed to operate safety for a limited number of transient or operational cycles (identified in Table 5.7.1-1);
Records of individual staff members indicating qualifications, experience, training, and retraining;
: 11. Inservice inspections of the reactor coolant system;                        - _ .
Minutes of meetings and results of reviews and audits performed by the offsite and onsite review and audit functions;
: 13. Records of reactor tests and. experiments; 14.
nu mn Records of Nality Assurance activ,i, ties regired,by-the QA Manual gjn.
s.s,s Records of reviews perfomed for changes made to procedures ,on equipment and        or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59; 16.
Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by specification 3.7.9 including the date at which the g
service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.
Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program.
LA SALLE - UNIT 1                      6-20 Amendment No. 18
                                                                    .-      ~ . . -            -  .        .      _- .            = . _ _ _ _ . _ _ -
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6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEW, INVESTIGATION, AND AUDIT                                                                                      !
I A.          The Station LNT;D. shall have overall full-time responsibility                                                            !
for safe operation of the facility. During periods when the Station tv\e m e. p E p rir.t; . C r.: is unavailable, he shall designate this responsibility to                                                            i an established alternate who satisfies the ANSI N18.1 of March 8, 1971                                                      '
experience requirements for plant manager.                                                                                  l The Shift Supervisor shall be responsible for directing and commanding                                                '
          ~~                              the overall operation of the facility on his shift. The primary manage-                                        -
ment responsibility of the Shift Supervisor shall be for safe operation gfr--tof the nuclear facility on his shift under all conditions. A management                                                                    -
4 directive signed Df94,4e4ea Vice President -- L;;;;. 'Z.en... empha-sizing this primary management responsibility and that clearly establishes                                        8d
;                                          the command duties of the Shift Supervisor shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.
: 8.          The corporate management which relates to the operation of this station is shown in Figure 6.1-1.
C.          The normal functional or ani ion for operation of the station shall be
:                                          as shown in Figure 6.1-2.                The shift manning for the station shall'be as N shown in Figure 6.1-3. The individual filling the po ition of Assistant                                                              ,
nager      s de rib              n i        :
Section 4.2.4 of ANSI N18.1-1971 4 M          1.      At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in the control room
(    ~
when fuel is in the reactor.              In addition, while the reactor is in f7 j
* OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at least one licensed Senior Reactor Operator who has been designated by the Shift Supervisor to
                        *          (    ,
assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in the o            Con +.rol Room.
j [, h *fn 2.                      A health ph r ics technician
* shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor.                                                                                                ''
      *d o a
qb            3.      All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by
                                  ' g either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator yh y                    g ]o j[- during ,this operation. Limited to Fuel Handling who''has no other concurre                                                    '
    !*b}6                    ' d8    4 A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite 1.M
* H $-
                                ,C        2      at all times *. The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Supervisor,
                '              !r                  the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2 other members of the mini-
                                .O          g      mum shift crew te:essary for safe shutdown of the unit and any personnel
                          <ysi* f gl              required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.
The health physics technician and Fire Brigade composition may be less than the                                                      I minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accomodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required positions.                                                                                                                  <
LA SALLE - UNIT 2,                                        ' 6-1 1
                                                  ~ . . - . - . . .      ..  ...~.-..-~.~.~-..
                                                                                                    . 7.~.2 u- r - -      -.-~.-,-_.-..-.---_...-
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS C                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A 0a Anydeviationfromtheaboveguidelinesshallbeauthorizedbythe(Sib;a.,0*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                'C Superintendent or his deputy, or higher levels of management, ia accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the deviation. Controls shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed monthly by the St-ti;r. Superintendent or his designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine deviation from the above guidelines is not authorized.
* g_o.                            _a_i ._
          .              D.      Qualifications of the station management and operating staff shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel," dated March 8, 1971. The Rad / Chem Supervisor shall meet the requirements of radiation protection manager of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September,1975. The ANSI N18.1-1971 qualification requirements for Rad / Chem Technician may also be met by                                                                                                                                            0 either of the following alternatives:
: 1.                Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training                                                                                                                                      \
program and have accrued 1 year of working experience in the specialty, or                                                                                                                                                                                    q -
: 2.                Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program, but have not yet accrued 1 year of working experience
{g in the specialty, whr 7 supervised by on-shift health physics supervision who meet .he requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971 yw f L                                    Section 4.3.2, " Supervisor Not Requiring AEC Licenses," or Section 4.4.4, " Radiation Protection."
E.      Retraining and replacement training of Station personnel shall be in accordance with ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel", dated March 8, 1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55, and shall include familiarization with relevant industry operational experience identified by the ONSG.
F.      Retraining shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 2 years.
G.      The Review and Investigative Function and the Audit Function of activities affecting quality during facility operations shall be constituted and have the re ogspil,1,t4sandauthoritiesoutlinedbelow:
: 1.                The __ ri'i;i of tiie Offsite Review and Investiaative Function                                                                                                                                      7 shall be appointed by the P :r % Nuclear Safety. The Audit MTI Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager of Quality Assurance and shall be independent of operations,
: a.        Offsite Review and Investigative Function Sur'a "+4Mhe Edi;;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall:  (1) provide directions for the review and investigative function and appoint a senior participant to provide appropriate direction, (2) select each participant for this function, (3) select a complement of more than one participant who collectively possess background and qualifications in the subject matter under review to provide ' comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage LA SALLE - UNIT 1                                                                            6-3 f t.=t M:. 1
_ _ , .        . . . _ _ .  . . . _ , _ .    .y_.__._ . _ _ .      , . . . _ _ . , _ _ . . _ , , , , _ _ , , , ,
4 _. , _ , _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ , .
.                                                                                                                        .g ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS                                .
under this function, (4) independently review and approve the                    l findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing      -            '
the review and investigative function, (5) approve and report in                  j a timely manner all findin ments to the Station ""-- gs#'-"-*
of non-compliance  with NRC require-
                                                                                        "'"'-i"'--"---'"--'' '
Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, and ,the Vice President - Nuclear Operations. During periods when the L,,r;i-
of Offsite Review and Investigative Function is unavailable, he (r ..sld
* shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate, ' T ~ ~ l 1
whosatisfiestheformaltrainingandexperiencefortheMrc of the Offsite Review and Investigate Function. The responsibil-          ,
ities of the personnel performing this fmetion are stated below. Eg"M The Offsite Review and Investigative Funttion shall review:
: 1)    The safety evaluations for (1) changes to procedures,                        l equipment, or systems as described in the safety analysis                  I
                                                    . report and (2) tests or experiments completed under the provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question. Proposed                      i changes to the Quality Assurance Program description shall                  l be reviewed and approved by the Manager of Quality Assurance.              l
: 2)    Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which
(                                3) involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 59.59.
Propose. tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed I
safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.                                  '
: 4)    Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or NRC operating                l licenses.
: 5)    Noncompliance with NRC requirements, or of internal procedures, or instructions having nuclear safety significance.              '
: 6)    Significant operating abnormalities or deviation from                        {
i normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety as referred to it by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
: 7)    Reportable occurrences requiring 24 hour notification to the NRC.
: 8)    All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety related structures, systems, or components.
: 9)    Review and report findings and recommendations regarding all changes to the Generating Stations Emergency Plan
                            ,                      prior to implementation of such change.
: 10) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding
(          Q-all items referred by the Technical Staff Supervisor, Station i N.-:......-...., ........  ..-
stauundnd Manager of Quality Assurance.
                                                                                                - - ... - Nuclear LA SALLE      UNIT A                                  6-4                        C;ntu. S. 9
                                              ~                                  M      EC:A, d dMt 9 M M fr- M M w W
          .                                                                                                                                                .          l l
: b.        Audit Function                                                                                                                  l f/            Q-tRa.\ The Audit Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager
          %                        I  of Quality Assurance independent of the Production Department.
3fvund@v 4              Such responsibility is delegated to the Director of Quality g g a %                    ' Assurance 6 t e 2t h; = d the Staff Assi;tx t te m uy7;e.
(,c b b e --),                t
_t EitherTshall approve the audit agenda and checklists, the findings and the report of each audit. Audits shall be performed in accordance with the Com)any Quality Assurance Program and ggg                    Procedures. Audits shall ae performed to assure that safety-i            related functions are covered within a period of 2 years or less as designated below.
Audit of the conformance of facility operation to provisions I    S$^            -&.
1) contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per year.
      'w,                              2)    Audit of the adherence to procedures, training and qualification of the station staff at least once per year.
: 3)    Audit of the results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, str$ctures, systems, or methods of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
: 4)    Audit of the peformar.ce of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of Appendix "B" 10 CFr( 50.
: 5)    Audit of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing                                                      --
procedures at least once per 12 months.                                                                        ,
: 6)  Audit of the Eacility Security Plan and implementing procedures.
: 7)    Audit onsite and offsite reviews.                                                                                -
Audit the Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing 8) procedures.
: 9)    The radiological environmental monitoring program and the
                                -              results thereof at least once per 12 months.
: 10) The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures.
L LA SALLE - UNIT pt,                          6-5
                                                  --      -_a.--.    -,--.-w- . , - - , -- - nr,--_, - , , , , , ---,._m,m,  -,n-a , , - - , ,-.,.,.,.        .-cv. ,
ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Audit Function (Continued)                                                                                                            v C                          11) The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for solidification of radioactive wastes.
: 12) The performance of activities required by the Company Quality Assurance Program and Procedures to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 4.15, December 1977, at least once per 12 months.
Report all findings of noncompliance with NRC requirements and recommendatio s and results of each audit to the Station %
M                  '-t:.-i .d.,    "i.        . o Nuclear Safety, the ''i . i"r Vice Presidenta- Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, the gw                    Vice Chairman, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations.
        /V 6 p      c.      Authority The Manager of Quality Assurance reports to the and the R % r -a= of the Offsite Review and Investigative i
Chairman                        [6 M Sp*AE Function reports to the f -                                    1  mNuclear      Safety.      Either  the Manager of Quality Assurance or the Eg:grr of the Offsite Review and Investigation Function has the authority to order unit shutdown or request any other action which he deems necessary to avoid unsafe plant conditions.
                                                                                                                                          %'s 2f
: d.      Records
: 1)    Reviews, audits, and recommendations shall be documented
(                          2) and distributed as covered in 6.1.G.1.a and 6.1.G.1.b Copies of documentation, reports, and correspondence shall be kept on file at the station.
: e.      Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for the offsite reviews and investigative functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.a. and for the audit functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.b. Those procedures shall cover the                                                . . ,
: 1)    Content and method of submission of presentations to the i
rr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.
                            ,2)    Use of committees and consultants.
: 3)    Review and approval.                                                                                          -
: 4)    Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.                                                                *
: 5)    Method of (1) appointing personnel, (2) performing reviews,                                                      i investigations, (3) reporting findings and recommendations                                                      i
                      .            of reviews and investigations, (4) approving reports, and (5) distributing rep 3rts.
: 6)    Determining satisfactory completion of action required based on approved findings and recommendations reported by personnel performing the review and investigative function.                                                      I l
(-                                                                                                                                              w LA SALLE - UNIT 2.                                6-6 i
                            -,w--    .c .-.-        ,,-      r -  , . . - - -            ~  v--,v, -- --        -
l l
Offsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued)
: q. 3,  -
: f. Personnel                                                                                l
: 1)      The persons, including consultants, performing the review and investigative function, in addition to the Lgc.:.;.
of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have expertise in one or more of the following disciplines as appropriate for the subject or subjects being reviewed and investigated:
a)      nuclear power plant technology, b)      reactor operations, c)      utility    operations, d)    power    plant design, e)      reactor  engineering, f) radiological safety, g)-    reactor safety analysis, h)      instrumentation and control,
: 1)    metallurgy, and                                                        ~
j)      any other appropriate disciplines required by unique characteristics of the facility.
      .                2)          Individuals performing the Review and Investigative Function l
(                                shall possess a minimum formal training and experience as listed below for each discipline.
a)    Nuclear Power Plant Technology Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years experience in the nuclear power field design and/or operation.
b)    Reactor Operations        -
Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years                _,
l                                          experience in nuclear power plant operations.
c)    Utility Operations Engineering graduate or ec;uivalent with at least 5
                      .                  years of experience in utility operation and/or engineering.
                  ,                  d)    Power Plant Design Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in power plant design and/or operation.
e)    Reactor Engineering Engineering graduate or equival.ent. In addition, at least 5 years of experience in nuclear plant engineering, operation, and/or graduate work in nuclear engineering
(.                                      or equivalent in reactor physics is required.
LA SALLE - UNIT A.                              6-7
                                                                          . - ,,.  -  ,..----a -,  , ,
ADIMINSTRATIVE CONTROLS j0ffsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued) f) -Radiological Safety                                                    '
Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in radiation control and safety.
g)  Reactor Safety Analysis Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in nuclear engineering.
h)  Instrumentation and Concrol Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in instrumentation and control              f design and/or operation.                                          q
: 1)  Metallurgy                                                    ,
                  ,                Engineering graduate or eouivalent with at least S y=h4T                  5 years of experience in the metallurgical field.
: 3)    The S;;;r-'i::r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have experience and training which satisfy            -(
ANSI N18.1-1971 requirements for plant managers.
: 2. The Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall be supervised by the Station Euptr "te-de t W ~ p .                                                p
: a. Onsite Review and Investigative Function The Station v\wy :(;;r'.t . p.t shall:
h~l e
C                                                .a.            (1) provide direction for the      H Review and Investigative Function and appoint the Technical Staff Supervisor, or other comparably qualified individual as a senior d
3 participant to provide appropriate directions; (2) approve partici-        c pants for this function; (3) assure that a component of more than            U one participant who collectively possess background and qualifica-            g tions in the subject matter under review are selected to provide              o comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage under thi's function;      )"
(4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing the Review and Investigative Function; (5) report all findings of noncompliance with NRC reouirements, and
            .            provide recommendations to.the "!.!;i:r "ft: M dr-t-Nuclear Stations gYg              and the"L ;;rvi = r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function; and (6) submit to the Offsite Review and Investigative Function for concurrence in a timely manner, those items described in Specifica-tion 6.1.G.1.a which have been approved by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
The responsibilities of the personnel performing this function are          '
stated below:
: 1)  Review of (1) procedures required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, (2) all programs required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, and (3) any other proposed procedures or changes thereto as determined by the {Q,C;              }y. to affect nuclear safety.
: 2)  Review of all proposed test and experiments that affect nuclear safety.        m LA SALLE - UNIT A.                          6-8
  .                                                                                                                                      ~
Onsite Review and Investicative Function (Continued)
: 3)  Review of all proposed changes to the Technical Speci-fications.
: 4)    Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
_ _            5)    Investigation of all noncompliance with NRC requirements and shall prepare and forward a report covering evalua-tion and recommendations to prevent recurrence to the (9_)[r- M N m ' A M M                -Oi.i:i n "?;; "r;;id;nt-Nuclear Stations and to the I2 { '27.E fN L 0ffsite "-g d Investigative Function.
: 6)    Review"of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
: 7)    Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the E :-"4--- of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.                          S
: 8)    Review of the Station Security Plan and shall submit recommended changes to the '" i ';.- V.m Ic. -:d...t-Nuclear Stations.                              Y
: 9)    Review of the. Emergency Plan and station implementing
(                                        procedures and shall submit recommended changes to the SQ irie "i;; P. m .            t-Nuclear Stations.
: 10) Review of reportable events and actions taken to prevent recurrence.                                                                          [
: 11) Review of every unplanned onsite release of radioactive material to the environs including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation, recommendations and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recur-rence to the D' ,'-# r 'lic P.. :d.nt-Nuclear Stations and to thed r; -"fi r of the Offsite E h Review and                                - - '
      ~                          .              e investigative Function.                            4 S
: 12) Review of caanges to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL, and radwaste treatment systems.
: b. Authority The Technical Staff Supervisor is responsible to the Station M e= e p _p;....t;nt;nt and shall make recommendations in a timely manner in all areas of review, investigation, and quality control phases of plant maintenance, operation, and administra-tive procedures relating to facility operations and shall have the authority to request the action necessary to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, and procedures when in his opinion                  M        W%
l              -
                                      .      such action is necessary. The Station StytthWMeat shall follow (Mdtet                            such reconmendaticns or select a course'of action that is more conservative regarding safe operatior. of the facility. All such
(' P@ad                            ,etsagreements shali be reported immediately to the civi;i;a t                          D,ReviewandInvestigativeFunction.Ji;; P.;;id;nt-Nuclear Stations LA SALLE UNITjL.                                    6-9                  Amendment No. H l
(  Onsite Review and Investigative Function (Contin d) cu m L,t w . O h P M 4
: c.      Records
: 1)    Reports, reviews, investigations, and recommendations
    .                                shall be documented with copies to the -Of. .;i "i;; "rc;id:nt-
              .                      Nuclear Stations, the      er  :r.!;;. of the Offsite Review and VAd              ~
Investigative Function', t.he Station 5 ;;rf rt: .fri, and the Manager of Quality Assurance.                W ^P
: 2)    Copies of all records and documentation shall be kept on file at the station.
d.'      Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for conduct of the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
These procedures shall include the following:
: 1)    Content and method of submission and presentation to the                    ,
N hy --                  StationNm. i c.t;c.i.. A "i . i ;i;.. . . s. ,, . m...-Nuclear            -
Stations, and the S p r.i--          of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.              g
: 2)    Use of committees.
: 3)    Review and approval.
(                        4) 5)
Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.
Procedures for administration of the quality control activities.
: 6)    Assignment of responsibilities.
: e.      Personnel
: 1)    The personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investiga-
                                                                                                    -d tive shallFunction,    in addition consist of persons          to the having      Station expertise  in:E ;;r'-t3 :nt, M w y r.r c a)      nuclear power plant technology, b)      reactor operations, c)      reactor engin.eeiing, d)      radiological safety and chemist, e)      Instrumentation and control, and f) mechanical and electric systems.
: 2)    Personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1-1971, Sections 4.2 and 4.4.
H.      Fire Protection Program An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire p                      ion firm.
f          An inspection and audit of the fire protection and 8 prevention program shall
(            be performed by a qualified outside fire consultant at least once per 36 month!..                    s LA SALLE - UNIT 2                                6-10 l
FIGURE 6.1-1
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B.      Radiation control procedures shall be maintained, made available to all station personnel, and adhered to. These procedures shall show permissible radiation exposure and shall be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20. This radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20.
C.      1.        Procedures for items identified in Specification 6.2.A and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Operating Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor in the r            -                    areas of operation, fuel handling, or instrument maintenance, and i      th GLS* D                        by " a+a-'-'- ' '--                and Technical Staff Supervisor in the areas of plant maintenance and plant inspection. Procedures for
Sp e?C gy,=
l items identified in Specification 6.2.B and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Technical Staff
: f.            _ y Supervisor and the R di-'eg*::1 C';;;i; .1 Supervisor. At least one
                  -            -          person approving each of the above procedures shall hold a valid senior operator's license. In addition, these procedures and changes thereto, must have authorization by the Station -Su;:ri .t--ht Mwp
(                          2.
before being implemented.
Work and instruction type procedures which implement approved maintenar or modification procedures shall be approved and authorized by the 5 jam                        Maintenance n; _ r wherethe written authority has been provided by the Station '-- ' " "                The " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" utilized for' safety-related work shall be so approved only if pro-l                                          cedures referenced in the " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" have been approved as required by 6.2.A. Procedures which do not fall within the requirements of 6.2.A or 6.2.8 may be approved by the Department Heads.                                                            ,
D. Temporary changes to procedures 6.2.A and 6.2.B above may be made provided:                              -
: 1.    'The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
: 2. ,
The change is approved by two members of the plant management l
l                                            staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's Licese on the unit affected.
: 3.        The change is documented, reviewed by the Onsite Review and
Investigative within  14 days ofFunction        and approved by the Station 5 ; h p implementation.
l                        E. Drills of the emergency procedures described in Specification 6.2.A.4 shall be conducted at frequencies as specified in the Generating Stations Emergency Plan (GSEP). These drills will be planned so that during the course of the year, communication links are tested and outside agencies are contacted.
LA SALLE - UNIT 2                                    6-17
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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED If a safety limit is exceeded, the reactor shall be shut down immedihitely pursuant to Specification 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, and critical reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC. The, conditions of shutdown            _
shall be promptly reported to the Si.I:f r "i : "r :f _O.".-Nuclear Stations or
his designated alternate. The incident shall be reviewed pursuant to Specifi-cations 6.1.G.1.a and 6.I.G.2.a and a separate License Event Report for each occurrence shall be prepared in accordance with Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50.
The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible                              j and in all cases within one hour. The "' # '-- "'- o-- '"- ^-Nuclear        Stations                    ]
and the Oir::+r of Nuclear Safety shall be notified within 24 nours.                          -'
Mwe 6.5 PLANT OPERATING RECORDS A. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for at least 5 years:
: 1. Records of normal plant operation, including power levels and periods of operation at each power level;
: 2. Records of principal maintenance and activities, including inspection C                        and repair, regarding principal items of equipment pertaining to nuclear safety;
: 3. Records and reports of reportable events;                                                    g
: 4. Records and periodic checks,, inspection and/or calibrations performed to verify that the surveillance requirements (see Section 4 of these specifications) are being met. All equipment failing'to meet surveil-                          ~
lance requirements and the corrective action taken shall be recorded; ..
: 5. Records of changes to operating procedures;
: 6. Shift engineers' logs; and'
: 7. Byproduct material inventory records and source leak test results.
l C
LA SALLE UNIT 2                          6-19                        AmendmentNo.ll                          I l
i I
Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be recorded in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for the life of the plant:
Substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment pertain-
                                ,                      ing to nuclear safety; 2.
Changes made to the plant as it is described in the SAR; 3.
Records of new and spent fuel inventory and assembly histories; 4.
Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant; 5.
Records of plant radiation and contamination surveys; 6.
Records of offsite environmental monitoring surveys;                                                                                          ,
Records of radiation exposure for all plant personnel, including all                                                                            I contractors      and visitors to the plant, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20;                                                                                                                        /
(        8.
Records of of radioactivitr in liquid and gaseous wastes released to the environment; Records of transient or operational cycling for those components that have been designed to operate safety for a limited number of transient or operational cycles (identified in Table 5.7.1-1);
Records of individual staff members indicating qualifications, experience, training, and retraining; 11.
Inservice inspections of the reactor coolant system;                                                                    _ . ,
Minutes of meetings and results of reviews and audits performed by the offsite and onsite review and audit functions;
: 13. Records of reactor tests and. experiments; 14.
                                                                      -PJLoda h .op2e _ , h aA-                                                                                  gje, 15.
Records of reviews performed for $hanges made to procedures ;on 6.E 6 equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR SM59; and
: 16.                                                                                                                          e Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by specification 3.7.9 including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.
Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program.
LA SALLE - UNIT A                            6-20 ger,t E.)
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ATTACHMENT B SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Commonwealth Edison Company has evaluated the proposed Technical Specification Amendment and determined that it does not represent a significant hazards consideration. Based on the criteria for defining a significant hazards consideration established in 10 CFR 50.92, operation of LaSelle County Station Units 1 and 2 in accordance with the proposed amendment will not:
: 1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an
        . accident previously evaluated, create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated or involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety. This amendment fits example (i) of actions involving no significant hazards considera-tion (48 FR 14870) which include "A purely administrative change to Technical Specifications."
Based on the preceding discussion, it is concluded that the proposed change clearly falls within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component, the consequences of previously evaluated accidents will not be increased and the margin of safety will not be decreased.
Therefore, based on the guidance provided in the Federal Register and the criteria established in 10 CFR 50.92(c), the proposed change does not constitute a significant hazards consideration.
1 0851K 1
I 1

Latest revision as of 06:48, 22 July 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Mgt Organizational Changes in Administrative Control Portion of Section 6.0.Significant Hazards Consideration Encl
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1985
Shared Package
ML20138R282 List:
NUDOCS 8512310155
Download: ML20138R288 (31)






NPF-11 NPF-18 6-1 6-1 6-la ---

6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-8 6-8 6-9 6-9 6-10 6-10 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-17 6-17 6-19 6-19 6-20 6-20 0851K 0512310155 851220 PDR ADOCK 05000373

p. PDR


6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEW, INVESTIGATION, AND AUDIT A. The Station T_N N D. shall have overall full-time responsibility for safe operation of the facility. During periods when the Station .

% e. p S p ric.t -i nt is unavailable, he shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate who satisfies the ANSI N18.1 of March 8, 1971 experience requirements for plant manager.

The Shift Supervisor shall be responsible for directing and commanding G '

~ the overall operation of the facility on his shift. The primary manage- { 7 ment responsibility of the Shift Supervisor shall be for safe operation /

@ _of the nuclear facility on his shift under all conditions. A management directive signed b7 94,4e4ea Vice President' 1.;;;;. ".,;et;;c.; empha-sizing this primary management responsibility and that clearly establishes W the command duties of the Shift Supervisor shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.

B. The corporate management which relates to the operation of this station is shown in Figure 6.1-1.

C. The normal functional or ani ion for operation of the station shall be as shown in Figure 6.1-2. The shift manning for the station shall'be as I i 4 shown in Figure 6.1-3. The individual filling the ppJition of Assistant '

. Superintendenn- ----2---

r : m Servicesg shall meet the minimum acceptable level for " Technical Manager" as described in Section 4.2.4 of ANSI N18.1-1971 4 4 1. At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in the control room y

, 3 when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the reactor is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at least one licensed Senior i

Reactor Operator who has been designated by the Shift Supervisor to o assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in the Control Room.

f, *y] j Areactor.

  • s 2. heaith physics technician
  • shall be on site when fuel is in the g h 3. All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by fj'i u

, g either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator k{ qoj [- during ,this operation. Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurren 7 A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite fi b f.Nd5I 2 at all times *. The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Supervisor, the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2 other members of the mini-

,g' * @ mum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit and any y

g I required for other essential functions during a fire emergency. personnel A

The health physics technician and Fire Brigade composition may be less than the minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accomodate unexpected absence provided inrediate action is taken to fill the

_ required positions.

r D r2; r a-un F g LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-1 Amendment 8

.a. . . , . . . - ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ - -

e 6.1-2 indicates that the Operating Assistant Superintendent is required to ho SRa license. The following exemption from this requirement is authorized. . September 30, 1983:

An individual who meets t ~ utrements of ANSI N18.1-1971, for the ANS pasitions of Plant Manag and tions Manager, with the sole exception k that he does not hold current SRO se at LaSalle, will be allowed to assume the position Operating Assistant rintendent, providing

a. He sits for the SRO examination at LaSalle no an the first opportunity after six months following his appointment osition.


b. Operating d cisions made by this individual prior to his holding a current SRO aSalle shall be approved by, or directed through, individual (s) ho trent SRO license at LaSalle.

j i

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LA SALLE m UNIT 1 6-la Amendment 8 3

C ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS n n.,0:n10n Anydeviationfromtheaboveguidelinesshallbeauthorizedbythe(Sibd'C Superintendent or his deputy, or higher levels of management, in accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for. granting the deviation. Controls shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed monthly by the St "i;r, Superintendent or his designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine deviation from the above guidelines is not authorized.


. D. Qualifications of the station management and operating staff shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel," dated March 8, 1971. The Rad / Chem Supervisor shall meet the requirements of radiation protection i

manager of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September,1975. The ANSI N18.1-1971 qualification requirements for Rad / Chem Technician may also be met oy either of the following alternatives:

1. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program and have accrued 1 year of working experience in the i@

specialty, or

2. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program, but have not yet accrued 1 year of working experience g in the specialty, who are supervised by on-shift health physics

( supervision who meet the requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971 Section 4.3.2, " Supervisor Not Requiring AEC Licenses," or Section 4.4.4, " Radiation Protection."

E. Retraining and replacement training of Station personnel shall be in accordance with ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel", dated March 8, 1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55, and shall include familiarization with relevant industry operational experience identified by the ONSG.

F. Retraining shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 2 years.

G. The Review and Investigative Function and the Audit Function of activities affecting quality during facility operations shall be constituted and have the res ogsjbil,i,t4s and authorities outlined below:

1. The _gr;i;;r of the Offsite Review and Investiaative Function 7 shall be appointed by the Dim *" , Nuclear Safety. The Audit Y"FD Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager of Quality Assurance and shall be independent of operations,
a. Offsite Review and Investigative Function

$d#!AMhe T idai;;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall: (1) provide directions for the review and investigative function and appoint a senior participant to provide appropriate l

direction, (2) select each participant for this function (3) l select a complement of more than one participant who collectively possess background and qualifications in the subject matter under review to provide ' comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage  !

LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-3 Amendment No.18

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  • l under this function, (4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing - d the review and investigative function, (5) approve and report in a timely manner all findings of non-compliance with NRC require-ments to the Station " --' ' " * "'"'-i- "'-- " - '"--' ' '


Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations. During periods when the L,,,.rci- -


of Offsite Review and Investigative Function is unavailable, he L a a, shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate, ' T ~ ~~

who satisfies the formal training and experience for the S p rci---

The responsibil-of the Offsite Review and Investigate Function.ities of theg perso The Offsite Review and Investigative Funt tion shall review: 1

1) The safety evaluations for (1) changes to procedures, equipment, or systems as described in the safety analysis j report and (2) tests or experiments completed under the i provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did l not constitute an unreviewed safety question. Proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Program description shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager of Quality Assurance.
2) Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which

( 3) involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.

Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59.

4) Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or NRC operating licenses.
5) Noncompliance with NRC requirements, or of internal procedures, or instructions having nuclear safety significance. '
6) Significant operating abnormalities or deviation from normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety as referred to it by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.
7) Reportable occurrences requiring-24 hour notification to the NRC.
8) All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety-related structures, systems, or components.
9) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding l all changes to the Generating Stations Emergency Plan prior to implementation of such change.
10) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding all items referred by the Tecenical Staff Supervisor, Station T- ;.in'.,.;t at, C h'-' n "i:: a e *c at - Nuclear Ibefv - stau un nd Manager of Quality Assurance.

LA SALLE UNIT 1 6-4 Amendment No.14

  • OWald h db.49 M d


b. Audit Function f/L Q Ms.\ The Audit Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager

- T of Quality Assurance independent of the Production Department.

p*4 4 Such responsibility is delegated to the Director of Quality Qu d +- h gs{

U. _

age {y @ ;d qe 2 ff gjp;g,g,] u3 37

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-L EitherYshall approve the audit agenda and checklists, the findings and tne report of each audit. Audits shall be performed in accordance with the Com3any Quality Assurance Program and gga Procedures. Audits shall )e performed to assure that safety-s related functions are covered within a period of 2 years or less as designated below.

I 5%^ 1) Audit of the conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within the Technical SpecificatiJns and applicable p license conditions at least once per year. ,

w, 2) Audit of the adherence to procedures, training and L qualification of the station staff at least once per year.


3) Audit of the results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems, or methods of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
4) Audit of the peformance of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of Appendix "B" 10 CFR 50.
5) Audit of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing ~

. procedures at least once per 12 months.

6) Audit of the Eacility Security Plan and implementing procedures.


7) Audit onsite and offsite reviews. -
8) Audit the Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures.
9) The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 12 maaths.
10) The 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures.



ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Audit Function (Continued) v C- 11) The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for solidification of radioactive wastes.

12) The performance of activities required by the Company Quality Assurance Program and Procedures to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 4.15, December 1977, at least once per 12 months.

Report all findings of noncompliance with NRC requirements and recommendatio s and results of each audit to the Station Supeac ,

M 't..iat, OL u o Nuclear Safety, the Oi.if er Vice Presidenta- Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, the gw Vice Chairman, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations.

to = 3% c. Authority The Manager of Quality Assurance reports to the and the S;?r"iea- of the Offsite Review and Investigative Chairman [6 M S p, *v i* Function reports to the I . -- o mNuclear Safety. Either the r of the Offsite Manager Review and of Investigation Quality Assurance Functionorhas thethe 5;:r;p:thority au to order

%8784 unit shutdown or request any other action which he deems a[

necessary to avoid unsafe plant conditions.

d. Records
1) Reviews, audits, and recommendations shall be documented and distributed as covered in 6.1.G.1.a and 6.1.G.1.b y C 2) Copies of documentation, reports, and correspondence shall be kept on file at the station.
e. Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for the offsite reviews and investigative functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.a. and for the audit functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.b. Those procedures shall cover the .,


1) Content and method of submission of presentations to the 3

-" 4 Mr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.

,2) Use of committees and consultants.

3) Review and approval.
4) Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.
5) Method of (1) appointing personnel, (2) performing reviews, investigations, (3) reporting findings and recommendattor:s

. of reviews and investigations, (4) approving reports, and (5) distributing reports.

6) Determining satisfactory completion of action required I

based on approved findings and recommendations reported by l personnel performing the review and investigative function.

( w l LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-6 1

C- ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Offsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued) p,. ,, j

. . 3,

f. Personnel
1) The persons, including consultants, performing the review and investigative function, in addition to the Cup;r...;.

of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have expertise in one or more of the following disciplines as appropriate for the subject or subjects being reviewed and investigated:

a) nuclear power plant technology, b) reactor operations, c) utility operations, d) power plant design, e) reactor engineering, f) radiological safety, g) reactor safety analysis, h) instrumentation and control, i) metallurgy, and j) any other appropriate disciplines required by unique characteristics of the facility.

2) Individuals performing the Review and Investigative Function

( shall possess a minimum formal training and experience as listed below for each discipline.

a) Nuclear Power Plant Technology Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years experience in the nuclear power field design and/or operation, b) Reactor Operations Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years .,

experience in nuclear power plant operations.

c) Utility Operations Engineer'ing graduate or equivalent with at least 5

. years of experience in utility operation and/or engineering.

, d) Power Plant Design Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in power plant design and/or operation.

e) Reactor Engineering Engineering graduate or equivalent. In addition, at least 5 years of experience in nuclear plant engineering, operation, and/or graduate work in nuclear engineering or equivalent in reactor physics is required.


LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-7 r -


CJOffsiteReviewandInvestigativeFunction(Continued) f) Radiological Safety Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in radiation control and safety.

g) Reactor Safety Analysis Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in nuclear engineering.

h) Instrumentation and Control EngineerinD graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in instrumentation and control design and/or operation.

f q

i) Metallurgy Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least

- A ^#

5 9 5 years of experience in the metallurgical field.

3) The Ep;rci r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have experience and training which satisfy ANSI N18.1-1971 requirements for plant managers.
2. The Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall be supervised by the Station Ep H tende t V h p ,

Onsite Review and Investigative Function


a. 1&

The Station gi(V\wpp;r.t r ' r.t c. .. shall: (1) provide direction for the al Review and Investigative Function and appoint the Technical Staff Supervisor, or other comparably qualified individual as a senior d

3 participant to provide appropriate directions; (2) approve partici- 33 pants for this function; (3) assure that a component of more than D one participant who collectively possess background and qualifica- g tions in the subject matter under review are selected to provide F comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage under this function; (4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations


developed by personnel performing the Review and Investigative Function; (5) report all findings of noncompliance with NRC reouirements, and

. provide _ recommendations to the Oi.!;icr "ic: " d idrt-Nuclear Stations 3Ygt -

and the" p rvi;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function; and (6) submit to the Offsite Review and Investigative Function for concurrence in a timely manner, those items described in Specifica-tion 6.1.G.1.a which have been approved by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.

The responsibilities of the personnel performing this function are stated below:

1) Review of (1) procedures required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, (2) all programs required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, and (3) any other proposed procedures or changes theretc as determined by theSTE '" nt Rp;WePrint:-i

_f r.t to affect nuclear safety.

2) Review of all proposed test and experiments that affect nuclear safety.



- -- Onsite Review and Investicative Function (Continued)

3) Review of all proposed changes to the Technical Speci-fications.
4) Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.

_ 5) Investigation of all noncompliance with NRC requirements and shall prepare and forward a report covering evalua-

. tion and recommendation:, to prevent recurrence to the 9/4/4al.**CC M Oi.!;i: "i:: "r;;id;;t-Nuclear Stations and to the

) M & m %er Ex$r"i:

q.xr of> the a Offsite " Mw; r,and Investigative Function.

6) Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hnards.
7) Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Ex tr""^r of t' Offsite Review and Investigative Function. $
8) Review of the Station Security Plan and shall submit recommended changes to the P i ';n V.u P c s e : d-..t-Nucl e a r Stations. Y
9) Review of the. Emergency Plan and station implementing procedures and shall submit recommended changes to

( the D',,, icier "ic: Pie, .Je. t-Nuclear Stations.

10) Review of reportable events and actions taken to prevent l recurrence.
11) Review of every unplanned onsite release of radioactive material to the environs including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation, recommendations and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recur-l rence to the D' 'rie "i;; P,m;-d;;t-Nuclear Stations and to the 'r---"f::7 of the Offsite N war Review and "

~ . e investEgative Function.  %


12) Review of changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL, and radwaste treatment systems.
b. Authority The Technical Staff Supervisor is responsible to the Station Movy-Sp;. :nt;c.t;nt and shall make recommendations in a timely manner in all areas of review, investigation, and quality control phases of plant maintenance, operation, and admin 4 tra-tive procedures relating to facility operations and shall have the authority to request the action necessary to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, and procedures when in his opinion MW Pl !

. such action is necessary. The Station Lp; in rnder. shall follow I fM L)te. such recommendations or select a course ~of action that is more conservative regarding safe operation of the facility. All such l

('P M M , disagreements shall be reported immediately to the Civi;ica

, .i:g

".x ;id;;t-Nuclear Stations and the M r ;r of the Offsite t g ,J Review and Investigative Function. g LA SALLE UNIT 1 6-9 Amendment No. 23

- , _ . . . _ -- , _ . - _ _ - , . , , . . _ , + + r -


( Onsite Review and Investigative Function (Cont nued) cumLaw. Oh PM 4

c. Records
1) Reports, reviews, investigations, and recommendations shall be documented with copies to the -Oi.i;icr '.'ic: "rc;id:nt-Nuclear Stations, the & :r;i;;r of the Offsite Review and D Investigative Function', t.he Station Ep:rint:nd:nt, and the Manager of Quality Assurance. W ^4%
2) Copies of all records and documentation shall be kept on file at the station.

d.' Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for conduct of the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.

These procedures shall include the following:

1) Content,and method of submission and presentation to the  ;

M hy -- Station"4, int;ni...;. "i . i;i;.. 'L r i o . .. -Nuclear Stations, and the O per;i-gr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function. \, g

2) Use of committees.
3) Review and approval.

( 4) 5)

Detailed listing of items to be reviewed.

Procedures for administration of the quality control activities.


6) Assignment of responsibilities.
e. Personnel
1) The personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investiga-tive shallFunction, consist of in addition persons to the having expertise Stationin:E;;r'-t-)-d:nt, g

a) nuclear power plant technology, ,

b) reactor operations, l c) reactor engineering, l d) radiological safety and chemist, e) Instrumentation and control, and f) mechanical and electric systems. )

2) Personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investigative I Function shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1-1971, Sections 4.2 and 4.4.

H. Fire Protection Program An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection ana  ;

audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either  !

qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire p ion firm.

An inspection and audit of the fire protection and d prevention program shall be performed by a qualified outside fire consultant at least once per 36 months. v LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-10

. , , ~

, FIGURE 6.1-1 1 -11 l ilg-)


l i}


-l[1- --

11I I

.il t

l {l- rr Illl I { i ~ili 1

11. ,-

1 11-

                     ,                   il-f_!-f_il!Ill     ll                   .

Ij- I I-


g 11 b


c.,,,,,.-------'r- g 111 l II a 18 1 Ig}1i 111 - 1 - '-

                                             .S                      Il          lit il                             111 til Illl}

l 11 E - 1B Jll lit til _ w.- - 1 \


{ . 2 H)\1b-j d LaSalle Unit 1 ~

FIGURE 6.1-2 Il Il i l 11l i 11 11

                                     -il-ipi                                                   ei       +i il      -

1 1: 1 E - l 1 l l - i= - 11 11 q ,- - a

                                                                                                 ....                    Il          5      7 il a il I              i 1

11 h1 l1 il 1->lll5!! i 1. 1ll 111


1 - 11  !!il illi, r 111 11 i l- i.1:I il

                                                                                                                                                 'i:                          :

LaSalle Unit 1 6-12

l l ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS l PLANT OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS (Continued) B. Radiation control procedures shall be maintained, made available to all station personnel, and adhered to. These procedures shall show permissible radiation exposure and shall be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20. This radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20. C. 1. Procedures for items identified in Specification 6.2. A and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Operating Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor in the r areas of operation, fuel handling, or instrument maintenance, and tdit by ""*-+- e -~ "- '- r and Technical Staff Supervisor in the Sy LEAP are'as of plant maintenance and plant inspection. Procedures for

                      } ggy- g                              items identified in Specification 6.2.B and any changes to such L                                       procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Technical Staff
                                         . w Supervisor and the " ^'
                                                                                                       - ' Supervisor. At least one m                          person approving each of the above procedures shall hold a valid

+ senior operator's license. In addition, these procedures and changes thereto, must have authorization by the Station Sr;rintudst Mhp ( 2. before being implemented. Work and instruction type procedures which implement approved maintenan or modification procedures shall be approved and authorized by the afd Maintenance E gi r r wherethe written authority has been provided by

                            $                               the Station A p; d ats d;nt. The " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" utilized for' safety-related work shall be so approved only if pro-cedures referenced in the  Maintenance / Modification Procedure" have been approved as required by 6.2.A. Procedures which do not fall within the requirements of 6.2.A or 6.2.B may be approved by the Department Heads.                                                                 ,

D. Temporary changes to procedures 6.2.A and 6.2.B above may be made provided: -

1. 'The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
2. The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's Licese on the unit affected.
3. The change is documented, reviewed by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function and approved by the Station 5 g r -+aadan+ i within 14 days of implementation. hp E. Drills of the emergency procedures described in Specification 6.2. A.4 shall be conducted at frequencies as specified in the Generating Stations Emergency Plan (GSEP). These drills will be planned so that during the  ;

course of the year, communication links are tested and outside agencies are contacted. 1 LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-17 ,

                                               - - - - - ,                                      ~       , ,,
                                                                                                           -    . - - - -   - - - - ,    , . .     - - ~ ,

f& p Ga w+ uh 9& ( . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED If a safety limit is exceeded, the reactor shall be shut down immedi$itely pursuant to Specification 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, and critical reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC. The, conditions of shutdown shall be promptly reported to the Oi.i:f r "i : "r; "r.t-Nuclear Stations or his designated alternate. The incident shall be reviewed pursuant to Specifi-cations 6.1.G.I.a and 6.I.G.2.a and a separate License Event Report for each


occurrence shall be prepared in accordance with Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible j and in all cases within one hour. The "' ' 2--

                                                                  "'- "-- '"- ^-Nuclear Stations and the Dir::t r of Nuclear Safety shall be notified within 24 nours.                 -]

Mwe 6.5 PLANT OPERATING RECORDS A. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for at least 5 years:

1. Records of normal plant operation, including power levels and periods of operation at each power level;
2. Records of principal maintenance and activities, including inspection C and repair, regarding principal items of equipment pertaining to nuclear safety;
3. Records and reports of reportable events; g
4. Records and periodic checks, inspection and/or calibrations performed to verify that the surveillance requirements (see Section 4 of these specifications) are being met. All equipment failing'to meet surveil- '

lance requirements and the corrective action taken shall be recorded; . . . ,

5. Records of changes to operating procedures;
6. Shift engineers' logs; and'
7. Byproduct material inventory records and source leak test results.

L LA SALLE UNIT 1 6-19 Amendment No. 23

I ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS PLANT OPERATING RECORDS (Continued) B. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be recorded in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for the life of the plant: 1. Substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment pertain-

 ,                   ing to nuclear safety; 2.

Changes made to the plant as it is described in the SAR; 3. Records of new and spent fuel inventory and assembly histories; 4. Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant; 5. Records of plant radiation and contamination surveys; 6. Records of offsite environmental monitoring surveys; 7. Records of radiation exposure for all plant personnel, including all contractors and visitors to the plant, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20;

8. l Records of of radioactivity in liquid and gaseous wastes released to C 9.

the environment; Records of transient or operational cycling for those components that have been designed to operate safety for a limited number of transient or operational cycles (identified in Table 5.7.1-1); 10. Records of individual staff members indicating qualifications, experience, training, and retraining;

11. Inservice inspections of the reactor coolant system; - _ .

12. Minutes of meetings and results of reviews and audits performed by the offsite and onsite review and audit functions;

13. Records of reactor tests and. experiments; 14.

15. nu mn Records of Nality Assurance activ,i, ties regired,by-the QA Manual gjn. s.s,s Records of reviews perfomed for changes made to procedures ,on equipment and or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59; 16. Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by specification 3.7.9 including the date at which the g service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records. 17. Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program. LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-20 Amendment No. 18

                                                                    .-      ~ . . -             -   .         .      _- .            = . _ _ _ _ . _ _ -
     /.                                                                                                                                                       -

i 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS w 6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEW, INVESTIGATION, AND AUDIT  ! I A. The Station LNT;D. shall have overall full-time responsibility  ! for safe operation of the facility. During periods when the Station tv\e m e. p E p rir.t; . C r.: is unavailable, he shall designate this responsibility to i an established alternate who satisfies the ANSI N18.1 of March 8, 1971 ' experience requirements for plant manager. l The Shift Supervisor shall be responsible for directing and commanding '

          ~~                              the overall operation of the facility on his shift. The primary manage-                                        -

ment responsibility of the Shift Supervisor shall be for safe operation gfr--tof the nuclear facility on his shift under all conditions. A management - 4 directive signed Df94,4e4ea Vice President -- L;;;;. 'Z.en... empha-sizing this primary management responsibility and that clearly establishes 8d

the command duties of the Shift Supervisor shall be reissued to all station personnel on an annual basis.
8. The corporate management which relates to the operation of this station is shown in Figure 6.1-1.

C. The normal functional or ani ion for operation of the station shall be

as shown in Figure 6.1-2. The shift manning for the station shall'be as N shown in Figure 6.1-3. The individual filling the po ition of Assistant ,

nager s de rib n i  : Section 4.2.4 of ANSI N18.1-1971 4 M 1. At least one licensed Reactor Operator shall be in the control room ( ~ when fuel is in the reactor. In addition, while the reactor is in f7 j

  • OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1, 2 or 3, at least one licensed Senior Reactor Operator who has been designated by the Shift Supervisor to
                       *          (     ,

assume the control room direction responsibility shall be in the o Con +.rol Room. j [, h *fn 2. A health ph r ics technician

  • shall be on site when fuel is in the reactor.
     *d o a

qb 3. All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be observed and directly supervised by

                                 ' g either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator yh y                    g ]o j[- during ,this operation. Limited to Fuel Handling whohas no other concurre                                                    '
   !*b}6                    ' d8    4 A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained onsite 1.M
  • H $-
                                ,C         2      at all times *. The Fire Brigade shall not include the Shift Supervisor,
               '              !r                  the Station Control Room Engineer and the 2 other members of the mini-
                               .O          g      mum shift crew te:essary for safe shutdown of the unit and any personnel
                          <ysi* f gl              required for other essential functions during a fire emergency.

The health physics technician and Fire Brigade composition may be less than the I minimum requirements for a period of time not to exceed two hours in order to accomodate unexpected absence provided immediate action is taken to fill the required positions. < LA SALLE - UNIT 2, ' 6-1 1 1

                                                  ~ . . - . - . . .      ..   ...~.-..-~.~.~-..
                                                                                                    . 7.~.2 u- r - -      -.-~.-,-_.-..-.---_...-

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS C A 0a Anydeviationfromtheaboveguidelinesshallbeauthorizedbythe(Sib;a.,0*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               'C Superintendent or his deputy, or higher levels of management, ia accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis for granting the deviation. Controls shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed monthly by the St-ti;r. Superintendent or his designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine deviation from the above guidelines is not authorized.
  • g_o. _a_i ._
          .               D.       Qualifications of the station management and operating staff shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel," dated March 8, 1971. The Rad / Chem Supervisor shall meet the requirements of radiation protection manager of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September,1975. The ANSI N18.1-1971 qualification requirements for Rad / Chem Technician may also be met by                                                                                                                                             0 either of the following alternatives:
1. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training \

program and have accrued 1 year of working experience in the specialty, or q - k

2. Individuals who have completed the Rad / Chem Technician training program, but have not yet accrued 1 year of working experience

{g in the specialty, whr 7 supervised by on-shift health physics supervision who meet .he requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971 yw f L Section 4.3.2, " Supervisor Not Requiring AEC Licenses," or Section 4.4.4, " Radiation Protection." E. Retraining and replacement training of Station personnel shall be in accordance with ANSI N18.1, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel", dated March 8, 1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55, and shall include familiarization with relevant industry operational experience identified by the ONSG. F. Retraining shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 2 years. G. The Review and Investigative Function and the Audit Function of activities affecting quality during facility operations shall be constituted and have the re ogspil,1,t4sandauthoritiesoutlinedbelow:

1. The __ ri'i;i of tiie Offsite Review and Investiaative Function 7 shall be appointed by the P :r % Nuclear Safety. The Audit MTI Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager of Quality Assurance and shall be independent of operations,
a. Offsite Review and Investigative Function Sur'a "+4Mhe Edi;;r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall: (1) provide directions for the review and investigative function and appoint a senior participant to provide appropriate direction, (2) select each participant for this function, (3) select a complement of more than one participant who collectively possess background and qualifications in the subject matter under review to provide ' comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage LA SALLE - UNIT 1 6-3 f t.=t M:. 1

_ _ , . . . . _ _ . . . . _ , _ . .y_.__._ . _ _ . , . . . _ _ . , _ _ . . _ , , , , _ _ , , , , 4 _. , _ , _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ , .

. .g ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS . under this function, (4) independently review and approve the l findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing - ' the review and investigative function, (5) approve and report in j a timely manner all findin ments to the Station ""-- gs#'-"-* of non-compliance with NRC require-

                                                                                       "'"'-i"'--"---'"-- '

Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, and ,the Vice President - Nuclear Operations. During periods when the L,,r;i-


of Offsite Review and Investigative Function is unavailable, he (r ..sld

  • shall designate this responsibility to an established alternate, ' T ~ ~ l 1

whosatisfiestheformaltrainingandexperiencefortheMrc of the Offsite Review and Investigate Function. The responsibil- , ities of the personnel performing this fmetion are stated below. Eg"M The Offsite Review and Investigative Funttion shall review:

1) The safety evaluations for (1) changes to procedures, l equipment, or systems as described in the safety analysis I
                                                   . report and (2) tests or experiments completed under the provision of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question. Proposed                      i changes to the Quality Assurance Program description shall                  l be reviewed and approved by the Manager of Quality Assurance.               l
2) Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which

( 3) involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 59.59. Propose. tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed I safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59. '

4) Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or NRC operating l licenses.
5) Noncompliance with NRC requirements, or of internal procedures, or instructions having nuclear safety significance. '
6) Significant operating abnormalities or deviation from {

i normal and expected performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety as referred to it by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.

7) Reportable occurrences requiring 24 hour notification to the NRC.
8) All recognized indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety related structures, systems, or components.
9) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding all changes to the Generating Stations Emergency Plan
                            ,                      prior to implementation of such change.
10) Review and report findings and recommendations regarding

( Q-all items referred by the Technical Staff Supervisor, Station i N.-:......-...., ........ ..- stauundnd Manager of Quality Assurance.

                                                                                               - - ... - Nuclear LA SALLE       UNIT A                                  6-4                         C;ntu. S. 9
                                              ~                                  M      EC:A, d dMt 9 M M fr- M M w W
         .                                                                                                                                                 .           l l


b. Audit Function l f/ Q-tRa.\ The Audit Function shall be the responsibility of the Manager
         %                         I  of Quality Assurance independent of the Production Department.

3fvund@v 4 Such responsibility is delegated to the Director of Quality g g a % ' Assurance 6 t e 2t h; = d the Staff Assi;tx t te m uy7;e. (,c b b e --), t _t EitherTshall approve the audit agenda and checklists, the findings and the report of each audit. Audits shall be performed in accordance with the Com)any Quality Assurance Program and ggg Procedures. Audits shall ae performed to assure that safety-i related functions are covered within a period of 2 years or less as designated below. Audit of the conformance of facility operation to provisions I S$^ -&. 1) contained within the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at least once per year. Q

      'w,                              2)    Audit of the adherence to procedures, training and qualification of the station staff at least once per year.


3) Audit of the results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, str$ctures, systems, or methods of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
4) Audit of the peformar.ce of activities required by the Quality Assurance Program to meet the Criteria of Appendix "B" 10 CFr( 50.
5) Audit of the Facility Emergency Plan and implementing --

procedures at least once per 12 months. ,

6) Audit of the Eacility Security Plan and implementing procedures.
7) Audit onsite and offsite reviews. -

Audit the Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing 8) procedures.

9) The radiological environmental monitoring program and the
                               -              results thereof at least once per 12 months.
10) The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and implementing procedures.

L LA SALLE - UNIT pt, 6-5

                                                 --      -_a.--.     -,--.-w- . , - - , -- - nr,--_, - , , , , , ---,._m,m,   -,n-a , , - - , ,-.,.,.,.        .-cv. ,

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Audit Function (Continued) v C 11) The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for solidification of radioactive wastes.

12) The performance of activities required by the Company Quality Assurance Program and Procedures to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 4.15, December 1977, at least once per 12 months.

Report all findings of noncompliance with NRC requirements and recommendatio s and results of each audit to the Station % M '-t:.-i .d., "i. . o Nuclear Safety, the i . i"r Vice Presidenta- Nuclear Stations, Manager of Quality Assurance, the gw Vice Chairman, and the Vice President - Nuclear Operations.

       /V 6 p       c.      Authority The Manager of Quality Assurance reports to the and the R % r -a= of the Offsite Review and Investigative i

Chairman [6 M Sp*AE Function reports to the f - 1 mNuclear Safety. Either the Manager of Quality Assurance or the Eg:grr of the Offsite Review and Investigation Function has the authority to order unit shutdown or request any other action which he deems necessary to avoid unsafe plant conditions.

                                                                                                                                         %'s 2f
d. Records
1) Reviews, audits, and recommendations shall be documented

( 2) and distributed as covered in 6.1.G.1.a and 6.1.G.1.b Copies of documentation, reports, and correspondence shall be kept on file at the station. u

e. Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for the offsite reviews and investigative functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.a. and for the audit functions described in Specification 6.1.G.1.b. Those procedures shall cover the . . ,


1) Content and method of submission of presentations to the i

rr of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function.

                           ,2)     Use of committees and consultants.
3) Review and approval. -
4) Detailed listing of items to be reviewed. *
5) Method of (1) appointing personnel, (2) performing reviews, i investigations, (3) reporting findings and recommendations i
                      .            of reviews and investigations, (4) approving reports, and (5) distributing rep 3rts.
6) Determining satisfactory completion of action required based on approved findings and recommendations reported by personnel performing the review and investigative function. I l

(- w LA SALLE - UNIT 2. 6-6 i

                            -,w--    .c .-.-        ,,-       r -   , . . - - -             ~  v--,v, -- --        -

l l l ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS C Offsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued)

q. 3, -
f. Personnel l
1) The persons, including consultants, performing the review and investigative function, in addition to the Lgc.:.;.

of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have expertise in one or more of the following disciplines as appropriate for the subject or subjects being reviewed and investigated: a) nuclear power plant technology, b) reactor operations, c) utility operations, d) power plant design, e) reactor engineering, f) radiological safety, g)- reactor safety analysis, h) instrumentation and control,

1) metallurgy, and ~

j) any other appropriate disciplines required by unique characteristics of the facility.

      .                 2)          Individuals performing the Review and Investigative Function l

( shall possess a minimum formal training and experience as listed below for each discipline. a) Nuclear Power Plant Technology Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years experience in the nuclear power field design and/or operation. b) Reactor Operations - Engineering graduate or equivalent with 5 years _, l experience in nuclear power plant operations. c) Utility Operations Engineering graduate or ec;uivalent with at least 5

                      .                   years of experience in utility operation and/or engineering.
                  ,                  d)    Power Plant Design Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in power plant design and/or operation.

e) Reactor Engineering Engineering graduate or equival.ent. In addition, at least 5 years of experience in nuclear plant engineering, operation, and/or graduate work in nuclear engineering (. or equivalent in reactor physics is required. LA SALLE - UNIT A. 6-7

                                                                         . - ,,.  -  ,..----a -,   , ,

ADIMINSTRATIVE CONTROLS j0ffsite Review and Investigative Function (Continued) f) -Radiological Safety ' Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in radiation control and safety.


g) Reactor Safety Analysis Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in nuclear engineering. h) Instrumentation and Concrol Engineering graduate or equivalent with at least 5 years of experience in instrumentation and control f design and/or operation. q

1) Metallurgy ,
                 ,                 Engineering graduate or eouivalent with at least S y=h4T                  5 years of experience in the metallurgical field.
3) The S;;;r-'i::r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function shall have experience and training which satisfy -(

ANSI N18.1-1971 requirements for plant managers.

2. The Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall be supervised by the Station Euptr "te-de t W ~ p . p
a. Onsite Review and Investigative Function The Station v\wy :(;;r'.t . p.t shall:

h~l e C .a. (1) provide direction for the H Review and Investigative Function and appoint the Technical Staff Supervisor, or other comparably qualified individual as a senior d 3 participant to provide appropriate directions; (2) approve partici- c pants for this function; (3) assure that a component of more than U one participant who collectively possess background and qualifica- g tions in the subject matter under review are selected to provide o comprehensive interdisciplinary review coverage under thi's function; )" (4) independently review and approve the findings and recommendations developed by personnel performing the Review and Investigative Function; (5) report all findings of noncompliance with NRC reouirements, and

           .            provide recommendations to.the "!.!;i:r "ft: M dr-t-Nuclear Stations gYg              and the"L ;;rvi = r of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function; and (6) submit to the Offsite Review and Investigative Function for concurrence in a timely manner, those items described in Specifica-tion 6.1.G.1.a which have been approved by the Onsite Review and Investigative Function.

The responsibilities of the personnel performing this function are ' stated below:

1) Review of (1) procedures required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, (2) all programs required by Specification 6.2 and changes thereto, and (3) any other proposed procedures or changes thereto as determined by the {Q,C; }y. to affect nuclear safety.
2) Review of all proposed test and experiments that affect nuclear safety. m LA SALLE - UNIT A. 6-8
 .                                                                                                                                      ~

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS C Onsite Review and Investicative Function (Continued)

3) Review of all proposed changes to the Technical Speci-fications.
4) Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.

_ _ 5) Investigation of all noncompliance with NRC requirements and shall prepare and forward a report covering evalua-tion and recommendations to prevent recurrence to the (9_)[r- M N m ' A M M -Oi.i:i n "?;; "r;;id;nt-Nuclear Stations and to the I2 { '27.E fN L 0ffsite "-g d Investigative Function.

6) Review"of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
7) Performance of special reviews and investigations and reports thereon as requested by the E :-"4--- of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function. S
8) Review of the Station Security Plan and shall submit recommended changes to the '" i ';.- V.m Ic. -:d...t-Nuclear Stations. Y
9) Review of the. Emergency Plan and station implementing

( procedures and shall submit recommended changes to the SQ irie "i;; P. m . t-Nuclear Stations.

10) Review of reportable events and actions taken to prevent recurrence. [
11) Review of every unplanned onsite release of radioactive material to the environs including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation, recommendations and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recur-rence to the D' ,'-# r 'lic P.. :d.nt-Nuclear Stations and to thed r; -"fi r of the Offsite E h Review and - - '
     ~                          .              e investigative Function.                            4 S
12) Review of caanges to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM, OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL, and radwaste treatment systems.
b. Authority The Technical Staff Supervisor is responsible to the Station M e= e p _p;....t;nt;nt and shall make recommendations in a timely manner in all areas of review, investigation, and quality control phases of plant maintenance, operation, and administra-tive procedures relating to facility operations and shall have the authority to request the action necessary to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, and procedures when in his opinion M W%

l -

                                     .       such action is necessary. The Station StytthWMeat shall follow (Mdtet                             such reconmendaticns or select a course'of action that is more conservative regarding safe operatior. of the facility. All such

(' P@ad ,etsagreements shali be reported immediately to the civi;i;a t D,ReviewandInvestigativeFunction.Ji;; P.;;id;nt-Nuclear Stations LA SALLE UNITjL. 6-9 Amendment No. H l

ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ( Onsite Review and Investigative Function (Contin d) cu m L,t w . O h P M 4

c. Records
1) Reports, reviews, investigations, and recommendations
    .                                shall be documented with copies to the -Of. .;i "i;; "rc;id:nt-
              .                      Nuclear Stations, the       er  :r.!;;. of the Offsite Review and VAd              ~

Investigative Function', t.he Station 5 ;;rf rt: .fri, and the Manager of Quality Assurance. W ^P

2) Copies of all records and documentation shall be kept on file at the station.

d.' Procedures Written administrative procedures shall be prepared and maintained for conduct of the Onsite Review and Investigative Function. These procedures shall include the following:

1) Content and method of submission and presentation to the ,

N hy -- StationNm. i c.t;c.i.. A "i . i ;i;.. . . s. ,, . m...-Nuclear - Stations, and the S p r.i-- of the Offsite Review and Investigative Function. g

2) Use of committees.
3) Review and approval.

( 4) 5) Detailed listing of items to be reviewed. Procedures for administration of the quality control activities.

6) Assignment of responsibilities.
e. Personnel
1) The personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investiga-
                                                                                                    -d tive shallFunction,     in addition consist of persons          to the having      Station expertise  in:E ;;r'-t3 :nt, M w y r.r c a)      nuclear power plant technology, b)      reactor operations, c)      reactor engin.eeiing, d)      radiological safety and chemist, e)      Instrumentation and control, and f) mechanical and electric systems.
2) Personnel performing the Onsite Review and Investigative Function shall meet minimum acceptable levels as described in ANSI N18.1-1971, Sections 4.2 and 4.4.

H. Fire Protection Program An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire p ion firm. f An inspection and audit of the fire protection and 8 prevention program shall ( be performed by a qualified outside fire consultant at least once per 36 month!.. s LA SALLE - UNIT 2 6-10 l l \

FIGURE 6.1-1



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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS PLANT OPERATING PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS (Continued) B. Radiation control procedures shall be maintained, made available to all station personnel, and adhered to. These procedures shall show permissible radiation exposure and shall be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20. This radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20. C. 1. Procedures for items identified in Specification 6.2.A and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Operating Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor in the r - areas of operation, fuel handling, or instrument maintenance, and i th GLS* D by " a+a-'-'- ' '-- and Technical Staff Supervisor in the areas of plant maintenance and plant inspection. Procedures for


Sp e?C gy,= l items identified in Specification 6.2.B and any changes to such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Technical Staff

f. _ y Supervisor and the R di-'eg*::1 C';;;i; .1 Supervisor. At least one
                 -            -          person approving each of the above procedures shall hold a valid senior operator's license. In addition, these procedures and changes thereto, must have authorization by the Station -Su;:ri .t--ht Mwp

( 2. before being implemented. Work and instruction type procedures which implement approved maintenar or modification procedures shall be approved and authorized by the 5 jam Maintenance n; _ r wherethe written authority has been provided by the Station '-- ' " " The " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" utilized for' safety-related work shall be so approved only if pro-l cedures referenced in the " Maintenance / Modification Procedure" have been approved as required by 6.2.A. Procedures which do not fall within the requirements of 6.2.A or 6.2.8 may be approved by the Department Heads. , D. Temporary changes to procedures 6.2.A and 6.2.B above may be made provided: -

1. 'The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
2. ,

The change is approved by two members of the plant management l l staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's Licese on the unit affected.

3. The change is documented, reviewed by the Onsite Review and

Investigative within 14 days ofFunction and approved by the Station 5 ; h p implementation. l E. Drills of the emergency procedures described in Specification 6.2.A.4 shall be conducted at frequencies as specified in the Generating Stations Emergency Plan (GSEP). These drills will be planned so that during the course of the year, communication links are tested and outside agencies are contacted. LA SALLE - UNIT 2 6-17

         ,           .._                . , . -      ~ _ . . . . . _                  .

Qm p G=we uh fw ( . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.4 ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT A SAFETY LIMIT IS EXCEEDED If a safety limit is exceeded, the reactor shall be shut down immedihitely pursuant to Specification 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, and critical reactor operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the NRC. The, conditions of shutdown _ shall be promptly reported to the Si.I:f r "i : "r :f _O.".-Nuclear Stations or


his designated alternate. The incident shall be reviewed pursuant to Specifi-cations 6.1.G.1.a and 6.I.G.2.a and a separate License Event Report for each occurrence shall be prepared in accordance with Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified by telephone as soon as possible j and in all cases within one hour. The "' # '-- "'- o-- '"- ^-Nuclear Stations ] and the Oir::+r of Nuclear Safety shall be notified within 24 nours. -' Mwe 6.5 PLANT OPERATING RECORDS A. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for at least 5 years:

1. Records of normal plant operation, including power levels and periods of operation at each power level;
2. Records of principal maintenance and activities, including inspection C and repair, regarding principal items of equipment pertaining to nuclear safety;
3. Records and reports of reportable events; g
4. Records and periodic checks,, inspection and/or calibrations performed to verify that the surveillance requirements (see Section 4 of these specifications) are being met. All equipment failing'to meet surveil- ~

lance requirements and the corrective action taken shall be recorded; ..

5. Records of changes to operating procedures;
6. Shift engineers' logs; and'
7. Byproduct material inventory records and source leak test results.

l C


LA SALLE UNIT 2 6-19 AmendmentNo.ll I l l


i I ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS PLANT OPERATING RECORDS (Continued) B. Records and/or logs relative to the following items shall be recorded in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained for the life of the plant: 1. Substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment pertain-

                                ,                       ing to nuclear safety; 2.

Changes made to the plant as it is described in the SAR; 3. Records of new and spent fuel inventory and assembly histories; 4. Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the plant; 5. Records of plant radiation and contamination surveys; 6. Records of offsite environmental monitoring surveys; , 7. Records of radiation exposure for all plant personnel, including all I contractors and visitors to the plant, in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20; / 7 ( 8. 9. Records of of radioactivitr in liquid and gaseous wastes released to the environment; Records of transient or operational cycling for those components that have been designed to operate safety for a limited number of transient or operational cycles (identified in Table 5.7.1-1); 10. Records of individual staff members indicating qualifications, experience, training, and retraining; 11. Inservice inspections of the reactor coolant system; _ . , 12. Minutes of meetings and results of reviews and audits performed by the offsite and onsite review and audit functions;

13. Records of reactor tests and. experiments; 14.


                                                                      -PJLoda h .op2e _ , h aA-                                                                                  gje, 15.

Records of reviews performed for $hanges made to procedures ;on 6.E 6 equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR SM59; and

16. e Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers required by specification 3.7.9 including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.

[ 17. Records of analyses required by the radiological environmental monitoring program. LA SALLE - UNIT A 6-20 ger,t E.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - ._r ._ _ ,._._.r.,,. ,, . . - .

s s J ATTACHMENT B SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Commonwealth Edison Company has evaluated the proposed Technical Specification Amendment and determined that it does not represent a significant hazards consideration. Based on the criteria for defining a significant hazards consideration established in 10 CFR 50.92, operation of LaSelle County Station Units 1 and 2 in accordance with the proposed amendment will not:

1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an
       . accident previously evaluated, create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated or involve a significant reduction in the margin of safety. This amendment fits example (i) of actions involving no significant hazards considera-tion (48 FR 14870) which include "A purely administrative change to Technical Specifications."

Based on the preceding discussion, it is concluded that the proposed change clearly falls within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or component, the consequences of previously evaluated accidents will not be increased and the margin of safety will not be decreased. Therefore, based on the guidance provided in the Federal Register and the criteria established in 10 CFR 50.92(c), the proposed change does not constitute a significant hazards consideration. 1 0851K 1 I 1 l
