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{{#Wiki_filter:r"powerCatawba Nuclear Station Service Water Project Update December 7, 2005  
                          ~Dulce r"power Catawba Nuclear Station Service Water Project Update December 7, 2005
Participants NameDhiaaJamilBillPitesaRegisRepko Dan McRainey Title Site Vice-President-CNS Station Manager-CNS Engineering Manager-CNS Project Director-Nuclear Service Water Project 2  
- - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - -
Participants Name              Title Dhiaa Jamil      Site Vice-President - CNS Bill Pitesa      Station Manager-CNS Regis Repko      Engineering Manager-CNS Dan McRainey      Project Director - Nuclear Service Water Project 2
* Opening Remarks                            Dhiaa Jamil
* Station Performance                        Regis Repko
    - Reliability / Predictability
    - Equipment Performance
    - Safety System Results
    - Plant Equipment Items / Improvements
* Service Water Project Status                Bill Pitesa
    - Low Pressure Service Water
    - Water Treatment System
    - Mock-Up Piping
    - Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping
    - 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage
    - Resource Plan
* Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks    Dhiaa Jamil 3
Agenda*Opening Remarks*Station Performance-Reliability/Predictability-EquipmentPerformance
2005 In Review
* Duke and Cinergy Merger
*Service Water Project Status-LowPressureServiceWater-WaterTreatmentSystem-Mock-UpPiping
* Senior Site Management Changes
* ISFSI Construction
*Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil Regis Repko Bill Pitesa Dhiaa Jamil 3
* Technical Training Programs Accreditation Renewed
* MOX Lead Test Assemblies Installed
* Industry Recognition for Thermal Efficiency (BTU/kwh) and Generation Efficiency ($/kwh)
* Lowest Duke Dose for an Outage with SG Inspection and Lowest CNS Outage Personnel Contamination Events
* No Licensee Event Reports
* Green Performance Indicators and Violations
* No Reactor Trips
* Improvements in Equipment Reliability 4
2005 In Review*Dukeand Cinergy Merger*Senior Site Management Changes*ISFSI Construction
2005 Unit 1 Power History 110---- - - - - - -
*Technical Training Programs Accreditation Renewed*MOXLeadTest Assemblies Installed*Industry Recognition for Thermal Efficiency (BTU/kwh)and Generation Efficiency
100 90 -
($/kwh)*LowestDukeDoseforan Outage with SG Inspection and Lowest CNS Outage Personnel Contamination Events*No Licensee Event Reports*Green Performance I ndicators and Violations*No Reactor Trips*Improvements in Equipment Reliability 4
80 -,
  ~    60 -.
Q Q.
C e
u 0
50  -
Main Feedwater Pump 1B seam seal LO  "
repair 30 -
20 -
1EOC15 Outage 10 -
111105    1/28105      2/24."05 3/23,105 4119/05 5i161Q5    6/12/05 7/91'05 8/5/05 911105 9128105 10125105 11.'21105 5
2005Unit1 Power History 110----------100 90-80-, 70...e60-.Q Q.-C e u 50-...0 Q.Main Feedwater LOPump1Bseamseal
2005 Unit 2 Power History 110 ,-----------------------.-
" repair 30-20-10-1EOC15 Outage 0---*-+--..---, 111105 1/28105 2/24."05 3/23,105 4119/05 5i161Q5 6/12/05 7/91'05 8/5/05 911105 9128105 10125105 11.'21105 5
100 ----------------1,---------------------1 90 -
-------------------2005Unit2 Power History 110 ,-----------------------.-
70 40 30 '
100----------------1,---------------------1 90-70 40 30'20MainTurbineEHC Fluid leak'0 o.,,-.,.:,-.-----.------------------l---.-----.-
20 Main Turbine EHC Fluid leak
--..1/1105 1128105 2124!O5 3/23105 4/19/05 5/16"05 6/12/05 7,19/05 815,105 9f1l05 9128/05 10/25.105 1"/21l05 6  
    '0 o .,,- .,   .:,-.- - ---.------------------l---.-----.- -- .
1/1105   1128105       2124!O5   3/23105   4/19/05   5/16"05   6/12/05       7,19/05 815,105 9f1l05 9128/05 10/25.105 1 "/21l05 6
Agenda*Opening Remarks*Station Performance-Reliability/
* Opening Remarks                             Dhiaa Jamil
-Equipment Performance-SafetySystemResults-Plant EquipmentItems/Improvements
* Station Performance                         Regis Repko
*Service Water Project Status-LowPressureServiceWater
    - Reliability / Predictability
-Water Treatment System-Mock-UpPiping
    - Equipment Performance
-NuclearServiceWaterLakeIntakePiping-12Day Nuclear Service Water Outage-ResourcePlan
    - Safety System Results
*Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil Regis Repko Bill Pitesa Dhiaa Jamil 8  
    - Plant Equipment Items / Improvements
* Service Water Project Status               Bill Pitesa
    - Low Pressure Service Water
    - Water Treatment System
    - Mock-Up Piping
    - Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping
    - 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage
    - Resource Plan
* Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks     Dhiaa Jamil 8
Reliability I Predictability 2003 2004 2005 through October Unplanned Lost 15.7 16.8 3.8EFPD(doesnot include outage extensions)
Reliability I Predictability 2003         2004     2005 through October Unplanned Lost       15.7         16.8         3.8 EFPD (does not include outage extensions)
Outage Extension 22 6.6 3 DaysLostGendaysto 23.8 17.5 2.5 equip.failures (on-line&outage)9  
Outage Extension       22           6.6           3 Days Lost Gen days to      23.8         17.5         2.5 equip. failures (on-line & outage) 9
Equipment Performance 2003 2004 Nov'04-Oct'05 All MRFF*55 42 29(12monthtotal)
Equipment Performance 2003   2004 Nov '04-Oct '05 All MRFF*                                     55   42     29 (12 month total)
HSS*MRFF 28 20 11(12monthtotal)
HSS* MRFF                                     28   20     11 (12 month total)
All UTSE*102 77 53(12monthtotal)
All UTSE*                                     102   77     53 (12 month total)
HSS UTSE 58 36 21(12monthtotal)
HSS UTSE                                       58   36     21 (12 month total)
*MRFF-Maintenance Rule Functional FailureHSS-HighSafety SignificanceUTSE-UnplannedTechnical Specification Entry 10  
* MRFF - Maintenance Rule Functional Failure HSS - High Safety Significance UTSE - Unplanned Technical Specification Entry 10
Equipment Performance
Equipment Performance
*Significant Improvement in Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Performance
* Significant Improvement in Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Performance
-Chemical addition capability
    - Chemical addition capability
-De-chlorination-HX performance monitoring-Results: II2002to2003:2-3months (stainlesssteelHx cleaning)III 2004topresent:6-8 months (both stainlesssteelandbrass Hx cleaning)*DirectEffecton Safety System Unavailability 11  
    - De-chlorination
-------------------Unit1 Safety System Unavailability 2005 2004 HPI-Unit1 Emergency Power-Unit1 1.50%3.00%1.20%2.50%0.90%2.00%1.50%0.60%1.00%0.30%0.50%0.00%0.00%2003 2004 2005 2003 RHR-Unit 1 Emergency Feedwater-Unit1 1.50%1.50%1.20%1.20%0.90%0.90%0.60%0.60%0.30%0.30%0.00%2003 2004 2005 0.00%2003 2004 2005 12
    - HX performance monitoring
    - Results:
II  2002 to 2003: 2-3 months (stainless steel Hx cleaning)
III 2004 to present: 6-8 months (both stainless steel and brass Hx cleaning)
* Direct Effect on Safety System Unavailability 11
Unit 2 Safety System Unavailability Emergency Power-Unit2 HPI*Unit 2 2.50%3.00%2.00%2.50%1.50%2.00%1.00%1.50%1.00%0.50%0.50%0.00%0.00%2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 RHR*Unit2 Emergency Feedwater*Unit2 2.00%1.50%1.70%1.20%1.40%1.10%0.90%0.80%0.60%0.50%0.30%0.20%-0.10%0.00%2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 13  
Unit 1 Safety System Unavailability Emergency Power - Unit 1                            HPI- Unit 1 1.50%                                      3.00%
1.20%                                      2.50%
0.30%                                      0.50%
0.00%                                      0.00%
2003            2004        2005              2003            2004            2005 RHR -Unit 1                              Emergency Feedwater - Unit 1 1.50%                                          1.50%
1.20%                                          1.20%
0.90%                                          0.90%
2003            2004        2005 2003            2004            2005 12
Unit 2 Safety System Unavailability Emergency Power- Unit 2                            HPI* Unit 2 2.50%                                           3.00%
2.00%                                           2.50%
0.00%                                           0.00%
2003           2004         2005             2003           2004           2005 RHR* Unit2                             Emergency Feedwater* Unit 2 2.00%                                           1.50%
0.80%                                         0.60%
0.50%                                         0.30%
  -0.10%                                               2003            2004         2005 2004         2005 13
Plant Equipment Items I Improvements
Plant Equipment Items I Improvements
*Diesel Generator batteries replaced*Digital Feedwater Control card upgrades*Proactive 7300 card replacements
* Diesel Generator batteries replaced
*Electrical generator rewinds*2 reactor coolant pump motor refurbishments*U1 emergency feedwater check valve relocated*Emergency feedwater heat trace system improvements*U1 gas intrusion resolved*Refueling water storage tank instrumentation lightening protection*10 year vesselISI*Reactor vessel bottom mounted instrument inspection
* Digital Feedwater Control card upgrades
*Fire Protection isolation valves replaced*Low Pressure Service Water (RL, non-safety) pipe replacements
* Proactive 7300 card replacements
*Monitoring and Trending of raw water heat exchangers*All containment spray heat exchangers replaced*Lake intakepipecleaned and coated 14  
* Electrical generator rewinds
* 2 reactor coolant pump motor refurbishments
Agenda--*Opening Remarks*Station Performance
* U1 emergency feedwater check valve relocated
* Emergency feedwater heat trace system improvements
* U1 gas intrusion resolved
-Equipment Performance
* Refueling water storage tank instrumentation lightening protection
-SafetySystemResults-Plant EquipmentItems/Improvements
* 10 year vessel ISI
*Service Water Project Status-Low Pressure Service Water-Water Treatment System-Mock-Up Piping-Nuclear Service WaterLakeIntakePiping-12Day Nuclear Service Water Outage-Resource Plan*MiscellaneousItemsandClosingRemarksDhiaaJamilRegisRepko Bill PitesaDhiaaJamil 15  
* Reactor vessel bottom mounted instrument inspection
* Fire Protection isolation valves replaced
* Low Pressure Service Water (RL, non-safety) pipe replacements
* Monitoring and Trending of raw water heat exchangers
* All containment spray heat exchangers replaced
* Lake intake pipe cleaned and coated 14
----------------- - -
* Opening Remarks                             Dhiaa Jamil
* Station Performance                         Regis Repko
    - Reliability / Predictability
    - Equipment Performance
    - Safety System Results
    - Plant Equipment Items / Improvements
* Service Water Project Status                 Bill Pitesa
    - Low Pressure Service Water
    - Water Treatment System
    - Mock-Up Piping
    - Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping
    - 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage
    - Resource Plan
* Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks      Dhiaa Jamil 15
Service Water Project Status Low Pressure Service Water*Systemprovides makeuptocoolingtowers,cools turbine and generator auxiliaries, containmentchillersand secondary systempumpmotors*Carbonsteelpipingbecame degraded from corrosion-cooling capacity was marginalduringhot weather*Restorationisto replacepipingwithHighDensity Polyethylene Piping (HDPE)*Cooling Tower makeuphasnewcontrolvalvesandHDPEpiping headers*Turbine/Service building distributionpipingchangedtoHOPE
Service Water Project Status Low Pressure Service Water
*NewHOPEmain supply header installation in progressandwillbeinservicebyApril 2006 16  
* System provides makeup to cooling towers, cools turbine and generator auxiliaries, containment chillers and secondary system pump motors
* Carbon steel piping became degraded from corrosion - cooling capacity was marginal during hot weather
* Restoration is to replace piping with High Density Polyethylene Piping (HDPE)
* Cooling Tower makeup has new control valves and HDPE piping headers
* Turbine/Service building distribution piping changed to HOPE
* New HOPE main supply header installation in progress and will be in service by April 2006 16
Low Pressure Service Water Supply Header Connections to Unit 1 17  
Low Pressure Service Water Supply Header Connections to Unit 1 17
New Low Pressure Service Water Supply and Return Piping to Containment Chillers 18  
New Low Pressure Service Water Supply and Return Piping to Containment Chillers 18
Low Pressure Service Water 32" HOPE Pipe Installation 19  
Low Pressure Service Water 32" HOPE Pipe Installation 19
Water Treatment System 20  
Water Treatment System 20
Service Water Project Status Water Treatment System*New System to chlorinate the supplyandthen de-chlorinate thetothelakeor Standby Nuclear Service Water Pond (SNSWP)*Allows higher concentrations of chlorine for greater biofouling controlandreducedHxFouling
Service Water Project Status Water Treatment System
*De-chlorination prevents exceeding NPDES discharge limits*Treats both Nuclear Service WaterandLow Pressure Service Water*Portions of Systemhavebeenplacedin operation*Low Pressure Service Water Chlorinationtobe operationalbyMay 2006*Effectiveness of chemical controls for Nuclear Service waterwillbe monitored by sample coupons 21  
* New System to chlorinate the supply and then de-chlorinate the disch~rge to the lake or Standby Nuclear Service Water Pond (SNSWP)
* Allows higher concentrations of chlorine for greater biofouling control and reduced Hx Fouling
* De-chlorination prevents exceeding NPDES discharge limits
* Treats both Nuclear Service Water and Low Pressure Service Water
* Portions of System have been placed in operation
* Low Pressure Service Water Chlorination to be operational by May 2006
* Effectiveness of chemical controls for Nuclear Service water will be monitored by sample coupons 21
Chlorination Building For Nuclear Service Water 22  
Chlorination Building For Nuclear Service Water 22
Sample Coupons 23  
Sample Coupons 23
Sodium Bi-Sulfite Tank (De-Chlorination) 24  
Sodium Bi-Sulfite Tank (De-Chlorination) 24
De-Chlorination Equipment Skids 25  
De-Chlorination Equipment Skids 25
De-ChlorinationSamIeBuildin 26  
De-Chlorination Sam Ie Buildin 26
------_._.-_.---------Mock-up Piping 27  
- - - - - - _._.- _.- - - - - - - --
Mock-up Piping 27
Service Water Project Status Nuclear Service Water Mock-U Pi*Developed mock-uppiping-300 Feetof42inchpipeand100 feet of30inchpipe
Service Water Project Status Nuclear Service Water Mock-U Pi
*Demonstrated Capability of Equipment-High Pressure Water Cleaning-Abrasive Blast*Provedthecleanand coat process*TrainedCraftandInspection Personnel*Logistical Improvements Identified
* Developed mock-up piping -300 Feet of 42 inch pipe and 100 feet of 30 inch pipe
-Handling of Coating Equipment-Removal of Abrasive Material-Sequence of Support Personnel(QC,FireWatch,Hatch Attendant)
* Demonstrated Capability of Equipment
*Contingency plans-Safety TrainingForMedical Emergency Response Team-WeldRepairs 28  
    - High Pressure Water Cleaning
    - Abrasive Blast
* Proved the clean and coat process
* Trained Craft and Inspection Personnel
* Logistical Improvements Identified
    - Handling of Coating Equipment
    - Removal of Abrasive Material
    - Sequence of Support Personnel (QC, Fire Watch, Hatch Attendant)
* Contingency plans
    - Safety Training For Medical Emergency Response Team
    - Weld Repairs 28
Mock-Up Piping 29  
Mock-Up Piping 29
Mock-Up Piping 30  
Mock-Up Piping 30
Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping 31  
Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping 31
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping*Clean/Coat Nuclear Service WaterLakeIntakePiping (400 feet of48"piping)
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping
*Built Two Snorkelsinthe Nuclear Service WaterPumpHouse*The Snorkels provide:-a QA 1 boundary between the SNSWP&Lake Wylie while the plant uses the SNSWP for Nuclear Service Water cooling water-alternate access&egress path for personnel working inside the Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Pipe*Built CofferdamatLakeIntaketo dewater and allow access 32 SEE VIEW"s-s"---------'----------
* Clean/Coat Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping (400 feet of 48" piping)
Service Water Project Status Lake IntakePiinDiaram 33  
* Built Two Snorkels in the Nuclear Service Water Pump House
* The Snorkels provide:
    - a QA1 boundary between the SNSWP & Lake Wylie while the plant uses the SNSWP for Nuclear Service Water cooling water
    - alternate access & egress path for personnel working inside the Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Pipe
* Built Cofferdam at Lake Intake to dewater and allow access 32
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Pi in Dia ram SEE VIEW "s-s" 33
Snorkel Components Being Fabricated 34  
Snorkel Components Being Fabricated 34
Snorkel Preassembled for Testing 35  
Snorkel Preassembled for Testing 35
- - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cofferdam Construction
Cofferdam Construction
, , 37  
Causewayfromthe Catawba Parktothe Cofferdam 38  
Causeway from the Catawba Park to the Cofferdam 38
Cofferdam ViewedfromBoatRamp at Catawba Park 39  
Cofferdam Viewed from Boat Ramp at Catawba Park 39
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping Clean/Coat Process*Coatingmaterialhas Extensive Service History Within Nuclear Industry and Duke Power*QA ReceiptofMaterialandLevelB StorageofMaterial
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping Clean/Coat Process
*Coating Manufacturer provided TrainingandQualifiedCoating Contractor
* Coating material has Extensive Service History Within Nuclear Industry and Duke Power
*QA/QCServiceLevel1 Inspections ofEntireProcess
* QA Receipt of Material and Level B Storage of Material
*Process Steps-HighPressure Water Cleaning-WeldBackingRingRemoval-100%EngineeringConditionInspection
* Coating Manufacturer provided Training and Qualified Coating Contractor
-Biocide Treatment of Welds-Establish Environmental Controls-Abrasive Blast-Apply 3-Coat PlastocorCoatingSystem
* QA/QC Service Level 1 Inspections of Entire Process
-Robotic Video Inspection 40  
* Process Steps
    - High Pressure Water Cleaning
    - Weld Backing Ring Removal
    - 100 % Engineering Condition Inspection
    - Biocide Treatment of Welds
    - Establish Environmental Controls
    - Abrasive Blast
    - Apply 3-Coat Plastocor Coating System
    - Robotic Video Inspection 40
Service Water Project Status Lake IntakePiin Results*All internalpipeandweld surfaces were inspectedbyateam of engineers to verifythatwall thickness remained above a minimumvaluerequiredbythe applicabledesigncriteria
Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Pi in Results
*Engineering calculations determinedthattheexistingpipingwas designedwithalarge amount ofmargin(a factor of 5)over whatwasrequired.Awall thicknessof0.625inchespipingwas installedandthe minimumrequiredis0.125inches.*The EngineeringInspectionresultsindicatedthatALL welds exceeded the minimum required thicknesswithresultsasfollows:-30 welds were consideredinverygoodconditionwithlessthan1/8inchmetalloss-16 welds were consideredingoodconditionwith between 1/8inchandinchmetalloss-9 weldswerefoundwithlocalizedspotsof greater thaninchmetallossbutstillwith acceptablemetalwall thickness*Norepairswere necessarytorestoretheweldstorequiredwall thickness 41  
* All internal pipe and weld surfaces were inspected by a team of engineers to verify that wall thickness remained above a minimum value required by the applicable design criteria
* Engineering calculations determined that the existing piping was designed with a large amount of margin (a factor of 5) over what was required. A wall thickness of 0.625 inches piping was installed and the minimum required is 0.125 inches.
* The Engineering Inspection results indicated that ALL welds exceeded the minimum required thickness with results as follows:
    - 30 welds were considered in very good condition with less than 1/8 inch metal loss
    - 16 welds were considered in good condition with between 1/8 inch and ~ inch metal loss
    - 9 welds were found with localized spots of greater than ~ inch metal loss but still with acceptable metal wall thickness
* No repairs were necessary to restore the welds to required wall thickness 41
Nuclear Service Water Pipe Prior to Initial Cleaning 42  
Nuclear Service Water Pipe Prior to Initial Cleaning 42
Nuclear Service Water Flange Initial Cleaning 43  
Nuclear Service Water Flange Initial Cleaning 43
Lake Intake Pipe Before Cleaning Lake Intake Pipe After High Pressure Water Cleaning 44  
Lake Intake Pipe Before Cleaning Lake Intake Pipe After High Pressure Water Cleaning 44
I Lake Intake Pipe After Abrasive Blast ILakeIntakePipe After Final Coating 45  
ILake Intake Pipe After Abrasive Blast I Lake Intake Pipe After Final Coating 45
_.------.--12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 46  
- - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - .- -
12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 46
Service Water Project Status12Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*Two12Day Nuclear Service Water Outages ScheduledtoBegin January 2006*Currently Pre-fabricating Piping*Laser ScanningBeingUsedtoObtain As-Built Conditions
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
*WorkToBeDone-Clean/Coat Welds in Nuclear Service Water Supply HeaderPipingfromPumpHouseto Auxiliary Building-Auxiliary building Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping-RNPump House Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping-Diesel Generator Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping 47  
* Two 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages Scheduled to Begin January 2006
* Currently Pre-fabricating Piping
* Laser Scanning Being Used to Obtain As-Built Conditions
* Work To Be Done
    - Clean/Coat Welds in Nuclear Service Water Supply Header Piping from Pump House to Auxiliary Building
    - Auxiliary building Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping
    - RN Pump House Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping
    - Diesel Generator Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping 47
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
* Sequence
          . for clean/coat of welds in supply piping requires:
    -  System drain
    -  High Pressure Water Clean and vacuum
    -  Establish Environmental Conditions
    -  Engineering weld inspection and repair (as required)
    -  Abrasive Blasting for surface preparation
    -  QC surface prep inspection
    -  QA 1 coating application (hand trowel application) of only pipe welds 48
11/30/05                                                                        Service Water Project                                                                1 Extended LCO MO 6
      'A' Train LCO
* 0207:00              0605:00 0365:5et up for LCO (material, equipment, pipe culling, etc) 1411:00 07005:CD100064 1 A DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 1411:00 0405:Replace piping and                                            ~
061.                                          1413:00 07005:GD200141 2 A DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 061 1413:00 0406:Replace piping an                                            ~
061.                                                    1610:00 07005:CD500062 RN pump strainer piping upgrade 061.£~{00          0409:Removepiping and valves 0408:Replace piping a~d valves ~
081~:00                                    1610:00 06111:00 i1iill***********1418:00                  i!Il, 07005J:;D500063 Add isolation valves & spools to RN discharge header 061M:00          0911:00 0411:Remove piping and valves 07 1"1:00                                1418:00 110410:Replacepiping andvalyes ~
06100                                              1512:00 l  07~05:CD500175 Replace 1 s 2 RN 67A 061"3:00
                                              " 0413:Remove piping and valves 07 "3:00                                    1512:00 0412:Replace piping and valves -~
* 06 "':00 06 11:od06 15:00 0380:0pen manways ~
16111:00 07005:CD500376 Clean & coat RN piping from pump structure to aux bldg 0615:00            os 15:00 0381:Hydro laser piping  IIIIIIIII 0915101015:00 0435:Dry pipe 1103:001215:00 0386:Weld repair ~
1215l>01315:00 0383:Abrasive blast weld areas . . ,
1315:001415:00 0437:Clean pipe ~
14 15:001503:0 0384:lnspect for coating ~
1503:~16d3:00 0385:Coat welds 1603:0 16 11:00 0387:C1ose manways 1611:001623:00 08003:0PS Clear tags and fill 'A' train ~
1623:001705:00 0432:0P5 Flush RN system ~
17  05:0~ 17 14:00 0366:RN testing and flow balance
11/30105                                                            Service Water Project                                                                                          2 Extended LeO JANUARY                                                                                          FEBRUARY
1  I 2  I 3 I 4 I 5 16_1 7 1 8 I 9 I 10 1 11    IJ_~ U~I    14 1 15 116 1 17 U8 JJ] L20 121J22 123124125 1 261271 28 1 29 1 30131 L--1_LI:L3_LAJ5J 6 I:
          'B'Train LCO
* 1807:00            22 d5:00 0377:Set up for LCO (material, equipment, pipe cutting, etc) 22 05:00,22 11:00 36                                                              0376:0PS Tag and drain for 'B' train LCO 22111:00                                2924:00 137 0375:CD100064 1 B DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 22 1 :0023 23:00 jl:
0417:Remove piping and valves 2323:00                        2924:00 0416:Replace piping and alves @.,~~\                                          J
3003:00 40 0374:CD200141 2 B DIG RN pipe and valve replacement                                                  l 22 1 :0023 23:00 41                                                                        0419:Remove piping and valves                                                          1
* 42 43                                                        0373:CD500062 RN pump strainer piping upgrade 0421:Remove piping and valves 22111:00 221~7:00 2323:00 0418:Replace piping and yalves ~~'%%.\%K~",,~,@l 3003:00
J 44 241+7:00                        30 20:00
45                                                                                      0420:Replace piping and valves 46                                  0372:CD500063 Add isolation valves & spools to RN discharge header    ~1~
                                                                                                                                                      \                  j 22111:00          ~3:00 47                                                                        0423:Remove pipin9 and valves 2821:00 48 221h:00                                2915:00 0371:CD500175 Replace 1 & 2 RN 69B 221~3:00 0425:Remove piping and valves 2323:00                      2915:00 51                                                                                  0424:Replace piping and valves 11 52 0369:CD500376 Clean & coat RN piping from pump structure to aux bldg ~
                                                                                                                                                                    *01111:00 11 11 54 53 2211:0~2215:00 0395:0pen manways ~
22 1iiO 0394:Hydro laser piping  Y              i 2515:00 2515:002615:00 55                                                                                                            0438:Dry pipe ~
26 03:QQgy 03:00 156                                                                                                0393:Engineering inspection    IIIJiI 26 15:0027 03:00 0439:lnstalltemporary covers Iii§ oloo I':
27        28 15:00 0392:Weld repair ~
2815:002915:00 59                                                                                                            0391:Abrasive blast weld areas ~
2915:003015:00 160                                                                                                                                0440:Clean pipe ~
,I" 3015:003103:0 0390:lnspeel for coating ~
31 03:0001 03:00 0389:Coal welds ~
I,::                                                                                                                                                          01 0388:Close manways 03:0~1 11:00 1
0111:000123:00 1 164 0368:0PS Clear ta9S and fill '6' train . ,
01 23:0002 05:00 65                                                                                                                                      0430:0PS Flush RN system ,
0205:0002 14:00 166                                                                                                                                  0367:RN testing and flow balance *

Service Water Project Status12Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*Sequence for clean/coat of welds in supply piping.requires:-System drain-High Pressure WaterCleanandvacuum
-Establish Environmental Conditions
-Engineering weld inspectionandrepair(as required)-Abrasive Blasting for surface preparation-QC surface prep inspection-QA1 coating application(handtrowel application) of only pipe welds 48 1 6 MO 1610:00 16111:0007005:CD500376Clean&coatRNpipingfrompumpstructuretoauxbldg 1512:001610:0007005:CD500062RNpumpstrainerpipingupgrade 1413:0007005:GD2001412A DIGRNpipeandvalvereplacement 1413:00Service Water Project Extended LCO 1411:0007005:CD1000641A DIGRNpipeandvalvereplacement 1411:00os 15:00 0915101015:000435:Drypipe 061.061 061.0605:000365:5etupforLCO(material,equipment,pipeculling,etc)0409:Removepipingandvalves0408:Replacepiping valves0406:Replacepipingan 06111:00 1418:00 i1iill***********
i!Il, 07005J:;D500063Addisolationvalves
&spoolstoRNdischargeheader 061M:00 0911:000411:Removepipingandvalves 061"3:00"0413:Removepipingandvalves 06"':00*1611:001623:0008003:0PSCleartagsandfill'A'train1623:001705:00 0432:0P5FlushRNsystem171714:000366:RNtestingandflowbalance 06100 1512:00 lReplace1 s2RN67A 1103:001215:000386:Weldrepair1215l>01315:000383:Abrasiveblastweldareas
.., 1315:001415:000437:Cleanpipe14 15:001503:00384:lnspectforcoating0385:Coatwelds 1603:01611:00 0387:C1ose manways0611:od0615:000380:0penmanways0615:00 0381:Hydrolaserpiping IIIIIIIII0405:Replacepipingand 0207:00*'A'TrainLCO07"3:000412:Replacepipingandvalves07 1"1:00 1418:00 110410:Replacepiping andvalyes11/30/05 11/30105 Service Water Project Extended LeO 2 JANUARY FEBRUARY 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 16_1718I9I10111141151161 17 U8 JJ]L20 121J22 123124125 1 261271281291 30131 L--1_LI:L3_LAJ5J 6 01111:00*3020:003020:003003:00 3003:00 2924:00 2924:00 2915:00 2915:00 2821:00 2821:00 22 d5:00*241+7:000420:Replacepiping and valves221:002323:000417:Removepipingandvalves 2323:000416:Replacepipingandalves J
0421:Removepipingandvalves 22111:000423:Removepipin9andvalves0425:Removepipingandvalves 2323:000424:Replacepipingand valves 221h:00 0371:CD500175Replace1&2RN69B 22 05:00,2211:000376:0PSTaganddrainfor'B'trainLCO 22111:000373:CD500062RNpumpstrainerpipingupgrade 22111:000375:CD1000641B DIGRNpipeandvalvereplacement10374:CD2001412B DIGRNpipeandvalvereplacement l221:002323:000419:Removepipingandvalves 2323:000418:Replacepipingandyalves J\j0372:CD500063Addisolationvalves
\26 15:0027 03:00 0439:lnstalltemporary covers Iii§27 oloo2815:000392:Weldrepair2815:002915:000391:Abrasiveblastweldareas2915:003015:000440:Cleanpipe3015:003103:00390:lnspeelforcoating3103:000103:000389:Coalwelds0111:000388:Closemanways 1 0111:000123:000368:0PSClearta9Sandfill'6'train
., 01 23:0002 05:00 0430:0PSFlushRNsystem
, 0205:0002 14:000367:RNtestingandflowbalance*
&coatRNpipingfrompumpstructuretoauxbldg0395:0penmanways22 1iiO 2515:000394:Hydrolaserpiping Y i 2515:002615:000438:Drypipe26 03:QQgy 03:000393:Engineeringinspection IIIJiI 1807:000377:SetupforLCO(material,equipment,pipecutting,etc)'B'TrainLCO I: 136 37 jl: 40*41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 1152 1153 11 54 155 56 I': 159 60 , I" I,:: 1 164 165 66
Service Water Project Status12Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*Project Contingency Plans:-StartDatecouldbe delayed in case of severe weather-Welding resources and equipment available in caseweldrepairsarerequired
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
-Additional coating equipment available-Coating scope reductionplanin place-Back-out plans for pipe replacements
* Project Contingency Plans:
-Additional environmental control equipment available 51  
    - Start Date could be delayed in case of severe weather
    - Welding resources and equipment available in case weld repairs are required
    - Additional coating equipment available
    - Coating scope reduction plan in place
    - Back-out plans for pipe replacements
    - Additional environmental control equipment available 51
Service Water Project Status12Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*OperationalRiskMitigationPlansInclude:
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
-Minimize maintenance activities on opposite train equipment-Protect and increase monitoring of opposite train equipment-AffectedtrainDGstobe maintained"available"-Component Cooling Water (CCW)systemtobeincrosstrain alignment during train outages-Continuously staff the Standby Shutdown Facility 52  
* Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:
    - Minimize maintenance activities on opposite train equipment
    - Protect and increase monitoring of opposite train equipment
    - Affected train DGs to be maintained "available"
    - Component Cooling Water (CCW) system to be in cross train alignment during train outages
    - Continuously staff the Standby Shutdown Facility 52
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*Operational Risk MitigationPlansInclude:
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
-Changes have been made to loss of power procedures to address local throttling of AFW flow-Changeswillbe made to plant procedures for the abilitytocrosstiethe CCW headers-Operations use of Configuration Risk Management Programtocontroland limit activitiesatthestation
* Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:
-Outage Control Centerwillbestaffed during each train outage 53  
    - Changes have been made to loss of power procedures to address local throttling of AFW flow
    - Changes will be made to plant procedures for the ability to cross tie the CCW headers
    - Operations use of Configuration Risk Management Program to control and limit activities at the station
    - Outage Control Center will be staffed during each train outage 53
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages*OperationalRiskMitigationPlansInclude:
Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages
-Operatorswilldo justintime review of loss of service waterandloss of CCW procedures-No maintenancewillbeallowedinthe switchyard
* Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:
-Outagewillbeduringthetime of year with lower risk of severe weather-Increasedfocusbyallplant personnel (OPS, Maintenance, Engineering and Management)dueto awareness of risk significance (54  
    - Operators will do just in time review of loss of service water and loss of CCW procedures
    - No maintenance will be allowed in the switchyard
    - Outage will be during the time of year with lower risk of severe weather
    - Increased focus by all plant personnel (OPS, Maintenance, Engineering and Management) due to awareness of risk significance
Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 55  
Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 55
Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 56  
Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 56
Resource Plan 57  
Resource Plan 57
- - - -- --------------
SWP Resource Plan
* Resources To Support SWP:
    * $ 285 million in projected project cost
* Secured raw metal materials
* 12 day outage prefab ongoing at Catawba, McGuire, and Oconee
* 355 craft and craft supervision
* 90 professional staff
* 127 service contractors
* End of year peak will be 572 58
SWP Resource Plan*Resources To Support SWP:*$285millionin projected project cost*Securedrawmetal materials*12 day outage prefab ongoing at Catawba, McGuire, and Oconee*355 craft and craft supervision*90 professional staff*127 service contractors*End of year peakwillbe572 58
SWP Resource Plan
* Contractor Oversight Improvements:
SWP Resource Plan*Contractor Oversight Improvements:*Initially,SWP contractor oversightdidnotkeep pacewiththe rapid growth of the project organization
* Initially, SWP contractor oversight did not keep pace with the rapid growth of the project organization
*Corrective actions were implemented in response to observations and incidents*Improvementsweremadetothe contractor oversight plan*Additional SWP oversight resourceshavebeen provided*Communications and integrationbetweentheSWPteamand the station organization are significantly improved*Dedicated contacts within Operations and Work Control established for SWP*Management observations targetedatSWP activities increased 59  
* Corrective actions were implemented in response to observations and incidents
* Improvements were made to the contractor oversight plan
* Additional SWP oversight resources have been provided
* Communications and integration between the SWP team and the station organization are significantly improved
* Dedicated contacts within Operations and Work Control established for SWP
* Management observations targeted at SWP activities increased 59
Agenda*Opening Remarks*Station Performance
* Opening Remarks                             Dhiaa Jamil
* Station Performance                         Regis Repko
-Equipment Performance-SafetySystemResults-Plant EquipmentItems/Improvements
    - Reliability / Predictability
*Service Water Project Status-LowPressureServiceWater
    - Equipment Performance
-Water Treatment System-Mock-UpPiping
    - Safety System Results
-Nuclear Service WaterLakeIntakePiping-14Day NuclearServiceWaterOutage-ResourcePlan
    - Plant Equipment Items / Improvements
*Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil Regis Repko Bill Pitesa Dhiaa Jamil 60}}
* Service Water Project Status               Bill Pitesa
    - Low Pressure Service Water
    - Water Treatment System
    - Mock-Up Piping
    - Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping
    - 14 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage
    - Resource Plan
* Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks     Dhiaa Jamil 60}}

Revision as of 00:40, 24 November 2019

Service Water Project Update Presentation on 12/07/2005
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/07/2005
Duke Energy Corp, Duke Power Co
Download: ML053550267 (58)



~Dulce r"power Catawba Nuclear Station Service Water Project Update December 7, 2005

- - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - -

Participants Name Title Dhiaa Jamil Site Vice-President - CNS Bill Pitesa Station Manager-CNS Regis Repko Engineering Manager-CNS Dan McRainey Project Director - Nuclear Service Water Project 2


  • Opening Remarks Dhiaa Jamil
  • Station Performance Regis Repko

- Reliability / Predictability

- Equipment Performance

- Safety System Results

- Plant Equipment Items / Improvements

- Low Pressure Service Water

- Water Treatment System

- Mock-Up Piping

- Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping

- 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage

- Resource Plan

  • Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil 3

2005 In Review

  • Duke and Cinergy Merger
  • Senior Site Management Changes
  • Technical Training Programs Accreditation Renewed
  • Industry Recognition for Thermal Efficiency (BTU/kwh) and Generation Efficiency ($/kwh)
  • Lowest Duke Dose for an Outage with SG Inspection and Lowest CNS Outage Personnel Contamination Events
  • No Licensee Event Reports
  • Green Performance Indicators and Violations
  • Improvements in Equipment Reliability 4

2005 Unit 1 Power History 110---- - - - - - -

100 90 -

80 -,




~ 60 -.


Q Q.

C e

u 0

50 -


Main Feedwater Pump 1B seam seal LO "

repair 30 -

20 -

1EOC15 Outage 10 -


111105 1/28105 2/24."05 3/23,105 4119/05 5i161Q5 6/12/05 7/91'05 8/5/05 911105 9128105 10125105 11.'21105 5

2005 Unit 2 Power History 110 ,-----------------------.-

100 ----------------1,---------------------1 90 -

70 40 30 '

20 Main Turbine EHC Fluid leak

'0 o .,,- ., .:,-.- - ---.------------------l---.-----.- -- .

1/1105 1128105 2124!O5 3/23105 4/19/05 5/16"05 6/12/05 7,19/05 815,105 9f1l05 9128/05 10/25.105 1 "/21l05 6


  • Opening Remarks Dhiaa Jamil
  • Station Performance Regis Repko

- Reliability / Predictability

- Equipment Performance

- Safety System Results

- Plant Equipment Items / Improvements

- Low Pressure Service Water

- Water Treatment System

- Mock-Up Piping

- Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping

- 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage

- Resource Plan

  • Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil 8


Reliability I Predictability 2003 2004 2005 through October Unplanned Lost 15.7 16.8 3.8 EFPD (does not include outage extensions)

Outage Extension 22 6.6 3 Days Lost Gen days to 23.8 17.5 2.5 equip. failures (on-line & outage) 9

Equipment Performance 2003 2004 Nov '04-Oct '05 All MRFF* 55 42 29 (12 month total)

HSS* MRFF 28 20 11 (12 month total)

All UTSE* 102 77 53 (12 month total)

HSS UTSE 58 36 21 (12 month total)

  • MRFF - Maintenance Rule Functional Failure HSS - High Safety Significance UTSE - Unplanned Technical Specification Entry 10

Equipment Performance

  • Significant Improvement in Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Performance

- Chemical addition capability

- De-chlorination

- HX performance monitoring

- Results:

II 2002 to 2003: 2-3 months (stainless steel Hx cleaning)

III 2004 to present: 6-8 months (both stainless steel and brass Hx cleaning)

  • Direct Effect on Safety System Unavailability 11

Unit 1 Safety System Unavailability Emergency Power - Unit 1 HPI- Unit 1 1.50% 3.00%

1.20% 2.50%






0.30% 0.50%

0.00% 0.00%

2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 RHR -Unit 1 Emergency Feedwater - Unit 1 1.50% 1.50%

1.20% 1.20%

0.90% 0.90%







2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 12

Unit 2 Safety System Unavailability Emergency Power- Unit 2 HPI* Unit 2 2.50% 3.00%

2.00% 2.50%








0.00% 0.00%

2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005 RHR* Unit2 Emergency Feedwater* Unit 2 2.00% 1.50%






0.80% 0.60%

0.50% 0.30%



-0.10% 2003 2004 2005 2004 2005 13

Plant Equipment Items I Improvements

  • Diesel Generator batteries replaced
  • Proactive 7300 card replacements
  • Electrical generator rewinds
  • U1 gas intrusion resolved
  • Refueling water storage tank instrumentation lightening protection
  • 10 year vessel ISI
  • Reactor vessel bottom mounted instrument inspection
  • Fire Protection isolation valves replaced
  • Monitoring and Trending of raw water heat exchangers
  • Lake intake pipe cleaned and coated 14

- -


  • Opening Remarks Dhiaa Jamil
  • Station Performance Regis Repko

- Reliability / Predictability

- Equipment Performance

- Safety System Results

- Plant Equipment Items / Improvements

- Low Pressure Service Water

- Water Treatment System

- Mock-Up Piping

- Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping

- 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage

- Resource Plan

  • Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil 15

Service Water Project Status Low Pressure Service Water

  • System provides makeup to cooling towers, cools turbine and generator auxiliaries, containment chillers and secondary system pump motors
  • Carbon steel piping became degraded from corrosion - cooling capacity was marginal during hot weather
  • Restoration is to replace piping with High Density Polyethylene Piping (HDPE)
  • Turbine/Service building distribution piping changed to HOPE
  • New HOPE main supply header installation in progress and will be in service by April 2006 16

Low Pressure Service Water Supply Header Connections to Unit 1 17

New Low Pressure Service Water Supply and Return Piping to Containment Chillers 18

Low Pressure Service Water 32" HOPE Pipe Installation 19

Water Treatment System 20

Service Water Project Status Water Treatment System

  • New System to chlorinate the supply and then de-chlorinate the disch~rge to the lake or Standby Nuclear Service Water Pond (SNSWP)
  • Allows higher concentrations of chlorine for greater biofouling control and reduced Hx Fouling
  • De-chlorination prevents exceeding NPDES discharge limits
  • Portions of System have been placed in operation
  • Low Pressure Service Water Chlorination to be operational by May 2006
  • Effectiveness of chemical controls for Nuclear Service water will be monitored by sample coupons 21

Chlorination Building For Nuclear Service Water 22

Sample Coupons 23

Sodium Bi-Sulfite Tank (De-Chlorination) 24

De-Chlorination Equipment Skids 25

De-Chlorination Sam Ie Buildin 26

- - - - - - _._.- _.- - - - - - - --

Mock-up Piping 27

Service Water Project Status Nuclear Service Water Mock-U Pi

  • Developed mock-up piping -300 Feet of 42 inch pipe and 100 feet of 30 inch pipe
  • Demonstrated Capability of Equipment

- High Pressure Water Cleaning

- Abrasive Blast

  • Proved the clean and coat process
  • Trained Craft and Inspection Personnel
  • Logistical Improvements Identified

- Handling of Coating Equipment

- Removal of Abrasive Material

- Sequence of Support Personnel (QC, Fire Watch, Hatch Attendant)

  • Contingency plans

- Safety Training For Medical Emergency Response Team

- Weld Repairs 28

Mock-Up Piping 29

Mock-Up Piping 30

Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping 31

Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping

  • Clean/Coat Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping (400 feet of 48" piping)
  • The Snorkels provide:

- a QA1 boundary between the SNSWP & Lake Wylie while the plant uses the SNSWP for Nuclear Service Water cooling water

- alternate access & egress path for personnel working inside the Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Pipe

  • Built Cofferdam at Lake Intake to dewater and allow access 32


Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Pi in Dia ram SEE VIEW "s-s" 33

Snorkel Components Being Fabricated 34

Snorkel Preassembled for Testing 35

- - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cofferdam Construction



Causeway from the Catawba Park to the Cofferdam 38

Cofferdam Viewed from Boat Ramp at Catawba Park 39

Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Piping Clean/Coat Process

  • Coating material has Extensive Service History Within Nuclear Industry and Duke Power
  • QA Receipt of Material and Level B Storage of Material
  • Coating Manufacturer provided Training and Qualified Coating Contractor
  • QA/QC Service Level 1 Inspections of Entire Process
  • Process Steps

- High Pressure Water Cleaning

- Weld Backing Ring Removal

- 100 % Engineering Condition Inspection

- Biocide Treatment of Welds

- Establish Environmental Controls

- Abrasive Blast

- Apply 3-Coat Plastocor Coating System

- Robotic Video Inspection 40

Service Water Project Status Lake Intake Pi in Results

  • All internal pipe and weld surfaces were inspected by a team of engineers to verify that wall thickness remained above a minimum value required by the applicable design criteria
  • Engineering calculations determined that the existing piping was designed with a large amount of margin (a factor of 5) over what was required. A wall thickness of 0.625 inches piping was installed and the minimum required is 0.125 inches.
  • The Engineering Inspection results indicated that ALL welds exceeded the minimum required thickness with results as follows:

- 30 welds were considered in very good condition with less than 1/8 inch metal loss

- 16 welds were considered in good condition with between 1/8 inch and ~ inch metal loss

- 9 welds were found with localized spots of greater than ~ inch metal loss but still with acceptable metal wall thickness

  • No repairs were necessary to restore the welds to required wall thickness 41

Nuclear Service Water Pipe Prior to Initial Cleaning 42

Nuclear Service Water Flange Initial Cleaning 43

Lake Intake Pipe Before Cleaning Lake Intake Pipe After High Pressure Water Cleaning 44

ILake Intake Pipe After Abrasive Blast I Lake Intake Pipe After Final Coating 45

- - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - .- -

12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 46

Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Two 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages Scheduled to Begin January 2006
  • Currently Pre-fabricating Piping
  • Laser Scanning Being Used to Obtain As-Built Conditions
  • Work To Be Done

- Clean/Coat Welds in Nuclear Service Water Supply Header Piping from Pump House to Auxiliary Building

- Auxiliary building Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping

- RN Pump House Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping

- Diesel Generator Isolation Valves and Crossover Piping 47


Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Sequence

. for clean/coat of welds in supply piping requires:

- System drain

- High Pressure Water Clean and vacuum

- Establish Environmental Conditions

- Engineering weld inspection and repair (as required)

- Abrasive Blasting for surface preparation

- QC surface prep inspection

- QA 1 coating application (hand trowel application) of only pipe welds 48

11/30/05 Service Water Project 1 Extended LCO MO 6

'A' Train LCO

  • 0207:00 0605:00 0365:5et up for LCO (material, equipment, pipe culling, etc) 1411:00 07005:CD100064 1 A DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 1411:00 0405:Replace piping and ~

061. 1413:00 07005:GD200141 2 A DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 061 1413:00 0406:Replace piping an ~

061. 1610:00 07005:CD500062 RN pump strainer piping upgrade 061.£~{00 0409:Removepiping and valves 0408:Replace piping a~d valves ~

081~:00 1610:00 06111:00 i1iill***********1418:00 i!Il, 07005J:;D500063 Add isolation valves & spools to RN discharge header 061M:00 0911:00 0411:Remove piping and valves 07 1"1:00 1418:00 110410:Replacepiping andvalyes ~

06100 1512:00 l 07~05:CD500175 Replace 1 s 2 RN 67A 061"3:00

" 0413:Remove piping and valves 07 "3:00 1512:00 0412:Replace piping and valves -~


  • 06 "':00 06 11:od06 15:00 0380:0pen manways ~

16111:00 07005:CD500376 Clean & coat RN piping from pump structure to aux bldg 0615:00 os 15:00 0381:Hydro laser piping IIIIIIIII 0915101015:00 0435:Dry pipe 1103:001215:00 0386:Weld repair ~

1215l>01315:00 0383:Abrasive blast weld areas . . ,

1315:001415:00 0437:Clean pipe ~

14 15:001503:0 0384:lnspect for coating ~

1503:~16d3:00 0385:Coat welds 1603:0 16 11:00 0387:C1ose manways 1611:001623:00 08003:0PS Clear tags and fill 'A' train ~

1623:001705:00 0432:0P5 Flush RN system ~

17 05:0~ 17 14:00 0366:RN testing and flow balance

11/30105 Service Water Project 2 Extended LeO JANUARY FEBRUARY


1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 16_1 7 1 8 I 9 I 10 1 11 IJ_~ U~I 14 1 15 116 1 17 U8 JJ] L20 121J22 123124125 1 261271 28 1 29 1 30131 L--1_LI:L3_LAJ5J 6 I:

'B'Train LCO

  • 1807:00 22 d5:00 0377:Set up for LCO (material, equipment, pipe cutting, etc) 22 05:00,22 11:00 36 0376:0PS Tag and drain for 'B' train LCO 22111:00 2924:00 137 0375:CD100064 1 B DIG RN pipe and valve replacement 22 1 :0023 23:00 jl:

0417:Remove piping and valves 2323:00 2924:00 0416:Replace piping and alves @.,~~\ J


3003:00 40 0374:CD200141 2 B DIG RN pipe and valve replacement l 22 1 :0023 23:00 41 0419:Remove piping and valves 1

  • 42 43 0373:CD500062 RN pump strainer piping upgrade 0421:Remove piping and valves 22111:00 221~7:00 2323:00 0418:Replace piping and yalves ~~'%%.\%K~",,~,@l 3003:00




J 44 241+7:00 30 20:00


45 0420:Replace piping and valves 46 0372:CD500063 Add isolation valves & spools to RN discharge header ~1~


\ j 22111:00 ~3:00 47 0423:Remove pipin9 and valves 2821:00 48 221h:00 2915:00 0371:CD500175 Replace 1 & 2 RN 69B 221~3:00 0425:Remove piping and valves 2323:00 2915:00 51 0424:Replace piping and valves 11 52 0369:CD500376 Clean & coat RN piping from pump structure to aux bldg ~


  • 01111:00 11 11 54 53 2211:0~2215:00 0395:0pen manways ~

22 1iiO 0394:Hydro laser piping Y i 2515:00 2515:002615:00 55 0438:Dry pipe ~

26 03:QQgy 03:00 156 0393:Engineering inspection IIIJiI 26 15:0027 03:00 0439:lnstalltemporary covers Iii§ oloo I':

27 28 15:00 0392:Weld repair ~

2815:002915:00 59 0391:Abrasive blast weld areas ~

2915:003015:00 160 0440:Clean pipe ~

,I" 3015:003103:0 0390:lnspeel for coating ~

31 03:0001 03:00 0389:Coal welds ~

I,:: 01 0388:Close manways 03:0~1 11:00 1

0111:000123:00 1 164 0368:0PS Clear ta9S and fill '6' train . ,

01 23:0002 05:00 65 0430:0PS Flush RN system ,

0205:0002 14:00 166 0367:RN testing and flow balance *

Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Project Contingency Plans:

- Start Date could be delayed in case of severe weather

- Welding resources and equipment available in case weld repairs are required

- Additional coating equipment available

- Coating scope reduction plan in place

- Back-out plans for pipe replacements

- Additional environmental control equipment available 51

Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:

- Minimize maintenance activities on opposite train equipment

- Protect and increase monitoring of opposite train equipment

- Affected train DGs to be maintained "available"

- Component Cooling Water (CCW) system to be in cross train alignment during train outages

- Continuously staff the Standby Shutdown Facility 52

Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:

- Changes have been made to loss of power procedures to address local throttling of AFW flow

- Changes will be made to plant procedures for the ability to cross tie the CCW headers

- Operations use of Configuration Risk Management Program to control and limit activities at the station

- Outage Control Center will be staffed during each train outage 53

Service Water Project Status 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages

  • Operational Risk Mitigation Plans Include:

- Operators will do just in time review of loss of service water and loss of CCW procedures

- No maintenance will be allowed in the switchyard

- Outage will be during the time of year with lower risk of severe weather

- Increased focus by all plant personnel (OPS, Maintenance, Engineering and Management) due to awareness of risk significance



Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 55

Pre-Fabrication of Piping For The 12 Day Nuclear Service Water Outages 56

Resource Plan 57

- - - -- --------------

SWP Resource Plan

  • Resources To Support SWP:
  • $ 285 million in projected project cost
  • Secured raw metal materials
  • 12 day outage prefab ongoing at Catawba, McGuire, and Oconee
  • 355 craft and craft supervision
  • 90 professional staff
  • 127 service contractors
  • End of year peak will be 572 58

SWP Resource Plan

  • Contractor Oversight Improvements:
  • Initially, SWP contractor oversight did not keep pace with the rapid growth of the project organization
  • Corrective actions were implemented in response to observations and incidents
  • Improvements were made to the contractor oversight plan
  • Additional SWP oversight resources have been provided
  • Communications and integration between the SWP team and the station organization are significantly improved
  • Dedicated contacts within Operations and Work Control established for SWP
  • Management observations targeted at SWP activities increased 59


  • Opening Remarks Dhiaa Jamil
  • Station Performance Regis Repko

- Reliability / Predictability

- Equipment Performance

- Safety System Results

- Plant Equipment Items / Improvements

- Low Pressure Service Water

- Water Treatment System

- Mock-Up Piping

- Nuclear Service Water Lake Intake Piping

- 14 Day Nuclear Service Water Outage

- Resource Plan

  • Miscellaneous Items and Closing Remarks Dhiaa Jamil 60