L-15-083, Request to Change Cyber Security Implementation Plan Milestone 8 Completion Date: Difference between revisions

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(2)    Thofacitityrequfresan wrryfibn froilmthe requilernmtsof f0 CFR5{I, Apprd[xJ, Sedirn l1LD.2{bXii0-      Thejudinceton of thb orcnplkn is wltairpd ln Sectin 52.6 d gppbneffi 5l,o fire $afety BnafualionReport trd tttodfiedIa lstbrdalsd.tdy26. lS5- Ths stds envirsrrnedal assmsnnnt wasWbffi            on illay 12" 1987(52 FR 17651)ard sn June9, 1!lS (tr FR30611} Ttprefore,pursuentlo{0 CFR5t}.12(afi1}            and10 CfR 5ll-l2{ail2[il and fi}, BaaverVateryPsenr Stak}n,lJnil2 b exenqfi forn tn quded roqllelrnntsild irililed. is rquired to perfumthe ovsail aL lod( bd( hC et prccam Pa bcbre est*Fshirry containment inte$ity if ail lod( mrinlersrce has beenperhrmedftat ou,rHffiect Ote a[rb* sedng cryabiff. Locd ld( rab tesningat a pre$sured]d less hilt P3 ray be subotlhiledhr m ouwallair locfrhst nrherefie desftp perntb E. FtrysicalSecuriry FEltlm shafltfy implerililt d ma-nah in efied all provisbrc sf tp Oommissl@                ptrynicdsecrtily, hft*rg and Walificatim,andssfquds wttirqencydils ittdudtrgffi                  rnadeprrsuantto prwisist$ oftlp M[smhpots A]rHdrEntB end ScarchRequirernents              rwisims b 10CFR71.55 t51 fR 27817andTi8flZland b fte afrnrly I0 CFR5tl.Sl ard 10CFR 50-54b1-Tho mnttned sdd phr, uilich $*elns S@uads Infonnalion gilecbd-urder l0 CFR7321b srtidcd: "Be*erVdley Pmur Stalion(BVPSI PttyulcdSeflrily Plm'srbritled by fdbr Septenrber                , erd srrylernmted Septernhr S,4n04, OctoberIA,TJ0!.,andlilny lld flffi-FENOCshe[ frfyitnpfement md ruilah in efuctall pruuishmof tre Commission.appouuA        cper senrly Can tSP), incLding*arqie$ mde rurwant b fttBauthorityof10 CFR50gt ard 10 CFR50-5{p)- Ihe Besver ValleyPmrer$alim CSPrffi apprord by Uense Arrwrffir{ hb- 17{,,*
(2)    Thofacitityrequfresan wrryfibn froilmthe requilernmtsof f0 CFR5{I, Apprd[xJ, Sedirn l1LD.2{bXii0-      Thejudinceton of thb orcnplkn is wltairpd ln Sectin 52.6 d gppbneffi 5l,o fire $afety BnafualionReport trd tttodfiedIa lstbrdalsd.tdy26. lS5- Ths stds envirsrrnedal assmsnnnt wasWbffi            on illay 12" 1987(52 FR 17651)ard sn June9, 1!lS (tr FR30611} Ttprefore,pursuentlo{0 CFR5t}.12(afi1}            and10 CfR 5ll-l2{ail2[il and fi}, BaaverVateryPsenr Stak}n,lJnil2 b exenqfi forn tn quded roqllelrnntsild irililed. is rquired to perfumthe ovsail aL lod( bd( hC et prccam Pa bcbre est*Fshirry containment inte$ity if ail lod( mrinlersrce has beenperhrmedftat ou,rHffiect Ote a[rb* sedng cryabiff. Locd ld( rab tesningat a pre$sured]d less hilt P3 ray be subotlhiledhr m ouwallair locfrhst nrherefie desftp perntb E. FtrysicalSecuriry FEltlm shafltfy implerililt d ma-nah in efied all provisbrc sf tp Oommissl@                ptrynicdsecrtily, hft*rg and Walificatim,andssfquds wttirqencydils ittdudtrgffi                  rnadeprrsuantto prwisist$ oftlp M[smhpots A]rHdrEntB end ScarchRequirernents              rwisims b 10CFR71.55 t51 fR 27817andTi8flZland b fte afrnrly I0 CFR5tl.Sl ard 10CFR 50-54b1-Tho mnttned sdd phr, uilich $*elns S@uads Infonnalion gilecbd-urder 10 CFR7321b srtidcd: "Be*erVdley Pmur Stalion(BVPSI PttyulcdSeflrily Plm'srbritled by fdbr Septenrber                , erd srrylernmted Septernhr S,4n04, OctoberIA,TJ0!.,andlilny lld flffi-FENOCshe[ frfyitnpfement md ruilah in efuctall pruuishmof tre Commission.appouuA        cper senrly Can tSP), incLding*arqie$ mde rurwant b fttBauthorityof10 CFR50gt ard 10 CFR50-5{p)- Ihe Besver ValleyPmrer$alim CSPrffi apprord by Uense Arrwrffir{ hb- 17{,,*
F-  FireftoleFligr Proornn (Sedrtn 9-5"'lof SERSupgennnt 3)
F-  FireftoleFligr Proornn (Sedrtn 9-5"'lof SERSupgennnt 3)
FENOCsha[ inphnwrt andmdntainln ffi              all pouisftnsof the appwed fte prcileclhnprqgrnnn ffid            in the Firnl Safdy ArmlysbRWrt duoqgh Amendnrent  No, 17,andsubrni[ds trd iiry 18,lulsyZ{l,May2t, Jme24 and JgU!, 1987,and as descrbedh fire S#y EuafuationReportdatedOtuhr 1S5, ard W                1 ttrougtr6, $fiedlothe illoruiry prmision:
FENOCsha[ inphnwrt andmdntainln ffi              all pouisftnsof the appwed fte prcileclhnprqgrnnn ffid            in the Firnl Safdy ArmlysbRWrt duoqgh Amendnrent  No, 17,andsubrni[ds trd iiry 18,lulsyZ{l,May2t, Jme24 and JgU!, 1987,and as descrbedh fire S#y EuafuationReportdatedOtuhr 1S5, ard W                1 ttrougtr6, $fiedlothe illoruiry prmision:

Latest revision as of 03:49, 11 November 2019

Request to Change Cyber Security Implementation Plan Milestone 8 Completion Date
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 03/19/2015
From: Emily Larson
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15084A344 List:
Download: ML15084A346 (11)


OFFICIALUSE ONLY- SECURIW-REI.ATED INFORMATION WTHHOLDIN ACCORDANCE WITH10 CFR2.390 FENOC^ Beaver Valley PowerSfafion P.O. Box4 FirstEnergyNuclaarOpentiry Company PA 1ffi77 Shippingport, EricA. Latson 724-682-5234 Sde Vice President Fax:724-643-8069 March 19, 2015 L-l5-093 10cFR50.90 ATTN: DocumentControlDesk U. S. NuclearRegufatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


BeaverValfeyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 andz DocketNo.50-334,LicenseNo.DPR-66 DocketNo. 50412,LicenseNo.NPF-73 Reouestto GhangeCyberSecuritvlmolementation PlanMilestone I Completion Date Pursuant to 10CFR50.90,FirctEnergy NuclearOperatingCompany (FENOC) is requesting anamendment fortheBeaverValley PowerStation,UnitNos.I and2, Operating Licenses.

An evaluation of theproposed amendment is enclosed.FENOCis requesting Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staffapproval byJanuary2.2016withan implementation periodof 30 daysfollowingissuance of theamendment.

FENOCrequeststhattheenclosure, whichcontainssecurity-related information, be withheld frompublicdisclosure in accordance with10CFR2.390.

Thereareno regulatory commitments containedin thissubmittal.lf thereareany questions or if additional information please is required, contactMr.ThomasA. LenE, Manager - FleetLicensing, at (330)315810.

The enclosureto this lettercontainssecurity-related information.

Withholdfrompublicdisclosureunder10 CFR2.390.

Uponremovalof the enclosure,this letteris uncontrolled.


BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 L-l5-093 Page2 I declareunderpenaltyof perjurythat the foregoingis true and corect. Executedon March lcl ,2015.


{c EricA. Larson


Evaluation of ProposedRequestfor LicensingAction cc: NRCRegionlAdministrator NuclearReactorRegufationProjectManager NRCResidentInspector DirectorBRP/DEP(w/oencfosure)

Site BRP/DEPRepresentative (w/oenclosure)

Enclosure L-15-093 Evaluationof ProposedRequestfor LicensingAction (26 PagesFollow)

ATTACHMENT2 ProposedUnit1 FacilityOperatingLicenseChange (Mark-up)

(1 PageFollows)

D. PhvsicalPlobdion FENOCshallfufiylmplementfid malntainIn efled afl ptovi$onsof$e Commlssion-approvedphysicil *hurlty, fairiq andqualification, andsafeguardsoontingency plans IncludingamendmerG made pursuant to provlslonsol the Mlscellaneous Amendments andSearchRequtranents EMslonsto 10CFR73.55(51FR27817and27822)andb theauthority10CFR50.90and 10CFRf0.54(p).Thecombinad setof phns.wttlctt containsSrifeguardsInbrmatinnprdodd under10CFR73.21is editled: Blaver ValleyPorverSt*ion (BVPS)PhysicalSecudtyPlan"submitledby letterSeptember9, 2004,andsupplemenied September 30,2fl04",October14,2UJ/., andMay12,2006.

FENOCshdlfully implementandmaintainln ofrd all provisbnsof the Commission-apppvedcyUerseqrity plan(CSP),includlngchangesmadepunuantto the authorityo 10 CFR50.90and 10 CFR50.54(p).TheBeaverValleyPo*tr Stdon CSPwas approved byLlcense Amendment No.

AllwotkandadlvlflesInconnection wtththisffiec{ shallbeperfomedpursuant b the prcvlslonsd theCommonwealth ol Penns$vanla CleanStreams Actsd June24,1913, io amended andof JuneA2,$37 , asamonded, andInaccordance u,lthallpermlts lssuedbytheDepartnent of Erwfronmental Resources oftheCommonwealth of Pennsylvanla.

F. License RenaralCommitnenb - TheUFSAR supplement, asrevlsed, submlttod pursuant to 10CFRil.21(dl, descrlbes ceilalnfutuleadlvltesto becompled ptlolto bnd/orduring the period dextended opefiaton- FENOC drall conptete these ac{vi0es lnaccordarrce ururnppenOlx A of NUREG-1929, SafetyEvalua[on RepoflRelated to theBeawrValleyFolierSbtifi, Unlts1 and2, datedOctober 2fl19,andSupSement 1 d NUREG-1929. datedOclober 2009,andshallnotfi theNRGInwriilngwhenactivlties to becomplbd priorb 0tepdiodof elttended operatlon areoomplete andcanbe veriliedbyNRCinspsdion.

G. UFSAR Supplement Changes - Thclnfonnatlon IntlreUFSAR supdement, asrcvised, submitted pursuant b 10CFR54.21(d), shallbeIncoporabdlntotheUFSAR as requlrcd by10CFR$.71(e)trlowittgthehsuance ofthisrenewed opralingllcense.

UnUnat ripO*els complete, FENOC maynotmakechanges to ll1einturmation Inthe supplemeil.Follovtftg hcoporationlntotheUFSAR. he needfurpior Commission approvalof anychanges willbegovernEd by10CFR50.59.

H. Capaule WltrdnwdSdpdult - Fq themrpwedoperating license tenn,all capsules in he nactorvcssel tral an rumovsd andtestsdmustmeetthebstprocedures and reportingrequlrements of Amerlcan Society forTestngandMaterlals (ASTlr)E-1852 to'theextenfpraclicatrlebr theconliguration oflhespecimens Inthecapule. Any dtangestothecapsule withdrarval schedule, includingsparecapzules, mustbe approvad bytheNRCpnortoimplqnentdion.

Containmerl LlnerVdurn*ic Inspec{hn -

a) lf degnadation(grealer tran 10percent ofthenominal thldmess nolattibuhblelo fabdcation/ersc{ionpractftns) b Henffidinthenon-random areasexamined using ulfasonlcbsffig (UT)asdescribed ln Supplement I of NUREG-1929' UT examinathns shallbeperfomedat addltonaltun-random areas,b beseleded basedontlrlsoperatngerycrlence.Shouldaddltlonaldegnadaton beldeniifred, addltlonalnontandom arsasshallbeUToomineduntilnofurtherdegradalion (greatertran10porcont ofulonomlnalhickneee) is ltlenfilled. Allareas with degradationshalibareexamined owr at leastthenextthreeEucssive lnspectlon periodslo ensure trat progrcseinofthedegradalion b notoocuning.

Amendment No.287 ValleyUnit1 Beaver Renewed Operating LicenseDPR-66

ATTACHMENT 3 ProposedUnit2 FacilityOperatingLicenseGhange (Mark-up)

(1 PageFolfows)

(2) Thofacitityrequfresan wrryfibn froilmthe requilernmtsof f0 CFR5{I, Apprd[xJ, Sedirn l1LD.2{bXii0- Thejudinceton of thb orcnplkn is wltairpd ln Sectin 52.6 d gppbneffi 5l,o fire $afety BnafualionReport trd tttodfiedIa lstbrdalsd.tdy26. lS5- Ths stds envirsrrnedal assmsnnnt wasWbffi on illay 12" 1987(52 FR 17651)ard sn June9, 1!lS (tr FR30611} Ttprefore,pursuentlo{0 CFR5t}.12(afi1} and10 CfR 5ll-l2{ail2[il and fi}, BaaverVateryPsenr Stak}n,lJnil2 b exenqfi forn tn quded roqllelrnntsild irililed. is rquired to perfumthe ovsail aL lod( bd( hC et prccam Pa bcbre est*Fshirry containment inte$ity if ail lod( mrinlersrce has beenperhrmedftat ou,rHffiect Ote a[rb* sedng cryabiff. Locd ld( rab tesningat a pre$sured]d less hilt P3 ray be subotlhiledhr m ouwallair locfrhst nrherefie desftp perntb E. FtrysicalSecuriry FEltlm shafltfy implerililt d ma-nah in efied all provisbrc sf tp Oommissl@ ptrynicdsecrtily, hft*rg and Walificatim,andssfquds wttirqencydils ittdudtrgffi rnadeprrsuantto prwisist$ oftlp M[smhpots A]rHdrEntB end ScarchRequirernents rwisims b 10CFR71.55 t51 fR 27817andTi8flZland b fte afrnrly I0 CFR5tl.Sl ard 10CFR 50-54b1-Tho mnttned sdd phr, uilich $*elns S@uads Infonnalion gilecbd-urder 10 CFR7321b srtidcd: "Be*erVdley Pmur Stalion(BVPSI PttyulcdSeflrily Plm'srbritled by fdbr Septenrber , erd srrylernmted Septernhr S,4n04, OctoberIA,TJ0!.,andlilny lld flffi-FENOCshe[ frfyitnpfement md ruilah in efuctall pruuishmof tre Commission.appouuA cper senrly Can tSP), incLding*arqie$ mde rurwant b fttBauthorityof10 CFR50gt ard 10 CFR50-5{p)- Ihe Besver ValleyPmrer$alim CSPrffi apprord by Uense Arrwrffir{ hb- 17{,,*

F- FireftoleFligr Proornn (Sedrtn 9-5"'lof SERSupgennnt 3)

FENOCsha[ inphnwrt andmdntainln ffi all pouisftnsof the appwed fte prcileclhnprqgrnnn ffid in the Firnl Safdy ArmlysbRWrt duoqgh Amendnrent No, 17,andsubrni[ds trd iiry 18,lulsyZ{l,May2t, Jme24 and JgU!, 1987,and as descrbedh fire S#y EuafuationReportdatedOtuhr 1S5, ard W 1 ttrougtr6, $fiedlothe illoruiry prmision:

FENOCmabtnnke drarryssto the +proved fire prolectionprugnam rnithnil pir aptrovufof tre Connision uty iltrm dangm uruddnat *ersly ' ffieot Sp abiny to acfiioyeand mfibin safushrrlddnni-nttreerronto,fa fre-Arnendnrent Na 174 BeeverVa$eyUnit2 RernmpdOpenatirgLlcensetfPFfg

ATTACHMENT4 ProposedUnit 1 FacilityOperatingLicenseChange (Re-typed)

(1 PageFollows)

D. PhysicalProbction FENOCshallfullyimplement andmaintaln in effectall provisions of theCommission-appovedphyslcalsecurlty,talnlngandguallflcaton, andsafeguards conlingency plans includingamendmenbmadepusuantto prwisionsof the Miscelhneous Arnendments and SearchRequlrements revlsions to 10GFR73.55(51FR27817and27822landb the authodty10CFR50.90antl10CFR50.54(p).Thecomblned setof plans,wlrlcfrcontalns SaEguards Informatlon protecbdunder10CFR73.21is enlitled:"BeaverValley Porver Shtion (BVPS)PhysicalSecudgPlan"submittedby lefrerSeptember 9, 20(X,and supplemented September30,2qt4, October14,2trl/.,andMay12,2006.

FENOCshallfirllyimplement andmalntalnIneflectall provlslons of theGommission-aprwed cybersecudtyplan(CSP),indudingchangesmadepursuant to theauthodtyof 10CFR50.9t1 and10CFR50.54(p).TheBsaverValleyPowerStationGSPwas apprwedbyLicensaAmendmenihio- 287,andamend6d by LicenseAmendment No. I E. All uork andac{ivitiesin connedionwiththlsprciectshallbeperbrmedpursuantb the provisions of theGommonvealth of Pennsylvanla CleanStreams Actsof June24.1913,as amendod andotJunc22,1987,as amended, andIn accordance wlthallpermltslssuedby theDepartnent of Environmental Resources of theCommonweallh of Pennsylvrania-F. LlcenseRenewalComml0nents - TheUFSARsupplemant, as revlsed.submlttedpursuant to 10CFR54.21(d). desqibesceilainfutureactiviliesb becompleted priorto and/or duringfre pefiodof extendedopentlon. FENOCshallcompletetheseactivitiesin acordancewlthAppendlxA of NUREG-1929, SafetyEvaluationRepoilRelatedto lhe BeaverValleyPorer Shtion,UniF I and2, datedOcto0er2009,andSupplement 1 of NUREG-1929, dabd Odober2009,andshallnotifyhe NRCin writingwhenactlvities to be completed prlorto the perlodof extendedoperationare completeandcanbeverifiedby NRCinspection-G. UFSARSupplement Changos- TheInformation IntheUFSARsupplement, as revised, submitEdpusuantto10CFR54.21(d), shal be inoorporated IntotheUFSARas requited by 10CFR50.71(e)blloring thebsuanceof thlsrenaladoparatlng license.Unlilthat updateis compbte,FENOCmaynotmakedrangesto theInbrmatlonIn thesupplement.

FolloringIncorporation intothe UFSAR,the needfor priorCommlssion apprwalof any changes wlllbegovemedby 10CFR50.59.

H. CapsuleWlthdrawal Schedule - Fortherenewedoperating licenseterm,allcapsulesInthe reactorvesselthatare removedandtestedmustmeetthetestprocedures andrepoiling requlrements of Amerlcan Socletyfor TestlrgandMaterials (ASTM)E 18542to theextent practicablefor theconfiguraton of thespocimens in thecapsule.Anychangesto the capsulewithdrawal schedule, includlngsparecapsules. muslbeapproved bythe NRCfior to lmplemenhtlon.

Containment LinerVolumetlcInspection -

a) lf degradation (greaterthan10perccntof the nominalhicknessnotattibutableto fabricaton/erectionpracdces)is ldentlfedIn he non-nndomareasexamineduslng ultrasonictesting(UT)as descdbed In Supplement 1 of NUREG-1929, UT examlnatlons shallbeperbrmedat additional non-random areas,to be selected basedonthisoperatlng experlence. ShouHadditionaldegradation be identilied, addltionalnon+andom areasshallbe UTexamined untilnofuiher degradation (greaterthan10percentof thenominalthidrness)ls identified.All areaswith degradation shallbe reexamlned overat leastthenoxtftree successlve Inryectlon periodsto ensurethatprogression of the degradatlon ls notoccunlng.

Amendment No.

BeaverValfeyUnit 1 Renewed Operating LicenseDPR-66

ATTACHMENT 5 ProposedUnit2 FacilityOperatingLicenseChange (Re-typed)

(1 PageFollows)

(21 Thefacilityrequires anexcmplion ffomtherequirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J, Sectionlll.D.2(bxii).Thejuslillcation of thisexemplion is contalned InSectlcn6.2.6of Supplement 5 to the SafetyEvalualion Report andmodiliedbya letbr daleclJuly26, 1995.Thestaffsenvirortmental assessnentwas publlshed onMay12,1987(52FR176511 andonJun9, 1995(60FR30611).Therefore, pursuant to 10CFR50.12(aX1) and10 CFR50.12(ax2xll) and(lil),BearorValleyPowerStatbn,Unit2 is exempt fom thequotedrequirements andinstead,is requiredto perbrmthe overallalr lockleaktestat pressurePs beforeestabllshing contrainment inlegfityif airlod<maintenancc hasbeenperformed thatcouldafiectthe alr locksealingcryablllty.Localleakratetes0ngat a pressureof notless

. thanPs maybesubstifuted br anoverallairlodt testwherethedesign permib.

E. PhlaicalSecurlty FENOC shallfullyimplement andmalnbinin effectallprovisions of tp Commission-approved phynielseorri$,hainingandqualification, andsafeguards contingency plansIncludlng amcndments madepurcuant to provlslonq ofthe Mlscellaneous Amendmentrs andSearchRequirements revisions to 10CFR73.55 (51FR27817arfr27822land to theauthority 10CFR50.90and10CFR 50.54(p).Thecombined setof plans,whictrcontains $afeguards Information protected under10CFR73.21ls entiUed: "BeaverValley PowcrStttktn(BVPS)

PhyslcalSecuntyPlan"submltbdby letterSeptember 9, 2(X14.andsuppbmented September30,2004, October14,20fl/',andMay12,20ffi.

FENOCshalftullyimplement andmahtalnIneffectallprovisions of 0re Commission-approved cybersearity plan(CSP),includingchangesmade pursuant to theauthorityof 10CFR50.90and10CFR50.54(p).TtE Beaver ValleyPowerSbtionCSPwasapproved byLicense Amendment No.174, andamended byLlcense Amendment No.

F. FireProteclion Proonam (Secton9.5.1of $ERSupplement 3)

FENOCshallimplement aM maintainin efiectaTpovisionsof theapproved fire protec'tion programas descrlbed IntheFinalSafetyAnalysisReporthrwgh Amendment No.17,andsubmlttals datedMay18,May20,May21,June24ard July6, 1987,andasdescribed IntheSabtyEvaluation RepoddatedOc{oher 1985,andSupplements 1 through6, sublectto thefollotving provlslon:

FENOCmaymakechanges to theapproved fireprotection programwithoutprlor apprcvalof the Commission ontyif thosechangeswouHnotadvsrcely affectthe abllityto adtieveandmalntalnsafeshutdown intheeventof a fire-Amendment No.

BeaverValleyUnit2 RenewedOperatingLicenseNPF-73