L-22-281, Discharge Monitoring Report (NPDES) Permit No. PA0025615
ML23019A028 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Beaver Valley |
Issue date: | 12/16/2022 |
From: | Kristophel R Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
L-22-281, PA0025615 | |
Download: ML23019A028 (1) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:energy harbor December 16, 2022 . L-22-281 eDMR for Electronic Submission Department of Environmental Protection
- Bureau of-Water Quality Management 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Beaver Valley Power Station 200 State Route 3016 P.O.Box4 Shippingport, PA 15077-0004 Beaver Valley Power Station Discharge Monitoring Report (NPDESl Permit No. PA0025615 Enclosed is the November 2022 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR), Chemical Additives Usage Forms, Daily Effluent Monitoring Forms and Cooling Water intake Monitoring Forms in accordance with the requirements set forth in the site NPDES. permit. A review of the data indicates no NPDES permit Part A effluent limits were exceeded during the month. Should you have any questions regarding the attached and enclosed documents, please direct them to James Harvey, at 724-682-7358. /21/L~ ~istophel General Plant Manager
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2
- L-22-281 Page2 Enclosure( s ):
A. Monthly Discharge Monitoring Report B. Chemical Additives Usage Forms C. Daily Effluent Monitoring Forms D. Cooling Water Intake Monitoring Forms cc: Document Control Desk US NRC (NOTE: No new US NRC commitments are contained in this letter.)
3800-FM-13CW046212/2016 pennsylvania ,~ DEPARTMOO OF ENVIRONMENTAL 'Mi:121 PRC1TECTION. NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308*2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: _F... ln""a... 1 E_ffl=u"'-on""t'----------------- PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER Temperatura (deg F)(00011) ~e Measurement P8nnlt Requltemenl pH (00400) Sll1nple MeaSl.lTElmenl Permit Requltement Ammonia-Nitrogen (00610) SS!npfci Measurament Ponp!t.Roqul,:emenl Phenollcs, Total (32730) Semple MeaSL1111ment
- Permit Roqulremen!
Chromium, Total (01034) Samplo Measurement Perm!t~ut;*ment. . Copper, Total (01042) Scmpla Moasuremont Permit Roq1Jfremenl
- Iron. Total (01045)
Sample Mearwrement Permit Req1J/temMJl Zinc, Total (01092) Sample MeQISIJ'Jemeni
- Pcimh R~~ul~emenl Aluminum, Total (01105)
Sample MElfWJl'emont Pormll Requltemenl Aow (50050) sempre Mea:s1..eroment ~(lrmlt ~oqul~monl, ~: Total ReOldual Chlonne (TAC) (9001!0) Sdmpfe MeaS1.tmmont .Pe~Requlfelll9nl' Nalco H160M (51698) Stlmpfo MeBSlirement Perrml Requlf!lm~~I Free AvaHabJe Chlorine (50064) Sample Meastrremetit
- 'Permit Re::qulrlment Mera.iry, Total (71900)
Samph1 Meawrement .'Permit Requit&menl,. H)draz;ne (81313) Sflmple MeaSllfeme,it ., Permit Requl~emenl FecJllty S.mpllng Point Commtnt. COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0026618 001 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR* MO I DAY YEAR I MO DAY FROM 2022 11 I-01 TO 2022 I 11 30 Repor1Jng Frequency: DMR Effec:tlve From: DMR Effective To; Pennlt Expires: Penni! Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 78.9 'F 110 * ,-Delly Max, 7,5 BA $,U, 6,0. 9,0 lnotMJn GG GG mg/I. .. MofJIPor & Ropo,t Monitor&RQpo,1* , ~vgMo Daily Max c.01 <.01 mg/l Monitor & Roport MonllOr&Ropo,t ',AvgMo
- Pa!yM.ax GG 00 mg/I.
,2 '2 Avg Mo Di:ilyM<1X ,009 ,012 mg/I. J", Monitor & Report Avg Mo . Monitor A Ropon ., PallyM°' 1.82 3,40 mg/I. Mollilor 6 RoJ)Q,t MonilQr&""po,t AygMo* PaiyM0><. GG GG mg/l 1,0 1Jl Avg Mo~ P411yMoi ,69 1,3 mg/I.
- M<miPor & Roport MonllDr & R*port,
A'i!JM* .DaiyMat 35.5 42.1 MGP
- MQfll!Or&Rcport' : Monitor & Report*
n,' Avg Mo. PaDyMO!-* <.02 oe.02 mg/1. ,6 1.25 AvgMo. IMAX GG GG mg/1. ~ .,034 ,034. Avg-Mo .Dslly"1ex <.02 ,12 mglL ,2 ,6
- .AV'9 Mo DallyMaJ<
<2 <2 ug/L Monitor & Report Monllllr&R*PQl1 ,Avg Mo DmlyMax GG GG mg/I. .007 ,007 A'i!!Mo Pa:fy Msx Privacy Polley I Security Policy Copyright ©20111 Commonwealth of Penm;ylvanla. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10131/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/day
- -s 1/day 1-S..
1fweek Grab 1~ek, Grab 1/waek '
- Grab L,o,t 1/month Grab Zfmonlh Grab
- 1,wkie/:(
.' 24-!"lr Composite - 21"""'111 Grab
- 2/~nttl Grab 2/monlll G(eb
- 2fm~mlh
.. Greb .. *'1/wee/:(
- 24-Hr Com/>O~le 2/monlll Greb 2/monlh Grab Continuous Measured Conlinuel~s
.'Measured 1/week Grab -1/week Grab 1/m,ek 24-~rCorril)O!llle Continuous Recorded Continui>ua
- Recorded. "
2/monlh Grab 2/monlh Grao 1Meek
- Grab
'NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH; 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, tSon STAGE:. _Fl""na... l... E~ffl~u_en-'-t ______________.__ PARAMETERS.REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER . Flow (50050) Silmpl& MeaeaJte1'1e11t Faclllty Bampllng Paint Comnttnts COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL.PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT.(DMR) PA002561 S. 002 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effec:llve From: DMR Effec:live To: Permit Expires: Penni! Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADIMG QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS .048 .048 Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 C.ommonweallh of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE
3800*FM-BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTeCTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 443011-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 16077 STAGE: Final Effluent PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER Ammonia-Nitrogen (00610) S1mpfe Me$f.lre!llenl Perr1fl A:aquJ:ement AlumlntUn, Tola! (0110S) S1mpfB MoaStVemt ,Pemm Re<jui,ermot Aow(50060) Stimpfe Measurcm8nt PeJTI11I Re<t*lnimom, Nalco H160M (61696) S*mpfa M.e~suremmil Pormft RE!Jluftemant Mercury. fqtaf (71900) S4mpfo M.e11:>>1rDment Permit Req~Jr,mom Hydrazine (61313) S1mpfe Maaiwrement Permft Roqulr,mem F1c:atty Sampling Point Comment. COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL *PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 003 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS GG GG mg/1. Monltor&R<po,t Mlt.ar&Re~ A>t9Mo
- P11nyMox,
.47 .61 mg/I.
- Monitor & RePQlt MoniU>raR,port Avg Mo O<lilrMax
~63 ,31 MGD Monito,&Repo,t .Ave Mo Monitor&. ReJ)Qft
- D*iyMox GG GG mg/I.
.. Q34 .034 Avg Mo DOlilyMax'
- .2
<,2 ug/1. Monitor & Report Mon~o,&l<<p<,tl, Avg Mo. O*Dy Msx GG GG mg/I. 'A::~o JJ07 "0.>liyMIJX
- Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved MonlhlV 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPUNGFREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/weelt
'Grab - 2/monlll 24--Hr Composite Vmonttt 24-Hr Composlta 2/month EsUmate 2/m,mth EuUmate " Grab, 2/monlll Grab 2/rn<mlll Grab 1/week ~".Sb
3800-FM-BCW0462 12/2016 g. pennsylvania J...:lill2 DEPARTMENT Of ENVlRONMENTAl '11!!2!1 PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E. MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308*2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 1&Dn STAGE: Final Effluent PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER lempemture (deg F) (00011) Sample Maain1romant -Pe~ RequltemGnt pH (00400) s"mpla Mea~1,ament Permit Requiremenf Chl'Ofl"llum, Totlll (01034) 6Qmple Meti:sµramollt Pe~tR13CjuliemenJ Copper, Total (01042) 6'11Jpfe Mei15i.!Jemanl: ,Perm!t Reqlllrem.ent Zinc, Tolaf (01092) Sampfa Maas1-1re1nohl Permfl RtJqulfemenl Aluminum, Total(01105) Sampla Meas1.1Jeme.nt F'ermft Requl~emenl Flow (5-0050) 80mpfe Meas..,-eme,it !'ermlt Requlremsnl Total Relidl.181 Chlorine (lRC) (!:10060) S~le MeawrelflElnt Permit Requirement Free Ava!lable Chlorine (50064) sample Meast-trement f'eimll Requirement F1cmty Samplln1i Point comn1anb COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (OMR) PA0025615 004 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUJ; VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 'F UI* 110 O~ivMax tn s.u. ij.O S.Q ' ln11lMl'1 !MAX miJ/1. .2 .2
- A'llM*
- PAily Max miJ/1.
t,\\Qtlttor&Roport MooltOrARieport Avg Mo* '* OallyMox mgil. 1.0 1.0 A,iiMo. !)tfflyMsx mgil. Monitor & Report MonltOr&Rlport . *Avg Mo Dillly Mex MGO ' Monitor & R*port Monltor&Repo,t Avg Mo OallyMSJ< mgil.
- 5 1.25 Avg Mo
!MAX* miJ/1. .2 ,6 Avg Mo. DllllyMax Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2018 Commonweal1h of Pennsylvanla, All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 121 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/day *,,. l*S 1/wee~ ' Grab 1/wee!< 24-Hr Composlto
- llmonth, Grab.
1.M'ee~ 24-Hr Compos!le 2/monlh Grab 1/Week CateulaUon 1/v,eek. Grab ~/we~k Grab.*
3800-FM-BCW046212/2016 ,p,mnsylvania. J...:,J' 05'1 .. ARTMfl'fl' OF ENVIRONMENTAL . aa,
~*olll)I Sampling Paint Cammtnt COMMONWEALTH OF.PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 006 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO PAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO -2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit AppllceUon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR C:ONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla. All Rights Reserved Mo,ithly. 11/01/2022 11/30/2022
- 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPUNGFREQUENCV SAMPUNG TYPE l:1tlmete
- Permit Roq1JJr11m1ml pH(00400) sampte MoE11$!mm11mt
- Peffl'lit ~~tremen1 Aow(50050)
S&mpfe Meae~rement Permit Requl1en1ertt Total Realdual Chlorine (TRC) (ll0060) sampfe Measmement Pernllt AequtJ'errlerit ~alcoH150M (51698) sampte Measmell161ll Petn1tt Requl1e1T1ent Free AvaUable Chlorine (50064) Sompfe MeaS1-arement Penntt R8({ulremet11 FacQlly 8-npllng Polnl Comn'19nts COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 007 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFAµ. NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit AppllceUon Due: No Discharge; QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCliNTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UMTS m GG 'F 110 PJlyMox GG GG $.U. 8.0
- 9.0 ln,tMln
- IMAX GG GG MGP Monltor&Report Monitor & Report
,AvgMo. palyMax GG mg/I. .20 OaJJyMSX GG GG mg/I. ,_034 .034 AV{!Mo, O/JllyMclx GG GG mg/I. ,2 .5 Avg Mo Dally Mex Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPUNG FREQUENCY SAMPUNG TYPE 1/day, 1-S 11w8el( Grab 1/we<!k Estimate 1/wa<!k Grab 1/we<!k Grab 1/Week Grab
- Permit Requ1rari,en1*,
pH (00400) Snmpte MMISUJ'OIMJlt Permit Requlrriment
- Flow(50050)
Sompta MeasMrnment Permit Requirement Total R.. ldual Chlorine (TRC) (!!0060) Sample Measwemahl Permit RequllBnront Nak:o H150M (51898) Sample Maastlfemeht Permit Requirement " Free AvaDable Chlorine (500$4) &lmpta Mea&l-trement Permtt Requlnlment Mercury, Total (71800) Stmple Meawrement Pormtt: Requi[Qmt:111. F1.;U1ty 8arnpllng Pofnl ComnMnta COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025015 010 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 R~portlng Frequency: DMR Effectlve From: DMR Effectlve To: Pennll Ei<pires: Permit AppllcaUon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 66.7 'F
- 110 Di>lyMox 7.6 7,8 s.u.
6:0* 8,0 lmtMIO IMAX 3.60 4.32 MGO MonllDr&Report Monitor& Report. AvriMo* DaiyMax ,18 mg/L .20 DffllyMmc GG GG mg/L ,034 .034 Avg*Mo, 0"1JyMax <.04 ,12 mg/L ,,2 ,.,.5 -.'!'vuMo
- DllllyMSX
<,2 <,2 ug/L Moniror&Roport Monn.r ~ R.tport
- Ava Mo.
Oi!ilyMsx Privacy Polley I Security Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11130/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 Cl SAMPUNGFREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/day 1-S 1/dav 1-s* 1/week Grab 1M'8ek Grab 1/week Measured 1/week Measured 1/week Grab 1/week Grab 1/week 24-HrCcimposlle' 1/INeek Grab 1/1.veek Grab 2/month Grab 2/month Grab /
- ...Fl::.:n""alc..cE:.:.:ffl.:.:u;;:ce:..:;nt'---------------
PARAMETERS REPORTEO VALUES PARAMETER Flaw (50050) 8ampfe Meoourement Permit ~equlrement Mercury, Total (71900) Sample Measurement Permit RequlJement F1clUty Sampling Point Comments COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA00256111 011 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effei:tlve From: DMR Effective To: Penni! Expires: Penni! AppllcaUon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOAOING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS .004 .004 MGO m Mooltor&Report 1 Monitor & Report-, Avg.Mo Daly Ma,(- <,2 <.2 UIJ/L MonltOl'&Report Monltor&Repo,t Avt1Mo Daily Max Privacy Policy I Security Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/week Estimate
- 1/week E&timate' 2/,nontl'I Grab 2/monlh Grab
3800-FM-EiCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania r~.DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL -.S PROTECTIQN NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 1111 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: _F_ln_al~E_ffl~u~e~n~l-----~-,--------- PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) Sample Measmament etidmiwn, Total (01027) SampfaM&aaNr8ment ~pper, Total (01042) sa,mpfe Measurement i Permit R~ulrement* * ~ \\ Zlno, ToleJ (01092) Sampfo Moas1-1roment Aow(50050) S1mpte MeaSllrement F1c::llty Sampllng Point Commant* COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025616 012 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO
- DAY, YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency:
DMR l:ffei:tlve From: DMR Effective To: Penni! l:J<plres: Permit Appllcallon Dus: 'No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION . VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE MGD Privacy Polley I Security Polley VALUE VALUE '9.0 IMAX MQnltor & Report . Monitor & Report:-'
- "'
- 'AvgMo,
,**:?llil~Max.,, MQn/t.Qr,\\'Reporl MOl'lltor&~~.
- ~ *AvgMq D!fl]y~
UNITS s.u. mg/L mg/L mg/L Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of*Pennsylvanla. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/0f/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 Oli/04/2026 8 SAMPUNG FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE - Grab 2/lllonth Grab
- --,,. -.,Estimate" ~.
3800*FM-BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania F~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL llii!::!! PROTl;CTlON NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON,OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVERVALLEY POWER STATIOtl 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: _Fl~na_l_E_ffl=u.... on_t _____________ _ PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) S*mpla Ma~meht Perm!! Requifen;ent Copper, Total (01042) S11mpfa Meas1-'1'ement PemHt Requ!ntm8nt Flow (50050) snmpla Meas1*ernent Permit R;equ~remmt. FacQlty 811ntpllng Point Comments COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (OMR) PA0025615 013 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Penni! Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCllNTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 7,5 7.9 s.u. 6.0 9.0 Inst Min IMAX *' .028 .033 mg/I. , Monitor& Report Mon!Wr&Ropo,t Avg Mo CltJllyMax .002 ,002 MGD Monltor&Re~. M~i:y~rt; MO' Avg Mo Privacy Policy I Security Policy Copyright ©2018 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, All.Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 2Jmonth Grab 2/inonfh Gmb* 2/monnt Grab 2/month G_rab 2/monfh Estimate
- 2/month Estimate
3800-FM-BCW046212/2016 pennsylvania J~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMfNTAl ~ PROTECTION NAME: EN!:RGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308*2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 1son STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) SampJe MeasiJrelheht Pe.mit Requl.remerM Tota su,pended Solkta (00530) Sample Meawrerhent P8rmft Requifemenl
- Oil and Grease (00556) sample MeaS4-ll'Bment Permit. Requ!r,,mont Ammonla-N!trogon (00610)
SampfQ MesSIJremorit
- P'"'111t Requlremom Flow (60050)
Sempfe Meseurement
- Permit Requlrimcm Hl'(lrazlno (61313)
Sampfs MeaeLWemaflt
PA0025615 101 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO I DAY YEAR I MO DAY FROM 2022 11 I 01 TO 2022 I 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit AppllcaHon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 6.4 9.0 s.u. 6.0 9.0 JnatMln IMAX <8,0 24.0 mg/L 30.0 ,oo.o AvgMQ OIJilyM8" <4,1 <6.2 mg/I. 16.0 20,0 Avg Mo DO!lyMm< GG GG JTl!j/1. Monlwr4Repo,t Moolblr8Report
- AvuMo D*lly Max
- .01i MGO Monltorlillo/>011 MonJ:"v\\f".f"1 Ava Mo -
GG GG 1119'1, Mon/tor&Rtpon Mon~Of&Ropo!f "Avg Mo 0/dyM.n Privacy Polley I aecurlty Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwe,1lth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/0112022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE fM-OOk Grab 1/week
- Grab 1/waek Grab f/waek Grab 1/week Grab
- 1/week Grab 1/weck
' Grab 1/week Estimate 1/Week.* ' ~,tjrnafs ' 1/week Grab
3800-FM*BCW0462 12/2016
- pennsylvania r~ OEPA!lTMfNT OF ENVIRONMl:NTAL
ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 443011-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: lntornal Monltorlnjl Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH.(00400) Semp!a Maai;urement Pennft Requlremctnl, Total Suspended Sofld:s (00630) Sllmpla Mea,uremf.)f'jt Permit RequtramMt. 011 end Gt-ease (OOSSa) S!!mp!B Mea:!MlfBlllflfll Permll tu,qo!rem*nl FJow(GOOSO) S11mp!e MO"sumlTli>nt
PA0025616 102 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: Monthly DMR Effective From: . 11/01/2022 DMR Effective To: .:.11c.c/::.30;.:;/2~0c=2::.2 _______________ _ Pdrmlt Expires: .:.10:::c/::.31::./2~0c=2::.6 _______________ _ Pormlt Appllcatlon Due:
- .05
- :c/::.04::./2~0c=2.;;.6 _____ ~----------
- lnstM/n IMAX 16.1 is.a mg/I.
2/month Grab ,0,Q 100.0 Vmanttl Grab AygMo ,P~nv MllX .c:4_9 c4,e fll1l/L 2/mon!Jl Grab
- p 1sn
.. 2fln 2/ns>ntll Greb Avg Mo. DAiJyMllJ .001 .001 MGD 2/month Estimate M_onltor.& R:opJ)fl -Ave Mo* MonJtor&Raport PalyM"x* !U
- ztmooth
- E:itlmata Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved
3800-FM-BCW0462 12/2016 ~ pennsylvania ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL f.a':/; PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: RRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIOli 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) Sampfe Moasttroment Permit Re~~1remorlt Total Suspended Solids (00630) Semple Moaiuirement Permit Reql/Ffom~t Oit tmd Grease (00568) S(lmpfe Mea1;1~re/1'ltml Permit Requitefflent Aow(50060) _8uflpfe Maa5trre,nant , Permit RcqulJsm~i\\t FacQfty Sampling Point Comment, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) IPA0025615 103 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Appllcatlon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 8.0 8,1 s.u. 6,0 8.0 Inst Min lt,W( <<4,0 <4.0 -
- 10.0' 100.0
- Avg Mo P*lvM<IX
<4.4 <4.9 - 16.0-- ~-0 Avg Mo P~ily:Mlll< .268 ,370 MGO Monitor 4 fiepQ,t Monitor 4 RcpgJt Avg Mo 'DaHyMi:ut Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 2i'month Greb 2/month .Grab 2/montn See Permit 2tmon1h See Permit 2/month Grob 2/month Greb 2/month Estlmatei 2/month Estimate
- 30 Reporting Frequency:
Monthly DMR Effective From: 11/01/2022. DMR Effective To: 11/30/2022 PermH Expires: .:;10:;:;/3"'1;;.;/Z:;;ci::;:;26,._ _____ Permit AppllcaUon Due:
- "'o5:c./04/2c.;;;.;:.:co:.2&,._ _____________ _
- _*_,.W.. l<lywhonlJlll<rnlrging:* -,.'-*.*,:.'
,,-**a, Total ~ld'Wl C111orin* (TRC) (50060) P.. llty s.. pllng Point Comments Privacy Policy I Security-Polley
- copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Right& Reserved
3800-FM-BCW04~2.12/2016 ~pennsylvania _
- s1mpfo Me,11a'i,romam Pc_~!_Req1.1~me,it.*
Told Suspended Sofids (00630) Sempfe Me.8$f.ltotridnt Penntt Req1.U,en1er1t, ~ Oil ond Grosso (00550) Stilmpfo Meast.1reroont .,_~il~t ~equ~enl*,, Aow(50050) $empfe Maasllmrnfi'l'lt '-Pe*~1 R~ul,em?t Faclllty8ampffngPoln1 Co111111ant. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025015 111 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR, MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 20:ZZ 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Application Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 7,3 7.8 s.u.
- 6.0.
- -~,,,
. 9,0 ,n,tMln * .. '.,"IMAlC, <<f.2 4,9 mg/I.
- ~
,nt:* 30.0 ., *100.0, * ,'< ~
- A'l!Mo.i**,:'.
O*Hrt,!4x** ..;4.6 .:4.~ mg/I. '*;15,0 .,20.0 '
- ",AV"gMo
_.-O*lr Ma,:- ,002 .002 MGD ~onltOf& Report . Mo,nltor & Report\\ Avg Mo*.,. * : Daly Ma> ** Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2028 05/04/2026 SAMPUNG FREQUENCY 1/weol! -,1/wool<- 1/week 1/week 1/wool\\ , ' Tlwet1k SAMPLING TYPE Grab Grab Grab Estimate
- pH (00400) sample Mesisim,mmt
- Permit twquitemerll Total Suspendad ~Id& (00530)
Stmlpkl MGMl.lremcnt
- Pem'lt Requirement Oil and Grease (00556)
Stimpla Meaallfement
- Pemvt Requtrerrient Row(50050)
- s.o ln:stMln IMAX
<4,f 4.5 mg/L 30.0 100,0 A..-gMo. DallyMOx <4,G .::4,9 mg/L 15.0' 20,0 Avg Mo OllllyMsx * .002
- 002 MGD
. ~:g\\~~ Monitor_& Report Daly Max Privacy Policy I Security Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/weok Grab 1/week Grab 1/w""" Grab 1/week . Grab'* 1/week Grab 1,W..,,. Grab 1/w""" Estimate 1/Week Estimate_
3800-FM-BCW046212/2016 pennsylvania J~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONl\\fgNTAL 51i!!t PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUC!.EAR CORP ADDRESS; FACILln': 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FIRSTSNERGY BEAVER VALLSY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER Total Suspended Solids (005_30) Sample MeaG\\lremont , ~orrnil Requ&-eme,ll. O~ and Grease (00550) Semple Me88Wemenl Permit RequJTeme1U Flow(50050) Semple Measi..iremmt
PA0025615 301 PERMIT NUM13ER OUTFA~l NUMl3ER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reportlng Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Application Due: No Dis~harge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS mg/L 30.0 100.0 Avg Mo Oii1yMllX mg/L 15.0 20.0 - ~vgMo OeUyMax MGO Monitor_& Report Monitor & Report
- Avg Mo OaUy~ax Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved MonthlV 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2028 05/04/2026
~ SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 2/mon1h Grab 2/mon1h Grab 1/week
- ES!imate
3800-FM-BCW046212/2016 pennsylvania f~ DEPARTMENT OF EM/IRONMENTI\\L 'C2!! PROTECTION NI\\ME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 4f30S-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) Sample Measeuetnent Pemlit RequJtenwrJt Total' Suspended Sollds (00530) Sample Meaa\\Jrel'Jlent Pemlit Requtrenterll Oil and Grease (00550) Semple Measctrement POrn"it Requ:ltemerit Flow(50050) Sampto Meas~remmt , Porrnil RoqultanleOI Faolllty Bmnpllng Point Comm.ma COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025618 303 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: OMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Eicpires: Permit AppllcaUon Dua: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS s.u. 6.0 9.0 Inst Min IMAX mg/1. 30.0 100.0 Avg Mo_ Deily Max mg/1. 15.0 20.0 Avg Mo D311yMsx MGO Monltor&Report Monitor & Report Avg Mi> OalyMax Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 13 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 2/month Grab
- 2/monUl Grab 2/month.
Grab' (;stlmata-
3800-FM-BCW046212/2016 pennsylvania r,,;;:,f!fi DEl'ARTMENTOFENVIRONMENlAL 'lli2J PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST; AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15071 STAGE: lntemal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) Sample Meaooremmlt Perntil R~ul!emerll Total SusP.ended Solids (00S30) sampfe Meas1trement Pel'n1it _Requirement OiJ and Grease (00556) Sample Meas~rement , Permit Requirement Ftow(50050) 8&Jllpt8 Mea!UlrerMflt P8rrnll Rilqu;toment Facility SnmpJln.11 Point Contmenta COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Pi\\0025616 313 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit AppllcaUon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION VALUE VALUE UNfTS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 6.5 7~ s.u,
- e.o e.o*
Inst Min IMAX <7.2 11.5 mg/L ~.... 30.0 100,0 AvuMo PilUyMox -=4.8 <5.3 mg/L . 20. Avg Mo Dally Max .002 ,0D2 MGO HO Monltor&Rap,;rt Monltor&Ri:r?Qrt AVO.MQ DaiyMQX
- Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/woek Grab f/week Grab 1/weok Grab
,1w.... Grab' 1/week Grab 1/wcek' Giab 1/wook Estimate 1/woek Estimate
3800-FM*BCW0462 12/2016
'6fli21* PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44300*2014 FACILITY: FlRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 16077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) Sampte Meas11remmt Permit Requirement Total Susponded Solids (00530). Sqmpfa Measqroment Pcmvt Juqul,ement Oil end Grease (00556) 8ampfe Mea!f!Jfemffflt 'Fenn:1 Requlr~me_nt. Flow(50050) Semple MeaSJlfllment Permit Requirement Facllty Sampllna Point Comment, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 401 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR EffectJve To: Penni! Expires: Permit AppllcaUon Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCl!NTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS 7.6 s.u. 6,0
- ,JnstM/n*
<4,0 11114,0 mg/I. 30.0 . 100,0 Avg Mo. P*ilyMax <6,1 <6.2 mg/I. 16.0 ~*.o Avg Mo O<lllyMax
- .001
. ooi MGD ffl. ~onltor 4. Ropcwt Monll<>r.4 Report Av9MO, DiiHyMu Privacy Polley I Security Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 SAMPUNG FREQUENCY SAMPUNG TYPE 2/month Grab 2/month G~b 2/mootn Grab . 2'month Gr!lt:i Wmonth Grab 2/monltl Grab, ' 1/weok EsUmate 1/week EsUmate
3800*FM*BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvanfa J~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~ PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATIOrl 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 16077 STAGE: lntemal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) scmpfe Mesatirem&nt Permit Rsqutreffl~nt Total su:ipended Sollcb (00630) Semple Mcae~rement P&rmll Requiramefll Oil nnd Grease (00556) S,impt11 Maasurame'l'lt .Permit Requt.remont Ammonia-Nitrogen (00610) Sitmpf,3 Mc11st1rament P,nmlt Requlre~UJ~ Chromium, Total (01034) S11mpfo Meqs,.,mn:iant
- Peffl!il Requtrement Zinc, Total (01082)
Sample Maas...1.Uement . Pomm Requlromont. Flow (50050) $Bmpfe Measurement Pe~~ Requi"ra"1e~ Total Retldual Chlorine (TRC) (50060) Semple Measllrement Pemlil Requ!'tement
- tf?lco H150M (51698)
Sompfe Meas~refnent Pennit RoqUrtemetlt Hydrazine (81313) Sample Measmemenl 'Permit ReqUll'arr!eJ'lt ,acblt)' Sampllne Point Commentn COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 403 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To; Penni! Expires: Penni! Applicafion Due: No Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONCIINTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS s.u. 6.0 e.o ln1lMln IMAX mg/I. 30.0 100.0 'A\\'9MO PoOvM<lx mg/I. 15.0 20,0 Avg Mo PoHyMilx mlJ/l. M.Jnltor & RllPPrt. Mooltor 4 ~epon Avg Mo Olt~y Max mg/I. ,2
- . 2 AYgMo PoUyM<IX mg/L 1.0 1.0 Ave Mo POiiy M;Jx, -
MGD 'Monitor & Reptli't , Monitor & Report Avg Mo OaUyMait mg/l. ,5 1.25 . Avg_Mo IMAX mg/I.
- 034
.034 AvuMo
- oauy.Mex mg/I.
.007 ,007 Avg Mo t>t1uy Max Privacy Policy I Security Policy Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, All Rights Reserved Monthlv 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2026 05/04/2026 ~ SAMPWNG FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE W~ekly whan Discharging <;,rab Weekly ~en ~11ctui.rg!ng Grab Wookly.whcn DlsctJ~rglniJ Grab W~ekly when Pl~argfng Grab W1tel<Jv wh(ln 0/3dn1rglng. Grab ~eekly~en Dllchargfng Grab Weel<Jy ~en Oischarg!ng Estimate Weeluy when Oisdmrging Grab'.° We8kly when Oischarging Grab WeE!_klY whEln DJ~rg!ng Grab
3800-FM-BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania DEPARTMENT DF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) 611mpto Mealil,rement Permit Requfromenl Total SuispendBd SoJld11 (00630) &impfe Mea&Urem~I PO~Jt Requlromcnl OH *ml Greaso (00558) Samp!o Meai1.1remerit
- P~rmJl RequfmmBnt Ammonla-N11n>11en (00610)
Samp!o Meat'Klremont PermttRequfrem~m Aow(50050) Samp!o Meq5'JremQflt Piom,lt Roqu.frem~nt HydrazJne (81313) Sample MeatJ\\lremont ' Penfllt Raqu1[ement FecQlty SampUng Point Comments COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) PA0025615 6(11 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 TO 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: DMR Effective From: DMR Effective To: Permit Expires: Permit Application Due: N<l Discharge: QUANTITY OR LOADING QUANTITY OR CONC!lNTRATION VALUE VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS s.u. 6.0, 0,0 Inst Min IMAX' IJl9IL $(1.0 ' 100.0 ,Avg Mo
- PeHyM""
IJl9IL - 15.0 20.0
- AV9MO OeilyMitx m
IJl9IL Mnni1Dr~fwport Monllor 4 Report Avg Mo OelyMAX-MGO Monitor 4 Roport, Monitor & Report
- ,Avg Mo*
0JJ8yMax mglL Monitor & Report Monllor&fleport Avg Mo_ 0"1lyMox Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©20111 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; All Rights Reserved Monthly 11/01/2022 11/30/2022 10/31/2028 05/04/2026 12] SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE 1/we,ell, . Greb 1/week
- Grab 1/wetk Grab.'
1/We4k Grab 1/Wetk Estimate 1/Waek Grab
3800-FM-BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania r.;;t!J OEPARTMfNT OF EtMRONMENTAI. 'IC2 PROTECTION NAME: ENERGY HARBOR NUCLEAR CORP ADDRESS: 168 E MARKET ST-, AKRON OH, 44308-2014 FACILITY: FIRSTENERGY BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION 1 LOCATION: PA ROUTE 168, SHIPPINGPORT PA, 15077 STAGE: Internal Monitoring Point PARAMETERS REPORTED VALUES PARAMETER pH (00400) SampjB Mealftiremant PonnltRo,iuoemonl Total SuBpendlki Solkts (OOB30) Sqmple Moa..,remQnt Pefflli.t Rrntuffa~ot OU and Grease (IJ0566) Sampfe Mea9"ramt'nt ,Pefl!lltReql!itemi,nt ** Ammonia-Nitrogen (00610) 51Jmpla MaBG4remcnt , ~ermll Requlmment Flow(SOOSO) Sample Maa&llremi:nt
- Permit Requirement Hydrazine (81313)
S11mpl'e Meaoorenwnt
PA0025615 701 PERMIT NUMBER OUTFALL NUMBER MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY I IYEAR MO DAY FROM 2022 11 01 I TO \\ 2022 11 30 Reporting Frequency: Monthly DMR Effective From: 11/01/2022 DMR Effective To: _11_1_30... /2~0_2_2 _______________ _ Permit Expires: _10_1_31_12_0_2_6 _______________ _ Permit Application Due: ccOS:;:.10:..4/2=0;:;26"---------------- No Discharge: QUANTITY OR 1.0AOJNG QUANTITY OR CONCENTRATION SAMPLING FREQUENCY SAMPLING TYPE VALUE; VALUE UNITS VALUE VALUE VALUE UNITS s.u. 6,0 a,o 1/weel\\ Gr¢>. Jnst"°M IMNC mg/l n,
- 30,0 100.0 1/woel<
Grab AV!JMO 011il1~ mg/l 16.0. io.o ,1fweck-Grab Avg Mo* O~KyMax mg/I. Monltol' & Report Moill!or& Report 1/weak Grab Avg Mo 0.Glly MOX MGO M011ltor&Ro~ Monitor& Report 1/weok. Es~mate
- Avg Mo OaffyMax mg/I.
Monitor a.Report MOIJffor&Rsport. 1/Week, Grab Avg Mo , DQ~yM*lX Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla. All Rights Resented
3800-FM-BCW0462 12/2016 pennsylvania COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF CLEAN WATER r,,;;;i/!i DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL '.a l?ROTECTION, DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) ATTACHMENT DETAILS FlleNmn* Attachmtnt Typ. Uploaded Time Nov 22 Enclosure B Ch&micaf Addltlvee.pdf Chemlcaf AddJUvee Ueage Fom:i 2022-12-21T12:S7:58-0S:00 Nov 22 Encloaure C Dally Effluentpdt Oaly Eff11.1ont M9nltorillg Form 2022-12-21T12:§9:57.05:00 Nov 22 End06UTO D COoflog Waler Intake Monltoi1ng.pdf Olher 2022-12*21T13:07:32-06:00 Nov 22 Cover Lettor Final Slgned.pdf CoverL.ettor 2022*12*21T12:55:36-o~:00 PERMIT VIOLATIONS l!v1nt IHart D11'8 Event Hnd Dltl Prlmoter ~lmttT~* Rlportad v11u, . Vnlt S1mPl'lnQ Point UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGES Non-Compllance ID Volum* 18*1) OTHER PERMIT VIOLATIONS Non..compllanc:* ID Non-COmpllana* T~p41 SMnpllne Point COMMENT DETAILS Comment* O,nr.atorNam* SUBMISSION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY 'Pursuant to tile Pennsylvania Electronic TransacUons Act
- Act 69, effecUve January 15; 2002, you are about lo engage In an GREENPORT USER electronic transaction wllh the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. You are submitting otllcial*lnformaUon. You certify under Robert Krlatophel penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under your direction or supervision In accordance wilh a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the lnformaUon submitted. Based on your Inquiry of rkrlstophel the person or persons who manage the i,yslem or those persons directly responsible for gathertng the Information, the information submitted is, to the best of your knowledge and*belief, true, accurate and complete, You are aware that any false SUBMITTED BY statement may be subject to substantial clvll and crtmlnal penalties, Including 18 P.S, section 4904 (relating to unswom FULL NAME falsification to authorities).
Privacy Polley I Security Polley Copyright ©2016 Commonwealth of Pennaylvanla. All Rights Reserved PAOEP Fr'1m 3800-FM--BCW0010 TELEPHONE (724) 682-7773 AREA CODE NUMBER Attachrn~nl Comments Dato and Time D.l:'.P Ncllflod Orally ParmHl..lmlt Comment. Comments Commonta Operator Contllet Number DATE 2022 12 21 YEAR MO DAY
~ S t a
- a 3800-FM-BCW0439 3/2014
(' e:~NT~rn~o~ENTA~~OTECTION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGE Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 1 Month: Novemlber Year: _2_02_2 ___
- Municipality
Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 001 ----- Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: . October 31, 2026 Chemical Names Control Brom CB-Surfactant Dispersant Nalco Acti Brom Nalco Biocide Nalco Dechlorination Bleach !..iaulchlor 70 Nalco 73550 3DT-120 1318 H-150M Nalco7408 Nalco. CL-50
- Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs
_gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 20.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.O 3 10.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 20.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0 8
0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 0;0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0,0 39.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 57.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 35.0 0.0 13 10.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 35.0 0.0 15 10.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 24.0 0.0 16 253.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 38.0 0.0 17 347.0 0:0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 39.0 0.0 18 306.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 41.0 0.0 19 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 30:0 0.0 21 344.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 39.0 0.0 22 265.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 o.o 37.0 0.0 23 265.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 38.0 0.0 24 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0,0 30.0 0.0 27 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 28 792.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.0 38.0 0.0 29 701.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.66 16.0 10.0 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 30.0 0.0 31 Average 111.4 23.9 o.o 25.2 0.3 Maximum 792.0 25.0 0,7 57.0 10.0 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and. evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey
- Senior Nuclear Se,ecialist License No.: ---.,.......,.~-----------
Date: 12/2/2022 lbs
a e~~~!~~E~A~~O~CTION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT_ CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGE 3800-FM-BCW0439 3/2014 Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2 Month: November Year: 2022 Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 001 Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Chemical Names Control Brom CB-Surfactant Dispersant Nalco Bioclde Nalco Dechlorination Bleach Llaulchlor 70 Nalco73550 3DT-120 H150-M Nalco7408 Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 36.56 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 8.6 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 8.79 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 7.84 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 8.16 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 o.o 34.0 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 17 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 19 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 21 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 22 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 23 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 24 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 27 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 28 a.a 0.0 a.a 32.0 0.0 0.0 29 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 0.0 0.0 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31 Average 32.3 2.3 Maximum 34.0 36.6 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. 6ased on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.:...,....,.....,..,... _______________ _ Date: 12/2/2022 lbs
e e~~NT~~r~':E~A~!~CTION 3~00-FM-BCW0439 3/2014 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGE Facility Name: Beaver Valley power Station Month: November Year: 2022 Municipality: Shippingport Borough County:, _*B_e_a_v,_e_r _____ _ NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 003 Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Chemical Names RO Antlscalant Klaraid IC1183 Hvoersperse Coai;ulant Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 0.64 1.91 2 0.22 0.79 3 0.58 1.71 4 0.46 1.43 5 0.64 1.91 6 0.16 0.47 7 0.48 1.15 8 0.78 2.3 9 0.58 1.71 10 0.32 0.95 11 0.45 1.22 12 0.19 0.57 13 0.22 0.79 14 0.19 0.57 15 0.64 1.91 16 0.78 2.3 17 0.78 2.3 18 0.64 1.91 19 0.78 2.3 20 0.78 2.3 21 0.75 2.1 22 0.78 2.3 23 0.52 1.53 24 0.49 1.47 25 0.19 0.57 26 0.0 0.0 27 0.0 0.0 28 0.64 1.91 29 0.52 1.53 30 0.22 0.79 31 t--* Average 0.5 1.4 Maximum 0.8 2.3 _ I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties fat submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: -=-=~=-:~:-------------- Date: 12/5/2022 lbs
~ l 3!100-FM-BCW0439 3/2014 ,~ e~~NT~~rO~F.~A~!O~CTlON SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT_ CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGIE Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 1 Month: November Year: _2_0_2_2 ___ _ Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 004 Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026
- Chemical Names Dechlorination Nalco7408 Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs
.gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs _gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 0.0 2 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0 5 0.0 6 0.0 7 0.0 8 0.0 9 0.0 10 0.0 11 0.0 12 0.0 13 0.0 14 0.0 15 0.0 16 0.0 17 0.0 18 0.0 19 0.0 20 0.0 21 0.0 22 0.0 23 0.0 24 0.0 25 0.0 26 0.0 27 0.0 28 0.0 29 0.0 30 0.0 31 Average Maximum I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: -=1-=2-==15:-:::12=-=o:--::2-=-2---------- lbs
e e~~~~!~~~A~~:CTION 3S00-FM-BCW0439 3/2014. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGIE Month: November Year': 2022 Facility Name: Beaver Vallley Power Station Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: _B_e_a_v_e_r ______ _ NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: _1_0 ___ _ Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Chemical Names Sodium Control-Brom CB-Eliocide Dechlorination Corrosion lnhib. Hvoochlorlte 70 Nalco H-150M NALCO7408 NALCO CL-50 Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs
- gallons lbs gallons 1
0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 2 20.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.066 3.9 0,066 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 5 20.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 14 10.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 15 10.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 16 0.0 0.0 0.066 3.9 0,066 17 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 19 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 o.o 21 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 22 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 23 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 24 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 27 0.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 28 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 0.0 29 0.0 0,0 0.0 3.9 0.0 30 8.0 0.0 o.o 3.9 0.0 31 Average 2.3 0.0 3.9 0.0 Maximum 20.0 0.1 3.9 0.1 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and
- evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification).
Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.:....,....,,....,......,..,.....~:c-------------- Date: 12/5/2022 lbs
~ l 3800-FM-BCW0439 3/2014 v e:~NT~~rO~E~A~~O~CTION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT_ CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGE Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station
- Unit 1 Secondary Month:
November Year: 2022 Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: No Outfall Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. These feedwater additives are not typically discharged. They are reported to align with DEP guidance. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Chemical Names Monoethanolamine Hvdra.:lne PT7000 Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 .o.o 8 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 12 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0.0 14 0.0 0.0 15 0.0 0.0 16 0.0 0.0 17 5.0 1.0 18 3.0 0.0 19 5.0 3.0 20 10.0 3.0 21 5.0 0.0 22 5.0 1.0 23 5.0 0.0 24 5.0 0.0 25 5.0 1.5 26 5.0 1.0 27 4.0 4.0 28 5.0 4.0 29 6.0 3.0 30 5.5 3.0 31 Average 2.5 0.8 Maximum 10.0 4.0 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification). Prepared By:_J_im_H_a_rv_e...,.y __________ _
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: -=1-=-21-:-:::c2-:::/2:-::-0-=-22------------- lbs
~ L O 3800-FM-BCW0439 3/2014 0 e~~NT~~rO~E~A~!~CllON SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT. CHEMICAL ADDITIVES USAGE Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station
- Unit 2 Secondary Month:
November Year: 2022 Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: No Outfall Watershed: Ohio River Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. These feedwater additives are not typically discharged. They are reported to align with DEP guidance. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Chemieal Names Monoethanolamlne Hvdrazlne PT7000 Dav gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons lbs .gallons lbs gallons lbs gallons 1 6.0 0.0 2 6.0 0.0 3 6.0 0.0 4 6.5 0.5 5 6.5 0.0 6 6.5 0.0 7 6.0 0.0 8 6.5 0.0 9 8.5 0.0 10 8.0 0.0 11 8.0 0.0 12 8.0 1.0 13 8.0 1.0 14 8.0 0.0 15 8.0 0.0 16 8.0 1.0 17 8.0 0.0 18 8.0 0.0 19 8.0 0.0 20 8.0 0.0 21 8.0 1.0 22 8.0 0.0 23 8.0 0.0 24 8.0 1.0 25 8.0 0.0 26 7.0 0.0 27 7.0 0.0 28 7.0 0.5 29 8.0 0.0 30 8.0 0.0 31 Average 7.5 0.2 Maximum 8.5 1.0 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage_ the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification). Prepared By:_J_im_H_a_rv.,....e~y ____
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: _1_2_/_2-/2_0_2_2 ____________ _ lbs
3800-FM-BCW043!1 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Facility Name: Municipality: Watershed: Beaver~ Power Station 2o County: Beaver Month: 11 (select oumbe,) Year. 2022 Permit No.: l'liiio2ss1s Outfall: "*"*"'1===~-= Renewal apphcalton due 180 ~ prior to expiration. Laboratortes: "resMmeilca, BI/Plrlab This permit will expire on: 0c1ober31, 202& 1'. *- Si.Jn 10/30/22
- Mon** ***10131122 Wed
. 1112i22 .. Thu* 1113122 -Siin.. 1116122 -- wea * ~ 111s122* T'hll 11110122 Fr1 "11/11122 Wed Fri Sat Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat . "'Sliri- -*-Moll 11/16/22 11/17/22 11/18/22
- 11119122 11/20/22 i'1121122 11/22/22 11/23/22 11/24/22 1'1125122 11/26/22 11 11i:2B/22
~::~:-:* ::::::::::::::::::::::::*:::-:::*:*~::~~2=* :::::: 24.3~-~-1ac=~*=-=+-~=-~os+--<=-o'":o;cc2c_.,,._,~ ~;:~**--=* --,-=~f=-==-=1=<=+-*-=~~:~~~=-~t--:.a=<i 36.61-*~--=+~~s-~4=* ~..,._."=+~=o"'*.o;cc2c..,.,-1-~"=*r-__,o"'.0"2;--c.,,..-.,J 36.6.,.._ _____ ~-+--~--*=* --*-*o~.0~2'<c* _. =1/4--c-c-i 37.5~---~~~-=--=..,--<_**_,__-*_o~:0~2~-~ 35.81-=~~-~-t--=~~-t--=--.,,o'".1~27*=1-=...J 37.9>-,..-c-t,==--~---~-==-:-**---*-----~-.~~~"':-t--=I
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- 0~02 36.3 1c:-=-=---~- F-+-= =~-----=."'* --0-.0~2 ~
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- _~o~~~ -=-~ -~ i-~====..,_-<.,.._. __
o_.o*,,2_-+-=1 . 0.0*2 41.0 ~ ~a:o-* 6.02 0:02 40.1 0:02 38.1 0.02 0.02 ~~:~ -- ~---*,.......,-,-r---=--.,.,.,..... __ ------:-*-------~:--~~--_.,._....., 31.9. 0.02 m1 ~-- = 30:7"'*---+----1-,-,+=--=1a---<c+---**,..;o".0"'2=3/4-.---l 31.4,_,*------7=.s-*~-~t-=*<= .. t==o-_0_2_*==<-*>===o-:b~2=_,,=1 ~6:~~==~========~==~::::::::~-=*==:~-=**::~::~~2*:*::~::: Total Aluminum Total Chromium Total Copper Total Iron Total Mercury Total Zinc Hydrazine . Nalco H150M Total Phenollcs mw* Q Q Q mw, 72.?t----1-=---~=-~-r--t--~~---------===-*~=-=--t=--=----t--t---~1---1-----1---t----11 69.9h----~---+=---+=1----*-l=--+----+-c-+--------ii----~i--+-==-+--+-----+--11------11--4-------11 6!~---==ci=-----==l=-~~-1=-.-t=,---+,,c+==-c-+-i=------~b-..'f-.a~~-+--+----f---li--=---li--+------II ~}!1-,-,+~~=--Jl=+---0-.o~a-*.~1-,-+~~--~1-,,,.+.~----o~:*0~0759~**-*-t-a==f.-,,=*o'.'2*~.r-+**~<-1---.. ~.o~.0~0°02=+~1-----+-~1-----..i--1-----+-<->--0.-01--1' 641-*-i-,-,=----=-,;..;..c-a--1~+---~--a+--..,,,,;--==~---=-'.-,..,,...+--1=~=;...,.+----t~---;f--,..+----'+'-l----+--c+--="--II 61.8...,._..+a-----t-a,a-~----~-----<,_..._. _____ t--~----+--*--<-.-t-----<--'-l----+--+----f-+-----II 54.1... *~~~--------~------+-,.;1-~--f--+----t-+-----1--1----,f--+-----+-+----+----t-----l/ 50.7..,_~-----+-----+-!---*-r-+----+--t-----+-,_---------+--1-----l---lf-----,1--+----41 65.1,_,.-+-==--,-.-+----1,...,..-+~----o----+------1t--+-----,t------+-----!'--i------+--t-----+-r---,---+-r----11 ~~:~1-----r.+~...,..i:a~*-+-1------+-t--~--co.~01"'2""**_,...,..,+-*,a'"'.4-- ".*~*"'0"0(1'"2~-t--+----+--+----+--+----+-<---t--o.~01--11 57.51-+----..... --+---~i-,...+-----~-----1..-.--+--*-- -------r-+-----+-+-----+-+-----+-+-----11 58.61----------------t----~--+----t--=--1-+-----+---lt------it---+-----+-1----+--+----,1--+-----11 5o.5,_._.-=~----~-----1r--;----*-,F7=~----r---- I--F----r-t------t--t----+-f-----+--t-----11 59.3 ~~---,....-~~=--+=i=----,~ _ *---~-+--+----+---+----t---+----t--+----t--+----+--+-----11 59.71-=-t-=----t---===--=-----,------+-t----* 53.2 ~-,.------+-,-..---~-+-t-----+--t---*-- f-.-f---.*---t--t-----+-+------+-+-----+-<-----<I 56.51--+----+---~------- 62.2,___,.. ____ +-<----------~t---+----------+-- 66.21---+----+-+-----+----t---*-t--+-----+-t-------t--+-----t--Jf.----+--+------t-+-----+--,1------11 65.1r-t---=-1-=-~-------.....,-------r----- 65.81---+-===-+=-1=---=--~==~l=-=-~-+-=l===-4-*-+=-~----+-1------1--+----1-+-----+-1------1i 76.6._*=--==-=-===-='===-~~=-=-=c-h=---*==*-t,,-1"""'---+--1----+*...J----~--l'-----+-,1------11 67,31---+-=--..+--,..,._-~=+a.,.,J=---i-,,+--=-.+-t----------=--=-4=.+-----1---li----'---l--1------1-4------ll 73_7.,.*~*-==~---t=*-===-=t~=-*=--~~=-+=l=-=~--==--=t---~--+--11------+-+-----1-4------11 72*8t=cctc==~=t=-.====--==-*=t=c=+-===->=.,.,,,====i-=,,-+.=-~~~~F..-+=---i--.-+----t--+----+--+-'-----II 75.11=,-===-=l====cl=...+====ll=a-t,,===a--l-=ll====--4"=-=-~-=,l=,+.~-~.-+~1-----+--+=----ll---l-----11 78,91=-t=====-t-+====>i"-==t==-*=f---,-=t,.===-=t-=,,.~==--+====t-at===~--...,,./l--=-=r---+------i-+..----ll OaityM!nim-uin(Conc1;
- r.s-**
- 0:02*
- o.oa~
0.0059 0,24*
- 0:0002*
Daily Maximum (Cone): l====t=F=-;;a.ca4=* =-t*..,<n==coa':oa:2c===t=rc~-=-oic::aif2c===t=t==-7aill;';:gc"* --=t=t=====fa=fa=='i1.'-'a~=t-,=t=====ta=t=""""rf"'.0"12F=r=f=a=-"'3ci:47*=o-f>'S<,-.i-a=oa'*~o"'o"'o2"'*=P-+==~9 !=-a+=-=-,J.-+==--I-:+--=': 0.01
- 0.01 Max::::,~~~:::;; l=-=--+=r-==--:"c-.. +----c~-~ac:~z:...-~:*=~-t--~*~.,.:+* =-*:*~;;-:~z!c--~t-----t=-..,.. 63"'7"'~~;-**=t----+===~t=-+-'=*..,~~"\\"3;,...'~: *--+~t==---+~t-----*.:--;;*~"'~~--~~_... ~r+=*"*13c..-:"'2_-***~i--.-::+----~;;-:~;;;~;i:2:c2~* +-1----+~1-----+-1----+--1--;;::
0.01 0.01 Geometric Mean (Cone.): MSllAvgWeekly(Load):"°'3""8,-..3B"'1Ci44rt~i==-~=t"71"==*-~7r"~T--,-<;c-t=---ca1<"1==t=r~~~=t~rc==-=t-F=4:ii5;.,2=***=F=t=~=~p=t=~---a*4,a-.*-~t=--r=*aa1.;18"'3P"**--1""::*<rl-a=,-,oc.;o"7=**-*"T'~l>--~-+~t----+-t-----+--=-cf--~ 3 r'::1~:!t~~:;.. :.. ~~"'s543
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- o;oi,* -
DailyMaxlmum(load): h42"'.1"3"31"7'"5i==i-====-t*"'*<;c-t.=.*=***=*7"*-*~-t--=t-~3'"5=*=t==t--~-l-==t==--t=-==4,.5"'2~--*=**f=*=-f.-=--~-=-=*==J.,.c,f,==--c,-4?'*---*=Po=t--c.1.;18"3'"***~1--cc-r=-----,o., .. Oa.T~.--.~-t-,,,+---....-,l---+-~----"1-+----1-,.+-_.; I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision In eccordance Vvith a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather ind evaluate !he information submitted. Basr.d on my inquiry or the person or persons 'M'lo manage the system oi those persons diree1fy responsible for gathering the Information, the information submitled Is, to the besl of rny know1edga encl belief, true, accurate and complete. I t.m ~re that there are significant penalties for submitting false inforrnalion, lnch.1dingthe possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing 'liolations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relaling to unswom falsificatlcm). Prepared By: James Harvey nue: -senror Nuclear specialrst licente No.: Date: "'1"'21"'1"'21"'2"'0"'22--=~==========-=
Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: Watershed: 20-B Laboratortes: -T_es_tJ>.merica, El9PS Lab 1 sun 10130122 ~ MOn -1*0131122 Tue 11/1122 Wed 1112122 ThU. 11/3/22 Fn -f1/4i22 Sal 11/5/22 2- ~sun 11/6122 M6n 1117/22 -- 0.046 Tue 11/8122
- wed fM/22-niu 11/10/22 Fn 11/11122 Sat 11,12/22 Sun 11113122 Mon 11/14122 0.046 Tue 11115122 Wed 11/16i22 Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11ff8122 sat"* *11119/22 Sl.ln 11/20/22 Mon 11/21122 0.046 Tue 11122122 Wed f1/23/22 Thu-
-11f.24i22' Fil"
- 11r.z*5122
- - Sal 11/26122
- Sun 11/27122 MOn-*-
1112a122 - 0.046 -- ---rue-* f1i29/22 Wed 11/30'22 --- Thu --1211122-Fri,= Sal 1213122 o8iiy Minimum (Cone.): Dru1y Maximum (Cone): Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): 0.0'6 Avg Monthly (Load): 0.0'6 Total Monthly (load): 0,184 -* Daily Min!mum (Load): 0.0'6 Daily Maximum (Load): 0.0'6' 3800-FM-BCW043!5 ~2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver Month: 11 (ooleotn,mw) Year: 2022 Permit No,: PA!io2ss1s Outfall: "0"'0"'2===-= Renewal application due 180 ilIDt.!! prtor to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 202& I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified peraannel gather &.nd evaluate the information submitted. Basu! ~n my inquiry cf the person er persons whc mana§'8 the system er those peroons cf11ectly respcnsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the bes! of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I 1:m t,.Wam that there are significant penal!ies for submitting false infcrmatlon, inc!udlng the possibility of fine and impriscnment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.:S. § 4904 (rdaling to unswom falslflca!lon). Prepared By: James Harvey
--Senior Nuclear Specialist Licen~e N<,.: Date: "'1"21"'1"21"2"0"2"'2,=,-==========-=
Facility Name: Municipality: Watershed: Beaver Vallel( Power Station =s~lpi>fnqport Borough 20-B Laboratories: TestAmerlca Bl/PS Lab Flew MGO Q s.u. Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 1111122 Wed 1112122 Thu 1113/22 Fri 1174122 Saf 1115/22 Sun 1116/22
- Mori*-
11{712:2 Tl.le f118/22 0.23 Wed 11,.,. Thu 11/10/22 .. Frt*.. *11111122
- sat 11/12122
... sun 11/13122 Moll .. 11/1412:2 0.31 rue 11/15122
- wec1
'f1i16/22 Thu 11117/22 Fri 11/fB/22
- -Mon 11121122
- o.2es
- Tue" 11/22/22
.. Fri-... 11/25/22 - sat 1112s122 --s-sun-11121122 Tue - 11/29/22 wed 11130122 Sat 12/3/22 3800-FM-BCW0435 312012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Couniy: Beaver Month: ,.!L (select ""'"be,) Year. 2022 Permit No.: PA0025&15 Outfall: "o;;;o;.;3""==--= Renewal apphcai1on due~ prior to expiration. This permtt will expire on: Oc1ober 31, 202& Total Alumlnum Total Mercury Hydrazine NalcoH150M Q 0.32 Q 1 - Q Q Q Q
- 1**_,;..
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D8i1iMlnlmum(eoflC:):.,,,~--1~+~--=t=+~~0.3~2~-=-t-*,.,,,..f~,,o"c.0~00"'2~-1---lc-===+-l====+--l=~~=+--l=~-~+-l===-+--l=~--+---+====+--l---=-.j....-+--=--i--+----+--+----JI M~ruz:::~;~~\\ l-==--f=+--==--f-+-=*ic~:7-:~..,*-+---::;-** +-~~ci:~:;;~~::;:,...*-*.f---f====.f---f-=--+---f---=+---f----+--l=---+---t-----1--+-----l--f----+--f-----1--4-----1--4----ll ~~;:!~~~!: !r-==-l-+=~~,-,;-+-*-**-47""""9 -* *~*¥~*-**-**ce2;,.,*~-+-~----i-+~--~-+----1-+------l-+-~---l-+----+-*f-----+----....+-+-----+-+-==---+-+--=--ll MaxAvgWeekly(Load): :=~~0.~31:=~==~========~==~::::*~.9===~=*:~:::o~.o:00;4~=~==~~=======~==~::::::::1::~::::::::::!==~====--*~::_-_""~-----:-I----_-_-_-_-_-_..J_:-_-_"":-.:-_-_-_-_-_-_---+--+*,...-- ..._-_.-:..-_-+t---_-+t---_-_-:_-_-:_-_-_-+1/4---_-+i---_-_-:_-_-_-_-:_-,l.l---_-:i,f._-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-+f.--_--1,f._-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_~ T:i~=t~~=:~ 11-....;*c;c/a.;:.. *~-+-..,.J--~-+-,,..,,1--*_,.*~i.a*:--t--*.c.--1.*~...,**;;;:*ic;;~o:;../:,... --i-+----*-+-+-----+-----+------+-----+-+----+--l---*--+--l----4--1-----1---1-----1---1-----ll i~;::=i~:;....,,-*_o.Q~*3;~9--***+=-le---=+--l--o;c16_**-+<,<+-~...
- ~ca:~~~~~:;.......,...:i_+---*-l-+-----l-+-=--"'°"'-+-=-----l,,--le----..+-l----+-~*l--*--+-l----4---*----,1.,,--J.----+---l-=---~I I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared \\ltlder mv direction or 01,1pervision In accordance with a system designed to asstjr9 that quartfied personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. 8~ o,n my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the syr,tem or those persons dtrecily responsible foe gatMring the infonnation, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knOVJ!edga and belief, true, accurate and comp!ele. I am t(Ware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the posslbility of fine end Imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom fa!slficatton).
Prepared By: James Harvey nue: -Senior Nuclear Spec,ahst Licen$e No.: Date: -"'-1'2m"""1""21"'20"'2""2===-=======-=
Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: Watershed: Sfilpplnl![OifBorough - 20-B Laboratories: J~ca, BVPS Lab Flow pH 1 - Sun"
- 10130/22 --*
MCln 10/31/22 Ffi . f1l4/22 - o:o
- sat * ** -1115/2t o:o
. -* rue 11/8/22 o.o. -* Wed.. "11/9/22 0.0 - -.,.hu 11/10i'22 . 0.0 - Fri.
- 11111122
- o:o--
-*wed - 1111e122 -o.o
- rffu 11/171.22 0 0
- 4 Sl.ln . 11/20/22 Mrin-11/21122 0.0 -Tlliit-11"12122 wed 11/23/22" Th-u* 11°124/22 Fri
- 11125122
- 0.0
- saf 11/26/22
- 0.0 - sun*--* 11/27/22 o:o Mon
- 1112ai22 a.a Tue 11129/22 Wed f1/30/22
. Th\\J 12/1/22 F,I 12/2122 .. Sat". 12/3/22 Oaiiy Minimum (Cone.): Q 3800.fM-BCIN0438 312012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Coum1,: TRC Beaver Free Avallable Chlorine Q Month: 11 (sel""1numbe,) Year. 2022 Permit No.: ffi'o2ss1s Outfall: ""0*"'04,-.,,==-= Renewal appl1caflon due 1 BO ru!Y§. prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: Oc1ober31, 202& Temperature Total Alumlnum Total Chromium Total Copper Q Total Mercury Total Zinc a moll. Q Q Q Q Q M:iz:::~:~~:n~~;; a,-,.--s=f-=-t==~~-t=r---ee-t~r--=-t-r-~-ee-t~-1------t-1-=----t-r--~--t-r----r--~-i,--t,--=--+--t-----+-+-------+--1------+-+-----ll ~:ri~=~~~:t----e-+--~~~-=-~~=-=,i,a,-=--~+-------+-+-~~--~--~~---~---~.-1o~,.__=-~""-...-df,.,..--~~ -* ~------~+---+----\\.-* MiixAvg Weekly (load): Avg Monthly (Load): tt::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::~::::::::~::t::::::::J::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::~::::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::t::::::::t::t:::::::j: Total Monthly (Load): OaflyMinfmum(Load):..,..._=o~.,,..,.=-~~=-=-~-~=*-==~-----~-----;-*--~-T~-~---_...,._,.~=~~--------->--t--~---+-~---+-+-----~-t---t-----+-+-----f.-+------+-+-----ll OailyMaximum(Load): t:* *:**:-0::::::1:::::::::::1::::::;;:::!;:::::::1::~:::::::;:::1:=:::::::::1::::::::l::1::::::;:1::l::::::::t~:1::::::::!::::::;::::t::1:::::~::t::i::::::::t::!::::::::i::!:::::::jJ I certify under penalty of law Iha! this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in aecord3nce with a system designed to assure that quaf"rfied personnel gather ind evaluate the information submitted. Ba~ (Jon my inquiry of the person or persons v,ho manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering I~ information. the information subm*rtted Is, to !he best of my knowledgs and be.lief, true, accumte and complete. I ~m pWate that there are signiflcanl penalties for submitting false infonnalion, Including lhe poss!bility of fine and !mprisonmenl for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (relating to unSWGm fa!sifieallon). Prepared By: James Harvey
-Senior Nuclear Speciahst Licen~e No.: Date: "'f:""2J"'&s;)2"'0""22..-==~=-=~=~===~=
Facility Name: Beaver Val!!,l Power Station Municipality: Watershed: Shlegm,QpOrt Borough 20-B Laboratories: Suri fdt3bf22 f.fon 10131/22 Tue 11/1/22 Wed 1112122 Thu 11/3i12 Fif
- 11/4/22
-Sat 11/5/22 Suri
- 1115122
);,on.. *11f1122** Tue 11/8/22 Wed
- 11/9/22 Thu
-11/10122 . Fri
- 11111122 sat 11112122 sun* - *--r1t13/22 Mon 1ftf4122 o:0*1s rue ni15r22 Fi"f 11/18/22:"
Sat ff/19/22 4 - SUri -
- 1* 1/20122
- Mon
- f1/2i/22 o:016 Tue
- 11/22/22 wed 11123122
--.... Thu 11/24122 .. Fri°* - 11125122 saf 1112s122
- 5 Sun 11/27122 MOil -
- 1112af.22
- 0.016 Thu**
- 1211122 Fri
-.. *12'2122
- sat -*
Beaver Month: ~ (select mnnbe,) Year. 2022 Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: ~0;;0;;6-=--- Renewal app/Jca6on due~ prior to expiration. This permn will expire on: October 31, 2026 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared l,lnder mr direction or supervision In accordance with a syslem designed lo assure that quafrfied personnel galher and evaluate the information submitted. Bastxt tITT my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or thO!le pernons direelly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted ii, lo the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurate and complete. I ¥m pwara that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, incllJamg the possibility of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom fa1sifrcation). Prepared (3y: James Harv"!L
Senior Mic1ear specialist Ucen~e No.: Date: T:""'11"'"'121"'2"'!0"'22""""-=~==~===~=
Facility Name: Municipality: Watershed: Bea!er Valley Power Station Shll!!?!n!!l"'rt Borough 20-B Laboratories: TestAmertca BVPS Lab Flow pH Q ,.u. Sun 10/30122 MOTi... 10/31122.... TUe 1111122* Wed.ill Thu -*FrC *
- -sat 2
- sun
- 1116122 Mciff-11n122*
Tut? f1/8/22 Wed. 11/9122" Thu 11/10122 Fri 11/11/22
- sat 11/12122
,* 3 - sun
- 1111ai22 MOil 11/14/22
- rue*** -f1/15/22 Wed 11/16122 Thli 11/17/22 Fil" 11/18122 Sat
- 11119122 4*
Suri 11120122 Mori 11/21/22 Tu*e 11122/22 Wed 11/23/22 Thu 11/24122 Fri 11/25122 Sat 11/26122 Sun 11/27122 MOil 11/28/22 Tue 11/29122 Wed
- 11,aort.2 Thu 12/1122 Fri 12/2122 Sat 12/3122 03iiY MinimUm <cone*~:
Dally Maximum (Cone): Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): AvgMonthly(Load): Total Monthly (load): DailyMlnimum(load): DailyMaximum(load): Q 31100-FM.BCW0431 3,12012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAIL V EFFLUENT MONITORING county: TRC Beaver Free Avallable Chlorlne Q Q ~~:~ No.'. 1/4oci;~~;"mbe,) 6~':;~11; 2---- Renewal applical,on due ll!!Ll!....J!l1!! prior to explralion. This permit Will expire on: ... o.. ct.. *.. h.,e.,.r 3.. 1..,1.. 20-'2"'& ______ _ Temperature NalcoH150M Q Q I certify under penalty of law that this documenl was prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed lo assure that quafrfied personnel gather ~nd evaluate lhe information submitted. Bastd Qn my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submltted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. J am uware that there are significant penalties for submitting fa!se !nformatiori, lnclyding the po3,51billty of fine !ind imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey Tille: SenFof'Nuclear Speciaifsf' License No.: Date: -"'f:"'~"'g"f:"'20:""'2"'2===--===~===-= Q Q Q Q Q Q Q t---
-£:~~~~ 3800.FM-BCWD43gi 312012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT '1tlmtCfW>1 DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Facility Name: Beaver Vallar: Power Station Month: ..!!_ (select number) Year: 2022 Municipality: ShlEJ!lng~ort Borou9h County: Beaver Permit No.; PA0025615 Outfall: 10 _____ Watershed: 20-B Renewal application due 18011avs crior to expiration. Laboratories: TeetAmerlca BVPS Lab This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Flow pH TRC Froe Available Tempemturo Total Mercury Nalco H150M Chlorine 1 1 1 1 1 MGO Q s.u. Q - Q mo/! Q 'F Q m"'- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
- Q 1
Sun 10130/22 Mon 10/31/22 t--- Tue 11/1/22
- 63.4 Wed 11/2122 64 -
Thu 11/3(22 60,9 Fri 11/4/22 63,5 - Sat 11/5/22 64,9 < 2 Sun 11/8/22 4.32 7.9 __::._ 0.02 ~ 0.02 66,7 0.0002 Mon 1117/22 e4 Tue 11/8/22 t--- 63.4 Wed 11/9/22 65,3 .Thu 11/10/22 65.6 Fri
- 11/11/22 60.9 Sat 11/12/22 65,1 3
Sun 11/13/22 2.88 7.8 - 0.18 - 0.12 - 64.9 0.0002 Mon 11/14/22 63,1 Tue 11/15/22 61,3 Wed 11/16/22 58.4 Thu 11/17/22 59 t--- Fri 11/18/22 57.7 Sat 11/19/22 56,1 4 Sun 11/20/22 2,88 7.7 0.02 ~ 0.02 - 54,8 Mon 11/21/22 53,9 Tue 11/22/22 0.02 0.02 53.6 Wed 11/23/22 52,7 Thu 11/24/22 52,8 Fri 11/25/22 52.&4 Sat 11/26/22 52,5 5 Sun 11/27/22 50 Mon 11/28/22 4.32 7.8 0.02 0.02 49.8 Tue 11/29122 50.1 Wed 11130/22 0.03 0.03 50,1 Thu 12/1/22 Fri 12/2/22 Sat 12/3/22
- oaily Minimum (i::=.):
7.B 0.02 0.02 49.8 0.0002 OaTiy Mmdmum (Cone): 7.9 0.18 0.12 BM 0.0002 Max Avg Weekly (Cone,): 0.18 0.12 0.0002 AVQ Monthly (Cone,): 0.05 0.04 58.7 0.0002 Geomeb1e Mean (Cone.): Max A\\'9 Weekly (Load): 4.32 4 3 0.007 Avg Monthly (Load): 3.6 2 1 0.006 T0lalM0nth!y(L0ad): 14.4 31 24 0.2 Oeily M!n!mum (Load): 2.88 0,5 0.5 0.005 Dally Maximum (Load): 4.32 4 3 0.007 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared 1,mder my direction or st1pervlslon t., eccordllnce with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the Information submitted. Ba~ l)n my Inquiry of the person or persons vdlo managa the system or those persons directly responslble for gathering the Information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge end beTief, true. eccurel9 and complete. I am li\\Wltl that there aro sfgnlf'icant penalties for submitting false Information, lnd1.,1d"1ng the posslbl]Jty of fine ~nd Imprisonment for knowing vlolatlon(I. See 18 Pa. C.:S. § 4904 (rolating to unswom falstflcatlon). Prepared By: James Harvel License-No.:
Senior Nuclear seecialist Date: 12/16/2022
Facility Name: ~Qon Municipality: Watershed: Laboratories: 3800.fM-BCWD43§ 312012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING vOUnty: Beaver Month: 11 (seleotnumbe,) Year. 2022 Permit No,: "il1ioD25&15 Outfall: ~o'>s11i'===== Renewal apphcation due 1iio'ilavs prior to expirat",o"'n~.====- This permit will expire on:~tobor 31, 2026 Flow Total Mercury -MGD Q mw, Q Q II u r I
- 10/30122
-- - - "MCiii-*
- 10131122
- 1111122 Wed-1112122 0.004 -
. -- 0.0002 lhu*
- 1113122 Fil fl/4122 sat*
- 111s122*
- - 0:0002.-
2 ... su*n. 11/6122
- Mori 1117122 0'.004 Tue 11/8122 wed 11/9122 Thu 11/10122 Fri.
11111/22 Sat 11112122 Sun 11/13122 Mon 11/14/22 0.004 TUe.... 11/15122 wed 11/16122 Thu 11/17122 Fri 11118122 Sat ifi19122 Sun 11/20122 Mor1 11121122 0.004 - TIJe** 11122122 we,r 11/'23122
- -Thu 1I124122 Fri f1/'25/22 sat**
- 11125122 5 * **-sun*
11127122 Mon - **11i2ili22 0.004
- Tu*e 11129122
-wed* *11/30122 - Tfiu. 1211122 Fn. *- 1212122 ~ -
- 0:0002****
Daily Maximum (Cone):
- ,;(*
- 0.0002****
Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): --*0:0002 Avg Mcnthly (Cone.): -c* 0.0002 Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weeki)' (Load): -*--0.004* 0.000007 AvgMonthly(Load): 0.004* -0.000001. - TctalMonlhly(lcad):
- 0.024*
0.0002 Daily Minimum (lead): --*0.004. -~<-
- 0.000001 Delly Maximum (Load):
- 0.000001 -
I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared unQer my direction Of iwpervision In accordance with a system designed lo asS\\l.re that quarrfied pei;onnel gather tnd evaluirto the information submitted. Ba~ ean my inquiry of the person or persons....+to manage th& system or those persons directly responsible for gatherino the lnfcnnatlon, the information subn:itted la, lo the bes1 of my knowled9'!1 and be!Jer, true. accurate and complete. I am r.ware the! there era significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the posslbirrty of fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa CS.§ 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey TIiie: -Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: ""1"'21"'9"'12"'02"'2""""==-=-=====-~ Q Q
Facility Name: Municipality: Beaver Valle~ower Station shl~plngport oroug Watershed: Laboratories: l"estAinenca, Bl'iPSL.ab Sun 10/30/22 -Mori 10131/22 Thti - . 11/3/22-Fn****
- 111412:!° sar**
rns122* . "Thu 11110122 Fn 11111122
- 3
~*sun f1/13ri2 - -MOn f1/14/22 Tl.le. f1/f5/22 "Fri" - 11/18122
- !:;ac*
11,19122 4* sun 11r.20122 MOl'l 11121122 Tue 11/22/22 wed 11123122 - Tflu
- 11/24/22
. Sat 11126122
- 5
- Sun.. *11121122 Mon 11128122 Tue 11/29122 Wed..
11/30122 .. Thu. 12/1122 Sat 1213/22 Q pH 3800-FM-BCWD4.35 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver Month: 11 (selectnumbe,) Year. 2022 Perml No.; i1/4oo2ss1s Outfall: ~0=1;;;;2~==-= Renewal applicallon due 1filU!l!'ll! priQr to expirallon. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Total Cadmium Total Copper Total Zinc Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q -03ilyMinlmum(COllC.): --~->-+,.-~-..-1-..,_-~ _ __,_,..,, ___.,.,.._..,_ ____ _,_.,_---..=1--&...---....,_..._ ___,_,f.,,.+----jf--4,----....J-,+.-----+--1------1--1------1--1------l--1----.....II M~allx:=:~~=~;: 1----f--+-~----1--+-----1--+-----+--+------i--+-----1-+.-----...,1;_.-+-------+~t-----+-t-----+.-l-----l--lf-----i--l-----l--l-----l---l-----ll ~~::~~!~:t t::::::1::1:::::::::i:::i:::::::::i:::i:::::::::1:::l::::::::::1:::i:::::::::i:::it:::::::1::l::::::--:::~-1"'-:.--1;:::::::::--::::--1;--_;i-::~---t-+-----t-+--i-----4-+---:---+,...--i-----+-+----...JI Max::::;~::: 1-,--~~-+-*----l--+----,-J-.+-----1/4-+----*-+-+-----..-i--+----~-+---* -+-,..J-~---+-.....J.----~~<j-e---t=---t--t----+---t-----l--1/4----+--4----<i o!:~:=(~::: f=c=.o,-*=+---l==-=+==ll=-~-=+=J-=--+-=l~-~-+---11=---+=ll=--=+-=l--~--+-=-ll=-~~-+-=J-~----i,-,-+----=+---+----+--+----+--+-----l--1----~1 Daily Maximum (Load): t::*~o:::**~*:;;l;:::;:::;J::;l~::::::;;J::;l::::::::;J::~::::::::~::;J~:::::::~::;J::::::::;::;J::::::;:;J::;J::::::::~::~::::::::1:::l::::::::!::!::::::::1::l::::;:::1::j:::::::::t::j::::::::~ I certify under penalty of lcrw that this documenl was prepared ttni;.ier m~* dlrection or i:iupervlslon In 8CCClrdance with a system designed to BSSUre that q1.1alified personnel gather end evaluate the Information submitted. Based 6n my inquiry oflhe person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the infonnation. the infomiation Bubmltted Is., to the besl of my knoiN!edga and beflef, true, accurate and complete. I om rmare that there are slgnificsnl penalties for submitting false informalion, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom fa!sffication), Prepared By: James Harv~
Senior NuclearpecialiSt License No.: Date: ""1""21"'9"'12"'02"'2,,,..._=--~=--=--~
Facility Name: Municipality: Beaver_v*l!*X Po~er Station Shl~on Borough Watershed: 20-B Laboratories: TestAmer1ca1 B\\/PS-Lab Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 11/1/22 Wed 11/2/22 Thll 1*113122 Fif 11i4iz1' Sat
- 11,s1zr 2
Suri* 11/6/22 -*-Mon 11/7/22 Tue -
- 111a122*
-- Wea 11/9/22 --Thu 11/10/22 Fri 11111/22 -silt 11/12/22 -sun** f1/13/22 Mori 11/14/22 Tue*-- *11115/22 - wec:1* 11/16/22 Thu
- 11/11122 Fri*
- sif-~ "f1/19/22
.i- * - Sun -- f1/20 Tue - 111221'22.
- wed-*
11123122 Thu. *11124/22 ~- *-Fr(- - 11125/22 sar -- -11/26122 - s**- sun 11121122 Mon
- 11/28/22
--Tue*** 11/29122 -- --*wed-- 1f/30/22 Thu
- F~
- sat**
Daily Minimum (Cone.):
- oa~y Maximum {Cone}:
Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (load): Avg Monthly {Load): Total Mon!hly {load): Oe~y Minimum (Load): Daily Maximum (Load): 0.002 0:002 0.002** 0.002 .. 0.0f. .
- 0.002*
0.002 7.9 7.5 7.9 3G00-FM-BCW043!i 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAIL V EFFLUENT MONITORING =couniy: 0.019 o:olJ 0.0004 -
0~0003 * -
.* 0.0008. Beaver Month: 11 (select numbe,) Year. 2022 Permtt No.; l'A0025615 Outfall: ~oa,i1;;3~==== Renewal appl1caiforf1Fue'l~ prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31 1 2026 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared \\.fflder mv direction er 11Vpervision In aoeordence with a system designed to assure that quafrfied personnel i;ather ind evaluate the Information submitted. Ba5'(1 @n my inquiry of the pernon er persong ~ manaue the system or~ persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the information submitted la, to the best of my knowiedga and beHef, btJe, accurate and complete. I *m E?Wa;re that there are significant penalties for submitting false lnfcrma!ior'i, including the possibiflty cf fine and Imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey
"s.,;;;e;;;n,;;,o;;,r""N;;;;u;.;cl;.;ea"'r"'S"p~e~c,"'*a"'lis'"'t-==-====== License No.: Date: "'1"'21"'1"'2i""2"'02"'2=-=-=====~==-=
- -oennsylvani~
~ PE-PA!IT/l;ffflOl'Efllfll1(;#1ilfllfAt 'liii!f PlllirfCflOTI Facility Name: Municipality: Beaver Valley Power Statton Watershed: Shippingport Borough 20-B Laboratories: TestAmer1ca BVPS Lab Fl~ Week Da Date MGD MOri 10/31/22 Tue 1"111122* .. 0.003
- Fri,
- -sat *
- f11s122 *
- Mon~* Hl7122
- - Tu"e -
- wed*-
"11/9/'22. Thu 11/10122 Fri 11/11/22 MOfr-11/14122 - o.o. rue 11,1s122 . Wiid 11/16/22 . Fn. 11/18122 sat 1111 s122 -*-4 - sun - -11n.0122 0:012
- Mon
- 11/21122 Fri
- 1-iu:iu
- sax 1112s122" Sun **
- 11/27122 u u.006 Mon*
- 111281.22 wea 11/a0/22 Thu -
1211122 sat*- 1213122* Q pH RI s.O. Q 3!00-FM-BC1MJ435 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver TSS OJI and Grease RI RI Q 40 ~i:; No.: 3/4ori;~~;um~,) 6~8;;,11: ,;~a,~'i':='2=--= Renewal apphcalioii aue ~ prior to expirafion. This permit will expire on: October 311 202& NH3-N RI Q Hydrazine RI Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Daily Minimum (Cone,): 6A 4
3.8 Dai1yMaximum(Conc)
1-.-c--.,,,;=;-..-""-;;<g*-=1=""r~-c2;;:4r***-"1"'"°""<*"r-c;5,;:2"°*-"l"'"9 ~---~9 F~--~9 F~--af'a9 ~---~T'9 F---'1-9 F-~-9'"'-;-~--;--.--;----+---;----+--l----+---l-----ll MaxAvgWeekfy(Conc.): "'-'=-ao-+=-1-c-~--~aho-~z4_:_o=+--"-,..._, __ s:_.2_......,_.....,_ ___ _,_,._., __ ~=1~--1--a=-------l-----~--;-+~=--ir-------t-~----;-+-*---t-+--'------i-+-----;~+----l-+-----ll Geo:v!:::~~=t~---1-+---=-1~+=~-=-l---'<"+~---'"'"*1_*~+--....,Jh------+--11----~-~=-1h-----+-~---~--F--t----t--t---~t---+-~--1-+----l-+----l-----+----l--+-------ll MaxAvgWeekly(Load): __
- o_.0_1~2_-...,,_,,,..~--=ai--f==*o_:6-aa-1---~*-* *---~*-0=.2~*---,....._,...,-~~~-+-----~*---~-~-+=-~--~~---------.----*T""-;-----;-----t-----t--l----+--lc-----+---l-----ll T:~:~:~~t::; ~-c-i-~i'i:~"2.ci-!--+-1--~-;---*--;;:7* r--"-*"'*o'ii5~'---=--t---** ---;;~7-i'-* ~--a0
'.'j2;....""i--i-----l-+-~~-IF+~--4-+~-----lF+---,_...,F+------t~+----t-+----i-+-"--'--i-,-+----f-+----U OailyMlnfmum(Load):
- o***
~-<- .. *o~1 -*. **:.c:* 0:1*. oanyMaximum(Load): 1:--~o~.0~1~2*::::J::::::::J;:~~-:**;*~o~.6~:.. :* J:*~*J~::*:*0::2:*::J::J:::;::::J::J~:::::::J::J~:::::::J::J::::::::J~:=~:::::::J~:~~:::::::J::J::::::::l::J::::::::J::J:::::::::l~::J:::::::::l:::l::::::::~ I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared (Jnder my direction or supervision in aocardance with a system designed to assure that quallfied personnel gatlier find evaluate the Information submlHed. BaSQd tin my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or th0$8 persons directly responmD!e for gathering the Information, the Information submitted ii. to the best of my knawledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I ~ nware that there are slgniflcant penalties for submitting false Information, includf)Q the possibility of fine and Imprisonment far krnlwingvio!ations. See 1@ Pa. C.S. § 4904 (re!ating lo UllSWGrll falslflcalion). Prepared 13y: James Harvey Trtle: _¥nior Nuclear specfa\\fst Licen~e No.: Date: -"'1"'21"'1"'4""12"'0"'22"""'-=-=======--=
'9' penn5ylvanto 3f00.FfJ-BCW04Jt;i 312012 WAllfHtiff fJf @Wlfj/j/'//>1004 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT P/l{j1t-{jff!lli DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Facility Name: Beaver Vallar: Power Station Mon!h: .!L (select number) Year: 2022 Municipality: Shlf!Elnseort Boroueh County: Beaver Permit No.; PA0025615 Outfall: 102 Watershed: 20-B Renewal application due 180 clays orior to expir~tion. Laboratories: TostAmarh;a, BVPS Lab This permit will expire on:
- October 31 1 2026 Flow pH TSS Oil and Grosse 1
RI RI RI MGD Q s.u. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 11/1/22 0.001 7.7 5.5 4.8 Wed 11/2122 Thu 11/3/22 Fri 11/4/22 Sat 11/5/22 2 Sun 11/6/22 Mon 11ll/22 Tua 11/8/22 Wad 11/9/22 Thu 11/10/22 Fri 11/11/22 Sat 11/12/22 3 Sun 11/13/22 Mon 11/14/22 Tua 11/15/22 0,001 7.7 26.6 4.8 Wed 11/16/22 Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11/18/22 Set 11/19/22 4 Sun 11/20/22 Mon 11,2112i Tua 11/22/22 Wad 11/23/22 Thu 11/24/22 Fri 11/25/22 Sat 11/26/22 5 Sun 11/27/22 Mon 11/28/22 Tua 11/29/22 Wad 11/30/22 Thu 1'l/1/22 Fri 12/2/22 Sal 1213122 ~(Con,.), 7.7 5.5 4,8 oany Maximum (Cono); 7,7 26.6 4.8 Max A\\'!I WOll!kly (Cone.): 26.6 4.8 Avg Monthly (Cone.): 16.1 4.8 Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max AYg Weekly (Load): 0,001 0.2 0.04 Avg Monlhly (Load): 0.001 0.1 0.04 Tots.lMonthly{Load): 0.002 4 1 Dally Minimum (load): 0.001 0.05 0.04 Delly Maximum (load): 0.001 0,2 0,04 I certify under pene!ly of law the! this document was prepared under my direction or wpeMslon In accordance wllh a system designed to assure lhal queHfled personnel gather tmd evaluate lhe Information submitted. Bestltl D"fl my Inquiry of the person or pernons who menage the system or !hose persons dlrecffy responslblti fer gathering the lnformal!on, lhe Information submitted I~. to !he bes! of my knowledge and beTief, true, eccurate end complete. I am pware Iha! there ere slgnlfleanl penalties for submitting false lnfonnel!o!i, lnc!ud!ng the posslblllly of fine and lmprlsonmenl for knowing VI elations. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (re!al!ng ta unSWGm felslflcetlon). Prepared By: James Harv!!:!'. Licenue No.: TIiie: Senior Nuclear seecialist Date: 12/14/2022
Facility Name: Municipality: Watershed: Beaver Valle~ Power Station ShlJ!.i!ng~rt Boroull!L Laboratories: -TestArrierfc~ B\\/PS.Lab sun 10/30/22 ~ ~- Mon 10/31/22 Tll8 11/1122 0.370 tff Weo 11/2/22 0.347 Thu 11/3/22 0.283 Fri 11/4/22 0.250 ~ ~=---- Sat 11/5/22 0.219 8.0
- -sun
- 1116122 0.219 c--~"
Mon 11/7/22 0.226
- -rue **,* 1*,,a122*
0.230 Wed 11/9/22 0.242 Thu 11/10/22 0.253 Fri 11/11/22 0.240
- sat
--n;i:im 0.265 sun
- 11,1:li22 0.314 Mon
- 11*,1.-122 0.310 Tue
- 11115/22 0.272 Wed 11116122 0.275 Thli -** **11111122 0.261
-Frf-11/18/22 0.282 Sat
- 11119/22 0.282 sun.. -11120122 0.264 Mon 11121/22 0.265 Tue*
11122122 0.250 Weo
- 11123122 0.304 Thu 11/24/22 0.308 Fri
- 11125122 0.304 Sat 11/26/22 0.031
- 5
- 11/27/22 0.306 Mon 11/28/22 0.301 --
Tue 11/29/22 0.299 --*wed'
- 11130/22 0.308 Tht.r 1211122 Fil 12/2/22° Sat 12/3/22 -*
Daily Minimum (Concj": 8 Daily Maximum (Cone): 8.1 Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): 0.3035.. Avg Monthly (Load): o:tsg3*
- Total Monthly (Load):
. --8.0795.. Daily Minimum (Load): 0.0305-* Daily Maximum (load): . 0.37 - ~ -;,c 3100-FM-BCW0435 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver Month: .11..<oelactnumbe,) Year: 2022 Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: "1"'0"'3=--=--~ Renewal application due~ prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 4.0
- c:**
- *f9 4.0 3.9 4
- 3_9 4**
- 4_9
- 4.0
--4;4 .. 4.0 4:4 10 11
- 10.
11 .. 295 334 7*
- - 12* -
15 I certify under penalty of Jaw tha! th!s document was prepared vndar fTI)' direction or 11vperviiion in 9CCOrdance with a system d~gned to SSBLU8 that quaHfied personnel gather ind evaluala the Information submitted. Bast.d on my inqu]ry of the person 01" persons who manage the system er lho<<1 persons directly responsible for gathering th9 information, the Information submitted is, lo lhe best of my knowledge and belief, !rue, accurate and complete. I 11:m lllWare that there ere slgniflcant penatt!es for submrtt!ng false information, includi11g the possibility offme and implisonment. for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey TIiie: Senior Nuclear Spec1ahst -~c
0 Dennsvlvan11i - '/iE111>1ff>!fflfOl'Ul¥fllliNl'IIWl'll, l'f/OifCTWU SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING 3800-FM-BCW043S 312012 Facinty Name: Beaver Valle~ Power Station County: Month: 11 (selool oumbe,) Year: 2022 Permit No.: "i>Aoo2ss1s Outfall: "'1""oai"'--~- Municipality: Beaver Renewal apphcabon due~ prior to expi!'lltion. Watershed: 20-e* Laboratories: -TiisiAmiirlca, BVPs-L.ab This perm~ will expire on: October 31 2026
- -**Mon
-16/Jf/22 ll=9l=s.Tu-.~t-:1'"1,a-1122 ~1t==--cc0 s:_0=ct=9====r-=t-~==ra9=~=-at==t-=--~T-'ac-t-==='t-"'"+*=~--P-t----i'-9-==-p-t~-~-1-..-=--=1=**-----t--"--1rc-~--;---1-----1---1----+--,1-----n . Wed* 11/2/22 2 Sun 11/6!22- . 5
- Mon 11rr122 Tue
-11/8/22. Wed 11/9/22 t"ri 11/11122 Sat. 1°1712122 sun** 11113i22 Mon 11/14/22 rue 1111s122 Wed *- **11116/22 Thu --.. 11117122 . sun 11120/22 Mon***- f1121122
- - Tue 11122/22 Wed 11/23/22 Tliu
- 11124122 Fri 11/25/22
-sat -- *1112s/22 Sun 11/27122 Mori 11/28/22 . Wed 11/30/22 Thu 12/1/22 Sat *--
- 12/3/22.
0.0 0.0 o.<i 0.0 .. OaifyMinimum(Conc.):* ~~=~=+=-==t-,t=====t=+====t-+--====t=-f=,====t=-b-===t=i-=a==-=t=i===-=t-i====9<-f=o===+=r-,---+-r=~-+-t-----+-1-----ll M:~;=;~~:~;: 1-ac~---l-+==-=t=+=~~=t~+--==t~+====t~+--~===t=+=====t=+==~~-=t=-t==-==t-+==~=,+-+,,a---+~b--~--+-t-----+--l-----+-1/4------ll Geo:~:::~~~t 11cc---=t-+--~=--+--------t-,------+------+~-t-c--------------~--~--+-=---=-----+---**=---t--t-----t~-t------t-+------t-+-----ll MaxAvgWeekly(Load): b----1~+=-=--l~+~--=t-+----,;=-ta----.;-+---=t-+.-===t=-t=--~~-t=<t--~-==t-+o----+-F"--=+-r----+-r-----+--l-----+-1/4------ll r:::~:~:~::;te-----1---t-------1---t---=--t-r----t-r----;-r----i--r-----t-r----i---r----i---r----;--*r-----i--1-----i--r-----i--1-----i--t-----11 i;;::::~~:; -=* "=-=a-1/4=====>=c<==~=-=e-h=-="""=~~--*----=-----~=-.+=,,.__~~-----t-r~---t--r=-~-t---r---~--i----11-----t---t------1--1----+--11-----i, I certify under penally of law that this document was prepared under mv direction or oupervision In accordance v.ith a system designed to assure that quartfied personnel gather end evaluate the information eubrnitted. BaSOO t)n my Inquiry of the person or persons v.ho manage the system or those pernons dfrec!ly responsible for gathering the JnformaUon, the information subm1tted b., lo the best of my knowledge and beffef, true, accurate and complete. I am lrware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fme and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 {relating to unswcm falsffica!ion). Prepared By: James Harvey ntle: Senior Nuclear Spec,alrst License No.: Date: "'1"'21"'9"12"'0"'2"2s==-=-=======~-=
Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: Shlpplnffport Borough Watershed: 20-B Laboratories* TeetAmerl<:a BVPS Lab Flow pH 1 RI MGD Q s.u. 1 Sun 10130122 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 1111/22 0.002 7,B Wed 1112/22 Thu 11/3/22 Fri 11/4/22 Set 11/5/22 2 Sun 11/6/22 0.002 7.8 Mon 11/7/22 Tue 1118/22 Wed 11/Q/22 Thu 11110/22 Fri 11111122 Sal 11/12/22 3 Sun 11/13122 Mon 11114/22 0.002 7.3 Tue 11/15122 Wed 11/18/22 Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11/18/22 Set 11119/22 4 Sun 11120/22 Mon 11/21/22 Tue 11/22/22 0.002 7,7 Wed 11/23/22 Thu 11/24/22 Fri 11/25/22 Set 11/26/22 5 Sun 11/27/22 Mon 11/28/22 0.002 7.3 Tua 11/29/22 Wed 11130/22 Thu 12/1/22 Fri 12/2/22 Set 12/3122 Oel!y Minimum (Cone.): 7.3 Dally Maximum (Cane): 7.8 Max Avg Weekly (Cone.~ Avti Monthly (Cone.): GearnetrlcM1!1811(Cone.): MBJ1; Avg Weekly (Load): 0.002 Avg Monlhly (Load~ 0.002 Tctal Monlhly (Load): 0.01 DsDyMlnlmum (Lotd): 0.062 Dally Maximum (Load): 0.002 Q 3800-FM-BCWll43G 312012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver ~~~th~ No.:
- !o~
- ;~;um~r) 6~:~11:
-=~"'~1=22=----- Renewal application due 180 days orior to expiration. This permit will expire on* October 31 2026 I TSS OIi and Grease RI RI Q - Q Q Q Q 4,0 4,B 4,0 3,8 4,0 4,8 4,9 4,9 4,0 4.9 4 3,8 4,8 4,8 4.8 4,9 4.2 4.8 0,08 0.08 0.07 0.08 2 2 0,07 0,06 0.08 0.08 I certify under penalty of law that this dacument was prepared µnder my dtrect!an or 11upervlslan In accardance Wllh e ay&tem designed to assure that quallfled personnel gather ond ovnluatG lhe Information submitted. Bas,cl t1" my Inquiry of the person or persona wha manage the system or th0&e pemons directly responsible for galhertng the lnformallon, the Information submitted Ii.. to the best of my knowledge and belle!', ln.Je, ac:euram and comple\\'5. I am gr,wre that !hen, are slgntfleant pen allies far submitting false lnformallOl'l, lncfudlng the passlbllity of fine er:cl Imprisonment for knowing vlalallaqs. See 18 Pa. C,S, § 4904 (1!1!alin9 to unEWC:n fa1slflca!lon). Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.~------------------ Date: -'1"'2/'-'1'-'4/2=0=22=---------------- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
9 oennsytvanfa DfJJAlff/,!tm or m,roo,-/ll, Plllr/tt:'flOfl SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING 3800-FM-BCW043S 3/2012 Facility Name: Municipality: Watershed: Laboratories: Beaver Valley Power Station Shippingport Borough 20-B County: Beaver TestAmerica Ei\\71'SLab Month: _1_!_ (seleot number) Year. 2022 Penni! No.: PA0025615 Outfall: "2;;1'>'1 """"=--= Renewal appl1cat1on due~ prior to expiration. This permit Will expire on: October 31 1 2026 sun * * ;oJ3~~E:~ j~::t:::::::~t:~t:::::::jt::t:::::::~t::t:::::::j~:~t:::::::~~=~t:::::::~t:jt::::::::~t:::t:::::::::j~:::1t::::::::j~-~-i~f-_~ __ -.'..~::::i-::.-::.1:::::::.::i::1:-::.:::::.::f::.-:,j:::::.::::.:j::j~:::::::j: Mon
- 10/31!.22
...,~.,...-:~~~~***-*,-c;~~~-~1r.22~2c... ~;;:-0:;,--~~~~ ~-*~.,* =+=-'7.;;7=--1--.;;,*=.,* =~*,;;*4~.b;..,.,-.,,,J..,...;.,-J* i----*,;;*4"°.il~--l-~----...f-+----t~+=---1-+=----i--1"'-~-.;=-t--~--t-T~*--9 -1"' ___ -t_i-----t-+-----t-+-----ll - Thii-
- 1113"i'i2
. 7.2
- i.a Thu 11/fD/22 Frr**
11/11/22 Sal -11112/22 - -sun -- 11/13/22 rvton f1/14/22 40 Tue. 11/15122 wed-11/16/22 Thu
- 11111122 Fn
- saf **
11/19/22 Sun 11/20/22 - MOr'I 11/21/22 Tue 11/22/22 wed** 11/23122 Thu '1'1124/22 0.002 4,5 Fri 11'25(22 sat 11/26/22 . 5
- sun 11/27/22 MOn
.. *11/28)22
- 0.002 4.9
-TlJe 1'1(29/22 Wed 11)30)22 Thu
- 1211122 Fri -
1mi:i2 Sal 12/3/22 Daily Minimllm(conc.): 7 4 3.8 Daily Maximum (Cone}: 7.9*
- 4.5*
4.9 MaxAvgWeekly(Conc.): 4.5 -4!~9 AvgMcnthly(Conc.): to-~~7 -"f-~=~~-.. <'7-T~*-,,4C.,1c""'9 -* <.,-... cJ* =~*"';*4e.;9c-""'f~"1'-'--="""1-ar----f~"f-=--=f-r-~-9 --r--~""f--r-----t=*t-~--~--t-t-,------t-,t-----+-+-----J.-+----41 Geometric Mean (Cone.): MaxAvgWeekly(Load): ~---*o"';o'-0*2~* +-,-,-f~---+--t~~***o.*os.-*-+-7'l~=o.*os~*aoel~,t-,--=-t=+--~--t-+=~-.,,.f-+--~---~-~~-=-+~b=,---,1/4,,~*~---.+-=f..-----*-i-AvgMonthly(Load):
- o*:002 --
--ci.07 0~08 -*-"T~r----+-t----+-1-----+-+------ll Total Monthly (Load): 0.01-~
- -c 2
2* DailyMinimum(Load): lb,.,s*o".o'-0*2~**-r'-;=--~**-,n--... o.o"T'r"-l~<+-.o*.o"'s*-+-;------+--1---~+---i=~-----t-=--r~~--~r"T--=9~-r-~--Ji,....+-------11-+-----11-+----,l--+----ll DailyMaximum(Load): 11,,,,;0;,;;.0;,;;0.,2~.............. _,__,.,...,.,0.;;;06_,*.. *..
- o!* _,*,.<-,,i*,_.,-,.o;;;;o_,e_,._..,. ___., _____.,..., ____..,._. _____...,j""" __________,._.., __________,i,..,.L ____,1,,...,1,----.1.....1----Ji I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed lo asa11re that qualified personnel gather tnd evaluate the information submitled. Ba~ t,n my inquiry of the person or personsv.+io manage the system or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, !he Information submitted is, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I 1mttNare that there are significant penalties for submitting false !nformalior,, Incl~ the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (relating to unswcm fa!sificatlon).
Prepared By: James Harvey TiUe: "Senior is,u~"s]!cfai,st
.9 pem1sylvania l)f;l'Allfflf'm Dr W~r.t, PlimtCff(m Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: Watershed: 20-8 Laboratories: i'estArii'e~ca'."avpsl.ab Mon"* 10131122 .. Thu 1113122 Mon 11f7/22 rue* 1110122* Wed "f1l9/22 Thu -.f1/10!22 Fil.... *11/11/22 sat 11/12/22
- -sun*
11/13/22 - Moll 11/14/22 - tUe.. 11/15122 Wed 11/16/22 .... Thll*-- 11/17/22 Fn 11/18/22 Saf. 11/19/22 Sun 11/20/22 Mon
- 11i'i1/22 Tu8 11122122 Wed 11/23'22 Thu 11124'22 Fn
- 11i25122 Sat 11i26/22 sun*
11/27/22 Mon 11/28'22 rue 11129'22 Wed 11/30/22 ThU . **1i.11122* -Fri
- 1212122 Sat
'12/3/22 0.0 cfo 0.0 TS$ RI 31100-FM-BCW0-43& Jt.2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver Month: ,,!1. ("'1ect numbe*) Year. 2022 Penni! No.: PA0025615 Outfall: "'3""01----- Renewal apphcation due~ prior to expiration. This pennit will expire on: October 31 1 2026 Oil and Grea~e RI Q Q Q Q. Q Q Q
- oaili,Minimurn(COOCJ: ~-==t-er~=~=t-;-----=t=cf""--==t=-i-----~-----t~....... -~-=t-+=---t-+----t--t-----t-+-----=t-+--.....-.~-+-+-----+-+-----+-+-------+-+------11 M:::::~~~~~;:..,_=~-t~+---=-t=+---~a:-1-+~-~.,,..-+----*...-t-+-~-~-t-+--~-.-J,--t--------------+~,-,~----*,-.....-----t--t-----1--t-----t--+----l-+----ll Avg Monthly (Cone,):
GeometricMean(Conc.):..,.---t~r-=="a-f~r----t--t-----t-r---*---t--t-----t--t-----t--t------t--t-----t--t-----t--+-----+-+-----+-+-----+-------1--+.-----ll M~:::::;::; -=~--+=--~-=-+=+<~-----+.----t--+----*...-t-+-----t--t------+---*--t--+-------1--.-----+--+-----+-l-----+-l-----+--l----+--l-----ll Total M011thly (load): DailyMinimum(Load): F=io,,-,~~r~--7=v--~=ef~y-==7~y=~-9--t--~-7~r=--~--t---~--t--t-----t-r----j---r--*--t-+------t-+-----f--+-----f--+._---....fl DailyMaximum(load): ""'"""o"'-.,*~-,!,,;...,...,_""""""-""'"""...,,._,!,,,_,......,..,!,...,,.__, __,..!,_,!,,,..,. __...!_..., ___..,._., ___...l_a_,_..,..,.!,..,.,!,,-""'_,"'__._.i,,,,...,_,..._,_,__,_...,..!,...,.i..,_.,.._..J._........, __..1,_,1,. ___,,ji I certify under penalty of law !hat this document was prepared 1,tnder my direction or wpervision In accordance with a system designed lo as.sure that qualified perscnnel gather tnd evaluate the information submitted. Based i,n my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or~ persons direetly responsible for gathering the infonnaUon, the information submitted I!:, lo the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and ccmp!ete. I 111m GWBJ"e that there are significant penalties for submitting false lnformatiort, including the possibifrty of fine and imprisonment for knowing viO!atlons. See 18 Pa. C,S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom falsificatlpn). Prepared By: James Harvey nue: Senior Nuclear Specialisl License No.: Date: .,f:"'2/i"'sT:"'2"'0"'22.-=----=-===-=-~
Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: Watershed: ~hlpplngport Borough 20-B Laboratories: TestAmerlca, BVPSlab 3100-FM-BCW043S: lt.2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAIL V EFFLUENT MONITORING county: Beaver Month: 11 (oelect numbec) Year. 2022 Permit No.: 'mo2ss1s Outfall: "a"'6"'3====-= Renewal application due 180 d~ prior to expiration. This permit will expire on:==october 31, 2026 ll-c-if-~S-un-t-,.10~/3~07-122ccl~---+--t----+-t----+-l,-.---+-t----+--t~---+-lr------t--t-----+-tf-~--+-t-*~~-.....,.,..._ -=-==--**---+-t------+-'1-------+-+-----+-t-----ll Mon 10/31/22 Wed 11/2122 -.. ThU 1113122 Fri" 111412:t It 2 *
- Sun~
1116122 MOn 11h'/22 . b,O Tue 1118122.* Weo * * *1119122 Thu 11/10122 "Frt ***11111122 ll=df=.'-S;;.al=b-~11~/1~2122;.=ll===oao-l-=+c=-=~=+.a===tj-+----.cf=af,,,.=-=-l=+==--t=af,,,.-=~-t-.J,,.===~l-=,.-t-,==-~l-=..+---~I~>-~----il-+--~-l--+----l--4-----l--1-------II
- sun ** -f1lf3122 Mon f1/14122 --
0.0 * - WE!d 1*1/16122 -Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11/18/22 Sat - "1°1/19/22 MOi, - -. 11121'22 rue 11122122 Ttiu - *1112<li22 00 Fn
- 11125122 11=~-a+---*"s"'at'"* ---t-*-,-117.r;f;=mcclt===+c=l====+a~-=--o-t-a-t--==+-aa-1=~==-t--=1====+a=11====+=ct===--+a9 ~=~='T"'~==-=*1=,- =*-.,.~~9 i--+----1-+----i----+----1--+----J1 s-
-- sun -11121122 Wed* 11/30!22 0.0. Thu - 12i1122* ~::::::,<~!; t=a==~==t====*a:J=+===a:aJp+===9=+-===a:aJ=+===.-.Jl=+-===a:aJ=+=--*=r+=---i,-+===~f=*t,,=-~-,:aJ-+~-----,~-+-----Jf-+----1f-+----n Max:::::i::~::~: ta=,=-=t-r~~==t=at-==--=t=r=-==t=ap-=---t=+====t=ef~====t=+~-*-,9e-+=~='"-l-+=-=tj--f~=----t--<t----=t-~+-----l-+------l-+------ll Geometric Mean (Cone.): MaxAVgWeekly(Load):b-~=t~+a--~=t-cf,,,~===t=cf,,,--~=t-at--.-=~~-+~+s==~=t="f=~=-=t=-1/2-~=---=t="F-===t=+-===t=+..=-:::il-:.-_->J-i,:..::~::-_::i~~-11-----+-l-----+-lf-----ll r::~~=~~=:~; ""'-==t=.j,.,===.,,J-~et==--,.,,.f--t====~=e1/4==--+-1--=--+-'"""'==-+=l-=--+=j,====+-l--=--+-1r-,------r-t-----+--t------1--+------1--+------11 DailyM!nimum(Load}: ""'=-o=~=-t====~=-t=====l=al-====l=ab,===-f=-t==-==l=+=-=-,,J=e1/4==-~--,,t,c~J,---,--=+a~c--==~4=-~--+--+---~.j.-,-1------1---1-----.J--1-----ll DanyMaximum(load):..,,,=-;O;,,.--*-+=-t===--t=-t=====l=-t==----t--t==-~-+-+---=t-+-~--t-+--~---t-+-----t--t-----+~+--*-*-+-l-----+-1------+-t-----+-+------!I I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision In sccordanee with a system designed to assure that,qualified pe~nnel gather -'Ind eval!Jate the Information submitted. Base,rl on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or !hose persong directly responslble for gathering the Information, the !nformaticri submitted Is. lo the best of my knowledge and btiUef, true, accurate and complete. I am 1Ware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, includ"mg the p0SS1bifrty of f1n9 &rid irnprisonmenl for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey TIiie: Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: "'1"'21"'tiii"""12"'0"'22,,...-=-===-===--=
oenmwtvamei OC.P/ll!INOO !IF f/Nf/j(J#MfJ'ftflla ffillft!!fl/Jfl Facility Name: Municipality: ~eaver ValletPower Station .., ~liipplngport Borough Watershed: Laboratortes: "restAmertca."Ei\\TPS"'i..ab Flow Week Dav Date MGu Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31122 Tue 11/1122 0.002 Wed 11/2122 Thu Fri Sat 1113122 11/4/22 f1/5/22' Stiri. -* 11/6/22 Mon* 11ni'22 Tue 11/8122 Wed. 11/9/22 ThU 11/10122 Fri. 11/11/22 Sat 11/12122
- - sun*
11113122 0.002
- Mon f1/f4122 0,002 Tue***
11/15122 Wed 11/16/22 Tnu 11/17122 11/18/22 4 sun
- 11'20/22 MOn 11121122 Tue 11/22122 0:002 wect
- 11/23/22 Thu 11124/22 Fri 11125/22 sat
- - s-Sun 11/27122 Mon
- 11128/22 0.002 Tlie 11129122 Wed-11/30122 Thu 12i1/22 Fri 1212122*
Sat - 12/3122 Q pH RI S.u. 7.4 6.5 Q 1.2 * - .r 7,8 7.8 38(]0.fM-BC\\Y04315 3/'Z01Z SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Coun\\y: Beaver Month: 11 (,electmnnbe*I Year. 2022 Permit No.: 1'AOD2~615 Outfall:
- l9afl;;;;i3i=e==-=
Renewal appllcafion due 180aays prtorto expiration. This permit wlll expire on:~ober 31, 2026 TSS 011 and Grease RI RI Q Q 11.5 4,9 8.3 3,8 4,0 4.8 8,0 5.3.. 4.0 Q a a a Oai1y *Minimum (CoriCf. 6.5 4
3.8 OallyMaximum(Conc)
t----t-~+---~-~-"','=,.~-+----1°'1"*.-s'"*-+-*:-t--=s.'=3--+---------+-+-----+-t-----+-+-----t-+-----+-+-----+-t-----+-t-----+-+-----+-t-----+-+-----ll Mm<A"!lWeekly(Conc.): 11----+-----+----fl=**-*-*-* +--~5-~3--+-+-----+-+-----+-+-----+--'t------+-+-----+-+----+-t-----+-+-----+-t-----+-+-----+-+-----ll AvgMonthly(Conc.): 11-,--------*-~ 7.2 4.8
- ~;1-~o~.00~2~+----*--l-*-+-~o.2,...~-t---;<-t--*-'no."rnsa-""i-+-----1-+----l-+-----4--t----9-+----+-+-----+--t------+-+-----+-+-----+-+-----+~+----ll Avg Monthly(Loacf)
0.002 0.1 0.08 TotelMonthly(Load): f-,o"'.0"'1,-----t----t----r,rt--c4r"-r.<rt--2_.---;,-r----t--t------t-r-----t--r---.;,-1------+-r----1--t-----t--1----+--l'------t---l----+---ll-----ll Daily Minimum (Load): 0.002 D.07 0.06 Daily Maximum (load): t:;o~.o~o:2t:l::l;:::::::l::l:::*~o~.2::::::::::ol,o:s::* ::::l:::::;:::::l::::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::t::t::::::::t::!::::::::t::!::::::::t::!::::::::!::!::::::::~ I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or r.upervision in accordance with a system designed to azsure that quaHfied personnel ;ather and evnluate the lnf01l'T18tion submitted. Bestd on my Jnquiry of the~ or persona v.t.o manage the system or those peraona d1rectly responsiDle fo, gathering lhe infotmatlon, lhe Information &ubmitted is. to lhe best of my knaMedgll and belief, true, accumte and complete. I am *ware that lhete ore significant penaltles for submitting false Information. Including the pos3,11lffity of fine end imprisonment foe~ violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating lo unswom falsification). Prepared Ely: James Harve~ TIiie: 'senioi-NucFear Speciahst License No.: Date: ""1"'21"'1"'41""20"'2"'2=--===~--=--=
Facifity Name: Beaver Valley Power Station Municipality: -sfi1ee1~rt l'lorou9h Watershed: -2b-B Laboratories: ~me'rt~\\J~lab Flow pH 1 RI MGD a*- --s:u. sun-10/30/22 ~on** 10/31/22
- tue
- m1122*
Wed 11/2/22 Thll. 11131'22 Fri 11/4/22 Sat 11/5/22 Sun 11/6/22 MO*n** 11/7/22 0.0 Tue 11/8/22 Wed 11/9/22 Thu 11/10/22 Fri rn11122 Sal 11/12/22 Sun 11/13/22 Mon 11/14/22 0.0 --rue ff/15122 Wed 11/16/22 Thu 11/17/22 "Fl'f -
- 11i1B/22
--saf 11/19/22 -4 sun
- 11i20/22
- -Mo-ri 11/21/22 Tue*
- 11/22/22 Wed-
-*n12:i122 ThU-- f1124/22 Fn 11/25122 0.001 -- 7.6 "'Silf *- *11/26/22 - s* - Sun* 11/27/22
- -Mon**
11/28/22 ~~:
- rue
- 11129122 Werf 1°1130/22 Ttiu*
_.12/1/22 -- Fri 12/2/22 a,o Sal 12/3/22-Daily Minimum* (Cone.): 7.6' Daily Maximum (Cone): - 8 Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max AVg Weekly (Load): 0.001 Avg Monthly (Load):
- -o -*
Total Monthly (load): -. 0.002 Daily Minimum (Load): 0 Daily Maximum (load): 0.001* -a-3800-FM-BCWU435 3/j:012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver Month: jj_ (seloci numbe,) Year. 2022 Permit No.: -PA0025615 Outfall: 4l"""o1s'===== Renewal app\\1cafion due 111'!!':!lill prtor to expiration. This permit will expire on:-~ober 31, 2026 TSS OIi and Grease RI RI mw, a mw, 5.2 4.0 4.9 0.03 0.04 1
- 0.03
.i:::" 0.04** I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared u.nder my d'rection or supervision in accordance with e system designed to assure that (1Ua!ifted personnel g&ther and evaluate the information submitted. 88$00 a, my Inquiry of the person or persons who manel}e the system or thosa persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knovdedge and befief, true, accurate and complete, I am qware that there are signifieanl penalties for submitting false lnfomiation, including the possibility of fine an!! Imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. c.a. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsifi~tion). Prepared By: James Harvey
Senior Nuclear Specialist License No.: Date: "'1"'21"'1"'41"'20"'2"'2e=-=========-= Q a Q Q Q
9' ~nn13ylvant~ 3!00-FM'-8CW0435 312012 . e. 'Afff/>1f#fl>>'fflV/notll>IOOAl, SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT PRtlffCfWfl DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Facility Name: Beaver Vallor: Power Station Month: ..!:!_ (select number) Year: 2022 Municipality: ShlEelnlJEOrt Borou9h County: Beaver Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 403 Watershed: 211-B Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. Laboratories: TestAmerlea BVPS Lab This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Flow pH TRC TSS 011 and Groase NH3-N TOtal Chromium
- Total ztric Hydrazine Nalco H150M 1
RI RI RI RI RI Ri RI RI RI MGD Q s.u. Q mall Q Q - Q. Q Q mgA. Q mo< Q - Q Q Q Q Q 1 Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 11/1/22 0.0 Wed 11/2/22 Thu 11/3/22 Fri 11/4/22 Sat 1115/22 2 Sun 1116/22' Mon 1117122 0.0 Tue 1118122 wed 11/9/22 Thu 11/10/22 Fri 11/11122 Sat 11/12/22 3 Sun 11/13/22 Mon 11/14/22 0.0 Tue 11/15/22 Wed 11116/22 Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11/18/22 Sat 11/19/22 4 Sun 11/20/22 Mon 11121/22 o.o Tue 11/22122 Wed 11/23/22 Thu 11/24122 Fri 11/25122 Sat 11/26/22 5 Sun 11/27/22 Mon 11/28/22 o.o Tua 11/29/22 Wed 11/30/22 Thu 12/1/22 Fri 1212/22 Sat 12/3122 Delly Mii\\imu*~ (Cone.): Delly Maximum {Cone): Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.):. C:leornetrtc: Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): Avg Monthly (Load): Total Monthly (Load): cany Minimum (Loadt, 0 Dally Maximum (Load}: 0 I certify under ~nalty of law that th!s document was prepared under my direction or supervision In ac:con:lanc:e with a system designed to assure thatquallfled personnel gather and eval.aate the Information submitted, Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons 'Mio manage the system or those persons directly responsible forgathering the Information, the 1nf0ffllation submitted Is. to the bes! ofmy knowledge and belief, lrue, aoeumte and complete. I am ~re that there are significant penalties for submitting false lnfonnallon, rncludtng the possibility of fine and Imprisonment forknOYJ!ng vlolallons. See 18 Pe. ci>. § <<'104 (rela!!ng to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harve~ License No.: Tifle: Senior Nuclear seecialist Date: 12/9/2022
Facility Name: Beaver Vallei Power Station Municipality: Watershed: Shlppln_11port Boroug~ 20-B Laboratories: - Flow MGO Q Sun-10/30/22 MOn 10/31/22
- -Tlie 11/1122 0.0 Wed 11/2/22 Ttiu-*
-* 1113122* Fn- ---11/4/22 Sat 11/5/22 2
- -su*n-
- 1115122
-Mon 11/7/22
- - rue 11/8/22 Wed 11/9/22 Thu - **11110122 Fn* --
- sat 11/12122 Sun 11/13/22 M6n 11/14/22 Tue 11/15/22 Wed - -11116Jzi Thu i'f/17/22 Fn 11/16122 saf 11/19/22 4
Sun 11/2°0122 Mon 11/21/22 0.0 Tue 11/22/22 Wed 11/23/22 Thu 11124/22 Fn 11125/22 sat 11'26122
- sun*-
"11/27122 -- Mon fii2s/22 0.0 Tue 11/29122. -* Wed 11/30/22 Thu 12/1122 Frr 1212/22 Sat 12/3/22 Dally M"1n"imum (Cone.): Dally Maximum (Cone): Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): Avg Monthly (Cone.): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): Avg Monthly (Load): Total Monthly (load): any Minimum (Load): OaBy Maximum (Load): pH RI s:u. Q 3300-FM-BC'N0435 3/2012 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING County: Beaver ~i:~; No.: !!o~;~~;--*> 6~~11: ,;!~~::::= 2---- Renewal appucation due 180aays prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 TSS OIi and Grease Hydrazine RI RI RI RI Q Q Q I certify under penalty of law thal this doclinent was prepared under my direction or SUpervislon In accordance with e syslem designed to assure that qualified personnel gRthar m,d evaluate the Information submitted. Ba94,:d !)n my Inquiry of the peraon or persons YmO manago the system or !hose persons directly responsible for gathering lhe Information, the information submitted is, lo the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am 11,were that there are s!gnificant penalties,for submitting false !nfonnation, Including the possibility of fine endhnprisonmant for knowing violafJOrn3. See 18 Pa. c.s. § 4904 (relating to unswo.-n fals"ificaflon). Prepared By: Jame_s Harvey
~~e~n""io?r"N~uc3l""ea~r"'s,;p~e~c?-1a"hs"'t========== Licen$e No.: Date: ~"'""'9"'12"'0"'22============== Q Q Q Q Q
-~nn~lvanfa \\ 3800-FM-BCWUC! 3,:1012 WffM!'I t)ff/lVl/!00/>lf/fffll, SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ffiM(,t'fWf/ DAILY EFFLUENT MONITORING Facility Name: Boaver Vallel Power Station Month: .:t!_ (select number) Year: 2022 Municipality: Shleeln9eort Borough County: Boever Permit No.: PA0025615 Outfall: 701 Watershed: 20-B Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. Laboratories: TestAmerlca, BVPS Lab This permit will expire on: October 31 1 2026 Flow pH TSS 011.and Grease NHJ.N Hydrazlno 1 RI RI RI RI RI MGD Q s.u, Q m""- Q - Q moll Q mall. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 Sun 10/30/22 Mon 10/31/22 Tue 11/1/22 D.O Wed 1112122 Thu 11/3/22 Fri 11/4/22 Sal 11/5/22 2 Sun 11/6/22 Mon 11/1/22 0.0 Tua 11/8/22 Wad 11/9/22 Thu 11/10/22 Fri 11/11/22 Sal 11/12122 3 Sun 11/13122 Mon 11/14/22 0.0 Tue 11/15122 Wed 11/18/22 Thu 11/17/22 Fri 11/18122 Sal 11/19/22 4 Sun 11/20/22 Mon 11/21/22 D.O Tue 11/22122 Wed 11/23/22 Thu 11/24/22 Fri 11/25/22 Sal 11/26/22 5 Sun 11/27/22 Mon 11/28/22 0.0 Tue 11/29/22 Wed 11/30/22 Thu 12/1/22 Fri 12/2/22 Sal 1213/22 a-lly M!nir;,um.(conC.): Co Uy Maximum (Cone): Max Avg Weekly (Cone.): AY!l Monlhly (Cone,): Geometric Mean (Cone.): Max Avg Weekly (Load): Avg Monti'dy (Load}; Tolnl Monlhly (Load): Dally Minimum (load): 0 Dally Maximum (Load): 0 I certify under penalty of law !hot !his documenl was prepared vnder my dlrectlon or !Wpervlslon In aoeordanoe v..flh a syslt!m designed to asnure Iha! que!ified pmonnel galhi,r,nd evaluata lhe informallon cubmltl6d. Bast'(! ~n my Inquiry of tho person or persona who monal)e !ho sysl!lm or those pem.ona directly msponslbl8 for gathering tho lnfOfflUll!on, tho lnf0ffll811on wbmlttod 111. to lhe best ofmy knO'MeClge and bollef, true, accumte and complete. I am~ Iha! there ere significant pena!llesforsubmitt!ng fa!se lnfOffflBtion,lncludlflg the p::isslblrityoffine end lmprlsonmenlfotknON!ng~tlons. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relaling tounswomfalslf'IC!ltion). Prepared By: James Harvel License No.: nue: Senior Nuclear S~ecialist Date: 12/9/2022
a e~~!'!~!..~~e~A~~!cn0N SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - COOLING WATER INTAKE MONITORING 3800-FM-BCW0010 2/2020 Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2 Month: _N_o_v_e_m_b_e_r ______ _ Year: Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Watershed: 20-B 20-D Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This* permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 Actual Intake Flow Cooling Water Make-Up Water Blowdown Volume Cycles of Actual Through Withdrawal Concentration Screen Velocity Day MGD MGD Million Gallons Million Gallons fps 1 2.01 2 1.93 3 1.87 4 1.89 5 6 7 2.01 8 1.91 9 1.85 10 1.99 11 2.18 12 1.93 13 1.8 14 1.84 15 1.83 16 1.98 17 1.72* 18 1.71 19 1.7
- 20 1.39 21 1.66 22 1.71 23 1.43 24 1.74 25 1.66 26 1.77 27 2.06 28 1.87 29 1.06 30 1.98 31 Average 1.8 Maximum 2.2 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Basea on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the.system or those persons directly responsible for-gathering-the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and com_plete. _I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification).
Prepared By: James Harvey License No.: _______________ _
Senior Nuclear Specialist Date: _1_2_/1_4_/2_0_2_2 __________ _ 2022
8 e~TM~NT~~!~~.~.~~O~CTION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT_ COOLING WATER INTAKE MONITORING 3800-FM-BCW0010 2/2020 Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station - unrn 1 Month: _N_o_v_e_m-b_e_r ________ _ Year: Municipality: Shippingport Borough County: Beaver NPDES Permit No.: PA0025615 Watershed: 20-B 20-0 Renewal application due 180 days prior to expiration. This permit will expire on: October 31, 2026 ) Actual Through Actual Intake Flow Cooling Water Make-Up Water Blowdown Volume Cycles of Withdrawal Concentration Screen Velocity Day MGD MGD Million Gallons Million Gallons fps 1 0.0 2 0.0 3 0.0 4 0.0 5 0.0 6 0.0 7 0.0 8 0.0 9 1.1 10 1.07 11 1.14 12 1.01 13 1.01 14 1.02 15 1.01 16 1.1 17 1.04 18 1.0 19 1.06 20 1.0 21 1.27 22 1.31 23 1.35 24 1.77 25 1.6 26 2.0 27 2.25 28 2.05 29 1.22 30 2.19 31 Average 1.0 Maximum 2.3 I certify under penalty of law that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there-are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. See 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904 (relating to unswom falsification). Prepared By: James Harvey License No.: -----------------
Senior Nuclear Specialist Date: 12/14/2022 2022}}