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#REDIRECT [[DCL-15-069, Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2 - License Amendment Request 15-03 Application of Alternative Source Term - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Markup. Part 8 of 8]]
| number = ML15176A535
| issue date = 06/17/2015
| title = License Amendment Request 15-03 Application of Alternative Source Term - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Markup. Part 8 of 8
| author name =
| author affiliation = Pacific Gas & Electric Co
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| license number = DPR-080, DPR-082
| contact person =
| case reference number = DCL-15-069
| document type = License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal) DKT 50, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)
| page count = 65
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 -32 01-4.4 -40 ASSUMPTIONS USED TO CALCULATE POST ACCIDENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES A. Power Level B. Activity Released to Containment Atmosphere 1 Iodine, % Of core iodiRe inventon;0. E-lemenfal, % of core inventor'b. Organic, % Of core iodine inventor;f
: c. lPa;rt-icu,-la;te, % of core iodine invcntOr;2. Noble gases, % of coreinntr 3. Other fiGsi9oRn rodu C. Decay, Clcanup, and Leakage in Containment Atmosphere
: 1. Radiological decay include SIdire Spray cleanup b. Organic G. Particulate
: 3.
factor (DF) cut off for Gpray, elemental 4. Time post LCA spray start, 5. Fmqltcr cleanup Of containment atmosphere
-. IN g-lnases b. KPleble gases 2-5 22.75 4,00 4-00 80 seeeods.Nane WARP None Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 321 of 3 ASSUMPTION'S USED TO CALCULATE POST AGGIOENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES OBA-Gase 6. Containment leakrate a First 24 hoursg b. Remnainder of acident period D. Rcirculatioan Leop Leakage 1. RHR leakage rate 2. StarFt f RHR leakage 3. Duration of RHR leakage 4. C;harcoal filter eAciencY for0 Fre lea r-, e of. RH. IR eaka ge F. a. C IodinRe filter efftciency (1) Elemental,%
(2) OrFganicý, (3) Particulate, -A b. Noble gas filter efficiencY EE. Me4Ateorology (atmospheric dilution factors fro~m the- con-ta-inm:ent to the conrol1 room)F. Control RoomA Ventilation Flowratcs 1. Flowrate of contaminated air infiltrating the control room 2. Feorate Of press-rization air inte the room 3. FowRatA Of rcircFulated control roomq air through cleanup filters 0. 1,04 peF day 0.06,04 peF day 50 gpFn 24 hr-s 0 5 h QO~Q 070 TAMA 15~-24900Gfmn 2100 rfmn Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 32 Sheet I of 3 ASS'JMPTIONS USED TO CALCULATE POST ACCIDENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES 09A-Gase G. Dosay and Cleanup in Control 1. Radiological dlecay *ncludedYe
: 2. Filte-rr c oeap of r (1) Elemental 5k (2) Organic " (3) Particu4ato
)" b. Noble gases Q0/e H. Contro! Room Comnplex Volumne (total for 170-ftg(Units 1 and 2)1. Control Room Occupancy F~actorS 1. 024 hewrs 2. 24 96 hours 3. 96 720 hours 04 (a) Although a subsequent sacty evaluation showed that thc Design D ae e coefficieRt Of 31 hr 4 (fF- 2600 gpm spray header flow)should be reduced toapproximnately 20hr 4 (fo 2166 gpM spray header flow), the potential offsitc dose inGerase due to this changc is e~dremcey small and can be Gonsidered insignificant (Reference 30).Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-33 ESTIMATED POST-AGGIDENT-LOCA EXPOSURE TO CONTROL ROOM PERSONNEL DURING INGRESS / EGRESS (HISTORICAL)
Gamma Exposure, Radiation Source rem 98ALOCA Beta Exposure, rem Thyroid Exposure, rem 1. Radiation from airbornc fission product postulated to enter the control roomNot Used 2. Not UsedDirect radiatien to the cOntrol FOM 49~M fission prod-ucts in tho con~taipnment 6tFUGtUFe Table 5-.5-see-See-Table 155-0.032 0 0 3. Not UsediDe....
rear from radiation to the centrol 0Q022 0 0 fiss6io produc'ts in the containment leakage plue 4. Radiation from airborne fission products in the containment leakage plume to-control room personnel during room perconnel du wing egress ingress 5. Direct radiation from fission products in the containment structure to control room personnel during egress-ingress (53 5-minute trips)0.0066 0.022 0.0243 4.72 0 0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34 STEAM RELEASES FOLLOW!NG A MAJOR STE.A.M L!NE BREAK Time4Pefe4 0-2-h4 24-8-h Steam release fromA ruptured pope, Ibm ,471,_00 --Steam release from relief valyes, ibm4 394,000 83(G Note: All stewm relcaces listed aboye arc for RSGs. OSG MSLB steam rcleases, which arc used in the M51=6 dose analysis of record, are listed in item 11 of ScctiOn
OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Dose (TEDE, rem)Regulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 0.1 0.7 25 2.5<0.1 0.2 25 2.5 5 2.0 4.1 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs during the following time period:-Pre-incident iodine Spike 0 -2 hours-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 7.6 -9.6 hours Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34A MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Leak rate to Faulted Steam Generator 0.75 gpm (conservative assumption);
leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Leak rate to Intact Steam Generators 0 gpm (all leakage assumed into faulted SG)Failed/Melted Fuel Percentage 0%RCS Tech Spec Iodine Conc. Table 15.5-78 (11 pCi/gm DE 1-131)RCS Tech Spec Noble Gas Conc. Table 15.5-78 (270 pCi/gm DE Xe-133)RCS Equilibrium.
Iodine Appearance Rates Table 15.5-79 (1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentrations Table 15.5-79 (60 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike Appearance 500 times equilibrium appearance rate Rate Duration of Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 8 hours Initial Secondary Coolant Iodine Table 15.5-78 Concentrations (0.1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Secondary System Release Parameters Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Fraction of Iodine Released form Faulted SG 1.0 (Released to Environ without holdup)Fraction of Noble Gas Released from Faulted 1.0 (Released to Environ without holdup)SG Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34A MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Liquid mass in each SG Faulted: 182,544 Ibm (max.)Intact: 92,301 Ibm (min. and initial)Release Rate of SG liquid activity from Faulted Dryout within 10 seconds SG Time period when tubes not totally submerged Insignificant (intact SG)Steam Releases from intact SGs 0-2 hrs: 384,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 893,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: Same release rate as that for 2-8 hrs Iodine Partition Coefficient in Intact SG 100 (SGs fully covered)Termination of release (0.75 gpm leak): 30 hrs when RCS reaches 212 OF Faulted SG Termination of release from Intact SG 10.73 hours Release Point: Faulted SG Outside containment, at the steam line break location Release Point: Intact SG MSSVs/10%
ADVs CR Emergency Ventilation
: Initiation Sigqnal/Timing Initiation (signal) SIS Unaffected Unit CRVS inlet damper fully Within 12.6 seconds closed Affected Unit CRVS inlet dampers fully closed Within 38.8 seconds Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-34B Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34B MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/rn 3)Receptor-Release Point 0-2hr 2-8 hr 8-10.73 hr 10.73-30 hr CR NOP Intake -Faulted SG (Break Note 1 Location)CR NOP Intake -Intact SG (MSSVs/10%
8.60E-04 ADVs) -Note 2 CR Inleakage
-Faulted SG (Break 1.24E-02 7.35E-03 3.01 E-03 3.01 E- 3 Location)CR Inleakage
-Intact SG (MSSVs/10%
2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 ADVs)CR Emergency Intake & Bypass -7.65E-05 4.78E-05 1.86E-05 1.86E-C5 Faulted SG (Break Location)CR Emergency Intake & Bypass -Intact 1.57E-05 9.60E-06 9.60E-06 SG (MSSVs/1 0% ADVs)Notes: 1. ARCON96 based %IQ s are not applicable for these cases given that the horizontal distance from the source to the receptor is 1.5 meters (which is much less than the 10 meters required by ARCON96 methodology).
: 2. Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the x/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABL E 15.5 40 (HISTOGRICAL)
LONG TERM ACTIVIITY RELEASE FRACTIONS FOR FUEL FAIL UREI CCIDENTS Release Fracton i434 47374-4e 2.51 :f n-&#xfd;O i.02 x 43!04Q-4 5.34 14.424_1O4 44i3554 Kr-85 1 .! x t X-e433 8.6 344o Xit-4&3M X-e43S 4497-r&4O Xe 433M 5.52ixt. Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 41 Sheet 1 of 2 ACTIVITY RELEASES FOLLOW~hiG A LOCKED ROT-OR ACCIDENT (CURIES)13i8.643 1 4--783E 1732 1.21Er 1 2. A 1"E i 433 7-.7-3EI 3.4725E0 1-4-34 6 7 0861ii2 4.067-F=2 353.673E 1-A067E-O 131ORG 030 1!320RG 070 0-0-330RG 070 070 13400 0-0 1-35RG 050 0-0 130 0P0 14-32PAR 070 070 133PAR0 00 1-434P-AR 0 070 070 070 Kr 83M 976E 1 4281E KF-86 1.2282E1 14.610E 1 KF-85M 4.9366E- 4.169! E0 K- -2949EO0 8.647-1-Kr-88 8-5004E-0 5.4137E0 Xe33 23226840E2 Xe433M 3.386E0 5.4188E0 Xe4135 2.0293E4 2.2393E4l Xe 135M 3.026E-I 0 Xe 139 9.120F4 0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TARF1 G-Al Rhapt I Af2 AC T IVITY RLEASES FOLLOWIG A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT (CURIES)E u p ep-t ed QCasoe 0-2-hf NuGlide i--32 l434 1-34 1135 1431 RG 1432ORG 1--1-,38&#xfd;b1-340R&#xfd;G 1436ORG P--434PaAR I432PAR 14133PAR I-,34PAR 1 436PAR KF-83M l F-85M Xe 133 Xe4133M Xe4136 Xe4135M Xe 138!.I09E-2 1.~223F=8849E--3 3 7 84E-070 0-0 0709 4-.456E-2 2.087E I 2.825E-!1 0706E 1.640 5.670E 2 2.386E 3 3.875E 2 4.001 E 4 1.425E 2 070 070 070 070 070 07-0 o07 o0-0 070 070 3.770E-3a 2.379E 1 4932E--2 5482E--3 34.28-E 2.366F=4 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42
OF OFFSITE DOSES-AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES FLROM A-LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Thyr-4d rem 10 CER Part 100 Design bassis- c-ase Expeoted Gas@30 0,30 300 9.976 6 -549 W.Ahole Body E=Xpect L::  Mb MWMH I c;RtpA. -A nrnh'&#xb6;10 CFR Part 100 Design basis case Expeeted Gase Design basis case ExpeGted Gase 25 44-7 3-40 I a-5~4 25 4-.34404 PeoulWation
[Doses, man rem 0-.32 1(1-40 Dose (TEDE, rem)Requlatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose'30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose 0.8 0.2 2.4 2.5 25 5 Note: Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 8.73 -10.73 hours.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Primary to Secondary SG tube leakage 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3)Melted Fuel Percentage 0%Failed Fuel Percentage 10%Equilibrium Core Activity Table 15.5-77 Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Fraction of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap 1-131: 12%Kr-85: 30%Other Noble Gases: 10%Other Halogens:
10%Alkali Metals: 17%Isotopic Inventory in Fuel Gap Table 15.5-80 Iodine Chemical Form in Gap 4.85% elemental 95% particulate 0.15% organic Secondary Side Parameters Initial and Minimum SG Liquid Mass 92,301 Ibm/SG Iodine Species Released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Time period when tubes not totally submerged insignificant Steam Releases 0-2 hrs: 651,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 1,023,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: same release rate as that for Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value 2-8 hrs Iodine Partition Coefficient in SGs 100 Particulate Carry-Over Fraction in SGs 0.0005 by weight Fraction of Noble Gas Released 1.0 (Released without holdup)Termination of releases from SGs 10.73 hours Environmental Release Point MSSVs/10%
ADVs CR emergency Ventilation
: Initiation Signal/Timing Control Room is assumed to remain on normal ventilation (CRVS Mode 1) for duration of the accident.Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-42B Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42B LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release point and receptor 0-2hr 2-8 hr 8-10.73 hr MSSVs/10%
ADVs to CR NOP Intake (Note 1) 8.60E-04 5.58E-04 5.58E-04 MSSVs/1 0% ADVs to CR In-leakage (CR 2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 Centerline)
I ____ [ ____ I ____Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 44 COMPOSITE SOURCE TERM FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IKI T r-L El I--I LUAMIV IMIt DI III 11 lKINIf CGmRPG~iG SourcGe Term atv Ahtdi -go AGUY-ty at 100-Heum AfteF Shu~tdown 4Cilat 400 hFG)Pool Artivty-(CIat I O-h-FS)5 PRI 2F FHB Activity Based on DF-200 for-ledene6 (Clat 00 r-s 4-132 7-.283E+G5 3.42E+ 4O-3E-04 250965!--3 .-
3783EA-0,4 34.4 4-434 !0 0 0 4-4-35 2.689E=+04 443 -+ 0,22-2_4-83M 8_-46-,4 -9.554 Em 0 &.5764F 0 1.574E 08__-9.04 +5 3v678Q--g2 0.09607G4 0.0050704 Xf-8" &7353&E+G3 6.360c:+0 342 3443.25 K+-87 3 0 0 0 Kf--- 5-446E05 1.5-0E 05 2.2275E 0g 2-22745E06 Kr-8x .855E+05 0 0 0 Xe-3-14m 5.661 E+03 5469F-+ 9029 902-83 Xe-1-33 3-487-E-44 1.30E+04 24-54,9 2454-.Xe-133 9,499E-1 694544G 6 4- 4484- 4404-Xe-1. -5M 2.02! E+05 4.264E+00 0.7035 _ _-Xe4 22884-+05
!.327E+03 2-48 -5 2485 Xe-4-37 9-440-0 0 0 0 Xe-43 94-7-E-+G5 0 0 0 Where: ThO .... Rh _ .h4A l S afft.- e .hf .,n -A4..Pool act-,tv at 100 hoUrs -xa.5x ees fale and&#xa3;~~sA ~- .I RHO ~arW.tivW-at 100 houre- (&#xfd;A 1 0 0' .2 for- iodine Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TSAhE15.545 geet4- f-2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AREA A- Pre accGidcnt Opcration 1. Core Poc V3580 MWt 43- Highest Power FucIF-k Asrsem,-Fbly Characteristics
: 1. Radial pcaking factor445 G 7 Fuel Assembly Damage 1. Nuwmber of fuel rods pr pasrembly 2-64 2. Number of fuel road-s ruptured peFr asembly 2-64 3. Number of fuel assemblies damaged 4 Gap Activty rFractions6 Aedi~ne 040 aR. Emlemcntal(197
: b. -Oqa~iG 0.00025 A- Partic~ulatge 04Q 2. Neblegase&
: a. Other than Kr 85 04-0 b. KO r 85 pou SGap Activity Releaseu Fractions 4-2. Noblega6e&
4-3. Other fission products NeRe Fission Product Release Depth 23 egt G- Spent Fuel Pool Decontamination Factors a. Elementa!
5w0 b. Organ~iG 4-N~4e G. Particulate Nonet 2. NJoble ga~es 4 3. Other fission products NoAne Revision 17 November 2006 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 Sheet ! ef 2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AREA H, Dcay and Cleanup in Fuel Handling Building 1. Radiological decay credit NeR 2. Radiological cleanup crdG Nene 4, Fuel Han~dling Building Volume 435,000-t.1. Fuel Handling Building Filter Efficiencies Not rrpd44e4 K- Fuel Han~dling Building Exhaust Rate4,00Gn 4= Atmospheric Disper-sion
: 1. Radiological decay credi Neign 2 2E (BO) 0 to 2 hr 4n LPZ (1 kmn) 0to 8hF 2fF St9 24 h~ 4 5F= regm~A& to 2n h 3.3F= 7ee&#xfd;R;&#xfd;M, Off-site Breathing Rates Tab!1 .5 7-(*Assumes the FHB Yentilation operates contin;uously to maximize the F=HB exhaust to the early-stages of this event with Or without offcite power-.Revision 17 November 2006 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47
OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSESDOSES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AARE-ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Dose Regulatory (TEDE, rem) Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area 6.3 Boundary Dose 1-FHA in Fuel Handling 1.5 Building-FHA in Containment 1.5 30-day Integrated Low 6.3 Population Zone Dose-FHA in Fuel Handling 0.2 Building-FHA in Containment 0.2 30-day Integrated Control Room 5 Occupancy Dose-FHA in Fuel Handling 1.1 Building-FHA in Containment 4.7 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 0 -2 hours.Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47A FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Number of Damaged Fuel Assemblies 1 Total Number of Fuel Assemblies 264 Decay Time Prior to Fuel Movement 72 hours Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Fraction of Core Inventory in gap 1-131 (12%)Kr-85 (30%)Other Noble Gases (10%)Other Halides (10%)Alkali Metals (17%)Isotopic Inventory in Fuel Gap (Decayed 72 Table 15.5-47C hours)Iodine form of gap release before scrubbing 99.85% elemental 0.15% Organic Iodine form of gap release after scrubbing 57% elemental 43% Organic Scrubbing Decontamination Factors Iodine (200, effective)
Noble Gas (1)Particulates (oo)Rate of Release from Fuel Puff Environmental Release Rate All airborne activity released within a 2 hour period (or less if the ventilation system promotes a faster release rate)Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47A FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter I Val u:e: Environmental Release Points and Rates Accident in SFP in the FHB -Release flow -Plant Vent -46,000 cfm rates FHB Outleakage-Ingress/Egress locations
-30 cfm-Miscellaneous gaps/openings
-470 cfm Minimum free volume in FHB above SFP 317,000 ft 3 Accident in Containment
-Release flow rates -Open Equipment Hatch -All airborne activity released in 2 hrs Minimum Free Volume in Containment above 2,013,000 ftW Operating Floor CR Emergqency Ventilation:
Initiation Signal/Timing Signal(s) available to switch the Control Room Radiation signals from gamma sensitive Ventilation System (CRVS) from normal intake monitors that initiate closure of the operation (NOP) Ventilation (Mode 1) to CR normal intake dampers and switch the Pressurized Filtered Ventilation (Mode 4) Control Room Ventilation System from following a FHA normal operation Ventilation Mode 1 to Pressurized Filtered Ventilation Mode 4.Radiation Monitor Analytical Safety Limit 1 mRPhr Delay time for CRVS Mode 4 operation, 22 seconds (see below)including monitor response, signal processing, and damper closure time Radiation Monitor Response Time 10 seconds (conservative assumption)
-(Refer to Section
Radiation monitor signal processing time 2 seconds NOP Ventilation Damper Closure Time 10 seconds Bounding Control Room Atmospheric Table 15.5-47B Dispersion Factors for FHA Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TEDE Expocuroc, rcm Regu4latory1/2Lmi Design basic Gaco De"ign basic -ase 5 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 4-TABLE 15.5-47B FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location / Receptor I 0-22 s i 22 sec -2 hr I 2-8 hr I 8-24 hr I 1-4 d I 4-30 1 Control Room Normal Intakes Containment Hatch Release I-Affected Unit Intake 2.61 E-02 ----- --Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.88E-03 --Plant Vent Release-Affected Unit Intake 1.67E-03 ----- I-- --Non-Affected Unit Intake 9.1OE-04 .... .....FHB Out-leakage points-Affected Unit Intake 6.98E-03 ----- ---Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.93E-03 ----- ------------
-----Control Room Infiltration Containment Hatch Release Plant Vent FHB 0 Control Room Pressurization Intake Containment Hatch Release Note 1: Release from the Containment Hatch: applicable to FHA in Containment Note 2: Release from Plant Vent / FHB Out-leakage:
applicable to FHA in FHB Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47C ISOTOPIC GAP ACTIVITY -FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT Single Fuel Assembly (Decayed 72 hours)Activity Gap Fraction Gap Activity per Per Assembly Assembly (w/o Peaking Nuclide (Ci) Factor)1-129 2.07E-02 0.10 2.07E-03 1-130 3.29E+02 0.10 3.29E+01 1-131 4.09E+05 0.12 4.91 E+04 1-132 3.99E+05 0.10 3.99E+04 1-133 9.73E+04 0.10 9.73E+03 1-135 5.01E+02 0.10 5.01E+01 KR-83M 2.51 E-04 0.10 2.51E-05 KR-85 5.75E+03 0.30 1.73E+03 KR-85M 1.77E+00 0.10 1.77E-01 KR-88 7.73E-03 0.10 7.73E-04 XE-127 9.64E-02 0.10 9.64E-03 XE-129M 5.28E+01 0.10 5.28E+00 XE-131M 6.96E+03 0.10 6.96E+02 XE-133 8.31E+05 0.10 8.31E+04 XE-133M 1.88E+04 0.10 1.88E+03 XE-135 1.07E+04 0.10 1.07E+03 XE-135M 8.18E+01 0.10 8.18E+00 CS-132 2.16E+01 0.17 3.67E+00 CS-134 1.25E+05 0.17 2.13E+04 CS-134M 1.04E-03 0.17 1.77E-04 CS-135 3.01E-01 0.17 5.12E-02 CS-136 3.1OE+04 0.17 5.27E+03 CS-137 7.10E+04 0.17 1.21E+04 RB-86 1.16E+03 0.17 1.97E+02 RB-87 1.37E-05 0.17 2.33E-06 RB-88 8.63E-03 0.17 1.47E-03 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 48 DESIGN INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIO2NS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENTS INSIDE CONTAINMENT-Sh~eet 1 of 2 Par-amoeW Gonta*Rmef4C Containment Free Vo-lume (ft)Containment Volume aboev Fuel Pool (ftf}Purge Line Flowraatc to- Environmment (CFM)Depth of IW a er.Above Damaged Fuel (ft)Iodine DecentaminatiOn Factors: Inrgqanic (Elemental Overall Effective Exfiltration Rate (oft)Duration of Release (rcc)Time of Accident after ShutdoWn (h-r)Number of Failed Rode gap Activity Released from. DPamaged Rods %)Noeble Gases other thanp Kr- 85 IednRes Iodine Gap -IeFgaR4iG-Values Assumed for Generation of Inventories:
Reatom-r-,q Power (%RTP)1 Reactor Poer. (MMt)Radial Peaking F~actor Do-se Conmversion Factors for Iodine Species (REMCim);44g4-.23 41-2400 400&#xfd;2694 3g 4-40 6.44E*03 3.13E+040 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 48 Sheet-1 of2 DESIGN INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENTS INSIDE CONTAINMENT Pmter Vahe Controel Room (CR) Input Data: Conrol1 RoomA Volume (Ul +UJ2) (cu1bic feet) 17-70000 Flowrates (CF=M)FlRoI-ratc of contaminated air into CR 24--1-Flowr.Agatc of recirc CR air thru filtcrs 0 CR pres-surizationm air filter--Filter QePth phz odiRne FilteFr EfficienR---lemeP9 GF9 f1 ~"0-Pa~iG~4ate 9"0 CR Occupancy F~actoFrs:
0 24, h'Fs 4 E-96 720 hours Atmospheric Disper~sion Factors (6ec&#xfd;0m6 8 24 hours 5;2 96 hurs 349E-405 A6 720 hors 2.27E-0-Control Room Infiltration:
8 24 hours .49E 4Q~0 24 06 hours 1-,08-04 96 720 hours 629E=-06 Exclu-1sion Area Boundar,' (EAR), 800 m~eterS: LwPopul1ation Zone (L=PZ=), 100009 meters: R8-24 hous 422E-05 4 -30 days 3.40E 07 Control Room Breathing Rate (Fn 4iseG)y 3.4-7~-E4 Offsite Breathing Rates (1.5EeG }0-8 :24 hours 1.75E 94 1 -20 days 2.32F= 04 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 49 ACTIVITY RELEASES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT INSIDE CONTlAINMl=ENT (lURE r-N4GIke 0-2-hf 14,'4 299.0625 1432 250.965 4434 0!1435 0.0222 KF 83Fn 1.5764E 08 KrF-85m 0.0060704 KF 853143262 K-r87- 0 Kr-88 2.2275E 06 K-F89 0 Xe 4344M 902.385 Xe4-33m 212459 Xe 133 444084 Xe 135m~ 0.70356 xt43- 2481955 Xe 137 0 Xe 139 0 Revision 15 September 2003 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 50
OF OFFSITE DOSES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT INS IDR CONITA1MENT Thyroid Exposures, rem CnAtrM Rt4n 11 -1 G. I --Fp-----3G4)ays Q+a On, ,nrf'~.n, ~ Lip. are 10 CFR Padr 100 Gase 39-(GQG4Q9) 22.34 3w0 V':noie t~eGV FMme~r~pion 1i-XEsUreG.
remR GGR#91 Repm-!an-mmyc,-SieBua Rda .Rl.,n, 4 n. u 10 CFR Part 1 00 Iease bsi 5 (GOG 19)2-4 Population Doses, man rem DcsigR basis case Expeeted Gase Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE YAMSI~ r! 4V V=Sh e et I f-2 I.ACGT-1VEP4 RELE 16 A -E 2 G FOLLO'AAIN'G
.ROQD E JECGTI1-ON ACC IDENT&#xfd; (C UR IES)6"-14 1432 1432 I1431RG 1320RG b4 3ORG 14340RG, 1 135ORG 1 434 PA R 14 32PAR 1422AR I1424PAR Kr 85 Xe 433M Xe 435 O09765EO 2 0 4578r, G O70,1E34e02 O.1729E0G2 0-0 04- 660 096r 0 0-0 r n 250ar0 0 9.7006Ego1 0.35700 00 0.43326 0i 0.257-7-F01 0.79i3rE09 Z8h 0-0 0-0 0-0 8,--4 047-Eq 0-0 ,5--9 0?28-0 -0,28-0 E-40-.7-26i, 9E--2 04&r.0.,3650r,-94-(M4424-E--40 0.279.24-Va-#F 0-0 049426-82 0 44776- 01 0364-2-0 0-096m3 0-0G 0-0 0-2440 4 064r 0 40 E3r 0 0-02F50 0. i0 ri0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 PSAR UPDATE TABLEr 15.551F9 Shoot 1 9f 2 AGTI"ITY RELE.SES8 rOl-lGOANG A. ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT (CURIE!S)NuG~e 0- 2 h-hi R 24 hr 24-96-hr 143 a464fir-0a 40 40 1132 a-~54 04 04 04 0 1 133 0.424;Er 040 -1134 0.2963r503 40 40 104 04 04 0-G3 114O4RG 04044044 1 132ORG 040404040 1-4330R 0.4044 11340RG 0 40 40 146OQRG 0 40 40 114R4AI 0.4 0 40 I 132PAR 040 04 0 40 I-432AR 04 0 40 -1434RA 0044 04 0 1 13PAR 0 40 40 K 240 2$122rE04 9.30956 04 0 3GR4r, 02 0.1757EF!05 041063E1i6 Kr E .539 0.15 699E01 0.4260601 01 48420 KF 85M a.700 9.28896E00 946899 Go 0.37020A75-KF ~za 627-a 024OW020.
192.2E08a 154$45g23 KFR 0396 40600-148-0 IROF an0 Q~F_0.164BE140 Xe 13056~eg 04404RE0 G.41360 0.7250r.02 0.4469903 Xe 13M 0.9286E 04 0.2560 06492rE00 0.8236E00.59 g Xe 436 O6aw2E0a 0.4 49GE 4 0 4926P 04 0,287. g 04a 4E24 .Xe 135M 0 422g9E04 Q062686044 07~407r_4 0 4070r. 29 Xe 138 04967E0 0 )4036E048 0484QrM ii 190r.~0 0-Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52
OF OFFSITE DOSES AND CONTROL ROOM DOSESROM A-CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Dose (TEDE, rem)Re.qulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose 1-Containment Release-Secondary Side Release 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose Containment Release Secondary Side Release 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Containment Release-Secondary Side Release 6.3 0.7 0.7 6.3 0.3 0.2 5 3.4 0.5 Thyroid Exposures, rema Site lDenda ,nrn 2 -.n arem 10 CFR Part 100 Design b-asis cs Expeuted Gase 300 3.3-x40 4 300 164-449 Whole Pedy F=XP osur~eS, rem c;.-. fl R n n,, -m ~ ta r 10 CFR Pat 100 Design basis case 2-5 25 14x4.3 4 4 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Fixp9Gted Gase 3,64-9-4O Population Doses, m~an rem Doerin basis cGase 04 Exper~ted Gase .2 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 0 -2 hours.vl-Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52A CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameters Value Containment Leakage Pathway Power Level 3580 MWt Free Volume 2.550E+06 ft 3 Containment leak rate (0 -24 hr) 0.1% vol. fraction per day Containment leak rate(1-30 day) 0.05% vol. fraction per day Failed Fuel Percentage 10%Percentage of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap 10% (noble gases & halogens)Melted Fuel Percentage 0%Chemical Form of Iodine in Failed fuel 4.85% elemental 95% particulate 0.15% organic Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Core Activity Release Timing Puff Form of Failed Iodine in the Containment 97% elemental Atmosphere 3% organic Equilibrium Core Activity Table 15.5-77 Termination of Containment Release 30 days Environmental Release Point Same as LOCA Containment Leakage pathway Secondary Side Pathway Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52A CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameters Value Primary-to-Secondary Leak rate 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Failed Fuel Percentage Same as containment leakage pathway Percentage of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap Same as containment leakage pathway Minimum Post-Accident SG Liquid Mass 92,301 Ibm / SG Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental 3% organic Time period when tubes not totally submerged Insignificant Steam Releases 0-2 hrs: 651,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 1,023,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: same release rate as that for 2-8 hrs.Iodine Partition Coefficient in SGs 100 Fraction of Noble Gas Released 1.0 (Released without holdup)Termination of Release from SGs 10.73 hours Environmental Release Point MSSVs/1 0% ADVs CR emergency Ventilation:
Initiation Signal/Timincq Initiation time (signal) 300 sec (SIS Generated) 312 sec (Non-Affected Unit NOP Intake fully Closed)338.2 sec (Affected Unit NOP Intake fully Closed with full Mode 4 Emergency Ventilation Operation).
Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-52B Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52B CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location I 0-2hr 2-8 3hr 10.73- 24-961 hr Receptor 24hr CR Normal Intakes Containment leakage-Affected Unit Intake 6.84E-03-Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.24E-03 MSSVsI10%
ADVs-Affected Unit Intake Note 3 .-----Non-Affected Unit Intake 8.60E-04 .----CR Infiltration Containment leakage 3.22E-03 1.85E-03 7.29E-04 7.29E-04 7.15E-04 6.64E-04 MSSVs/1 0% ADVs 2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 1 CR Pressurization Intake Containment leakage 6.45E-05 4.05E-05 1.65E-05 1.65E-05 1.38E-05 1.12E-05 MSSVs/10%
ADVs 1.57E-05 9.60E-06 9.60E-06 .----Note 1: Containment leakage: Used for Containment release scenario; based on Containment penetration area release point.Note 2: MSSV /10% ADVs: Used for Secondary System Release Scenario;Note 3: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit.Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 63 POST LOCA DOSES WITH MARGIN REIRULATION LOOP LEAKAGE f'C'NIT-RO DROfVM GCgDIDAT(', 096CC OC, Gamma -Beta Whl e --si Containment leakage RHR pump akage E~xpccted recirulation loo ok Reoirculatien loop leakage: 1.85 gpm, with ltration,-
r 0.1 86 gpnm, with nR flltFation Plu-me radiation (cgress ingroes)Other direct radiation pathways TOTAL CONTROL ROOM OPERDATOR DOSES 10 CFR PART 50 APPENDIX A, GD- 19 LIMITS SITE BOCUNDARY Containment Ieakage RHR pump 6eal leakage Expected recirculatien loop leakage RocirUlatiOn loOP leakage: 1.8gpmn, with charcoal filtration, or G,4189 gPmA, With no filtFrafen TO-TAL SITE BOUNDARY DOSES Pathway Containment leakage RHR pump soal leakage Expected Freirculation loop leakage Recirsulation leop leakage: 11.07 gpm, with charcoal fi'tration,-or 1.11 gpma, with no filtration TOTAL LPZ= DOSES Notes 0522 18 45 4.7-2 0-.9 0,0304 0,0 oooooa 0,000@0,006g o~o~so 9.0014 4 a 3 484.72 Gamma 0,0g Whoe ed Notes 0-52 2-Gamma 0,Qoi 0.29 2-4-2 0.003 Notes 044 2 390090 10 CFPR PART 1 00 DORR LMWTS Netes: 1. RHR pump soal leakage of 50 gpmA for 30 Fminutec, 6tarting 21 hours after the start of the LOCA, See T-ables 15.5 21 and 15.5 33.2. Additieoal frerculation loop leakage, existing at the ctart of the LOCA and continuing for 30 days, 2 T;;krn from Tnhlp I1A5 22 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T-ABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED IN EVALUATING RA.DPILOGIGAL CONSEQUENCES FOR SGTR ANALYSIS SheetI-ef2 A. oro. pwe- level, .'At 3580 B. Total stear.. geReFateF tube i4eaKaele 4-.0 prF9r t- rpm C. ReacGtorcolant act*ty.I Accident initiated snike 2. Pre accident spike 3. Noble gas acti'.'ty 1 IC.i.gram.
of D.E. 1 131 arc p .rested in Table 15.5 65. The iodine appearance rates based on an iodine spiking factor of 335 assumed for the accident initiated spike are presented in Table415-5-6-6 Primar; cool-Ant iod-ine activities base on 60 I*Ci~gram of D.E. 1131 are in Table 15.5 65 The inui~a! RO noble gas activities base on 1% fuel defects are presented in Table 15.5 67 Dose equivalent of 0.n1 Ci/gm of 11 31, presented in Tabme 15.5..65.D. Secondar; system initial activity E. Reac-tor cool-ant mnass, grams6 F. initial,:am aenerator mass (each), G. Offsite power H. Primar; to sec..fre intact SG, hrs Lot-a time9 Of re-ac-tortrip ,a.4 iea,.,e GUUWLati 8 I.Species, of iodine 100 percen&#xf7;t elemental Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS I & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED lN EVALUATING AL CONSE=QUI ENCESig FOR SGTR.ATD ANALYSISl Sheet 2 of 2!I. Activity Release Data A. Ruptured 6teamA generator 1. Rupture fo 2. Flashed rupture flow 3. iodine scrubbing efficiency
: 41. Tota! cteam release, lb 5. Iodine partition coefficient See Figure 15.4.3 6b anrd See Figuro 15.4.3 11 aRnd Ta;p1&4-44 Net 4Ted See FgRem 15.4.3 9 and T-phla EA 141-R~R-fl~shed LI -L 00 4,9 B. InRtact steam generators
: 1. To9tal priMar; to secondary leakage, gpm 2. Total steam release, lbs 3. lod;Re partition coefficient 4-.0 See Figure 15.4.3 10 and-Tab;; 1i-. 44 4--o C. Condenser 1. iodine partition; coefficin D). Atmospheric dispersfion factors 400 See Table 156.5 68 TABLE 15.5-64
OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Dose (TEDE, rem)Reaqulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 Sheet-2-ef-2 PARAMETERS USED IN EVALUIATING RADIOLOGGICAL CONSEQENCE IFhrFROR SGTR ,ANAL YSIS Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose 1-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 1.3 0.7 25 2.5 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 0.1<0.1 25 2.5 5 0.6 0.3 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs during the 0-2hr time period: Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED IN EVA LUATNG-AL EC' E Ir- SR FOR SGTR ANIAI YSl Sheet 2 f TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Time of Reactor Trip 179.0 sec Time of isolation of stuck-open 10% ADV on 2653 sec the Ruptured SG Termination of Break Flow from Ruptured SG 3402 sec that flashes Termination of Break Flow from Ruptured SG 5872 sec Time of manual depressurization of the 2 hours Ruptured SG Break Flow to Ruptured Steam Generator that Table 15.5-64C, Column "A" flashes Break Flow to Ruptured Steam Generator that Table 15.5-64C, Column "B" does not flash Tube Leakage rate to Intact Steam Generators 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs;conservatively assumed for 3 intact SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Failed/Melted Fuel Percentage 0%RCS Tech Spec Iodine Concentration 1 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-78)RCS Tech Spec Noble Gas Concentration 270 pCi/gm DE Xe-133 (Table 15.5-78)Revision 19 May 2010 flC&#xfd;DD I INITO I Q' 0 CAD I I1flATC TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED !N EVALUATING DAMlrnl ft~lKl0Cnl IrCllpr-C Cnt"D C~t"Z_YM AIKIAI VC1l0 Sheet-2-ef2 TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value RCS Equilibrium Iodine Appearance Rates Table 15.5-79 (1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentration 60 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-79)Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike Appearance 335 times TS equilibrium appearance Rate rate Duration of Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 8 hours Initial Secondary Coolant Iodine 0.1 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-78)Concentrations Secondary System Release Parameters Initial SG liquid mass 89,707 Ibm / SG Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Steam flow rate to condenser from Ruptured 63,000 Ibm/min SG before trip Steam flow rate to condenser from intact SGs 189,000 Ibm/min before trip Partition Factor in Main Condenser 0.01 (elemental iodine)1 (organic iodine and noble gases)Steam Releases from Ruptured SG Table 15.5-64C, Column "C" Steam Releases from intact SG Table 15.5-64C, Column "D" Post-accident minimum SG liquid mass for 89,707 Ibm Ruptured SG Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS I & 2 FSAR I .PDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS IUSE=D IN E'VAIIUATING RADIOLC.ICAL CON&#xa3;FPOt/NCE&#xa3;.S
'OR &#xa3;aTR ANAl YRIS Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Post-accident minimum SG liquid mass for 89,707 Ibm per SG intact SGs Time period when tubes not totally submerged insignificant (intact SG)Fraction of Iodine Released (flashed portion) 1.0 (Released without holdup)Fraction of Noble Gas Released from all SGs 1.0 (Released without holdup)Iodine Partition Coefficient 100 Termination of Release from intact SG 10.73 hrs Environmental Release Points Plant Vent: 0 -179 sec MSSVs/10%
ADVs:179 sec -10.73 hr CR emergency Ventilation
: Initiation Siqnal/Timinrq Initiation time (signal) SIS: 219 sec Unaffected Unit inlet damper closed: 231 sec Affected Unit inlet damper closed: 257.2 sec Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-64B Revision 19 May 2010 r'~~f~~fl 1 IMIT 4 ) -OA I.,-. TABLE 15.5 64 Sheet 2 of 2 PARAMETERS UJSED= IN EVALUATING D rI~If f'IfAl t 11.IC'fIr I Ifr^ Cf'-r A NIAl /~TABLE 15.5-64B STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location / Receptor 0-179 s 179-257.2 s 257.2 s- 2 h 2-8 hr 8-10.73 r CR Normal Intakes-Plant Vent 1.29E-03 _ __.-MSSVs/10%
ADVs (Note 1) 8.60E-04 CR Infiltration
-Plant Vent [1.26E-03
----I -----MSSVs/10%
ADVs 2.78E-03 2.78E-03 [1.49E-03 1.49E-01 CR Pressurization Intake I-MSSVsI1 0% ADVs { 1.57E-05 7.65E06 7.65E-L Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T.ABL 1RI =45.566 5 IODINE SPECIFIC ACTI\/ITIES IN THE-F PR IM.ARY Af rD SrEC OND[l'AVRY COOLAN' v+-' SGTR ANALYSS v 1432 1433 1434 t-435 0.204 i~143 07589 47.64 42.24 66.78 8734 36.34 007094 0.0204 0.41113 0.0139 0.0689 (a) a6.ed on!1, 60 and 0.1 of Dose E', Spccifications (Referenc~e 22).iivaient 1 431i consiste~nt mitn the uu-G-'R iecnnpipca:
Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T.ABLE I 15. 5 6 6 IODINE SPRIKE APPEARPNCE RATES SGTR ANALYSIS (CURIESiSECOND) 2-469 4-.92 444 275340&#xfd; The accident initiated spike appearance rate is 335 times the equii~brium appcaranco rate. The equilibrium appearanco rate is calculated based on a total letdoWn flow of 113 gpmA. ThiS total-is6 comprised of 120 gpmn with Pe~fect cleanup, a letdown flow Wnce~taint' of 12 gpmR, 10 gpmn;A nn+FnrA r-.+n ,-nk +l +l !ea Ia!L',na~
A 1i mm nitlnod'fial 1&#xfd;La~n ^ frnn fha rp-j-+^r&#xfd;ri v r-wcxw wr uww cm OTO ur" VC1 cxq&#xfd;, um RF .- _q GGGaf4-sYste4:A v&deg;Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 657 NOBLE GAS SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES IN THE REACTOR COQ'W-,ANITw BASED ON 1% FUEL DEFECTS SGTR ANALYSIS2 .523 Xe 133n 3.9i14 Xe 133 256.3 Xe4135m 044 Xe 136 8.663 Xe-138 0.56 KF 85M 2.414 KF 85 6.209 B'-ased on a 2 ycar fuel cycle at a core powcr of 3580 MOt, a 75 gpmn reactor coolant system lctdOWn flow rate. and a A004 dpminealizetr iodintz rcmoA;Al effic~iency Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 68 ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION FACTORS AND BREATHING RATES SGTR ANALYSIS OFFS!TE EXPOSURE-Tie -,,,, Arwu e ..ea .e,,, Lew Pepulation B R 2-8 2.2 x le4 3.47 x !0-4 2--9 2-.24-144 347-x&#xfd;40 CONTROL ROOM EXPOSURE Time Centreo Room Filtc,- d Room, Control Ro.-m Prossurizatio U.filteed 8Weathing Ratew 0-8 7.05 4 4:-4 3.4,7x-14 8-24 5.38 X .9-x-4-O4
&47-x-4-4 24-96 3. --1 X8 !-0-- 4  3.4744-04>62.27 W !4-04 3.47-x-!0-4 Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%
ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-64C STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Break Flows and Steam Releases Break Flow and Steam Release within each Time Interval A B C D Time Flashed Un-flashed Ruptured SG Intact SGs from Break Break Flow Break Flow Steam Steam Releases Releases (sec) (Ibm) (Ibm) (Ibm) ibm)0 1678 8422 187822 563100 179 2217 30003 10527 42565 853 12121 90754 113657 118 2653 1355 15906 0 146 2953 779 23177 0 85467 3402 0 45026 0 97164 4324 0 16870 0 9237 4739 0 23892 0 29103 5872 0 0 0 103300 7200 0 0 270000 1,342,400 38628 0 0 0 0 Note: Data in row for T=0 is applicable to time interval between T=0 sec to T=1 79 sec (typ)(a) Regulatory Guide 1.1, Reyision 2, June 1974 (Note: Although rcvisiOR 2 was refc~rcned in the analysi s, the breathing rates are the same as those in revis~ion I which is the DCPP licensing Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 15.-5 6 9 THYROID DOQSE CONVERSION FACTORC ST AAYI NUokde 1431 i432 1433'434 1435 14.0 x10 ReRmCufie) 6.2 x103 Rem/Ci~u4.1 x Q5 Re miG wfi 4.7 4Q 3 Remi ufie)3.4X 4 g4(RemiCufie}
SIntem~Won~I Commies~on on RadioIoc~icai Protection PubIic~tion 30, 1979.Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 709 AVERAGE GAMMA AND BETA ENERGY FOR NOBLE GAS, SES SGTR ANALYSIS (MeVdis)Ng~llde +1-31 0,39 04-9 1132 24 0-52 I i33 0-6 042 1434 2-.6 076 1-435 474 0743 Xe434R4 070029 0-4-6 Xe133m 0,02 0724 Xe1-33 0703 044 Xe-435m G-.43 0.099 Xe135 02-5 0,32 Xe-438 4-2 0,46 K86G44 Q-.2-Kr 85m 0-71602 KF 85 0.0023 0-.2-5 K-_7-9 14 KF88 0725 (a) ENIDFl 223, ctobeFr 4975 (Reference 36)Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 71 OFFSITE RADIATION DOSES FROM SGTR ACCIDENT-Value --Alloeable Guideline 1. AGcId~ent initlatea Iod6ne D E=,-lUio, Area O-u.da ' (0 2 hr.)T-hyroid ODE-LoGW Population Zone (9 8 hr.)Thyroid ODE-2. Pre Accident Tdine Si Exclusion Area Boundary (0 2 hr.)Thyroid ODE LoW Population Zone (0 8 hr.)Thyroid ODE-3. Acciden~t Ini;tiated lodinc Spike 4-30 3w0 3w0 Exc-Jusion Area Bo 11 AC-1a F Wfloe Bogy Gamma 'UU Low Po9pulation Zone (0 8 hr.)Whole Body Gamma DDE 4. Pre Accident Initiated Iodine Spike Whole Body Gamma Dose Exclusion AFea Boundarf (0 2 hr Whole Body Gamma DDE Low Population Zone (0 8 hr.)Whole Body Gamma DDE 0402 0-3 2-5-I I --f'% 1-1 i i O~e i1Mii G+ AW. F8Fm Flab 191n zppFOWeU mU rt-mu Plow au en 4,0,6 KefeFo iu~co 15..202.1(6 Tor funnher diSGUssin.
Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 72 CflINT-OL R Mffl~ PAPAFIAITID USE IN~f lid 1AA IATIKI( AD~fIG!GI
'CifAL CONMRFOLENICES POR RQT-R ANIAl Y212 Control -Room -Irolatio-n Signal Generated-Tome o-f Sa I~e-44~r-rn'-Delay in Cont-rol Roo-m IsolAtion A~ftper Isolation Signal is 35 seGG~dS Genefated__
Control Room Volume 14O 7 O,-G"3 Control ROOM Unfiltered In -leakage 40-.-fn Control Room Unfiltered I&nfo Normal 4200-.fri EmrmgencY Mode G-ofm Control Room Filtered Inflow Normal Mode -fl EmnergencY Mode 2440-GfmI Control Room F=iltered Reci~rculto EmergencY Mo.Qdep 2400-efm Control Room Filter Efficienc 9"0 Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 74 CONTROL ROOM RADIATION DOSES FROM AIRBORNE ACTIVITY IN SGTR ACC!DENT.Acc-iden-t Initiated P~e AGGiden~Guideline, rem ThYFGid M (0 30 days-)Whole Body DIDE (9 30 days}Betza Skin SDEr (0 39 days)0,2 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 75
OF POST LOCA DOSES FROM VARIOUS PATHWAYS (l OF 410%THYROID DOSES, rema EA1- 2 heur 10 GrFR Part 100 Containment Leakage RHR Pump Sea! (50 gpm)Pre existing leak (1910 cclh4r)300 i0 .0a 9a 14722 300 4g~gi 07009 241-2 T-etal W--HOLEF RODY DORPS rmm EAR 2 how%10 CER Part 100 Ggntainment Leakage RHR Pump Seal (60 gpm)Pre existing leak (1910 &#xfd;h")Tont;;2-5 3,24 3,27 2-5 0.293 070 0.003 0.296 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLRIE 15.5 7-6",AOLE BODY DOSE CONVERSION FACTORSx DOSE EQUJIVALENT XE 133 Nu~ide KF-85Fm 7.4R-F 15 (Sy mFBq-s" K-r- ,4. 1 4 (Sy, ,.B KFr-88 1.02E 13 (Sy m3iB Xe-33F 1.37E 15 (Sy mWB Xe 133 1.56E 15 (SV m1 Xe 13m 2.0 F 4(Sy-mF/8q-s Xe435 !.!E-4 (Sy mB Xe-1-3 5.77-F I4 (Sy m/Be-s S-,-Tble 111.1 of Federal Guidance Repo"t 12, EPA 02 R 93 081, 1993.04 Noto the qAOQR use;cnsr-miv vluS respect to the above.
DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)AG-110 2.67E+07 IN-125 8.46E+05 SB-125 9.63E+05 AG-11OM 6.92E+05 IN-127 1.86E+06 SB-127 9.14E+06 AG-111 7.09E+06 IN-129 3.55E+06 SB-129 3.25E+07 AG-111M 7.09E+06 IN-131 1.09E+06 SB-130 1.08E+07 AG-112 3.16E+06 IN-132 2.85E+05 SB-130M 4.38E+07 AG-115 6.21E+05 KR-83M 1.14E+07 SB-131 7.67E+07 AG-1I15M 2.60E+05 KR-85 1 11 E+06 SB-1 32 4.70E+07 AM-239 4.90E-01 KR-85M 2.33E+07 SB-132M 4.37E+07 AM-241 1.32E+04 KR-87 4.65E+07 SB-133 6.32E+07 AM-242 9.40E+06 KR-88 6.43E+07 SB-134 1.14E+07 AM-242M 8.54E+02 KR-89 7.94E+07 SB-135 5.46E+06 AM-243 5.28E+03 KR-90 8.48E+07 SB-136 8.63E+05 AM-244 3.79E+07 KR-91 5.83E+07 SE-83 5.38E+06 AM-245 1.12E-03 KR-92 3.12E+07 SE-83M 5.65E+06 AS-76 3.05E+03 KR-93 1.07E+07 SE-84 2.04E+07 AS-83 7.02E+06 KR-94 5.OOE+06 SE-85 9,54E+06 BA-137M 1.30E+07 LA-140 1,85E+08 SE-87 1.32E+07 BA-139 1.76E+08 LA-141 1.61E+08 SE-88 7.15E+06 BA-140 1.78E+08 LA-142 1.57E+08 SE-89 2.49E+06 BA-141 1.59E+08 LA-143 1.48E+08 SM-153 6.04E+07 BA-142 1.51 E+08 LA-144 1.31E+08 SM-155 4.30E+06 BA-143 1.29E+08 MO-99 1.84E+08 SM-156 2.66E+06 BA-144 9.93E+07 MO-101 1.69E+08 SM-157 1.70E+06 BR-82 4.44E+05 MO-103 1.62E+08 SN-121 8.43E+05 BR-82M 3.88E+05 MO-104 1.33E+08 SN-123 6.43E+04 BR-83 1.13E+07 MO-105 9.97E+07 SN-125 5.25E+05 BR-84 2.10E+07 MO-106 5.86E+07 SN-125M 1.58E+06 BR-85 2.31E+07 NB-101 1,59E+08 SN-127 3.69E+06 BR-87 3.67E+07 NB-104 5.10E+07 SN-127M 4.95E+06 BR-88 3.52E+07 NB-95 1.66E+08 SN-129 1,28E+07 BR-89 2.45E+07 NB-95M 1.89E+06 SN-129M 1.17E+07 BR-90 1.35E+07 NB-97 1.59E+08 SN-1 30 3.28E+07 CD-115 9.17E+05 NB-97M 1.50E+08 SN-13i 2.83E+07 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ISOTOPE. ACTIVITY ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)CD-115M 4.43E+04 NB-99 1.07E+08 SN-132 2.28E+07 CD-121 7.67E+05 NB-99M 7.35E+07 SN-133 6.21 E+06 CE-141 1.63E+08 ND-147 6.59E+07 SN-134 1.07E+06 CE-143 1.50E+08 ND-149 3.90E+07 SR-89 9.05E+07 CE-144 1.26E+08 ND-151 2.08E+07 SR-90 9.67E+06 CE-147 6.18E+07 NP-238 6.20E+07 SR-91 1.13E+08 CF-249 2.46E-02 NP-239 2.16E+09 SR-92 1.22E+08 CM-241 3.54E+00 NP-240 6.23E+06 SR-93 1.39E+08 CM-242 5.88E+06 PD-109 4.73E+07 SR-94 1.39E+08 CM-244 1.31E+06 PD-109M 3.12E+05 SR-95 1.25E+08 CM-245 1.26E+02 PD-111 7.09E+06 SR-97 4.68E+07 CO-58** O.OOE+00 PD-112 3.14E+06 TB-160 1.87E+05 CO-60"* O.OOE+00 PD-115 7.84E+05 TC-99M 1.63E+08 CS-132 5.75E+03 PM-147 1.68E+07 TC-101 1.69E+08 CS-134 2.41E+07 PM-148 1.88E+07 TC-103 1.65E+08 CS-134M 5,63E+06 PM-148M 2.83E+06 TC-104 1.40E+08 CS-136 7.01E+06 PM-149 6.43E+07 TC-105 1.18E+08 CS-137 1.37E+07 PM-151 2.10E+07 TC-106 8.80E+07 CS-138 1.85E+08 PM-153 9.77E+06 TE-127 9.03E+06 CS-139 1.72E+08 PR-142 9.47E+06 TE-127M 1.52E+06 CS-140 1.54E+08 PR-143 1.47E+08 TE-129 3.1OE+07 CS-141 1.17E+08 PR-144 1.27E+08 TE-129M 6.30E+06 CS-142 6.80E+07 PR-144M 1.76E+06 TE-131 8.28E+07 CS-143 3.41E+07 PR-147 6.52E+07 TE-131M 2.04E+07 DY-166 4.91E+02 PR-149 3.57E+07 TE-132 1.41 E+08 EU-154 9.OOE+05 PR-151 1.23E+07 TE-133 1.09E+08 EU-155 3.83E+05 PU-238 5.22E+05 TE-133M 8.93E+07 EU-156 3.90E+07 PU-239 3.06E+04 TE-134 1.75E+08 EU-157 4.12E+06 PU-240 4,87E+04 TE-135 9.68E+07 EU-158 1.01E+06 PU-241 136E+07 TE-136 4.29E+07 EU-159 5.15E+05 PU-242 3.34E+02 TE-137 1.45E+07 GA-72 1.71E+03 PU-243 7.36E+07 TE-138 3.65E+06 GA-77 1,66E+05 RA-224 5.16E-01 TH-228 5.14E-01 GD-159 8.91 E+05 RB-86 2.50E+05 U-239 2.17E+09 GE-77 6.48E+04 RB-86M 2.07E+04 XE-131M 1.42E+06 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ISOTQPE* ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)GE-77M 1.70E+05 RB-88 6.60E+07 XE-133 2.01E+08 GE-83 1.24E+06 RB-89 8.57E+07 XE-133M 6.42E+06 H-3 6.10E+04 RB-90 7.86E+07 XE-135 4.92E+07 HO-166 258E+04 RB-90M 2.53E+07 XE-135M 4.30E+07 1-129 4.OOE+00 RB-91 1.05E+08 XE-137 1.84E+08 1-130 3.58E+06 RB-92 9.35E+07 XE-138 1.70E+08 1-130M 1.92E+06 RB-93 7.89E+07 XE-139 1.25E+08 1-131 9.90E+07 RB-94 4.13E+07 XE-140 8.66E+07 1-132 1.44E+08 RB-95 2.01 E+07 XE-142 1.33E+07 1-133 2.01 E+08 RH-103M 1.66E+08 Y-90 1.02E+07 1-134 2.22E+08 RH-105 1.08E+08 Y-90M 7.71 E+02 1-134M 2.07E+07 RH-105M 3.43E+07 Y-91 1.19E+08 1-135 1.92E+08 RH-106 7.53E+07 Y-91M 6.57E+07 1-136 8.73E+07 RH-109 3.65E+07 Y-92 1.23E+08 I-137 9.40E+07 RN-220 5.16E-01 Y-93 9.41 E+07 1-138 4.80E+07 RU-103 1.66E+08 Y-94 1.50E+08 1-139 2.22E+07 RU-105 1.21 E+08 Y-95 1.57E+08 1-140 6.06E+06 RU-106 6.68E+07 Y-97 1.26E+08 IN-115M 9.17E+05 RU-109 3.16E+07 ZN-72 1.71E+03 IN-121 7.55E+04 SB-122 1.57E+05 ZR-101 9.55E+07 IN-121M 7.82E+05 SB-122M 1.57E+04 ZR-95 1.65E+08 IN-123 6.87E+05 SB-124 1.21E+05 ZR-97 1.58E+08 SB-124M 2.34E+03 ZR-99 1.66E+08 Note:* Isotopes in Bold Font are dose-significant for inhalation, submersion and direct shine. The parent, grandparent and second parent of the isotopes in Bold Font are also required to address daughter product in-growth.
The group of isotopes needed to determine the "submersion and inhalation" dose in the Control Room and at the Site Boundary is typically a subset of the isotopes listed above in bold font, and represent a small group of reasonably long half-life isotopes with significant inhalation dose conversion factors which dominate the TEDE dose.To determine the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) resulting from inhalation and submersion following a LOCA, the DCPP LOCA dose consequence analysis uses the default group of 60 isotopes provided with computer code RADTRAD 3.03 plus 13 additional nuclides that were deemed to be dose significant (i.e., Br-82, Br-84, Rb-88, Rb-89, Te-133, Te-133m, Te-134, 1-130, Xe-131m, Xe-133m, Xe-138, Cs-138 and Np-238).** Co-58 / Co-60 are activation products that are developed external to the core and typically do not appear in the equilibrium core inventory DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-78 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COOLANT Technical Specification Activity Concentrations Nuclide Primary Coolant Secondary Coolant Nue(uCi/am) (uCi/m)Kr-83M 1.87E-01 Kr-85M 6.60E-01 Kr-85 5.60E+00 Kr-87 4.41 E-01 -----Kr-88 1.22E+00 -----Xe-131M 1.88E+00 Xe-133M 1.92E+00 Xe-133 1.29E+02 Xe-1 35M 4.07E-01 Xe-1 35 3.76E+00 1-131 7.87E-01 8.06E-02 1-132 2.99E-01 1.94E-02 1-133 1.16E+00 1.08E-01 1-134 1.67E-01 4.78E-03 1-135 6.68E-01 5.09E-02 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE15.5-79 PRIMARY COOLANT Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentrations
& Equilibrium Iodine Appearance Rates Pre-Accident Spike Equilibrium Iodine Activity RCS Concentrations Appearance Rates into RCS (60 pCi/gm DE 1-131) (pCi/sec)Nuclide (PCi/gm)1-131 47.2 7.18E+03 1-132 17.9 7.78E+03 1-133 69.5 1.25E+04 1-134 10.0 8.91 E+03 1135 40.1 9.91E+03 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-80 ISOTOPIC GAP ACTIVITY LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT / CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Fraction of Core Gap Fraction of Core Gap Core Activity Core Activity Core Activity in w/o Peaking Activity in w/o Peaking Activity Gap Factor Gap Factor Nuclide (Ci) LRA (Ci) CREA (Ci)LRA CREA KR-85 1.11E+06 0.30 3.33E+05 0.10 1.11E+05 KR-85M 2.33E+07 0.10 2.33E+06 0.10 2.33E+06 KR-87 4.65E+07 0.10 4.65E+06 0.10 4.65E+06 KR-88 6.43E+07 0.10 6.43E+06 0.10 6.43E+06 Xe-131M 1.42E+06 0.10 1.42E+05 0.10 1.42E+05 Xe-133M 6.42E+06 0.10 6.42E+05 0.10 6.42E+05 XE-133 2.01E+08 0.10 2.01E+07 0.10 2.01E+07 XE-135 4.92E+07 0.10 4.92E+06 0.10 4.92E+06 Xe-138 1.70E+08 0.10 1.70E+07 0.10 1.70E+07 1-130 3.58E+06 0.10 3.58E+05 0.10 3.58E+05 1-131 9.90E+07 0.12 1.19E+07 0.10 9.90E+06 1-132 1.44E+08 0.10 1.44E+07 0.10 1.44E+07 1-133 2.01E+08 0.10 2.01E+07 0.10 2.01E+07 1-134 2.22E+08 0.10 2.22E+07 0.10 2.22E+07 1-135 1.92E+08 0.10 1.92E+07 0.10 1.92E+07 BR-82 4.44E+05 0.10 4.44E+04 0.10 4.44E+04 BR-84 2.1OE+07 0.10 2.1OE+06 0.10 2.1OE+06 CS-134 2.41E+07 0.17 4.1OE+06 -CS-136 7.01E+06 0.17 1.19E+06 -CS-137 1.37E+07 0.17 2.33E+06 -CS-138 1.85E+08 0.17 3.15E+07 -RB-86 2.50E+05 0.17 4.25E+04 -Rb-88 6.60E+07 0.17 1.12E+07 -Rb-89 8.57E+07 0.17 1.46E+07 Note: Values reported reflect the core isotopic gap activity assumed for the LRA and CREA. These values have to be adjusted for a) the failed fuel percentage (10%) and b) peaking factor (1.65), prior to assessing the associated dose consequences.
For the isotopic gap activity associated with the FHA refer to Table 15.5-47C.
DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-81 CONTROL ROOM Analysis Assumptions
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Free Volume 170,000 ft 3 Unfiltered Normal Operation Intake Total 4200 cfm +/- 10%Unit 1:2100 cfm +/- 10%Unit 2: 2100 cfm +/- 10%Emergency Pressurization Flow Rate 650 -900 cfm Maximum Unfiltered Backdraft Damper 100 cfm Leakage during CR Pressurization Operation Carbon / HEPA Filter Flow during CR 1800 -2200 cfm Pressurization Operation Emergency Filtered Recirculation Rate 1250 cfm (minimum)Pressurization Intake and Recirculation 93% (iodine)Carbon/HEPA Filter Efficiency 98% (particulates)(includes filter bypass)Unfiltered Inleakage 70 cfm (maximum)(Normal and Pressurization Mode) Includes 10 cfm ingress / egress Occupancy Factors 0-24 hr (1.0)1 -4 d (0.6)4-30 d (0.4)Operator Breathing Rate 0-30 d (3.50E-04 m 3/sec)
& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Free Volume 51,250 ft 3 Filtered Rate (HEPA only) Normal Operation Intake 500 cfm Flow Normal Intake HEPA Filter Efficiency(includes filter 98% (particulates) bypass)Filtered (Carbon / HEPA) Pressurization Flow Rate 500 cfm Flow through Carbon / HEPA Filter during 1000 cfm Pressurization mode Filtered Recirculation flow rate during Pressurization 500 cfm (minimum)mode Pressurization Intake and Recirculation Carbon / 93% (iodine)HEPA Filter Efficiency (includes filter bypass) 98% (particulates)
Unfiltered Inleakage 60 cfm (maximum)Includes 10 cfm ingress/egress Occupancy Factors 0-24 hr (1.0)1 -4 d (0.6)4-30 d (0.4)Operator Breathing Rate 0-30 d (3.50E-04 m 3/sec)}}

Latest revision as of 04:12, 17 March 2019

License Amendment Request 15-03 Application of Alternative Source Term - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Markup. Part 8 of 8
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/2015
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15176A535 (65)


DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 -32 01-4.4 -40 ASSUMPTIONS USED TO CALCULATE POST ACCIDENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES A. Power Level B. Activity Released to Containment Atmosphere 1 Iodine, % Of core iodiRe inventon;0. E-lemenfal, % of core inventor'b. Organic, % Of core iodine inventor;f

c. lPa;rt-icu,-la;te, % of core iodine invcntOr;2. Noble gases, % of coreinntr 3. Other fiGsi9oRn rodu C. Decay, Clcanup, and Leakage in Containment Atmosphere
1. Radiological decay include SIdire Spray cleanup b. Organic G. Particulate

factor (DF) cut off for Gpray, elemental 4. Time post LCA spray start, 5. Fmqltcr cleanup Of containment atmosphere

-. IN g-lnases b. KPleble gases 2-5 22.75 4,00 4-00 80 seeeods.Nane WARP None Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 321 of 3 ASSUMPTION'S USED TO CALCULATE POST AGGIOENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES OBA-Gase 6. Containment leakrate a First 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />sg b. Remnainder of acident period D. Rcirculatioan Leop Leakage 1. RHR leakage rate 2. StarFt f RHR leakage 3. Duration of RHR leakage 4. C;harcoal filter eAciencY for0 Fre lea r-, e of. RH. IR eaka ge F. a. C IodinRe filter efftciency (1) Elemental,%

(2) OrFganicý, (3) Particulate, -A b. Noble gas filter efficiencY EE. Me4Ateorology (atmospheric dilution factors fro~m the- con-ta-inm:ent to the conrol1 room)F. Control RoomA Ventilation Flowratcs 1. Flowrate of contaminated air infiltrating the control room 2. Feorate Of press-rization air inte the room 3. FowRatA Of rcircFulated control roomq air through cleanup filters 0. 1,04 peF day 0.06,04 peF day 50 gpFn 24 hr-s 0 5 h QO~Q 070 TAMA 15~-24900Gfmn 2100 rfmn Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 32 Sheet I of 3 ASS'JMPTIONS USED TO CALCULATE POST ACCIDENT CONTROL ROOM RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES 09A-Gase G. Dosay and Cleanup in Control 1. Radiological dlecay *ncludedYe

2. Filte-rr c oeap of r (1) Elemental 5k (2) Organic " (3) Particu4ato

)" b. Noble gases Q0/e H. Contro! Room Comnplex Volumne (total for 170-ftg(Units 1 and 2)1. Control Room Occupancy F~actorS 1. 024 hewrs 2. 24 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> 3. 96 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> 04 (a) Although a subsequent sacty evaluation showed that thc Design D ae e coefficieRt Of 31 hr 4 (fF- 2600 gpm spray header flow)should be reduced toapproximnately 20hr 4 (fo 2166 gpM spray header flow), the potential offsitc dose inGerase due to this changc is e~dremcey small and can be Gonsidered insignificant (Reference 30).Revision 12 September 1998 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-33 ESTIMATED POST-AGGIDENT-LOCA EXPOSURE TO CONTROL ROOM PERSONNEL DURING INGRESS / EGRESS (HISTORICAL)

Gamma Exposure, Radiation Source rem 98ALOCA Beta Exposure, rem Thyroid Exposure, rem 1. Radiation from airbornc fission product postulated to enter the control roomNot Used 2. Not UsedDirect radiatien to the cOntrol FOM 49~M fission prod-ucts in tho con~taipnment 6tFUGtUFe Table 5-.5-see-See-Table 155-0.032 0 0 3. Not UsediDe....

rear from radiation to the centrol 0Q022 0 0 fiss6io produc'ts in the containment leakage plue 4. Radiation from airborne fission products in the containment leakage plume to-control room personnel during room perconnel du wing egress ingress 5. Direct radiation from fission products in the containment structure to control room personnel during egress-ingress (53 5-minute trips)0.0066 0.022 0.0243 4.72 0 0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34 STEAM RELEASES FOLLOW!NG A MAJOR STE.A.M L!NE BREAK Time4Pefe4 0-2-h4 24-8-h Steam release fromA ruptured pope, Ibm ,471,_00 --Steam release from relief valyes, ibm4 394,000 83(G Note: All stewm relcaces listed aboye arc for RSGs. OSG MSLB steam rcleases, which arc used in the M51=6 dose analysis of record, are listed in item 11 of ScctiOn


OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Dose (TEDE, rem)Regulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 0.1 0.7 25 2.5<0.1 0.2 25 2.5 5 2.0 4.1 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs during the following time period:-Pre-incident iodine Spike 0 -2 hours-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 7.6 -9.6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34A MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Leak rate to Faulted Steam Generator 0.75 gpm (conservative assumption);

leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Leak rate to Intact Steam Generators 0 gpm (all leakage assumed into faulted SG)Failed/Melted Fuel Percentage 0%RCS Tech Spec Iodine Conc. Table 15.5-78 (11 pCi/gm DE 1-131)RCS Tech Spec Noble Gas Conc. Table 15.5-78 (270 pCi/gm DE Xe-133)RCS Equilibrium.

Iodine Appearance Rates Table 15.5-79 (1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentrations Table 15.5-79 (60 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike Appearance 500 times equilibrium appearance rate Rate Duration of Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Initial Secondary Coolant Iodine Table 15.5-78 Concentrations (0.1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Secondary System Release Parameters Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Fraction of Iodine Released form Faulted SG 1.0 (Released to Environ without holdup)Fraction of Noble Gas Released from Faulted 1.0 (Released to Environ without holdup)SG Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34A MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Liquid mass in each SG Faulted: 182,544 Ibm (max.)Intact: 92,301 Ibm (min. and initial)Release Rate of SG liquid activity from Faulted Dryout within 10 seconds SG Time period when tubes not totally submerged Insignificant (intact SG)Steam Releases from intact SGs 0-2 hrs: 384,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 893,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: Same release rate as that for 2-8 hrs Iodine Partition Coefficient in Intact SG 100 (SGs fully covered)Termination of release (0.75 gpm leak): 30 hrs when RCS reaches 212 OF Faulted SG Termination of release from Intact SG 10.73 hours8.449074e-4 days <br />0.0203 hours <br />1.207011e-4 weeks <br />2.77765e-5 months <br /> Release Point: Faulted SG Outside containment, at the steam line break location Release Point: Intact SG MSSVs/10%

ADVs CR Emergency Ventilation

Initiation Sigqnal/Timing Initiation (signal) SIS Unaffected Unit CRVS inlet damper fully Within 12.6 seconds closed Affected Unit CRVS inlet dampers fully closed Within 38.8 seconds Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-34B Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-34B MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/rn 3)Receptor-Release Point 0-2hr 2-8 hr 8-10.73 hr 10.73-30 hr CR NOP Intake -Faulted SG (Break Note 1 Location)CR NOP Intake -Intact SG (MSSVs/10%

8.60E-04 ADVs) -Note 2 CR Inleakage

-Faulted SG (Break 1.24E-02 7.35E-03 3.01 E-03 3.01 E- 3 Location)CR Inleakage

-Intact SG (MSSVs/10%

2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 ADVs)CR Emergency Intake & Bypass -7.65E-05 4.78E-05 1.86E-05 1.86E-C5 Faulted SG (Break Location)CR Emergency Intake & Bypass -Intact 1.57E-05 9.60E-06 9.60E-06 SG (MSSVs/1 0% ADVs)Notes: 1. ARCON96 based %IQ s are not applicable for these cases given that the horizontal distance from the source to the receptor is 1.5 meters (which is much less than the 10 meters required by ARCON96 methodology).

2. Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the x/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABL E 15.5 40 (HISTOGRICAL)

LONG TERM ACTIVIITY RELEASE FRACTIONS FOR FUEL FAIL UREI CCIDENTS Release Fracton i434 47374-4e 2.51 :f n-ýO i.02 x 43!04Q-4 5.34 14.424_1O4 44i3554 Kr-85 1 .! x t X-e433 8.6 344o Xit-4&3M X-e43S 4497-r&4O Xe 433M 5.52ixt. Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 41 Sheet 1 of 2 ACTIVITY RELEASES FOLLOW~hiG A LOCKED ROT-OR ACCIDENT (CURIES)13i8.643 1 4--783E 1732 1.21Er 1 2. A 1"E i 433 7-.7-3EI 3.4725E0 1-4-34 6 7 0861ii2 4.067-F=2 353.673E 1-A067E-O 131ORG 030 1!320RG 070 0-0-330RG 070 070 13400 0-0 1-35RG 050 0-0 130 0P0 14-32PAR 070 070 133PAR0 00 1-434P-AR 0 070 070 070 Kr 83M 976E 1 4281E KF-86 1.2282E1 14.610E 1 KF-85M 4.9366E- 4.169! E0 K- -2949EO0 8.647-1-Kr-88 8-5004E-0 5.4137E0 Xe33 23226840E2 Xe433M 3.386E0 5.4188E0 Xe4135 2.0293E4 2.2393E4l Xe 135M 3.026E-I 0 Xe 139 9.120F4 0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TARF1 G-Al Rhapt I Af2 AC T IVITY RLEASES FOLLOWIG A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT (CURIES)E u p ep-t ed QCasoe 0-2-hf NuGlide i--32 l434 1-34 1135 1431 RG 1432ORG 1--1-,38ýb1-340RýG 1436ORG P--434PaAR I432PAR 14133PAR I-,34PAR 1 436PAR KF-83M l F-85M Xe 133 Xe4133M Xe4136 Xe4135M Xe 138!.I09E-2 1.~223F=8849E--3 3 7 84E-070 0-0 0709 4-.456E-2 2.087E I 2.825E-!1 0706E 1.640 5.670E 2 2.386E 3 3.875E 2 4.001 E 4 1.425E 2 070 070 070 070 070 07-0 o07 o0-0 070 070 3.770E-3a 2.379E 1 4932E--2 5482E--3 34.28-E 2.366F=4 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42


OF OFFSITE DOSES-AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES FLROM A-LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Thyr-4d rem 10 CER Part 100 Design bassis- c-ase Expeoted Gas@30 0,30 300 9.976 6 -549 W.Ahole Body E=Xpect L:: Mb MWMH I c;RtpA. -A nrnh'¶10 CFR Part 100 Design basis case Expeeted Gase Design basis case ExpeGted Gase 25 44-7 3-40 I a-5~4 25 4-.34404 PeoulWation

[Doses, man rem 0-.32 1(1-40 Dose (TEDE, rem)Requlatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose'30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose 0.8 0.2 2.4 2.5 25 5 Note: Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 8.73 -10.73 hours8.449074e-4 days <br />0.0203 hours <br />1.207011e-4 weeks <br />2.77765e-5 months <br />.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Primary to Secondary SG tube leakage 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3)Melted Fuel Percentage 0%Failed Fuel Percentage 10%Equilibrium Core Activity Table 15.5-77 Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Fraction of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap 1-131: 12%Kr-85: 30%Other Noble Gases: 10%Other Halogens:

10%Alkali Metals: 17%Isotopic Inventory in Fuel Gap Table 15.5-80 Iodine Chemical Form in Gap 4.85% elemental 95% particulate 0.15% organic Secondary Side Parameters Initial and Minimum SG Liquid Mass 92,301 Ibm/SG Iodine Species Released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Time period when tubes not totally submerged insignificant Steam Releases 0-2 hrs: 651,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 1,023,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: same release rate as that for Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42A LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value 2-8 hrs Iodine Partition Coefficient in SGs 100 Particulate Carry-Over Fraction in SGs 0.0005 by weight Fraction of Noble Gas Released 1.0 (Released without holdup)Termination of releases from SGs 10.73 hours8.449074e-4 days <br />0.0203 hours <br />1.207011e-4 weeks <br />2.77765e-5 months <br /> Environmental Release Point MSSVs/10%

ADVs CR emergency Ventilation

Initiation Signal/Timing Control Room is assumed to remain on normal ventilation (CRVS Mode 1) for duration of the accident.Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-42B Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-42B LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release point and receptor 0-2hr 2-8 hr 8-10.73 hr MSSVs/10%

ADVs to CR NOP Intake (Note 1) 8.60E-04 5.58E-04 5.58E-04 MSSVs/1 0% ADVs to CR In-leakage (CR 2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 Centerline)


I ____ [ ____ I ____Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 44 COMPOSITE SOURCE TERM FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IKI T r-L El I--I LUAMIV IMIt DI III 11 lKINIf CGmRPG~iG SourcGe Term atv Ahtdi -go AGUY-ty at 100-Heum AfteF Shu~tdown 4Cilat 400 hFG)Pool Artivty-(CIat I O-h-FS)5 PRI 2F FHB Activity Based on DF-200 for-ledene6 (Clat 00 r-s 4-132 7-.283E+G5 3.42E+ 4O-3E-04 250965!--3 .-

3783EA-0,4 34.4 4-434 !0 0 0 4-4-35 2.689E=+04 443 -+ 0,22-2_4-83M 8_-46-,4 -9.554 Em 0 &.5764F 0 1.574E 08__-9.04 +5 3v678Q--g2 0.09607G4 0.0050704 Xf-8" &7353&E+G3 6.360c:+0 342 3443.25 K+-87 3 0 0 0 Kf--- 5-446E05 1.5-0E 05 2.2275E 0g 2-22745E06 Kr-8x .855E+05 0 0 0 Xe-3-14m 5.661 E+03 5469F-+ 9029 902-83 Xe-1-33 3-487-E-44 1.30E+04 24-54,9 2454-.Xe-133 9,499E-1 694544G 6 4- 4484- 4404-Xe-1. -5M 2.02! E+05 4.264E+00 0.7035 _ _-Xe4 22884-+05

!.327E+03 2-48 -5 2485 Xe-4-37 9-440-0 0 0 0 Xe-43 94-7-E-+G5 0 0 0 Where: ThO .... Rh _ .h4A l S afft.- e .hf .,n -A4..Pool act-,tv at 100 hoUrs -xa.5x ees fale and£~~sA ~- .I RHO ~arW.tivW-at 100 houre- (ýA 1 0 0' .2 for- iodine Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TSAhE15.545 geet4- f-2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AREA A- Pre accGidcnt Opcration 1. Core Poc V3580 MWt 43- Highest Power FucIF-k Asrsem,-Fbly Characteristics

1. Radial pcaking factor445 G 7 Fuel Assembly Damage 1. Nuwmber of fuel rods pr pasrembly 2-64 2. Number of fuel road-s ruptured peFr asembly 2-64 3. Number of fuel assemblies damaged 4 Gap Activty rFractions6 Aedi~ne 040 aR. Emlemcntal(197
b. -Oqa~iG 0.00025 A- Partic~ulatge 04Q 2. Neblegase&
a. Other than Kr 85 04-0 b. KO r 85 pou SGap Activity Releaseu Fractions 4-2. Noblega6e&

4-3. Other fission products NeRe Fission Product Release Depth 23 egt G- Spent Fuel Pool Decontamination Factors a. Elementa!

5w0 b. Organ~iG 4-N~4e G. Particulate Nonet 2. NJoble ga~es 4 3. Other fission products NoAne Revision 17 November 2006 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 Sheet ! ef 2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AREA H, Dcay and Cleanup in Fuel Handling Building 1. Radiological decay credit NeR 2. Radiological cleanup crdG Nene 4, Fuel Han~dling Building Volume 435,000-t.1. Fuel Handling Building Filter Efficiencies Not rrpd44e4 K- Fuel Han~dling Building Exhaust Rate4,00Gn 4= Atmospheric Disper-sion

1. Radiological decay credi Neign 2 2E (BO) 0 to 2 hr 4n LPZ (1 kmn) 0to 8hF 2fF St9 24 h~ 4 5F= regm~A& to 2n h 3.3F= 7eeýR;ýM, Off-site Breathing Rates Tab!1 .5 7-(*Assumes the FHB Yentilation operates contin;uously to maximize the F=HB exhaust to the early-stages of this event with Or without offcite power-.Revision 17 November 2006 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47


OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSESDOSES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING AARE-ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Dose Regulatory (TEDE, rem) Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area 6.3 Boundary Dose 1-FHA in Fuel Handling 1.5 Building-FHA in Containment 1.5 30-day Integrated Low 6.3 Population Zone Dose-FHA in Fuel Handling 0.2 Building-FHA in Containment 0.2 30-day Integrated Control Room 5 Occupancy Dose-FHA in Fuel Handling 1.1 Building-FHA in Containment 4.7 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 0 -2 hours.Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47A FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Number of Damaged Fuel Assemblies 1 Total Number of Fuel Assemblies 264 Decay Time Prior to Fuel Movement 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Fraction of Core Inventory in gap 1-131 (12%)Kr-85 (30%)Other Noble Gases (10%)Other Halides (10%)Alkali Metals (17%)Isotopic Inventory in Fuel Gap (Decayed 72 Table 15.5-47C hours)Iodine form of gap release before scrubbing 99.85% elemental 0.15% Organic Iodine form of gap release after scrubbing 57% elemental 43% Organic Scrubbing Decontamination Factors Iodine (200, effective)

Noble Gas (1)Particulates (oo)Rate of Release from Fuel Puff Environmental Release Rate All airborne activity released within a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> period (or less if the ventilation system promotes a faster release rate)Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47A FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter I Val u:e: Environmental Release Points and Rates Accident in SFP in the FHB -Release flow -Plant Vent -46,000 cfm rates FHB Outleakage-Ingress/Egress locations

-30 cfm-Miscellaneous gaps/openings

-470 cfm Minimum free volume in FHB above SFP 317,000 ft 3 Accident in Containment

-Release flow rates -Open Equipment Hatch -All airborne activity released in 2 hrs Minimum Free Volume in Containment above 2,013,000 ftW Operating Floor CR Emergqency Ventilation:

Initiation Signal/Timing Signal(s) available to switch the Control Room Radiation signals from gamma sensitive Ventilation System (CRVS) from normal intake monitors that initiate closure of the operation (NOP) Ventilation (Mode 1) to CR normal intake dampers and switch the Pressurized Filtered Ventilation (Mode 4) Control Room Ventilation System from following a FHA normal operation Ventilation Mode 1 to Pressurized Filtered Ventilation Mode 4.Radiation Monitor Analytical Safety Limit 1 mRPhr Delay time for CRVS Mode 4 operation, 22 seconds (see below)including monitor response, signal processing, and damper closure time Radiation Monitor Response Time 10 seconds (conservative assumption)

-(Refer to Section

Radiation monitor signal processing time 2 seconds NOP Ventilation Damper Closure Time 10 seconds Bounding Control Room Atmospheric Table 15.5-47B Dispersion Factors for FHA Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TEDE Expocuroc, rcm Regu4latory1/2Lmi Design basic Gaco De"ign basic -ase 5 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 4-TABLE 15.5-47B FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT IN THE FUEL HANDLING BUILDING OR CONTAINMENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location / Receptor I 0-22 s i 22 sec -2 hr I 2-8 hr I 8-24 hr I 1-4 d I 4-30 1 Control Room Normal Intakes Containment Hatch Release I-Affected Unit Intake 2.61 E-02 ----- --Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.88E-03 --Plant Vent Release-Affected Unit Intake 1.67E-03 ----- I-- --Non-Affected Unit Intake 9.1OE-04 .... .....FHB Out-leakage points-Affected Unit Intake 6.98E-03 ----- ---Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.93E-03 ----- ------------

Control Room Infiltration Containment Hatch Release Plant Vent FHB 0 Control Room Pressurization Intake Containment Hatch Release Note 1: Release from the Containment Hatch: applicable to FHA in Containment Note 2: Release from Plant Vent / FHB Out-leakage:

applicable to FHA in FHB Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-47C ISOTOPIC GAP ACTIVITY -FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT Single Fuel Assembly (Decayed 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />)Activity Gap Fraction Gap Activity per Per Assembly Assembly (w/o Peaking Nuclide (Ci) Factor)1-129 2.07E-02 0.10 2.07E-03 1-130 3.29E+02 0.10 3.29E+01 1-131 4.09E+05 0.12 4.91 E+04 1-132 3.99E+05 0.10 3.99E+04 1-133 9.73E+04 0.10 9.73E+03 1-135 5.01E+02 0.10 5.01E+01 KR-83M 2.51 E-04 0.10 2.51E-05 KR-85 5.75E+03 0.30 1.73E+03 KR-85M 1.77E+00 0.10 1.77E-01 KR-88 7.73E-03 0.10 7.73E-04 XE-127 9.64E-02 0.10 9.64E-03 XE-129M 5.28E+01 0.10 5.28E+00 XE-131M 6.96E+03 0.10 6.96E+02 XE-133 8.31E+05 0.10 8.31E+04 XE-133M 1.88E+04 0.10 1.88E+03 XE-135 1.07E+04 0.10 1.07E+03 XE-135M 8.18E+01 0.10 8.18E+00 CS-132 2.16E+01 0.17 3.67E+00 CS-134 1.25E+05 0.17 2.13E+04 CS-134M 1.04E-03 0.17 1.77E-04 CS-135 3.01E-01 0.17 5.12E-02 CS-136 3.1OE+04 0.17 5.27E+03 CS-137 7.10E+04 0.17 1.21E+04 RB-86 1.16E+03 0.17 1.97E+02 RB-87 1.37E-05 0.17 2.33E-06 RB-88 8.63E-03 0.17 1.47E-03 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 48 DESIGN INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIO2NS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENTS INSIDE CONTAINMENT-Sh~eet 1 of 2 Par-amoeW Gonta*Rmef4C Containment Free Vo-lume (ft)Containment Volume aboev Fuel Pool (ftf}Purge Line Flowraatc to- Environmment (CFM)Depth of IW a er.Above Damaged Fuel (ft)Iodine DecentaminatiOn Factors: Inrgqanic (Elemental Overall Effective Exfiltration Rate (oft)Duration of Release (rcc)Time of Accident after ShutdoWn (h-r)Number of Failed Rode gap Activity Released from. DPamaged Rods %)Noeble Gases other thanp Kr- 85 IednRes Iodine Gap -IeFgaR4iG-Values Assumed for Generation of Inventories:

Reatom-r-,q Power (%RTP)1 Reactor Poer. (MMt)Radial Peaking F~actor Do-se Conmversion Factors for Iodine Species (REMCim);44g4-.23 41-2400 400ý2694 3g 4-40 6.44E*03 3.13E+040 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 48 Sheet-1 of2 DESIGN INPUTS AND ASSUMPTIONS FOR FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENTS INSIDE CONTAINMENT Pmter Vahe Controel Room (CR) Input Data: Conrol1 RoomA Volume (Ul +UJ2) (cu1bic feet) 17-70000 Flowrates (CF=M)FlRoI-ratc of contaminated air into CR 24--1-Flowr.Agatc of recirc CR air thru filtcrs 0 CR pres-surizationm air filter--Filter QePth phz odiRne FilteFr EfficienR---lemeP9 GF9 f1 ~"0-Pa~iG~4ate 9"0 CR Occupancy F~actoFrs:

0 24, h'Fs 4 E-96 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> Atmospheric Disper~sion Factors (6ecý0m6 8 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 5;2 96 hurs 349E-405 A6 720 hors 2.27E-0-Control Room Infiltration:

8 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> .49E 4Q~0 24 06 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> 1-,08-04 96 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> 629E=-06 Exclu-1sion Area Boundar,' (EAR), 800 m~eterS: LwPopul1ation Zone (L=PZ=), 100009 meters: R8-24 hous 422E-05 4 -30 days 3.40E 07 Control Room Breathing Rate (Fn 4iseG)y 3.4-7~-E4 Offsite Breathing Rates (1.5EeG }0-8 :24 hours 1.75E 94 1 -20 days 2.32F= 04 Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 49 ACTIVITY RELEASES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT INSIDE CONTlAINMl=ENT (lURE r-N4GIke 0-2-hf 14,'4 299.0625 1432 250.965 4434 0!1435 0.0222 KF 83Fn 1.5764E 08 KrF-85m 0.0060704 KF 853143262 K-r87- 0 Kr-88 2.2275E 06 K-F89 0 Xe 4344M 902.385 Xe4-33m 212459 Xe 133 444084 Xe 135m~ 0.70356 xt43- 2481955 Xe 137 0 Xe 139 0 Revision 15 September 2003 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 50


OF OFFSITE DOSES FROM FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT INS IDR CONITA1MENT Thyroid Exposures, rem CnAtrM Rt4n 11 -1 G. I --Fp-----3G4)ays Q+a On, ,nrf'~.n, ~ Lip. are 10 CFR Padr 100 Gase 39-(GQG4Q9) 22.34 3w0 V':noie t~eGV FMme~r~pion 1i-XEsUreG.

remR GGR#91 Repm-!an-mmyc,-SieBua Rda .Rl.,n, 4 n. u 10 CFR Part 1 00 Iease bsi 5 (GOG 19)2-4 Population Doses, man rem DcsigR basis case Expeeted Gase Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE YAMSI~ r! 4V V=Sh e et I f-2 I.ACGT-1VEP4 RELE 16 A -E 2 G FOLLO'AAIN'G

.ROQD E JECGTI1-ON ACC IDENTý (C UR IES)6"-14 1432 1432 I1431RG 1320RG b4 3ORG 14340RG, 1 135ORG 1 434 PA R 14 32PAR 1422AR I1424PAR Kr 85 Xe 433M Xe 435 O09765EO 2 0 4578r, G O70,1E34e02 O.1729E0G2 0-0 04- 660 096r 0 0-0 r n 250ar0 0 9.7006Ego1 0.35700 00 0.43326 0i 0.257-7-F01 0.79i3rE09 Z8h 0-0 0-0 0-0 8,--4 047-Eq 0-0 ,5--9 0?28-0 -0,28-0 E-40-.7-26i, 9E--2 04&r.0.,3650r,-94-(M4424-E--40 0.279.24-Va-#F 0-0 049426-82 0 44776- 01 0364-2-0 0-096m3 0-0G 0-0 0-2440 4 064r 0 40 E3r 0 0-02F50 0. i0 ri0 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 PSAR UPDATE TABLEr 15.551F9 Shoot 1 9f 2 AGTI"ITY RELE.SES8 rOl-lGOANG A. ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT (CURIE!S)NuG~e 0- 2 h-hi R 24 hr 24-96-hr 143 a464fir-0a 40 40 1132 a-~54 04 04 04 0 1 133 0.424;Er 040 -1134 0.2963r503 40 40 104 04 04 0-G3 114O4RG 04044044 1 132ORG 040404040 1-4330R 0.4044 11340RG 0 40 40 146OQRG 0 40 40 114R4AI 0.4 0 40 I 132PAR 040 04 0 40 I-432AR 04 0 40 -1434RA 0044 04 0 1 13PAR 0 40 40 K 240 2$122rE04 9.30956 04 0 3GR4r, 02 0.1757EF!05 041063E1i6 Kr E .539 0.15 699E01 0.4260601 01 48420 KF 85M a.700 9.28896E00 946899 Go 0.37020A75-KF ~za 627-a 024OW020.

192.2E08a 154$45g23 KFR 0396 40600-148-0 IROF an0 Q~F_0.164BE140 Xe 13056~eg 04404RE0 G.41360 0.7250r.02 0.4469903 Xe 13M 0.9286E 04 0.2560 06492rE00 0.8236E00.59 g Xe 436 O6aw2E0a 0.4 49GE 4 0 4926P 04 0,287. g 04a 4E24 .Xe 135M 0 422g9E04 Q062686044 07~407r_4 0 4070r. 29 Xe 138 04967E0 0 )4036E048 0484QrM ii 190r.~0 0-Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52


OF OFFSITE DOSES AND CONTROL ROOM DOSESROM A-CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Dose (TEDE, rem)Re.qulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose 1-Containment Release-Secondary Side Release 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose Containment Release Secondary Side Release 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Containment Release-Secondary Side Release 6.3 0.7 0.7 6.3 0.3 0.2 5 3.4 0.5 Thyroid Exposures, rema Site lDenda ,nrn 2 -.n arem 10 CFR Part 100 Design b-asis cs Expeuted Gase 300 3.3-x40 4 300 164-449 Whole Pedy F=XP osur~eS, rem c;.-. fl R n n,, -m ~ ta r 10 CFR Pat 100 Design basis case 2-5 25 14x4.3 4 4 Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE Fixp9Gted Gase 3,64-9-4O Population Doses, m~an rem Doerin basis cGase 04 Exper~ted Gase .2 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs between 0 -2 hours.vl-Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52A CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameters Value Containment Leakage Pathway Power Level 3580 MWt Free Volume 2.550E+06 ft 3 Containment leak rate (0 -24 hr) 0.1% vol. fraction per day Containment leak rate(1-30 day) 0.05% vol. fraction per day Failed Fuel Percentage 10%Percentage of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap 10% (noble gases & halogens)Melted Fuel Percentage 0%Chemical Form of Iodine in Failed fuel 4.85% elemental 95% particulate 0.15% organic Radial Peaking Factor 1.65 Core Activity Release Timing Puff Form of Failed Iodine in the Containment 97% elemental Atmosphere 3% organic Equilibrium Core Activity Table 15.5-77 Termination of Containment Release 30 days Environmental Release Point Same as LOCA Containment Leakage pathway Secondary Side Pathway Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52A CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameters Value Primary-to-Secondary Leak rate 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Failed Fuel Percentage Same as containment leakage pathway Percentage of Core Inventory in Fuel Gap Same as containment leakage pathway Minimum Post-Accident SG Liquid Mass 92,301 Ibm / SG Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental 3% organic Time period when tubes not totally submerged Insignificant Steam Releases 0-2 hrs: 651,000 Ibm 2-8 hrs: 1,023,000 Ibm 8-10.73 hrs: same release rate as that for 2-8 hrs.Iodine Partition Coefficient in SGs 100 Fraction of Noble Gas Released 1.0 (Released without holdup)Termination of Release from SGs 10.73 hours8.449074e-4 days <br />0.0203 hours <br />1.207011e-4 weeks <br />2.77765e-5 months <br /> Environmental Release Point MSSVs/1 0% ADVs CR emergency Ventilation:

Initiation Signal/Timincq Initiation time (signal) 300 sec (SIS Generated) 312 sec (Non-Affected Unit NOP Intake fully Closed)338.2 sec (Affected Unit NOP Intake fully Closed with full Mode 4 Emergency Ventilation Operation).

Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-52B Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-52B CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location I 0-2hr 2-8 3hr 10.73- 24-961 hr Receptor 24hr CR Normal Intakes Containment leakage-Affected Unit Intake 6.84E-03-Non-Affected Unit Intake 2.24E-03 MSSVsI10%

ADVs-Affected Unit Intake Note 3 .-----Non-Affected Unit Intake 8.60E-04 .----CR Infiltration Containment leakage 3.22E-03 1.85E-03 7.29E-04 7.29E-04 7.15E-04 6.64E-04 MSSVs/1 0% ADVs 2.78E-03 1.63E-03 1.63E-03 1 CR Pressurization Intake Containment leakage 6.45E-05 4.05E-05 1.65E-05 1.65E-05 1.38E-05 1.12E-05 MSSVs/10%

ADVs 1.57E-05 9.60E-06 9.60E-06 .----Note 1: Containment leakage: Used for Containment release scenario; based on Containment penetration area release point.Note 2: MSSV /10% ADVs: Used for Secondary System Release Scenario;Note 3: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit.Revision 11 November 1996 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 63 POST LOCA DOSES WITH MARGIN REIRULATION LOOP LEAKAGE f'C'NIT-RO DROfVM GCgDIDAT(', 096CC OC, Gamma -Beta Whl e --si Containment leakage RHR pump akage E~xpccted recirulation loo ok Reoirculatien loop leakage: 1.85 gpm, with ltration,-

r 0.1 86 gpnm, with nR flltFation Plu-me radiation (cgress ingroes)Other direct radiation pathways TOTAL CONTROL ROOM OPERDATOR DOSES 10 CFR PART 50 APPENDIX A, GD- 19 LIMITS SITE BOCUNDARY Containment Ieakage RHR pump 6eal leakage Expected recirculatien loop leakage RocirUlatiOn loOP leakage: 1.8gpmn, with charcoal filtration, or G,4189 gPmA, With no filtFrafen TO-TAL SITE BOUNDARY DOSES Pathway Containment leakage RHR pump soal leakage Expected Freirculation loop leakage Recirsulation leop leakage: 11.07 gpm, with charcoal fi'tration,-or 1.11 gpma, with no filtration TOTAL LPZ= DOSES Notes 0522 18 45 4.7-2 0-.9 0,0304 0,0 oooooa 0,000@0,006g o~o~so 9.0014 4 a 3 484.72 Gamma 0,0g Whoe ed Notes 0-52 2-Gamma 0,Qoi 0.29 2-4-2 0.003 Notes 044 2 390090 10 CFPR PART 1 00 DORR LMWTS Netes: 1. RHR pump soal leakage of 50 gpmA for 30 Fminutec, 6tarting 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br /> after the start of the LOCA, See T-ables 15.5 21 and 15.5 33.2. Additieoal frerculation loop leakage, existing at the ctart of the LOCA and continuing for 30 days, 2 T;;krn from Tnhlp I1A5 22 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T-ABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED IN EVALUATING RA.DPILOGIGAL CONSEQUENCES FOR SGTR ANALYSIS SheetI-ef2 A. oro. pwe- level, .'At 3580 B. Total stear.. geReFateF tube i4eaKaele 4-.0 prF9r t- rpm C. ReacGtorcolant act*ty.I Accident initiated snike 2. Pre accident spike 3. Noble gas acti'.'ty 1 IC.i.gram.

of D.E. 1 131 arc p .rested in Table 15.5 65. The iodine appearance rates based on an iodine spiking factor of 335 assumed for the accident initiated spike are presented in Table415-5-6-6 Primar; cool-Ant iod-ine activities base on 60 I*Ci~gram of D.E. 1131 are in Table 15.5 65 The inui~a! RO noble gas activities base on 1% fuel defects are presented in Table 15.5 67 Dose equivalent of 0.n1 Ci/gm of 11 31, presented in Tabme 15.5..65.D. Secondar; system initial activity E. Reac-tor cool-ant mnass, grams6 F. initial,:am aenerator mass (each), G. Offsite power H. Primar; to sec..fre intact SG, hrs Lot-a time9 Of re-ac-tortrip ,a.4 iea,.,e GUUWLati 8 I.Species, of iodine 100 percen÷t elemental Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS I & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED lN EVALUATING AL CONSE=QUI ENCESig FOR SGTR.ATD ANALYSISl Sheet 2 of 2!I. Activity Release Data A. Ruptured 6teamA generator 1. Rupture fo 2. Flashed rupture flow 3. iodine scrubbing efficiency

41. Tota! cteam release, lb 5. Iodine partition coefficient See Figure 15.4.3 6b anrd See Figuro 15.4.3 11 aRnd Ta;p1&4-44 Net 4Ted See FgRem 15.4.3 9 and T-phla EA 141-R~R-fl~shed LI -L 00 4,9 B. InRtact steam generators
1. To9tal priMar; to secondary leakage, gpm 2. Total steam release, lbs 3. lod;Re partition coefficient 4-.0 See Figure 15.4.3 10 and-Tab;; 1i-. 44 4--o C. Condenser 1. iodine partition; coefficin D). Atmospheric dispersfion factors 400 See Table 156.5 68 TABLE 15.5-64


OF OFFSITE AND CONTROL ROOM DOSES STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Dose (TEDE, rem)Reaqulatory Limit (TEDE, rem)Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 Sheet-2-ef-2 PARAMETERS USED IN EVALUIATING RADIOLOGGICAL CONSEQENCE IFhrFROR SGTR ,ANAL YSIS Maximum 2-hour Exclusion Area Boundary Dose 1-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 1.3 0.7 25 2.5 30-day Integrated Low Population Zone Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 30-day Integrated Control Room Occupancy Dose-Pre-incident iodine Spike-Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 0.1<0.1 25 2.5 5 0.6 0.3 Note: 1. The maximum 2-hour EAB dose occurs during the 0-2hr time period: Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED IN EVA LUATNG-AL EC' E Ir- SR FOR SGTR ANIAI YSl Sheet 2 f TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Power Level 3580 MWt Reactor Coolant Mass 446,486 Ibm Time of Reactor Trip 179.0 sec Time of isolation of stuck-open 10% ADV on 2653 sec the Ruptured SG Termination of Break Flow from Ruptured SG 3402 sec that flashes Termination of Break Flow from Ruptured SG 5872 sec Time of manual depressurization of the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Ruptured SG Break Flow to Ruptured Steam Generator that Table 15.5-64C, Column "A" flashes Break Flow to Ruptured Steam Generator that Table 15.5-64C, Column "B" does not flash Tube Leakage rate to Intact Steam Generators 0.75 gpm (total for all 4 SGs;conservatively assumed for 3 intact SGs); leakage density 62.4 Ibm/ft 3 Failed/Melted Fuel Percentage 0%RCS Tech Spec Iodine Concentration 1 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-78)RCS Tech Spec Noble Gas Concentration 270 pCi/gm DE Xe-133 (Table 15.5-78)Revision 19 May 2010 flCýDD I INITO I Q' 0 CAD I I1flATC TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS USED !N EVALUATING DAMlrnl ft~lKl0Cnl IrCllpr-C Cnt"D C~t"Z_YM AIKIAI VC1l0 Sheet-2-ef2 TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value RCS Equilibrium Iodine Appearance Rates Table 15.5-79 (1 pCi/gm DE 1-131)Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentration 60 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-79)Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike Appearance 335 times TS equilibrium appearance Rate rate Duration of Accident-Initiated Iodine Spike 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Initial Secondary Coolant Iodine 0.1 pCi/gm DE 1-131 (Table 15.5-78)Concentrations Secondary System Release Parameters Initial SG liquid mass 89,707 Ibm / SG Iodine Species released to Environment 97% elemental; 3% organic Steam flow rate to condenser from Ruptured 63,000 Ibm/min SG before trip Steam flow rate to condenser from intact SGs 189,000 Ibm/min before trip Partition Factor in Main Condenser 0.01 (elemental iodine)1 (organic iodine and noble gases)Steam Releases from Ruptured SG Table 15.5-64C, Column "C" Steam Releases from intact SG Table 15.5-64C, Column "D" Post-accident minimum SG liquid mass for 89,707 Ibm Ruptured SG Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS I & 2 FSAR I .PDATE TABLE 15.5 64 PARAMETERS IUSE=D IN E'VAIIUATING RADIOLC.ICAL CON£FPOt/NCE£.S

'OR £aTR ANAl YRIS Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE 15.5-64A STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Post-accident minimum SG liquid mass for 89,707 Ibm per SG intact SGs Time period when tubes not totally submerged insignificant (intact SG)Fraction of Iodine Released (flashed portion) 1.0 (Released without holdup)Fraction of Noble Gas Released from all SGs 1.0 (Released without holdup)Iodine Partition Coefficient 100 Termination of Release from intact SG 10.73 hrs Environmental Release Points Plant Vent: 0 -179 sec MSSVs/10%

ADVs:179 sec -10.73 hr CR emergency Ventilation

Initiation Siqnal/Timinrq Initiation time (signal) SIS: 219 sec Unaffected Unit inlet damper closed: 231 sec Affected Unit inlet damper closed: 257.2 sec Control Room Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Table 15.5-64B Revision 19 May 2010 r'~~f~~fl 1 IMIT 4 ) -OA I.,-. TABLE 15.5 64 Sheet 2 of 2 PARAMETERS UJSED= IN EVALUATING D rI~If f'IfAl t 11.IC'fIr I Ifr^ Cf'-r A NIAl /~TABLE 15.5-64B STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Control Room Limiting Atmospheric Dispersion Factors (sec/m 3)Release Location / Receptor 0-179 s 179-257.2 s 257.2 s- 2 h 2-8 hr 8-10.73 r CR Normal Intakes-Plant Vent 1.29E-03 _ __.-MSSVs/10%

ADVs (Note 1) 8.60E-04 CR Infiltration

-Plant Vent [1.26E-03

I -----MSSVs/10%

ADVs 2.78E-03 2.78E-03 [1.49E-03 1.49E-01 CR Pressurization Intake I-MSSVsI1 0% ADVs { 1.57E-05 7.65E06 7.65E-L Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T.ABL 1RI =45.566 5 IODINE SPECIFIC ACTI\/ITIES IN THE-F PR IM.ARY Af rD SrEC OND[l'AVRY COOLAN' v+-' SGTR ANALYSS v 1432 1433 1434 t-435 0.204 i~143 07589 47.64 42.24 66.78 8734 36.34 007094 0.0204 0.41113 0.0139 0.0689 (a) a6.ed on!1, 60 and 0.1 of Dose E', Spccifications (Referenc~e 22).iivaient 1 431i consiste~nt mitn the uu-G-'R iecnnpipca:

Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE T.ABLE I 15. 5 6 6 IODINE SPRIKE APPEARPNCE RATES SGTR ANALYSIS (CURIESiSECOND) 2-469 4-.92 444 275340ý The accident initiated spike appearance rate is 335 times the equii~brium appcaranco rate. The equilibrium appearanco rate is calculated based on a total letdoWn flow of 113 gpmA. ThiS total-is6 comprised of 120 gpmn with Pe~fect cleanup, a letdown flow Wnce~taint' of 12 gpmR, 10 gpmn;A nn+FnrA r-.+n ,-nk +l +l !ea Ia!L',na~

A 1i mm nitlnod'fial 1ýLa~n ^ frnn fha rp-j-+^rýri v r-wcxw wr uww cm OTO ur" VC1 cxqý, um RF .- _q GGGaf4-sYste4:A v°Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 657 NOBLE GAS SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES IN THE REACTOR COQ'W-,ANITw BASED ON 1% FUEL DEFECTS SGTR ANALYSIS2 .523 Xe 133n 3.9i14 Xe 133 256.3 Xe4135m 044 Xe 136 8.663 Xe-138 0.56 KF 85M 2.414 KF 85 6.209 B'-ased on a 2 ycar fuel cycle at a core powcr of 3580 MOt, a 75 gpmn reactor coolant system lctdOWn flow rate. and a A004 dpminealizetr iodintz rcmoA;Al effic~iency Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 68 ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION FACTORS AND BREATHING RATES SGTR ANALYSIS OFFS!TE EXPOSURE-Tie -,,,, Arwu e ..ea .e,,, Lew Pepulation B R 2-8 2.2 x le4 3.47 x !0-4 2--9 2-.24-144 347-xý40 CONTROL ROOM EXPOSURE Time Centreo Room Filtc,- d Room, Control Ro.-m Prossurizatio U.filteed 8Weathing Ratew 0-8 7.05 4 4:-4 3.4,7x-14 8-24 5.38 X .9-x-4-O4

&47-x-4-4 24-96 3. --1 X8 !-0-- 4 3.4744-04>62.27 W !4-04 3.47-x-!0-4 Note 1: Due to the proximity of the release from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, to the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit, and due to the high vertical velocity of the steam discharge from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs, the resultant plume from the MSSVs/10%

ADVs will not contaminate the normal operation CR intake of the affected unit. Thus the X/Q s presented reflect those applicable to the CR intake of the unaffected unit.Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-64C STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Break Flows and Steam Releases Break Flow and Steam Release within each Time Interval A B C D Time Flashed Un-flashed Ruptured SG Intact SGs from Break Break Flow Break Flow Steam Steam Releases Releases (sec) (Ibm) (Ibm) (Ibm) ibm)0 1678 8422 187822 563100 179 2217 30003 10527 42565 853 12121 90754 113657 118 2653 1355 15906 0 146 2953 779 23177 0 85467 3402 0 45026 0 97164 4324 0 16870 0 9237 4739 0 23892 0 29103 5872 0 0 0 103300 7200 0 0 270000 1,342,400 38628 0 0 0 0 Note: Data in row for T=0 is applicable to time interval between T=0 sec to T=1 79 sec (typ)(a) Regulatory Guide 1.1, Reyision 2, June 1974 (Note: Although rcvisiOR 2 was refc~rcned in the analysi s, the breathing rates are the same as those in revis~ion I which is the DCPP licensing Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE 15.-5 6 9 THYROID DOQSE CONVERSION FACTORC ST AAYI NUokde 1431 i432 1433'434 1435 14.0 x10 ReRmCufie) 6.2 x103 Rem/Ci~u4.1 x Q5 Re miG wfi 4.7 4Q 3 Remi ufie)3.4X 4 g4(RemiCufie}

SIntem~Won~I Commies~on on RadioIoc~icai Protection PubIic~tion 30, 1979.Revision 18 October 2008 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 709 AVERAGE GAMMA AND BETA ENERGY FOR NOBLE GAS, SES SGTR ANALYSIS (MeVdis)Ng~llde +1-31 0,39 04-9 1132 24 0-52 I i33 0-6 042 1434 2-.6 076 1-435 474 0743 Xe434R4 070029 0-4-6 Xe133m 0,02 0724 Xe1-33 0703 044 Xe-435m G-.43 0.099 Xe135 02-5 0,32 Xe-438 4-2 0,46 K86G44 Q-.2-Kr 85m 0-71602 KF 85 0.0023 0-.2-5 K-_7-9 14 KF88 0725 (a) ENIDFl 223, ctobeFr 4975 (Reference 36)Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 71 OFFSITE RADIATION DOSES FROM SGTR ACCIDENT-Value --Alloeable Guideline 1. AGcId~ent initlatea Iod6ne D E=,-lUio, Area O-u.da ' (0 2 hr.)T-hyroid ODE-LoGW Population Zone (9 8 hr.)Thyroid ODE-2. Pre Accident Tdine Si Exclusion Area Boundary (0 2 hr.)Thyroid ODE LoW Population Zone (0 8 hr.)Thyroid ODE-3. Acciden~t Ini;tiated lodinc Spike 4-30 3w0 3w0 Exc-Jusion Area Bo 11 AC-1a F Wfloe Bogy Gamma 'UU Low Po9pulation Zone (0 8 hr.)Whole Body Gamma DDE 4. Pre Accident Initiated Iodine Spike Whole Body Gamma Dose Exclusion AFea Boundarf (0 2 hr Whole Body Gamma DDE Low Population Zone (0 8 hr.)Whole Body Gamma DDE 0402 0-3 2-5-I I --f'% 1-1 i i O~e i1Mii G+ AW. F8Fm Flab 191n zppFOWeU mU rt-mu Plow au en 4,0,6 KefeFo iu~co 15..202.1(6 Tor funnher diSGUssin.

Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 72 CflINT-OL R Mffl~ PAPAFIAITID USE IN~f lid 1AA IATIKI( AD~fIG!GI

'CifAL CONMRFOLENICES POR RQT-R ANIAl Y212 Control -Room -Irolatio-n Signal Generated-Tome o-f Sa I~e-44~r-rn'-Delay in Cont-rol Roo-m IsolAtion A~ftper Isolation Signal is 35 seGG~dS Genefated__

Control Room Volume 14O 7 O,-G"3 Control ROOM Unfiltered In -leakage 40-.-fn Control Room Unfiltered I&nfo Normal 4200-.fri EmrmgencY Mode G-ofm Control Room Filtered Inflow Normal Mode -fl EmnergencY Mode 2440-GfmI Control Room F=iltered Reci~rculto EmergencY Mo.Qdep 2400-efm Control Room Filter Efficienc 9"0 Revision 16 June 2005 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 74 CONTROL ROOM RADIATION DOSES FROM AIRBORNE ACTIVITY IN SGTR ACC!DENT.Acc-iden-t Initiated P~e AGGiden~Guideline, rem ThYFGid M (0 30 days-)Whole Body DIDE (9 30 days}Betza Skin SDEr (0 39 days)0,2 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5 75


OF POST LOCA DOSES FROM VARIOUS PATHWAYS (l OF 410%THYROID DOSES, rema EA1- 2 heur 10 GrFR Part 100 Containment Leakage RHR Pump Sea! (50 gpm)Pre existing leak (1910 cclh4r)300 i0 .0a 9a 14722 300 4g~gi 07009 241-2 T-etal W--HOLEF RODY DORPS rmm EAR 2 how%10 CER Part 100 Ggntainment Leakage RHR Pump Seal (60 gpm)Pre existing leak (1910 ýh")Tont;;2-5 3,24 3,27 2-5 0.293 070 0.003 0.296 Revision 19 May 2010 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLRIE 15.5 7-6",AOLE BODY DOSE CONVERSION FACTORSx DOSE EQUJIVALENT XE 133 Nu~ide KF-85Fm 7.4R-F 15 (Sy mFBq-s" K-r- ,4. 1 4 (Sy, ,.B KFr-88 1.02E 13 (Sy m3iB Xe-33F 1.37E 15 (Sy mWB Xe 133 1.56E 15 (SV m1 Xe 13m 2.0 F 4(Sy-mF/8q-s Xe435 !.!E-4 (Sy mB Xe-1-3 5.77-F I4 (Sy m/Be-s S-,-Tble 111.1 of Federal Guidance Repo"t 12, EPA 02 R 93 081, 1993.04 Noto the qAOQR use;cnsr-miv vluS respect to the above.

DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)AG-110 2.67E+07 IN-125 8.46E+05 SB-125 9.63E+05 AG-11OM 6.92E+05 IN-127 1.86E+06 SB-127 9.14E+06 AG-111 7.09E+06 IN-129 3.55E+06 SB-129 3.25E+07 AG-111M 7.09E+06 IN-131 1.09E+06 SB-130 1.08E+07 AG-112 3.16E+06 IN-132 2.85E+05 SB-130M 4.38E+07 AG-115 6.21E+05 KR-83M 1.14E+07 SB-131 7.67E+07 AG-1I15M 2.60E+05 KR-85 1 11 E+06 SB-1 32 4.70E+07 AM-239 4.90E-01 KR-85M 2.33E+07 SB-132M 4.37E+07 AM-241 1.32E+04 KR-87 4.65E+07 SB-133 6.32E+07 AM-242 9.40E+06 KR-88 6.43E+07 SB-134 1.14E+07 AM-242M 8.54E+02 KR-89 7.94E+07 SB-135 5.46E+06 AM-243 5.28E+03 KR-90 8.48E+07 SB-136 8.63E+05 AM-244 3.79E+07 KR-91 5.83E+07 SE-83 5.38E+06 AM-245 1.12E-03 KR-92 3.12E+07 SE-83M 5.65E+06 AS-76 3.05E+03 KR-93 1.07E+07 SE-84 2.04E+07 AS-83 7.02E+06 KR-94 5.OOE+06 SE-85 9,54E+06 BA-137M 1.30E+07 LA-140 1,85E+08 SE-87 1.32E+07 BA-139 1.76E+08 LA-141 1.61E+08 SE-88 7.15E+06 BA-140 1.78E+08 LA-142 1.57E+08 SE-89 2.49E+06 BA-141 1.59E+08 LA-143 1.48E+08 SM-153 6.04E+07 BA-142 1.51 E+08 LA-144 1.31E+08 SM-155 4.30E+06 BA-143 1.29E+08 MO-99 1.84E+08 SM-156 2.66E+06 BA-144 9.93E+07 MO-101 1.69E+08 SM-157 1.70E+06 BR-82 4.44E+05 MO-103 1.62E+08 SN-121 8.43E+05 BR-82M 3.88E+05 MO-104 1.33E+08 SN-123 6.43E+04 BR-83 1.13E+07 MO-105 9.97E+07 SN-125 5.25E+05 BR-84 2.10E+07 MO-106 5.86E+07 SN-125M 1.58E+06 BR-85 2.31E+07 NB-101 1,59E+08 SN-127 3.69E+06 BR-87 3.67E+07 NB-104 5.10E+07 SN-127M 4.95E+06 BR-88 3.52E+07 NB-95 1.66E+08 SN-129 1,28E+07 BR-89 2.45E+07 NB-95M 1.89E+06 SN-129M 1.17E+07 BR-90 1.35E+07 NB-97 1.59E+08 SN-1 30 3.28E+07 CD-115 9.17E+05 NB-97M 1.50E+08 SN-13i 2.83E+07 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ISOTOPE. ACTIVITY ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)CD-115M 4.43E+04 NB-99 1.07E+08 SN-132 2.28E+07 CD-121 7.67E+05 NB-99M 7.35E+07 SN-133 6.21 E+06 CE-141 1.63E+08 ND-147 6.59E+07 SN-134 1.07E+06 CE-143 1.50E+08 ND-149 3.90E+07 SR-89 9.05E+07 CE-144 1.26E+08 ND-151 2.08E+07 SR-90 9.67E+06 CE-147 6.18E+07 NP-238 6.20E+07 SR-91 1.13E+08 CF-249 2.46E-02 NP-239 2.16E+09 SR-92 1.22E+08 CM-241 3.54E+00 NP-240 6.23E+06 SR-93 1.39E+08 CM-242 5.88E+06 PD-109 4.73E+07 SR-94 1.39E+08 CM-244 1.31E+06 PD-109M 3.12E+05 SR-95 1.25E+08 CM-245 1.26E+02 PD-111 7.09E+06 SR-97 4.68E+07 CO-58** O.OOE+00 PD-112 3.14E+06 TB-160 1.87E+05 CO-60"* O.OOE+00 PD-115 7.84E+05 TC-99M 1.63E+08 CS-132 5.75E+03 PM-147 1.68E+07 TC-101 1.69E+08 CS-134 2.41E+07 PM-148 1.88E+07 TC-103 1.65E+08 CS-134M 5,63E+06 PM-148M 2.83E+06 TC-104 1.40E+08 CS-136 7.01E+06 PM-149 6.43E+07 TC-105 1.18E+08 CS-137 1.37E+07 PM-151 2.10E+07 TC-106 8.80E+07 CS-138 1.85E+08 PM-153 9.77E+06 TE-127 9.03E+06 CS-139 1.72E+08 PR-142 9.47E+06 TE-127M 1.52E+06 CS-140 1.54E+08 PR-143 1.47E+08 TE-129 3.1OE+07 CS-141 1.17E+08 PR-144 1.27E+08 TE-129M 6.30E+06 CS-142 6.80E+07 PR-144M 1.76E+06 TE-131 8.28E+07 CS-143 3.41E+07 PR-147 6.52E+07 TE-131M 2.04E+07 DY-166 4.91E+02 PR-149 3.57E+07 TE-132 1.41 E+08 EU-154 9.OOE+05 PR-151 1.23E+07 TE-133 1.09E+08 EU-155 3.83E+05 PU-238 5.22E+05 TE-133M 8.93E+07 EU-156 3.90E+07 PU-239 3.06E+04 TE-134 1.75E+08 EU-157 4.12E+06 PU-240 4,87E+04 TE-135 9.68E+07 EU-158 1.01E+06 PU-241 136E+07 TE-136 4.29E+07 EU-159 5.15E+05 PU-242 3.34E+02 TE-137 1.45E+07 GA-72 1.71E+03 PU-243 7.36E+07 TE-138 3.65E+06 GA-77 1,66E+05 RA-224 5.16E-01 TH-228 5.14E-01 GD-159 8.91 E+05 RB-86 2.50E+05 U-239 2.17E+09 GE-77 6.48E+04 RB-86M 2.07E+04 XE-131M 1.42E+06 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-77 DCPP EQUILIRIUM CORE INVENTORY (Power Level: 3580 MWth)Dose Significant Isotopes including the Parent, Grandparent and 2nd Parent Isotopes ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ISOTOPE* ACTIVITY ISOTQPE* ACTIVITY (CURIES) (CURIES) (CURIES)GE-77M 1.70E+05 RB-88 6.60E+07 XE-133 2.01E+08 GE-83 1.24E+06 RB-89 8.57E+07 XE-133M 6.42E+06 H-3 6.10E+04 RB-90 7.86E+07 XE-135 4.92E+07 HO-166 258E+04 RB-90M 2.53E+07 XE-135M 4.30E+07 1-129 4.OOE+00 RB-91 1.05E+08 XE-137 1.84E+08 1-130 3.58E+06 RB-92 9.35E+07 XE-138 1.70E+08 1-130M 1.92E+06 RB-93 7.89E+07 XE-139 1.25E+08 1-131 9.90E+07 RB-94 4.13E+07 XE-140 8.66E+07 1-132 1.44E+08 RB-95 2.01 E+07 XE-142 1.33E+07 1-133 2.01 E+08 RH-103M 1.66E+08 Y-90 1.02E+07 1-134 2.22E+08 RH-105 1.08E+08 Y-90M 7.71 E+02 1-134M 2.07E+07 RH-105M 3.43E+07 Y-91 1.19E+08 1-135 1.92E+08 RH-106 7.53E+07 Y-91M 6.57E+07 1-136 8.73E+07 RH-109 3.65E+07 Y-92 1.23E+08 I-137 9.40E+07 RN-220 5.16E-01 Y-93 9.41 E+07 1-138 4.80E+07 RU-103 1.66E+08 Y-94 1.50E+08 1-139 2.22E+07 RU-105 1.21 E+08 Y-95 1.57E+08 1-140 6.06E+06 RU-106 6.68E+07 Y-97 1.26E+08 IN-115M 9.17E+05 RU-109 3.16E+07 ZN-72 1.71E+03 IN-121 7.55E+04 SB-122 1.57E+05 ZR-101 9.55E+07 IN-121M 7.82E+05 SB-122M 1.57E+04 ZR-95 1.65E+08 IN-123 6.87E+05 SB-124 1.21E+05 ZR-97 1.58E+08 SB-124M 2.34E+03 ZR-99 1.66E+08 Note:* Isotopes in Bold Font are dose-significant for inhalation, submersion and direct shine. The parent, grandparent and second parent of the isotopes in Bold Font are also required to address daughter product in-growth.

The group of isotopes needed to determine the "submersion and inhalation" dose in the Control Room and at the Site Boundary is typically a subset of the isotopes listed above in bold font, and represent a small group of reasonably long half-life isotopes with significant inhalation dose conversion factors which dominate the TEDE dose.To determine the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) resulting from inhalation and submersion following a LOCA, the DCPP LOCA dose consequence analysis uses the default group of 60 isotopes provided with computer code RADTRAD 3.03 plus 13 additional nuclides that were deemed to be dose significant (i.e., Br-82, Br-84, Rb-88, Rb-89, Te-133, Te-133m, Te-134, 1-130, Xe-131m, Xe-133m, Xe-138, Cs-138 and Np-238).** Co-58 / Co-60 are activation products that are developed external to the core and typically do not appear in the equilibrium core inventory DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-78 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COOLANT Technical Specification Activity Concentrations Nuclide Primary Coolant Secondary Coolant Nue(uCi/am) (uCi/m)Kr-83M 1.87E-01 Kr-85M 6.60E-01 Kr-85 5.60E+00 Kr-87 4.41 E-01 -----Kr-88 1.22E+00 -----Xe-131M 1.88E+00 Xe-133M 1.92E+00 Xe-133 1.29E+02 Xe-1 35M 4.07E-01 Xe-1 35 3.76E+00 1-131 7.87E-01 8.06E-02 1-132 2.99E-01 1.94E-02 1-133 1.16E+00 1.08E-01 1-134 1.67E-01 4.78E-03 1-135 6.68E-01 5.09E-02 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE15.5-79 PRIMARY COOLANT Pre-Accident Iodine Spike Concentrations

& Equilibrium Iodine Appearance Rates Pre-Accident Spike Equilibrium Iodine Activity RCS Concentrations Appearance Rates into RCS (60 pCi/gm DE 1-131) (pCi/sec)Nuclide (PCi/gm)1-131 47.2 7.18E+03 1-132 17.9 7.78E+03 1-133 69.5 1.25E+04 1-134 10.0 8.91 E+03 1135 40.1 9.91E+03 DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-80 ISOTOPIC GAP ACTIVITY LOCKED ROTOR ACCIDENT / CONTROL ROD EJECTION ACCIDENT Fraction of Core Gap Fraction of Core Gap Core Activity Core Activity Core Activity in w/o Peaking Activity in w/o Peaking Activity Gap Factor Gap Factor Nuclide (Ci) LRA (Ci) CREA (Ci)LRA CREA KR-85 1.11E+06 0.30 3.33E+05 0.10 1.11E+05 KR-85M 2.33E+07 0.10 2.33E+06 0.10 2.33E+06 KR-87 4.65E+07 0.10 4.65E+06 0.10 4.65E+06 KR-88 6.43E+07 0.10 6.43E+06 0.10 6.43E+06 Xe-131M 1.42E+06 0.10 1.42E+05 0.10 1.42E+05 Xe-133M 6.42E+06 0.10 6.42E+05 0.10 6.42E+05 XE-133 2.01E+08 0.10 2.01E+07 0.10 2.01E+07 XE-135 4.92E+07 0.10 4.92E+06 0.10 4.92E+06 Xe-138 1.70E+08 0.10 1.70E+07 0.10 1.70E+07 1-130 3.58E+06 0.10 3.58E+05 0.10 3.58E+05 1-131 9.90E+07 0.12 1.19E+07 0.10 9.90E+06 1-132 1.44E+08 0.10 1.44E+07 0.10 1.44E+07 1-133 2.01E+08 0.10 2.01E+07 0.10 2.01E+07 1-134 2.22E+08 0.10 2.22E+07 0.10 2.22E+07 1-135 1.92E+08 0.10 1.92E+07 0.10 1.92E+07 BR-82 4.44E+05 0.10 4.44E+04 0.10 4.44E+04 BR-84 2.1OE+07 0.10 2.1OE+06 0.10 2.1OE+06 CS-134 2.41E+07 0.17 4.1OE+06 -CS-136 7.01E+06 0.17 1.19E+06 -CS-137 1.37E+07 0.17 2.33E+06 -CS-138 1.85E+08 0.17 3.15E+07 -RB-86 2.50E+05 0.17 4.25E+04 -Rb-88 6.60E+07 0.17 1.12E+07 -Rb-89 8.57E+07 0.17 1.46E+07 Note: Values reported reflect the core isotopic gap activity assumed for the LRA and CREA. These values have to be adjusted for a) the failed fuel percentage (10%) and b) peaking factor (1.65), prior to assessing the associated dose consequences.

For the isotopic gap activity associated with the FHA refer to Table 15.5-47C.

DCPP UNITS 1 & 2 FSAR UPDATE TABLE 15.5-81 CONTROL ROOM Analysis Assumptions

& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Free Volume 170,000 ft 3 Unfiltered Normal Operation Intake Total 4200 cfm +/- 10%Unit 1:2100 cfm +/- 10%Unit 2: 2100 cfm +/- 10%Emergency Pressurization Flow Rate 650 -900 cfm Maximum Unfiltered Backdraft Damper 100 cfm Leakage during CR Pressurization Operation Carbon / HEPA Filter Flow during CR 1800 -2200 cfm Pressurization Operation Emergency Filtered Recirculation Rate 1250 cfm (minimum)Pressurization Intake and Recirculation 93% (iodine)Carbon/HEPA Filter Efficiency 98% (particulates)(includes filter bypass)Unfiltered Inleakage 70 cfm (maximum)(Normal and Pressurization Mode) Includes 10 cfm ingress / egress Occupancy Factors 0-24 hr (1.0)1 -4 d (0.6)4-30 d (0.4)Operator Breathing Rate 0-30 d (3.50E-04 m 3/sec)


& Key Parameter Values Parameter Value Free Volume 51,250 ft 3 Filtered Rate (HEPA only) Normal Operation Intake 500 cfm Flow Normal Intake HEPA Filter Efficiency(includes filter 98% (particulates) bypass)Filtered (Carbon / HEPA) Pressurization Flow Rate 500 cfm Flow through Carbon / HEPA Filter during 1000 cfm Pressurization mode Filtered Recirculation flow rate during Pressurization 500 cfm (minimum)mode Pressurization Intake and Recirculation Carbon / 93% (iodine)HEPA Filter Efficiency (includes filter bypass) 98% (particulates)

Unfiltered Inleakage 60 cfm (maximum)Includes 10 cfm ingress/egress Occupancy Factors 0-24 hr (1.0)1 -4 d (0.6)4-30 d (0.4)Operator Breathing Rate 0-30 d (3.50E-04 m 3/sec)