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                                                                    @)!    .. ;
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V-MS.l 1 ;3l'_ >V/GJ
                                                                          . . ,,. . ,  m In the Matter of                          :            $        3.a ,
HOUSTON LIGHTING IsND POWER COMPANY        :                b              a U'
THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO                    :
THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND                    :          Docket Nos. 50-498A CENTRAL POWER AND                          :                            50-499A LIGHTING COMPANY                        :
(South Texas Project, Units t!os.          :
1 and 2).                                  :
JOINT MOTION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF SUBPOEt:AS AND FOR WITHDRAWAL OF MOTIOt!S Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to the following:
Jonathan Day, Esq.                      Thomas G. Ryan, Esq.
          & KNAPP                                One First :ational Plaza 1100 Esperson Building                  Suite 4300 Hcuston, Texas 77002                    Chicago, Illinois 60603 Robert E. Cohn, Esq.                    IS HI.M , LINCOLN & BEALE Richard J. Le idl, Esq.                  1050 17th Street,    N.W.
BUTLER, BINION, RICE, COOK              Seventh Floor
          & KNAPP                                Washington, D.C. 20036 818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20019                  Attorneys for Central Power and Light Attorneys for                              Company Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.            Marc Poirier, Esq.
Monsanto Company                        SPIEGEL & MCDIARMID PPG Industries, Inc.                    2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.
Union Carbide Corporation                Washington, D. C. 20037 Attorneys for The Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas March 1, 1979 7903140G G
  .  ,.
In the Matter of                      :
THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO                :
THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND CENTRAL PCHER AND                      :      Docket Nos. 50-49SA LIGHTING CCMPANY                    :              Nos. SG-499A (South Texas Project, Units Mos.      :
1 and  2).                            :
JOINT MOTION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF SUBPOENAS AND FCR WITHDRAMAL OF IIOTIONS Central Power and Lignt Company (CPL) hereby moves (1) to withdraw its application dated January 18, 1979 to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the issuance to Air Products and Chemicals,  Inc., E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.,
Monsanto Company, PPG Incustries, Inc. and Union Carbice Corporation (each referred to as a " Company" and collectively as the " Companies") of related subpoenas for the production of documents and for depositions and (2) to withdraw the subpoenas issued pursuant to such application.
The Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas (Brownsville) hereby moves (1) to withdraw its application dated February 22, 1979 to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Ecard for the issuance of a subpoena for the deposition of Mr. Robert L.
Wright of Union Carbide Corporation, (2) to withdrau the subpoena
  .  .-                                            issued pursuant to such application and (3) to withdraw its motion dated February 23, 1979 in opposition to the motion of the Companies to quash the subpoenas issued on the application of CPL.
The Companies hereby jointly move to withdraw the joint motion dated February 16, 1979 to quash the related subpoenas for the production of documents and for depositions issued by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on January 31, 1979 on the application of CPL. -1/
In consideration of the foregoing, the joint movants herein have agreed as follows:
(1) The Companies will make available Messrs. Edward V.
Sherry, A.D. Cyphers, Lee C. Peeler, Robert H. Steder and Robert L. Wright for deposition at the times and places designated in Exhibit A attached hereto; (2)  The depositions shall be limited to inquiries concerning the areas covered by the documents listed below, which documents shall be produced by the Companies prior to the taking of the depositions:
A. All documents which relate to the testimony given by the deponent before the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 1776 (Generic Rate Hearings).
B. Documents suf ficient to show the typical considera-tion accorded electric utility rates, costs, reliability of service or availability of service in a plant or facility siting or locational decision of the Company.
1/    The Companies will not withdraw the motion to quash unless the subpoenas of CPL and Brownsville are con-currently withdrawn.
C. Examples of documents which show, describe or relate to comparisons, contrasts or studies the objective of which, in whole or in part, was to assess or evaluate different electric utility companies in terms of rates, costs, reliability of service or availability of service.
D. Best efforts to obtain documents since January 1,  1976 which show, describe or relate to attempts on the part of any electric utility operating, in whole or in part, in Texas to provide new or expanded electric service to prospective or current plants or facilities of the Company.
(3) Compliance by the Companies with this agreement is subject to the prior issuance of an order by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Atomic Safety and License Board granting a motion of the Companies filed on March 1, 1979 for a protective order, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A to that motion, regarding the afore-mentioned depositions and production of documents.
Since the grant of this motion and the issuance of a pro-tective order are preconditions to the disclosure of documents and the taking of depositions, the movants urge expeditious consideration of this motion.
WHEREFORE, the movants respectfully request (1) the withdrawal of the applications of CPL for subpoenas and the 2/
subpoenas themselves,      (2) the withdrawal of the application 3/
of Brownsville for a subpoena and the subpoena itself,-(3) the withdrawal of the motion of Brownsville in opposition to the motion of the Companies to quash, and (4) the withdrawal of the joint motion of the Companies to quash subpoenas.
Respectfully submitted,
                                                        / /
                                        /f)Os        YW fobeUt~ C. Uo h n' c$& 0.
Ridhard J.
MAP Le id l'
                                        & KNAPP Attorneys for Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
Monsanto Company PPG Industries, Inc.
Union Carbide Corporation 2/  CPL reserves the right to reapply for the issuance of subpoenas if the Companies' responses are not satis-factory.
3/  Brownsville reserves the right to reapply for the issuance of the subpoena if the response of the Company is not satisfactory.
                                                    . !:            .-
                                  )e      >
                                                        . < - v- i . ;  -)
J 3Ii M-i , LINCOL:' L BCALS Attorney', for Central Pow er and Ligh t Con.t:a n.v.
l    /,  ,
n l l- * / ~' y:.,c' a
s SPfICCL & .J:DI A RNI O Attorneys tor the Public Uttiition Doard af the Ci ty o C- Brownsville , Te x a '-
D .i t e d : I: arch 1, 1979
Exhibit A Docket Nos. 50-498A 5'  199A List of time and place of taking of depositions Central Power and Light Company Edward V. Sherry                    March 22, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.
Holiday Inn Route 22 at Junction of Route 309 Allentown, Pennsylvania A.D. Cyphers                        March 15, 1979 at 9:30    a.m.
Holiday Inn 2705 East Houston Victoria, Texas Lee C. Peeler                        March 14, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.
Holiday Inn Junction of Highway 6 and 35 Alvin, Texas Robert H. Steder                    March 23, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.
William Penn Hotel P.O. Box 1978 Mellon Square Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Robert L. Wright                    March 16, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.
Best Western Shellfish Inn Highway 35 North Box 227 Port Lavaca, Texas Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas Robert L. Wright                    March 16, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.
Best Western Shellfish Inn Highway 35 North Box 227 Port Lavaca, Texas
CERTIFICATE OF SEAVICE I hereby certify that I have this day servec a copy of the foregoing Joint I:otion for Withdrasial of Subpoencs and for Withdrawal ot    lotions on all parties set forth in the attached list by first-class mail, postatje prepaid, f
liA!/        // $
II6Ee rt E. ' Cohn
                                                      '}f -
Counsel for Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
C. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
Monsanto Company PPG Industries, Inc.
Union Carbide Corporation March 1, 1979
  ;Lchard S. Salzman, Esquire          R. Bruce Whitney, Esq.
:.S. Nuclear Regulatory 20mmission  Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
.,ashington, D.C. 20555                P.O. Box 538 Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105 Jerome E. Sharfman, Esquire U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission    Paul M. King, Esq.
  !ashington, D.C. 20555              PPG Industries, Inc.
One Gateway Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Thomas G. Ryan, Esq.                  Ross Austin, Esq.
tuham, Lincoln & Beale                E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
Jae First National Plaza              Wilmington, Delaware 19890 Juite 4300 2hicago, Illinois 60603
John Stapleton, Esq.                  R. Gordon Gooch, Esq.
'tonsanto Company
John P. Mathis, Esq.
300 N. Lindbergh                      Baker & Botts 3t. Louis, Missouri 63166              1701 Pennsylvania Ave., M.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006 Stanley Baumblatt, Esq.
Union Carbide Corporation              Roy P. Lessy, Jr., Esq.
270 Park Avenue                        Micahel B. Blume, Esq.
New York, NY 10017                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
1 Roff Hardy                        Don R. Butler, Esq.
Chairman and Chief Executive      Sneed, Vine, Wilkerson, Officer                          Selman & Perry          .
Central Power & Light Company    P.O. Box 1409 P.O. Box 2121                    Austin, TX 78767                ,
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 Mr. Perry G. Brittain President                        Jerry L. Harris, Esq.
Texas Utilities Generating        Richard C. Balough, Esq.
Company                        City of Austin 2001 Bryan Tower                  P.O. Box 1088 Dallas, TX 75201                  Austin, TX 73767 R.L. Hancock, Director            Don H. Davidson City of Austin Electric Utility  City Manager P.O. Box 1086                    City of Austin Austin, TX 78767                  P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767
G.W. Oprea, Jr.                  Robert Lowenstein Executive Vice President          J. A. Bouknight, Jr.
Houston Lighting & Power Company  William J. Franklin P.O. Box 1700                    Lowenstein, Newman, Reis &
Houston, TX 77001                  Axelrad 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036 John W. Davidson, Esq.
Judith Harris, Esq.              Sawtelle, Goode, Davidson &
Ronald Clark, Esq.                  Tioilo U.S. Department of Justice        1100 San Antonio Savings Bldg.
Antitrust Division                San Antonio, TX 18205 411 - llth St. , N.W.                      ,
Washington, DC 20530                        .
  .        s.
Douglas F. John, Esq.                Joseph Rutberg, Esq.
Akin, Gump, Haver & Feld              Antitrust Counsel 1100 Madison Office Bldg.            Counsel for NRC Staff 1155 15th Street,    N.W.    '
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory.
Washington, DC 20005                          Comtission Washington, DC 20555 Morgan Hunter, Esq.                  Joseph J. Saunders, Esq.
Bill D. S t. Clair, Esq.            Chief, Public Counsel &
McGinnis, Lockridge &                          Legislative Section Kilgore                        Antitrust Section Fifth Floor,' Texas State Bank Bldg. U.S. Department of Justice 900 Congress Avenue                P.O. Box 14141 Austin, TX 78701                    Washington, D.C. 20044 Kevin B. Pratt Texas Attorney General's Office      G.K. Spruce, General Manager State of Texas                      City Public Service Board P.O. Box 12548                    P.O. Box 1771 Austin, TX 78711                    San Antonio, TX 78203 U.S. Robson                        William H. Burchett, Esq.
General Manager                    Frederick H. Ritts, Esq.
South Texas Electric Cooperating,  Northcutt Ely Inc.                            Watergate 600 Building Route 6, Building 102              Washington, DC 20037 Victoria Regional Airport Victoria, TX 77901 Joseph B. Knotts, Jr.              Robert C. McDiarmid, Esq.
Nicholas S. Reynolds                Robert Jablon, Esq.
Debevoice & Liberman                2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.
806 15th Street, N.W.              Washington, DC 20037 Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005
                                              - - -...
Marshall E. Miller, Esq.          Mr. Jerome D. Saltzman U.S. Muclear Regulatory Commission Chief, Antitrust and Washington, D.C. 20555              Indemnity Group U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555 Michael L. Glaser, Esq.            J. Irion Worsham, Esq.
1150 17th Street, N.W.            Merlyn D. Sampels, Esq.
Washington, D.C. 20036            Spencer C. Relyea, Esq.
Worsham, Forsythe & Sampels 2001 Bryan Tauer, Suite 2500 Dallas, TX 75201
* Jon C. Wood, Esq.
Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq.            W. Roger Wilson, Esq.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Matthews, Nowlin, Macfarlane Washington, D.C. 20555              & Barrett 1500 Alamo National Building San Antonio, TX 78205 Atomic Safety and Licensing        Charles G. Thrash, Jr., Esq.
Appeal Board Panel              E.W. Barnett, Esq.
U.S. Muclear Regulatory Commission Theodore F. Weiss, Esq.
Washington , D.C. 20555            J. Gregory Copeland, Esq.
Baker & Botts 3000 One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 HAND DELIVERED Chase R. Stephens                  Samuel J. Chilk, Secretary Docketing and Service Branch      office of the Secretary of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  Commission
* Washington, D.C. 20555            U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
.      . . .
Richard D. Cudahy, Esq.              John E. Mathews, Jr., Esq.
Robert H. Loeffler, Esq.
Mathews, Osborne, Ehrlich, McNatt Joseph Gallo, Esq.                      Gobelman & Cobb Isham, Lincoln & Beale              1500 American Heritage Life Bldg.
1050 17th Street, N.W.              Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Seventh Floor Washington, DC 20036 Wheatley & Miller                    Robert E. Bathen 1112 Watergate Office Bldg.          R.W. Beck & Associates 2600 Virginia Ave. N.W.              P.O. Box 6817 Washington, DC 20037                Orlando, Florida 82853 Linda L. Aaker, Esq.
Assistant Attorney General P.O.      Box 12548 Capital Station Austin, TX 78711
Knoland J. Plucknett Executive Director Committee on Power for the Southwest, Inc.
5541 E. Skelly Dr.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Jay M. Galt, Esq.
Looney, Michol:_, Johnson & Hayes 219 Couch Drive Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101

Revision as of 17:54, 27 October 2019

Joint Motion for Withdrawal of Application for Subpoenas & Motions,Per Agreement of Movants on Production of Witnesses, Subj to Issuance of Protective Order.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1979
From: Cohn R, Leidl R, Tom Ryan
NUDOCS 7903140642
Download: ML19276E556 (13)


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- [A ya 0

V-MS.l 1 ;3l'_ >V/GJ


. . ,,. . , m In the Matter of  : $ 3.a ,







(South Texas Project, Units t!os.  :

1 and 2).  :

JOINT MOTION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF SUBPOEt:AS AND FOR WITHDRAWAL OF MOTIOt!S Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to the following:

Jonathan Day, Esq. Thomas G. Ryan, Esq.


& KNAPP One First :ational Plaza 1100 Esperson Building Suite 4300 Hcuston, Texas 77002 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Robert E. Cohn, Esq. IS HI.M , LINCOLN & BEALE Richard J. Le idl, Esq. 1050 17th Street, N.W.


& KNAPP Washington, D.C. 20036 818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20019 Attorneys for Central Power and Light Attorneys for Company Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Marc Poirier, Esq.

Monsanto Company SPIEGEL & MCDIARMID PPG Industries, Inc. 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.

Union Carbide Corporation Washington, D. C. 20037 Attorneys for The Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas March 1, 1979 7903140G G



. ,.


In the Matter of  :



THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND CENTRAL PCHER AND  : Docket Nos. 50-49SA LIGHTING CCMPANY  : Nos. SG-499A (South Texas Project, Units Mos.  :

1 and 2).  :

JOINT MOTION FOR WITHDRAWAL OF SUBPOENAS AND FCR WITHDRAMAL OF IIOTIONS Central Power and Lignt Company (CPL) hereby moves (1) to withdraw its application dated January 18, 1979 to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the issuance to Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.,

Monsanto Company, PPG Incustries, Inc. and Union Carbice Corporation (each referred to as a " Company" and collectively as the " Companies") of related subpoenas for the production of documents and for depositions and (2) to withdraw the subpoenas issued pursuant to such application.

The Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas (Brownsville) hereby moves (1) to withdraw its application dated February 22, 1979 to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Ecard for the issuance of a subpoena for the deposition of Mr. Robert L.

Wright of Union Carbide Corporation, (2) to withdrau the subpoena



. .- issued pursuant to such application and (3) to withdraw its motion dated February 23, 1979 in opposition to the motion of the Companies to quash the subpoenas issued on the application of CPL.

The Companies hereby jointly move to withdraw the joint motion dated February 16, 1979 to quash the related subpoenas for the production of documents and for depositions issued by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on January 31, 1979 on the application of CPL. -1/

In consideration of the foregoing, the joint movants herein have agreed as follows:

(1) The Companies will make available Messrs. Edward V.

Sherry, A.D. Cyphers, Lee C. Peeler, Robert H. Steder and Robert L. Wright for deposition at the times and places designated in Exhibit A attached hereto; (2) The depositions shall be limited to inquiries concerning the areas covered by the documents listed below, which documents shall be produced by the Companies prior to the taking of the depositions:

A. All documents which relate to the testimony given by the deponent before the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 1776 (Generic Rate Hearings).

B. Documents suf ficient to show the typical considera-tion accorded electric utility rates, costs, reliability of service or availability of service in a plant or facility siting or locational decision of the Company.

1/ The Companies will not withdraw the motion to quash unless the subpoenas of CPL and Brownsville are con-currently withdrawn.


C. Examples of documents which show, describe or relate to comparisons, contrasts or studies the objective of which, in whole or in part, was to assess or evaluate different electric utility companies in terms of rates, costs, reliability of service or availability of service.

D. Best efforts to obtain documents since January 1, 1976 which show, describe or relate to attempts on the part of any electric utility operating, in whole or in part, in Texas to provide new or expanded electric service to prospective or current plants or facilities of the Company.

(3) Compliance by the Companies with this agreement is subject to the prior issuance of an order by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Atomic Safety and License Board granting a motion of the Companies filed on March 1, 1979 for a protective order, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit A to that motion, regarding the afore-mentioned depositions and production of documents.

Since the grant of this motion and the issuance of a pro-tective order are preconditions to the disclosure of documents and the taking of depositions, the movants urge expeditious consideration of this motion.




WHEREFORE, the movants respectfully request (1) the withdrawal of the applications of CPL for subpoenas and the 2/

subpoenas themselves, (2) the withdrawal of the application 3/

of Brownsville for a subpoena and the subpoena itself,-(3) the withdrawal of the motion of Brownsville in opposition to the motion of the Companies to quash, and (4) the withdrawal of the joint motion of the Companies to quash subpoenas.

Respectfully submitted,

/ /

/f)Os YW fobeUt~ C. Uo h n' c$& 0.

Ridhard J.

MAP Le id l'



& KNAPP Attorneys for Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.

Monsanto Company PPG Industries, Inc.

Union Carbide Corporation 2/ CPL reserves the right to reapply for the issuance of subpoenas if the Companies' responses are not satis-factory.

3/ Brownsville reserves the right to reapply for the issuance of the subpoena if the response of the Company is not satisfactory.



. !: .-

)e >



. < - v- i . ; -)

J 3Ii M-i , LINCOL:' L BCALS Attorney', for Central Pow er and Ligh t Con.t:a n.v.

l /, ,

n l l- * / ~' y:.,c' a

s SPfICCL & .J:DI A RNI O Attorneys tor the Public Uttiition Doard af the Ci ty o C- Brownsville , Te x a '-

D .i t e d : I: arch 1, 1979

Exhibit A Docket Nos. 50-498A 5' 199A List of time and place of taking of depositions Central Power and Light Company Edward V. Sherry March 22, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

Holiday Inn Route 22 at Junction of Route 309 Allentown, Pennsylvania A.D. Cyphers March 15, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

Holiday Inn 2705 East Houston Victoria, Texas Lee C. Peeler March 14, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

Holiday Inn Junction of Highway 6 and 35 Alvin, Texas Robert H. Steder March 23, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

William Penn Hotel P.O. Box 1978 Mellon Square Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Robert L. Wright March 16, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

Best Western Shellfish Inn Highway 35 North Box 227 Port Lavaca, Texas Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville, Texas Robert L. Wright March 16, 1979 at 9:30 a.m.

Best Western Shellfish Inn Highway 35 North Box 227 Port Lavaca, Texas

CERTIFICATE OF SEAVICE I hereby certify that I have this day servec a copy of the foregoing Joint I:otion for Withdrasial of Subpoencs and for Withdrawal ot lotions on all parties set forth in the attached list by first-class mail, postatje prepaid, f

liA!/ // $

II6Ee rt E. ' Cohn

'}f -

Counsel for Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

C. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.

Monsanto Company PPG Industries, Inc.

Union Carbide Corporation March 1, 1979


Lchard S. Salzman, Esquire R. Bruce Whitney, Esq.
.S. Nuclear Regulatory 20mmission Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

.,ashington, D.C. 20555 P.O. Box 538 Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105 Jerome E. Sharfman, Esquire U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission Paul M. King, Esq.

!ashington, D.C. 20555 PPG Industries, Inc.

One Gateway Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Thomas G. Ryan, Esq. Ross Austin, Esq.

tuham, Lincoln & Beale E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.

Jae First National Plaza Wilmington, Delaware 19890 Juite 4300 2hicago, Illinois 60603



John Stapleton, Esq. R. Gordon Gooch, Esq.

'tonsanto Company


John P. Mathis, Esq.

300 N. Lindbergh Baker & Botts 3t. Louis, Missouri 63166 1701 Pennsylvania Ave., M.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 Stanley Baumblatt, Esq.

Union Carbide Corporation Roy P. Lessy, Jr., Esq.

270 Park Avenue Micahel B. Blume, Esq.

New York, NY 10017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555




1 Roff Hardy Don R. Butler, Esq.

Chairman and Chief Executive Sneed, Vine, Wilkerson, Officer Selman & Perry .

Central Power & Light Company P.O. Box 1409 P.O. Box 2121 Austin, TX 78767 ,

Corpus Christi, TX 78403 Mr. Perry G. Brittain President Jerry L. Harris, Esq.

Texas Utilities Generating Richard C. Balough, Esq.

Company City of Austin 2001 Bryan Tower P.O. Box 1088 Dallas, TX 75201 Austin, TX 73767 R.L. Hancock, Director Don H. Davidson City of Austin Electric Utility City Manager P.O. Box 1086 City of Austin Austin, TX 78767 P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


G.W. Oprea, Jr. Robert Lowenstein Executive Vice President J. A. Bouknight, Jr.

Houston Lighting & Power Company William J. Franklin P.O. Box 1700 Lowenstein, Newman, Reis &

Houston, TX 77001 Axelrad 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 John W. Davidson, Esq.

Judith Harris, Esq. Sawtelle, Goode, Davidson &

Ronald Clark, Esq. Tioilo U.S. Department of Justice 1100 San Antonio Savings Bldg.

Antitrust Division San Antonio, TX 18205 411 - llth St. , N.W. ,

Washington, DC 20530 .




. s.



Douglas F. John, Esq. Joseph Rutberg, Esq.

Akin, Gump, Haver & Feld Antitrust Counsel 1100 Madison Office Bldg. Counsel for NRC Staff 1155 15th Street, N.W. '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory.

Washington, DC 20005 Comtission Washington, DC 20555 Morgan Hunter, Esq. Joseph J. Saunders, Esq.

Bill D. S t. Clair, Esq. Chief, Public Counsel &

McGinnis, Lockridge & Legislative Section Kilgore Antitrust Section Fifth Floor,' Texas State Bank Bldg. U.S. Department of Justice 900 Congress Avenue P.O. Box 14141 Austin, TX 78701 Washington, D.C. 20044 Kevin B. Pratt Texas Attorney General's Office G.K. Spruce, General Manager State of Texas City Public Service Board P.O. Box 12548 P.O. Box 1771 Austin, TX 78711 San Antonio, TX 78203 U.S. Robson William H. Burchett, Esq.

General Manager Frederick H. Ritts, Esq.

South Texas Electric Cooperating, Northcutt Ely Inc. Watergate 600 Building Route 6, Building 102 Washington, DC 20037 Victoria Regional Airport Victoria, TX 77901 Joseph B. Knotts, Jr. Robert C. McDiarmid, Esq.

Nicholas S. Reynolds Robert Jablon, Esq.

Debevoice & Liberman 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.

806 15th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005


- - -...





Marshall E. Miller, Esq. Mr. Jerome D. Saltzman U.S. Muclear Regulatory Commission Chief, Antitrust and Washington, D.C. 20555 Indemnity Group U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555 Michael L. Glaser, Esq. J. Irion Worsham, Esq.

1150 17th Street, N.W. Merlyn D. Sampels, Esq.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Spencer C. Relyea, Esq.

Worsham, Forsythe & Sampels 2001 Bryan Tauer, Suite 2500 Dallas, TX 75201

  • Jon C. Wood, Esq.

Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq. W. Roger Wilson, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Matthews, Nowlin, Macfarlane Washington, D.C. 20555 & Barrett 1500 Alamo National Building San Antonio, TX 78205 Atomic Safety and Licensing Charles G. Thrash, Jr., Esq.

Appeal Board Panel E.W. Barnett, Esq.

U.S. Muclear Regulatory Commission Theodore F. Weiss, Esq.

Washington , D.C. 20555 J. Gregory Copeland, Esq.

Baker & Botts 3000 One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 HAND DELIVERED Chase R. Stephens Samuel J. Chilk, Secretary Docketing and Service Branch office of the Secretary of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission

. . . .





Richard D. Cudahy, Esq. John E. Mathews, Jr., Esq.

Robert H. Loeffler, Esq.

Mathews, Osborne, Ehrlich, McNatt Joseph Gallo, Esq. Gobelman & Cobb Isham, Lincoln & Beale 1500 American Heritage Life Bldg.

1050 17th Street, N.W. Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Seventh Floor Washington, DC 20036 Wheatley & Miller Robert E. Bathen 1112 Watergate Office Bldg. R.W. Beck & Associates 2600 Virginia Ave. N.W. P.O. Box 6817 Washington, DC 20037 Orlando, Florida 82853 Linda L. Aaker, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 12548 Capital Station Austin, TX 78711



Knoland J. Plucknett Executive Director Committee on Power for the Southwest, Inc.

5541 E. Skelly Dr.

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Jay M. Galt, Esq.

Looney, Michol:_, Johnson & Hayes 219 Couch Drive Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
