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{{#Wiki_filter:( JefI Rikhoff, Jeffrey From: Sent: To:  
{{#Wiki_filter:( JefI Rikhoff, Jeffrey From:                       LEc-cleston, Charles Sent:                         Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:00 PM To:                         vEccleston.Charles; BacutarGeorge7 B-igssl Dernis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy; K ementow icz, Stephen;Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff,. Jeffrey, Travers, Allison

Correct Version of Site Audit Plan and Schedule Attachments:                  Schedule 2.xlsx; Salem Hope Creek Audit Plan (2).xlsx Please disregard the attached schedule/plan in the last email (they were an older version). Attached is the correct version of the Plan/Schedule.
LEc-cleston, Charles Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:00 PM vEccleston.Charles; BacutarGeorge7 B-igssl Dernis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy;K ementow icz, Stephen;Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff,.
From: Eccleston, Charles Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:57 PM To: Bacuta, George; Beissel, Dennis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy; Klementowicz, Stephen; Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Travers, Allison
Jeffrey, Travers, Allison Correct Version of Site Audit Plan and Schedule Schedule 2.xlsx; Salem Hope Creek Audit Plan (2).xlsx Please disregard the attached schedule/plan in the last email (they were an older version).
Attached is the correct version of the Plan/Schedule.
From: Eccleston, Charles Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:57 PM To: Bacuta, George; Beissel, Dennis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy; Klementowicz, Stephen; Logan, Dennis;Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Travers, Allison  

Site Audit Plan and Schedule Team, Thanks for quick response.
Site Audit Plan and Schedule
I had already identified and fixed the majority of the changes described in your emails, and have now incorporated those that were not already incorporated.
: Team, Thanks for quick response. I had already identified and fixed the majority of the changes described in your emails, and have now incorporated those that were not already incorporated. I attempted to incorporate all the additional changes except for places in which their were conflicts etc. The changes are in red. Please give this one last review and let me know if you have any last changes.
I attempted to incorporate all the additional changes except for places in which their were conflicts etc. The changes are in red. Please give this one last review and let me know if you have any last changes.&41&'4 q'. s&d4ýo Charles H. Eccleston Nuclear Reactor Regulation Licensing Renewal, Project Manager 301.415.8537 1
&41&'4 q'. s&d4ýo Charles H. Eccleston Nuclear Reactor Regulation Licensing Renewal, Project Manager 301.415.8537 1
Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 2 Interview  
#1 Cultural Resource and Archaelogoical  
Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs)             Type           ER Category                       NRC Description                     Areas of Interest                 AECOM                     NRC             State/Other Agencies         Comments 2     Interview #1 Cultural Resource and           Archaelogoical & histroical                                               Oila   S.Prove./Goodwin Socioecoomics                   resources; Taxes,. Land use planning; Social services & public facilities; Impacts on housing.
& histroical Oila S.Prove./Goodwin Socioecoomics resources; Taxes,. Land use planning; Social services & public facilities; Impacts on facilities, transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Emivuometa-ustike- A.Travers/J.Rikoff 2 Interview  
education facilities, transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Emivuometa-ustike-                                                                                               A.Travers/J.Rikoff 2     Interview #2 Socioeconomics                   Taxes. Land use planning; Social       Taxes paid by PSEG (update)       Provenzano             J. Rikhoff               Lower Alloways Creek   These contacts may be services & Public facilities; Impacts                                                                                       Township, Salem County conducted via phone on housing, education facilities,                                                                                                                   during the audit period.
#2 Socioeconomics Taxes. Land use planning; Social Taxes paid by PSEG (update) Provenzano J. Rikhoff Lower Alloways Creek These contacts may be services & Public facilities; Impacts Township, Salem County conducted via phone on housing, education facilities, during the audit period.transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use;Environmental justice.4 Interview  
transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Environmental justice.
#3 Aquatic Resources Surface water hydrology; Surface Surface water hydrology:
4     Interview #3 Aquatic Resources               Surface water hydrology; Surface       Surface water hydrology: Intake   DillardlDuda/Dover     D Logan       O.Beissel NJ DEP: DNREC: NMFS.
Intake DillardlDuda/Dover D Logan O.Beissel NJ DEP: DNREC: NMFS.water quality: Surface water use and discharge structures:
water quality: Surface water use       and discharge structures: Intake                           G.Bacuta     R.Bulavinetz FWS: DRBC conflicts: Aquatic communities;         velocites:
Intake G.Bacuta R.Bulavinetz FWS: DRBC conflicts:
NPDES-permitted discharges             Entrammentlimpingement:
Aquatic communities; velocites:
Thermal plumes, Dredging practices, Surface water quality:
NPDES-permitted discharges Entrammentlimpingement:
Surface water use conflicts, Aquatic community characteristics.
Thermal plumes, Dredging practices, Surface water quality: Surface water use conflicts, Aquatic community characteristics.
Estuary Enhancement Program.
Estuary Enhancement Program.NPDES-permitted discharges.
NPDES-permitted discharges.
Issues related to EFH and T&E species; Invasive species.2 Interview  
Issues related to EFH and T&E species; Invasive species.
#4 Meteorological  
2     Interview #4 Meteorological & Onsite         Atmospheric and meteorological         Met tower reliability and backup   Dover and Taylor       S. Klementowicz radiological Effluent Monitoring monitoring; Radiological gaseous       capabilities.                                             G. Bacuta effluent points and monitoring locations; Radiological liquid     -
& Onsite Atmospheric and meteorological Met tower reliability and backup Dover and Taylor S. Klementowicz radiological Effluent Monitoring monitoring; Radiological gaseous capabilities.
effluent points and monitoring locations; Off-site REMP; Radiological dose calculations.
G. Bacuta effluent points and monitoring locations; Radiological liquid -effluent points and monitoring locations; Off-site REMP;Radiological dose calculations.
2     Interview #5 Solid Waste Management           LLW and Mixed LLW holding,             LLW and mixed waste handling       Taylor                 S. Klementowic_
2 Interview  
processing, packaging, and             and disposal; Non-hazardous storage: Industrial waste treatment,   industoal waste treatment, handling, and storage); Hazardous       handling, and storage (trash).
#5 Solid Waste Management LLW and Mixed LLW holding, LLW and mixed waste handling Taylor S. Klementowic_
waste treatment, handling, and         Hazardous waste treatment.
processing, packaging, and and disposal; Non-hazardous storage: Industrial waste treatment, industoal waste treatment, handling, and storage);
storage: Sewage treatment,             handling, and storage. Sewage treatment; Spent fuel storage I___       I     Icapacity                     (wet and dry).
Hazardous handling, and storage (trash).waste treatment, handling, and Hazardous waste treatment.
2     Interview #6 Groundwater Resources           Waterbearing units; Water supply       Water supply wells (usage,         Dover                   D. Beissel               NJDEP, DNREC walls: Groundwater monitonng           capacity, levels): Groundwater program; Groundwater use               monotorng program (including conflicts.                             tritium); Groundwater flow:                               G Bacuta Groundwater use conflicts.
storage: Sewage treatment, handling, and storage. Sewage treatment; Spent fuel storage I___ I Icapacity (wet and dry).2 Interview  
#6 Groundwater Resources Waterbearing units; Water supply Water supply wells (usage, Dover D. Beissel NJDEP, DNREC walls: Groundwater monitonng capacity, levels): Groundwater program; Groundwater use monotorng program (including conflicts.
Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs)               Type                 ER Category                     NRC Description                     Areas of Interest               AECOM               NRC   State/Other Agencies           Comments 4       Interview #7         Water Use and Quality           Surface water quality. Surface       Surface water intake locations and Dover             0 Beissel     DRBC; NJDEP; EPA;         These contacts may be water use conflicts; Permitting;     volumes; Water rights; Surface                                     Pennsville, Penns, Grove, conducted via phone Tritium release and remediation. water withdrawal and discharge                                     and Salem water           during the audit penod.
permits: Off-site water supply                       G. Bacuta systems: Tntium release from Salem Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool.
Groundwater flow: G Bacuta Groundwater use conflicts.
2       Interview #8         T-Lines Management             Use of pestcides & herbicides       Maintenance protocols;             Dillard         R. Bulavinetz procedures; Terrestrial ecology within T-line ROWs; Protocols for   Occurrences of sensitive species applying chemicals near streams     or habitats in ROWS.
Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 4 Interview  
and wetlands 0 Logan ???
#7 Water Use and Quality Surface water quality. Surface Surface water intake locations and Dover 0 Beissel DRBC; NJDEP; EPA; These contacts may be water use conflicts; Permitting; volumes; Water rights; Surface Pennsville, Penns, Grove, conducted via phone Tritium release and remediation.
2       Interview #9         Terrestral Resources           Terrestaal habitats; General site   Terrestrial habitats on and around Dillard         R. Bulavinetz NJ DEP: DNREC; FWS information and questions;           sites; T&E species on or near                       O.Logan Threatened & endangered species;     sites; Invasive species.
water withdrawal and discharge and Salem water during the audit penod.permits: Off-site water supply G. Bacuta systems: Tntium release from Salem Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool.2 Interview  
Invasive species 2       Interview #10       Air Permits                     Locations and types of permitted air                                     Dover and Taylor G Bacuta pollutant (rad & non-rad) effulents.
#8 T-Lines Management Use of pestcides  
2       Interview #11       Alternatives                   Alternatives to the Proposed Action Alternatives to the Proposed       Dover and Taylor A. Travers     NJ Board of Public Action: Discussions with regulators                                 Utilities, Clean Energy regarding potential modifications                                   Program to open-cycle cooling systems at Salem; Need for new transmission capacity: Renewable energy portfolio requirements/mandates.
& herbicides Maintenance protocols; Dillard R. Bulavinetz procedures; Terrestrial ecology within T-line ROWs; Protocols for Occurrences of sensitive species applying chemicals near streams or habitats in ROWS.and wetlands 0 Logan ???2 Interview  
5 (including ** Will be conducted ArcheologicaltHistorical       Site file/survey search at Registrar Salem/Hope Creek sites             Goodwin         A Travers     Greg Lattanzi, Registrar travel time to outside of Site     Resources                       of NJ Archaeology. Trenton, NJ                                                                           of NJ Archaeology Trenton, NJ)   Audit-
#9 Terrestral Resources Terrestaal habitats; General site Terrestrial habitats on and around Dillard R. Bulavinetz NJ DEP: DNREC; FWS information and questions; sites; T&E species on or near O.Logan Threatened  
& endangered species; sites; Invasive species.Invasive species 2 Interview  
Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs)             Type           ER Category                       NRC Description                       Areas of Interest                 AECOM                   NRC             State/Other Agencies       Comments 2       Tour #1       General Overview; No entry into                                         To be determined based on pre-     All team members       All team members Protected Area                                                         audit data review.
#10 Air Permits Locations and types of permitted air Dover and Taylor G Bacuta pollutant (rad & non-rad) effulents.
25       Tour #2       Archeological/ Historical       View cultural sites                   Areas planned for new access       Goodwin                     A TraversJ, ,Ekhoff   SHPO                 May not be needed Resources                                                               rceds. Areas planned for new disturbance to surrounding submerged land: Hancack's Tour #3       Estuary Water System             Intake structure & pump house:         Coaning Tower, Intake structures   Dillard/Duda             D Logan/h Bulavinetz Chlorinator house: Water               (screens, fish return systems, pretreatment building; Screen         etc ), Discharge structures house desilting basin, Circulating water pump house: Cooling Towers:
2 Interview  
Cooling water desilting basin; Discharge piping, sump and sampling house; Detoxification system; Fish Retuin Visit estuary enhancement program 2       Tour #4       Solid Waste,(rad and non-rod     Gaseous, liquid, and solid             LLW Storage Area, (HIC and LSA     Taylor                       S Klementowicz
#11 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Alternatives to the Proposed Dover and Taylor A. Travers NJ Board of Public Action: Discussions with regulators Utilities, Clean Energy regarding potential modifications Program to open-cycle cooling systems at Salem; Need for new transmission capacity:
[hazardous and non-hazardous]) radioactive waste processing areas,     boxes). Mixed waste storage area;                                   G Bai.ta LLW & Sewage Treatment           (not just spent fuel), Radioactive     Industrial waste storage areas:
Renewable energy portfolio requirements/mandates.
effluent release points: Radioactive   Radioactive effluent release effluent monitoring systems: Typical   points, Sewage treatment system; radiological environmental             Spent fuel storage (wet and dry) monitonng station (including any co located State monitonng stations )
5 (including  
3       Tour #5       T-Lines Management               T-lines that cross wetlands; T-lines   Crossings of wetlands or other     Diid5ad,-a'.Zun.Goodwn D Logan       R.Eulaoinetz procedures: Terrestrial Ecology; that cross rivers/streams, T-lines     sensitive areas that are readily                                   G.Bacuta Archeological/ Histoncal         that cross park/state land/protected accessible Resources                       areas: T-lines that cross historic and archaeological sites or areas of potential historic and archaeological sensitioity, Use of pesticides &
** Will be conducted ArcheologicaltHistorical Site file/survey search at Registrar Salem/Hope Creek sites Goodwin A Travers Greg Lattanzi, Registrar travel time to outside of Site Resources of NJ Archaeology.
herbicides within T-line ROWs, Protocols for applying chemicals near streams and wetlands 2       Tour #6       Terrestnal Ecology               General terrestrial site layout:       Terrestrial habitats on and near   Dillard                 D Logan'R Bulavinetz Wetland habitats: Vegetation:         sites: T&E species on or near common flora/fauna                     sites; innasnie species 2       Tour #7       Radiological Gaseous and Liquid On-site meteorological station; On-   Met tower, Pump house (Liquid       Taylor''"                     Klementowicz Effluent Monitoring Programs     site air effluent points and           effluent line, monitor, and control and Diesel Generator emission   monitoring locations, On-site Liquid   panel and Diesel fire pump);
Trenton, NJ of NJ Archaeology Trenton, NJ) Audit-Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 2 Tour #1 General Overview; No entry into To be determined based on pre- All team members All team members Protected Area audit data review.25 Tour #2 Archeological/
points                           radiological effluent points and       Extenor of plant; Diesel monitoring locations, Liquid           generators, Auo boiler, compliance radioactive waste system control       and other air monitoring and panel.                                 dosimetry stations 2       Tour #8       Offsite REMP Stations           Off-site REMP Stations                 Air stations. Gardens, Milk         Taylor ??ý7           Klementowic,                                     How many sites need to locations, Upstream River                                                                                   be seen?
Historical View cultural sites Areas planned for new access Goodwin A TraversJ, ,Ekhoff SHPO May not be needed Resources rceds. Areas planned for new disturbance to surrounding submerged land: Hancack's Tour #3 Estuary Water System Intake structure  
Sampling Point 2       Tour #9       On-site groundwater wells &     Monitoring wells that compose the     Supply wells; Tntium monitonng     Dover/Dillard/Duda     D Logan         D Beissel NPDES-permitted outfalls         Groundwater Radiation Protection       wells; Stormwater management                                       G.Bacuta Program, Supply wells, Stormwater     system; NPDES-permitted outfalls                         7 3       Tour #10     Alternatives                     Alternatives to the Proposed Action   Locations for new/additional       Dover and Taylor?" )-           A.Travers facilities; New fossil-fueled plant and/or cooling towers; Rail access points 3       Tour#ii       Boat tour                                                                                                   CLidu.sDillard;B Dover   D LoganPR Bulaninetz C BeisseitG.Bacula
& pump house: Coaning Tower, Intake structures Dillard/Duda D Logan/h Bulavinetz Chlorinator house: Water (screens, fish return systems, pretreatment building; Screen etc ), Discharge structures house desilting basin, Circulating water pump house: Cooling Towers: Cooling water desilting basin;Discharge piping, sump and sampling house; Detoxification system; Fish Retuin Visit estuary enhancement program 2 Tour #4 Solid Waste,(rad and non-rod Gaseous, liquid, and solid LLW Storage Area, (HIC and LSA Taylor S Klementowicz
[hazardous and non-hazardous])
Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Monday                               S/HC         NRC       AECOM                                   S/HC         NRC       AECOM March 8           Event         Participants Participants Participants     Other           Event Participants Participants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30!
radioactive waste processing areas, boxes). Mixed waste storage area; G Bai.ta LLW & Sewage Treatment (not just spent fuel), Radioactive Industrial waste storage areas: effluent release points: Radioactive Radioactive effluent release effluent monitoring systems: Typical points, Sewage treatment system;radiological environmental Spent fuel storage (wet and dry)monitonng station (including any co located State monitonng stations )3 Tour #5 T-Lines Management T-lines that cross wetlands; T-lines Crossings of wetlands or other Diid5ad,-a'.Zun.Goodwn D Logan R.Eulaoinetz procedures:
11:00' 11:30 12:00 Presentation#1             All           All         All 12:30 (General, Safety) 1:00 1:30 2:00 Tour #1 2:30   (Overall Site Tour, Braun, Perry,     All         All Including Portions of   Keating 3:00 the Protected Area) 3:30 4:00 4:301 Presentation #3 (New Plant Early Site   Lewis,         All         All
Terrestrial Ecology; that cross rivers/streams, T-lines sensitive areas that are readily G.Bacuta Archeological/
Histoncal that cross park/state land/protected accessible Resources areas: T-lines that cross historic and archaeological sites or areas of potential historic and archaeological sensitioity, Use of pesticides  
Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Tuesday                           S/HC           NRC       AECOM                               S/HC         NRC         AECOM                                       S/HC                         AECOM March 9         EParticipants               IParticipants Participants Other     Event   Participants Participants   Participants   Other         Event       Participants NRCParticipants Participants     Other 7:30 8:00 Cranfield, Gary 8:30                                                                                                                                         Interview #4     Wrie, Werline,      Klementowicz, Baua        Dover, Taylor (Mtoooia)
&herbicides within T-line ROWs, Protocols for applying chemicals near streams and wetlands 2 Tour #6 Terrestnal Ecology General terrestrial site layout: Terrestrial habitats on and near Dillard D Logan'R Bulavinetz Wetland habitats:
(Meteorological)     Trimble         Bacuta 9:00                       Delmar,                                                                                                                         I Sindoni, TTNUS                                                   Keating, 9:30                                                                       Interview     Strait,     D.Logan                   NJ DEP, TourH#2                                                                     Balletto, M. D.Beissel       Dillard     DNREC,                                     Klementowicz 10:00 (Archeological/                                                       Resources) Helmbach,     G.Bacuta Duda Dover         NMFS,         Waste         Cranfield   G.Bacuta (Note:     Taylor Historical                       A.Travers                                   Biggs, White, R.Bulavinet.               FWS, DRBC         a   tG.                       overlaps w/
10:30     Resources)                       J.Rikhoff   Goodwin     SHPO?               Harlukowicz                                           Management)                               #)
sites: T&E species on or near common flora/fauna sites; innasnie species 2 Tour #7 Radiological Gaseous and Liquid On-site meteorological station; On- Met tower, Pump house (Liquid Taylor''" Klementowicz Effluent Monitoring Programs site air effluent points and effluent line, monitor, and control and Diesel Generator emission monitoring locations, On-site Liquid panel and Diesel fire pump);points radiological effluent points and Extenor of plant; Diesel monitoring locations, Liquid generators, Auo boiler, compliance radioactive waste system control and other air monitoring and panel. dosimetry stations 2 Tour #8 Offsite REMP Stations Off-site REMP Stations Air stations.
Interview #1 11:00     (Cultural/m'1       Delmar,        JRikoff  Provenzano (utrl Socio       Sindoni, TTNUS   A.Travers   Goodwin Socio) 11:30                                                                                                                                                                         _______
Gardens, Milk Taylor ??ý7 Klementowic, How many sites need to locations, Upstream River be seen?Sampling Point 2 Tour #9 On-site groundwater wells & Monitoring wells that compose the Supply wells; Tntium monitonng Dover/Dillard/Duda D Logan D Beissel NPDES-permitted outfalls Groundwater Radiation Protection wells; Stormwater management G.Bacuta Program, Supply wells, Stormwater system; NPDES-permitted outfalls 3 Tour #10 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Locations for new/additional Dover and Taylor?" 7)- A.Travers facilities; New fossil-fueled plant and/or cooling towers; Rail access points 3 Tour#ii Boat tour CLidu.sDillard;B Dover D LoganPR Bulaninetz C BeisseitG.Bacula Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Monday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM March 8 Event Participants Participants Participants Other Event Participants Participants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30!11:00'11:30 12:00 Presentation#1 All All All 12:30 (General, Safety)1:00 1:30 2:00 Tour #1 2:30 (Overall Site Tour, Braun, Perry, All All Including Portions of Keating 3:00 the Protected Area)3:30 4:00 4:301 Presentation  
12:00 12:30                                                                                                           Lunch 1:00                                                               Lower                                                                     Interview #6       Keating, Alloways                                                                   (Groundwater     Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta Dover, Taylor NJDEP, DNREC 1:30   Interview #2         Delmar,                                 Creek Rikoff   Provenzano                                                                               Resources)       Roberst (Socio)       Sindoni, TTNUS                           Township, 2:00                                                               Salem County   Tour #3 2:30                                                                         (Estuary     Keating,     D.Logan       Dillard Water   White, Strait Bulavinetz       Duda 3:00                                                                         System)                                                                                                                       DRBC, NJDEP, S.Klement.                                                                                           Interview #7       Keating,                                       EPA, 3:30   Tour#4 to                         G.Bacuta                                                                                         (Water Use and   Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta   Dover       Pennsville, start at 2pm                       (Note: G.B. Taylor                                                                                   Quality)       Roberst                                     Penns Grove, 4:00 (Solid waste,                       has some                                                                                                                                                           and Salem LLW & Sewage)                     overlap with                                                                                                                                                       Water system 4:30                                       lnt.#7) 5:00
#3 (New Plant Early Site Lewis, All All Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Tuesday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC AECOM March 9 EParticipants IParticipants Participants Other Event Participants Participants Participants Other Event Participants NRCParticipants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 Cranfield, Gary 8:30 Interview  
#4 Wrie, Klementowicz, (Mtoooia)
Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Wednesday                             S/HC           NRC         AECOM                                     S/HC           NRC         AECOM                                 S/HC         NRC         AECOM March 10         Event         Participants I Participants   Participants   Other         Event       Participants   Participants j Participants Other     Event     I Participants Participants Participants       Other 7:30 8:00                                                                               Tour #7 Interview #8           Eggers,                                             (Radiological 8:30     (T-lines,         Balletto,                                               Effluent                                                                                       D.Logan Terrestrial      Strait, Keating, Bulavinetz       Dillard               Monitoring   Shelton, Sears Klementowi.       Taylor         Tour#(Wlls and Outfalls)                D.Beissel   Dudaa over Dillard Programs and                                                                                     G.Bacuta Ecology)         Jubic(PHI),
Werline, Baua Dover, Taylor (Meteorological)
PSEG T-line                                             emission Points) 9:30 10:00 Interview #9         Keating, 10:30                       Coulant,     Bulavinetz,       Dllard     NJDEP,   Tour#8(Offsite Shelton Sears     Klementowi.       Taylor (Terrestrial         Balletto,       Logan                   DNREC, FWS REMP stations)
Trimble Bacuta 9:00 Delmar, I Sindoni, TTNUS Keating, 9:30 Interview Strait, D.Logan NJ DEP, TourH#2 Balletto, M. D.Beissel Dillard DNREC, Klementowicz 10:00 (Archeological/
EcologY) 11:00                         Eggers 11:30 12:00 Lunch 12:30C_____
Gregory, 1:00                                                                             Interview # 10 (Air Permits)    Cataldo, M~uhi            G.Bacuta     Dover, Taylor McLaughlin 1:30 2:00   Tour#S(T-           PSEG T-line     D.Logan   Dillard, Duda 2:00s (R.Bulavinetz Tour                                Zoe Lins) surv           G.acuta     M.goodwin 2:30                                                                             Interview # 11                   A. Travers                                                                                   _____
Helmbach, G.Bacuta Duda Dover NMFS, Waste Cranfield G.Bacuta (Note: Taylor Historical A.Travers Biggs, White, R.Bulavinet.
Dover, Taylor (Alternatives) 3:00 3:30 4:00 Tour#6Tour#10 4:30(Terrestrial                     .Logan     Dillard/Duda             (AltornA.                           Travers   Dover, Taylor 5:30     Ecology)                         R.Bulavinetz DiltardtDvda 5:00C _____                                                                                                                     _____
FWS, DRBC a tG. overlaps w/10:30 Resources)
J.Rikhoff Goodwin SHPO? Harlukowicz Management)  
Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Thursday March lyl        Event S/HC Prticipant NRC Particiat
[   AECOM Participants; Other Event S/HC Participants NRC Participant AECOM Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 ,e......._,_......_,,_
#1 11:00 Delmar, JRikoff Provenzano (Cultural/m'1 (utrl Socio Sindoni, TTNUS A.Travers Goodwin Socio)11:30 _______12:00 12:30 Lunch 1:00 Lower Interview  
9:00 9:30 10:00 Presentation #2           Heinbuch, (Estuary             Balletto,         All             All 10:30   Enhancement             Straight, Program)           Bickle, Evans 11:00 11:30                       1               1 12:00                                   Lunch 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 D. Logan 2:30     Boat tour                          R. Bulavinetz Duda Dillard D.Beissel       B.Dover 3:00                                           G.Bacuta 3:30 4:00 4:30                                       1               1 5:00C_______Debrief                                All             All}}
#6 Keating, Alloways (Groundwater Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta Dover, Taylor NJDEP, DNREC 1:30 Interview  
#2 Delmar, Creek Rikoff Provenzano Resources)
Roberst (Socio) Sindoni, TTNUS Township, 2:00 Salem County Tour #3 2:30 (Estuary Keating, D.Logan Dillard Water White, Strait Bulavinetz Duda 3:00 System) DRBC, NJDEP, S.Klement.
#7 Keating, EPA, 3:30 Tour#4 to G.Bacuta (Water Use and Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta Dover Pennsville, start at 2pm (Note: G.B. Taylor Quality) Roberst Penns Grove, 4:00 (Solid waste, has some and Salem LLW & Sewage) overlap with Water system 4:30 lnt.#7)5:00 Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Wednesday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM March 10 Event Participants I Participants Participants Other Event Participants Participants j Participants Other Event I Participants Participants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 Tour #7 Interview  
#8 Eggers, (Radiological 8:30 (T-lines, Balletto, Effluent D.Logan Strait, Keating, Bulavinetz Dillard Monitoring Shelton, Sears Klementowi.
Taylor Tour#(Wlls D.Beissel a over Terrestrial and Outfalls)
Duda Dillard Ecology) Jubic(PHI), Programs and G.Bacuta PSEG T-line emission Points)9:30 10:00 Interview  
#9 Keating, 10:30 Coulant, Bulavinetz, Dllard NJDEP, Tour#8(Offsite Shelton Sears Klementowi.
Taylor (Terrestrial Balletto, Logan DNREC, FWS REMP stations)EcologY)11:00 Eggers 11:30 12:00 Lunch 12:30C_____
Gregory, 1:00 Interview  
# 10 Cataldo, G.Bacuta Dover, Taylor (Air Permits) M~uhi McLaughlin 1:30 2:00 Tour#S(T-PSEG T-line D.Logan Dillard, Duda 2:00 s Tour (R.Bulavinetz Zoe Lins) surv G.acuta M.goodwin 2:30 Interview  
# 11 _____A. Travers Dover, Taylor (Alternatives) 3:00 3:30 4:00 Tour#6Tour#10 4:30(Terrestrial .Logan Dillard/Duda (AltornA.
Travers Dover, Taylor 5:30 Ecology) R.Bulavinetz DiltardtDvda 5:00C _____ _____
Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Thursday S/HC NRC [ AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM March lyl Event Prticipant Particiat Participants; Other Event Participants Participant Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 ,e......._,_......_,,_
9:00 9:30 10:00 Presentation  
#2 Heinbuch, (Estuary Balletto, All All 10:30 Enhancement Straight, Program) Bickle, Evans 11:00 11:30 1 1 12:00 Lunch 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 D. Logan 2:30 R. Bulavinetz Duda Dillard Boat tour D.Beissel B.Dover 3:00 G.Bacuta 3:30 4:00 4:30 1 1 Debrief All All 5:00C_______}}

Latest revision as of 15:32, 12 November 2019

E-mail from C. Eccleston, NRR, to G. Bacuta Et Al, on Correct Version of Site Audit Plan and Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/23/2010
From: Eccleston C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Bacuta G, Beissel D, Bulavinetz R, Eccleston C, Andy Imboden, Klementowicz S, Logan D, Jeffrey Rikhoff, Travers A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of License Renewal
Download: ML11259A254 (8)


( JefI Rikhoff, Jeffrey From: LEc-cleston, Charles Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:00 PM To: vEccleston.Charles; BacutarGeorge7 B-igssl Dernis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy; K ementow icz, Stephen;Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff,. Jeffrey, Travers, Allison


Correct Version of Site Audit Plan and Schedule Attachments: Schedule 2.xlsx; Salem Hope Creek Audit Plan (2).xlsx Please disregard the attached schedule/plan in the last email (they were an older version). Attached is the correct version of the Plan/Schedule.

From: Eccleston, Charles Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:57 PM To: Bacuta, George; Beissel, Dennis; Bulavinetz, Richard; Imboden, Andy; Klementowicz, Stephen; Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff, Jeffrey; Travers, Allison


Site Audit Plan and Schedule

Team, Thanks for quick response. I had already identified and fixed the majority of the changes described in your emails, and have now incorporated those that were not already incorporated. I attempted to incorporate all the additional changes except for places in which their were conflicts etc. The changes are in red. Please give this one last review and let me know if you have any last changes.

&41&'4 q'. s&d4ýo Charles H. Eccleston Nuclear Reactor Regulation Licensing Renewal, Project Manager 301.415.8537 1

Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 2 Interview #1 Cultural Resource and Archaelogoical & histroical Oila S.Prove./Goodwin Socioecoomics resources; Taxes,. Land use planning; Social services & public facilities; Impacts on housing.

education facilities, transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Emivuometa-ustike- A.Travers/J.Rikoff 2 Interview #2 Socioeconomics Taxes. Land use planning; Social Taxes paid by PSEG (update) Provenzano J. Rikhoff Lower Alloways Creek These contacts may be services & Public facilities; Impacts Township, Salem County conducted via phone on housing, education facilities, during the audit period.

transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Environmental justice.

4 Interview #3 Aquatic Resources Surface water hydrology; Surface Surface water hydrology: Intake DillardlDuda/Dover D Logan O.Beissel NJ DEP: DNREC: NMFS.

water quality: Surface water use and discharge structures: Intake G.Bacuta R.Bulavinetz FWS: DRBC conflicts: Aquatic communities; velocites:

NPDES-permitted discharges Entrammentlimpingement:

Thermal plumes, Dredging practices, Surface water quality:

Surface water use conflicts, Aquatic community characteristics.

Estuary Enhancement Program.

NPDES-permitted discharges.

Issues related to EFH and T&E species; Invasive species.

2 Interview #4 Meteorological & Onsite Atmospheric and meteorological Met tower reliability and backup Dover and Taylor S. Klementowicz radiological Effluent Monitoring monitoring; Radiological gaseous capabilities. G. Bacuta effluent points and monitoring locations; Radiological liquid -

effluent points and monitoring locations; Off-site REMP; Radiological dose calculations.

2 Interview #5 Solid Waste Management LLW and Mixed LLW holding, LLW and mixed waste handling Taylor S. Klementowic_

processing, packaging, and and disposal; Non-hazardous storage: Industrial waste treatment, industoal waste treatment, handling, and storage); Hazardous handling, and storage (trash).

waste treatment, handling, and Hazardous waste treatment.

storage: Sewage treatment, handling, and storage. Sewage treatment; Spent fuel storage I___ I Icapacity (wet and dry).

2 Interview #6 Groundwater Resources Waterbearing units; Water supply Water supply wells (usage, Dover D. Beissel NJDEP, DNREC walls: Groundwater monitonng capacity, levels): Groundwater program; Groundwater use monotorng program (including conflicts. tritium); Groundwater flow: G Bacuta Groundwater use conflicts.

Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 4 Interview #7 Water Use and Quality Surface water quality. Surface Surface water intake locations and Dover 0 Beissel DRBC; NJDEP; EPA; These contacts may be water use conflicts; Permitting; volumes; Water rights; Surface Pennsville, Penns, Grove, conducted via phone Tritium release and remediation. water withdrawal and discharge and Salem water during the audit penod.

permits: Off-site water supply G. Bacuta systems: Tntium release from Salem Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool.

2 Interview #8 T-Lines Management Use of pestcides & herbicides Maintenance protocols; Dillard R. Bulavinetz procedures; Terrestrial ecology within T-line ROWs; Protocols for Occurrences of sensitive species applying chemicals near streams or habitats in ROWS.

and wetlands 0 Logan ???

2 Interview #9 Terrestral Resources Terrestaal habitats; General site Terrestrial habitats on and around Dillard R. Bulavinetz NJ DEP: DNREC; FWS information and questions; sites; T&E species on or near O.Logan Threatened & endangered species; sites; Invasive species.

Invasive species 2 Interview #10 Air Permits Locations and types of permitted air Dover and Taylor G Bacuta pollutant (rad & non-rad) effulents.

2 Interview #11 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Alternatives to the Proposed Dover and Taylor A. Travers NJ Board of Public Action: Discussions with regulators Utilities, Clean Energy regarding potential modifications Program to open-cycle cooling systems at Salem; Need for new transmission capacity: Renewable energy portfolio requirements/mandates.

5 (including ** Will be conducted ArcheologicaltHistorical Site file/survey search at Registrar Salem/Hope Creek sites Goodwin A Travers Greg Lattanzi, Registrar travel time to outside of Site Resources of NJ Archaeology. Trenton, NJ of NJ Archaeology Trenton, NJ) Audit-

Salem/Hope Creek: Site Audit Plan Allotted Time (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Agencies Comments 2 Tour #1 General Overview; No entry into To be determined based on pre- All team members All team members Protected Area audit data review.

25 Tour #2 Archeological/ Historical View cultural sites Areas planned for new access Goodwin A TraversJ, ,Ekhoff SHPO May not be needed Resources rceds. Areas planned for new disturbance to surrounding submerged land: Hancack's Tour #3 Estuary Water System Intake structure & pump house: Coaning Tower, Intake structures Dillard/Duda D Logan/h Bulavinetz Chlorinator house: Water (screens, fish return systems, pretreatment building; Screen etc ), Discharge structures house desilting basin, Circulating water pump house: Cooling Towers:

Cooling water desilting basin; Discharge piping, sump and sampling house; Detoxification system; Fish Retuin Visit estuary enhancement program 2 Tour #4 Solid Waste,(rad and non-rod Gaseous, liquid, and solid LLW Storage Area, (HIC and LSA Taylor S Klementowicz

[hazardous and non-hazardous]) radioactive waste processing areas, boxes). Mixed waste storage area; G Bai.ta LLW & Sewage Treatment (not just spent fuel), Radioactive Industrial waste storage areas:

effluent release points: Radioactive Radioactive effluent release effluent monitoring systems: Typical points, Sewage treatment system; radiological environmental Spent fuel storage (wet and dry) monitonng station (including any co located State monitonng stations )

3 Tour #5 T-Lines Management T-lines that cross wetlands; T-lines Crossings of wetlands or other Diid5ad,-a'.Zun.Goodwn D Logan R.Eulaoinetz procedures: Terrestrial Ecology; that cross rivers/streams, T-lines sensitive areas that are readily G.Bacuta Archeological/ Histoncal that cross park/state land/protected accessible Resources areas: T-lines that cross historic and archaeological sites or areas of potential historic and archaeological sensitioity, Use of pesticides &

herbicides within T-line ROWs, Protocols for applying chemicals near streams and wetlands 2 Tour #6 Terrestnal Ecology General terrestrial site layout: Terrestrial habitats on and near Dillard D Logan'R Bulavinetz Wetland habitats: Vegetation: sites: T&E species on or near common flora/fauna sites; innasnie species 2 Tour #7 Radiological Gaseous and Liquid On-site meteorological station; On- Met tower, Pump house (Liquid Taylor" Klementowicz Effluent Monitoring Programs site air effluent points and effluent line, monitor, and control and Diesel Generator emission monitoring locations, On-site Liquid panel and Diesel fire pump);

points radiological effluent points and Extenor of plant; Diesel monitoring locations, Liquid generators, Auo boiler, compliance radioactive waste system control and other air monitoring and panel. dosimetry stations 2 Tour #8 Offsite REMP Stations Off-site REMP Stations Air stations. Gardens, Milk Taylor ??ý7 Klementowic, How many sites need to locations, Upstream River be seen?

Sampling Point 2 Tour #9 On-site groundwater wells & Monitoring wells that compose the Supply wells; Tntium monitonng Dover/Dillard/Duda D Logan D Beissel NPDES-permitted outfalls Groundwater Radiation Protection wells; Stormwater management G.Bacuta Program, Supply wells, Stormwater system; NPDES-permitted outfalls 7 3 Tour #10 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Locations for new/additional Dover and Taylor?" )- A.Travers facilities; New fossil-fueled plant and/or cooling towers; Rail access points 3 Tour#ii Boat tour CLidu.sDillard;B Dover D LoganPR Bulaninetz C BeisseitG.Bacula

Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Monday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM March 8 Event Participants Participants Participants Other Event Participants Participants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30!

11:00' 11:30 12:00 Presentation#1 All All All 12:30 (General, Safety) 1:00 1:30 2:00 Tour #1 2:30 (Overall Site Tour, Braun, Perry, All All Including Portions of Keating 3:00 the Protected Area) 3:30 4:00 4:301 Presentation #3 (New Plant Early Site Lewis, All All

Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Tuesday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC AECOM March 9 EParticipants IParticipants Participants Other Event Participants Participants Participants Other Event Participants NRCParticipants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 Cranfield, Gary 8:30 Interview #4 Wrie, Werline, Klementowicz, Baua Dover, Taylor (Mtoooia)

(Meteorological) Trimble Bacuta 9:00 Delmar, I Sindoni, TTNUS Keating, 9:30 Interview Strait, D.Logan NJ DEP, TourH#2 Balletto, M. D.Beissel Dillard DNREC, Klementowicz 10:00 (Archeological/ Resources) Helmbach, G.Bacuta Duda Dover NMFS, Waste Cranfield G.Bacuta (Note: Taylor Historical A.Travers Biggs, White, R.Bulavinet. FWS, DRBC a tG. overlaps w/

10:30 Resources) J.Rikhoff Goodwin SHPO? Harlukowicz Management) #)

Interview #1 11:00 (Cultural/m'1 Delmar, JRikoff Provenzano (utrl Socio Sindoni, TTNUS A.Travers Goodwin Socio) 11:30 _______

12:00 12:30 Lunch 1:00 Lower Interview #6 Keating, Alloways (Groundwater Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta Dover, Taylor NJDEP, DNREC 1:30 Interview #2 Delmar, Creek Rikoff Provenzano Resources) Roberst (Socio) Sindoni, TTNUS Township, 2:00 Salem County Tour #3 2:30 (Estuary Keating, D.Logan Dillard Water White, Strait Bulavinetz Duda 3:00 System) DRBC, NJDEP, S.Klement. Interview #7 Keating, EPA, 3:30 Tour#4 to G.Bacuta (Water Use and Sharpe, Biggs, Beissel, Bacuta Dover Pennsville, start at 2pm (Note: G.B. Taylor Quality) Roberst Penns Grove, 4:00 (Solid waste, has some and Salem LLW & Sewage) overlap with Water system 4:30 lnt.#7) 5:00

Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Wednesday S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM S/HC NRC AECOM March 10 Event Participants I Participants Participants Other Event Participants Participants j Participants Other Event I Participants Participants Participants Other 7:30 8:00 Tour #7 Interview #8 Eggers, (Radiological 8:30 (T-lines, Balletto, Effluent D.Logan Terrestrial Strait, Keating, Bulavinetz Dillard Monitoring Shelton, Sears Klementowi. Taylor Tour#(Wlls and Outfalls) D.Beissel Dudaa over Dillard Programs and G.Bacuta Ecology) Jubic(PHI),

PSEG T-line emission Points) 9:30 10:00 Interview #9 Keating, 10:30 Coulant, Bulavinetz, Dllard NJDEP, Tour#8(Offsite Shelton Sears Klementowi. Taylor (Terrestrial Balletto, Logan DNREC, FWS REMP stations)

EcologY) 11:00 Eggers 11:30 12:00 Lunch 12:30C_____

Gregory, 1:00 Interview # 10 (Air Permits) Cataldo, M~uhi G.Bacuta Dover, Taylor McLaughlin 1:30 2:00 Tour#S(T- PSEG T-line D.Logan Dillard, Duda 2:00s (R.Bulavinetz Tour Zoe Lins) surv G.acuta M.goodwin 2:30 Interview # 11 A. Travers _____

Dover, Taylor (Alternatives) 3:00 3:30 4:00 Tour#6Tour#10 4:30(Terrestrial .Logan Dillard/Duda (AltornA. Travers Dover, Taylor 5:30 Ecology) R.Bulavinetz DiltardtDvda 5:00C _____ _____

Salem/ Hope Creek: Site Audit Schedule March 8-12 Thursday March lyl Event S/HC Prticipant NRC Particiat

[ AECOM Participants; Other Event S/HC Participants NRC Participant AECOM Participants Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 ,e......._,_......_,,_

9:00 9:30 10:00 Presentation #2 Heinbuch, (Estuary Balletto, All All 10:30 Enhancement Straight, Program) Bickle, Evans 11:00 11:30 1 1 12:00 Lunch 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 D. Logan 2:30 Boat tour R. Bulavinetz Duda Dillard D.Beissel B.Dover 3:00 G.Bacuta 3:30 4:00 4:30 1 1 5:00C_______Debrief All All