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SAFETY LIMIT LIMITXNG SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING 1.1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY 2.1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY B Power Transient To ensure that the Safety Limits established in Specification 1.1.A are not exceeded,'ach required scram shall be initiated by its expected scram signal.The Safety Limit shall be assumed to be exceeded when scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram signal.l.scram and isola-{PCIS groups 2,3,6)reactor low water level 2.Scram--turbine stop valve closure 3, Scram--turbine control valve fast closure or turbine trip, I 538 in.above vessel zero S 10 per-cent valve closure 550 psig 4.(Deleted)5.'Scram-main steam line isolation 5 10 per-cent, valve"losuro 6, Main steam isola-~825 psi" tion valve closure<<-nuclear system low pressure C.Reactor Vessel Water Level C.Water Level Tri Settin s Whenever there is irradiated
.'fuel in the reactor vessel,~the water level shall.not be less than'7.7 in.above.the top of the normal active fuel zone.Core spray and LPCI actuation--
reactor loM water level HPCI and HCZC actuation-reac-tor low water.level I 378 in.above vessel zero 470 above vessel zero Main steam isola-tion valve clos ur e-r eactor'ow water level h 378 in.'bove Vessel zero P
2.1 BASES~I~t t~1~(DELETED)C.6 H.Hain Stags Line Is~wtion on LoBB Prcssure and Hain Steam Line Isolation Scracs The lov pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 825 psig vss provided to protect against rapid reactor depreasurization and the'esulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel.Advantage is taken of the scram feature that occurs vhen the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor ahutdovn ao that high povsr opera-tion at lov reactor preoeur does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit.Operation of the reac-tor at pressures lover than g2>psig requires that the reactor cade~Mitch be in the STARTUP position, vheze protectfon of'the.fuel cladding'ntegrity safety limit is provided by the IRM and APRM high neutron flu'x acrams.Thus, the cotsbinstion of main steam line lov pressure isolation and isolation valve closure scram assures the availability of neutron flux scram protection over the entire range'of applicab'lity of the fuel cladding integrity safety liBBit.In addition, the isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and flux transients that occur during normal or inadvertent isolation valve closure.With ths scrams~et at lO percent of valve closure, neutron flux does not increase, t
TABLE 3 1nA REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM (SCRAM)INSTRUMENTATION REQUIRENEtIT Min.No.of Operable Ins't o Channels Per Trip o~snt n 1$(3)".Itto Innttton Tri Level=ettin Modes in Qhich Function Must Be 0 erable 8 hut-Startup/Hot
=onn~nntntl I I".nntt I n n~ntio Main Steaa Line Isola-tion Valve Closure 5 10%Valve Closure X(3)(6)X{3)(6)X(6)1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont.Valve Past Closure or Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure k 550 peis S 10S Valve Closure X(4)1 A or 1 D X(4)1 A or 1 D I 2.Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive not 8154 psis X{18)X (18)X (18)(19)2.~Main Steam Line High Radiation (14)3X Normal Full Paver Background(20)
X(9)X(9)X(9)1.A or 1.c 0
TABLE 4.I.A, REACTOR PROTECTIOH STSTEH (SCRAH)IH~iUHBfTATIO!l PUHCTIONAL TESTS HDiOSH FUHCTIOHAL TEST FkPPEHCIES POR SAP ETT IHSTR.AHD COHTRDL CIRCUITS%au Functional Teat Hfnfnun fre ueacy (3)Hode Svftch ia Shutdovn Haaual Scraa IRH High flux Place Hode SMitch in Shutdovn Each Refueliog Outage Trip Channel and Alake (4)Once Per Meek Durfag lefuelin and Before Each Startup A Trfp Channel and Alar>a Every 3 Hontha Inoperative-C.Trip Channel and Aiara (4)Oace Per Meek During kefuelin and Before Each Startup APRH High flux (1ST acraa)High Flux (Flow Biased)Hfgh tluz (Fixed Trip)Inoperat f ve Douna ca le Trip Output Relays (4)Trip Output Relays (4)Trip Output Relays (4J Trip Output kelaya (4)Trip Output Relaya (4)Before Each Startup and Meeki When Required to be Operable Once/ljeelc Once/Meek Once/Meek PIov Eiaa (6)(6)Rfgh Reactor Preaaure High Dryvoll Preeaure Reactor Lou Meter Level High Water Level in Scram Discharge.Tank.Float Skitches (LS-85-45C-F)
High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tank'lectronic Level Switches (LS-85-45A; B, G, H)Trip Channel and Alarm Trip Channel and Alarm Trfp Channel aad Alara Once/Honth (1)Once/Honth (1)Dace/Hoath fl).Trip Channel and Alarm Once/Month Tr'ip Channel and Alarm (7)Once/Month Hain Steam Line.High Radiation B Trip Channel and Alarm'4')Once/3 months (8)
TABLE, 4 1~B REACTOR" PROTECTION SISTEM (SCRAM)XNSTRVMENT CALIBRATXON MXNXMVM CALIBRATIOM FRE()azrs:IES FOR REAcroR PRoTECTzoN XNSTRVMENT CHANNELS Instrument Channel IRM High Flux Qroup (1)c calibration Compari,son to APRM on Control led startupa (6)Minimum Frequency (2)Note (4)APRM High Flux Output Signal Flow Bias Signal LPRM Signal High Reactor Pressure High Drywell Pressure Reactor Low Mater Level B B B Heat Balance Calibrate Flo<<Bias Signal (7)TZp System Traverse (8)Standard Pressure Source Standard Pressure Source Pressure Standard Once every 7 days Once/operating cycle~Every 1000 Effective~
Full Power Hours Every 3 Months Every 3 Months Every 3 Months High Water Lovel in Scram Discharge Volume Float S~itches (LS-85-45 C-F)High Water Level in Scram Discharge Volume Electronic Level britches (LS-85-45-A, B, G, H)B Calibrated Water Column (5)Ca 1 i br a to d W a t er Co 1 umn Note (5)Onco/Operating Cycle (9).Hain Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure'ain Steam Line High Badiation I 0 Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive (PT-1-81A and B, Pl'-1-91A and B)Turbine Cont.Valve Fast Closure or.Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure B Note (5)Standard Current Source (3)Standard Prcssure Source Standard Pressure Source Note (5)Note (5)Every 3 Honths Once/Operating Cycle (9)Once/Opera ti n8 Cyc 1 e Note (5) 3.i slsEE It modes.In the pover range the APLi system pzovidos requ tod protection.
4 Ref.Section 7.5.7 PSAR.Thus, the IRH System ie not required in the Run mode.The APRM's ond tho IRN's provida adequate covet>>go in the startup and intermediate range.The high reactor.pressure, high dryvell pressure, reactor lov vater level and scram discharge volume high level scrome are required for Startup and Run aedes of plant operation.
They are, therefore, required to be opera-tional for these modes of'eactor operation.
The requirement to have tho octan functions as indicated in Table 3.1..1'perable io the Refuel etode is to oeauze that shifting to the Refuel mode during reactor pnvcr operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection syste~.Because of the APL'ovnscole limit of>3Z vhen in the Run mode and high level limit of<15I vhen in the Startup Hode, the transition betvoen tho Startup and Run Nodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentation indicating betveen 3I and 15I of rated paver or o control rod octan vill occuz.In addition, the IRf system must be indicating belov tho High Plux setting (120/125 of ocale)or a scram vill occur vhen in tho Startup Mod>>.Pot normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of ovet'lap botreen the IRH system and APLf system eo that thoro aze no"gape" in the paver lovel indicetione (i.e., the pover level ia continuously nanitorad from beginning of etartup to full povor and fton full pover to ehutdovn).
4hen povet ie being reduced, if a tran>>fez to the Startup mode ia tuLCo end th>>IL'l'e have not been fully inserted (a maloperationol but not Mpoeeiblo condition) a control rod block~odiatcly occurs so that reactivity meez-tion by control rod vlthdraval cannot occur.44 UNIT 2 PROPOSED SPECIFICATIONS 0 A~~SAFETY LIMIT t~~<<l..5'IMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING l.1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY P~-2.1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY'ower Transient To ensure that the Safety Limits'stablished in Specification 1.1.A are not exceeded,*'each required scram shall be initiated by its expected scram signal.The Safety Limit shall be assumed to be exceeded.when scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram signal.B.Power Transient Tri Settin s l., Scram and isola-h 538 in.tion (PCIS groups above 2,3,6)reactor low'essel , water 2.Scram-turbine 5 10 per-stop valve cent valve closure closure 3, Scram--turbine
.,=550 psig control valve fast clo"ura or turbine trip 4 (Deleted)5, Scram-main.5 1,0 per-steam line.cent valve isolation'."losuro'I 6,'Main steam.isola-~825'sig 0ion valve closure-nuclear system low pressure C.Reactor Vessel 4'ater Level C.Water Level Tri Settin s whenever there is irradiated
.fuel in the reactor vessel,~the water.level shall not be less than 17.7'in.above the top of the normal active fuel zone.Core spray and'pCI actuation-reactor lofti'water level HPCI and RCIC actuation-reac-tor low water,.level h 378 in.above vesaeT xero 470'bove vessel zero 3~Main steam isola-.tion valve closure--reactor low water level.~378 in'., above vessel zero R

~(((A ((t~~1 RLSES.~X((44(~~(~,~~(4~, ((l'('l..a ('(~~(DELETED)~>>'C.4 H.lhin Staaa Line Is~ation on Lov Pressure and Rain Stepan Line Isolation Scran'fhe lov pressure isolation of the mein stean lines at 8Z5 psig veN-provided to protect esainet rapid reactor depressuri,zation and the resulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel.Advantage is taken of.the icr(aa feature that occurs vhen the aain stean)ine iso)ation valves are closed,<<o provide for reactor ahutdova so that high pover.opera-ciern at lov reactor proosur does not occur, thus providing protection for the tuel cladding integrity safety limit.Operation of the reac-<<or at pressures lover'han 8Z>poig requires that the reactor code avitch ba in the.STAR'LVP position, vhere protection of the fuel cladding integrity safety)Snit ia provided by'the IRM and APRH high neutron flux~oczans.Thus, the conbination of nein utean line lov pressure.isolation and isolation valve closure acracl assures the availability of neutron Flux acraa protection over the entire range of applicability of the fuel cladding integrity safety limit.In addition, the isolation valve closure ecraa anticipatea the pressure and flux transients that occur durini noaaal or inadvertent isolation valve closure.Mith the scree oet ot 1Q percent of valve closure, neutron i'lux does not increase.
SAFETY      LIMIT                              LIMITXNG SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING
: 1. 1     FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY            2.1  FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY B        Power  Transient To ensure  that the Safety Limits      l. scram and    isola-      I above 538 in.
established in Specification                        {PCIS groups
: 1. 1.A          are not exceeded,            2,3,6) reactor low        vessel
        'ach required scram shall    be              water level                  zero initiated by its expected  scram      2. Scram--turbine            S 10    per-signal. The Safety Limit shall            stop valve                    cent valve be assumed to be exceeded when              closure                      closure scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram          3, Scram--turbine                  550  psig signal.                                    control valve fast closure or turbine trip,
: 4.   (Deleted)
: 5. 'Scram  main              5 10    per-steam    line                cent, valve isolation                    "losuro 6, Main steam      isola-     ~825    psi" tion valve closure
                                                        <<-nuclear system low pressure C. Reactor Vessel Water Level                C. Water  Level  Tri Settin    s Whenever there is irradiated
      'fuel in the reactor vessel,
                                        .              Core spray and            I 378  in.
LPCI actuation--              above
the water level shall. not be                    reactor loM water              vessel less than'7.7 in. above. the                     level                          zero top of the normal active fuel HPCI and HCZC                470 actuation zone.
reac-          above tor  low water  .
vessel level                        zero Main steam    isola-      h 378  in.
tion valve clos ur e
                                                                                                'bove r eactor        Vessel water level    'ow zero

TABIH'3.1~A REACTOR PROTECTION SYS EM (SCRAM)INSTRUMi8TATION REQUIREMENT Kin.No.of Operable Inst.Channels Per Trip Tri Level Settin Modes in Nhich Function Must Be 0 erable Shut-Startup/Hot dovn~Re.'uel 7 Stan~db RGll~IICt1Oll 1 Main Steam Line Isola-tion Valve Closure 5 10%Valve Closure X (3)(6)X (3)(6)X (6)1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont Valve Past Closure Or Turbiae Trip k 550 pais X(4)1.A or 1.D~~Turbine Stop Valve Closure 6 10S Valve Closure X(4)1.A or 1.D 2-Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive nor F154 psi8 X (18)X(18)X(18)(19)2 Main Steajs Line High 3X Normal Full Power Radiation (14).Background (20)X(9)X(9)X(9)1.A or 1.C TABLE 4m 1.A REACTOR FROTRCTlOM STSTF8 (SCRAH)DlSTRUHWTATlOR FUNCTlONAL TESTS HfHOSH HSCTfONAL TEST FREQUENCIES FOR SAFETT lNSTR.AND CONTROL CIRCU?TS Mode'Svitch ta Shutdova Haaual Scran TRH High flux Inoperatfra QEn~g Functional Teat A Place Mode Suitch tn Shutdoua A Trtp Channel aod Alarm Trip Channel and Afana (4)Trip Channel and Alara (4)Hiataun Fr ueacy ($)Each Retuettag Outage Every 3 Hoatha Once Pcr Meat Durfog Refueltn aad gefote Each Startup Once Per Meek Duriag Rcfueltn aad gcfore Each Startup~'~Cy APRH High Flux (1$Z acraa)High Flux (Flow Biased)High Flux (Fixed Trip)lnoperatfre Dovaacale Flou gtaa fffgh Reactor Preaeure Ifgh Dryvell Preaaure Reactor Lov Mater Level B 5 Trip Output Relays (4)Trip Output Relays (4)Trip Output Relaya (4)Trtp Output Relaya (4)Trip Output Relaya (4)Trip Channel and Alara Trfp Channel and'lara Trip Chaaael'aad Alaa~*before Each Startup aad Mcekl Mhca Required to be Operable Once/Week Dace/Meek Once/Mech Oace/Meek Dace/Honth (1)Dace/Hoath (1)Once/Honth (1).High Mater Level f a Scree Dtacharge Tank Float Switches 3 Differential Pressure Switches A Trip Channel and Alarm Once/month B.-Trip Channel and Alarm" Once/month (7)Main Steam Line High Radiation Trip Channel and Alarm On'e/3 months (8)
: 2. 1 BASES
                                                                                ~ I
                                                                                      ~ t t  ~
1~    (DELETED)
C. 6 H. Hain Stags Line Is~ wtion on  LoBB Prcssure and Hain Steam Line Isolation  Scracs The  lov pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 825 psig vss provided to protect against rapid reactor depreasurization and the
        'esulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel. Advantage is taken of the scram feature that occurs vhen the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor ahutdovn ao that high povsr opera-tion at lov reactor preoeur does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit. Operation of the reac-tor at pressures lover than g2> psig requires that the reactor cade
          ~ Mitch be in the STARTUP position, vheze protectfon of 'the. fuel cladding safety limit is provided by the IRM and APRM high neutron flu'x      'ntegrity acrams. Thus, the cotsbinstion of main steam line lov pressure isolation and isolation valve closure scram assures the availability of neutron flux scram protection over the entire range 'of applicab'lity of the fuel cladding integrity safety liBBit. In addition, the isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and flux transients that occur during normal or inadvertent isolation valve closure. With ths scrams
          ~ et at lO percent of valve closure, neutron flux does not increase,

TABLE 4 1~B REACTOR PROTECrloH sysTEH (SciAH)IHSTROMEHT CALIBRATIOH HIHIHUH CALIBRATIOH PREQOE)a IES FOR REACXOR PROTECTIOH IHSTROKEssr CHANNELS Instrument Channel IRH High Flux APRH High Flux Output Signal Flow Bias Signal LPRH Signal High Reactor Pressure Bigh Orywell Pressure ReaCtOr LOw Water LeVel High Water Level in Scrafa Oischarge Volumes Float Switches Differential Pressure Switches Croup (1)B B A B Calibration Comparison to APRH on Control-led scarcupN (6)Heat Balance Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (7)TIP System Traverse (8)Standard Pressure'Source Standard Pressure Source Pressure Standard Note (5)Calibrated Mater Column Minimum Frequency (2)Hots (4)Once every 7 days Once/operating cycle Every 1000 EI(ective Full Power Hours Every 3 Months Every 3 Months Every 3 Months Note (5)Once/Operating Cycle.Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure A Main Steam=Line High Radiation B Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive A Note (5)Standard Current Source (3)Standard Pressure Source Note (5)Everv 3 Months Every 6 Months Turbine Stop Valve Closure Turbine Cont;Valve Fast Closure or ur n;A Turbine Trip No'te (5)a<<a<<p'ressure Sour Note (5)Once/operating cycle
of Operable Ins't o                                                                    Modes  in Qhich Function Channels                                                                      Must Be 0 erable Per Trip                o                                          8 hut-              Startup/Hot
~snt n      1$ ( 3) ".Itto Innttton        Tri Level =ettin          =onn  ~nntntl  I  I".nntt        I  n  n~ntio Main Steaa Line    Isola-tion Valve Closure        5 10% Valve Closure                X(3) (6)     X{3) (6) X(6)     1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont. Valve Past Closure or            k  550 peis                                              X(4)       1 A or  1  D Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure                    S  10S  Valve Closure                                      X(4)    1  A or 1  D 2     . Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive        not 8154 psis                      X{18)         X (18) X (18)  (19)
: 2.   ~
Main Steam Line High           3X Normal  Full  Paver          X(9)           X(9)   X(9)     1.A  or 1.c Radiation (14)               Background(20)

tional for th P The requirement to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable io the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to the Refuel sade during reactor pover operatioa does not diminish the need for.the react'or protection systems modes.In the paver raRge the APRH system provides requ'rod'protection.
Ref.Section 7.5.7 FSAR.Thus, the IRH System io noc required in the Run mode.The APRH'aad tho ILN'a provide adequate coverage,in the etartup and incermediate range.4.The high reactor-pressure, high dryuell pressure, reactor lov voter level hand scram discharge volume high level seroms are required for Stortup and Run sades of plant operation.
                                              %au              Functional Teat            Hfnfnun  fre  ueacy (3)
They are, therefore, required to be.opera-es>>modes of'eactor o eration.I Because of the APRH dovnseolo, limit of i 3X vhea in the Run mode and high'evel limit of c15I uhen in the Startup Hode, che transi'cion betuoea the Startup and Run Hodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentatioa indicatiag betveen 3X and 15X of rated pover or o eon'trol rod scram vill occur.In~ddition, the IRH system must be indicating belov the High Plux setting (120/125 of scale)or a scram vill occur vhen'ia the Stsrtup Mode.For normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of over'lap betveon the IRH system and APRf system so that there are ao"gapa" ia the pouer level indieationo (i.e., the pouer level is continuously cmnitored!rom beginning of startup to full paver aad from Cull pover to shutdovn),''hen pover is being reduced, if o transfer to ths Startup'mode ia made sad'he IRN'e have not been tully inserted (a maloperotioaol but'ot impossible condition) o control rod block~odiatcly occurs so that rsactiv'ty macr<<tion by control rod vithdraval esaaot occur.
Hode  Svftch ia Shutdovn                                  Place Hode SMitch in Shutdovn    Each  Refueliog Outage Haaual Scraa                                      A        Trfp Channel  and Alar>a         Every  3 Hontha IRH High  flux                                              Trip  Channel and Alake (4)      Once Per Meek Durfag lefuelin and Before Each Startup Inoperative-                                   C    . Trip Channel  and Aiara (4)      Oace Per Meek During kefuelin and Before Each Startup APRH High  flux  (1ST acraa)                                Trip Output Relays (4)          Before Each Startup and Meeki When  Required to be Operable High Flux (Flow Biased)                                Trip Output Relays (4)          Once/ljeelc Hfgh tluz (Fixed Trip)                                  Trip Output Relays  (4J Inoperat fve                                            Trip Output kelaya (4)          Once/Meek Douna ca le                                            Trip Output Relaya (4)          Once/Meek PIov Eiaa                                                                    (6)                    (6)
Rfgh Reactor Preaaure                                      Trip  Channel and Alarm          Once/Honth (1)
High Dryvoll Preeaure                                      Trip  Channel and Alarm          Once/Honth (1)
Reactor Lou Meter Level                                    Trfp Channel  aad Alara          Dace/Hoath  fl) .
High Water Level      in  Scram Discharge
    . Float Skitches                                      Trip  Channel and Alarm        Once/Month (LS-85-45C-F)
High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tank                                                    Tr'ip Channel and Alarm (7)     Once/Month
        'lectronic Level Switches (LS-85-45A; B, G, H)
Hain Steam Line. High Radiation                  B        Trip  Channel and  Alarm'4')  Once/3 months (8)

~SAFETY LIMXT 0'LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTING 1.1 FUEL CLADDING XNTEGRXTY 2 1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY Power Transiene B.Power Transient Tri Settin s To ensure that the Safety Limit s established in Specification 1.1.A are noe exceeded,'ach required scram shall be initiated by its expected scram signal.The Safety Limit shall be assumed to be exceeded when'scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram signal.Scram and isola-tion (PCXS groups 2,3,6)reactor low water level 2.Scram-turbine stop valve closure Scram--turbine control valve~fast clo"ura or eurbino trip h 538 in above vessel zero 5.10 per-cent valve closure 550 psig 4.(Deleted)5.'cram--main steam line isolation Main steam isola-tion valve closure-nuclear system low pressure 5 1Q per-cent valve..closur~~825 psi", l I C.Reactor Vessel Mater Level C.Mater Level Tri Settings Mhenever there is irradiated
TABLE, 4 1 ~ B REACTOR" PROTECTION SISTEM (SCRAM) XNSTRVMENT CALIBRATXON MXNXMVM CALIBRATIOM FRE()azrs:IES FOR REAcroR PRoTECTzoN XNSTRVMENT CHANNELS Instrument Channel                    Qroup (1)              calibration                            Minimum Frequency  (2)
.fuel in the reactor vessel,~the waeer level shall noe be less than'7.7 in.above the top of the normal aceive fuel zone.Core spray and LPCI actuation-
IRM High  Flux                                      c            Compari,son to APRM        on  Control        Note (4) led startupa          (6)
'reactor 1oii water level 2, HPCI and RCIC actuation-reac-tor low water level Main steam isola-tion valve closure--reactor low water level I 378 in.above vesaeT zero.470 above vessel zero I 378 in.above vessel zero" 13
APRM  High Flux                                                                                                  Once every 7 days Output Signal                                      B            Heat Balance Flow Bias Signal                                  B            Calibrate Flo<< Bias Signal          (7)        Once/operating cycle LPRM  Signal                                        B           TZp System        Traverse (8)                ~
Every 1000  Effective~
Full  Power Hours High Reactor Pressure                                            Standard Pressure Source                        Every  3 Months High Drywell Pressure                                            Standard Pressure Source                        Every  3 Months Reactor  Low Mater  Level                                      Pressure Standard                              Every  3 Months High Water Lovel      in Scram Discharge Volume Float S~itches                                                  Calibrated Water Column (5)
(LS-85-45 C-F )                                                                                          Note (5)
High Water Level in Scram Discharge Volume Electronic Level britches                                            i br a to d (LS-85-45-A, B, G, H)                                B          Ca 1              Wa t er Co 1 umn      Onco/Operating Cycle (9)
Isolation Valve Closure                      Note (5)                                  Note (5)
. Hain Steam Line
  'ain    Steam Line High    Badiation                              Standard Current Source (3)              Every  3 Honths I                                  0 Turbine  First  Stage Pressure    Permissive Standard Prcssure Source (PT-1-81A and B, Pl'-1-91A and B)                  B                                                    Once/Operating Cycle (9)
Turbine Cont. Valve Fast Closure or.                             Standard Pressure            Source      Once/Opera  tin8  Cyc 1 e Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure                                      Note (5)                                  Note (5)

~~.~iJ" oil pressure at.the main turbine control valve actuator disc dump valves~a, This loss of pressure is sensed'by pressure switches whose contacts form..;the one-out-of-two-twice.logic input to the reactor protection system.This trip setting,.a-nominally 50X greater closure time and a different valve'characteristic from that:.ef the turbine stop valve,,combine to produce transients very similar to that for.the stop valve.Relevant transient analyses are'=discussed in References 1 and 2.%This scram is bypassed when turbine steam flow is below 30/of rated, as measured ,bv the turbine first staae oressure.F (DELETED)G.6 H.Main Steam Line Isolation on Low Pressure and Main Steam Line Isolation Scram The low pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 850 psiq was provided to protect against rapid reactor'epressurization and the resulting rapid cooldown of the vessel.Advantaqe is taken of the scram feature that.occurs.when the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor shutdown so that high power operation at low reactor pressure does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit.Operation of the reactor at pressures lower than 850 psig requires that the reactor mode switch be in the STARTUP.23 TABLE.3.1.A (cont'd)REACTOR PROTECTIOH STSTEH (SCRA'1)IHSTRIlHEHTATIOH REQUIREIKNT dfnictun Hunbcr sf Operable instru=ent
3.i  slsEE It modes. In the pover range the APLi system pzovidos requ 4 tod protection.
:hannels Pcr 2 23 Trf Punctlon High Mater Level in East Scran Discharge Tank (LS-85-h5E-H)
Ref. Section 7.5.7 PSAR. Thus, the IRH System ie not required in the Run mode. The APRM's ond tho IRN's provida adequate covet>>go in the startup and intermediate range.
}fain Stean Line Isolation Valve Closuro Turbino Control Valve Past Closure or Turbine Trip Trf Level Settin<50 gallons c 10 percent valve closure i 550 psig Hodcs in Mhich Function 1'.ust be 0 erable StartuplHot itllii ml~lt t 1 (~Sia dh X X(2)X'lu'Aetio 1 X 1.i X(6)1.A or 1.C X(h)1 A or 1.D Turbine Stop Valve Closure c 10X Valve Closure X(4)1.A or 1.0.Turbine First Stage Pres'sure Pcrnfssfvc not i 154 psig X(18)X(18)X(18)(19)Main Stean Line High Radfatiun (14)3X Homal Full Pouer Bac'kground (20)X(9)X(9)X(9)I.h or 1.C TABLE 4~1~A REACTOR PROTECTIOII SYSTEH (SCRAM)I HSTRUHEHTATIOH FUHCTIOHhL TESTS HIIILLIUH FUIICTIOIIAL TEST FREQUQICIES FOR SAFETY IIISTR AND COIITROL CIRCUITS P~Gro 2 Functional Test Hinigug Frequency (J)Hode Switch in Shutdown Hanual Scrag Place Hode suit,ch in Shutdown Each Refueling Outage Trip Channel and Alarg Every 3 Honths IRH lligh Flux Inoperative APRH Iligh Flux (15%.scrag)
The high reactor .pressure, high dryvell pressure, reactor lov vater level and scram discharge volume high level scrome are required for Startup and Run aedes of plant operation. They are, therefore, required to be opera-tional for these  modes of'eactor operation.
{l)(,h Flux (Flou I)iased)(Fixed Trip)w Inollerative Downscale Flow Blas Illgh Reactor Pressure High Dryuell Pressure Reactor Lou Mater Level lllgh Mater Level in Scrag Discharge Tank Float.S'uitchcs (I.S-II5-45C-I')
The requirement  to have tho octan functions as indicated in Table 3.1..1
fluctronlc Lovel Switches..(LS-85-45A, II, G, II)h B Trip Channel and Alarla{4)Trip Channel and Alarg{4)Trip Output Relays (4)<I"~Trip Output Reiays (4)Trip IxItput Relays (p)h Trip Output Relays (4)Trip Output Relays (4){6I Trip Channel and Aiarg Trip Channel and blare Trip Channel and Alarg Trip Channel and Alarg-I FIp Chnnnul In(I AI'Irm 0)Once Per Meek D ring Refueling and Before Each Startup once Per Meek Dur(ng Refueling and Before Each Startup Defore Each Startup and Meekly Mhen Required to he Operable OIIce/Meek Oncatuaap Once/Meek Once/Heck (6)Once/Honth (I)Onco/Honth (I)Once/Honth (1)Onci"lonlh Cnce/:AIuth
    'perable io the Refuel    etode is to oeauze that shifting to the Refuel mode during reactor pnvcr operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection syste~.
Because  of the APL'ovnscole    limit of > 3Z vhen in the Run mode and high level limit of  < 15I vhen in the Startup Hode, the transition betvoen tho Startup and Run Nodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentation indicating betveen 3I and 15I of rated paver or o control rod octan      vill occuz. In addition, the IRf system must be indicating belov tho High Plux setting (120/125 of ocale) or a scram    vill  occur vhen in tho Startup Mod>>. Pot normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of ovet'lap botreen the IRH system and APLf system eo that thoro aze no "gape" in the paver lovel indicetione (i.e., the pover level ia continuously nanitorad from beginning of etartup to full povor and fton full pover to ehutdovn).
4hen povet ie being reduced,   if a tran>>fez to the Startup mode ia tuLCo end th>> IL'l'e have not been fully inserted (a maloperationol but not Mpoeeiblo condition) a control rod block ~odiatcly occurs so that reactivity meez-tion by control rod vlthdraval cannot occur.

TABLE 4 1 B REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEH (SCRAH)INSTRUHENT CALIBRATION HINIHUH CALIBRATION FREQUENCIES FOR REACTOR PROTECTION INSTRUHENT CHANNELS Instrument Channel IRH High Flux APRH High Flux Output signal Flow Bias Signal LPRH Signal Group (1)B B B I Calibration Compari.son to APRH on Control-).ed stsrtups (6)c Heat Balance Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (7)TIP System Traverse (8)Hinimum Frequency (2)C'tiote (4)Once every 7 days Once/opera);ing cycle Every 1000 Effective Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure High Drywell Pressure Reactor Low Mater Level Standard Pressure Source Standard Pressure Source Pressure Standard Every 3 Honths.Every 3 Honths Every 3 Honths e High Mater Level ln Scraa Discharge Vo luce Float Switches (LS-85-45C-F)
Electronic Level Sul'tches (LS-()5-4 l.8, 0, K)Calibrated Mater Coluon (5)Calibrated Mater Colucn)(ot e (5)Once/Oporsllng Cycle (9)Hain Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Hai n Steam Line High Radi ation Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive
'(urh(ne Cont.Vilve Fast Closure or Turh(ne Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure-'Note (5)standard Current Source (3)Standard Pressure Source Standard I'ressure Source Note (5)Note (5)Every 3 Honths Every 6 Honths Once(opal'at)ng cycle Note (5)
                  'ower Transient                          B. Power      Transient Tri Settin                      s To ensure  that the Safety Limits      l.,  Scram and      isola-                 h 538        in.
                  'stablished in Specification                    tion    (PCIS groups                        above
: 1. 1.A          are not exceeded,                2,3,6) reactor low                      'essel
                    *'each required scram shall be                  ,
water level        .                      zero initiated by  its  expected scram signal. The Safety Limit shall
: 2. Scram      turbine                      5    10  per-be assumed to be exceeded. when stop valve                                  cent valve closure                                      closure scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram          3, Scram--turbine                ., =                550  psig signal.                                        control valve fast clo"ura or turbine  trip 4        (Deleted) main 5,      Scram steam isolation line
                                                                                              '.            5
1,0 per-cent valve "losuro 6, 'Main steam.         isola-
                                                                                                            ~825      'sig 0ion valve closure nuclear system low pressure C. Reactor Vessel 4'ater Level              C. Water      Level Tri Settin              s whenever there    is irradiated .                  Core spray      and                      h 378    in.
fuel in the reactor vessel,                    'pCI        actuation
                                                                                      'water above
                ~ the water. level shall not be                      reactor lofti                                vesaeT less than 17.7 'in. above the                      level                                        xero top of the normal active fuel HPCI and RCIC                                470 zone.
actuation    reac-                      'bove tor  low water,.                          vessel level                                        zero 3~      Main steam      isola-                  ~  378 in'.
                                                                  . tion valve                                ,  above closure--reactor                            vessel low water    level  .                    zero R

r which a scram would be required hut not be able to perform its function adequitely.
A source range monitor-(SRN)sysrlbea is also provided to supply additional neutron level information during startup but has rio scram functions Ref Section 7 5.0 TSAR Thus~the IRM is required in the Refuel and Startup modes In.the pover range the APRM system pmvides xequired protection.
Ref.Section 7~5~7 FsAR Thus~the IRN System is not required in the Run mode..The APRN~s and the IRM~s provide adequate coverage in the startup and intermediate range~The high reactor pressure, high drywell pressure, reactor lmt water level and scram discharge volume high level scrams are required for Startup and Run modes of plant operation.
They are, therefore, required to be operational for these modes of reactor operation.
                                                                              .                     (
The requirement to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable in the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to., the Refuel mode during xeector poser operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection systea.Because of the APRM downscale limit of h 35 when in the Run mode and high level limit of 5 15%when in the Startup Mode, the transition between the Startup and Run Modes must be made with the APRM instnmentation indicating between 3%and 15%o'f rated power or a control rod scram will o'er In addition, the IRN, system must be indicating below the High Plex setting (120/125 ofscale)or a scram vill occur when in the Startup Node For norial opexating conditions, these limits provide assurance of overlap between the IRN eystoaa and APRN system so that there are no"gape" in the power leve1 indications (i e, the power level is continuously monitored from beginning of startup to full pover and from full pover to shutdown).
(        (A ((t    ~
Shen power is being reduced, if a transfer to the Startup mode is made and the IRM~s have not been fu11y inserted (a maloperational but not impossible condition) a control rod block immediately occurs so that reactivity insertion by control rod withdrawal cannot occur.43
X((44( ~ ~ (    ~,
                                                                                            ~,        ( (l
  ~  1    RLSES
                                                                            ~  ~
                        '    l ..a
( '            ( ~   ~
        'C. 4 H.           lhin  Staaa Line Is~ ation on Lov Pressure and Rain Stepan Line Isolation    Scran
                  'fhe    lov pressure isolation of the mein stean lines at 8Z5 psig veN
              -  provided to protect esainet rapid reactor depressuri,zation and the resulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel. Advantage is taken of. the icr(aa feature that occurs vhen the aain stean )ine iso)ation valves are closed, <<o provide for reactor ahutdova so that high pover.opera-ciern at lov reactor proosur does not occur, thus providing protection for the tuel cladding integrity safety limit. Operation of the reac-
                  <<or at pressures lover'han 8Z> poig requires that the reactor code avitch ba in the.STAR'LVP position, vhere protection of the fuel cladding integrity safety )Snit ia provided by'the IRM and APRH high neutron flux
oczans. Thus, the conbination of nein utean line lov pressure.isolation and isolation valve closure acracl assures the availability of neutron Flux acraa protection over the entire range of applicability of the fuel cladding integrity safety limit. In addition, the isolation valve closure ecraa anticipatea the pressure and flux transients that occur durini noaaal or inadvertent isolation valve closure. Mith the scree oet ot 1Q percent of valve closure, neutron i'lux does not increase.

ENCLOSUE 2 DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION (TVA BFNP TS 204)Descri tion of Pro osed Chan es Units 1 and 2-pages 11, 24, 34, 37, 40, and 44 Unit 3-pages 13, 23, 33, 36, 39, and 43 The proposed revisions delete the requirement for initiation of a reactor scram on condenser low vacuum.Reason These revisions are being proposed to preclude plant der ating,during periods of high condenser back pressure.These conditions exist primarily during conditions of high river water temperatures.
These'conditions have previously caused unit deratings.
of Operable Inst.                                                                  Modes    in Nhich Function Channels                                                                Must Be 0    erable Per Trip                                                      Shut-                  Startup/Hot Tri Level Settin        dovn    ~Re.'uel    7  Stan~db        RGll ~IICt1Oll  1 Main Steam Line  Isola-tion Valve Closure        5 10%  Valve Closure                X (3)  (6)    X (3) (6) X (6)  1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont    Valve                                                                                          ~ ~
These proposed revisions, therefore, will allow an increased power output during conditions of higher than normal condenser back pressure.Additionally, these proposed revisions will reduce surveillance testing requirements and decrease the probability of an inadvertent scram.Justification and Safet Anal sis'The basis for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide"'an anticipatory scram to reduce the pressure increase of the reactor vessel caused~onl by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum.At greater than 154 psig turbine first stage pressure, the turbine trip would also cause a scram.In the accident and transient analyses, no credit is taken for this anticipatory signal;"therefore,, there will be no decrease in safety margins caused by deletion of this scram.Additionaly, the BWR Standard Technical Specifications ,contain no requirement for this scram.  
Past Closure  Or          k  550 pais                                                  X(4)    1.A  or  1.D Turbiae Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure                  6 10S  Valve Closure                                        X(4)    1.A  or  1.D 2  -  Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive        nor F154 psi8                        X (18)          X(18)  X(18)  (19) 2      Main Steajs Line High        3X Normal Full Power              X(9)            X(9)  X(9)    1.A  or  1.C Radiation (14)              .Background (20)

ENCLOSURE 3 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR PLANT PROPOSED NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION DETERMINATION (TVA BFNP TS 204)The proposed change would delete the technical specification r equir ement in tables 3.1.A, 4.1.A, and 4.1.B for an automatic reactor pressure system initiation (scram)on turbine condenser low vacuum.Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Determination NRC has provided guidance concerning the application of standards by providing examples of actions that are not 11kely to involve a significant hazards considerations (48FR14870).
One example of actions not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration is a change which either may result in some increase in the probability or consequences of a pieviously analyzed accident or may reduce in some way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria respect to the system or component specified in the Standard Review Plan.The proposed amendment does not involve a signif1cant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident or create the possibility of a new or different accident.The basis for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide an anticipatory scram to reduce peak pressure in the reactor vessel caused only by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum.Without the anticipatory scram at 23 inches of mercury vacuum on decreasing condenser vacuum, the main turbine would receive a trip at 21."8 inches of mercury vacuum.This trip signal would cause the turbine stop valves and control valves to close initiating a scram in less than one second.While the reactor was scramm1ng, there would also be an increase in reactor.vessel pressure because of isolat1on of the main condenser, from the reactor.This pressure rise would normally be limi.ted by automatic open1ng of the turbine bypass valves.For the purposes of conservatively analyzing~tur bine trip transients, no credit was taken for either the condenser low vacuum scram or operation of the turbine bypass valves.Thus, deletion or nonoperation of the condenser low vacuum switches is conservatively bounded by the existing analyses and no decrease in safety margin is created.In addition, the Standard Technical Specificat1ons do not require this'nticipatory scram.Therefore, since the proposed amendment is encompassed by an example for which no sign1ficant hazards are likely to ex1st, TVA proposes to determine'that the proposed amendment does not involve a signifi.cant hazards consideration.}}
Mode'Svitch ta Shutdova                        A        Place Mode Suitch tn Shutdoua    Each  Retuettag Outage Haaual Scran                                    A        Trtp Channel  aod Alarm        Every  3 Hoatha TRH High flux                                              Trip Channel  and Afana    (4)  Once Pcr Meat Durfog Refueltn aad gefote Each Startup Inoperatfra                                            Trip Channel  and  Alara (4)    Once Per Meek Duriag Rcfueltn aad gcfore Each Startup APRH High Flux (1$ Z acraa)                                Trip Output Relays (4)          before Each Startup aad Mcekl Mhca Required  to be Operable High Flux (Flow Biased)                      B        Trip Output Relays (4)          Once/Week High Flux (Fixed Trip)                        5        Trip Output Relaya (4)          Dace/Meek lnoperatfre                                            Trtp Output Relaya (4)          Once/Mech Dovaacale                                              Trip Output Relaya (4)          Oace/Meek Flou gtaa
fffgh Reactor Preaeure                                    Trip Channel  and  Alara        Dace/Honth (1)
Ifgh Dryvell  Preaaure                                  Trfp Channel and  'lara        Dace/Hoath (1)
Reactor Lov Mater Level                                  Trip Chaaael'aad Alaa ~
* Once/Honth (1).
High Mater Level f a Scree Dtacharge Tank Float Switches                  3 A        Trip Channel    and Alarm      Once/month Differential    Pressure Switches          B .    -
Trip Channel      and Alarm    " Once/month (7)
Main Steam Line High Radiation                          Trip Channel      and Alarm      On'e/3 months (8)
TABLE 4 1~B REACTOR PROTECrloH sysTEH (SciAH) IHSTROMEHT CALIBRATIOH HIHIHUH CALIBRATIOH PREQOE)a IES FOR REACXOR PROTECTIOH IHSTROKEssr CHANNELS Instrument Channel                  Croup (1)              Calibration                      Minimum Frequency (2)
IRH High Flux                                                  Comparison    to APRH on  Control-      Hots (4) led  scarcupN    (6)
APRH High Flux Output Signal                                  B            Heat Balance                          Once every 7 days Flow Bias Signal                                B            Calibrate Flow Bias Signal    (7)    Once/operating cycle LPRH Signal                                                    TIP System Traverse (8)                Every 1000 EI(ective Full  Power Hours High Reactor Pressure                                          Standard Pressure 'Source              Every  3 Months Bigh Orywell Pressure                                          Standard Pressure Source              Every  3  Months ReaCtOr LOw Water LeVel                                        Pressure Standard                      Every  3 Months High Water Level  in  Scrafa Oischarge Volumes Float Switches                                  A            Note (5)                                Note (5)
Differential Pressure        Switches          B            Calibrated Mater      Column            Once/Operating Cycle
. Main Steam Line    Isolation Valve Closure      A            Note (5)                                Note (5)
Main Steam= Line High Radiation                  B            Standard Current Source (3)            Everv  3 Months Turbine  First  Stage Pressure Permissive        A            Standard Pressure Source                Every    6 Months ur  n; Turbine Stop Valve Closure Turbine  Cont; Valve Fast Closure or Turbine Trip A
No'te (5) a<<a<<p'ressure        Sour Note (5)
Once/operating cycle
modes. In the paver raRge the APRH system provides requ'rod'protection.
Ref. Section 7.5.7 FSAR. Thus, the IRH System io noc required in the hand mode.
Run          The APRH' aad tho ILN'a provide adequate coverage,in the etartup and incermediate range.                                  4
. The  high reactor -pressure, high dryuell pressure, reactor lov voter level scram discharge volume high level seroms are required for Stortup and Run sades of plant operation.      They are, therefore, required to be .opera-tional for th es>> modes of'eactor o P eration.
The requirement  to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable io the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to the Refuel sade during reactor pover operatioa does not diminish the need for. the react'or protection systems I
Because  of the APRH dovnseolo,            i limit of 3X vhea in the Run mode and high limit of c15I  uhen in the Startup Hode, che transi'cion betuoea the        'evel Startup and Run Hodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentatioa indicatiag betveen 3X and 15X of rated pover or o eon'trol rod scram      vill occur. In
  ~ ddition, the IRH system must be indicating belov the High Plux setting (120/125 of scale) or a scram    vill occur vhen 'ia the Stsrtup Mode. For normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of over'lap betveon the IRH system and APRf system so that there are ao "gapa" ia the pouer level indieationo (i.e., the pouer level is continuously cmnitored
  !rom beginning of startup to full paver aad from Cull pover to pover is being reduced,    if                                  shutdovn),''hen o transfer to ths Startup 'mode ia made sad IRN'e have not been tully inserted (a maloperotioaol but'ot impossible                  'he condition) o control rod block ~odiatcly occurs so that rsactiv'ty macr<<
tion by control rod vithdraval esaaot occur.
  ~ SAFETY LIMXT                                      'LIMITING SAFETY 0    SYSTEM SETTING 1.1      FUEL CLADDING XNTEGRXTY                  2 1  FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY Power Transiene B. Power  Transient Tri Settin      s To ensure    that the Safety Limit s            Scram and      isola-    h 538    in established in Specification                      tion    (PCXS  groups      above
: 1. 1.A            are noe exceeded,                2,3,6) reactor low        vessel
            'ach      required scram shall be                    water level                zero initiated signal.
by its  expected scram The Safety Limit shall
: 2. Scram    turbine        5. 10    per-stop valve                  cent valve be assumed to be exceeded when                    closure                      closure
              'scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram                    Scram--turbine                550  psig signal.                                          control valve          ~
fast clo"ura or eurbino  trip
: 4.    (Deleted)
: 5. 'cram--main                5  1Q  per-steam    line              cent valve isolation                .. closur~
Main steam      isola-  ~ 825    psi",
tion valve closure nuclear      system low pressure l
I C. Reactor Vessel Mater Level                      C. Mater  Level  Tri Settings Mhenever there      is irradiated .
fuel in the reactor vessel, Core spray and LPCI actuation I 378abovein.
        ~ the waeer level shall noe be                        'reactor 1oii water            vesaeT less than'7.7 in. above the                            level                          zero.
top of the normal aceive fuel 2,  HPCI and RCIC                470 actuation zone.
reac-      above tor  low water              vessel level                        zero Main steam tion valve isola-    I 378 in.
above closure--reactor            vessel low water level              zero
                                                  " 13
                                      ~ ~
                                                                            .~        iJ" oil pressure  at. the main  turbine control valve actuator disc    dump  valves~a, This loss of pressure is sensed'by pressure switches whose contacts form..;
the one-out-of-two-twice .logic input to the reactor protection system.
This trip setting, .a -nominally 50X greater closure time and a different valve'characteristic from that:.ef the turbine stop valve,,combine to produce transients very similar to that for .the stop valve.
Relevant transient analyses are'=discussed in References  1  and 2.                                          %This scram is bypassed when turbine steam flow is below 30/ of rated, as measured
      ,bv the turbine first staae oressure.
F      (DELETED)
G. 6 H.      Main Steam Line      Isolation on Low Pressure and Main Steam Line      Isolation Scram The low pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 850 psiq was provided to protect against rapid reactor
    'epressurization and the resulting rapid cooldown of the vessel. Advantaqe is taken of the scram feature that. occurs when the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor shutdown so that high power operation at
low reactor pressure does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit.
Operation of the reactor at pressures lower than 850 psig requires that the reactor mode switch be in the STARTUP
                                                    . 23
TABLE .3.1.A (cont'd)
REACTOR PROTECTIOH STSTEH (SCRA'1) IHSTRIlHEHTATIOH REQUIREIKNT dfnictun Hunbcr sf Operable                                                                            Hodcs      in  Mhich Function instru=ent                                                                                  1'.ust be 0  erable
:hannels Pcr 23    Trf Punctlon High Mater Level in        < 50 Trf Level Settin gallons itlliiml X
                                                                                        ~lt  t X(2) 1  (    ~Sia X
                                                                                                                  'lu StartuplHot dh X
                                                                                                                            'Aetio 1.i 1
East Scran Discharge Tank (LS-85-h5E-H)
                }fain Stean Line            c 10 percent valve closure                                                X(6)    1.A or 1.C Isolation Valve Closuro 2        Turbino Control Valve Past Closure or            i 550  psig                                                              X(h)    1 A  or  1.D Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve        c 10X Valve Closure                                                        X(4)  1.A or 1.0.
Closure Turbine First Stage        not  i  154  psig                                X(18)              X(18) X(18)  (19)
Pres'sure Pcrnfssfvc Main Stean Line High      3X  Homal    Full Pouer                          X(9)                X(9)  X(9)  I.h or  1.C Radfatiun (14)            Bac'kground (20)
                                                    ~Gro    2                  Functional Test                Hinigug Frequency (J)
Hode Switch  in Shutdown                                        Place Hode suit,ch      in  Shutdown    Each Refueling Outage Hanual Scrag                                                      Trip      Channel and Alarg              Every  3 Honths IRH lligh Flux                                                    Trip      Channel and Alarla {4)          Once Per Meek D  ring Refueling and Before Each  Startup Inoperative                                                    Trip      Channel and Alarg {4)          once Per Meek Dur(ng Refueling and Before Each Startup APRH Iligh Flux (15%.scrag)                                        Trip Output Relays        (4)            Defore Each Startup and Meekly Mhen Required to he Operable
                                                                                                  <I "~
{l)(,h Flux (Flou I)iased)                                    Trip Output Reiays (4)                    OIIce/Meek (Fixed Trip)                                        Trip IxItput Relays      (p)              Oncatuaap h
w    Inollerative                                                  Trip Output Relays        (4)            Once/Meek Downscale                                                      Trip Output Relays        (4)            Once/Heck Flow Blas                                                                                {6I                        (6)
Illgh Reactor Pressure                                            Trip Channel        and Aiarg              Once/Honth (I)
High Dryuell Pressure                                            Trip Channel        and blare              Onco/Honth ( I)
Reactor Lou Mater Level                                          Trip Channel        and Alarg              Once/Honth (1) lllgh Mater Level in Scrag Discharge Tank Float.S'uitchcs (I.S-II5-45C-I')                      h          Trip        Channel and  Alarg-            Onci "lonlh fluctronlc Lovel Switches ..                        B            I FIp Chnnnul In(I AI'Irm        0)      Cnce/:AIuth (LS-85-45A, II, G, II)
Instrument Channel                      Group (1)            Calibration                      Hinimum Frequency  (2)
C IRH High Flux                                                          Compari.son to APRH    on Control-      'tiote (4)
                                                                        ).ed stsrtups c (6)
APRH    High Flux Output signal                                          B            Heat Balance                            Once every 7 days Flow Bias Signal                                      B            Calibrate Flow Bias Signal    (7)      Once/opera);ing cycle LPRH    Signal                                            B            TIP System Traverse (8)                Every 1000 Effective Full    Power Hours High Reactor Pressure                                                  Standard Pressure    Source            Every    3  Honths High Drywell Pressure Reactor Low Mater Level Standard Pressure Source Pressure Standard
                                                                                                              . Every 3 Honths Every    3  Honths e
High Mater Level      ln Scraa Discharge Vo  luce Float Switches (LS-85-45C-F)                                                  Calibrated Mater Coluon (5)                  )(ot e (5)
Electronic Level Sul'tches (LS-()5-4  l. 8, 0, K)                                    Calibrated Mater Colucn                      Once/Oporsllng Cycle (9)
Hain Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Note (5)
Note (5)
Hai n Steam Line High Radi ation standard Current Source (3)            Every Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive                                                                                  3  Honths
  '(urh(ne Cont. Vilve Fast Closure or                                  Standard Pressure Source Every    6  Honths Turh(ne Trip                                                    Standard I'ressure Source Once(opal'at)ng cycle Turbine Stop Valve Closure-                '
Note (5)
Note (5)
r which a scram would be function adequitely.
required hut not be able to perform        its A  source range monitor-  (SRN)  sysrlbea  is  also provided to supply additional neutron level information during startup but has rio scram functions    Ref Section 7 5.0 TSAR          Thus~ the IRM is required in the Refuel and Startup modes            In. the pover range the APRM system pmvides xequired protection.            Ref. Section 7 5 ~ 7
FsAR      Thus~ the IRN System is not required in the Run mode.. The APRN~s and the IRM~s provide adequate coverage in the startup and intermediate range~
The high reactor pressure, high drywell pressure, reactor lmt water level and scram discharge volume high level scrams are required for Startup and Run modes of plant operation. They are, therefore, required to be operational for these modes of reactor operation.
The requirement to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable in the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to .,
the Refuel mode during xeector poser operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection systea.
Because of the APRM downscale limit of h 35 when in the Run mode and high level limit of 5 15% when in the Startup Mode, the transition between the Startup and Run Modes must be made with the APRM instnmentation indicating between 3% and 15% o'f rated power or a control rod scram    will o'er        In addition, the IRN, system must be indicating below the High Plex setting (120/125 of scale) or a scram norial opexating vill occur when in the Startup Node conditions,  these limits provide assurance of For
overlap between the IRN eystoaa and APRN system so that there are no "gape" in the power leve1 indications (i e, the power level is continuously monitored from beginning of startup to full pover and from full pover to shutdown).          Shen power is being reduced, if  a transfer to the Startup mode is made and the IRM~ s have not been fu11y inserted (a maloperational but not impossible condition) a control rod block immediately occurs so that reactivity insertion by control rod withdrawal cannot occur.
Descri tion of Pro osed    Chan es Units 1 and 2 - pages 11, 24, 34, 37, 40, and    44 Unit 3 - pages 13, 23, 33, 36, 39, and 43 The proposed    revisions delete the requirement for  initiation of a reactor scram on condenser low vacuum.
Reason These  revisions are being proposed to preclude plant der ating,during periods of high condenser back pressure. These conditions exist primarily during conditions of high river water temperatures. These '
conditions have previously caused unit deratings. These proposed revisions, therefore, will allow an increased power output during conditions of higher than normal condenser back pressure.
Additionally, these proposed revisions will reduce surveillance testing requirements and decrease the probability of an inadvertent scram.
Justification  and  Safet  Anal  sis
'The basis    for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide"
'an  anticipatory scram to reduce the pressure increase of the reactor vessel caused ~onl by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum. At greater than 154 psig turbine first stage pressure, the turbine trip would also cause a scram. In the accident and transient analyses, no credit is taken for this anticipatory signal; "therefore,, there will be no decrease in safety margins caused by deletion of this scram. Additionaly, the BWR Standard Technical Specifications
,contain no requirement for this scram.
The proposed   change would delete the technical specification r equir ement   in tables 3.1.A, 4. 1.A,     and 4. 1.B for an automatic reactor pressure system initiation   (scram) on turbine condenser low vacuum.
Basis for Proposed No   Significant   Hazards Determination NRC has provided guidance concerning the       application of standards by providing examples of actions that are not 11kely to involve a significant hazards considerations (48FR14870). One example of actions not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration is a change which either may result in some increase in the probability or consequences of a pieviously analyzed accident or may reduce in some way a safety margin, but where the results of the     change are clearly within all acceptable criteria respect to the system or component specified in the Standard Review Plan.
The proposed amendment does not involve a signif1cant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident or create the possibility of a new or different accident.       The basis for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide an anticipatory scram to reduce peak pressure in the reactor vessel caused only by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum.
Without the anticipatory scram at 23 inches of mercury vacuum on decreasing condenser vacuum, the main turbine would receive a trip at 21."8 inches of mercury vacuum. This trip signal would cause the turbine stop valves and control valves to close initiating a scram in less than one second. While the reactor was scramm1ng, there would also be an increase in reactor .
vessel pressure because of isolat1on of the main condenser, from the reactor. This pressure rise would normally be limi.ted by automatic open1ng of the turbine bypass valves. For the purposes of conservatively analyzing         ~
tur bine trip transients, no credit was taken for either the condenser low vacuum scram or operation of the turbine bypass valves. Thus, deletion or nonoperation of the condenser low vacuum switches is conservatively bounded by the existing analyses and no decrease in safety margin is created.         In addition, the Standard Technical Specificat1ons do not require this
'nticipatory     scram.
Therefore, since the proposed amendment is encompassed by an example for which no sign1ficant hazards are likely to ex1st, TVA proposes to determine
'that the proposed amendment does not involve a signifi.cant hazards consideration.}}

Revision as of 01:55, 22 October 2019

Proposed Tech Specs Re Removal of Requirement for Initiation of Reactor Scram on Condensor Low Vacuum
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1984
Shared Package
ML18029A279 List:
NUDOCS 8411270269
Download: ML18029A280 (40)





1. 1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY 2.1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY B Power Transient To ensure that the Safety Limits l. scram and isola- I above 538 in.

established in Specification {PCIS groups

1. 1.A are not exceeded, 2,3,6) reactor low vessel

'ach required scram shall be water level zero initiated by its expected scram 2. Scram--turbine S 10 per-signal. The Safety Limit shall stop valve cent valve be assumed to be exceeded when closure closure scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram 3, Scram--turbine 550 psig signal. control valve fast closure or turbine trip,

4. (Deleted)
5. 'Scram main 5 10 per-steam line cent, valve isolation "losuro 6, Main steam isola- ~825 psi" tion valve closure

<<-nuclear system low pressure C. Reactor Vessel Water Level C. Water Level Tri Settin s Whenever there is irradiated

'fuel in the reactor vessel,

. Core spray and I 378 in.

LPCI actuation-- above


the water level shall. not be reactor loM water vessel less than'7.7 in. above. the level zero top of the normal active fuel HPCI and HCZC 470 actuation zone.

reac- above tor low water .

vessel level zero Main steam isola- h 378 in.

tion valve clos ur e

'bove r eactor Vessel water level 'ow zero


2. 1 BASES

~ I

~ t t ~


C. 6 H. Hain Stags Line Is~ wtion on LoBB Prcssure and Hain Steam Line Isolation Scracs The lov pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 825 psig vss provided to protect against rapid reactor depreasurization and the

'esulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel. Advantage is taken of the scram feature that occurs vhen the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor ahutdovn ao that high povsr opera-tion at lov reactor preoeur does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit. Operation of the reac-tor at pressures lover than g2> psig requires that the reactor cade

~ Mitch be in the STARTUP position, vheze protectfon of 'the. fuel cladding safety limit is provided by the IRM and APRM high neutron flu'x 'ntegrity acrams. Thus, the cotsbinstion of main steam line lov pressure isolation and isolation valve closure scram assures the availability of neutron flux scram protection over the entire range 'of applicab'lity of the fuel cladding integrity safety liBBit. In addition, the isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and flux transients that occur during normal or inadvertent isolation valve closure. With ths scrams

~ et at lO percent of valve closure, neutron flux does not increase,


of Operable Ins't o Modes in Qhich Function Channels Must Be 0 erable Per Trip o 8 hut- Startup/Hot

~snt n 1$ ( 3) ".Itto Innttton Tri Level =ettin =onn ~nntntl I I".nntt I n n~ntio Main Steaa Line Isola-tion Valve Closure 5 10% Valve Closure X(3) (6) X{3) (6) X(6) 1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont. Valve Past Closure or k 550 peis X(4) 1 A or 1 D Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure S 10S Valve Closure X(4) 1 A or 1 D 2 . Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive not 8154 psis X{18) X (18) X (18) (19)


2. ~

Main Steam Line High 3X Normal Full Paver X(9) X(9) X(9) 1.A or 1.c Radiation (14) Background(20)


%au Functional Teat Hfnfnun fre ueacy (3)

Hode Svftch ia Shutdovn Place Hode SMitch in Shutdovn Each Refueliog Outage Haaual Scraa A Trfp Channel and Alar>a Every 3 Hontha IRH High flux Trip Channel and Alake (4) Once Per Meek Durfag lefuelin and Before Each Startup Inoperative- C . Trip Channel and Aiara (4) Oace Per Meek During kefuelin and Before Each Startup APRH High flux (1ST acraa) Trip Output Relays (4) Before Each Startup and Meeki When Required to be Operable High Flux (Flow Biased) Trip Output Relays (4) Once/ljeelc Hfgh tluz (Fixed Trip) Trip Output Relays (4J Inoperat fve Trip Output kelaya (4) Once/Meek Douna ca le Trip Output Relaya (4) Once/Meek PIov Eiaa (6) (6)

Rfgh Reactor Preaaure Trip Channel and Alarm Once/Honth (1)

High Dryvoll Preeaure Trip Channel and Alarm Once/Honth (1)

Reactor Lou Meter Level Trfp Channel aad Alara Dace/Hoath fl) .

High Water Level in Scram Discharge


. Float Skitches Trip Channel and Alarm Once/Month (LS-85-45C-F)

High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tank Tr'ip Channel and Alarm (7) Once/Month

'lectronic Level Switches (LS-85-45A; B, G, H)

Hain Steam Line. High Radiation B Trip Channel and Alarm'4') Once/3 months (8)


IRM High Flux c Compari,son to APRM on Control Note (4) led startupa (6)

APRM High Flux Once every 7 days Output Signal B Heat Balance Flow Bias Signal B Calibrate Flo<< Bias Signal (7) Once/operating cycle LPRM Signal B TZp System Traverse (8) ~

Every 1000 Effective~

Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Months High Drywell Pressure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Months Reactor Low Mater Level Pressure Standard Every 3 Months High Water Lovel in Scram Discharge Volume Float S~itches Calibrated Water Column (5)

(LS-85-45 C-F ) Note (5)

High Water Level in Scram Discharge Volume Electronic Level britches i br a to d (LS-85-45-A, B, G, H) B Ca 1 Wa t er Co 1 umn Onco/Operating Cycle (9)

Isolation Valve Closure Note (5) Note (5)

. Hain Steam Line

'ain Steam Line High Badiation Standard Current Source (3) Every 3 Honths I 0 Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive Standard Prcssure Source (PT-1-81A and B, Pl'-1-91A and B) B Once/Operating Cycle (9)

Turbine Cont. Valve Fast Closure or. Standard Pressure Source Once/Opera tin8 Cyc 1 e Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure Note (5) Note (5)

3.i slsEE It modes. In the pover range the APLi system pzovidos requ 4 tod protection.

Ref. Section 7.5.7 PSAR. Thus, the IRH System ie not required in the Run mode. The APRM's ond tho IRN's provida adequate covet>>go in the startup and intermediate range.

The high reactor .pressure, high dryvell pressure, reactor lov vater level and scram discharge volume high level scrome are required for Startup and Run aedes of plant operation. They are, therefore, required to be opera-tional for these modes of'eactor operation.

The requirement to have tho octan functions as indicated in Table 3.1..1

'perable io the Refuel etode is to oeauze that shifting to the Refuel mode during reactor pnvcr operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection syste~.

Because of the APL'ovnscole limit of > 3Z vhen in the Run mode and high level limit of < 15I vhen in the Startup Hode, the transition betvoen tho Startup and Run Nodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentation indicating betveen 3I and 15I of rated paver or o control rod octan vill occuz. In addition, the IRf system must be indicating belov tho High Plux setting (120/125 of ocale) or a scram vill occur vhen in tho Startup Mod>>. Pot normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of ovet'lap botreen the IRH system and APLf system eo that thoro aze no "gape" in the paver lovel indicetione (i.e., the pover level ia continuously nanitorad from beginning of etartup to full povor and fton full pover to ehutdovn).

4hen povet ie being reduced, if a tran>>fez to the Startup mode ia tuLCo end th>> IL'l'e have not been fully inserted (a maloperationol but not Mpoeeiblo condition) a control rod block ~odiatcly occurs so that reactivity meez-tion by control rod vlthdraval cannot occur.








'ower Transient B. Power Transient Tri Settin s To ensure that the Safety Limits l., Scram and isola- h 538 in.

'stablished in Specification tion (PCIS groups above

1. 1.A are not exceeded, 2,3,6) reactor low 'essel
  • 'each required scram shall be ,

water level . zero initiated by its expected scram signal. The Safety Limit shall

2. Scram turbine 5 10 per-be assumed to be exceeded. when stop valve cent valve closure closure scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram 3, Scram--turbine ., = 550 psig signal. control valve fast clo"ura or turbine trip 4 (Deleted) main 5, Scram steam isolation line


'. 5


1,0 per-cent valve "losuro 6, 'Main steam. isola-


~825 'sig 0ion valve closure nuclear system low pressure C. Reactor Vessel 4'ater Level C. Water Level Tri Settin s whenever there is irradiated . Core spray and h 378 in.

fuel in the reactor vessel, 'pCI actuation

'water above

~ the water. level shall not be reactor lofti vesaeT less than 17.7 'in. above the level xero top of the normal active fuel HPCI and RCIC 470 zone.

actuation reac- 'bove tor low water,. vessel level zero 3~ Main steam isola- ~ 378 in'.

. tion valve , above closure--reactor vessel low water level . zero R




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'C. 4 H. lhin Staaa Line Is~ ation on Lov Pressure and Rain Stepan Line Isolation Scran

'fhe lov pressure isolation of the mein stean lines at 8Z5 psig veN

- provided to protect esainet rapid reactor depressuri,zation and the resulting rapid cooldovn of the vessel. Advantage is taken of. the icr(aa feature that occurs vhen the aain stean )ine iso)ation valves are closed, <<o provide for reactor ahutdova so that high pover.opera-ciern at lov reactor proosur does not occur, thus providing protection for the tuel cladding integrity safety limit. Operation of the reac-

<<or at pressures lover'han 8Z> poig requires that the reactor code avitch ba in the.STAR'LVP position, vhere protection of the fuel cladding integrity safety )Snit ia provided by'the IRM and APRH high neutron flux


oczans. Thus, the conbination of nein utean line lov pressure.isolation and isolation valve closure acracl assures the availability of neutron Flux acraa protection over the entire range of applicability of the fuel cladding integrity safety limit. In addition, the isolation valve closure ecraa anticipatea the pressure and flux transients that occur durini noaaal or inadvertent isolation valve closure. Mith the scree oet ot 1Q percent of valve closure, neutron i'lux does not increase.


of Operable Inst. Modes in Nhich Function Channels Must Be 0 erable Per Trip Shut- Startup/Hot Tri Level Settin dovn ~Re.'uel 7 Stan~db RGll ~IICt1Oll 1 Main Steam Line Isola-tion Valve Closure 5 10% Valve Closure X (3) (6) X (3) (6) X (6) 1.A or 1.C Turbine Cont Valve ~ ~

Past Closure Or k 550 pais X(4) 1.A or 1.D Turbiae Trip Turbine Stop Valve Closure 6 10S Valve Closure X(4) 1.A or 1.D 2 - Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive nor F154 psi8 X (18) X(18) X(18) (19) 2 Main Steajs Line High 3X Normal Full Power X(9) X(9) X(9) 1.A or 1.C Radiation (14) .Background (20)


Mode'Svitch ta Shutdova A Place Mode Suitch tn Shutdoua Each Retuettag Outage Haaual Scran A Trtp Channel aod Alarm Every 3 Hoatha TRH High flux Trip Channel and Afana (4) Once Pcr Meat Durfog Refueltn aad gefote Each Startup Inoperatfra Trip Channel and Alara (4) Once Per Meek Duriag Rcfueltn aad gcfore Each Startup APRH High Flux (1$ Z acraa) Trip Output Relays (4) before Each Startup aad Mcekl Mhca Required to be Operable High Flux (Flow Biased) B Trip Output Relays (4) Once/Week High Flux (Fixed Trip) 5 Trip Output Relaya (4) Dace/Meek lnoperatfre Trtp Output Relaya (4) Once/Mech Dovaacale Trip Output Relaya (4) Oace/Meek Flou gtaa





fffgh Reactor Preaeure Trip Channel and Alara Dace/Honth (1)

Ifgh Dryvell Preaaure Trfp Channel and 'lara Dace/Hoath (1)

Reactor Lov Mater Level Trip Chaaael'aad Alaa ~

  • Once/Honth (1).

High Mater Level f a Scree Dtacharge Tank Float Switches 3 A Trip Channel and Alarm Once/month Differential Pressure Switches B . -

Trip Channel and Alarm " Once/month (7)

Main Steam Line High Radiation Trip Channel and Alarm On'e/3 months (8)


IRH High Flux Comparison to APRH on Control- Hots (4) led scarcupN (6)

APRH High Flux Output Signal B Heat Balance Once every 7 days Flow Bias Signal B Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (7) Once/operating cycle LPRH Signal TIP System Traverse (8) Every 1000 EI(ective Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure Standard Pressure 'Source Every 3 Months Bigh Orywell Pressure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Months ReaCtOr LOw Water LeVel Pressure Standard Every 3 Months High Water Level in Scrafa Oischarge Volumes Float Switches A Note (5) Note (5)

Differential Pressure Switches B Calibrated Mater Column Once/Operating Cycle

. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure A Note (5) Note (5)

Main Steam= Line High Radiation B Standard Current Source (3) Everv 3 Months Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive A Standard Pressure Source Every 6 Months ur n; Turbine Stop Valve Closure Turbine Cont; Valve Fast Closure or Turbine Trip A

No'te (5) a<<a<<p'ressure Sour Note (5)

Once/operating cycle

modes. In the paver raRge the APRH system provides requ'rod'protection.

Ref. Section 7.5.7 FSAR. Thus, the IRH System io noc required in the hand mode.

Run The APRH' aad tho ILN'a provide adequate coverage,in the etartup and incermediate range. 4

. The high reactor -pressure, high dryuell pressure, reactor lov voter level scram discharge volume high level seroms are required for Stortup and Run sades of plant operation. They are, therefore, required to be .opera-tional for th es>> modes of'eactor o P eration.

The requirement to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable io the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to the Refuel sade during reactor pover operatioa does not diminish the need for. the react'or protection systems I

Because of the APRH dovnseolo, i limit of 3X vhea in the Run mode and high limit of c15I uhen in the Startup Hode, che transi'cion betuoea the 'evel Startup and Run Hodes must be made vith the APRH instrumentatioa indicatiag betveen 3X and 15X of rated pover or o eon'trol rod scram vill occur. In

~ ddition, the IRH system must be indicating belov the High Plux setting (120/125 of scale) or a scram vill occur vhen 'ia the Stsrtup Mode. For normal operating conditions, those limits provide assurance of over'lap betveon the IRH system and APRf system so that there are ao "gapa" ia the pouer level indieationo (i.e., the pouer level is continuously cmnitored

!rom beginning of startup to full paver aad from Cull pover to pover is being reduced, if shutdovn),hen o transfer to ths Startup 'mode ia made sad IRN'e have not been tully inserted (a maloperotioaol but'ot impossible 'he condition) o control rod block ~odiatcly occurs so that rsactiv'ty macr<<

tion by control rod vithdraval esaaot occur.


~ SAFETY LIMXT 'LIMITING SAFETY 0 SYSTEM SETTING 1.1 FUEL CLADDING XNTEGRXTY 2 1 FUEL CLADDING INTEGRITY Power Transiene B. Power Transient Tri Settin s To ensure that the Safety Limit s Scram and isola- h 538 in established in Specification tion (PCXS groups above

1. 1.A are noe exceeded, 2,3,6) reactor low vessel

'ach required scram shall be water level zero initiated signal.

by its expected scram The Safety Limit shall

2. Scram turbine 5. 10 per-stop valve cent valve be assumed to be exceeded when closure closure

'scram is accomplished by means other than the expected scram Scram--turbine 550 psig signal. control valve ~

fast clo"ura or eurbino trip

4. (Deleted)
5. 'cram--main 5 1Q per-steam line cent valve isolation .. closur~

Main steam isola- ~ 825 psi",

tion valve closure nuclear system low pressure l

I C. Reactor Vessel Mater Level C. Mater Level Tri Settings Mhenever there is irradiated .

fuel in the reactor vessel, Core spray and LPCI actuation I 378abovein.

~ the waeer level shall noe be 'reactor 1oii water vesaeT less than'7.7 in. above the level zero.

top of the normal aceive fuel 2, HPCI and RCIC 470 actuation zone.

reac- above tor low water vessel level zero Main steam tion valve isola- I 378 in.

above closure--reactor vessel low water level zero

" 13

~ ~

.~ iJ" oil pressure at. the main turbine control valve actuator disc dump valves~a, This loss of pressure is sensed'by pressure switches whose contacts form..;

the one-out-of-two-twice .logic input to the reactor protection system.

This trip setting, .a -nominally 50X greater closure time and a different valve'characteristic from that:.ef the turbine stop valve,,combine to produce transients very similar to that for .the stop valve.

Relevant transient analyses are'=discussed in References 1 and 2. %This scram is bypassed when turbine steam flow is below 30/ of rated, as measured

,bv the turbine first staae oressure.


G. 6 H. Main Steam Line Isolation on Low Pressure and Main Steam Line Isolation Scram The low pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 850 psiq was provided to protect against rapid reactor

'epressurization and the resulting rapid cooldown of the vessel. Advantaqe is taken of the scram feature that. occurs when the main steam line isolation valves are closed, to provide for reactor shutdown so that high power operation at


low reactor pressure does not occur, thus providing protection for the fuel cladding integrity safety limit.

Operation of the reactor at pressures lower than 850 psig requires that the reactor mode switch be in the STARTUP

. 23

TABLE .3.1.A (cont'd)

REACTOR PROTECTIOH STSTEH (SCRA'1) IHSTRIlHEHTATIOH REQUIREIKNT dfnictun Hunbcr sf Operable Hodcs in Mhich Function instru=ent 1'.ust be 0 erable

hannels Pcr 23 Trf Punctlon High Mater Level in < 50 Trf Level Settin gallons itlliiml X

~lt t X(2) 1 ( ~Sia X

'lu StartuplHot dh X

'Aetio 1.i 1

East Scran Discharge Tank (LS-85-h5E-H)

}fain Stean Line c 10 percent valve closure X(6) 1.A or 1.C Isolation Valve Closuro 2 Turbino Control Valve Past Closure or i 550 psig X(h) 1 A or 1.D Turbine Trip Turbine Stop Valve c 10X Valve Closure X(4) 1.A or 1.0.

Closure Turbine First Stage not i 154 psig X(18) X(18) X(18) (19)

Pres'sure Pcrnfssfvc Main Stean Line High 3X Homal Full Pouer X(9) X(9) X(9) I.h or 1.C Radfatiun (14) Bac'kground (20)


~Gro 2 Functional Test Hinigug Frequency (J)

Hode Switch in Shutdown Place Hode suit,ch in Shutdown Each Refueling Outage Hanual Scrag Trip Channel and Alarg Every 3 Honths IRH lligh Flux Trip Channel and Alarla {4) Once Per Meek D ring Refueling and Before Each Startup Inoperative Trip Channel and Alarg {4) once Per Meek Dur(ng Refueling and Before Each Startup APRH Iligh Flux (15%.scrag) Trip Output Relays (4) Defore Each Startup and Meekly Mhen Required to he Operable

<I "~

{l)(,h Flux (Flou I)iased) Trip Output Reiays (4) OIIce/Meek (Fixed Trip) Trip IxItput Relays (p) Oncatuaap h

w Inollerative Trip Output Relays (4) Once/Meek Downscale Trip Output Relays (4) Once/Heck Flow Blas {6I (6)

Illgh Reactor Pressure Trip Channel and Aiarg Once/Honth (I)

High Dryuell Pressure Trip Channel and blare Onco/Honth ( I)

Reactor Lou Mater Level Trip Channel and Alarg Once/Honth (1) lllgh Mater Level in Scrag Discharge Tank Float.S'uitchcs (I.S-II5-45C-I') h Trip Channel and Alarg- Onci "lonlh fluctronlc Lovel Switches .. B I FIp Chnnnul In(I AI'Irm 0) Cnce/:AIuth (LS-85-45A, II, G, II)


Instrument Channel Group (1) Calibration Hinimum Frequency (2)

C IRH High Flux Compari.son to APRH on Control- 'tiote (4)

).ed stsrtups c (6)

APRH High Flux Output signal B Heat Balance Once every 7 days Flow Bias Signal B Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (7) Once/opera);ing cycle LPRH Signal B TIP System Traverse (8) Every 1000 Effective Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Honths High Drywell Pressure Reactor Low Mater Level Standard Pressure Source Pressure Standard

. Every 3 Honths Every 3 Honths e

High Mater Level ln Scraa Discharge Vo luce Float Switches (LS-85-45C-F) Calibrated Mater Coluon (5) )(ot e (5)

Electronic Level Sul'tches (LS-()5-4 l. 8, 0, K) Calibrated Mater Colucn Once/Oporsllng Cycle (9)

Hain Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Note (5)

Note (5)

Hai n Steam Line High Radi ation standard Current Source (3) Every Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive 3 Honths

'(urh(ne Cont. Vilve Fast Closure or Standard Pressure Source Every 6 Honths Turh(ne Trip Standard I'ressure Source Once(opal'at)ng cycle Turbine Stop Valve Closure- '

Note (5)

Note (5)

r which a scram would be function adequitely.

required hut not be able to perform its A source range monitor- (SRN) sysrlbea is also provided to supply additional neutron level information during startup but has rio scram functions Ref Section 7 5.0 TSAR Thus~ the IRM is required in the Refuel and Startup modes In. the pover range the APRM system pmvides xequired protection. Ref. Section 7 5 ~ 7


FsAR Thus~ the IRN System is not required in the Run mode.. The APRN~s and the IRM~s provide adequate coverage in the startup and intermediate range~

The high reactor pressure, high drywell pressure, reactor lmt water level and scram discharge volume high level scrams are required for Startup and Run modes of plant operation. They are, therefore, required to be operational for these modes of reactor operation.

The requirement to have the scram functions as indicated in Table 3.1.1 operable in the Refuel mode is to assure that shifting to .,

the Refuel mode during xeector poser operation does not diminish the need for the reactor protection systea.

Because of the APRM downscale limit of h 35 when in the Run mode and high level limit of 5 15% when in the Startup Mode, the transition between the Startup and Run Modes must be made with the APRM instnmentation indicating between 3% and 15% o'f rated power or a control rod scram will o'er In addition, the IRN, system must be indicating below the High Plex setting (120/125 of scale) or a scram norial opexating vill occur when in the Startup Node conditions, these limits provide assurance of For

overlap between the IRN eystoaa and APRN system so that there are no "gape" in the power leve1 indications (i e, the power level is continuously monitored from beginning of startup to full pover and from full pover to shutdown). Shen power is being reduced, if a transfer to the Startup mode is made and the IRM~ s have not been fu11y inserted (a maloperational but not impossible condition) a control rod block immediately occurs so that reactivity insertion by control rod withdrawal cannot occur.



Descri tion of Pro osed Chan es Units 1 and 2 - pages 11, 24, 34, 37, 40, and 44 Unit 3 - pages 13, 23, 33, 36, 39, and 43 The proposed revisions delete the requirement for initiation of a reactor scram on condenser low vacuum.

Reason These revisions are being proposed to preclude plant der ating,during periods of high condenser back pressure. These conditions exist primarily during conditions of high river water temperatures. These '

conditions have previously caused unit deratings. These proposed revisions, therefore, will allow an increased power output during conditions of higher than normal condenser back pressure.

Additionally, these proposed revisions will reduce surveillance testing requirements and decrease the probability of an inadvertent scram.

Justification and Safet Anal sis

'The basis for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide"

'an anticipatory scram to reduce the pressure increase of the reactor vessel caused ~onl by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum. At greater than 154 psig turbine first stage pressure, the turbine trip would also cause a scram. In the accident and transient analyses, no credit is taken for this anticipatory signal; "therefore,, there will be no decrease in safety margins caused by deletion of this scram. Additionaly, the BWR Standard Technical Specifications

,contain no requirement for this scram.


The proposed change would delete the technical specification r equir ement in tables 3.1.A, 4. 1.A, and 4. 1.B for an automatic reactor pressure system initiation (scram) on turbine condenser low vacuum.

Basis for Proposed No Significant Hazards Determination NRC has provided guidance concerning the application of standards by providing examples of actions that are not 11kely to involve a significant hazards considerations (48FR14870). One example of actions not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration is a change which either may result in some increase in the probability or consequences of a pieviously analyzed accident or may reduce in some way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria respect to the system or component specified in the Standard Review Plan.

The proposed amendment does not involve a signif1cant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident or create the possibility of a new or different accident. The basis for the turbine condenser low vacuum scram is to provide an anticipatory scram to reduce peak pressure in the reactor vessel caused only by a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum.

Without the anticipatory scram at 23 inches of mercury vacuum on decreasing condenser vacuum, the main turbine would receive a trip at 21."8 inches of mercury vacuum. This trip signal would cause the turbine stop valves and control valves to close initiating a scram in less than one second. While the reactor was scramm1ng, there would also be an increase in reactor .

vessel pressure because of isolat1on of the main condenser, from the reactor. This pressure rise would normally be limi.ted by automatic open1ng of the turbine bypass valves. For the purposes of conservatively analyzing ~

tur bine trip transients, no credit was taken for either the condenser low vacuum scram or operation of the turbine bypass valves. Thus, deletion or nonoperation of the condenser low vacuum switches is conservatively bounded by the existing analyses and no decrease in safety margin is created. In addition, the Standard Technical Specificat1ons do not require this

'nticipatory scram.

Therefore, since the proposed amendment is encompassed by an example for which no sign1ficant hazards are likely to ex1st, TVA proposes to determine

'that the proposed amendment does not involve a signifi.cant hazards consideration.