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| number = ML111750167
| number = ML111750167
| issue date = 05/24/2011
| issue date = 05/24/2011
| title = Farley Initial Exam 2011-301 Final SRO Written Exam with References
| title = Initial Exam 2011-301 Final SRO Written Exam with References
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-II
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-II
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{{#Wiki_filter:E41-8                        SiteSpecific RO Written Exaniination Cover Sheet US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific SRO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:
Date: 5/24/2011                                  Facility/Unit: FARLEY Units 1 & 2 Region:        I El  ii  lEt  Ill C  IV El      Reactor Type: W    lEt CE El BW  El GE C Start Time:                                      Finish Time:
Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent overall, with 70.00 percent or better on the SRO-only items if given in conjunction with the RO exam; SRO-only exams given alone require a final grade of 80.00 percent to pass. You have 8 hours to complete the combined examination, and 3 hours if you are only taking the SRO portion.
Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.
Applicants Signature Results 2
RO/SRO-Only/Total Examination Values                              75 /        400-  Points Applicants Scores                                                    /      /      Points Applicants Grade                                                    /      I      Percent
I Unit 2 is at 55% power with the following conJitions
* 2A BAT is on service, 2B BAT is on standby.
At 10:00:
* Control Rods are stepping out in AUTO and cannot be stopped.
* The Reactor cannot be tripped and FRP-S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation! ATWT, has been entered.
* An emergency boration is in progress per FRP-S.1, with the 2A BAT pump running.
At 10:05:
* The 2A BAT pump trips.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Verify2BBATpump (1)
Per FRP-S.1, minimum boration flow is required to be greater than (2) gpm.
(1)                    (2)
A.        autostarts                  30 B. is manually started              30 C.        autostarts                  40 D. is manually started              40 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 1 of 100
2.. Given, the foLlowing conditions on Unit 2:
* Reactor power is 90%.
* Rod Control is in AUTO.
* Control Bank D rods are at 200 steps.
Which one of the following describes how control rods will respond when N-44, PR NI, fails LOW quickly with no operator actions or automatic reactor trips?
A. Rods step out until Tavg/Tref mismatch causes them to step back in.
B. Rods step in until Tavg/Tref mismatch causes them to step back out.
C. Rods step out and stay out.
D. Rods step in and stay jj.
HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 2 of 100
3 Unit 2 is in Mode 4 with the fo&iwing cQndtions:
At 10:00:
* 2C RCP was started, but tripped due to over-current during the start attempt.
At 10:45:
* The Shift Manager directs 4160V Bus Voltage raised and the 2C RCP restarted.
The following MCB parameters are observed:
* 20 RCP #1 SEAL PRESSURE is 240 psid.
* 2C RCP SHAFT SEAL FLOW is 6.5 gpm.
* VCT PRESS is 16.5 psig.
Which one of the following parameters, per SOP-i .1, Reactor Coolant System, will prevent the operator from starting the 2C Reactor Coolant Pump?
A. #1 Seal DP B. VCT pressure C. Seal injection flow D. Insufficient idle time between start attempts HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 3 of 100
: 4. Unit I is at 100% power with the fQllowing conditions:
* Pressurizer level is stable and on program.
* Seal injection flow is in the green band.
* RCP #1 Seal leakoff flow is normal.
* Letdown is in service with HV-8149C, LTDN CRlF ISO 60 GPM, open.
* All control systems are in AUTO.
Which one of the following sets of indications for CVCS Charging and Letdown flow represent steady-state conditions with no RCS leakage?
CHG FLOW Fl-122A (cm)                LTDN HX OUTLET FLOW Fl-I 50 (çjpm)
A.                60                                      75 B.                75                                      75 C.                60                                      84 D.                75                                      60 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 4 of 100
5 Uni I has xp rinGd a Safety InjeGtion.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
RCP #1 Seal Leakoff will be directed to the A. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank B. Containment Sump C. Pressurizer Relief Tank D. Volume Control Tank HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                          Page 5 of 100
6 UnU I is in Mode S with the following condItions:
At 1000:
* RCS is in solid plant conditions.
* A Train RHR is in service in the cooldown mode.
* Low Pressure Letdown is aligned to A Train.
* Charging and Letdown flows are balanced.
* RCS pressure is stable at 250 psig.
* PK-145, LP LTDN PRESS controller, is in AUTO.
At 1010:
* A crud burst causes the RCS Filter to immediately clog.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
RCS pressure will A. rise until RHR suction reliefs lift B. rise until the RHR loop suction isolation valves go closed C. lower and the VCT will divert to the RHTs D. lower and total Seal Injection flow will decrease HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 6 of 100
      .7. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the foLLowing conditions:
* lB Charging pump is aligned to B Train.
* IC Charging pump is Tagged Out.
At 1000:
* iF 4160V Bus is de-energized and remains de-energized.
Which one of the following combinations lists the ECCS pumps that have power available?
Charciinq pump with power                  RHR pump with power A.                IA                                    IA B.                1A                                    lB C.                lB                                    1A D.                lB                                    lB HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 7 of 100
      & Unit I is at IOQ% power with the following conditions:
* HA5, PRZR PORV TEMP HI, is in alarm.
* Pressurizer pressure is 2225 psig and slowly going down.
* PRT pressure is slowly rising.
* Both PORVs indicate closed.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Tl-463, PORV tailpipe temperature, will increase to (I)
P1-472, PRT PRESS, will reach a maximum pressure of (2)
(1)                                  (2)
A. between22Oand340°F                            100 psig B.      greater than 600° F                        100 psig C.      greater than 600° F                        75 psig D. between 220 and 340° F                        75 psig HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1                                                                  Page 8 of 100
: 9. Unit I i in Mode 3 with the following conditions
* 1A RHR pump is running for a boron sample.
* A and B Train CCW are in operation.
* Normal Letdown is in service with 75 gpm flow.
* Excess Letdown is in service in preparation for a Tag Out of the Normal Letdown line.
Which one of the following is the effect of a loss of Instrument Air to individual COW components?
Alossofairto (1) ,would require (2)
: 2) isolating Excess Letdown per CHI, EXC LTDN HX OUTLET TEMP HI D. I) RCV-3028, CCW SURGE TANK AIR VENT
: 2) closing RCV-3028 with the manual jack per SOP-23.O, Component Cooling Water System HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 9 of 100
: 10. Unit I has experienced a small break LOCA with the following conditions:
* RCS pressure is 2100 psig.
* CETCs are 750°F.
* All RCPs are stopped.
* Fl-943, A TRAIN HHSI FLOW, indicates 0 gpm.
* FI-940, HHSI B TRAIN RECIRC FLOW, indicates 0 gpm.
Which one of the following actions is required as the primary mitigation strategy per the applicable Functional Restoration Procedure?
A. Start a RCP.
B. Establish HHSI flow.
C. Perform a max rate cool down.
D. Reduce RCS pressure by opening one PORV.
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: 11. Unit 1 is at WQ% power with the following conditions:
* HV-8 145, RCS PRZR AUX SPRAY valve, has just started leaking by the seat at 10 gpm.
* HCI, PRZR PRESS HI-LO, is in alarm.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
Indication on Fl-122A, CHG FLOW, will initially  (1)
Demand on PK-444A, PRZR PRESS REFERENCE controller, will        (2)
(1)                                (2)
A.            increase                            increase B.          increase                            decrease C.          decrease                            increase D.          decrease                            decrease HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 11 of 100
: 12. Unit 1 is at 10(1% power with the following condit.ions At 10:00:
* I B Charging pump is aligned to B Train.
* IA Charging pump is running.
At 10:10:
* Pressurizer level is faNing.
* VCT level is rising.
* DD1, RCP SEAL INJ FLOW LO, alarm is LIT.
* EA2, CHG HDR FLOW HI-LO, alarm is LIT.
Which one of the following events has occurred?
A. An RCS piping break has occurred causing an Auto Roll-over to the RWST.
B. PCV-145, LP LTDN Pressure Control Valve, has failed open.
C. FCV-122, CHG Flow control valve, has failed closed.
D. IA Charging pump has tripped.
HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 12 of 100
Ia. Unit I has had a Reactar Trip and Safety Injection actuation with. the fQllowirlg conditions:
* A Large Break LOCA has occurred.
* Containment pressure has reached 29 psig.
* EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, is in progress.
* RCS pressure is 200 psig and dropping.
Which one of the following describes the reason for securing RCPs under the above conditions?
A. To delay two-phase flow in the RCS.
B. To prevent overheating RCP motor bearings.
C. To prevent a deeper and longer core uncovery later in the event.
D. To avoid the possibility of RCP motor overspeed and flywheel fracture.
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: 14. Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The minimum coincidence (fewest number of channels or input signals) required to initiate an Intermediate Range High Flux Reactor Trip is  (1)
The minimum coincidence (number of Throttle Valves closed) to initiate a Reactor Trip from Turbine Trip is    (2)
(1)                                (2)
A.          I out of 2                          3 outof4 B.          2outof2                              3 outof4 C.          I out of 2                          4 outof4 D.          2 out of 2                          4outof4 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 14 of 100
: 15. Unit I is at 100% power with the following conditions:
At 10:00:
* PT-950, CTMT PRESS, has failed HIGH.
* The appropriate Tech Spec actions of TS. 3.32, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation, have been completed.
* SPRAY ACTUATION BYPASS CH I TEST light is illuminated on the BYPASS & PERMISSVE panel.
At 10:30:
* PT-953, CTMT PRESS, fails HIGH.
Which one of the following automatic actuations, if any, will occur?
A. No automatic actuations B. Safety Injection ONLY C. Safety Injection and MSIV isolation ONLY D. Safety Injection, MSIV isolation, Phase B and Ctmt Spray actuation ONLY HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page l5of 100
: 16. Unit 1 is at 25%- power with the fol[owing coriditions lCRCPtrips.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
IC Steam Generator narrow range level will (1)
After IC RCP stops, IC Loop delta T indication will be (2) than 1A and 1 B Loop delta T indications.
(1)                        (2)
A.        swell                      higher B.        swell                      lower C.        shrink                      higher D.        shrink                      lower HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 16 of 100
: 17. Unit I tripped from 75% power with the following condftions:
N-35, Intermediate Range NI, is overcompensated.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
N-35 will indicate  (1)  than actual power.
The Source Range Nis will energize as soon as    (2)  , Intermediate Range NI, reaches the P-6 setpoint.
(1)                                  (2)
A.          lower                                  N-35 B.          lower                                  N-36 C.        higher                                  N-35 D.        higher                                  N-36 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 17 of 100
1& Unit I is at 100% power with th following conditions:
* An LOSP occurs and lB Diesel Generator trips.
* Containment pressure is 34 psig due to a steam line break.
* BA1, IA CTMT CLR FAN FAULT, comes into alarm due to a trip of the 1A Containment Cooler.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The (1) CTMT CLR FAN is required to be started per EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
After the fan is started, Containment Pressure and Temperature (2) exceed design limits.
(1)                                      (2)
A.          1C                                      WILL B.          lB                                    WILL C.          1C                                    will NOT D.          lB                                  will NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page l8of 100
: 19. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following conditLons At 10:00:
* All containment fan coolers are operating in FAST speed.
At 10:05:
* A steam leak occurs inside Containment.
* An automatic SI has occurred.
Which one of the following describes the expected operation of the Containment Coolers?
The Containment Coolers will be operating in (1) speed.
The Containment Cooler discharge dropout plate opens when Containment (2)
(1)                              (2)
A.        FAST                    pressure exceeds 4 psig B.        SLOW                    pressure exceeds 4 psig C.        FAST                  temperature exceeds 135°F D.        SLOW                  temperature exceeds 135°F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page l9of 100
: 20. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:
* Mode 6.
* The RCS level is at midloop.
* Both RHR pumps are in operation.
* Low Pressure Letdown is in service on A Train.
At 10:00:
The 1A RHR pump is in the following configuration:
* HIK-603A, 1A RHR HX DISCH VLV, is 0%.
* FK-605A, IA RHR HX BYP FLOW, is in manual with 75% demand.
The I B RHR pump is in the following configuration:
* HIK-603B, lB RHR HX DISCH VLV, is 50%.
* FK-605B, I B RHR HX BYP FLOW, is in manual with 25% demand.
At 10:05:
* IARHRpumptrips.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
RCS level will (I)  , and RCS temperature will (2)
(1)                              (2)
A.        increase                          increase B.      increase                    remain the same C. remain the same                  remain the same D. remain the same                      increase HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                            Page 20 of 100
21.. Unit 1 is at 75% power with the following conditions:
* Automatic control of TK-144, LTDN HX OUTLET TEMP, has failed.
* Letdown temperature is 150°F and rising.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The alarm expected for this condition is (1)
The appropriate ARP will direct the operator to place TK-144 in MANUAL and (2) controller demand.
(1)                                              (2)
A. DEl, LTDN TO DEMIN DIVERTED-TEMP HI                          raise B. DEl, REGEN HX LTDN FLOW DISCH TEMP HI                        raise C. DFI, LTDN TO DEMIN DIVERTED-TEMP HI                          lower D. DEl, REGEN HX LTDN FLOW DISCH TEMP HI                        lower HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 21 of 100
* 22. Urdt 1 tripped from I 00% power w[th the fllowing conditions:
* Safety Injection is in progress due to a Large Break LOCA.
* Containment Spray has actuated.
* The following MCB annunciators are in alarm:
CH4, RWST LVL A TRN LO-LO CH5, RWST LVL B TRN LO-LO Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The setpoint for the RWST LO-LO alarms is (1)
The operator is required to (2) using ESP-1 .3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.
(1)                              (2)
A.      4 6            verify the CS sump suction MOVs automatically opened B. 4 6              open the CS sump suction MOVs C. 12 6            verify the RHR sump suction MOVs automatically opened D. 12 6            open the RHR sump suction MOVs HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 22 of 100
21 Which one of the foLLowthg completes the statement below?
The Containment Spray System reduces radioactive iodine in the Containment atmosphere during a LOCA by spraying water from the (1)    at a pH of approximately (2)
(1)                    (2)
A. containment sump                4.5 B.      RWST                      7.5 C. containment sump                7.5 D.      RWST                    4.5 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 23 of 100
24 Unit 1 is at 75% power with the following cndftions PK-444A, PRZR PRESS REFERENCE controller, is failed such that it senses a constant input pressure equivalent to 2219 psig.
Which one of the following describes the automatic response of the Pressurizer Pressure Control system?
A. PCV-445A, PRZR PORV, will cycle to control pressure.
B. The variable heaters will cycle on and off at a higher setpoint.
C. The spray valves will open to control pressure at a higher value.
D. PCV-444B, PRZR PORV, will open and remain open until 2000 psig.
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: 25. Unit I has just Lost power to 600V Motor Control Center (MCC) IA Which one of the following components will NOT have power?
A. IA Spent Fuel Pool pump B. IA Containment Cooler Fan    - Fast speed C. 1A Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner D. MOV-8808A, IA Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 25 of 100
: 26. Given the foUowirig conditions on Unit 1:
* RCS pressure is 2350 psig.
* All SG pressures are 1035 psig.
* The reactor is NOT tripped.
* The crew is currently in FRP-S1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT, performing the step, Check pressurizer pressure LESS THAN 2335 psig.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-S.1?
Open PRZR PORVs and PRZR PORV ISO valves and lower RCS pressure to (1)
The reason for the pressure reduction is to (2)
(1)                              (2)
A. 2235 psig          increase charging flow into the RCS B. 2235 psig          reduce the differential pressure between the SGs and the RCS C. 2135 psig          increase charging flow into the RCS D. 2135 psig          reduce the differential pressure between the SGs and the RCS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1                                                                  Page 26 of 100
: 27. Which one ot the folLowing describes the Fuel Transfer Systems Pit-Crane Interlock and the reason for the interlock?
A. Prevents the SEP lifting frame from being lowered while the SEP bridge crane is in the Transfer Canal area, to prevent damage to a fuel assembly.
B. Prevents movement of the SEP Bridge Crane when the lifting frame is    ,
to prevent damage to the SFP Bridge Crane Hoist.
C. Prevents the SEP lifting frame from being raised while the SEP bridge crane is in the Transfer Canal area, to prevent damage to the lifting frame.
D. Prevents operation of the SEP Bridge Crane hoist when the lifting frame is down, to prevent bumping a fuel assembly when the frame is raised.
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: 28. Thern following conditions exist on Unit I
* AOP-2.0, Steam Generator Tube Leak, is in progress.
* The Control Room crew is preparing for an RCS cooldown.
* The affected SG pressure is 980 psig.
* Desired subcooling is 30-32°F.
: 1) Using steam tables, which one of the following is the temperature at which the RCS cooldown is required to be stopped?
: 2) Per AOP-2.0, what temperature indication is used?
Reference Provided (1)                                      (2)
A.          513°F                            Core exit T/C monitor B.        544°F                            Core exit T/C monitor C.          513°F                          RCS Hot Leg Temperature D.        544°F                          RCS Hot Leg Temperature HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 28 of 100
: 29. Un[t us, shutdown with the following corlditiQns:
At 10:00:
* An SI was initiated due to a Small Break LOCA.
* ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, is in progress.
* Normal charging has been established.
* All SG narrow range levels are 40% and stable.
At 10:15:
* IA SG narrow range level is 48% and going up with no AFW flow to the SG.
* 1 B and IC SG narrow range levels are 40% and stable.
* Pressurizer level is 20% and trending down with maximum charging flow.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The foldout page of ESP-l .2 requires the crew to establish HHSI flow and A. remain in ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.
B. re-enter EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
C. go to EEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.
D. go to EEP-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.
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: 30. Unit 2 is performing th inital heatup of the RCS following a Refuelingoutage, with the following conditions:
* RCS temperature is 480°F.
* All MSIVs are closed.
* The Unit Operator is preparing to open the MSIVs per SOP-I 7.0, Main and Reheat Steam.
* ALL MSIV Bypass valves are open.
* The steam dumps are aligned in the STM PRESS mode per SOP-I 8.0, Steam Dump System.
* All required testing and maintenance activities have been completed.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
: 1) When A steam line MSIVs are opened, A MSIV Bypass valves will        (I)
: 2) When opening MSIVs, Main Steam header pressure should be monitored closely to prevent a Safety Injection due to (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A.            be manually closed                  Low Steam Line pressure B.          be manually closed                Steam Line Differential pressure C.          automatically close                  Low Steam Line pressure D.          automatically close              Steam Line Differential pressure HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 30 of 100
: 31. Unit 2 is at 12% power with th&foflowingGonc1itions:
At 10:00:
* Tavg is 550°F and stable.
* Steam Dumps are in the STM PRESS mode.
* PK-464, STM HDR PRESS controller, is in AUTO.
At 10:05:
* PT-464, STM HDR PRESS, fails HIGH.
Which one of the following completes the statements below, with no operator action?
Steam flow will increase and then (1)
PK-464, STM HDR PRESS controller, will (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A. stabilize at 40% steam flow                      remain in AUTO B.      decrease to zero                    shift to MANUAL at 543° F C.      decrease to zero                            remain in AUTO D. stabilize at 40% steam flow                shift to MANUAL at 543°F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1                                                                  Page 31 of 100
: 32. Unit I is. at 32% power with the following Gonditions; At 10:00:
* Steam dumps are Tagged Out to prevent operation due to a maintenance test in progress.
* The control rods are in MANUAL.
At 10:05:
* A malfunction of the DEH control system results in a Main Turbine trip.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
SG water levels will (1) due to the Turbine trip.
The OATC is required to (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.          swell                        reduce Reactor power to  < 8%
B.          swell                        trip the Reactor and enter EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection C.        shrink                        reduce Reactor power to <8%
D.        shrink                        trip the Reactor and enter EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 32 of 100
31 Unit 2 is ramping up with tha folluwing condiitons At 10:00:
* KKI, TURB COND VAC LO, comes into alarm.
* Condenser vacuum is degrading.
* AOP-8, Partial Loss of Condenser Vacuum, actions are in progress.
At 10:15:
* KK2, TURB COND VAC LO-LO, comes into alarm.
* Main Turbine load is 225 MWe.
* Condenser vacuum is 2.1 psia and stable.
Which one of the following is/are the required action(s) per AOP-8.O?
A. Trip the reactor and perform EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
B. Trip the Main Turbine and perform AOP-3.O, Turbine Trip Below P-9 Setpoint.
C. Reduce load at the maximum controllable rate per AOP-17, Rapid Load Reduction.
D. Stop the ramp in progress and stabilize the plant.
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: 34. LJnft I is sh-utdQwn with the fo1lowiftg conditions:
At 10:00:
* There is a complete loss of all AC power.
* A Safety Injection has occurred.
* ECP-O.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.
* lB Diesel Generator (DG) is Tagged Out.
* 1-2A DG tripped on Low Lube Oil Pressure due to a clogged strainer.
At 10:15:
* 1-2A DGs on service lube oil strainer has been swapped.
* I -2A DG will be started locally in Mode 4 per SOP-38. 1, Emergency Starting of a Diesel Generator.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Prior to starting the 1-2A DG in Mode 4, the    (1)  must be depressed.
To close the 1-2A DG output breaker from the EPB, the 1-2A DG EPB Mode Selector Switch is required to be in the    (2)  position per SOP-38.O-1-2A, 1-2A Diesel Generator and Auxiliaries.
A. 1) 1-2A DG ENGINE RESET pushbutton on the Local Control Panel
: 2) Mode 2 B. 1) 1-2A DG ENGINE RESET pushbutton on the Local Control Panel
: 2) Mode 3 C. 1) SIAS RESET pushbutton on the B1F Sequencer
: 2) Mode 2 D. 1) SIAS RESET pushbutton on the B1F Sequencer
: 2) Mode 3 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 34 of 100
: 35. Unit 1 is at 70% power with the following condftions R-15A, SJAE EXH, is in alarm.
              . AOP-2.0, Steam Generator Tube Leakage, is in progress.
              . The Turbine Building SO has placed the SJAE Filtration System in service.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
After the SJAE Filtration system is placed in service, the reading on R-15A will (1) and the SJAE Filtration system will (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.      decrease                      be aligned in a recirc alignment B. remain the same                  be aligned in a recirc alignment C.      decrease                    discharge to the Turbine Bldg roof D. remain the same                discharge to the Turbine Bldg roof HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1                                                                      Page 35 of 100
3& Unit I is at 100% power with the following Gonditions At 10:00:
I B Condensate pump is in Standby and has a Caution tag stating that the pump has a degraded head condition.
At 10:05:
* IC Condensate Pump trips.
* PR-4039, SGFP Suction Pressure recorder, indication drops to 274 psig for 20 seconds and then starts rising rapidly.
* KB4, SGFP SUCT PRESS LO, clears 25 seconds after the 1 B condensate pump starts.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The lB Condensate Pump started        (I)
The Control Room Crew is required to (2) per AOP-1 3, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunction.
A. 1) immediately following the trip of the 1 C Condensate pump
: 2) trip the Reactor B. 1) immediately following the trip of the IC Condensate pump
: 2) stabilize Steam Generator levels C. 1) following a drop in SGFP suction pressure ONLY
: 2) trip the Reactor D. 1) following a drop in SGFP suction pressure ONLY
: 2) stabilize Steam Generator levels HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 36 of 100
37 Unit 2 is in Mode 3 with the following conditions
* A Grid disturbance caused a dual unit LOSP.
* The following 230KV High Voltage lines are out of service:
* Sinai Cemetery
* Bainbridge
* Webb
            *  #2 Auto Bank Transformer is out of service.
* The Shift Manager has directed performance of STP-27.1, A.C. Source Verification, on Unit 2.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The Unit 2 Startup Transformers are powered from the (1) side of the High Voltage Switchyard.
Per STP-27.1, (2) available to supply power to the Unit 2 Startup Transformers.
(1)                              (2)
A.          230KV                      one off-site circuit is B.        500KV                      one off-site circuit is C.        230KV                    two off-site circuits are D.        500KV                    two off-site circuits are HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 37 of 100
: 38. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:
At 10:00:
* Reactor power is 80% and stable.
* Rod control is in AUTO with Bank D rods at 184 steps.
* LT-1 15, VCT LEVEL, is failed LOW.
* All actions of AOP-100, Instrument Malfunction, have been completed for N-43.
At 10:15:
Power is lost to the IC 1 20V AC Vital Panel due to an Inverter malfunction.
Which one of the following conditions will occur due to 1 C 1 20V AC Vital Panel being de-energized?
A. A reactor trip will occur.
B. An Auto makeup will commence.
C. Automatic rod withdrawal is blocked.
D. LCV-I I 5B and D, RWST to CHG PUMP, will open.
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39 The following conditions exist on Unit 2:
At 10:00:
* LBI8, 2B BATTERY SUPPLY BREAKER, is open and Tagged Out for Battery cell replacement.
At 10:05:
* An LOSP occurs.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
(1) Diesel Generator can be started      used to supply power to the Unit 2 B Train 4160V ESF busses because it has a(n) (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A.          2C              power seeking ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)
B.          2C                        emergency Air Start Soenoid C.          2B              power seeking ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)
D.          2B                        emergency Air Start Solenoid HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 39 of 100
4G. Unft I is at 13% power with the following conditions:
The Main Generator output breakers have been closed.
* JF1, l SG LVL DEV, is in alarm.
* A Systems Operator in the Main Steam Valve Room reports that the air supply line to FCV-479, 1A SG FW BYP FLOW, has bown off.
Which one of the foHowing completes the statements below?
FCV-479 wiN fail (1)
Per AOP-13.O, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunctions, the operator is required to trip the    (2) if Steam Generator level can NOT be maintained.
(1)                                    (2)
A.            open                                Main Turbine B.          open                                  Reactor C.          closed                                Reactor D.          closed                              Main Turbine HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 40 of 100
: 41. Which ona of thefollowLng completes the statements be[ow?
The purpose of TRSH-2293, AFW CHECK VALVE TEMPERATURE RECORDER, is to monitor the temperature on the discharge line of (1)
Temperatures are monitored to determine if actions need to be taken to protect against (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A. ALL AFW pumps                water hammer or steam binding B. ALL AFW pumps                      water hammer ONLY C. ONLY the TDAFW pump              water hammer or steam binding D. ONLY the TDAFW pump                    water hammer ONLY HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 41 of 100
: 42. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following conditions; At 10:00:
* Unit 1 trips due to a Loss of Site Power (LOSP).
At 10:20:
* The    1A Steam Generator narrow range water level is 25%.
* The    lB and IC Steam Generator narrow range water levels are 31%.
* The  Rover reports that smoke is coming from the IA MDAFW pump.
* The  UO takes the handswitch for the IA MDAFW pump to stop.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
When the 1A MDAFW pump handswitch is taken to stop and released, the 1A MDAFW pump will      (1) because the (2) signal is present.
(1)                                (2)
A. stop and remain stopped                    SG LO-LO level B. stop and then restart                  SG LO-LO level C. stop and then restart                        LOSP D. stop and remain stopped                        LOSP HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 42 of 100
: 43. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following ccinditions:
A failure has occurred in the controller/positioner for HV-3235A, TDAFWP STM SUPP FROM I B SG, such that air is continuously supplied to HV-3235A.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The TDAFW pump will A. NOT autostart under any condition.
B. immediately start and operate at full design capacity.
C. autostart when a signal occurs and operate at full design capacity.
D. autostart when a signal occurs, but NOT operate at full design capacity.
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: 44. Unit I has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection with the following alarms:
* AF4, CTMT CLR SW FLOW HI-LO SETPOINT: Lo Flow Range (< 1980 gpm): Duff Flow HI: 300 +0, -75 gpm Hi Flow Range (> 1980 gpm): Duff Flow HI: 750 +0, -30 gpm
* AD4, SW PRESS A TRN LO        -
SETPOINT: 60+/- 1 psig Which one of the following would cause the conditions described above?
A. The 1A Service Water Pump has degraded head.
B. A piping failure has occurred upstream of the IA containment cooler.
C. A piping failure has occurred downstream of the IC containment cooler.
D. MOV-3024A, EMERG SW FROM 1A CTMT CLR, has failed to open on the SI.
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: 45. Unit    has experienced a Reactor trip with the following ccnditions:
* An LOSP has occurred.
* A DG failure has occurred, and the A Train 4160V busses are de-energized.
Which one of the following states the minimum time that the A Train Auxiliary Building 125V DC System Battery is designed to carry the required DC loads in this condition?
A. 30 minutes B. 2 hours C. 8 hours D. 12 hours HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 45 of 100
: 46. Unit 1 has experienced a Reactor trip with- the foliowing conditions:
A Loss of All AC has occurred.
ECP-O.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The 18 Aux Building DC bus voltage will      (1)
DC loads are minimized in ECP-O.O to      (2)
A. 1) drop slowly at first; then later drop rapidly as the battery nears exhaustion
: 2) prolong battery life ONLY B. 1) drop slowly at first; then later drop rapidly as the battery nears exhaustion
: 2) prevent damage to the DC components AND prolong battery life C. 1) drop at a constant, linear rate the entire time the battery discharges
: 2) prolong battery life ONLY D. 1) drop at a constant, linear rate the entire time the battery discharges
: 2) prevent damage to the DC components AND prolong battery life HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 46 of 100
: 47. Unit 1 is in Mode 3 with the following conditions:        -
* The I B MDAFW pump is operating to provide secondary inventory.
* The B Train Auxiliary Building 125V DC bus becomes de-energized.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The lB MDAFW pump Main Control Board switch indication will  (1)
The lB MDAFW pump will        (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.      NOT be LIT                            continue to run B. NOT be LIT                                    trip C.        be LIT                              continue to run D.        be LIT                                    trip HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 47 of 100
4& Unit 1 is in Mode. 3 with the following conditions:              -
An LOSP has occurred on Unit I ONLY.
The Diesel Building SO reports that crankcase pressure is out of spec on the IC DG.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The  (I)    CRANKCASE PRESSURE alarm comes in when IC DG crankcase pressure reaches + 2 H 0 gauge and the IC DG will 2                                (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A.        HIGH                                    TRIP B.        LOW                                    TRIP C.        HIGH                                  NOT trip D.        LOW                                    NOT trip HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 48 of 100
: 49. Unit I tripped frg QQ% power with the following conditions:
* A steam line break occurred in Containment.
* In addition, a complete loss of all AFW occurred.
* FRP-H. 1, Response To Loss Of Secondary Heat Sink, is in progress.
* Bleed and Feed criteria has been met.
* Containment pressure is 31 psig.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Bleed and Feed criteria was met as soon as two SG wide range levels were LESS THAN (1)
Phase B isolation is reset in FRP-H.1 to (2)
(1)                                        (2)
A.        12%                            restore COW cooling to the RCPs B.        12%                            restore Instrument Air to Containment C.        31%                            restore CCW cooling to the RCPs D.        31%                            restore Instrument Air to Containment HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 49 of 100
* 50. Unit 1 was operating with PT-474, IA SG PRESS, failed LOW when the folng occurred:
* A fire onsite has required the Control Room to be evacuated.
* The crew has implemented AOP-28.2, Fire in the Control Room.
* Steam is coming from the MSVR roof.
* The crew has closed all MSIVs.
The crew is evaluating PCV-3371A, IA SG ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF VLV, to determine if it is OPEN or leaking by.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The 1A SG Pressure indication (1) available for monitoring on the Hot Shutdown Panels.
Low Steam Line Pressure SI signal (2) be blocked on the Hot Shutdown Panels.
(1)                                    (2)
A.          is NOT                                can NOT B.        is NOT                                  CAN C.            IS                                  can NOT D.            IS                                    CAN HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 50 of 100
: 51. Unit I is at 100% power with the fo1Lowing condftions
* Containment Mini-Purge is in service.
* R-24B, CTMT PURGE, has failed HIGH.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Mini-Purge dampers inside    (1)  will isolate.
Mini-Purge supply and exhaust fans      (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.            Containment                              remain running B.          Containment                            automatically stop C. the Piping Penetration room                    remain running D. the Piping Penetration room                    automatically stop HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                        Page 51 of 100
: 52. The foLlowing conditions exist on Unit 1:
* The IS MDAFW pump has been started from the MCB and is running for STP-22.2, I B MDAFW Pump Quarterly Inservice Test.
* R-19, SGBD SAMPLE, radiation monitor is in alarm and indication is stable above the alarm setpoint.
* The Shift Radio Chemist requests to sample the Steam Generators.
Which one of the following describes the actions that will allow the Shift Radio Chemist to obtain a sample of the Steam Generators per SOP-45.O, Radiation Monitoring System?
A. Pull the INSTRUMENT power fuses for R-19, then open the sample valves.
B. Pull the DC power fuses to each sample valve solenoid to fail the valve open.
C. Place I B MDAFW pump handswitch to the STOP position, then open the sample valves.
D. Place R-19 Operation Selector Switch to the RESET position, then open the sample valves.
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51 Unit 2 is at 31% power with the following conditions;
* A lightning strike causes the 2A AND 2B Circulating Water pumps to trip.
* Main Condenser pressure is 6.0 psia and degrading rapidly.
* All Steam Generator narrow range levels are 50% and slowly falling.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
An automatic Reactor trip (1) occurred, (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A.        HAS                          Steam Dumps have opened B.        HAS                        MDAFW pumps have started C.      has NOT                        Steam Dumps have opened D.      has NOT                      MDAFW pumps have started HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 53 of 100
L 54. Unit I is at 25% power with the following conditions:
At 10:00:
* The IA S/U transformer is de-energized.
* The 1-2A DG restores power to the Unit I ESF busses.
At 10:15:
* A Safety Injection occurs.
Which one of the following describes the position of SW TO TURB BLDG ISO MOVs, 514, 515, 516, 517, following the Safety Injection?
A. MOVs powered from A Train are throttled, MOVs powered from B Train are closed.
B. MOVs powered from A Train are closed, MOVs powered from B Train are throttled.
C. All MOVs are throttled.
D. All MOVs are closed.
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: 55. Unit i has high reactor coolantactivity due to failed fuel as indicated by an upscale reading on the Gross Failed Fuel Detector (GFFD).
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The GFFD provides indication of failed fuel by detection of    (1)
The GFFD    (2)  on a high radiation signal.
(1)                                          (2)
A. N-16 gamma radiation            automatically isolates the RCS sample system B. N-16 gamma radiation                    provides NO automatic isolation C. delayed neutrons              automatically isolates the RCS sample system D. delayed neutrons                      provides NO automatic isolation HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 55 of 100
: 56. Which one of the following completes the statement below?
MOV-515, SW TO TURB BLDG ISO, on Unit 1 is powered from 600V (1) ,which is supplied from a(n) (2) Diesel Generator during an LOSP.
(1)                                  (2)
A.      MCC1N                                  ATrain B.      MCC1T                                  ATrain C.      MCC IN                                B Train D.      MCC iT                                B Train HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 56 of 100
: 57. The fcillowing ccinditions exist on Unit 2:
At 10:00:
* Reactor power is 25% and stable.
* PCC (Power Control Center) has notified the Control Room that the offsite grid has become degraded.
At 10:05:
* Multiple alarms occur in the Unit 2 Control Room.
Which one of the following alarms that are fl, will be addressed and actions performed FIRST?
B. YE2, 2G 4KV BUS OV-OR-UV OR LOSS OF DC (White Window)
D. MBI, 2B S/U XFMR UV (White Window)
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: 58. Unit I Air Compressors are aligned in the following onfiguration The IA air compressor panel key switch is in the MCB position and the AUTOMATIC OPERATION LED (green light) is LIT.
The 1 B and 1 C air compressors are aligned to the sequencer panel.
Which one of the following describes the reason for this alignment?
A. To prevent a complete loss of Instrument Air pressure due to a failure of the sequencer panel pressure transducer.
B. To prevent a complete loss of Instrument Air pressure due to a loss of power to the sequencer panel.
C. To ensure that the 1A air compressor is available to be started from the ESS or LOSP Sequencer.
D. To ensure that all three air compressors do not run at the same time and possibly overheat due to insufficent Service Water flow.
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59.. Which one of the following describes the correct configuration for the Containment Main Personnel Access Hatch doors and equalizing valves while the airlock is in use for entering/exiting Containment?
A. Outer door OPEN Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door CLOSED Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED B. Outer door OPEN Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door CLOSED Inner door equalizing valve OPEN C. Outer door CLOSED Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door OPEN Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED D. Outer door CLOSED Outer door equalizing valve CLOSED Inner door OPEN Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 59 of 100
: 60. Unit I has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection due to a LOCA, with the following conditions:
* EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, has been completed and EEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, has been entered.
* AOP-34.0, Malfunction of RCS Wide Range Pressure Indication, has been implemented to determine actual RCS pressure.
* PT-455, 456, 457, PRZR PRESS, all indicate 1700 psi .
* PT-402, RCS WR PRESS, indicates 1600 psig.
* PT-403, RCS WR PRESS, indicates 750 psig.
* FI-943, A TRN HHSI FLOW, indicates 550 gpm.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
AOP-34.0 will require Charging Pump Miniflow valves to be  (1)  prior to RCS pressure determination.
Actual RCS pressure is  (2)
References Provided (1)                                    (2)
A.          open                                  750 psig B.          open                                  1600 psig C.          closed                                750 psig D.        closed                                1600 psig HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 60 of 100
6t Unit I is n Moci I at I0Q% power with the folLowing conditions.
Chemistry reports that RCS Dissolved Oxygen is 50 ppm.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Per TRM 13.4.1, RCS Chemistry, the RCS Dissolved Oxygen limit    (1) been exceeded.
(2) is used to control RCS Dissolved Oxygen in Mode 1.
(1)                                    (2)
A.      has NOT                                Hydrazine B.        HAS                                Hydrazine C.      has NOT                                Hydrogen D.        HAS                                  Hydrogen HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 61 of 100
: 62. A one step Tagout has been issueci ta place a Danger Tag on an MOV hadwhel.
The following condition exists:
A Caution Tag is on the handwheel of the MOV.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
Per NMP-AD-003-OO1, Tag Standards, the operator is required to A. return the Tagout to the Tagging Official because two tags cannot exist on the same component.
B. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel, remove the Caution Tag, and return it to the Tagging Official.
C. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel and ensure the Danger Tag is visible on top of the Caution Tag.
D. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel and move the Caution Tag to another visible location on the MOV.
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: 63. Unit 2 is shutdown with thefollowing condLtions:
* All Reactor Trip breakers are open.
* RCS pressure is 2200 psig.
* RCS temperature is 540&deg;F and slowly decreasing.
* N-31, Source Range NI, is out of service for repairs.
* N-32, Source Range NI, has just failed LOW.
* A channel check on Gamma Metrics Source Range instrumentation has been performed.
Which ONE of the following describes Tech Spec 3.3.1, Reactor Trip System (RTS)
Instrumentation, REQUIRED ACTION due within one hour for these conditions?
A. Verify shutdown margin.
B. Verify interlock is in required state.
C. Commence an RCS heatup to 547&deg;F.
D. Place channel N-32 in the tripped condition.
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4.. Unit 1 is in Mode 5fcir a refueling outage. A smal[ accessible area in containment has a general area dose rate of 1150 mrem/hr. The top of this area cannot be enclosed for the purpose of locking the area.
Which one of the foNowing completes the statement below?
Per Tech Spec 5.7.3, in addition to the area being barricaded off, the minimum control(s) required for this area is/are to .
A. be conspicuously posted ONLY B. be conspicuously posted AND have a flashing light C. have continuous surveillance by closed circuit TV ONLY D. have continuous surveillance by closed circuit TV AND have a flashing light HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 64 of 100
: 65. You have been given a task to perform an inspection of the Containment Equipment Sump. POI7A & B, CTMT SUMP PUMP handswitches are in the Pull-to-Lock position on the BOP.
Which one of the following is a condition that would result in excessive radiation exposure rates in the Containment Equipment Sump Area?
A. Draining the RCS to mid-loop prior to core off load.
B. Withdrawal of the Incore Detectors from the core.
C. Movement of irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel.
D. A leak in the Auxiliary Building results in lowering Reactor Cavity level.
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6& Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The maximum allowable exposure that may be required when performing emergency on-site actions to protect valuable property is    per EIP-14.0, Personnel Movement, Relocation, Re-entry and Site Evacuation.
A. 5Rem B. 10 Rem C. 25 Rem D. 100 Rem HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 66 of 100
: 67. Unit I has entered ESP-I .3, Transfer Ta Cold Leg RecircuIation Which one of the following states the action required for implementing the Functional Restoration Procedures (FRPs) while in ESP-l .3, and the basis for the action?
A. FRPs should not be implemented until RHR and Charging pumps are aligned for recirculation and flow is stable.
This is because of the limited amount of water in the RWST available for maintaining suction to ECCS pumps.
B. FRPs should not be implemented while in ESP-1 .3 until RWST level is <4.5 feet.
This is because insufficient water may be present in the Containment Sump to prevent cavitation while on recirculation.
C. FRPs should be implemented immediately at any time while in ESP-l .3.
This is because of the limited amount of water in the RWST available for maintaining suction to ECCS pumps.
D. FRPs should be implemented immediately at any time while in ESP-1 .3.
This is because they are always the highest priority while in the Emergency Procedures.
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: 68. The following conditions exist on UNiT 1.
* MH1, FIRE, annunciator on the Unit 1 Main Control Board is in alarm and is LIT solid (NOT flashing).
* The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel has a single window in alarm, which contains the following information:
Aux Bldg El 139 W Side Det IA-39, 43, 46, 53 IA-55, 59, 106
* At the PYR-A-LARM Panel, the window for IA-59 panel is lit.
Which one of the following describes the MINIMUM actions required to enable MH1, FIRE, to reflash fora fire detection system actuation in zone IA-106 per SOP-O.4, Fire Protection Administration Procedure?
A. The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged AND Zone 1A-59 placed in OVERRIDE at the PYR-A-LARM Panel.
B. The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged AND the Local Reflash Panel alarm for detection system IA-59 must be acknowledged.
C. ONLY the Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged.
D. ONLY the Local Reflash Panel alarm for detection system 1A-59 must be acknowledged.
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    &9. Unit I has had a Reactor trip and Safety Injection actuation with the following conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred in containment.
* EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, is in progress.
* RCS pressure is 1100 psig and stable.
* Containment pressure is 12 psig and slowly rising.
Which one of the following is an annunciator that will be in alarm at this time?
A. MCB alarm JHI, 1A SG MSIV CLOSED B. MCB alarm CDI, IAACCUM PRESS HI-LO C. MCB alarm HD2, PRZR PRESS SI PORV BLOCK P-I I D. BOP alarm LB3, RCP THRM BARR ISO HV-3I84 AIR PRESS LO HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 69 of 100
: 70. The following conditio exit on Unit 1;
* A Small Break LOCA has occurred.
* Natural circulation has been established.
* The crew is performing ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per ESP-1 .2?
Opening    (1) may cause voiding to occur.
Voiding is detected by (2)
A. 1) the steam dumps to establish a cooldown rate of 85&deg;F/hr
: 2) LI-460, PRZR LVL, rapidly increasing B. 1) one PORV to reduce RCS pressure to refill the pressurizer
: 2) LI-460, PRZR LVL, rapidly increasing C. 1) the steam dumps to establish a cooldown rate of 85&deg;F/hr
: 2) TI-2301, CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MONITOR, rapidly increasing D. 1) one PORV to reduce RCS pressure to refill the pressurizer
: 2) Tl-2301, CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MONITOR, rapidly increasing HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 70 of 100
L 71. The crew has transitiofted to ECP-12. LQCAOutsde Containment.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per ECP-1 .2?
(1) pipingwillbe isolated.
The instrumentation used to determine when the intersystem LOCA has been isolated is (2)
A. 1) Low Head Safety Injection
: 2) Auxiliary Building radiation monitors decreasing B. 1) High Head Safety Injection
: 2) Auxiliary Building radiation monitors decreasing C. 1) Low Head Safety Injection
: 2) RCS LOOP Wide Range pressure indicators increasing D. 1) High Head Safety Injection
: 2) RCS LOOP Wide Range pressure indicators increasing HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 71 of 100
71 A [oss of AU.. feedwater has occurred on Unit 1. The team is implementing FRPH. 1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, and the following conditions exist:
* SI has NOT actuated.
* RCS temp is 547&deg;F.
* IA SGFP has just been started and has been aligned to feed all SGs.
* The red light is LIT on the following handswitches:
MOV-3232A, MAIN FW TO IA SG STOP VLV MOV-3232B, MAIN FW TO lB SG STOP VLV MOV-3232C, MAIN FW TO IC SG STOP VLV Immediately upon feeding the SGs, GB5, STM LINE LO PRESS RX TRIP SI, annunciator comes into alarm.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The IA SGFP      (I) trip.
MOV-3232A, B, C (2) automatically close.
(1)                                      (2)
A.      will NOT                                  will NOT B.      will NOT                                    WILL C.        WILL                                    will NOT D.        WILL                                      WILL HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 72 of 100
7a FRP-Pi, Response to Imminent Pressurize4 Thermal Shock Conditions, has been entered on Unit 1.
A one hour soak is required.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-P. 1?
The soak allows thermal gradients on the (1) to be reduced, thus reducing corresponding stresses.
If a cooldown is required AFTER the soak, the maximum cooldown rate is (2) in any 60 minute period.
A. 1) Steam Generator shell wall
: 2) <  50&deg;F B. 1) Steam Generator shell wall
: 2) <  100&deg;F C. 1) Reactor Vessel wall
: 2) <  50&deg;F D. 1) Reactor Vessel wall
: 2) <  100&deg;F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 73 of 100
74 Unit 1 has experienced a Raactor trip and safety Injection with the following oonditions:
At 10:00:
* EEP-1 .0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, is entered due to a LOCA.
The following equipment problems have occurred:
* IA RHR pump is tripped.
* MOV-3185A, CCW TO IA RHR HX, will not open.
* IC Charging Pump is tripped (lB Charging Pump is on A Train).
* MOV-8827B, CTMT SUMP TO I B CS PUMP, breaker is tripped.
* MOV-8706B, 1 B RHR HX TO CHG PUMP SUCT, breaker is tripped.
At 10:10:
* ECP-1 .1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, is entered.
Which one of the following equipment failures, if corrected, will restore Emergency Coolant Recirculation and allow exit of ECP-1 .1?
A. Power restored to MOV-8827B.
B. 1A RHR pump returned to service.
C. Power restored to MOV-8706B.
D. IC Charging pump returned to service.
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: 75. Unit I has experienced a Large Break LOCA with the fo1lowirigconditions:
* Containment pressure is 32 psig.
* Containment sump level is 7.2 feet.
* ONLY I B Containment Spray pump is running.
* Containment Spray flow is 1600 gpm.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
A Containment CSF Status Tree ORANGE path A. exists for BOTH FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure AND FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding B. does NOT exist for EITHER FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure OR FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding C. exists for ONLY FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding D. exists for ONLY FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 75 of 100
7& Unit I is at 12% power controlling on the Steam Dumps with the following conditions and sequence of events:
At 1000:
* The Main Turbine is rolling at 600 rpm.
* Control Bank (CS) D is at 165 steps.
* Rods are in Manual.
* RCS Tavg is 550&deg;F.
AT 1010:
* CS D rods are pulled 2 steps and rods continue to step outward after releasing the IN-HOLD-OUT switch.
The following response occurred:
* AOP-19.0, Malfunction of Rod Control System, was implemented.
* Rods were placed in AUTO but continued to step outward.
* An unsuccessful manual reactor trip was attempted with reactor power at 14%.
* The CRDM supply breakers were opened and all rod bottom lights illuminated.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
When the ROD CONTROL BANK SELECTOR SWITCH was placed in AUTO, CBDrodsshouldhave        (1)
An emergency classification threshold value (2) been exceeded per NMP-EP-1 I 0-GLOI, FNP EALS    - lCs, Threshold Values And Basis.
(1)                              (2)
A.              stepped IN                          HAS B. stopped and remain stopped                    HAS C.            stepped IN                        has NOT D. stopped and remain stopped                  has NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 76 of 100
: 77. Unit I is in MODE 4 the fol[ow[ng cQntinsxist RCS temperature is 330&deg;F and rising.    /
RCS pressure is 350 psig.              7
* 1A and I B RCPs are running.        ,
* Both RHR pumps are secured with)I(e foNowjj alignment:
1A RHR is in the ECCS aligji4nt.
1 B RHR is aligned for shutdbwnqooIing The OATC stas the I B RHR pto stgphe RCS temperature rise.
Which one of the following comhe statements below per UOP-1.1, Staup of Unit from Cold Shutdown to H Standby?
(1)  RHstem OPERABLE.
7 e cha6ode 4 to Mode 3 (2) currently allowed.
A.          BOTH                                      IS
  /<                BOTH                                  is NOT C.      ONLYtheIA                                      is D. ONLYtheIA                                  is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 77 of 100
78 Unit I is at 100% power with AOP-l .0, RCS Leakage, is in progress. The following conditions exist:
* Containment Sump level is slowly rising.
* The leak has been located on the weld between an instrument piping penetration and the shell of the PZR.
Which one of the following completes the statement below in accordance with NMP-EP-Il0-GLOI, FNP EALs ICs, Threshold Values and Basis?
The leak is defined as (I) LEAKAGE and its threshold value is (2) for a Notification of An Unusual Event (NOUE).
(1)                                (2)
A. IDENTIFIED                                10 gpm B. PRESSURE BOUNDARY                            10 gpm C. IDENTIFIED                                25 gpm D. PRESSURE BOUNDARY                            25 gpm HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 78 of 100
: 79. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:
NI-43, PR Nuclear Instrument, Axial Flux Comparator circuit within the Detector Current Comparator Drawer has failed.
* ALL other functions within the Detector Current Comparator Drawer are unaffected.
* NI-43C, PR3 PERCENT FLUX DIFF, indicates a constant +20% A FLUX.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The Overpower Delta T (OPAT) reactor trip setpoint (1) affected by this failure.
The OPAT reactor trip function (2) OPERABLE per TS 3.3.1, Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation.
(1)                                    (2)
A.              IS                                    IS B.          is NOT                                    IS C.            IS                                  is NOT D.          is NOT                                is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 79 of 100
8O Unft I has expeilencaci a LOCA. The following condUions exist:
* EEP-1 .0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, is in progress.
* The RCS is being cooled to <200&deg;F.
* Containment pressure has remained <20 psig.
* Hydrogen Analyzers have been placed in service.
* Containment Hydrogen is 4.1% by volume of dry air.
Which one of the following describes the hydrogen concentration within containment and the actions required per EEP-1 .0?
The hydrogen concentration (I) exceed the lower FLAMMABILITY limit.
Hydrogen concentration will be lowered using (2)
(1)                                (2)
A.      does NOT          SOP-I 0, POST LOCA Containment Pressurization and Vent System.
B.      does NOT          Attachment 3 of EEP-I .0, Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner Operation.
C.        DOES            SOP-b, POST LOCA Containment Pressurization and Vent System.
D.        DOES            Attachment 3 of EEP-I .0, Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner Operation.
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: 81. Unit I hs a am [eak The following conditions exist:
AOP-14.O, Secondary System Leakage, is in progress.
The steam leak is in the MSVR upstream of the MSIVs and is unisolable.
Rx power is 29%.
PT-446, TURB FIRST STG PRESS, is 125 psig.
SG STM FLOW indications are as follows (LBSIHR X10):
6 1A                lB                  IC FI-474            FI-484              Fl-494 1.21              1.23                1.23 Which one of the following completes the statements below?
AOP-14.O requires a (1) to be initiated.
The Containment Barrier (2) INTACT per NMP-EP-1 1 0-GLOI, FNP EALS          -
ICs, Threshold Values And Basis.
(1)                              (2)
A. power reduction using the UOPs                is NOT B. power reduction using the UOPs                  IS C.              Rx Trip                          is NOT D.              RxTrip                              IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 81 of 100
: 82. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power whenthe following occurred:
* NO turbine load adjustments have been initiated by the crew.
* The REACTOR THERMAL POWER 12-HOUR AVG exceeded 102%.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The maximum change in turbine power would be (1) 35 MW.
A report to the NRC Operations Center (NRCOC) (2) required per EIP-8.0, Non-Emergency Notifications.
(1)                                    (2)
A. LESS THAN                                is NOT B. LESS THAN                                    IS C. GREATERTHAN                                is NOT D. GREATER THAN                                  IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 82 of 100
83 Unit I was at 70% when the following sequence ofevents began:
AT 1000:
* A rapid ramp for a loss of a single SGFP per AOP-13.0, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunction, was performed.
* RX power was reduced to 55%.
AT 1040:
* Rx power has been ramped up to 60% power and is stable.
* The Shift Supervisor is closing out AOP-130 actions.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Sampling per STP-746, Primary Coolant System Dose Equivalent Iodine 1-131, (1) required.
Operations Manager approval (2) required to reset the LOSS OF LOAD INTERLOCK C-7A.
(1)                                    (2)
A.          IS                                is NOT B.          IS                                    IS C.        is NOT                                is NOT D.        is NOT                                    IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                              Page 83 of 100
: 84. A Station Blackout has occurred on Unit 2. The following conditions exist:
* ECP-Q.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.
* The crew has commenced feeding and depressurizing the SGs after a significant delay due to a TDAFW pump malfunction.
* RCS pressure is 1675 psig and very slowly rising.
* ALL CETCs are 735&deg;F and rising.
* Hot Leg temperatures are 612&deg;F and rising.
* Cold Leg temperatures are 585&deg;F and lowering.
* SG pressures are 885 psig and lowering.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Natural circulation (1) established.
The crew is required to implement FRP-C.2, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.          IS                    immediately upon exit from ECP-O.O B.                                after restarting equipment in ECP-O.2, Loss of ALL AC Power Recovery With SI Required.
C.      is NOT                  immediately upon exit from ECP-O.O D.      is NOT                  after restarting equipment in ECP-O.2, Loss of ALL AC Power Recovery With SI Required.
HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 84 of 100
Unit I has experienced a trip following a LOSS of the IA Aux Building 1 25V DC bus.
The plant has been stabilized and the crew has completed ESP-O.1, Reactor Trip Response.
AT 1000 the following was reported:
LA-09, 125V DC BUS IA SUPPLY BKR, has tripped open.
* 1A Battery Chargers DC output breaker is tripped open.
* The IA 125V DC Battery Charger has been damaged.
* The IA Battery terminals are damaged.
AT 1010 the following was reported by the Electricians:
* The fault is isolated to the battery terminals.
* The IA 125V Battery has NOT been repaired.
* The 1A Aux Building 125V DC bus is ready for re-energization.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
Before DC power is restored, the SG Atmospheric Relief Valves (1)
OPERABLE per TS 3.7.4, Atmospheric Relief Valves (ARV5).
Placing the 1C Battery Charger in service on the IA 125V DC Bus AND restoring bus voltage (2) restore OPERABILITY of the 1A Aux Building 125V DC bus per TS 3.8.4, DC SourcesOperating.
(1)                                (2)
A.        ARE                                WILL B.        ARE                              will NOT C.      are NOT                              WILL D.      are NOT                            will NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1                                                                  Page 85 of 100
86 Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The alarm function(s) of R-5, SEP RM, (I)    required for FUNCTIONALITY per TR 13.3.4, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation.
R-5  (2) automatically trip the Fuel Handling Area Supply and Exhaust Fans on a HIGH radiation condition.
(1)                                      (2)
A.        is NOT                                  will NOT B.        is NOT                                    WILL C.          IS                                  will NOT D.          IS                                    WILL HLT34 SRO NRC LXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 86 of 100
: 87. Unit I isirTMQDE6.
An Infrequently Performed Test, as defined by NMP-AD-006, Infrequently Performed Tests and Evolutions (IPTE), is scheduled to be performed requiring various MOVs to be torqued closed.
At 0500 MOV-3182, CCW FROM RCP OIL CLRS, was operated as follows:
* The supply breaker for MOV-3 182 was opened.
* MOV-31 82 was locally closed using the handwheel.
At 1900 the following occurred:
* MOV-3182 was locally opened.
* The supply breaker for MOV-31 82 was closed.
* ON the MOB handswitch for MOV-3182, ONLY the RED light is LIT.
* NO maintenance activities have been conducted on MOV-3182.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The Operations Superintendent (1) provide the Senior Line Manager oversight required for the test per NMP-AD-006.
MOV-3182      (2) OPERABLE per SOP-O.O, General Instruction To Operations Personnel.
(1)                                    (2)
A.        may NOT                                is NOT B.      may NOT                                  IS C.          MAY                                  is NOT D.        MAY                                    IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                Page 87 of 100
: 88. Consider the following conditions which occurred on dayshift:
The crew performed STP-60.2, Gaseous Radwaste Treatment And Ventilation Exhaust Treatment Operability Verification.
F A Voluntary LCO was initiated due to HV-3096A & B, CCW from Evap Pkgs &
H2 Recomb, being taken off the jack and opened during the performance of STP-60.2.
* STP-60.2 was completed UNSAT due to the Waste Gas compressors failing to run for 15 minutes.
* HV-3096A & B were returned to the Jacked Closed position and the Voluntary LCO was cleared.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
In addition to a Control Room LCO Log entry, an LCO1TR Status Sheet (1) required to document the short duration Voluntary LCO on CCW.
A Waste Gas release      (2) permitted while the Waste Gas Compressors are INOPERABLE, per the ODCM.
(1)                                    (2)
A.            IS                                  is NOT B.          IS                                      IS C.        is NOT                                  is NOT D.        isNOT                                      IS                          F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 88 of 100
: 89. Un[t I has tripped following a small break LOCAL
* All High Head Safety Injection pumps have failed or are unavailable.
* PCV-444B, PRZR PORV, is leaking by its seat.
* MOV-8000B, PRZR PORV ISO, is closed with power still available.
* FRP-C.1, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, is in progress.
* All RCPs are secured and power is NOT available.
* The crew is evaluating an RCS depressurization.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-C.1?
MOV-8000B, PRZR PORV ISO, (1) be opened to reduce RCS pressure with PCV-444B.
After opening available vent paths, IF the CETCS are >1200&deg;F and rising, the crewshall    (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.          WILL                        transition to SACRG-1, Severe Accident Control Room Guideline Initial Response B.        WILL                        return to the earlier step of FRP-C.1 to re-assess if RCPs can be started C.        will NOT                      transition to SACRG-1, Severe Accident Control Room Guideline Initial Response D.        will NOT                      return to the earlier step of FRP-C.1 to re-assess if RCPs can be started HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 89 of 100
: 0. Unit I isatlOO%.
Several substations are separated from the grid resulting in the following plant conditions:
* Unit I Generator Voltage is 20.45 kV.
* The following alarms have actuated:
* Grid frequency has fallen to 59.6 hertz and is stable.
* 4160V Bus voltages are 3840 Volts.
* This condition has existed for the past hour.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
The Generator temperatures will (I)
AOP-5.2, Degraded Grid, will require the crew to (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A.          RISE                    immediately enter AOP-17.0, Rapid Load Reduction B.      LOWER                    immediately enter AOP-1 7.0, Rapid Load Reduction C.          RISE                    place the unit in mode 3 in the next 6 hours using UOP-3. 1, POWER OPERATION D.        LOWER                    place the unit in mode 3 in the next 6 hours using UOP-3.1, POWER OPERATION HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 90 of 100
Unit I is at 1O0% The following conditions exist:
              . The 1 B Air Dryer is isolated.
The 1A Air Dryer after filters clog.
IA header pressure is 75 psig and lowering.
              . LCV-459, LTDN LINE ISO, RED and GREEN lights are both LIT.
              . All Feed Reg Valves are showing intermediate with 100% demand on the controllers.
The Crew implemented EEP-0.0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, with the following resu Its:
* Reactor Trip Breakers could not be opened and remain closed.
* BOTH MG set supply breakers were opened.
* ESP-0.1, Reactor Trip Response, has been entered.
Which one of the following completes the statements below?
V902, AIR DRYER AUTO BYP, will open at its setpoint of (1)
The Critical Safety Function Restoration procedure whose entry conditions will be met FIRST if NO further actions are taken in accordance with CSF-0.0, Critical Safety Function Status Trees, is (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A.          55 psig            FRP-H.5, Response to Steam Generator Low Level B.          55 psig                FRP-l.1, Reponse to High Pressurizer Level C.          70 psig            FRP-H.5, Response to Steam Generator Low Level D.          70 psig                FRP-l.1, Reponse to High Pressurizer Level HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1                                                                    Page 91 of 100
92 Unit 2 is in MODE 6, UOP-4.1, Controlling Procedure For Refueling, -is in progress and the following conditions exist:
* Time since shutdown is 120 hours.
* Time to Core Boiling is 5.2 hours.
* Refueling cavity is 153 6.
* The crew is unlatching the control rod drive shafts.
* The containment Equipment Hatch is closed.
Maintenance requests to open the Equipment Hatch and reports the following:
* A Maintenance Closure Response Team (MCRT) has been briefed and is available with all necessary equipment to close the Equipment Hatch.
* The estimated time to clear the Hatch and secure it with four (4) bolts is 100 minutes.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
The Equipment Hatch (1) permitted to be opened because (2) per UOP-4.0, General Outage Operations Guidance.
(1)                                        (2)
A.        is NOT            insufficient time has elapsed to allow the decay of short lived fission products within the RCS B.        is NOT            the time for the MCRT to sufficiently close the Equipment Hatch is too long C.                            Refueling Integrity IS required but can be satisfied with the MCRTs response D.            IS              Refueling Integrity is NOT required while unlatching the control rod drive shafts HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                        Page 92 of 100
93 Which one of the following completes the-statements below in accordance with FNP-0-FHP-0.0, Refueling Operations?
The Fuel Handling Supervisor (1) permitted to serve as one of the two people required to verify the correct manipulation of fuel assemblies and inserts in the core.
The Fuel Handling Supervisor is responsible for (2)
(1)                                      (2)
A. IS          observing and directly supervising lifting operations of any load in excess of 3000 lbs over the Spent Fuel Storage Racks containing fuel B. is NOT        observing and directly supervising lifting operations of any load in excess of 3000 lbs over the Spent Fuel Storage Racks containing fuel C. IS          authorizing the unlatching of a fuel assembly from the Manipulator Crane in the Reactor Vessel D. is NOT        authorizing the unlatching of a fuel assembly from the Manipulator Crane in the Reactor Vessel HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 93 of 100
: 94. Unit 2 is in Mode I when the following Es dEscovered:
At 1300 a routine 24-hour surveillance, applicable while in MODES 1 & 2, was last performed at 0600 on the previous day (31 hours ago).
Which one of the following describes the minimum Tech Spec required response to the discovery?
The LCO for which the surveillance is required A. is declared NOT met, and the applicable action statements must be implemented within 24 hours B. is declared NOT met, and the applicable action statements must be implemented within one (1) hour C. IS met, and the completion may be delayed up to 0600 tomorrow, at which time, if not completed, the LCO must be declared NOT met D. IS met, and the completion may be delayed up to 1300 tomorrow, at which time, if not completed, the LCO must be declared NOT met HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 94 of 100
: 9. Unit I i preparing to enter M[d-Loopprk>r to core offloed and the following conditions exist:
* Maintenance on the 10 Condensate pump is in progress.
* Southeast Division is performing maintenance in the 500 kV Switchyard.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per NMP-OS-010, Protected Train/Division and Protected Equipment Program?
Work on the 10 Condensate pump        (1) required to be re-approved in the form of a GREEN SHEET.
Work in the 500kV switchyard (2) required to be re-approved in the form of a GREEN SHEET.
(1)                                      (2)
A.          IS                                      IS B.          IS                                    isNOT C.      isNOT                                      IS D.      is NOT                                  is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 95 of 100
96 Unit 2 has been in Mode 6 for 3 weeks, and the followirg conditions exist:
* Fuel movement is in progress.
* The following Alarms actuate:
* SEP and Refueling Cavity Levels are 142 and dropping.
* Both CTMT Sump Pumps are running and level is rising.
* Leakage around the Reactor Cavity Seal has been reported from Containment.
* Carriage at Pit lamp is ON in the SEP room.
* A used Fuel assembly is in the SEP side upender in the lowered position.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per AOP-30.O, Refueling Accident?
The fuel assembly    (1) before the fuel transfer tube gate valve is closed.
The method that will be used to fill the reactor cavity will be from (2)
(1)                                    (2)
A. MAY be left in its current position      the boration flowpath lAW AOP-12.O, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction B. MAY be left in its current position      the RWST lAW SOP-7.O, Residual Heat Removal System C.        MUST be uprighted                the boration flowpath lAW AOP-12.O, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction D.        MUST be uprighted                the RWST lAW SOP-7.O, Residual Heat Removal System HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                        Page 96 of 100
: 97. Unit I is Qpratin at 100% power, and the following conditions exist:
* A release of the #2 Waste Monitor Tank (WMT) is planned.
* R-18, Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor, is INOPERABLE.
* Chemistry has taken two (2) samples of the #2 WMT and reports the activity is
                <1.4 xl o5 pCiImL and is within the normal limits for a release.
* Two Shift Radio-Chemists have verified the manual input for the computer generated release rate calculation.
Which one of the following completes the statement below?
A WMT release (1) permitted (2) per the ODCM.
(1)                                    (2)
A. is NOT                UNTIL R-18 is returned to service B. is NOT              UNTIL the activity is lowered less than <lxi 0 pCi/mL C.      IS                BUT as a minimum two qualified plant personnel are required to verify the discharge lineup ONLY D.      IS                BUT as a minimum two qualified plant personnel are required to verify the discharge lineup AND an SRO is required to verify the entire release rate calculation HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                      Page 97 of 100
: 99. Which ne of the following completes the statements below per the Pre aitions and Limitations of NMP-EP-1 12, Emergency Notifications?
It  (1)      acceptable to change a previously issued evacuation Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) to a shelter recommendation of the same zone.
A(An)      (2)  is the preferred PAR when a PUFF type release has occurred.
(1)                                    (2)
A.            IS                                evacuation B.        is NOT                                evacuation C.            IS                                  shelter D.        is NOT                                  shelter HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                    Page 99 of 100
1GO A Reactor Trip has ourredon Unit 1-and the following conditions exist:
* FRP-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, is in progress.
* Bleed and Feed has been established.
Subsequently, the TDAFW pump has been returned to service and Bleed and Feed is secured with the following plant conditions:
* RCS Pressure is 1175 psig and rising slowly.
* Pressurizer level is 18% and stable.
Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-H.1?
The minimum SG level condition that permitted securing Bleed and Feed is  (1)
After Bleed and Feed was secured, the procedural transition will be to (2)
A. 1) any SG wide range level rising
: 2) EEP-1, Loss of Primary or Secondary Coolant B. 1) any SG wide range level rising
: 2) ESP-1.1, SI Termination C. 1) one SG narrow range level restored to greater than 31%
: 2) EEP-1, Loss of Primary or Secondary Coolant D. 1) one SG narrow range level restored to greater than 31%
: 2) ESP-1.1, SI Termination HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011                                                                  Page 100 of 100
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Latest revision as of 21:11, 10 March 2020

Initial Exam 2011-301 Final SRO Written Exam with References
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2011
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
50-348/11-301, 50-364/11-301, ES-401-8
Download: ML111750167 (101)


E41-8 SiteSpecific RO Written Exaniination Cover Sheet US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific SRO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:

Date: 5/24/2011 Facility/Unit: FARLEY Units 1 & 2 Region: I El ii lEt Ill C IV El Reactor Type: W lEt CE El BW El GE C Start Time: Finish Time:

Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent overall, with 70.00 percent or better on the SRO-only items if given in conjunction with the RO exam; SRO-only exams given alone require a final grade of 80.00 percent to pass. You have 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> to complete the combined examination, and 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> if you are only taking the SRO portion.

Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicants Signature Results 2

RO/SRO-Only/Total Examination Values 75 / 400- Points Applicants Scores / / Points Applicants Grade / I Percent

I Unit 2 is at 55% power with the following conJitions

  • 2A BAT is on service, 2B BAT is on standby.

At 10:00:

  • Control Rods are stepping out in AUTO and cannot be stopped.
  • The Reactor cannot be tripped and FRP-S.1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation! ATWT, has been entered.
  • An emergency boration is in progress per FRP-S.1, with the 2A BAT pump running.

At 10:05:

  • The 2A BAT pump trips.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Verify2BBATpump (1)

Per FRP-S.1, minimum boration flow is required to be greater than (2) gpm.

(1) (2)

A. autostarts 30 B. is manually started 30 C. autostarts 40 D. is manually started 40 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 1 of 100

2.. Given, the foLlowing conditions on Unit 2:

  • Reactor power is 90%.
  • Rod Control is in AUTO.
  • Control Bank D rods are at 200 steps.

Which one of the following describes how control rods will respond when N-44, PR NI, fails LOW quickly with no operator actions or automatic reactor trips?

A. Rods step out until Tavg/Tref mismatch causes them to step back in.

B. Rods step in until Tavg/Tref mismatch causes them to step back out.

C. Rods step out and stay out.

D. Rods step in and stay jj.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 2 of 100

3 Unit 2 is in Mode 4 with the fo&iwing cQndtions:

At 10:00:

  • 2C RCP was started, but tripped due to over-current during the start attempt.

At 10:45:

  • The Shift Manager directs 4160V Bus Voltage raised and the 2C RCP restarted.

The following MCB parameters are observed:

  • 20 RCP #1 SEAL PRESSURE is 240 psid.
  • 2C RCP SHAFT SEAL FLOW is 6.5 gpm.
  • VCT PRESS is 16.5 psig.

Which one of the following parameters, per SOP-i .1, Reactor Coolant System, will prevent the operator from starting the 2C Reactor Coolant Pump?

A. #1 Seal DP B. VCT pressure C. Seal injection flow D. Insufficient idle time between start attempts HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 3 of 100

4. Unit I is at 100% power with the fQllowing conditions:
  • Pressurizer level is stable and on program.
  • Seal injection flow is in the green band.
  • RCP #1 Seal leakoff flow is normal.
  • Letdown is in service with HV-8149C, LTDN CRlF ISO 60 GPM, open.
  • All control systems are in AUTO.

Which one of the following sets of indications for CVCS Charging and Letdown flow represent steady-state conditions with no RCS leakage?

CHG FLOW Fl-122A (cm) LTDN HX OUTLET FLOW Fl-I 50 (çjpm)

A. 60 75 B. 75 75 C. 60 84 D. 75 60 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 4 of 100

5 Uni I has xp rinGd a Safety InjeGtion.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

RCP #1 Seal Leakoff will be directed to the A. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank B. Containment Sump C. Pressurizer Relief Tank D. Volume Control Tank HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 5 of 100

6 UnU I is in Mode S with the following condItions:

At 1000:

  • RCS is in solid plant conditions.
  • A Train RHR is in service in the cooldown mode.
  • Low Pressure Letdown is aligned to A Train.
  • Charging and Letdown flows are balanced.
  • RCS pressure is stable at 250 psig.
  • PK-145, LP LTDN PRESS controller, is in AUTO.

At 1010:

  • A crud burst causes the RCS Filter to immediately clog.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

RCS pressure will A. rise until RHR suction reliefs lift B. rise until the RHR loop suction isolation valves go closed C. lower and the VCT will divert to the RHTs D. lower and total Seal Injection flow will decrease HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 6 of 100

.7. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the foLLowing conditions:

  • lB Charging pump is aligned to B Train.
  • IC Charging pump is Tagged Out.

At 1000:

  • iF 4160V Bus is de-energized and remains de-energized.

Which one of the following combinations lists the ECCS pumps that have power available?

Charciinq pump with power RHR pump with power A. IA IA B. 1A lB C. lB 1A D. lB lB HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 7 of 100

& Unit I is at IOQ% power with the following conditions:

  • HA5, PRZR PORV TEMP HI, is in alarm.
  • Pressurizer pressure is 2225 psig and slowly going down.
  • PRT pressure is slowly rising.
  • Both PORVs indicate closed.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Tl-463, PORV tailpipe temperature, will increase to (I)

P1-472, PRT PRESS, will reach a maximum pressure of (2)

(1) (2)

A. between22Oand340°F 100 psig B. greater than 600° F 100 psig C. greater than 600° F 75 psig D. between 220 and 340° F 75 psig HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1 Page 8 of 100

9. Unit I i in Mode 3 with the following conditions
  • 1A RHR pump is running for a boron sample.
  • A and B Train CCW are in operation.
  • Normal Letdown is in service with 75 gpm flow.
  • Excess Letdown is in service in preparation for a Tag Out of the Normal Letdown line.

Which one of the following is the effect of a loss of Instrument Air to individual COW components?

Alossofairto (1) ,would require (2)


2) isolating Excess Letdown per CHI, EXC LTDN HX OUTLET TEMP HI D. I) RCV-3028, CCW SURGE TANK AIR VENT
2) closing RCV-3028 with the manual jack per SOP-23.O, Component Cooling Water System HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 9 of 100
10. Unit I has experienced a small break LOCA with the following conditions:
  • RCS pressure is 2100 psig.
  • All RCPs are stopped.
  • Fl-943, A TRAIN HHSI FLOW, indicates 0 gpm.
  • FI-940, HHSI B TRAIN RECIRC FLOW, indicates 0 gpm.

Which one of the following actions is required as the primary mitigation strategy per the applicable Functional Restoration Procedure?

A. Start a RCP.

B. Establish HHSI flow.

C. Perform a max rate cool down.

D. Reduce RCS pressure by opening one PORV.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 10 of 100

11. Unit 1 is at WQ% power with the following conditions:
  • HV-8 145, RCS PRZR AUX SPRAY valve, has just started leaking by the seat at 10 gpm.
  • HCI, PRZR PRESS HI-LO, is in alarm.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

Indication on Fl-122A, CHG FLOW, will initially (1)

Demand on PK-444A, PRZR PRESS REFERENCE controller, will (2)

(1) (2)

A. increase increase B. increase decrease C. decrease increase D. decrease decrease HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 11 of 100

12. Unit 1 is at 10(1% power with the following condit.ions At 10:00:
  • I B Charging pump is aligned to B Train.
  • IA Charging pump is running.

At 10:10:

  • Pressurizer level is faNing.
  • VCT level is rising.
  • DD1, RCP SEAL INJ FLOW LO, alarm is LIT.
  • EA2, CHG HDR FLOW HI-LO, alarm is LIT.

Which one of the following events has occurred?

A. An RCS piping break has occurred causing an Auto Roll-over to the RWST.

B. PCV-145, LP LTDN Pressure Control Valve, has failed open.

C. FCV-122, CHG Flow control valve, has failed closed.

D. IA Charging pump has tripped.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 12 of 100

Ia. Unit I has had a Reactar Trip and Safety Injection actuation with. the fQllowirlg conditions:

  • A Large Break LOCA has occurred.
  • Containment pressure has reached 29 psig.
  • RCS pressure is 200 psig and dropping.

Which one of the following describes the reason for securing RCPs under the above conditions?

A. To delay two-phase flow in the RCS.

B. To prevent overheating RCP motor bearings.

C. To prevent a deeper and longer core uncovery later in the event.

D. To avoid the possibility of RCP motor overspeed and flywheel fracture.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page l3of 100

14. Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The minimum coincidence (fewest number of channels or input signals) required to initiate an Intermediate Range High Flux Reactor Trip is (1)

The minimum coincidence (number of Throttle Valves closed) to initiate a Reactor Trip from Turbine Trip is (2)

(1) (2)

A. I out of 2 3 outof4 B. 2outof2 3 outof4 C. I out of 2 4 outof4 D. 2 out of 2 4outof4 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 14 of 100

15. Unit I is at 100% power with the following conditions:

At 10:00:

  • PT-950, CTMT PRESS, has failed HIGH.
  • The appropriate Tech Spec actions of TS. 3.32, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation, have been completed.
  • SPRAY ACTUATION BYPASS CH I TEST light is illuminated on the BYPASS & PERMISSVE panel.

At 10:30:

  • PT-953, CTMT PRESS, fails HIGH.

Which one of the following automatic actuations, if any, will occur?

A. No automatic actuations B. Safety Injection ONLY C. Safety Injection and MSIV isolation ONLY D. Safety Injection, MSIV isolation, Phase B and Ctmt Spray actuation ONLY HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page l5of 100

16. Unit 1 is at 25%- power with the fol[owing coriditions lCRCPtrips.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

IC Steam Generator narrow range level will (1)

After IC RCP stops, IC Loop delta T indication will be (2) than 1A and 1 B Loop delta T indications.

(1) (2)

A. swell higher B. swell lower C. shrink higher D. shrink lower HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 16 of 100

17. Unit I tripped from 75% power with the following condftions:

N-35, Intermediate Range NI, is overcompensated.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

N-35 will indicate (1) than actual power.

The Source Range Nis will energize as soon as (2) , Intermediate Range NI, reaches the P-6 setpoint.

(1) (2)

A. lower N-35 B. lower N-36 C. higher N-35 D. higher N-36 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 17 of 100

1& Unit I is at 100% power with th following conditions:

  • An LOSP occurs and lB Diesel Generator trips.
  • Containment pressure is 34 psig due to a steam line break.
  • BA1, IA CTMT CLR FAN FAULT, comes into alarm due to a trip of the 1A Containment Cooler.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The (1) CTMT CLR FAN is required to be started per EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

After the fan is started, Containment Pressure and Temperature (2) exceed design limits.

(1) (2)

A. 1C WILL B. lB WILL C. 1C will NOT D. lB will NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page l8of 100

19. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following conditLons At 10:00:
  • All containment fan coolers are operating in FAST speed.

At 10:05:

  • A steam leak occurs inside Containment.
  • An automatic SI has occurred.

Which one of the following describes the expected operation of the Containment Coolers?

The Containment Coolers will be operating in (1) speed.

The Containment Cooler discharge dropout plate opens when Containment (2)

(1) (2)

A. FAST pressure exceeds 4 psig B. SLOW pressure exceeds 4 psig C. FAST temperature exceeds 135°F D. SLOW temperature exceeds 135°F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page l9of 100

20. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:
  • Mode 6.
  • The RCS level is at midloop.
  • Both RHR pumps are in operation.
  • Low Pressure Letdown is in service on A Train.

At 10:00:

The 1A RHR pump is in the following configuration:

The I B RHR pump is in the following configuration:

At 10:05:

  • IARHRpumptrips.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

RCS level will (I) , and RCS temperature will (2)

(1) (2)

A. increase increase B. increase remain the same C. remain the same remain the same D. remain the same increase HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 20 of 100

21.. Unit 1 is at 75% power with the following conditions:

  • Automatic control of TK-144, LTDN HX OUTLET TEMP, has failed.
  • Letdown temperature is 150°F and rising.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The alarm expected for this condition is (1)

The appropriate ARP will direct the operator to place TK-144 in MANUAL and (2) controller demand.

(1) (2)


  • 22. Urdt 1 tripped from I 00% power w[th the fllowing conditions:
  • Safety Injection is in progress due to a Large Break LOCA.

CH4, RWST LVL A TRN LO-LO CH5, RWST LVL B TRN LO-LO Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The setpoint for the RWST LO-LO alarms is (1)

The operator is required to (2) using ESP-1 .3, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.

(1) (2)

A. 4 6 verify the CS sump suction MOVs automatically opened B. 4 6 open the CS sump suction MOVs C. 12 6 verify the RHR sump suction MOVs automatically opened D. 12 6 open the RHR sump suction MOVs HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 22 of 100

21 Which one of the foLLowthg completes the statement below?

The Containment Spray System reduces radioactive iodine in the Containment atmosphere during a LOCA by spraying water from the (1) at a pH of approximately (2)

(1) (2)

A. containment sump 4.5 B. RWST 7.5 C. containment sump 7.5 D. RWST 4.5 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 23 of 100

24 Unit 1 is at 75% power with the following cndftions PK-444A, PRZR PRESS REFERENCE controller, is failed such that it senses a constant input pressure equivalent to 2219 psig.

Which one of the following describes the automatic response of the Pressurizer Pressure Control system?

A. PCV-445A, PRZR PORV, will cycle to control pressure.

B. The variable heaters will cycle on and off at a higher setpoint.

C. The spray valves will open to control pressure at a higher value.

D. PCV-444B, PRZR PORV, will open and remain open until 2000 psig.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 24 of 100

25. Unit I has just Lost power to 600V Motor Control Center (MCC) IA Which one of the following components will NOT have power?

A. IA Spent Fuel Pool pump B. IA Containment Cooler Fan - Fast speed C. 1A Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner D. MOV-8808A, IA Accumulator Discharge Isolation Valve HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 25 of 100

26. Given the foUowirig conditions on Unit 1:
  • RCS pressure is 2350 psig.
  • All SG pressures are 1035 psig.
  • The reactor is NOT tripped.
  • The crew is currently in FRP-S1, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT, performing the step, Check pressurizer pressure LESS THAN 2335 psig.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-S.1?

Open PRZR PORVs and PRZR PORV ISO valves and lower RCS pressure to (1)

The reason for the pressure reduction is to (2)

(1) (2)

A. 2235 psig increase charging flow into the RCS B. 2235 psig reduce the differential pressure between the SGs and the RCS C. 2135 psig increase charging flow into the RCS D. 2135 psig reduce the differential pressure between the SGs and the RCS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1 Page 26 of 100

27. Which one ot the folLowing describes the Fuel Transfer Systems Pit-Crane Interlock and the reason for the interlock?

A. Prevents the SEP lifting frame from being lowered while the SEP bridge crane is in the Transfer Canal area, to prevent damage to a fuel assembly.

B. Prevents movement of the SEP Bridge Crane when the lifting frame is ,

to prevent damage to the SFP Bridge Crane Hoist.

C. Prevents the SEP lifting frame from being raised while the SEP bridge crane is in the Transfer Canal area, to prevent damage to the lifting frame.

D. Prevents operation of the SEP Bridge Crane hoist when the lifting frame is down, to prevent bumping a fuel assembly when the frame is raised.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 27 of 100

28. Thern following conditions exist on Unit I
  • The Control Room crew is preparing for an RCS cooldown.
  • The affected SG pressure is 980 psig.
  • Desired subcooling is 30-32°F.
1) Using steam tables, which one of the following is the temperature at which the RCS cooldown is required to be stopped?
2) Per AOP-2.0, what temperature indication is used?

Reference Provided (1) (2)

A. 513°F Core exit T/C monitor B. 544°F Core exit T/C monitor C. 513°F RCS Hot Leg Temperature D. 544°F RCS Hot Leg Temperature HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 28 of 100

29. Un[t us, shutdown with the following corlditiQns:

At 10:00:

  • An SI was initiated due to a Small Break LOCA.
  • ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, is in progress.
  • Normal charging has been established.
  • All SG narrow range levels are 40% and stable.

At 10:15:

  • IA SG narrow range level is 48% and going up with no AFW flow to the SG.
  • 1 B and IC SG narrow range levels are 40% and stable.
  • Pressurizer level is 20% and trending down with maximum charging flow.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The foldout page of ESP-l .2 requires the crew to establish HHSI flow and A. remain in ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

B. re-enter EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

C. go to EEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

D. go to EEP-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 29 of 100

30. Unit 2 is performing th inital heatup of the RCS following a Refuelingoutage, with the following conditions:
  • RCS temperature is 480°F.
  • The Unit Operator is preparing to open the MSIVs per SOP-I 7.0, Main and Reheat Steam.
  • ALL MSIV Bypass valves are open.
  • The steam dumps are aligned in the STM PRESS mode per SOP-I 8.0, Steam Dump System.
  • All required testing and maintenance activities have been completed.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

1) When A steam line MSIVs are opened, A MSIV Bypass valves will (I)
2) When opening MSIVs, Main Steam header pressure should be monitored closely to prevent a Safety Injection due to (2)

(1) (2)

A. be manually closed Low Steam Line pressure B. be manually closed Steam Line Differential pressure C. automatically close Low Steam Line pressure D. automatically close Steam Line Differential pressure HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 30 of 100

31. Unit 2 is at 12% power with th&foflowingGonc1itions:

At 10:00:

  • Tavg is 550°F and stable.
  • Steam Dumps are in the STM PRESS mode.
  • PK-464, STM HDR PRESS controller, is in AUTO.

At 10:05:

  • PT-464, STM HDR PRESS, fails HIGH.

Which one of the following completes the statements below, with no operator action?

Steam flow will increase and then (1)

PK-464, STM HDR PRESS controller, will (2)

(1) (2)

A. stabilize at 40% steam flow remain in AUTO B. decrease to zero shift to MANUAL at 543° F C. decrease to zero remain in AUTO D. stabilize at 40% steam flow shift to MANUAL at 543°F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1 Page 31 of 100

32. Unit I is. at 32% power with the following Gonditions; At 10:00:
  • Steam dumps are Tagged Out to prevent operation due to a maintenance test in progress.

At 10:05:

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

SG water levels will (1) due to the Turbine trip.

The OATC is required to (2)

(1) (2)

A. swell reduce Reactor power to < 8%

B. swell trip the Reactor and enter EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection C. shrink reduce Reactor power to <8%

D. shrink trip the Reactor and enter EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 32 of 100

31 Unit 2 is ramping up with tha folluwing condiitons At 10:00:

  • KKI, TURB COND VAC LO, comes into alarm.
  • Condenser vacuum is degrading.

At 10:15:

  • KK2, TURB COND VAC LO-LO, comes into alarm.
  • Condenser vacuum is 2.1 psia and stable.

Which one of the following is/are the required action(s) per AOP-8.O?

A. Trip the reactor and perform EEP-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

B. Trip the Main Turbine and perform AOP-3.O, Turbine Trip Below P-9 Setpoint.

C. Reduce load at the maximum controllable rate per AOP-17, Rapid Load Reduction.

D. Stop the ramp in progress and stabilize the plant.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1 Page 33 of 100

34. LJnft I is sh-utdQwn with the fo1lowiftg conditions:

At 10:00:

  • There is a complete loss of all AC power.
  • A Safety Injection has occurred.
  • ECP-O.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.
  • lB Diesel Generator (DG) is Tagged Out.
  • 1-2A DG tripped on Low Lube Oil Pressure due to a clogged strainer.

At 10:15:

  • 1-2A DGs on service lube oil strainer has been swapped.
  • I -2A DG will be started locally in Mode 4 per SOP-38. 1, Emergency Starting of a Diesel Generator.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Prior to starting the 1-2A DG in Mode 4, the (1) must be depressed.

To close the 1-2A DG output breaker from the EPB, the 1-2A DG EPB Mode Selector Switch is required to be in the (2) position per SOP-38.O-1-2A, 1-2A Diesel Generator and Auxiliaries.

A. 1) 1-2A DG ENGINE RESET pushbutton on the Local Control Panel

2) Mode 2 B. 1) 1-2A DG ENGINE RESET pushbutton on the Local Control Panel
2) Mode 3 C. 1) SIAS RESET pushbutton on the B1F Sequencer
2) Mode 2 D. 1) SIAS RESET pushbutton on the B1F Sequencer
2) Mode 3 HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 34 of 100
35. Unit 1 is at 70% power with the following condftions R-15A, SJAE EXH, is in alarm.

. AOP-2.0, Steam Generator Tube Leakage, is in progress.

. The Turbine Building SO has placed the SJAE Filtration System in service.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

After the SJAE Filtration system is placed in service, the reading on R-15A will (1) and the SJAE Filtration system will (2)

(1) (2)

A. decrease be aligned in a recirc alignment B. remain the same be aligned in a recirc alignment C. decrease discharge to the Turbine Bldg roof D. remain the same discharge to the Turbine Bldg roof HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1 Page 35 of 100

3& Unit I is at 100% power with the following Gonditions At 10:00:

I B Condensate pump is in Standby and has a Caution tag stating that the pump has a degraded head condition.

At 10:05:

  • IC Condensate Pump trips.
  • PR-4039, SGFP Suction Pressure recorder, indication drops to 274 psig for 20 seconds and then starts rising rapidly.
  • KB4, SGFP SUCT PRESS LO, clears 25 seconds after the 1 B condensate pump starts.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The lB Condensate Pump started (I)

The Control Room Crew is required to (2) per AOP-1 3, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunction.

A. 1) immediately following the trip of the 1 C Condensate pump

2) trip the Reactor B. 1) immediately following the trip of the IC Condensate pump
2) stabilize Steam Generator levels C. 1) following a drop in SGFP suction pressure ONLY
2) trip the Reactor D. 1) following a drop in SGFP suction pressure ONLY
2) stabilize Steam Generator levels HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 36 of 100

37 Unit 2 is in Mode 3 with the following conditions

  • A Grid disturbance caused a dual unit LOSP.
  • The following 230KV High Voltage lines are out of service:
  • Sinai Cemetery
  • Bainbridge
  • Webb
  • #2 Auto Bank Transformer is out of service.
  • The Shift Manager has directed performance of STP-27.1, A.C. Source Verification, on Unit 2.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The Unit 2 Startup Transformers are powered from the (1) side of the High Voltage Switchyard.

Per STP-27.1, (2) available to supply power to the Unit 2 Startup Transformers.

(1) (2)

A. 230KV one off-site circuit is B. 500KV one off-site circuit is C. 230KV two off-site circuits are D. 500KV two off-site circuits are HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 37 of 100

38. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:

At 10:00:

  • Reactor power is 80% and stable.
  • Rod control is in AUTO with Bank D rods at 184 steps.
  • LT-1 15, VCT LEVEL, is failed LOW.
  • All actions of AOP-100, Instrument Malfunction, have been completed for N-43.

At 10:15:

Power is lost to the IC 1 20V AC Vital Panel due to an Inverter malfunction.

Which one of the following conditions will occur due to 1 C 1 20V AC Vital Panel being de-energized?

A. A reactor trip will occur.

B. An Auto makeup will commence.

C. Automatic rod withdrawal is blocked.

D. LCV-I I 5B and D, RWST to CHG PUMP, will open.

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39 The following conditions exist on Unit 2:

At 10:00:

  • LBI8, 2B BATTERY SUPPLY BREAKER, is open and Tagged Out for Battery cell replacement.

At 10:05:

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

(1) Diesel Generator can be started used to supply power to the Unit 2 B Train 4160V ESF busses because it has a(n) (2)

(1) (2)

A. 2C power seeking ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)

B. 2C emergency Air Start Soenoid C. 2B power seeking ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)

D. 2B emergency Air Start Solenoid HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 39 of 100

4G. Unft I is at 13% power with the following conditions:

The Main Generator output breakers have been closed.

  • JF1, l SG LVL DEV, is in alarm.
  • A Systems Operator in the Main Steam Valve Room reports that the air supply line to FCV-479, 1A SG FW BYP FLOW, has bown off.

Which one of the foHowing completes the statements below?

FCV-479 wiN fail (1)

Per AOP-13.O, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunctions, the operator is required to trip the (2) if Steam Generator level can NOT be maintained.

(1) (2)

A. open Main Turbine B. open Reactor C. closed Reactor D. closed Main Turbine HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 40 of 100

41. Which ona of thefollowLng completes the statements be[ow?

The purpose of TRSH-2293, AFW CHECK VALVE TEMPERATURE RECORDER, is to monitor the temperature on the discharge line of (1)

Temperatures are monitored to determine if actions need to be taken to protect against (2)

(1) (2)

A. ALL AFW pumps water hammer or steam binding B. ALL AFW pumps water hammer ONLY C. ONLY the TDAFW pump water hammer or steam binding D. ONLY the TDAFW pump water hammer ONLY HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 41 of 100

42. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following conditions; At 10:00:
  • Unit 1 trips due to a Loss of Site Power (LOSP).

At 10:20:

  • The Rover reports that smoke is coming from the IA MDAFW pump.
  • The UO takes the handswitch for the IA MDAFW pump to stop.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

When the 1A MDAFW pump handswitch is taken to stop and released, the 1A MDAFW pump will (1) because the (2) signal is present.

(1) (2)

A. stop and remain stopped SG LO-LO level B. stop and then restart SG LO-LO level C. stop and then restart LOSP D. stop and remain stopped LOSP HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 42 of 100

43. Unit 1 is at 100% power with the following ccinditions:

A failure has occurred in the controller/positioner for HV-3235A, TDAFWP STM SUPP FROM I B SG, such that air is continuously supplied to HV-3235A.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The TDAFW pump will A. NOT autostart under any condition.

B. immediately start and operate at full design capacity.

C. autostart when a signal occurs and operate at full design capacity.

D. autostart when a signal occurs, but NOT operate at full design capacity.

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44. Unit I has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection with the following alarms:
  • AF4, CTMT CLR SW FLOW HI-LO SETPOINT: Lo Flow Range (< 1980 gpm): Duff Flow HI: 300 +0, -75 gpm Hi Flow Range (> 1980 gpm): Duff Flow HI: 750 +0, -30 gpm

SETPOINT: 60+/- 1 psig Which one of the following would cause the conditions described above?

A. The 1A Service Water Pump has degraded head.

B. A piping failure has occurred upstream of the IA containment cooler.

C. A piping failure has occurred downstream of the IC containment cooler.

D. MOV-3024A, EMERG SW FROM 1A CTMT CLR, has failed to open on the SI.

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45. Unit has experienced a Reactor trip with the following ccnditions:
  • An LOSP has occurred.
  • A DG failure has occurred, and the A Train 4160V busses are de-energized.

Which one of the following states the minimum time that the A Train Auxiliary Building 125V DC System Battery is designed to carry the required DC loads in this condition?

A. 30 minutes B. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> C. 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> D. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 45 of 100

46. Unit 1 has experienced a Reactor trip with- the foliowing conditions:

A Loss of All AC has occurred.

ECP-O.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The 18 Aux Building DC bus voltage will (1)

DC loads are minimized in ECP-O.O to (2)

A. 1) drop slowly at first; then later drop rapidly as the battery nears exhaustion

2) prolong battery life ONLY B. 1) drop slowly at first; then later drop rapidly as the battery nears exhaustion
2) prevent damage to the DC components AND prolong battery life C. 1) drop at a constant, linear rate the entire time the battery discharges
2) prolong battery life ONLY D. 1) drop at a constant, linear rate the entire time the battery discharges
2) prevent damage to the DC components AND prolong battery life HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 46 of 100
47. Unit 1 is in Mode 3 with the following conditions: -
  • The I B MDAFW pump is operating to provide secondary inventory.
  • The B Train Auxiliary Building 125V DC bus becomes de-energized.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The lB MDAFW pump Main Control Board switch indication will (1)

The lB MDAFW pump will (2)

(1) (2)

A. NOT be LIT continue to run B. NOT be LIT trip C. be LIT continue to run D. be LIT trip HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 47 of 100

4& Unit 1 is in Mode. 3 with the following conditions: -

An LOSP has occurred on Unit I ONLY.

The Diesel Building SO reports that crankcase pressure is out of spec on the IC DG.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The (I) CRANKCASE PRESSURE alarm comes in when IC DG crankcase pressure reaches + 2 H 0 gauge and the IC DG will 2 (2)

(1) (2)

A. HIGH TRIP B. LOW TRIP C. HIGH NOT trip D. LOW NOT trip HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 48 of 100

49. Unit I tripped frg QQ% power with the following conditions:
  • A steam line break occurred in Containment.
  • In addition, a complete loss of all AFW occurred.
  • FRP-H. 1, Response To Loss Of Secondary Heat Sink, is in progress.
  • Bleed and Feed criteria has been met.
  • Containment pressure is 31 psig.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Bleed and Feed criteria was met as soon as two SG wide range levels were LESS THAN (1)

Phase B isolation is reset in FRP-H.1 to (2)

(1) (2)

A. 12% restore COW cooling to the RCPs B. 12% restore Instrument Air to Containment C. 31% restore CCW cooling to the RCPs D. 31% restore Instrument Air to Containment HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 49 of 100

  • 50. Unit 1 was operating with PT-474, IA SG PRESS, failed LOW when the folng occurred:
  • A fire onsite has required the Control Room to be evacuated.
  • The crew has implemented AOP-28.2, Fire in the Control Room.
  • Steam is coming from the MSVR roof.
  • The crew has closed all MSIVs.

The crew is evaluating PCV-3371A, IA SG ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF VLV, to determine if it is OPEN or leaking by.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The 1A SG Pressure indication (1) available for monitoring on the Hot Shutdown Panels.

Low Steam Line Pressure SI signal (2) be blocked on the Hot Shutdown Panels.

(1) (2)

A. is NOT can NOT B. is NOT CAN C. IS can NOT D. IS CAN HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 50 of 100

51. Unit I is at 100% power with the fo1Lowing condftions
  • Containment Mini-Purge is in service.
  • R-24B, CTMT PURGE, has failed HIGH.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Mini-Purge dampers inside (1) will isolate.

Mini-Purge supply and exhaust fans (2)

(1) (2)

A. Containment remain running B. Containment automatically stop C. the Piping Penetration room remain running D. the Piping Penetration room automatically stop HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 51 of 100

52. The foLlowing conditions exist on Unit 1:
  • The IS MDAFW pump has been started from the MCB and is running for STP-22.2, I B MDAFW Pump Quarterly Inservice Test.
  • R-19, SGBD SAMPLE, radiation monitor is in alarm and indication is stable above the alarm setpoint.

Which one of the following describes the actions that will allow the Shift Radio Chemist to obtain a sample of the Steam Generators per SOP-45.O, Radiation Monitoring System?

A. Pull the INSTRUMENT power fuses for R-19, then open the sample valves.

B. Pull the DC power fuses to each sample valve solenoid to fail the valve open.

C. Place I B MDAFW pump handswitch to the STOP position, then open the sample valves.

D. Place R-19 Operation Selector Switch to the RESET position, then open the sample valves.

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51 Unit 2 is at 31% power with the following conditions;

  • A lightning strike causes the 2A AND 2B Circulating Water pumps to trip.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

An automatic Reactor trip (1) occurred, (2)

(1) (2)

A. HAS Steam Dumps have opened B. HAS MDAFW pumps have started C. has NOT Steam Dumps have opened D. has NOT MDAFW pumps have started HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 53 of 100

L 54. Unit I is at 25% power with the following conditions:

At 10:00:

  • The IA S/U transformer is de-energized.
  • The 1-2A DG restores power to the Unit I ESF busses.

At 10:15:

  • A Safety Injection occurs.

Which one of the following describes the position of SW TO TURB BLDG ISO MOVs, 514, 515, 516, 517, following the Safety Injection?

A. MOVs powered from A Train are throttled, MOVs powered from B Train are closed.

B. MOVs powered from A Train are closed, MOVs powered from B Train are throttled.

C. All MOVs are throttled.

D. All MOVs are closed.

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55. Unit i has high reactor coolantactivity due to failed fuel as indicated by an upscale reading on the Gross Failed Fuel Detector (GFFD).

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The GFFD provides indication of failed fuel by detection of (1)

The GFFD (2) on a high radiation signal.

(1) (2)

A. N-16 gamma radiation automatically isolates the RCS sample system B. N-16 gamma radiation provides NO automatic isolation C. delayed neutrons automatically isolates the RCS sample system D. delayed neutrons provides NO automatic isolation HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 55 of 100

56. Which one of the following completes the statement below?

MOV-515, SW TO TURB BLDG ISO, on Unit 1 is powered from 600V (1) ,which is supplied from a(n) (2) Diesel Generator during an LOSP.

(1) (2)

A. MCC1N ATrain B. MCC1T ATrain C. MCC IN B Train D. MCC iT B Train HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 56 of 100

57. The fcillowing ccinditions exist on Unit 2:

At 10:00:

  • Reactor power is 25% and stable.
  • PCC (Power Control Center) has notified the Control Room that the offsite grid has become degraded.

At 10:05:

  • Multiple alarms occur in the Unit 2 Control Room.

Which one of the following alarms that are fl, will be addressed and actions performed FIRST?


B. YE2, 2G 4KV BUS OV-OR-UV OR LOSS OF DC (White Window)


D. MBI, 2B S/U XFMR UV (White Window)

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58. Unit I Air Compressors are aligned in the following onfiguration The IA air compressor panel key switch is in the MCB position and the AUTOMATIC OPERATION LED (green light) is LIT.

The 1 B and 1 C air compressors are aligned to the sequencer panel.

Which one of the following describes the reason for this alignment?

A. To prevent a complete loss of Instrument Air pressure due to a failure of the sequencer panel pressure transducer.

B. To prevent a complete loss of Instrument Air pressure due to a loss of power to the sequencer panel.

C. To ensure that the 1A air compressor is available to be started from the ESS or LOSP Sequencer.

D. To ensure that all three air compressors do not run at the same time and possibly overheat due to insufficent Service Water flow.

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59.. Which one of the following describes the correct configuration for the Containment Main Personnel Access Hatch doors and equalizing valves while the airlock is in use for entering/exiting Containment?

A. Outer door OPEN Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door CLOSED Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED B. Outer door OPEN Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door CLOSED Inner door equalizing valve OPEN C. Outer door CLOSED Outer door equalizing valve OPEN Inner door OPEN Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED D. Outer door CLOSED Outer door equalizing valve CLOSED Inner door OPEN Inner door equalizing valve CLOSED HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 59 of 100

60. Unit I has experienced a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection due to a LOCA, with the following conditions:
  • EEP-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, has been completed and EEP-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, has been entered.
  • AOP-34.0, Malfunction of RCS Wide Range Pressure Indication, has been implemented to determine actual RCS pressure.
  • PT-455, 456, 457, PRZR PRESS, all indicate 1700 psi .


  • PT-402, RCS WR PRESS, indicates 1600 psig.
  • PT-403, RCS WR PRESS, indicates 750 psig.
  • FI-943, A TRN HHSI FLOW, indicates 550 gpm.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

AOP-34.0 will require Charging Pump Miniflow valves to be (1) prior to RCS pressure determination.

Actual RCS pressure is (2)

References Provided (1) (2)

A. open 750 psig B. open 1600 psig C. closed 750 psig D. closed 1600 psig HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 60 of 100

6t Unit I is n Moci I at I0Q% power with the folLowing conditions.

Chemistry reports that RCS Dissolved Oxygen is 50 ppm.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Per TRM 13.4.1, RCS Chemistry, the RCS Dissolved Oxygen limit (1) been exceeded.

(2) is used to control RCS Dissolved Oxygen in Mode 1.

(1) (2)

A. has NOT Hydrazine B. HAS Hydrazine C. has NOT Hydrogen D. HAS Hydrogen HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 61 of 100

62. A one step Tagout has been issueci ta place a Danger Tag on an MOV hadwhel.

The following condition exists:

A Caution Tag is on the handwheel of the MOV.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

Per NMP-AD-003-OO1, Tag Standards, the operator is required to A. return the Tagout to the Tagging Official because two tags cannot exist on the same component.

B. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel, remove the Caution Tag, and return it to the Tagging Official.

C. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel and ensure the Danger Tag is visible on top of the Caution Tag.

D. place the Danger tag on the MOV handwheel and move the Caution Tag to another visible location on the MOV.

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63. Unit 2 is shutdown with thefollowing condLtions:
  • RCS pressure is 2200 psig.
  • RCS temperature is 540°F and slowly decreasing.
  • N-31, Source Range NI, is out of service for repairs.
  • N-32, Source Range NI, has just failed LOW.
  • A channel check on Gamma Metrics Source Range instrumentation has been performed.

Which ONE of the following describes Tech Spec 3.3.1, Reactor Trip System (RTS)

Instrumentation, REQUIRED ACTION due within one hour for these conditions?

A. Verify shutdown margin.

B. Verify interlock is in required state.

C. Commence an RCS heatup to 547°F.

D. Place channel N-32 in the tripped condition.

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4.. Unit 1 is in Mode 5fcir a refueling outage. A smal[ accessible area in containment has a general area dose rate of 1150 mrem/hr. The top of this area cannot be enclosed for the purpose of locking the area.

Which one of the foNowing completes the statement below?

Per Tech Spec 5.7.3, in addition to the area being barricaded off, the minimum control(s) required for this area is/are to .

A. be conspicuously posted ONLY B. be conspicuously posted AND have a flashing light C. have continuous surveillance by closed circuit TV ONLY D. have continuous surveillance by closed circuit TV AND have a flashing light HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 64 of 100

65. You have been given a task to perform an inspection of the Containment Equipment Sump. POI7A & B, CTMT SUMP PUMP handswitches are in the Pull-to-Lock position on the BOP.

Which one of the following is a condition that would result in excessive radiation exposure rates in the Containment Equipment Sump Area?

A. Draining the RCS to mid-loop prior to core off load.

B. Withdrawal of the Incore Detectors from the core.

C. Movement of irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel.

D. A leak in the Auxiliary Building results in lowering Reactor Cavity level.

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6& Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The maximum allowable exposure that may be required when performing emergency on-site actions to protect valuable property is per EIP-14.0, Personnel Movement, Relocation, Re-entry and Site Evacuation.

A. 5Rem B. 10 Rem C. 25 Rem D. 100 Rem HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 66 of 100

67. Unit I has entered ESP-I .3, Transfer Ta Cold Leg RecircuIation Which one of the following states the action required for implementing the Functional Restoration Procedures (FRPs) while in ESP-l .3, and the basis for the action?

A. FRPs should not be implemented until RHR and Charging pumps are aligned for recirculation and flow is stable.

This is because of the limited amount of water in the RWST available for maintaining suction to ECCS pumps.

B. FRPs should not be implemented while in ESP-1 .3 until RWST level is <4.5 feet.

This is because insufficient water may be present in the Containment Sump to prevent cavitation while on recirculation.

C. FRPs should be implemented immediately at any time while in ESP-l .3.

This is because of the limited amount of water in the RWST available for maintaining suction to ECCS pumps.

D. FRPs should be implemented immediately at any time while in ESP-1 .3.

This is because they are always the highest priority while in the Emergency Procedures.

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68. The following conditions exist on UNiT 1.
  • MH1, FIRE, annunciator on the Unit 1 Main Control Board is in alarm and is LIT solid (NOT flashing).
  • The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel has a single window in alarm, which contains the following information:

Aux Bldg El 139 W Side Det IA-39, 43, 46, 53 IA-55, 59, 106

  • At the PYR-A-LARM Panel, the window for IA-59 panel is lit.

Which one of the following describes the MINIMUM actions required to enable MH1, FIRE, to reflash fora fire detection system actuation in zone IA-106 per SOP-O.4, Fire Protection Administration Procedure?

A. The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged AND Zone 1A-59 placed in OVERRIDE at the PYR-A-LARM Panel.

B. The Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged AND the Local Reflash Panel alarm for detection system IA-59 must be acknowledged.

C. ONLY the Control Room Fire Alarm Panel must be acknowledged.

D. ONLY the Local Reflash Panel alarm for detection system 1A-59 must be acknowledged.

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&9. Unit I has had a Reactor trip and Safety Injection actuation with the following conditions:

  • A LOCA has occurred in containment.
  • RCS pressure is 1100 psig and stable.
  • Containment pressure is 12 psig and slowly rising.

Which one of the following is an annunciator that will be in alarm at this time?


70. The following conditio exit on Unit 1;
  • A Small Break LOCA has occurred.
  • Natural circulation has been established.
  • The crew is performing ESP-1 .2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per ESP-1 .2?

Opening (1) may cause voiding to occur.

Voiding is detected by (2)

A. 1) the steam dumps to establish a cooldown rate of 85°F/hr

2) LI-460, PRZR LVL, rapidly increasing B. 1) one PORV to reduce RCS pressure to refill the pressurizer
2) LI-460, PRZR LVL, rapidly increasing C. 1) the steam dumps to establish a cooldown rate of 85°F/hr
2) TI-2301, CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MONITOR, rapidly increasing D. 1) one PORV to reduce RCS pressure to refill the pressurizer
2) Tl-2301, CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MONITOR, rapidly increasing HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 70 of 100

L 71. The crew has transitiofted to ECP-12. LQCAOutsde Containment.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per ECP-1 .2?

(1) pipingwillbe isolated.

The instrumentation used to determine when the intersystem LOCA has been isolated is (2)

A. 1) Low Head Safety Injection

2) Auxiliary Building radiation monitors decreasing B. 1) High Head Safety Injection
2) Auxiliary Building radiation monitors decreasing C. 1) Low Head Safety Injection
2) RCS LOOP Wide Range pressure indicators increasing D. 1) High Head Safety Injection
2) RCS LOOP Wide Range pressure indicators increasing HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 71 of 100

71 A [oss of AU.. feedwater has occurred on Unit 1. The team is implementing FRPH. 1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, and the following conditions exist:

  • SI has NOT actuated.
  • RCS temp is 547°F.
  • IA SGFP has just been started and has been aligned to feed all SGs.
  • The red light is LIT on the following handswitches:

MOV-3232A, MAIN FW TO IA SG STOP VLV MOV-3232B, MAIN FW TO lB SG STOP VLV MOV-3232C, MAIN FW TO IC SG STOP VLV Immediately upon feeding the SGs, GB5, STM LINE LO PRESS RX TRIP SI, annunciator comes into alarm.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The IA SGFP (I) trip.

MOV-3232A, B, C (2) automatically close.

(1) (2)

A. will NOT will NOT B. will NOT WILL C. WILL will NOT D. WILL WILL HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 72 of 100

7a FRP-Pi, Response to Imminent Pressurize4 Thermal Shock Conditions, has been entered on Unit 1.

A one hour soak is required.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-P. 1?

The soak allows thermal gradients on the (1) to be reduced, thus reducing corresponding stresses.

If a cooldown is required AFTER the soak, the maximum cooldown rate is (2) in any 60 minute period.

A. 1) Steam Generator shell wall

2) < 50°F B. 1) Steam Generator shell wall
2) < 100°F C. 1) Reactor Vessel wall
2) < 50°F D. 1) Reactor Vessel wall
2) < 100°F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 73 of 100

74 Unit 1 has experienced a Raactor trip and safety Injection with the following oonditions:

At 10:00:

  • EEP-1 .0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, is entered due to a LOCA.

The following equipment problems have occurred:

  • IC Charging Pump is tripped (lB Charging Pump is on A Train).
  • MOV-8827B, CTMT SUMP TO I B CS PUMP, breaker is tripped.
  • MOV-8706B, 1 B RHR HX TO CHG PUMP SUCT, breaker is tripped.

At 10:10:

  • ECP-1 .1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, is entered.

Which one of the following equipment failures, if corrected, will restore Emergency Coolant Recirculation and allow exit of ECP-1 .1?

A. Power restored to MOV-8827B.

B. 1A RHR pump returned to service.

C. Power restored to MOV-8706B.

D. IC Charging pump returned to service.

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75. Unit I has experienced a Large Break LOCA with the fo1lowirigconditions:
  • Containment pressure is 32 psig.
  • Containment sump level is 7.2 feet.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

A Containment CSF Status Tree ORANGE path A. exists for BOTH FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure AND FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding B. does NOT exist for EITHER FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure OR FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding C. exists for ONLY FRP-Z.2, Response To Containment Flooding D. exists for ONLY FRP-Z.1, Response To High Containment Pressure HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 75 of 100

7& Unit I is at 12% power controlling on the Steam Dumps with the following conditions and sequence of events:

At 1000:

  • Control Bank (CS) D is at 165 steps.
  • Rods are in Manual.
  • RCS Tavg is 550°F.

AT 1010:

  • CS D rods are pulled 2 steps and rods continue to step outward after releasing the IN-HOLD-OUT switch.

The following response occurred:

  • AOP-19.0, Malfunction of Rod Control System, was implemented.
  • Rods were placed in AUTO but continued to step outward.
  • The CRDM supply breakers were opened and all rod bottom lights illuminated.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

When the ROD CONTROL BANK SELECTOR SWITCH was placed in AUTO, CBDrodsshouldhave (1)

An emergency classification threshold value (2) been exceeded per NMP-EP-1 I 0-GLOI, FNP EALS - lCs, Threshold Values And Basis.

(1) (2)

A. stepped IN HAS B. stopped and remain stopped HAS C. stepped IN has NOT D. stopped and remain stopped has NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 76 of 100

77. Unit I is in MODE 4 the fol[ow[ng cQntinsxist RCS temperature is 330°F and rising. /

RCS pressure is 350 psig. 7

  • 1A and I B RCPs are running. ,
  • Both RHR pumps are secured with)I(e foNowjj alignment:

1A RHR is in the ECCS aligji4nt.

1 B RHR is aligned for shutdbwnqooIing The OATC stas the I B RHR pto stgphe RCS temperature rise.

Which one of the following comhe statements below per UOP-1.1, Staup of Unit from Cold Shutdown to H Standby?

(1) RHstem OPERABLE.

7 e cha6ode 4 to Mode 3 (2) currently allowed.



/< BOTH is NOT C. ONLYtheIA is D. ONLYtheIA is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 77 of 100

78 Unit I is at 100% power with AOP-l .0, RCS Leakage, is in progress. The following conditions exist:

  • Containment Sump level is slowly rising.
  • The leak has been located on the weld between an instrument piping penetration and the shell of the PZR.

Which one of the following completes the statement below in accordance with NMP-EP-Il0-GLOI, FNP EALs ICs, Threshold Values and Basis?

The leak is defined as (I) LEAKAGE and its threshold value is (2) for a Notification of An Unusual Event (NOUE).

(1) (2)

A. IDENTIFIED 10 gpm B. PRESSURE BOUNDARY 10 gpm C. IDENTIFIED 25 gpm D. PRESSURE BOUNDARY 25 gpm HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 78 of 100

79. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:

NI-43, PR Nuclear Instrument, Axial Flux Comparator circuit within the Detector Current Comparator Drawer has failed.

  • ALL other functions within the Detector Current Comparator Drawer are unaffected.
  • NI-43C, PR3 PERCENT FLUX DIFF, indicates a constant +20% A FLUX.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The Overpower Delta T (OPAT) reactor trip setpoint (1) affected by this failure.

The OPAT reactor trip function (2) OPERABLE per TS 3.3.1, Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation.

(1) (2)

A. IS IS B. is NOT IS C. IS is NOT D. is NOT is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 79 of 100

8O Unft I has expeilencaci a LOCA. The following condUions exist:

  • EEP-1 .0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, is in progress.
  • The RCS is being cooled to <200°F.
  • Containment pressure has remained <20 psig.
  • Hydrogen Analyzers have been placed in service.
  • Containment Hydrogen is 4.1% by volume of dry air.

Which one of the following describes the hydrogen concentration within containment and the actions required per EEP-1 .0?

The hydrogen concentration (I) exceed the lower FLAMMABILITY limit.

Hydrogen concentration will be lowered using (2)

(1) (2)

A. does NOT SOP-I 0, POST LOCA Containment Pressurization and Vent System.

B. does NOT Attachment 3 of EEP-I .0, Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner Operation.

C. DOES SOP-b, POST LOCA Containment Pressurization and Vent System.

D. DOES Attachment 3 of EEP-I .0, Post LOCA Hydrogen Recombiner Operation.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 80 of 100

81. Unit I hs a am [eak The following conditions exist:

AOP-14.O, Secondary System Leakage, is in progress.

The steam leak is in the MSVR upstream of the MSIVs and is unisolable.

Rx power is 29%.

PT-446, TURB FIRST STG PRESS, is 125 psig.

SG STM FLOW indications are as follows (LBSIHR X10):

6 1A lB IC FI-474 FI-484 Fl-494 1.21 1.23 1.23 Which one of the following completes the statements below?

AOP-14.O requires a (1) to be initiated.

The Containment Barrier (2) INTACT per NMP-EP-1 1 0-GLOI, FNP EALS -

ICs, Threshold Values And Basis.

(1) (2)

A. power reduction using the UOPs is NOT B. power reduction using the UOPs IS C. Rx Trip is NOT D. RxTrip IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 81 of 100

82. Unit 1 was operating at 100% power whenthe following occurred:
  • NO turbine load adjustments have been initiated by the crew.
  • The REACTOR THERMAL POWER 12-HOUR AVG exceeded 102%.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The maximum change in turbine power would be (1) 35 MW.

A report to the NRC Operations Center (NRCOC) (2) required per EIP-8.0, Non-Emergency Notifications.

(1) (2)


83 Unit I was at 70% when the following sequence ofevents began:

AT 1000:

  • A rapid ramp for a loss of a single SGFP per AOP-13.0, Condensate and Feedwater Malfunction, was performed.
  • RX power was reduced to 55%.

AT 1040:

  • Rx power has been ramped up to 60% power and is stable.
  • The Shift Supervisor is closing out AOP-130 actions.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Sampling per STP-746, Primary Coolant System Dose Equivalent Iodine 1-131, (1) required.

Operations Manager approval (2) required to reset the LOSS OF LOAD INTERLOCK C-7A.

(1) (2)

A. IS is NOT B. IS IS C. is NOT is NOT D. is NOT IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 83 of 100

84. A Station Blackout has occurred on Unit 2. The following conditions exist:
  • ECP-Q.O, Loss of All AC Power, is in progress.
  • The crew has commenced feeding and depressurizing the SGs after a significant delay due to a TDAFW pump malfunction.
  • RCS pressure is 1675 psig and very slowly rising.
  • ALL CETCs are 735°F and rising.
  • Hot Leg temperatures are 612°F and rising.
  • Cold Leg temperatures are 585°F and lowering.
  • SG pressures are 885 psig and lowering.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Natural circulation (1) established.

The crew is required to implement FRP-C.2, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, (2)

(1) (2)

A. IS immediately upon exit from ECP-O.O B. after restarting equipment in ECP-O.2, Loss of ALL AC Power Recovery With SI Required.

C. is NOT immediately upon exit from ECP-O.O D. is NOT after restarting equipment in ECP-O.2, Loss of ALL AC Power Recovery With SI Required.

HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 84 of 100

Unit I has experienced a trip following a LOSS of the IA Aux Building 1 25V DC bus.

The plant has been stabilized and the crew has completed ESP-O.1, Reactor Trip Response.

AT 1000 the following was reported:

LA-09, 125V DC BUS IA SUPPLY BKR, has tripped open.

  • 1A Battery Chargers DC output breaker is tripped open.
  • The IA 125V DC Battery Charger has been damaged.
  • The IA Battery terminals are damaged.

AT 1010 the following was reported by the Electricians:

  • The fault is isolated to the battery terminals.
  • The IA 125V Battery has NOT been repaired.
  • The 1A Aux Building 125V DC bus is ready for re-energization.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

Before DC power is restored, the SG Atmospheric Relief Valves (1)

OPERABLE per TS 3.7.4, Atmospheric Relief Valves (ARV5).

Placing the 1C Battery Charger in service on the IA 125V DC Bus AND restoring bus voltage (2) restore OPERABILITY of the 1A Aux Building 125V DC bus per TS 3.8.4, DC SourcesOperating.

(1) (2)

A. ARE WILL B. ARE will NOT C. are NOT WILL D. are NOT will NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/201 1 Page 85 of 100

86 Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The alarm function(s) of R-5, SEP RM, (I) required for FUNCTIONALITY per TR 13.3.4, Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation.

R-5 (2) automatically trip the Fuel Handling Area Supply and Exhaust Fans on a HIGH radiation condition.

(1) (2)

A. is NOT will NOT B. is NOT WILL C. IS will NOT D. IS WILL HLT34 SRO NRC LXAM 5/24/2011 Page 86 of 100

87. Unit I isirTMQDE6.

An Infrequently Performed Test, as defined by NMP-AD-006, Infrequently Performed Tests and Evolutions (IPTE), is scheduled to be performed requiring various MOVs to be torqued closed.

At 0500 MOV-3182, CCW FROM RCP OIL CLRS, was operated as follows:

  • The supply breaker for MOV-3 182 was opened.
  • MOV-31 82 was locally closed using the handwheel.

At 1900 the following occurred:

  • MOV-3182 was locally opened.
  • The supply breaker for MOV-31 82 was closed.
  • ON the MOB handswitch for MOV-3182, ONLY the RED light is LIT.
  • NO maintenance activities have been conducted on MOV-3182.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The Operations Superintendent (1) provide the Senior Line Manager oversight required for the test per NMP-AD-006.

MOV-3182 (2) OPERABLE per SOP-O.O, General Instruction To Operations Personnel.

(1) (2)

A. may NOT is NOT B. may NOT IS C. MAY is NOT D. MAY IS HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 87 of 100

88. Consider the following conditions which occurred on dayshift:

The crew performed STP-60.2, Gaseous Radwaste Treatment And Ventilation Exhaust Treatment Operability Verification.

F A Voluntary LCO was initiated due to HV-3096A & B, CCW from Evap Pkgs &

H2 Recomb, being taken off the jack and opened during the performance of STP-60.2.

  • STP-60.2 was completed UNSAT due to the Waste Gas compressors failing to run for 15 minutes.
  • HV-3096A & B were returned to the Jacked Closed position and the Voluntary LCO was cleared.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

In addition to a Control Room LCO Log entry, an LCO1TR Status Sheet (1) required to document the short duration Voluntary LCO on CCW.

A Waste Gas release (2) permitted while the Waste Gas Compressors are INOPERABLE, per the ODCM.

(1) (2)

A. IS is NOT B. IS IS C. is NOT is NOT D. isNOT IS F HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 88 of 100

89. Un[t I has tripped following a small break LOCAL
  • All High Head Safety Injection pumps have failed or are unavailable.
  • PCV-444B, PRZR PORV, is leaking by its seat.
  • MOV-8000B, PRZR PORV ISO, is closed with power still available.
  • FRP-C.1, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling, is in progress.
  • All RCPs are secured and power is NOT available.
  • The crew is evaluating an RCS depressurization.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-C.1?

MOV-8000B, PRZR PORV ISO, (1) be opened to reduce RCS pressure with PCV-444B.

After opening available vent paths, IF the CETCS are >1200°F and rising, the crewshall (2)

(1) (2)

A. WILL transition to SACRG-1, Severe Accident Control Room Guideline Initial Response B. WILL return to the earlier step of FRP-C.1 to re-assess if RCPs can be started C. will NOT transition to SACRG-1, Severe Accident Control Room Guideline Initial Response D. will NOT return to the earlier step of FRP-C.1 to re-assess if RCPs can be started HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 89 of 100

0. Unit I isatlOO%.

Several substations are separated from the grid resulting in the following plant conditions:

  • Unit I Generator Voltage is 20.45 kV.
  • The following alarms have actuated:



  • Grid frequency has fallen to 59.6 hertz and is stable.
  • 4160V Bus voltages are 3840 Volts.
  • This condition has existed for the past hour.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

The Generator temperatures will (I)

AOP-5.2, Degraded Grid, will require the crew to (2)

(1) (2)

A. RISE immediately enter AOP-17.0, Rapid Load Reduction B. LOWER immediately enter AOP-1 7.0, Rapid Load Reduction C. RISE place the unit in mode 3 in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> using UOP-3. 1, POWER OPERATION D. LOWER place the unit in mode 3 in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> using UOP-3.1, POWER OPERATION HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 90 of 100

Unit I is at 1O0% The following conditions exist:

. The 1 B Air Dryer is isolated.

The 1A Air Dryer after filters clog.

IA header pressure is 75 psig and lowering.

. LCV-459, LTDN LINE ISO, RED and GREEN lights are both LIT.

. All Feed Reg Valves are showing intermediate with 100% demand on the controllers.

The Crew implemented EEP-0.0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, with the following resu Its:

  • Reactor Trip Breakers could not be opened and remain closed.
  • BOTH MG set supply breakers were opened.

Which one of the following completes the statements below?

V902, AIR DRYER AUTO BYP, will open at its setpoint of (1)

The Critical Safety Function Restoration procedure whose entry conditions will be met FIRST if NO further actions are taken in accordance with CSF-0.0, Critical Safety Function Status Trees, is (2)

(1) (2)

A. 55 psig FRP-H.5, Response to Steam Generator Low Level B. 55 psig FRP-l.1, Reponse to High Pressurizer Level C. 70 psig FRP-H.5, Response to Steam Generator Low Level D. 70 psig FRP-l.1, Reponse to High Pressurizer Level HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/20 1 1 Page 91 of 100

92 Unit 2 is in MODE 6, UOP-4.1, Controlling Procedure For Refueling, -is in progress and the following conditions exist:

  • Time since shutdown is 120 hours0.00139 days <br />0.0333 hours <br />1.984127e-4 weeks <br />4.566e-5 months <br />.
  • Time to Core Boiling is 5.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
  • Refueling cavity is 153 6.
  • The containment Equipment Hatch is closed.

Maintenance requests to open the Equipment Hatch and reports the following:

  • A Maintenance Closure Response Team (MCRT) has been briefed and is available with all necessary equipment to close the Equipment Hatch.
  • The estimated time to clear the Hatch and secure it with four (4) bolts is 100 minutes.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

The Equipment Hatch (1) permitted to be opened because (2) per UOP-4.0, General Outage Operations Guidance.

(1) (2)

A. is NOT insufficient time has elapsed to allow the decay of short lived fission products within the RCS B. is NOT the time for the MCRT to sufficiently close the Equipment Hatch is too long C. Refueling Integrity IS required but can be satisfied with the MCRTs response D. IS Refueling Integrity is NOT required while unlatching the control rod drive shafts HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 92 of 100

93 Which one of the following completes the-statements below in accordance with FNP-0-FHP-0.0, Refueling Operations?

The Fuel Handling Supervisor (1) permitted to serve as one of the two people required to verify the correct manipulation of fuel assemblies and inserts in the core.

The Fuel Handling Supervisor is responsible for (2)

(1) (2)

A. IS observing and directly supervising lifting operations of any load in excess of 3000 lbs over the Spent Fuel Storage Racks containing fuel B. is NOT observing and directly supervising lifting operations of any load in excess of 3000 lbs over the Spent Fuel Storage Racks containing fuel C. IS authorizing the unlatching of a fuel assembly from the Manipulator Crane in the Reactor Vessel D. is NOT authorizing the unlatching of a fuel assembly from the Manipulator Crane in the Reactor Vessel HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 93 of 100

94. Unit 2 is in Mode I when the following Es dEscovered:

At 1300 a routine 24-hour surveillance, applicable while in MODES 1 & 2, was last performed at 0600 on the previous day (31 hours3.587963e-4 days <br />0.00861 hours <br />5.125661e-5 weeks <br />1.17955e-5 months <br /> ago).

Which one of the following describes the minimum Tech Spec required response to the discovery?

The LCO for which the surveillance is required A. is declared NOT met, and the applicable action statements must be implemented within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> B. is declared NOT met, and the applicable action statements must be implemented within one (1) hour C. IS met, and the completion may be delayed up to 0600 tomorrow, at which time, if not completed, the LCO must be declared NOT met D. IS met, and the completion may be delayed up to 1300 tomorrow, at which time, if not completed, the LCO must be declared NOT met HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 94 of 100

9. Unit I i preparing to enter M[d-Loopprk>r to core offloed and the following conditions exist:
  • Maintenance on the 10 Condensate pump is in progress.
  • Southeast Division is performing maintenance in the 500 kV Switchyard.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per NMP-OS-010, Protected Train/Division and Protected Equipment Program?

Work on the 10 Condensate pump (1) required to be re-approved in the form of a GREEN SHEET.

Work in the 500kV switchyard (2) required to be re-approved in the form of a GREEN SHEET.

(1) (2)

A. IS IS B. IS isNOT C. isNOT IS D. is NOT is NOT HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 95 of 100

96 Unit 2 has been in Mode 6 for 3 weeks, and the followirg conditions exist:

  • Fuel movement is in progress.
  • The following Alarms actuate:


  • SEP and Refueling Cavity Levels are 142 and dropping.
  • Both CTMT Sump Pumps are running and level is rising.
  • Leakage around the Reactor Cavity Seal has been reported from Containment.
  • Carriage at Pit lamp is ON in the SEP room.
  • A used Fuel assembly is in the SEP side upender in the lowered position.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per AOP-30.O, Refueling Accident?

The fuel assembly (1) before the fuel transfer tube gate valve is closed.

The method that will be used to fill the reactor cavity will be from (2)

(1) (2)

A. MAY be left in its current position the boration flowpath lAW AOP-12.O, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction B. MAY be left in its current position the RWST lAW SOP-7.O, Residual Heat Removal System C. MUST be uprighted the boration flowpath lAW AOP-12.O, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction D. MUST be uprighted the RWST lAW SOP-7.O, Residual Heat Removal System HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 96 of 100

97. Unit I is Qpratin at 100% power, and the following conditions exist:
  • A release of the #2 Waste Monitor Tank (WMT) is planned.
  • R-18, Liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor, is INOPERABLE.
  • Chemistry has taken two (2) samples of the #2 WMT and reports the activity is

<1.4 xl o5 pCiImL and is within the normal limits for a release.

  • Two Shift Radio-Chemists have verified the manual input for the computer generated release rate calculation.

Which one of the following completes the statement below?

A WMT release (1) permitted (2) per the ODCM.

(1) (2)

A. is NOT UNTIL R-18 is returned to service B. is NOT UNTIL the activity is lowered less than <lxi 0 pCi/mL C. IS BUT as a minimum two qualified plant personnel are required to verify the discharge lineup ONLY D. IS BUT as a minimum two qualified plant personnel are required to verify the discharge lineup AND an SRO is required to verify the entire release rate calculation HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 97 of 100

99. Which ne of the following completes the statements below per the Pre aitions and Limitations of NMP-EP-1 12, Emergency Notifications?

It (1) acceptable to change a previously issued evacuation Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) to a shelter recommendation of the same zone.

A(An) (2) is the preferred PAR when a PUFF type release has occurred.

(1) (2)

A. IS evacuation B. is NOT evacuation C. IS shelter D. is NOT shelter HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 99 of 100

1GO A Reactor Trip has ourredon Unit 1-and the following conditions exist:

  • FRP-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, is in progress.
  • Bleed and Feed has been established.

Subsequently, the TDAFW pump has been returned to service and Bleed and Feed is secured with the following plant conditions:

  • RCS Pressure is 1175 psig and rising slowly.
  • Pressurizer level is 18% and stable.

Which one of the following completes the statements below per FRP-H.1?

The minimum SG level condition that permitted securing Bleed and Feed is (1)

After Bleed and Feed was secured, the procedural transition will be to (2)

A. 1) any SG wide range level rising

2) EEP-1, Loss of Primary or Secondary Coolant B. 1) any SG wide range level rising
2) ESP-1.1, SI Termination C. 1) one SG narrow range level restored to greater than 31%
2) EEP-1, Loss of Primary or Secondary Coolant D. 1) one SG narrow range level restored to greater than 31%
2) ESP-1.1, SI Termination HLT34 SRO NRC EXAM 5/24/2011 Page 100 of 100

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