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301 Exam Administrative Items - Delay Release 2 Yrs
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Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/2017
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML17212A410 (27)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: FARLEY Date of Examination: April 2017 Examination Level: RO X SRO Operating Test Number: FA301-2017 Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Describe activity to be performed Code*

Evaluate Inoperable Plant Computer Based A.1.a D, R Alarm Functions. This will be a task to determine Acceptance Criteria by comparing GRPI to Conduct of Operations DRPI, and comparing NI readings to the COLR.

G2.1.37 - 4.3/4.6 A.1.b Determine the minimum amount and duration M, R required for an RCS boration.

Conduct of Operations Given an RCS Temp < 525ºF and an emergency boration flowrate, determine the amount of boration required & the time of boration per AOP-27.0.

G2.1.7 - 4.4/4.7 G2.1.25 - 3.9/4.2 G2.1.20 - 4.6/4.6 A.2 Perform STP-27.1, AC Source Verification.

N, R G2.2.12 - 3.7/4.1 Equipment Control G2.2.15 - 3.9/4.3 A.3 M, R Determine Dress out requirements and If Any Radiation Dose Limits Will Be Exceeded during Radiation Control RCP seal inspection G2.3.4 - 3.2/3.7 G2.3.7 - 3.5/3.6 A.4 NONE SELECTED Emergency Plan NOTE: All items (five total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only four items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics (which would require all five items).

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO retakes) 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1) 3 (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected) 0 ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: FARLEY Date of Examination: April 2017 Examination Level: RO SRO X Operating Test Number: FA301-2017 Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Describe activity to be performed Code*

A.1a Evaluate Inoperable Plant Computer Based D, R Alarm Functions. This will be a task to determine Conduct of Operations Acceptance Criteria by comparing GRPI to DRPI, and comparing NI readings to the COLR, then evaluate Tech Specs to determine if action is required. (SRO)

G2.1.37 - 4.3/4.6 A.1.b Determine the minimum amount and duration M, R required for an RCS boration.

Conduct of Operations Given an RCS Temp < 525ºF and an emergency boration flowrate, determine the amount of boration required & the time of boration per AOP-27.0.

G2.1.7 - 4.4/4.7 G2.1.25 - 3.9/4.2 G2.1.20 - 4.6/4.6 A.2 Perform STP-27.1, AC Source Verification and N, R Evaluate Technical Specifications. (SRO)

Equipment Control G2.2.12 - 3.7/4.1 G2.2.15 - 3.9/4.3 A.3 M, R Determine Dress out requirements and If Any Radiation Dose Limits Will Be Exceeded during Radiation Control RCP seal inspection G2.3.4 - 3.2/3.7 G2.3.7 - 3.5/3.6 A.4 Provide an updated Protective Action D, R Recommendation (PAR). Given a set of Emergency Plan conditions, the applicant will have to determine the new PAR (Time critical) (SRO)

G2.4.44 - 2.4/4.4 NOTE: All items (five total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only four items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics (which would require all five items).

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO retakes) 2 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1) 3 (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected) 0 ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Farley Date of Examination: APRIL 2017 Exam Level: RO X SRO-I X SRO-U X Operating Test No.: FA2017-301 Control Room Systems: 8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function A, D, S 1

a. CRO-065C - Stuck rod on a Rector trip requires emergency (SRO-U) boration and alignment of Charging pump suctions to the RWST is required.

024AA2.02 3.9/4.4 024AA2.01 3.8/4.1 A, M, L, S 2

b. CRO-406A (MOD) - Perform EEP-0.0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection, Attachment 2, Automatic Actions Verification. Applicant starts at step 10 of Att 2 and recognizes Phase A did not actuate and then is required to close valves that did not actuate when they manually actuate PHASE A.

013A4.01 4.5/4.8 A, M, L, S, EN 3

c. CRO-333E (MOD) - Perform The Required Actions For Transfer to (SRO-U)

Simultaneous Cold Leg and Hot Leg Recirculation. LSHI and A train HHSI on cold Leg and B train HHSI on Hot leg recirc.

006A4.07 4.4/4.4 A, D, L, S 4P

d. CRO-043A - Start 1A RCP. After 1A RCP started, the #1 seal will fail requiring the RCP to be shut down.

003A2.01 3.5/3.9 D, L, S 4S

e. CRO-328E - Secure Unloaded DG. Shutdown the 1-2A DG 064A4.01 4.0/4.3 N, A, L, S 8
f. CRO-NEW - Start Main Purge then R24A and R24B alarm and (SRO-U)

CTMT ventilation will not isolate.

029A3.01 3.8/4.0 D, S 7

g. CRO-395B - Determine Alarm and Error Code for SCMM System (RO ONLY) 017A4.02 3.8/4.1 D, S 5
h. CRO-133A - Startup the Containment Cooling System 022A4.01 3.6/3.6 022A4.03 3.2/3.2 022A4.04 3.1/3.2 022A4.05 3.8/3.8

In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. SO-590 - Place SJAE filtration on Service D, E 3 037AA1.02 3.1/2.9
j. SO-351B - Manual emergency start of 4075KW DG (EDG) D, E, L 6 055EA1.02 4.3/4.4 (SRO-U) 064A4.01 4.0/4.3
k. SO-052 - Perform lineups for filling the accumulators D, R 2 006A1.13 3.5/3.7 (SRO-U)
  • All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all five SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 5/5/3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9/8/4 8/7/2 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1/1/1 2/2/1 (EN)gineered safety feature 1 / 1 / 1(control room system) 1 / 1 / 1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown 1/1/1 6/6/3 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2/2/1 3/3/2 (P)revious 2 exams 3 / 3 / 2(randomly selected) 0 / 0 / 0 (R)CA 1/1/1 1/1/1 (S)imulator 8/7/3 ES-301, Page 23 of 27

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected K/A RO - T1G2 003AA1.04 The facility cannot develop a valid question because its Rod Control system does not contain a rod out limit bypass switch or key.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 003AA1.02 as a replacement.

RO - T1G2 059AA1.02 There is no relationship between an ARM and a liquid release due to low dose rates associated with liquid radwaste release, so any questions written could challenge operational validity.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 059AA1.01 as a replacement.

RO- T2G1 008G2.2.3 There are no significant unit differences for this system and a question cannot be developed.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 008G2.2.44 as a replacement.

RO- T2G1 010K2.04 For Farley, this is knowledge of a bus power supply to an indicator bulb. Not operationally relevant for a licensed operator.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 010K2.01 as a replacement.

RO-T2G2 014K1.02 The facility cannot develop a valid discriminatory level question because its Rod Position Indication system does not have a physical connection or a direct cause/effect relationship with NIS.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 014K1.01 as a replacement.

The facility cannot develop a valid question because the Containment Spray RO-T2G2 027K2.01 system functions for iodine removal, not fans.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 027K1.01 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G1 065AA2.02 The facility cannot develop a valid question because there are no flow indicators in the plants Instrument Air system.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 065AA2.03 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G2 001AA2.02 An operationally valid question cannot be written. The facility immediately actuates a Reactor trip if a Continuous Rod Withdrawal occurs.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 001AA2.03 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G2 061AA2.02 The facilitys normal dose rates are low and do not enable the development of an operationally valid SRO level question.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 061AA2.06 as a replacement.

RO - T1G2 036AA2.01 K/A rejected by Chief Examiner due to oversampling.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 051AA2.02 as a replacement.

ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-4 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected K/A RO - T2G1 103K3.03 K/A rejected by Chief Examiner due to oversampling.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 103K3.01 as a replacement.

RO - T2G2 034G2.4.2 K/A rejected by Chief Examiner due to oversampling.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 015A3.03 as a replacement.

SRO - T3 G2.1.40 K/A rejected by Chief Examiner due to oversampling.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected G2.1.6 as a replacement.

RO-T1G1 057AG2.4.20 8/30/16 - K/A rejected by Chief Examiner. Farley does not have an AOP related to 057A.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 055E and replaced question with 055EG2.4.20.

RO-T1G1 026AG2.2.36 9/7/16 - Farley expressed difficulty with the development of a question meeting the generic part of the KA that would be applicable at the RO level.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 077AG2.2.22 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G2 001AA2.03 10/20/16 - Unable to meet K/A at the SRO level.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 033AA2.03 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G2 025AA2.04 10/20/16 - K/A rejected by Chief Examiner (NRC) after Farley expressed difficulty with the development of a question meeting the K/A at the SRO level.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 040AA2.01 as a replacement.

SRO-T1G2 060AG2.2.37 2/14/17 - An operationally valid question meeting the K/A at the SRO level could not be written.

The Chief Examiner (NRC) randomly selected 068AG2.4.11 as a replacement.

ES-401 Written Examination Quality Checklist Form ES-401-6 Facility FARLEY Date of Exam 04/18/2017 Exam Level RD SRO Initial Item Description a b 1 Questions and answers are technical.y accurate and applicable to the facility 2 a. NRC KIAs are referenced fatal questions b Facility learning oblectives are referenced as available 3 3 SRO questions are appropriate in accordance with Section 0.2 d of ES401 )5 f,i i:_

4 The sampling process was random and systematic (If mote than 4 RD or 2 SRO questions were repeated from the last two NRC censing exams consult the NRRINRO OL program 5 Question dupi cation from the licensee screeninglaudit exam was controlled as indicated below (check the item that applies) and appears appropriate The aud t exam was systematicaly and random y developed, or the audit exam was completed before the license exam was started, or the examinations were developed independently or the licensee certifies that there is no duplication or J

other (explain) 5 Bank use meets limits (no more than 75 percent from the Mod fled New Bank bank at east 10 percent new and the rest new or RO I SRO-only question bon(ath 30 I 11 27 7 18! 7 7 Between 50 and 60 percent of the questions on the RD Memory CA exam are written at the comprehension! analysis evel, the SRI) exam may exceed 60 percent if the randomly selected KJA5 support the higher cognitive levels, enler 31 I 5 44/ 20 (

the actual RO I SRI) question distribution(s) at right. lb 8 Refetences!handouts provided do not give away answers or aid in the dim nation of distractors 9 Question content conforms to specific KIA statements In the previously approved examination IA outline_and_Is apptopflate for the_tier to_whch_they_are_assigned,_deviations_are justified 10 Question psychometric quatity and format meet the guidelines in ES Appendix B 11 The exam contains the required number of one-point, mu t pIe choice items, the total :s correct and agrees with the value on the cover sheet Printed Nam Signature Date a Author Stanley Jackson /

b Facility Reviewer () Billy Thornton / 3- Z 3 1 T C NRC Chief Examiner f#) A/A),I,.J Mty (%3.) 3%rP/17 5 d NRCRegionatSupervisor &b-\& -C 1 /-/2 Note

  • The facility reviewers initials or signature are not applicable for NRC-developed exam:nations
  1. Independent NRC reviewer initials items n Column c; chief exam net concurrence required,

ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question
  1. Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor

8. Explanation
8. Explanation Instructions (Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts:
1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question a 1(easy) to 5 ( difficult); (questions with a difficulty between 2 and 4 are acceptable)
3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:
  • Stem Focus: The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).
  • Cues: The stem or distractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc.).
  • T/F: The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.
  • Cred. Dist: The distractors are not credible; single implausible distractors should be repaired, more than one is unacceptable.
  • Partial: One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).
4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:
  • Job Link: The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).
  • Minutia: The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).
  • # / Units: The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).
  • Backward: The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.
5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those K/As that are designated SRO-only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable)
6. Enter questions source: (B)ank, (M)odified, or (N)ew. Verify that (M)odified questions meet the criteria of ES-401 Section D.2.f.
7. Based on the reviewer's judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatisfactory (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
8. At a minimum, explain any "U" Status ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 N E

8. Explanation: 002A1.02 K/A is met.

Delete wording "causing current plant indications" (teaching). NL 1/8/17 1 A few questions:

  • Does max makeup plus letdown always exceed max charging at Farley?
  • Is there a low VCT level auto suction swap at Farley?
  • How many times will makeup cycle before the plant trips?
  • Does the answer to any of these questions change the plausibility of the distractors? Drl 1/18/17 F 2 N E
8. Explanation: 003AA1.02 2 K/A is met.

Add per AOP-19 to the second question. I know you state it in the stem, but I believe the rod would move in manual, so an applicant could argue that it was correct.

Also the question analysis references AOP-16. This needs correction. Drl 1/18/17 F 2 N S 3 8. Explanation: 003G2.4.31

1. K/A is met. NL 1/18/17. Drl 1/18/17 F 3 M E
8. Explanation: 003K5.02 4

K/A is partially met. The primary RCS parameter affected is provided in the stem; additionally, the K/A focus is coastdown vs. RCP shutdown which is 5.03, consider revising to ask trends for both loop Tave and DNB vs. procedure action (Discuss with Dave). NL 1/18/17 H 2 M E 5 8. Explanation: 004K5.35 K/A is met. Need to specify the letdown water to prevent two correct answers if someone considers CCW. NL 1/18/17

8. Explanation: 005K2.03 K/A is met.

6 Explanation for Answer D doesn't make sense because same power supply is listed. Also need to confirm LC U is an A train power supply. NL 1/19/17 Are there any valves on the Load Centers? If not, then I would question the plausibility of those distractors. Otherwise its OK. Drl 1/19/17 F 2 B E

8. Explanation: 006A3.08 7 K/A is met There is a lot of unnecessary verbiage in this question. Is this to make it seem harder than it is? I would suggest the question is made simpler. Perhaps ask:

MOV-8701A will/will not open and MOV-8811A will/will not open. Drl 1/18/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F >1 N E/U

8. Explanation: 007EK1.05 (Pre-submittal RO 1) pre-submittal comments :

K/A is met.

This is a GFES question as written. Not very relevant as a T1/G1 question. Could we ask what E-0 asks the RO to verify and what to do if conditions are not met? Drl 8/30/16 GFE question (Reactor Theory 192003, K1.08, 192008, K1.23). Need to relate to Tier 1 Suggest relate to checking SRNIs reenergized in E-0 and relate to plant indications 8 (decades on meter) and setpoint. At _____ minutes after a reactor trip the SRNIs are/are not expected to be energized. NL 8/30/16.

draft submittal comments:

K/A is met.

Appears question changed to Bank question? Question still missing Tier 1 tie. NL 1/23/17 This is a pure GFES question as written. This is supposed to be a Tier 1 question. Could we somehow involve something that the RO needs to do in E-0? Drl 1/18/17 F 2 N S 9 8. Explanation: 007K4.01 K/A is met. NL and Drl 1/18/17 F 3 X X N U

8. Explanation: 008A3.10 K/A is met.

10 I see what youre trying to do, but the question as written would tend to make the applicants answer the first question as a pressure signal because a pressure is one of the answers to part B. How about making the first question will/will not close on a high temperature signal I think the second question can essentially stand. Drl 1/18/17 H 2 X N E

8. Explanation: 008AA1.05 (Pre-Submittal RO 2) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met.

Again, not extremely relevant as a T1/G1 question. Could we change the first question to ask if injection flow wil/will not be greater than 1500 gpm. The second question could ask if the procedure does or does not require you to manually open the MOVs/ drl 8/30/16 11 Use of 700 psig RCS pressure too high to make C.1 and D.1 creditable distractor. Basis of my comment is too many ways to eliminate (Range of RHR pump discharge pressure (0-700), Auto close interlocks for RHR system (700/750), system design pressure (600 psig?). Use lower value but still above 275 psig; suggest 500. NL 8/30/16 draft submittal comments:

pre-submittal comments addressed. Question SAT. 1/23/17 NL Drl 1/19/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 M E

8. Explanation: 008G2.2.44 K/A is met.

12 Anyway to capture more of the generic portion of the K/A vs. extension of a systems question? NL 1/19/17 Could the second question ask the backup source and then toggle on Rx M/U water and Fire water? Drl 1/19/17 H 2 X N U

8. Explanation: 009KEK3.20 K/A is NOT met.

Need to test reason or basis. NL 13 The K/A requires knowledge of the reasons for TS limits. Perhaps if the second question is changes to something like: The TS Secondary Leak Rate limit is/is not based upon the ability of the RCS makeup system to maintain the RCS inventory. Drl 1/19/17 F 3 X N E/U

8. Explanation: 010K2.01 K/A is met.

This borders on trivia. If the Ops Rep states that the specific LC that powers NS heaters is important enough for the operators to know from memory, then this might be OK.

14 However, there might be a better way to ask this question that is more operationally valid. Drl 1/19/17 H 2 X B U

8. Explanation: 011EA2.08 K/A is NOT met.

15 The question needs the applicant to evaluate conditions necessary for recovery when accident reaches stable phase. Since this is an RO question, it needs to stay big procedural picture. Drl 1/19/17.

H 3 B S

8. Explanation: 012A1.01 16 K/A is met. NL and Drl 1/19/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 M S 17 8. Explanation: 012A2.05 K/A is met. NL and Drl. 1/20/17 F 2 N S

8. Explanation: 013K2.01 18 K/A is met. NL and Drl. 1/20/17 Distractor analysis describes both B and D as correct; needs editing.

F 3 B E

8. Explanation: 013K6.01 K/A is met. Need to specifiy miniimum additional bistables to eliminate subset issue.

19 F 2 N E

8. Explanation: 014K1.01 20 K/A is met.

How plausible are the power cabinets? Could we instead ask The Rod Control Logic Cabinets do/do not provide the signals necessary to drive the drl Likewise perhaps the second question could ask C-11 will/will not stop auto outward rod motion on bank D at 220 steps. Drl 1/20/17 H 2 B S 21 8. Explanation: 015A3.03 K/A is met H 3 M E

8. Explanation: 015AA2.10 22 K/A is met.

This is OK as long as it is required to know these RCP trip criteria from memory. Need Ops Rep agreement. Drl 1/20/17 H 2 B E

8. Explanation: 016A2.01 23 K/A is met.

Could we change the first question to Immediately after the failure, the 1B SG level will start to rise/lower Change the second question to Per AOP-100 , the operator is/is not required to select the unaffected channel steam flow for the 1B S/G. Drl 1/20/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 1 X M U

8. Explanation: 022A1.02 K/A is met.

Two non-plausible answers; a DBA and design limits exceeded? Maybe fix by avoiding use of "design" terminology"containment pressure ___(2)___ exceed (insert peak design pressure) psig with the current alignment. NL 1/23/17 24 Could we change the conditions at 1010 to state that the 1A CS pump fails to start and that there is a guillotine break of the C MS line inside containment?

Asking if a design limit is exceeded with 1 train of ECCS available and operating should be obvious to anyone. Drl 1/23/17 H 2 M E

8. Explanation: 022AK1.03 K/A is met.

Tighten up second half; instead of reason, use wording related to ESP-0.1 Basis. NL 1/23/17 25 This is a Tier 1 question. It should have some sort of procedural tie. How about: IAW AOp-100, FK-122 should be placed in manual to raise/lower level. With no operator action, the reactor would trip on high level/low pressure. Drl 1/23/17 F 2 M E

8. Explanation: 024AK3.02 26 K/A is met.

Is the 5000 gallon figure something that an RO is required to have memorized? Perhaps it would be better to ask: EB is required when a minimum of 1/2 rod(s) is(are) not fully inserted into the core. The applicants could confuse this with dropped rod criteria.. drl 1/23/17 H 2 X B E

8. Explanation: 025AA1.23 27 K/A is met.

Answer D really not plausible based on higher flow occuring well before more subcooling as explained in justification; suggest alternative as initiate makeup to the RCS.

H 2 X M E

8. Explanation: 026A4.01 28 K/A is met.

Because containment pressure is not given, shows no concern if standing signal present and hurts plausibility of question. Provide a value of containment pressure below the actuation setpoint to add plausibility of discharge header valve operation with resetting the CS signal.

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 3 N E

8. Explanation: 077AG2.2.22 (pre-submittal RO 3) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met.

29 draft submittal comments:

A is not really plausible. If you are required to enter a TS AS, an AOP is expected. Would it be possible to ask if entry into TS 3.8.1 is/is not required? Drl 1/23/17 H 3 B E

8. Explanation: 027AK2.03 K/A is met.

30 This is a tier 1 question. There should be some tie to procedures. Drl 1/23/17 F 1 X X M U

8. Explanation: 027K1.01 K/A is met.

Do we need to perform teaching in the stem? Why add to maximize absorption of Iodine from the Containment atmosphere?

The second D distractor isnt really plausible. NaOH is obviously a base and will have a high pH. Could the second question ask with __1___ in order to __2__. The 31 choices would be maximize the absorption of Iodine or neutralize the water. Drl 1/24/17 H 3 B E

8. Explanation: 029EK2.06 32 K/A is met.

Not sure about plausibility of answer B as explained. If applicant considered P-4 somehow involved wouldn't 40% be a better choice? NL 1/25/17 H >1 M E

8. Explanation: 035K6.01 K/A is met.

33 This is a GFES question. No plant specific knowledge is required. drl 1/24/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 1 X M U

8. Explanation: 038EK1.02 K/A is met.

Could be disputed there's not enough information to eliminate 2 correct answers. Historically, leaks can worsen based on crack propagation even as DP is lowering. Need to add statement that the tube flaw/crack size remains constant. GFE in nature. NL 1/25/17 34 This is another GFES question. This is a Tier 1 question AND no plant specific knowledge is required. Suggestion: Add to the 1000 data that the target temperature is 494 °F.

Change the first question to ask why they cooldown initially. Answers Ensure SDM/ Protect SG safeties from lifting. Change 1045 data to RCS pressure of 765 psig. This will ensure that the applicants are actually assessing the data rather than knowing that the procedures goal is to reduce leakage, drl 1/24/17 H 2 M S 35 8. Explanation: 039A2.03 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/24/17 H 3 B E

8. Explanation: 039K3.05 K/A is met.

As written may already have all bypass dumps (2) open and thus argued no correct answer because no transient would be experienced from existing conditions. Recommend 36 specify exact status; e.g., slight cooldown in progress with only one dump open fully. NL 1/25/17 Could we reword B and D to start off Some Steam Dump Valves will OPEN, causing the RCS to cool down. This will continue until ? Drl 1/24/17 H 4 B S

8. Explanation: 040AG2.4.35 37 K/A is met.

H 2 B E

8. Explanation: 051AA2.02 K/A is met.

38 Be consistent with case, all "did" and all "is" in answer choices. NL 1/25/17 This is really hard to digest because of all of the words. I think we can reword the question to ask: Fail air to HV-3235/HV-3226. HV-3235/3226 is/is not required to be placed in LOCAL and then STOP. Drl 1/24/17 H 3 B S 39 8. Explanation: 054AK3.04 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/24/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 X B E

8. Explanation: 055AG2.4.20 K/A is met.

40 As written, D is not very plausible. If you added minimize heat input while maintain, it would be better. Then C would be a poor distractor.

Perhaps instead you could ask Step 2.1 requires that all RCPs must be tripped when two/three S/Gs WR level are below 12% . This is done because ___1___

Adequate level remaining to continue cooldown while initiating bleed and feed OR at this point the S/Gs are essentially empty and loss of secondary cooling is imminent. Drl 1/24/17 My comments overlap 72 F 2 X N E

8. Explanation: 056AA2.42 41 K/A partially met.

Where is the Tier 1 aspect? Can this be asked in the context of an AOP/EOP procedure step? NL 1/25/17 This is a tier 1 question and should relate to a procedure. This one can be as easy as stating the following indications required to be checked by E-0 are available. Drl 1/25/17 F 2 X M E

8. Explanation: 059AA1.01 K/A is partially met.

Weak Tier 1 aspect; basic system knowledge. Remove teaching aspect in stem. As a way to capture the Tier 1 aspect consider asking something like which of the following will be verified to auto close in AOP xx directly due to increasing secondary radiation as a result of the SGTL and then build a 2 by 2 with various combinations of the isolation valves 42 listed. Will R-23A be aligned and inservice such that FCV-1152 could be included? NL 1/25/17 Need a better tie to the procedures (Tier 1 question). Unit 2 is operating at 100% power when R-23B, SGBD TO DILUTION, alarms. Both RCV-23B, SGBD DISCH TO ENVIRONMENT, and FCV-1152, SGBD HX OUTLET FCV, do/do not go closed automatically. FNP-2_ARP-1.6, RMS HI-RAD, FH1 does/does not require trhe S/Gs to be sampled. Drl 1/25/17 H 2 B E

8. Explanation: 059G2.2.44 K/A is met.

The use of the words "will and will NOT" in the first part of the answer could be understood to mean action on the part of operator; use "has and has NOT" tripped to be more passive and align with an auto action. At first read all of the second parts seemed non-plausible (except the correct answer) because suction pressure was improving. After reading the plausibility for the feed pump trip I'm more ok with the second parts for answer 3 and 4 leaving only second part of 1 as non-plausible.

Another comment concerns the argument for two correct answers. I'm assuming the "OFF" position requires the crew to manually start the 1C pump (tagged for Emergency Use).

43 An applicant could argue that the auto start function was not available and the discussion/decision to use delayed > 10 sec and further challenged the MFP with lower suction pressure, etc. and the 1C pump is less reliable and a rapid load reduction would be a prudent operator action under these conditions and answer A is also correct (not sure I would disagree either). Any way to avoid gray area? Does 1C have to be "Emergency Use"...could be re-worded to contact maintenance for PMT, etc.? NL 1/25/17 Why do we need to have the C pump as Emer use only? A2is not really plausible with the B answers available. Suggestion: Leave the C pump in Auto (i.e.: no information).

Delete the 40 second information. Then ask The suction pressure turned because 1C condensate pump started/1A SGFP tripped. Change the second answer to immediately reduce turbine and ensure SGFP suction pressure stabilizes > 275 psig. B & D answer 2 will remain the same. Drl 1/15/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 X B U

8. Explanation: 061K6.02 K/A is met.

Since no Auto close signal occurs on the MD FCVs following the 1A pump trip, one could argue that the second part of answers 1 and 3 are non-plausible since valves are already (modulated) open. Fix by asking if the FCVs continue to modulate with level demand or go to the full open position when the 1B MDAFW pump starts. Also in this 44 mode/condition will the interlock concerning the S/U Transformer breakers (DG01 or DG15?) be met for the low level auto start? A steam generator lo-lo level of 28% NR (2/3 level instruments in 1/3 steam generators) and one S/U Transformer breaker closed for that Train

  • Any statement in the stem required? NL 1/25/17 Auto start on a MDAFW pump failure is not plausible. How about any SG NR level reaches its Lo/Lo-Lo Level setpoint. Drl 1/25/17 F 2 B S 45 8. Explanation: 062A4.04 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 H 2 X X M U
8. Explanation: 062AK3.01 K/A is partially met.

K/A focus should be on the loss of NSW not the SI. The tie to Tier 1 needs to be stronger; is there action in the Loss of NSW procedure that could be asked along with the first 46 part of the question?. As is, the second part of answer 2 and 4 are not plausible (EMGs only?? No. NL 1/25/17 This is a Tier 1 question. Need to tie to a procedure. How about Attachment 3 of E-0 requires that and 517 are ___1___. drl 1/25/17 F 2 B S

8. Explanation: 062K1.02 47 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/25/17 F 2 M S 48 8. Explanation: 063K1.03 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/25/17 F 2 B E
8. Explanation: 064A4.01 K/A is met. As written could argue for two correct answers, procedurally still required to match voltage. Need to word such to focus action on achieving required snchroscope 49 indication. NL 1/25/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 M E

8. Explanation: 065AA1.05 K/A is met.

Minor edit. Add the word yet to the end of the first question. Change the second question from if required to When required drl 1/25/17 50 F 3 X X N U

8. Explanation: 071K5.04 (Pre-Submittal RO 4) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met. Is there another procedurally allowable method to reduce concentration? Perhaps add nitrogen. Is it possible that using the recombiners is not incorrect? Therefore there might be 2 correct answers. Drl 8/30/16

1. Second part of answers A and C to place a recombiner in service not plausible based on a statement in the lesson plan that the recombiners are no longer used and not discussed in the lesson. May consider ok if procedures are still active.
2. First part of answer C and D questionable since not sampling; does a local readout exist? May consider if specific in-line monitor is referenced; from the H2 recombiner flowpath. NL 8/30/16 51 draft submittal comments:

What was the agreed upon changes / resolution? could find Farley's SRO compiled notes, but not the RO's. NL 1/25/17 Are ROs required to know Yellow Path entry conditions since no one ever enters a Yellow Path? Need to clarify ESP-0.1 entry time to avoid more than one correct answer. Are all the times provided trended after ESP-0.1 entry? RO knowledge for yellow path entry conditions? Drl 1/25/17 F 3 X B E

8. Explanation: 072K3.02 K/A is met.

Not performing comp measures doesn't appear plausible unless other SFP ARMs exist of which at least one does not require comp action if failed. As worded two correct answers exist; could elect to suspend fuel movement until repaired and no comp actions would be required; modify stem to clarify fuel movement is to continue. Also, uncap "ARE" for consistency. NL 1/25/17 52 How about R-5 losing power will/will not cause an alarm in the SFP area. And TS 3.3.6 is/is not met. drl 1/25/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 3 B S 53 8. Explanation: 073A2.02 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 H 3 B S 54 8. Explanation: 074EK3.04 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 H 3 M S 55 8. Explanation: 076K3.03 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 F 3 M S 56 8. Explanation: 078K4.02 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 F 3 B S 57 8. Explanation: 079A4.01 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 F 2 B S 58 8. Explanation: 086K4.01 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 F 2 M S

8. Explanation: 103A3.01 59 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 F 2 X B E/U
8. Explanation: 103K3.01 K/A is met.

60 As written D appear obvious. How about Unit 1 is performing a core offload. The Containment Purge can/cannot be operating. The Maintenance Closure Response Team must be able to effect containment closure in a maximum of 1 / 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />(s). Drl 1/25/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 N E

8. Explanation: G2.1.17 61 K/A is met.

As worded in the stem the supervisor can't complete the 3-way because he or she is performing the second leg. Need to word in terms of the supervisors second leg of communication. NL 1/25/17 F 2 B E

8. Explanation: G2.1.27 K/A is partially met.

62 Not aware of any rupture disc directly routed to any tank; always directly to atmosphere. Does Farley have any examples? Otherwise, answers C and D second parts need to be revised to plausible answers. Of course this options is not great either with CCW and release concerns; maybe something else? PRT which does use a rupture disc? NL 1/25/17 F 2 M S

8. Explanation: G2.1.5 63 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/25/17 H 2 X X X M U/E
8. Explanation: G2.2.2 K/A is partially met.

Since steam pressure is directly related to Tave and not under the direct control of the operator like feedwater pressure for the purposse of this generic K/A the question appears to be asking the operator if PI-464A is indicating erroneously (one would have to assume procedure/Tech Spec compliance with respect to reaching 25% and maintianing above 64 MTC). Is this the indent of the question or shoud the feedwater pressure be changed such that the question would have more operational validity? NL 1/25/17 Is it required knowledge to know that the P at 25% is 50 psid? It appears that there is a 10 psid difference here. What would the cause of this be? Is it operationally valid? If the Facility Rep Oks this it should be OK. drl 1/25/17 H 1 X B U

8. Explanation: 2.2.42 K/A is met.

While this is a FNP bank question the question of plausibility (or LOD >1) with all offsite lost is raised. Is there some non-TS offsite source or combination that could remain that 65 could add some plausibility? Loss of all 600 kV lines or all 230 kV lines but not both? Discuss NL 1/25/17 Not much of a stretch here. All off-site is gone. Why would anyone choose anything but Required Why not knock out only one off-site network? drl 1/25/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 B E

8. Explanation: G2.3.11 K/A is met.

66 Second distractor is weak. Why not ask HV-3235B is/is not required to be stopped locally from the hot shutdown panel. That is more along the K/A anyway. Drl 1/25/17 F 3 B S 67 8. Explanation: G2.3.5 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/25/17 F 2 B E

8. Explanation: G2.4.1 K/A is met.

68 Recommend "is" and "is NOT" for consistency. NL 1/25/17 COULD WE bold or capitalize the word REQUIRED in the first question? drl 1/25/17 F 2 N E

8. Explanation: G2.3.42 K/A is met.

Will Unit 2 crew immediately enter AOP-35.0? Or could it be argued that the priority response is NI41 failure and entry into AOP-35.0 could be deferred; i.e. not required at that 69 immediate moment, 1010? Also, need to ensure only one "Electrical Penetration Room" exists for creditability or add more detail. NL 1/25/17 Please add to the 1010 information the word only. The F Annunciator panel ONLY will not drl 1/25/17 H 2 M S

8. Explanation: G2.4.4 70 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/25/17 H 2 N S
8. Explanation: WE02EK1.1 71 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/25/17 Need to confirm foldout page is RO memory knowledge.

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 B E

8. Explanation: WE05EK2.2 72 K/A is met.

Delete bullet about Feed and Bleed met, not needed. Change stem first question"criteria is met" as soon "are" vs. "criteria were met" as soon "were". NL 1/26/17 F 2 N E

8. Explanation: WE13EA2.2 (Pre-Submittal RO 5) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met.

73 Are ROs required to know Yellow Path entry conditions since no one ever enters a Yellow Path? Drl 8/30/16

1. Need to clarify ESP-0.1 entry time to avoid more than one correct answer. Are all the times provided trended after ESP-0.1 entry? 2. RO knowledge for yellow path entry conditions? NL 8/30/16 draft submittal comments:

Do we need to provide SG NR levels or AFW flows to ensure only 1 correct answer? drl 1/26/17 H 2 M E

8. Explanation: WE14EG2.1.19 K/A is met.

In the second part the way it is worded could the applicant read it as a "procedure required" and get it right for the wrong reason? Could it be re-worded such that it's clear?

74 Something along the line of "A minimim of _____ switch(s) will cause the Phase B to actuate". NL 1/26/17 Is there a screen that they would look at to get this information? If so, could we get a screen shot of the screen?

Also could we change If required to When required? I also like either or both instead of only one or two. Drl 1/26/17 H 2 B S 75 8. Explanation: WE16EK2.2 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/26/17 H 2 X X X B U

8. Explanation: 033AA2.03 K/A is met.

Vogtle Bank question but copy not provided to review. Also highlighted reference material implies question initial conditions had power less than P-10 which would be plausible.

76 Above P-10 IRNIs not applicable; RO knowledge. NL 1/26/17 This question is written backwards. It should provide the indications that they get in the Control Room. What causes them to determine that a fuse blew? Im ok with the actual questions that are asked, but the stem should not tell them that a fuse has blown. They need to come to that conclusion based upon the information provided. Dl 1/26/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 3 M E

8. Explanation: 001G2.1.23 K/A is met.

Distractor analysis doesn't align with answers (see A 2 and B 2). NL 1/26/17 77 Dont they go through Section 1.2 to determine if they need to go to 1.3? I think a better distractor would be SOP-41.0 instead. Drl 1/26/17 H 2 B E

8. Explanation: 008G2.1.7 K/A is met.

78 DNB TS low LOD challenges A and C plausibility. Fix by modifying B and D to DNB spec ONLY and A and C to RTS and DNB TS. Also add a line break between pressure indications and the OATC action to shut PCV-445A to clearly show the action and underline manually. NL 1/26/17 H 2 M S

8. Explanation: 012G2.3.41 79 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/26/17 H 3 M S
8. Explanation: 040AA2.01 80 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/26/17 H 3 N S
8. Explanation: 028A2.03 (Pre-Submittal SRO 1) pre-submittal comments :

K/A is met.

1. Concern with RO knowledge about Caution concerning H2 above 4% also if this a P&L in the operating procedure. Evaluate changing to something in the > 3.5 to < 4.0% to ensure SRO knowledge of procedure at step 6.4. NL 8/30/16 81 Changed stem so that initial conditions put hydrogen concentration at 3.8% - Jefcoat 10/6/16
2. Recommend use of leading zero (0.5 vs .5) to prevent misreading values. NL 8/30/16 Changed as requested. Jefcoat 10/6/16 ( *NOTE* Revised question is attached.)

draft submittal comments:

pre-submittal comments addressed. Revised question SAT. NL & drl 1/26/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 N E

8. Explanation: 028AG2.2.25 82 K/A is met.

Change distractor 2 to read ensure a sufficient steam space exists to prevent . Then all the answers read like a TS basis. Drl 1/26/17 F 2 X N S

8. Explanation: 034K5.02 (Pre-Submittal SRO 2) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met.

This is kind of like two barely related questions. Could we have the second question deal with the function of the Overload Bypass switch? Since thIs is a refueling question, there 83 is a lot more leeway in making it an SRO question. Drl 8/31/16. Sat NL 8/30/16 Changed FIB wording to make the connection more clear. Both parts are directly related to the Manipulator Crane Overload Limit. One question asks who can authorize bypassing the limit, the second asks what is the purpose of the limit. - Jefcoat 10/6/16 draft submittal comments:

pre-submittal comments addressed. Revised question SAT. NL and drl 1/26/17 H 3 N S

8. Explanation: 039G2.4.21 (Pre-Submittal SRO 3) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met.

Is this a fair question without the associated charts? Does Ops expect their SROs to know this from memory? The first question appears to be RO level. The second part is SRO level, but not directly related to the K/A. This may be acceptable as long as this is not done too much. Drl 8/31/16 The second part is the SRO portion and I believe that it meets the K/A. The second part requires that the applicant uses the threshold values and logic contained in EALs to assess the CTMT safety function. This K/A does not directly reference the Functional Response Procedures leaving aspects of the Emergency Plan as a satisfactory way to meet the K/A.

- Jefcoat 10/6/16

1. Is the reference provided just the matrix and not CSF-0.5? Otherwise, just a lookup. NL 8/30/16 84 Just the matrix - Jefcoat 10/6/16
2. B. and C appear not credible because they conflict with opposing parts. Discuss. NL 8/30/16 Both FIBs are more independent than they initially appear. The first FIB is related to Z.1 entry requirements and procedure usage rules. A Z.1 path can exist that does not require entry (i.e. YELLOW path). Additionally, the second FIB requires the applicant to evaluate conditions related to Z.1 in addition to SG Tube leak rates. A Potential Loss of CTMT can occur without a Z.1 entry required and vice versa. *NOTE* This question has been slightly modified after validation. The final bullet in the stem required addition of prior to the Main Steam Line Break for clarification since R-70s are not accurate when < 20% power. Revised question is attached. - Jefcoat 10/16/16 draft submittal comments:

pre-submittal comments addressed. Revised question SAT. NL & drl 1/26/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 M E

8. Explanation: 056AG2.2.22 K/A is met.

85 Some old info in the Basis for meeting K/Atalks about Lube Oil Tem Safety Limits related to DG operations?? Recommend cleanup. NL 1/26/17 Need to verify that does not overlap due to Q29 comment. Drl 1/27/19 H 2 X N U

8. Explanation: 060AG2.2.37 K/A is NOT met.

86 Is SRO expected to know from memory rad classification levels? Is so sat; otherwise, need to discuss references. NL 1/26/17 This is an operability/availability call K/A. The SRO needs to determine if a component is TS operable and/or MR available.

Not sure how this can be written for 060. Drl 1/27/17 F 3 B S

8. Explanation: 061AA2.06 87 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/27/17 H 2 X B E
8. Explanation: 063A2.02 (Pre-Submittal SRO 4) pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met. Drl 8/31/16 88 1. Insert the word is in the question between malfunction and excessive. NL 8/30/16 Agree. Change made. Jefcoat - 10/16/16.

draft submittal comments:

K/A is met.

The second question distractor implies the first answer would have been done first. Why not just ask if the battery is operable per the TS? Drl 1/27/17 H 2 X N E

8. Explanation: 065AA2.03 K/A is met.

Have concern about plausibility of first question asked. Basis knowledge of Train separation should eliminate C and D first parts. Need to discuss; one possibility might be to 89 ask something about the air supply from air reservoir.... is or is NOT affected by the leak isolation (plausible to thing separable supply line into air reservoir or from the reservoir to the actuator)? NL 1/27/17 C is a non sequitur. If both valves are affected then entry into the TS would always be required. Instead why not just ask if the pump is operable with a minimum of 1 / 2 valves operable. Or you can go into the MR space and ask if the pump is available per your MR procedures. Drl 1/27/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor F 2 N E

8. Explanation: 076A2.01 90 K/A is met.

B distractor is problematic. If you dont enter SWS TS, why would you even consider the electrical TS? Instead, why not put them in Mode 4 (or Mode 3) tell them one train of SWS is inop and ask if 3.8.1 and 3.4.6 need entered? Drl 1/27/17 F 2 X X B E

8. Explanation: 103A2.02 K/A is met. Doesn't seem creditable that anything regardless of what kind of toolbox would be left in containment especially when you just asked about an FME Monitor and and 91 inventory in and out is required. Need to discuss how to fix.

F 2 M E

8. Explanation: G2.1.35 K/A is met.

Wording like "under certain conditions" appears like gray area and word NEVER can be perceived as a clue. Maybe pick one of the examples that GM can be used to meet the source range requirement and asked as can or can NOT in that example. NL 1/30/17 92 Get rid of under certain conditions. Get rid of and RCCA drag testing. Drl 1/27/17 F 2 B E

8. Explanation: G2.1.6 K/A is met.

93 Change the second question to The NRC is required to be notified within 1/ 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />(s). A license is not required to know that if you invoke a section to work outside of your license, the NRC needs to be told. drl 1/27/17 F 2 B S 94 8. Explanation: G2.2.17 K/A is met. NL and drl 1/27/17 F 3 B E

8. Explanation: G2.2.19 95 K/A is met.

The first question distractors are weak. Maybe we could ask if the PMT has to be part of the main work order. Drl1/27/17

ES-401 Form ES-401-9

1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. Source 7. Status Question # Stem Cred.

(F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units Backward K/A SRO Only (B/ M / N) (U /E /S)

Focus Distractor H 2 N E

8. Explanation: G2.3.5 (Pre-Submittal SRO 5)

Pre-submittal comments:

K/A is met. Drl 8/31/16. Sat. NL 8/30/16 Farley comment 96 *NOTE* Question was significantly modified after validation based upon validator comments. Some validators chose the wrong answer based upon the wording of the note below.

We believe the procedure should be changed so that the note explicitly applies to Action Level 3 Condition 1. The way the note is currently written confuses the test taker and would put the applicant in a gray area. Ive re-written the question to apply the same concept as the original version but evaluation of Action Level 3 Condition 1 is avoided.

Draft submittal comments :

Does entering AL 3 preclude entering AL 2? I know it doesnt matter in this case, We need to look at this closely to ensure it is operationally valid. Drl 1/27/17 F 2 B E

8. Explanation: G2.4.20 K/A is met.

97 We need to be more specific on what the operator did to make the pressure rise. (i.e.; The operators throttled feed to the A S/G and the 1A SG pressure has risen 10 psig. Drl 1/27/17 F 2 B S

8. Explanation: G2.4.37 98 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/27/17 F 2 N E
8. Explanation: WE04EG2.4.30 K/A is met.

99 Is there a reason that the leak is isolated before the emergency is declared? If it is on purpose, why not ask if they can declare and exit the Emergency with the same call? Drl 1/27/17 F 3 B S

8. Explanation: WE05EA2.2 100 K/A is met. NL & drl 1/27/17