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{{#Wiki_filter:Three Mile Island, Unit 1 Summary of Tube-to-Tube Wear Identified During T1R19 (Fall 2011)
January 26, 2012 NRC Headquarters
Introduction                                                2 Introductions and Opening Remarks Bill Carsky, TMI-1 Site Engineering Director
* Greg Ciraula, TMI-1 Engineering Programs Manager
* Mark Torborg, TMI-1 Steam Generator (SG) Program Engineer
* Steve Queen, Director Corporate Engineering Programs
* Jay Smith, Corporate SG Program Manager
* Wendi Croft, Senior Licensing Engineer
Purpose                                          3 9 Provide information on tube-to-tube (T-T) wear
* Inspection results
* How the indications were identified
* Reporting Criteria
* Primary and secondary analysis
* Ho the indications were How                    ere si sized ed
* Basis for sizing techniques
* Future planned actions
Background                                                            4 9 TMI-1 installed AREVA, Enhanced Once Through Steam Generators (EOTSGs) during T1R18
* Operated January 2010 - October 2011 9 General design features of EOTSGs
* 15,597 tubes per EOTSG
* Full depth hydraulic expansions in tubesheets
* 15 stainless steel tube support plates (TSP)
Trefoil broached holes, 1.18 thick Numbered 01S (bottom) - 15S (top) 15S TSP has 1470 drill holes in peripheral tubes S
Spacing i b  between t      TSP TSPs varies i from f  35 - 46.4 46 4 Aspirating ports are in 10 span th
* Nominal gap between tubes is 0.25 9 First inservice inspection performed in October 2011
* 24-month fuel cycles
* 1.72 effective full power years (EFPY) on EOTSGs
* Maintained hot conditions throughout operating cycle
T1R19 Inspection Overview                                  5 9 100% full length bobbin coil inspections in each EOTSG 9 X-Probe inspections of peripheral tubes (two tubes deep) in each EOTSG (Evaluated 1st span for loose parts) 9 Tube damage mechanisms found in each EOTSG
* T Tube-to-tube b t t b supportt plate l t wear (T-TSP)
(T TSP) (expected)
(    t d)
* Tube-to-tube wear (T-T) (not expected) 9 No evidence of tie rod bowing 9 No tie rod to tube contact or proximity
EOTSG A, T-T Wear Map 6 EOTSG B, T-T Wear Map 7 T1R19 T-T Wear Identification                                                            8 9 Reported as absolute drift indications (ADIs) during bobbin coil inspection with most indications located:
* In mid-span
* In the 9th span
* In a radial pattern 30 - 45
* In adjacent tubes (two or three) 9 Performed X-Probe and +Point on ADI signals
* Verified indications in adjacent tubes face each other
* Symmetrically tapered to maximum depth in center
* In adjacent j      tubes the indications are at same elevation and are same length/depth g    p
* Length and depth have a correlation that is consistent with wear
* Good correlation of phase angles and voltages between channels 9 Analysts, Exelon Engineering, and AREVA Engineering consensus is that these indications are T-T wear
* Notified Steam Generator Management Program (SGMP) per the requirements of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 97-06
* Notified NRC
Process for Screening T-T Wear                                          9 9 Indications reported as ADIs Industry standard is to use I-Codes to identify (possible) flaw signals where no qualified sizing technique exists and supplemental testing is required.
Exelon guidelines require analysts to report all indications of suspected tube wall degradation.
* Primary Analysis (manual) 0.5 volts &  90º channel 6 or %TW >0 on channels 4 & 6
* Secondary Analysis (auto) 0.5 volts & 30º - 95º on channel 6
        %TW >0 on channels 4 & 6 and  0.16 volts on channel 6 0.25 volts & 60º - 120º on channel 6
Example TMI-1 T-T Wear Bobbin Data 10 Example TMI-1 T-T Wear Bobbin Data 11 Example TMI-1 MBM Screened as ADI 12 Summary of ADI Indications (T-T Wear)                    13 9 ADI Indications  0.5 volt
* A - 9 Tubes Primary = 9, Secondary = 7, Both = 7
* B - 19 Tubes Primary = 19, Secondary = 18, Both = 18 9 All ADIs including review for paired tubes
* A A - 74 Tubes with ADIs (0.08(0 08 - 1.62 1 62 volts)
Primary = 20, Secondary = 34, Both = 13 o Either Primary or Secondary = 41 o 74 of 74 confirmed by +Point or X-Probe
* B - 202* Tubes with ADIs (0.07 - 1.25 volts)
Primary = 145, Secondary = 95, Both = 71 o Either Primary or Secondary = 169 o *183 of 202 confirmed by X-Probe
Process for Screening T-T Wear                                            14 9 Per Exelon & SGMP PWR Steam Generator Examinations Guidelines, I-Code indications are Category III: Supplemental Test Required
* Prior to T1R19, +Point and X-Probe identified as probes to be used for supplemental examinations X-Probe obe qua qualified ed for o ssizingg T-TSP S wear ea ((EPRI ETSS SS 11956.3) 956 3)
        +Point qualified for sizing T-TSP wear (EPRI ETSS 96910.1)
        +Point qualified for sizing various shapes of wear (EPRI ETSS 27901 - 27907) o EPRI ETSS 27905.3 Flat Wear was determined to be the correct technique for T-T wear in EOTSGs
Example TMI-1 T-T Wear +Point Data              15 NOTE: Graphic shows partial indication
Example TMI-1 T-T Wear X-Probe Data 16 Example Depth Profiles in Paired Tubes                                                                    17 T-T Wear Depth Profiles EOTSG A , Tubes R26-T36 AND R26-T37 22 20 18 R26 - T36 R26 - T37 16 14 DEPTH (%
        %TW) 12 10 8
6 4
2 0
13  14  15  16    17        18        19          20    21  22  23          24 AXIAL LOCATION ABOVE TSP 08S (INCHES)
T-T Wear Length-Depth Correlation                                                                    18 EOTSG A/B T-T WEAR LENGTH/DEPTH CORRELATION 9
8 7
LENGTH (IN NCHES) 6 y = -0.0098x2 + 0.509x + 1.8162 5
4 3
2 1
0 0  5          10                15                20                  25 DEPTH (%TW)
Site Qualified Sizing Technique for T-T Wear                          19 9 X-Probe T-T wear sizing technique developed in cooperation with EPRI
* Used two of the same samples used to develop ETSS 27905.3
(+Point Flat Wear)
* Developed Power trend line/regression curve using methodology used for other EPRI X-Probe techniques ETSS 11956.1 - 11956.4, Broached TSP Wear
* Power trend line/regression scatter plot based on multiple examinations of 16 wear scars Wear scars ranged from 8% - 60% TW
* Analysis of standards performed by multiple analysts from three different vendor organizations
* Accuracy validated through comparison of +Point and X-Probe results for EOTSG A
Graphic of Flat Wear Standard X-Probe 20 Graphic of Flat Wear Standard +Point 21 X-Probe Calibration Curve                                                                22 X-Probe Amplitude - Depth Calibration Curve 70 60 50                                                              0.613 y = 13.151x MET %
    %TW 40                                                      2 R = 0.991 30 20 10 0
0      2      4        6          8    10            12          14 Amplitude (Voltage Vmx)
X-Probe Calibration Curve Validation                                                                      23 X-Probe 300 kHz Axial Sy.x = 2.09 70 N = 32 60 Structural Variiable (%TW) 50 40 30                                            y = 0.9603x + 1.4017 2
R = 0.9831 20 r= 0.9915 10 0
0      10        20      30        40      50        60        70 NDE %TW
Comparison of +Point and X-Probe                                                                  24 EOTSG A X-Probe vs. +Point - %TW Correlation 30 25 20 X-Probe (%
            %TW) 15 y = 0.9832x + 0.3458 2
R = 0.932 10                                                        N = 41 5
0 0  5      10              15            20            25          30
                                            +Point (% TW)
T1R19 T-T Wear Summary                                                  25 9 A total of 257 tubes were identified with T-T wear
* EOTSG A: 89 indications in 74 tubes
* EOTSG B: 206 indications in 183 tubes 9 Wear depths range from 1% to 21% through wall (TW) 9 Wear axial lengths range from 2 to 8 9 No proximity or tube contact detected
* TTubes b are in i tension t  i att cold ld conditions diti    and d iin compression i att h hott conditions 9 Sizing performed by +Point Technique 27905.3 and a site qualified X-Probe Technique
* Good correlation between Bobbin, +Point, and X-Probe techniques 9 All tubes met condition monitoring limits and in-situ pressure testing was not required
T-T Wear Depth Distribution                                                                                                                                                                                  26 30 25 EOTSG A                                                                                  20 No. INDICATIONS 15 10 5
0 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22 DEPTH (%TW) 45 40 35 30 EOTSG B No. INDICATIONS 25 20 15 10 5
0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14                15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22 DEPTH (%TW)
T1R19 T-T Wear Summary                                        27 EOTSG A    EOTSG B Total number of In-Service Tubes          15597      15597 Number of T-T Wear Indications              89        206 Number of Tubes T-T Wear                    74        183 Average Depth of T-T Wear                  5.8%      7.4%
Maximum Depth of T-T Wear                  21%        19%
Number of T-T Wear Indications >40% TW      0          0 Average Growth Rate T-T Wear          3.4%/EFPY  4.3%/EFPY 95 th Percentile Growth Rate T-T Wear  9.3%/EFPY  7.6%/EFPY Maximum Growth Rate T-T Wear          12.2%/EFPY 11.1%/EFPY Number of Tubes Plugged for T-T Wear        4          3
Condition Monitoring Summary for T-T Wear                  28 9 Condition Monitoring Satisfied
* Utilized maximum depth and bounding length of 39 for 3 X normal operating pressure differential conditions (3P)
* Substantial margin against accident leakage and structural limits
* Large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) loading conditions evaluated and satisfied Assumed 180 degree circumferential extent of wear
Condition Monitoring Assessment for T-T Wear                                                                                                    29 CM Results for Tube-to-Tube Wear for Both Array Coil and +Point Sizing 100 CM Limit for X-probe sizing 90 SGA X-probe Depths SGB X-probe Depths 80                                                              CM Limit for +Point Sizing SGA +Point Depths Structural Depth in Percen nt Throughwall 70 60 Conservatively 50 Assumed Wear Scar Length was entire span 40 between TSPs (39")
Actual lengths < 9" 30 20 10 0
0  5  10        15        20            25        30  35              40            45 Structural Length in Inches
Operational Assessment for T-T Wear                      30 9 Mixed arithmetic/Monte Carlo method utilized
* Cycle length 1.927 EFPY
* Addressed indications sized with +Point and X-Probe separately
* End of cycle (EOC) length conservatively assumed 39
* Used maximum growth over previous cycle Conservative relative to ANO experience 9 Significant margin to leakage and burst at EOC
* Margin ~17% for worst case flaw at EOC 9 LBLOCA evaluation also demonstrates significant margin
Planned Future Actions                              31 9 Update Site Specific Performance Demonstration (SSPD) training to include T-T wear 9 Convert TMI-1, X-Probe site qualification to EPRI Appendix H, Qualified Technique 9 Provide raw data to EPRI 9 Perform 100% eddy current examinations during T1R20 (Fall 2013) 9 Support AREVA root cause analysis 9 Implement appropriate actions based on the results of the root cause
TMI-1 Tube-to-Tube Wear Conclusions                  32 9 T-T wear was identified during the first inservice inspection of the TMI-1 EOTSGs 9 All T-T wear indications meet Condition Monitoring and Operational Assessment performance criteria 9 T-T wear does not impact inspection interval length for Cycle 19}}

Latest revision as of 10:21, 12 November 2019

Licensee Slides for 1/26/12 Meeting Three Mile Island, Unit 1 - Summary of Tube to Tube Wear Identified During T1R19 (Fall 2011)
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/25/2012
Exelon Nuclear
To: Peter Bamford
Plant Licensing Branch 1
Bamford, Peter J., NRR/DORL 415-2833
Shared Package
ML120250090 List:
Download: ML120250105 (32)


Three Mile Island, Unit 1 Summary of Tube-to-Tube Wear Identified During T1R19 (Fall 2011)

January 26, 2012 NRC Headquarters

Introduction 2 Introductions and Opening Remarks Bill Carsky, TMI-1 Site Engineering Director

  • Greg Ciraula, TMI-1 Engineering Programs Manager
  • Steve Queen, Director Corporate Engineering Programs
  • Jay Smith, Corporate SG Program Manager
  • Wendi Croft, Senior Licensing Engineer

Purpose 3 9 Provide information on tube-to-tube (T-T) wear

  • Inspection results
  • How the indications were identified
  • Reporting Criteria
  • Primary and secondary analysis
  • Ho the indications were How ere si sized ed
  • Basis for sizing techniques
  • Future planned actions

Background 4 9 TMI-1 installed AREVA, Enhanced Once Through Steam Generators (EOTSGs) during T1R18

  • Operated January 2010 - October 2011 9 General design features of EOTSGs
  • 15,597 tubes per EOTSG
  • Full depth hydraulic expansions in tubesheets
  • 15 stainless steel tube support plates (TSP)

Trefoil broached holes, 1.18 thick Numbered 01S (bottom) - 15S (top) 15S TSP has 1470 drill holes in peripheral tubes S

Spacing i b between t TSP TSPs varies i from f 35 - 46.4 46 4 Aspirating ports are in 10 span th

  • Nominal gap between tubes is 0.25 9 First inservice inspection performed in October 2011
  • 24-month fuel cycles
  • 1.72 effective full power years (EFPY) on EOTSGs
  • Maintained hot conditions throughout operating cycle

T1R19 Inspection Overview 5 9 100% full length bobbin coil inspections in each EOTSG 9 X-Probe inspections of peripheral tubes (two tubes deep) in each EOTSG (Evaluated 1st span for loose parts) 9 Tube damage mechanisms found in each EOTSG

  • T Tube-to-tube b t t b supportt plate l t wear (T-TSP)

(T TSP) (expected)

( t d)

  • Tube-to-tube wear (T-T) (not expected) 9 No evidence of tie rod bowing 9 No tie rod to tube contact or proximity

EOTSG A, T-T Wear Map 6 EOTSG B, T-T Wear Map 7 T1R19 T-T Wear Identification 8 9 Reported as absolute drift indications (ADIs) during bobbin coil inspection with most indications located:

  • In mid-span
  • In the 9th span
  • In a radial pattern 30 - 45
  • In adjacent tubes (two or three) 9 Performed X-Probe and +Point on ADI signals
  • Verified indications in adjacent tubes face each other
  • Symmetrically tapered to maximum depth in center
  • In adjacent j tubes the indications are at same elevation and are same length/depth g p
  • Length and depth have a correlation that is consistent with wear
  • Good correlation of phase angles and voltages between channels 9 Analysts, Exelon Engineering, and AREVA Engineering consensus is that these indications are T-T wear
  • Notified NRC

Process for Screening T-T Wear 9 9 Indications reported as ADIs Industry standard is to use I-Codes to identify (possible) flaw signals where no qualified sizing technique exists and supplemental testing is required.

Exelon guidelines require analysts to report all indications of suspected tube wall degradation.

  • Primary Analysis (manual) 0.5 volts & 90º channel 6 or %TW >0 on channels 4 & 6
  • Secondary Analysis (auto) 0.5 volts & 30º - 95º on channel 6

%TW >0 on channels 4 & 6 and 0.16 volts on channel 6 0.25 volts & 60º - 120º on channel 6

Example TMI-1 T-T Wear Bobbin Data 10 Example TMI-1 T-T Wear Bobbin Data 11 Example TMI-1 MBM Screened as ADI 12 Summary of ADI Indications (T-T Wear) 13 9 ADI Indications 0.5 volt

  • A - 9 Tubes Primary = 9, Secondary = 7, Both = 7
  • B - 19 Tubes Primary = 19, Secondary = 18, Both = 18 9 All ADIs including review for paired tubes
  • A A - 74 Tubes with ADIs (0.08(0 08 - 1.62 1 62 volts)

Primary = 20, Secondary = 34, Both = 13 o Either Primary or Secondary = 41 o 74 of 74 confirmed by +Point or X-Probe

  • B - 202* Tubes with ADIs (0.07 - 1.25 volts)

Primary = 145, Secondary = 95, Both = 71 o Either Primary or Secondary = 169 o *183 of 202 confirmed by X-Probe

Process for Screening T-T Wear 14 9 Per Exelon & SGMP PWR Steam Generator Examinations Guidelines, I-Code indications are Category III: Supplemental Test Required

  • Prior to T1R19, +Point and X-Probe identified as probes to be used for supplemental examinations X-Probe obe qua qualified ed for o ssizingg T-TSP S wear ea ((EPRI ETSS SS 11956.3) 956 3)

+Point qualified for sizing T-TSP wear (EPRI ETSS 96910.1)

+Point qualified for sizing various shapes of wear (EPRI ETSS 27901 - 27907) o EPRI ETSS 27905.3 Flat Wear was determined to be the correct technique for T-T wear in EOTSGs

Example TMI-1 T-T Wear +Point Data 15 NOTE: Graphic shows partial indication

Example TMI-1 T-T Wear X-Probe Data 16 Example Depth Profiles in Paired Tubes 17 T-T Wear Depth Profiles EOTSG A , Tubes R26-T36 AND R26-T37 22 20 18 R26 - T36 R26 - T37 16 14 DEPTH (%

%TW) 12 10 8

6 4

2 0

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AXIAL LOCATION ABOVE TSP 08S (INCHES)

T-T Wear Length-Depth Correlation 18 EOTSG A/B T-T WEAR LENGTH/DEPTH CORRELATION 9

8 7

LENGTH (IN NCHES) 6 y = -0.0098x2 + 0.509x + 1.8162 5

4 3

2 1

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 DEPTH (%TW)

Site Qualified Sizing Technique for T-T Wear 19 9 X-Probe T-T wear sizing technique developed in cooperation with EPRI

  • Used two of the same samples used to develop ETSS 27905.3

(+Point Flat Wear)

  • Developed Power trend line/regression curve using methodology used for other EPRI X-Probe techniques ETSS 11956.1 - 11956.4, Broached TSP Wear
  • Power trend line/regression scatter plot based on multiple examinations of 16 wear scars Wear scars ranged from 8% - 60% TW
  • Analysis of standards performed by multiple analysts from three different vendor organizations
  • Accuracy validated through comparison of +Point and X-Probe results for EOTSG A

Graphic of Flat Wear Standard X-Probe 20 Graphic of Flat Wear Standard +Point 21 X-Probe Calibration Curve 22 X-Probe Amplitude - Depth Calibration Curve 70 60 50 0.613 y = 13.151x MET %

%TW 40 2 R = 0.991 30 20 10 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Amplitude (Voltage Vmx)

X-Probe Calibration Curve Validation 23 X-Probe 300 kHz Axial Sy.x = 2.09 70 N = 32 60 Structural Variiable (%TW) 50 40 30 y = 0.9603x + 1.4017 2

R = 0.9831 20 r= 0.9915 10 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 NDE %TW

Comparison of +Point and X-Probe 24 EOTSG A X-Probe vs. +Point - %TW Correlation 30 25 20 X-Probe (%

%TW) 15 y = 0.9832x + 0.3458 2

R = 0.932 10 N = 41 5

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

+Point (% TW)

T1R19 T-T Wear Summary 25 9 A total of 257 tubes were identified with T-T wear

  • EOTSG A: 89 indications in 74 tubes
  • EOTSG B: 206 indications in 183 tubes 9 Wear depths range from 1% to 21% through wall (TW) 9 Wear axial lengths range from 2 to 8 9 No proximity or tube contact detected
  • TTubes b are in i tension t i att cold ld conditions diti and d iin compression i att h hott conditions 9 Sizing performed by +Point Technique 27905.3 and a site qualified X-Probe Technique
  • Good correlation between Bobbin, +Point, and X-Probe techniques 9 All tubes met condition monitoring limits and in-situ pressure testing was not required

T-T Wear Depth Distribution 26 30 25 EOTSG A 20 No. INDICATIONS 15 10 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DEPTH (%TW) 45 40 35 30 EOTSG B No. INDICATIONS 25 20 15 10 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DEPTH (%TW)

T1R19 T-T Wear Summary 27 EOTSG A EOTSG B Total number of In-Service Tubes 15597 15597 Number of T-T Wear Indications 89 206 Number of Tubes T-T Wear 74 183 Average Depth of T-T Wear 5.8% 7.4%

Maximum Depth of T-T Wear 21% 19%

Number of T-T Wear Indications >40% TW 0 0 Average Growth Rate T-T Wear 3.4%/EFPY 4.3%/EFPY 95 th Percentile Growth Rate T-T Wear 9.3%/EFPY 7.6%/EFPY Maximum Growth Rate T-T Wear 12.2%/EFPY 11.1%/EFPY Number of Tubes Plugged for T-T Wear 4 3

Condition Monitoring Summary for T-T Wear 28 9 Condition Monitoring Satisfied

  • Utilized maximum depth and bounding length of 39 for 3 X normal operating pressure differential conditions (3P)
  • Substantial margin against accident leakage and structural limits
  • Large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) loading conditions evaluated and satisfied Assumed 180 degree circumferential extent of wear

Condition Monitoring Assessment for T-T Wear 29 CM Results for Tube-to-Tube Wear for Both Array Coil and +Point Sizing 100 CM Limit for X-probe sizing 90 SGA X-probe Depths SGB X-probe Depths 80 CM Limit for +Point Sizing SGA +Point Depths Structural Depth in Percen nt Throughwall 70 60 Conservatively 50 Assumed Wear Scar Length was entire span 40 between TSPs (39")

Actual lengths < 9" 30 20 10 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Structural Length in Inches

Operational Assessment for T-T Wear 30 9 Mixed arithmetic/Monte Carlo method utilized

  • Cycle length 1.927 EFPY
  • Addressed indications sized with +Point and X-Probe separately
  • End of cycle (EOC) length conservatively assumed 39
  • Used maximum growth over previous cycle Conservative relative to ANO experience 9 Significant margin to leakage and burst at EOC
  • Margin ~17% for worst case flaw at EOC 9 LBLOCA evaluation also demonstrates significant margin

Planned Future Actions 31 9 Update Site Specific Performance Demonstration (SSPD) training to include T-T wear 9 Convert TMI-1, X-Probe site qualification to EPRI Appendix H, Qualified Technique 9 Provide raw data to EPRI 9 Perform 100% eddy current examinations during T1R20 (Fall 2013) 9 Support AREVA root cause analysis 9 Implement appropriate actions based on the results of the root cause

TMI-1 Tube-to-Tube Wear Conclusions 32 9 T-T wear was identified during the first inservice inspection of the TMI-1 EOTSGs 9 All T-T wear indications meet Condition Monitoring and Operational Assessment performance criteria 9 T-T wear does not impact inspection interval length for Cycle 19