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| | number = ML19263D164 | | | number = ML19263D164 |
| | issue date = 02/16/1979 | | | issue date = 02/16/1979 |
| | title = NRDC Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute Re Offshore Power Sys'S Intent to Build More than Eight Floating Nuclear Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl | | | title = NRDC Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute Re Offshore Power Syss Intent to Build More than Eight Floating Nuclear Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl |
| | author name = Roisman A | | | author name = Roisman A |
| | author affiliation = NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL | | | author affiliation = NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL |
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| | ) Docket No. STN 50-437 |
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| | (License to Manufacture Floating |
| | ) |
| | Nuclear Power Plants) |
| | ) |
| | OPS intends to produce substantially more than eight floating nuclear power plants. |
| | The facility being built at Blount *.sland is a. |
| | designed to produce as many as four FNPs per year (OPS Editorial Fact Book 1974-75, p. |
| | 3). |
| | : b. OPS considers that it has a potential market for at least 80 FNPs between now and the year 1985 in the East Coast and Gulf Coast utilities (OPS Press Release, December 4, 1972, by George F. |
| | Gilliland, p. |
| | 1). |
| | 2. |
| | The FES prepared for the OPS application is limited to consideration of a proposal to build, site and cperate only eight FNPs. |
| | : a. The need for power (including energy alternatives and conservation) is limited to consideraticn of the period during which the eighr FNPs would be 1903220 o~1\\ |
| | |
| | 2 |
| | ~ |
| | available for delivery (NUREG-0056, Vol. |
| | 1, p. |
| | 2-1). |
| | : b. The combined impacts of preparation of the site for an FNP and the operation of an FNP at the site do not include an analysis of the total environmental consequences of the siting of a substantial number of these facilities as planned by OPS (e. c., NUREG-0056, supra, pp. 11-4 et sec.), |
| | : c. The loss of the use of portions of the outer continental shelf is dismissed as essentially de minimis because only eight FMPs are being proposed to be built and operated (NUREG-0056, supra, p. |
| | 9-5). |
| | : d. The analysis of alternative energy systems to FNPs essentially dismisses all solar options on the theory that the only period of interest is the period during which the eight FNPs will be available for delivery (NUREG-0056, supra, pp. 10-22 to 10-23). |
| | : e. The Staff has explicitly refused to consider the environmental impact of more than eight FNPs (NUREG-0056, Vol. |
| | 2, pp. 12-2 to 12-3). |
| | t |
| | |
| | 3 3. |
| | The FNP involves substantial new and unicue cencepts. |
| | a. |
| | The total risk asscciated with use o.f an FNP re-quires it to take special design protections not applicable to land-based nuclear plants (NUREG-0502, pp. X7-XVI). |
| | : b. The unique problems associated with estuarine, riverine and barrier island siting require establish-ment,in advance of any specific siting prepcsal, of special conditions relating to the ability to demonstrate environmental protection measures that will be taken (NUREG-0 5 02 ~, p. XVI). |
| | Respectfully submitted, |
| | ~ |
| | ,.s |
| | /. |
| | / |
| | J |
| | .g(jw |
| | { n r |
| | .s Anthony Z. |
| | Sciscan Natural Resources Defense Council 917 15th' Street, N.W. |
| | Washington, D.C. |
| | 20005 (202)737-5000 Dated: |
| | February 16, 1979 |
| | |
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| | In the Matter of |
| | ) |
| | ) |
| | ) |
| | Dccket No. STN 50-437 |
| | ) |
| | (Manufacturing License for |
| | ) |
| | Floating Nuclear Power Plants) ) |
| | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that ccpies of NRDC MOTION FOR |
| | |
| | ==SUMMARY== |
| | |
| | ==SUMMARY== |
| | DISPOSITION, and NRDC STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS WHICH ARE NOT IN DISPUTE were mailed today, February 16, 1979, to the persons en the attached service list. |
| | ds~ |
| | i-n,.,. - |
| | w R,oisbIn |
| | -Anthony Z. |
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| | Richard S. Sal ran, Chairan Stephen M. SchirAi, Esq. |
| | Atcmic Safety and Licensing Appeal Ecard Office of Executive Iegal Direc*wr U.S. Nuclear Fegulator/ Ccri sien U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn Washingten, D.C. 20055 mshingten, D.C. 20555 Dr. John'H. E'ck Carl Valcre, Jr., Esq. |
| | Atcric Safety and Ilcensing Appeal Board Valore, McAllister, DeErier, Arcn & |
| | U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn Westmoreland Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 535 Ti''.cn Pcad P. O. Box 152 Michael C. Farrar Northfield, Nes Jersey 08225 Atcmic Safety and Iicensing Jpp.eal Ecard U.S. Nuclear Pegulatorf Ccrissicn Peter Bradford ashingten, D.C. 20555 Ccrcmissioner U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccnm'n Shelden J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairan Washington, D.C. |
| | 20555 Atcmic Safety and Licersing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn R. Wi11 u"a Potter, Esq. |
| | Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 Assistant Deputy Public Pdvocate State of New Jersey Dr. David R. Schink P. O. Ecx 141 Atcmic Safety and Ilcensing Board Trenten, New Jersey 08601 Departrent of Oceanography Texas A&M University Thcreas M. Daugherty, Esq. |
| | College Station, Texas 77840 Offshore Pcwur Syste:rs 8000 Arlington Expresswny, PO Box 8000 Iester Kornblith, Jr. |
| | Jacksonville, Fla. 32211 Atcmic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccrission Mr. George B. Ward Washingten, D.C. 20555 Nuclear Power Plant Ccmnittee City Hall Dr. David L. Hetrick Brigantine, Nes Jersey 08203 Dept. of Nuclear Engineering University of Aricena Harold P. Abrans, President Tucscn, Ariccna 85721 Atlantic 0:un+" Citicens Ocuncil en Envircr m t 9100 A:rherst Amnue Josech Hendrie Margate, New Jersey 08402 Chai=an U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Cc m'n Dccketing and SerIice Section Washington, D.C. |
| | 20555 Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Pegulaterf Ccmnissicn Earten Z. Ccwan, Esq. |
| | Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 Jchn R. Kenrick, Esq. |
| | Eckert, Searans, Cherin & Mellett Fichard M. Hluchan 600 Grant Street Deputy Attorney General Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 State of New Jersey 36 West State Street Jchn Ahearne Trenten, New Jersey 08625 Ccnmissicner U.S. Nuclear Pegulatcrf Cc=n'n victcr Gilinsky, Cc =issicner mshingten, D.C. |
| | 20555 U.S. Puclear Pegulatory Ccrm'n Washincten, D.C. |
| | 20555 Ric".ard Kennedy, Cc=issicner U.S. Nuclear Pegulaterf Ccr:n'n Washingten, D.C. |
| | 20555 |
| | .}} |
MONTHYEARML20028B5261982-11-23023 November 1982 Unofficial Transcript of 821123 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-82-425 & SECY-82-449 ML20063C9281982-08-23023 August 1982 Motion for Clarification,Or in Alternative,Petition for Reconsideration of Aslab 820811 Memorandum & Order ALAB-686 Re Application of Immediate Effectiveness Regulation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062F7751982-08-11011 August 1982 Memorandum & Order ALAB-686 Subsequent to ASLB 820630 decision,LBP-82-49.Immediate Effectiveness Review of Mfg Licenses Not Warranted ML20054L9671982-07-0707 July 1982 Errata Order Furnishing Omissions from ASLB 820630 Initial Decision ML20054L8351982-07-0101 July 1982 Notice of Aslab Reconstituion.Cn Kohl,Chairman & WR Johnson & Ha Wilber,Members ML20039E8941982-01-0505 January 1982 Response to NRC 811230 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039D4561981-12-30030 December 1981 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Proposed Initial Decision (Revised).Notice of Appearance & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20062M3171981-12-11011 December 1981 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Proposed Initial Decision.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20038B3371981-12-0404 December 1981 Transcript of 811204 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 7,516-7,734 ML20033B4901981-11-27027 November 1981 Response to ASLB 811112 Questions 2-7.On Question 2, Difference in Wording Inadvertent.Single Conclusion Applicable to Issues of Mfg & Operation of Facilities Before Generic Issues Resolved.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20033B4961981-11-27027 November 1981 Post-TMI Update of Testimony Re Atlantic County Contention 1 on Impacts on Tourism.Conclusions Reached in Previous Testimony Remain Valid.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20033B5321981-11-27027 November 1981 Update of Testimony Re Atlantic County Citizens Council on Environ Contention 9 on Control Room.Util Design Change Will Provide Penetration Protection Against All Postulated Missiles ML20033B5481981-11-27027 November 1981 Testimony of Jc Petersen Re Update of Financial Qualifications Analysis.Offshore Power Sys Has Presented Reasonable Plan for Financing Cost of Mfg Floating Nuclear Plants.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20033B5061981-11-27027 November 1981 Updated Testimony Re Turbine Missiles.Nrc Estimated Turbine Exit Speed Was Too Low.Revised Values Do Not Change NRC Conclusions Re Turbine Missile Risks for Floating Nuclear Plant Design.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20033C0631981-11-25025 November 1981 Identification of Applicant Evidence to Be Introduced at 811204 Hearing,Per ASLB 811103 Order.Addl Testimony Re Turbine Generator Matters & in Response to ASLB 811112 Questions 4-7 Encl.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20032C7651981-11-0606 November 1981 Order Granting State of Ny 811016 Motion to Be Dismissed ML20032D0581981-11-0505 November 1981 Order Re 811102 Prehearing Conference.Nrc & Applicant Stated That Certain Documents Would Be Offered as Exhibits & That Supplementary Testimony Would Be Presented at Future Hearing.Aslb to Be Reconstituted ML20032B2421981-11-0303 November 1981 Order Scheduling 811204 Evidentiary Hearing.Record Will Be Closed at End of Hearing.Direct Testimony to Be Submitted by 811127 W/Witnesses to Appear for cross-examination & ASLB Questioning.Dates for Subsequent Submissions Listed ML20032A9981981-11-0202 November 1981 Transcript of 811102 Prehearing Conference in Bethesda,Md. Pp 7,473-7,515 ML20032B2301981-10-28028 October 1981 Affidavit Re Turbine Generator Matters.Relevant Conclusions Stated in Previous Testimony Are Not Invalidated by Listed Events Re Turbines.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20031G8841981-10-16016 October 1981 Motion to Dismiss State of Nj as Party.State of Nj Will Not Attend 811102 Prehearing Conference or Any Further Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010F3591981-09-0303 September 1981 Order Granting Applicant 810812 Motion 12 to Establish Schedule Re Completion of Mfg License Proceeding ML20010E0741981-09-0101 September 1981 Response Supporting Applicant 810812 Motion to Establish Schedule.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C0801981-08-12012 August 1981 Motion for ASLB to Establish Schedule Leading to Completion of Mfg License Proceeding.Hearing Process Should Be Resumed to Address New Matters Contained in Upcoming Ser,Suppl 4. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20003C7311981-02-12012 February 1981 Unofficial Transcript of Commission 810212 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re SECY-81-20 Policy on Proceeding W/Pending CP & Mfg License Applications.Pp 1-115 ML19347B8151980-10-10010 October 1980 Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19309F3241980-04-25025 April 1980 Notice of Withdrawal from Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19256F1981979-11-17017 November 1979 Transcript of Subcommittee on Floating Nuclear Plant 791117 Meeting in Los Angeles,CA.Pp.1-224.Presentation, Thermal Evaluation of FNP Core Ladle During Postulated Core Melt, by WT Pratt & Rd Gasser Encl ML19256F1021979-11-0202 November 1979 Transcript of 791102 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 7,384-7,472 ML19276H4951979-10-30030 October 1979 Suppl to NRC Response to ASLB 790329 Questions 4 Re Interactions W/Sediment in Offshore Cases.Consequences to Marine Biota from Low Probability Release of Particles from Breakwater Not Greater than Presented in Fes Part III ML19256E6201979-10-24024 October 1979 Order Advising Resumption of Public Hearing on 791102 in Bethesda,Md for NRC to Respond to ASLB .Nrc Should Advise When Suppl 3 to SAR Will Be Issued ML19254D1371979-09-27027 September 1979 Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Nrdc.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19254E4381979-09-14014 September 1979 Response in Opposition to NRC-proposed Mods to 790824 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision,Set Forth in Paragraphs 20.D & 20.E.(2), Pages 18-19 of Proposed Findings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19209C5241979-08-31031 August 1979 Motion for Extension Until 790914 to File Response to NRC 790824 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact.Findings Were Not Received Until 790829.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19208C2071979-08-24024 August 1979 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision.Discusses Applicant Contentions Re Health & Safety,Environ,Emergency Plans,Transportation, Economics & Equipment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19209A9251979-08-20020 August 1979 Order Granting NRC 790808 Motion for Extension Until 790824 to File Proposed Partial Findings of Fact.Nrc Has Shown Good Causes.Parties Have Offered No Objection.Util Must Respond to NRC Partial Findings by 790820 ML19249D5491979-08-0808 August 1979 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance of MG Malsch on Behalf of Nrc.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19254B1301979-08-0808 August 1979 Requests Extension Until 790824 to File Proposed Partial Findings of Fact.Nrc Priorities for Review Work by Technical Staff Have Consumed Time of Personnel.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19249D8381979-07-13013 July 1979 Responses to ASLB 790329 Questions Re WASH-1400 Rept. Prof Qualifications of GL Chipman & RB Codell Encl ML19248D1131979-06-27027 June 1979 Order Granting Extension Until 790822 to File Proposed Partial Findings of Fact,In Response to NRC 790613 Request ML19242B9971979-06-27027 June 1979 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee 790627 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Floating Nuclear Plant.Pp 1-192. Supporting Documentation Encl ML19225B5541979-06-0101 June 1979 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision Submitted by Offshore Power Sys to Aslb. Discusses Each Contention Admitted as Issue in Controversy & ASLB Questions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19259C4871979-05-25025 May 1979 Denies NRDC 790216 Motion for Summary Disposition of Licensee Fes for Mfg of Floating Nuclear Plants.No Genuine Issue as to Any Matl Fact.Grants cross-motions for Summary Disposition by Applicant & NRC ML19289F2091979-04-0404 April 1979 Motion to Establish Schedule for Filing of Partial Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Proposed Schedule & Certificate of Svc Encl ML19281A5721979-03-12012 March 1979 Orders Public Hearing to Resume on 790404 in Bethesda,Md,Re Atlantic County Citizens Council on Environs Contentions 3a & 3c ML19281B5151979-03-0808 March 1979 Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute.Applicant Not Able to Build Eight Plants by 1985.Statement Filed in Opposition to NRDC Statement of Matl Facts ML19274E6281979-03-0808 March 1979 Applicants Motion 10 to Establish Schedule for Hearing on Contentions 3a & 3c by Atlantic County Citizens Council on the Environ.Requests Parties File an Identification of Evidence.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19261C3331979-02-20020 February 1979 Intervenor Withdraws from Active Participation in Licensing Hearings,Due to Util'S Withdrawal of Order for Floating Nuclear Plants Off Nj Coast.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19263D1641979-02-16016 February 1979 NRDC Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute Re Offshore Power Sys'S Intent to Build More than Eight Floating Nuclear Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19263D1621979-02-16016 February 1979 NRDCs Memorandum in Support of Summary Disposition Motion. Urges That Programmatic Review of Floating Nuclear Plants Be Conducted.Certificate of Svc Encl 1982-08-23
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20063C9281982-08-23023 August 1982 Motion for Clarification,Or in Alternative,Petition for Reconsideration of Aslab 820811 Memorandum & Order ALAB-686 Re Application of Immediate Effectiveness Regulation. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20033B4901981-11-27027 November 1981 Response to ASLB 811112 Questions 2-7.On Question 2, Difference in Wording Inadvertent.Single Conclusion Applicable to Issues of Mfg & Operation of Facilities Before Generic Issues Resolved.Prof Qualifications Encl ML20031G8841981-10-16016 October 1981 Motion to Dismiss State of Nj as Party.State of Nj Will Not Attend 811102 Prehearing Conference or Any Further Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E0741981-09-0101 September 1981 Response Supporting Applicant 810812 Motion to Establish Schedule.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010C0801981-08-12012 August 1981 Motion for ASLB to Establish Schedule Leading to Completion of Mfg License Proceeding.Hearing Process Should Be Resumed to Address New Matters Contained in Upcoming Ser,Suppl 4. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML19276H4951979-10-30030 October 1979 Suppl to NRC Response to ASLB 790329 Questions 4 Re Interactions W/Sediment in Offshore Cases.Consequences to Marine Biota from Low Probability Release of Particles from Breakwater Not Greater than Presented in Fes Part III ML19254E4381979-09-14014 September 1979 Response in Opposition to NRC-proposed Mods to 790824 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision,Set Forth in Paragraphs 20.D & 20.E.(2), Pages 18-19 of Proposed Findings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19209C5241979-08-31031 August 1979 Motion for Extension Until 790914 to File Response to NRC 790824 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact.Findings Were Not Received Until 790829.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19208C2071979-08-24024 August 1979 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision.Discusses Applicant Contentions Re Health & Safety,Environ,Emergency Plans,Transportation, Economics & Equipment.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19254B1301979-08-0808 August 1979 Requests Extension Until 790824 to File Proposed Partial Findings of Fact.Nrc Priorities for Review Work by Technical Staff Have Consumed Time of Personnel.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19225B5541979-06-0101 June 1979 Proposed Partial Findings of Fact in Form of Proposed Initial Decision Submitted by Offshore Power Sys to Aslb. Discusses Each Contention Admitted as Issue in Controversy & ASLB Questions.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19289F2091979-04-0404 April 1979 Motion to Establish Schedule for Filing of Partial Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Proposed Schedule & Certificate of Svc Encl ML19274E6281979-03-0808 March 1979 Applicants Motion 10 to Establish Schedule for Hearing on Contentions 3a & 3c by Atlantic County Citizens Council on the Environ.Requests Parties File an Identification of Evidence.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19281B5151979-03-0808 March 1979 Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute.Applicant Not Able to Build Eight Plants by 1985.Statement Filed in Opposition to NRDC Statement of Matl Facts ML19261C3331979-02-20020 February 1979 Intervenor Withdraws from Active Participation in Licensing Hearings,Due to Util'S Withdrawal of Order for Floating Nuclear Plants Off Nj Coast.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19263D1641979-02-16016 February 1979 NRDC Statement of Matl Facts Which Are Not in Dispute Re Offshore Power Sys'S Intent to Build More than Eight Floating Nuclear Plants.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19263D1621979-02-16016 February 1979 NRDCs Memorandum in Support of Summary Disposition Motion. Urges That Programmatic Review of Floating Nuclear Plants Be Conducted.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19263D1601979-02-16016 February 1979 Motion for Summary Disposition Re Failure of Fes to Consider Environ Impact & Alternatives ML19282A6351979-02-12012 February 1979 Informs That Natural Resource Defense Council Missed Filing Deadline,But Plans to File a Brief on Its Contention & Remain in the Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19274D6971979-02-0606 February 1979 Applicant'S Rept to ASLB Re Status of Hearings & Motion to Establish Schedule.Proposed Schedule Encl ML19289D1311979-02-0606 February 1979 Motion for Order Dismissing NRDC Programmatic Impact Statement Contention as an Issue Due to NRDCs Failure to Comply w/780801 ASLB Order Filing a Motion by 790129.Related Papers & Certificate of Svc Encl ML19269C0891979-01-12012 January 1979 NRDC Brief Re Certification of Class 9 Accident Issue. Asserts Commissions Only Proper Action Is to Order Evidentiary Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML19289C8181979-01-12012 January 1979 Request of the CA Energy Resources Conservation & Development Commission on Issue of Class 9 Accidents. Provides Results of Commission Study of Undergrounding Nuclear Reactors & Class 9 Accidents ML19261A3161978-12-26026 December 1978 Requests Opportunity to Reply to NRC Applicant'S Allegations Re Interpretation of Ltr from Administrator of EPA to Ops. Brief Statement to That Purpose Attached.W/O Encl ML19259B0511978-12-19019 December 1978 Response by Applicant OPS in Opposition to NRDC Request for Directed Certification.Asserts NRDC Has Not Satisfied Criteria for Directed Certification.Epa & Certificate of Svc Encl ML19259A9191978-12-19019 December 1978 NRC Response in Opposition to Request for Directed Certification Filed by NRDC on 781130.Asserts That NRDCs Motion Does Not Satisfy Criteria for Directed Certification. W/Supporting Ltrs & Certificate of Svc ML20150E0171978-11-30030 November 1978 NRDC Request for Directed Certification.Expresses Concern Re Inshore Siting of Fnps.Finds No Reason to Believe Lic Bd Erred in Rejecting NRDC Contention.W/Encl Related Correspondence ML19256A2881978-11-0707 November 1978 Intervenor Atlantic County,Nj Response to Memos of 781027 of Hendrie & Gilinsky Re Their Involvement W/Appl Prior to Their Appointments to Nrc.Has No Factual Basis on Which to Object to Commissioners Participation.Cert of Svc Encl ML20148J2721978-11-0303 November 1978 NRDC Response to Memoranda to Counsel from Hendrie & Gilinsky Re Their Prior Involvement in Issues Re Subj Facil. NRDC Asserts That Disqual of the Commissioners Is Dependent Upon Certain Facts.Cert of Svc Encl ML20148J5021978-11-0303 November 1978 NRC Staff'S Response to Memo to Counsel Filed by Hendrie & Gilinsky Re Possible Prior Knowledge.Staff Has No Objection to Either Commissioner Participating in Review of ALAB-500. W/Cert of Svc ML20148J3381978-11-0202 November 1978 Response of Applicant OPS to Memoranda of Hendrie & Gilinsky to Counsel Re Commissioners Impartiality in Proceedings Re Subj Facil.Applicant Has No Objection to Either Commissioner Participating in Review of Issues.Cert of Svc Encl ML20197B0711978-10-23023 October 1978 Grants Applicant 781010 Motion to Defer Ruling Until 781010 Based on Granting Applicant 780905 Motion to Plead Matter in Controversy & Establish Discovery & Hearing Schedule ML20147E0671978-10-0202 October 1978 Opposes Intervenor NRDC 780915 Request for Reconsideration & Certification of ASLB 780911 Order Denying NRDC 780809 Motion to Amend Contentions.Nrdc Has Not Established Grounds for Reconsideration 1982-08-23
[Table view] |
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f.3-C e w'#
s g
%s; g In The Matter Of
) Docket No. STN 50-437
(License to Manufacture Floating
Nuclear Power Plants)
OPS intends to produce substantially more than eight floating nuclear power plants.
The facility being built at Blount *.sland is a.
designed to produce as many as four FNPs per year (OPS Editorial Fact Book 1974-75, p.
- b. OPS considers that it has a potential market for at least 80 FNPs between now and the year 1985 in the East Coast and Gulf Coast utilities (OPS Press Release, December 4, 1972, by George F.
Gilliland, p.
The FES prepared for the OPS application is limited to consideration of a proposal to build, site and cperate only eight FNPs.
- a. The need for power (including energy alternatives and conservation) is limited to consideraticn of the period during which the eighr FNPs would be 1903220 o~1\\
available for delivery (NUREG-0056, Vol.
1, p.
- b. The combined impacts of preparation of the site for an FNP and the operation of an FNP at the site do not include an analysis of the total environmental consequences of the siting of a substantial number of these facilities as planned by OPS (e. c., NUREG-0056, supra, pp. 11-4 et sec.),
- c. The loss of the use of portions of the outer continental shelf is dismissed as essentially de minimis because only eight FMPs are being proposed to be built and operated (NUREG-0056, supra, p.
- d. The analysis of alternative energy systems to FNPs essentially dismisses all solar options on the theory that the only period of interest is the period during which the eight FNPs will be available for delivery (NUREG-0056, supra, pp. 10-22 to 10-23).
- e. The Staff has explicitly refused to consider the environmental impact of more than eight FNPs (NUREG-0056, Vol.
2, pp. 12-2 to 12-3).
3 3.
The FNP involves substantial new and unicue cencepts.
The total risk asscciated with use o.f an FNP re-quires it to take special design protections not applicable to land-based nuclear plants (NUREG-0502, pp. X7-XVI).
- b. The unique problems associated with estuarine, riverine and barrier island siting require establish-ment,in advance of any specific siting prepcsal, of special conditions relating to the ability to demonstrate environmental protection measures that will be taken (NUREG-0 5 02 ~, p. XVI).
Respectfully submitted,
{ n r
.s Anthony Z.
Sciscan Natural Resources Defense Council 917 15th' Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
20005 (202)737-5000 Dated:
February 16, 1979
TEU d i f r hJ, b..v.\\
. c. 7 L,,8 q
- f. c -
5g y'; '
Q C.s Y s
'o si c:. ;. -
In the Matter of
Dccket No. STN 50-437
(Manufacturing License for
Floating Nuclear Power Plants) )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that ccpies of NRDC MOTION FOR
DISPOSITION, and NRDC STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS WHICH ARE NOT IN DISPUTE were mailed today, February 16, 1979, to the persons en the attached service list.
i-n,.,. -
w R,oisbIn
-Anthony Z.
\\ $
r A
.cy c,4 s
W f5 em y
g "
i q?c% (,;
W R,
R7 4
Richard S. Sal ran, Chairan Stephen M. SchirAi, Esq.
Atcmic Safety and Licensing Appeal Ecard Office of Executive Iegal Direc*wr U.S. Nuclear Fegulator/ Ccri sien U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn Washingten, D.C. 20055 mshingten, D.C. 20555 Dr. John'H. E'ck Carl Valcre, Jr., Esq.
Atcric Safety and Ilcensing Appeal Board Valore, McAllister, DeErier, Arcn &
U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn Westmoreland Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 535 Ti.cn Pcad P. O. Box 152 Michael C. Farrar Northfield, Nes Jersey 08225 Atcmic Safety and Iicensing Jpp.eal Ecard U.S. Nuclear Pegulatorf Ccrissicn Peter Bradford ashingten, D.C. 20555 Ccrcmissioner U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccnm'n Shelden J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairan Washington, D.C.
20555 Atcmic Safety and Licersing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccmissicn R. Wi11 u"a Potter, Esq.
Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 Assistant Deputy Public Pdvocate State of New Jersey Dr. David R. Schink P. O. Ecx 141 Atcmic Safety and Ilcensing Board Trenten, New Jersey 08601 Departrent of Oceanography Texas A&M University Thcreas M. Daugherty, Esq.
College Station, Texas 77840 Offshore Pcwur Syste:rs 8000 Arlington Expresswny, PO Box 8000 Iester Kornblith, Jr.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32211 Atcmic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccrission Mr. George B. Ward Washingten, D.C. 20555 Nuclear Power Plant Ccmnittee City Hall Dr. David L. Hetrick Brigantine, Nes Jersey 08203 Dept. of Nuclear Engineering University of Aricena Harold P. Abrans, President Tucscn, Ariccna 85721 Atlantic 0:un+" Citicens Ocuncil en Envircr m t 9100 A:rherst Amnue Josech Hendrie Margate, New Jersey 08402 Chai=an U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Cc m'n Dccketing and SerIice Section Washington, D.C.
20555 Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Pegulaterf Ccmnissicn Earten Z. Ccwan, Esq.
Washingtcn, D.C. 20555 Jchn R. Kenrick, Esq.
Eckert, Searans, Cherin & Mellett Fichard M. Hluchan 600 Grant Street Deputy Attorney General Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 State of New Jersey 36 West State Street Jchn Ahearne Trenten, New Jersey 08625 Ccnmissicner U.S. Nuclear Pegulatcrf Cc=n'n victcr Gilinsky, Cc =issicner mshingten, D.C.
20555 U.S. Puclear Pegulatory Ccrm'n Washincten, D.C.
20555 Ric".ard Kennedy, Cc=issicner U.S. Nuclear Pegulaterf Ccr:n'n Washingten, D.C.