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'St;~Lucie Planti Uniit 2<'Florida Power I Light Co,'AUTH~NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ,DUOKi J~'R~Marsh L McLennani Ines'RBCIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION
~Assistant DirectorforState8licenseeRelations "SUBJECTS Forwards'Endorsement 1toNEL1ACertificateN895MAELU>Cer-tificate.M89~.DISTRISUTION CODE~.M0018iCOPIESiRECEXVED:LTR,.
~Assistant Director for State 8 licensee Relations"SUBJECTS Forwards'Endorsement 1 to NEL1A Cer tificate N 89 5 MAELU>Cer-ti f i cate.M 89~.DISTRISUTION CODE~.M0018 iCOPIES iRECEXVED:LTR,.
8'NCL.lSIZE'TI'TLE:Insurance:=Indemn)tty/Endor sementAgreementsNOTES!DOCKET05000389EXTERNALS L'PDRNTIS0304RECIPIENT
" I 0 (I II If, fflh H Hrf Hr, e A H I'(r(P''I H f((I r~g I (f 1 I I if<<<r'e((i P I ((1 H B ((I (l(I I r H f (II f(l(0 H I j, (r I(,f ff H (r lf Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 1300 San lacinto Tower 2121 San Jacinto Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 April 25, 1983 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State&Licensee'elations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie Unit 2 Secondary Financial Protection ANI/MAELU Certificates N-89 and M-89 Endorsements II1 CERTIFIED COPIES  
UTTR6ENCL5 "I0(IIIIf,fflhHHrfHr,eAHI'(r(P''IHf((Ir~gI(f1IIif<<<r'e((iPI((1HB((I(l(IIrHf(IIf(l(0HIj,(rI(,fffH(rlf Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 1300SanlacintoTower2121SanJacintoStreetDallas,Texas75201Telephone 214742-1941April25,1983Mr.JeromeSaltzmanAssistant DirectorState&Licensee'elations OfficeofStateProgramsU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555FloridaPower&LightCompanyPlantSt.LucieUnit2Secondary Financial Protection ANI/MAELU Certificates N-89andM-89Endorsements II1CERTIFIED COPIES

==Dear Jerry:==
Enclosedforyourrecordsarethefollowing items-pertaining totheFloridaPower'Light"CompanyPlantSt..LucieUnit2Secondary Financial Protection'ertificates'-89 andM-89:1.Two'ertified copieseachofANICertificate N-89andMAELUCertificate M-89(7'pageseach)'.2.Twocertified copieseachofANIEndorsement 81toN-89andMAELUEndorsement
Enclosed for your records are the following items-pertaining to the Florida Power'Light" Company Plant St..Lucie Unit 2 Secondary Financial Protection'ertificates'-89 and M-89: 1.Two'ertified copies each of ANI Certificate N-89 and MAELU Certificate M-89 (7'pages each)'.2.Two certified copies each of ANI Endorsement 81 to N-89 and MAELU Endorsement
/31toM-89whicharethe'ffective DateandPremiumEndorsements; Verytrulyyours,JohnR.Duck,Jr.Assistant VicePresident M&MNuclearConsultants
/31 to M-89 which are the'ffective Date and Premium Endorsements; Very truly yours, John R.Duck, Jr.Assistant Vice President M&M Nuclear Consultants
~oo]cc:R.E.HindsA.R.SwainG.M.FlorenceEnclosure 8305030379 830425PDRi*DOCK'05000389 J'PDR~'
~oo]cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain G.M.Florence Enclosure 8305030379 830425 PDR i*DOCK'05000389 J'PDR~'
Q NUCLEARENERGYLIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUALATOMlCENERGYLlABILITY UNDERWRITERS QC5O)440O)IOON0L~QQI4L'D~CL44I4)L~ID0~-IO0~O)C~-MIDO)Q)~L0LI4-uQoO)LO).4ILO)IO'0CLC0I40O)QIO,0DO)Lo)c/l0CLD~I4OID>I4-0ECDIDD)FUNDi-O~504JJ3O)SPECIFICATION OFCERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATEANDPRENIUN'NDORSBIENTItisagreedthat:1.TheUnitedStatesNuclearRegulatory Commission hasissuedtotheinsuredsnameinItem1oftheDeclarations Operating LicenseNo.'PF-16 effective April6,1983ft<<iRdiIt'certificate.
Q NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMlC ENERGY LlABILITY UNDERWRITERS Q C 5 O)44 0 O)IO O N 0 L~Q QI4 L'D~CL 44 I4)L~ID 0~-IO 0~O)C~-M ID O)Q)~L 0 LI4-u Qo O)L O).4I L O)IO'0 CLC 0 I4 0 O)Q IO,0 D O)L o)c/l 0 CL D~I4 O ID>I4-0 E CD ID D)FU N Di-O~5 0 4J J3 O)SPECIFICATION OF CERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATE AND PR EN IUN'NDORS BIE NT It is agreed that: 1.The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued to the insureds name in Item 1 of the Declarations Operating License No.'PF-16 effective April 6, 1983 f t<<iRdi It'certificate.
Item6.Certificate Period:Beginning Apr>>61983g<<tffidt,iit~P1iorthisCertificate, whichever firstoccurs,,easternstandardtime.4JCO)IOQlCIDNIONLC)NNO)c(CEA4J3QC>ZO)N0O)3.Item8oftheDeclarations oftheCertificate isdeletedandreplacedbythefollowing:
Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning Apr>>6 1983 g<<t ff i d t, i i t~P 1i or this Certificate, whichever first occurs,, eastern standard time.4J C O)IO Ql C ID N ION LC)N N O)c(C E A 4J 3 Q C>Z O)N 0 O)3.Item 8 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:
Ca~N4J0LCBCCI4)~ZCI4)0ID4I5E~D)IIN~L0LgO)C0O)O)i03',QLQLIDO)LO)O)O>C0DLIOWcCO)3Z4JIOC~-IODUIU~0~~DNCDO)MID0)Q~I04-IoEffective Datoofthis'Endorsement Item8.Portionoftheannualpremiumpayableforthecompanies'ontingent liability described inCondition 4oftheHasterPolicyfromtheeffective datehereoftothe,endofcalendaryear1983:'$'999;00 QO)4JN~ChCN~~)IDToformnpartofCertificate No.V-89April6,1983FloridaPowerandLightCompanyIssuotoDatoofIssuAri118182.Item6oftheDeclarations oftheCertificate isdeletedandreplacedbythefollowing:
C a~N 4J 0 L CB CC I4)~Z C I4)0 ID 4I 5 E~D)II N~L 0 L g O)C 0 O)O)i0 3', Q L Q L ID O)L O)O)O>C 0 D LIOW cC O)3 Z 4J IO C~-IO D UI U~0~~D N C D O)M ID 0)Q~I 0 4-Io Effective Dato of this'Endorsement Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent liability described in Condition 4 of the Haster Policy from the effective date hereof to the,end of calendar year 1983: '$'999;00 Q O)4J N~Ch C N~~)ID To form n part of Certificate No.V-89 April 6, 1983 Florida Power and Light Company Issuo to Dato of Issu A ri1 18 1 8 2.Item 6 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:
ForthoSuhscrihinl; Compnnies MIUALATOMICENERGYLIAILITYUFRiVIIITLRS DyEndorsement No.Countorsi)!ned 1)yhIITII()IIIZKII
For tho Suhscrihinl; Compnnies MI UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIA ILITY U FRiVIIITLRS Dy Endorsement No.Coun torsi)!ned 1)y h IITII()IIIZKII
NOUABILITYISURANGE(INSURANGISA08Hl4JOHNLROGGHIVICEPRESIOENT-I.IABlLITY UNDERWRITING AMERICANNUCLEARINSURERSCertificate ofInsurance Thisistocertifythatthepersonsandorganizations designated inItem1oftheDeclarations arenamedinsuredsundertheMasterPolicy-NuclearEnergyLiability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),
NO UABILITY I SURANGE (INSURANG ISA 08 Hl 4 JOHN L ROGGHI VICE PRESIOENT-I.IABlLITY UNDERWRITING AMERICAN NUCLEAR INSURERS Certificate of Insurance This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy-Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection), herein called the"Master Policy", issued by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwri ters.Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies, through this certificate, only: (a)to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Oeclar'ations, (b)for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (1)with respect to which the r imar financial rotection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of.its limit of liability as described in Condition 3 6 of the Master Policy, and (2)which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of, the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item 3 of the Declarations, and MSFC-1 (1/1/83)Page I 0 4.hq" 1 I'R I'ly, II) 8 (3)which is discovered and for which written claim is)))ade against the io.,u)ed not later'han ten years aft(.r the end of the certificate 1)eriod state(1 in item 6 of the Declaration".
hereincalledthe"MasterPolicy",issuedbyMutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters.Suchinsurance asisprovidedbytheMasterPolicyapplies,throughthiscertificate, only:(a)totheinsuredsidentified inItems1and2oftheOeclar'ations, (b)forthecertificate periodstatedinItem6oftheDeclarations, (1)withrespecttowhichtherimarfinancial rotection described inItem4oftheDeclarations wouldapplybutforexhaustion of.itslimitofliability asdescribed inCondition 36oftheMasterPolicy,and(2)whichiscausedduringthecertificate periodstatedinItem6of,theDeclarations byanuclearincidentarisingoutoforinconnection withthenuclearreactordescribed inItem3oftheDeclarations, andMSFC-1(1/1/83)PageI 04.hq"1I'RI'ly,II) 8(3)whichisdiscovered andforwhichwrittenclaimis)))adeagainsttheio.,u)ednotlater'hantenyearsaft(.rtheendofthecertificate 1)eriodstate(1initem6oftheDeclaration".
llowever, wi th respect to bodily inj~()r or proI)~ert d~aion(e caused by an extraor(linarv nucleal occurrence this sul)ps)r<)graph (3)shall not operate to bar coverage for~bodil In)inr-or~ro crt~dogma e which is discovered and for which written claim is made against after the date of the the insured not later than twenty years extraordinar nuclear occurrence.
: llowever, withrespecttobodilyinj~()rorproI)~ert d~aion(ecausedbyanextraor(linarv nuclealoccurrence thissul)ps)r<)graph (3)shallnotoperatetobarcoveragefor~bodilIn)inr-or~rocrt~dogma ewhichisdiscovered andforwhichwrittenclaimismadeagainstafterthedateofthetheinsurednotlaterthantwentyyearsextraordinar nuclearoccurrence.
Decl ara tions Item 1.Named insureds and addresses: (a)Florida Power 8 Light Company, P.O.Box 529100, Miami, Florida 33152'(b)Florida Municipal Power Agency, 7200 Lake Ellenor, Orlando Florida 32809 (c)Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando, 500 South Orange Avenue, P.O.Box 3193, Orlando, Florida 32802 Item 2.Additional insureds: Any other person or organization who would be insured under the rimar financial rotection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such rimar financial ItEm 3.Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 2 of the St.Lucie Plant located in St.Lucie County, Florida.v Item 4.(a)Identification of~rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit(s)of liability thereof: t/uclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy t(F-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters'olicy MF-88$36,000,000 Page 7 of Certifics1te tlo.M-8(L (b)The fol>ng endorsements, attached to 1%~rimar financial rotection policies listed in Item 4 (a)also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were attached hereto: (1)Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) and (2)Supplementary Endorsement
-Waiver of Defenses-Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c)The limits of liability provided under the rimar financial P lf1 1 1'if)h d>>lh any other reactor except as follows: Unit 1 of the st.iucie piant.Item 5.Limits'of Li.ability:
(a)FloridaPower8LightCompany,P.O.Box529100,Miami,Florida33152'(b)FloridaMunicipal PowerAgency,7200LakeEllenor,OrlandoFlorida32809(c)OrlandoUtilities Commission oftheCityofOrlando,500SouthOrangeAvenue,P.O.Box3193,Orlando,Florida32802Item2.Additional insureds:
The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies'ontingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.Item 6: Certificate Period: Beginning at the same time and date that the Facility Operating License issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the reactor described in Item 3 of this certificate becomes effective and continuing to the effective date h d 1 1 11 1 1 1 f h~hfi hl certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.Item 7.-Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes)payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident:$1,125,000 Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent hill d*lb d 1 C dl 1'I 1 1~fi f 1 effective date hereof to the end of calendar year>983: The pro rata portion of$1,350.00 for the period from the effective date of this certificate to the end of the calendar year during which such effective 1 date occurs.Page 3 of Certificate No.M-89 0 4~'
Anyotherpersonororganization whowouldbeinsuredundertherimarfinancial rotection identified inItem4oftheDeclarations butforexhaustion ofthelimitofliability ofsuchrimarfinancial ItEm3.Description andlocationofnuclearreactor:Unit2oftheSt.LuciePlantlocatedinSt.LucieCounty,Florida.vItem4.(a)Identification of~rimarfinancial rotection applicable tothenuclearreactorandlimit(s)ofliability thereof:t/uclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association's Policyt(F-227$124,000,000 MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters'olicy MF-88$36,000,000 Page7ofCertifics1te tlo.M-8(L (b)Thefol>ngendorsements, attachedto1%~rimarfinancial rotection policieslistedinItem4(a)alsoapplytotheinsurance affordedbytheMasterPolicythroughthiscertificate asthoughtheywereattachedhereto:(1)WaiverofDefensesEndorsement (Extraordinary NuclearOccurrence) and(2)Supplementary Endorsement
FOR PAYMENT OF RETROSPECTIVE flIUMS Know All Hen By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations.
-WaiverofDefenses-ReactorConstruction attheFacility, (c)Thelimitsofliability providedundertherimarfinancial Plf111'if)hd>>lhanyotherreactorexceptasfollows:Unit1ofthest.iuciepiant.Item5.Limits'of Li.ability:
The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters subscribing the Master Policy (here-inafter called the"companies")
Theamountofretrospective premiumactuallyreceivedbythecompanies plustheamountofthecompanies'ontingent liability, ifany,pursuanttoConditions 2,3and4oftheMasterPolicy.Item6:Certificate Period:Beginning atthesametimeanddatethattheFacilityOperating LicenseissuedbytheUnitedStatesNuclearRegulatory Commission forthereactordescribed inItem3ofthiscertificate becomeseffective andcontinuing totheeffective datehd1111111fh~hfihlcertificate, whichever firstoccurs,easternstandardtime.Item7.-Maximumretrospective premium(exclusive ofallowance forpremiumtaxes)payablepursuanttoCondition 2oftheMasterPolicywithrespecttoeachnuclearincident:
to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date payment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid;And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other I evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the'companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts;And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees)which the companies may sustain or incur (1)by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2)in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any I provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an ori'ginal.
$1,125,000 Item8.Portionoftheannualpremiumpayableforthecompanies'ontingent hilld*lbd1Cdl1'I11~fif1effective datehereoftotheendofcalendaryear>983:Theprorataportionof$1,350.00fortheperiodfromtheeffective dateofthiscertificate totheendofthecalendaryearduringwhichsucheffective 1dateoccurs.Page3ofCertificate No.M-89 04~'
Page 4 of Certificate No.H-9 The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Mast'er Policy.Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy'r the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the.Bond to pay the retrospective premiums r and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period..,qua>>r~>r, Attest or Witness.'""5)'I:I)I')'>I~>'>>>'>t/y)'>, ra>)rll>>>yqqxill<<<<
FORPAYMENTOFRETROSPECTIVE flIUMSKnowAllHenByThesePresents, thattheundersigned doherebyacknowledge thattheyarenamedinsuredsundertheMasterPolicydescribed intheaboveCertificate ofInsurance andDeclarations.
,"g r)r'kt~), I rq~/j)l j<<~-.g>>Named Insureds: Florida Power 6 Light Com an (Named Insured-Type or Print)Florida Munici al Power A (Name In ured e or Print)(Signature of Of'f1cer)(SEAL)(Type or Print Name&Title of Officer)Da te: ')E Orlando Uti l i ties Commission of the City f 0 (tiarned insured-Type o'riot)(SEAL)(SEAL)(Signature of Officer),~.IR>>/Jw>~r>>>c>I>->.wrclc'>
ThenamedinsuredsdoherebycovenantwithandareheldandarefirmlyboundtothemembersofMutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters subscribing theMasterPolicy(here-inaftercalledthe"companies")
7.(Type or Print Name&Title of Officer)Date: 3P<')",)".f f I l>l'ill>1>))))I))))))>y">>nr$
topaytothecompanies allretrospective premiumsandallowances forpremiumtaxeswhichshallbecomedueandpayableinaccordance withtheMasterPolicy,asitmaybechangedfromtimetotime,withinterestonsuchpremiumsandallowances fortaxestobecomputedattherateprovidedintheMasterPolicyfromthedatepaymentthereofisspecified tobeduethecompanies inwrittennoticetothefirstnamedinsuredasprovidedinCondition 2oftheMasterPolicyuntilpaid;Anditisherebyexpressly agreedthatcopiesofwrittennoticesofretro-spectivepremiumsandallowances forpremiumtaxesdueandpayableorotherIevidenceofsuchamountsdueandpayablesworntobyadulyauthorized representative ofthe'companies shallbeprimafacieevidenceofthefactandextentoftheliability ofthenamedinsuredsforsuchamounts;Anditisfurtherexpressly agreedthatthenamedinsuredswillindemnify thecompanies againstanyandallliability, lossesandexpensesofwhatsoever kindornature(including butnotlimitedtointerest, courtcosts,andcounselfees)whichthecompanies maysustainorincur(1)byreasonofthefailureofthenamedinsuredstocomplywiththecovenants andprovisions ofthisBondand(2)inenforcing anyofthecovenants orprovisions ofthisBond,oranyIprovisions oftheMasterPolicyrelatingtosuchcovenants orprovisions; Forthepurposeofrecording thisagreement, aphotocopy acknowledged beforeaNotaryPublictobeatruecopyhereofshallberegardedasanori'ginal.
g$x'~(Sig>>ature of Officer)(Type or Print ttame&Title of Officer)Oa te: r>~r>'~~~~~Oh 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF', the companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and th'e Declarations to be signed on their behalf by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.
Page4ofCertificate No.H-9 Thepreceding Certificate ofInsurance, Declarations andBondformapartoftheMast'erPolicy.Cancellation ortermination oftheMasterPolicy'rtheCertificate ofInsurance shallnotaffectthenamedinsured's obligations underthepolicyorthe.Bondtopaytheretrospective premiumsrandallowances forpremiumtaxes,asprovidedinthisCertificate andCondition 2oftheMasterPolicy.INWITNESSWHEREOF,thenamedinsuredshavecausedthisCertificate, theseDeclarations andthisBondforPaymentofRetrospective
Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITFRS BY:.Auth rized Agent Countersigned by Authorized epresentative Subscribin Com anies American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, Wakefield, MA Employers Insurance of Wausau,'Mutual Company, Wausau;WI Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Boston, MA'I Lumbermens'Mut'ual Casualty Company, Long Grove, IL Michigan Mutual Insurance Company, Detroit, MI P Sentry Insurance, A Mutual Company, Stevens Point, WI P ROPORT I ON'F'00/o 15.0000000 15.0000000 30.0000000 30.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 Page 6 of Certificate Certificate Ho.N-89 Forming Part of Haster CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DECLARATIONS AND BOND FOR PAYI'IEHT OF RETROSPECTIVE PREHIUHS Certificate of Insurance'I I This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Haster Policy-Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection), herein called the"Haster Policy", issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association.
: Premiums, tobesignedandsealedbyadulyauthorized officer,tobeeffective asofthetimeanddateoftheinception oftheCertificate period..,qua>>r~>r, AttestorWitness.'""5)'I:I)I')'>I~>'>>>'>t/y)'>,ra>)rll>>>yqqxill<<<<
NO 1)SURANC ISAFF DEDBY HI JOHN L.ROC I VICE PRESID T-LIABILITY UNDERWRITING o icy No.AMERICAN NUCLEAR INSURERS'Such insurance as is provided by the Haster Policy applies, through this certificate, only: (a)to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b)for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations,~bbdd b (1)with respect to which the rimar financial rotection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for/exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Baster Policy, and" (2)which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor Item~i.ldi.'cC l are C'llOnd5 i Bligh HSFC-1 (1/1/83)Page 1 I II II P 1'elf II l<1.II (3)which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than ten years after the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations.
FloridaPower6LightComan(NamedInsured-TypeorPrint)FloridaMunicialPowerA(NameInuredeorPrint)(Signature ofOf'f1cer)
caused by an extraordina'r nuclear occurrence this subparagraph
(SEAL)(TypeorPrintName&TitleofOfficer)Date:')EOrlandoUtilitiesCommission oftheCityf0(tiarnedinsured-Typeo'riot)(SEAL)(SEAL)(Signature ofOfficer),~.IR>>/Jw
()*d I 1 1 1111 dd d d 111 claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinar nucl ear occurrence.
Declarations Item 1.Hamed insureds and addresses: (a)Florida Power 6 Light Company, P,O, Box 529100, Miami',.Florida 33152 (b)Florida Municipal Power Agency, 7200 Lake Ellenor, Orlando, Florida 32809 (c)Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando, 500 South Orange Avenue, P.O.Box 3193, Orlando, Florida 32802 Item 2.Additional insureds: Any other person or organization who would be insured under the rimar financial rotection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such rimar financial 1-""""".Item 3.Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 2 of the St Lucie Plant 1 oca ted in S t.Luc i e Coun ty,'.F I or i,da.Item 4.(a)Identification of rimar financial rotection appl icable to the nuclear reactor and limit(s)of liability thereof: Huclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy HF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters'olicy MF-$36,000,000 Page 2 of Certificate Ho.H-89  
7.(TypeorPrintName&TitleofOfficer)Date:3P<')",)".f fIl>l'ill>1>))))I))))))>y">>nr$
.I (b)The following endorsements, attached to the~rimar financial rotection policies listed in Item 4 (a)also apply to the insurance'fforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were" attached hereto: (1)Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) and (2)Supplementary Endorsement
g$x'~(Sig>>ature ofOfficer)(TypeorPrintttame&TitleofOfficer)Oate:r>~r>'~~~~~Oh 0INWITNESSWHEREOF',
-Waiver of Defenses.-Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c)The limits of liability provided under the rimar financia'1 w p lid'4()b<<hd any other reactor except as follows: U>>t I pf the St.Lucie P]ant Item 5.Limits of Liability:
thecompanies subscribing theMasterPolicyhavecausedtheCertificate ofInsurance andth'eDeclarations tobesignedontheirbehalfbyMutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters tobeeffective asofthetimeanddateoftheinception oftheCertificate period,andcountersigned belowbyadulyauthorized representative.
The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies'on-tingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.-Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning at the same time and date that the Facility Operating License issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the reactor described in Item 3 of this certificate becomes effective and continuing to the effective date f 11 i i i<<h~l<<'l hi certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.Item 7.Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes)payable pursuant to Condition 2 of'he Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident:$3,875,000.
AttestorWitnessFortheSubscribing Companies ofMUTUALATOMICENERGYLIABILITY UNDERWRITFRS BY:.AuthrizedAgentCountersigned byAuthorized epresentative Subscribin ComaniesAmericanMutualLiability Insurance Company,Wakefield, MAEmployers Insurance ofWausau,'MutualCompany,Wausau;WILibertyMutualInsurance Company,Boston,MA'ILumbermens'Mut'ual CasualtyCompany,LongGrove,ILMichiganMutualInsurance Company,Detroit,MIPSentryInsurance, AMutualCompany,StevensPoint,WIPROPORTION'F'00/o15.0000000 15.0000000 30.0000000 30.0000000
Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent.effective date hereof to the end of calendar year 1983: The pro rata portion of$4,650 for the period from the effective date of this certificate to the end of the calendar year during which such effective date occurs.Page 3 of Certificate No.N-89 BOND FOR PAYMENT OF RETROSPECTIVE PREMIUMS Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations.
The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association subscribing the Master Policy (hereinafter called the"companies")to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it~may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date pay-ment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid;And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts;And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees)which the companies may sustain or incur (1)by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2)in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an original.Penn A nf'~rti fir atp Wn.N Aa The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Y<<aster Policy.Cancellation or termination of the l1aster Policy o)the Certificate of Insurance".,hall not aff'ect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.IN'LllTNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period.Attest or i<itness Named Insureds: Florida Power s Li ht Com an (Named Insured-Type or Print)By~-~~'~~(SEAL)(Signature of Officer)/2/1.l3 f ICli C an)fIC I'j CS/i/t.(Type or Print Hame Title of Officer)Date: 3 8 c>&/, (\Florida Municipal Power Agency'Ha ured-Jype, or Print)Ey.'IJ~~UM~~<<
==5.0 000000==
E~EAL)l (Signature of Officer)~~l.A l Er r~.u (Type or Print l'lame 8 Title of Officer)Date:~g y Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando 7.~c (Named nsured-Type~Print)
5.0000000 Page6ofCertificate Certificate Ho.N-89FormingPartofHasterCERTIFICATE OFINSURANCE DECLARATIONS ANDBONDFORPAYI'IEHT OFRETROSPECTIVE PREHIUHSCertificate ofInsurance
Ey~C.(Signature of Officer H.C.(SEAL)(Type or Print,Home 5 Title of Officer).,:~~i~ui-Pace 5 of Certificate No.H-89 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by the President of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.
'IIThisistocertifythatthepersonsandorganizations designated inItem1oftheDeclarations arenamedinsuredsundertheHasterPolicy-NuclearEnergyLiability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection),
Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of NUCLEAR E ERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION BY: Bb t C.Proom, President Countersigned by Authorized Representative Page 6 of Certificate No.N~S 0~t I Ccr~o Ion<CSIn<St CosrAII<<5 Aetsa C~sval ty c 5vrety Co.~The, If<I~re<st<as Avasw, Nor</or4, Cl 04155 A<Ill<~<e~fs Issvrasco ce., cl sesaal~,tar~, t,o, loa 7500, Jess<<as As oljl 5 All<as<<save<see C<>>easy, Cl)$VI lshlr~~Iv4., Los Myel~~, CA)00<4 Alla<~<~so<vivace co., I Alla<~I~4<vvv'I tl~<~, TIA, 5<ve~I Vittles AJ., 5ov<h I~rr lot too, IL 400<0 Pserlcas Now As<erase~Cosr>>syr 70 tlse 5<roe<~Nev lors, Ny 10005 Assr<ceo so<or<~I~lssvrasce Cosps*y, Lrvvt Crore, IL 400t)~I<vair>>vs Caswlty Corpora<los,)10 14th 5<., Aoct I~lava, IL 4<101 Ces<assl~I Is<eras<a C<>>posy, Atlas<lc Ivl I~1st, l5 vali 5<rest~Nev lorE, NT 10005 Co>>>>rct~I Vs<os lass<esca Co,~Osa Cescw 5<rest~lostes,<<A 01<04 Cosset<<tv<
hereincalledthe"HasterPolicy",issuedbyNuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association.
Is4<anl ty Cospasy, lhe, 5 taro 5pr<sjs A4., ye<slat<os, Cl 040)1 Costless<~I C~svalty Co., CNA tl~<e, CA<cato, IL 4044$Costless<~I<ssvrasce Co.~The, 1 Corporate tlace Sooth, tl sca<awy.NJ 044$l yeas<el<ssvrasce Co.,$1 Jo<vs t.cassecy tarEvay, 5<>>rt VII'NJ 07074 Flrrses''yvs4 I<lsvrasco Cess>>slate t 0 loa 777~Nova<or CA jtj)4 Cess<a<Acclpesc Is<vivace Coapasy ol Jr>>rica.EIL Vol<set 51~thllaaalpsl
~~tA l)10$Ceseral Issvrasca Coaowy ol Jr>>i<ca, 5~Ieco tlu~t~e~, 5eattla~VA)414$Assever Issvrast~Co..T<>>r Lto Llscols 5C., VoiC~~t~r.<sa OICOS Naftlo<4 Ate<ceo<as4 lsaeevstty Co~Thar Nertfaro tl~<~~Nartlo<4r CT 04'11$harl<ore St<as lOI ler Isst.C 1st, Co.~Ther SC tro<teCt 5t~, Nartfer4, CT 04101 N<thlasas lssvresco Co, COO Je<Cerws St.~Nr>>stoa, TK 77001 I soess I I'y CO~Tl>>r 5 5 Na 14es Lass~Nev yeih~Ny 100)4 Is<vivace Co.ol North Awrlaa, Clo CICNA, IQ tocselelter tl~ta.Nev To<A, NT 10010 Sstieoolltas trot C Lish Is<siesta CO~11$haloes Lai>>r 5vl<a 1100.Nav TOrt, NT 100)4 r<I~sloe<ssvrasce Cospasy, ICOI vl<shire~Iv4., Los pote<as, CA)00$7 rsrv>>reh Issvrweo Co.ol Ohio, Ihe.I j AaCIar St., Nev yorh~NT 10004 No<or<<ssvrasco Corporal lwl)QLL Vast Cras4~lvc.~Oelrel I~r<I L4101<>>r<<a>>stars N~I<assi Issviasse Cosoasyr 7)l Ner Jest<os 5t~~Nllr>>vtee, Vl$)101 Ohio Ca<wlty lssvrasco Corp<>>y, 1he, I)C<>>rlh Thlro 5t~Neo<I<os, or<L$01$tatlllc<sos>>slty Co.,$1 Johs F.Tssneoy tarhwy.Short Mlle.NJ 07074 protect<vs lssvrasce Co,,)100 North<sar<alas 5<,~Is4lesaaoll
NO1)SURANCISAFFDEDBYHIJOHNL.ROCIVICEPRESIDT-LIABILITY UNDERWRITING oicyNo.AMERICANNUCLEARINSURERS'Suchinsurance asisprovidedbytheHasterPolicyapplies,throughthiscertificate, only:(a)totheinsuredsidentified inItems1and2oftheDeclarations, (b)forthecertificate periodstatedinItem6oftheDeclarations,
~, IN l4104 trovlcesce Vs<hier<<os lssvrasce Co,, 10 Vashlsttos tlaca, trovlaesce,'Al 01)O)set<esca Issvrasce cospasy, E toss caster ts~<~, thl laaelphl~, tA ljlo)coral lssvrasce Covr>>sy ol hear<ca, 1$0 Vill lao 5<rest, Nev Ta<E, NT 100)4 5<tavl flic C Sar<so Is~Co)4$Vs<hist<os 51~51 tavl~M$5101 5<sar>>ia Svrety Co ,)0 Vill<as 51,, Nev Ters, NT 100)4 5<ate ters/lie C Ca<wily Crvesasyr lll Ce<C Vs<A<st<as 51'Clove<st<ass IL 41701 Trassawrlca
~bbddb(1)withrespecttowhichtherimarfinancial rotection described inItem4oftheDeclarations wouldapplybutfor/exhaustion ofitslimitofliability asdescribed inCondition 6oftheBasterPolicy,and"(2)whichiscausedduringthecertificate periodstatedinItem6oftheDeclarations byanuclearincidentarisingoutoforinconnection withthenuclearreactordescribed
<ssviasco Cess>>syr t.o.Soa 5<1)C..Los Jsoet~s~CA)0051'<reassort
.inItem~i.ldi.'cC lareC'llOnd5iBlighHSFC-1(1/1/83)Page1 IIIIIP1'elfIIl<1.II (3)whichisdiscovered andforwhichwrittenclaimismadeagainsttheinsurednotlaterthantenyearsaftertheendofthecertificate periodstatedinItem6oftheDeclarations.
<s4esslty Cess>>sy,)470 Vl I<hire llvc.~Los Asset~~, CA)0010 Travelers<soe>>stty Cavpasy, I<>>, 0>>lowr Scvare, Neat<a<4, CT OCI IS Vs<te4 5tete<114etlty as4 Cwrasty CO.r ll)4, Salt<sore,<O 1110), vol<ac 5<~I~s tire Is<via*ca Co.~t.o.loa 1)47,<<arrl~<ress, NJ 07140 vslvsrsal vsaer r<tais Issviasce Co,.5<15 Oac Stree\.casse<Cl<y.NO CL<ll lvr les<ssvresce Co., l)I so.sar<lass<~A4..5<<>>vwvrt, IL COISC NC 4)tssrosl<ov Oi<001 4.4E<04)~151501 I)E7110 L.1100)0.44EIOC , L1100).~1100)~151401).)l401E.Ll 1 00)E.1100)0 7~744SSS I,$15411 5.)444)4 I,)<7110 I.CC<011.50$10l C.))Co<4 ,$0$10E.))5401).70<414\,44)C)$I, CCEO<1 50$10E.))5407 , I CCIO I.C))50$, IC4101.))C401.04EIOI.144EOI I.0 I OE07).)540)L l.)C)111.ICC\ol ,4<100C ,4<1004.05<101 10.)<4074<O.CO)170 1.774410 ,<54<01 1.1C)00)
causedbyanextraordina'r nuclearoccurrence thissubparagraph
Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION SPECIF ICATION OF CERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATE AND PREMIUM ENDORSEHENT It is agreed that: 1.The United States Nuclear the insureds name in Item License No.NPF-16.for the reactor described certificate.
()*dI111111dddd111claimismadeagainsttheinsurednotlaterthantwentyyearsafterthedateoftheextraordinar nuclearoccurrence.
Regulatory Commission has issued to 1 of the Declarations Operating effective A ri I'1 8 in Item 3 o the Declarations of t e 2.Item 6 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:
Declarations Item1.Hamedinsuredsandaddresses:
Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning A ri1 6 1 8 and continuing to the effective date and time of cancellation or termination of the Mast~er lblic or this Certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.3.Item 8 of the Declarations of the'Certifi~cat is deleted and replaced by the following:
(a)FloridaPower6LightCompany,P,O,Box529100,Miami',.Florida33152(b)FloridaMunicipal PowerAgency,7200LakeEllenor,Orlando,Florida32809(c)OrlandoUtilities Commission oftheCityofOrlando,500SouthOrangeAvenue,P.O.Box3193,Orlando,Florida32802Item2.Additional insureds:
Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for" the companies'ontingent liability described in Condition 4 of the Master Polic from the effective date hereo to t e en of calendar 8': la~4.Ta form a pan pi Certifimte No." Issued to This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made a part of the certificate for NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY PO CY(Secondary Financial Protection) as designa ed hereon.o Insuran is afforded hereunder.
Anyotherpersonororganization whowouldbeinsuredundertherimarfinancial rotection identified inItem4oftheDeclarations butforexhaustion ofthelimitofliability ofsuchrimarfinancial 1-""""".Item3.Description andlocationofnuclearreactor:Unit2oftheStLuciePlant1ocatedinSt.LucieCounty,'.FIori,da.Item4.(a)Identification ofrimarfinancial rotection applicabletothenuclearreactorandlimit(s)ofliability thereof:HuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association's PolicyHF-227$124,000,000 MutualAtomicEnergyLiability Underwriters'olicy MF-$36,000,000 Page2ofCertificate Ho.H-89  
John LE attrocchi, ice Pre t Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement A ril 6 183 I2.31 A.M.Standard Time Florida Power and Light Company Date of Issue A r i 1 18, 1983~or the su criblng co pantts Endor ement No Countrlrstttned by tmenoral Manager
.I(b)Thefollowing endorsements, attachedtothe~rimarfinancial rotection policieslistedinItem4(a)alsoapplytotheinsurance'fforded bytheMasterPolicythroughthiscertificate asthoughtheywere"attachedhereto:(1)WaiverofDefensesEndorsement (Extraordinary NuclearOccurrence) and(2)Supplementary Endorsement
'l s h~/E7}}
-ReactorConstruction attheFacility, (c)Thelimitsofliability providedundertherimarfinancia'1 wplid'4()b<<hdanyotherreactorexceptasfollows:U>>tIpftheSt.LucieP]antItem5.LimitsofLiability:
Theamountofretrospective premiumactuallyreceivedbythecompanies plustheamountofthecompanies'on-tingentliability, ifany,pursuanttoConditions 2,3and4oftheMasterPolicy.-Item6.Certificate Period:Beginning atthesametimeanddatethattheFacilityOperating LicenseissuedbytheUnitedStatesNuclearRegulatory Commission forthereactordescribed inItem3ofthiscertificate becomeseffective andcontinuing totheeffective datef11iii<<h~l<<'lhicertificate, whichever firstoccurs,easternstandardtime.Item7.Maximumretrospective premium(exclusive ofallowance forpremiumtaxes)payablepursuanttoCondition 2of'heMasterPolicywithrespecttoeachnuclearincident:
.effective datehereoftotheendofcalendaryear1983:Theprorataportionof$4,650fortheperiodfromtheeffective dateofthiscertificate totheendofthecalendaryearduringwhichsucheffective dateoccurs.Page3ofCertificate No.N-89 BONDFORPAYMENTOFRETROSPECTIVE PREMIUMSKnowAllMenByThesePresents, thattheundersigned doherebyacknowledge thattheyarenamedinsuredsundertheMasterPolicydescribed intheaboveCertificate ofInsurance andDeclarations.
ThenamedinsuredsdoherebycovenantwithandareheldandarefirmlyboundtothemembersofNuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association subscribing theMasterPolicy(hereinafter calledthe"companies"
)topaytothecompanies allretrospective premiumsandallowances forpremiumtaxeswhichshallbecomedueandpayableinaccordance withtheMasterPolicy,asit~maybechangedfromtimetotime,withinterestonsuchpremiumsandallowances fortaxestobecomputedattherateprovidedintheMasterPolicyfromthedatepay-mentthereofisspecified tobeduethecompanies inwrittennoticetothefirstnamedinsuredasprovidedinCondition 2oftheMasterPolicyuntilpaid;Anditisherebyexpressly agreedthatcopiesofwrittennoticesofretro-spectivepremiumsandallowances forpremiumtaxesdueandpayableorotherevidenceofsuchamountsdueandpayablesworntobyadulyauthorized representative ofthecompanies shallbeprimafacieevidenceofthefactandextentoftheliability ofthenamedinsuredsforsuchamounts;Anditisfurtherexpressly agreedthatthenamedinsuredswillindemnify thecompanies againstanyandallliability, lossesandexpensesofwhatsoever kindornature(including butnotlimitedtointerest, courtcosts,andcounselfees)whichthecompanies maysustainorincur(1)byreasonofthefailureofthenamedinsuredstocomplywiththecovenants andprovisions ofthisBondand(2)inenforcing anyofthecovenants orprovisions ofthisBond,oranyprovisions oftheMasterPolicyrelatingtosuchcovenants orprovisions; Forthepurposeofrecording thisagreement, aphotocopy acknowledged beforeaNotaryPublictobeatruecopyhereofshallberegardedasanoriginal.
PennAnf'~rtifiratpWn.NAa Thepreceding Certificate ofInsurance, Declarations andBondformapartoftheY<<asterPolicy.Cancellation ortermination ofthel1asterPolicyo)theCertificate ofInsurance
".,hallnotaff'ectthenamedinsured's obligations underthepolicyortheBondtopaytheretrospective premiumsandallowances forpremiumtaxes,asprovidedinthisCertificate andCondition 2oftheMasterPolicy.IN'LllTNESS WHEREOF,thenamedinsuredshavecausedthisCertificate, theseDeclarations andthisBondforPaymentofRetrospective
: Premiums, tobesignedandsealedbyadulyauthorized officer,tobeeffective asofthetimeanddateoftheinception oftheCertificate period.Attestori<itnessNamedInsureds:
FloridaPowersLihtComan(NamedInsured-TypeorPrint)By~-~~'~~(SEAL)(Signature ofOfficer)/2/1.l3fICliCan)fICI'jCS/i/t.(TypeorPrintHameTitleofOfficer)Date:38c>&/,(\FloridaMunicipal PowerAgency'Ha ured-Jype,orPrint)Ey.'IJ~~UM~~<<
E~EAL)l(Signature ofOfficer)~~l.AlErr~.u(TypeorPrintl'lame8TitleofOfficer)Date:~gyOrlandoUtilities Commission oftheCityofOrlando7.~c(Namednsured-Type~Print)
Ey~C.(Signature ofOfficerH.C.(SEAL)(TypeorPrint,Home 5TitleofOfficer).,:~~i~ui-Pace5ofCertificate No.H-89 INWITNESSWHEREOF,thecompanies subscribing theMasterPolicyhavecausedtheCertificate ofInsurance andtheDeclarations tobesignedontheirbehalfbythePresident ofNuclearEnergyLiability Insurance Association tobeeffective asofthetimeanddateoftheinception oftheCertificate period,andcountersigned belowbyadulyauthorized representative.
AttestorWitnessFortheSubscribing Companies ofNUCLEAREERGYLIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION BY:BbtC.Proom,President Countersigned byAuthorized Representative Page6ofCertificate No.N~S 0~tI Ccr~oIon<CSIn<StCosrAII<<5 AetsaC~svaltyc5vretyCo.~The,If<I~re<st<asAvasw,Nor</or4, Cl04155A<Ill<~<e~fsIssvrasco ce.,clsesaal~,tar~,t,o,loa7500,Jess<<asAsoljl5All<as<<save<seeC<>>easy,Cl)$VIlshlr~~Iv4.,LosMyel~~,CA)00<4Alla<~<~so<vivace co.,IAlla<~I~4<vvv'Itl~<~,TIA,5<ve~IVittlesAJ.,5ov<hI~rrlottoo,IL400<0PserlcasNowAs<erase~Cosr>>syr70tlse5<roe<~Nevlors,Ny10005Assr<ceoso<or<~I~lssvrasce Cosps*y,LrvvtCrore,IL400t)~I<vair>>vs CaswltyCorpora<los,
)1014th5<.,AoctI~lava,IL4<101Ces<assl~IIs<eras<a C<>>posy,Atlas<lcIvlI~1st,l5vali5<rest~NevlorE,NT10005Co>>>>rct~IVs<oslass<esca Co,~OsaCescw5<rest~lostes,<<A01<04Cosset<<tv<
Is4<anltyCospasy,lhe,5taro5pr<sjsA4.,ye<slat<os, Cl040)1Costless<
~I<ssvrasce Co.~The,1Corporate tlaceSooth,tlsca<awy.NJ044$lyeas<el<ssvrasce Co.,$1Jo<vst.cassecytarEvay,5<>>rtVII'NJ07074Flrrses''yvs4I<lsvrasco Cess>>slate t0loa777~Nova<orCAjtj)4Cess<a<AcclpescIs<vivace CoapasyolJr>>rica.EILVol<set51~thllaaalpsl
~~tAl)10$CeseralIssvrasca CoaowyolJr>>i<ca,5~Iecotlu~t~e~,5eattla~VA)414$AsseverIssvrast~Co..T<>>rLtoLlscols5C.,VoiC~~t~r.<saOICOSNaftlo<4Ate<ceo<as4lsaeevstty Co~TharNertfarotl~<~~Nartlo<4r CT04'11$harl<oreSt<aslOIlerIsst.C1st,Co.~TherSCtro<teCt5t~,Nartfer4, CT04101N<thlasas lssvresco Co,COOJe<CerwsSt.~Nr>>stoa,TK77001IsoessII'yCO~Tl>>r55Na14esLass~Nevyeih~Ny100)4Is<vivace Co.olNorthAwrlaa,CloCICNA,IQtocselelter tl~ta.NevTo<A,NT10010Sstieoolltas trotCLishIs<siesta CO~11$haloesLai>>r5vl<a1100.NavTOrt,NT100)4r<I~sloe<ssvrasce Cospasy,ICOIvl<shire~Iv4.,Lospote<as,CA)00$7rsrv>>rehIssvrweoCo.olOhio,Ihe.IjAaCIarSt.,Nevyorh~NT10004No<or<<ssvrasco Corporallwl)QLLVastCras4~lvc.~OelrelI~r<IL4101<>>r<<a>>stars N~I<assiIssviasse Cosoasyr7)lNerJest<os5t~~Nllr>>vtee, Vl$)101OhioCa<wltylssvrasco Corp<>>y,1he,I)C<>>rlhThlro5t~Neo<I<os, or<L$01$tatlllc<sos>>slty Co.,$1JohsF.Tssneoytarhwy.ShortMlle.NJ07074protect<vs lssvrasce Co,,)100North<sar<alas 5<,~Is4lesaaoll
~,INl4104trovlcesce Vs<hier<<os lssvrasce Co,,10Vashlsttos tlaca,trovlaesce,
'Al01)O)set<escaIssvrasce cospasy,Etosscasterts~<~,thllaaelphl~,tAljlo)corallssvrasce Covr>>syolhear<ca,1$0Villlao5<rest,NevTa<E,NT100)45<tavlflicCSar<soIs~Co)4$Vs<hist<os 51~51tavl~M$51015<sar>>iaSvretyCo,)0Vill<as51,,NevTers,NT100)45<ateters/lieCCa<wilyCrvesasyr lllCe<CVs<A<st<as 51'Clove<st<ass IL41701Trassawrlca
<ssviasco Cess>>syrt.o.Soa5<1)C..LosJsoet~s~CA)0051'<reassort
<s4esslty Cess>>sy,)470VlI<hirellvc.~LosAsset~~,CA)0010Travelers
<soe>>stty Cavpasy,I<>>,0>>lowrScvare,Neat<a<4, CTOCIISVs<te45tete<114etltyas4CwrastyCO.rt.o.ball)4,Salt<sore,
<O1110),vol<ac5<~I~stireIs<via*ca Co.~t.o.loa1)47,<<arrl~<ress,NJ07140vslvsrsal vsaerr<taisIssviasce Co,.5<15OacStree\.casse<Cl<y.NOCL<lllvrles<ssvresce Co.,l)Iso.sar<lass<
~A4..5<<>>vwvrt, ILCOISCNC4)tssrosl<ov Oi<0014.4E<04)~151501I)E7110L.1100)0.44EIOC,L1100).~1100)~151401).)l401E.Ll100)E.1100)07~744SSSI,$154115.)444)4I,)<7110I.CC<011.50$10lC.))Co<4,$0$10E.))5401).70<414\,44)C)$I,CCEO<150$10E.))5407,ICCIOI.C))50$,IC4101.))C401.04EIOI.144EOII.0IOE07).)540)Ll.)C)111.ICC\ol,4<100C,4<1004.05<10110.)<4074<O.CO)170 1.774410,<54<011.1C)00)
NuclearEnergyLiability Insurance NUCLEARENERGYLIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION SPECIFICATIONOFCERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATEANDPREMIUMENDORSEHENT Itisagreedthat:1.TheUnitedStatesNucleartheinsuredsnameinItemLicenseNo.NPF-16.forthereactordescribed certificate.
Regulatory Commission hasissuedto1oftheDeclarations Operating effective AriI'18inItem3otheDeclarations ofte2.Item6oftheDeclarations oftheCertificate isdeletedandreplacedbythefollowing:
Item6.Certificate Period:Beginning Ari1618andcontinuing totheeffective dateandtimeofcancellation ortermination oftheMast~erlblicorthisCertificate, whichever firstoccurs,easternstandardtime.3.Item8oftheDeclarations ofthe'Certifi~cat isdeletedandreplacedbythefollowing:
Item8.Portionoftheannualpremiumpayablefor"thecompanies'ontingent liability described inCondition 4oftheMasterPolicfromtheeffective datehereototeenofcalendar8':la~4.TaformapanpiCertifimte No."IssuedtoThisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalEndorsement havingtheendorsement numberandbeingmadeapartofthecertificate forNUCLEARENERGYLIABILITY POCY(Secondary Financial Protection) asdesignaedhereon.oInsuranisaffordedhereunder.
JohnLEattrocchi, icePretLiability Underwriting AmericanNuclearInsurersEffective DateofthisEndorsement Aril6183I2.31A.M.StandardTimeFloridaPowerandLightCompanyDateofIssueAri118,1983~orthesucriblngcopanttsEndorementNoCountrlrstttned bytmenoralManager

Revision as of 18:41, 7 July 2018

Forwards Endorsement 1 to Nelia Certificate N-89 & Maelu Certificate M-89
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/1983
From: DUCK J R
NUDOCS 8305030379
Download: ML17213B331 (25)





'St;~Lucie Planti Uniit 2<'Florida Power I Light Co,'AUTH~NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ,DUOKi J~'R~Marsh L McLennani Ines'RBCIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION


~Assistant Director for State 8 licensee Relations"SUBJECTS Forwards'Endorsement 1 to NEL1A Cer tificate N 89 5 MAELU>Cer-ti f i cate.M 89~.DISTRISUTION CODE~.M0018 iCOPIES iRECEXVED:LTR,.


" I 0 (I II If, fflh H Hrf Hr, e A H I'(r(PI H f((I r~g I (f 1 I I if<<<r'e((i P I ((1 H B ((I (l(I I r H f (II f(l(0 H I j, (r I(,f ff H (r lf Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 1300 San lacinto Tower 2121 San Jacinto Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 April 25, 1983 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State&Licensee'elations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie Unit 2 Secondary Financial Protection ANI/MAELU Certificates N-89 and M-89 Endorsements II1 CERTIFIED COPIES

Dear Jerry:

Enclosed for your records are the following items-pertaining to the Florida Power'Light" Company Plant St..Lucie Unit 2 Secondary Financial Protection'ertificates'-89 and M-89: 1.Two'ertified copies each of ANI Certificate N-89 and MAELU Certificate M-89 (7'pages each)'.2.Two certified copies each of ANI Endorsement 81 to N-89 and MAELU Endorsement

/31 to M-89 which are the'ffective Date and Premium Endorsements; Very truly yours, John R.Duck, Jr.Assistant Vice President M&M Nuclear Consultants

~oo]cc: R.E.Hinds A.R.Swain G.M.Florence Enclosure 8305030379 830425 PDR i*DOCK'05000389 J'PDR~'

Q NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMlC ENERGY LlABILITY UNDERWRITERS Q C 5 O)44 0 O)IO O N 0 L~Q QI4 L'D~CL 44 I4)L~ID 0~-IO 0~O)C~-M ID O)Q)~L 0 LI4-u Qo O)L O).4I L O)IO'0 CLC 0 I4 0 O)Q IO,0 D O)L o)c/l 0 CL D~I4 O ID>I4-0 E CD ID D)FU N Di-O~5 0 4J J3 O)SPECIFICATION OF CERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATE AND PR EN IUN'NDORS BIE NT It is agreed that: 1.The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued to the insureds name in Item 1 of the Declarations Operating License No.'PF-16 effective April 6, 1983 f t<<iRdi It'certificate.

Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning Apr>>6 1983 g<<t ff i d t, i i t~P 1i or this Certificate, whichever first occurs,, eastern standard time.4J C O)IO Ql C ID N ION LC)N N O)c(C E A 4J 3 Q C>Z O)N 0 O)3.Item 8 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:

C a~N 4J 0 L CB CC I4)~Z C I4)0 ID 4I 5 E~D)II N~L 0 L g O)C 0 O)O)i0 3', Q L Q L ID O)L O)O)O>C 0 D LIOW cC O)3 Z 4J IO C~-IO D UI U~0~~D N C D O)M ID 0)Q~I 0 4-Io Effective Dato of this'Endorsement Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent liability described in Condition 4 of the Haster Policy from the effective date hereof to the,end of calendar year 1983: '$'999;00 Q O)4J N~Ch C N~~)ID To form n part of Certificate No.V-89 April 6, 1983 Florida Power and Light Company Issuo to Dato of Issu A ri1 18 1 8 2.Item 6 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:

For tho Suhscrihinl; Compnnies MI UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIA ILITY U FRiVIIITLRS Dy Endorsement No.Coun torsi)!ned 1)y h IITII()IIIZKII


NO UABILITY I SURANGE (INSURANG ISA 08 Hl 4 JOHN L ROGGHI VICE PRESIOENT-I.IABlLITY UNDERWRITING AMERICAN NUCLEAR INSURERS Certificate of Insurance This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Master Policy-Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection), herein called the"Master Policy", issued by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwri ters.Such insurance as is provided by the Master Policy applies, through this certificate, only: (a)to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Oeclar'ations, (b)for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations, (1)with respect to which the r imar financial rotection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for exhaustion of.its limit of liability as described in Condition 3 6 of the Master Policy, and (2)which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of, the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor described in Item 3 of the Declarations, and MSFC-1 (1/1/83)Page I 0 4.hq" 1 I'R I'ly, II) 8 (3)which is discovered and for which written claim is)))ade against the io.,u)ed not later'han ten years aft(.r the end of the certificate 1)eriod state(1 in item 6 of the Declaration".

llowever, wi th respect to bodily inj~()r or proI)~ert d~aion(e caused by an extraor(linarv nucleal occurrence this sul)ps)r<)graph (3)shall not operate to bar coverage for~bodil In)inr-or~ro crt~dogma e which is discovered and for which written claim is made against after the date of the the insured not later than twenty years extraordinar nuclear occurrence.

Decl ara tions Item 1.Named insureds and addresses: (a)Florida Power 8 Light Company, P.O.Box 529100, Miami, Florida 33152'(b)Florida Municipal Power Agency, 7200 Lake Ellenor, Orlando Florida 32809 (c)Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando, 500 South Orange Avenue, P.O.Box 3193, Orlando, Florida 32802 Item 2.Additional insureds: Any other person or organization who would be insured under the rimar financial rotection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such rimar financial ItEm 3.Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 2 of the St.Lucie Plant located in St.Lucie County, Florida.v Item 4.(a)Identification of~rimar financial rotection applicable to the nuclear reactor and limit(s)of liability thereof: t/uclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy t(F-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters'olicy MF-88$36,000,000 Page 7 of Certifics1te tlo.M-8(L (b)The fol>ng endorsements, attached to 1%~rimar financial rotection policies listed in Item 4 (a)also apply to the insurance afforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were attached hereto: (1)Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) and (2)Supplementary Endorsement

-Waiver of Defenses-Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c)The limits of liability provided under the rimar financial P lf1 1 1'if)h d>>lh any other reactor except as follows: Unit 1 of the st.iucie piant.Item 5.Limits'of Li.ability:

The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies'ontingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.Item 6: Certificate Period: Beginning at the same time and date that the Facility Operating License issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the reactor described in Item 3 of this certificate becomes effective and continuing to the effective date h d 1 1 11 1 1 1 f h~hfi hl certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.Item 7.-Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes)payable pursuant to Condition 2 of the Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident:$1,125,000 Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent hill d*lb d 1 C dl 1'I 1 1~fi f 1 effective date hereof to the end of calendar year>983: The pro rata portion of$1,350.00 for the period from the effective date of this certificate to the end of the calendar year during which such effective 1 date occurs.Page 3 of Certificate No.M-89 0 4~'

FOR PAYMENT OF RETROSPECTIVE flIUMS Know All Hen By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations.

The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters subscribing the Master Policy (here-inafter called the"companies")

to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date payment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid;And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other I evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the'companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts;And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees)which the companies may sustain or incur (1)by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2)in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any I provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an ori'ginal.

Page 4 of Certificate No.H-9 The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Mast'er Policy.Cancellation or termination of the Master Policy'r the Certificate of Insurance shall not affect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the.Bond to pay the retrospective premiums r and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period..,qua>>r~>r, Attest or Witness.'""5)'I:I)I')'>I~>'>>>'>t/y)'>, ra>)rll>>>yqqxill<<<<

,"g r)r'kt~), I rq~/j)l j<<~-.g>>Named Insureds: Florida Power 6 Light Com an (Named Insured-Type or Print)Florida Munici al Power A (Name In ured e or Print)(Signature of Of'f1cer)(SEAL)(Type or Print Name&Title of Officer)Da te: ')E Orlando Uti l i ties Commission of the City f 0 (tiarned insured-Type o'riot)(SEAL)(SEAL)(Signature of Officer),~.IR>>/Jw>~r>>>c>I>->.wrclc'>

7.(Type or Print Name&Title of Officer)Date: 3P<')",)".f f I l>l'ill>1>))))I))))))>y">>nr$

g$x'~(Sig>>ature of Officer)(Type or Print ttame&Title of Officer)Oa te: r>~r>'~~~~~Oh 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF', the companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and th'e Declarations to be signed on their behalf by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.

Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITFRS BY:.Auth rized Agent Countersigned by Authorized epresentative Subscribin Com anies American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, Wakefield, MA Employers Insurance of Wausau,'Mutual Company, Wausau;WI Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Boston, MA'I Lumbermens'Mut'ual Casualty Company, Long Grove, IL Michigan Mutual Insurance Company, Detroit, MI P Sentry Insurance, A Mutual Company, Stevens Point, WI P ROPORT I ON'F'00/o 15.0000000 15.0000000 30.0000000 30.0000000 5.0000000 5.0000000 Page 6 of Certificate Certificate Ho.N-89 Forming Part of Haster CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DECLARATIONS AND BOND FOR PAYI'IEHT OF RETROSPECTIVE PREHIUHS Certificate of Insurance'I I This is to certify that the persons and organizations designated in Item 1 of the Declarations are named insureds under the Haster Policy-Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance (Secondary Financial Protection), herein called the"Haster Policy", issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association.


NO 1)SURANC ISAFF DEDBY HI JOHN L.ROC I VICE PRESID T-LIABILITY UNDERWRITING o icy No.AMERICAN NUCLEAR INSURERS'Such insurance as is provided by the Haster Policy applies, through this certificate, only: (a)to the insureds identified in Items 1 and 2 of the Declarations, (b)for the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations,~bbdd b (1)with respect to which the rimar financial rotection described in Item 4 of the Declarations would apply but for/exhaustion of its limit of liability as described in Condition 6 of the Baster Policy, and" (2)which is caused during the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations by a nuclear incident arising out of or in connection with the nuclear reactor Item~i.ldi.'cC l are C'llOnd5 i Bligh HSFC-1 (1/1/83)Page 1 I II II P 1'elf II l<1.II (3)which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than ten years after the end of the certificate period stated in Item 6 of the Declarations.

caused by an extraordina'r nuclear occurrence this subparagraph

()*d I 1 1 1111 dd d d 111 claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinar nucl ear occurrence.

Declarations Item 1.Hamed insureds and addresses: (a)Florida Power 6 Light Company, P,O, Box 529100, Miami',.Florida 33152 (b)Florida Municipal Power Agency, 7200 Lake Ellenor, Orlando, Florida 32809 (c)Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando, 500 South Orange Avenue, P.O.Box 3193, Orlando, Florida 32802 Item 2.Additional insureds: Any other person or organization who would be insured under the rimar financial rotection identified in Item 4 of the Declarations but for exhaustion of the limit of liability of such rimar financial 1-""""".Item 3.Description and location of nuclear reactor: Unit 2 of the St Lucie Plant 1 oca ted in S t.Luc i e Coun ty,'.F I or i,da.Item 4.(a)Identification of rimar financial rotection appl icable to the nuclear reactor and limit(s)of liability thereof: Huclear Energy Liability Insurance Association's Policy HF-227$124,000,000 Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters'olicy MF-$36,000,000 Page 2 of Certificate Ho.H-89

.I (b)The following endorsements, attached to the~rimar financial rotection policies listed in Item 4 (a)also apply to the insurance'fforded by the Master Policy through this certificate as though they were" attached hereto: (1)Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) and (2)Supplementary Endorsement

-Waiver of Defenses.-Reactor Construction at the Facility, (c)The limits of liability provided under the rimar financia'1 w p lid'4()b<<hd any other reactor except as follows: U>>t I pf the St.Lucie P]ant Item 5.Limits of Liability:

The amount of retrospective premium actually received by the companies plus the amount of the companies'on-tingent liability, if any, pursuant to Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of the Master Policy.-Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning at the same time and date that the Facility Operating License issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the reactor described in Item 3 of this certificate becomes effective and continuing to the effective date f 11 i i i<<h~l<<'l hi certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.Item 7.Maximum retrospective premium (exclusive of allowance for premium taxes)payable pursuant to Condition 2 of'he Master Policy with respect to each nuclear incident:$3,875,000.

Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for the companies'ontingent.effective date hereof to the end of calendar year 1983: The pro rata portion of$4,650 for the period from the effective date of this certificate to the end of the calendar year during which such effective date occurs.Page 3 of Certificate No.N-89 BOND FOR PAYMENT OF RETROSPECTIVE PREMIUMS Know All Men By These Presents, that the undersigned do hereby acknowledge that they are named insureds under the Master Policy described in the above Certificate of Insurance and Declarations.

The named insureds do hereby covenant with and are held and are firmly bound to the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association subscribing the Master Policy (hereinafter called the"companies")to pay to the companies all retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes which shall become due and payable in accordance with the Master Policy, as it~may be changed from time to time, with interest on such premiums and allowances for taxes to be computed at the rate provided in the Master Policy from the date pay-ment thereof is specified to be due the companies in written notice to the first named insured as provided in Condition 2 of the Master Policy until paid;And it is hereby expressly agreed that copies of written notices of retro-spective premiums and allowances for premium taxes due and payable or other evidence of such amounts due and payable sworn to by a duly authorized representative of the companies shall be prima facie evidence of the fact and extent of the liability of the named insureds for such amounts;And it is further expressly agreed that the named insureds will indemnify the companies against any and all liability, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including but not limited to interest, court costs, and counsel fees)which the companies may sustain or incur (1)by reason of the failure of the named insureds to comply with the covenants and provisions of this Bond and (2)in enforcing any of the covenants or provisions of this Bond, or any provisions of the Master Policy relating to such covenants or provisions; For the purpose of recording this agreement, a photocopy acknowledged before a Notary Public to be a true copy hereof shall be regarded as an original.Penn A nf'~rti fir atp Wn.N Aa The preceding Certificate of Insurance, Declarations and Bond form a part of the Y<<aster Policy.Cancellation or termination of the l1aster Policy o)the Certificate of Insurance".,hall not aff'ect the named insured's obligations under the policy or the Bond to pay the retrospective premiums and allowances for premium taxes, as provided in this Certificate and Condition 2 of the Master Policy.IN'LllTNESS WHEREOF, the named insureds have caused this Certificate, these Declarations and this Bond for Payment of Retrospective Premiums, to be signed and sealed by a duly authorized officer, to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period.Attest or i<itness Named Insureds: Florida Power s Li ht Com an (Named Insured-Type or Print)By~-~~'~~(SEAL)(Signature of Officer)/2/1.l3 f ICli C an)fIC I'j CS/i/t.(Type or Print Hame Title of Officer)Date: 3 8 c>&/, (\Florida Municipal Power Agency'Ha ured-Jype, or Print)Ey.'IJ~~UM~~<<

E~EAL)l (Signature of Officer)~~l.A l Er r~.u (Type or Print l'lame 8 Title of Officer)Date:~g y Orlando Utilities Commission of the City of Orlando 7.~c (Named nsured-Type~Print)

Ey~C.(Signature of Officer H.C.(SEAL)(Type or Print,Home 5 Title of Officer).,:~~i~ui-Pace 5 of Certificate No.H-89 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the companies subscribing the Master Policy have caused the Certificate of Insurance and the Declarations to be signed on their behalf by the President of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association to be effective as of the time and date of the inception of the Certificate period, and countersigned below by a duly authorized representative.

Attest or Witness For the Subscribing Companies of NUCLEAR E ERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION BY: Bb t C.Proom, President Countersigned by Authorized Representative Page 6 of Certificate No.N~S 0~t I Ccr~o Ion<CSIn<St CosrAII<<5 Aetsa C~sval ty c 5vrety Co.~The, If<I~re<st<as Avasw, Nor</or4, Cl 04155 A<Ill<~<e~fs Issvrasco ce., cl sesaal~,tar~, t,o, loa 7500, Jess<<as As oljl 5 All<as<<save<see C<>>easy, Cl)$VI lshlr~~Iv4., Los Myel~~, CA)00<4 Alla<~<~so<vivace co., I Alla<~I~4<vvv'I tl~<~, TIA, 5<ve~I Vittles AJ., 5ov<h I~rr lot too, IL 400<0 Pserlcas Now As<erase~Cosr>>syr 70 tlse 5<roe<~Nev lors, Ny 10005 Assr<ceo so<or<~I~lssvrasce Cosps*y, Lrvvt Crore, IL 400t)~I<vair>>vs Caswlty Corpora<los,)10 14th 5<., Aoct I~lava, IL 4<101 Ces<assl~I Is<eras<a C<>>posy, Atlas<lc Ivl I~1st, l5 vali 5<rest~Nev lorE, NT 10005 Co>>>>rct~I Vs<os lass<esca Co,~Osa Cescw 5<rest~lostes,<<A 01<04 Cosset<<tv<

Is4<anl ty Cospasy, lhe, 5 taro 5pr<sjs A4., ye<slat<os, Cl 040)1 Costless<~I C~svalty Co., CNA tl~<e, CA<cato, IL 4044$Costless<~I<ssvrasce Co.~The, 1 Corporate tlace Sooth, tl sca<awy.NJ 044$l yeas<el<ssvrasce Co.,$1 Jo<vs t.cassecy tarEvay, 5<>>rt VII'NJ 07074 Flrrsesyvs4 I<lsvrasco Cess>>slate t 0 loa 777~Nova<or CA jtj)4 Cess<a<Acclpesc Is<vivace Coapasy ol Jr>>rica.EIL Vol<set 51~thllaaalpsl

~~tA l)10$Ceseral Issvrasca Coaowy ol Jr>>i<ca, 5~Ieco tlu~t~e~, 5eattla~VA)414$Assever Issvrast~Co..T<>>r Lto Llscols 5C., VoiC~~t~r.<sa OICOS Naftlo<4 Ate<ceo<as4 lsaeevstty Co~Thar Nertfaro tl~<~~Nartlo<4r CT 04'11$harl<ore St<as lOI ler Isst.C 1st, Co.~Ther SC tro<teCt 5t~, Nartfer4, CT 04101 N<thlasas lssvresco Co, COO Je<Cerws St.~Nr>>stoa, TK 77001 I soess I I'y CO~Tl>>r 5 5 Na 14es Lass~Nev yeih~Ny 100)4 Is<vivace Co.ol North Awrlaa, Clo CICNA, IQ tocselelter tl~ta.Nev To<A, NT 10010 Sstieoolltas trot C Lish Is<siesta CO~11$haloes Lai>>r 5vl<a 1100.Nav TOrt, NT 100)4 r<I~sloe<ssvrasce Cospasy, ICOI vl<shire~Iv4., Los pote<as, CA)00$7 rsrv>>reh Issvrweo Co.ol Ohio, Ihe.I j AaCIar St., Nev yorh~NT 10004 No<or<<ssvrasco Corporal lwl)QLL Vast Cras4~lvc.~Oelrel I~r<I L4101<>>r<<a>>stars N~I<assi Issviasse Cosoasyr 7)l Ner Jest<os 5t~~Nllr>>vtee, Vl$)101 Ohio Ca<wlty lssvrasco Corp<>>y, 1he, I)C<>>rlh Thlro 5t~Neo<I<os, or<L$01$tatlllc<sos>>slty Co.,$1 Johs F.Tssneoy tarhwy.Short Mlle.NJ 07074 protect<vs lssvrasce Co,,)100 North<sar<alas 5<,~Is4lesaaoll

~, IN l4104 trovlcesce Vs<hier<<os lssvrasce Co,, 10 Vashlsttos tlaca, trovlaesce,'Al 01)O)set<esca Issvrasce cospasy, E toss caster ts~<~, thl laaelphl~, tA ljlo)coral lssvrasce Covr>>sy ol hear<ca, 1$0 Vill lao 5<rest, Nev Ta<E, NT 100)4 5<tavl flic C Sar<so Is~Co)4$Vs<hist<os 51~51 tavl~M$5101 5<sar>>ia Svrety Co ,)0 Vill<as 51,, Nev Ters, NT 100)4 5<ate ters/lie C Ca<wily Crvesasyr lll Ce<C Vs<A<st<as 51'Clove<st<ass IL 41701 Trassawrlca

<ssviasco Cess>>syr t.o.Soa 5<1)C..Los Jsoet~s~CA)0051'<reassort

<s4esslty Cess>>sy,)470 Vl I<hire llvc.~Los Asset~~, CA)0010 Travelers<soe>>stty Cavpasy, I<>>, 0>>lowr Scvare, Neat<a<4, CT OCI IS Vs<te4 5tete<114etlty as4 Cwrasty CO.r ll)4, Salt<sore,<O 1110), vol<ac 5<~I~s tire Is<via*ca Co.~t.o.loa 1)47,<<arrl~<ress, NJ 07140 vslvsrsal vsaer r<tais Issviasce Co,.5<15 Oac Stree\.casse<Cl<y.NO CL<ll lvr les<ssvresce Co., l)I so.sar<lass<~A4..5<<>>vwvrt, IL COISC NC 4)tssrosl<ov Oi<001 4.4E<04)~151501 I)E7110 L.1100)0.44EIOC , L1100).~1100)~151401).)l401E.Ll 1 00)E.1100)0 7~744SSS I,$15411 5.)444)4 I,)<7110 I.CC<011.50$10l C.))Co<4 ,$0$10E.))5401).70<414\,44)C)$I, CCEO<1 50$10E.))5407 , I CCIO I.C))50$, IC4101.))C401.04EIOI.144EOI I.0 I OE07).)540)L l.)C)111.ICC\ol ,4<100C ,4<1004.05<101 10.)<4074<O.CO)170 1.774410 ,<54<01 1.1C)00)

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION SPECIF ICATION OF CERTIFICATE EFFECTIVE DATE AND PREMIUM ENDORSEHENT It is agreed that: 1.The United States Nuclear the insureds name in Item License No.NPF-16.for the reactor described certificate.

Regulatory Commission has issued to 1 of the Declarations Operating effective A ri I'1 8 in Item 3 o the Declarations of t e 2.Item 6 of the Declarations of the Certificate is deleted and replaced by the following:

Item 6.Certificate Period: Beginning A ri1 6 1 8 and continuing to the effective date and time of cancellation or termination of the Mast~er lblic or this Certificate, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.3.Item 8 of the Declarations of the'Certifi~cat is deleted and replaced by the following:

Item 8.Portion of the annual premium payable for" the companies'ontingent liability described in Condition 4 of the Master Polic from the effective date hereo to t e en of calendar 8': la~4.Ta form a pan pi Certifimte No." Issued to This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made a part of the certificate for NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY PO CY(Secondary Financial Protection) as designa ed hereon.o Insuran is afforded hereunder.

John LE attrocchi, ice Pre t Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement A ril 6 183 I2.31 A.M.Standard Time Florida Power and Light Company Date of Issue A r i 1 18, 1983~or the su criblng co pantts Endor ement No Countrlrstttned by tmenoral Manager

'l s h~/E7