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| number = ML20065J615
| number = ML20065J615
| issue date = 03/31/1994
| issue date = 03/31/1994
| title = Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1994 for Seabrook Station.W/ 940413 Ltr
| title = Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1994 for Seabrook Station.W/
| author name = Feigenbaum T, Nardone P
| author name = Feigenbaum T, Nardone P
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| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = NYN-94040, NUDOCS 9404180327
| document report number = NYN-94040, NUDOCS 9404180327
| title reference date = 04-13-1994
| page count = 5
| page count = 5
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{{#Wiki_filter:. s
b' .        i    M' nOr      a1 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation P.O. nox 300 Atlantic Scabrook, N1103874 o                                                                (603) 474 9521,- Fax (603) 474 2987 The Northeast Utilitien System Ted C. Feigenbaum NYN- 94040                                                            Senior Vice President &
Chief Nuclear Officer
            ' April 13,1994 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention:          Document Control Desk
Facility Operating License NPF-86, Docket No. 50-443
Monthly Operating Report Gentlemen:
Enclosed please find Monthly Operating Report 94-03. This report addresses the operating and shutdown experience relating to Seabrook Station Unit I for the month of March,1994 and is submitted in accordance with the requirements of Seabrook Station Technical Specification
Very truly yours,
[ &/              '
Ted C. Feigenbam Enclosure ec:        Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406                                                                            i Mr. Albert W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager                                                          ;
Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects                                                                          ]
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                    I
                      ' Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Antone C. Cerne NRC Senior Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1149 Seabrook, Nil 03874 9404100327 940331 PDR        ADOCK 05000443                                                                                j 1..R        . .
PDR-                                                                  O
                  - -                                  m _
OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Seabrook 1 DATE 14/13/94 COMPLETED BY  >. E Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 474-9521 Ext. 40/4 OPERATING STATUS                                                                                                                                q
: 1. Unit Name:                                Seabrook Station Unit 1
: 2. Reporting Period:                          MARCH                            1994
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                                              3411
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):                                              1197
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                                        1148
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                                    1200
: 7. Maxtmum-Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):                                    1150
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)
Since Last Report. Give Reasons:                      Not Applicable
: 9. Power Level 10 Which Restricted, If Any:                                            None
: 10. Reasons for Restrictions, If Any:                        Not Anolicable This Month                      Yr.-to-Date      Cumulative
: 11. Hours in Reporting Period                    -
744 0                          2160.0            65353.0
: 12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical                        744.0                        1646 4            29347.5
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                                  0.0                          0.0                  953.3 14, Hours Generator.On Line                                    744.0                          1606./            27283.9-                      '
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                                      0.0                          0.0                      0.0 16, Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                    2637652                        544318/          888/S633
: 17. Gross Elec Energy Generated (MWH) -                      890 11                          900860        ._30874603
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                    866 87                        : 827322          296S0940                          -
                *19. Untt Service factor                                            . 00 . 0~                    74.4                    8-.8-
                *20. Unit Availability factor                                        00.0                        74.4                    8'.8_
                *21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MOC Net) 00.1                        73 6                    78.5-
                *22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                          .00.2                        73 7-                    78.7
                *23. Unit Forced Outage Rate.                                        0.0                        25.6                      7.7
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date, and Duration of Each):
REFUEL LNG. 04/09/94. 57 DAYS
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date Of Startup: Not Anolicabli
                *N01E: " Cumulative" values based on total hours starting 08/19/90, date Regular'                                                                  '
Full Power Operation began.                                                                                                            ,
1 of 4
_a          - . , , . _ . .        -.              - - .-      , - . . .  ,
  . .      o 1
                                                                                              . DOCKET NO. 50 443 UNIT Seabrook 1-DATE 04/13/94 COMPLETED BY P. L. Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 47L 9521 Ext. 4074 MONTil  MARCH. 1994 OAY. AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                      DAY          AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe Net)                                                    -(MWe-Net) 1                  1149                            17                        1150 2                  1150                            18                        1151' 3                  1150                            19                        1150 4                  1150                            20                        1152 5                  1150                            21                      '1151 6                  1150                            22                        1151
              -7                  1150                            23                        1152 8                  1150                            24                        1152 9                  1150                            25                        1152 10                  1150                            26                        1152 11                  1150                            27                        1152 12                  1150                            28                      '1152 13'                1151                            29                        1152 14                  1151                            30                        1152 15                  1150                            31                        1152 16                  1151' i
              .00 this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting' month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
i 2 of 4
9 UNIT SHUTD021NS AND PCdR REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Saabrook 1 DATE 04/13r94 REPORT MONTH    MARCH. 1994                                          CCHPLETED BY  P. E. Nardone TELEPHONE M03) 474-95?1 Ext.4074 2
No.            Date Type    Duration    Reason      Method of        Licensee            Cause & Corrective (Hours)                  Shutting          Event                    Action to Down Reactor 3    Report y            Prevent Recurrence Page 1 of 1-NO ENTRIES FOR THIS MGNTH 1                            2                                                            3 F: Forced                  Reason:                                                      Method:
S: Scheduled              A-Equipment Failure (Explain)                                  1-Manual B Nintenance or Test                                          2-Manual Scram
                                                                .-Refueling                                                  3-Autcmatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction        .                              4-Centinued from E-Operator Training & License Examination                        previous month F-Administrative                                              5-Power Reduction G-Operational Error (Explain)                                    (Duration - 0)
H-Other (Explain)                                            Other (Explain) f 3 of 4 l'
  .._ _---- _--__-- - -. - . - ._-_ = __ ---.-_.- -
4                    v
  . . -        .        .          - - - _ -          , _ . -          -  -                    . . - . . ~            . . - . .            . . . .-
DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Seabrook 1
                                  .                                                                                              DATE 04/11/94
                                                                                                                    . COMPLETED BY P. E. Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 474-9521 Ext. 4074        ;
,                                                                  REFUELING INFORMATION REQUEST
: 1. Name of facility: Seabrook Unit 1
: 2. Schecaled date for next refueling shutdown:
Refueling Outage 3, 04/09/94 3,    Scheduled date for restart following refueling:
Refueling Outage 3. 06/04/94
: 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?                                                                                            .,
: 5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting licensing action and supporting information:
: 6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel l
;                          design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design. new operating procedures:
: 7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool:
(a) In Core:        193                              (b)      207
: 8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies:                                                                                                                    I Present licensed capacity: 1236                                        . .
No increase in storage capacity requested or planned.
: 9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:
Licensed capacity of 1236 fuel assemblies based on two' annual and twelve eighteen-month refuelings with full core offload capability.
The current licensed adequate until at least the year 2010.
d 3
1 4 of 4
                  ..        ,_      .. __          _      ......  ,_ _ ,          ._ .-_._ __                        __              .-}}

Latest revision as of 19:48, 31 May 2023

Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1994 for Seabrook Station.W/
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1994
From: Feigenbaum T, Nardone P
NYN-94040, NUDOCS 9404180327
Download: ML20065J615 (5)


. s



b' . i M' nOr a1 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation P.O. nox 300 Atlantic Scabrook, N1103874 o (603) 474 9521,- Fax (603) 474 2987 The Northeast Utilitien System Ted C. Feigenbaum NYN- 94040 Senior Vice President &

Chief Nuclear Officer

' April 13,1994 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


Facility Operating License NPF-86, Docket No. 50-443


Monthly Operating Report Gentlemen:

Enclosed please find Monthly Operating Report 94-03. This report addresses the operating and shutdown experience relating to Seabrook Station Unit I for the month of March,1994 and is submitted in accordance with the requirements of Seabrook Station Technical Specification

Very truly yours,

[ &/ '

Ted C. Feigenbam Enclosure ec: Mr. Thomas T. Martin Regional Administrator United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 i Mr. Albert W. De Agazio, Sr. Project Manager  ;

Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects ]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I

' Washington, DC 20555 Mr. Antone C. Cerne NRC Senior Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1149 Seabrook, Nil 03874 9404100327 940331 PDR ADOCK 05000443 j 1..R . .


- - m _

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Seabrook 1 DATE 14/13/94 COMPLETED BY >. E Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 474-9521 Ext. 40/4 OPERATING STATUS q

1. Unit Name: Seabrook Station Unit 1
2. Reporting Period: MARCH 1994
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 3411
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 1197
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 1148
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 1200
7. Maxtmum-Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 1150
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)

Since Last Report. Give Reasons: Not Applicable

9. Power Level 10 Which Restricted, If Any: None
10. Reasons for Restrictions, If Any: Not Anolicable This Month Yr.-to-Date Cumulative
11. Hours in Reporting Period -

744 0 2160.0 65353.0

12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 744.0 1646 4 29347.5
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 953.3 14, Hours Generator.On Line 744.0 1606./ 27283.9- '
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 16, Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 2637652 544318/ 888/S633
17. Gross Elec Energy Generated (MWH) - 890 11 900860 ._30874603
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 866 87  : 827322 296S0940 -
  • 19. Untt Service factor . 00 . 0~ 74.4 8-.8-
  • 20. Unit Availability factor 00.0 74.4 8'.8_
  • 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MOC Net) 00.1 73 6 78.5-
  • 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) .00.2 73 7- 78.7
  • 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate. 0.0 25.6 7.7
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date, and Duration of Each):

REFUEL LNG. 04/09/94. 57 DAYS

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date Of Startup: Not Anolicabli
  • N01E: " Cumulative" values based on total hours starting 08/19/90, date Regular' '

Full Power Operation began. ,

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_a - . , , . _ . . -. - - .- , - . . . ,

. . o 1


. DOCKET NO. 50 443 UNIT Seabrook 1-DATE 04/13/94 COMPLETED BY P. L. Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 47L 9521 Ext. 4074 MONTil MARCH. 1994 OAY. AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe Net) -(MWe-Net) 1 1149 17 1150 2 1150 18 1151' 3 1150 19 1150 4 1150 20 1152 5 1150 21 '1151 6 1150 22 1151

-7 1150 23 1152 8 1150 24 1152 9 1150 25 1152 10 1150 26 1152 11 1150 27 1152 12 1150 28 '1152 13' 1151 29 1152 14 1151 30 1152 15 1150 31 1152 16 1151' i


.00 this format, list the average daily unit power level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting' month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

i 2 of 4

9 UNIT SHUTD021NS AND PCdR REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Saabrook 1 DATE 04/13r94 REPORT MONTH MARCH. 1994 CCHPLETED BY P. E. Nardone TELEPHONE M03) 474-95?1 Ext.4074 2

No. Date Type Duration Reason Method of Licensee Cause & Corrective (Hours) Shutting Event Action to Down Reactor 3 Report y Prevent Recurrence Page 1 of 1-NO ENTRIES FOR THIS MGNTH 1 2 3 F: Forced Reason: Method:

S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual B Nintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram

.-Refueling 3-Autcmatic Scram D-Regulatory Restriction . 4-Centinued from E-Operator Training & License Examination previous month F-Administrative 5-Power Reduction G-Operational Error (Explain) (Duration - 0)

H-Other (Explain) Other (Explain) f 3 of 4 l'



.._ _---- _--__-- - -. - . - ._-_ = __ ---.-_.- -

4 v

. . - . . - - - _ - , _ . - - - . . - . . ~ . . - . . . . . .-

DOCKET NO. 50-443 UNIT Seabrook 1

. DATE 04/11/94

. COMPLETED BY P. E. Nardone TELEPHONE (603) 474-9521 Ext. 4074  ;


1. Name of facility: Seabrook Unit 1
2. Schecaled date for next refueling shutdown:

Refueling Outage 3, 04/09/94 3, Scheduled date for restart following refueling:

Refueling Outage 3. 06/04/94

4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? .,


5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting licensing action and supporting information:


6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel l
design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design. new operating procedures


7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool:

(a) In Core: 193 (b) 207

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies: I Present licensed capacity: 1236 . .

No increase in storage capacity requested or planned.

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:


Licensed capacity of 1236 fuel assemblies based on two' annual and twelve eighteen-month refuelings with full core offload capability.

The current licensed adequate until at least the year 2010.

d 3

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.. ,_ .. __ _ ...... ,_ _ , ._ .-_._ __ __ .-