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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                -00Cxtri@E/05 NUCLEAR' REGULATORY COMMISSION              USNRC BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of                        (
15 AMi24 40:51
HOUSTON LIGHTING AND                    (      Docket Nos.  [ppygg              ,
            ' POWER COMPANY, ET AL.              >-                  OccMittac{g..
          -(South Texas Project,                  (                        BRANCH Units 1.and 2)                        (
I. Introduction On February 26, 1985, the ASLB in this proceeding issued its Memorandum        and    Order    (Phase    II  Hearings  on  Quadrex-Report
          -Issues) CHereinafter " February 26th Order"J.              In said Order,        the ASLB      provided CCANP the opportunity to identify findings in                  the
          -Quadrex Report,        other than those identified in the Order 'itself (including      :the    report    as  a    whole),  which    CCANP    considers potentially reportable under 10 C.F.R.              50.55(e),    but which were not in fact' reported by the Applicants to the NRC within 24 hours of    the  receipt of the Quadrex Report.          Id. at 24-2S.        CCANP's herein responds to the Board's Order.
: 11. Potentially Reportable Quadrex Findinos While  the  February    26th    Order  reflects    that    the    OE.LB reviewed        CCANP's    motion    to iile additional      contentions        dated November 21, 1981, Id. at 12-14, the ASLB did not recount CCANP's position that:
                          "The Quadrex      Corporation chose a ranking          method      ior their findings which included Most            Serious Findings.
                        -Quadrex . defined Most Serious Findings            as,    in    part,
                          'those    that    pose      a  serious    threat      to      plant
          *      -The February      26th Order also carries on an error              in    the      :
Quadrex Report where two findings are labeled                  3.1(j)    with no          l 3.1 (i ) . CCANP    previ ousl y    identified both 3.1(j)        findings      as      !
requiring notification.                                                                    g O
8504260118 PDR B50422 ADOCK 05000498                                                          O O                  PDR '            1                                            Y k
licensability      because  ...  (c) the finding addresses a matter    of  serious concern to the NRC at this time.
This    classificiation alone should            have      cause:d3 Applicants        to    report    all    findings      in      this classification to the NRC." Motion for new            cont enti ons at 12.
s CCANP reurges this position.          Given the 24 hour period for review available, the extensive number of Most Serious Findings, and the definition      of those findings provided by        Quaorex,    HL t<P    shot] d have reported all findings classified as Most Serious Findings to the NRC within 24 hours.
CCANP    would    further contend that if      any  generic      finding required    notificatior.,    then    any discipline finding        supportina that generic finding should have also been notified.                Simply as a practical matter, the reporting of a generic finding, in order to be complete,      would have stated the basis for that finding,                t.e.
named    the Quadrex Report and provided the particular              discipline findings    on  which the generic finding was          based. Furtherncre, since    the    underlying    findings are the basis      for  the    generic finding in most instances, these f indi ngs have the same potent i al effect    on safety in their more limited sphere that            the      generic findings    have    for  the    plant    in  general. Therefore,      CC4NP identifies      all specific findings,        upon which Quadrex based          the generic    findings      which    CCANP    now contends    should    have    been notified, as findings which should have been notified.
As a final general category where notification to NRC                would be    required,    CCANP    contends that all findings of        the    Guadrex Report    which    are  identified      by  the  NRC  Staff    as    "saf ety significant,"      I&E  Report    82-12,    NUREG-0948,    fal1    into    the notification category.
Below      -CCANP    identifies' specific    findings-    for      which notification' should'have been provided to the NRC. These findings
            'may'      orf may.not already_ fall within the general- categories              set w
forth above.                      .
: 1. Broad- conclusions of-the-Quadrex Report          which    concern Ldesign inadequacies with potential quality assurance implications i nc l ~ude:
14.1.2      (" Based ' solely  on the findings of'  this    revi ew ,  n.
determination- of current              adequacy  Cof the    Civil / Structural design 3 cannot be made.");
4.5.5 ("The technical adequacyfof the Mechanical discipline is not presently adequate.");
24.6.2      ("The nuclear analyses performed by BbR to date are either not complete or are not adequate. The D&R Nuclear Analysis Group        has not demonstrated either the ability to perform.or                to direct ^ others in the performance of nuclear analyses,                  and has
              'shown        no concern for'the timeliness of analysis rel ati ve to . Ethe nees      of  other -interfacing disciplines.        Although STP is well advanced ~ in the construction stage,              no evidence has. been seen that the Brown.and Root Nuclear Analysis Group has- produced a significant contribution to-the STP design.");
4.8.2 ("The- B&R' Radiological Control-design program is                nct
  "            currently adequate.")
: 2. Specific      areas 'of concern for.the adequacy        of    design include:' (B&R failing to address simultaneous. normal shutdown of both units)      (plant    operating modes,      including      accident a  conditions, have not been adequately addressed) 3.2(n)      (consideration of ALARA radiation exposures        related t'o access for maintenance and inspection had been inadequate) ( ALARA analysis inadequate)
Overall,      CCANP  does not believe that the resources of          the-1 -
parties        and      the- Board    are  well  spent  arguing  over      every
              . individual. finding in Quadrex. The significance of the report and r
U 3
6 the  availability of generalized categories,      e.g. Most    Ser i ou r.
Findings,  is  sufficient  to reach the    appropriete    conc l usl o. .=
regarding character and competence.
Respectfully submitted,      s O
g;gy lItL Lanny Sinkin Representative for In terver nor ,
Citizens    Concerned    Abuut Nucle.w Power, Inc.
3022 Porter Street,    N.W. 4304 Washington, D.C.        20008 (202) 766-2141 Dated: April 22. 1935 Washington, D.C.
4 L
HOUSTON LIGHTING AND                        (-  Docket Nos. 50-498 OL POWER COMPANY, ET AL.                  )                  50-499 OL (SouthLTexas Project,                      (                          s
              ; Units 1-and 2)                          (
CESI1EICAIE DE SESVICE I hereby certify              that copies of CCANP    RESPONSE TO ASLB MEMORANDUM AND ORDER OF FEBRUARY 26,                  1985 were served by hand delivery    (*) or deposit in the U.S.            Mail,    first class    postage paid to the following individuals and entities on the 22nd day of April 1985.
* Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire                      Brian Berwick, Esquire Chairman                                            Asst. Atty. Gen.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board                  State of Texas U.S._ Nuclear Regulatory Commission                Environmtl. Protection            '
Washington, D.C.              20555                P. O. Box 12548, Capitol-Eta.
Austin, Texas    78711 Dr.-James C. Lamb, III Administrative Judge
* Oreste Russ Pirfo, Esquire 313 Woodhaven Road                                  Office of the Exec. Leg. Dir.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina              27514    U.S. Nuclear Regul ator y Comm.
Washington, D.C. 20555 Ernest E. Hill
      -g    Administrative-Judge                              (* Jack R. Newman. Esquire Hill Associates                                    1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1000
210 Montego Drive                                  Washington, D.C. 20036 Danville, California 94526 Melbert Schwarz, Esquire Baker and Botts Mrs. Peggy Buchorn                                  300 One Shell Plaza Executive Director,            C.E.U.              Houston, Texas    77002 Route 1, Box 1694 Brazoria, Texas              77422
* Atomic Safety'and Licena ng Bd.
                                                              -U.S. Nuclear Requiatory Com:n.
William S. Jordan, III, Esq.                        Washington, D.C. 20555
!-          Harmon, Wei ss 84 Jordan 2001 S Street, N.W., Suite 430
* Atomic Safety and Licensing Washington, D.C.              20009                    Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regul atory Comm.
Pat Coy                                            Washington, D.C. 205b5 5106 Casa Oro San Antonio, Texas              78233              Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary Ray Goldstein                                      U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmm.
1001 Vaughn Bldg.                                  Washington, D.C. 20555 807 Brazos Aust~n, Texas              78701
                  -  __  _____________}}

Latest revision as of 09:00, 30 December 2020

Response to ASLB 850226 Memorandum & Order Re Findings in Quadrex Rept Considered Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e). Significance of Findings Sufficient to Reach Conclusions Re Mgt Competence.W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/1985
From: Sinkin L
Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power, INC.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#285-689 OL, NUDOCS 8504260118
Download: ML20205A819 (5)


k& ~


15 AMi24 40:51


HOUSTON LIGHTING AND ( Docket Nos. [ppygg ,

' POWER COMPANY, ET AL. >- OccMittac{g..


-(South Texas Project, ( BRANCH Units 1.and 2) (



I. Introduction On February 26, 1985, the ASLB in this proceeding issued its Memorandum and Order (Phase II Hearings on Quadrex-Report

-Issues) CHereinafter " February 26th Order"J. In said Order, the ASLB provided CCANP the opportunity to identify findings in the

-Quadrex Report, other than those identified in the Order 'itself (including :the report as a whole), which CCANP considers potentially reportable under 10 C.F.R. 50.55(e), but which were not in fact' reported by the Applicants to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of the receipt of the Quadrex Report. Id. at 24-2S. CCANP's herein responds to the Board's Order.

11. Potentially Reportable Quadrex Findinos While the February 26th Order reflects that the OE.LB reviewed CCANP's motion to iile additional contentions dated November 21, 1981, Id. at 12-14, the ASLB did not recount CCANP's position that:

"The Quadrex Corporation chose a ranking method ior their findings which included Most Serious Findings.

-Quadrex . defined Most Serious Findings as, in part,

'those that pose a serious threat to plant


  • -The February 26th Order also carries on an error in the  :

Quadrex Report where two findings are labeled 3.1(j) with no l 3.1 (i ) . CCANP previ ousl y identified both 3.1(j) findings as  !

requiring notification. g O

8504260118 PDR B50422 ADOCK 05000498 O O PDR ' 1 Y k

licensability because ... (c) the finding addresses a matter of serious concern to the NRC at this time.

This classificiation alone should have cause:d3 Applicants to report all findings in this classification to the NRC." Motion for new cont enti ons at 12.

s CCANP reurges this position. Given the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period for review available, the extensive number of Most Serious Findings, and the definition of those findings provided by Quaorex, HL t<P shot] d have reported all findings classified as Most Serious Findings to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

CCANP would further contend that if any generic finding required notificatior., then any discipline finding supportina that generic finding should have also been notified. Simply as a practical matter, the reporting of a generic finding, in order to be complete, would have stated the basis for that finding, t.e.

named the Quadrex Report and provided the particular discipline findings on which the generic finding was based. Furtherncre, since the underlying findings are the basis for the generic finding in most instances, these f indi ngs have the same potent i al effect on safety in their more limited sphere that the generic findings have for the plant in general. Therefore, CC4NP identifies all specific findings, upon which Quadrex based the generic findings which CCANP now contends should have been notified, as findings which should have been notified.

As a final general category where notification to NRC would be required, CCANP contends that all findings of the Guadrex Report which are identified by the NRC Staff as "saf ety significant," I&E Report 82-12, NUREG-0948, fal1 into the notification category.


Below -CCANP identifies' specific findings- for which notification' should'have been provided to the NRC. These findings

'may' orf may.not already_ fall within the general- categories set w

forth above. .

1. Broad- conclusions of-the-Quadrex Report which concern Ldesign inadequacies with potential quality assurance implications i nc l ~ude:

14.1.2 (" Based ' solely on the findings of' this revi ew , n.

determination- of current adequacy Cof the Civil / Structural design 3 cannot be made.");

4.5.5 ("The technical adequacyfof the Mechanical discipline is not presently adequate.");

24.6.2 ("The nuclear analyses performed by BbR to date are either not complete or are not adequate. The D&R Nuclear Analysis Group has not demonstrated either the ability to perform.or to direct ^ others in the performance of nuclear analyses, and has

'shown no concern for'the timeliness of analysis rel ati ve to . Ethe nees of other -interfacing disciplines. Although STP is well advanced ~ in the construction stage, no evidence has. been seen that the Brown.and Root Nuclear Analysis Group has- produced a significant contribution to-the STP design.");

4.8.2 ("The- B&R' Radiological Control-design program is nct

" currently adequate.")

2. Specific areas 'of concern for.the adequacy of design include:' (B&R failing to address simultaneous. normal shutdown of both units) (plant operating modes, including accident a conditions, have not been adequately addressed) 3.2(n) (consideration of ALARA radiation exposures related t'o access for maintenance and inspection had been inadequate) ( ALARA analysis inadequate)

Overall, CCANP does not believe that the resources of the-1 -

parties and the- Board are well spent arguing over every

. individual. finding in Quadrex. The significance of the report and r


U 3

6 the availability of generalized categories, e.g. Most Ser i ou r.

Findings, is sufficient to reach the appropriete conc l usl o. .=

regarding character and competence.

Respectfully submitted, s O

g;gy lItL Lanny Sinkin Representative for In terver nor ,

Citizens Concerned Abuut Nucle.w Power, Inc.

3022 Porter Street, N.W. 4304 Washington, D.C. 20008 (202) 766-2141 Dated: April 22. 1935 Washington, D.C.

4 L



HOUSTON LIGHTING AND (- Docket Nos. 50-498 OL POWER COMPANY, ET AL. ) 50-499 OL (SouthLTexas Project, ( s

Units 1-and 2) (

CESI1EICAIE DE SESVICE I hereby certify that copies of CCANP RESPONSE TO ASLB MEMORANDUM AND ORDER OF FEBRUARY 26, 1985 were served by hand delivery (*) or deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage paid to the following individuals and entities on the 22nd day of April 1985.

  • Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire Brian Berwick, Esquire Chairman Asst. Atty. Gen.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board State of Texas U.S._ Nuclear Regulatory Commission Environmtl. Protection '

Washington, D.C. 20555 P. O. Box 12548, Capitol-Eta.

Austin, Texas 78711 Dr.-James C. Lamb, III Administrative Judge

  • Oreste Russ Pirfo, Esquire 313 Woodhaven Road Office of the Exec. Leg. Dir.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 U.S. Nuclear Regul ator y Comm.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Ernest E. Hill

-g Administrative-Judge (* Jack R. Newman. Esquire Hill Associates 1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1000


210 Montego Drive Washington, D.C. 20036 Danville, California 94526 Melbert Schwarz, Esquire Baker and Botts Mrs. Peggy Buchorn 300 One Shell Plaza Executive Director, C.E.U. Houston, Texas 77002 Route 1, Box 1694 Brazoria, Texas 77422

  • Atomic Safety'and Licena ng Bd.

-U.S. Nuclear Requiatory Com:n.

William S. Jordan, III, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555

!- Harmon, Wei ss 84 Jordan 2001 S Street, N.W., Suite 430

  • Atomic Safety and Licensing Washington, D.C. 20009 Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regul atory Comm.

Pat Coy Washington, D.C. 205b5 5106 Casa Oro San Antonio, Texas 78233 Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary Ray Goldstein U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccmm.

1001 Vaughn Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20555 807 Brazos Aust~n, Texas 78701

- __ _____________