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| number = ML12083A212
| number = ML12083A212
| issue date = 03/05/2012
| issue date = 03/05/2012
| title = Hope Creek - Final Outlines (Folder 3)
| title = Final Outlines (Folder 3)
| author name = Fish T H
| author name = Fish T
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRS/OB
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRS/OB
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| docket = 05000354
| docket = 05000354
| license number = NPF-057
| license number = NPF-057
| contact person = Jackson D E
| contact person = Jackson D
| case reference number = TAC U01845
| case reference number = TAC U01845
| package number = ML113070699
| package number = ML113070699
| document type = License-Operator, Part 55 Examination Related Material
| document type = License-Operator, Part 55 Examination Related Material
| page count = 26
| page count = 26
| project = TAC:U01845
| stage = Other

{{#Wiki_filter:ES-401                                      Written Examination Outline                                      Form ES-401-1 I Facility:    Hope Creek Station                          Date of Exam: 03/05/2012                                                          I RO KIA Category Points                                      SRO-Only Points Tier          Group          K    K                                          A K    K    K    K    A  A    A        G A2          G*            Total 1    2    3    4    5    6    1  2    3    4
* Total 1.
Emergency &
Abnormal Plant Evolutions 1
2 Tier Totals 1
1 2
4 1
5 5
2 7
N/A 3
1 4
4 5
1      N/A 3
1 4
20 7
27 4
1 5
3 2
5 R        10 1            3    1    4    2                              3    3      26          3          2              5 2.
Plant Systems 2            1    1    1    1    1    1    2  1      1  1    1      12      oI  1        2              3 Tier Totals        4    2    5    3    2    3    4  3    4    4    4      38          4          4              8
: 3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities Categories 1
2 L.
3 34 2        3 10
[ilifffij                        7 Note:    1.      Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (Le., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two).
: 2.      The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table, The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions, The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
: 3.      Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
: 4.      Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
5,      Absent a plant-specific priority, only those KlAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2,5 or higher shall be selected.
Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
6,      Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.
7.*    The generic (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable KlAs.
: 8.      On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IRs) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; if fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
: 9.      For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
ES-401                                            1                                              Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE # I Name Safety Function                                              KIA Topic(s)
AA2.07 - Ability to detennine and/or 295005 Main Turbine Generator                            interpret the following as they apply to 3.6  76 Trip 13                                                  MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP; Reactor wat<::r level EA2.0 1 - Ability to detennine and/or 295030 Low Suppression Pool                              intClpret the following as they apply to Water Levell 5 4.2  77 LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER 295006 SCRAM 11                                                                                        4.4  78 2.4.34 - Emergency Procedures! Plan; 295021 Loss of Shutdown                                  Knowledge of RO tusks perfonned outside 4.1  79 Cooling 14                                                the main control room during an emergency and the resultant 0 erationa! eftects.
295004 Partial or Total Loss of 4.4  80 DC Pwr 113 295024 High Drywell Pressure I 4.6  81 5
295031 Reactor Low Water Level 12 4.8  82 600000 Plant Fire On-site 1 8      X                                                                  2.5  39 295006 SCRAM 11                X                                                                    3.4  40 295023 Refueling Acc Cooling X  !                                                          3.4  41 Mode 18 e ui men!
AK2. J4 - Knowledge of the interrelations 295019 Partial or Total Loss of                          between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS X                                                                  3.2  42 Inst. Air 18                                              OF INSTRUMENT AIR and the following; Plant air systl~ms AK2.02 - Knowledge of the interrelations 295004 Partial or Total Loss of                          between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS X i                                                                3.0  43 DC Pwr/6                                                  OF D.C. POWER and the tollowing; Batteries EK2.l4 Knowledge of the interrelations 295031 Reactor Low Water                                between REACTOR LOW WATER X                                                                  3.9  44 Level / 2                                                LEVEL and the following; Emergency generators AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295003 Partial or Complete                              following responses as they apply to Loss of AC/6 X
3.3  45 POWER; Manual and auto bus transfer EK3.05 Knowledge of the reasons for the 295026 Suppression Pool High                            following responses as they apply to Water Temp. 15 X                                                              3.9  46 SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERAlURE; Reaetor SCRAM
ES-401                                            2                                              Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Tier 1 Group 1 EIG.03 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295037 SCRAM Conditions                                following responses as they apply to Present and Reactor Power                                SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND X                                                              4.1    47 Above APRM Downscale or                                  REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM Unknown f 1                                              DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN :
Lowering reactor water level AAl.04 - Ability to operate and/or monitor 295021 Loss of Shutdown                                the following as they apply to LOSS OF 3.7  48 Cooling 14                                              SHUTDOWN COOLING: Alternate heat removal methods AAl.07 Ability to operate and/or monitor 295001 Partial or Complete                              the following as they apply to PARTIAL Loss of Forced Core Flow                                OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED                    3.1  49 Circulation 11 & 4                                      CORE FLOW CIRCULATION: Nuclear boiler instrumentation system AAI.02 - Ability to operate and/or monitor 295016 Control Room                                    the following as they apply to CONTROL 2.9  50 Abandonment I 7                                          ROOM ABANDONMENT :
295024 High Drywall Pressure I 4.2  51 5
ressure EAZ.04 - Ability to detennine and/or 295038 High Off-site Release                            interpret the following as they apply to 4.1    52 Rate I 9                                                HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE:
Source of off-site release AA2.02 Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 700000 Generator Voltage and                            GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND 3.5  53 Electric Grid Disturbances                              ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES:
Voltage outside the generator capability curve.
2.1.2 Knowledge of operator 295005 Main Turbine responsibilities during all modes of plant    4.1  54 Generator Trip 13 o eration.
295030 Low Suppression Pool                            2.2.12 - Equipment Control: Knowledge of 3.7  55 Water Levell 5                                          surveillance procedures.
2.2.42 - Equipment Control: Ability to 295028 High Drywell                                    recognize system parameters that are entry-3.9  56 Temperature 15                                          level conditions for Technical S ecifications.
AA2.03 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the Jbllowing as they apply to 295018 Partial or Total Loss of PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF                  3.2  57 CCW/8 COMPONE~T COOLING WATER:
Cause for paltial or complete loss EIG.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295025 High Reactor Pressure                            following responses as they apply to HIGH X                  REACTOR PRESSURE: Recirculation 3.9    58 13 Plant-S ecific KJA Category Totals:              4  5    3                                                              20/7
ES-401                                          3                                              Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2 KJA Topic(s)
AA2.0 1 High Suppression Pool Temperature, Ability to detennine and/or 295013 High Suppression Pool                            interpret the following as they apply to 4.0  83 Temperature 15                                          HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL to Containment Area Temperature                                                                          4.6  84 15 Procedures / Plan; Knowledge              related to system 295017 High Off-site Release                            operation I status that must be reported to 4.1  85 Rate / 9                                                internal organizations or external agencies, such as the state, the N'RC', or the AKl.03 Knowledge of the operational 295010 High Drywell Pressure                          implications orthe following concepts as X                                                                      3.2  59
/5                                                      they apply to HIGH DRYWELL increases AK2.02 Knowledge of the interrelations 295009 Low Reactor Water                              between LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL              3.9 X                                                                        60 Level 12                                                and the following: Reactor water level control EKJ.03 Knowledge of the reasons for the 295034 Secondary                                      following responses as they apply to Containment Ventilation High        X                  SECONDARY CONTAINMENT                        4.0  61 Radiation i 9                                          VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION:
295035 Secondary Containment High Differential              X                                                          3.8  62 Pressure /5 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area                                                                            3.1  63 Water Levell 5 295008 High Reactor Water 3.9  64 Level 12 295020 Inadvertent Cont.
X                                                              3.3  65 Isolation I 5 & 7 KJA Category Totals:                  2                                                                  7/3
ES-401                                          4                                          Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 II System # / Name
[~I~I~I~[~[~[~[    A2  [~[~[  G  I Imp Q#
A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM; and (b) 206000 HPCI                                                  based on those predictions, use      3.0  86 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
A.c. failures: BWR-2,3,4 A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to 262001 AC                                                                                          4.2  87 COITect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Types of loads that, if de-energized, would hinder lant 0 eration.
2.2.44 Equipment Control: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of 261000 SGTS                                                                                        4.4  88 a system, and understand how operator actions and directives effect plant and system conditions.
2.2.38 Knowledge of conditions and 215004 SRM                                                                                          4.5  89 limitations in the facili 'license A2.09 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRHvtARY CONTAINMENT ISOLAnON SYSTEM/NUCLEAR 223002 PCIS/Nuclear Steam                                    STEAM SUPPLY SHUT-OFF; Supply Shutoff 3.7  90 and l b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or Imtigate the consequences of those abnonnal conditions or 264000 EDGs              x                                                                        3.2 211000 SLC                x                                                                        3.0  2 239002 SRVs                  X                                                                      2.8  3 K3.02 - Knowledge ofthe effect that a loss or malfunction of the AUTOMATIC 218000AOS                      X                                                                    4.5  4 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM
ES-401                                          5                                          Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 K  K K  K  K  K A      A  A                                            Imp System # I Name                              A2          G                                            Q#
1  2 3  4  5  6 1      3  4 K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 262001 AC Electrical X                            A.c. ELECTRICAL                      3.5  5 Distribution DISTRIBUTION will have on followin o : Major S stem Loads K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT 206000 HPCI                  X                                                                  4.0  6 INJECTION SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor water level control: BWR-2,3,4 K4.03 - Knowledge of SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN 205000 Shutdown Cooling          X                          COOLING MODE) design                3.8  7 feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Low reactor water level: Plant-Specific K4.01 - Knowledge of UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.) design 262002 UPS (AC/DC)              X!                        feature(s) and/or interlocks which  3.1  8 provide for the following: Transfer from preferred power to alternate wersu lies K5.0lc - Knowledge of the operational implications of the 300000 Instrument Air                X                      following concepts as they apply to  2.5  9 the INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM:
Air com ressors K1.04 Knowledge of the operational implications of the 263000 DC Electrical    X                                  following concepts as they apply to 2.6  10 Distribution                                                D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Ground Detection K6.0 I - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 261000 SGTS                            X                                                        2.9 11 STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM: A.C. electrical distribution K6.04 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 217000 RCIC                            X                    REACTOR CORE ISOLA nON              3.5 12 COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC):
Condensate storage and transfer system Al.O 7 Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the AVERAGE POWER RANGE 215005 APRM / LPRM                                                                              3.0 13 MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM controls including: APRM (gain adjustment factor)
ES-401                                          6                                          Form ES-40 1-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 I
K K K K  K  K  A A2    A A                                            Imp System # / Name                                          G                                              Q#
1 2 3 4  5  6  1      3 4 AI.03 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the LOW 209001 LPCS                                                                                        3.8  14 PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM controls including:
Reactor water level A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM; and 2150031RM                                                    (b) based on those predictions, use  3.0  15 proct:dures to correct, control, or mitig-dte the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Faulty Ran e Switch A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (S~1\1) SYSTEM; and (b) based on 215004 Source Range those predictions, nse procedures to 2.7  16 Monitor correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Power Iydegraded A3.06 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 203000 RHRlLPCI: Injection RHRiLPCI: INJECTION MODE              3.7  17 Mode (PLANT SPECIFIC) including:
Indicatin lights and alarms A3.0 1 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the CCWS 400000 Component Cooling                                    including: Setpoints on instrument Water                                                        signal levels for normal operations, 3.0  18 warnings, and trips that are a licable to the CCWS 223002 PCIS/Nuclear 3.9  19 Steam Supply Shutoff 212000 RPS                                                                                              20 259002 Reactor Water 4.4  21 Level Control 211000 SLC                                                                                        3.8  22 212000 RPS                                                                                        4.0  23 264000 Emergency 3.7  24 Generators (Diesel/Jet) 239002 SRVs                                                                                        3.8  25 including: SRV operation after ADS actuation
ES-401                                          7                                          Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 System # .' Name    KKKKKKAA2 1234561 r
                                      /ii'iiiii::'            K3.04
* Knowledge of the effeet that a loss or malfunction of the
                                              .....          REACTOR CORE ISOLATION 217000 RCIC            X                                                                        3.6    26 COOLING SYSTEM (RCtC) \vill have on following: Adequate core cooling KiA Category Totals: 3 1 4  2  1  2 2213            3 3 312.'          Group Point Total:            26/5
                                      ......                                                      I
ES-401                                                      8                                                        Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2 KKKKKKAA2                            A A System # I Name                                                          G 1 2 345 6 1                          3 4
                                                                    ~I A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER i""",::,
I""'"            '                        SYSTEM; and (b) based on 259001 Reactor Feedwater                    I":'~~\c                                    those, predictions, use 3.6  91
                                                  .*."".                                procEidures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of flf"                        ,~~r
                                                                                  )'    those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of condensate pump(s) tff:~(
2.2.42 - Equipment Control:
Ability to recognize system 226001 RHR/LPCI: CTMT parameters that are entry-level    4.6  92 Spray Mode conditions for Technical I***.,..*"                    A;;;:~r      Specifications.
                                                                    *::L:*'* ~'.,      2.2.37 - Equipment Control:
223001 Primary CTMT and                                                          !"    Ability to determine operability 4.6  93 Aux.                                                <.:"
and / or availability of safety related
                                              ,~      .                                  Kl.0S Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 215001 Traversing In-core Probe X                                ..                          between TRAVERSING IN            2.5  27 CORE PROBE and the
                                                        ,',                i following: Reactor pressure
:;                              vessel: (Not-BWR1)
                                                          .:.                            K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical 286000 Fire Protection      X                                                          power supplies to the following:  2.9  28 Pumps L:'A th'" '0" 0' m,'fuootiOo of tho
                                                                    ~\\\                K3.02 Knowledge of the effect 204000 RWCU                  X                                                        REACTOR WATER CLEANUP              3.1 29
:.::                            SYSTEM will have on following:
Reactor water level
                                              ,':                                      K4.06 - Knowledge of
                                                                              .,,::.':., RECIRCULATION FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM design 202002 Recirculation Flow X                                                      feature(s) and/or interlocks      3.1  30 Control                                                              '::i:::j:~~ which provide for the following:
Recirculation pump adequate it        NPSH: Plant-Specific K5.04 Knowledge of the 1::/                operational Implications of the following concepts as they apply 17;(f'"3 241000 ReactorlTurbine Pressure Regulator X                              [':1                to REACTORITURBINE                3.3  31 I:i:t                  I 'eC:::
                                                                                ~ pressure vs. reactor pressure
                                                                    ~ K6.01 - Knowledge of the effect 201002 RMCS                            X
[:                          .. '            thaI a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the REACTOR MANUAL 2.5  32 CONTROL SYSTEM: Select 1>1::'
Im'.~~'            A 1.08 - Ability to predict and/or I~~
monitor changes in parameters 239001 Main and Reheat                                                    ,.~m'        associated with operating the Steam X                                                                                3.8  33 MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM SYSTEM controls including:
Reactor pressure
ES-401                                            9                                        Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems  Tier 2 Group 2 System # / Name K K K K K K A          A A                                                    Q A2        G                                        Imp.
1 2 3  4  5  6  1      3 4                                                    #
A2.05 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PLANT VENTILATION SYSTEMS; and (b) based on those predictions, use 288000 Plant Ventilation                                      procedures to correct, control,    2.6    34 or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Extreme outside weather conditions: Plant-Specific A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 201001 CRD Hydraulic                                          CONTROL ROD DRIVE                  2.7    35 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 226001 RHRllPCI: CTMT 3.6    36 Spray Mode 259001 Reactor Feedwater                                                                        4.5    37 216000 Nuclear Boiler Inst.                                                                              38 KiA Category Totals:                                                                                    12/3
ES-401                                              10                                  Form ES-401-3 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
Facility:        Hope Creek Station                      Date:        03/05/12 RO        SRO-Only Category      KlA#                              Topic IR      Q#  IR    Q#
Ability to use procedures to determine the        I effects on reactivity of plant changes, such as 2.1.43                                                                        4.3  94 RCS temperature, secondary plant, fuel depletion etc.
Knowledge of the fuel-handling 2.1.3                                                                        3.9    98 responsibilities of SRO's.
: 1.                          Knowledge of individual licensed operator Conduct                    responsibilities related to shift staffing, such of Operations  2.1.4      as medical requirements, "no-solo" operation,        3.3 66 i
                        . maintenance of active license status, i 10CFR55, etc.
Knowledge of how to conduct system 2.1.29    lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches,      I 4.1      67 etc.
                                                                                *~hk1' 2 __
Subtotal                                                                              2 I Knowledge of the process for managin!J maintenance activities during power I
2.2.17    operations, such as risk assessments, work                        3.8    95 prioritization, coordination with the transmission O:>YO:>lCI Uf./CldlUI 2.
Equipment 3.0~
Kr,uvv,t::uyt:: of the process for making Control        2.2.6 changes to procedures.
Knowledge of less than or equal to one hour 2.2.39    Technical Specification action statements for        3.9      69 "YO:>lCIIIO:>.
Knowledge of limiting conditions for i 2.2.2                                                          4.0      74 operations and safety limits.
                                                                              --            ~
Subtotal                                                                  2 Knowledge of radiation or containment                                      I 3.
I            hazards that may arise during normal, Radiation        2.3.14                                                                      3.8  96 abnormal, or emergency conditions or Control activities.
Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, I
                        ! such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms.
2.3.15                                                                      3.1  100 I portable survey instruments, personnel i          i monitoring equipment, etc.
ES-401                                        11                              Form ES-401-3 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) 2.3.11    AbU to control radiation releases.                3.8 70 Knowledge of Radiological Safety Principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as 2.3.12    containment entry requirements, fuel handling      3.2 71 responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas                  etc.
Subtotal Knowledge of RO tasks performed outside 2.4.34    th.3 main control room during an emergElncy and the resultant              effects.
Ability to take actions called for in the facility 2.4.38    emergency plan, including supporting or as em          coordinator if      red.
Emergency Procedures I            Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing safety Plan          2.4.22  I functions during abnormal/emergency Knowledge of procedures relating to a 2.4.28 event.
Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs.
ES-401                                            12                                              Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's f':!roup I    Randomly T;"". /                                                      Reason for Rejection Selected KIA Question #41 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS:
Shutdown margin. Over-sampled topic, see question #40, almost identical subject matter.
1 /1          295023/ AK1.02 Randomly selected AK3.02 - Knowledge of the operational
                                    ! implications of the following concepts as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS: Interlocks associated with fuel 1r--_ _ _ _-t-_ _ _ _ _ _-+_h-='a_n--'--d_lin..".lgL..e~~q~lu___'ip_'_lm_e,;_,_n.!__:_--_:_----..,.----:------::--cc---:------11 Question #45, - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF A.C. POWER: Initiation of isolation condenser: Plant-Specific Hope Creek does not have isolation condensers.
1 /1          295003 I AK.307 Randomly selected AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF AC. POWER: Manual and auto bus transfer Question #50, - Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT: RPIS Control Rod Position Indication (RPIS) is not available outside of the Control Room.
1 /1          295016/ M1.03 Randomly selected AA1.02 - Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT:
Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system Question #83, - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE: Secondary containment pressure:
Plant-Specific. Over-sampled topic, see question #62 almost identical subject matter.
1 /2          295035/ EA2.01 Randomly selected 295013/A2.01 High Suppression Pool Temperature, Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as .
they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL TEMPERATURE:                                        .
Suppression Pool Temperature Question #5 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on following:
Uninterruptible power supply. Over-sampled topic, see question
                                      #8 almost identical subject matter.
2/1            262001 I K3.04 Randomly selected K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on following: Major system loads.
Question #4, - Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the
* following: ADS logic. Over-sampled topic, see question #3
* almost identical subject matter.
2/1          218000/ K2.01 Randomly selected K3.02 - Ability to rapidly depressurize the reactor
ES-401                                  13                                    Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #24, - Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the Control Room: TDRFP lockout reset. TDRFP Over-sampled topic, see questions #21 and #89 very similar subject matter.
2/1  2590021 A4.09 Randomly selected 264000/A4.04 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet) Manual start, loading, and stopping of emergency generator. Plant Specific Question #91, - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Loss of D.C. electrical power. Unable to write an SRO discriminating question for this topic.
2/2 259001/ A2.08 Randomly selected 259001lA2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of condensate pump(s).
Question #69, - Ability to track Technical Specification limiting conditions for operations. Reactor Operators are not responsible for this task.
3      2.2.23 Randomly selected 2.2.39 - Knowledge of less than or equal to one hour Technical Specification action statements for systems.
Question #54 Conduct of Operations: Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation. Unable to write a discriminating question to 1 11 295005/2.1.7 adequately address all the attributes of the selected KIA.
                      , Randomly selected 2.1.2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities
* during all modes of plant operation.
Question #89 - Emergency Procedures J Plan: Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant conditions. Topic is over-sampled, see Q's 60 and 76 2 11 259002/ 2.4.46
                      . Randomly selected 215004 SRMs and 2.2.38 Knowledge of
* conditions and limitations in the facility license Question #87, - A2.10 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions Changes in void concentration. Due to a heavy concentration of Nuclear Instrumentation topics and per Chief Examiner's request, have 2/1 2150051 A2.10    rejected this KIA and reselected an additional topic.
Randomly selected 262001/A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the A.C. ELECTRICAL
                      . DISTRIBUTION; and (b) based on those predictions, use
* procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Types of loads that, if      i I de-enemized, would hinder plant operation.                            i
ES-401                                    14                                      Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #88, - Equipment Control: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives effect plant and system conditions. Due to a heavy concentration of Nuclear Instrumentation topics and per Chief Examiner's request, have reselected a different system and retained the original generic 2/1    215003 I 2.2.44  part of the KIA. This was done to maintain the balance of the outline.
                          , Randomly selected 261000/2.2.44 - SGTS, Abllity to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.
Question # 80, - Emergency Procedures I Plan: Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures. After review of question selected, question
                            #78 is very similar in nature and will be retained, however #80 will 1 11    295004/2.4.4 be reselected.
Randomly selected 295004/2.1.23 - Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant I                    operation (Partial or Complete Loss of DC power)
Question #39 - Knowledge of the operation applications of the following concepts as they apply to Plant Fire On Site: Fire Classifications by type. Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator level.
1 11  600000 I AK1.01 Randomly selected AK2.03 - Knowledge of the operation applications of the following concepts as they apply to Plant Fire On Site and the following: Motors Question #10 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Hydrogen generation during battery charging.
Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator 2/1    263000 1 K5.01    level.
Randomly selected K1.04 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to D.C.
ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Ground Detection Question #66 - Knowledge of industrial safety procedures (such as rotating eqUipment, electrical, high temperature, high pressure, caustic, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen). Unable to write a sufficiently discriminating question at the licensed operator level.
3        2.1.26 Randomly selected 2.1.4 - Knowledge of individual licensed operator responsibilities related to shift staffing, such as medical requirements, "no-solo" operation, maintenance of active license I                    status, 10CFR55, etc.
ES-401                      15                                    Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #74 - Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements during normal or abnormal conditions. Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator level.
3 2.3.7 Randomly selected 2.2.2 - Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.
Question #22 - Equipment Control: Ability to analyze the effect of maintenance activities, such as degraded power sources, on the status of limiting conditions for operations. Rejected because 2/1 2.2.36 analyzing maintenance activities is an SRO function.
Randomly selected 2.1.32 - Ability to explain and apply system limits and precautions.
HC ILT 2012 NRC EXAM ES-301                              Administrative Topics Outline                        Form ES-301-1 Facility:    HOQe Creek                                        Date of Examination:        3/5/2012 Examination Level:          ~ RO          0    SRO        Operating Test Number:        NRC 2012 Administrative Topic          Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note)            Code*
Conduct of Operations          S,D        2.1.31 ZZ024 Perform power distribution lineup.
I 2.1.18 ZZ016 Complete the Daily Logs Conduct of Operations        S,D,P        (Complete Att 1A for 609,611, MSLRMS)
(2009 NRC) 2.2.40 ZZ011 Re-start Reador Recirc Pump lAW Equipment Control            S,M Attachment 2.
I Radiation Control            S,M        2.3.5 ZZ019 Calculate Noble Gas Release Rate.
I Emergency Plan
* N/A NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
*Type Codes & Criteria:      (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (s 3 for ROs; s 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~1)
(P)revious 2 exams (S1; randomly selected)
HC ILT 2012 NRC EXAM ES*301                              Administrative Topics Outline                        Form ES*301*1 Facility:    Hope Creek                                          Date of Examination: - -  3/5/2012
. Examination Level:        D      RO      ~ SRO            Operating Test Number:          NRC 2012 Administrative Topic I Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note)          , Code*
Conduct of Operations          R,N          2.1.25 ZZ045 Perform On-Line Risk Controls Evaluation I
Conduct of Operations        R, 0, P        2.1.18 ZZ017 Review DL-26 (2009 NRC)
I 2.2.12 ZZ027 Review OP-IS.ZZ-0003 for Completeness Equipment Control            R,M and Compliance with Acceptance Criteria.
I Radiation Control            R,D        2.3.6 ZZ003 -Approve Containment Purge permit.
2.4.38 ECG003 Utilize the ECG to Classify an Event Emergency Plan            R,M
                                          ., (Barrier Table General Emergency/PAR)
NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
  *Type Codes & Criteria:      (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oorn (D}irect from bank ($; 3 for ROs; $; 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
{N)ew or (M)odified from bank (2:1)
(P}revious 2 exams ($;1; randomly selected)
(A}lternate Path
E5-301                                    Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline                                Form E5-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek                                                    Date of Examination: 3/5/2012 Exam Level: RO        [R]    SRO-I    D    SRO-U    D                Operating Test No.: NRC2012 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
System I JPM Title                                          Type Code*            Safety Function
: a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01)                            S,A, L,  &deg;                  2
: b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Coolin~1                        S,A,L, N                    4 Loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
: c. CG003 Respond to Main Condenser Low Vacuum (KIA 271000 A4.04)                          S,E,M                        9
: d. GS005 Vent To Control Containment Pressure With Suppression Pool                        S,A,D,E, L                  5 Level Less Than 180 Inches (KIA 295024 EA1.19)
: e. BF011 Respond To An Uncoupled Control Rod (KIA 201003 A2.02)                            S,A,D                        1
: f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA                          S,D,EN                      7 212000 A2.02)
: g. ED002 Respond To A Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Malfunction (KIA                          S,A,D,P                      8 295018 AA2.02) (NRC 2009)
: h. AB001 Bypass MSIV Isolation Interlocks With MSIVs Closed/Open (KIA                      S,D,E                        3 239001 A2.03)
In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
: i. EG003 Respond To A Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Water Malfunction                        D,R                          8 (KIA 400000 A2.01)
: j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002                          D,E                          3 A2.03)
: k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 AA1.04)                                D,E,R                        v
@          All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
                        "Type Codes                                  Criteria for RO , SRO-I , SRO-U (A)lternate path                                                                4*6' 4-6' 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank                                                              ::59/::58/::54 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant                                              ;::1/;::1/;::1 (EN)gineered safety feature                                                      .. I - I ;::1 (control room system)
(L)ow-Power I Shutdown                                                        ;::1/;::1/;::1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)                                  ;::2/;::2/;::1 (P)revious ~~ exams                                                            ::5 3/::5 3/::5 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA                                                                          ;::1/;::1/;::1 (S)imulator
ES-301                                    Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline                            Form ES-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek                                                    Date of Examination: 3/5/2012 Exam Level: RO        D      SRO-I    [8]  SRO-U    D                Operating Test No.: NRC2012 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
System 1JPM Title                                        Type Code*            Safety Function
: a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01)                          S,A, L, D                    2
: b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Cooling                      S,A,L,N                      4 loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
: c. CG003 Respond to Main Condenser Low Vacuum (KIA 271000 A4.04)                        S,E,M                        9
: d. GS005 Vent To Control Containment Pressure With Suppression Pool                      S,A,D,E, L                  5 Level Less Than 180 Inches (KIA 295024 EA1.19)
: e. BF011 Respond To An Uncoupled Control Rod (KIA 201003 A2.02)                          S, A, D                      1
: f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA                        S,D,EN                      7 212000 A2.02)
: g. ED002 Respond To A Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Malfunction (KIA                        S,A,D,P                      8 295018 M2.02) (NRC 2009)
: h. NA                                                                                    -                           
              - tems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
: i. EG003 Respond To A Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Water Malfunction (VJA                  D,R                          8 400000 A2.01)
: j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002                        D,E                          3 A2.03)
: k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 M1.04)                                D,E,R
@          All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
* Type Codes                                  Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)ltemate path                                                                4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C}ontrol room (D)irect from bank                                                              s9/s8/s4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant                                                2:1/2:1/2:1 (EN)gineered safety feature                                                      - / - / 2:1 (control room system)
(L}ow-Power / Shutdown                                                          2:1/2:1/2:1 (N}ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)                                    '22/'22/'21 (P)revious 2 exams                                                              s 3 / s 3 / s 2 (randomly selected)
{R)CA                                                                          2:1/2:1/'21 (S)imulator
ES-301                                    Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline                                  Form ES-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek                                                    Date of Examination: 3/5/2012
* Exam Level: RO          0      SRO-I    0    SRO-U  [29              Operating Test No.: NRC2012 i  Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
I System I JPM Title                                            Type Code*            Safety Function
: a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01)                              S,A, L, D                    2
: b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Cooling                          S,A,L,N                      4 Loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
: c. NA                                                                                        -
: d. NA                                                                                        -
: e. NA                                                                                        -
: f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA                            S,D,EN                      7 212000 A2.02)
: g. NA                                                                                        -
: h. NA                                                                                        -
In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
: i. NA                                                                                        -
: j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002                            D, E                        3 A2.03)
: k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 AA1.04)                                  D, E,R                      6 i@            All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
* Type Codes                                  Criteria for RO 1 SRO-II SRO-U (A)lternate path                                                                4-6/4-6 1 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank                                                              :::;9/:::;8/:::;4 (E}mergency or abnormal in-plant                                              ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1 (EN)gineered safety feature                                                        .. 1 - 1 ;:::1 (control room system)
(L)ow-Power 1 Shutdown                                                        ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1
** (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)                                    ;:::2/;::2/;:::1 (P)revious 2 exams                                                            ::::; 3 / $ 3 / $ 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA                                                                          ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1 II (S)imulator
Appendix 0                          Scenario Outline                        Form ES-O-1 Facility: Hope Creek                Scenario No.:  ~                Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners:                                      Operators:                    (SRO)
. Initial Conditions: 93% power.
Turnover: Raise reactor power to 98% per Load Dispatcher request.
Event          Malf.      Event Type*                            Event Nn            No.                                              Description 1          NIA          R (ATC)      Raise power to 98% with recirculation flow.
N (SRO) 2        MS09A          I (SRO)      PT-N076A MSL Pressure Fails Upscale (TS) 3        CD10A          C (ATC)        "A" CRD Pump Trip C (SRO) 4        PC07A            C (All)      OBE Earthquake wi 10A403 Bus Fault & Lockout ED16                        (TS) 5        RR31A1            C (All)      Small break LOCA I Manual Scram 6        PC07B            M (All)      Aftershock wi LOP, Main Generator Lockout, "B" EG12                        EDG Start Failure (recoverable), "A" & "0" EDG fail resulting in unrecoverable loss of 10A401 & 10A404 DG08B Buses DG02A DG02C DG02D 7          HP01          C (BOP)        HPCI & RCIC auto start failure (RCIC recoverable)
HP06M RC02 RC05
          * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity,  (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX 0, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D                              Scenario Outline                            Form ES-D-1 Facility: Hope Creek                  Scenario No.: ~                    Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners:                                          Operators:    -              (SRO)
                                                                  -              (ATC)
                                                                  -              (BOP)
Initial Conditions: 84.5% power Turnover: Power ascension in progress. Raise power 84.5% to 90% using control rods.
Place C RFPT in service.
Event            Malf.        Event Type*                                Event No.            No.                                                  Description 1            NA            R (ATC)        Raise power 84.5% to 90% using control rods.
N (BOP)        Place C RFPT in service.
N (SRO) 2        CD032631          C(ATC)        Stuck Control Rod. (TS SRO)
C (SRO) 3          NM12B            I (ATC)      Flow Unit Fails Downscale w/half scram. (TS SRO)
I (SRO) 4          TC07A            C (ATC)        A EHC Pump trip C (SRO) 5          TC16              C (All)      Loss of EHC due to Filter Clogging wI Manual Scram 6          RP07              M (All)      ATWS 7          CU11A            C (ATC)        Failure of RWCU to auto isolate.
CU1'IB 8          HP06E            C (BOP)        HPCI components failure to auto initiate HP14 HP15 HP16 9      FW26A,B orC          C (BOP)        Loss of feedwater
          * (N)ormal,  (R)eactivity,  (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix 0                          Scenario Outline                            Form ES-O-1 Facility: Hope Creek                Scenario No.: 3-LP (SPARE)        Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners:                                      Operators:                        (SRO)
Initial Conditions: 3% power.
Turnover: Continue Reactor Startup using control rods.
Malt.                                                  Event No.                                                Description 1          NA            R (ATC)        Raise Reactor power with control rods.
N (SRO) 2        NM060            I (ATC)      IRM fails upscale. (TS SRO)
I (SRO) 3      Remote MS12        C (SRO)        Main Steam Line Drain AB-HV-F019 Failure (TS SRO) 4        FW26A          C (BOP)        Reactor Feedwater Pump trip.
C (SRO) 5        MS040            M (All)      Main Steam Tunnel leak. Manual scram. Fuel Failure.
CR01 6        COO32259        C (ATC)        2 Control Rods stuck at position 48.
COO32659        C (SRO) 7        MS190          C (BOP)        Failure of MSIVs and Main Steam Line Drain valves to MS200          C (SRO)        automatically close.
3A106_F_01 3A107 F 01 8        COO9A          C (ATC)        CRO Flow Control valve fails closed.
        * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity,  (I)nstrument,  {C)omponent,    (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D                          Scenario Outline                          Form ES*D*1 Facility: Hope Creek                Scenario No.: 4-LP                Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners:                                      Operators:                      (SRO)
                                                                  -              (ATC)
Initial Conditions: 3% power.
Turnover: Continue Reactor Startup using control rods.
Swap SSW pump alignment to remove D SSW Pump from service for planned maintenance.
I~                      ~
Malf.                                                Event No.                                              Description 1            NA          R (ATC)        Raise Reactor power with control rods.
N (SRO) 2        CD022603        C (ATC)        Rod drifts out. (TS SRO)
C (SRO) 3            NA          N (BOP)        Swap Service Water Pumps 4        CW05A          C (BOP)        Service Water Pump Malfunction (TS SRO)
C (SRO) 5          RR05B          C (ATC)        Single Reactor Recirc Pump Dual Seal Failure (TS SRO)
RR06B          C (SRO) 6          CR01            C (ALL)      Fuel Failure With Scram 7          PC06          M (ALL)      Torus Leak/Emergency Depressurization 8          RH03B          C (BOP)        RHR HX inlet valve F047B fails closed
        * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity,  (I)nstrument,  (C)omponent,    (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39
Appendix D                          Scenario Outline                          Form ES-D-1 Facility: Hope Creek                Scenario No.: ..&sect;        Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners:                                      Operators:                      (SRO)
Initial Conditions: 100% Power Turnover: Normal operation. All equipment available.
Event          Malf.      Event Type*                                Event No.            No.                                                Description 1        ED11A          C (SRO)        Loss of 100410125 VOC bus (TS)
HPCI Loss (TS) 2        TU15084          C (All)      High Turbine Vibration Power Reduction w/Manual Scram 3        MC01A            C (All)      Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 4          EG12            M (All)      LOP/LOCA RR31A2 5        Multiple        C (All)      Loss of RPV Level Indication
* RPV Flooding 6        RH080          C (BOP)        o RHR PumpNalve Fail to Auto Initiate
        * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity,  (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39}}

Latest revision as of 18:05, 6 February 2020

Final Outlines (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/2012
From: Todd Fish
Operations Branch I
Public Service Enterprise Group
Jackson D
Shared Package
ML113070699 List:
TAC U01845
Download: ML12083A212 (26)


ES-401 Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 I Facility: Hope Creek Station Date of Exam: 03/05/2012 I RO KIA Category Points SRO-Only Points Tier Group K K A K K K K A A A G A2 G* Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

  • Total 1.

Emergency &

Abnormal Plant Evolutions 1

2 Tier Totals 1

1 2

4 1

5 5

2 7

N/A 3

1 4

4 5

1 N/A 3

1 4

20 7

27 4

1 5

3 2

5 R 10 1 3 1 4 2 3 3 26 3 2 5 2.

Plant Systems 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 12 oI 1 2 3 Tier Totals 4 2 5 3 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 38 4 4 8

3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities Categories 1

2 L.

3 34 2 3 10

[ilifffij 7 Note: 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (Le., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier Totals" in each KIA category shall not be less than two).

2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table, The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/-1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions, The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems/evolutions that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate KIA statements.
4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.

5, Absent a plant-specific priority, only those KlAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2,5 or higher shall be selected.

Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.

6, Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories.

7.* The generic (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the KIA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Section D.1.b of ES-401 for the applicable KlAs.

8. On the following pages, enter the KIA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' importance ratings (IRs) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above; if fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2, Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
9. For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the KIA catalog, and enter the KIA numbers, descriptions, IRs and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.

ES-401 1 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1 EAPE # I Name Safety Function KIA Topic(s)

AA2.07 - Ability to detennine and/or 295005 Main Turbine Generator interpret the following as they apply to 3.6 76 Trip 13 MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP; Reactor wat<::r level EA2.0 1 - Ability to detennine and/or 295030 Low Suppression Pool intClpret the following as they apply to Water Levell 5 4.2 77 LOW SUPPRESSION POOL WATER 295006 SCRAM 11 4.4 78 2.4.34 - Emergency Procedures! Plan; 295021 Loss of Shutdown Knowledge of RO tusks perfonned outside 4.1 79 Cooling 14 the main control room during an emergency and the resultant 0 erationa! eftects.

295004 Partial or Total Loss of 4.4 80 DC Pwr 113 295024 High Drywell Pressure I 4.6 81 5

295031 Reactor Low Water Level 12 4.8 82 600000 Plant Fire On-site 1 8 X 2.5 39 295006 SCRAM 11 X 3.4 40 295023 Refueling Acc Cooling X  ! 3.4 41 Mode 18 e ui men!

AK2. J4 - Knowledge of the interrelations 295019 Partial or Total Loss of between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS X 3.2 42 Inst. Air 18 OF INSTRUMENT AIR and the following; Plant air systl~ms AK2.02 - Knowledge of the interrelations 295004 Partial or Total Loss of between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS X i 3.0 43 DC Pwr/6 OF D.C. POWER and the tollowing; Batteries EK2.l4 Knowledge of the interrelations 295031 Reactor Low Water between REACTOR LOW WATER X 3.9 44 Level / 2 LEVEL and the following; Emergency generators AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295003 Partial or Complete following responses as they apply to Loss of AC/6 X


3.3 45 POWER; Manual and auto bus transfer EK3.05 Knowledge of the reasons for the 295026 Suppression Pool High following responses as they apply to Water Temp. 15 X 3.9 46 SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERAlURE; Reaetor SCRAM

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions Tier 1 Group 1 EIG.03 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295037 SCRAM Conditions following responses as they apply to Present and Reactor Power SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND X 4.1 47 Above APRM Downscale or REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM Unknown f 1 DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN :

Lowering reactor water level AAl.04 - Ability to operate and/or monitor 295021 Loss of Shutdown the following as they apply to LOSS OF 3.7 48 Cooling 14 SHUTDOWN COOLING: Alternate heat removal methods AAl.07 Ability to operate and/or monitor 295001 Partial or Complete the following as they apply to PARTIAL Loss of Forced Core Flow OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED 3.1 49 Circulation 11 & 4 CORE FLOW CIRCULATION: Nuclear boiler instrumentation system AAI.02 - Ability to operate and/or monitor 295016 Control Room the following as they apply to CONTROL 2.9 50 Abandonment I 7 ROOM ABANDONMENT :

295024 High Drywall Pressure I 4.2 51 5

ressure EAZ.04 - Ability to detennine and/or 295038 High Off-site Release interpret the following as they apply to 4.1 52 Rate I 9 HIGH OFF-SITE RELEASE RATE:

Source of off-site release AA2.02 Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to 700000 Generator Voltage and GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND 3.5 53 Electric Grid Disturbances ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES:

Voltage outside the generator capability curve.

2.1.2 Knowledge of operator 295005 Main Turbine responsibilities during all modes of plant 4.1 54 Generator Trip 13 o eration.

295030 Low Suppression Pool 2.2.12 - Equipment Control: Knowledge of 3.7 55 Water Levell 5 surveillance procedures.

2.2.42 - Equipment Control: Ability to 295028 High Drywell recognize system parameters that are entry-3.9 56 Temperature 15 level conditions for Technical S ecifications.

AA2.03 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the Jbllowing as they apply to 295018 Partial or Total Loss of PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.2 57 CCW/8 COMPONE~T COOLING WATER:

Cause for paltial or complete loss EIG.02 - Knowledge of the reasons for the 295025 High Reactor Pressure following responses as they apply to HIGH X REACTOR PRESSURE: Recirculation 3.9 58 13 Plant-S ecific KJA Category Totals: 4 5 3 20/7

ES-401 3 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2 KJA Topic(s)

AA2.0 1 High Suppression Pool Temperature, Ability to detennine and/or 295013 High Suppression Pool interpret the following as they apply to 4.0 83 Temperature 15 HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL to Containment Area Temperature 4.6 84 15 Procedures / Plan; Knowledge related to system 295017 High Off-site Release operation I status that must be reported to 4.1 85 Rate / 9 internal organizations or external agencies, such as the state, the N'RC', or the AKl.03 Knowledge of the operational 295010 High Drywell Pressure implications orthe following concepts as X 3.2 59

/5 they apply to HIGH DRYWELL increases AK2.02 Knowledge of the interrelations 295009 Low Reactor Water between LOW REACTOR WATER LEVEL 3.9 X 60 Level 12 and the following: Reactor water level control EKJ.03 Knowledge of the reasons for the 295034 Secondary following responses as they apply to Containment Ventilation High X SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 4.0 61 Radiation i 9 VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION:

295035 Secondary Containment High Differential X 3.8 62 Pressure /5 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump/Area 3.1 63 Water Levell 5 295008 High Reactor Water 3.9 64 Level 12 295020 Inadvertent Cont.

X 3.3 65 Isolation I 5 & 7 KJA Category Totals: 2 7/3

ES-401 4 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 II System # / Name

[~I~I~I~[~[~[~[ A2 [~[~[ G I Imp Q#

A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM; and (b) 206000 HPCI based on those predictions, use 3.0 86 procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

A.c. failures: BWR-2,3,4 A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to 262001 AC 4.2 87 COITect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Types of loads that, if de-energized, would hinder lant 0 eration.

2.2.44 Equipment Control: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of 261000 SGTS 4.4 88 a system, and understand how operator actions and directives effect plant and system conditions.

2.2.38 Knowledge of conditions and 215004 SRM 4.5 89 limitations in the facili 'license A2.09 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRHvtARY CONTAINMENT ISOLAnON SYSTEM/NUCLEAR 223002 PCIS/Nuclear Steam STEAM SUPPLY SHUT-OFF; Supply Shutoff 3.7 90 and l b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or Imtigate the consequences of those abnonnal conditions or 264000 EDGs x 3.2 211000 SLC x 3.0 2 239002 SRVs X 2.8 3 K3.02 - Knowledge ofthe effect that a loss or malfunction of the AUTOMATIC 218000AOS X 4.5 4 DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM

ES-401 5 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 K K K K K K A A A Imp System # I Name A2 G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 262001 AC Electrical X A.c. ELECTRICAL 3.5 5 Distribution DISTRIBUTION will have on followin o : Major S stem Loads K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT 206000 HPCI X 4.0 6 INJECTION SYSTEM will have on following: Reactor water level control: BWR-2,3,4 K4.03 - Knowledge of SHUTDOWN COOLING SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN 205000 Shutdown Cooling X COOLING MODE) design 3.8 7 feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Low reactor water level: Plant-Specific K4.01 - Knowledge of UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.) design 262002 UPS (AC/DC) X! feature(s) and/or interlocks which 3.1 8 provide for the following: Transfer from preferred power to alternate wersu lies K5.0lc - Knowledge of the operational implications of the 300000 Instrument Air X following concepts as they apply to 2.5 9 the INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM:

Air com ressors K1.04 Knowledge of the operational implications of the 263000 DC Electrical X following concepts as they apply to 2.6 10 Distribution D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Ground Detection K6.0 I - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 261000 SGTS X 2.9 11 STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM: A.C. electrical distribution K6.04 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the 217000 RCIC X REACTOR CORE ISOLA nON 3.5 12 COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC):

Condensate storage and transfer system Al.O 7 Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the AVERAGE POWER RANGE 215005 APRM / LPRM 3.0 13 MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM controls including: APRM (gain adjustment factor)

ES-401 6 Form ES-40 1-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 I

K K K K K K A A2 A A Imp System # / Name G Q#

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 AI.03 - Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the LOW 209001 LPCS 3.8 14 PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM controls including:

Reactor water level A2.06 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM) SYSTEM; and 2150031RM (b) based on those predictions, use 3.0 15 proct:dures to correct, control, or mitig-dte the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Faulty Ran e Switch A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the SOURCE RANGE MONITOR (S~1\1) SYSTEM; and (b) based on 215004 Source Range those predictions, nse procedures to 2.7 16 Monitor correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Power Iydegraded A3.06 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 203000 RHRlLPCI: Injection RHRiLPCI: INJECTION MODE 3.7 17 Mode (PLANT SPECIFIC) including:

Indicatin lights and alarms A3.0 1 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the CCWS 400000 Component Cooling including: Setpoints on instrument Water signal levels for normal operations, 3.0 18 warnings, and trips that are a licable to the CCWS 223002 PCIS/Nuclear 3.9 19 Steam Supply Shutoff 212000 RPS 20 259002 Reactor Water 4.4 21 Level Control 211000 SLC 3.8 22 212000 RPS 4.0 23 264000 Emergency 3.7 24 Generators (Diesel/Jet) 239002 SRVs 3.8 25 including: SRV operation after ADS actuation

ES-401 7 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 System # .' Name KKKKKKAA2 1234561 r

/ii'iiiii::' K3.04

  • Knowledge of the effeet that a loss or malfunction of the

..... REACTOR CORE ISOLATION 217000 RCIC X 3.6 26 COOLING SYSTEM (RCtC) \vill have on following: Adequate core cooling KiA Category Totals: 3 1 4 2 1 2 2213 3 3 312.' Group Point Total: 26/5

...... I

ES-401 8 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2 KKKKKKAA2 A A System # I Name G 1 2 345 6 1 3 4

~I A2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER i""",::,

I""'" ' SYSTEM; and (b) based on 259001 Reactor Feedwater I":'~~\c those, predictions, use 3.6 91

.*."". procEidures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of flf" ,~~r

)' those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of condensate pump(s) tff:~(

2.2.42 - Equipment Control:

Ability to recognize system 226001 RHR/LPCI: CTMT parameters that are entry-level 4.6 92 Spray Mode conditions for Technical I***.,..*" A;;;:~r Specifications.

  • L:*'* ~'., 2.2.37 - Equipment Control:

223001 Primary CTMT and  !" Ability to determine operability 4.6 93 Aux. <.:"

and / or availability of safety related

,~ . Kl.0S Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause- effect relationships 215001 Traversing In-core Probe X .. between TRAVERSING IN 2.5 27 CORE PROBE and the

,', i following: Reactor pressure


.:. K2.02 - Knowledge of electrical 286000 Fire Protection X power supplies to the following: 2.9 28 Pumps L:'A th'" '0" 0' m,'fuootiOo of tho

~\\\ K3.02 Knowledge of the effect 204000 RWCU X REACTOR WATER CLEANUP 3.1 29

.:: SYSTEM will have on following:

Reactor water level

,': K4.06 - Knowledge of

.,,::.':., RECIRCULATION FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM design 202002 Recirculation Flow X feature(s) and/or interlocks 3.1 30 Control '::i:::j:~~ which provide for the following:

Recirculation pump adequate it NPSH: Plant-Specific K5.04 Knowledge of the 1::/ operational Implications of the following concepts as they apply 17;(f'"3 241000 ReactorlTurbine Pressure Regulator X [':1 to REACTORITURBINE 3.3 31 I:i:t I 'eC:::


~ pressure vs. reactor pressure

~ K6.01 - Knowledge of the effect 201002 RMCS X

[: .. ' thaI a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the REACTOR MANUAL 2.5 32 CONTROL SYSTEM: Select 1>1::'

Im'.~~' A 1.08 - Ability to predict and/or I~~

monitor changes in parameters 239001 Main and Reheat ,.~m' associated with operating the Steam X 3.8 33 MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM SYSTEM controls including:

Reactor pressure

ES-401 9 Form ES-401-1 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Plant Systems Tier 2 Group 2 System # / Name K K K K K K A A A Q A2 G Imp.

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 #

A2.05 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PLANT VENTILATION SYSTEMS; and (b) based on those predictions, use 288000 Plant Ventilation procedures to correct, control, 2.6 34 or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Extreme outside weather conditions: Plant-Specific A3.03 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 201001 CRD Hydraulic CONTROL ROD DRIVE 2.7 35 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 226001 RHRllPCI: CTMT 3.6 36 Spray Mode 259001 Reactor Feedwater 4.5 37 216000 Nuclear Boiler Inst. 38 KiA Category Totals: 12/3

ES-401 10 Form ES-401-3 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Facility: Hope Creek Station Date: 03/05/12 RO SRO-Only Category KlA# Topic IR Q# IR Q#

Ability to use procedures to determine the I effects on reactivity of plant changes, such as 2.1.43 4.3 94 RCS temperature, secondary plant, fuel depletion etc.

Knowledge of the fuel-handling 2.1.3 3.9 98 responsibilities of SRO's.

1. Knowledge of individual licensed operator Conduct responsibilities related to shift staffing, such of Operations 2.1.4 as medical requirements, "no-solo" operation, 3.3 66 i

. maintenance of active license status, i 10CFR55, etc.

Knowledge of how to conduct system 2.1.29 lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches, I 4.1 67 etc.

  • ~hk1' 2 __

Subtotal 2 I Knowledge of the process for managin!J maintenance activities during power I

2.2.17 operations, such as risk assessments, work 3.8 95 prioritization, coordination with the transmission O:>YO:>lCI Uf./CldlUI 2.

Equipment 3.0~

Kr,uvv,t::uyt:: of the process for making Control 2.2.6 changes to procedures.

Knowledge of less than or equal to one hour 2.2.39 Technical Specification action statements for 3.9 69 "YO:>lCIIIO:>.

Knowledge of limiting conditions for i 2.2.2 4.0 74 operations and safety limits.

-- ~

Subtotal 2 Knowledge of radiation or containment I 3.

I hazards that may arise during normal, Radiation 2.3.14 3.8 96 abnormal, or emergency conditions or Control activities.

Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, I

! such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms.

2.3.15 3.1 100 I portable survey instruments, personnel i i monitoring equipment, etc.

ES-401 11 Form ES-401-3 Hope Creek Station Written Examination Outline Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) 2.3.11 AbU to control radiation releases. 3.8 70 Knowledge of Radiological Safety Principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as 2.3.12 containment entry requirements, fuel handling 3.2 71 responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas etc.

Subtotal Knowledge of RO tasks performed outside 2.4.34 th.3 main control room during an emergElncy and the resultant effects.

Ability to take actions called for in the facility 2.4.38 emergency plan, including supporting or as em coordinator if red.


Emergency Procedures I Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing safety Plan 2.4.22 I functions during abnormal/emergency Knowledge of procedures relating to a 2.4.28 event.

Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs.

ES-401 12 Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's f':!roup I Randomly T;"". / Reason for Rejection Selected KIA Question #41 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS:

Shutdown margin. Over-sampled topic, see question #40, almost identical subject matter.

1 /1 295023/ AK1.02 Randomly selected AK3.02 - Knowledge of the operational

! implications of the following concepts as they apply to REFUELING ACCIDENTS: Interlocks associated with fuel 1r--_ _ _ _-t-_ _ _ _ _ _-+_h-='a_n--'--d_lin..".lgL..e~~q~lu___'ip_'_lm_e,;_,_n.!__:_--_:_----..,.----:------::--cc---:------11 Question #45, - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF A.C. POWER: Initiation of isolation condenser: Plant-Specific Hope Creek does not have isolation condensers.

1 /1 295003 I AK.307 Randomly selected AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF AC. POWER: Manual and auto bus transfer Question #50, - Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT: RPIS Control Rod Position Indication (RPIS) is not available outside of the Control Room.

1 /1 295016/ M1.03 Randomly selected AA1.02 - Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT:

Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system Question #83, - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT HIGH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE: Secondary containment pressure:

Plant-Specific. Over-sampled topic, see question #62 almost identical subject matter.

1 /2 295035/ EA2.01 Randomly selected 295013/A2.01 High Suppression Pool Temperature, Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as .


Suppression Pool Temperature Question #5 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on following:

Uninterruptible power supply. Over-sampled topic, see question

  1. 8 almost identical subject matter.

2/1 262001 I K3.04 Randomly selected K3.01 - Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the AC. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION will have on following: Major system loads.

Question #4, - Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the

  • following: ADS logic. Over-sampled topic, see question #3
  • almost identical subject matter.

2/1 218000/ K2.01 Randomly selected K3.02 - Ability to rapidly depressurize the reactor

ES-401 13 Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #24, - Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the Control Room: TDRFP lockout reset. TDRFP Over-sampled topic, see questions #21 and #89 very similar subject matter.

2/1 2590021 A4.09 Randomly selected 264000/A4.04 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet) Manual start, loading, and stopping of emergency generator. Plant Specific Question #91, - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Loss of D.C. electrical power. Unable to write an SRO discriminating question for this topic.

2/2 259001/ A2.08 Randomly selected 259001lA2.03 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct. control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Loss of condensate pump(s).

Question #69, - Ability to track Technical Specification limiting conditions for operations. Reactor Operators are not responsible for this task.

3 2.2.23 Randomly selected 2.2.39 - Knowledge of less than or equal to one hour Technical Specification action statements for systems.

Question #54 Conduct of Operations: Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation. Unable to write a discriminating question to 1 11 295005/2.1.7 adequately address all the attributes of the selected KIA.

, Randomly selected 2.1.2 Knowledge of operator responsibilities

  • during all modes of plant operation.

Question #89 - Emergency Procedures J Plan: Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant conditions. Topic is over-sampled, see Q's 60 and 76 2 11 259002/ 2.4.46

. Randomly selected 215004 SRMs and 2.2.38 Knowledge of

  • conditions and limitations in the facility license Question #87, - A2.10 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions Changes in void concentration. Due to a heavy concentration of Nuclear Instrumentation topics and per Chief Examiner's request, have 2/1 2150051 A2.10 rejected this KIA and reselected an additional topic.

Randomly selected 262001/A2.04 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the A.C. ELECTRICAL

. DISTRIBUTION; and (b) based on those predictions, use

  • procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Types of loads that, if i I de-enemized, would hinder plant operation. i

ES-401 14 Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #88, - Equipment Control: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives effect plant and system conditions. Due to a heavy concentration of Nuclear Instrumentation topics and per Chief Examiner's request, have reselected a different system and retained the original generic 2/1 215003 I 2.2.44 part of the KIA. This was done to maintain the balance of the outline.

, Randomly selected 261000/2.2.44 - SGTS, Abllity to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

Question # 80, - Emergency Procedures I Plan: Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures. After review of question selected, question

  1. 78 is very similar in nature and will be retained, however #80 will 1 11 295004/2.4.4 be reselected.

Randomly selected 295004/2.1.23 - Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant I operation (Partial or Complete Loss of DC power)

Question #39 - Knowledge of the operation applications of the following concepts as they apply to Plant Fire On Site: Fire Classifications by type. Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator level.

1 11 600000 I AK1.01 Randomly selected AK2.03 - Knowledge of the operation applications of the following concepts as they apply to Plant Fire On Site and the following: Motors Question #10 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Hydrogen generation during battery charging.

Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator 2/1 263000 1 K5.01 level.

Randomly selected K1.04 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to D.C.

ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION: Ground Detection Question #66 - Knowledge of industrial safety procedures (such as rotating eqUipment, electrical, high temperature, high pressure, caustic, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen). Unable to write a sufficiently discriminating question at the licensed operator level.

3 2.1.26 Randomly selected 2.1.4 - Knowledge of individual licensed operator responsibilities related to shift staffing, such as medical requirements, "no-solo" operation, maintenance of active license I status, 10CFR55, etc.

ES-401 15 Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected KIA's Question #74 - Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements during normal or abnormal conditions. Unable to write a discriminating question at the licensed operator level.

3 2.3.7 Randomly selected 2.2.2 - Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

Question #22 - Equipment Control: Ability to analyze the effect of maintenance activities, such as degraded power sources, on the status of limiting conditions for operations. Rejected because 2/1 2.2.36 analyzing maintenance activities is an SRO function.

Randomly selected 2.1.32 - Ability to explain and apply system limits and precautions.

HC ILT 2012 NRC EXAM ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: HOQe Creek Date of Examination: 3/5/2012 Examination Level: ~ RO 0 SRO Operating Test Number: NRC 2012 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code*

Conduct of Operations S,D 2.1.31 ZZ024 Perform power distribution lineup.

I 2.1.18 ZZ016 Complete the Daily Logs Conduct of Operations S,D,P (Complete Att 1A for 609,611, MSLRMS)

(2009 NRC) 2.2.40 ZZ011 Re-start Reador Recirc Pump lAW Equipment Control S,M Attachment 2.

I Radiation Control S,M 2.3.5 ZZ019 Calculate Noble Gas Release Rate.

I Emergency Plan

  • N/A NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (s 3 for ROs; s 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (~1)

(P)revious 2 exams (S1; randomly selected)

HC ILT 2012 NRC EXAM ES*301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES*301*1 Facility: Hope Creek Date of Examination: - - 3/5/2012

. Examination Level: D RO ~ SRO Operating Test Number: NRC 2012 Administrative Topic I Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) , Code*

Conduct of Operations R,N 2.1.25 ZZ045 Perform On-Line Risk Controls Evaluation I

Conduct of Operations R, 0, P 2.1.18 ZZ017 Review DL-26 (2009 NRC)

I 2.2.12 ZZ027 Review OP-IS.ZZ-0003 for Completeness Equipment Control R,M and Compliance with Acceptance Criteria.

I Radiation Control R,D 2.3.6 ZZ003 -Approve Containment Purge permit.

2.4.38 ECG003 Utilize the ECG to Classify an Event Emergency Plan R,M

., (Barrier Table General Emergency/PAR)

NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol Room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oorn (D}irect from bank ($; 3 for ROs; $; 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

{N)ew or (M)odified from bank (2:1)

(P}revious 2 exams ($;1; randomly selected)

(A}lternate Path

E5-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form E5-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek Date of Examination: 3/5/2012 Exam Level: RO [R] SRO-I D SRO-U D Operating Test No.: NRC2012 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01) S,A, L, ° 2
b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Coolin~1 S,A,L, N 4 Loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
c. CG003 Respond to Main Condenser Low Vacuum (KIA 271000 A4.04) S,E,M 9
d. GS005 Vent To Control Containment Pressure With Suppression Pool S,A,D,E, L 5 Level Less Than 180 Inches (KIA 295024 EA1.19)
e. BF011 Respond To An Uncoupled Control Rod (KIA 201003 A2.02) S,A,D 1
f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA S,D,EN 7 212000 A2.02)
g. ED002 Respond To A Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Malfunction (KIA S,A,D,P 8 295018 AA2.02) (NRC 2009)
h. AB001 Bypass MSIV Isolation Interlocks With MSIVs Closed/Open (KIA S,D,E 3 239001 A2.03)

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. EG003 Respond To A Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Water Malfunction D,R 8 (KIA 400000 A2.01)
j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002 D,E 3 A2.03)
k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 AA1.04) D,E,R v

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

"Type Codes Criteria for RO , SRO-I , SRO-U (A)lternate path 4*6' 4-6' 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank  ::59/::58/::54 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant  ;::1/;::1/;::1 (EN)gineered safety feature .. I - I ;::1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power I Shutdown  ;::1/;::1/;::1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)  ;::2/;::2/;::1 (P)revious ~~ exams  ::5 3/::5 3/::5 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA  ;::1/;::1/;::1 (S)imulator

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek Date of Examination: 3/5/2012 Exam Level: RO D SRO-I [8] SRO-U D Operating Test No.: NRC2012 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System 1JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01) S,A, L, D 2
b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Cooling S,A,L,N 4 loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
c. CG003 Respond to Main Condenser Low Vacuum (KIA 271000 A4.04) S,E,M 9
d. GS005 Vent To Control Containment Pressure With Suppression Pool S,A,D,E, L 5 Level Less Than 180 Inches (KIA 295024 EA1.19)
e. BF011 Respond To An Uncoupled Control Rod (KIA 201003 A2.02) S, A, D 1
f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA S,D,EN 7 212000 A2.02)
g. ED002 Respond To A Reactor Auxiliary Cooling Malfunction (KIA S,A,D,P 8 295018 M2.02) (NRC 2009)
h. NA -

- tems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. EG003 Respond To A Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Water Malfunction (VJA D,R 8 400000 A2.01)
j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002 D,E 3 A2.03)
k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 M1.04) D,E,R

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)ltemate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C}ontrol room (D)irect from bank s9/s8/s4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 2:1/2:1/2:1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / 2:1 (control room system)

(L}ow-Power / Shutdown 2:1/2:1/2:1 (N}ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) '22/'22/'21 (P)revious 2 exams s 3 / s 3 / s 2 (randomly selected)

{R)CA 2:1/2:1/'21 (S)imulator

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Hope Creek Date of Examination: 3/5/2012

  • Exam Level: RO 0 SRO-I 0 SRO-U [29 Operating Test No.: NRC2012 i Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

I System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. AE004 Respond To Rising Drywell Pressure (KIA 223001 A2.01) S,A, L, D 2
b. BC015 Transfer Shutdown Cooling to the Standby Shutdown Cooling S,A,L,N 4 Loop (KIA 205000 A4.03)
c. NA -


d. NA -
e. NA -


f. SB010 Respond To A Reactor Protection System Malfunction (KIA S,D,EN 7 212000 A2.02)
g. NA -
h. NA -

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. NA -
j. AB003 Respond To A Failed Open Safety Relief Valve (KIA 239002 D, E 3 A2.03)
k. PK001 Respond To A Station Blackout (KIA 295003 AA1.04) D, E,R 6 i@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
  • Type Codes Criteria for RO 1 SRO-II SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6/4-6 1 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank  :::;9/:::;8/:::;4 (E}mergency or abnormal in-plant  ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1 (EN)gineered safety feature .. 1 - 1 ;:::1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power 1 Shutdown  ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1

    • (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)  ;:::2/;::2/;:::1 (P)revious 2 exams  ::::; 3 / $ 3 / $ 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA  ;:::1/;:::1/;:::1 II (S)imulator

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: ~ Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners: Operators: (SRO)



. Initial Conditions: 93% power.

Turnover: Raise reactor power to 98% per Load Dispatcher request.

Event Malf. Event Type* Event Nn No. Description 1 NIA R (ATC) Raise power to 98% with recirculation flow.

N (SRO) 2 MS09A I (SRO) PT-N076A MSL Pressure Fails Upscale (TS) 3 CD10A C (ATC) "A" CRD Pump Trip C (SRO) 4 PC07A C (All) OBE Earthquake wi 10A403 Bus Fault & Lockout ED16 (TS) 5 RR31A1 C (All) Small break LOCA I Manual Scram 6 PC07B M (All) Aftershock wi LOP, Main Generator Lockout, "B" EG12 EDG Start Failure (recoverable), "A" & "0" EDG fail resulting in unrecoverable loss of 10A401 & 10A404 DG08B Buses DG02A DG02C DG02D 7 HP01 C (BOP) HPCI & RCIC auto start failure (RCIC recoverable)

HP06M RC02 RC05

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX 0, Page 38 of 39

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: ~ Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners: Operators: - (SRO)

- (ATC)

- (BOP)

Initial Conditions: 84.5% power Turnover: Power ascension in progress. Raise power 84.5% to 90% using control rods.

Place C RFPT in service.

Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 NA R (ATC) Raise power 84.5% to 90% using control rods.

N (BOP) Place C RFPT in service.

N (SRO) 2 CD032631 C(ATC) Stuck Control Rod. (TS SRO)

C (SRO) 3 NM12B I (ATC) Flow Unit Fails Downscale w/half scram. (TS SRO)

I (SRO) 4 TC07A C (ATC) A EHC Pump trip C (SRO) 5 TC16 C (All) Loss of EHC due to Filter Clogging wI Manual Scram 6 RP07 M (All) ATWS 7 CU11A C (ATC) Failure of RWCU to auto isolate.

CU1'IB 8 HP06E C (BOP) HPCI components failure to auto initiate HP14 HP15 HP16 9 FW26A,B orC C (BOP) Loss of feedwater

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: 3-LP (SPARE) Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners: Operators: (SRO)



Initial Conditions: 3% power.

Turnover: Continue Reactor Startup using control rods.

Malt. Event No. Description 1 NA R (ATC) Raise Reactor power with control rods.

N (SRO) 2 NM060 I (ATC) IRM fails upscale. (TS SRO)

I (SRO) 3 Remote MS12 C (SRO) Main Steam Line Drain AB-HV-F019 Failure (TS SRO) 4 FW26A C (BOP) Reactor Feedwater Pump trip.

C (SRO) 5 MS040 M (All) Main Steam Tunnel leak. Manual scram. Fuel Failure.

CR01 6 COO32259 C (ATC) 2 Control Rods stuck at position 48.

COO32659 C (SRO) 7 MS190 C (BOP) Failure of MSIVs and Main Steam Line Drain valves to MS200 C (SRO) automatically close.

3A106_F_01 3A107 F 01 8 COO9A C (ATC) CRO Flow Control valve fails closed.


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, {C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES*D*1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: 4-LP Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners: Operators: (SRO)

- (ATC)


Initial Conditions: 3% power.

Turnover: Continue Reactor Startup using control rods.

Swap SSW pump alignment to remove D SSW Pump from service for planned maintenance.

I~ ~

Malf. Event No. Description 1 NA R (ATC) Raise Reactor power with control rods.

N (SRO) 2 CD022603 C (ATC) Rod drifts out. (TS SRO)

C (SRO) 3 NA N (BOP) Swap Service Water Pumps 4 CW05A C (BOP) Service Water Pump Malfunction (TS SRO)

C (SRO) 5 RR05B C (ATC) Single Reactor Recirc Pump Dual Seal Failure (TS SRO)

RR06B C (SRO) 6 CR01 C (ALL) Fuel Failure With Scram 7 PC06 M (ALL) Torus Leak/Emergency Depressurization 8 RH03B C (BOP) RHR HX inlet valve F047B fails closed

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Hope Creek Scenario No.: ..§ Op-Test No.: NRC2012 Examiners: Operators: (SRO)



Initial Conditions: 100% Power Turnover: Normal operation. All equipment available.

Event Malf. Event Type* Event No. No. Description 1 ED11A C (SRO) Loss of 100410125 VOC bus (TS)

HPCI Loss (TS) 2 TU15084 C (All) High Turbine Vibration Power Reduction w/Manual Scram 3 MC01A C (All) Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 4 EG12 M (All) LOP/LOCA RR31A2 5 Multiple C (All) Loss of RPV Level Indication

  • RPV Flooding 6 RH080 C (BOP) o RHR PumpNalve Fail to Auto Initiate
  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor APPENDIX D, Page 38 of 39