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Beaver Valley Power Station P.O. Box 4 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company                                                    Shippingport, PA 15077 Richard D. Bologna                                                                                  724-682-5234 Site Vice President                                                                          Fax: 724-643-8069 April 15, 2019 L-19-102 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision Pursuant to the requirements of Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 (BVPS-1)
Technical Specification 5.6.4, "Reactor Coolant System (RCS) PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS REPORT (PTLR)," FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) hereby submits the BVPS-1 PTLR, Revision 10. Technical Specification 5.6.4.c requires that the PTLR be provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) upon issuance for any revision or supplement thereto.
The enclosed Revision 10 of the BVPS-1 PTLR was made effective on April 3, 2019, and was updated to incorporate the revised pressurized thermal shock reference temperature (RT PTs) values for reactor vessel beltline and extended beltline region materials. The NRC found these RT PTS values to be acceptable and consistent with the intent and requirements of the applicable regulations as described in a July 2, 2018 letter (Accession No. ML18164A082).
There are no regulatory commitments contained in this submittal. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Phil H. Lashley, Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, at 330-315-6808.
Beaver Valley Power Station , Unit No. 1 L-19-102 Page 2
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1, Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 10 cc:  NRC Region I Administrator NRC Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager Director BRP/DEP Site BRP/DEP Representative
Enclosure L-19-102 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 10 (29 pages follow)
Licensing Requirements Manual                        Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.0    ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report BVPS-1 Technical Specification to PTLR Cross-Reference Technical                            PTLR Specification    Section        FiQure              Table 3.4.3          5.2-1              NIA 5.2-2 3.4.6          NIA            NIA              5.2-3 3.4.7          NIA            NIA              5.2-3 3.4.10          NIA            NIA              5.2-3 3.4.12          NIA              5.2-3 5.2 .1.3 3.5.2          NIA            NIA              5.2-3 BVPS- 1 Licensing Requirement to PTLR Cross-Reference Licensing                            PTLR Requirement        Section        Figure              Table LR 3.1.2          NIA            NIA                5.2-3 LR 3.1.4          NIA            NIA                5.2-3 LR 3.4.6          NIA            NIA                5.2-3 PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                      5.2 - i                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2            Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)
The PTLR for Unit 1 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.4. Revisions to the PTLR shall be provided to the NRC after issuance.
The Technical Specifications (TS) and Licensing Requirements (LR) addressed, or made reference to, in this report are listed below:
: 1. LCO 3.4 .3 Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature (PIT)
: 2. LCO 3.4.6 RCS Loops - MODE 4,
: 3. LCO 3.4 .7 RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops Filled,
: 4. LCO 3.4 .1O Pressurizer Safety Valves,
: 5. LCO 3.4 .12 Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) ,
: 6. LCO 3.5.2 ECCS - Operating,
: 7. LR 3.1 .2 Boration Flow Paths - Operating ,
: 8. LR 3.1.4 Charging Pump - Operating, and
: 9. LR 3.4.6 Pressurizer Safety Valve Lift Involving Liquid Water Discharge.
5.2.1        Operating Limits The PTLR limits for Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS) Unit 1 have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.4, using the methodology contained in Reference 1.      RCS Pressure and Temperature (PIT) Limits (LCO 3.4.3)
The RCS temperature rate-of-change limits are defined as:
: a. A maximum heatup of 100°F in any one hour period (Reference 2) .
: b. A maximum cooldown of 100°F in any one hour period (Reference 2), and
: c. A maximum temperature change of less than or equal to 5°F in any one hour period during inservice hydrostatic testing operations above system design pressure. This rate-of-change limit ensures that thermal gradient stress resulting from temperature change is not induced in the reactor vessel during inservice hydrostatic testing operations above system design pressure.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 1                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                      Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report The RCS PfT limits for heatup, leak testing, and criticality are specified by Figure 5.2-1 and Table 5.2-1. The RCS PfT limits for cooldown are shown in Figure 5.2-2 and Table 5.2-2. These limits are defined in Reference 2.
Consistent with the methodology described in Reference 1, the RCS PfT limits for heatup and cooldown shown in Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 are provided without margins for instrument error. The criticality limit curve specifies pressure-temperature limits for core operation to provide additional margin during actual power production as specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix G (Reference 5). The heatup and cooldown curves also include the effect of the reactor vessel flange.
The PfT limits for core operation (except for low power physics testing) are that the reactor vessel must be at a temperature equal to or higher than the minimum temperature required for the inservice hydrostatic test, and at least 40°F higher than the minimum permissible temperature in the corresponding PfT curve for heatup and cooldown .
Pressure-temperature limit curves shown in Figure 5.2-3 were developed for the limiting ferritic steel component within an isolated reactor coolant loop. The limiting component is the steam generator channel head to tubesheet region.
This figure provides the ASME Ill , Appendix G limiting curve which is used to define operational bounds, such that when operating with an isolated loop the analyzed pressure-temperature limits are known . The temperature range provided bounds the expected operating range for an isolated loop and Code Case N-640.
                                                              - NOTE -
Pressure limits are considered to be met for pressures that are below 0 psig (i.e., up to and including full vacuum conditions) since the resulting PfT combination is located in the region to the right and below the operating limits provided in Figures 5.2-1 , 5.2-2, and 5.2-3.
Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 and Tables 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 are based upon analysis of all applicable surveillance capsules per Reference 2. Reference 2 provides an updated surveillance capsule credibility evaluation, updated Position 2.1 chemistry factor values, and an updated fluence evaluation . Therefore, the development of the PfT limit curves (Reference 2) utilized the revised information. Taking into account the updated surveillance data credibility evaluation, the Position 2.1 chemistry factor values, and the fluence analysis summarized in Reference 2, the limiting material for the current BVPS-1 PfT limits continues to be the lower shell plate B6903-1 at 50 EFPY.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                  5.2- 2                                    LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Using the fluence analysis provided in Section 2 of Reference 2, the neutron fluence value for lower shell plate 86903-1 at 50 EFPY is determined to be 5.89 x 10 19 n/cm 2 (E > 1.0 MeV). Using this updated fluence value along with the updated Position 2.1 chemistry factor value (Table 5.2-4) for this material, the limiting 1/4T and 3/4T adjusted reference temperature (ART) values are 244.0°F and 208.8°F, respectively, at 50 EFPY. Note that for conservatism , PIT limit curves were developed using 1/4T and 3/4T ART values of 244.5°F and 209.5°F, respectively (Reference 2).
5.2 .1.2        Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) Setpoints (LCO 3.4.12)
The power operated relief valves (PORVs) shall each have a nominal maximum lift setting and enable temperature in accordance with Table 5.2-3. The lift setting provided does not impose any reactor coolant pump restrictions.
The PORV setpoint is based on PIT limits which were established in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix G without allowance for instrumentation error and in accordance with the methodology described in WCAP-14040-A, Revision 4 (Reference 1). The PORV lift setting (Reference 10) shown in Table 5.2-3 accounts for appropriate instrument error.        OPPS Enable Temperature (LCO 3.4.12)
Two different temperatures are used to determine the OPPS enable temperature, they are the arming temperature and the calculated enable temperature. The arming temperature (when the OPPS rendered operable) is established per ASME Section XI, Appendix G. Based on this method, the arming temperature (Reference 10) is 347°F with uncertainty for 50 EFPY.
The calculated enable temperature is based on either a RCS temperature of less than 200°F or materials concerns (reactor vessel metal temperature less than RT Nor + 50°F) , whichever is greater. The calculated enable temperature (Reference 10) is 345°F with uncertainty for 50 EFPY.
As the arming temperature is higher and, therefore, more conservative than the calculated enable temperature, the OPPS enable temperature, as shown in Table 5.2-3, is set to equal the arming temperature.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2- 3                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report The calculation method governing the heatup and cooldown of the RCS requires the arming of the OPPS at and below the OPPS enable temperature specified in Table 5.2-3, and disarming of the OPPS above this temperature. The OPPS is required to be enabled , i.e., OPERABLE, when any RCS cold leg temperature is less than or equal to this temperature.
From a plant operations viewpoint the terms "armed" and "enabled" are synonymous when it comes to activating the OPPS. As stated in the applicable operating procedure, the OPPS is activated (armed/enabled) manually before entering the applicability of LCO 3.4.12. This is accomplished by placing two keylock switches (one in each train) into their "automatic" position. Once OPPS is activated (armed/enabled) reactor coolant system pressure transmitters will signal a rise in system pressure above the OPPS setpoint. This will initiate an alarm in the control room and open the OPPS PORVs.        Reactor Vessel Boltup Temperature (LCO 3.4 .3)
The minimum boltup temperature for the Reactor Vessel Flange shall be ;::: 60°F.
Boltup is a condition in which the reactor vessel head is installed with tension applied to any stud, and with the RCS vented to atmosphere .
5.2 .2        Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens shall be removed and analyzed to determine changes in material properties. The capsule withdrawal schedule is provided in Table 4.5-3 of the UFSAR. Also, the results of these analyses shall be used to update Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2, and Tables 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 in this report. The time of specimen withdrawal may be modified to coincide with those refueling outages nearest the withdrawal schedule.
The pressure vessel material surveillance program (References 3 and 4) is in compliance with Appendix H to 10 CFR 50, "Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program." The material test requirements and the acceptance standards utilize the reference nil-ductility temperature, RT NDT, which is determined in accordance with ASME, Section Ill , NB-2331. The empirical relationship between RT NDT and the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel steel is developed in accordance with Appendix G, "Protection Against Non-Ductile Failure," to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The surveillance capsule removal schedule meets the requirements of ASTM E 185-82 .
Reference 8 is an NRC commitment made by FENOC to use only the calculated vessel fluence values when performing future capsule surveillance evaluations for BVPS Unit 1. This commitment is a condition of license Amendment 256 and will remain in effect until the NRC staff approves an alternate methodology to perform these evaluations. Best-estimate values generated using the FERRET Code may be provided for information only.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2 - 4                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2.3          Supplemental Data Tables The following tables provide supplemental information on reactor vessel material properties and are provided to be consistent with Generic Letter 96-03. Some of the material property values shown were used as inputs to the Pff limits.
Table 5.2-4 shows the calculation of the surveillance material chemistry factors using surveillance capsule data.
Table 5.2-4a shows the Calculation of Chemistry Factors based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data.
Table 5.2-4b shows the St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Weld Data.
Table 5.2-5, taken from Reference 2, provides the reactor vessel beltline material property table.
Table 5.2-6, taken from Reference 2, shows the reactor vessel extended beltline material properties.
Table 5.2-7, taken from Reference 2, provides a summary of the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ARTs) for 50 EFPY.
Table 5.2-8, taken from Reference 2, shows the calculation of ARTs for 50 EFPY.
Table 5.2-9, taken from Reference 2, provides RT PTs values for the beltline materials at 50 EFPY.
Table 5.2-10, taken from Reference 2, provides RT PTs values for the extended beltline materials at 50 EFPY.
Table 5.2-11, provides Reactor Vessel Toughness Data (Unirradiated)
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2- 5                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2.4          References
: 1. WCAP-14040-A, Revision 4, "Methodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Mitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," J. D. Andrachek, et al. , May 2004.
: 2. WCAP-18102-NP, Revision 1, "Beaver Valley Unit 1 Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves for Normal Operation ," B.E. Mays, et al. , February 2018.
: 3. WCAP-17896-NP, Revision 0, "Analysis of Capsule X from the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program ," E.J. Long and E.T. Hayes, September 2014.
: 4. WCAP-8457 , "Duquesne Light Company, Beaver Valley Unit No. 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," J. A. Davidson, October 1974.
: 5. 10 CFR Part 50 , Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements, " Federal Register, Volume 60, No. 243, December 19, 1995.
: 6. 10 CFR 50.61 , "Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events," Federal Register, Volume 60, No.
243, December 19, 1995. (PTS Rule)
: 7. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , May 1988.
: 8. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company letter L-01-157, "Supplement to License Amendment Requests Nos. 295 and 167," dated December 21, 2001 .
: 9. WCAP-15571, Supplement 1, Revision 2, "Analysis of Capsule Y from Beaver Valley Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program,"
A. E. Freed, September 2011 .
: 10. LTR-SCS-16-58 Rev. 0, LTOPS Setpoint Evaluation for 50 EFPY for Beaver Valley Unit 1, June 2017.
11 . NUREG-0800, BTP 5-2 and 5-3, "Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," March 2007.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2- 6                            LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: Lower Shell Plate B6903-1 using Regulatory Guide 1.99 Position 1.1 data LIMITING ART VALUES AT 50 EFPY:                            1/4T, 244.5°F (Axial Flaw) 3/4T, 209.5°F (Axial Flaw) 2250 IILeak l est Limli t f - -
2000 1      I      I Unacceptable                                  Acceptable
                                  - -, -- -1 0 eration                                    0 eration 1750 1 500 C)
  "iii c..
  ~  1250
::s UI UI
  .sca "Cl 1000
:i ni 0
750 -
Criticality Limit based on 500                                                    inservice hydrostatic test temperature (301°F) for the service period up to 50 EFPY Boltup Tern erature 250 0
0    50  1 00    150    200    250          300    350      400    450    500  550 M oderator Temperature (Deg. F)
Figure 5.2-1 (Page 1 of 1)
Reactor Coolant System Heatup Limitations Applicable for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2- 7                                      LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                                                Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: Lower Shell Plate B6903-1 using Regulatory Guide 1.99 Position 1.1 data LIMITING ART VALUES AT 50 EFPY:                                                      1/4T, 244.5°F (Axial Flaw) 3/4T , 209.5°F (Axial Flaw) 2500 -r-;::==========                                    ====;r--r--r--i- ---:---7 Operlim Version :5.4 Run :1 9454 Operlim .xlsm Version: 5.4 2250 -                              I                I 2000 Unacceptable                                Acceptable 0 eration                                0 eration 1750 1500 Cl
        'iii C.
f 1250 -
:::I 1/1 1/1 Cl) a..
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750 Cooldown Rates
                                                                                &deg;F/Hr 500                                                        Steady-State 20 40 60 100 250                                                          I 0 +-,-~  ....+--<,........,.--....+~~  +--,.-,~-+--,-~---+-~  - . - - + ~ ~ + - , -~ , - + - , - ~......+--~.........+~____,....,
0        50                100      150      200    250    300        350        400        450            500      550 Moderator Temperature (Deg. F)
Figure 5.2-2 (Page 1 of 1)
Reactor Coolant System Cooldown Limitations Applicable for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                                        5.2- 8                                                    LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                        Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 2500 2000 ffi' 1500                                                                    /
en 9::..
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ffi                                    _,,,..-,- ~
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500 0                                                        I 50        60        ro            ~      ~        100        110      120 TEMPERATURE (&deg;F)
Figure 5.2-3 (Page 1 of 1)
Isolated Loop Pressure - Temperature Limit Curve (LCO 3.4.3)
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 9                      LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                              Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-1 (Page 1 of 2)
Heatup Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3) 60&deg;F/hr                                    100&deg;F/hr 60&deg;F/h r Heatup                            100&deg;F/hr Heatup Critica lity                                Criticality T (&deg;F)    P (psig)  T (&deg;F)    P (psig)      T (&deg;F)    P (psig)  T (&deg;F)    P (psig) 60          0      301          0          60        0      301          0 60        602      301        1190          60        552      301        947 65        602      305        1241          65        552      305        990 70        602      310        1303          70        552      310      1042 75        602      315        1358          75        552      315      1099 80        602      320        1417          80        552      320      1162 85        602      325        1483          85        552      325      1232 90        602      330        1555          90        552      330      1310 95        602      335        1636          95        552      335      1395 100        602      340        1724        100        552      340      1488 105        602      345        1821        105        552      345      1592 110        603      350        1929        110        552      350      1706 115        604      355        2048        115        552      355      1832 120        606      360        2179        120        552      360      1971 125        609      365        2324        125        552      365      2124 130        612      370      2483          130        552      370      2292 135        616                              135        552      375      2464 140        621                              140        553 145        627                              145        555 150        633                              150        557 155        640                              155        561 160        648                              160        565 165        657                              165      570 170        667                              170      575 175        678                              175      582 180        691                              180      590 185        704                              185      598 190        719                              190      608 195        736                              195        619 200        755                              200        631 205        775                              205        645 210        798                              210        660 215        823                              215        677 220        851                              220        696 225        882                              225        717 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2 - 10                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-1 (Page 2 of 2)
Heatup Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3) 60&deg;F/hr Heatup              60&deg;F/hr                                      100&deg;F/hr 100&deg;F/hr Heatup Criticality                                    Criticality T (&deg;F)    P (psig)      T (&deg;F)    P (psig)    T (&deg;F)    P (psig)    T (&deg;F)    P (psig) 230        915                                  230      741 235        953                                  235      766 240        994                                  240        795 245        1040                                245        827 250        1085                                250        861 255      1132                                  255        900 260      1184                                  260        943 265      1241                                  265        990 270      1303                                  270      1042 275      1358                                  275      1099 280      1417                                  280      1162 285      1483                                  285      1232 290      1555                                  290      1310 295      1636                                  295      1395 300      1724                                  300      1488 305      1821                                  305      1592 310      1929                                  310      1706 315      2048                                  315      1832 320      2179                                  320      1971 325      2324                                  325      2124 330      2483                                  330      2292 335      2464 Leak Test Limit T (&deg;F)                                        P (psig) 283                                          2000 301                                          2485 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 11                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-2 (Page 1 of 2)
Cooldown Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)
Steady State              20&deg;F/h r            40&deg;F/h r                60&deg;F/h r              100&deg;F/hr T          p          T          p        T            p          T          p          T          p (OF)      (psig)      (OF)      (psig)    (OF)        (psig)      (OF)      (psig)      (OF)      (psig) 60          0        60          0        60            0        60          0        60          0 60          621        60          607      60          563        60        518        60        426 65          621        65          608      65          564        65        519        65        426 70          621        70          609      70          565        70        520        70        427 75          621        75          610      75          566        75        521        75        428 80          621        80          611      80          567        80        522        80        429 85        621        85          613      85          569        85        523        85        431 90        621        90          614      90          570        90        525        90        432 95        621        95        616        95          572        95        527        95        434 100        621        100        618      100          574        100        529      100        436 105        621        105        621      105          576        105        531      105        439 110        621        110        621      110          579        110        534      110        442 115        621        115        621      115          582        115        537        115        445 120        621        120        621      120          585        120        541        120        449 125          621        125        621      125          589        125        545      125        453 130          621        130        621      130          593        130        549      130        458 130          680        130        637      135          598        135        554      135        464 135          684        135        641      140          603      140        559      140        470 140          689        140        646      145          609      145        566      145        477 145          694        145        652      150          615      150        572      150        485 150          700      150          658      155          623      155        580      155        494 155          706      155          665      160          630      160        588      160        504 160          713      160          672      165          639      165        598      165        515 165          721      165          680      170          649      170        609      170        527 170          729      170          689      175          660      175        620      175        541 175          739      175          700      180          672      180        633      180        556 180          749      180          711      185          685      185        648      185        573 185          761      185          723      190          700      190        664      190        593 190          774      190          737      195          717      195        682      195        614 195          788      195          752      200          735      200        702      200        637 200          803      200          769      205          755      205        724      205        664 205          821      205          788      210          778      210        748      210        693 210          840      210          808      215          802      215        775      215        725 215          861      215          831      220          830      220        805      220          761 220          884      220          856      225          860      225        838      225          801 225          910      225          884      230          894      230        875      230          846 230          938      230          915      235          931      235        916      235          895 235          970      235          949      240          973      240        961      240          949 240        1004      240          987      245          1018      245        1011      245        1010 245        1043      245        1029      250          1069      250        1067      250        1067 250        1085      250        1075      255          1125      255      1125      255        1125 PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 12                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-2 (Page 2 of 2)
Cooldown Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)
Steady State              20&deg;F/hr              40&deg;F/hr                60&deg;F/hr            100&deg;F/hr T            p        T            p        T            p        T          p        T          p (OF)      (psig)      (OF)      (psig)    (OF)      (psig)      (OF)      (psig)    (OF)      (psig) 255        1132      255        1127    260          1183      260        1183      260        1183 260        1184      260        1183    265          1241      265        1241      265        1241 265        1241      265        1241    270          1305      270        1305    270        1305 270        1305      270        1305    275          1375      275        1375    275        1375 275        1375      275        1375    280          1452      280        1452    280        1452 280        1452      280        1452    285          1537      285        1537    285        1537 285        1537      285        1537    290          1632      290        1632    290        1632 290        1632      290        1632    295          1736      295        1736    295        1736 295        1736      295        1736    300          1851      300        1851    300        1851 300        1851      300        1851    305          1979      305        1979    305        1979 305        1979        305        1979      310        2120      310        2120      310        2120 310        2120        310        2120      315        2275      315        2275      315        2275 315        2275        315        2275      320        2448      320        2448      320        2448 320        2448        320        2448 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 13                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                      Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-3 (Page 1 of 1)
Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) Setpoints (LCO 3.4.12)
FUNCTION                SETPOINT OPPS Enable Temperature                347&deg;F PORV Setpoint                      :s: 397 psiQ PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                      5.2 - 14                      LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4 (Page 1 of 1)
Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance Capsule Data Material          Capsule    Capsule            f(a)    FF(b)  ART NDr'c)  FF *ARTNDT        FF 2 Lower Shell            V            0.297              0.6677      127.9        85.40        0.446 Plate              u            0.618              0.8652      118.3      102.35        0.749 B6903-1(d)
(Longitudinal) w              0.952              0.9862      147.7      145.66        0.973 y              2.10              1.2018      141 .7      170.30        1.444 X              4.99              1.4020      175.8      246.46        1.965 Lower Shell            V            0.297                0.6677    138.0        92 .14        0.446 Plate              u            0.618                0.8652    132.1        114.29        0.749 B6903-1 (d)
(Transverse) w            0.952                0.9862    180.2        177.72        0.973 y              2.10                1.2018    166.9        200.58        1.444 X              4.99                1.4020    179.0        250.95        1.965 SUM:    1585.86        11 .154 CF= Z:(FF* ARTNDT) + Z:(FF )=(1585.86) + (11 .154) = 142.2&deg;F(e) 2 V                                            169.4 0.297                0.6677    (159.8)      113.10        0.446 Beaver Valley            u            0.618                0.8652 174.8 (164.9)      151.23        0.749 Unit 1 Surveillance            w            0.952                0.9862 197.5 (186.3)      194.76        0.973 Weld Metal<dl (Heat# 305424)              y                                            189.2 2.10                1.2018    (178 .5)    227.40        1.444 X                                            252.1 4.99                1.4020    (237.8)      353.39        1.965 SUM :    1039.87        5.577 CF= Z:(FF
* ART NDT) + Z:(FF 2 ) = (1039.87) + (5.577) = 186.5&deg;F(e)
(a)    f = Calculated surveillance capsule neutron fluence (x 10 19 n/cm 2 , E > 1.0 MeV). The surveillance capsule fluence results are contained in Table 4-1 of Reference 2.
(b)    FF = fluence factor = f <0 -28
* 0 -1
* 109 fl .
(c)    ART Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb shift values. The Beaver Valley Unit 1 ART Nor values for the surveillance weld data are adjusted by a ratio of 1.06. Pre-adjusted values are listed in parentheses, and were taken from Table 4-1 of Reference 2.
NOTE:        Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (Reference 7) , section 2.1 "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," the vessel weld chemistry factor is divided by the surveillance weld chemistry factor to obtain a ratio factor to multiply the ART NDT values by to obtain adjusted ART NDT values. In Table 5-2 of Reference 2, the ratio is determined to be 1.06 or (191 .7/181.6).
(d) The plate and weld surveillance data is deemed non-credible per Appendix D of Reference 2.
(e) Position 2.1 chemistry factor values are summarized in Table 5-4 of Reference 2.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                                        5.2 - 15                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                              Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4a (Page 1 of 2)
Calculation of Chemistry Factors<a>
(Based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data)
Material      Capsule    Capsule fCb)      FF<c>      ~RT Nor'ct)  FF *~ RTNoT        FF2 82 .6 97&deg;          0.5174        0.8160                        67.44        0.666 (72.34)
Weld Metal 81 .1 Heat# 90136<e>      104&deg;          0.7885        0.9333                        75.68        0.871 (67.4)
(St. Lucie Unit 1) 83.8 284&deg;          1.243        1.0606                        88.85        1.125 (68.0)
Weld Metal                                                    67 .5 97&deg;          0.324      0.6902        (65 .93)        46.61        0.476 Heat# 90136<e>
(Millstone Unit 2)                                              57 .0 104&deg;          0.949      0.9853        (52.12)          56.18        0.971 61.4 83&deg;            1.74      1.1523        (56.09)          70.74        1.328 SUM:        405 .50        5.437 CF = L(FF * ~ RT NOT) + L (FF 2 ) = (405 .50) + (5.437) = 74.6&deg;F<9 l W-225          0.488        0.800        197.30          157.83        0.640 Weld Metal                                                  (210)
Heat # 305414<t>    W-265          0.847        0.953        218.30          208.13        0.909 (Fort Calhoun                                                  (225)
Unit 1)
W-275            1.54        1.119        215.90          241 .68        1.253 (219)
SUM:                                607.64        2.802 CF= L(FF * ~ RT NOT) + L(FF  2
                                                          )  = (607.64) + (2 .802) = 216.9&deg;F(g)
Notes for Table 5.2-4a are on the following page.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2 - 16                              LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                  Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4a (Page 2 of 2)
Calculation of Chemistry Factors(a>
(Based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data)
(a)    Use of St. Lucie and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data approved by NRC letter dated February 20, 2002, "BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION , UNIT 1-ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT RE: AMENDED PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITS (TAC NO .
MB2301 )." As a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld heat number, the Millstone Unit 2 data was not originally incorporated into Beaver Valley Unit 1 chemistry factor calculations. Since the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld contains specimens made of Heat# 90136, the use of this data is appropriate . See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details.
(b)    f = calculated surveillance capsule fluence values (x 10 19 n/cm 2 , E > 1.0 MeV). The surveillance capsule fluence results for St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 are contained in Table 4-2 of Reference 2. The surveillance capsule fluence results for Fort Calhoun Unit 1 are contained in Table D-5 of Reference 3.
(c)    FF = fluence factor= f  <0 0 -1
* iog f)_
(d)    i1RT Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb. shift values. i1RT Nor values for the surveillance weld data are adjusted first by the difference in operating temperature then using the ratio procedure to account for differences in the surveillance weld chemistry and the beltline weld chemistry. Pre-adjusted values are listed in parentheses, and were taken from Tables 4-2 of Reference 2 and Table A-5 of Reference 9. The temperature adjustments for each capsule were calculated from the data in Table 5.2-4b and the average plant irradiation temperature for BV-1 . The St. Lucie Unit 1 L1RT Nor values for the weld data are adjusted by a ratio of 1.17. The Millstone Unit 2 and Fort Calhoun L1RT Nor values were not adjusted since the ratio was less than 1.00; therefore, a conservative value of 1.00 was used.
(e)    The St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance data is deemed credible per Appendix D of Reference 2; however, a full margin term should be utilized for conservatism when this data is applied as a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 weld specimen heat numbers. See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details.
(f)    The Fort Calhoun Unit 1 surveillance data is deemed non-credible per Appendix D of Reference 3.
(g)    Position 2.1 chemistry factor values are summarized in Table 5-4 of Reference 2.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                  5.2 - 17                    LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                              Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4b (Page 1 of 1)
St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Weld Data<aJ(bl Irradiated        Capsule fC dl Material                          Cu        Ni                                            L1RT NDT(e)
Capsule                            Temperature<cJ    (x10 19 n/cm 2 ,
(wt. %)    (wt. %)                                            (OF)
(OF)        E > 1.0 MeV)
Weld Metal            97&deg;        0.23      0.07          541            0.5174            72.34 Heat# 90136 (St. Lucie          104&deg;        0.23      0.07          544.6            0.7885            67.4 Unit 1)            284&deg;        0.23      0.07          546 .3            1.243            68.0 Weld Metal            97&deg;          0.30      0.06          544.3            0.324            65.93 Heat# 90136 104&deg;        0.30      0.06          547.6            0.949            52 .12 (Millstone Unit 2)            83&deg;          0.30      0.06          548.0            1.74            56.09 Weld Metal          W-225        0.35      0.60            530            0.488              210 Heat W-265        0.35      0.60            536            0.847              225
  # 305414 (Fort Calhoun W-275        0.35      0.60          539 .6            1.54              219 Unit 1)
(a)  Use of St. Lucie and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data approved by NRC letter dated February 20, 2002, "BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 -
ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT RE : AMENDED PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITS (TAC NO. MB2301 )." As a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld heat number, the Millstone Unit 2 data was not originally incorporated into Beaver Valley Unit 1 chemistry factor calculations. Since the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld contains specimens made of Heat# 90136 , the use of this data is appropriate. See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details.
(b)  Data contained in this table was obtained from Reference 2, unless otherwise noted .
(c)  Irradiated temperatures are the average inlet temperatures over the specific cycles corresponding to the operating time experienced by each of the respective capsules.
(d)  f = calculated surveillance capsule fluence values.
(e)  ,-1RT Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb shift values from Table 4-2 of Reference 2 and Table D-5 of Reference 3.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                            5.2-18                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                              Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-5 (Page 1 of 1)
Reactor Vessel Beltline Material Properties Position 1 . 1      Initial Material Description                Cu        Ni Chemistry        RTNDT(a)
(wt.%)    (wt. %)
Factor            (OF)
Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-1          0.14      0.62        100.5            26.8 Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-2          0.14      0.62        100.5            53.6 Lower Shell Plate 86903-1              0.21      0.54        147.2            13.1 Lower Shell Plate 87203-2              0.14      0.57        98.7            0.4 Intermediate to Lower Shell Weld 0.27      0.07        124.3            -56 Seam (Heat#90136) 11-714 Intermediate Longitudinal Shell Weld 0.28      0.63        191.7            -56 Seams (Heat# 305424) 19-714 A&B Lower Longitudinal Weld Seams (Heat# 305414) 20-714 A&B                0.34      0.61        210.5            -56 Surveillance Weld (Heat# 305424)            0.26      0.61        181.6              ---
(a)  The initial RT Nor values for the plates are based on measured data while the weld values are generic.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                            5.2-19                            LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-6 (Page 1 of 2)
Reactor Vessel Extended Beltline Material Properties<a>
Heat Number                            Initial Material Description      Material                        Wt%    Wt%        RT NDT(c)
ID        (Lot Number)      Cu      Ni (OF)
Upper Shell Forging        86604      123V339VA1      0.12(b)  0.68          40 305414 0.34    0.61    -56 (Gen)
(3951 & 3958)
Upper to Intermediate                        AOFJ          0.03    0.93    10 (Gen) 10-714 Shell Girth Weld                          FOIJ        0.03    0.94    10 (Gen)
EODJ          0.02    1.04    10 (Gen)
HOCJ          0.02    0.93    10 (Gen) 86608-1        95443-1        0.10    0.82        48.5 Inlet Nozzles        86608-2        95460-1        0.10    0.82      -15.2 86608-3        95712-1        0.08    0.79        11.4 EODJ          0.02    1.04    10 (Gen)
FOIJ          0.03    0.94    10 (Gen) 1-7178          HOCJ          0.02    0.93    10 (Gen)
Inlet Nozzle Welds        1-717D          DBIJ          0.02    0.97    10 (Gen) 1-717F          EOEJ          0.01    1.03    10 (Gen)
ICJJ        0.03    0.99    10 (Gen)
JACJ          0.04    0.97    10 (Gen) 86605-1        95415-1        0.13(d)  0.77        -26.2 Outlet Nozzles        86605-2        95415-2        0.13(d)  0.77          3.3 86605-3        95444-1        0.09    0.79        10.1 ICJJ          0.03    0.99    10 (Gen)
IOBJ          0.02    0.97    10 (Gen) 1-717A JACJ          0.04    0.97    10 (Gen)
Outlet Nozzle Welds      1-717C HOCJ          0.02    0.93    10 (Gen) 1-717E EODJ          0.02    1.04    1O (Gen)
FOIJ          0.03    0.94    10 (Gen)
Notes for Table 5.2-6 are on the following page.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 20                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-6 (Page 2 of 2)
Reactor Vessel Extended Beltline Material Properties<aJ Notes:
(a) Data obtained from Table 3-2 of Reference 2.
(b) The Cu wt% was not available from the CMTR so in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, a standard deviation analysis (average+ standard deviation) was done to determine the value based on Westinghouse 508 Class 2 Shell Forgings (55 data points).
(c) The initial RT NOT value for the upper shell forging , inlet nozzle forgings, and outlet nozzle forgings are based on measured values. The generic initial RT NOT values for the weld materials were determined in accordance with NUREG-0800 [Reference 11] and 10 CFR 50.61 [Reference 6].
(d) The Cu wt% was not available from the CMTR, so in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, a standard deviation analysis (average+ standard deviation) was done to determine the value based on Westinghouse 508 Class 2 Nozzle Forgings (178 data points) .
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2 - 21                              LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                          Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-7 (Page 1 of 1)
Summary of Adjusted Reference Temperatures (ARTs) for 50 EFPY<e>
50 EFPY Material Description 1/4T ART<a>        3/4T ART<a>
(DF)              (DF)
Intermediate Shell Plate 86607- 1                    195.2              171.2 Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-2                    222 .0            198.0 Lower Shell Plate 87203-2                        166.4              142.8 Lower Shell Plate 86903-1                      244 .0(f)          208 .8<fl
                    - Using S/C Data<b>                          237.3              203.3 Intermediate Shell Longitudinal Weld 19-714A/B              182.4              133.5
                    - Usinq S/C Data<b>                          177.7              130.2 Intermediate to Lower Shell Circ. Weld 11-714              175.7              146.0
                    - Using S/C Data <c)                          109.3              91.4 Lower Shell Longitudinal Weld 20-714A/B                  199.9              146.2
                    - Using S/C Data<d>                          205.6              150.3 Upper Shell Foroinq 86604                        139.4              119.2 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714            172.9              122.5 (Heat# 305414)
                    -Using S/C Data<d>                            177.9              125.9 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714 88.4              44.0 (Heat #'s AOFJ and FOIJ)
Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714 44.0              44.0 (Heat #'s EODJ and HOCJ)
Inlet and Outlet Nozzle Welds (All Heat #'s)              44.0              44 .0 Notes:
(a) ART = I + 11RTN r + M.
(b) Based on Beaver Valley Unit 1 surveillance data. (Data not credible. ART calculated with a full crA. )
(c) Based on St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance data. (Data credible.
ART calculated with a full crAper Appendix D of Reference 2.)
(d) Based on Fort Calhoun Unit 1 surveillance data. (Data not credible. ART calculated with a full crA. )
(e) Data obtained from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 of Reference 2. Nozzle ART values are excluded from this table, as these values are calculated using surface fluence values. See Reference 2 for nozzle ART values.
(f) For the purposes of PIT limit curve development, a 1/4T ART value of 244.5&deg;F and a 3/4T ART value of 209.5&deg;F were used for conservatism.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                        5.2 - 22                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                              Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-8 (Page 1 of 1)
Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperatures (ARTs) for 50 Efpy<c>
Parameter                                                                  VALUES Operating Time                                                              50 EFPY Material                                                      Plate B6903-1      Plate B6903-1 Location                                                        Lower Shell      Lower Shell Plate              Plate 1/4T ART(&deg;F)      3/4T ART(&deg;F)
Chemistry Factor, CF (&deg;F)                                          147.2              147.2 Fluence (f), n/cm 2 (E> 1.0 Mev)                                3.672 X 10 19      1.427 X 10 19 Fluence Factor, FF                                                1.3374            1.0987 LlRT NOT= CF X FF(&deg;F)                                              196.9(b)          161.7(b)
Initial RT NOT, 1(0 f)(a)                                            13.1              13.1 MarQin, M(&deg;F)                                                      34(b)              34(b)
ART = l+(CF*FF)+M, &deg;F per RG 1.99, Revision 2                      244.0(d)          208.S(d)
(a)    Initial RT NDT values are measured values for plate material.
(b)    Based on Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 Position 1.1.
(Surveillance data not credible. ART calculated with a full cr~.)
(c)    Data obtained from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 of Reference 2.
(d)    For the purposes of PIT limit curve development, a 1/4T ART value of 244.5&deg;F and a 3/4T ART value of 209.5&deg;F were used for conservatism.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                            5.2 - 23                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                                                                                Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-9 (Page 1 of 2)
RT Prs Calculation for Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(a)
Surface      Fluence      Chemistry              Initial Material          Heat                                                                    ~ RTPTS(d)  Ou  0 ,l  Margin<e)  RTprs<fl Material Description                                        Fluence        Factor,        Factor            RTNDT(c)
ID          Number                                                                        (OF)    (OF) (OF)    (OF)      (OF)
(x10 19 n/cm 2)    FF(b)              (OF)            (OF)
Intermediate Shell Plate      B6607-1          C4381-1          5.88        1.4330          100.5              26.8      144.0      0  17      34      204 .8 Intermediate Shell Plate      B6607-2          C4381-2          5.88        1.4330          100.5              53.6      144.0      0  17      34      231.6 Lower Shell Plate        B6903-1          C6317-1          5.89        1.4333          147.2              13.1      211 .0    0  17      34      258.1
          -+  Using non-credible surveillance data<9 >              5.89        1.4333          142.2              13.1      203 .8    0  17(9)    34      250 .9 Lower Shell Plate        B7203-2          C6293-2          5.89        1.4333            98.7              0.4      141.5    0    17      34      175.9 Intermediate to Lower 11 -714          90136          5.88        1.4330          124.3              -56      178.1    17  28      65.5    187.6 Shell Girth Weld
              -+ Using credible surveillance data(h)                5.88        1.4330            74.6              -56      106.9    17  28(h)    65.5    116.4 Intermediate Shell          19-714 305424          1.13        1.0341          191.7              -56      198.2    17  28      65.5    207.8 Longitudinal Weld            A&B
          -+ Using non-credible surveillance data<    9>          1.13        1.0341          186.5              -56      192.9    17  28(9)    65.5    202.4 Lower Shell Longitudinal      20-714 305414          1.14        1.0366          210.5              -56      218.2    17  28      65.5    227.7 Weld                A&B
          -+ Using non-credible surveillance data(i)                1.14        1.0366          216.9              -56      224.8    17  28(i)    65 .5    234.4 Notes:
(a) Data obtained from Table E-1 of Reference 2.
(b) FF = fluence factor= f <0 *28
* 0 -10109 <1>>.
(c)  Initial RT NDT values are measured values with the exception of the vessel welds.
(d) ~RT PTS = CF* FF.
(e) M = 2 *(cru2 + cri )112_
(f)  RT PTs = Initial RT NDT + ~RT Prs + Margin.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                                  5.2 - 24                                                                    LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                            Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-9 (Page 2 of 2)
RT PTs Calculation for Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(a)
Notes continued :
(g) The BVPS-1 surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 intermediate shell longitudinal welds (Heat #305424). The BVPS-1 surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 28&deg;F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld heat 305424.
The BVPS-1 surveillance plate material is representative of the BVPS-1 lower shell plate B6903-1. The surveillance plate material is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 17&deg;F was utilized for BVPS-1 plate B6903-1. These credibility evaluation conclusions are contained in Appendix D of Reference 2.
(h) The St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 intermediate to lower shell girth weld (Heat #90136). The St. Lucie Unit 1 surveillance weld data is credible; however, the full Ot. term of 28&deg;F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat #90136 for conservatism . Additional details and the credibility evaluation conclusions are contained in Appendix D of Reference 2.
(i)  The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 lower shell longitudinal welds (Heat #305414) . The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 28&deg;F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat #305414.
This credibility evaluation conclusion is contained in Appendix D of Reference 3 and confirmed in Reference 2.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                          5.2 - 25                          LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                                                                      Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5 .2 Table 5.2-10 (Page 1 of 2)
RT PTs Calculation for Extended Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(aJ Surface          Fluence      Chemistry    Initial Material        Material    Heat Number Fluence          Factor,      Factor    RTNDT(c)
                                                                                                            ~RTPTS(d)    cru    CJ6  Margin(eJ    RTPTS(f)
Description          ID        (Lot Number)                                                              (OF)    (OF)    (OF)    (OF)        (OF)
(x10 19 n/cm 2 )      FF(b)        (OF)        (OF)
Upper Shell 86604        123V339VA1          0.718          0.9071        84.2          40      76.4        0      17      34        150.4 Forging Upper to 305414 Intermediate      10-714                          0.718          0.9071        210.5        -56      190.9      17      28    65.5        200.5 (3951 & 3958)
Shell Girth Weld
_. Usinci non-credible surveillance data<g>        0.718          0.9071        216.9        -56      196.7      17    28(9)  65.5        206.3 AOFJ            0.718          0.9071        41 .0        10      37.2      17    18.6    50.4        97.6 Upper to FOIJ          0.718          0.9071        41 .0        10      37.2      17    18.6    50.4        97.6 Intermediate        10-714 EODJ            0.718          0.9071        27.0          10      24.5      17    12.2    41 .9        76.4 Shell Girth Weld HOCJ            0.718          0.9071        27.0          10      24.5      17    12.2    41 .9        76.4 86608-1        95443-1          0.0210          0.1773        67.0        48.5      11 .9      0      5.9    11 .9        72.3 Inlet Nozzles      86608-2        95460-1          0.0210          0.1773        67.0      -15.2      11 .9      0      5.9    11 .9        8.6 86608-3        95712-1          0.0210          0.1773        51.0        11.4      9.0        0    4.5      9.0        29.5 EODJ          0.0210            0.1773        27.0          10      4.8      17    2.4    34.3        49.1 FOIJ          0.0210            0.1773        41 .0          10      7.3      17      3.6    34.8        52.0 1-717 8          HOCJ          0.0210            0.1773        27.0          10      4.8      17    2.4    34.3        49.1 Inlet Nozzle 1-717 D          D8IJ          0.0210          0.1773        27.0          10      4.8      17    2.4    34.3        49.1 Welds 1-717 F          EOEJ          0.0210            0.1773        20.0          10      3.5      17      1.8    34.2        47.7 ICJJ        0.0210            0.1773        41 .0        10        7.3      17    3.6    34.8        52.0 JACJ          0.0210            0.1773        54.0          10      9.6      17    4.8    35.3        54.9 86605-1        95415-1        0.0161            0.1501        95.3      -26.2      14.3        0    7.2    14.3          2.4 Outlet Nozzles      86605-2        95415-2        0.0161            0.1501        95.3        3.3      14.3        0    7.2    14.3        31 .9 86605-3        95444-1        0.0161            0.1501        58.0        10.1        8.7        0    4.4      8.7        27.5 ICJJ        0 .0161          0.1501        41 .0        10        6.2      17    3.1    34.6        50.7 IO8J          0 .0161          0.1501        27.0          10        4.1      17    2.0    34.2        48.3 1-717 A Outlet Nozzle                        JACJ          0 .0161          0.1501        54.0          10        8.1      17    4.1    35.0        53.1 1-717 C Welds                          HOCJ          0 .0161          0.1501        27.0          10        4.1      17    2.0    34.2 1-717 E                                                                                                                      48.3 EODJ          0.0161            0.1501        27.0          10        4.1      17    2.0    34.2        48.3 FOIJ          0.0161            0.1501        41 .0        10        6.2      17    3.1    34.6        50.7 Notes:
(a)    Data obtained from Table E-1 of Reference 2 .
PTLR Revision 1 0 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                                  5.2 - 26                                                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-10 (Page 2 of 2)
RT PTs Calculation for Extended Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)<aJ Notes continued :
(b) FF = fluence factor= f< 020 - 01 o1og (f)l_
(c)  Initial RT NOT value for the upper shell forging, inlet nozzle forgings, and outlet nozzles are based on measured values. All other values are generic.
(d) ART PTS = CF* FF.
(e) M = 2 * (cru 2 + cr.l )112 . However, Oe,. need not exceed 0.5
* ART NoT.
(f)  RT PTs = Initial RTNOT+ ART PTs  + Margin.
(g) The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 upper to intermediate shell girth weld (Heat #305414) . The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Oe,. term of 28&deg;F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat
          #305414. This credibility evaluation conclusion is contained in Appendix D of Reference 3 and confirmed in Reference 2.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1                                5.2 - 27                        LRM Revision 103
Licensing Requirements Manual                                                    Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-11 (Page 1 of 1)
Reactor Vessel Toughness Data (Unirradiated)
Cu    Ni    p  TNDT      RTNDT COMPONENT          HEAT NO.        CODE NO. MATERIAL TYPE
(%)  (%)    (%)  (OF)      (OF)        MWD          NMWD Closure Head      C6213-1B        B6610      A533B CL. 1      .15    ---  .010      -40        o*        121            ---
Dome Closure Head        A5518-2        B6611      A533B CL. 1      .14    ---  .015      -20      -20*      131            ---
Closure Head        ZV3758          ---        A508 CL. 2        .08    ---  .007      60*      60*      >100            ---
FlanQe Vessel Flanqe      ZV-3661        FV-2961    A508 CL. 2        .12    ---  .010  -54.7**      10**      166            ---
Inlet Nozzle        9-5443-1        B6608-1    A508 CL. 2        .10  .82  .008    35.8**    48.5**      82.5            ---
Inlet Nozzle        9-5460-1        B6608-2  A508 CL. 2        .10  .82  .010  -18.3**  -15.2**      94            ---
Inlet Nozzle        9-5712-1        B6608-3  A508 CL. 2        .08  .79  .007    -2 .5**  11.4**      97            ---
Outlet Nozzle      9-5415- 1      B6605-1    A508 CL. 2        .13  .77  .008    -26.2**  -26.2**      93            ---
Outlet Nozzle      9-5415-2      B6605-2    A508 CL. 2        .13  .77  .007      3.0**    3.3**    112.5            ---
Outlet Nozzle      9-5444-1      B6605-3    A508 CL. 2        .09    .79  .007    10.1**    10.1 **    103            ---
Upper Shell        123V339VA1    ---        A508 CL. 2        .12  .68  .010        40      40*      155            101 Inter Shell        C4381-2        B6607-2    A533B CL. 1      .14  .62  .015      -10      53.6      123            83 Inter Shell        C4381 -1        B6607-1    A533B CL. 1      .14  .62  .015      -10      26.8      128.5          94 Lower Shell        C6317-1        B6903-1    A533B CL. 1      .21  .54  .010      -50      13.1      134            83 Lowe r Shell      C6293-2        B7203-2    A533B CL. 1      .14  .57  .015      -20        0.4      129.5          85 Trans Rina          123V223        ---        A508 CL. 2        ---  ---    ---      30        30*      143            ---
Bottom Hd Sea      C4423-3        B6618      A533B CL. 1      .13    ---  .008      -30      -29*      124            ---
Bottom Hd Dome    C4482-1        B6619      A533B CL. 1      .13    ---  .015      -50      -33*      125.5          ---
Inter to Lower    90136          ---        ---              .27  .07    ---      ---      -56        ---        > 100 Shell Weld Inter Shell Long . 305424        ---        ---              .28  .63    ---      ---      -56        ---        > 100 Weld Lower Shell        305414        ---        ---              .34  .61    ---      ---      -56        ---        > 100 LonQ. Weld Weld HAZ                                                        ---  ---    ---    -40      -40        ---          136.5
*Estimated Per NRC Standard Review Plan Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2
** Estimated Per BWRVI P-173-A, Alternate Approach 2 MWD - Major Working Direction NMWD - Normal to Major Working Direction Note: For evaluation of lnservice Reactor Vessel Irradiation damage assessments, the best estimate chemistry values reported in the latest response to Generic Letter 92-01 or equivalent document are applicable.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1                                        5.2 - 28                                      LRM Revision 103}}

Latest revision as of 10:04, 2 February 2020

Submittal of Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 04/15/2019
From: Bologna R
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19105A881 (32)



Beaver Valley Power Station P.O. Box 4 FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Shippingport, PA 15077 Richard D. Bologna 724-682-5234 Site Vice President Fax: 724-643-8069 April 15, 2019 L-19-102 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Revision Pursuant to the requirements of Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 (BVPS-1)

Technical Specification 5.6.4, "Reactor Coolant System (RCS) PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS REPORT (PTLR)," FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) hereby submits the BVPS-1 PTLR, Revision 10. Technical Specification 5.6.4.c requires that the PTLR be provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) upon issuance for any revision or supplement thereto.

The enclosed Revision 10 of the BVPS-1 PTLR was made effective on April 3, 2019, and was updated to incorporate the revised pressurized thermal shock reference temperature (RT PTs) values for reactor vessel beltline and extended beltline region materials. The NRC found these RT PTS values to be acceptable and consistent with the intent and requirements of the applicable regulations as described in a July 2, 2018 letter (Accession No. ML18164A082).

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this submittal. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Phil H. Lashley, Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, at 330-315-6808.

Beaver Valley Power Station , Unit No. 1 L-19-102 Page 2


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1, Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 10 cc: NRC Region I Administrator NRC Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager Director BRP/DEP Site BRP/DEP Representative

Enclosure L-19-102 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 10 (29 pages follow)

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report BVPS-1 Technical Specification to PTLR Cross-Reference Technical PTLR Specification Section FiQure Table 3.4.3 5.2-1 NIA 5.2-2 3.4.6 NIA NIA 5.2-3 3.4.7 NIA NIA 5.2-3 3.4.10 NIA NIA 5.2-3 3.4.12 NIA 5.2-3 5.2 .1.3 3.5.2 NIA NIA 5.2-3 BVPS- 1 Licensing Requirement to PTLR Cross-Reference Licensing PTLR Requirement Section Figure Table LR 3.1.2 NIA NIA 5.2-3 LR 3.1.4 NIA NIA 5.2-3 LR 3.4.6 NIA NIA 5.2-3 PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - i LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)

The PTLR for Unit 1 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.4. Revisions to the PTLR shall be provided to the NRC after issuance.

The Technical Specifications (TS) and Licensing Requirements (LR) addressed, or made reference to, in this report are listed below:

1. LCO 3.4 .3 Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature (PIT)


2. LCO 3.4.6 RCS Loops - MODE 4,
3. LCO 3.4 .7 RCS Loops - MODE 5, Loops Filled,
4. LCO 3.4 .1O Pressurizer Safety Valves,
5. LCO 3.4 .12 Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) ,
6. LCO 3.5.2 ECCS - Operating,
7. LR 3.1 .2 Boration Flow Paths - Operating ,
8. LR 3.1.4 Charging Pump - Operating, and
9. LR 3.4.6 Pressurizer Safety Valve Lift Involving Liquid Water Discharge.

5.2.1 Operating Limits The PTLR limits for Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS) Unit 1 have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.4, using the methodology contained in Reference 1. RCS Pressure and Temperature (PIT) Limits (LCO 3.4.3)

The RCS temperature rate-of-change limits are defined as:

a. A maximum heatup of 100°F in any one hour period (Reference 2) .
b. A maximum cooldown of 100°F in any one hour period (Reference 2), and
c. A maximum temperature change of less than or equal to 5°F in any one hour period during inservice hydrostatic testing operations above system design pressure. This rate-of-change limit ensures that thermal gradient stress resulting from temperature change is not induced in the reactor vessel during inservice hydrostatic testing operations above system design pressure.

PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 1 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report The RCS PfT limits for heatup, leak testing, and criticality are specified by Figure 5.2-1 and Table 5.2-1. The RCS PfT limits for cooldown are shown in Figure 5.2-2 and Table 5.2-2. These limits are defined in Reference 2.

Consistent with the methodology described in Reference 1, the RCS PfT limits for heatup and cooldown shown in Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 are provided without margins for instrument error. The criticality limit curve specifies pressure-temperature limits for core operation to provide additional margin during actual power production as specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix G (Reference 5). The heatup and cooldown curves also include the effect of the reactor vessel flange.

The PfT limits for core operation (except for low power physics testing) are that the reactor vessel must be at a temperature equal to or higher than the minimum temperature required for the inservice hydrostatic test, and at least 40°F higher than the minimum permissible temperature in the corresponding PfT curve for heatup and cooldown .

Pressure-temperature limit curves shown in Figure 5.2-3 were developed for the limiting ferritic steel component within an isolated reactor coolant loop. The limiting component is the steam generator channel head to tubesheet region.

This figure provides the ASME Ill , Appendix G limiting curve which is used to define operational bounds, such that when operating with an isolated loop the analyzed pressure-temperature limits are known . The temperature range provided bounds the expected operating range for an isolated loop and Code Case N-640.

- NOTE -

Pressure limits are considered to be met for pressures that are below 0 psig (i.e., up to and including full vacuum conditions) since the resulting PfT combination is located in the region to the right and below the operating limits provided in Figures 5.2-1 , 5.2-2, and 5.2-3.

Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 and Tables 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 are based upon analysis of all applicable surveillance capsules per Reference 2. Reference 2 provides an updated surveillance capsule credibility evaluation, updated Position 2.1 chemistry factor values, and an updated fluence evaluation . Therefore, the development of the PfT limit curves (Reference 2) utilized the revised information. Taking into account the updated surveillance data credibility evaluation, the Position 2.1 chemistry factor values, and the fluence analysis summarized in Reference 2, the limiting material for the current BVPS-1 PfT limits continues to be the lower shell plate B6903-1 at 50 EFPY.

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 2 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report Using the fluence analysis provided in Section 2 of Reference 2, the neutron fluence value for lower shell plate 86903-1 at 50 EFPY is determined to be 5.89 x 10 19 n/cm 2 (E > 1.0 MeV). Using this updated fluence value along with the updated Position 2.1 chemistry factor value (Table 5.2-4) for this material, the limiting 1/4T and 3/4T adjusted reference temperature (ART) values are 244.0°F and 208.8°F, respectively, at 50 EFPY. Note that for conservatism , PIT limit curves were developed using 1/4T and 3/4T ART values of 244.5°F and 209.5°F, respectively (Reference 2).

5.2 .1.2 Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) Setpoints (LCO 3.4.12)

The power operated relief valves (PORVs) shall each have a nominal maximum lift setting and enable temperature in accordance with Table 5.2-3. The lift setting provided does not impose any reactor coolant pump restrictions.

The PORV setpoint is based on PIT limits which were established in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix G without allowance for instrumentation error and in accordance with the methodology described in WCAP-14040-A, Revision 4 (Reference 1). The PORV lift setting (Reference 10) shown in Table 5.2-3 accounts for appropriate instrument error. OPPS Enable Temperature (LCO 3.4.12)

Two different temperatures are used to determine the OPPS enable temperature, they are the arming temperature and the calculated enable temperature. The arming temperature (when the OPPS rendered operable) is established per ASME Section XI, Appendix G. Based on this method, the arming temperature (Reference 10) is 347°F with uncertainty for 50 EFPY.

The calculated enable temperature is based on either a RCS temperature of less than 200°F or materials concerns (reactor vessel metal temperature less than RT Nor + 50°F) , whichever is greater. The calculated enable temperature (Reference 10) is 345°F with uncertainty for 50 EFPY.

As the arming temperature is higher and, therefore, more conservative than the calculated enable temperature, the OPPS enable temperature, as shown in Table 5.2-3, is set to equal the arming temperature.

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 3 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report The calculation method governing the heatup and cooldown of the RCS requires the arming of the OPPS at and below the OPPS enable temperature specified in Table 5.2-3, and disarming of the OPPS above this temperature. The OPPS is required to be enabled , i.e., OPERABLE, when any RCS cold leg temperature is less than or equal to this temperature.

From a plant operations viewpoint the terms "armed" and "enabled" are synonymous when it comes to activating the OPPS. As stated in the applicable operating procedure, the OPPS is activated (armed/enabled) manually before entering the applicability of LCO 3.4.12. This is accomplished by placing two keylock switches (one in each train) into their "automatic" position. Once OPPS is activated (armed/enabled) reactor coolant system pressure transmitters will signal a rise in system pressure above the OPPS setpoint. This will initiate an alarm in the control room and open the OPPS PORVs. Reactor Vessel Boltup Temperature (LCO 3.4 .3)

The minimum boltup temperature for the Reactor Vessel Flange shall be ;::: 60°F.

Boltup is a condition in which the reactor vessel head is installed with tension applied to any stud, and with the RCS vented to atmosphere .

5.2 .2 Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program The reactor vessel material irradiation surveillance specimens shall be removed and analyzed to determine changes in material properties. The capsule withdrawal schedule is provided in Table 4.5-3 of the UFSAR. Also, the results of these analyses shall be used to update Figures 5.2-1 and 5.2-2, and Tables 5.2-1 and 5.2-2 in this report. The time of specimen withdrawal may be modified to coincide with those refueling outages nearest the withdrawal schedule.

The pressure vessel material surveillance program (References 3 and 4) is in compliance with Appendix H to 10 CFR 50, "Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program." The material test requirements and the acceptance standards utilize the reference nil-ductility temperature, RT NDT, which is determined in accordance with ASME, Section Ill , NB-2331. The empirical relationship between RT NDT and the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel steel is developed in accordance with Appendix G, "Protection Against Non-Ductile Failure," to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The surveillance capsule removal schedule meets the requirements of ASTM E 185-82 .

Reference 8 is an NRC commitment made by FENOC to use only the calculated vessel fluence values when performing future capsule surveillance evaluations for BVPS Unit 1. This commitment is a condition of license Amendment 256 and will remain in effect until the NRC staff approves an alternate methodology to perform these evaluations. Best-estimate values generated using the FERRET Code may be provided for information only.

PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 4 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2.3 Supplemental Data Tables The following tables provide supplemental information on reactor vessel material properties and are provided to be consistent with Generic Letter 96-03. Some of the material property values shown were used as inputs to the Pff limits.

Table 5.2-4 shows the calculation of the surveillance material chemistry factors using surveillance capsule data.

Table 5.2-4a shows the Calculation of Chemistry Factors based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data.

Table 5.2-4b shows the St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Weld Data.

Table 5.2-5, taken from Reference 2, provides the reactor vessel beltline material property table.

Table 5.2-6, taken from Reference 2, shows the reactor vessel extended beltline material properties.

Table 5.2-7, taken from Reference 2, provides a summary of the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ARTs) for 50 EFPY.

Table 5.2-8, taken from Reference 2, shows the calculation of ARTs for 50 EFPY.

Table 5.2-9, taken from Reference 2, provides RT PTs values for the beltline materials at 50 EFPY.

Table 5.2-10, taken from Reference 2, provides RT PTs values for the extended beltline materials at 50 EFPY.

Table 5.2-11, provides Reactor Vessel Toughness Data (Unirradiated)

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 5 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 5.2 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2.4 References

1. WCAP-14040-A, Revision 4, "Methodology Used to Develop Cold Overpressure Mitigating System Setpoints and RCS Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves," J. D. Andrachek, et al. , May 2004.
2. WCAP-18102-NP, Revision 1, "Beaver Valley Unit 1 Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves for Normal Operation ," B.E. Mays, et al. , February 2018.
3. WCAP-17896-NP, Revision 0, "Analysis of Capsule X from the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program ," E.J. Long and E.T. Hayes, September 2014.
4. WCAP-8457 , "Duquesne Light Company, Beaver Valley Unit No. 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," J. A. Davidson, October 1974.
5. 10 CFR Part 50 , Appendix G, "Fracture Toughness Requirements, " Federal Register, Volume 60, No. 243, December 19, 1995.
6. 10 CFR 50.61 , "Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events," Federal Register, Volume 60, No.

243, December 19, 1995. (PTS Rule)

7. Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , May 1988.
8. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company letter L-01-157, "Supplement to License Amendment Requests Nos. 295 and 167," dated December 21, 2001 .
9. WCAP-15571, Supplement 1, Revision 2, "Analysis of Capsule Y from Beaver Valley Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program,"

A. E. Freed, September 2011 .

10. LTR-SCS-16-58 Rev. 0, LTOPS Setpoint Evaluation for 50 EFPY for Beaver Valley Unit 1, June 2017.

11 . NUREG-0800, BTP 5-2 and 5-3, "Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," March 2007.

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 6 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: Lower Shell Plate B6903-1 using Regulatory Guide 1.99 Position 1.1 data LIMITING ART VALUES AT 50 EFPY: 1/4T, 244.5°F (Axial Flaw) 3/4T, 209.5°F (Axial Flaw) 2250 IILeak l est Limli t f - -

2000 1 I I Unacceptable Acceptable

- -, -- -1 0 eration 0 eration 1750 1 500 C)

"iii c..

~ 1250




.sca "Cl 1000

i ni 0

750 -

Criticality Limit based on 500 inservice hydrostatic test temperature (301°F) for the service period up to 50 EFPY Boltup Tern erature 250 0

0 50 1 00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 M oderator Temperature (Deg. F)

Figure 5.2-1 (Page 1 of 1)

Reactor Coolant System Heatup Limitations Applicable for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 7 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 MATERIAL PROPERTY BASIS LIMITING MATERIAL: Lower Shell Plate B6903-1 using Regulatory Guide 1.99 Position 1.1 data LIMITING ART VALUES AT 50 EFPY: 1/4T, 244.5°F (Axial Flaw) 3/4T , 209.5°F (Axial Flaw) 2500 -r-;::========== ====;r--r--r--i- ---:---7 Operlim Version :5.4 Run :1 9454 Operlim .xlsm Version: 5.4 2250 - I I 2000 Unacceptable Acceptable 0 eration 0 eration 1750 1500 Cl

'iii C.

f 1250 -

I 1/1 1/1 Cl) a..


.....nsCl) 1000

i CJ iii 0

750 Cooldown Rates

°F/Hr 500 Steady-State 20 40 60 100 250 I 0 +-,-~ ....+--<,........,.--....+~~ +--,.-,~-+--,-~---+-~ - . - - + ~ ~ + - , -~ , - + - , - ~......+--~.........+~____,....,

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Moderator Temperature (Deg. F)

Figure 5.2-2 (Page 1 of 1)

Reactor Coolant System Cooldown Limitations Applicable for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)

PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2- 8 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 2500 2000 ffi' 1500 /

en 9::..



cc u,


ffi _,,,..-,- ~

~ 1000

[_-----!------ --

500 0 I 50 60 ro ~ ~ 100 110 120 TEMPERATURE (°F)

Figure 5.2-3 (Page 1 of 1)

Isolated Loop Pressure - Temperature Limit Curve (LCO 3.4.3)

PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 9 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-1 (Page 1 of 2)

Heatup Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3) 60°F/hr 100°F/hr 60°F/h r Heatup 100°F/hr Heatup Critica lity Criticality T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) 60 0 301 0 60 0 301 0 60 602 301 1190 60 552 301 947 65 602 305 1241 65 552 305 990 70 602 310 1303 70 552 310 1042 75 602 315 1358 75 552 315 1099 80 602 320 1417 80 552 320 1162 85 602 325 1483 85 552 325 1232 90 602 330 1555 90 552 330 1310 95 602 335 1636 95 552 335 1395 100 602 340 1724 100 552 340 1488 105 602 345 1821 105 552 345 1592 110 603 350 1929 110 552 350 1706 115 604 355 2048 115 552 355 1832 120 606 360 2179 120 552 360 1971 125 609 365 2324 125 552 365 2124 130 612 370 2483 130 552 370 2292 135 616 135 552 375 2464 140 621 140 553 145 627 145 555 150 633 150 557 155 640 155 561 160 648 160 565 165 657 165 570 170 667 170 575 175 678 175 582 180 691 180 590 185 704 185 598 190 719 190 608 195 736 195 619 200 755 200 631 205 775 205 645 210 798 210 660 215 823 215 677 220 851 220 696 225 882 225 717 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 10 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-1 (Page 2 of 2)

Heatup Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3) 60°F/hr Heatup 60°F/hr 100°F/hr 100°F/hr Heatup Criticality Criticality T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) T (°F) P (psig) 230 915 230 741 235 953 235 766 240 994 240 795 245 1040 245 827 250 1085 250 861 255 1132 255 900 260 1184 260 943 265 1241 265 990 270 1303 270 1042 275 1358 275 1099 280 1417 280 1162 285 1483 285 1232 290 1555 290 1310 295 1636 295 1395 300 1724 300 1488 305 1821 305 1592 310 1929 310 1706 315 2048 315 1832 320 2179 320 1971 325 2324 325 2124 330 2483 330 2292 335 2464 Leak Test Limit T (°F) P (psig) 283 2000 301 2485 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 11 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-2 (Page 1 of 2)

Cooldown Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)

Steady State 20°F/h r 40°F/h r 60°F/h r 100°F/hr T p T p T p T p T p (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) 60 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 60 621 60 607 60 563 60 518 60 426 65 621 65 608 65 564 65 519 65 426 70 621 70 609 70 565 70 520 70 427 75 621 75 610 75 566 75 521 75 428 80 621 80 611 80 567 80 522 80 429 85 621 85 613 85 569 85 523 85 431 90 621 90 614 90 570 90 525 90 432 95 621 95 616 95 572 95 527 95 434 100 621 100 618 100 574 100 529 100 436 105 621 105 621 105 576 105 531 105 439 110 621 110 621 110 579 110 534 110 442 115 621 115 621 115 582 115 537 115 445 120 621 120 621 120 585 120 541 120 449 125 621 125 621 125 589 125 545 125 453 130 621 130 621 130 593 130 549 130 458 130 680 130 637 135 598 135 554 135 464 135 684 135 641 140 603 140 559 140 470 140 689 140 646 145 609 145 566 145 477 145 694 145 652 150 615 150 572 150 485 150 700 150 658 155 623 155 580 155 494 155 706 155 665 160 630 160 588 160 504 160 713 160 672 165 639 165 598 165 515 165 721 165 680 170 649 170 609 170 527 170 729 170 689 175 660 175 620 175 541 175 739 175 700 180 672 180 633 180 556 180 749 180 711 185 685 185 648 185 573 185 761 185 723 190 700 190 664 190 593 190 774 190 737 195 717 195 682 195 614 195 788 195 752 200 735 200 702 200 637 200 803 200 769 205 755 205 724 205 664 205 821 205 788 210 778 210 748 210 693 210 840 210 808 215 802 215 775 215 725 215 861 215 831 220 830 220 805 220 761 220 884 220 856 225 860 225 838 225 801 225 910 225 884 230 894 230 875 230 846 230 938 230 915 235 931 235 916 235 895 235 970 235 949 240 973 240 961 240 949 240 1004 240 987 245 1018 245 1011 245 1010 245 1043 245 1029 250 1069 250 1067 250 1067 250 1085 250 1075 255 1125 255 1125 255 1125 PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 12 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-2 (Page 2 of 2)

Cooldown Curve Data Points for 50 EFPY (LCO 3.4.3)

Steady State 20°F/hr 40°F/hr 60°F/hr 100°F/hr T p T p T p T p T p (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) (OF) (psig) 255 1132 255 1127 260 1183 260 1183 260 1183 260 1184 260 1183 265 1241 265 1241 265 1241 265 1241 265 1241 270 1305 270 1305 270 1305 270 1305 270 1305 275 1375 275 1375 275 1375 275 1375 275 1375 280 1452 280 1452 280 1452 280 1452 280 1452 285 1537 285 1537 285 1537 285 1537 285 1537 290 1632 290 1632 290 1632 290 1632 290 1632 295 1736 295 1736 295 1736 295 1736 295 1736 300 1851 300 1851 300 1851 300 1851 300 1851 305 1979 305 1979 305 1979 305 1979 305 1979 310 2120 310 2120 310 2120 310 2120 310 2120 315 2275 315 2275 315 2275 315 2275 315 2275 320 2448 320 2448 320 2448 320 2448 320 2448 PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 13 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-3 (Page 1 of 1)

Overpressure Protection System (OPPS) Setpoints (LCO 3.4.12)

FUNCTION SETPOINT OPPS Enable Temperature 347°F PORV Setpoint :s: 397 psiQ PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 14 LRM Revision 103

Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4 (Page 1 of 1)

Calculation of Chemistry Factors Using Surveillance Capsule Data Material Capsule Capsule f(a) FF(b) ART NDr'c) FF *ARTNDT FF 2 Lower Shell V 0.297 0.6677 127.9 85.40 0.446 Plate u 0.618 0.8652 118.3 102.35 0.749 B6903-1(d)

(Longitudinal) w 0.952 0.9862 147.7 145.66 0.973 y 2.10 1.2018 141 .7 170.30 1.444 X 4.99 1.4020 175.8 246.46 1.965 Lower Shell V 0.297 0.6677 138.0 92 .14 0.446 Plate u 0.618 0.8652 132.1 114.29 0.749 B6903-1 (d)

(Transverse) w 0.952 0.9862 180.2 177.72 0.973 y 2.10 1.2018 166.9 200.58 1.444 X 4.99 1.4020 179.0 250.95 1.965 SUM: 1585.86 11 .154 CF= Z:(FF* ARTNDT) + Z:(FF )=(1585.86) + (11 .154) = 142.2°F(e) 2 V 169.4 0.297 0.6677 (159.8) 113.10 0.446 Beaver Valley u 0.618 0.8652 174.8 (164.9) 151.23 0.749 Unit 1 Surveillance w 0.952 0.9862 197.5 (186.3) 194.76 0.973 Weld Metal

1.0 MeV). The surveillance capsule fluence results are contained in Table 4-1 of Reference 2. (b) FF = fluence factor = f <0 -28
  • 0 -1
  • 109 fl .
(c) ART Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb shift values. The Beaver Valley Unit 1 ART Nor values for the surveillance weld data are adjusted by a ratio of 1.06. Pre-adjusted values are listed in parentheses, and were taken from Table 4-1 of Reference 2. NOTE: Per Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 (Reference 7) , section 2.1 "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," the vessel weld chemistry factor is divided by the surveillance weld chemistry factor to obtain a ratio factor to multiply the ART NDT values by to obtain adjusted ART NDT values. In Table 5-2 of Reference 2, the ratio is determined to be 1.06 or (191 .7/181.6). (d) The plate and weld surveillance data is deemed non-credible per Appendix D of Reference 2. (e) Position 2.1 chemistry factor values are summarized in Table 5-4 of Reference 2. PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 15 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4a (Page 1 of 2) Calculation of Chemistry Factors<a> (Based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data) Material Capsule Capsule fCb) FF<c> ~RT Nor'ct) FF *~ RTNoT FF2 82 .6 97° 0.5174 0.8160 67.44 0.666 (72.34) Weld Metal 81 .1 Heat# 90136<e> 104° 0.7885 0.9333 75.68 0.871 (67.4) (St. Lucie Unit 1) 83.8 284° 1.243 1.0606 88.85 1.125 (68.0) Weld Metal 67 .5 97° 0.324 0.6902 (65 .93) 46.61 0.476 Heat# 90136<e> (Millstone Unit 2) 57 .0 104° 0.949 0.9853 (52.12) 56.18 0.971 61.4 83° 1.74 1.1523 (56.09) 70.74 1.328 SUM: 405 .50 5.437 CF = L(FF * ~ RT NOT) + L (FF 2 ) = (405 .50) + (5.437) = 74.6°F<9 l W-225 0.488 0.800 197.30 157.83 0.640 Weld Metal (210) Heat # 305414<t> W-265 0.847 0.953 218.30 208.13 0.909 (Fort Calhoun (225) Unit 1) W-275 1.54 1.119 215.90 241 .68 1.253 (219) SUM: 607.64 2.802 CF= L(FF * ~ RT NOT) + L(FF 2 ) = (607.64) + (2 .802) = 216.9°F(g) Notes for Table 5.2-4a are on the following page. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 16 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4a (Page 2 of 2) Calculation of Chemistry Factors(a> (Based on St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data) Notes: (a) Use of St. Lucie and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data approved by NRC letter dated February 20, 2002, "BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION , UNIT 1-ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT RE: AMENDED PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITS (TAC NO . MB2301 )." As a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld heat number, the Millstone Unit 2 data was not originally incorporated into Beaver Valley Unit 1 chemistry factor calculations. Since the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld contains specimens made of Heat# 90136, the use of this data is appropriate . See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details. (b) f = calculated surveillance capsule fluence values (x 10 19 n/cm 2 , E > 1.0 MeV). The surveillance capsule fluence results for St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 are contained in Table 4-2 of Reference 2. The surveillance capsule fluence results for Fort Calhoun Unit 1 are contained in Table D-5 of Reference 3. (c) FF = fluence factor= f <0 0 -1
  • iog f)_
(d) i1RT Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb. shift values. i1RT Nor values for the surveillance weld data are adjusted first by the difference in operating temperature then using the ratio procedure to account for differences in the surveillance weld chemistry and the beltline weld chemistry. Pre-adjusted values are listed in parentheses, and were taken from Tables 4-2 of Reference 2 and Table A-5 of Reference 9. The temperature adjustments for each capsule were calculated from the data in Table 5.2-4b and the average plant irradiation temperature for BV-1 . The St. Lucie Unit 1 L1RT Nor values for the weld data are adjusted by a ratio of 1.17. The Millstone Unit 2 and Fort Calhoun L1RT Nor values were not adjusted since the ratio was less than 1.00; therefore, a conservative value of 1.00 was used. (e) The St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance data is deemed credible per Appendix D of Reference 2; however, a full margin term should be utilized for conservatism when this data is applied as a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 weld specimen heat numbers. See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details. (f) The Fort Calhoun Unit 1 surveillance data is deemed non-credible per Appendix D of Reference 3. (g) Position 2.1 chemistry factor values are summarized in Table 5-4 of Reference 2. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 17 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-4b (Page 1 of 1) St. Lucie Unit 1, Millstone Unit 2, and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Weld Data<aJ(bl Irradiated Capsule fC dl Material Cu Ni L1RT NDT(e) Capsule Temperature<cJ (x10 19 n/cm 2 , (wt. %) (wt. %) (OF) (OF) E > 1.0 MeV) Weld Metal 97° 0.23 0.07 541 0.5174 72.34 Heat# 90136 (St. Lucie 104° 0.23 0.07 544.6 0.7885 67.4 Unit 1) 284° 0.23 0.07 546 .3 1.243 68.0 Weld Metal 97° 0.30 0.06 544.3 0.324 65.93 Heat# 90136 104° 0.30 0.06 547.6 0.949 52 .12 (Millstone Unit 2) 83° 0.30 0.06 548.0 1.74 56.09 Weld Metal W-225 0.35 0.60 530 0.488 210 Heat W-265 0.35 0.60 536 0.847 225
  1. 305414 (Fort Calhoun W-275 0.35 0.60 539 .6 1.54 219 Unit 1)
Notes: (a) Use of St. Lucie and Fort Calhoun Surveillance Capsule Data approved by NRC letter dated February 20, 2002, "BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 - ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT RE : AMENDED PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE LIMITS (TAC NO. MB2301 )." As a result of the unclear identification of the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld heat number, the Millstone Unit 2 data was not originally incorporated into Beaver Valley Unit 1 chemistry factor calculations. Since the Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld contains specimens made of Heat# 90136 , the use of this data is appropriate. See Appendix D of Reference 2 for more details. (b) Data contained in this table was obtained from Reference 2, unless otherwise noted . (c) Irradiated temperatures are the average inlet temperatures over the specific cycles corresponding to the operating time experienced by each of the respective capsules. (d) f = calculated surveillance capsule fluence values. (e) ,-1RT Nor values are the measured 30 ft-lb shift values from Table 4-2 of Reference 2 and Table D-5 of Reference 3. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2-18 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-5 (Page 1 of 1) Reactor Vessel Beltline Material Properties Position 1 . 1 Initial Material Description Cu Ni Chemistry RTNDT(a) (wt.%) (wt. %) Factor (OF) (OF) Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-1 0.14 0.62 100.5 26.8 Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-2 0.14 0.62 100.5 53.6 Lower Shell Plate 86903-1 0.21 0.54 147.2 13.1 Lower Shell Plate 87203-2 0.14 0.57 98.7 0.4 Intermediate to Lower Shell Weld 0.27 0.07 124.3 -56 Seam (Heat#90136)11-714 Intermediate Longitudinal Shell Weld 0.28 0.63 191.7 -56 Seams (Heat# 305424)19-714 A&B Lower Longitudinal Weld Seams (Heat# 305414)20-714 A&B 0.34 0.61 210.5 -56 Surveillance Weld (Heat# 305424) 0.26 0.61 181.6 --- Note: (a) The initial RT Nor values for the plates are based on measured data while the weld values are generic. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2-19 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-6 (Page 1 of 2) Reactor Vessel Extended Beltline Material Properties<a> Heat Number Initial Material Description Material Wt% Wt% RT NDT(c) ID (Lot Number) Cu Ni (OF) Upper Shell Forging 86604 123V339VA1 0.12(b) 0.68 40 305414 0.34 0.61 -56 (Gen) (3951 & 3958) Upper to Intermediate AOFJ 0.03 0.93 10 (Gen)10-714 Shell Girth Weld FOIJ 0.03 0.94 10 (Gen) EODJ 0.02 1.04 10 (Gen) HOCJ 0.02 0.93 10 (Gen) 86608-1 95443-1 0.10 0.82 48.5 Inlet Nozzles 86608-2 95460-1 0.10 0.82 -15.2 86608-3 95712-1 0.08 0.79 11.4 EODJ 0.02 1.04 10 (Gen) FOIJ 0.03 0.94 10 (Gen) 1-7178 HOCJ 0.02 0.93 10 (Gen) Inlet Nozzle Welds 1-717D DBIJ 0.02 0.97 10 (Gen) 1-717F EOEJ 0.01 1.03 10 (Gen) ICJJ 0.03 0.99 10 (Gen) JACJ 0.04 0.97 10 (Gen) 86605-1 95415-1 0.13(d) 0.77 -26.2 Outlet Nozzles 86605-2 95415-2 0.13(d) 0.77 3.3 86605-3 95444-1 0.09 0.79 10.1 ICJJ 0.03 0.99 10 (Gen) IOBJ 0.02 0.97 10 (Gen) 1-717A JACJ 0.04 0.97 10 (Gen) Outlet Nozzle Welds 1-717C HOCJ 0.02 0.93 10 (Gen) 1-717E EODJ 0.02 1.04 1O (Gen) FOIJ 0.03 0.94 10 (Gen) Notes for Table 5.2-6 are on the following page. PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 20 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-6 (Page 2 of 2) Reactor Vessel Extended Beltline Material Properties<aJ Notes: (a) Data obtained from Table 3-2 of Reference 2. (b) The Cu wt% was not available from the CMTR so in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, a standard deviation analysis (average+ standard deviation) was done to determine the value based on Westinghouse 508 Class 2 Shell Forgings (55 data points). (c) The initial RT NOT value for the upper shell forging , inlet nozzle forgings, and outlet nozzle forgings are based on measured values. The generic initial RT NOT values for the weld materials were determined in accordance with NUREG-0800 [Reference 11] and 10 CFR 50.61 [Reference 6]. (d) The Cu wt% was not available from the CMTR, so in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, a standard deviation analysis (average+ standard deviation) was done to determine the value based on Westinghouse 508 Class 2 Nozzle Forgings (178 data points) . PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 21 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-7 (Page 1 of 1) Summary of Adjusted Reference Temperatures (ARTs) for 50 EFPY<e> 50 EFPY Material Description 1/4T ART<a> 3/4T ART<a> (DF) (DF) Intermediate Shell Plate 86607- 1 195.2 171.2 Intermediate Shell Plate 86607-2 222 .0 198.0 Lower Shell Plate 87203-2 166.4 142.8 Lower Shell Plate 86903-1 244 .0(f) 208 .8<fl - Using S/C Data 237.3 203.3 Intermediate Shell Longitudinal Weld 19-714A/B 182.4 133.5 - Usinq S/C Data 177.7 130.2 Intermediate to Lower Shell Circ. Weld 11-714 175.7 146.0 - Using S/C Data <c) 109.3 91.4 Lower Shell Longitudinal Weld 20-714A/B 199.9 146.2 - Using S/C Data<d> 205.6 150.3 Upper Shell Foroinq 86604 139.4 119.2 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714 172.9 122.5 (Heat# 305414) -Using S/C Data<d> 177.9 125.9 Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714 88.4 44.0 (Heat #'s AOFJ and FOIJ) Upper Shell to Intermediate Shell Girth Weld 10-714 44.0 44.0 (Heat #'s EODJ and HOCJ) Inlet and Outlet Nozzle Welds (All Heat #'s) 44.0 44 .0 Notes: (a) ART = I + 11RTN r + M. (b) Based on Beaver Valley Unit 1 surveillance data. (Data not credible. ART calculated with a full crA. ) (c) Based on St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance data. (Data credible. ART calculated with a full crAper Appendix D of Reference 2.) (d) Based on Fort Calhoun Unit 1 surveillance data. (Data not credible. ART calculated with a full crA. ) (e) Data obtained from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 of Reference 2. Nozzle ART values are excluded from this table, as these values are calculated using surface fluence values. See Reference 2 for nozzle ART values. (f) For the purposes of PIT limit curve development, a 1/4T ART value of 244.5°F and a 3/4T ART value of 209.5°F were used for conservatism. PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 22 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-8 (Page 1 of 1) Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperatures (ARTs) for 50 Efpy<c> Parameter VALUES Operating Time 50 EFPY Material Plate B6903-1 Plate B6903-1 Location Lower Shell Lower Shell Plate Plate 1/4T ART(°F) 3/4T ART(°F) Chemistry Factor, CF (°F) 147.2 147.2 Fluence (f), n/cm 2 (E> 1.0 Mev) 3.672 X 10 19 1.427 X 10 19 Fluence Factor, FF 1.3374 1.0987 LlRT NOT= CF X FF(°F) 196.9(b) 161.7(b) Initial RT NOT, 1(0 f)(a) 13.1 13.1 MarQin, M(°F) 34(b) 34(b) ART = l+(CF*FF)+M, °F per RG 1.99, Revision 2 244.0(d) 208.S(d) Notes: (a) Initial RT NDT values are measured values for plate material. (b) Based on Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2 Position 1.1. (Surveillance data not credible. ART calculated with a full cr~.) (c) Data obtained from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 of Reference 2. (d) For the purposes of PIT limit curve development, a 1/4T ART value of 244.5°F and a 3/4T ART value of 209.5°F were used for conservatism. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 23 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-9 (Page 1 of 2) RT Prs Calculation for Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(a) Surface Fluence Chemistry Initial Material Heat ~ RTPTS(d) Ou 0 ,l Margin<e) RTprs<fl Material Description Fluence Factor, Factor RTNDT(c) ID Number (OF) (OF) (OF) (OF) (OF) (x10 19 n/cm 2) FF(b) (OF) (OF) Intermediate Shell Plate B6607-1 C4381-1 5.88 1.4330 100.5 26.8 144.0 0 17 34 204 .8 Intermediate Shell Plate B6607-2 C4381-2 5.88 1.4330 100.5 53.6 144.0 0 17 34 231.6 Lower Shell Plate B6903-1 C6317-1 5.89 1.4333 147.2 13.1 211 .0 0 17 34 258.1 -+ Using non-credible surveillance data<9 > 5.89 1.4333 142.2 13.1 203 .8 0 17(9) 34 250 .9 Lower Shell Plate B7203-2 C6293-2 5.89 1.4333 98.7 0.4 141.5 0 17 34 175.9 Intermediate to Lower 11 -714 90136 5.88 1.4330 124.3 -56 178.1 17 28 65.5 187.6 Shell Girth Weld -+ Using credible surveillance data(h) 5.88 1.4330 74.6 -56 106.9 17 28(h) 65.5 116.4 Intermediate Shell 19-714 305424 1.13 1.0341 191.7 -56 198.2 17 28 65.5 207.8 Longitudinal Weld A&B -+ Using non-credible surveillance data< 9> 1.13 1.0341 186.5 -56 192.9 17 28(9) 65.5 202.4 Lower Shell Longitudinal 20-714 305414 1.14 1.0366 210.5 -56 218.2 17 28 65.5 227.7 Weld A&B -+ Using non-credible surveillance data(i) 1.14 1.0366 216.9 -56 224.8 17 28(i) 65 .5 234.4 Notes: (a) Data obtained from Table E-1 of Reference 2. (b) FF = fluence factor= f <0 *28
  • 0 -10109 <1>>.
(c) Initial RT NDT values are measured values with the exception of the vessel welds. (d) ~RT PTS = CF* FF. (e) M = 2 *(cru2 + cri )112_ (f) RT PTs = Initial RT NDT + ~RT Prs + Margin. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 24 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-9 (Page 2 of 2) RT PTs Calculation for Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(a) Notes continued : (g) The BVPS-1 surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 intermediate shell longitudinal welds (Heat #305424). The BVPS-1 surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 28°F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld heat 305424. The BVPS-1 surveillance plate material is representative of the BVPS-1 lower shell plate B6903-1. The surveillance plate material is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 17°F was utilized for BVPS-1 plate B6903-1. These credibility evaluation conclusions are contained in Appendix D of Reference 2. (h) The St. Lucie Unit 1 and Millstone Unit 2 surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 intermediate to lower shell girth weld (Heat #90136). The St. Lucie Unit 1 surveillance weld data is credible; however, the full Ot. term of 28°F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat #90136 for conservatism . Additional details and the credibility evaluation conclusions are contained in Appendix D of Reference 2. (i) The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 lower shell longitudinal welds (Heat #305414) . The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Ot. term of 28°F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat #305414. This credibility evaluation conclusion is contained in Appendix D of Reference 3 and confirmed in Reference 2. PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 25 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5 .2 Table 5.2-10 (Page 1 of 2) RT PTs Calculation for Extended Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)(aJ Surface Fluence Chemistry Initial Material Material Heat Number Fluence Factor, Factor RTNDT(c) ~RTPTS(d) cru CJ6 Margin(eJ RTPTS(f) Description ID (Lot Number) (OF) (OF) (OF) (OF) (OF) (x10 19 n/cm 2 ) FF(b) (OF) (OF) Upper Shell 86604 123V339VA1 0.718 0.9071 84.2 40 76.4 0 17 34 150.4 Forging Upper to 305414 Intermediate 10-714 0.718 0.9071 210.5 -56 190.9 17 28 65.5 200.5 (3951 & 3958) Shell Girth Weld _. Usinci non-credible surveillance data<g> 0.718 0.9071 216.9 -56 196.7 17 28(9) 65.5 206.3 AOFJ 0.718 0.9071 41 .0 10 37.2 17 18.6 50.4 97.6 Upper to FOIJ 0.718 0.9071 41 .0 10 37.2 17 18.6 50.4 97.6 Intermediate 10-714 EODJ 0.718 0.9071 27.0 10 24.5 17 12.2 41 .9 76.4 Shell Girth Weld HOCJ 0.718 0.9071 27.0 10 24.5 17 12.2 41 .9 76.4 86608-1 95443-1 0.0210 0.1773 67.0 48.5 11 .9 0 5.9 11 .9 72.3 Inlet Nozzles 86608-2 95460-1 0.0210 0.1773 67.0 -15.2 11 .9 0 5.9 11 .9 8.6 86608-3 95712-1 0.0210 0.1773 51.0 11.4 9.0 0 4.5 9.0 29.5 EODJ 0.0210 0.1773 27.0 10 4.8 17 2.4 34.3 49.1 FOIJ 0.0210 0.1773 41 .0 10 7.3 17 3.6 34.8 52.0 1-717 8 HOCJ 0.0210 0.1773 27.0 10 4.8 17 2.4 34.3 49.1 Inlet Nozzle 1-717 D D8IJ 0.0210 0.1773 27.0 10 4.8 17 2.4 34.3 49.1 Welds 1-717 F EOEJ 0.0210 0.1773 20.0 10 3.5 17 1.8 34.2 47.7 ICJJ 0.0210 0.1773 41 .0 10 7.3 17 3.6 34.8 52.0 JACJ 0.0210 0.1773 54.0 10 9.6 17 4.8 35.3 54.9 86605-1 95415-1 0.0161 0.1501 95.3 -26.2 14.3 0 7.2 14.3 2.4 Outlet Nozzles 86605-2 95415-2 0.0161 0.1501 95.3 3.3 14.3 0 7.2 14.3 31 .9 86605-3 95444-1 0.0161 0.1501 58.0 10.1 8.7 0 4.4 8.7 27.5 ICJJ 0 .0161 0.1501 41 .0 10 6.2 17 3.1 34.6 50.7 IO8J 0 .0161 0.1501 27.0 10 4.1 17 2.0 34.2 48.3 1-717 A Outlet Nozzle JACJ 0 .0161 0.1501 54.0 10 8.1 17 4.1 35.0 53.1 1-717 C Welds HOCJ 0 .0161 0.1501 27.0 10 4.1 17 2.0 34.2 1-717 E 48.3 EODJ 0.0161 0.1501 27.0 10 4.1 17 2.0 34.2 48.3 FOIJ 0.0161 0.1501 41 .0 10 6.2 17 3.1 34.6 50.7 Notes: (a) Data obtained from Table E-1 of Reference 2 . PTLR Revision 1 0 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 26 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-10 (Page 2 of 2) RT PTs Calculation for Extended Beltline Region Materials at Life Extension (50 EFPY)<aJ Notes continued : (b) FF = fluence factor= f< 020 - 01 o1og (f)l_ (c) Initial RT NOT value for the upper shell forging, inlet nozzle forgings, and outlet nozzles are based on measured values. All other values are generic. (d) ART PTS = CF* FF. (e) M = 2 * (cru 2 + cr.l )112 . However, Oe,. need not exceed 0.5 (f) RT PTs = Initial RTNOT+ ART PTs + Margin. (g) The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld metal is the same weld heat as the BVPS-1 upper to intermediate shell girth weld (Heat #305414) . The Fort Calhoun surveillance weld data is non-credible; therefore, the higher Oe,. term of 28°F was utilized for BVPS-1 weld Heat
  1. 305414. This credibility evaluation conclusion is contained in Appendix D of Reference 3 and confirmed in Reference 2.
PTLR Revision 10 Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 27 LRM Revision 103 Licensing Requirements Manual Pressure and Temperature Limits Report 5.2 Table 5.2-11 (Page 1 of 1) Reactor Vessel Toughness Data (Unirradiated) UPPER SHELF ENERGY (FT-LB) Cu Ni p TNDT RTNDT COMPONENT HEAT NO. CODE NO. MATERIAL TYPE (%) (%) (%) (OF) (OF) MWD NMWD Closure Head C6213-1B B6610 A533B CL. 1 .15 --- .010 -40 o* 121 --- Dome Closure Head A5518-2 B6611 A533B CL. 1 .14 --- .015 -20 -20* 131 --- Seg. Closure Head ZV3758 --- A508 CL. 2 .08 --- .007 60* 60* >100 --- FlanQe Vessel Flanqe ZV-3661 FV-2961 A508 CL. 2 .12 --- .010 -54.7** 10** 166 --- Inlet Nozzle 9-5443-1 B6608-1 A508 CL. 2 .10 .82 .008 35.8** 48.5** 82.5 --- Inlet Nozzle 9-5460-1 B6608-2 A508 CL. 2 .10 .82 .010 -18.3** -15.2** 94 --- Inlet Nozzle 9-5712-1 B6608-3 A508 CL. 2 .08 .79 .007 -2 .5** 11.4** 97 --- Outlet Nozzle 9-5415- 1 B6605-1 A508 CL. 2 .13 .77 .008 -26.2** -26.2** 93 --- Outlet Nozzle 9-5415-2 B6605-2 A508 CL. 2 .13 .77 .007 3.0** 3.3** 112.5 --- Outlet Nozzle 9-5444-1 B6605-3 A508 CL. 2 .09 .79 .007 10.1** 10.1 ** 103 --- Upper Shell 123V339VA1 --- A508 CL. 2 .12 .68 .010 40 40* 155 101 Inter Shell C4381-2 B6607-2 A533B CL. 1 .14 .62 .015 -10 53.6 123 83 Inter Shell C4381 -1 B6607-1 A533B CL. 1 .14 .62 .015 -10 26.8 128.5 94 Lower Shell C6317-1 B6903-1 A533B CL. 1 .21 .54 .010 -50 13.1 134 83 Lowe r Shell C6293-2 B7203-2 A533B CL. 1 .14 .57 .015 -20 0.4 129.5 85 Trans Rina 123V223 --- A508 CL. 2 --- --- --- 30 30* 143 --- Bottom Hd Sea C4423-3 B6618 A533B CL. 1 .13 --- .008 -30 -29* 124 --- Bottom Hd Dome C4482-1 B6619 A533B CL. 1 .13 --- .015 -50 -33* 125.5 --- Inter to Lower 90136 --- --- .27 .07 --- --- -56 --- > 100 Shell Weld Inter Shell Long . 305424 --- --- .28 .63 --- --- -56 --- > 100 Weld Lower Shell 305414 --- --- .34 .61 --- --- -56 --- > 100 LonQ. Weld Weld HAZ --- --- --- -40 -40 --- 136.5
  • Estimated Per NRC Standard Review Plan Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2
    • Estimated Per BWRVI P-173-A, Alternate Approach 2 MWD - Major Working Direction NMWD - Normal to Major Working Direction Note: For evaluation of lnservice Reactor Vessel Irradiation damage assessments, the best estimate chemistry values reported in the latest response to Generic Letter 92-01 or equivalent document are applicable.
PTLR Revision 1O Beaver Valley Unit 1 5.2 - 28 LRM Revision 103