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| issue date = 03/03/2010
| issue date = 03/03/2010
| title = Entergy Prefiled Hearing Exhibit ENT000344 - Annual Assessment Letter - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 (Reports 05000247/2010001 & 05000286/2010001)
| title = Entergy Prefiled Hearing Exhibit ENT000344 - Annual Assessment Letter - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 (Reports 05000247/2010001 & 05000286/2010001)
| author name = Lew D C
| author name = Lew D
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRP
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRP
| addressee name = Pollock J E
| addressee name = Pollock J
| addressee affiliation = Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
| addressee affiliation = Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc
| docket = 05000247, 05000286
| docket = 05000247, 05000286
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| page count = 8
| page count = 8
See also: [[followed by::IR 05000247/2010001]]
See also: [[see also::IR 05000247/2010001]]

                                                                                  Submitted: March 29, 2012
March 3, 2010 Mr. Joseph E. Pollock Site Vice President  
                                            UNITED STATES
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Indian Point Energy Center 450 Broadway, GSB Buchanan, NY 10511-0249  
                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                  REGION I
                                            475 ALLENDALE ROAD
UNITS 2 AND 3 (REPORTS 05000247/2010001  
                                  KING OF PRUSSIA. PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415
& 05000286/2010001)  
                                                March 3, 2010
Dear Mr. Pollock: On February 12, 2010. the NRC staff completed  
Mr. Joseph E. Pollock
its performance  
Site Vice President
review of Indian Point Nuclear Generating  
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
{Indian Point} Units 2 and 3. Our technical  
Indian Point Energy Center
staff reviewed performance  
450 Broadway, GSB
indicators (Pis) for the most recent quarter and inspection  
Buchanan, NY 10511-0249
results from January 1 through December 31, 2009. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment  
of your safety performance  
                UNITS 2 AND 3 (REPORTS 05000247/2010001 & 05000286/2010001)
during this period and our plans for future inspections  
Dear Mr. Pollock:
at your facility.  
On February 12, 2010. the NRC staff completed its performance review of Indian Point Nuclear
This performance  
Generating {Indian Point} Units 2 and 3. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators
review and enclosed inspection  
(Pis) for the most recent quarter and inspection results from January 1 through December 31,
plan do not include security information.  
2009. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance
A separate letter designated  
during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.
and marked as "Official  
This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A
Use Only -Security Information" will include the security cornerstone  
separate letter designated and marked as "Official Use Only - Security Information" will include
review and resultant  
the security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.
Overall, Indian Point Units 2 and 3 operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety
plan. Overall, Indian Point Units 2 and 3 operated in a manner that preserved  
and fully met all cornerstone objectives, Plant performance at Unit 2 for the most recent
public health and safety and fully met all cornerstone  
quarter, as well as for the first three quarters of the assessment cycle, was within the Licensee
objectives, Plant performance  
Response column of the NRC's Action Matrix based on all inspection findings being classified
at Unit 2 for the most recent quarter, as well as for the first three quarters of the assessment  
as having very low safety significance (Green) and an Pis indicating performance at a level
cycle, was within the Licensee Response column of the NRC's Action Matrix based on all inspection  
requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, we plan to conduct reactor oversight
findings being classified  
process (ROP) baseline inspections at Unit 2.
as having very low safety significance (Green) and an Pis indicating  
Plant performance for the most recent quarter at Unit 3 was within the Regulatory Response
column of the NRC's Action Matrix, based on all inspection findings being classified as having
at a level requiring  
very low safety significance (Green) and one PI of low to moderate safety significance (White) in
no additional  
the Initiating Events cornerstone. Specifically, the Unit 3 "Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical
NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, we plan to conduct reactor oversight  
Hours" PI exceeded the GreenlWhite threshold of greater than three scrams per 7000 critical
process (ROP) baseline inspections  
hours in the third and fourth quarters of the assessment cycle.
at Unit 2. Plant performance  
On January 28. 2010, we were notified by your staff of your readiness for the NRC to conduct a
for the most recent quarter at Unit 3 was within the Regulatory  
supplemental inspection to review your actions taken to address the Unit 3 "Unplanned Scrams
Response column of the NRC's Action Matrix, based on all inspection  
per 7000 Critical Hours" PI. Therefore, we plan to conduct a supplemental inspection using
findings being classified  
as having very low safety significance (Green) and one PI of low to moderate safety significance (White) in the Initiating  
  J, Pollock                                       2
Events cornerstone.  
Inspection Procedure 95001, "Inspection for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic
Specifically, the Unit 3 "Unplanned  
Performance Area," beginning on April 19, 2010, This inspection is conducted to provide
Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours" PI exceeded the GreenlWhite  
assurance that the root causes and contributing causes of risk significant performance issues
are understood, the extent of condition is identified, and the corrective actions are sufficient to
of greater than three scrams per 7000 critical hours in the third and fourth quarters of the assessment  
prevent recurrence.
cycle. On January 28. 2010, we were notified by your staff of your readiness  
In addition to the baseline inspection program at Units 2 and 3, and the supplemental inspection
for the NRC to conduct a supplemental  
at Unit 3, we plan to conduct independent spent fuel storage installation inspections.
With regard to the replacement Alert and Notification System (ANS), we plan to monitor your
to review your actions taken to address the Unit 3 "Unplanned  
performance through the Alert and Notification System PI and through baseline inspections.
Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours" PI. Therefore, we plan to conduct a supplemental  
Specifically. our inspection plan includes focused problem identification and resolution baseline
inspections to review your corrective actions related to the replacement ANS test results from
December 2009. Additionally. the NRC plans to continue to monitor your activities related to
J, Pollock 2 Inspection  
final review and approval of the replacement ANS by the Federal Emergency Management
95001, "Inspection  
During this assessment period, the NRC staff continued augmented oversight of your activities
for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic  
related to on-site groundwater contamination in accordance with the ROP Deviation
Memorandum in effect for calendar year 2009 [ADAMS Ref. ML083590057]1. A team of NRC
Area," beginning  
inspectors conducted an onsite inspection in August and September 2009. to review your
on April 19, 2010, This inspection  
activities associated with characterization and mitigation of onsite groundwater contamination.
is conducted  
Based on the inspection results documented in an inspection report dated October 19, 2009,
to provide assurance  
[ADAMS Ref. ML092920121] and NRC's monitoring of sampling activities and independent
that the root causes and contributing  
testing of groundwater samples, the NRC concluded that you have satisfied the closure
causes of risk significant  
requirements detailed in the Deviation Memorandum regarding the establishment,
implementation, and maintenance of an effective groundwater program to provide continued
issues are understood, the extent of condition  
radiological monitoring of the groundwater conditions at the Indian Point Energy Center (lPEC).
is identified, and the corrective  
Therefore, we plan to implement normal baseline inspections to assess your implementation of
actions are sufficient  
the groundwater monitoring program at IPEC.
to prevent recurrence.  
The enclosed inspection plan details the baseline inspections, less those related to physical
In addition to the baseline inspection  
protection. scheduled through June 30, 2011. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the
program at Units 2 and 3, and the supplemental  
resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of
inspector arrival onsite. Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and
at Unit 3, we plan to conduct independent  
continuous nature. The inspections in the last six months of the inspection plan are tentative
spent fuel storage installation  
and may be revised at the mid-cycle safety performance review.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its
With regard to the replacement  
enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public
Alert and Notification  
Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document
System (ANS), we plan to monitor your performance  
system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at
through the Alert and Notification  
rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
System PI and through baseline inspections.  
1 DeSignation in parentheses refers to ADAMS Accession Number. Documents referencedln this letter are publicly
available using the Accession Number in ADAMS.
our inspection  
plan includes focused problem identification  
J. Pollock                                 3
and resolution  
If circumstances arise which cause us to change this inspection plan, we will contact you to
baseline inspections  
discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Mel Gray at 610-337-5209 with any
to review your corrective  
questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
actions related to the replacement  
                                            Director, Division of Reactor Projects
ANS test results from December 2009. Additionally.  
Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286
the NRC plans to continue to monitor your activities  
License No. DPR-26 and DPR-64
related to final review and approval of the replacement  
Enclosures:   Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit ~! and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity Plans
ANS by the Federal Emergency  
cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServ
Agency. During this assessment  
        J. Pollock                                           3
period, the NRC staff continued  
        If circumstances arise which cause us to change this inspection plan. we will contact you to
        discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Mel Gray at 610-337~5209 with any
        questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
of your activities  
related to on-site groundwater  
                                                              David C. Lew
in accordance  
                                                              Director, Division of Reactor Projects
with the ROP Deviation  
        Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286
        License No. DPR-26 and DPR-64
in effect for calendar year 2009 [ADAMS Ref. ML083590057]1.  
        Enclosures:         Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity Plans
A team of NRC inspectors  
        Distribution wfencl:
        S. Collins, RA     (R10RAMAIL RESOURCE)                         P. Cataldo, DRP, SRI
an onsite inspection  
        M. Dapas, DRA (R10RAMAIL RESOURCE)                             M. Halter, DRP, RI
in August and September  
        D. Lew, DRP     (R1DRPMAIL RESOURCE)                           D. Hochmuth, DRP
2009. to review your activities  
        J. Clifford, DRP (R1DRPMAIL RESOURCE)                           RidsNrrPMlndianPoint Resource
        D. Roberts, DRS (R1DRSMail Resource)                           RidsNrrDorlLpl1-1 Resource
with characterization  
        P. Wilson, DRS (R1DRSMaii Resource)                             ROPreport
and mitigation  
        L. Trocine, RI OEDO                                             DRS Branch Chiefs (6)
of onsite groundwater  
        M. Gray, DRP                                                   L. Scholl, DRS
        B. Bickett, DRP                                                 D. Silk, DRS
Based on the inspection  
        S. McCarver, DRP                                               J. Trapp, DRS
results documented  
        M. Osborn, DRP                                                 D. Screnci, PAO
in an inspection  
        E. Keighley, DRP                                               N. Sheehan, PAO
report dated October 19, 2009, [ADAMS Ref. ML092920121]  
        B. Haagensen, Acting SRI                                       R. Barkley, ORA
and NRC's monitoring  
        A. Ayegbusi, DRP, RI
of sampling activities  
        SUNSI Review Complete: __B=B___,(Reviewer's Initials)                                         ML 100620868
and independent  
        DOCUMENT NAME: G;\DRP\BRANCHZ\ROP\ROP 10\Annual Assessment Letters\lPEC 2010 Annual
testing of groundwater  
      Assessment LetterR4.doc
samples, the NRC concluded  
      After declaring this document "An Official Agency Record" it will be released to the Public.
that you have satisfied  
        To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C"     =Copy without attachment/enclosure
the closure requirements  
                                                                    "E" ;;:: Copy with atta ch ment/encI osure 'N"=
detailed in the Deviation  
                                                                                                                ' No copy
  OFFICE     RIIDRP             I   RIIDRP           I   RlfDRP               J                        I             1
  NAME       BBickettiBB           MGraylMXG             DLew/DCL
the establishment, implementation, and maintenance  
I DATE       02/24/2010             0212412010             03/03/2010
of an effective  
                                                    OFFICIAL RECORD COpy
program to provide continued  
Page 1 of2                                                                                 Indian Point
0212412010   11:02:07                                                           Inspection / Activity Plan
Report 22
of the groundwater  
                                                                      01/0112010 - 06/30/2011
                Planned Dates
at the Indian Point Energy Center (lPEC). Therefore, we plan to implement  
                Start      End                                                                                        Title
normal baseline inspections  
                                    TRI FIRE      - TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION                                    3
to assess your implementation  
  2      0112512010  0112912010  IP 7111105T              Fire Protection [Triennia~
of the groundwater  
  2      02/08/2010   02112/2010   IP 71111051              Fire Protection [Triennial]
                                    7/12EXAM      - U21NITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM                                        4
program at IPEC. The enclosed inspection  
  2      0611412010  06/1812010        U01787              FY10 - INDIAN POINT U2 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
plan details the baseline inspections, less those related to physical protection.  
  2      07/1212010  07/23/2010       U01787              FY10 - INDIAN POINT U2 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
                                    71124          - UNIT 2 OUTAGE HP INSP-ACCESSIALARAlAlR
through June 30, 2011. The inspection  
  2      03115/2010  03/1912010    IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
plan is provided to allow for the resolution  
  2      03115/2010   03/1912010    IP 71124.02              Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls
of any scheduling  
  2      03/15/2010   03119/2010   IP 71124.03              In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation
                                    PIR            - ANS CORRECTIVE ACTION FOLLOW-UP
and personnel  
  2      03/1512010  03/19/2010   IF 71152*Reviews        In-depth Reviews
                                    7111108P      - U2 INSERVICE INSPECTION                                                  1
issues well in advance of inspector  
  2      03115/2010  0312612010    IP 7111108P              Inservlce Inspectlon Activities* PWR
arrival onsite. Routine resident inspections  
                                    TI-172        - U2 TI2515/172 DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS
are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous  
  2      03/1512010  0312612010    IP 2515/172              Reactor Coolant System Dissimiliar Metal Butt Welds
nature. The inspections  
                                    711528          -PI&R                                                                    4
in the last six months of the inspection plan  
  2      05/0312010  05/07/2010   IP 711526                1dentification and Resolutlon of Problems
are tentative  
  2      05/1712010   05/2112010    IP 711528                Identification and Resolution of Problems
and may be revised at the mid-cycle  
                                    71124          - HP INSP -DOSEIREMPIISFSI                                                1
safety performance  
    2      06128/2010   07/0212010    IP 60855                Operation Of An ISFSI
review. In accordance  
    2      0612812010  0710212010    IP 71124.04              Occupational Dose Assessment
with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure  
    2      06/28/2010   0710212010    IP 71124.07              Public Radiation Safety
will be made available  
                                    71111118        * REQUAL INSP (IP2) WITH P/F RESULTS                                      3
    2      09t27/2010    10/0112010   IP 71111118              Licensed Operator Requalification Program
for public inspection  
                                    EPEX            - EP EXERCISE EVALUATION                                                  4
in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available  
    2      09/13f2010  09/1712010    IP 7111401              Exercise Evaluation
Records (PARS) component  
    2      09/13/2010  09/1712010    IP 7111404              Emergency Action level and Emergency Plan Changes
of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible  
    2      09/13/2010    09/1712010    IP 71151-EP01          Dril1lExercise Perfomnance
from the NRC Web site at  
    2      09/1312010  09t17/20i0    IP 71151*EP02          ERO Drill Participation
rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic  
    2      09/13/2010  09/17f2010    IF 71151-EP03          Alert 8. Notification System
Reading Room). 1 DeSignation  
                                    71124          - OCC HP INSPECTION*ALARAIACCESSIPI
in parentheses  
    2       1210612010  12/1012010    IP 71124.01             Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
refers to ADAMS Accession  
    2      12106(2010  1211012010    IP 71124.02             Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls
Number. Documents  
    2      12/06(2010  12110/2010    IP 71151-OROl            Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness
                                                  is report does not Include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
this letter are publicly available  
                                                This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
using the Accession  
Number in ADAMS.
                                                                                                                              -....... -~---------~
J. Pollock 3 If circumstances  
arise which cause us to change this inspection  
Page 2 of2                                                                            Indian Point
plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible.  
0212412010    11:02:07                                                        Inspection 1Activity Plan
Please contact Mel Gray at 610-337-5209  
Report 22
with any questions  
                                                                    01/01/2010 - 06130/2011
you may have regarding  
                Planned Dates
this letter or the inspection  
                Start    End                                                                                  Title
plan. Director, Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-247 and License No. DPR-26 and Enclosures:  
                                  71124        - OCC HP INSPECTION-ALARAIACCESS/PI                                                                           1
Indian Point Nuclear Generating  
  2      12/0612010  12110/2010  IP 71151-PR01            RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent
Unit and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity cc w/encl: Distribution  
                                  71124         - HP INSP-INSTRUMENTS                                                                                          1
  2      01/1012011  01/14/2011  IP 71124.05              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation
J. Pollock 3 If circumstances  
                                  TI-177        - MANAGING GAS ACCUMULATION IN ECCS
arise which cause us to change this inspection  
  2      01/10/2011  01/14/2011  IP 25151177              Managing Gas Accumulation In Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal & Containment Spray System
plan. we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please  
                                  71124        - HP INSP-ACCESS                                                                                              1
contact Mel Gray at  
  2      0312112011  03/25/2011  IF 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
with any questions  
                                  71124        - HP INSP-RAO WASTE & ISFSI                                                                                    1
you may have regarding  
  2      0611312011  0611712011  IP 60855                Operation Of An ISFSI
this letter or the inspection  
  2      06/1312011  06'17/2011  IP 71124.08              Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation
plan. Sincerely, IRA! David C. Lew Director, Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License No. DPR-26 and DPR-64 Enclosures:  
                                                his report does not Include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
Indian Point Nuclear Generating  
                                              This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
Unit 2 and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity  
Plans Distribution  
Page 1 012                                                                                Indian Point 3
wfencl: S. Collins, RA (R10RAMAIL  
0212412010   13:06:06                                                            Inspection I Activity Plan
Report 22
P. Cataldo, DRP, SRI M. Dapas, DRA (R10RAMAIL  
                                                                          01/01/2010 - 0613012011
                Planned Oates
M. Halter, DRP, RI D. Lew, DRP (R1DRPMAIL  
                Start     End      I Insoection Activitv I'                                                            Title
                                      TRI FIRE      - IP3 PORTIONS OF THE TR( FIRE
D. Hochmuth, DRP J. Clifford, DRP (R1DRPMAIL  
    3    01/25/2010  0112912010      IP 71111051              Fire Protection [Triennial]
                                      71124         - HP OUTAGE INSPECTION
    3    03/15/2010   03/19/2010      IP 71124.01             Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
Resource D. Roberts, DRS (R1DRSMail  
                                      PIR            - ANS CORRECTIVE ACTION FOLLOW-UP                                                                              1
    3    03/15/2010  03/1912010      IP 71152-Reviews        In-{jepit1 Reviews
                                      71124         - HP OUTAGE INSPECTION                                                                                          1
Resource P. Wilson, DRS (R1DRSMaii  
    3    0312212010  0312612010      IP 71124.02              Occupational AlARA Planning and Controls
    3    03122/2010  0312612010      IP 71124.03              In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation
                                      95001          - 95001 SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION                                                                                2  
    3    0411912010  0412312010      IP 95001                Supplemental Inspection For One Or Two White Inputs In A Strategic Performance Area
L. Trocine, RI OEDO DRS Branch Chiefs (6) M. Gray, DRP L. Scholl, DRS B. Bickett, DRP D. Silk, DRS S. McCarver, DRP J. Trapp, DRS M. Osborn, DRP D. Screnci, PAO E. Keighley, DRP N. Sheehan, PAO B. Haagensen, Acting SRI R. Barkley, ORA A. Ayegbusi, DRP, RI SUNSI Review Complete:  
                                      10/04EXM      - U31NITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM                                                                            5
      3    0910612010  09/10/2010          U01789              FY11 -INDIAN POINT U3 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
      3    10/04/2010  10/15/2010          U01789              FYi1 - INDIAN POINT U3 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
ML 100620868  
                                      71124        - HP- DOSE I REMP IISFSI                                                                                        1
      3    0612812010  07/0212010      IP 71124.04            Occupational Dose Assessment
      3    0612812010  07/0212010      IP 71124.07            Public Radiation Safety
                                      EP EX        - EP EXERCISE EVAlUAT!ON                                                                                        4
      3    0911312010  09/1712010      IP 7111401              Exercise Evaluation
2010 Annual Assessment  
      3    09113/2010  09/17/2010      IP 7111404              Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes
      3    0911312010  09/1712010      IP 71151-EP01            DrilllExercise Performance
After declaring  
      3    0911312010  09/1712010      IP 71151*EP02          ERO Drill Participation
this document "An Official Agency Record" it will be released to the Public. To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C" =Copy without attachment/enclosure  
      3   09/13/2010   0911712010      IP 71151-EP03          Alert & Notification System
;;:: "E" C opy with ch men t/en cI 'N o copy atta osure 'N"= OFFICE RIIDRP I RIIDRP I RlfDRP I 1 J NAME BBickettiBB  
                                      CDBI          - COMPONENT DESIGN BASES INSPECTION                                                                            6
      3   10104/2010   10/0812010      IP 7111121              Component Design Bases Inspection
DLew/DCL I DATE 02/24/2010  
      3   10/1812010  10/29/2010       IP 7111121              Component Design Bases Inspection
                                      71124          - HP-ACCESS/ALARAIPI VERIFICATION
      3    1210612010  1211012010      IP 71124.01             Radiological Hazard Assessmerlt and Exposure Controls
      3     1210612010  12110/2010     IP 71124.02             Occupational Al.ARA Planning and Controls
Page 1 of2 0212412010  
      3     1210612010  1211012010      IP 71151*0R01            Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness
Report 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11:02:07 Planned Start 0112512010
      3    1210612010  1211012010      IP 71151-PR01            RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent
                                      71124          - HP INSTRUMENTS                                                                                              1
      3     01/10/2011  01/14/2011      IP 71124.05              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation
                                      TI*177        * MANAGING GAS ACCUMULATION IN ECCS                                                                            2
      3     01/1012011  01114/2011      IP 25151177              Managing Gas Accumulation In Emergency Core Cooling. Decay Heat Removal & Containment Spray System
                                                    his report does not include INPQ and OUTAGE activities.
                                                  This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
Page 2 012                                                                            Indian Point 3
0212412010    13:08:08                                                        Inspection I Activity Plan
Report 22
                                                                    01/01/2010 * 06/3012011
                Planned Dates
                Start      End                                                                                  Title
                                  7111108P      * U3 INSERVICE INSPECTION                                                                                    1
    3     03(1412011  03/25/2011  IP 7111108P              Inservice Inspection ActlvlUes - PWR
                                  71124         - HP ACCESS
    3    0312112011  0312512011  IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
                                  TRI fiRE      - TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION                                                                        3
    3     0510912011  05/1312011  IP 7111105T              Fire Protection [Trienniaij
    3     05123/2011  05/27/2011  IP 7111105T              Fire Protection [TriennlaO
                                  71124        - HP- RAD WASTE IISFSI
    3     06/1312011  06/1712011  IP 71124.08              Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling. Storage, and Transportation
                                                his report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
                                              This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
Indian Point Inspection
/ Activity Plan 01/0112010  
3 IP 7111105T Fire Protection
IP 71111051 Fire Protection
IP 71124.01 Radiological  
Hazard Assessment  
and Exposure Controls IP 71124.02 Occupational  
ALARA Planning and Controls IP 71124.03 In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity
Control and Mitigation
IF 71152*Reviews
In-depth Reviews 7111108P -U2 INSERVICE
1 IP 7111108P Inservlce
PWR TI-172 -U2 TI2515/172
METAL WELDS IP 2515/172 Reactor Coolant System Dissimiliar
Metal Butt Welds 711528 -PI&R 4 IP 711526 1dentification
and Resolutlon
of Problems IP 711528 Identification
and Resolution
1 IP 60855 Operation
Of An ISFSI IP 71124.04 Occupational
Dose Assessment
IP 71124.07 Public Radiation  
Safety 71111118 * REQUAL INSP (IP2) WITH P/F RESULTS 3 IP 71111118 Licensed Operator Requalification
4 IP 7111401 Exercise Evaluation
IP 7111404 Emergency
Action level and Emergency
Plan Changes IP 71151-EP01
IP 71151*EP02
ERO Drill Participation
IF 71151-EP03
Alert 8. Notification
IP 71124.01 Radiological
Hazard Assessment
and Exposure Controls IP 71124.02 Occupational
ALARA Planning and Controls IP 71151-OROl
Exposure Control Effectiveness
is report does not Include INPO and OUT AGE activities.  
This report shows only on-site and announced  
procedures. . -
1 Page 2 of2 Indian Point 0212412010  
11:02:07 Inspection  
1 Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2010  
Planned Dates Start 2 12/0612010
2 01/1012011
2 01/10/2011
2 0312112011
2 0611312011
2 06/1312011
IP 71151-PR01
Effluent 71124 01/14/2011
IP 71124.05 TI-177 01/14/2011
IP 25151177 71124 03/25/2011
IF 71124.01 71124 0611712011
IP 60855 06'17/2011
1 Radiation
IN ECCS Managing Gas Accumulation
In Emergency
Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal & Containment
Spray System -HP INSP-ACCESS
1 Radiological
Hazard Assessment
and Exposure Controls -HP INSP-RAO WASTE & ISFSI 1 Operation
Of An ISFSI Radioactive
Solid Waste Processing
and Radioactive
Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation
his report does not Include INPO and OUTAGE
This report shows only on-site and announced
Page 1 012 Indian Point 3 0212412010
13:06:06 Inspection
I Activity Plan Report 22 01/01/2010  
Planned Oates Start End I Insoection
Activitv I' Title TRI FIRE -IP3 PORTIONS OF THE TR( FIRE 3 01/25/2010  
IP 71111051 Fire Protection
3 03/15/2010
IP 71124.01 Radiological  
Hazard Assessment
and Exposure Controls PIR -ANS CORRECTIVE
1 3 03/15/2010  
IP 71152-Reviews
1 3 0312212010
IP 71124.02 Occupational  
AlARA Planning and Controls 3 03122/2010
IP 71124.03 In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity
Control and Mitigation
95001 -95001 SUPPLEMENTAL
2 3 0411912010
IP 95001 Supplemental
For One Or Two White Inputs In A Strategic
EXAM 10/04EXM 5 3 0910612010
EXAM 3 10/04/2010
EXAM 71124 -HP-DOSE I REMP IISFSI 1 3 0612812010
07/0212010 I P 71124.04 Occupational
Dose Assessment
3 0612812010
IP 71124.07 Public Radiation
4 3 0911312010
IP 7111401 Exercise Evaluation
3 09113/2010
IP 7111404 Emergency
Action Level and Emergency
Plan Changes 3 0911312010
IP 71151-EP01
3 0911312010
IP 71151*EP02
ERO Drill Participation
3 09/13/2010
IP 71151-EP03
Alert & Notification
6 3 10104/2010
IP 7111121 Component
Design Bases Inspection
3 10/1812010
IP 7111121 Component
Design Bases Inspection
3 1210612010
IP 71124.01 Radiological
Hazard Assessmerlt
and Exposure Controls 3 1210612010
IP 71124.02 Occupational
Al.ARA Planning and Controls 3 1210612010
IP 71151*0R01
Exposure Control Effectiveness
3 1210612010
IP 71151-PR01
Effluent 71124 -HP INSTRUMENTS
1 3 01/10/2011
IP 71124.05 Radiation
IN ECCS 2 3 01/1012011
IP 25151177 Managing Gas Accumulation
In Emergency
Core Cooling. Decay Heat Removal & Containment
Spray System his report does not include INPQ and OUTAGE activities.
This report shows only on-site and announced
Page 2 012 0212412010
13:08:08 Report 22 Planned Dates Start End 3 03(1412011
3 0312112011 0312512011
3 0510912011
3 05123/2011
3 06/1312011
7111108P IP 7111108P 71124 IP 71124.01 TRI fiRE IP 7111105T IP 7111105T 71124 IP 71124.08 Indian Point 3 Inspection
I Activity Plan 01/01/2010
* 06/3012011
1 Inservice
-PWR -HP ACCESS Radiological
Hazard Assessment
and Exposure Controls -TRIENNIAL
3 Fire Protection
Fire Protection
Solid Waste Processing
and Radioactive
Material Handling.
Storage, and Transportation
his report does not include INPO and OUTAGE
This report shows only on-site and announced  

Latest revision as of 06:52, 12 November 2019

Entergy Prefiled Hearing Exhibit ENT000344 - Annual Assessment Letter - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 (Reports 05000247/2010001 & 05000286/2010001)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/2010
From: David Lew
Division Reactor Projects I
To: Joseph E Pollock
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Shared Package
ML12089A599 List:
RAS 22132, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, IR-10-001
Download: ML12089A601 (8)

See also: IR 05000247/2010001



                                                                                  Submitted: March 29, 2012
                                            UNITED STATES
                              NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                 REGION I
                                           475 ALLENDALE ROAD
                                 KING OF PRUSSIA. PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415
                                               March 3, 2010
Mr. Joseph E. Pollock
Site Vice President
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Indian Point Energy Center
450 Broadway, GSB
Buchanan, NY 10511-0249
                UNITS 2 AND 3 (REPORTS 05000247/2010001 & 05000286/2010001)
Dear Mr. Pollock:
On February 12, 2010. the NRC staff completed its performance review of Indian Point Nuclear
Generating {Indian Point} Units 2 and 3. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators
(Pis) for the most recent quarter and inspection results from January 1 through December 31,
2009. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance

during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility. This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter designated and marked as "Official Use Only - Security Information" will include

the security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.

Overall, Indian Point Units 2 and 3 operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and fully met all cornerstone objectives, Plant performance at Unit 2 for the most recent quarter, as well as for the first three quarters of the assessment cycle, was within the Licensee Response column of the NRC's Action Matrix based on all inspection findings being classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and an Pis indicating performance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, we plan to conduct reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at Unit 2. Plant performance for the most recent quarter at Unit 3 was within the Regulatory Response column of the NRC's Action Matrix, based on all inspection findings being classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and one PI of low to moderate safety significance (White) in the Initiating Events cornerstone. Specifically, the Unit 3 "Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours" PI exceeded the GreenlWhite threshold of greater than three scrams per 7000 critical hours in the third and fourth quarters of the assessment cycle. On January 28. 2010, we were notified by your staff of your readiness for the NRC to conduct a supplemental inspection to review your actions taken to address the Unit 3 "Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours" PI. Therefore, we plan to conduct a supplemental inspection using

J, Pollock                                        2
Inspection Procedure 95001, "Inspection for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic
Performance Area," beginning on April 19, 2010, This inspection is conducted to provide
assurance that the root causes and contributing causes of risk significant performance issues
are understood, the extent of condition is identified, and the corrective actions are sufficient to
prevent recurrence.
In addition to the baseline inspection program at Units 2 and 3, and the supplemental inspection
at Unit 3, we plan to conduct independent spent fuel storage installation inspections.
With regard to the replacement Alert and Notification System (ANS), we plan to monitor your
performance through the Alert and Notification System PI and through baseline inspections.
Specifically. our inspection plan includes focused problem identification and resolution baseline
inspections to review your corrective actions related to the replacement ANS test results from
December 2009. Additionally. the NRC plans to continue to monitor your activities related to
final review and approval of the replacement ANS by the Federal Emergency Management
During this assessment period, the NRC staff continued augmented oversight of your activities
related to on-site groundwater contamination in accordance with the ROP Deviation
Memorandum in effect for calendar year 2009 [ADAMS Ref. ML083590057]1. A team of NRC

inspectors conducted an onsite inspection in August and September 2009. to review your activities associated with characterization and mitigation of onsite groundwater contamination.

Based on the inspection results documented in an inspection report dated October 19, 2009,
[ADAMS Ref. ML092920121] and NRC's monitoring of sampling activities and independent

testing of groundwater samples, the NRC concluded that you have satisfied the closure requirements detailed in the Deviation Memorandum regarding the establishment, implementation, and maintenance of an effective groundwater program to provide continued radiological monitoring of the groundwater conditions at the Indian Point Energy Center (lPEC). Therefore, we plan to implement normal baseline inspections to assess your implementation of the groundwater monitoring program at IPEC. The enclosed inspection plan details the baseline inspections, less those related to physical protection. scheduled through June 30, 2011. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of inspector arrival onsite. Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature. The inspections in the last six months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the mid-cycle safety performance review. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room). 1 DeSignation in parentheses refers to ADAMS Accession Number. Documents referencedln this letter are publicly available using the Accession Number in ADAMS.

J. Pollock 3 If circumstances arise which cause us to change this inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Mel Gray at 610-337-5209 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.

                                           Director, Division of Reactor Projects

Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286 License No. DPR-26 and DPR-64 Enclosures: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit ~! and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity Plans cc w/encl: Distribution via ListServ

       J. Pollock                                           3
       If circumstances arise which cause us to change this inspection plan. we will contact you to
       discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact Mel Gray at 610-337~5209 with any
       questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
                                                             David C. Lew
                                                             Director, Division of Reactor Projects
       Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286
       License No. DPR-26 and DPR-64
       Enclosures:         Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 and Unit 3 Inspection/Activity Plans
       Distribution wfencl:
       S. Collins, RA     (R10RAMAIL RESOURCE)                         P. Cataldo, DRP, SRI
       M. Dapas, DRA (R10RAMAIL RESOURCE)                              M. Halter, DRP, RI
       D. Lew, DRP      (R1DRPMAIL RESOURCE)                           D. Hochmuth, DRP
       J. Clifford, DRP (R1DRPMAIL RESOURCE)                           RidsNrrPMlndianPoint Resource
       D. Roberts, DRS (R1DRSMail Resource)                            RidsNrrDorlLpl1-1 Resource
       P. Wilson, DRS (R1DRSMaii Resource)                             ROPreport
       L. Trocine, RI OEDO                                             DRS Branch Chiefs (6)
       M. Gray, DRP                                                    L. Scholl, DRS
       B. Bickett, DRP                                                 D. Silk, DRS
       S. McCarver, DRP                                                J. Trapp, DRS
       M. Osborn, DRP                                                  D. Screnci, PAO
       E. Keighley, DRP                                                N. Sheehan, PAO
       B. Haagensen, Acting SRI                                       R. Barkley, ORA
       A. Ayegbusi, DRP, RI
       SUNSI Review Complete: __B=B___,(Reviewer's Initials)                                         ML 100620868
       DOCUMENT NAME: G;\DRP\BRANCHZ\ROP\ROP 10\Annual Assessment Letters\lPEC 2010 Annual
      Assessment LetterR4.doc
      After declaring this document "An Official Agency Record" it will be released to the Public.
       To receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the box: "C"     =Copy without attachment/enclosure
                                                                    "E" ;;:: Copy with atta ch ment/encI osure 'N"=
                                                                                                               ' No copy
 OFFICE     RIIDRP             I   RIIDRP            I    RlfDRP                J                         I              1
 NAME       BBickettiBB            MGraylMXG              DLew/DCL

I DATE 02/24/2010 0212412010 03/03/2010

                                                   OFFICIAL RECORD COpy

Page 1 of2 Indian Point 0212412010 11:02:07 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22

                                                                      01/0112010 - 06/30/2011
               Planned Dates
               Start      End                                                                                        Title
                                   TRI FIRE       - TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION                                     3
  2       0112512010   0112912010   IP 7111105T               Fire Protection [Triennia~
  2       02/08/2010   02112/2010   IP 71111051               Fire Protection [Triennial]
                                   7/12EXAM       - U21NITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM                                        4
  2       0611412010   06/1812010        U01787               FY10 - INDIAN POINT U2 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
  2       07/1212010   07/23/2010        U01787               FY10 - INDIAN POINT U2 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
                                   71124          - UNIT 2 OUTAGE HP INSP-ACCESSIALARAlAlR
  2       03115/2010   03/1912010    IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
  2       03115/2010   03/1912010    IP 71124.02              Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls
  2       03/15/2010   03119/2010    IP 71124.03              In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation
                                   PIR            - ANS CORRECTIVE ACTION FOLLOW-UP
  2       03/1512010   03/19/2010    IF 71152*Reviews         In-depth Reviews
                                   7111108P       - U2 INSERVICE INSPECTION                                                  1
  2       03115/2010   0312612010    IP 7111108P              Inservlce Inspectlon Activities* PWR
                                   TI-172         - U2 TI2515/172 DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS
  2       03/1512010   0312612010    IP 2515/172              Reactor Coolant System Dissimiliar Metal Butt Welds
                                   711528          -PI&R                                                                     4
  2       05/0312010   05/07/2010    IP 711526                1dentification and Resolutlon of Problems
  2       05/1712010   05/2112010    IP 711528                Identification and Resolution of Problems
                                   71124           - HP INSP -DOSEIREMPIISFSI                                                1
   2      06128/2010   07/0212010    IP 60855                 Operation Of An ISFSI
   2      0612812010   0710212010    IP 71124.04              Occupational Dose Assessment
   2      06/28/2010   0710212010    IP 71124.07              Public Radiation Safety
                                   71111118        * REQUAL INSP (IP2) WITH P/F RESULTS                                       3
   2      09t27/2010    10/0112010   IP 71111118               Licensed Operator Requalification Program
                                   EPEX            - EP EXERCISE EVALUATION                                                   4
   2      09/13f2010   09/1712010     IP 7111401               Exercise Evaluation
   2      09/13/2010   09/1712010     IP 7111404               Emergency Action level and Emergency Plan Changes
   2      09/13/2010    09/1712010    IP 71151-EP01           Dril1lExercise Perfomnance
   2       09/1312010   09t17/20i0    IP 71151*EP02           ERO Drill Participation
   2       09/13/2010   09/17f2010    IF 71151-EP03           Alert 8. Notification System
                                   71124           - OCC HP INSPECTION*ALARAIACCESSIPI
   2       1210612010   12/1012010    IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
   2       12106(2010   1211012010    IP 71124.02              Occupational ALARA Planning and Controls
   2       12/06(2010   12110/2010    IP 71151-OROl            Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness
                                                  is report does not Include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
                                                This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
                                                                                                                             -....... -~---------~

Page 2 of2 Indian Point 0212412010 11:02:07 Inspection 1Activity Plan Report 22

                                                                   01/01/2010 - 06130/2011
               Planned Dates
               Start     End                                                                                   Title
                                  71124         - OCC HP INSPECTION-ALARAIACCESS/PI                                                                            1
  2       12/0612010   12110/2010  IP 71151-PR01            RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent
                                  71124         - HP INSP-INSTRUMENTS                                                                                          1
  2       01/1012011   01/14/2011  IP 71124.05              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation
                                  TI-177        - MANAGING GAS ACCUMULATION IN ECCS
  2       01/10/2011   01/14/2011  IP 25151177              Managing Gas Accumulation In Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal & Containment Spray System
                                  71124         - HP INSP-ACCESS                                                                                               1
  2       0312112011   03/25/2011  IF 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
                                  71124         - HP INSP-RAO WASTE & ISFSI                                                                                    1
  2       0611312011   0611712011  IP 60855                 Operation Of An ISFSI
  2       06/1312011   06'17/2011  IP 71124.08              Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation
                                               his report does not Include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
                                              This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.

Page 1 012 Indian Point 3 0212412010 13:06:06 Inspection I Activity Plan Report 22

                                                                         01/01/2010 - 0613012011
               Planned Oates
               Start      End      I Insoection Activitv I'                                                            Title
                                     TRI FIRE       - IP3 PORTIONS OF THE TR( FIRE
    3     01/25/2010   0112912010      IP 71111051              Fire Protection [Triennial]
                                     71124          - HP OUTAGE INSPECTION
    3     03/15/2010   03/19/2010      IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
                                     PIR            - ANS CORRECTIVE ACTION FOLLOW-UP                                                                               1
    3     03/15/2010   03/1912010      IP 71152-Reviews         In-{jepit1 Reviews
                                     71124          - HP OUTAGE INSPECTION                                                                                          1
    3     0312212010   0312612010      IP 71124.02              Occupational AlARA Planning and Controls
    3     03122/2010   0312612010      IP 71124.03              In-Plant Airborne Radioactivity Control and Mitigation
                                     95001          - 95001 SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION                                                                                 2
    3     0411912010   0412312010      IP 95001                 Supplemental Inspection For One Or Two White Inputs In A Strategic Performance Area
                                     10/04EXM       - U31NITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM                                                                             5
     3    0910612010   09/10/2010          U01789               FY11 -INDIAN POINT U3 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
     3    10/04/2010   10/15/2010          U01789               FYi1 - INDIAN POINT U3 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAM
                                      71124         - HP- DOSE I REMP IISFSI                                                                                        1
     3    0612812010   07/0212010       IP 71124.04             Occupational Dose Assessment
     3    0612812010   07/0212010       IP 71124.07             Public Radiation Safety
                                      EP EX         - EP EXERCISE EVAlUAT!ON                                                                                        4
     3    0911312010   09/1712010      IP 7111401               Exercise Evaluation
     3    09113/2010   09/17/2010      IP 7111404               Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes
     3    0911312010   09/1712010      IP 71151-EP01            DrilllExercise Performance
     3    0911312010   09/1712010       IP 71151*EP02           ERO Drill Participation
     3    09/13/2010   0911712010       IP 71151-EP03           Alert & Notification System
                                      CDBI           - COMPONENT DESIGN BASES INSPECTION                                                                            6
     3    10104/2010   10/0812010       IP 7111121              Component Design Bases Inspection
     3    10/1812010   10/29/2010       IP 7111121               Component Design Bases Inspection
                                      71124          - HP-ACCESS/ALARAIPI VERIFICATION
     3     1210612010   1211012010      IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessmerlt and Exposure Controls
     3     1210612010   12110/2010      IP 71124.02              Occupational Al.ARA Planning and Controls
     3     1210612010   1211012010      IP 71151*0R01            Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness
     3     1210612010   1211012010      IP 71151-PR01            RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent
                                      71124          - HP INSTRUMENTS                                                                                               1
     3     01/10/2011  01/14/2011       IP 71124.05              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation
                                      TI*177         * MANAGING GAS ACCUMULATION IN ECCS                                                                            2
     3     01/1012011   01114/2011      IP 25151177              Managing Gas Accumulation In Emergency Core Cooling. Decay Heat Removal & Containment Spray System
                                                   his report does not include INPQ and OUTAGE activities.
                                                  This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.

Page 2 012 Indian Point 3 0212412010 13:08:08 Inspection I Activity Plan Report 22

                                                                    01/01/2010 * 06/3012011
               Planned Dates
               Start      End                                                                                  Title
                                  7111108P      * U3 INSERVICE INSPECTION                                                                                     1
    3     03(1412011   03/25/2011  IP 7111108P              Inservice Inspection ActlvlUes - PWR
                                  71124         - HP ACCESS
    3     0312112011   0312512011  IP 71124.01              Radiological Hazard Assessment and Exposure Controls
                                  TRI fiRE      - TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION                                                                        3
    3     0510912011   05/1312011  IP 7111105T              Fire Protection [Trienniaij
    3     05123/2011   05/27/2011  IP 7111105T              Fire Protection [TriennlaO
                                  71124         - HP- RAD WASTE IISFSI
    3     06/1312011   06/1712011  IP 71124.08              Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling. Storage, and Transportation
                                               his report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
                                              This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
