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| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Tennessee Valley Authority, US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
| author affiliation = Tennessee Valley Authority, US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
| addressee name = Poole J C
| addressee name = Poole J
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPWB
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR/DORL/LPWB
| docket = 05000391
| docket = 05000391
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person = Poole J C
| contact person = Poole J
| document type = Database File, Environmental Monitoring Report
| document type = Database File, Environmental Monitoring Report
| page count = 2
| page count = 2
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{{#Wiki_filter:The white-nose syndrome mystery Something is killing our bats In February 2006 some 40 miles west of Albany, N.Y., a caver photographed hibernating bats with an unusual white  
{{#Wiki_filter:U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The white-nose syndrome mystery Something is killing our bats In February 2006 some 40 miles west       the bulk of the survey work in bat of Albany, N.Y., a caver photographed     hibernacula. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife hibernating bats with an unusual white   Service is supporting and coordinating substance on their muzzles. He noticed    the partnership.
several dead bats. The following winter, New York Department of            Researchers are exploring a variety Environmental Conservation biologists    of avenues they hope will lead to documented what they called white-        solving this wildlife health crisis.
nose syndrome after seeing bats          Despite the continuing search to find behaving erratically, bats with white    the source of WNS, the cause of the noses and a few hundred dead bats        bat deaths remains unknown. People in several caves. More than a million    in agencies and organizations are hibernating bats have died since then,    committed to finding answers and are making WNS the worst wildlife health      doing everything they can within their Marvin Moriarty/USFWS crises in memory.                        resources to stop WNS.
Bat death zone                            Identification of the fungus Geomyces Biologists have found sick, dying and    destructans found on affected bats dead bats in unprecedented numbers        may be one step toward an answer.
in and around caves and mines from        The fungus thrives in the cold and New Hampshire south to Tennessee          humid conditions characteristic of bat hibernacula. The fungus may not be        Bat affected with white-nose syndrome and in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. WNS is suspected      readily visible on the bats, especially in states as far west as Oklahoma. In    after they leave the hibernaculum and      can determine how to stop it entirely.
some hibernacula (caves and mines        groom themselves.                          Many federal and state agencies, where bats hibernate in the winter) 90                                              organizations, and private individuals to 100 percent of the bats are dying. Spreading WNS                              have closed caves on land they own.
WNS is transmitted primarily by bat-In a hibernaculum, affected bats          to-bat contact. Biologists believe that    As a precaution, biologists and usually have white fungus on their        people are inadvertently contributing      researchers wear protective clothing muzzles and other parts of their          to the spread since some caves used by    when visiting WNS-affected bodies. They frequently lack adequate    people have WNS-affected bats, while      hibernacula, although there is no body fat to survive until spring. These  other, nearby caves not used by people    known human health risk associated bats may exhibit uncharacteristic        are not affected. Biologists have found    with WNS.
behavior such as moving to cold parts    the fungus in caves that no longer have of the hibernaculum, and flying during    bats.                                      The future of bats the day and during cold winter weather                                              Until we discover how to eradicate when the insects they feed upon are      The Service issued a cave advisory in      WNS, we face the real possibility of not available.                            2009 asking people to stay out of caves    losing entire bat species. The majority in affected states and adjoining states. of bats dying in the Northeast has Working together to find answers          The advisory also asks cavers - when      been little brown bats, one of the most A broad partnership of nearly 100        visiting caves outside of the affected    abundant bats in the United States.
federal and state agencies, academia,    and adjoining states - to refrain from    Other affected bat species include researchers, non-government              using clothing and gear that has been      tri-colored, northern long-eared, big organizations and international          used in affected and adjoining states. brown, small-footed and endangered partners are working in concert          The Service hopes that compliance          Indiana bats. Cave myotis and to solve the WNS mystery. State          with the cave advisory will help slow      endangered Virginia big-eared and biologists are on the front line, doing  the spread of WNS until researchers        gray bats may be affected.

substance on their muzzles. He noticed
Losing huge numbers of bats could affect the remaining bats ability to survive and adapt in the future through loss of genetic variation.
Insect-eating bats are voracious predators of insects such as beetles, moths, aquatic flies and mosquitoes.
several dead bats. The following winter, New York Department of Environmental Conservation biologists
The number of moths and beetles that damage our forests and crops could increase as we lose the bats that eat them. Increased pesticide applications might be needed to protect them from insects like forest tent caterpillars.
Backyard gardeners may see increases in moth caterpillars or beetles preying on their gardens and may need to use pesticides or handpick pests from their plants.
documented what they called white-nose syndrome after seeing bats behaving erratically, bats with white
The many people who enjoy watching the silent flight of bats through the trees or over wetlands in the night sky may no longer have that privilege.
With lower numbers of bats, our environment is already changing. We have no idea what our world could be like with a complete absence of bats.
noses and a few hundred dead bats
For more information see http://www. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, MA 01035 413/253 8200 Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD May 2010}}
in several caves. More than a million hibernating bats have died since then, making WNS the worst wildlife health crises in memory.
Bat death zone Biologists have found sick, dying and
dead bats in unprecedented numbers
in and around caves and mines from New Hampshire south to Tennessee
and in the Canadian provinces of
Ontario and Quebec. WNS is suspected
in states as far west as Oklahoma. In some hibernacula (caves and mines where bats hibernate in the winter) 90
to 100 percent of the bats are dying.In a hibernaculum, affected bats usually have white fungus on their
muzzles and other parts of their
bodies. They frequently lack adequate body fat to survive until spring. These
bats may exhibit uncharacteristic
behavior such as moving to cold parts of the hibernaculum, and ~ying during the day and during cold winter weather
when the insects they feed upon are
not available. Working together to ~nd answers A broad partnership of nearly 100
federal and state agencies, academia, researchers, non-government organizations and international
partners are working in concert to solve the WNS mystery. State
biologists are on the front line, doing U.S. Fish & Wildlife Servicethe bulk of the survey work in bat hibernacula. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting and coordinating
the partnership.
Researchers are exploring a variety of avenues they hope will lead to
solving this wildlife health crisis. 
Despite the continuing search to nd
the source of WNS, the cause of the bat deaths remains unknown. People
in agencies and organizations are
committed to nding answers and are doing everything they can within their
resources to stop WNS.
Identication of the fungus Geomyces destructans found on affected bats may be one step toward an answer.
The fungus thrives in the cold and
humid conditions characteristic of bat hibernacula. The fungus may not be
readily visible on the bats, especially after they leave the hibernaculum and
groom themselves.
Spreading WNS WNS is transmitted primarily by bat-
to-bat contact. Biologists believe that
people are inadvertently contributing
to the spread since some caves used by
people have WNS-affected bats, while other, nearby caves not used by people
are not affected. Biologists have found
the fungus in caves that no longer have
bats. The Service issued a cave advisory in 2009 asking people to stay out of caves
in affected states and adjoining states.
The advisory also asks cavers - when
visiting caves outside of the affected
and adjoining states - to refrain from
using clothing and gear that has been
used in affected and adjoining states.
The Service hopes that compliance with the cave advisory will help slow
the spread of WNS until researchers can determine how to stop it entirely.
Many federal and state agencies, organizations, and private individuals
have closed caves on land they own.
As a precaution, biologists and researchers wear protective clothing
when visiting WNS-affected hibernacula, although there is no
known human health risk associated
with WNS.
The future of bats Until we discover how to eradicate
WNS, we face the real possibility of
losing entire bat species. The majority
of bats dying in the Northeast has
been little brown bats, one of the most
abundant bats in the United States.
Other affected bat species include tri-colored, northern long-eared, big
brown, small-footed and endangered
Indiana bats. Cave myotis and endangered Virginia big-eared and
gray bats may be affected.
Bat affected with white-nose syndromeMarvin Moriarty/USFWS Losing huge numbers of bats could affect the remaining bats' ability to survive and adapt in the future through  
loss of genetic variation.
Insect-eating bats are voracious predators of insects such as beetles, moths, aquatic ~ies and mosquitoes.  
The number of moths and beetles that  
damage our forests and crops could  
increase as we lose the bats that eat  
them. Increased pesticide applications  
might be needed to protect them from  
insects like forest tent caterpillars.  
Backyard gardeners may see increases  
in moth caterpillars or beetles preying  
on their gardens and may need to use  
pesticides or handpick pests from their  
plants.The many people who enjoy watching the silent ~ight of bats through the  
trees or over wetlands in the night  
sky may no longer have that privilege.
With lower numbers of bats, our environment is already changing. We  
have no idea what our world could be  
like with a complete absence of bats. For more information see http://www. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, MA 01035
413/253 8200 Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
1 800/877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD May 2010}}

Latest revision as of 02:53, 12 November 2019

Fws 2010 the White-Nose Syndrome Mystery
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/2010
Tennessee Valley Authority, US Dept of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service
To: Justin Poole
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Poole J
Download: ML12171A429 (2)


U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The white-nose syndrome mystery Something is killing our bats In February 2006 some 40 miles west the bulk of the survey work in bat of Albany, N.Y., a caver photographed hibernacula. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife hibernating bats with an unusual white Service is supporting and coordinating substance on their muzzles. He noticed the partnership.

several dead bats. The following winter, New York Department of Researchers are exploring a variety Environmental Conservation biologists of avenues they hope will lead to documented what they called white- solving this wildlife health crisis.

nose syndrome after seeing bats Despite the continuing search to find behaving erratically, bats with white the source of WNS, the cause of the noses and a few hundred dead bats bat deaths remains unknown. People in several caves. More than a million in agencies and organizations are hibernating bats have died since then, committed to finding answers and are making WNS the worst wildlife health doing everything they can within their Marvin Moriarty/USFWS crises in memory. resources to stop WNS.

Bat death zone Identification of the fungus Geomyces Biologists have found sick, dying and destructans found on affected bats dead bats in unprecedented numbers may be one step toward an answer.

in and around caves and mines from The fungus thrives in the cold and New Hampshire south to Tennessee humid conditions characteristic of bat hibernacula. The fungus may not be Bat affected with white-nose syndrome and in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. WNS is suspected readily visible on the bats, especially in states as far west as Oklahoma. In after they leave the hibernaculum and can determine how to stop it entirely.

some hibernacula (caves and mines groom themselves. Many federal and state agencies, where bats hibernate in the winter) 90 organizations, and private individuals to 100 percent of the bats are dying. Spreading WNS have closed caves on land they own.

WNS is transmitted primarily by bat-In a hibernaculum, affected bats to-bat contact. Biologists believe that As a precaution, biologists and usually have white fungus on their people are inadvertently contributing researchers wear protective clothing muzzles and other parts of their to the spread since some caves used by when visiting WNS-affected bodies. They frequently lack adequate people have WNS-affected bats, while hibernacula, although there is no body fat to survive until spring. These other, nearby caves not used by people known human health risk associated bats may exhibit uncharacteristic are not affected. Biologists have found with WNS.

behavior such as moving to cold parts the fungus in caves that no longer have of the hibernaculum, and flying during bats. The future of bats the day and during cold winter weather Until we discover how to eradicate when the insects they feed upon are The Service issued a cave advisory in WNS, we face the real possibility of not available. 2009 asking people to stay out of caves losing entire bat species. The majority in affected states and adjoining states. of bats dying in the Northeast has Working together to find answers The advisory also asks cavers - when been little brown bats, one of the most A broad partnership of nearly 100 visiting caves outside of the affected abundant bats in the United States.

federal and state agencies, academia, and adjoining states - to refrain from Other affected bat species include researchers, non-government using clothing and gear that has been tri-colored, northern long-eared, big organizations and international used in affected and adjoining states. brown, small-footed and endangered partners are working in concert The Service hopes that compliance Indiana bats. Cave myotis and to solve the WNS mystery. State with the cave advisory will help slow endangered Virginia big-eared and biologists are on the front line, doing the spread of WNS until researchers gray bats may be affected.

Losing huge numbers of bats could affect the remaining bats ability to survive and adapt in the future through loss of genetic variation.

Insect-eating bats are voracious predators of insects such as beetles, moths, aquatic flies and mosquitoes.

The number of moths and beetles that damage our forests and crops could increase as we lose the bats that eat them. Increased pesticide applications might be needed to protect them from insects like forest tent caterpillars.

Backyard gardeners may see increases in moth caterpillars or beetles preying on their gardens and may need to use pesticides or handpick pests from their plants.

The many people who enjoy watching the silent flight of bats through the trees or over wetlands in the night sky may no longer have that privilege.

With lower numbers of bats, our environment is already changing. We have no idea what our world could be like with a complete absence of bats.

For more information see http://www. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 300 Westgate Center Drive Hadley, MA 01035 413/253 8200 Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD May 2010