Category:Database File
MONTHYEARML21133A3752021-05-13013 May 2021 Control Point Hazard ML12335A3512012-10-29029 October 2012 Print Screen of TDEC 2012 Division of Natural Areas Re Piney Falls Class II Natural - Scientific State Natural Area ML12335A3522012-10-29029 October 2012 Print Screen of TDEC 2012 Division of Natural Areas Re Stinging Fork Falls Class II Natural - Scientific State Natural Area ML12335A3462012-10-25025 October 2012 Print Screen of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2012 - Species by County Report: Rhea and Meigs Counties, Tn ML12335A3492012-10-25025 October 2012 Print Screen of TDEC 2012 Division of Natural Areas Re Rare Species by County Rhea/Meigs ML12257A0522012-08-0101 August 2012 EPA 2012 Facility Detail Report - Clinton STP ML12221A3342012-03-30030 March 2012 Ctc 2012 Ctc'S Tennessee Hiking Guide to the Cumberland Trail with Map ML12173A4762012-03-29029 March 2012 EPA 2012 _ Envirofacts Warehouse _ Fii - Roane County STP ML12223A1812012-03-28028 March 2012 Environmental Protection Agency 2012 - Facility Detail Report - Environmental Facts Warehouse _ Fii - Kuwahee ML12335A3452012-03-27027 March 2012 Print Screen of TVA Chickamauga Reservoir ML12156A0852012-03-21021 March 2012 Arra 2012 _ Recipient Project Summary Tru Waste Processing Center ML12156A0642012-03-21021 March 2012 Arra 2012 _ Recipient Project Summary Biology Complex Dnd ML12335A3392012-03-16016 March 2012 Print Screen Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 2011 ML12173A4722012-02-10010 February 2012 EPA 2012 _ Envirofacts Warehouse _ Fii - Rockwood Water and Gas ML12223A4182012-01-0101 January 2012 Tennessee Valley Authority 2012 - Fort Loudoun Reservoir ML12223A4412012-01-0101 January 2012 Tennessee Valley Authority 2012 - Watts Bar Reservoir ML12223A4242012-01-0101 January 2012 Tennessee Valley Authority 2012 - Kingston Fossil Plant ML12223A4302012-01-0101 January 2012 Tennessee Valley Authority 2012 - Nickajack Reservoir ML12192A1312011-10-26026 October 2011 Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development 2010 Noise ML12171A4782011-10-0505 October 2011 DOE 2006_Geothermal_Maps ML12223A4502011-06-29029 June 2011 Usbls 2010 - Local Area Unemployment Statistics Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted Metropolitan Area Estimates ML12184A3022011-03-28028 March 2011 Fws 2011 Sheepnose Fact Sheet Jan 2011 ML12171A4452011-01-31031 January 2011 DOE-EIA 2009 Renewable Energy-Solar Thermal Collector Manufacturing Activities ML12223A2162011-01-0101 January 2011 Tennessee American Water 2011 Annual Water Quality Report TN_0000107_CCR ML12171A4292010-05-31031 May 2010 Fws 2010 the White-Nose Syndrome Mystery ML12171A3722010-05-26026 May 2010 White-Nose Syndrome - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ML12199A4452010-02-19019 February 2010 Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 2010 Ash Slide at TVA Kingston Fossil Plant ML12170A0562009-12-22022 December 2009 Fws 2010 Species Profile for Spotfin Chub (Erimonax Monachus) ML12171A2042009-12-18018 December 2009 Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge, Chickamauga Wildlife Management Area, Yuchi Refuge at Smith Bend & Environs ML12171A1952009-12-18018 December 2009 TVA, 2009 Cultural Resources ML12171A2922009-12-15015 December 2009 Rhea County 2009. County Website ML12171A3312009-10-31031 October 2009 Notes on Foraging Activity of Female Myotis Leibii in Maryland ML12171A2762009-09-0909 September 2009 USGS 2002 Tapestry_Of_Time ML12223A1902009-07-20020 July 2009 Tennessee Natural Heritage Program Rare Species Observations for Tennessee Counties 2009 ML12223A1672009-01-0101 January 2009 Department of Energy 2009 Oak Ridge Reservation ML12170A4642003-09-30030 September 2003 the Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Buildup 2021-05-13
[Table view] |
Geothermal Technologies Program: Geothermal Maps http://www1.eere.energy.gov/geothermal/maps.html EERE Home l Programs & Offices l Consumer Information Geothermal Technologies Program Geothermal Technologies Program Search Help ABOUT THE PROGRAM INFORMATION FINANCIAL HOME PROJECTS TECHNOLOGIES DEPLOYMENT PROGRAM AREAS RESOURCES OPPORTUNITIES EERE >> Geothermal Technologies Program >> Information Resources Printable Version Publications Geothermal Maps Photographs The Geothermal Technologies Program (GTP) carries out R&D and demonstration efforts to deploy 12 GWe Maps of clean geothermal energy by 2020 and expand geothermal into new U.S. regions.
Software & Data Locating and developing resources is an important part of that mission. GTP works with national laboratories Laws & Standards to develop maps and data that identify renewable, geothermal resources, possible locations for implementation of various geothermal technologies, and actual and potential geothermal power generation Glossary sites.
Presentations The maps below were developed by National Laboratories, universities and other organizations.
Related Links Maps by Energy Type or Measurement Resource potential for United States, including identified hydrothermal sites Direct-use projects in the United States - Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology and favorability of deep enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), produced by Resource potential for United States, including identified hydrothermal sites and favorability of deep National Renewable Energy Laboratory enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), produced by National Renewable Energy Laboratory in conjunction in conjunction with GTP.
with GTP Temperature and depth of U.S. geothermal resources - Google.org, using Google Earth Temperature at depth with sediment thickness for continental United States, produced by Idaho National Laboratory in conjunction with GTP with data from Southern Methodist University Geothermal Laboratory Thermal springs in the United States - National Geophysical Data Center Maps by Location U.S. and North America Current and planned power generation capacity by state, including projects funded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) -
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in conjunction with GTP National Geologic Map Database - U.S. Geological Survey U.S. geothermal resources by state - Google.org, using Google Earth North America geothermal map, 2004, with contours and industry and research data - Southern Methodist University States and Regions California oil, gas and geothermal fields - State of California Department of Conservation Great Basin interactive map - University of Nevada - Reno, Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy Oregon geothermal information layer map - Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Geothermal resources on Tribal Lands - NREL and GTP Western states geothermal resources produced by Idaho National Laboratory in conjunction with GTP Global Global geothermal energy in gigawatt hours by country - Geothermal Energy Education Office Contacts l Web Site Policies l U.S. Department of Energy l USA.gov Content Last Updated: 10/05/2011 1 of 1 10/25/2011 9:18 AM