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{{#Wiki_filter:1 NRR-PMDAPEm Resource From: Saba, Farideh Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:45 PM To: Schrull, Edward Dustin (
{{#Wiki_filter:NRR-PMDAPEm Resource From:                       Saba, Farideh Sent:                       Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:45 PM To:                         Schrull, Edward Dustin (; Williams, Gordon Robert (
); Williams, Gordon Rober t (
Cc:                         Chernoff, Margaret
Cc: Chernoff, Margaret

Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, "Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency" (TS-501) (MF5827)
Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TS-501) (MF5827)
Importance:                 High Ed and Gordon, By letter dated March 9, 2015 (ML15111A396), Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee, TVA) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for Unit 1 of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN). The proposed LAR would revise the Technical Specification (TS) testing frequency for the surveillance requirement (SR) in TS 3.1.4, Control Rod Scram Times. The proposed change would be consistent with Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency, which was approved generically for the boiling water reactor (BWR) Standard TS, NUREG-1433 (BWR/4). The required frequency of SR, control rod scram time testing, would be changed from 120 days cumulative operation in MODE 1 to 200 days cumulative operation in MODE 1.
High Ed and Gordon, By letter dated March 9, 2015 (ML15111A396), Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee, TVA) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for Unit 1 of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN). The proposed LAR would revise the Technical Specification (TS) testing frequency for the surveillance requirement (SR) in TS 3.1.4, "Control Rod Scram Times." The proposed change would be consistent with Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, "Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency," which was approved generically for the boiling water reactor (BWR) Standard TS, NUREG-1433 (BWR/4). The required frequency of SR, control rod scram time testing, would be changed from "120 days cumulative operation in MODE 1" to "200 days cumulative operation in MODE 1."
The purpose of this e-mail is to provide the results of the NRC staffs acceptance review of this amendment request. The acceptance review was performed to determine if there is sufficient technical information in scope and depth to allow the NRC staff to complete its detailed technical review. The acceptance review is also intended to identify whether the application has any readily apparent information insufficiencies in its characterization of the regulatory requirements or the licensing basis of the plant Consistent with Section 50.90 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), an amendment to the license (including the TSs) must fully describe the changes requested, and following as far as applicable, the form prescribed for original applications. Section 50.34 of 10 CFR addresses the content of technical information required. This section stipulates that the submittal address the design and operating characteristics, unusual or novel design features, and principal safety considerations.
The NRC staff has reviewed TVAs application and concluded that it does provide technical information in sufficient detail to enable the staff to proceed with its detailed technical review and make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposed amendment request in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety and the environment. Given the lesser scope and depth of the acceptance review as compared to the detailed technical review, there may be instances in which issues that impact the NRC staffs ability to complete the detailed technical review are identified despite completion of an adequate acceptance review. The licensee will be advised of any further information needed to support the NRC staffs detailed technical review by separate correspondence.
: Thanks, Farideh Farideh E. Saba, P.E.
Senior Project Manager NRC/ADRO/NRR/DORL 301-415-1447 Mail Stop O-8G9A Farideh.Saba@NRC.GOV 1

The purpose of this e-mail is to provide the results of the NRC staff's acceptance review of this amendment request. The acceptance review was performed to determine if there is sufficient technical information in scope and depth to allow the NRC staff to complete its detailed technical review. The acceptance review is also intended to identify whether the application has any readily apparent information insufficiencies in its characterization of the regulatory requirements or the licensing basis of the plant 
2 Hearing Identifier:     NRR_PMDA Email Number:           2024 Mail Envelope Properties     (Farideh.Saba@nrc.gov20150422144500)
Consistent with Section 50.90 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), an amendment to the license (including the TSs) must fully describe the changes requested, and following as far as applicable, the form prescribed for original applications. Section 50.34 of 10 CFR addresses the content of technical information required. This section stipulates that the submittal address the design and operating characteristics, unusual or novel design features, and principal safety considerations.
The NRC staff has reviewed TVA's application and concluded that it does provide technical information in sufficient detail to enable the staff to proceed with its detailed technical review and make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposed amendment request in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety and the environment. Given the lesser scope and depth of the acceptance review as compared to the detailed technical review, there may be instances in which issues that impact the NRC staff's ability to complete the detailed technical review are identified despite completion of an adequate acceptance review. The licensee will be advised of any further information needed to support the NRC staff's detailed techni cal review by separate correspondence.
: Thanks,
Farideh Farideh E. Saba, P.E. Senior Project Manager NRC/ADRO/NRR/DORL 301-415-1447 Mail Stop O-8G9A Farideh.Saba@NRC.GOV
2 Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 2024   Mail Envelope Properties   (Farideh.Saba@nrc.gov20150422144500)

Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, "Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency" (TS-501) (MF5827)
Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TS-501) (MF5827)
Sent Date:   4/22/2015 2:45:06 PM Received Date: 4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM From:   Saba, Farideh Created By:  
Sent Date:             4/22/2015 2:45:06 PM Received Date:         4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM From:                   Saba, Farideh Created By:    Recipients:
"Chernoff, Margaret" <>
Recipients:     "Chernoff, Margaret" <> Tracking Status: None "Schrull, Edward Dustin (" <> Tracking Status: None "Williams, Gordon Robert (" <> Tracking Status: None Post Office:     Files     Size     Date & Time MESSAGE   2899     4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM
Tracking Status: None "Schrull, Edward Dustin (" <>
Tracking Status: None "Williams, Gordon Robert (" <>
Options Priority:     High   Return Notification:   No   Reply Requested:   Yes   Sensitivity:     Normal Expiration Date:     Recipients Received:}}
Tracking Status: None Post Office:
Files                           Size                     Date & Time MESSAGE                         2899                     4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM Options Priority:                       High Return Notification:             No Reply Requested:                 Yes Sensitivity:                     Normal Expiration Date:
Recipients Received:}}

Revision as of 12:37, 31 October 2019

Acceptance Review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TS-501) (MF5827)
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/2015
From: Farideh Saba
Plant Licensing Branch II
To: Schrull E, Gerald Williams
Tennessee Valley Authority
Download: ML15114A042 (3)


NRR-PMDAPEm Resource From: Saba, Farideh Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:45 PM To: Schrull, Edward Dustin (; Williams, Gordon Robert (

Cc: Chernoff, Margaret


Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TS-501) (MF5827)

Importance: High Ed and Gordon, By letter dated March 9, 2015 (ML15111A396), Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee, TVA) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) for Unit 1 of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN). The proposed LAR would revise the Technical Specification (TS) testing frequency for the surveillance requirement (SR) in TS 3.1.4, Control Rod Scram Times. The proposed change would be consistent with Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency, which was approved generically for the boiling water reactor (BWR) Standard TS, NUREG-1433 (BWR/4). The required frequency of SR, control rod scram time testing, would be changed from 120 days cumulative operation in MODE 1 to 200 days cumulative operation in MODE 1.

The purpose of this e-mail is to provide the results of the NRC staffs acceptance review of this amendment request. The acceptance review was performed to determine if there is sufficient technical information in scope and depth to allow the NRC staff to complete its detailed technical review. The acceptance review is also intended to identify whether the application has any readily apparent information insufficiencies in its characterization of the regulatory requirements or the licensing basis of the plant Consistent with Section 50.90 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), an amendment to the license (including the TSs) must fully describe the changes requested, and following as far as applicable, the form prescribed for original applications. Section 50.34 of 10 CFR addresses the content of technical information required. This section stipulates that the submittal address the design and operating characteristics, unusual or novel design features, and principal safety considerations.

The NRC staff has reviewed TVAs application and concluded that it does provide technical information in sufficient detail to enable the staff to proceed with its detailed technical review and make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposed amendment request in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety and the environment. Given the lesser scope and depth of the acceptance review as compared to the detailed technical review, there may be instances in which issues that impact the NRC staffs ability to complete the detailed technical review are identified despite completion of an adequate acceptance review. The licensee will be advised of any further information needed to support the NRC staffs detailed technical review by separate correspondence.

Thanks, Farideh Farideh E. Saba, P.E.

Senior Project Manager NRC/ADRO/NRR/DORL 301-415-1447 Mail Stop O-8G9A Farideh.Saba@NRC.GOV 1

2 Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 2024 Mail Envelope Properties (Farideh.Saba@nrc.gov20150422144500)


Acceptance review of License Amendment Request for the Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-460-A, Revision 0, Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TS-501) (MF5827)

Sent Date: 4/22/2015 2:45:06 PM Received Date: 4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM From: Saba, Farideh Created By: Recipients:

"Chernoff, Margaret" <>

Tracking Status: None "Schrull, Edward Dustin (" <>

Tracking Status: None "Williams, Gordon Robert (" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office:

Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 2899 4/22/2015 2:45:00 PM Options Priority: High Return Notification: No Reply Requested: Yes Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

Recipients Received: