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{{#Wiki_filter:USEPA watershed-based plan element #3:
best management practices and critical areas where those practices are needed (also see Chapter 5).
appendix G - expanded programmatic action plan This is an expanded version of the Programmatic Action Plan Tables included in Section 5.2. In addition to the information included in Section 5.2, these tables also include location, goals and objectives addressed, priority , lead implementor, supporting implementor, time frame, projected cost, and status (to be f lled in by the committee or organization responsible for tracking plan implementation.)
G-1    T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Stream and Riparian Corridor Programmatic Actions                                                                    Goals + Obj    Priority  Implementor  Implementor                        Status frame  Cost Stabilize and retrof t stormwater outfall structures and the associated streambanks and channel. Install f ow                                                                      $3000 to Watershed                                                                                                                        A3 A5 A8 A11 1                attenuation and outlet protection measures to reduce erosion and improve f ltration of stormwater runoff entering                  1          M BPDD RL    SMC          S      $6000 wide                                                                                                                            E1 E2 the stream.                                                                                                                                                                        each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $50 to Stabilize eroding streambanks, toe, and side slopes using bioengineering practices with deep-rooted native
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $150 per Watershed  plants to reduce erosion and sediment loads downstream and to reduce property loss. Bioengineering practices        A3 A11 A8 C3 2                                                                                                                                                    1          RL BPDD GC    SMC IEPA      M      linear wide        include A-Jacks, lunkers, f ber rolls, geotextile mats, live stakes, fascines, brush and branch layers, cribwalls,  E1 E2 foot, on and vegetated geogrid lifts.
average Watershed  Where feasible, replace failing or crude armoring and concrete lined channels with more sustainable, natural                                                                      $250 per 3                                                                                                                                      A1 A3 A11 C3  2          RL BPDD      SMC          L wide        and habitat friendly stabilization measures.                                                                                                                                      linear foot Preserve, enhance or establish native riparian buffers along all unbuffered or inadequately buffered stream          A1 A3 A6 A7 Watershed                                                                                                                                                                                      $25 per 4                reaches using emergent wetland and wet prairie vegetation to stabilize streambanks, f lter out pollutants, and      C3 E1 E2 E4    2          RL BPDD GC    M            S wide                                                                                                                                                                                          linear foot enhance aquatic habitat. Development within buffer areas should be strictly limited.                                A7 G1 Restore stream channels, streambeds, and aquatic habitat to a healthy condition. This includes instream                                                                            $250 to Watershed                                                                                                                        A1 A3 A8 C3                            IDNR SMC 5                habitat features, such as natural channel substrates and pools & riff es, to improve water quality and aquatic                      1          RL BPDD                    S      $575 per wide                                                                                                                            E1                                      M biodiversity.                                                                                                                                                                      linear foot Watershed  Where feasible, daylight and remeander streams that have been contained in ditches or moved underground                                                                            $575 per 6                                                                                                                                      A1 C3          3          RL BPDD      IDNR SMC M    L wide        into culverts or pipes.                                                                                                                                                            linear foot Watershed  Modify bridges, culverts, and other hydraulic structures that are directing f ow into the streambanks, eroding                                RL M BPDD                          $5000 7                                                                                                                                      A2 A3 A11 C6  3                        SMC M wide        around the edges, blocking f ows and f sh passage or otherwise problematic.                                                                    DOT GC                              each T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Watershed 8                Restore hydrologic connections to Lake Michigan to promote recolonization of the aquatic community.                  C3 C6 G4      3          IDNR          CMP          L      varies G-2                                                                    wide Develop and implement a regular stream inspection and maintenance program among the Beach Park Drainage Watershed                                                                                                                        A9 A10 D1 9                District, municipalities, homeowners, and SMC to remove accumulated woody debris and other debris and litter                        2          SMC          BPDD M RL    S      varies wide                                                                                                                            E8 F7 and to target restoration needs.
Watershed 10                For moderately and severely eroded stream reaches, develop a stream restoration plan and cost estimate.              A4            1          M BPDD RL    SMC          S      varies wide
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions                                                              Goals + Obj  Priority                                                    Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Use green infrastructure BMPs such as natural stormwater drainage, inf ltration, and detention practices and lot level BMPs in new and existing development to reduce surface runoff volumes, to f lter pollutants from Watershed  stormwater runoff, and to improve inf ltration of precipitation into the ground. Stormwater BMPs should use, to            E1 E2 E7 E9              M PRL CBL    SMC IEPA 11                                                                                                                                                        1                                      M      varies wide        the extend possible, native plants that are appropriate for the location in which they are being planted. Reducing        G1 G3                    DH            PD LC runoff rate and volume will also minimize sediment loadings from in-stream and surface erosion and riparian habitat degradation .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $1 per Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 E9                            SMC PRL              linear foot 11a              Where feasible, convert existing swales and open drainage ways to inf ltrate runoff with natural landscaping.                            1          M BPDD DOT                  S wide                                                                                                                                  F6 G1                                  CBL DH LC            to $650 per acre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $1 per Retrof t curb and gutter areas along roadways, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces to allow stormwater Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 F6              M CBL DH                            linear foot 11b              to enter swales or other naturalized f ltration and inf ltration measures such as parking lot and roadside rain                          1                        LC            M wide                                                                                                                                  G1 G3                    DOT                                to $650 gardens.
per acre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $1 per Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 F6              M CBL DH                            linear foot 11c              Install bioswales into parking lots as construction and reconstruction occurs.                                                          1                        LC            M wide                                                                                                                                  G1 G3                    DOT                                to $650 per acre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $1 per Watershed  Install vegetated f lter strips or rain gardens where sheet f ow leaves impervious surface to capture pollutants          E1 E2 E7 G1              M CBL DH                            linear foot 11d                                                                                                                                                        1                        LC            S wide        and inf ltrate runoff.                                                                                                    G3                      DOT                                to $650 per acre Install sand f lters, f ltration basins, treatment wetlands, other bioretention practices, or other f ltration practices                                                                $1 per Watershed  downstream of industrial, commercial facilities and other land uses potentially generating a heavy load of                E1 E2 E7 G1              M CBL DH                            linear foot 11e                                                                                                                                                        1                        LC            M wide        pollutants. Install sand f lters, appropriate proprietary water treatment units, or settling basins at the storm sewer    G3                      DOT                                to $650 inlets in parking lots                                                                                                                                                                  per acre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $5 to Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 G1                                                  $25 per 11f              Install green roofs where feasible to capture, f lter, and evaporate stormwater.                                                        2          PRL CBL DH    M            L wide                                                                                                                                  G3                                                          square G-3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        foot Reduce the hydraulic connectivity of impervious surfaces by disconnecting roof downspouts from discharging to Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 G1 11g              impervious areas and instead directing the f ow into a lawn or naturally landscaped area, raingarden, f lter strip,                      1          PRL CBL DH    M LC          S      varies wide                                                                                                                                  G3 rain barrel, or dry well. Substitute swale and raingarden systems for curbs and gutters to increase inf ltration.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $2 to When replacing existing pavement, or installing newly paved areas, use pervious or porous pavement or Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E7 F6              PRL CBL DH                          $6 per 11h              permeable paving blocks for parking lots, emergency access roads, driveways and streets where appropriate to                            1                        PD LC        M wide                                                                                                                                  G1 G3                    DOT M                              square increase inf ltration and reduce runoff volumes and pollutant loads.
foot Utilize naturalized wet bottom or wetland detention basin designs and retrof t existing single function dry bottom Watershed  detention basins to provide multiple benef ts including reduced pollutant loads, and to provide habitat. Upgrade          E1 E2 E9 F6              M PRL CBL    DOT SMC 12                                                                                                                                                        2                                      M      varies wide        and maintain existing stormwater detention basins and online water storage ponds to provide water quality                  G3                      DH GC        BPDD benef ts and slower release rates where feasible.
Watershed  Stabilize eroding shorelines and replace rip rap, concrete and turf pond and detention basin edges with deep-              E1 E2 E9 F6              M PRL CBL    DOT SMC              $100 per 12a                                                                                                                                                        2                                      M wide        rooted native landscaping for shorelines and buffers.                                                                      G3                      DH GC        BPDD                  linear foot Install settling basins upstream of wet and wetland detention where feasible and where the catchment area Watershed  contains a large amount of impervious surface to capture sediment in runoff. Where settling basins can not                E1 E2 E9 F6              M PRL CBL    DOT SMC 12b                                                                                                                                                        2                                      M      varies wide        be installed upstream, install a forebay in the basin and remove accumulated sediment to maintain detention                G3                      DH GC        BPDD capacity.
T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Monitor, maintain, and clean out stormwater detention facilities, storm drains, and catch basins to ensure Watershed                                                                                                                              E1 E2 E9 F6              M PRL CBL    DOT SMC 12c              effective operation and provide maximum detention, water quality benef ts and habitat. Develop a monitoring                              2                                      S      varies wide                                                                                                                                  G3                      DH GC        BPDD and maintenance plan that identif es who is responsible, a maintenance schedule, budget and funding source.
Watershed                                                                                                                              E7 E9 F6 G1              M PRL CBL    DOT SMC 12d              Where possible, restrict discharge rates from detention basins to mimic natural instream f ow rates.                                    2                                      M      varies wide                                                                                                                                  G3                      DH GC        BPDD
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions                                                        Goals + Obj    Priority                                                    Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Preserve and protect natural drainage and storage (green infrastructure) features of the landscape to f lter and inf ltrate runoff and to reduce the threat of f ood damage, including native vegetation, natural riparian buffers, A6 A7 B1 C2 Watershed  f oodplains, f ood prone areas, natural depressional and regional storage areas, and wetlands. Prevent f ll, 13                                                                                                                                    C3 E1 E2 E7    2          M DH PRL      SMC LC        L      varies wide        excavation, development, and other modif cations. Smaller depressional areas may potentially be incorporated G1 G2 G3 G4 into development as raingardens, bioswales, and other measures that retain runoff rather than releasing it offsite.
Maintain the drainage system conveyance including cleaning out catch basins, channel maintenance, swale A1 A2 A11 C3 Watershed  maintenance, culverts, and removing excess debris, trash, and other obstructions to improve aesthetics maintain                                                                    $20 per 14                                                                                                                                    E5 E9 F6 G2    2          M BPDD RL    DOT SMC      S wide        f ow capacity, and minimize erosion. Some natural elements such as rocks and woody debris should be left as                                                                        linear foot G3 G4 in-stream habitat features.
T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-4
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Planning and Development Standards Programmatic Actions                                                              Goals + Obj  Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Lake County, municipalities, park districts, the Forest Preserve District and other local governments units BPDD Watershed  should incorporate the goals and recommendations of the watershed plan into comprehensive land use plans,            C1 D3 D4 F3 15                                                                                                                                                  1          M            LCFPD SMC    S      varies wide        development policies (zoning and subdivision regulations) capital improvement plans and budgets, and land            F4 F6 T LC preservation/acquisition strategies.
Watershed  Use the site development planning and approval process to encourage watershed-friendly development                  A7 D3 D4 F3 16                                                                                                                                                  1          M LC                        S      varies wide        practices and designs that protect watershed resources and water quality by right rather than by exception.          G3 Establish incentive programs for developers to implement conservation and low impact development Watershed  planning and design practices and techniques. These incentives could include expedited permitting and 17                                                                                                                                    A7 F3        3          M LC                        M      varies wide        review procedures, density bonuses, tax credits, cost-share, or fee reductions for early projects that serve as demonstrations and free technical assistance.
Make it easy for developers and builders to incorporate best management practices recommended by this watershed plan into new developments or redeveloped areas. Modify zoning and development standards to Watershed  facilitate implementation of the watershed plan recommendations. This could include the following: review and 18                                                                                                                                    A7 F3        2          M            LC            M      varies wide        update development standards, add incentives such as density bonuses, park and open space donation credits, and other incentives, for preserving the green infrastructure system. Within new developments, easements or deed restrictions should be placed on lands identif ed as Category 1 parcels on the Green Infrastructure Plan.
Watershed 19                Establish and adopt bluff-and-ravine protection standards.                                                          A7 F3        1          M LC                        S      varies wide Watershed 19a              Establish a 30 minimum buffer distance between bluff edges and development.                                        A7 F3        1          M LC                        S      varies wide Require appropriate deep-rooted native plants as ground cover to help stabilize erodable soils on ravine slopes, edges, and buffers. Erodable soils are found in reaches BL02, BL05, BL07, BL08. BL09, BL10, Watershed 19b                  BL11, BL13, BL19, BL20, BL21, BL25, BL26, and BL27. Allow cutting of trees on ravine slopes where                A7 C3 F3      1          M                          S      varies wide G-5                                                                                    appropriate for ground cover vegetative restoration. Require proper removal and proper disposal of cut trees.
Watershed  Prohibit dumping of grass clippings, leaves, or other natural or man-made f ll or debris that may damage            A7 C3 E1 19c                                                                                                                                                  2          M                          S      varies wide        underlying vegetation or prevent re-vegetation on ravine slopes.                                                    E2 F3 Encourage the use of on site inf ltration techniques to reduce direct stormwater f ow from impervious surfaces Watershed 19d              into the ravines. Where stormwater can not be inf ltrated on site, prohibit downspout pipe and/or sump pump          E1 E2 E7 F3  1          M LC SMC                    S      varies wide outlets on or within 10 feet of or on steep ravine slopes. Allow discharge at the bottom of the ravine.
Watershed  Limit concentrated stormwater discharges to ravines to storm events larger than the 1-year frequency. Level 19e                                                                                                                                    E7 F3        1          M SMC                      M      varies wide        spreaders may be required to distribute concentrated f ows across a large area.
Adopt and enforce f exible local zoning and subdivision standards that allow adaptable, nontraditional designs for development that minimize negative impacts from stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution.
Watershed  Standards should limit runoff volume increases, minimize impervious surface area, manage stormwater on site          D3 D4 E1 E2 20                                                                                                                                                  2          M            LC            M      varies wide        using BMPs, and minimize land disturbance during and following construction. This action is most relevant for        E7 F3 F6 G3 Highly Vulnerable Critical Subbasin #35, which is at risk for land use conversion that may result in signif cantly higher imperviousness.
T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Watershed  Reduce minimum street widths to those necessary to carry the expected average traff c volume rather than the        E1 E2 E7 F3 20a                                                                                                                                                  3          M            LC            L      varies wide        maximum traff c volume.                                                                                              F6 G1 G3 Use alternative parking lot designs including: ensure that the number of spaces built ref ects actual, everyday Watershed  demand rather than infrequently needed maximums; reduce the dimensions of the normal parking spaces where            E1 E2 E7 F3 20b                                                                                                                                                  2          M            LC            M      varies wide        feasible; convert parking lot islands and landscaping to depressed bioretention areas; allow shared parking          F6 G1 G3 between adjacent facilities with alternating times of parking needs (e.g., a church and an off ce building).
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions                                                      Goals + Obj  Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Watershed  Allow permeable paving practices for plazas and pedestrian areas, parking, driveways and low volume traff c      E1 E2 E7 F3 20c                                                                                                                                              2          M            LC            M      varies wide        streets.                                                                                                          F6 G1 G3 Watershed  Allow reduced street setbacks, frontages, and lot sizes in areas where riparian or sensitive natural areas need  E1 E2 E7 F3 20d                                                                                                                                              2          M            LC            M      varies wide        protection and to reduce the impervious surface area for streets and driveways.                                  F6 G1 G3 Watershed  Allow cluster / conservation design development to reduce the disturbed area and preserve green infrastructure    E1 E2 E7 F3 20e                                                                                                                                              1          M            LC            M      varies wide        (open land) for inf ltration and treatment of runoff.                                                            G1 G3 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-6
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Green Infrastructure Programmatic Actions                                                                            Goals + Obj  Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Watershed  Land planning jurisdictions such as municipalities, park districts etc. adopt the Green Infrastructure Plan to use 21                                                                                                                                    C1 C2 F3 F4  1          M PD LCFPD    LC            S      varies wide        as a tool in prioritizing and implementing green infrastructure preservation and restoration programs.
Watershed  Clearly identify and designate areas prioritized in the Green Infrastructure Plan as green infrastructure 21a                                                                                                                                    C1 C2 F3 F4  1          M PD LCFPD    LC            S      varies wide        conservation areas in county, park district and municipal comprehensive plans and maps.
Identify and conserve connecting greenways, especially along streams and other water features. Provide Watershed                                                                                                                        A2 C1 C2 C3 21b              passage and remove or mitigate barriers to f sh & wildlife movement (such as highways, dams, and weirs)                            1          M PD LCFPD    LC            L      varies wide                                                                                                                            F3 F4 throughout the corridors and between the green hubs.
Watershed  Avoid development and installation of gray infrastructure through Category 1 green infrastructure system parcels    C1 C2 F3 21c                                                                                                                                                  2          M LC              T DOT    S      varies wide        wherever possible.                                                                                                  F4 F6 For lands not readily protected through land use planning and zoning, develop a preservation strategy to Watershed  prioritize and purchase or otherwise protect Category 1 Green Infrastructure parcels and the natural drainage        B1 C1 C2 21d                                                                                                                                                  1          M PD LCFPD    LC            S      varies wide        system of stream corridors, and wetland complexes. The strategy may include purchase funds, developer fees          F3 F4 and donation funds, conservation easements, purchase of development rights programs, or other measures.
Actively manage, restore, buffer and expand Category 1 and 2 Green Infrastructure Parcels by controlling non-native and invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, and thinning the tree Watershed                                                                                                                                                              PD IDNR 22                canopy so that a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer. These areas may include            A6 C2 C3      1          PRL CBL M                  L      varies wide                                                                                                                                                                    LCFPD Illinois Natural Areas Inventory sites, forest preserve holdings, private conservation lands, and other public agency lands such as park districts.
G-7 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Natural Area Programmatic Actions                                                                                    Goals + Obj    Priority                                                    Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Actively manage, restore, buffer and expand natural areas (riparian zones, wetlands, and high quality habitat sites) by controlling non-native and invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, Watershed                                                                                                                        A6 A7 C2                  M IDNR PD                          $25 per 23                and thinning the tree canopy so that a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer. These                        1                        CBL PRL      L wide                                                                                                                            C3 E4                    LCFPD                              linear foot areas may include Illinois Natural Areas Inventory sites, forest preserve holdings, private conservation lands, and other public agency lands such as park districts.
Protect, and restore degraded, drained, and/or farmed wetlands to improve water quality, provide surface water storage, and improve habitat. Vegetative management, prescriptive burning, invasive species management, and Watershed                                                                                                                        B1 C2 C3 E1              M LCFPD                            $500 per 24                hydrologic restoration can all be used to help improve wetland quality. The strategic removal and/or blockage of                    2                        IDNR PD      L wide                                                                                                                            E2 G4                    PRL                                acre wetland drainage tiles, f ood control structures, or other drainage structures can help restore wetland hydrology.
Approximately 754 acres are available as potential wetland restoration sites.
Watershed  Restore stream channels to natural state by preserving and/or installing pools and riff es, removing excessive      A1 A3 A8 A11                                                  $225 per 25                                                                                                                                                    3          RL BPDD            IDNR    L wide        debris, stabilizing steam banks and the stream bed.                                                                  C3                                                            linear foot Stabilize upstream hydrology to reduce erosion, pollution runoff, and sediment loading to downstream natural Watershed                                                                                                                        A3 A8 C3 E1 26                areas and preserve valuable and unique resources within Illinois Beach State Park and Lyons Woods Forest                            2          M PRL                      L      varies wide                                                                                                                            E2 E7 G4 Preserve.
Watershed                                                                                                                                                                USACE 27                Replenish and stabilize the Lake Michigan shoreline to protect this valuable and unique habitat.                    C3 C4          1          IDNR CMP                    L      varies wide                                                                                                                                                                    USFWS On private lands, actively manage, restore, buffer and expand on-site natural areas by controling non-native and Watershed                                                                                                                                                                                      $7500 per 28                invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, and thinning the tree canopy so that  A6 C3 E4      2          PRL RL CBL                  L wide                                                                                                                                                                                          acre a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer.
T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-8
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Land Management Programmatic Actions                                                                                  Goals + Obj    Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Improve road maintenance practices, such as street and parking lot sweeping and reduce application of de-icing Watershed                                                                                                                          E1 E2 E4 E10 29                salt, to reduce the f ow of particulates, sediment, chlorides, and other pollutants into the stormwater system,                      1          M DOT CBL    T            S      varies wide                                                                                                                              F3 F6 G1 stream, and ultimately Lake Michigan.
Investigate and address potential contamination issues in Illinois Beach State Park and the Dead River.
Watershed  Remediate, cap, cover, or install other controls for any potential sources of toxic or other pollutants including                                IDNR CMP      LCHD CAG 30                                                                                                                                      C5 E1 E2      2                                      L      varies wide        waste storage piles, landf lls or facilities, hazardous materials, nuclear contamination sites, and salt piles to                                USEPA IEPA    LMGLO prevent stormwater contact or to capture runoff if stormwater contact does occur.
Reduce fecal coliform contamination on Lake Michigan beaches by controlling gull populations, human sewage, Watershed 31                and other contributing sources. Further study is needed to identify the non-gull sources of fecal coliform            E1 E5 E6      1          LCHD IDNR    IEPA LMGLO    S      varies wide contamination.
Watershed 32                Use sustainable site and land management practices (including golf courses and agricultural operations).              E1 E2 E4 E5    1          PRL CBL GC    M PD LCFPD    S      varies wide Avoid disposal or burning of yard waste in or near the stream or riparian buffer, which adds excess nutrients Watershed  to the stream system and kills the plant buffer that stabilizes the streambanks and f lters runoff to the stream.      A7 E1 E2                                CBL M PD 32a                                                                                                                                                    1          PRL GC                      S      varies wide        Properly dispose of yard and pet wastes, household chemicals, and trash. Do not dispose of these in                    E4 E5                                  LCFPD stormsewers, roadside swales, or the stream.
Utilize deep-rooted native vegetation wherever possible for landscaping rather than turf grass to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $3000 to Watershed  stormwater inf ltration and evapotranspiration, reduce the need for watering, pesticides and fertilizers, f lter                                PRL CBL GC 32b                                                                                                                                      C3 E1 E2 E4    2                        M            S      $6000 per wide        pollutants from surface runoff, and provide habitat for native species. Plant native trees appropriate to the local                              PD acre area to increase interception, evapotranspiration, and uptake of precipitation.
Protect water resources from sedimentation due to construction site erosion by inspecting and enforcing soil erosion and sediment control standards as required by the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance.
Watershed                                                                                                                          E1 E2 E3 F3 33                Require an approved SESC plan to help protect water resources from sedimentation by f ltering and trapping                            1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide                                                                                                                              G1 G3 sediments out of stormwater before it leaves a development site. Assess erosion and sediment control practices after storm events and ensure SESC plan implementation.
Minimize soil compaction, clearing and mass grading to only where absolutely necessary to build and provide G-9                                                                    Watershed  access to structures and infrastructure (site f ngerprinting). Avoid clearing and grading in or immediately adjacent  E1 E2 E3 E7 33a                                                                                                                                                    1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide        to water resources and steep slopes. Clearing should be done immediately before construction, rather than              G1 G3 leaving soils exposed for months or years.
Watershed  During construction protect and retain existing vegetation to decrease concentrated f ows, maintain site              E1 E2 E3 E7 33b                                                                                                                                                    1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide        hydrology, and control erosion.                                                                                        G1 G3 Limit soil exposure by phasing construction so that only a portion of the site is disturbed at any one time to Watershed                                                                                                                          E1 E2 E3 G1 33c              complete the needed building in that phase. Other portions of the site are not cleared and graded until exposed                      1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide                                                                                                                              G3 soils from the earlier phase have been stabilized and the construction is nearly completed.
Stabilize / revegetate exposed and disturbed soils including soil stockpiles within 14 days after disturbance Watershed                                                                                                                          E1 E2 E3 G1 33d              with seeding, mulch cover, erosion control blankets, or other stabilization practices. Topsoil stockpiles can be                      1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide                                                                                                                              G3 reapplied as a soil amendment to reestablish vegetation following construction.
Watershed  Employ a soil erosion sediment control treatment train, and install perimeter controls and risers as a last line of    E1 E2 E3 G1 33e                                                                                                                                                    1          M DH LC      NRCS/SWCD    S      varies wide        defense to retain and f lter sediments before runoff exits the site.                                                  G3 The Waukegan Regional Airport should continue to update and implement the Storm Water Pollution Prevention                                      Waukegan Watershed T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N 34                Plan and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan, sweep impervious surfaces regularly, and f nd              E1 E2 F3 G1    2          Regional                    S      varies wide more environmentally-friendly de-icing compounds for airplanes and runways.                                                                      Airport
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Flood Management Programmatic Actions                                                                                Goals + Obj  Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Adopt and continue to enforce f oodplain protection standards within zoning, subdivision, and building codes or Watershed 35                a stand-alone f oodplain protection standard that prohibits new building and roadway development, f ll, or other  B1            2          M LC SMC                    M      varies wide encroachment within the f oodplain.
Watershed  Address Flood Problem Area Inventory and Illinois Department of Transportation f ooding sites, and avoid                                      M PRL FEMA 36                                                                                                                                    B1 B2 B3 B4  2                        LC SMC        L      varies wide        potential f ood damage within 10- and 100-year f oodplains.                                                                                  DOT Watershed  Preserve riparian and depressional f oodplain and wetlands as open and undeveloped to maximize f ood storage 36a                                                                                                                                    B1            2          M LC                        L      varies wide        and conveyance.
Mitigate f ood damages through f oodproof ng of at-risk structures such as raising the structure, sealing Watershed 36b              basement windows and doors, f oodplain buyouts, and installing landscape features such as f oodwalls or              B2            1          PRL CBL      M LC FEMA    L      varies wide levees.
Watershed  Mitigate sanitary sewer backup f ood damages through remediation / correction of inf ltration and cross 36c                                                                                                                                    B3            2          PRL NSSD                    L      varies wide        connections with the sanitary sewer system and installation of one-way valves.
Mitigate local drainage capacity f ood damage by providing additional f ood storage and or maintaining /
Watershed 36d              improving local drainage system through installation of new or larger sewer pipes, larger culverts, or improving    B4            2          PRL M        LC SMC        L      varies wide T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N                    or increasing the conveyance capacity of ditches and overland f ow path.
Lead          Supporting    Time    Projected ID#  Location    Stakeholder Coordination Programmatic Actions                                                              Goals + Obj  Priority                                                  Status Implementor  Implementor  frame  Cost Watershed 37                Form a watershed organization to coordinate and lead watershed plan implementation activities.              F2 F4 F5      1          SMC M        WPC IEPA      S      varies wide Watershed 38                Coordinate watershed restoration projects and develop cost-share funding for best management practices. F1 F5        1          SMC          M WPC        S      varies wide Watershed  Establish regular (e.g., quarterly) stakeholder coordination meetings to discuss projects, watershed plan 39                                                                                                                            F2 F4        1          SMC          M WPC        S      varies wide        implementation, and land use planning and development activities.
Watershed 40                Incorporate plan recommendations into regional, county, and municipal plans and budgets.                    F6            1          M LC CMAP                  S      varies wide G-11 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N
T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-12}}

Latest revision as of 10:25, 31 October 2019

Dead River Watershed - Based Plan 2008, Part 16 of 25
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Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/2008
Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
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ML15188A105 List:
Download: ML15188A141 (12)


USEPA watershed-based plan element #3:

best management practices and critical areas where those practices are needed (also see Chapter 5).

appendix G - expanded programmatic action plan This is an expanded version of the Programmatic Action Plan Tables included in Section 5.2. In addition to the information included in Section 5.2, these tables also include location, goals and objectives addressed, priority , lead implementor, supporting implementor, time frame, projected cost, and status (to be f lled in by the committee or organization responsible for tracking plan implementation.)

G-1 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Stream and Riparian Corridor Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Implementor Implementor Status frame Cost Stabilize and retrof t stormwater outfall structures and the associated streambanks and channel. Install f ow $3000 to Watershed A3 A5 A8 A11 1 attenuation and outlet protection measures to reduce erosion and improve f ltration of stormwater runoff entering 1 M BPDD RL SMC S $6000 wide E1 E2 the stream. each

$50 to Stabilize eroding streambanks, toe, and side slopes using bioengineering practices with deep-rooted native

$150 per Watershed plants to reduce erosion and sediment loads downstream and to reduce property loss. Bioengineering practices A3 A11 A8 C3 2 1 RL BPDD GC SMC IEPA M linear wide include A-Jacks, lunkers, f ber rolls, geotextile mats, live stakes, fascines, brush and branch layers, cribwalls, E1 E2 foot, on and vegetated geogrid lifts.

average Watershed Where feasible, replace failing or crude armoring and concrete lined channels with more sustainable, natural $250 per 3 A1 A3 A11 C3 2 RL BPDD SMC L wide and habitat friendly stabilization measures. linear foot Preserve, enhance or establish native riparian buffers along all unbuffered or inadequately buffered stream A1 A3 A6 A7 Watershed $25 per 4 reaches using emergent wetland and wet prairie vegetation to stabilize streambanks, f lter out pollutants, and C3 E1 E2 E4 2 RL BPDD GC M S wide linear foot enhance aquatic habitat. Development within buffer areas should be strictly limited. A7 G1 Restore stream channels, streambeds, and aquatic habitat to a healthy condition. This includes instream $250 to Watershed A1 A3 A8 C3 IDNR SMC 5 habitat features, such as natural channel substrates and pools & riff es, to improve water quality and aquatic 1 RL BPDD S $575 per wide E1 M biodiversity. linear foot Watershed Where feasible, daylight and remeander streams that have been contained in ditches or moved underground $575 per 6 A1 C3 3 RL BPDD IDNR SMC M L wide into culverts or pipes. linear foot Watershed Modify bridges, culverts, and other hydraulic structures that are directing f ow into the streambanks, eroding RL M BPDD $5000 7 A2 A3 A11 C6 3 SMC M wide around the edges, blocking f ows and f sh passage or otherwise problematic. DOT GC each T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Watershed 8 Restore hydrologic connections to Lake Michigan to promote recolonization of the aquatic community. C3 C6 G4 3 IDNR CMP L varies G-2 wide Develop and implement a regular stream inspection and maintenance program among the Beach Park Drainage Watershed A9 A10 D1 9 District, municipalities, homeowners, and SMC to remove accumulated woody debris and other debris and litter 2 SMC BPDD M RL S varies wide E8 F7 and to target restoration needs.

Watershed 10 For moderately and severely eroded stream reaches, develop a stream restoration plan and cost estimate. A4 1 M BPDD RL SMC S varies wide

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Use green infrastructure BMPs such as natural stormwater drainage, inf ltration, and detention practices and lot level BMPs in new and existing development to reduce surface runoff volumes, to f lter pollutants from Watershed stormwater runoff, and to improve inf ltration of precipitation into the ground. Stormwater BMPs should use, to E1 E2 E7 E9 M PRL CBL SMC IEPA 11 1 M varies wide the extend possible, native plants that are appropriate for the location in which they are being planted. Reducing G1 G3 DH PD LC runoff rate and volume will also minimize sediment loadings from in-stream and surface erosion and riparian habitat degradation .

$1 per Watershed E1 E2 E7 E9 SMC PRL linear foot 11a Where feasible, convert existing swales and open drainage ways to inf ltrate runoff with natural landscaping. 1 M BPDD DOT S wide F6 G1 CBL DH LC to $650 per acre

$1 per Retrof t curb and gutter areas along roadways, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces to allow stormwater Watershed E1 E2 E7 F6 M CBL DH linear foot 11b to enter swales or other naturalized f ltration and inf ltration measures such as parking lot and roadside rain 1 LC M wide G1 G3 DOT to $650 gardens.

per acre

$1 per Watershed E1 E2 E7 F6 M CBL DH linear foot 11c Install bioswales into parking lots as construction and reconstruction occurs. 1 LC M wide G1 G3 DOT to $650 per acre

$1 per Watershed Install vegetated f lter strips or rain gardens where sheet f ow leaves impervious surface to capture pollutants E1 E2 E7 G1 M CBL DH linear foot 11d 1 LC S wide and inf ltrate runoff. G3 DOT to $650 per acre Install sand f lters, f ltration basins, treatment wetlands, other bioretention practices, or other f ltration practices $1 per Watershed downstream of industrial, commercial facilities and other land uses potentially generating a heavy load of E1 E2 E7 G1 M CBL DH linear foot 11e 1 LC M wide pollutants. Install sand f lters, appropriate proprietary water treatment units, or settling basins at the storm sewer G3 DOT to $650 inlets in parking lots per acre

$5 to Watershed E1 E2 E7 G1 $25 per 11f Install green roofs where feasible to capture, f lter, and evaporate stormwater. 2 PRL CBL DH M L wide G3 square G-3 foot Reduce the hydraulic connectivity of impervious surfaces by disconnecting roof downspouts from discharging to Watershed E1 E2 E7 G1 11g impervious areas and instead directing the f ow into a lawn or naturally landscaped area, raingarden, f lter strip, 1 PRL CBL DH M LC S varies wide G3 rain barrel, or dry well. Substitute swale and raingarden systems for curbs and gutters to increase inf ltration.

$2 to When replacing existing pavement, or installing newly paved areas, use pervious or porous pavement or Watershed E1 E2 E7 F6 PRL CBL DH $6 per 11h permeable paving blocks for parking lots, emergency access roads, driveways and streets where appropriate to 1 PD LC M wide G1 G3 DOT M square increase inf ltration and reduce runoff volumes and pollutant loads.

foot Utilize naturalized wet bottom or wetland detention basin designs and retrof t existing single function dry bottom Watershed detention basins to provide multiple benef ts including reduced pollutant loads, and to provide habitat. Upgrade E1 E2 E9 F6 M PRL CBL DOT SMC 12 2 M varies wide and maintain existing stormwater detention basins and online water storage ponds to provide water quality G3 DH GC BPDD benef ts and slower release rates where feasible.

Watershed Stabilize eroding shorelines and replace rip rap, concrete and turf pond and detention basin edges with deep- E1 E2 E9 F6 M PRL CBL DOT SMC $100 per 12a 2 M wide rooted native landscaping for shorelines and buffers. G3 DH GC BPDD linear foot Install settling basins upstream of wet and wetland detention where feasible and where the catchment area Watershed contains a large amount of impervious surface to capture sediment in runoff. Where settling basins can not E1 E2 E9 F6 M PRL CBL DOT SMC 12b 2 M varies wide be installed upstream, install a forebay in the basin and remove accumulated sediment to maintain detention G3 DH GC BPDD capacity.

T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Monitor, maintain, and clean out stormwater detention facilities, storm drains, and catch basins to ensure Watershed E1 E2 E9 F6 M PRL CBL DOT SMC 12c effective operation and provide maximum detention, water quality benef ts and habitat. Develop a monitoring 2 S varies wide G3 DH GC BPDD and maintenance plan that identif es who is responsible, a maintenance schedule, budget and funding source.

Watershed E7 E9 F6 G1 M PRL CBL DOT SMC 12d Where possible, restrict discharge rates from detention basins to mimic natural instream f ow rates. 2 M varies wide G3 DH GC BPDD

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Preserve and protect natural drainage and storage (green infrastructure) features of the landscape to f lter and inf ltrate runoff and to reduce the threat of f ood damage, including native vegetation, natural riparian buffers, A6 A7 B1 C2 Watershed f oodplains, f ood prone areas, natural depressional and regional storage areas, and wetlands. Prevent f ll, 13 C3 E1 E2 E7 2 M DH PRL SMC LC L varies wide excavation, development, and other modif cations. Smaller depressional areas may potentially be incorporated G1 G2 G3 G4 into development as raingardens, bioswales, and other measures that retain runoff rather than releasing it offsite.

Maintain the drainage system conveyance including cleaning out catch basins, channel maintenance, swale A1 A2 A11 C3 Watershed maintenance, culverts, and removing excess debris, trash, and other obstructions to improve aesthetics maintain $20 per 14 E5 E9 F6 G2 2 M BPDD RL DOT SMC S wide f ow capacity, and minimize erosion. Some natural elements such as rocks and woody debris should be left as linear foot G3 G4 in-stream habitat features.

T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-4

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Planning and Development Standards Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Lake County, municipalities, park districts, the Forest Preserve District and other local governments units BPDD Watershed should incorporate the goals and recommendations of the watershed plan into comprehensive land use plans, C1 D3 D4 F3 15 1 M LCFPD SMC S varies wide development policies (zoning and subdivision regulations) capital improvement plans and budgets, and land F4 F6 T LC preservation/acquisition strategies.

Watershed Use the site development planning and approval process to encourage watershed-friendly development A7 D3 D4 F3 16 1 M LC S varies wide practices and designs that protect watershed resources and water quality by right rather than by exception. G3 Establish incentive programs for developers to implement conservation and low impact development Watershed planning and design practices and techniques. These incentives could include expedited permitting and 17 A7 F3 3 M LC M varies wide review procedures, density bonuses, tax credits, cost-share, or fee reductions for early projects that serve as demonstrations and free technical assistance.

Make it easy for developers and builders to incorporate best management practices recommended by this watershed plan into new developments or redeveloped areas. Modify zoning and development standards to Watershed facilitate implementation of the watershed plan recommendations. This could include the following: review and 18 A7 F3 2 M LC M varies wide update development standards, add incentives such as density bonuses, park and open space donation credits, and other incentives, for preserving the green infrastructure system. Within new developments, easements or deed restrictions should be placed on lands identif ed as Category 1 parcels on the Green Infrastructure Plan.

Watershed 19 Establish and adopt bluff-and-ravine protection standards. A7 F3 1 M LC S varies wide Watershed 19a Establish a 30 minimum buffer distance between bluff edges and development. A7 F3 1 M LC S varies wide Require appropriate deep-rooted native plants as ground cover to help stabilize erodable soils on ravine slopes, edges, and buffers. Erodable soils are found in reaches BL02, BL05, BL07, BL08. BL09, BL10, Watershed 19b BL11, BL13, BL19, BL20, BL21, BL25, BL26, and BL27. Allow cutting of trees on ravine slopes where A7 C3 F3 1 M S varies wide G-5 appropriate for ground cover vegetative restoration. Require proper removal and proper disposal of cut trees.

Watershed Prohibit dumping of grass clippings, leaves, or other natural or man-made f ll or debris that may damage A7 C3 E1 19c 2 M S varies wide underlying vegetation or prevent re-vegetation on ravine slopes. E2 F3 Encourage the use of on site inf ltration techniques to reduce direct stormwater f ow from impervious surfaces Watershed 19d into the ravines. Where stormwater can not be inf ltrated on site, prohibit downspout pipe and/or sump pump E1 E2 E7 F3 1 M LC SMC S varies wide outlets on or within 10 feet of or on steep ravine slopes. Allow discharge at the bottom of the ravine.

Watershed Limit concentrated stormwater discharges to ravines to storm events larger than the 1-year frequency. Level 19e E7 F3 1 M SMC M varies wide spreaders may be required to distribute concentrated f ows across a large area.

Adopt and enforce f exible local zoning and subdivision standards that allow adaptable, nontraditional designs for development that minimize negative impacts from stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution.

Watershed Standards should limit runoff volume increases, minimize impervious surface area, manage stormwater on site D3 D4 E1 E2 20 2 M LC M varies wide using BMPs, and minimize land disturbance during and following construction. This action is most relevant for E7 F3 F6 G3 Highly Vulnerable Critical Subbasin #35, which is at risk for land use conversion that may result in signif cantly higher imperviousness.

T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N Watershed Reduce minimum street widths to those necessary to carry the expected average traff c volume rather than the E1 E2 E7 F3 20a 3 M LC L varies wide maximum traff c volume. F6 G1 G3 Use alternative parking lot designs including: ensure that the number of spaces built ref ects actual, everyday Watershed demand rather than infrequently needed maximums; reduce the dimensions of the normal parking spaces where E1 E2 E7 F3 20b 2 M LC M varies wide feasible; convert parking lot islands and landscaping to depressed bioretention areas; allow shared parking F6 G1 G3 between adjacent facilities with alternating times of parking needs (e.g., a church and an off ce building).

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Water Quality and Stormwater Management Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Watershed Allow permeable paving practices for plazas and pedestrian areas, parking, driveways and low volume traff c E1 E2 E7 F3 20c 2 M LC M varies wide streets. F6 G1 G3 Watershed Allow reduced street setbacks, frontages, and lot sizes in areas where riparian or sensitive natural areas need E1 E2 E7 F3 20d 2 M LC M varies wide protection and to reduce the impervious surface area for streets and driveways. F6 G1 G3 Watershed Allow cluster / conservation design development to reduce the disturbed area and preserve green infrastructure E1 E2 E7 F3 20e 1 M LC M varies wide (open land) for inf ltration and treatment of runoff. G1 G3 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-6

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Green Infrastructure Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Watershed Land planning jurisdictions such as municipalities, park districts etc. adopt the Green Infrastructure Plan to use 21 C1 C2 F3 F4 1 M PD LCFPD LC S varies wide as a tool in prioritizing and implementing green infrastructure preservation and restoration programs.

Watershed Clearly identify and designate areas prioritized in the Green Infrastructure Plan as green infrastructure 21a C1 C2 F3 F4 1 M PD LCFPD LC S varies wide conservation areas in county, park district and municipal comprehensive plans and maps.

Identify and conserve connecting greenways, especially along streams and other water features. Provide Watershed A2 C1 C2 C3 21b passage and remove or mitigate barriers to f sh & wildlife movement (such as highways, dams, and weirs) 1 M PD LCFPD LC L varies wide F3 F4 throughout the corridors and between the green hubs.

Watershed Avoid development and installation of gray infrastructure through Category 1 green infrastructure system parcels C1 C2 F3 21c 2 M LC T DOT S varies wide wherever possible. F4 F6 For lands not readily protected through land use planning and zoning, develop a preservation strategy to Watershed prioritize and purchase or otherwise protect Category 1 Green Infrastructure parcels and the natural drainage B1 C1 C2 21d 1 M PD LCFPD LC S varies wide system of stream corridors, and wetland complexes. The strategy may include purchase funds, developer fees F3 F4 and donation funds, conservation easements, purchase of development rights programs, or other measures.

Actively manage, restore, buffer and expand Category 1 and 2 Green Infrastructure Parcels by controlling non-native and invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, and thinning the tree Watershed PD IDNR 22 canopy so that a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer. These areas may include A6 C2 C3 1 PRL CBL M L varies wide LCFPD Illinois Natural Areas Inventory sites, forest preserve holdings, private conservation lands, and other public agency lands such as park districts.

G-7 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Natural Area Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Actively manage, restore, buffer and expand natural areas (riparian zones, wetlands, and high quality habitat sites) by controlling non-native and invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, Watershed A6 A7 C2 M IDNR PD $25 per 23 and thinning the tree canopy so that a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer. These 1 CBL PRL L wide C3 E4 LCFPD linear foot areas may include Illinois Natural Areas Inventory sites, forest preserve holdings, private conservation lands, and other public agency lands such as park districts.

Protect, and restore degraded, drained, and/or farmed wetlands to improve water quality, provide surface water storage, and improve habitat. Vegetative management, prescriptive burning, invasive species management, and Watershed B1 C2 C3 E1 M LCFPD $500 per 24 hydrologic restoration can all be used to help improve wetland quality. The strategic removal and/or blockage of 2 IDNR PD L wide E2 G4 PRL acre wetland drainage tiles, f ood control structures, or other drainage structures can help restore wetland hydrology.

Approximately 754 acres are available as potential wetland restoration sites.

Watershed Restore stream channels to natural state by preserving and/or installing pools and riff es, removing excessive A1 A3 A8 A11 $225 per 25 3 RL BPDD IDNR L wide debris, stabilizing steam banks and the stream bed. C3 linear foot Stabilize upstream hydrology to reduce erosion, pollution runoff, and sediment loading to downstream natural Watershed A3 A8 C3 E1 26 areas and preserve valuable and unique resources within Illinois Beach State Park and Lyons Woods Forest 2 M PRL L varies wide E2 E7 G4 Preserve.

Watershed USACE 27 Replenish and stabilize the Lake Michigan shoreline to protect this valuable and unique habitat. C3 C4 1 IDNR CMP L varies wide USFWS On private lands, actively manage, restore, buffer and expand on-site natural areas by controling non-native and Watershed $7500 per 28 invasive plant species, planting native vegetation, using prescribed burning, and thinning the tree canopy so that A6 C3 E4 2 PRL RL CBL L wide acre a minimum 15% of available sunlight is reaching the ground layer.

T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-8

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Land Management Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Improve road maintenance practices, such as street and parking lot sweeping and reduce application of de-icing Watershed E1 E2 E4 E10 29 salt, to reduce the f ow of particulates, sediment, chlorides, and other pollutants into the stormwater system, 1 M DOT CBL T S varies wide F3 F6 G1 stream, and ultimately Lake Michigan.

Investigate and address potential contamination issues in Illinois Beach State Park and the Dead River.

Watershed Remediate, cap, cover, or install other controls for any potential sources of toxic or other pollutants including IDNR CMP LCHD CAG 30 C5 E1 E2 2 L varies wide waste storage piles, landf lls or facilities, hazardous materials, nuclear contamination sites, and salt piles to USEPA IEPA LMGLO prevent stormwater contact or to capture runoff if stormwater contact does occur.

Reduce fecal coliform contamination on Lake Michigan beaches by controlling gull populations, human sewage, Watershed 31 and other contributing sources. Further study is needed to identify the non-gull sources of fecal coliform E1 E5 E6 1 LCHD IDNR IEPA LMGLO S varies wide contamination.

Watershed 32 Use sustainable site and land management practices (including golf courses and agricultural operations). E1 E2 E4 E5 1 PRL CBL GC M PD LCFPD S varies wide Avoid disposal or burning of yard waste in or near the stream or riparian buffer, which adds excess nutrients Watershed to the stream system and kills the plant buffer that stabilizes the streambanks and f lters runoff to the stream. A7 E1 E2 CBL M PD 32a 1 PRL GC S varies wide Properly dispose of yard and pet wastes, household chemicals, and trash. Do not dispose of these in E4 E5 LCFPD stormsewers, roadside swales, or the stream.

Utilize deep-rooted native vegetation wherever possible for landscaping rather than turf grass to increase

$3000 to Watershed stormwater inf ltration and evapotranspiration, reduce the need for watering, pesticides and fertilizers, f lter PRL CBL GC 32b C3 E1 E2 E4 2 M S $6000 per wide pollutants from surface runoff, and provide habitat for native species. Plant native trees appropriate to the local PD acre area to increase interception, evapotranspiration, and uptake of precipitation.

Protect water resources from sedimentation due to construction site erosion by inspecting and enforcing soil erosion and sediment control standards as required by the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance.

Watershed E1 E2 E3 F3 33 Require an approved SESC plan to help protect water resources from sedimentation by f ltering and trapping 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide G1 G3 sediments out of stormwater before it leaves a development site. Assess erosion and sediment control practices after storm events and ensure SESC plan implementation.

Minimize soil compaction, clearing and mass grading to only where absolutely necessary to build and provide G-9 Watershed access to structures and infrastructure (site f ngerprinting). Avoid clearing and grading in or immediately adjacent E1 E2 E3 E7 33a 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide to water resources and steep slopes. Clearing should be done immediately before construction, rather than G1 G3 leaving soils exposed for months or years.

Watershed During construction protect and retain existing vegetation to decrease concentrated f ows, maintain site E1 E2 E3 E7 33b 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide hydrology, and control erosion. G1 G3 Limit soil exposure by phasing construction so that only a portion of the site is disturbed at any one time to Watershed E1 E2 E3 G1 33c complete the needed building in that phase. Other portions of the site are not cleared and graded until exposed 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide G3 soils from the earlier phase have been stabilized and the construction is nearly completed.

Stabilize / revegetate exposed and disturbed soils including soil stockpiles within 14 days after disturbance Watershed E1 E2 E3 G1 33d with seeding, mulch cover, erosion control blankets, or other stabilization practices. Topsoil stockpiles can be 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide G3 reapplied as a soil amendment to reestablish vegetation following construction.

Watershed Employ a soil erosion sediment control treatment train, and install perimeter controls and risers as a last line of E1 E2 E3 G1 33e 1 M DH LC NRCS/SWCD S varies wide defense to retain and f lter sediments before runoff exits the site. G3 The Waukegan Regional Airport should continue to update and implement the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Waukegan Watershed T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N 34 Plan and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan, sweep impervious surfaces regularly, and f nd E1 E2 F3 G1 2 Regional S varies wide more environmentally-friendly de-icing compounds for airplanes and runways. Airport

Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Flood Management Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Adopt and continue to enforce f oodplain protection standards within zoning, subdivision, and building codes or Watershed 35 a stand-alone f oodplain protection standard that prohibits new building and roadway development, f ll, or other B1 2 M LC SMC M varies wide encroachment within the f oodplain.

Watershed Address Flood Problem Area Inventory and Illinois Department of Transportation f ooding sites, and avoid M PRL FEMA 36 B1 B2 B3 B4 2 LC SMC L varies wide potential f ood damage within 10- and 100-year f oodplains. DOT Watershed Preserve riparian and depressional f oodplain and wetlands as open and undeveloped to maximize f ood storage 36a B1 2 M LC L varies wide and conveyance.

Mitigate f ood damages through f oodproof ng of at-risk structures such as raising the structure, sealing Watershed 36b basement windows and doors, f oodplain buyouts, and installing landscape features such as f oodwalls or B2 1 PRL CBL M LC FEMA L varies wide levees.

Watershed Mitigate sanitary sewer backup f ood damages through remediation / correction of inf ltration and cross 36c B3 2 PRL NSSD L varies wide connections with the sanitary sewer system and installation of one-way valves.

Mitigate local drainage capacity f ood damage by providing additional f ood storage and or maintaining /

Watershed 36d improving local drainage system through installation of new or larger sewer pipes, larger culverts, or improving B4 2 PRL M LC SMC L varies wide T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N or increasing the conveyance capacity of ditches and overland f ow path.


Lead Supporting Time Projected ID# Location Stakeholder Coordination Programmatic Actions Goals + Obj Priority Status Implementor Implementor frame Cost Watershed 37 Form a watershed organization to coordinate and lead watershed plan implementation activities. F2 F4 F5 1 SMC M WPC IEPA S varies wide Watershed 38 Coordinate watershed restoration projects and develop cost-share funding for best management practices. F1 F5 1 SMC M WPC S varies wide Watershed Establish regular (e.g., quarterly) stakeholder coordination meetings to discuss projects, watershed plan 39 F2 F4 1 SMC M WPC S varies wide implementation, and land use planning and development activities.

Watershed 40 Incorporate plan recommendations into regional, county, and municipal plans and budgets. F6 1 M LC CMAP S varies wide G-11 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N

T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N G-12