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Dead River Watershed - Based Plan 2008, Part 2 of 25
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/2008
Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML15188A105 List:
Download: ML15188A151 (17)


introduction 1

1 introduction 1.1 THE DEAD RIVER WATERSHED 1.1.1 WATERSHED SETTING The Dead River watershed is the area of land where water that falls as rain or snow f ows across the landscape, enters our streams and wetlands, and ultimately drains into Lake Michigan. The 16 square mile (10,200-acre) watershed is bounded by Green Bay Road on the west, Lake Michigan on the east, W aukegan Harbor on the south, and Shiloh 25th Street on the north.

The watershed is part of the Root-Pike watershed system that includes Kellogg Creek to the north and the Root and Pike Rivers in southeastern Wisconsin. The Dead River watershed is one of the few remaining Illinois tributaries that drains to Lake Michigan, and contributes to the overall quality The Dead River watershed context in Illinois and Wisconsin.

and health of Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes system.

The watershed includes over twelve miles of stream and more than 1700 acres of wetlands. From north to south, the major stream channels inlcude an unnamed tributary , Bull Creek, and Glen Flora Tributary. Bull Creek is made up of the 27th Street Tributary, North Branch of Bull Creek, South Branch of Bull Creek, and the WilsonAvenue Tributary, which together become the Dead River in Illinois Beach State Park.

The Glen Flora Tributary, formerly known as the Little Dead River, currently f ows through the Johns Manville lagoons and discharges through a pipe to Lake Michigan.

The watershed includes part of Illinois Beach State Park, a National Natural Landmark visited by 2.8 million people annually, which contains 2000 acres of Illinois Nature Preserve and unique ecosystems found nowhere else on earth. The park contains the last remaining undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline in Illinois.

The Dead River watershed includes areas of the City of Zion, Village of Beach Park, and City of W aukegan, as well as lands owned and managed by Lake County, the Lake County Forest Preserve District, the State of Illinois, and a number of other public and private entities.

The Dead River watershed is a subwatershed of both the Root-Pike and Lake Michigan watersheds.

1 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N

1 introduction 1.1.2 THE WATERSHED OVER TIME In the 1800's, the fertile soils and openness of the oak tree and prairie landscape attracted farmers, who converted In the early 1800s, the watershed landscape consisted of these lands, including the draining of wetlands, for scattered oak trees, prairies, and wetlands in the central and agriculture. In the early 1900's, urbanization of settlements western thirds, large areas of open oak woodlands along began and continued with suburbanization following W orld the ridges and ravines, and a coastal 'beach ridge' along War II. Today, the coastal beach ridge has been preserved the Lake Michigan shoreline. Before settlement, the Dead as Illinois Beach State Park, and many of the ravine River and tributary streams f owed cool and clear, and were woodlands are intact. The rest of the watershed has been surrounded with dense ground vegetation and scattered converted into downtown areas, older neighborhoods, and trees. When water reached the Lake Michigan beach plain, newer suburban development interspersed with commercial it spread out across the landscape creating a vast wetland and industrial land uses.

and dune system and slowly seeped into the lake.

A watershed is the geographic area of land that drains water to a particular stream, lake or wetland, and is fde ned by the topography of the landscape. The watershed includes not just the surface of the land, but also the area below the surface where water that in f ltrates into the soil f ows toward the receiving stream or waterbody as underground f ow.

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© Conservation Design Forum These landscapes have been restored to resemble presettlement condition.

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1.1.3 IMPACTS OF WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT Under natural conditions, most of the water that falls on earth is used by plants, evaporates into the air , or seeps into the soil and becomes groundwater. Water that does not evaporate or in f ltrate into the ground is called runof f. As a watershed develops, natural areas are converted into f elds, lawns, rooftops, roads, and parking lots, which reduces the amount of land available for the natural evaporation or inf ltration of water into the ground. Water that falls on these surfaces quickly f ows to our streams through the stormwater © COPYRIGHT drainage and sewer system.

This rapid drainage of water to our streams results in what is called f ashy hydrology. A f ashy hydrology means that the water level in the stream rises very quickly during a storm and falls quickly afterward. Low f ows are considerably lower and high f ows are considerably higher.

High f ows that can not be conveyed by the stormwater The hydrologic cycle.

system can result in f ooding damage to property of watershed residents. Heavy f ows can dislodge, damage, and erode around stormwater infrastructure components such as culverts and discharge pipes. High f ows can also move and carry logs, branches, and other debris which can be deposited in large debris jams that are very dif f cult to dislodge. These debris jams can cause erosion problems as water f nds its way around them.

© Conservation Design Forum High f ows can cause debris jams. Greater imperviousness results in a greater percentage of rainfall leaving as runoff and less inf ltrating into the ground.

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1 introduction As a result of this f ashy hydrology, streams and wetlands receive large pulses of water in shorter periods of time, causing erosion of the streambed and/or streambanks. As the streambed erodes over time, the channel deepens and becomes more entrenched, in a process called downcutting.

If the streambed is composed of materials that are more resistant to erosion such as gravel or stone, then the f ow will tend to widen the channel by eroding the streambanks, rather than deepening it. As the stream erodes away, it takes property with it and exposes and damages infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

Erosion of the streambed or streambanks also results in heavier loads of sediment being transported and settling out of the water column and into the channel, which makes the habitat unsuitable for some species.

High runoff can cause erosion and incision of stream channels.

Streambanks are further destabilized by the type and density of vegetation along the streambanks. Due to the introduction of plants that are not native to Illinois, and to the lack of natural landscape processes such as f re, deep-rooted ground vegetation that used to stabilize stream edges have been replaced with non-native plants and dense woods that shade out good vegetation and do not adequately stabilize the stream banks.

© Conservation Design Forum Erosion can damage infrastructure, such as storm sewer pipes. High f ows can deepen and widen the stream channel and f oodplain.

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In addition to increasing the volume and rate of runof f, pollutants such as oil and grease, road salt, eroding soil and sediment, metals, bacteria from pet wastes, and excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from fertilizers are washed from streets, buildings, parking lots, construction sites, lawns and golf courses into the streams and lake.

This kind of pollution is called nonpoint source pollution and reduces the quality of our streams for aquatic life, as well as for human uses such as f shing, swimming, and bird watching. These pollutants accumulate as the water f ows downstream and eventually begin to degrade the quality of Lake Michigan for similar and other uses. In this way , every An eroding stream channel before (left) and after restoration (right).

small bit of pollution adds up to a very large problem. And in this way, every small action to reduce the pollution problem adds up for the greater good for everyone.

© Conservation Design Forum

© Conservation Design Forum © Conservation Design Forum Severe erosion is common within the Dead River watershed. Impervious surfaces, such as those identi f ed in the top photo, contribute pollutants to rain water runoff.

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1 introduction In addition to chemicals and other substances picked up from the landscape, non point source pollution includes other measures such as temperature, acidity , and the amount of oxygen in the water . Aquatic organism, including f sh and insects that are critical links in the food chain, need oxygen that is dissolved in the water to breathe. Low f ows and non-point source pollution can cause the dissolved oxygen levels in the water to fall below healthy levels. When this happens, some plants and animals will die, in some cases causing large f shkills, and others will leave that location to try to f nd more habitable waters.

Water temperature can also cause problems. Many f sh Urbanization negatively impacts the biological quality of streams.

and other aquatic animals require cool or cold f owing water to survive. As rainwater f ows across urban surfaces and through the sewer system, these surfaces warm the water causing the overall temperature of the receiving stream to be too warm for many aquatic plants and animals. This water can also be either more acidic or more alkaline than is healthy for these organisms to survive.

A number of studies have demonstrated the impact of urbanization of a watershed with stream health. In one set of studies, the number of people per square mile of a watershed was found to be inversely related with the biological health of a stream, as measured by the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). In another set of studies, the percentage of impervious Impervious cover also negatively impacts stream quality.

cover of a watershed (streets, rooftops, parking lots, etc.)

was inversely related to stream quality. In sum, these studies show that urbanization has a signif cant and direct impact on stream health and water quality.

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1.1.4 WHERE WE GO FROM HERE futures of the watershed depend largely on how we manage stormwater and how we manage the natural and urban As illustrated in the previous section, the health of the Dead landscape, as illustrated below . The business-as-usual River system and Lake Michigan are a direct re f ection of trajectory, using conventional development, stormwater land use activities throughout the watershed such as how we management, and landscape management practices will develop the watershed, and how we live in and manage our result in continued erosion and degradation of watershed urban landscape. These impacts affect not only the residents resources. A new trajectory , however , that incorporates and visitors of Zion, Beach Park, and W aukegan, but all of proven and environmentally-friendly stormwater and the communities, both human and natural, that depend on landscape management practices, can reverse this trend Lake Michigan to provide water , recreation, food, economic and begin the road to recovery.

well-being, and other values.

Fortunately, there is something we can do, and this watershed plan outlines the actions that need to be taken to restore watershed conditions to a healthy state.The possible

© Conservation Design Forum

© Conservation Design Forum Possible futures include one of continued high runoff and streambank erosion, and another of inf ltration and stable streambanks.

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1 introduction There is no single f x for watershed problems. They are the Take your yard as an example. If you replace 10 square result of thousands of dif ferent decisions and actions made feet of your turf grass lawn with native plants, you'll need across the 10,000 acres of the watershed, and it will take to mow, fertilize, and control weeds on 10 square feet less.

an equal number of decisions and actions to improve the This translates into less air pollution from lawn mowers, less watershed. Every landowner, business owner, resident, public fertilizers and pesticides making their way into the stream, off cial, public works employee, golf course superintendent, and reduced yard maintenance needs (and costs) for you.

farmer, teacher, banker, and bus driverEVER Y SINGLE Now consider the impact of all of your neighbors, the entire PERSON who lives, works, and plays in the watershedcan town, and the entire watershed doing the same thing. The take simple and positive actions to help improve it for you, combined impact of many small actions has a signi f cant your children, and your children's children. positive impact on overall health of the watershed.

Water Flow Water Flow INDIVIDUAL LOT SCALE NEIGHBORHOOD SCALE Every lot is part of a larger watershed. The degree to which Greater bene f ts can be achieved through application of water is properly managed at the lot scale is the degree a conservation design approach at the neighborhood and to which downstream f ooding, water quality , and habitat campus scale. Proper planning at this scale ensures that degradation can be avoided. Many practices described in this onsite natural areas, water quantity , and water quality are plan can be applied on individual residential and commercial protected. Conservation design and other approaches lots, including green roofs, rain gardens and bioswales, native protect onsite resources from disturbance. Stormwater landscaping, and permeable paving. Although governed by management approaches that mimic natural in f ltration, community standards and regulations, implementation of evaporation, and runof f processes will protect of fsite lot-scale BMPs is generally the responsibility of property resources from the impacts of urban runoff.


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Likewise, actions can be taken at every scale, from the This watershed plan is a f rst step in helping you understand individual lot to the neighborhood, town and watershed, what you can do to help restore and highlight the unique to postiively impact watershed resources, as illustrated and valuable resources of this wateshed. The watershed in the graphic below . Just as each landowner can do their plan and planning process are described in the following part, everyone who works at these scales also must take section.

responsibility for improving the watershed.

Water Flow Water Flow COMMUNITY SCALE WATERSHED SCALE Communities are responsible for land use planning and Since a watershed is composed of many communities, the thus have the ability to implement green infrastructure plans actions of each of the communities will affect their watershed through comprehensive planning, development standards, neighbors. Analysis of water resources and attention to easements, and planning assistance. Communities should goals at the watershed scale will ensure full protection of the establish stormwater and natural resource standards based regions lakes, streams, and wetlands. Green infrastructure on regional and watershed goals. Conversely , traditional plans established at the watershed scale can create community landscape and subdivision standards often can ecologically functioning open space networks that can also discourage environmentally-friendly conservation design in serve as recreational resources.

favor of more traditional development practices.

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1 introduction 1.2 ABOUT THIS WATERSHED PLAN Green infrastructure: On the local scale, municipal or neighborhood, green infrastructure consists of site-1.2.1 PROJECT PURPOSE specif c best management practices (such as naturalized detention facilities, vegetated swales, porous pavements, The Dead River W atershed-Based Plan provides speci f c rain gardens and green roofs) that are designed to guidance for addressing impacts and for preserving and maintain natural hydrologic functions by absorbing and inf ltrating precipitation where it falls.

enhancing the valuable resources of the watershed. If no action is taken, our watershed resources will continue to On the regional scale, green infrastructure consists of degrade. Water quality will continue to decline, our streams the interconnected network of open spaces and natural and streambanks will continue to erode and impact property areas (such as forested areas, f oodplains and wetlands, and infrastructure, our natural areas will continue to lose greenways, parks and forest preserves) that mitigate their rare qualities as habitat, and Lake Michigan, a source stormwater runoff, naturally recharge aquifers, improve of water and recreation to many, will continue be neglected. water quality while providing recreational opportunities and wildlife habitat.

This plan provides information and a set of recommendations for municipalities, developers, residents, county and state agencies, and others to ef fectively plan and conduct land use and other activities in a way that is appropriate for protecting watershed resources. It provides guidance for comprehensive planning, development standards, capital improvement budgeting, green infrastructure preservation, natural resource restoration, land management, and water quality improvement, with an overall focus on water resources. W atershed planning also brings communities together and cooperate to protect and improve the land and water resources they share and impact. © 1.2.2 SMC WATERSHED PLANNING Conservation design: A countywide method for AUTHORITY developing land that conserves the green infrastructure elements of a site while providing for development at full The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission's density on the remainder of the site. Conservation design (SMC) authority for stormwater management and watershed typically includes the use of stormwater management planning is provided by state legislation enacted in response measures that f lter and inf ltrate runoff on site.

to major f ooding in 1986 and 1987 that caused widespread damage. Lake County subsequently developed and adopted a Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan in June 1990 and an update in 2002. The Dead River W atershed-Based Plan will be adopted as an amendment to the 2002 Comprehensive Plan. SMC s authority for stormwater management enables it to enact and implement a countywide stormwater management plan, prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for watershed, f oodplain, and stormwater management, and collect an annual tax to implement the stormwater management plan. © T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N 10

1.2.3 PROJECT FUNDING 9. Monitoring component to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation efforts.

This project was initiated and funded by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission with a grant from the 1.2.5 PRIOR WATERSHED STUDIES AND US Department ofAgriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Participating municipalities and interest groups PLANS contributed staff time to provide information and participate in the watershed planning process.They included the Village A number of studies and inventories provided input for this of Beach Park, City of Zion, City of W aukegan, Beach Park plan. The Lake County Health Department collected water and Benton Townships, Lake County Planning, Building and quality and f ow data from August to November 2006 and Development Department, Lake County Health Department, from April to November 2007, and the North Shore Sanitary Lake County Forest Preserve District, W aukegan Harbor District provided additional water quality data. In 2005 the Citizens Advisory Group, W aukegan Airport, North Shore Illinois Department of Natural Resources collected biological Sanitary District, Land Conservancy of Lake County , Illinois stream data. The Lake County Stormwater Management Dunesland Preservation Society, and a number of concerned Commission has collected stream inventory and detention citizens. basin inventory data, which provides a signif cant foundation for making recommendations for watershed improvement.

The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission also 1.2.4 WATERSHED PLAN ELEMENTS has conducted a Flood Problem Area Inventory, as well as a detailed f ood mitigation plan for the Lake County Gardens One of the key federal programs supporting watershed subdivision. Illinois Beach State Park and L yons W oods improvement projects is the Nonpoint Source Management have been studied and management plans developed by Program, also known as Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.

the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Lake This program supports a wide variety of watershed activities County Forest Preserve District respectively . W aukegan including funding for education, watershed planning, Harbor has been assessed by the US Environmental demonstration projects such as streambank stabilization, Protection Agency. These studies have been summarized and monitoring to assess the success of nonpoint source and included within the relevant watershed assessment implementation projects. To be eligible for Section 319 section, and a list of past studies and resources is included funding, however , watersheds are required to have a in the References list at the end of the plan.

Watershed Based Plan that addresses the following nine elements:

1. The causes and sources of water pollution.
2. Estimate of water quality improvement expected from implementing plan recommendations.
3. Describe best management practices and critical areas where those practices are needed.
4. Estimate the amount of technical and f nancial assistance needed to implement the plan.
5. Public information & education component.
6. Plan implementation schedule.
7. Set of milestones for measuring plan implementation progress.
8. Set of indicators to determine whether loading reductions are being achieved. Monitoring is an important part of improving watershed resources.

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1 introduction 1.2.6 PROCESS AND PLAN ORGANIZATION 4. Build Best Management Practice Toolbox After the watershed condition was determined, a best The watershed planning process consisted of six primary management practice toolbox was assembled to identify the steps that translate into the six main sections of the plan range of actions needed to improve watershed resources.

document. The following general steps were used to develop This toolbox includes practices in the areas of policy and this watershed plan. planning, development standards, stormwater management, erosion control, streambank stabilization, yard and landscape

1. Assemble Planning Committee management, habitat restoration, natural area preservation, A successful watershed management plan depends on the and f ood reduction. It also provides a number of details for interest, input, commitment, and engagement by watershed implementing recommended practices.

stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone that has an interest or stake in the watershed. For the Dead River watershed, 5. Develop Action Plan this included the Lake County Stormwater Management The effectiveness of the Dead River watershed plan will be Commission, Health Department, Forest Preserve District, largely dependent on the quality of the action plan.The action township representatives, municipal representatives, special plan provides the who, what, where and when for watershed interest and citizens groups, and other interested parties, improvement and includes programmatic (general) and site-collectively known as the W atershed Planning Committee. specif c recommendations. The site-specif c action items are Committee meetings were held regularly beginning in tied to a particular location in the watershed or along the October 2006 and continuing through early 2008. Each stream corridor, and they include details such as area, cost, meeting presented information and sought stakeholder input responsibility, schedule, and priority.

regarding major elements of the plan. Meeting topics and minutes are provided in the report Appendix. 6. Devise Monitoring and Evaluation Plan A monitoring and evaluation plan was developed to provide

2. Identify Issues and Goals stakeholders and other implementers with a way to monitor During the f rst W atershed Planning Committee meetings, watershed conditions and track whether meaningful watershed stakeholders developed a list of watershed issues progress is being made towards plan goals. The monitoring and opportunities and prioritized them via a voting process. plan includes milestones, parties responsible for monitoring, The major topics of concern included: stream restoration and and the frequency and method for collecting data.

maintenance, water quality, f ooding, watershed coordination, watershed hydrology, and natural resources.

3. Inventory and Assess Watershed Resources The project planning team assessed watershed conditions and prepared of a series of watershed maps based on data, studies, inventories, and stakeholder input. The assessment includes information on stream corridor conditions, stormwater infrastructure, f ooding, water quality , land use, wetlands, and other relevant information. This information not only provides a snapshot of current conditions but also serves as baseline data for comparing future watershed assessments.

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1.2.7 PLAN REVIEW AND ADOPTION All of these people and organizations will need to work PROCESS together to successfully protect and restore the Dead River watershed, to ensure long-term watershed stewardship, and Once a draft plan is completed, it is reviewed by SMC to share the responsibilities, costs, and benefts of watershed staff and released to the watershed planning committee. improvements. Plan implementation will also depend on a This starts an of f cial 60-day public review and comment watershed organization to oversee, guide, coordinate and period, which will include at least one public hearing. The monitor watershed activities on behalf of the stakeholders.

plan will also be submitted to the IL Department of Natural This organization typically forms as an outgrowth of the Resources (IDNR) Off ces of Water Resources and Resource Watershed Planning Committee with support coming Conservation and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for from a variety of state and local agencies as well as local Planning (CMAP) for review and recommendations. The land use authorities and decision makers. This is the SMC will review and consider the comments received and primary mechanism for the general public to be involved in may amend or approve the plan and recommend it to the watershed activities, to support the implementation of the county board for adoption. The county board may then enact watershed plan, and to voice their concerns and celebrate the proposed plan by ordinance as an amendment to the their successes in restoring watershed resources.

Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Municipalities will also be asked to adopt the plan and incorporate its recommendation into local plans and policies, such as comprehensive plans, park and recreation plans, 1.3.2 HOW TO USE THIS PLAN and capital improvement budgets.

For those unfamiliar with watershed planning and management, this document may appear overwhelming.

There are pages of information to absorb, complicated 1.3 USING THIS PLAN tables to navigate, and hundreds of costly recommendations that an individual could not possibly begin to implement. But there are simple, straightforward actions that each person 1.3.1 WHO SHOULD USE THIS PLAN can take today to help improve the watershed.

This plan has limited usefulness without the dedication and First, remember that every action, no matter how small, can commitment of watershed stakeholders to the improvement, have an impact and improve watershed resources. Next, restoration, management, and stewardship of watershed read the Executive Summary at the beginning of the plan resources. As the primary land use, development, and to get a good overview of what this plan is all about. For infrastructure authorities in the watershed, municipal and additional details, browse the Table of Contents and f ip to county of f cials and staf f have a signi f cant amount of the the relevant section, or refer toTable 1.1 and the suggestions responsibility for plan implementation. County , state, and that follow to help f nd more information. Table 1.1 below is federal agencies also have a signi f cant role in watershed intended to help you understand priority actions to be taken plan implementation, by approving and supporting projects today to help improve watershed resources.

with funding, and by providing technical information, tools, and resources to assist local authorities and watershed organizations in their ef forts. W atershed residents and landowners must also accept responsibility for managing their own land and water resources, for identifying watershed problems and opportunities, and for working with others to implement this plan.

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1 introduction Table 1.1 Priority Actions by Stakeholder Type If you are a ..... .... the top priority actions to be taken include

1. Stabilize streambanks and ravine slopes, restore native riparian buffers, reduce the density of trees, and remove excessive debris from the stream corridor.
2. Dispose of yard and household waste appropriately, not into stream channels or into storm sewers or Resident ditches.
3. Capture rain water runoff using rain gardens, rain barrels, or other practices, and avoid discharging stormwater directly into stream corridors.
1. Manage your property appropriately by using environmentally friendly lawn care practices and by regularly cleaning parking lots and other paved areas.

Business or Institution

2. Install stormwater best management practices to help slow and cleanse stormwater runoff from your property.
1. Manage, retrof t, and stabilize the stormwater management system including detention basins, culverts, and especially stormwater discharge points (pipes and ditches).
2. Adopt the watershed and greenway plan recommendations into local plans, policies, and regulations.
3. Preserve and restore priority green infrastructure areas including stream corridors, f oodplains, depressional storage areas, natural areas, and wetlands.

Government Off cial or Staff 4.Require the use of better stormwater management, conservation design, and low impact development practices for new and existing development that slows, f lters, inf ltrates, cools, and cleanses stormwater runoff.

5. Modify and use planning and development standards, policies, and capital improvement plans and budgets to protect and enhance water quality.
6. Manage parks, streets, and other publicly managed land appropriately by using environmentally friendly lawn care practices, by cleaning streets and other paved areas regularly.

1.Use better stormwater management, conservation design, and low impact development practices for new and existing development that slows, f lters, inf ltrates, cools, and cleanses stormwater runoff.

Developer or Homebuilder 2.Develop positive and creative new uses for the Zion Nuclear Power Plant and Waukegan Harbor areas, ensuring that these uses are compatible with protecting and improving watershed resources and Lake Michigan.

1. Manage and restore watershed natural areas including wetlands, former wetlands / hydric soil areas, and especially Lyons Woods Forest Preserve and Illinois Beach State Park.

Land Manager

2. Manage your property appropriately by using environmentally friendly lawn care practices and by regularly cleaning parking lots and other paved areas.

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To f nd out (Dead River reach #7), and action number 4, thus, 3c.7.4.

These three digit identif cation numbers are used to locate what this plan is intended to accomplish, read about the action on the SMU maps in Chapter 5 Section 3. They the watershed goals and objectives in Chapter 2, Goals can also be used to locate additional detailed information and Objectives. such as cost, responsible party , and the action's impact on watershed resources for that particular action detailed information about the watershed resources recommendation in Appendix K (accessible electronically and conditions , read the watershed inventory and via the SMC website ( or on the CD assessment in Chapter 3, W atershed Inventory and that accompanies the plan).


... what kind of funding is available for watershed

... what sorts of education and outreach is needed in projects, turn toAppendix L, Plan Implementation Funding the watershed, refer to Chapter 5 Section 4, Information Sources.

and Education Plan.

the watershed problems that are close to a speci f c home or business , f rst refer to the maps in Chapter 3 to f nd out which Subwatershed Management Unit and stream reach is closest to the area of interest. Once the location in the watershed has been determined, the maps and text in Chapter 3 can help identify what issues that area is experiencing.

what types of actions can be taken, in general, to improve the watershed, then read Chapter 4, Watershed Best Management PracticesToolbox and Chapter 5 Section 2, the ProgrammaticAction Plan. These sections of the plan are presented in an expanded form in the plan appendices, which are available electronically via the SMC website ( or on the CD that accompanies the plan. Table 1.1 can help narrow the search.

what types of actions can be taken that can help f x the problems in a specifc area, f rst f nd the Subwatershed Management Unit and stream reach near the area of interest by reviewing the maps in Chapter 3. Next, turn to the maps and tables in Chapter 5, Section 3, Site Speci f c Action Plan. Within the table, each recommended action has a three digit identi f cation number (SMU, Reach, and ID#) under the heading Recommendation Identif cation #.

For example, the identi f cation number 3c.7.4 refers to an action in Subwatershed Management Unit 3a, reach DR07 15 T H E D E A D R I V E R l W AT E R S H E D - B A S E D P L A N

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