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| issue date = 11/17/2015
| issue date = 11/17/2015
| title = U.S. Geological Survey - Response to RAI Dated September 21, 2015, Regarding R-113 License Amendment Request
| title = U.S. Geological Survey - Response to RAI Dated September 21, 2015, Regarding R-113 License Amendment Request
| author name = DeBey T
| author name = Debey T
| author affiliation = US Dept of Interior, Geological Survey (USGS)
| author affiliation = US Dept of Interior, Geological Survey (USGS)
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:Ie .USGSsinefor a changing worldDepartment of the InteriorUS Geological SurveyBox 25046 MS-974Denver CO, 80225November 17, 2015U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionATTIN: Document Control DeskWashington DC 20555SubI: Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015, regarding R-113 license amendment request (TACNo. M E9424)Gentlemen:The attached pages are additional information submitted in response to your Request for AdditionalInformation dated September 21, 2015. Please contact me if you need additional information.Sincerely,Tim DeBeyUSGS Reactor SupervisorI declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed on 11/17/2015Copy to:Vito Nuccio, Reactor Administrator, MS 911USGS Reactor Operations Committee Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015 concerning a license amendment to the USGS R-113 research reactor license (TAO No. ME9424)Request:2. Your response to RAI No. 2, by letter dated August 28, 2015, provided a proposed TSdefinition of License Area: Rooms 149-152, 154, 157, 158, B10, Bl0B, B11 of Building 15,and Room 2 of Building 10. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 9.5, "Possession and Use ofByproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material," provides guidance that licensees should"clearly state the materials and areas of the facility requested to be authorized by the reactorlicense. The reactor license and technical specifications also will include regulatoryconditions that apply to the management of such materials." Provide a justification for theproposed TS definition that you provided in your response to RAI No. 2, a markup of theproposed change in the current USGS TSs, and copy of the proposed TS, or justify why thisinformation is not needed.Response: The markup of the proposed change to current USGS TS, and copy of the proposed TS, wasabsent from the initial RAI response, so that is provided in this response.The proposed TS change is the reformatting of page 2 and the addition of Item 7a to the Specifications,as follows:7a. Licensed AreaThe licensed area shall be the following areas on theDenver Federal Center:Building 15, rooms 149 through 152 and room 154Building 15, rooms 157 and 158Building 15, rooms BI0, BlOB, and BIlBuilding 10, room 2 2/06APPENDIX ATECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THEU.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TRIGA REACTORDOCKET NO. 50-274The dimensions, measurements, and other numerical values given in thesespecifications may differ from measured values owing to normal construction andmanufacturing tolerances, or normal accuracy of instrumentation.A. Definitions1. ShutdownThe reactor, with fixed experiments in place, shall be considered tobe shutdown (not in operation) whenever all of the followingconditions have been met: a) the console key switch is in the "off"position and the key is removed from the console and under thecontrol of a licensed operator (or stored in a locked storage area);b) sufficient control rods are inserted so as to assure the reactoris subcritical by a margin greater than 0.7% delta k/k cold, withoutxenon; c) no work is in progress involving fuel handling or refuelingoperations or maintenance of the control mechanisms.2. Steady State Mode (SS)Steady state mode shall mean operation of the reactor at power levelsnot to exceed 1 megawatt utilizing the scrams in Table I and theinterlocks in Table II.
{{#Wiki_filter:Ie.USGS sinefor a changing world Department of the Interior US Geological Survey Box 25046 MS-974 Denver CO, 80225 November 17, 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTIN: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555 SubI:   Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015, regarding R-113 license amendment request (TAC No. M E9424)
3. Pulse ModePulse mode shall mean operation requiring the use of the scrams inTable I and the interlocks in Table II to assure that no more thanone rod is pneumatically withdrawn to produce power pulses.4. Square Wave Mode (SW)Square wave mode shall mean operation of the reactor with the modeselector switch in the square-wave position requiring use of thescrams in Table I and the interlocks in Table II.5. OperableA system or component shall be considered operable *when it is capableof performing its intended functions.6. ExperimentExperiment shall mean: (a) any apparatus, device, or materialinstalled in the core or experimental facilities (except forunderwater lights, fuel element storage racks and the like) which isnot a normal part of these facilities or (b) any operation to measurereactor parameters or characteristics.7. Experimental FacilitiesExperimental facilities shall mean the rotary specimen rack, verticaltubes, pneumatic transfer system, central thimble, and in-poolirradiation facilities.7a. Licensed AreaThe licensed area shall be the following areas on theDenver Federal Center:Building 15, rooms 149 through 152 and room 154Building 15, rooms 157 and 158Building 15, rooms BI0, BlOB, and BIIBuilding 10, room 2 8. Reactor Safety SystemsReactor safety systems shall mean those systems, including theirassociated input circuits, which are designed to initiate a reactorscram.9. Standard Thermocouple Fuel ElementA standard thermocouple fuel element shall contain thermocouplesimbedded in the fuel halfway to the vertical centerline at themidplane of the fuel section and one inch above and below themidplane.B. Reactor Building1. The reactor shall be housed in a closed room designed torestrict leakage. The minimum free volume in the reactor roomshall be 3.1 x 108 cubic centimeters.2. All air or other gas exhausted from the reactor room and fromassociated experimental facilities during reactor operationshall be released to the environment at a minimum of 21 feetabove ground level.3. The concentration of argon 41 in the reactor building stackeffluent air shall be limited to a maximum of 4.8 x 10-6uCi/ml averaged over a year.4. The stack effluent air shall be analyzed quarterly to determinethe isotopic composition of the radionuclides emitted. Thelimit of B.3 above shall apply only to argon 41; limits onconcentrations for other radionuclides shall be as specified in10 CF'R Part 20.C. Reactor Pool and BridgeThe reactor shall not be operated if the pool water level is lessthan 16 feet above the top grid plate. The bulk pool temperatureshall be monitored while the reactor is in operation and the reactorshall be shut down if the temperature exceeds 60°C. The reactor coreshall be cooled by natural convective water flow.
2. The pooi water shall be sampled for conductivity at least weekly.Conductivity averaged over a month shall not exceed 5 micromhos per cm2.This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled andthe pool level is below the W4ater treatment system intake.3. The control console shall have an audible and visual water level alarmthat will actuate when the reactor tank water level is between 12 and 24inches below the top lip of the tank. This water level alarm shall befunctionally tested monthly, not to exceed 45 days between tests. Thisitem is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and thepool level is below the water treatment system intake.4. The pool water shall be sampled for pH at quarterly intervals, not toexceed 4 months. The pH level shall be within the range of 4.5 to 7.5for continued operation. This item is not applicable if the reactor iscompletely defueled and the pool level is below the water treatmentsystem intake.D. Reactor Core1. The core shall be an assembly of TRIGA aluminum or stainless steel cladfuel-moderator elements, nominally 8.0 to 12 wt% uranium, arranged in aclose-packed array except for (i) replacement of single individualelements with inoore irradiation facilities or control rods; (2) twoseparated experiment positions in the D through E rings, each occupyinga maximum of three fuel element positions. *The reflector (excludingexperiments and experimental facilities) shall be water or a combinationof graphite and water. The reactor shall not be operated in any mannerthat would cause any stainless-steel clad fuel element to produce acalculated steady state power level in excess of 22 kW. Aluminum cladfuel-moderator elements will only be allowed in the F and G rings of thecore assembly.2. The excess reactivity above cold critical, without xenon, shall notexceed 4.9% delta k/k with experiments in place.3. Fuel temperatures near the core midplane in either the B or C ring ofelements shall be continuously recorded during the pulse mode ofoperation using a standard thermocouple fuel element. The thermocoupleelement shall be of 12 wt% uranium loading if any 12 wt% loaded elementsexist in the core. The reactor shall not be operated in a manner whichwould cause the measured fuel temperature to exceed 735°C in a stainlesssteel clad element in the B ring or 652°C in a stainless steel cladelement in the C ring.4. Power levels during pulse mode operation that exceed 2500 megawattsshall be cause for the reactor to the shut down pending an investigation by the reactor supervisor to determine the reason for thepulse magnitude. His evaluation and conclusions as to the reason forthe pulse magnitude shall be submitted to the Reactor OperationsCommittee for review. Pulse mode operation will not be resumed untilapproved by the Committee.5. If the reactor is operated in the pulse mode during intervals of lessthan six months, the reactor shall be pulsed semiannually with areactivity insertion of at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fueltemperature measurements and peak power levels with those of previouspulses of the same reactivity value. If the reactor is not pulsedduring intervals of six months, then for the first pulse after the timeof the last comparative pulse, the reactor shall be pulsed with areactivity insertion of at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fueltemperature measurements and peak power levels with those of previouspulses of the same reactivity value.6. Each standard fuel element shall be checked for transverse bend andlongitudinal elongation after the first 100 pulses of any magnitude andafter every 500 pulses or every 60 months, whichever comes first. Duringthe first 5 years of aluminum-clad fuel usage, annual fuel transversebend and longitudinal elongation measurements will be made on 20% ofthe aluminum-clad fuel elements that have been in the core at any timeduring that year. The measurement schedule will be controlled suchthat different fuel elements are measured each year for this initial 5-year period. After this initial 5 years of aluminum-clad fuel usage,if no generic problems have been detected, the inspection schedule willrevert back to the standard fuel 60-month schedule.The limit of transverse bend shall be 1/16-inch over the total lengthof the clad portion of the element (excluding end fittings) .The limiton longitudinal elongation shall be 1/10 inch for stainless steel cladelements and a-inch for aluminum clad elements. The reactor shall notbe operated in the pulse mode with elements installed which have beenfound to exceed these limits.  
The attached pages are additional information submitted in response to your Request for Additional Information dated September 21, 2015. Please contact me if you need additional information.
-5 aAny element which exhibits a clad break as indicated by a measurablerelease of fission products shall be located and removed from servicebefore continuation of routine operation. Fuel elements that have beenremoved from service do not need to be checked for transverse bend orlongitudinal elongation.7. Observance of the license and technical specification limits for theGSTR will limit the thermal power produced by any single fuel elementto less than 22 kW if the reactor has at least 100 fuel elements in thecore. Therefore the reactor must have at least 100 fuel elements in thecore if it is to be operated above 100 kW. Operations with less than100 fuel elements in the core will be restricted to a maximum thermalpower of 100 kW.E. Control and Safety Systems1. The standard control rods shall have scram capability and the poisonsection shall contain borated graphite, or boron and its compounds insolid form as a poison in an aluminum or stainless steel clad.
Sincerely, Tim DeBey USGS Reactor Supervisor I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
2. The control rods shall be visually inspected at least once every twoyears. If indication of significant distortion or deterioration isfound, the rod(s) will be replaced.3. Only one pulsing control rod may be used in the core. The poisonsection of *this rod shall contain berated graphite or boron and itscompounds in a solid form as a poison in an aluminum or stainlesssteel clad. The pulse rod shall be designed to release and fall uponinitiation of a scram signal. The maximum reactivity worth of therod fully inserted by the drive in relation to fully withdrawn shallbe equal to or less than 2.9% delta k/k.4. A pulse may be initiated only when the reactor is at power less than1 kW. Pulsed reactivi~ty insertion shall not exceed 2.1% delta k/k.5. The minimum shutdown margin (with fixed experiments in place)provided by operable control rods (including the pulse rod) in thecold clean condition, with the most reactivity of the operablecontrol rods fully withdrawn, shall be 0.4% delta k/k.6. The maximum rate of reactivity insertion associated with movement ofa standard rod shall be no greater than 0.2% delta k/k/sec.7. The type and minimum number of safety systems which shall be operablefor reactor operation are shown in Table I.8. The type and minimum number of interlocks which shall be operable forreactor operation are shown in Table II.
Executed on 11/17/2015 Copy to:
9. The reactor instrumentation channels and safety systems for theintended modes of operation as listed in Table I shall be verified tobe operable at least once each day the reactor is operated unless theoperation extends continuously beyond one day, in which case theoperability need only be verified prior to beginning the extendedoperation.10. A licensed reactor operator shall be present during maintenance ofthe reactor control and safety systems.ii. Following maintenance or modification of the control or safetysystems, the associated system shall be verified to be operablebefore the reactor is placed in operation.12. The conditions listed below shall be verified at least once semi-annually, with the exceptioni that if the reactor is operatingcontinuously, the conditions shall be verified after the firstshutdown that occurs more than six months after the previous tests.Those items marked with an
Vito Nuccio, Reactor Administrator, MS 911 USGS Reactor Operations Committee
* are not applicable if the reactor iscompletely defueled, but they must be verified upon startup if morethan six months havepassed after the previous tests.a. *All reactor interlocks are operable.b. *Control element drop times are less than one second (twoseconds for pulse rod) .If drop time is found to be greater thanthis, the rod shall not be considered operable.c. *Power level safety circuits are operable. The circuits willbe tested by the introduction of an electrical signal into thecircuit at a point between the detector and the control system.
d. Ventilation system interlocks are operable.e. *The safety channels indicate the actual power level asdetermined by a thermal power measurement.13. On each day that pulse mode operation of the reactor is planned,. afunctional performance check of the transient (pulse) rod systemshall be performed. Semi-annually, at intervals not to exceed eightmonths, the transient (pulse) rod drive cylinder and the associatedair supply system shall be inspected, cleaned and lubricated asnecessary.F. Radiation Monitoringi. The radiation levels within the reactor laboratory shall be monitoredby at least one area radiation monitor during reactor operation orwhen work is done on or around the reactor core or experimentalfacilities. The monitor shall have a readout and provide a signalwhich actuates an audible alarm. During short periods of repair tothis monitor, reactor operations may continue while a portablegamma-sensitive ion chamber is utilized as a temporary substitute.2. A continuous air monitor with readout and audible alarm shall beoperable in the reactor room when the reactor is operating.3. The alarm set points for the above radiation monitoringinstrumentation shall be verified at least once a week. Thisinstrumentation shall be calibrated at least once a year.G. Fuel Storage1. All fuel elements or fueled devices shall be rigidly supported duringstorage in a safe geometry (keff less than 0.8 under all conditions ofmoderation).2. Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in anarray which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling suchthat the fuel element or fueled device temperature will not exceeddesign values.
Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015 concerning a license amendment to the USGS R-113 research reactor license (TAO No. ME9424)
H. Administrative Requirements1. The facility shall be under the direct control of the ReactorSupervisor. He shall be responsible to the Reactor Administrator forsafe operation and maintenance of the reactor and its associatedequipment. He or his appointee shall review and approve allexperiments and experimental procedures prior to their use in thereactor. He shall enforce rules for the protection of personnelagainst radiation.2. A Reactor Operations Committee shall review and approve safetystandards associated with the operation and use of the facility. Itsjurisdiction shall include all nuclear operations in the facility.The Committee shall meet to monitor reactor operations at leastsemi-annually.The Reactor Operations Committee shall be composed of at least fourmembers, appointed by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey, and whoshall be knowledgeable in field relating to nuclear safety. TheReactor Supervisor and a qualified health physicist shall be membersof the Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for determiningwhether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute achange in technical specifications or an unreviewed safety questionas defined in 10 CFR Part 50. The Committee shall establish writtenprocedures concerning its activities, quorums, review of experimentsand procedures, and other aspects as appropriate.  
: 3. Written instructions shall be in effect and followed for:a. Testing and calibration of reactor operating instrumentationand control systems, control rod drives, area radiationmonitors and air particulate monitors.b. Reactor startup, routine, operation and reactor shutdown.c. Emergency and abnormal conditions, including evacuation,reentry and recovery.d. Fuel loading or unloading.e. Control rod removal and replacement.f. Maintenance operations which may affect reactor safety.4. Any additions, modifications, or maintenance to the core and itsassociated support structure, the pool structure, and rod drivemechanisms, or the reactor safety system, shall be made and tested inaccordance with the specifications to which the systems or componentswere originally designed and fabricated, or to specificationsapproved by the Reactor Operations Committee as suitable and notinvolving an unreviewed safety question. The reactor shall not beplaced in operation until the affected system has been verified to beoperable.5. The reactor facility emergency plan, emergency procedures andphysical security plan shall be audited by the Reactor OperationsCommittee biennially, with the interval not to exceed 30 months.I. Experiments1. Prior to performing any new reactor experiment, the proposedexperiment shall be evaluated by a person or persons appointed by theReactor Administrator to be responsible for reactor safety. He shallconsider the experiment in terms of its effect on reactor operation  
: 2. Your response to RAI No. 2, by letter dated August 28, 2015, provided a proposed TS definition of License Area: Rooms 149-152, 154, 157, 158, B10, Bl0B, B11 of Building 15, and Room 2 of Building 10. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 9.5, "Possession and Use of Byproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material," provides guidance that licensees should "clearly state the materials and areas of the facility requested to be authorized by the reactor license. The reactor license and technical specifications also will include regulatory conditions that apply to the management of such materials." Provide a justification for the proposed TS definition that you provided in your response to RAI No. 2, a markup of the proposed change in the current USGS TSs, and copy of the proposed TS, or justify why this information is not needed.
-11-and the possibility and consequences of its failure, including, wheresignificant, consideration of chemical reactions, physical integrity,design life, proper cooling, interaction with core components, andreactivity effects. He shall determine whether, in his judgement, theexperiment by virtue of its nature or design does not constitute asignificant threat to the integrity of the core or to the safety ofpersonnel. Following a favorable evaluation and prior to conductingan experiment, he shall sign an authorization form containing thebasis for the favorable evaluation.2. A favorable evaluation of an experiment shall conclude that failureof the experiment will not lead to a direct failure of a fuel elementor of other experiments.3. No new experiment shall be performed until the proposed experimentalprocedures for that experiment or type of experiment have beenreviewed and approved by the Operations Committee.4. The following limitations on reactivity shall apply to allexperiments:a. The reactivity worth of any individual in-core experiment shallnot exceed $3.00.b. The total, absolute, reactivity worth of in-core experimentsshall not exceed $5.00. This includes the potential reactivitywhich might result from experimental malfunction, experimentflooding or voiding, and removal or insertion of experiments.  
Response: The markup of the proposed change to current USGS TS, and copy of the proposed TS, was absent from the initial RAI response, so that is provided in this response.
-12-c. Experiments having reactivity worths greater than $1.00 shallbe securely located or fastened to prevent inadvertent movementduring reactor operation.5. Experiments containing materials corrosive to reactor components,compounds highly reactive with water, potentially explosivematerials, or liquid fissionable materials shall be doublyencapsulated.6. Explosive materials such as (but not limited to) gun powder,dynamite, TNT, nitro-glycerine, or PETN in quantities greater than 25milligrams shall not be irradiated in the reactor or experimentalfacilities without out-of--core tests which shall indicate that withthe containment provided no damage to the reactor or its componentsshall occur upon detonation of the explosive. Explosive materials inquantities less than 25 milligrams may be irradiated withoutout-of-core tests provided that the pressure produced in theexperiment container upon detonation of the explosive shall be shownto be less than the design pressure of the container.7. Experiment materials, except fuel materials, which could off-gas,sublime, volatize or produce aerosols under (a) normal operatingconditions of the experiment or reactor, (b) credible accidentconditions in the reactor or (c) possible accident conditions in theexperiment shall be limited in activity such that if 100%  
The proposed TS change is the reformatting of page 2 and the addition of Item 7a to the Specifications, as follows:
-13-of the gaseous activity or radioactive aerosols produced escaped tothe reactor room or the atmosphere, the airborne concentration ofradioactivity averaged over a year would not exceed the limits ofAppendix B of 10 CFR Part 20.8. In evaluating experiments, the following assumptions shall be used:a. If the effluent from an. experiment facility exhaust hrough afilter installation designed for greater than 99% efficiencyfor 0.3 micron particles, the assumption shall be used that atleast 10% of the aerosols produced can escape.b. For materials whose boiling point is above l30oF and wherevapors formed by boiling this material could escape onlythrough an undisturbed column of water above the core, theassumption shall be used that at least 10% of these vapors canescape.9. Each fueled experiment shall be controlled such that the totalinventory of iodine isotopes 131 through 135 in the experiment is nogreater than 1.5 curies and the maximum strontium-90 inventory is nogreater than 5 millicuries.10. If a container fails and releases material which could damage thereactor fuel or structure by corrosion or other means, physicalinspection shall be performed to determine the consequences and needfor corrective action. The results of the inspection and any corrective action taken shall be reviewed by the ReactorOperations Committee and determined to be satisfactory beforeoperation of the reactor is resumed.  
7a.     Licensed Area The licensed area shall be the following                     areas on the Denver Federal Center:
-1~5-TABLE IMINIMUM REACTOR SAFETYSYSTEMSOriginatingChannel SetoointMode in which effectiveSS Pulse SW1. Channel 1Safety Channel 2Scram buttonPreset timerCSC watchdog timerDAC watchdog timer110% of full power110% of full powerManual pushLess than or equalto 15 secondsLoss of refresh signalLoss of refresh signalXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTABLE IIMINIMUM INTERLOCKSMode in which effectiveSS I Pulse ISWAction Prevented1. Control rod withdrawal with neutronlevel less than 10-7% power on thedicital Dower channel.x2.3.4.5.Simultaneous manual withdrawal ofXtwo control rods, including thepulse rod.Simultaneous manual withdrawal of Xtwo control rods excluding thepulse rod.Initiation of pulse above 1 kW. XApplication of air pressure to pulseXrod drive mechanism unless cylinderis fully inserted.6. Withdrawal of any control rod exceptpulse rod.X
Building 15,     rooms 149 through 152 and room 154 Building 15,   rooms 157 and 158 Building 15,   rooms BI0,     BlOB,   and BIl Building 10, room 2
2/06 APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TRIGA REACTOR DOCKET NO. 50-274 The dimensions,   measurements,     and other numerical values given in         these specifications may differ from measured values owing to normal construction and manufacturing tolerances,     or normal accuracy of instrumentation.
A. Definitions
: 1. Shutdown The reactor,   with fixed experiments       in place,   shall be considered to be  shutdown     (not in   operation)   whenever     all   of the     following conditions  have been met:       a) the console key switch is       in   the "off" position   and   the key   is   removed   from   the   console   and   under   the control of a licensed operator         (or stored in a locked storage area);
b) sufficient   control rods are inserted so as to assure the reactor is  subcritical by a margin greater than 0.7% delta k/k cold,                 without xenon; c) no work is     in progress involving fuel handling or refueling operations or maintenance of the control mechanisms.
: 2. Steady State Mode (SS)
Steady state mode shall mean operation of the reactor at power levels not  to exceed     1 megawatt     utilizing   the scrams   in   Table   I   and the interlocks in Table II.
: 3. Pulse Mode Pulse mode   shall mean operation         requiring the use     of the   scrams   in Table I and the interlocks         in   Table II   to assure   that no more     than one rod is pneumatically withdrawn to produce power pulses.
: 4. Square Wave Mode (SW)
Square wave mode shall mean operation             of   the reactor   with the mode selector  switch   in   the   square-wave     position   requiring   use   of the scrams in Table I and the interlocks in Table II.
: 5. Operable A system or component shall be considered operable *when it               is capable of performing its intended functions.
: 6. Experiment Experiment  shall     mean:   (a)     any apparatus,     device,   or   material installed  in   the   core   or     experimental     facilities   (except     for underwater lights,     fuel element storage racks and the like)             which is not a normal part of these facilities or             (b) any operation to measure reactor parameters or characteristics.
: 7. Experimental Facilities Experimental facilities     shall mean the rotary specimen rack,           vertical tubes,   pneumatic     transfer       system,   central     thimble,   and   in-pool irradiation facilities.
7a. Licensed Area The licensed area shall be the following                     areas on the Denver Federal Center:
Building 15,   rooms 149 through 152 and room 154 Building 15,   rooms 157 and 158 Building 15,   rooms BI0,     BlOB,     and BII Building 10, room 2
: 8. Reactor Safety Systems Reactor      safety       systems     shall       mean       those       systems,       including         their associated input           circuits,       which are designed to initiate                           a reactor scram.
: 9. Standard Thermocouple Fuel Element A    standard       thermocouple         fuel     element         shall       contain     thermocouples imbedded        in     the   fuel     halfway         to   the       vertical       centerline         at     the midplane        of     the   fuel     section         and     one     inch       above   and     below       the midplane.
B. Reactor Building
: 1.       The   reactor       shall       be   housed         in     a   closed       room     designed       to restrict leakage.             The minimum free volume in                       the reactor room shall be 3.1 x 108 cubic centimeters.
: 2.       All air or other gas exhausted                         from the reactor             room and from associated        experimental           facilities           during     reactor       operation shall be released             to the       environment           at     a minimum of 21 feet above ground level.
: 3.       The concentration of argon 41 in the reactor                                       building stack effluent air shall be limited to a maximum                                         of 4.8 x 10-6 uCi/ml averaged over a year.
: 4.       The stack effluent air shall be analyzed quarterly to determine the isotopic composition of the radionuclides emitted.                                                 The limit of B.3 above shall apply only to argon 41; limits on concentrations for other radionuclides shall be as specified in 10 CF'R Part 20.
C. Reactor Pool and Bridge The    reactor     shall     not   be   operated       if     the   pool     water   level     is     less than 16       feet       above   the   top   grid plate.               The     bulk pool       temperature shall    be   monitored       while     the   reactor         is   in   operation       and   the   reactor shall be shut down if               the temperature exceeds 60°C.                       The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convective water flow.
: 2. The pooi water shall be sampled for conductivity at least weekly.
Conductivity averaged over a month shall not exceed 5 micromhos per cm2 .
This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the W4ater treatment system intake.
: 3. The control console shall have an audible and visual water level alarm that will actuate when the reactor tank water level is between 12 and 24 inches below the top lip of the tank.     This water level alarm shall be functionally tested monthly, not to exceed 45 days between tests.       This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the water treatment system intake.
: 4. The pool water shall be sampled for pH at quarterly intervals, not to exceed 4 months. The pH level shall be within the range of 4.5 to 7.5 for continued operation. This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the water treatment system intake.
D. Reactor Core
: 1. The core shall be an assembly of TRIGA aluminum or stainless steel clad fuel-moderator elements, nominally 8.0 to 12 wt% uranium, arranged in a close-packed array except for (i)       replacement of single individual elements with inoore irradiation facilities or control rods; (2)         two separated experiment positions in the D through E rings, each occupying a maximum of three fuel element positions.       *The reflector (excluding experiments and experimental facilities) shall be water or a combination of graphite and water. The reactor shall not be operated in any manner that would cause any stainless-steel clad fuel element to produce a calculated steady state power level   in excess of 22 kW. Aluminum clad fuel-moderator elements will only be allowed in     the F and G rings of the core assembly.
: 2. The excess reactivity above cold critical,   without   xenon, shall not exceed 4.9% delta k/k with experiments in place.
: 3. Fuel temperatures near the core midplane in either the B or C ring of elements shall be continuously recorded during the pulse mode of operation using a standard thermocouple fuel element.       The thermocouple element shall be of 12 wt% uranium loading if any 12 wt% loaded elements exist in the core. The reactor shall not be operated in a manner which would cause the measured fuel temperature to exceed 735°C in a stainless steel clad element in the B ring or 652°C in a stainless steel clad element in the C ring.
: 4. Power levels during pulse mode operation that exceed 2500         megawatts shall be cause for the reactor to the shut down pending an
investigation by the reactor supervisor to determine the reason for the pulse magnitude. His evaluation and conclusions as to the reason for the pulse magnitude       shall be submitted to the Reactor Operations Committee for review.     Pulse mode operation will not be resumed until approved by the Committee.
: 5. If the reactor is   operated in the pulse mode during intervals         of less than six months,     the reactor shall be pulsed semiannually           with a reactivity insertion of at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fuel temperature measurements and peak power levels with those of previous pulses  of the   same   reactivity   value. If   the reactor is   not pulsed during intervals of six months,       then for the first pulse after the time of the last comparative       pulse, the reactor shall be pulsed with a reactivity insertion of       at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fuel temperature measurements     and peak power   levels   with those of previous pulses of the same reactivity value.
: 6. Each standard fuel element shall be checked for transverse bend and longitudinal elongation after the first 100 pulses of any magnitude and after every 500 pulses or every 60 months, whichever comes first. During the first 5 years of aluminum-clad fuel usage, annual fuel transverse bend and longitudinal elongation measurements will be made on 20% of the aluminum-clad fuel elements that have been in the core at any time during that year.       The measurement schedule will be controlled such that different fuel elements are measured each year for this initial 5-year period. After this initial 5 years of aluminum-clad         fuel usage, if no generic problems have been detected,       the inspection   schedule will revert back to the standard fuel 60-month schedule.
The limit of transverse bend shall be 1/16-inch over the total length of the clad portion of the element (excluding end fittings) .         The limit on longitudinal   elongation shall be 1/10 inch for stainless         steel clad elements and a-inch for aluminum clad elements.         The reactor shall not be operated in the pulse mode with elements installed which have been found to exceed these limits.
                                      -5 a Any element which exhibits a clad break as indicated by a measurable release of fission products shall be located and removed from service before continuation of routine operation. Fuel elements that have been removed from service do not need to be checked for transverse bend or longitudinal elongation.
: 7. Observance of the license and technical specification limits for the GSTR will limit the thermal power produced by any single fuel element to less than 22 kW if the reactor has at least 100 fuel elements in the core. Therefore the reactor must have at least 100 fuel elements in the core if it is to be operated above 100 kW. Operations with less than 100 fuel elements in the core will be restricted to a maximum thermal power of 100 kW.
E. Control and Safety Systems
: 1. The standard control rods shall have scram capability and the poison section shall contain borated graphite, or boron and its compounds in solid form as a poison in an aluminum or stainless steel clad.
: 2. The control rods shall be visually inspected at least once every two years. If   indication of significant         distortion or deterioration         is found,   the rod(s) will be replaced.
: 3. Only   one pulsing       control rod may be used in         the core. The poison section of *this rod shall contain berated graphite                 or boron and its compounds    in   a solid   form as     a poison     in an aluminum   or stainless steel clad.       The pulse rod shall be designed to release and fall upon initiation of       a scram signal.         The maximum reactivity     worth of the rod fully inserted by the drive in             relation to fully withdrawn         shall be equal to or less than 2.9% delta k/k.
: 4. A pulse may be initiated only when the reactor is                 at power less than 1 kW. Pulsed reactivi~ty insertion shall not exceed 2.1% delta k/k.
: 5. The   minimum       shutdown   margin     (with   fixed   experiments     in   place) provided by operable         control     rods   (including the pulse       rod)   in   the cold    clean     condition,   with     the   most   reactivity   of   the   operable control rods fully withdrawn,         shall be 0.4% delta k/k.
: 6. The maximum rate       of reactivity insertion associated with movement of a standard rod shall be no greater than 0.2% delta k/k/sec.
: 7. The type and minimum number of safety systems which shall be operable for reactor operation are shown in Table I.
: 8. The type and minimum number of interlocks which shall be operable                     for reactor operation are shown in           Table II.
: 9. The   reactor     instrumentation             channels       and     safety       systems       for     the intended modes of operation as listed in                         Table I shall be verified to be operable at least once each day the reactor is                             operated unless the operation    extends       continuously           beyond     one     day,   in     which     case     the operability    need     only be       verified       prior     to beginning         the     extended operation.
: 10. A licensed reactor           operator         shall   be present         during     maintenance         of the reactor control and safety systems.
ii. Following     maintenance           or   modification           of     the   control       or     safety systems,     the   associated         system       shall     be   verified       to   be     operable before the reactor is           placed in         operation.
: 12. The   conditions       listed     below         shall   be   verified       at   least     once     semi-annually,     with     the   exceptioni         that   if     the     reactor       is     operating continuously,       the     conditions           shall   be     verified       after       the     first shutdown    that occurs more than six months after the previous tests.
Those   items marked with an
* are   not   applicable       if   the   reactor       is completely defueled,           but     they must be verified upon startup                         if   more than six months havepassed after the previous tests.
: a.     *All reactor interlocks are operable.
: b.     *Control       element       drop       times     are     less   than     one     second       (two seconds    for pulse rod)         .     If     drop time       is   found to be greater               than this, the rod shall not be considered operable.
: c.     *Power level         safety circuits           are     operable.         The   circuits will be  tested   by     the     introduction           of   an   electrical         signal       into     the circuit    at   a   point     between         the   detector       and   the     control       system.
: d.     Ventilation system interlocks are operable.
: e.       *The     safety     channels         indicate       the   actual   power       level   as determined by a thermal power measurement.
: 13. On each day that pulse mode operation of the reactor                             is   planned,. a functional      performance       check       of   the   transient     (pulse)     rod   system shall be performed.         Semi-annually,           at   intervals   not to exceed eight months,     the   transient     (pulse)       rod drive cylinder         and the associated air  supply       system   shall     be     inspected,       cleaned   and   lubricated       as necessary.
F. Radiation Monitoring
: i. The radiation levels within the reactor laboratory shall be monitored by at     least one area       radiation monitor             during reactor       operation     or when  work     is   done   on   or   around       the   reactor   core   or   experimental facilities.       The monitor     shall       have   a readout     and provide         a signal which actuates         an audible alarm.             During short periods           of repair to this  monitor,       reactor     operations           may   continue     while     a   portable gamma-sensitive         ion chamber is         utilized as a temporary substitute.
: 2. A continuous         air   monitor     with       readout     and   audible   alarm       shall be operable in the reactor room when the reactor is                       operating.
: 3. The     alarm       set     points       for       the     above     radiation         monitoring instrumentation          shall   be     verified         at   least   once   a   week.         This instrumentation shall be calibrated at least once a year.
G. Fuel Storage
: 1. All fuel elements or fueled devices shall be rigidly supported during storage in     a safe geometry         (keff less than 0.8 under all conditions                   of moderation).
: 2. Irradiated     fuel     elements     and     fueled     devices   shall be     stored     in   an array    which     will   permit   sufficient         natural     convection     cooling     such that  the   fuel element       or   fueled device         temperature     will not       exceed design values.
H. Administrative Requirements
: 1. The   facility     shall     be   under     the   direct     control     of   the   Reactor Supervisor.       He shall be responsible to the Reactor Administrator for safe    operation       and maintenance         of   the   reactor     and   its   associated equipment.         He   or   his   appointee       shall     review     and     approve     all experiments      and     experimental       procedures       prior   to   their     use   in   the reactor.       He   shall     enforce     rules   for   the   protection       of   personnel against radiation.
: 2. A   Reactor     Operations       Committee       shall     review     and     approve     safety standards associated with the operation and use of the facility.                                 Its jurisdiction      shall     include     all   nuclear     operations     in   the   facility.
The   Committee       shall   meet   to   monitor     reactor     operations       at   least semi-annually.
The Reactor     Operations       Committee       shall be composed of at least                 four members,     appointed by the Director,               U.S. Geological Survey,         and who shall    be   knowledgeable         in   field     relating     to nuclear         safety.     The Reactor Supervisor and a qualified health physicist                           shall be members of the Committee.         The Committee shall be responsible for determining whether    a proposed       change,     test,     or   experiment       would constitute           a change    in   technical       specifications       or an unreviewed           safety question as defined in       10 CFR Part 50.           The Committee       shall establish written procedures      concerning       its activities,         quorums,     review of experiments and procedures,         and other aspects as appropriate.
: 3. Written instructions shall be in         effect and followed for:
: a. Testing   and   calibration     of   reactor     operating     instrumentation and    control   systems,     control       rod   drives,     area   radiation monitors and air particulate monitors.
: b. Reactor startup,     routine, operation and reactor shutdown.
: c. Emergency and abnormal conditions,           including evacuation, reentry and recovery.
: d. Fuel loading or unloading.
: e. Control rod removal and replacement.
: f. Maintenance operations which may affect reactor safety.
: 4. Any   additions,   modifications,     or   maintenance       to   the   core   and its associated    support   structure,     the   pool   structure,       and   rod   drive mechanisms,   or the reactor safety system,           shall be made and tested in accordance with the specifications         to which the systems or components were    originally     designed     and   fabricated,       or   to     specifications approved    by the   Reactor   Operations     Committee     as   suitable     and not involving    an unreviewed     safety   question.       The reactor       shall not   be placed in   operation until the affected system has been verified to be operable.
: 5. The   reactor     facility   emergency       plan,     emergency     procedures     and physical    security   plan   shall   be   audited     by   the   Reactor     Operations Committee biennially,     with the interval not to exceed 30 months.
I. Experiments
: 1. Prior   to   performing     any   new     reactor     experiment,       the   proposed experiment shall be evaluated by a person or persons appointed by the Reactor Administrator to be responsible             for reactor safety.         He shall consider the experiment in       terms of its effect on reactor operation
and the possibility and consequences of its failure,                 including,   where significant,     consideration of chemical reactions,           physical integrity, design   life,   proper   cooling,     interaction   with   core   components,   and reactivity effects.       He shall determine whether,       in   his judgement,     the experiment    by virtue   of   its nature   or design does       not constitute     a significant    threat to the integrity of the core or to the safety of personnel.     Following a favorable       evaluation and prior to conducting an  experiment,     he shall   sign   an authorization       form   containing   the basis for the favorable evaluation.
: 2. A favorable     evaluation   of an experiment     shall conclude       that   failure of the experiment will not lead to a direct failure of a fuel element or of other experiments.
: 3. No new experiment       shall be performed until the proposed experimental procedures      for   that   experiment     or   type of   experiment     have   been reviewed and approved by the Operations Committee.
: 4. The   following     limitations     on   reactivity     shall     apply   to   all experiments:
: a.     The reactivity worth of any individual in-core experiment shall not exceed $3.00.
: b.     The   total,   absolute,   reactivity   worth   of   in-core   experiments shall not exceed $5.00.         This includes the potential reactivity which    might   result   from   experimental   malfunction,       experiment flooding or voiding,       and removal or insertion of experiments.
: c. Experiments     having   reactivity       worths     greater than         $1.00     shall be securely located or fastened to prevent inadvertent movement during reactor operation.
: 5. Experiments     containing     materials       corrosive     to     reactor       components, compounds     highly       reactive       with       water,     potentially           explosive materials,     or   liquid     fissionable         materials         shall     be     doubly encapsulated.
: 6. Explosive   materials       such   as     (but   not   limited         to)   gun   powder, dynamite,   TNT,   nitro-glycerine,         or PETN in     quantities greater than 25 milligrams    shall   not   be   irradiated       in   the   reactor       or   experimental facilities  without out-of--core           tests which shall           indicate that         with the containment provided no damage to the reactor or its components shall occur upon detonation of the explosive.                     Explosive materials in quantities    less   than     25   milligrams       may     be     irradiated       without out-of-core tests       provided     that       the     pressure         produced     in     the experiment  container     upon detonation         of the explosive shall be shown to be less than the design pressure of the container.
: 7. Experiment   materials,       except     fuel     materials,     which       could   off-gas, sublime,   volatize     or   produce     aerosols       under     (a)     normal   operating conditions    of   the   experiment       or   reactor,     (b)     credible     accident conditions  in   the reactor or       (c)   possible accident           conditions     in   the experiment shall be limited in           activity such that if             100%
of the gaseous       activity     or radioactive       aerosols produced       escaped to the  reactor   room or     the   atmosphere,     the   airborne     concentration     of radioactivity      averaged     over   a year     would not     exceed the     limits   of Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20.
: 8. In evaluating experiments,           the following assumptions shall be used:
: a.     If the effluent       from an. experiment         facility     exhaust     hrough   a filter    installation       designed     for greater       than   99% efficiency for 0.3 micron particles,             the assumption shall be used that at least 10% of the aerosols produced can escape.
: b.     For   materials     whose     boiling     point   is   above   l30oF   and   where vapors    formed   by     boiling     this   material     could   escape   only through    an   undisturbed       column   of   water   above   the   core,   the assumption shall be used that at least 10% of these vapors can escape.
: 9. Each   fueled   experiment       shall     be   controlled     such   that   the   total inventory of iodine isotopes             131 through 135 in         the experiment is     no greater than 1.5 curies and the maximum strontium-90 inventory is                         no greater than 5 millicuries.
: 10. If a container       fails   and   releases     material     which   could   damage   the reactor    fuel   or   structure       by   corrosion     or   other   means,     physical inspection shall be performed to determine the consequences                         and need for corrective action.           The results of the inspection and
any corrective action   taken   shall be   reviewed   by   the Reactor Operations  Committee and   determined   to   be   satisfactory before operation of the reactor is resumed.
                                        -1~5-TABLE I MINIMUM REACTOR SAFETY SYSTEMS Originating                                        Mode in which effective Channel                      Setooint              SS      Pulse       SW
: 1. Safety Channel 1        110% of full power    X                  X
: 2. Safety Channel 2        110% of full power    X                  X
: 3. Scram button            Manual push            X        X        X
: 4. Preset timer            Less than or equal              X to 15 seconds
: 5. CSC watchdog timer      Loss of refresh signal X        X        X
: 6. DAC watchdog timer      Loss of refresh signal X        X        X TABLE II MINIMUM      INTERLOCKS Mode in  which effective Action Prevented                              SS    I   Pulse   ISW
: 1. Control rod withdrawal with neutron            x level less than 10-7% power on the dicital Dower channel.
Simultaneous manual withdrawal ofX 2.
two control rods, including the pulse rod.
: 3. Simultaneous manual withdrawal of                                     X two control rods excluding the pulse rod.
: 4. Initiation of pulse above 1 kW.                             X
: 5. Application of air pressure to pulseX rod drive mechanism unless cylinder is fully inserted.
: 6. Withdrawal of any control rod except X
pulse rod.}}

Latest revision as of 05:15, 31 October 2019

U.S. Geological Survey - Response to RAI Dated September 21, 2015, Regarding R-113 License Amendment Request
Person / Time
Site: U.S. Geological Survey
Issue date: 11/17/2015
From: Timothy Debey
US Dept of Interior, Geological Survey (USGS)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME9424
Download: ML15323A316 (18)


Ie.USGS sinefor a changing world Department of the Interior US Geological Survey Box 25046 MS-974 Denver CO, 80225 November 17, 2015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTIN: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555 SubI: Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015, regarding R-113 license amendment request (TAC No. M E9424)


The attached pages are additional information submitted in response to your Request for Additional Information dated September 21, 2015. Please contact me if you need additional information.

Sincerely, Tim DeBey USGS Reactor Supervisor I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on 11/17/2015 Copy to:

Vito Nuccio, Reactor Administrator, MS 911 USGS Reactor Operations Committee

Response to RAI dated September 21, 2015 concerning a license amendment to the USGS R-113 research reactor license (TAO No. ME9424)


2. Your response to RAI No. 2, by letter dated August 28, 2015, provided a proposed TS definition of License Area: Rooms 149-152, 154, 157, 158, B10, Bl0B, B11 of Building 15, and Room 2 of Building 10. NUREG-1537, Part 1, Section 9.5, "Possession and Use of Byproduct, Source, and Special Nuclear Material," provides guidance that licensees should "clearly state the materials and areas of the facility requested to be authorized by the reactor license. The reactor license and technical specifications also will include regulatory conditions that apply to the management of such materials." Provide a justification for the proposed TS definition that you provided in your response to RAI No. 2, a markup of the proposed change in the current USGS TSs, and copy of the proposed TS, or justify why this information is not needed.

Response: The markup of the proposed change to current USGS TS, and copy of the proposed TS, was absent from the initial RAI response, so that is provided in this response.

The proposed TS change is the reformatting of page 2 and the addition of Item 7a to the Specifications, as follows:

7a. Licensed Area The licensed area shall be the following areas on the Denver Federal Center:

Building 15, rooms 149 through 152 and room 154 Building 15, rooms 157 and 158 Building 15, rooms BI0, BlOB, and BIl Building 10, room 2

2/06 APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TRIGA REACTOR DOCKET NO. 50-274 The dimensions, measurements, and other numerical values given in these specifications may differ from measured values owing to normal construction and manufacturing tolerances, or normal accuracy of instrumentation.

A. Definitions

1. Shutdown The reactor, with fixed experiments in place, shall be considered to be shutdown (not in operation) whenever all of the following conditions have been met: a) the console key switch is in the "off" position and the key is removed from the console and under the control of a licensed operator (or stored in a locked storage area);

b) sufficient control rods are inserted so as to assure the reactor is subcritical by a margin greater than 0.7% delta k/k cold, without xenon; c) no work is in progress involving fuel handling or refueling operations or maintenance of the control mechanisms.

2. Steady State Mode (SS)

Steady state mode shall mean operation of the reactor at power levels not to exceed 1 megawatt utilizing the scrams in Table I and the interlocks in Table II.

3. Pulse Mode Pulse mode shall mean operation requiring the use of the scrams in Table I and the interlocks in Table II to assure that no more than one rod is pneumatically withdrawn to produce power pulses.
4. Square Wave Mode (SW)

Square wave mode shall mean operation of the reactor with the mode selector switch in the square-wave position requiring use of the scrams in Table I and the interlocks in Table II.

5. Operable A system or component shall be considered operable *when it is capable of performing its intended functions.
6. Experiment Experiment shall mean: (a) any apparatus, device, or material installed in the core or experimental facilities (except for underwater lights, fuel element storage racks and the like) which is not a normal part of these facilities or (b) any operation to measure reactor parameters or characteristics.
7. Experimental Facilities Experimental facilities shall mean the rotary specimen rack, vertical tubes, pneumatic transfer system, central thimble, and in-pool irradiation facilities.

7a. Licensed Area The licensed area shall be the following areas on the Denver Federal Center:

Building 15, rooms 149 through 152 and room 154 Building 15, rooms 157 and 158 Building 15, rooms BI0, BlOB, and BII Building 10, room 2

8. Reactor Safety Systems Reactor safety systems shall mean those systems, including their associated input circuits, which are designed to initiate a reactor scram.
9. Standard Thermocouple Fuel Element A standard thermocouple fuel element shall contain thermocouples imbedded in the fuel halfway to the vertical centerline at the midplane of the fuel section and one inch above and below the midplane.

B. Reactor Building

1. The reactor shall be housed in a closed room designed to restrict leakage. The minimum free volume in the reactor room shall be 3.1 x 108 cubic centimeters.
2. All air or other gas exhausted from the reactor room and from associated experimental facilities during reactor operation shall be released to the environment at a minimum of 21 feet above ground level.
3. The concentration of argon 41 in the reactor building stack effluent air shall be limited to a maximum of 4.8 x 10-6 uCi/ml averaged over a year.
4. The stack effluent air shall be analyzed quarterly to determine the isotopic composition of the radionuclides emitted. The limit of B.3 above shall apply only to argon 41; limits on concentrations for other radionuclides shall be as specified in 10 CF'R Part 20.

C. Reactor Pool and Bridge The reactor shall not be operated if the pool water level is less than 16 feet above the top grid plate. The bulk pool temperature shall be monitored while the reactor is in operation and the reactor shall be shut down if the temperature exceeds 60°C. The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convective water flow.

2. The pooi water shall be sampled for conductivity at least weekly.

Conductivity averaged over a month shall not exceed 5 micromhos per cm2 .

This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the W4ater treatment system intake.

3. The control console shall have an audible and visual water level alarm that will actuate when the reactor tank water level is between 12 and 24 inches below the top lip of the tank. This water level alarm shall be functionally tested monthly, not to exceed 45 days between tests. This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the water treatment system intake.
4. The pool water shall be sampled for pH at quarterly intervals, not to exceed 4 months. The pH level shall be within the range of 4.5 to 7.5 for continued operation. This item is not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled and the pool level is below the water treatment system intake.

D. Reactor Core

1. The core shall be an assembly of TRIGA aluminum or stainless steel clad fuel-moderator elements, nominally 8.0 to 12 wt% uranium, arranged in a close-packed array except for (i) replacement of single individual elements with inoore irradiation facilities or control rods; (2) two separated experiment positions in the D through E rings, each occupying a maximum of three fuel element positions. *The reflector (excluding experiments and experimental facilities) shall be water or a combination of graphite and water. The reactor shall not be operated in any manner that would cause any stainless-steel clad fuel element to produce a calculated steady state power level in excess of 22 kW. Aluminum clad fuel-moderator elements will only be allowed in the F and G rings of the core assembly.
2. The excess reactivity above cold critical, without xenon, shall not exceed 4.9% delta k/k with experiments in place.
3. Fuel temperatures near the core midplane in either the B or C ring of elements shall be continuously recorded during the pulse mode of operation using a standard thermocouple fuel element. The thermocouple element shall be of 12 wt% uranium loading if any 12 wt% loaded elements exist in the core. The reactor shall not be operated in a manner which would cause the measured fuel temperature to exceed 735°C in a stainless steel clad element in the B ring or 652°C in a stainless steel clad element in the C ring.
4. Power levels during pulse mode operation that exceed 2500 megawatts shall be cause for the reactor to the shut down pending an

investigation by the reactor supervisor to determine the reason for the pulse magnitude. His evaluation and conclusions as to the reason for the pulse magnitude shall be submitted to the Reactor Operations Committee for review. Pulse mode operation will not be resumed until approved by the Committee.

5. If the reactor is operated in the pulse mode during intervals of less than six months, the reactor shall be pulsed semiannually with a reactivity insertion of at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fuel temperature measurements and peak power levels with those of previous pulses of the same reactivity value. If the reactor is not pulsed during intervals of six months, then for the first pulse after the time of the last comparative pulse, the reactor shall be pulsed with a reactivity insertion of at least 1.5% delta k/k to compare fuel temperature measurements and peak power levels with those of previous pulses of the same reactivity value.
6. Each standard fuel element shall be checked for transverse bend and longitudinal elongation after the first 100 pulses of any magnitude and after every 500 pulses or every 60 months, whichever comes first. During the first 5 years of aluminum-clad fuel usage, annual fuel transverse bend and longitudinal elongation measurements will be made on 20% of the aluminum-clad fuel elements that have been in the core at any time during that year. The measurement schedule will be controlled such that different fuel elements are measured each year for this initial 5-year period. After this initial 5 years of aluminum-clad fuel usage, if no generic problems have been detected, the inspection schedule will revert back to the standard fuel 60-month schedule.

The limit of transverse bend shall be 1/16-inch over the total length of the clad portion of the element (excluding end fittings) . The limit on longitudinal elongation shall be 1/10 inch for stainless steel clad elements and a-inch for aluminum clad elements. The reactor shall not be operated in the pulse mode with elements installed which have been found to exceed these limits.

-5 a Any element which exhibits a clad break as indicated by a measurable release of fission products shall be located and removed from service before continuation of routine operation. Fuel elements that have been removed from service do not need to be checked for transverse bend or longitudinal elongation.

7. Observance of the license and technical specification limits for the GSTR will limit the thermal power produced by any single fuel element to less than 22 kW if the reactor has at least 100 fuel elements in the core. Therefore the reactor must have at least 100 fuel elements in the core if it is to be operated above 100 kW. Operations with less than 100 fuel elements in the core will be restricted to a maximum thermal power of 100 kW.

E. Control and Safety Systems

1. The standard control rods shall have scram capability and the poison section shall contain borated graphite, or boron and its compounds in solid form as a poison in an aluminum or stainless steel clad.
2. The control rods shall be visually inspected at least once every two years. If indication of significant distortion or deterioration is found, the rod(s) will be replaced.
3. Only one pulsing control rod may be used in the core. The poison section of *this rod shall contain berated graphite or boron and its compounds in a solid form as a poison in an aluminum or stainless steel clad. The pulse rod shall be designed to release and fall upon initiation of a scram signal. The maximum reactivity worth of the rod fully inserted by the drive in relation to fully withdrawn shall be equal to or less than 2.9% delta k/k.
4. A pulse may be initiated only when the reactor is at power less than 1 kW. Pulsed reactivi~ty insertion shall not exceed 2.1% delta k/k.
5. The minimum shutdown margin (with fixed experiments in place) provided by operable control rods (including the pulse rod) in the cold clean condition, with the most reactivity of the operable control rods fully withdrawn, shall be 0.4% delta k/k.
6. The maximum rate of reactivity insertion associated with movement of a standard rod shall be no greater than 0.2% delta k/k/sec.
7. The type and minimum number of safety systems which shall be operable for reactor operation are shown in Table I.
8. The type and minimum number of interlocks which shall be operable for reactor operation are shown in Table II.
9. The reactor instrumentation channels and safety systems for the intended modes of operation as listed in Table I shall be verified to be operable at least once each day the reactor is operated unless the operation extends continuously beyond one day, in which case the operability need only be verified prior to beginning the extended operation.
10. A licensed reactor operator shall be present during maintenance of the reactor control and safety systems.

ii. Following maintenance or modification of the control or safety systems, the associated system shall be verified to be operable before the reactor is placed in operation.

12. The conditions listed below shall be verified at least once semi-annually, with the exceptioni that if the reactor is operating continuously, the conditions shall be verified after the first shutdown that occurs more than six months after the previous tests.

Those items marked with an

  • are not applicable if the reactor is completely defueled, but they must be verified upon startup if more than six months havepassed after the previous tests.
a. *All reactor interlocks are operable.
b. *Control element drop times are less than one second (two seconds for pulse rod) . If drop time is found to be greater than this, the rod shall not be considered operable.
c. *Power level safety circuits are operable. The circuits will be tested by the introduction of an electrical signal into the circuit at a point between the detector and the control system.
d. Ventilation system interlocks are operable.
e. *The safety channels indicate the actual power level as determined by a thermal power measurement.
13. On each day that pulse mode operation of the reactor is planned,. a functional performance check of the transient (pulse) rod system shall be performed. Semi-annually, at intervals not to exceed eight months, the transient (pulse) rod drive cylinder and the associated air supply system shall be inspected, cleaned and lubricated as necessary.

F. Radiation Monitoring

i. The radiation levels within the reactor laboratory shall be monitored by at least one area radiation monitor during reactor operation or when work is done on or around the reactor core or experimental facilities. The monitor shall have a readout and provide a signal which actuates an audible alarm. During short periods of repair to this monitor, reactor operations may continue while a portable gamma-sensitive ion chamber is utilized as a temporary substitute.
2. A continuous air monitor with readout and audible alarm shall be operable in the reactor room when the reactor is operating.
3. The alarm set points for the above radiation monitoring instrumentation shall be verified at least once a week. This instrumentation shall be calibrated at least once a year.

G. Fuel Storage

1. All fuel elements or fueled devices shall be rigidly supported during storage in a safe geometry (keff less than 0.8 under all conditions of moderation).
2. Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling such that the fuel element or fueled device temperature will not exceed design values.

H. Administrative Requirements

1. The facility shall be under the direct control of the Reactor Supervisor. He shall be responsible to the Reactor Administrator for safe operation and maintenance of the reactor and its associated equipment. He or his appointee shall review and approve all experiments and experimental procedures prior to their use in the reactor. He shall enforce rules for the protection of personnel against radiation.
2. A Reactor Operations Committee shall review and approve safety standards associated with the operation and use of the facility. Its jurisdiction shall include all nuclear operations in the facility.

The Committee shall meet to monitor reactor operations at least semi-annually.

The Reactor Operations Committee shall be composed of at least four members, appointed by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey, and who shall be knowledgeable in field relating to nuclear safety. The Reactor Supervisor and a qualified health physicist shall be members of the Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for determining whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute a change in technical specifications or an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR Part 50. The Committee shall establish written procedures concerning its activities, quorums, review of experiments and procedures, and other aspects as appropriate.

3. Written instructions shall be in effect and followed for:
a. Testing and calibration of reactor operating instrumentation and control systems, control rod drives, area radiation monitors and air particulate monitors.
b. Reactor startup, routine, operation and reactor shutdown.
c. Emergency and abnormal conditions, including evacuation, reentry and recovery.
d. Fuel loading or unloading.
e. Control rod removal and replacement.
f. Maintenance operations which may affect reactor safety.
4. Any additions, modifications, or maintenance to the core and its associated support structure, the pool structure, and rod drive mechanisms, or the reactor safety system, shall be made and tested in accordance with the specifications to which the systems or components were originally designed and fabricated, or to specifications approved by the Reactor Operations Committee as suitable and not involving an unreviewed safety question. The reactor shall not be placed in operation until the affected system has been verified to be operable.
5. The reactor facility emergency plan, emergency procedures and physical security plan shall be audited by the Reactor Operations Committee biennially, with the interval not to exceed 30 months.

I. Experiments

1. Prior to performing any new reactor experiment, the proposed experiment shall be evaluated by a person or persons appointed by the Reactor Administrator to be responsible for reactor safety. He shall consider the experiment in terms of its effect on reactor operation

and the possibility and consequences of its failure, including, where significant, consideration of chemical reactions, physical integrity, design life, proper cooling, interaction with core components, and reactivity effects. He shall determine whether, in his judgement, the experiment by virtue of its nature or design does not constitute a significant threat to the integrity of the core or to the safety of personnel. Following a favorable evaluation and prior to conducting an experiment, he shall sign an authorization form containing the basis for the favorable evaluation.

2. A favorable evaluation of an experiment shall conclude that failure of the experiment will not lead to a direct failure of a fuel element or of other experiments.
3. No new experiment shall be performed until the proposed experimental procedures for that experiment or type of experiment have been reviewed and approved by the Operations Committee.
4. The following limitations on reactivity shall apply to all experiments:
a. The reactivity worth of any individual in-core experiment shall not exceed $3.00.
b. The total, absolute, reactivity worth of in-core experiments shall not exceed $5.00. This includes the potential reactivity which might result from experimental malfunction, experiment flooding or voiding, and removal or insertion of experiments.
c. Experiments having reactivity worths greater than $1.00 shall be securely located or fastened to prevent inadvertent movement during reactor operation.
5. Experiments containing materials corrosive to reactor components, compounds highly reactive with water, potentially explosive materials, or liquid fissionable materials shall be doubly encapsulated.
6. Explosive materials such as (but not limited to) gun powder, dynamite, TNT, nitro-glycerine, or PETN in quantities greater than 25 milligrams shall not be irradiated in the reactor or experimental facilities without out-of--core tests which shall indicate that with the containment provided no damage to the reactor or its components shall occur upon detonation of the explosive. Explosive materials in quantities less than 25 milligrams may be irradiated without out-of-core tests provided that the pressure produced in the experiment container upon detonation of the explosive shall be shown to be less than the design pressure of the container.
7. Experiment materials, except fuel materials, which could off-gas, sublime, volatize or produce aerosols under (a) normal operating conditions of the experiment or reactor, (b) credible accident conditions in the reactor or (c) possible accident conditions in the experiment shall be limited in activity such that if 100%

of the gaseous activity or radioactive aerosols produced escaped to the reactor room or the atmosphere, the airborne concentration of radioactivity averaged over a year would not exceed the limits of Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 20.

8. In evaluating experiments, the following assumptions shall be used:
a. If the effluent from an. experiment facility exhaust hrough a filter installation designed for greater than 99% efficiency for 0.3 micron particles, the assumption shall be used that at least 10% of the aerosols produced can escape.
b. For materials whose boiling point is above l30oF and where vapors formed by boiling this material could escape only through an undisturbed column of water above the core, the assumption shall be used that at least 10% of these vapors can escape.
9. Each fueled experiment shall be controlled such that the total inventory of iodine isotopes 131 through 135 in the experiment is no greater than 1.5 curies and the maximum strontium-90 inventory is no greater than 5 millicuries.
10. If a container fails and releases material which could damage the reactor fuel or structure by corrosion or other means, physical inspection shall be performed to determine the consequences and need for corrective action. The results of the inspection and

any corrective action taken shall be reviewed by the Reactor Operations Committee and determined to be satisfactory before operation of the reactor is resumed.

-1~5-TABLE I MINIMUM REACTOR SAFETY SYSTEMS Originating Mode in which effective Channel Setooint SS Pulse SW

1. Safety Channel 1 110% of full power X X
2. Safety Channel 2 110% of full power X X
3. Scram button Manual push X X X
4. Preset timer Less than or equal X to 15 seconds
5. CSC watchdog timer Loss of refresh signal X X X
6. DAC watchdog timer Loss of refresh signal X X X TABLE II MINIMUM INTERLOCKS Mode in which effective Action Prevented SS I Pulse ISW
1. Control rod withdrawal with neutron x level less than 10-7% power on the dicital Dower channel.

Simultaneous manual withdrawal ofX 2.

two control rods, including the pulse rod.

3. Simultaneous manual withdrawal of X two control rods excluding the pulse rod.
4. Initiation of pulse above 1 kW. X
5. Application of air pressure to pulseX rod drive mechanism unless cylinder is fully inserted.
6. Withdrawal of any control rod except X

pulse rod.