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| number = ML15233A289
| number = ML15233A289
| issue date = 08/17/2015
| issue date = 08/17/2015
| title = Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 & 2, Revision 65 to Emergency Plan. Appendices
| title = Revision 65 to Emergency Plan. Appendices
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc
| author affiliation = Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc
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| page count = 111
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{{#Wiki_filter:REV 0  11/30/84
APPENDIX 1 GLOSSARY 1-1 REV 39  12/04 GLOSSARY  Term Definition AIM analog input module ALARA As Low as Reasonably Achievable
CRT cathode ray tube CSC Customer Service Center CSF critical safety function CSFST critical safety function status tree CVCS chemical and volume control system DEFACS Department of Family and Children Services DHEC Department of Health and Environmental Control of South Carolina DMA direct memory access DNR Department of Natural Resources DOD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DOE SR Department of Energy - Savannah River Operations Office DOE SRS Department of Energy - Savannah River Site DPM data processing module EAS Emergency Alerting System  ED emergency director EMA Emergency Management Agency ENC Emergency News Center ENN Emergency Notification Network ENS Emergency Notification System EOC emergency operations center EOF emergency operations facility
1-2 REV 39  12/04 GLOSSARY (Continued)
Term Definition EOP emergency operating procedure EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC emergency preparedness coordinator EPD Environmental Protection Division of Georgia EMD Emergency Management Division of South Carolina  EPO Emergency Plan Overview EPZ emergency planning zone ERF emergency response facilities FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEOC forward emergency operations center FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report FT fire training GEMA Georgia Emergency Management Agency GET general employee training GPC Georgia Power Company HP health physics HPN Health Physics Network HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning I&C instrumentation and control INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations IPC Integrated Plant Computer MSIV main steam isolation valve MSL mean sea level
1-3 REV 49 08/08 GLOSSARY (Continued)
Term Definition MSRE medical support of radiological emergencies NACOM National Communication NAWAS National Warning System NCHPD Nuclear Chemistry and Health Physics Department NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NDOP Natural Disaster Operations Plan NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSCW nuclear service cooling water NSSS nuclear steam supply system NWS National Weather Service NUE Notification of Unusual Event ODA offsite dose assessment OPS operational protection system OS operations supervisor OSC operations support center PA public address PAG Protective Action Guideline PAR Protective Action Recommendation PBX private branch exchange PEO plant equipment operator PERMS process and effluent radiation monitoring system PO plant operator PRA peak recording accelerograph R&CA repair and corrective action
1-4 REV 56  09/10 GLOSSARY (Continued)
Term Definition RCP reactor coolant pump RCS reactor coolant system REC radiation emergency coordinator RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RET radiological emergency team RET/E radiological emergency team/environmental RET/I radiological emergency team/in plant
RO reactor operator RPU remote processing unit RTD resistance temperature detector RVLIS reactor vessel level instrumentation system RWP radiation work permit
SAT satisfied SC South Carolina SCORERP South Carolina Operational Radiological Emergency Response Plan SEC security SG steam generator SLED State Law Enforcement Division of South Carolina SMA strong motion accelerometer SNC Southern Nuclear Operating Company SOE sequence of events SPDS safety parameter display system SRO senior reactor operator SRS Savannah River Site 
1-5 REV 22  5/95 GLOSSARY (Continued)
Term Definition STA shift technical advisor SUR startup rate
TC thermocouple TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter TMI Three Mile Island TSC technical support center UFM universal field multiplexer
USDA United States Department of Agriculture VEGP Vogtle Electric Generating Plant WOG Westinghouse Owners Group
REV 46 07/07
2-1 REV 62  10/14 LETTERS OF AGREEMENT AND MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING On File  The following letters of agreement and memorandums of
understanding are maintained on file with the Site Emergency
Preparedness Supervisor.
* Burke County Emergency Management Agency
* WJBF-TV Channel 6
* WRDW-TV Channel 12
* WAGT-TV Channel 26
* (UAB) University of Alabama Hospital Birmingham, Alabama
* Doctors Hospital
* Joseph M. Still Burn Center
* Burke Medical Center
* Medical Specialists, Inc.
* Westinghouse
* Bechtel Power Corporation
* National Weather Service (NWS)
* WDOG Radio Station
* WKXC/KICKS 99 Radio Station (Beasley Broadcasting)
* Burke County Sheriff's Department
* B. Lamar Murray, M.D.
* WFXG - TV Channel 54
2-2 REV 46  07/07
* Aiken County South Carolina
* Allendale County South Carolina
* Barnwell County South Carolina
* Georgia Emergency Management Agency
* South Carolina Emergency Management Division
* Department of Energy - Savannah River REV 0  11/30/84 APPENDIX 3 MEANS FOR PROVIDING PROMPT ALERTING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC MEANS FOR PROVIDING PROMPT ALERTING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC 3-1 REV 61  06/14 A. INTRODUCTION Prompt alerting and notification of the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ is the obligation of State and
local government or other responsible authority. The
responsibility that means exist for this purpose rests with
Southern Nuclear Operating Company. An overview of these
means excluding the Savannah River Site is given in this
Initial notification of the public will occur in a manner
consistent with assuring the public health and safety. The
design objective for the system is to meet the acceptance
criteria which are provided in a subsequent section of this
Appendix. The design objective does not constitute a
guarantee that prompt notification can be provided for
everyone with 100% assurance, or that the system when tested
under actual field conditions will meet the design objective
in all cases.
In the event of an emergency the Emergency Director at VEGP
is responsible for notifying appropriate State and local
response organizations, plant emergency personnel, and DOE's
Savannah River Site. The initiating conditions for each
emergency class are delineated in Section D in the main body
of this emergency plan. The capability for 24-hour-per-day
alerting and notification of offsite response organizations
and plant emergency personnel is described in Section E.
Prompt alerting and notification of the public within the
plume exposure pathway EPZ will be accomplished by a
combination of several means. Initial alerting will be made
primarily by both tone-alert radios and a system of fixed
sirens. Those who are not alerted by the primary means will
be alerted by vehicles or boats equipped with sirens, and/or
loudspeakers, or by door to door contact. Having been
alerted, the public will turn on their radio or television to
receive additional instructions from the Emergency Alert
System (EAS). A full Alert and Notification System (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA approved Alert and Notification System Design Report (ANS-VEGP-001) located in the SNC document management system.
B. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS In the event of a serious emergency at VEGP, the primary
means for alerting and providing initial instructions to the
public will be by a combination of tone-alert radios and a
system of fixed sirens. The specific tone-alert radio system
to be employed is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's (NOAA) Alert System. The National Weather
Service (NWS) has agreed to activate the NOAA tone alert
radio system in the plant vicinity when required by
appropriate governmental officials. This means of
notification is available 24 hours per day.
3-2 REV 19  1/94 The tone-alert radios will broadcast an acoustic alerting signal immediately followed by a vocal emergency message. 
The initial message will state that an emergency condition
exists at VEGP and will also advise of any appropriate
instructions for protective actions. NOAA will periodically
broadcast short, updated messages as warranted. 
The siren system consists of a network of 47 rotating
electronic sirens mounted on poles strategically located
throughout the populated area of the plume exposure EPZ. 
Based upon Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654 and FEMA REP-10, the
system is designed to provide a minimum of 60 dBC coverage to
all residences within the plume exposure EPZ, plus adequate
coverage for people outdoors in all other areas of the plume exposure EPZ open to the public.
The locations and design coverage contours of the sirens are
shown on the attached map labeled "Figure 3-1, 60 and 50 dBC
Siren Design Coverage Contours."
Anyone not notified by the primary means will be notified by
using State and local resources on an as needed and/or as
available basis. These resources consist of the following: 
: 1. Vehicles ready for immediate dispatch are equipped with sirens and/or loudspeakers. In Georgia these vehicles
will be dispatched upon request of the Burke County EMA
Director (initially) or upon request of the senior GEMA
representative when he arrives at the FEOC. The EMA
Director, having either made the decision himself or
having been requested by GEMA, will direct the Burke
County Central Dispatcher (in the Burke County EOC) to
dispatch the desired vehicles. This is a 24-hour
capability. These vehicles will be supplied by the
Burke County Sheriff's Department and/or the County
Emergency Management Agency, both located in Waynesboro, Georgia. The central dispatcher has direct radio
contact with the Burke County EMA vehicles, and will
contact Sheriff's vehicles by radio either directly or
through the Sheriff's dispatcher. Additional vehicles
will be provided by the Georgia State Patrol barracks
located in Sylvania, Georgia (Post 21) which can also be
contacted by radio from the Central Dispatcher in the
Burke County EOC.
3-3 REV 5  2/86 In South Carolina, vehicles will be dispatched upon request of the senior official in charge of the respective county's emergency operation center; or if the SEOC or FEOC is operational, when requested by the senior state official. Dispatch of the vehicles is a 24-hour capability and will be made through the sheriff's dispatcher of the respective county. Because any people located in the Barnwell County portion of the plume exposure pathway EPZ are accessible only through Allendale County, Allendale County warning teams will have primary responsibility to warn the Barnwell populace.
Barnwell County will provide backup warning teams if necessary. Vehicles will be supplied by the respective county sheriff's department.
: 2. Boats equipped with a voice or sound device will notify sportsmen or recreationers on the Savannah River. These boats will be supplied locally by the
Georgia Department of Natural Resources-Law
Enforcement Section and the Burke County Emergency
Management Agency and are stationed in Waynesboro.
They will be dispatched by the Burke County Central
Dispatcher, at the direction of the EMA Director.
This is a 24-hour capability. For the DNR boat, the
dispatcher will radio or telephone the Resident
Ranger in Waynesboro. The dispatcher has direct
radio contact with County EMA personnel to access
the EMA boat. The boats will usually be launched
from the Georgia Power Company boat ramp at Plant
Vogtle. From this point, the boats will be sent up
and downstream, depending upon the plume pathway, to
the boundaries of the plume EPZ. The boats will be
prepositioned at the boat ramp at an Alert or higher
classification to await orders to launch.
Notification of persons on the river will be
coordinated with the South Carolina Department of
: 3. Door-to-door contact may be conducted in acute areas. This will be done as deemed necessary by
offsite authorities. It might be carried out after
completion of a portion of Item No. 1 above in
conjunction with confirmation of evacuation. 
3-4 REV 56  09/10 Detailed information and instructions will be provided on local EAS radio and television stations. Seven commercial
radio stations and three commercial television stations whose
broadcasts are received in the plume exposure pathway EPZ
have agreed to broadcast emergency instructions and
information in cooperation with offsite officials. Each of
these stations is a member of the EAS. Not all of these
stations broadcast 24 hours per day. In the event of an
emergency, the stations have agreed to come on the air; their FCC licenses permit off hour broadcasts in case of an
emergency. Most stations expect to be ready for broadcasting
in approximately one-half hour following notification.
These continuing instructions will provide more specific or
detailed information of any protective actions advised for
affected areas. Information on the nature of the accident, on any releases, and on the progress in ameliorating or
terminating the emergency event will also be provided
periodically on the commercial stations, along with a
prognosis for escalation or termination of the event. 
: 1. Within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, the prompt alerting and notification system will provide an alerting signal and notification by NOAA radio and
an alerting signal by fixed sirens; further
notification will also be provided by local
commercial radio and television stations which will
be activated via EAS. 
: 2. The minimum acceptable design objectives for coverage by the system are:
a) Capability for both an alerting signal and an informational or instructional message to the
population on an area-wide basis throughout the
plume exposure pathway EPZ, within 15 minutes.
b) The initial notification system will assure direct coverage of essentially 100% of the
population within five miles of the site.
c) Special arrangements will be made to assure 100%
coverage, within 45 minutes, of the population
who may not have received the initial
notification within the entire plume exposure
pathway EPZ. People in remote areas, such as those engaged in hunting and fishing, will be reached by the fixed
siren system.
3-5 REV 52  12/08 Assurance of continued notification capability will be verified on a statistical basis similar to engineering calculation DOEJ-HX2008100234-M001.
Periodically, perhaps in conjunction with an exercise at VEGP, the public alert and notification
system will be activated; Southern Nuclear Operating
Company, and/or the State and local governments will
survey a sample of the residents in the plume
exposure pathway EPZ. The survey results shall be used to assess the public's ability to hear the
alerting signal and their awareness of the meaning
of the prompt notification message, as well as the
availability of information on what to do in an
emergency. In response to the findings of these
surveys, appropriate corrective measures will be
taken to provide reasonable assurance that the
required coverage is maintained.
: 3. Local and State agencies have the capability to provide information promptly over local commercial
radio and television at the time of the activation
of the alerting signal. An agreement has been made
with NOAA; arrangements have been made with local
commercial radio and television stations. Authority
for activation of the EAS, whereby designated
governmental officials are permitted to issue
emergency information and instruction in threatened
or actual emergencies, is given by 47CFR part 11, EAS Rules.
D. PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION In the event of an emergency, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) has developed and will maintain plans, systems, procedures and relationships that are effective in notifying
appropriate governmental and other responsible authorities.
These authorities will have available to them the means for
alerting and notifying the general public, and for advising
of appropriate responses by the public.
The communications system between the plant and the
responsible authorities (Federal, State and local) features
the following capabilities:
a) Twenty-four hour coverage at VEGP and at the primary points to receive and act upon notification.
b) Section D of the main body of this emergency plan describes the conditions for assured dissemination
of alerting and warning information by VEGP to
appropriate State and local warning points, Section
E describes the methods and procedures for notifying
these warning points. Communications equipment is
described in Section F.
3-6 REV 31  12/00 c) VEGP assumes primary responsibility for net control since effectively all of the emergency information originates at VEGP.
Notification of VEGP response personnel is described in
Section E of the main body of this emergency plan. 
Notification of the response personnel of the State and local
response organization is described in their respective
emergency plans.
Southern Nuclear Operating Company in conjunction with
Georgia Power Company provides NOAA radio receivers for all
known establishments (residence, businesses, schools, etc.)
within the plume exposure pathway EPZ who choose to accept
them. The radios are distributed by the SNC Emergency Communications staff. During the distribution to those
accepting the radios, a brochure is handed out.
The brochure distributed with the radios is entitled "Questions and Answers About Your Plant Vogtle NOAA Weather
Radio."  That brochure will be redistributed on an annual
basis to NOAA recipients. This brochure includes the
following information:
* What is NOAA.
* Why NOAA radios are provided.
* Information they will receive on the NOAA radio.
* When the alert system will be activated.
* Who makes NOAA broadcasts.
* Where to place the radio.
* Backup battery power for power failures.
* What to do if the NOAA radio doesn't work.
* How to replace radio batteries.
A public information calendar entitled "The Plant Vogtle
Emergency Information Calendar" will be distributed on an
annual basis to the NOAA radio recipients.
Both the brochure and the calendar advise residents to
contact VEGP or their local EMA if their radio is defective.
The telephone number and address of both offices are provided
in each brochure. SNC will replace any defective radios upon request or discovery that the radios are defective. SNC will also annually distribute replacement batteries to all
recipients of tone alert radios.
SNC will maintain a register of all radio recipients.
3-7 REV 31  12/00 The electric service to all Burke County recipients within the plume EPZ is provided by either Georgia Power Company or
the Planters Electric Membership Corporation (EMC). Planters
EMC has agreed to provide information monthly to the Emergency Communications staff concerning any persons requesting new electric service or disconnection of existing
electric service. 
The Emergency Communications staff uses that information, together with its knowledge of its own electrical hookups or
disconnections in the Georgia plume EPZ, to identify new
residents. The Emergency Communications staff distributes
tone alert radios to any new residents and updates the
register of radio recipients periodically. 
The Emergency Communications staff also determines whether
there are any permanent Burke County plume EPZ residents
without electricity. A list of these residents is
maintained. A survey of the Burke County portion of the
plume EPZ will be made annually by the Emergency
Communications staff to assure that the list of any such
residents is current. This updated list is provided to the
Burke County EMA director. The primary means of notification
for these residents will be the siren system.
The recipients of tone-alert radios in the South Carolina
portion of the plume EPZ are so few that similar indirect
methods for checking the distribution of radios are not
necessary. Rather, annual surveys of the entire South
Carolina portion of the plume EPZ will be made directly by
the Emergency Communications Staff. 
The tone alert radios are routinely tested by the National
Weather Service every Wednesday around noon unless severe
weather is threatening. The effectiveness of the tone alert
radios will be tested and evaluated at least once a year per
procedure 91706-C, Alert Notification System. 
The testing and maintenance of the public alerting sirens in
the VEGP EPZ are the responsibility of VEGP. The maintenance
program will consist of both periodic routine checks and, as
required, corrective maintenance. The actual performance of
these maintenance actions will be conducted by Southern
Company Services maintenance personnel or contract personnel. 
In either case, this program will be under the direction of
the VEGP emergency preparedness coordinator.
The periodic routine maintenance program will be based on the
manufacturers' recommendations and experience gained with the
installation. It will consist of quarterly inspections to
verify the proper physical condition of each siren location
and checks to verify the proper operation of each location
utilizing the built-in test and monitoring features of this
3-8 REV 38  05/05 The periodic test program will consist of a weekly silent test, from the county activation points, and an annual full
scale activation of the system.
The weekly silent test will consist of activation of the
siren from the County EOC. Each siren location is activated
and responds in the normal manner, with the exception that
the radiated noise of the siren is above the normal audible
range and is therefore silent. Proper activation of each
siren is confirmed utilizing a monitoring system. This monitoring system verifies the proper activation of the major
components of the siren. 
Once each year the system will be activated from the
associated county EOC in the normal mode. Advance notice of
the test will be provided to the public. Activation of each
siren will be verified by the WSMRFC. Reports of siren
failures or inadequate coverage will be investigated by VEGP.
Unsatisfactory conditions detected by any means will be
promptly repaired by Southern Company Services maintenance or
contract personnel under the direction of the VEGP emergency
preparedness coordinator.
GEMA and SC EMD procedures detail the process for activating the prompt notification system for VEGP and will contain
messages for first alert, shelter notice, evacuation notice, and all clear. 
Following initial notification of an emergency at VEGP by
plant officials, GEMA and SCEPD will coordinate any decision
to activate the prompt notification system. When a decision
to activate the NOAA tone alert radios has been made, GEMA
will request activation. 
Authorization to activate the NOAA alert system for an
emergency situation at VEGP rests with the GEMA director, executive director, and chief of operations. One of these
individuals will instruct a GEMA staff officer (predesignated
staff officers are listed by position and name in the GEMA's
procedure) to initiate activation of the alert system. The
GEMA staff officer will instruct the GEMA radio operator to
call National Weather Service - of Columbia, (NWS-Columbia)
for activation of the NOAA alert system and provide the radio
operator with his phone number (EOC, FEOC, home). The radio
operator will call the meteorologist-on-duty at NWS-Columbia
using the National Warning System (NAWAS) circuit and request
an emergency call to GEMA.
3-9 REV 38  05/05 (If NAWAS malfunctions, GEMA will call the NWS on either a commercial phone number or their FTS phone number.)  The
meteorologist-on-duty will call the GEMA radio operator on
one of three numbers with patch call capability that are
identified in GEMA's procedure. The GEMA radio operator will
patch the Weather Service call through to the GEMA staff
officer's phone number.
The GEMA staff officer will identify himself, and the NOAA
operator will verify his name against the predesignated list
in the GEMA procedure. 
The GEMA staff officer will request activation of the NOAA
alert system and specify the desired message to be broadcast
by the tone-alert radios from the prescripted messages
contained in the GEMA procedure which include pertinent
information for South Carolina portions of the plume EPZ. He
will also fill in any blanks in the prescripted message and
specify the length of time the message is to automatically
repeat. The entire activation process is estimated by GEMA
to take 5 to 10 min starting at the time the decision to
activate the prompt notification system is made.
Additional follow up messages which are not prescripted will
be similarly activated. 
Each position identified in these activation steps is either
staffed or on-call 24 hr. a day. 
The Burke County EMA director may request NOAA activation
through GEMA. He also has the authority to request
activation of the EAS. The Burke County EMA Director, or his
designee, may activate the EAS by telephoning (commercial
lines) either the EAS Control Station for the area, (WBBQ-FM
Augusta) or any local radio or television station which is an
EAS member. Each member station can notify the other member
stations. Certain member stations operate 24 h per day, enabling activation regardless of the hour. The Burke County
EOC communication facility will also have the ability to
activate the EAS directly through a local radio station (WBRO); however this station does not operate 24 h per day. 
GEMA may also activate EAS by calling the same stations
described above, or through WSB in Atlanta. 
Each of the three South Carolina counties within the plume
EPZ may also activate the EAS system in the event of an
immediate declaration of a Site Area Emergency or a General
Emergency by VEGP and if the South Carolina SEOC is not yet operational. This activation can be made by telephoning (commercial lines) any EAS Control Station for the area (WAKN-FM, Aiken Common Program Control Station (CPCS-1);
WTCB, Orangeburg Common Program Control Station (CPCS-1) or
any local radio or television station which is an EAS member.
3-10 REV 38  05/05 Fixed sirens are radio controlled by the county in which they are located. Forty-six of the sirens are controlled from the
Burke County EOC. The remaining siren is controlled from the
Barnwell County 911 Center. When a coordinated decision for
activation of the prompt notification system has been made
between GEMA and SCEMD, the respective state will instruct each affected county to activate its siren(s) at a
predesignated time synchronized with NOAA radio and EAS
activation. Each county may also activate its siren(s) when
deemed necessary for protection of its populace if the
states' EOC/FEOC are not yet activated. This siren activation
would be synchronized with activation of the EAS directly by
the county. 
REV 7   
FIGURE 3-1 60 and 50 dBC Siren Design Coverage Contours This figure is available in hard copy only.
See Christopher E. Boone, Emergency Planning Coordinator, (205) 992-6635.
: 1. Survey meters:  Ion chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
: 3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
: 5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
: 6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
: 7. Survey logs
: 8. Smears
: 9. Plastic bags
: 10. Radiological signs
: 11. Barrier ropes or ribbon
: 12. Tape
: 13. Plastic sheeting
: 14. Absorbent material
: 15. Coveralls
: 16. Shoe covers
: 17. Rubber gloves
: 18. Cotton gloves
: 19. Hoods
: 20. Respirators
: 21. Respirator filters
: 22. SCBAs
: 23. First aid kit
: 24. Portable lanterns
: 25. Flashlights
: 26. Potassium iodide
: 27. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies
: 28. Area maps
: 29. Check sources
EOF Supplies
: 1. First aid kit
: 2. Flashlights 3. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies
: 4. Area maps
: 1. Ion chamber survey meter minimum range 0-5 R/h 2. Frisker minimum range 0-5 k cpm 3. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem) 4. Air sampler 5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler 6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler 7. Sample counting equipment 8. Field monitoring log forms 9. Area and road maps 10. Clipboard and writing materials
: 11. Radios
: 12. Smears 13. Plastic bags 14. Soil scoop
: 15. Knife 16. 1-liter bottles
: 17. Tape 18. Cotton gloves and rubber gloves 19. Protective clothing 20. First aid kit
: 21. Flashlight
: 22. Calculator 23. Tape measure 24. Stop watch
: 25. Respirators
: 1. Survey meters:  Ion chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
: 3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
: 5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
: 6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
: 7. Survey logs
: 8. Smears
: 9. Plastic bags
: 10. Radiological signs
: 11. Barrier ropes or ribbons
: 12. Tape
: 13. Plastic sheeting
: 14. Absorbent material
: 15. Coveralls
: 16. Shoe covers
: 17. Rubber gloves
: 18. Cotton gloves
: 19. Hoods
: 20. Respirators
: 21. Respirator filters
: 22. SCBAs
: 23. First Aid kit
: 24. Flashlights
: 25. Batteries
: 26. Check source
: 27. Potassium iodide
: 28. Data forms
: 29. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies 4-5 REV 60  07/13 TABLE 4-5 MAIN CONTROL POINT OR HP ROOM EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (TYPICAL)
: 1. Survey meters:  Ionization chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
: 3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
: 5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
: 6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
: 7. Survey logs
: 8. Smears
: 9. Plastic bags
: 10. Radiological signs
: 11. Barrier ropes or ribbons
: 12. Tape
: 13. Plastic sheeting
: 14. Absorbent material
: 15. Coveralls
: 16. Shoe covers
: 17. Rubber gloves
: 18. Cotton gloves
: 19. Hoods
: 20. Respirators
: 21. Respirator filters
: 22. SCBAs
: 23. First Aid kit
: 24. Flashlights
: 25. Batteries
: 26. Radiation protection and monitoring procedures
: 27. Potassium iodide
: 28. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies
: 1. Ion chamber, minimum range 0-5 R/h 2. Frisker with probe, minimum range 0-50 k cpm
: 3. Smears
: 4. Plastic bags
: 5. Radiological signs
: 6. Barrier ropes or ribbons
: 7. Tape
: 8. Plastic sheeting
: 9. Absorbent material
: 10. Coveralls
: 11. Shoe covers
: 12. Rubber gloves
: 13. Cotton gloves
: 14. Hoods
: 15. Soap
: 16. Shampoo
: 17. Towels
: 18. Razors
: 19. Shaving cream
: 20. Dosimeters (0-99 rem)
: 21. Hand brushes
: 22. Body maps
: 23. Potassium iodide
: 24. OSLDs 25. Respirators with/filter cartridges
: 26. Cotton swabs
: 1. Coveralls 2. Shoe covers
: 3. Cotton gloves
: 4. Plastic bags
: 5. Tape
: 6. Plastic sheeting
: 7. Absorbent material
: 8. Rubber gloves
: 9. Frisker with/probe, minimum range 0-50 k cpm
: 10. OSLDs(a) 11. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)(a)
: 12. Radiation tape and tags
: a. Equipment supplied by personnel at Plant Entry and
Security Building (PESB).
REV 0  11/30/84
REV 59    12/12
6-1 REV 64  3/15 Appendix 6 Evacuation Time Estimate In order to ensure the safety of the public living in the
vicinity of nuclear power plants in the nation, the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires licensees to
develop and update evacuation times estimates (ETEs) for
areas within the emergency planning zone (EPZ). Updates are
required following the availability of data from the
decennial census (10 years) or when the sensitivity factor
for changes in population within the EPZ has been exceeded. 
This appendix contains information from the ETE update
performed in 2012. ETE population reviews will be conducted annually. This update implements the requirements of the revised regulations relevant to ETE updates in accordance
with the guidance provided in NUREG/CR-7002, Criteria for
Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies and the requirements in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Sections IV.3 and
Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) contracted IEM to
estimate evacuation times for the 2012 populations within the
10-mile plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ)
surrounding the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP). 
This appendix provides a summary of the final report
describing the methods used to obtain population data and to
estimate evacuation times and estimated population figures, evacuation road network information, and ETEs.
The report provides a breakdown of the population by
geographic areas and protective action zones (PAZ).
1  Four categories of population are identified in the report:
* Permanent residents.
* Transient population.
* Transit dependent permanent residents.
* Schools.
The permanent resident population is made up of individuals
residing in the 10-mile EPZ. The total year 2012 permanent
resident populations within the 10-mile EPZ for VEGP are
estimated to be 3,080. The transient population consists of
workers employed within the area, recreational sportsmen, and
visitors. The total peak transient population within the
10-mile EPZ is estimated to be 2,915. Only one school, Lord's House of Praise Christian School, was identified in
the VEGP EPZ. IEM contacted the school to collect current
enrollment, staff figures, and the evacuation plan. The
total peak population for the school in the EPZ is estimated
to be 70. Transit dependent permanent residents in the EPZ
are estimated to be 29. This study also considered the
voluntary evacuees, who are also known as shadow evacuees
that reside within 10 to 15 miles from VEGP.
1 NRC Criteria for Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies. NUREG/CR-7002. November 2011.
6-2 REV 61  06/14 IEM utilized a computer traffic simulation model, PTV Vision VISUM, to perform the ETE analyses. For the analyses, the
10-mile plume exposure pathway EPZ was divided into 19 unique geographic areas based on two-mile, five-mile, and ten-mile
radius rings, the 16 22.5-degree PAZs, as well as keyhole and
staged evacuation logic. In order to represent the most
realistic emergency scenarios, evacuations for the 19 geographic evacuation areas were modeled individually for the
midweek daytime, midweek - weekend evening, and weekend
daytime scenarios. Each of these scenarios was then
considered under both normal and adverse weather conditions
using the 2012 population estimations. A total of 114 evacuation scenarios were considered as part of this study to
represent different wind, temporal, seasonal and weather
Both 100% and 90% ETEs for each scenario were collected. The
100% ETEs for the evacuation areas ranged from 2 hours 10 minutes to 3 hours 25 minutes for the normal scenarios, and
from 2 hours 15 minutes to 3 hours 25 minutes for those occurring in adverse weather. The 90% ETEs for the
evacuation areas ranged from 1 hour 20 minutes to 2 hours 20
minutes for the normal scenarios, and from 1 hour 20 minutes
to 2 hours 25 minutes for those occurring in adverse weather.
The factors that contributed to the variations in EPEs
between scenarios include differences in the number of
evacuating vehicles, the capacity of the evacuation routes
used, or the distance from the origin zones to the EPZ
Based on the data gathered and the results of the evacuation
simulations, the existing evacuation strategy was determined
to be functional for the 2012 conditions, given the lack of
severe congestion or very high ETEs. Recommendations were
provided for enhancements to improve the evacuation time
Assumptions utilized in the ETE will be reviewed when
evaluating changes to roadways or evacuation networks to
ensure the results of the ETE remain valid. Changes in
population will be evaluated utilizing the sensitivity factor
developed during the ETE analysis.
The full Evacuation Time Estimate was submitted for NRC
review in accordance with NRC regulations Evacuation Time
Estimate (ETE) Updates 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section IV.3. 
Following the NRC review, the results of the study and
recommendations will be reviewed with applicable offsite
agencies. The review will focus on the utilization of the
results of the evacuation simulations provided in the ETE for
comparison to existing protective action strategies. 
Modifications, if any, will be incorporated as part of the
ongoing emergency planning process. SNC will work with OROs and maintain a protective action strategy using the 6-3 REV 61  06/14 applicable portions of NUREG 0654 Supplement III.  (
Evacuation Time Estimates Update dated November 26, 2013 NL-13-2340; ETE Report ETE-VEGP-001; Annual ETE Review ETE-VEGP-002).
1 REV 38  05/05 A. INTRODUCTION A.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this appendix is to outline the function of the Emergency Operations Facility for the Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC). Additionally, this appendix delineates the actions to be taken by SNC Corporate Staff in the event of an emergency at any (SNC) site.
A.2 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This appendix provides the framework for operations of the EOF for SNC. This appendix is an integral part of the site specific emergency plan(s).
This appendix may be implemented to coordinate a SNC response to an emergency at any SNC facility or in response to a transportation accident involving radioactive material.
Additionally, this appendix provides the mechanism for obtaining and providing additional emergency response support and resources to SNC site(s) in the event of an emergency.
The SNC Corporate Staff will be responsible for offsite emergency response support and resources as requested.
Overall management of the emergency will be accomplished at the specific site(s)[Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP) and Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP)].
The site specific Emergency Plan, is activated by the Emergency Director (ED). Upon notification of an ALERT or higher classification or as directed by the ED, the EOF will be activated as described in emergency implementing procedures. When notified, the designated corporate emergency organization management report to the EOF to be briefed on current conditions and perform their assigned tasks. Each manager's support staff will operate from that group's office area. Offsite support personnel and equipment will be dispatched to the site Operations Support Center (OSC) or Technical Support Center (TSC) upon request from the specific site Emergency Director. The corporate emergency organization will provide offsite emergency response support and resources to SNC sites 24 hours per day until the emergency has been terminated.
2 REV 38  05/05 The EOF will be activated for an ALERT, a SITE AREA or GENERAL emergency classification. This facility will be operational within about an hour of the initial notification.
SNC's goal is to begin notification of all required on-call Emergency Response Organization (ERO) personnel as soon as practicable, within 15 minutes, following the declaration of an Alert emergency or higher emergency classification at any SNC site.
Minimum EOF staff for facility activation will include the EOF Manager, the Dose Assessment Supervisor, the Dose Analyst, the Field Team Coordinator, the ENN Communicator, and the Licensing Support Coordinator.
Access control for the EOF is established through the use of electronic card readers.
During the emergency, the emergency director will normally be located in either the TSC or Control Room at his/her option. The emergency director is responsible for the management of the emergency response. Specific duties and responsibilities are provided in the site specific Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.
SNC has taken precautions to ensure that the EOF can be quickly accessed and made operational within about an hour of the initial notification and is safe-guarded against unauthorized personnel. The common EOF is located in a secure building. The building itself has posted security guards and video surveillance cameras.
Any outside doors that do not have security guards are accessible only by SNC ID badges. Additionally, the EOF facility door is accessible only to people with ID badges that have been pre-approved for access. If an event were to occur during off-normal hours, a guard will be posted at the main entrance to Building 40 to allow access to offsite agency or other responders without pre-designated ID access.
B. EOF ORGANIZATION The EOF Organization consists of selected management and staff members located in the SNC Corporate Office. This organization is responsible for providing offsite emergency response support and resources, as needed.
The EOF Organization is displayed in Figure 1 and typical duty assignments are shown on Table 1. This organization may be supplemented or reduced by the EOF Manager, as required, to respond to the specific emergency situation. but will not be reduced to below the minimum staff as specified in A.3 above.
SNC normally maintains ERO positions in a duty rotation.
Several positions have been designated as plant specific 3 REV 38  05/05 and, as such, have personnel designated for each of the 3 sites. Specifically each of the following EOF positions has site-specific personnel designated:
* EOF Manager
* EOF Technical Supervisor In order to augment additional staff that may be needed in the unlikely event of a multi-site accident, SNC will re-activate its ERO notification system. When the EOF is activated, all EOF staff pagers are activated, and all EOF personnel are expected to report to the EOF.
Personnel that are not needed to augment positions are briefed and dismissed with a stand-by status.
B.1 EOF MANAGER The EOF Manager manages the following activities:
* Overall direction and control of the offsite response for SNC.
* Communication of radiological information to State and local emergency response agencies as needed.
* After consultation with the ED, provides support for initial activities associated with planning for recovery operations.
The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Manager will be assumed by designated SNC corporate personnel. The designated individual will be assigned according to a predetermined rotation schedule and will typically have either previous plant specific SRO background or long-term supervisory/management experience.
4 REV 60  07/13 The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Manager are as follows:
: 1. Manage the EOF and direct the activities of the EOF
: 2. Ensure activation of the EOF at ALERT or higher
classification, or as directed by the ED.
: 3. Support site efforts for the following:
* Determining the cause of the incident.
* Assessing the overall damage, including personnel, equipment, systems, facilities and/or fuel.
* Developing recovery plans.
: 4. Keep corporate management informed regarding the
emergency response and emergency classification
: 5. Ensure that the joint owners, as applicable, are
kept apprised of significant changes in the
emergency status including upgrades, downgrades and
: 6. Keep the GPC/APCO public information director fully
apprised regarding the status of the emergency.
: 7. Identify the available resources within and outside
the company to assist in mitigation and recovery, as
: 8. Procure outside services and equipment, as
: 9. Obtain assistance from SNC Environmental Services
regarding non-radiological and hazardous materials
environmental considerations.
: 10. Request assistance from legal counsel as
: 11. Coordinate NRC inquiries/activities requiring a
response from the Corporate Office. Obtain licenses
and/or amendments to licenses, if required, for
repair of the affected unit and disposal of waste
: 12. Approve news releases issued from the Emergency
Response Center (ERC) or the Emergency News Center (ENC)/Joint Information Center (JIC).
: 13. Communicate developed PARs to the ED once offsite
communication responsibility is transferred to the
EOF. The EOF Manager and ED will determine which
facility will communicate the PARs to offsite
agencies. Normally, initial PARs will be
communicated to offsite agencies by the TSC while 5 REV 38  05/05 changes in PARs will be communicated to offsite agencies by the EOF.
: 14. Ensure that necessary support is provided to the SNC Newswriter, the SNC Spokesperson, and the Public Information Director to ensure timely and accurate information flow to the public. An unaffected EOF Manager will be available to assist the affected EOF Manager in Company Spokesperson interface activities.
6 REV 38  05/05 B.2 EOF TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Technical Supervisor will be assumed by SNC corporate support personnel. The designated individual will be assigned according to a predetermined rotation schedule and will typically have plant specific long-term engineering/design experience. Reporting to the Technical Supervisor are the emergency communicators and the necessary engineering technical, and licensing personnel needed to support tasks assigned to the EOF.
The duties and responsibilities of the Technical Supervisor are as follows:
: 1. Provide technical interface to vendors, utility groups, consultants and technical investigation groups. 2. Assist in establishing a list of plant equipment/system modifications required to bring the plant to cold shutdown, recovery and/or startup.
: 3. Develop an engineering support plan compatible with the plant mitigation and recovery plan. Provide engineering support developing site recovery procedures. This plan will include engineering personnel resources.
: 4. Coordinate the work performed by SNC engineering, Southern Company Services, the architect engineer, the nuclear steam supply system supplier, and other engineering consultants. Coordinate the transmittal of engineering modification/design documents (Design Change Packages (DCP), Request for Engineering Assistance (REA), etc) to the site staff, and site and SNC procurement groups.
: 5. Coordinate the receipt and assessment of technical information related to plant systems and facility operations, and submit recommendations to the TSC Manager through the EOF Manager.
: 6. Provide licensing support, as requested, through utilization of the licensing support.
: 7. Provides communications support for offsite notifications (Emergency Notification Network(ENN), as requested.
7 REV 43  05/06 B.3 EOF SUPPORT COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Support Coordinator will be assumed by SNC corporate support
personnel. The individuals designated to assume the
position will be indicated on a predetermined
rotational schedule. Reporting to the EOF Support
Coordinator are the non-technical personnel needed to
support tasks assigned to the EOF. Additionally, the
News writer is matrixed to the EOF Support Coordinator
from the corporate communications organization.
The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Support Coordinator are as follows:
: 1. Provide assistance to the TSC Support Coordinator in the Technical Support Center (TSC) for ordering equipment and materials needed. Establish a standby
list of personnel to provide additional technical
support, as required. 
: 2. Obtain materials, supplies, and equipment that are
needed in the EOF.
: 3. Process expense accounts, distribute checks from
payroll, and conduct other financial aspects of the
emergency organization. 
: 4. Provide logistics arrangements for support personnel
called in to assist in the emergency, including
communications hardware, transportation, food, and
: 5. Obtain assistance from corporate financial staff to
communicate, as necessary, with banks, financial
institutions, investors, joint owners and insurers
regarding the emergency situation. 
: 6. During the initial phase of the emergency, provide
the official log of actions and the course of the
emergency from the EOF. 
: 7. Provide administrative services for the Corporate
Emergency Response Organization, such as clerical, typing, and duplication. 
: 8. Provide administrative, logistic, financial, and
procurement support as appropriate during the
recovery phase.
8 REV 38  05/05 B.4 DOSE ASSESSMENT SUPERVISOR The duties and responsibilities of the Dose Assessment Supervisor will be assumed by SNC corporate support personnel. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule. Reporting to the Dose Assessment Supervisor are the Dose Analyst, Field Team Coordinator, Field Team Communicator, and Radiological Status Communicator.
The TSC will initially be responsible for dose projection and field team control activities. When the EOF is activated and ready to assume functions of dose projection/assessment activities, then the EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor will coordinate transfer of dose assessment, field team control, and protective action determination from the TSC to the EOF. Coordination will include ED/EOF Manager mutual approval of the transfer with the intention of transferring dose assessment from the TSC to the EOF as rapidly as possible while ensuring a smoothly coordinated transfer of this critical function.
The duties and responsibilities of the Dose Assessment Supervisor are as follows:
: 1. Support the plant dose assessment supervisor as necessary. Be prepared to assume offsite dose projection if requested. Keep the EOF Manager informed of any offsite dose assessments performed by the site or corporate staff.
: 2. Provide an as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) exposure review of engineering modifications and tasks proposed by the emergency organization, including necessary documentation of those reviews.
: 3. Develop methods for treatment and/or disposal of radioactive wastes resulting from the emergency and recovery operations.
: 4. Compare calculations and measurements with State and Federal groups performing radiological assessments.
: 5. Coordinate distribution of dose assessment information with offsite authorities.
: 6. Coordinate assistance to the State for transportation incidents involving radioactive material, as requested.
: 7. Develop protective action recommendations (PARs) and communicate to the EOF Manager the need for PAR communication once control is transferred to the EOF.
9 REV 38  05/05 B.5  SECURITY COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the Security Coordinator will be assumed by SNC corporate security personnel. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule.
The duties and responsibilities of the Security Coordinator are as follows:
: 1. Support the plant security manager as necessary.
Keep the EOF Manager informed of any security events/issues.
: 2. Provide assistance to the security supervisor at the site, as requested.
: 3. Establish and maintain access control for the EOF.
10 REV 38  05/05 B.6 OFFSITE RESPONSE COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the Offsite Response Coordinator will be assumed by SNC Corporate Emergency Planning Coordinators and designated staff. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule.
The duties and responsibilities of the Offsite Response Coordinator are as follows:
: 1. Coordinate activities concerning the dispatch and update of technical liaisons to State and Local authorities, as appropriate. 
: 2. Monitor EOF functional areas to facilitate coordination between the licensee and State and Local agencies.
: 1. The Engineering/Technical Support staff and administrative support staff will report to the EOF, as directed. These job titles refer to a number of individuals performing a variety of designated tasks. Their numbers will depend on the type and duration of the emergency. 
: 2. The Engineering/Technical Support staff are personnel designated by the management of the Corporate Emergency Organization. They provide management, technical, regulatory and licensing support during an emergency. This staff report through the EOF Technical Supervisor to the EOF Manager. 3. The administrative support staff are the non-technical members of the Corporate Emergency Response Organization. They perform duties designated by the EOF Support Coordinator or appropriate manager which include but are not limited to the following:
: a. Providing clerical and secretarial support to the Emergency Organization.
: b. Operation of word processors.
: c. Operation of telecopiers. 
: d. Making entries to and retrieving data from Nuclear Network.
: e. Retrieval of file documents. 
: f. Updating status boards using information provided from the sites.
11  REV 60  07/13 C. NOTIFICATION AND ACTIVATION Initial notifications or emergency response personnel
will follow the guidelines specified in the site
specific Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing
Procedures. This appendix contains the emergency
notification of Corporate Management and the appropriate
offsite support groups not specified in the site
specific Emergency Plan(s).
C.1 NOTIFICATION OF CORPORATE MANAGEMENT The Nuclear Duty Officer will be notified of all emergencies classified at any SNC site. The Nuclear Duty Officer will in turn notify the EOF Manager. The EOF Manager is responsible for activation of the EOF
Staff and notifying the appropriate Corporate
: 1. The EOF Manager is responsible for assuring that the Corporate Emergency Organization is notified 2. The EOF Manager will also be responsible for ensuring that the corporate emergency staff members report directly to the EOF. 3. Notification of personnel may be accomplished through the use of an automated or manual system.
C.2 NOTIFICATION OF OFFSITE SUPPORT AGENCIES Offsite support agencies will be notified by the
appropriate emergency organization member(s), as
requested by VEGP, FNP, and HNP.
12 REV 38  05/05 D. EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Following the declaration of an emergency, response activity will be coordinated at a number of facilities.
These emergency response facilities are described in the site specific emergency plans. The EOF is a common facility for all SNC sites and is described in this section. D.1 EOF DESCRIPTION The EOF is the central location for management of the offsite emergency response, coordination of radiological assessment, and management of initial recovery operations. The EOF is located in Birmingham, Alabama and serves as the EOF for all SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP). The EOF will be activated as prescribed in the site specific Emergency Plan implementing procedures. From the EOF, SNC corporate management personnel assist the states and other governmental bodies by communicating protective action recommendations approved by the Emergency Director to ensure public health and safety. Plant systems information, radiological data, and meteorological data are provided via the SNC integrated data display system to EOF personnel as needed to: assess environmental conditions, coordinate radiological monitoring activities, and recommend implementation of offsite emergency plans. Data displays provide periodic and timely conditions of the affected plant and periodic and timely assessment of radiological conditions in the plant environs. .
The SNC integrated data display system utilizes data provided by the plant specific data links. These station data links are described in each site specific plan. These displays may be either manual or electronic. Data displays are located in the main caucus area of the EOF, dose assessment area, plant status area, and engineering area within the facility. Other displays may be located in the command center area. Data is also available to all state agencies responding to the EOF. Data is available both in the main caucus area and the area designated for the particular state agency. Similarly, this data is available to state and local authorities via a secure network dedicated to data distribution among the various offsite emergency response facilities. The data display system provides the user with a "master view" for the monitoring of multiple site events simultaneously. Data required to support EOF operations is provided by an extensive ring bus transport network. Data may also be obtained manually via telephone from the Control Room and the TSC to the EOF.
13 REV 38  05/05 Contained within the facility will be the manpower and equipment necessary to provide dedicated direct communication links to the plant site(s). In addition, there are commercial and company wide phone systems to and from the site(s). A communication link will be established and maintained between the Emergency Operations Facility and the Technical Support Center (TSC) until the emergency director determines that the communication link is no longer needed. Other communications equipment accessible to the EOF includes Nuclear Network (an intra-industry computer-based information exchange network), telecopiers, and computer workstations designated for emergency use. Computer workstations are dedicated for performing dose projections for multiple sites. The EOF is the distribution center for all field data and sample analyses. This information will be available to county, State, and Federal representatives. The EOF is sized to accommodate 35 persons, including 25 pre-designated persons, 9 persons from the NRC, and 1 person from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is anticipated that representatives from the state(s) of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida will be dispatched to the EOF for an event at specific SNC site(s). The EOF has been designed to accommodate these representatives. Agreements exist between the appropriate State agencies and SNC to ensure rapid response of state personnel dispatched to the EOF. Table 4 provides additional information concerning EOF communications capabilities. Upon activation of the EOF, Corporate personnel will provide staffing 24 hours per day until directed otherwise by the Emergency Director.
The emergency director, located at the affected site(s), is responsible for the management of the emergency response. Specific duties and responsibilities are provided in the site specific Emergency.
The EOF consists of several rooms, as shown, together with the location of key personnel, in Figure 2. The EOF is a dedicated facility. The designated emergency planning coordinator for each of the three sites maintains an office within the EOF to ensure readiness and daily operability.
Based on the physical location of the EOF, specialized ventilation systems are not required. The EOF ventilation system is consistent in design with standard building codes. Similarly, EOF functions would not be interrupted by radiation releases from any SNC site.
14 REV 38  05/05 Normal power to the EOF is from a reliable offsite source. Emergency lighting is provided by battery operated lights. Back-up power for the EOF is supplied by onsite diesel generation. All essential equipment is backed up by the diesel generation system.
The EOF is located adjacent to the document management section for SNC. The following records or information are available:
* Technical Specifications.
* Selected plant operating procedures.
* Emergency Plans.
* Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.
* FSARs.
* State and local emergency response plans.
* Savannah River Site Emergency Plan.
The following records or information can be transmitted to the EOF manually, electronically or by facsimile:
* Environs radiological monitoring records.
* SNC employee radiation exposure histories.
* System piping and instrumentation diagrams and HVAC flow diagrams.
* Piping area diagrams.
* Electrical one-line, elementary, and wiring diagrams.
The above records or information are available in current form and updated as necessary to ensure currency and completeness.
Operations at this facility are directed by the EOF manager.
15 REV 43  05/06 D.2 CONTINGENCY PLANNING Optimum functionality and availability was considered in the decision to locate the EOF in Birmingham, Alabama. At this location, functionality of the EOF
would be uninterrupted by radiation releases, natural
phenomena, and security based events at any of the SNC
sites. Support operations and coordination with
Federal, State and local organizations would continue.
If personnel were to be dispatched to the sites, then personal protection equipment would be available from
the local emergency management agency or from one of
the unaffected SNC plant sites.
In the unlikely event that individuals should need to respond to the EOF from within the 10 mile EPZ of any
SNC plant, they would be surveyed prior to release by
local emergency authorities at the reception centers in
accordance with State and Local emergency response
plans. In the unlikely event that the EOF becomes uninhabitable, resources and personnel will be
transferred to the Corporate Headquarters of Alabama
Power Company, located in Birmingham, Alabama. These
actions will be taken as part of the normal business
continuity plan.
E. COORDINATION WITH GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES The site specific Emergency Plan(s) delineate the
governmental agencies to be notified and specifies the
information to be initially conveyed. It is anticipated
that representatives of various agencies will be
dispatched to the EOF for an event at an SNC facility. 
Arrangements have been made between the appropriate
State agencies and SNC to ensure rapid response of state
personnel dispatched to the EOF. 
E.1 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Coordination with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) may be underway at several locations
simultaneously. For details of the NRC response, see
the NRC Incident Response Plan, NUREG-0728. 
Initial notification of the NRC will proceed as
specified in the site specific Emergency Plan. The
resident NRC inspector(s) and plant personnel have
direct communications from the site control room to the
NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland and to the
regional headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. 
16 REV 38  05/05 The resident inspector(s) may be reinforced by additional NRC personnel shortly after notification of an emergency. The Emergency Director is responsible for coordinating NRC activities to reduce duplication of effort and reduce impact on the plant staff during the emergency situation.
Provisions have been made to have direct NRC FTS lines in the TSC and the EOF during an emergency. This will allow personnel in the control room to continue responding to the emergency while personnel in the TSC or EOF respond to questions and input from the NRC.
NRC activities requiring response from the licensee will be coordinated by the EOF Technical Coordinator through the EOF manager.
E.2 STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES The government notifications are outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan(s). Coordination of offsite responses to the emergency is the responsibility of State agencies as outlined in the State Radiological Emergency Response Plans.
E.3 LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES Notification of local government officials is outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan(s). Coordination with local government agencies will normally be through the responsible State agency.
E.4 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Notification of DOE officials is outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan.
17 REV 38  05/05 F. OFFSITE SUPPORT Offsite resources that may be available to support an emergency response effort include, but are not limited to, the following: 
: 1. Southern Nuclear Operating Company
: 2. Georgia Power Company
: 3. Alabama Power Company
: 4. Southern Company Services, Inc.
: 5. The architect engineers
: 6. NSSS supplier
: 7. Nuclear industry
: 1. SNC is divided into three projects:  the Farley Project, the Hatch Project, and the Vogtle Project.
Each of the projects is further divided into a plant staff and a corporate staff. These represent a pool of positions of which approximately two-thirds would be additional assets that could be made available to support an individual site emergency organization, as required.
: a. Plant Staffs - The permanent plant staffs consist of personnel who possess expertise in at least one of the following areas: operations, maintenance, engineering, administration, or technical support.
These personnel would be available to assist in an emergency or recovery situation at an SNC nuclear facility.
: b. Corporate Staffs - These staffs consist of personnel who provide management, technical, clerical, procurement, and regulatory support to the nuclear facilities.
: 1. The GPC Fossil and Hydro Power Generation Department is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all GPC non-nuclear generating facilities including diesel and combustion turbine facilities. This represents a large source of technical expertise which could provide support to the emergency organization, if required. 
: 2. The GPC Power Delivery Department manages the activities of the divisions and areas of the company which provide the electrical services to customers.
This organization has a large resource of people and heavy equipment which may be of assistance following a nuclear emergency. 
: 3. Other GPC assets, including maintenance and repair facilities, training facilities, engineering staffs, and headquarters personnel represent additional resources available for emergency support. 
: 4. The GPC Central Laboratory has personnel and facilities available to provide offsite monitoring, sample analysis, and dosimetry processing for the affected site.
: 1. The APCO Fossil and Hydro Power Generation Department is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all APCO non-nuclear generating facilities including diesel and combustion turbine facilities. This represents a large source of technical expertise which could provide support to the emergency organization, if required.
: 2. The APCO Power Delivery Department manages the activities of the divisions and areas of the company which provide the electrical services to customers.
This organization has a large resource of people and heavy equipment which may be of assistance following a nuclear emergency.
: 3. Other APCO assets, including maintenance and repair facilities, training facilities, engineering staffs, and headquarters personnel represent additional resources available for emergency support. 
: 1. SNC has the primary responsibility for engineering support of VEGP, FNP and HNP. SCS may be utilized in response to a plant emergency or for subsequent recovery operations as deemed necessary by SNC.
F.5 ARCHITECT ENGINEERS The architect engineers will provide support as requested through the engineering services manager. The architect engineers are SNC and Bechtel Power Corporation.
: 1. SNC serves as its own Architect/Engineer. SCS, an associate company to Southern Nuclear Operating Company, will be used to the extent appropriate in responding to nuclear emergencies. 
: 2. Bechtel Power Corporation, headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, also performs architect engineer services for SNC. Bechtel's technical staffs are engaged in all phases of public utility engineering, design, construction, purchasing, inspection, and expedition of materials, as well as consultation on utility operating matters. Bechtel has available a broad range of engineering, construction, and consulting experience. Bechtel's nuclear experience includes engineering studies, the evaluation of reactor systems, safety evaluations, detailed engineering design, construction, and startup and testing of nuclear power facilities.
F.6 NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SYSTEM VENDOR The applicable NSSS vendor will provide support through the engineering services manager. Plant specific references to the appropriate vendor are specified in the plant specific base plans. The NSSS maintains a large staff of technically qualified people in all the engineering disciplines related to the design, construction, and operation of a nuclear power plant.
These same skills would be necessary in the evaluation of, and recovery from, an emergency at any SNC site.
Assistance would most likely be sought for large-scale core analysis, special tool design, and licensing. 
20 REV 38  05/05 F.7 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY The nuclear industry provides a large reservoir of personnel with a wide range of technical expertise and knowledge. A nuclear industry national inventory of personnel who might be called upon to supplement Company personnel has been developed through the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).
In addition, a number of utilities have entered into an INPO coordinated Voluntary Assistance Agreement program.
This provides a mechanism to draw upon industry resources during an emergency.
Support may be called upon from neighboring utilities would include the following: 
: 1. Manpower and equipment to assist in in-plant and emergency field monitoring.
: 2. Engineering, design, and technical expertise to assist in determining the cause of the accident and to support recovery. 
: 3. Manpower and equipment to assist in maintenance and repairs to the facility.
F.8 CONTRACT LABORATORIES Teledyne Isotopes, Inc. for emergency analytical services.
Framatome ANP for emergency analytical services
: 1. Training Corporate personnel identified in the Emergency Response Organization receive training. The training consists of familiarization with the Site Emergency Plans and applicable emergency implementing procedures required to carry out their specific functions.
The corporate emergency planning coordinator(s) will ensure that personnel in the Corporate Emergency Response Organization are familiar with the Emergency Plans and able to respond promptly. A training matrix for corporate personnel assigned to the ERO is shown in Table 2, and training course summaries are presented in Table 3. Training will be documented in accordance with established practices.
The corporate emergency planning coordinator(s) are responsible for assuring that training is conducted for corporate emergency response personnel each calendar year. 2. Drills/Exercises Drills/ exercises will be conducted each calendar year to test the performance of implementing procedures, personnel, and emergency equipment. These drills/exercises will be conducted with each SNC site.
SNC's goal is to activate the EOF in support of all site activities that involve TSC activation. EOF activation is required at least 3 times annually (1 scenario per site per year) in accordance with the existing Emergency Plans. At least 1 activation every 5 years will require a concurrent EOF support response for more than one SNC site.
Each drill/exercise will test, as a minimum, the communication links and notification procedures to assure the prompt notification of the corporate staff.
Provisions are made for critique of all drills/exercises. Critique items will be forwarded to the site emergency preparedness coordinator for processing in the site specific corrective action program.
22 REV 38  05/05 G.2 REVIEW AND UPDATE OF PLAN AND PROCEDURES Reviews of the site Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures will be performed in accordance with site specific emergency plans. These reviews will be utilized to update the Plans and procedures and to improve emergency preparedness.
23 REV 38  05/05 TABLE 1  TYPICAL CORPORATE EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION ASSIGNMENTS EMERGENCY POSITION ASSIGNMENT EOF Manager Supervision from corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 EOF Technical
Supervisor Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 EOF Support
Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Dose Analyst Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Field Team
Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Field Team Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Radiological Status
Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Plant Status Loop Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 ENN Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 ENS Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Licensing Support Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Security Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Offsite Response Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Engineering/Technica l Support Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Administrative
Support Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Liaisons  Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Public Information Director Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Company Spokesperson Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Newswriter Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Other Public Information Emergency Communications
Organization Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001
24 REV 38  05/05 TABLE 2  CORPORATE EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION TRAINING MATRIX Subject Area Position Emergency Plan Overview Position Specific Items Offsite Dose Assessment EOF Manager X X  EOF Technical Supervisor X X  EOF Support Coordinator X X  EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor X X X Dose Analyst X X X Field Team Coordinator X X X Field Team Communicator X X  Radiological Status Communicator X X  Plant Status Loop Communicator X X  ENN Communicator X X  ENS Communicator X X  Licensing Support Coordinator X X  Security Coordinator X X  Offsite Response Coordinator X X  Engineering/Technical Support Staff X X  Administrative Support Staff X X  Liaisons X X  Public Information Director Company Spokesperson Newswriter Other Public Information Emergency Communications Organization Staff See Emergency Communications Plan (Appendix 8)
25 REV 38  05/05 TABLE 3  DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING SUBJECT AREAS Subject Area Description Emergency Plan Overview An overview of the Emergency Plan with special attention to emergency planning zones (EPZs);
emergency classification system; emergency response organizations; responsibilities of emergency response personnel; site accountability; and site dismissal.
Offsite Dose Assessment Dose projection methodology including manual and computerized methods; methods for obtaining meteorological and radiological data; operation of the dose assessment computer; and interpretation of offsite dose calculation results.
Position Specific Items An overview of this appendix with an emphasis on organization, interactions with other elements of the emergency organization, and position specific responsibilities as delineated in the emergency implementing procedures.  . This overview training may be conducted as part of classroom, table-top, drill or exercise.
26 REV 38  05/05 TABLE 4  TYPICAL EOF COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY Communications Functions VEGP HNP FNP EOF Management with TSC Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Resource  Management Commercial Telephone lines OPX Commercial Telephone lines OPX Ringdown Commercial Telephone lines OPX Radiological Monitoring Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Off-site (PARs)
ENS HPN RSCL PMCL MCL LAN Conference Phones (3)
ENS HPN RSCL PMCL MCL LAN Conference Phones (3)
Notes:  1. The Offsite Premises Extension (OPX) lines to the three SNC plant sites will be available in the proposed common EOF. These lines bypass the local phone switch. These lines may be referenced as company tie lines.
Intra-facility public address and intra-building public address systems are also available.
27 REV 49  08/08
* Position used to meet augmentation requirements for EOF Direction and notification/communication FIGURE 1 28 REV 49    08/08 FIGURE 2 REV 57  06/12 APPENDIX 8 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY
i REV 57  06/12 APPENDIX 8 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Purpose 1 2.0 Policy 2 3.0 Relationship with Other Agencies 4 4.0 Flow of Emergency Public Information 4
===5.0 Emergency===
Communications Facility Locations and Functions 6 6.0 Emergency Communications Plan Activation 9
===7.0 Emergency===
Communications Staff Functions 11 8.0 News Releases 17 9.0 Press Briefings 17 10.0 Public Response 17 11.0 Telecommunications 18 12.0 Transportation 18 13.0 Security 18 14.0 Print and Audiovisual Aids 18 15.0 Special Requests 18 16.0 Public Information Plan for Recovery 19 17.0 Training 19 18.0 Public Information and Education Program 21 19.0 Procedures 24
ii REV 57  06/12 LIST OF FIGURES Page  A. Flow of Public Information During an Emergency 26 B. Initial/Early Stage Flow of Emergency Public Information at CMC (Prior to JIC Activation)  27
C. Emergency Communications Information Flow following JIC Activation 28
D. Public Response Flow Chart 29 E. Emergency Communications Reporting Structure 30
iii REV 57  06/12 LIST OF TABLES Page  Table 1 Emergency Communications Training Matrix  25
1 REV 57  06/12
==1.0 PURPOSE==
The Southern Nuclear Company (SNC) Emergency Communications Plan (ECP) is a portion of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 1 and Unit 2 Emergency Plans submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
The Vice President and General Counsel, SNC Corporate Council and Compliance, is responsible for coordination and administration of the Southern Nuclear Emergency Communications Plan (ECP or the Plan). The ECP is reviewed and updated once per calendar year in conjunction with a review and update of the site Emergency Plans.
The ECP is designed to:
A. Coordinate the public communications effort through the issuance of timely, accurate information during
an emergency. B. Describe the means to activate and staff emergency communications positions in the Alabama Power/Georgia Power (APC/GPC) Corporate Media Center (CMC) in Birmingham/Atlanta, the Joint Information Centers (JIC), and the SNC Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). C. Describe the process of information dissemination through news releases and press briefings. D. Describe the training and testing of personnel in their functions and testing of the response to be made pursuant to the ECP. E. Maintain an orderly flow of information during the recovery period.
2 REV 57  06/12 F. Describe the Public Education and Information Program for the periodic dissemination of emergency planning instructional materials to residents and transients in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone. G. Provide for 24-hour/day Emergency Communications Organization (ECO) staff coverage in the event of an emergency. H. Assign responsibilities to and duty locations for the Emergency Communications response team.
==2.0 POLICY==
The public information policy described below will provide guidance during an emergency at a SNC nuclear
plant (the Plant):
A. The Southern Company has a policy of full disclosure and will maintain honest and open communications
with public officials, the public (especially in the
immediate vicinity of the plant), and its employees
at all times. This attitude stems from resolve to
operate all our facilities safely and prudently and
to communicate clearly and completely any
significant breach of safety.
3 REV 57  06/12 B. The Company (Southern Company) will provide the public with prompt and accurate information through established news and information channels.
C. The Company will make every effort to meet the information needs of the public and employees while
communicating promptly with appropriate local, state, and federal officials during the period of
the emergency.
D. Statements to the news media, the public and employees concerning the plant, its operation, and
any emergencies are to be made only with the
knowledge and guidance of the appropriate GPC/APC
Public Relations/Corporate Communication Departments
and appropriate Southern Nuclear management.
4 REV 57  06/12
WITH OTHER AGENCIES A. The Emergency Communications Organization (ECO) is responsible for the coordination and issuance of all news announcements related to emergency conditions at the
Plant. Federal, State and County emergency management
agencies and the Department of Energy -Savannah River
Site (DOE-SRS) are responsible for the issuance of public
announcements relating to offsite conditions, including
recommended protective actions.
B. A Joint Information Center (JIC) will be operated providing the Utility, the state(s),  the federal agencies (including the SRS as appropriate), and counties
the opportunity  to coordinate information, issue news releases, make announcements, and may participate jointly
in news briefings. Public response activities will be
conducted and coordinated jointly with State and County
agencies as appropriate.
C. Work areas for the public information officers of the federal, state, and county emergency response agencies
are available at the JIC. Telecommunications facilities are also available to these agencies.
D. Utility news announcements will be provided to representatives of government agencies prior to their
distribution to the news media.
E. The county and state emergency management agencies should advise ERC/JIC staff of announcements for the news media or the Emergency Alerting Stations (EAS) prior to their
distribution to the news media.
F. Public response may include state and county agency representatives and utility employees coordinated by the
CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator. Rumors related to offsite matters will be referred to the appropriate
federal, state, or county agency representatives for
proper responses. Rumors related to onsite matters that
agencies are aware of will be relayed to the CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator for the necessary actions.
4.0 FLOW OF EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION Information release for a Notification of Unusual Event
is managed by the SNC Corporate Communication Manager in
coordination with Southern Nuclear management and APC/GPC
Corporate Communication.
At an Alert classification or higher, approval of news
releases, other than the Initial News Release (INR), is
required from both the EOF Manager and the Public
Information Director (PID) or their designee(s).
5 REV 57  06/12 The following figures are designed to show the flow of information for emergencies classified as Alert or
A. Flow of Public Information During an Emergency B. Initial/Early Flow of Emergency Public Information at Corporate Media Center (prior to JIC activation) C. Emergency Communications Information Flow (after JIC activation) D. Public Response Flow Chart E. Emergency Communications Reporting Structure 6 REV 57  06/12
===5.0 EMERGENCY===
COMMUNICATIONS STAFF LOCATIONS AND FUNCTIONS The PI Director is responsible for all emergency
communications response activities and staff.
At an alert classification or higher, the Emergency
Communications public response will be handled initially from
the CMC by the PI Director. The PI Director and the Nuclear
Spokesperson will contact the EOF Manager for briefing on the
emergency. The EOF will issue an Initial News Release (INR).
If the decision is made to activate the JIC, the PI Director and the Nuclear Spokesperson move to that facility. Upon
activation of the JIC, primary utility Emergency Communications response will be conducted from the JIC. The CMC staff will maintain communications with the JIC and EOF, keep APC/GPC/SNC personnel notified of plant conditions, and
support JIC activities.
A. Corporate Media Center - Atlanta/Birmingham
: 1. The Corporate Media Center, located at the Atlanta/Birmingham corporate headquarters
building of Georgia Power Company/Alabama Power
Company, as appropriate, is the official location
for coordination and issuance of news
announcements and responses to news media
inquiries until the JIC has been activated. The CMC may function as a Joint Public Information
Center (JPIC) and may conduct these activities as
long as appropriate and necessary.
: 2. Prior to activation of the JIC at an Alert or higher classification, corporate staff assigned
to the JIC will assemble at the CMC. They will proceed to the JIC when directed by the Public Information Director.
: 3. The following staff is assigned to the Corporate Media Center
* PI Director (until JIC activation)
* CMC Manager
* CMC Media Relations Representative
* CMC Facility Coordinator
* CMC Public Response Coordinator
* CNC Public Response Team
* Government Relations Liaison
* Financial Response Liaison
* Employee Communications Coordinator
* Internet Coordinator
* CMC Assistant
* CMC Support Staff
7 REV 57  06/12
: 4. Following activation of the JIC, the CMC staff responsibilities will continue. Responsibilities will include the following:
: a. Support of the JIC in all functions common to the two facilities such as telephone
response, media monitoring, media response, news release preparation and distribution, etc. b. Functions specific to the CMC, including, but not limited to:
* employee communications
* financial response
* governmental response
* coordination with senior management
* Internet activities
* providing additional trained staff to
support the ECO effort
B. Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)
: 1. The EOF will serve as the source of information about an incident to staff in the CMC and JIC.
: 2. Emergency Communications staff will:
* serve as the source of information for the
Nuclear Spokesperson and PID
* develop and issue the INR
* develop and obtain SNC approval for subsequent
news releases
* confirm or correct rumors identified
* perform other communications responsibilities
as needed 8 REV 57  06/12 C. Joint Information Center
: 1. After the initial notification of an emergency at the Alert classification or higher, the PI
Director decides whether to activate the JIC.
Once the JIC is activated, it becomes the "single source" for media information.
: 2. Upon activation of the JIC, the PI Director transfers to that facility, maintaining overall
responsibility for emergency communications
response. The PI Director will manage the
emergency communications response and is
responsible for all functions of the JIC. These functions include:
* final approval and distribution of press statements
* coordination of press briefings and joint news announcements with
* interface with the media and local officials
* requests for interviews and photos
* recorded information line updates
* public response
It is the PI Director's responsibility to assure all
information is fully coordinated with and among the
appropriate state and federal government public information
officers (PIOs). 
: 3. Upon activation, the JIC will obtain information from the EOF.
: 4. News briefings will be held at regular intervals
during the emergency. The PI Director will
preside over the press briefings. The Nuclear
Spokesperson will explain emergency conditions and
actions the Utility has taken at the plant. Off-
site issues will be handled by off-site agency
: 5. If radiological conditions permit, an area near
the plant may be designated as a site for
television and news photographs. The Media
Relations Representative, in consultation with the
PI Director and the ED or his designee, and
AEMA/GEMA management, as appropriate, will arrange
for escorted visits to photographic locations.
9 REV 57  06/12
: 6. The following positions will be assigned to the Joint Information Center:
* PI Director
* JIC Manager
* Nuclear Spokesperson
* JIC Media Relations Representative
* JIC Public Response Coordinator
* JIC Public Response Team
* JIC Facility Coordinator
* JIC Assistant
* Community Relations Coordinator
* Admin Staff
* Technical Assistants
* Security Officers
* AV Support Staff
===6.0 EMERGENCY===
A. Notification of Unusual Event
The SNC Corporate Communication Manager will be notified of
an NUE and will in turn notify APC Public Relations/GPC
Corporate Communication management, as appropriate. The
notification will include the status of the emergency and a
brief description of the event. The SNC Corporate
Communication Manager will confer with appropriate SNC
management and affected owner-company management to determine
the need for:
: 1. Additional notifications
: 2. Issuance of a news release
10 REV 57  06/12 B. Alert and Higher Classifications The SNC On-Call Media Rep will be advised of an event
classified as Alert level or higher. The SNC rep will notify
the APC/GPC On-Call Media Rep, as appropriate, with a
description of the situation. The APC/GPC on-call media rep
will notify the PID who will:
: 1. Formally activate the Emergency Communications Plan. 
: 2. Notify emergency communications staff per Nuclear Management Procedure-Emergency Planning (NMP-EP-
: 3. Establish contact with the Emergency Operation Facility.
: 4. Establish contact with appropriate local, state and federal agencies.
: 5. Issue news release(s).
In addition, the PI Director will evaluate the
following actions:
: 1. Activating the JIC and dispatch staff accordingly. 
: 2. Conducting news briefings at the CMC or the JIC, which will include to the maximum extent
possible, a panel composed of the Nuclear
Spokesperson and representatives of government
11 REV 57  06/12
===7.0 EMERGENCY===
COMMUNICATIONS STAFF FUNCTIONS The following is a description of responsibilities of principal Emergency Communications staff. 
A. Public Information Director (PID):
The Public Information Director (PID) is responsible for
directing all emergency communications personnel
assignments. The PID, or a designee, is responsible for
coordinating approvals and dissemination of all utility
public information regarding the emergency. Upon
activation of the CMC/JIC, the PID will be responsible for overall facility direction. Those duties may
include coordinating approval and dissemination of
utility news releases, facilitating news briefings, overseeing public response, meeting special media
requests, and coordination among company and non-utility
representatives in the facility and liaison with the
media. The PID will be responsible for coordinating
emergency communications response and coordinating with
the SNC Corporate Duty Manager in evaluating the
emergency's severity in terms of public interest and
B. Nuclear Spokesperson
The Nuclear Spokesperson speaks on behalf of the
company, providing plant status updates during news
briefings. The Spokesperson also may do one-on-one
media interviews. The position works with the Technical
Assistant in keeping abreast of the event status and
keeps the PID posted on that status. The position may
first report to the EOF and then proceed to the CMC/JIC.
C. Technical Assistant (TA)
The Technical Assistant (TA) supports the Nuclear
Spokesperson by gathering accurate and timely
information about the event and the plant's status. 
Information is gathered via WebEOC, the plant status
loop, and via direct contact with the EOC Manager -
which the TA should maintain throughout an event. TA's
may do media interviews at the discretion and direction
of the PID.
12 REV 60  07/13 D. CMC Manager The CMC Manager will report to the CMC where he/she will coordinate activities. The CMC Manager may assume the
PID role while a PID is en-route to the JIC. After JIC
activation, the CMC Manager will assume full
responsibility for CMC activities and maintain contact
with the PID. The CMC Manager has responsibility for
ensuring that the actions of the CMC positions are
carried out. 
E. CMC/JIC/CCC Public Response Coordinator
The CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator will direct facility public response activities, keeping staff
advised of current information and obtaining responses
for questions they cannot answer. This includes
referring specific inquiries to the proper person. The
Coordinator is responsible for tracking rumors and
ensuring that the Public Response team members have
updated information on the rumor responses. 
F. CMC Financial Response Liaison
The CMC Financial Response Liaison responds to financial
inquiries from financial analysts, the public, media and
stockholders regarding the effects a nuclear incident
might have on Southern Company's financial position. 
This role identifies and establishes contact with key
financial leaders and provides them updated information. 
The position maintains contact with the CMC Public
Response Coordinator. 
G. Government Relations Liaison
The Government Relations Liaison responds to inquiries
from governmental sources. The role identifies and
establishes contact with key government officials and
provides them with updated information. The position
maintains contact with the CMC Public Response
H. SNC News Writer
The SNC News Writer gathers information and prepares all
news releases for the duration of an event. The News
Writer coordinates technical approval with the SNC EOF
Manager. This position works in the SNC EOF.
13 REV 60  07/13 I. JIC Manager
The JIC Manager is responsible for coordinating
operations of the facility and has responsibility for
ensuring that the actions of the JIC positions
represented on Attachment 1 are carried out. The
position may assume Emergency Communications approval
authority at the direction of the PID. 
J. CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative(s)
The CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative(s) report to
the CMC/JIC Manager and are responsible for implementing
utility media response. 
K. CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator
The CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator is responsible for
setting up the facility and ensuring ongoing
operability. The position supports the CMC/JIC Manager.
L. Community Relations Coordinator
The Community Relations Coordinator identifies and
initiates contacts with local public officials and
leaders who need to be aware of the latest information
about events. The position should advise the Public
Response Coordinator and Governmental Relations Liaison
of activities and contacts as appropriate.
M. CMC/JIC Assistant
The CMC/JIC Assistant supports the PID and staff, coordinates approval and distribution of news releases, directs activities of the support staff and maintains an
accurate record of JIC activities.
N. CMC/JIC Support Staff The CMC/JIC Support Staff provides administrative
support for the facility. 
O. Employee Communications Coordinator
The Employee Communications Coordinator disseminates
plant status updates to Southern Company employees and
customer service centers through a variety of means.
14 REV 60  07/13 P. Internet Coordinator
The Internet Coordinator is responsible for updating and
maintaining the company's external emergency page and
monitoring the web for external coverage of the event.
Q. CSO/CMC/JIC Public Response Team
The CMC/JIC Public Response Team is responsible for responding to public inquiries. The team may include
Telephone Responders, Media Monitor, Internet
Coordinator, Employee Communications Coordinator, Financial Response Liaison and Governmental Relations
R. Social Media Coordinator The Social Media Coordinator will proactively disseminate notice of county news releases, announcements, etc., as needed. The position will monitor social media site to access the tone and volume of interest and to identify the spread of misinformation.
15 REV 57  06/12 8.0 NEWS RELEASES The Utility will issue news releases concerning events, conditions and actions at the Plant. News releases are designed to be a written confirmation of events and public information which has been issued.
The SNC News Writer will write news releases in the EOF and
obtain SNC approval from the EOF Manager, then forward them to the CMC or JIC as appropriate. The Facility Manager at that location will obtain communications approval and
direct distribution of the release.
===9.0 PRESS===
BRIEFINGS In the event of an incident at a nuclear plant media
attention would be quick and overwhelming. Press briefings
will be conducted to keep the media informed of events and activities relating to the emergency. Briefings will provide the most current, up-to-date information about events and response to the incident. They are also a primary means of addressing rumors or inaccurate information identified in our publics.
Public Information Officers (PIOs) from all offsite
agencies responding to the emergency will be encouraged to participate in the briefings to discuss their particular activities.
The emphasis of the briefings will be on public safety.
10.0 PUBLIC RESPONSE Upon announcement of an emergency situation, misinformation and rumors can be expected to evolve. The following Public Response policies shall be instituted and followed upon the
activation of the ECP.
Rumors will be addressed through a policy of open and candid communications with the news media and general public.
A. All appropriate information will be released as clearly, concisely and quickly as possible. Public announcements will be made on a frequent and regular basis.
B. An official Utility spokesperson will be designated as the source of new or updated official information about
the incident.
16 REV 60  07/13 C. Public response will encompass a number of activities to ensure accurate information is disseminated. These may include:
* recorded messages containing the most current information,
* interaction with callers,
* proactively providing information to the media and
responding to their needs,
* monitoring media broadcasts/outlets
* employee communications
* identifying, notifying and constantly updating
specific publics, (i.e. financial centers, governmental officials, etc.)
* Internet coordination
* Social Media.
Public response activities will be coordinated with state
agencies. The Prompt Notification System (PNS) will be
activated by state or local EMA officials. PNS will direct area residents to local news broadcasts and/or the Emergency Alert System (EAS), which will serve as the primary source of official information for the public.
A. The CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator will be responsible for resolving special problems and obtaining additional
equipment for the JIC.
B. Telephone and telecopier lines connect the JIC and EOF to the appropriate CMC.
C. Telephone lines and equipment discussed above will be tested quarterly.
A. If directed, The CMC Assistant will arrange for ground transportation services for Emergency Communications
organization relocating to the JIC.
B. Special transportation arrangements, such as company or commercial air service between Birmingham, Atlanta, the
affected plant and the JIC, may be made available in an
17 REV 60  07/13 13.0 SECURITY
A. GPC/APC Corporate Security will coordinate 24-hour security support at the CMC during an emergency.
B. Security will be provided to the JIC upon activation of this facility. JIC Security will be coordinated through
GPC Corporate Security.
C. Company personnel, news personnel, industry representatives, government officials, and visitors will
be asked to present identification and will be given an
identification badge for admittance to the CMC/JIC. 
18 REV 57  06/12 14.0 PRINT AND AUDIOVISUAL AIDS A. Press kits are stored at the JIC and CMC. These kits will be updated regularly and will be available to all
news media.
B. An emergency web page will be activated and will replace the normal web page on the operating company's Internet
site in the event of an incident. The emergency page
includes plant schematics, background information and
directions to the JIC. News releases about the event will also be available here.
C. Maps, photographs, and diagrams of the plant and its operations are stored and maintained at the CMC and JIC for use during news briefings.
D. Electronic media (i.e. videotape, DVD, etc.) of plant exterior and interior views will be maintained and made
available for distribution, upon request, to television
A. The Media Relations Coordinator will respond to requests for special interviews, films, photos, videotapes, etc.
B. Special requests may be refused for either safety or security reasons. In such cases, the reason for refusal
will be made clear.
C. Utility personnel will accommodate photographers at the plant site as conditions warrant. Media escorts will be
coordinated with GEMA.
D. Industry experts from appropriate agencies (i.e., NEI, INPO) may be called upon to provide general background
information to reporters but will not comment on the
plant's status. With knowledge of the PI Director, interviews with these individuals will be arranged by the
Media Relations Representative.
E. The Media Relations Coordinator or his designee will be present at all special interviews.
19 REV 57  06/12 16.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION PLAN FOR RECOVERY A. The lead emergency communications representative in the
Recovery Organization will be the Public Information
Director. This person or his designee will maintain
close contact with the Recovery Manager.
communications response will follow the guidelines and
procedures described for accident response.
B. As conditions and public interest warrant, additional Public Information personnel will be assigned to support
the flow of information concerning recovery operations.
C. Information for possible release will be cleared with the Recovery Manager and the Public Information Director and
given to the media through established procedures.
D. All information will be released through established channels of communication to federal and state
authorities, the utility industry, the public, and
E. Advance notice will be given to the public through the media of any Company action that will or may affect the
health and safety of the plume exposure pathway EPZ
residents. Information of this type will be followed up
with a news release as soon as the results of any such
action are known.
A. Staff Training The GPC/APC Corporate Communication Department will
coordinate annual emergency training for applicable
emergency communications personnel once per calendar
year. Training will provide an overview of the Emergency
Communications Plan and specific staff position
responsibilities (see Table 1). 
Individual's assigned key positions on the Emergency
Communications staff will participate in training. 
(GPC/APC responders with responsibilities directly
related to their daily jobs may be exempted. Training
will be documented and records of examinations will be
held at GPC Corporate Headquarters by the Corporate
Communication EC Coordinator.
Individual and team performance evaluation during
exercises will be utilized to measure training program
effectiveness and to adjust course content.
20 REV 57  06/12 B. News Media Training A program will be offered each calendar year to acquaint the news media with the methodology for obtaining
information during an emergency and with overall
emergency preparedness at APC/GPC nuclear plants, as
appropriate. The training will include information about
the plant, radiation, and the role of the JIC.
Media participation as observers or "Reporter players" during Vogtle exercises can effectively enhance training. 
Therefore, media will be invited to participate in VEGP
annual exercises. 
21 REV 57  06/12 18.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM The goal of the public information program is to acquaint the general public with the emergency plans for the operation of APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and actions they should take if a radiological emergency
occurs. Such a program is essential to the overall
welfare of citizens in the area. Any incident involving
a nuclear plant or nuclear materials can easily become a "crisis" in the minds of those living in the area;
unless they understand the plans and programs to be
placed into effect should an emergency occur.
Only by keeping the public well informed will the Plants be able to operate for the maximum benefit of all
concerned. The Public Information and Education Program
will seek to:
* Explain to the public how they will be notified should an emergency occur at the plant. This will include
instructions in the use of the Tone Alert Radio notification system and information on the siren notification system as appropriate.
* Educate the public about radiation and contamination.
* Help the public understand what their initial actions
should be in an emergency.
* Familiarize the public with protective actions, e.g.
evacuation routes and relocation centers, and sheltering which may be required and rationale behind recommendations for these actions.
* Provide information concerning methods for receiving additional information
* Ensure that special needs of the handicapped are
22 REV 57  06/12 A. In order to help assure proper public reaction to an emergency notification, Alabama Power, Georgia Power and Southern Nuclear will keep state and local officials continuously informed of all details related to any emergency.
B. Several communications methods may be used to acquaint the public with plans for their protection during a Plant emergency. Means for accomplishing these methods will include one or more of the following activities as listed below.
Effort will be concentrated upon providing information to the public by written material that is likely to be available in the residence and in locations frequented by transients. The information will also provide instructions as to what local media (radio and television stations) will be providing additional information in the event of an emergency.
: 1. Placement of an advertisement in local telephone directories.
23 REV 57  06/12
: 2. Information in utility bills, 
: 3. Signs displayed in public areas within the plume exposure EPZ. (e.g., commercial establishments, areas used by
sportsmen, motels, gasoline stations, phone booths, etc.)
Sign content and location distribution will be revised
and redistributed as needed.
: 4. Distribution of emergency information publications/leaflets,    5. Television or Radio,    6. Emergency Calendars, 
: 7. Direct Mail-Newsletters,    8. Visitor Center availability to the public (when not restricted for Security reasons), 
: 9. Information exchange meetings with government agencies and local officials as needed.
24 REV 57  06/12 19.0 PROCEDURES Implementing procedures (listed below) exist which will provide guidance and direction for carrying out the
activities and responsibilities listed in this plan. These
procedures cover, but are not limited to, emergency
communications, facilities, development and issue of news
releases, conduct of news briefings/media response, rumor
control response and public education/information
* NMP-EP-201 Corporate Emergency Communications Administration
* NMP-EP-202 Emergency Communications Notification and Activation
* NMP-EP-203 Corporate Media Center Operation
* NMP-EP-204 Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center Operation
* NMP-EP-205 Emergency Response News Releases
* NMP-EP-206 Corporate Communications News Briefings
25 REV 57  06/12 TABLE 1 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZAZTION TRAINING MATRIX Emergency Response Organization Position Training Subject Areas Emergency Media Training  Position Spokesperson Public Information Director  x  x  CMC Manager x  x  JIC Manager x  x  Nuclear Spokesperson x  x x CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative
x  x  SNC News Writer x  x  Employee Communications
Coordinator x  x  Public Response Teams x  x  CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator
x  x  Community Relations
Coordinator x  x  CMC/JIC Assistant x  x  CMC/JIC Support Staff x  x  CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator x  x  Internet Coordinator x  x  News Media x
Procedure No. Title  Section of the Plan Implemented Administrative Procedures NMP-AP-001 Development and Control of Southern Nuclear Procedures P 00910-C VEGP ALARA Program K    00930-C Radiation and Contamination Control K 00940-C Bioassay Program L 00950-C Personnel Dosimetry Program K 00960-C Control of Radioactive Materials L 00970-C Respiratory Protection Program K Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 91101-C Emergency Response Organization B NMP-EP-110 Emergency Classification and Determination B 91103-C  Duties of the TSC Manager B 91104-C  Duties of the OSC Manager B 91106-C Duties of the TSC Support Coordinator B 91107-C Duties of the Engineering Supervisor (TSC)
B 91108-C Duties of the Maintenance Supervisor (TSC)
B 91109-C Duties of the Operations Supervisor (TSC)
B 91110-C  Duties of the Health Physics Supervisor (TSC) B 91111-C Duties of the Chemistry Supervisor (TSC)
B 91201-C Activation and Operation of the TSC H 91202-C Activation and Operation of the OSC H 91204-C Emergency Response Communications A,F 91301-C Emergency Exposure Guidelines K
Procedure No. Title Section of the Plan Implemented91302-C In Plant Sampling and Surveys I 91303-C Field Sampling and Surveys I    91306-C Contamination Monitoring and Decontamination K 91401-C Assembly and Accountability J 91403-C Site Dismissal J 91501-C Recovery M 91502-C Core Damage Assessment I 91503-C Control Room Instrumentation Output for Assessment of Core Damage I 91601-C Emergency Preparedness Training O    91701-C Preparation and Control of Emergency Preparedness Documents P 91702-C Emergency Equipment and Supplies H 91704-C Actions for Security During a Radiological Emergency E, J 91705-C Inventory and Testing of Emergency Preparedness Materials/Equipment which are
not Part of the Emergency Kits H 91706-C Alert Notification System E 91801-C  Coordination of Emergency Responses and Planning Between Southern Nuclear Operating 
Company - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant
and U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River
Site A,C,I Safety and Health Implementing Procedures 70302-C Reporting and Documenting Occupational Injuries Or Illnesses L
Procedure No. Title Section of the Plan Implemented Nuclear Management Procedures NMP-AD-009 Licensing Document Change Requests P NMP-EP-101 EOF Activation App. 7 NMP-EP-102  EOF Manager App. 7 NMP-EP-103  Licensing Support App. 7 NMP-EP-104  Dose Assessment App. 7 NMP-EP-105  EOF Technical Supervisor App. 7 NMP-EP-106  EOF Support Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-107  Security Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-108  Offsite Response Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-110 Emergency Classification Determination and Initial Action A, D NMP-EP-111 Emergency Notifications A, E NMP-EP-112 Protective Action Recommendations A, J NMP-EP-135 Alternative Facility Setup and Operation H    NMP-HP-001 Radiation Protection Standard Practices K 
REV 1 05/85
TRANSIENT EMERGENCY CLASS(A) Feedwater temperature reduction No emergency declared Excessive feedwater flow No emergency declared Excessive steam flow No emergency declared Inadvertent secondary side depressurization NUE Steam system piping failure NUE, Alert Turbine trip No emergency declared Loss of external load No emergency declared Inadvertent closure of an MSIV No emergency declared Loss of condenser vacuum No emergency declared
Loss of nonemergency ac power No emergency declared Loss of normal feedwater No emergency declared
Feedwater system pipe break No emergency declared Partial loss of forced reactor coolant (RC) flow No emergency declared Complete loss of forced RC flow No emergency declared Reactor coolant pump (RCP)
locked rotor No emergency declared RCP shaft break No emergency declared Rod cluster control assembly (RCCA)
bank withdrawal from subcritical No emergency declared RCCA bank withdrawal at power No emergency declared RCCA misalignment No emergency declared
TRANSIENT EMERGENCY CLASS(A) Inactive RCP startup No emergency declared Uncontrolled boron dilution No emergency declared Improper fuel loading No emergency declared RCCA ejection Emergency Alert, Site Area Inadvertent emergency control cooling system (ECCS) operation at power No emergency declared Increase in RCS inventory No emergency declared Inadvertent opening of pressurizer safety or relief valve NUE, Alert Failure of small lines carrying NUE, Alert, Site Area primary coolant outside containment Emergency Steam generator tube failure Emergency NUE, Alert, Site Area Spectrum of loss-of-coolant NUE, Alert, Site Area accidents (LOCAs) Emergency Emergency, General Radioactive waste gas decay tank failure NUE, Alert Radiation release due to liquid tank
failure NUE, Alert Fuel handling accidents NUE, Alert
: a. Classification will depend on the severity of the accident.
REV 6  7/86

Latest revision as of 03:02, 17 March 2019

Revision 65 to Emergency Plan. Appendices
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Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/2015
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Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML15233A287 List:
Download: ML15233A289 (111)


REV 0 11/30/84

APPENDIX 1 GLOSSARY 1-1 REV 39 12/04 GLOSSARY Term Definition AIM analog input module ALARA As Low as Reasonably Achievable

CRT cathode ray tube CSC Customer Service Center CSF critical safety function CSFST critical safety function status tree CVCS chemical and volume control system DEFACS Department of Family and Children Services DHEC Department of Health and Environmental Control of South Carolina DMA direct memory access DNR Department of Natural Resources DOD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DOE SR Department of Energy - Savannah River Operations Office DOE SRS Department of Energy - Savannah River Site DPM data processing module EAS Emergency Alerting System ED emergency director EMA Emergency Management Agency ENC Emergency News Center ENN Emergency Notification Network ENS Emergency Notification System EOC emergency operations center EOF emergency operations facility

1-2 REV 39 12/04 GLOSSARY (Continued)

Term Definition EOP emergency operating procedure EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC emergency preparedness coordinator EPD Environmental Protection Division of Georgia EMD Emergency Management Division of South Carolina EPO Emergency Plan Overview EPZ emergency planning zone ERF emergency response facilities FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEOC forward emergency operations center FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report FT fire training GEMA Georgia Emergency Management Agency GET general employee training GPC Georgia Power Company HP health physics HPN Health Physics Network HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning I&C instrumentation and control INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations IPC Integrated Plant Computer MSIV main steam isolation valve MSL mean sea level

1-3 REV 49 08/08 GLOSSARY (Continued)

Term Definition MSRE medical support of radiological emergencies NACOM National Communication NAWAS National Warning System NCHPD Nuclear Chemistry and Health Physics Department NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NDOP Natural Disaster Operations Plan NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSCW nuclear service cooling water NSSS nuclear steam supply system NWS National Weather Service NUE Notification of Unusual Event ODA offsite dose assessment OPS operational protection system OS operations supervisor OSC operations support center PA public address PAG Protective Action Guideline PAR Protective Action Recommendation PBX private branch exchange PEO plant equipment operator PERMS process and effluent radiation monitoring system PO plant operator PRA peak recording accelerograph R&CA repair and corrective action

1-4 REV 56 09/10 GLOSSARY (Continued)

Term Definition RCP reactor coolant pump RCS reactor coolant system REC radiation emergency coordinator RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RET radiological emergency team RET/E radiological emergency team/environmental RET/I radiological emergency team/in plant

RO reactor operator RPU remote processing unit RTD resistance temperature detector RVLIS reactor vessel level instrumentation system RWP radiation work permit

SAT satisfied SC South Carolina SCORERP South Carolina Operational Radiological Emergency Response Plan SEC security SG steam generator SLED State Law Enforcement Division of South Carolina SMA strong motion accelerometer SNC Southern Nuclear Operating Company SOE sequence of events SPDS safety parameter display system SRO senior reactor operator SRS Savannah River Site

1-5 REV 22 5/95 GLOSSARY (Continued)

Term Definition STA shift technical advisor SUR startup rate

TC thermocouple TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter TMI Three Mile Island TSC technical support center UFM universal field multiplexer

USDA United States Department of Agriculture VEGP Vogtle Electric Generating Plant WOG Westinghouse Owners Group

REV 46 07/07


2-1 REV 62 10/14 LETTERS OF AGREEMENT AND MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING On File The following letters of agreement and memorandums of

understanding are maintained on file with the Site Emergency

Preparedness Supervisor.

  • Burke County Emergency Management Agency
  • WJBF-TV Channel 6
  • WRDW-TV Channel 12
  • WAGT-TV Channel 26
  • Doctors Hospital
  • Joseph M. Still Burn Center
  • Burke Medical Center
  • Medical Specialists, Inc.
  • Westinghouse
  • Bechtel Power Corporation
  • iHeart Media (WBBQ-FM, WPRW-FM, WKSP-FM, WSCG, WYNF and WNRR)
  • National Weather Service (NWS)
  • WDOG Radio Station
  • WKXC/KICKS 99 Radio Station (Beasley Broadcasting)
  • Burke County Sheriff's Department
  • B. Lamar Murray, M.D.
  • WFXG - TV Channel 54

2-2 REV 46 07/07

  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency
  • Department of Energy - Savannah River REV 0 11/30/84 APPENDIX 3 MEANS FOR PROVIDING PROMPT ALERTING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC MEANS FOR PROVIDING PROMPT ALERTING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC 3-1 REV 61 06/14 A. INTRODUCTION Prompt alerting and notification of the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ is the obligation of State and

local government or other responsible authority. The

responsibility that means exist for this purpose rests with

Southern Nuclear Operating Company. An overview of these

means excluding the Savannah River Site is given in this


Initial notification of the public will occur in a manner

consistent with assuring the public health and safety. The

design objective for the system is to meet the acceptance

criteria which are provided in a subsequent section of this

Appendix. The design objective does not constitute a

guarantee that prompt notification can be provided for

everyone with 100% assurance, or that the system when tested

under actual field conditions will meet the design objective

in all cases.

In the event of an emergency the Emergency Director at VEGP

is responsible for notifying appropriate State and local

response organizations, plant emergency personnel, and DOE's

Savannah River Site. The initiating conditions for each

emergency class are delineated in Section D in the main body

of this emergency plan. The capability for 24-hour-per-day

alerting and notification of offsite response organizations

and plant emergency personnel is described in Section E.

Prompt alerting and notification of the public within the

plume exposure pathway EPZ will be accomplished by a

combination of several means. Initial alerting will be made

primarily by both tone-alert radios and a system of fixed

sirens. Those who are not alerted by the primary means will

be alerted by vehicles or boats equipped with sirens, and/or

loudspeakers, or by door to door contact. Having been

alerted, the public will turn on their radio or television to

receive additional instructions from the Emergency Alert

System (EAS). A full Alert and Notification System (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA approved Alert and Notification System Design Report (ANS-VEGP-001) located in the SNC document management system.

B. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS In the event of a serious emergency at VEGP, the primary

means for alerting and providing initial instructions to the

public will be by a combination of tone-alert radios and a

system of fixed sirens. The specific tone-alert radio system

to be employed is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration's (NOAA) Alert System. The National Weather

Service (NWS) has agreed to activate the NOAA tone alert

radio system in the plant vicinity when required by

appropriate governmental officials. This means of

notification is available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

3-2 REV 19 1/94 The tone-alert radios will broadcast an acoustic alerting signal immediately followed by a vocal emergency message.

The initial message will state that an emergency condition

exists at VEGP and will also advise of any appropriate

instructions for protective actions. NOAA will periodically

broadcast short, updated messages as warranted.

The siren system consists of a network of 47 rotating

electronic sirens mounted on poles strategically located

throughout the populated area of the plume exposure EPZ.

Based upon Appendix 3 of NUREG-0654 and FEMA REP-10, the

system is designed to provide a minimum of 60 dBC coverage to

all residences within the plume exposure EPZ, plus adequate

coverage for people outdoors in all other areas of the plume exposure EPZ open to the public.

The locations and design coverage contours of the sirens are

shown on the attached map labeled "Figure 3-1, 60 and 50 dBC

Siren Design Coverage Contours."

Anyone not notified by the primary means will be notified by

using State and local resources on an as needed and/or as

available basis. These resources consist of the following:

1. Vehicles ready for immediate dispatch are equipped with sirens and/or loudspeakers. In Georgia these vehicles

will be dispatched upon request of the Burke County EMA

Director (initially) or upon request of the senior GEMA

representative when he arrives at the FEOC. The EMA

Director, having either made the decision himself or

having been requested by GEMA, will direct the Burke

County Central Dispatcher (in the Burke County EOC) to

dispatch the desired vehicles. This is a 24-hour

capability. These vehicles will be supplied by the

Burke County Sheriff's Department and/or the County

Emergency Management Agency, both located in Waynesboro, Georgia. The central dispatcher has direct radio

contact with the Burke County EMA vehicles, and will

contact Sheriff's vehicles by radio either directly or

through the Sheriff's dispatcher. Additional vehicles

will be provided by the Georgia State Patrol barracks

located in Sylvania, Georgia (Post 21) which can also be

contacted by radio from the Central Dispatcher in the

Burke County EOC.

3-3 REV 5 2/86 In South Carolina, vehicles will be dispatched upon request of the senior official in charge of the respective county's emergency operation center; or if the SEOC or FEOC is operational, when requested by the senior state official. Dispatch of the vehicles is a 24-hour capability and will be made through the sheriff's dispatcher of the respective county. Because any people located in the Barnwell County portion of the plume exposure pathway EPZ are accessible only through Allendale County, Allendale County warning teams will have primary responsibility to warn the Barnwell populace.

Barnwell County will provide backup warning teams if necessary. Vehicles will be supplied by the respective county sheriff's department.

2. Boats equipped with a voice or sound device will notify sportsmen or recreationers on the Savannah River. These boats will be supplied locally by the

Georgia Department of Natural Resources-Law

Enforcement Section and the Burke County Emergency

Management Agency and are stationed in Waynesboro.

They will be dispatched by the Burke County Central

Dispatcher, at the direction of the EMA Director.

This is a 24-hour capability. For the DNR boat, the

dispatcher will radio or telephone the Resident

Ranger in Waynesboro. The dispatcher has direct

radio contact with County EMA personnel to access

the EMA boat. The boats will usually be launched

from the Georgia Power Company boat ramp at Plant

Vogtle. From this point, the boats will be sent up

and downstream, depending upon the plume pathway, to

the boundaries of the plume EPZ. The boats will be

prepositioned at the boat ramp at an Alert or higher

classification to await orders to launch.

Notification of persons on the river will be

coordinated with the South Carolina Department of


3. Door-to-door contact may be conducted in acute areas. This will be done as deemed necessary by

offsite authorities. It might be carried out after

completion of a portion of Item No. 1 above in

conjunction with confirmation of evacuation.

3-4 REV 56 09/10 Detailed information and instructions will be provided on local EAS radio and television stations. Seven commercial

radio stations and three commercial television stations whose

broadcasts are received in the plume exposure pathway EPZ

have agreed to broadcast emergency instructions and

information in cooperation with offsite officials. Each of

these stations is a member of the EAS. Not all of these

stations broadcast 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day. In the event of an

emergency, the stations have agreed to come on the air; their FCC licenses permit off hour broadcasts in case of an

emergency. Most stations expect to be ready for broadcasting

in approximately one-half hour following notification.

These continuing instructions will provide more specific or

detailed information of any protective actions advised for

affected areas. Information on the nature of the accident, on any releases, and on the progress in ameliorating or

terminating the emergency event will also be provided

periodically on the commercial stations, along with a

prognosis for escalation or termination of the event.


1. Within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, the prompt alerting and notification system will provide an alerting signal and notification by NOAA radio and

an alerting signal by fixed sirens; further

notification will also be provided by local

commercial radio and television stations which will

be activated via EAS.

2. The minimum acceptable design objectives for coverage by the system are:

a) Capability for both an alerting signal and an informational or instructional message to the

population on an area-wide basis throughout the

plume exposure pathway EPZ, within 15 minutes.

b) The initial notification system will assure direct coverage of essentially 100% of the

population within five miles of the site.

c) Special arrangements will be made to assure 100%

coverage, within 45 minutes, of the population

who may not have received the initial

notification within the entire plume exposure

pathway EPZ. People in remote areas, such as those engaged in hunting and fishing, will be reached by the fixed

siren system.

3-5 REV 52 12/08 Assurance of continued notification capability will be verified on a statistical basis similar to engineering calculation DOEJ-HX2008100234-M001.

Periodically, perhaps in conjunction with an exercise at VEGP, the public alert and notification

system will be activated; Southern Nuclear Operating

Company, and/or the State and local governments will

survey a sample of the residents in the plume

exposure pathway EPZ. The survey results shall be used to assess the public's ability to hear the

alerting signal and their awareness of the meaning

of the prompt notification message, as well as the

availability of information on what to do in an

emergency. In response to the findings of these

surveys, appropriate corrective measures will be

taken to provide reasonable assurance that the

required coverage is maintained.

3. Local and State agencies have the capability to provide information promptly over local commercial

radio and television at the time of the activation

of the alerting signal. An agreement has been made

with NOAA; arrangements have been made with local

commercial radio and television stations. Authority

for activation of the EAS, whereby designated

governmental officials are permitted to issue

emergency information and instruction in threatened

or actual emergencies, is given by 47CFR part 11, EAS Rules.

D. PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION In the event of an emergency, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) has developed and will maintain plans, systems, procedures and relationships that are effective in notifying

appropriate governmental and other responsible authorities.

These authorities will have available to them the means for

alerting and notifying the general public, and for advising

of appropriate responses by the public.

The communications system between the plant and the

responsible authorities (Federal, State and local) features

the following capabilities:

a) Twenty-four hour coverage at VEGP and at the primary points to receive and act upon notification.

b) Section D of the main body of this emergency plan describes the conditions for assured dissemination

of alerting and warning information by VEGP to

appropriate State and local warning points, Section

E describes the methods and procedures for notifying

these warning points. Communications equipment is

described in Section F.

3-6 REV 31 12/00 c) VEGP assumes primary responsibility for net control since effectively all of the emergency information originates at VEGP.

Notification of VEGP response personnel is described in

Section E of the main body of this emergency plan.

Notification of the response personnel of the State and local

response organization is described in their respective

emergency plans.

Southern Nuclear Operating Company in conjunction with

Georgia Power Company provides NOAA radio receivers for all

known establishments (residence, businesses, schools, etc.)

within the plume exposure pathway EPZ who choose to accept

them. The radios are distributed by the SNC Emergency Communications staff. During the distribution to those

accepting the radios, a brochure is handed out.

The brochure distributed with the radios is entitled "Questions and Answers About Your Plant Vogtle NOAA Weather

Radio." That brochure will be redistributed on an annual

basis to NOAA recipients. This brochure includes the

following information:

  • Why NOAA radios are provided.
  • Information they will receive on the NOAA radio.
  • When the alert system will be activated.
  • Who makes NOAA broadcasts.
  • Where to place the radio.
  • Backup battery power for power failures.
  • What to do if the NOAA radio doesn't work.
  • How to replace radio batteries.

A public information calendar entitled "The Plant Vogtle

Emergency Information Calendar" will be distributed on an

annual basis to the NOAA radio recipients.

Both the brochure and the calendar advise residents to

contact VEGP or their local EMA if their radio is defective.

The telephone number and address of both offices are provided

in each brochure. SNC will replace any defective radios upon request or discovery that the radios are defective. SNC will also annually distribute replacement batteries to all

recipients of tone alert radios.

SNC will maintain a register of all radio recipients.

3-7 REV 31 12/00 The electric service to all Burke County recipients within the plume EPZ is provided by either Georgia Power Company or

the Planters Electric Membership Corporation (EMC). Planters

EMC has agreed to provide information monthly to the Emergency Communications staff concerning any persons requesting new electric service or disconnection of existing

electric service.

The Emergency Communications staff uses that information, together with its knowledge of its own electrical hookups or

disconnections in the Georgia plume EPZ, to identify new

residents. The Emergency Communications staff distributes

tone alert radios to any new residents and updates the

register of radio recipients periodically.

The Emergency Communications staff also determines whether

there are any permanent Burke County plume EPZ residents

without electricity. A list of these residents is

maintained. A survey of the Burke County portion of the

plume EPZ will be made annually by the Emergency

Communications staff to assure that the list of any such

residents is current. This updated list is provided to the

Burke County EMA director. The primary means of notification

for these residents will be the siren system.

The recipients of tone-alert radios in the South Carolina

portion of the plume EPZ are so few that similar indirect

methods for checking the distribution of radios are not

necessary. Rather, annual surveys of the entire South

Carolina portion of the plume EPZ will be made directly by

the Emergency Communications Staff.

The tone alert radios are routinely tested by the National

Weather Service every Wednesday around noon unless severe

weather is threatening. The effectiveness of the tone alert

radios will be tested and evaluated at least once a year per

procedure 91706-C, Alert Notification System.

The testing and maintenance of the public alerting sirens in

the VEGP EPZ are the responsibility of VEGP. The maintenance

program will consist of both periodic routine checks and, as

required, corrective maintenance. The actual performance of

these maintenance actions will be conducted by Southern

Company Services maintenance personnel or contract personnel.

In either case, this program will be under the direction of

the VEGP emergency preparedness coordinator.

The periodic routine maintenance program will be based on the

manufacturers' recommendations and experience gained with the

installation. It will consist of quarterly inspections to

verify the proper physical condition of each siren location

and checks to verify the proper operation of each location

utilizing the built-in test and monitoring features of this


3-8 REV 38 05/05 The periodic test program will consist of a weekly silent test, from the county activation points, and an annual full

scale activation of the system.

The weekly silent test will consist of activation of the

siren from the County EOC. Each siren location is activated

and responds in the normal manner, with the exception that

the radiated noise of the siren is above the normal audible

range and is therefore silent. Proper activation of each

siren is confirmed utilizing a monitoring system. This monitoring system verifies the proper activation of the major

components of the siren.

Once each year the system will be activated from the

associated county EOC in the normal mode. Advance notice of

the test will be provided to the public. Activation of each

siren will be verified by the WSMRFC. Reports of siren

failures or inadequate coverage will be investigated by VEGP.

Unsatisfactory conditions detected by any means will be

promptly repaired by Southern Company Services maintenance or

contract personnel under the direction of the VEGP emergency

preparedness coordinator.

GEMA and SC EMD procedures detail the process for activating the prompt notification system for VEGP and will contain

messages for first alert, shelter notice, evacuation notice, and all clear.

Following initial notification of an emergency at VEGP by

plant officials, GEMA and SCEPD will coordinate any decision

to activate the prompt notification system. When a decision

to activate the NOAA tone alert radios has been made, GEMA

will request activation.

Authorization to activate the NOAA alert system for an

emergency situation at VEGP rests with the GEMA director, executive director, and chief of operations. One of these

individuals will instruct a GEMA staff officer (predesignated

staff officers are listed by position and name in the GEMA's

procedure) to initiate activation of the alert system. The

GEMA staff officer will instruct the GEMA radio operator to

call National Weather Service - of Columbia, (NWS-Columbia)

for activation of the NOAA alert system and provide the radio

operator with his phone number (EOC, FEOC, home). The radio

operator will call the meteorologist-on-duty at NWS-Columbia

using the National Warning System (NAWAS) circuit and request

an emergency call to GEMA.

3-9 REV 38 05/05 (If NAWAS malfunctions, GEMA will call the NWS on either a commercial phone number or their FTS phone number.) The

meteorologist-on-duty will call the GEMA radio operator on

one of three numbers with patch call capability that are

identified in GEMA's procedure. The GEMA radio operator will

patch the Weather Service call through to the GEMA staff

officer's phone number.

The GEMA staff officer will identify himself, and the NOAA

operator will verify his name against the predesignated list

in the GEMA procedure.

The GEMA staff officer will request activation of the NOAA

alert system and specify the desired message to be broadcast

by the tone-alert radios from the prescripted messages

contained in the GEMA procedure which include pertinent

information for South Carolina portions of the plume EPZ. He

will also fill in any blanks in the prescripted message and

specify the length of time the message is to automatically

repeat. The entire activation process is estimated by GEMA

to take 5 to 10 min starting at the time the decision to

activate the prompt notification system is made.

Additional follow up messages which are not prescripted will

be similarly activated.

Each position identified in these activation steps is either

staffed or on-call 24 hr. a day.

The Burke County EMA director may request NOAA activation

through GEMA. He also has the authority to request

activation of the EAS. The Burke County EMA Director, or his

designee, may activate the EAS by telephoning (commercial

lines) either the EAS Control Station for the area, (WBBQ-FM

Augusta) or any local radio or television station which is an

EAS member. Each member station can notify the other member

stations. Certain member stations operate 24 h per day, enabling activation regardless of the hour. The Burke County

EOC communication facility will also have the ability to

activate the EAS directly through a local radio station (WBRO); however this station does not operate 24 h per day.

GEMA may also activate EAS by calling the same stations

described above, or through WSB in Atlanta.

Each of the three South Carolina counties within the plume

EPZ may also activate the EAS system in the event of an

immediate declaration of a Site Area Emergency or a General

Emergency by VEGP and if the South Carolina SEOC is not yet operational. This activation can be made by telephoning (commercial lines) any EAS Control Station for the area (WAKN-FM, Aiken Common Program Control Station (CPCS-1);

WTCB, Orangeburg Common Program Control Station (CPCS-1) or

any local radio or television station which is an EAS member.

3-10 REV 38 05/05 Fixed sirens are radio controlled by the county in which they are located. Forty-six of the sirens are controlled from the

Burke County EOC. The remaining siren is controlled from the

Barnwell County 911 Center. When a coordinated decision for

activation of the prompt notification system has been made

between GEMA and SCEMD, the respective state will instruct each affected county to activate its siren(s) at a

predesignated time synchronized with NOAA radio and EAS

activation. Each county may also activate its siren(s) when

deemed necessary for protection of its populace if the

states' EOC/FEOC are not yet activated. This siren activation

would be synchronized with activation of the EAS directly by

the county.


FIGURE 3-1 60 and 50 dBC Siren Design Coverage Contours This figure is available in hard copy only.

See Christopher E. Boone, Emergency Planning Coordinator, (205) 992-6635.


1. Survey meters: Ion chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
7. Survey logs
8. Smears
9. Plastic bags
10. Radiological signs
11. Barrier ropes or ribbon
12. Tape
13. Plastic sheeting
14. Absorbent material
15. Coveralls
16. Shoe covers
17. Rubber gloves
18. Cotton gloves
19. Hoods
20. Respirators
21. Respirator filters
22. SCBAs
23. First aid kit
24. Portable lanterns
25. Flashlights
26. Potassium iodide
27. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies
28. Area maps
29. Check sources


EOF Supplies

1. First aid kit
2. Flashlights 3. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies
4. Area maps


1. Ion chamber survey meter minimum range 0-5 R/h 2. Frisker minimum range 0-5 k cpm 3. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem) 4. Air sampler 5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler 6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler 7. Sample counting equipment 8. Field monitoring log forms 9. Area and road maps 10. Clipboard and writing materials
11. Radios
12. Smears 13. Plastic bags 14. Soil scoop
15. Knife 16. 1-liter bottles
17. Tape 18. Cotton gloves and rubber gloves 19. Protective clothing 20. First aid kit
21. Flashlight
22. Calculator 23. Tape measure 24. Stop watch
25. Respirators


1. Survey meters: Ion chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
7. Survey logs
8. Smears
9. Plastic bags
10. Radiological signs
11. Barrier ropes or ribbons
12. Tape
13. Plastic sheeting
14. Absorbent material
15. Coveralls
16. Shoe covers
17. Rubber gloves
18. Cotton gloves
19. Hoods
20. Respirators
21. Respirator filters
22. SCBAs
23. First Aid kit
24. Flashlights
25. Batteries
26. Check source
27. Potassium iodide
28. Data forms
29. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies 4-5 REV 60 07/13 TABLE 4-5 MAIN CONTROL POINT OR HP ROOM EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT (TYPICAL)
1. Survey meters: Ionization chamber, minimum range 0-50 R/h; Frisker, minimum range 0-50 k cpm 2. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)
3. OSLDs 4. Air sampler
5. Silver zeolite cartridges for air sampler
6. Particulate filter papers for air sampler
7. Survey logs
8. Smears
9. Plastic bags
10. Radiological signs
11. Barrier ropes or ribbons
12. Tape
13. Plastic sheeting
14. Absorbent material
15. Coveralls
16. Shoe covers
17. Rubber gloves
18. Cotton gloves
19. Hoods
20. Respirators
21. Respirator filters
22. SCBAs
23. First Aid kit
24. Flashlights
25. Batteries
26. Radiation protection and monitoring procedures
27. Potassium iodide
28. Clipboards, writing materials, and secretarial supplies


1. Ion chamber, minimum range 0-5 R/h 2. Frisker with probe, minimum range 0-50 k cpm
3. Smears
4. Plastic bags
5. Radiological signs
6. Barrier ropes or ribbons
7. Tape
8. Plastic sheeting
9. Absorbent material
10. Coveralls
11. Shoe covers
12. Rubber gloves
13. Cotton gloves
14. Hoods
15. Soap
16. Shampoo
17. Towels
18. Razors
19. Shaving cream
20. Dosimeters (0-99 rem)
21. Hand brushes
22. Body maps
23. Potassium iodide
24. OSLDs 25. Respirators with/filter cartridges
26. Cotton swabs


1. Coveralls 2. Shoe covers
3. Cotton gloves
4. Plastic bags
5. Tape
6. Plastic sheeting
7. Absorbent material
8. Rubber gloves
9. Frisker with/probe, minimum range 0-50 k cpm
10. OSLDs(a) 11. Dosimeters (0-99.99 Rem)(a)
12. Radiation tape and tags
a. Equipment supplied by personnel at Plant Entry and

Security Building (PESB).

REV 0 11/30/84


REV 59 12/12


6-1 REV 64 3/15 Appendix 6 Evacuation Time Estimate In order to ensure the safety of the public living in the

vicinity of nuclear power plants in the nation, the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires licensees to

develop and update evacuation times estimates (ETEs) for

areas within the emergency planning zone (EPZ). Updates are

required following the availability of data from the

decennial census (10 years) or when the sensitivity factor

for changes in population within the EPZ has been exceeded.

This appendix contains information from the ETE update

performed in 2012. ETE population reviews will be conducted annually. This update implements the requirements of the revised regulations relevant to ETE updates in accordance

with the guidance provided in NUREG/CR-7002, Criteria for

Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies and the requirements in 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Sections IV.3 and


Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) contracted IEM to

estimate evacuation times for the 2012 populations within the

10-mile plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ)

surrounding the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP).

This appendix provides a summary of the final report

describing the methods used to obtain population data and to

estimate evacuation times and estimated population figures, evacuation road network information, and ETEs.

The report provides a breakdown of the population by

geographic areas and protective action zones (PAZ).

1 Four categories of population are identified in the report:

  • Permanent residents.
  • Transit dependent permanent residents.
  • Schools.

The permanent resident population is made up of individuals

residing in the 10-mile EPZ. The total year 2012 permanent

resident populations within the 10-mile EPZ for VEGP are

estimated to be 3,080. The transient population consists of

workers employed within the area, recreational sportsmen, and

visitors. The total peak transient population within the

10-mile EPZ is estimated to be 2,915. Only one school, Lord's House of Praise Christian School, was identified in

the VEGP EPZ. IEM contacted the school to collect current

enrollment, staff figures, and the evacuation plan. The

total peak population for the school in the EPZ is estimated

to be 70. Transit dependent permanent residents in the EPZ

are estimated to be 29. This study also considered the

voluntary evacuees, who are also known as shadow evacuees

that reside within 10 to 15 miles from VEGP.

1 NRC Criteria for Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies. NUREG/CR-7002. November 2011.

6-2 REV 61 06/14 IEM utilized a computer traffic simulation model, PTV Vision VISUM, to perform the ETE analyses. For the analyses, the

10-mile plume exposure pathway EPZ was divided into 19 unique geographic areas based on two-mile, five-mile, and ten-mile

radius rings, the 16 22.5-degree PAZs, as well as keyhole and

staged evacuation logic. In order to represent the most

realistic emergency scenarios, evacuations for the 19 geographic evacuation areas were modeled individually for the

midweek daytime, midweek - weekend evening, and weekend

daytime scenarios. Each of these scenarios was then

considered under both normal and adverse weather conditions

using the 2012 population estimations. A total of 114 evacuation scenarios were considered as part of this study to

represent different wind, temporal, seasonal and weather


Both 100% and 90% ETEs for each scenario were collected. The

100% ETEs for the evacuation areas ranged from 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 10 minutes to 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> 25 minutes for the normal scenarios, and

from 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 15 minutes to 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> 25 minutes for those occurring in adverse weather. The 90% ETEs for the

evacuation areas ranged from 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 20 minutes to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 20

minutes for the normal scenarios, and from 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 20 minutes

to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 25 minutes for those occurring in adverse weather.

The factors that contributed to the variations in EPEs

between scenarios include differences in the number of

evacuating vehicles, the capacity of the evacuation routes

used, or the distance from the origin zones to the EPZ


Based on the data gathered and the results of the evacuation

simulations, the existing evacuation strategy was determined

to be functional for the 2012 conditions, given the lack of

severe congestion or very high ETEs. Recommendations were

provided for enhancements to improve the evacuation time


Assumptions utilized in the ETE will be reviewed when

evaluating changes to roadways or evacuation networks to

ensure the results of the ETE remain valid. Changes in

population will be evaluated utilizing the sensitivity factor

developed during the ETE analysis.

The full Evacuation Time Estimate was submitted for NRC

review in accordance with NRC regulations Evacuation Time

Estimate (ETE) Updates 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section IV.3.

Following the NRC review, the results of the study and

recommendations will be reviewed with applicable offsite

agencies. The review will focus on the utilization of the

results of the evacuation simulations provided in the ETE for

comparison to existing protective action strategies.

Modifications, if any, will be incorporated as part of the

ongoing emergency planning process. SNC will work with OROs and maintain a protective action strategy using the 6-3 REV 61 06/14 applicable portions of NUREG 0654 Supplement III. (


Evacuation Time Estimates Update dated November 26, 2013 NL-13-2340; ETE Report ETE-VEGP-001; Annual ETE Review ETE-VEGP-002).


1 REV 38 05/05 A. INTRODUCTION A.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this appendix is to outline the function of the Emergency Operations Facility for the Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC). Additionally, this appendix delineates the actions to be taken by SNC Corporate Staff in the event of an emergency at any (SNC) site.

A.2 SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This appendix provides the framework for operations of the EOF for SNC. This appendix is an integral part of the site specific emergency plan(s).

This appendix may be implemented to coordinate a SNC response to an emergency at any SNC facility or in response to a transportation accident involving radioactive material.

Additionally, this appendix provides the mechanism for obtaining and providing additional emergency response support and resources to SNC site(s) in the event of an emergency.

The SNC Corporate Staff will be responsible for offsite emergency response support and resources as requested.

Overall management of the emergency will be accomplished at the specific site(s)[Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP) and Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP)].



The site specific Emergency Plan, is activated by the Emergency Director (ED). Upon notification of an ALERT or higher classification or as directed by the ED, the EOF will be activated as described in emergency implementing procedures. When notified, the designated corporate emergency organization management report to the EOF to be briefed on current conditions and perform their assigned tasks. Each manager's support staff will operate from that group's office area. Offsite support personnel and equipment will be dispatched to the site Operations Support Center (OSC) or Technical Support Center (TSC) upon request from the specific site Emergency Director. The corporate emergency organization will provide offsite emergency response support and resources to SNC sites 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day until the emergency has been terminated.

2 REV 38 05/05 The EOF will be activated for an ALERT, a SITE AREA or GENERAL emergency classification. This facility will be operational within about an hour of the initial notification.

SNC's goal is to begin notification of all required on-call Emergency Response Organization (ERO) personnel as soon as practicable, within 15 minutes, following the declaration of an Alert emergency or higher emergency classification at any SNC site.

Minimum EOF staff for facility activation will include the EOF Manager, the Dose Assessment Supervisor, the Dose Analyst, the Field Team Coordinator, the ENN Communicator, and the Licensing Support Coordinator.

Access control for the EOF is established through the use of electronic card readers.

During the emergency, the emergency director will normally be located in either the TSC or Control Room at his/her option. The emergency director is responsible for the management of the emergency response. Specific duties and responsibilities are provided in the site specific Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

SNC has taken precautions to ensure that the EOF can be quickly accessed and made operational within about an hour of the initial notification and is safe-guarded against unauthorized personnel. The common EOF is located in a secure building. The building itself has posted security guards and video surveillance cameras.

Any outside doors that do not have security guards are accessible only by SNC ID badges. Additionally, the EOF facility door is accessible only to people with ID badges that have been pre-approved for access. If an event were to occur during off-normal hours, a guard will be posted at the main entrance to Building 40 to allow access to offsite agency or other responders without pre-designated ID access.

B. EOF ORGANIZATION The EOF Organization consists of selected management and staff members located in the SNC Corporate Office. This organization is responsible for providing offsite emergency response support and resources, as needed.

The EOF Organization is displayed in Figure 1 and typical duty assignments are shown on Table 1. This organization may be supplemented or reduced by the EOF Manager, as required, to respond to the specific emergency situation. but will not be reduced to below the minimum staff as specified in A.3 above.

SNC normally maintains ERO positions in a duty rotation.

Several positions have been designated as plant specific 3 REV 38 05/05 and, as such, have personnel designated for each of the 3 sites. Specifically each of the following EOF positions has site-specific personnel designated:

  • EOF Technical Supervisor In order to augment additional staff that may be needed in the unlikely event of a multi-site accident, SNC will re-activate its ERO notification system. When the EOF is activated, all EOF staff pagers are activated, and all EOF personnel are expected to report to the EOF.

Personnel that are not needed to augment positions are briefed and dismissed with a stand-by status.

B.1 EOF MANAGER The EOF Manager manages the following activities:

  • Overall direction and control of the offsite response for SNC.
  • Communication of radiological information to State and local emergency response agencies as needed.
  • After consultation with the ED, provides support for initial activities associated with planning for recovery operations.

The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Manager will be assumed by designated SNC corporate personnel. The designated individual will be assigned according to a predetermined rotation schedule and will typically have either previous plant specific SRO background or long-term supervisory/management experience.

4 REV 60 07/13 The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Manager are as follows:

1. Manage the EOF and direct the activities of the EOF


2. Ensure activation of the EOF at ALERT or higher

classification, or as directed by the ED.

3. Support site efforts for the following:
  • Determining the cause of the incident.
  • Assessing the overall damage, including personnel, equipment, systems, facilities and/or fuel.
  • Developing recovery plans.
4. Keep corporate management informed regarding the

emergency response and emergency classification


5. Ensure that the joint owners, as applicable, are

kept apprised of significant changes in the

emergency status including upgrades, downgrades and


6. Keep the GPC/APCO public information director fully

apprised regarding the status of the emergency.

7. Identify the available resources within and outside

the company to assist in mitigation and recovery, as


8. Procure outside services and equipment, as


9. Obtain assistance from SNC Environmental Services

regarding non-radiological and hazardous materials

environmental considerations.

10. Request assistance from legal counsel as


11. Coordinate NRC inquiries/activities requiring a

response from the Corporate Office. Obtain licenses

and/or amendments to licenses, if required, for

repair of the affected unit and disposal of waste


12. Approve news releases issued from the Emergency

Response Center (ERC) or the Emergency News Center (ENC)/Joint Information Center (JIC).

13. Communicate developed PARs to the ED once offsite

communication responsibility is transferred to the

EOF. The EOF Manager and ED will determine which

facility will communicate the PARs to offsite

agencies. Normally, initial PARs will be

communicated to offsite agencies by the TSC while 5 REV 38 05/05 changes in PARs will be communicated to offsite agencies by the EOF.

14. Ensure that necessary support is provided to the SNC Newswriter, the SNC Spokesperson, and the Public Information Director to ensure timely and accurate information flow to the public. An unaffected EOF Manager will be available to assist the affected EOF Manager in Company Spokesperson interface activities.

6 REV 38 05/05 B.2 EOF TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Technical Supervisor will be assumed by SNC corporate support personnel. The designated individual will be assigned according to a predetermined rotation schedule and will typically have plant specific long-term engineering/design experience. Reporting to the Technical Supervisor are the emergency communicators and the necessary engineering technical, and licensing personnel needed to support tasks assigned to the EOF.

The duties and responsibilities of the Technical Supervisor are as follows:

1. Provide technical interface to vendors, utility groups, consultants and technical investigation groups. 2. Assist in establishing a list of plant equipment/system modifications required to bring the plant to cold shutdown, recovery and/or startup.
3. Develop an engineering support plan compatible with the plant mitigation and recovery plan. Provide engineering support developing site recovery procedures. This plan will include engineering personnel resources.
4. Coordinate the work performed by SNC engineering, Southern Company Services, the architect engineer, the nuclear steam supply system supplier, and other engineering consultants. Coordinate the transmittal of engineering modification/design documents (Design Change Packages (DCP), Request for Engineering Assistance (REA), etc) to the site staff, and site and SNC procurement groups.
5. Coordinate the receipt and assessment of technical information related to plant systems and facility operations, and submit recommendations to the TSC Manager through the EOF Manager.
6. Provide licensing support, as requested, through utilization of the licensing support.
7. Provides communications support for offsite notifications (Emergency Notification Network(ENN), as requested.

7 REV 43 05/06 B.3 EOF SUPPORT COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Support Coordinator will be assumed by SNC corporate support

personnel. The individuals designated to assume the

position will be indicated on a predetermined

rotational schedule. Reporting to the EOF Support

Coordinator are the non-technical personnel needed to

support tasks assigned to the EOF. Additionally, the

News writer is matrixed to the EOF Support Coordinator

from the corporate communications organization.

The duties and responsibilities of the EOF Support Coordinator are as follows:

1. Provide assistance to the TSC Support Coordinator in the Technical Support Center (TSC) for ordering equipment and materials needed. Establish a standby

list of personnel to provide additional technical

support, as required.

2. Obtain materials, supplies, and equipment that are

needed in the EOF.

3. Process expense accounts, distribute checks from

payroll, and conduct other financial aspects of the

emergency organization.

4. Provide logistics arrangements for support personnel

called in to assist in the emergency, including

communications hardware, transportation, food, and


5. Obtain assistance from corporate financial staff to

communicate, as necessary, with banks, financial

institutions, investors, joint owners and insurers

regarding the emergency situation.

6. During the initial phase of the emergency, provide

the official log of actions and the course of the

emergency from the EOF.

7. Provide administrative services for the Corporate

Emergency Response Organization, such as clerical, typing, and duplication.

8. Provide administrative, logistic, financial, and

procurement support as appropriate during the

recovery phase.

8 REV 38 05/05 B.4 DOSE ASSESSMENT SUPERVISOR The duties and responsibilities of the Dose Assessment Supervisor will be assumed by SNC corporate support personnel. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule. Reporting to the Dose Assessment Supervisor are the Dose Analyst, Field Team Coordinator, Field Team Communicator, and Radiological Status Communicator.

The TSC will initially be responsible for dose projection and field team control activities. When the EOF is activated and ready to assume functions of dose projection/assessment activities, then the EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor will coordinate transfer of dose assessment, field team control, and protective action determination from the TSC to the EOF. Coordination will include ED/EOF Manager mutual approval of the transfer with the intention of transferring dose assessment from the TSC to the EOF as rapidly as possible while ensuring a smoothly coordinated transfer of this critical function.

The duties and responsibilities of the Dose Assessment Supervisor are as follows:

1. Support the plant dose assessment supervisor as necessary. Be prepared to assume offsite dose projection if requested. Keep the EOF Manager informed of any offsite dose assessments performed by the site or corporate staff.
2. Provide an as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) exposure review of engineering modifications and tasks proposed by the emergency organization, including necessary documentation of those reviews.
3. Develop methods for treatment and/or disposal of radioactive wastes resulting from the emergency and recovery operations.
4. Compare calculations and measurements with State and Federal groups performing radiological assessments.
5. Coordinate distribution of dose assessment information with offsite authorities.
6. Coordinate assistance to the State for transportation incidents involving radioactive material, as requested.
7. Develop protective action recommendations (PARs) and communicate to the EOF Manager the need for PAR communication once control is transferred to the EOF.

9 REV 38 05/05 B.5 SECURITY COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the Security Coordinator will be assumed by SNC corporate security personnel. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule.

The duties and responsibilities of the Security Coordinator are as follows:

1. Support the plant security manager as necessary.

Keep the EOF Manager informed of any security events/issues.

2. Provide assistance to the security supervisor at the site, as requested.
3. Establish and maintain access control for the EOF.

10 REV 38 05/05 B.6 OFFSITE RESPONSE COORDINATOR The duties and responsibilities of the Offsite Response Coordinator will be assumed by SNC Corporate Emergency Planning Coordinators and designated staff. The individuals designated to assume the position will be indicated on a predetermined rotation schedule.

The duties and responsibilities of the Offsite Response Coordinator are as follows:

1. Coordinate activities concerning the dispatch and update of technical liaisons to State and Local authorities, as appropriate.
2. Monitor EOF functional areas to facilitate coordination between the licensee and State and Local agencies.


1. The Engineering/Technical Support staff and administrative support staff will report to the EOF, as directed. These job titles refer to a number of individuals performing a variety of designated tasks. Their numbers will depend on the type and duration of the emergency.
2. The Engineering/Technical Support staff are personnel designated by the management of the Corporate Emergency Organization. They provide management, technical, regulatory and licensing support during an emergency. This staff report through the EOF Technical Supervisor to the EOF Manager. 3. The administrative support staff are the non-technical members of the Corporate Emergency Response Organization. They perform duties designated by the EOF Support Coordinator or appropriate manager which include but are not limited to the following:
a. Providing clerical and secretarial support to the Emergency Organization.
b. Operation of word processors.
c. Operation of telecopiers.
d. Making entries to and retrieving data from Nuclear Network.
e. Retrieval of file documents.
f. Updating status boards using information provided from the sites.

11 REV 60 07/13 C. NOTIFICATION AND ACTIVATION Initial notifications or emergency response personnel

will follow the guidelines specified in the site

specific Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing

Procedures. This appendix contains the emergency

notification of Corporate Management and the appropriate

offsite support groups not specified in the site

specific Emergency Plan(s).

C.1 NOTIFICATION OF CORPORATE MANAGEMENT The Nuclear Duty Officer will be notified of all emergencies classified at any SNC site. The Nuclear Duty Officer will in turn notify the EOF Manager. The EOF Manager is responsible for activation of the EOF

Staff and notifying the appropriate Corporate


1. The EOF Manager is responsible for assuring that the Corporate Emergency Organization is notified 2. The EOF Manager will also be responsible for ensuring that the corporate emergency staff members report directly to the EOF. 3. Notification of personnel may be accomplished through the use of an automated or manual system.

C.2 NOTIFICATION OF OFFSITE SUPPORT AGENCIES Offsite support agencies will be notified by the

appropriate emergency organization member(s), as

requested by VEGP, FNP, and HNP.

12 REV 38 05/05 D. EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Following the declaration of an emergency, response activity will be coordinated at a number of facilities.

These emergency response facilities are described in the site specific emergency plans. The EOF is a common facility for all SNC sites and is described in this section. D.1 EOF DESCRIPTION The EOF is the central location for management of the offsite emergency response, coordination of radiological assessment, and management of initial recovery operations. The EOF is located in Birmingham, Alabama and serves as the EOF for all SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP). The EOF will be activated as prescribed in the site specific Emergency Plan implementing procedures. From the EOF, SNC corporate management personnel assist the states and other governmental bodies by communicating protective action recommendations approved by the Emergency Director to ensure public health and safety. Plant systems information, radiological data, and meteorological data are provided via the SNC integrated data display system to EOF personnel as needed to: assess environmental conditions, coordinate radiological monitoring activities, and recommend implementation of offsite emergency plans. Data displays provide periodic and timely conditions of the affected plant and periodic and timely assessment of radiological conditions in the plant environs. .

The SNC integrated data display system utilizes data provided by the plant specific data links. These station data links are described in each site specific plan. These displays may be either manual or electronic. Data displays are located in the main caucus area of the EOF, dose assessment area, plant status area, and engineering area within the facility. Other displays may be located in the command center area. Data is also available to all state agencies responding to the EOF. Data is available both in the main caucus area and the area designated for the particular state agency. Similarly, this data is available to state and local authorities via a secure network dedicated to data distribution among the various offsite emergency response facilities. The data display system provides the user with a "master view" for the monitoring of multiple site events simultaneously. Data required to support EOF operations is provided by an extensive ring bus transport network. Data may also be obtained manually via telephone from the Control Room and the TSC to the EOF.

13 REV 38 05/05 Contained within the facility will be the manpower and equipment necessary to provide dedicated direct communication links to the plant site(s). In addition, there are commercial and company wide phone systems to and from the site(s). A communication link will be established and maintained between the Emergency Operations Facility and the Technical Support Center (TSC) until the emergency director determines that the communication link is no longer needed. Other communications equipment accessible to the EOF includes Nuclear Network (an intra-industry computer-based information exchange network), telecopiers, and computer workstations designated for emergency use. Computer workstations are dedicated for performing dose projections for multiple sites. The EOF is the distribution center for all field data and sample analyses. This information will be available to county, State, and Federal representatives. The EOF is sized to accommodate 35 persons, including 25 pre-designated persons, 9 persons from the NRC, and 1 person from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is anticipated that representatives from the state(s) of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida will be dispatched to the EOF for an event at specific SNC site(s). The EOF has been designed to accommodate these representatives. Agreements exist between the appropriate State agencies and SNC to ensure rapid response of state personnel dispatched to the EOF. Table 4 provides additional information concerning EOF communications capabilities. Upon activation of the EOF, Corporate personnel will provide staffing 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day until directed otherwise by the Emergency Director.

The emergency director, located at the affected site(s), is responsible for the management of the emergency response. Specific duties and responsibilities are provided in the site specific Emergency.

The EOF consists of several rooms, as shown, together with the location of key personnel, in Figure 2. The EOF is a dedicated facility. The designated emergency planning coordinator for each of the three sites maintains an office within the EOF to ensure readiness and daily operability.

Based on the physical location of the EOF, specialized ventilation systems are not required. The EOF ventilation system is consistent in design with standard building codes. Similarly, EOF functions would not be interrupted by radiation releases from any SNC site.

14 REV 38 05/05 Normal power to the EOF is from a reliable offsite source. Emergency lighting is provided by battery operated lights. Back-up power for the EOF is supplied by onsite diesel generation. All essential equipment is backed up by the diesel generation system.

The EOF is located adjacent to the document management section for SNC. The following records or information are available:

  • Technical Specifications.
  • Selected plant operating procedures.
  • State and local emergency response plans.

The following records or information can be transmitted to the EOF manually, electronically or by facsimile:

  • Environs radiological monitoring records.
  • SNC employee radiation exposure histories.
  • System piping and instrumentation diagrams and HVAC flow diagrams.
  • Piping area diagrams.
  • Electrical one-line, elementary, and wiring diagrams.

The above records or information are available in current form and updated as necessary to ensure currency and completeness.

Operations at this facility are directed by the EOF manager.

15 REV 43 05/06 D.2 CONTINGENCY PLANNING Optimum functionality and availability was considered in the decision to locate the EOF in Birmingham, Alabama. At this location, functionality of the EOF

would be uninterrupted by radiation releases, natural

phenomena, and security based events at any of the SNC

sites. Support operations and coordination with

Federal, State and local organizations would continue.

If personnel were to be dispatched to the sites, then personal protection equipment would be available from

the local emergency management agency or from one of

the unaffected SNC plant sites.

In the unlikely event that individuals should need to respond to the EOF from within the 10 mile EPZ of any

SNC plant, they would be surveyed prior to release by

local emergency authorities at the reception centers in

accordance with State and Local emergency response

plans. In the unlikely event that the EOF becomes uninhabitable, resources and personnel will be

transferred to the Corporate Headquarters of Alabama

Power Company, located in Birmingham, Alabama. These

actions will be taken as part of the normal business

continuity plan.

E. COORDINATION WITH GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES The site specific Emergency Plan(s) delineate the

governmental agencies to be notified and specifies the

information to be initially conveyed. It is anticipated

that representatives of various agencies will be

dispatched to the EOF for an event at an SNC facility.

Arrangements have been made between the appropriate

State agencies and SNC to ensure rapid response of state

personnel dispatched to the EOF.

E.1 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Coordination with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) may be underway at several locations

simultaneously. For details of the NRC response, see

the NRC Incident Response Plan, NUREG-0728.

Initial notification of the NRC will proceed as

specified in the site specific Emergency Plan. The

resident NRC inspector(s) and plant personnel have

direct communications from the site control room to the

NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland and to the

regional headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

16 REV 38 05/05 The resident inspector(s) may be reinforced by additional NRC personnel shortly after notification of an emergency. The Emergency Director is responsible for coordinating NRC activities to reduce duplication of effort and reduce impact on the plant staff during the emergency situation.

Provisions have been made to have direct NRC FTS lines in the TSC and the EOF during an emergency. This will allow personnel in the control room to continue responding to the emergency while personnel in the TSC or EOF respond to questions and input from the NRC.

NRC activities requiring response from the licensee will be coordinated by the EOF Technical Coordinator through the EOF manager.

E.2 STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES The government notifications are outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan(s). Coordination of offsite responses to the emergency is the responsibility of State agencies as outlined in the State Radiological Emergency Response Plans.

E.3 LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES Notification of local government officials is outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan(s). Coordination with local government agencies will normally be through the responsible State agency.

E.4 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Notification of DOE officials is outlined in the site specific Emergency Plan.

17 REV 38 05/05 F. OFFSITE SUPPORT Offsite resources that may be available to support an emergency response effort include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Southern Nuclear Operating Company
2. Georgia Power Company
3. Alabama Power Company
4. Southern Company Services, Inc.
5. The architect engineers
6. NSSS supplier
7. Nuclear industry
1. SNC is divided into three projects: the Farley Project, the Hatch Project, and the Vogtle Project.

Each of the projects is further divided into a plant staff and a corporate staff. These represent a pool of positions of which approximately two-thirds would be additional assets that could be made available to support an individual site emergency organization, as required.

a. Plant Staffs - The permanent plant staffs consist of personnel who possess expertise in at least one of the following areas: operations, maintenance, engineering, administration, or technical support.

These personnel would be available to assist in an emergency or recovery situation at an SNC nuclear facility.

b. Corporate Staffs - These staffs consist of personnel who provide management, technical, clerical, procurement, and regulatory support to the nuclear facilities.


1. The GPC Fossil and Hydro Power Generation Department is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all GPC non-nuclear generating facilities including diesel and combustion turbine facilities. This represents a large source of technical expertise which could provide support to the emergency organization, if required.
2. The GPC Power Delivery Department manages the activities of the divisions and areas of the company which provide the electrical services to customers.

This organization has a large resource of people and heavy equipment which may be of assistance following a nuclear emergency.

3. Other GPC assets, including maintenance and repair facilities, training facilities, engineering staffs, and headquarters personnel represent additional resources available for emergency support.
4. The GPC Central Laboratory has personnel and facilities available to provide offsite monitoring, sample analysis, and dosimetry processing for the affected site.


1. The APCO Fossil and Hydro Power Generation Department is responsible for the operations and maintenance of all APCO non-nuclear generating facilities including diesel and combustion turbine facilities. This represents a large source of technical expertise which could provide support to the emergency organization, if required.
2. The APCO Power Delivery Department manages the activities of the divisions and areas of the company which provide the electrical services to customers.

This organization has a large resource of people and heavy equipment which may be of assistance following a nuclear emergency.

3. Other APCO assets, including maintenance and repair facilities, training facilities, engineering staffs, and headquarters personnel represent additional resources available for emergency support.


1. SNC has the primary responsibility for engineering support of VEGP, FNP and HNP. SCS may be utilized in response to a plant emergency or for subsequent recovery operations as deemed necessary by SNC.

F.5 ARCHITECT ENGINEERS The architect engineers will provide support as requested through the engineering services manager. The architect engineers are SNC and Bechtel Power Corporation.

1. SNC serves as its own Architect/Engineer. SCS, an associate company to Southern Nuclear Operating Company, will be used to the extent appropriate in responding to nuclear emergencies.
2. Bechtel Power Corporation, headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, also performs architect engineer services for SNC. Bechtel's technical staffs are engaged in all phases of public utility engineering, design, construction, purchasing, inspection, and expedition of materials, as well as consultation on utility operating matters. Bechtel has available a broad range of engineering, construction, and consulting experience. Bechtel's nuclear experience includes engineering studies, the evaluation of reactor systems, safety evaluations, detailed engineering design, construction, and startup and testing of nuclear power facilities.

F.6 NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SYSTEM VENDOR The applicable NSSS vendor will provide support through the engineering services manager. Plant specific references to the appropriate vendor are specified in the plant specific base plans. The NSSS maintains a large staff of technically qualified people in all the engineering disciplines related to the design, construction, and operation of a nuclear power plant.

These same skills would be necessary in the evaluation of, and recovery from, an emergency at any SNC site.

Assistance would most likely be sought for large-scale core analysis, special tool design, and licensing.

20 REV 38 05/05 F.7 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY The nuclear industry provides a large reservoir of personnel with a wide range of technical expertise and knowledge. A nuclear industry national inventory of personnel who might be called upon to supplement Company personnel has been developed through the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).

In addition, a number of utilities have entered into an INPO coordinated Voluntary Assistance Agreement program.

This provides a mechanism to draw upon industry resources during an emergency.

Support may be called upon from neighboring utilities would include the following:

1. Manpower and equipment to assist in in-plant and emergency field monitoring.
2. Engineering, design, and technical expertise to assist in determining the cause of the accident and to support recovery.
3. Manpower and equipment to assist in maintenance and repairs to the facility.

F.8 CONTRACT LABORATORIES Teledyne Isotopes, Inc. for emergency analytical services.

Framatome ANP for emergency analytical services


1. Training Corporate personnel identified in the Emergency Response Organization receive training. The training consists of familiarization with the Site Emergency Plans and applicable emergency implementing procedures required to carry out their specific functions.

The corporate emergency planning coordinator(s) will ensure that personnel in the Corporate Emergency Response Organization are familiar with the Emergency Plans and able to respond promptly. A training matrix for corporate personnel assigned to the ERO is shown in Table 2, and training course summaries are presented in Table 3. Training will be documented in accordance with established practices.

The corporate emergency planning coordinator(s) are responsible for assuring that training is conducted for corporate emergency response personnel each calendar year. 2. Drills/Exercises Drills/ exercises will be conducted each calendar year to test the performance of implementing procedures, personnel, and emergency equipment. These drills/exercises will be conducted with each SNC site.

SNC's goal is to activate the EOF in support of all site activities that involve TSC activation. EOF activation is required at least 3 times annually (1 scenario per site per year) in accordance with the existing Emergency Plans. At least 1 activation every 5 years will require a concurrent EOF support response for more than one SNC site.

Each drill/exercise will test, as a minimum, the communication links and notification procedures to assure the prompt notification of the corporate staff.

Provisions are made for critique of all drills/exercises. Critique items will be forwarded to the site emergency preparedness coordinator for processing in the site specific corrective action program.

22 REV 38 05/05 G.2 REVIEW AND UPDATE OF PLAN AND PROCEDURES Reviews of the site Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures will be performed in accordance with site specific emergency plans. These reviews will be utilized to update the Plans and procedures and to improve emergency preparedness.


Supervisor Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 EOF Support

Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Dose Analyst Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Field Team

Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Field Team Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Radiological Status

Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Plant Status Loop Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 ENN Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 ENS Communicator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Licensing Support Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Security Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Offsite Response Coordinator Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Engineering/Technica l Support Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Administrative

Support Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Liaisons Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Public Information Director Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Company Spokesperson Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Newswriter Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001 Other Public Information Emergency Communications

Organization Staff Corporate staff as designated in NMP-EP-001

24 REV 38 05/05 TABLE 2 CORPORATE EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION TRAINING MATRIX Subject Area Position Emergency Plan Overview Position Specific Items Offsite Dose Assessment EOF Manager X X EOF Technical Supervisor X X EOF Support Coordinator X X EOF Dose Assessment Supervisor X X X Dose Analyst X X X Field Team Coordinator X X X Field Team Communicator X X Radiological Status Communicator X X Plant Status Loop Communicator X X ENN Communicator X X ENS Communicator X X Licensing Support Coordinator X X Security Coordinator X X Offsite Response Coordinator X X Engineering/Technical Support Staff X X Administrative Support Staff X X Liaisons X X Public Information Director Company Spokesperson Newswriter Other Public Information Emergency Communications Organization Staff See Emergency Communications Plan (Appendix 8)

25 REV 38 05/05 TABLE 3 DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING SUBJECT AREAS Subject Area Description Emergency Plan Overview An overview of the Emergency Plan with special attention to emergency planning zones (EPZs);

emergency classification system; emergency response organizations; responsibilities of emergency response personnel; site accountability; and site dismissal.

Offsite Dose Assessment Dose projection methodology including manual and computerized methods; methods for obtaining meteorological and radiological data; operation of the dose assessment computer; and interpretation of offsite dose calculation results.

Position Specific Items An overview of this appendix with an emphasis on organization, interactions with other elements of the emergency organization, and position specific responsibilities as delineated in the emergency implementing procedures. . This overview training may be conducted as part of classroom, table-top, drill or exercise.

26 REV 38 05/05 TABLE 4 TYPICAL EOF COMMUNICATION CAPABILITY Communications Functions VEGP HNP FNP EOF Management with TSC Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Commercial Telephone lines TSC/EOF/OSC Conference Bridge Radio Resource Management Commercial Telephone lines OPX Commercial Telephone lines OPX Ringdown Commercial Telephone lines OPX Radiological Monitoring Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Southern LINC Kenwood Radio System Off-site (PARs)


ENS HPN RSCL PMCL MCL LAN Conference Phones (3)

ENS HPN RSCL PMCL MCL LAN Conference Phones (3)

Notes: 1. The Offsite Premises Extension (OPX) lines to the three SNC plant sites will be available in the proposed common EOF. These lines bypass the local phone switch. These lines may be referenced as company tie lines.

Intra-facility public address and intra-building public address systems are also available.

27 REV 49 08/08

  • Position used to meet augmentation requirements for EOF Direction and notification/communication FIGURE 1 28 REV 49 08/08 FIGURE 2 REV 57 06/12 APPENDIX 8 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY

i REV 57 06/12 APPENDIX 8 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Purpose 1 2.0 Policy 2 3.0 Relationship with Other Agencies 4 4.0 Flow of Emergency Public Information 4

5.0 Emergency

Communications Facility Locations and Functions 6 6.0 Emergency Communications Plan Activation 9

7.0 Emergency

Communications Staff Functions 11 8.0 News Releases 17 9.0 Press Briefings 17 10.0 Public Response 17 11.0 Telecommunications 18 12.0 Transportation 18 13.0 Security 18 14.0 Print and Audiovisual Aids 18 15.0 Special Requests 18 16.0 Public Information Plan for Recovery 19 17.0 Training 19 18.0 Public Information and Education Program 21 19.0 Procedures 24

ii REV 57 06/12 LIST OF FIGURES Page A. Flow of Public Information During an Emergency 26 B. Initial/Early Stage Flow of Emergency Public Information at CMC (Prior to JIC Activation) 27

C. Emergency Communications Information Flow following JIC Activation 28

D. Public Response Flow Chart 29 E. Emergency Communications Reporting Structure 30

iii REV 57 06/12 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Emergency Communications Training Matrix 25

1 REV 57 06/12


The Southern Nuclear Company (SNC) Emergency Communications Plan (ECP) is a portion of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 1 and Unit 2 Emergency Plans submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

The Vice President and General Counsel, SNC Corporate Council and Compliance, is responsible for coordination and administration of the Southern Nuclear Emergency Communications Plan (ECP or the Plan). The ECP is reviewed and updated once per calendar year in conjunction with a review and update of the site Emergency Plans.

The ECP is designed to:

A. Coordinate the public communications effort through the issuance of timely, accurate information during

an emergency. B. Describe the means to activate and staff emergency communications positions in the Alabama Power/Georgia Power (APC/GPC) Corporate Media Center (CMC) in Birmingham/Atlanta, the Joint Information Centers (JIC), and the SNC Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). C. Describe the process of information dissemination through news releases and press briefings. D. Describe the training and testing of personnel in their functions and testing of the response to be made pursuant to the ECP. E. Maintain an orderly flow of information during the recovery period.

2 REV 57 06/12 F. Describe the Public Education and Information Program for the periodic dissemination of emergency planning instructional materials to residents and transients in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone. G. Provide for 24-hour/day Emergency Communications Organization (ECO) staff coverage in the event of an emergency. H. Assign responsibilities to and duty locations for the Emergency Communications response team.


The public information policy described below will provide guidance during an emergency at a SNC nuclear

plant (the Plant):

A. The Southern Company has a policy of full disclosure and will maintain honest and open communications

with public officials, the public (especially in the

immediate vicinity of the plant), and its employees

at all times. This attitude stems from resolve to

operate all our facilities safely and prudently and

to communicate clearly and completely any

significant breach of safety.

3 REV 57 06/12 B. The Company (Southern Company) will provide the public with prompt and accurate information through established news and information channels.

C. The Company will make every effort to meet the information needs of the public and employees while

communicating promptly with appropriate local, state, and federal officials during the period of

the emergency.

D. Statements to the news media, the public and employees concerning the plant, its operation, and

any emergencies are to be made only with the

knowledge and guidance of the appropriate GPC/APC

Public Relations/Corporate Communication Departments

and appropriate Southern Nuclear management.

4 REV 57 06/12


WITH OTHER AGENCIES A. The Emergency Communications Organization (ECO) is responsible for the coordination and issuance of all news announcements related to emergency conditions at the

Plant. Federal, State and County emergency management

agencies and the Department of Energy -Savannah River

Site (DOE-SRS) are responsible for the issuance of public

announcements relating to offsite conditions, including

recommended protective actions.

B. A Joint Information Center (JIC) will be operated providing the Utility, the state(s), the federal agencies (including the SRS as appropriate), and counties

the opportunity to coordinate information, issue news releases, make announcements, and may participate jointly

in news briefings. Public response activities will be

conducted and coordinated jointly with State and County

agencies as appropriate.

C. Work areas for the public information officers of the federal, state, and county emergency response agencies

are available at the JIC. Telecommunications facilities are also available to these agencies.

D. Utility news announcements will be provided to representatives of government agencies prior to their

distribution to the news media.

E. The county and state emergency management agencies should advise ERC/JIC staff of announcements for the news media or the Emergency Alerting Stations (EAS) prior to their

distribution to the news media.

F. Public response may include state and county agency representatives and utility employees coordinated by the

CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator. Rumors related to offsite matters will be referred to the appropriate

federal, state, or county agency representatives for

proper responses. Rumors related to onsite matters that

agencies are aware of will be relayed to the CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator for the necessary actions.

4.0 FLOW OF EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION Information release for a Notification of Unusual Event

is managed by the SNC Corporate Communication Manager in

coordination with Southern Nuclear management and APC/GPC

Corporate Communication.

At an Alert classification or higher, approval of news

releases, other than the Initial News Release (INR), is

required from both the EOF Manager and the Public

Information Director (PID) or their designee(s).

5 REV 57 06/12 The following figures are designed to show the flow of information for emergencies classified as Alert or


A. Flow of Public Information During an Emergency B. Initial/Early Flow of Emergency Public Information at Corporate Media Center (prior to JIC activation) C. Emergency Communications Information Flow (after JIC activation) D. Public Response Flow Chart E. Emergency Communications Reporting Structure 6 REV 57 06/12


COMMUNICATIONS STAFF LOCATIONS AND FUNCTIONS The PI Director is responsible for all emergency

communications response activities and staff.

At an alert classification or higher, the Emergency

Communications public response will be handled initially from

the CMC by the PI Director. The PI Director and the Nuclear

Spokesperson will contact the EOF Manager for briefing on the

emergency. The EOF will issue an Initial News Release (INR).

If the decision is made to activate the JIC, the PI Director and the Nuclear Spokesperson move to that facility. Upon

activation of the JIC, primary utility Emergency Communications response will be conducted from the JIC. The CMC staff will maintain communications with the JIC and EOF, keep APC/GPC/SNC personnel notified of plant conditions, and

support JIC activities.

A. Corporate Media Center - Atlanta/Birmingham

1. The Corporate Media Center, located at the Atlanta/Birmingham corporate headquarters

building of Georgia Power Company/Alabama Power

Company, as appropriate, is the official location

for coordination and issuance of news

announcements and responses to news media

inquiries until the JIC has been activated. The CMC may function as a Joint Public Information

Center (JPIC) and may conduct these activities as

long as appropriate and necessary.

2. Prior to activation of the JIC at an Alert or higher classification, corporate staff assigned

to the JIC will assemble at the CMC. They will proceed to the JIC when directed by the Public Information Director.

3. The following staff is assigned to the Corporate Media Center
  • PI Director (until JIC activation)
  • CMC Manager
  • CMC Media Relations Representative
  • CMC Facility Coordinator
  • CMC Public Response Coordinator
  • CNC Public Response Team
  • Government Relations Liaison
  • Financial Response Liaison
  • Employee Communications Coordinator
  • Internet Coordinator
  • CMC Assistant
  • CMC Support Staff

7 REV 57 06/12

4. Following activation of the JIC, the CMC staff responsibilities will continue. Responsibilities will include the following:
a. Support of the JIC in all functions common to the two facilities such as telephone

response, media monitoring, media response, news release preparation and distribution, etc. b. Functions specific to the CMC, including, but not limited to:

  • employee communications
  • financial response
  • governmental response
  • coordination with senior management
  • Internet activities
  • providing additional trained staff to

support the ECO effort

B. Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

1. The EOF will serve as the source of information about an incident to staff in the CMC and JIC.
2. Emergency Communications staff will:
  • serve as the source of information for the

Nuclear Spokesperson and PID

  • develop and issue the INR
  • develop and obtain SNC approval for subsequent

news releases

  • confirm or correct rumors identified
  • perform other communications responsibilities

as needed 8 REV 57 06/12 C. Joint Information Center

1. After the initial notification of an emergency at the Alert classification or higher, the PI

Director decides whether to activate the JIC.

Once the JIC is activated, it becomes the "single source" for media information.

2. Upon activation of the JIC, the PI Director transfers to that facility, maintaining overall

responsibility for emergency communications

response. The PI Director will manage the

emergency communications response and is

responsible for all functions of the JIC. These functions include:

  • final approval and distribution of press statements
  • coordination of press briefings and joint news announcements with
  • interface with the media and local officials
  • requests for interviews and photos
  • recorded information line updates
  • public response

It is the PI Director's responsibility to assure all

information is fully coordinated with and among the

appropriate state and federal government public information

officers (PIOs).

3. Upon activation, the JIC will obtain information from the EOF.
4. News briefings will be held at regular intervals

during the emergency. The PI Director will

preside over the press briefings. The Nuclear

Spokesperson will explain emergency conditions and

actions the Utility has taken at the plant. Off-

site issues will be handled by off-site agency


5. If radiological conditions permit, an area near

the plant may be designated as a site for

television and news photographs. The Media

Relations Representative, in consultation with the

PI Director and the ED or his designee, and

AEMA/GEMA management, as appropriate, will arrange

for escorted visits to photographic locations.

9 REV 57 06/12

6. The following positions will be assigned to the Joint Information Center:
  • PI Director
  • Nuclear Spokesperson
  • JIC Media Relations Representative
  • JIC Public Response Coordinator
  • JIC Public Response Team
  • JIC Facility Coordinator
  • Community Relations Coordinator
  • Admin Staff
  • Technical Assistants
  • Security Officers
  • AV Support Staff



A. Notification of Unusual Event

The SNC Corporate Communication Manager will be notified of

an NUE and will in turn notify APC Public Relations/GPC

Corporate Communication management, as appropriate. The

notification will include the status of the emergency and a

brief description of the event. The SNC Corporate

Communication Manager will confer with appropriate SNC

management and affected owner-company management to determine

the need for:

1. Additional notifications
2. Issuance of a news release

10 REV 57 06/12 B. Alert and Higher Classifications The SNC On-Call Media Rep will be advised of an event

classified as Alert level or higher. The SNC rep will notify

the APC/GPC On-Call Media Rep, as appropriate, with a

description of the situation. The APC/GPC on-call media rep

will notify the PID who will:

1. Formally activate the Emergency Communications Plan.
2. Notify emergency communications staff per Nuclear Management Procedure-Emergency Planning (NMP-EP-


3. Establish contact with the Emergency Operation Facility.
4. Establish contact with appropriate local, state and federal agencies.
5. Issue news release(s).

In addition, the PI Director will evaluate the

following actions:

1. Activating the JIC and dispatch staff accordingly.
2. Conducting news briefings at the CMC or the JIC, which will include to the maximum extent

possible, a panel composed of the Nuclear

Spokesperson and representatives of government


11 REV 57 06/12


COMMUNICATIONS STAFF FUNCTIONS The following is a description of responsibilities of principal Emergency Communications staff.

A. Public Information Director (PID):

The Public Information Director (PID) is responsible for

directing all emergency communications personnel

assignments. The PID, or a designee, is responsible for

coordinating approvals and dissemination of all utility

public information regarding the emergency. Upon

activation of the CMC/JIC, the PID will be responsible for overall facility direction. Those duties may

include coordinating approval and dissemination of

utility news releases, facilitating news briefings, overseeing public response, meeting special media

requests, and coordination among company and non-utility

representatives in the facility and liaison with the

media. The PID will be responsible for coordinating

emergency communications response and coordinating with

the SNC Corporate Duty Manager in evaluating the

emergency's severity in terms of public interest and


B. Nuclear Spokesperson

The Nuclear Spokesperson speaks on behalf of the

company, providing plant status updates during news

briefings. The Spokesperson also may do one-on-one

media interviews. The position works with the Technical

Assistant in keeping abreast of the event status and

keeps the PID posted on that status. The position may

first report to the EOF and then proceed to the CMC/JIC.

C. Technical Assistant (TA)

The Technical Assistant (TA) supports the Nuclear

Spokesperson by gathering accurate and timely

information about the event and the plant's status.

Information is gathered via WebEOC, the plant status

loop, and via direct contact with the EOC Manager -

which the TA should maintain throughout an event. TA's

may do media interviews at the discretion and direction

of the PID.

12 REV 60 07/13 D. CMC Manager The CMC Manager will report to the CMC where he/she will coordinate activities. The CMC Manager may assume the

PID role while a PID is en-route to the JIC. After JIC

activation, the CMC Manager will assume full

responsibility for CMC activities and maintain contact

with the PID. The CMC Manager has responsibility for

ensuring that the actions of the CMC positions are

carried out.

E. CMC/JIC/CCC Public Response Coordinator

The CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator will direct facility public response activities, keeping staff

advised of current information and obtaining responses

for questions they cannot answer. This includes

referring specific inquiries to the proper person. The

Coordinator is responsible for tracking rumors and

ensuring that the Public Response team members have

updated information on the rumor responses.

F. CMC Financial Response Liaison

The CMC Financial Response Liaison responds to financial

inquiries from financial analysts, the public, media and

stockholders regarding the effects a nuclear incident

might have on Southern Company's financial position.

This role identifies and establishes contact with key

financial leaders and provides them updated information.

The position maintains contact with the CMC Public

Response Coordinator.

G. Government Relations Liaison

The Government Relations Liaison responds to inquiries

from governmental sources. The role identifies and

establishes contact with key government officials and

provides them with updated information. The position

maintains contact with the CMC Public Response


H. SNC News Writer

The SNC News Writer gathers information and prepares all

news releases for the duration of an event. The News

Writer coordinates technical approval with the SNC EOF

Manager. This position works in the SNC EOF.

13 REV 60 07/13 I. JIC Manager

The JIC Manager is responsible for coordinating

operations of the facility and has responsibility for

ensuring that the actions of the JIC positions

represented on Attachment 1 are carried out. The

position may assume Emergency Communications approval

authority at the direction of the PID.

J. CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative(s)

The CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative(s) report to

the CMC/JIC Manager and are responsible for implementing

utility media response.

K. CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator

The CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator is responsible for

setting up the facility and ensuring ongoing

operability. The position supports the CMC/JIC Manager.

L. Community Relations Coordinator

The Community Relations Coordinator identifies and

initiates contacts with local public officials and

leaders who need to be aware of the latest information

about events. The position should advise the Public

Response Coordinator and Governmental Relations Liaison

of activities and contacts as appropriate.

M. CMC/JIC Assistant

The CMC/JIC Assistant supports the PID and staff, coordinates approval and distribution of news releases, directs activities of the support staff and maintains an

accurate record of JIC activities.

N. CMC/JIC Support Staff The CMC/JIC Support Staff provides administrative

support for the facility.

O. Employee Communications Coordinator

The Employee Communications Coordinator disseminates

plant status updates to Southern Company employees and

customer service centers through a variety of means.

14 REV 60 07/13 P. Internet Coordinator

The Internet Coordinator is responsible for updating and

maintaining the company's external emergency page and

monitoring the web for external coverage of the event.

Q. CSO/CMC/JIC Public Response Team

The CMC/JIC Public Response Team is responsible for responding to public inquiries. The team may include

Telephone Responders, Media Monitor, Internet

Coordinator, Employee Communications Coordinator, Financial Response Liaison and Governmental Relations


R. Social Media Coordinator The Social Media Coordinator will proactively disseminate notice of county news releases, announcements, etc., as needed. The position will monitor social media site to access the tone and volume of interest and to identify the spread of misinformation.

15 REV 57 06/12 8.0 NEWS RELEASES The Utility will issue news releases concerning events, conditions and actions at the Plant. News releases are designed to be a written confirmation of events and public information which has been issued.

The SNC News Writer will write news releases in the EOF and

obtain SNC approval from the EOF Manager, then forward them to the CMC or JIC as appropriate. The Facility Manager at that location will obtain communications approval and

direct distribution of the release.


BRIEFINGS In the event of an incident at a nuclear plant media

attention would be quick and overwhelming. Press briefings

will be conducted to keep the media informed of events and activities relating to the emergency. Briefings will provide the most current, up-to-date information about events and response to the incident. They are also a primary means of addressing rumors or inaccurate information identified in our publics.

Public Information Officers (PIOs) from all offsite

agencies responding to the emergency will be encouraged to participate in the briefings to discuss their particular activities.

The emphasis of the briefings will be on public safety.

10.0 PUBLIC RESPONSE Upon announcement of an emergency situation, misinformation and rumors can be expected to evolve. The following Public Response policies shall be instituted and followed upon the

activation of the ECP.

Rumors will be addressed through a policy of open and candid communications with the news media and general public.

A. All appropriate information will be released as clearly, concisely and quickly as possible. Public announcements will be made on a frequent and regular basis.

B. An official Utility spokesperson will be designated as the source of new or updated official information about

the incident.

16 REV 60 07/13 C. Public response will encompass a number of activities to ensure accurate information is disseminated. These may include:

  • recorded messages containing the most current information,
  • interaction with callers,
  • proactively providing information to the media and

responding to their needs,

  • monitoring media broadcasts/outlets
  • employee communications
  • identifying, notifying and constantly updating

specific publics, (i.e. financial centers, governmental officials, etc.)

  • Internet coordination
  • Social Media.

Public response activities will be coordinated with state

agencies. The Prompt Notification System (PNS) will be

activated by state or local EMA officials. PNS will direct area residents to local news broadcasts and/or the Emergency Alert System (EAS), which will serve as the primary source of official information for the public.


A. The CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator will be responsible for resolving special problems and obtaining additional

equipment for the JIC.

B. Telephone and telecopier lines connect the JIC and EOF to the appropriate CMC.

C. Telephone lines and equipment discussed above will be tested quarterly.


A. If directed, The CMC Assistant will arrange for ground transportation services for Emergency Communications

organization relocating to the JIC.

B. Special transportation arrangements, such as company or commercial air service between Birmingham, Atlanta, the

affected plant and the JIC, may be made available in an


17 REV 60 07/13 13.0 SECURITY

A. GPC/APC Corporate Security will coordinate 24-hour security support at the CMC during an emergency.

B. Security will be provided to the JIC upon activation of this facility. JIC Security will be coordinated through

GPC Corporate Security.

C. Company personnel, news personnel, industry representatives, government officials, and visitors will

be asked to present identification and will be given an

identification badge for admittance to the CMC/JIC.

18 REV 57 06/12 14.0 PRINT AND AUDIOVISUAL AIDS A. Press kits are stored at the JIC and CMC. These kits will be updated regularly and will be available to all

news media.

B. An emergency web page will be activated and will replace the normal web page on the operating company's Internet

site in the event of an incident. The emergency page

includes plant schematics, background information and

directions to the JIC. News releases about the event will also be available here.

C. Maps, photographs, and diagrams of the plant and its operations are stored and maintained at the CMC and JIC for use during news briefings.

D. Electronic media (i.e. videotape, DVD, etc.) of plant exterior and interior views will be maintained and made

available for distribution, upon request, to television



A. The Media Relations Coordinator will respond to requests for special interviews, films, photos, videotapes, etc.

B. Special requests may be refused for either safety or security reasons. In such cases, the reason for refusal

will be made clear.

C. Utility personnel will accommodate photographers at the plant site as conditions warrant. Media escorts will be

coordinated with GEMA.

D. Industry experts from appropriate agencies (i.e., NEI, INPO) may be called upon to provide general background

information to reporters but will not comment on the

plant's status. With knowledge of the PI Director, interviews with these individuals will be arranged by the

Media Relations Representative.

E. The Media Relations Coordinator or his designee will be present at all special interviews.

19 REV 57 06/12 16.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION PLAN FOR RECOVERY A. The lead emergency communications representative in the

Recovery Organization will be the Public Information

Director. This person or his designee will maintain

close contact with the Recovery Manager.


communications response will follow the guidelines and

procedures described for accident response.

B. As conditions and public interest warrant, additional Public Information personnel will be assigned to support

the flow of information concerning recovery operations.

C. Information for possible release will be cleared with the Recovery Manager and the Public Information Director and

given to the media through established procedures.

D. All information will be released through established channels of communication to federal and state

authorities, the utility industry, the public, and


E. Advance notice will be given to the public through the media of any Company action that will or may affect the

health and safety of the plume exposure pathway EPZ

residents. Information of this type will be followed up

with a news release as soon as the results of any such

action are known.


A. Staff Training The GPC/APC Corporate Communication Department will

coordinate annual emergency training for applicable

emergency communications personnel once per calendar

year. Training will provide an overview of the Emergency

Communications Plan and specific staff position

responsibilities (see Table 1).

Individual's assigned key positions on the Emergency

Communications staff will participate in training.

(GPC/APC responders with responsibilities directly

related to their daily jobs may be exempted. Training

will be documented and records of examinations will be

held at GPC Corporate Headquarters by the Corporate

Communication EC Coordinator.

Individual and team performance evaluation during

exercises will be utilized to measure training program

effectiveness and to adjust course content.

20 REV 57 06/12 B. News Media Training A program will be offered each calendar year to acquaint the news media with the methodology for obtaining

information during an emergency and with overall

emergency preparedness at APC/GPC nuclear plants, as

appropriate. The training will include information about

the plant, radiation, and the role of the JIC.

Media participation as observers or "Reporter players" during Vogtle exercises can effectively enhance training.

Therefore, media will be invited to participate in VEGP

annual exercises.

21 REV 57 06/12 18.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM The goal of the public information program is to acquaint the general public with the emergency plans for the operation of APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and actions they should take if a radiological emergency

occurs. Such a program is essential to the overall

welfare of citizens in the area. Any incident involving

a nuclear plant or nuclear materials can easily become a "crisis" in the minds of those living in the area;

unless they understand the plans and programs to be

placed into effect should an emergency occur.

Only by keeping the public well informed will the Plants be able to operate for the maximum benefit of all

concerned. The Public Information and Education Program

will seek to:

  • Explain to the public how they will be notified should an emergency occur at the plant. This will include

instructions in the use of the Tone Alert Radio notification system and information on the siren notification system as appropriate.

  • Educate the public about radiation and contamination.
  • Help the public understand what their initial actions

should be in an emergency.

  • Familiarize the public with protective actions, e.g.

evacuation routes and relocation centers, and sheltering which may be required and rationale behind recommendations for these actions.

  • Provide information concerning methods for receiving additional information
  • Ensure that special needs of the handicapped are


22 REV 57 06/12 A. In order to help assure proper public reaction to an emergency notification, Alabama Power, Georgia Power and Southern Nuclear will keep state and local officials continuously informed of all details related to any emergency.

B. Several communications methods may be used to acquaint the public with plans for their protection during a Plant emergency. Means for accomplishing these methods will include one or more of the following activities as listed below.

Effort will be concentrated upon providing information to the public by written material that is likely to be available in the residence and in locations frequented by transients. The information will also provide instructions as to what local media (radio and television stations) will be providing additional information in the event of an emergency.

1. Placement of an advertisement in local telephone directories.

23 REV 57 06/12

2. Information in utility bills,
3. Signs displayed in public areas within the plume exposure EPZ. (e.g., commercial establishments, areas used by

sportsmen, motels, gasoline stations, phone booths, etc.)

Sign content and location distribution will be revised

and redistributed as needed.

4. Distribution of emergency information publications/leaflets, 5. Television or Radio, 6. Emergency Calendars,
7. Direct Mail-Newsletters, 8. Visitor Center availability to the public (when not restricted for Security reasons),
9. Information exchange meetings with government agencies and local officials as needed.

24 REV 57 06/12 19.0 PROCEDURES Implementing procedures (listed below) exist which will provide guidance and direction for carrying out the

activities and responsibilities listed in this plan. These

procedures cover, but are not limited to, emergency

communications, facilities, development and issue of news

releases, conduct of news briefings/media response, rumor

control response and public education/information


  • NMP-EP-201 Corporate Emergency Communications Administration
  • NMP-EP-202 Emergency Communications Notification and Activation
  • NMP-EP-203 Corporate Media Center Operation
  • NMP-EP-204 Emergency News Center/Joint Information Center Operation
  • NMP-EP-205 Emergency Response News Releases
  • NMP-EP-206 Corporate Communications News Briefings

25 REV 57 06/12 TABLE 1 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZAZTION TRAINING MATRIX Emergency Response Organization Position Training Subject Areas Emergency Media Training Position Spokesperson Public Information Director x x CMC Manager x x JIC Manager x x Nuclear Spokesperson x x x CMC/JIC Media Relations Representative

x x SNC News Writer x x Employee Communications

Coordinator x x Public Response Teams x x CMC/JIC Public Response Coordinator

x x Community Relations

Coordinator x x CMC/JIC Assistant x x CMC/JIC Support Staff x x CMC/JIC Facility Coordinator x x Internet Coordinator x x News Media x





Procedure No. Title Section of the Plan Implemented Administrative Procedures NMP-AP-001 Development and Control of Southern Nuclear Procedures P 00910-C VEGP ALARA Program K 00930-C Radiation and Contamination Control K 00940-C Bioassay Program L 00950-C Personnel Dosimetry Program K 00960-C Control of Radioactive Materials L 00970-C Respiratory Protection Program K Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures 91101-C Emergency Response Organization B NMP-EP-110 Emergency Classification and Determination B 91103-C Duties of the TSC Manager B 91104-C Duties of the OSC Manager B 91106-C Duties of the TSC Support Coordinator B 91107-C Duties of the Engineering Supervisor (TSC)

B 91108-C Duties of the Maintenance Supervisor (TSC)

B 91109-C Duties of the Operations Supervisor (TSC)

B 91110-C Duties of the Health Physics Supervisor (TSC) B 91111-C Duties of the Chemistry Supervisor (TSC)

B 91201-C Activation and Operation of the TSC H 91202-C Activation and Operation of the OSC H 91204-C Emergency Response Communications A,F 91301-C Emergency Exposure Guidelines K


Procedure No. Title Section of the Plan Implemented91302-C In Plant Sampling and Surveys I 91303-C Field Sampling and Surveys I 91306-C Contamination Monitoring and Decontamination K 91401-C Assembly and Accountability J 91403-C Site Dismissal J 91501-C Recovery M 91502-C Core Damage Assessment I 91503-C Control Room Instrumentation Output for Assessment of Core Damage I 91601-C Emergency Preparedness Training O 91701-C Preparation and Control of Emergency Preparedness Documents P 91702-C Emergency Equipment and Supplies H 91704-C Actions for Security During a Radiological Emergency E, J 91705-C Inventory and Testing of Emergency Preparedness Materials/Equipment which are

not Part of the Emergency Kits H 91706-C Alert Notification System E 91801-C Coordination of Emergency Responses and Planning Between Southern Nuclear Operating

Company - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant

and U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River

Site A,C,I Safety and Health Implementing Procedures 70302-C Reporting and Documenting Occupational Injuries Or Illnesses L


Procedure No. Title Section of the Plan Implemented Nuclear Management Procedures NMP-AD-009 Licensing Document Change Requests P NMP-EP-101 EOF Activation App. 7 NMP-EP-102 EOF Manager App. 7 NMP-EP-103 Licensing Support App. 7 NMP-EP-104 Dose Assessment App. 7 NMP-EP-105 EOF Technical Supervisor App. 7 NMP-EP-106 EOF Support Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-107 Security Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-108 Offsite Response Coordinator App. 7 NMP-EP-110 Emergency Classification Determination and Initial Action A, D NMP-EP-111 Emergency Notifications A, E NMP-EP-112 Protective Action Recommendations A, J NMP-EP-135 Alternative Facility Setup and Operation H NMP-HP-001 Radiation Protection Standard Practices K

REV 1 05/85



TRANSIENT EMERGENCY CLASS(A) Feedwater temperature reduction No emergency declared Excessive feedwater flow No emergency declared Excessive steam flow No emergency declared Inadvertent secondary side depressurization NUE Steam system piping failure NUE, Alert Turbine trip No emergency declared Loss of external load No emergency declared Inadvertent closure of an MSIV No emergency declared Loss of condenser vacuum No emergency declared

Loss of nonemergency ac power No emergency declared Loss of normal feedwater No emergency declared

Feedwater system pipe break No emergency declared Partial loss of forced reactor coolant (RC) flow No emergency declared Complete loss of forced RC flow No emergency declared Reactor coolant pump (RCP)

locked rotor No emergency declared RCP shaft break No emergency declared Rod cluster control assembly (RCCA)

bank withdrawal from subcritical No emergency declared RCCA bank withdrawal at power No emergency declared RCCA misalignment No emergency declared


TRANSIENT EMERGENCY CLASS(A) Inactive RCP startup No emergency declared Uncontrolled boron dilution No emergency declared Improper fuel loading No emergency declared RCCA ejection Emergency Alert, Site Area Inadvertent emergency control cooling system (ECCS) operation at power No emergency declared Increase in RCS inventory No emergency declared Inadvertent opening of pressurizer safety or relief valve NUE, Alert Failure of small lines carrying NUE, Alert, Site Area primary coolant outside containment Emergency Steam generator tube failure Emergency NUE, Alert, Site Area Spectrum of loss-of-coolant NUE, Alert, Site Area accidents (LOCAs) Emergency Emergency, General Radioactive waste gas decay tank failure NUE, Alert Radiation release due to liquid tank

failure NUE, Alert Fuel handling accidents NUE, Alert

a. Classification will depend on the severity of the accident.

REV 6 7/86