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 Issue dateTitleTopic
RIS 2003-08, Enclosure 1 - NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08: Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure30 April 2003
7 November 2005
3 April 2008
Enclosure 1 - NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08: Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
Summary of Safeguards Information Requirements, Attachment 1 to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08: Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
RIS 2003-08, Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure30 April 2003
7 November 2005
3 April 2008
Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
2005/04/30-NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08 Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
Enclosure 1 - NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08: Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
Summary of Safeguards Information Requirements, Attachment 1 to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-08: Protection of Safeguards Information from Unauthorized Disclosure
ML04181071925 June 2004Relief Request RR-03-001-II Regarding ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix Vlll, Supplement 10Incorporated by reference
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Dissimilar Metal Weld
TAC:MC163725 June 2004
ML04181018824 June 2004Request for Additional Information Security Plan Sections 1-9Safeguards Contingency Plan
TAC:MC290921 June 2004
ML04174004821 June 2004Request for Additional Information Security Plan Sections 10-19Safeguards Contingency Plan
TAC:MC333816 June 2004
ML04180035816 June 2004/2, Crystal River Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 3, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, and Hb Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation-Use of Encryption Software
3F0604-01, May 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River Unit 314 June 2004May 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River Unit 3
3F0604-05, Report Required by Environmental Protection Plan9 June 2004Report Required by Environmental Protection Plan
ML04159005426 May 2004Progress Energy Use of Encryption Software for Electronic Transmission of Safeguards Information
3F0504-06, Supplemental Response to the April 29, 2003, Order EA-03-08619 May 2004Supplemental Response to the April 29, 2003, Order EA-03-086
ML04141013918 May 2004Tech Spec Pages Amendment 212 Regarding the Nuclear Services Seawater SystemSafeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML04141014418 May 2004Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 212 Regarding the Nuclear Services Seawater System
ML04140028218 May 2004License Amendment 212 Regarding the Nuclear Services Seawater SystemHigh winds
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
TAC:MC011918 May 2004
3F0504-03, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report12 May 2004Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
3F0504-01, April 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River, Unit 312 May 2004April 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River, Unit 3
3F0404-08, Supplemental Response to the April 29, 2003, Order EA-03-08629 April 2004Supplemental Response to the April 29, 2003, Order EA-03-086Enforcement Discretion
Safeguards Contingency Plan
ML04128009129 April 2004Progress Energy - Evidence of Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums
TAC:MA997328 April 2004
3F0404-09, One Minute Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Criteria28 April 2004One Minute Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Criteria
3F0404-11, Modified Proposed License Condition, License Amendment Request 280, Revision 1, Revised Improved Technical Specification (ITS) 3.7.9, Nuclear Services Seawater System27 April 2004Modified Proposed License Condition, License Amendment Request #280, Revision 1, Revised Improved Technical Specification (ITS) 3.7.9, Nuclear Services Seawater SystemSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
3F0404-04, 2003 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report27 April 20042003 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report
3F0404-10, Withdrawal of Revised Appendix R Exemption Request - Fire Area CC-164-12126 April 2004Withdrawal of Revised Appendix R Exemption Request - Fire Area CC-164-121Exemption Request
3F0404-07, 2003 Radioactive Effluent Release Report22 April 20042003 Radioactive Effluent Release ReportProcess Control Program
TAC:MB956920 April 2004
ML04111066020 April 2004Ltr, Bulletin 2003-01, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Sump Recirculation at Pressurized-Water Reactors.
3F0404-06, 2003 Annual Financial Reports. Orlando Utilities Company - Page 16 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements19 April 20042003 Annual Financial Reports. Orlando Utilities Company - Page 16 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
3F0404-03, Technical Specifications Bases Control Program15 April 2004Technical Specifications Bases Control ProgramSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Anticipated operational occurrence
Fuel cladding
Recently irradiated fuel
Offsite Circuit
IR 05000302/200400315 April 2004IR 05000302-04-003 on 12/28/03 - 03/27/04, for Crystal River Unit 3, Crystal River, Fl; Event FollowupSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Significance Determination Process
Job Performance Measure
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Operability Assessment
Water hammer
ML04105062313 April 2004Crystal River Nuclear Plant Annual Assessment Meeting, Reactor Oversight Program - Cy 2003
ML04105061713 April 2004Presentation of Progress Energy, NRC Public Meeting on Crystal River Unit 3
ML04105082313 April 2004Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Summary Reports from the Fall 2001 Outage
ML0410400078 April 2004Comment (4) Submitted by Progress Energy, Tony Groblewski on Proposed Rules PR-19, PR-20 and PR-50, Collection Reporting or Posting of Information; Availability of Draft Rule Language
3F0404-01, March 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River Unit 37 April 2004March 2004 Monthly Operating Report for Crystal River Unit 3
Press Release-II-04-023, NRC to Meet with Progress Energy Officials to Discuss Safety Performance at Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant5 April 2004Press Release-II-04-023: NRC to Meet with Progress Energy Officials to Discuss Safety Performance at Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant
ML0414100992 April 2004E-mail on 04/02/04 - Fanp Attendance for 04/01 Telecon - CRDM Repair Analysis - with NRC