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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217F34815 October 1999Marked-up & Reprinted TS Pages,Changing TS Requirements for Insp of RCP FlywheelsFuel cladding
Liquid penetrant
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Overspeed trip
ML20217J6406 October 1999Revised Pages to McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual
ML20212E78516 September 1999Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Modifying Surveillance Requirements, & Bases to Allow Testing of DC Channel Batteries with Units on LineFuel cladding
ML20216E66013 September 1999Marked-up & Revised TS Pages,Making Permanent One Time Only Changes Incorporated Into TS 3.7.9 Allowing Up to 24 Hours to Restore Control Room Pressure Boundary to Operable Status When Two Cravs Trains InoperableFuel cladding
Pressure boundary leak
ML20211G67127 August 1999Proposed Tech Specs 3.1.4 Re Rod Group Alignment LimitsSafe Shutdown
Fuel cladding
ML20211A98818 August 1999Rev 5 to DPC Nuclear Security Training & Qualification PlanFitness for Duty
ML20210R01310 August 1999Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages B 3.4.14-2 & B 3.4.14-6, RCS PIV LeakageUnidentified leakage
ML20210N3154 August 1999Proposed Tech Specs Changing TSs 3.3.2, ESFAS Instrumentation, 3.3.3, Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, 3.4.14, RCS Loops - Test & 5.3, Unit Staff QualificationsReactor Vessel Water Level
Post Accident Monitoring
Fuel cladding
ML20210N96426 July 1999Revised Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments ManualSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML20211C37326 July 1999Revs to Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual & List of Effective PagesSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML20196H75524 June 1999Proposed Tech Specs 2.0, Safety Limits, TS 3.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation & TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure,Temp & Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) LimitsShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Fuel cladding
ML20210A59110 June 1999Revised Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments ManualFire Protection Program
Grace period
Overspeed trip
ML20216D40610 June 1999Revised Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitment Manual, List of Effective PagesFire Protection Program
Grace period
Overspeed trip
ML20195F29410 June 1999Proposed Tech Specs,Facilitating one-time Addition of Condition G & Administrative Controls Note to TS 3.7.9, CravsFuel cladding
Pressure boundary leak
ML20212A27028 May 1999Rev 25 to McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 Pump & Valves Inservice Testing ProgramSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
Operability Determination
ML20211C37519 May 19995 to Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program. Page 1 of 15 in Section 4.1 of Incoming Submittal Not IncludedSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
High Energy Line Break
Operability Determination
ML20195B41818 May 1999Revised Pages to Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments ManualBoric Acid
Fire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Hourly Fire Watch
Grace period
ML20206M9396 May 1999Proposed Tech Specs,Revising List of Referenced Documents in TS 5.6.5b Re COLR RequirementsShutdown Margin
Post Accident Monitoring
Fuel cladding
ML20206T0575 May 1999Revised Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual. with List of Effective PagesBoric Acid
Fire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Hourly Fire Watch
Grace period
ML20206Q9314 May 1999Rev 29 to List of Effective Pages for Chapter 16 & Page 16.11-66 to McGuire Selected Licensee Commitment Manual. withOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
ML20206S94030 April 1999Rev 29 to McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments. with List of Effective PagesAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
ML20206K36230 April 1999Revised McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) ManualBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Process Control Program
Power Operated Valves
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML20206J45322 April 1999Revs to Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments ManualHigh Radiation Area
ML20206Q87422 April 1999Revs to CNS Selected Licensee Commitments Manual,Including Page 5 of List of Effective Pages & Pages 1-11 to Chapter 16.9-13.WithHigh Radiation Area
ML20206B12715 April 1999CNS Selected Licensee Commitments Manual, List of Effective Pages
ML20206C03915 April 1999Revs to Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual
ML20206B0766 April 1999Proposed Tech Specs Expanding Allowable Values for Interlocks P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux) & P-10 (Power Range Neutron Flux) in TS 3.3.1,Table 3.3.1-1, Function 16
ML20205L2255 April 1999Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Revised SFP Storage Configuration,Revised SFP Storage Criteria & Revised Fuel Enrichment & Burnup Requirements
ML20205L2435 April 1999SFP Soluble Boron Credit Dilution Analysis (Summary of Applicable Portions)
ML20205L2535 April 1999Boraflex Degradation Analysis
ML20205C69025 March 1999Proposed TS Facilitating Treatment of RTS Instrumentation, ESFAS Instrumentation,Lop DG Start Instrumentation,Cp & Exhaust Isolation Instrumentation & LTOP PORV TS Trip Setpoints as Nominal ValuesShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Fuel cladding
Manual Operator Action
ML20205B62323 March 1999Proposed Tech Specs Pages Mark Ups for Unit 1,changing Record for FOL NPF-9 Amend Submittal
ML20204F67618 March 1999Marked-up Tech Spec Pages Re License Bases Record Change to License Amend SubmittalsPost Accident Monitoring
ML20204G25416 March 1999Revised Pages to Catawba Nuclear Station Licensee Commitments ManualSafe Shutdown
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
Grace period
ML20204E52815 March 1999Proposed Tech Specs Deleting TS for Cravs & Auxiliary Bldg Filtered Ventilation Exhaust Sys Actuation Instrumentation & Adding Note to TS for Cravs Re Chlorine Protection FunctionPost Accident Monitoring
Enforcement Discretion
Fuel cladding
ML20204F69311 March 1999Proposed Tech Specs 3.3.7 & 3.3.8 Re CR Area Ventilation Sys & Auxiliary Bldg Filtered Ventilation,Exhaust Sys Actuation InstrumentationPost Accident Monitoring
ML20205B13411 March 1999Revs to Catawba Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments ManualSafe Shutdown
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
Grace period
ML20204E7278 March 1999Chapter 16.5-2,page 1-3 to CNS Selected Licensee Commitments Manual. with List of Effective Pages
ML20207C69222 February 1999Proposed Tech Specs Bases,Reflecting Removal of SI Signal on Low Steamline Pressure on Page B 3.3.2-16 & Adding Clarification for Increasing Hydrogen Recombiner Power During Testing on Page B 3.6.7-4
ML20203A33328 January 1999Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Flowrate Specified for SR from Value Representative of One Filter Unit/Fan to Value Representative of Entire Fhves TrainFuel cladding
ML20199H40616 January 1999Revised CNS Selected Licensee Commitments ManualSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Time of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Barrier
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
Grace period
Power change
Unidentified leakage
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20198A4699 December 1998Rev 14 to DPC McGuire Nuclear Station Process Control ProgramProcess Control Program
ML20198B9679 December 1998Revised TS 3.7.11 LCO Bases to Specify That AB Filtered Ventilation Exhaust Sys Is Considered Operable When Associated Two Fans,Filters,Ductwork,Valves & Dampers Are Operable
ML20197G8997 December 1998Proposed ITS 3.8.3,modifying Inventory Requirements for DG Lube Oil SysSafe Shutdown
Fuel cladding
ML20196G68923 November 1998Rev 26 to Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) ManualOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
ML20196C92114 November 1998Rev 26 to Selected Licensee Commitments Manual. with Update InstructionsBoric Acid
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Power Operated Valves
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
Unidentified leakage
ML20195D64811 November 1998Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying Details of SRs & to Be Consistent with Design of Containment Pressure Control Sys at PlantFuel cladding
ML20155B21122 October 1998Proposed Revs to Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009 & DPC-NE-2009PPost Accident Monitoring
ML20154L7195 October 1998Rev 8 to DPC Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan, for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations
ML20151Y18215 September 1998Proposed Improved TSs Providing Changes Necessary to Resolve Items Identified by Util During ReviewManual Operator Action