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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML21119A06325 June 2021Safety Evaluation Report ISFSI Only Tech SpecsHigh Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Aging Management
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report
License Renewal
ML21119A06225 June 2021Letter to A. Sterdis Re Oyster Creek Issuance of Amendment to Revise Permanently Defueled Tech SpecsCyber Security
ML19179A20518 September 2019Safety Evaluation Report Oyster Creek Amendment No. 298 Issuance of License Amendment for Removal of Cyber Security Plan RequirementsCyber Security
Exemption Request
ML19095A45720 June 2019License Transfer SERCyber Security
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML19095A87311 June 2019Letter, Exemption from the Effective Date of Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements, Change of Adiabatic Heat-up CalculationExemption Request
Fuel cladding
Water rod
ML19098A25811 June 2019Issuance of Amendment No. 296, Change to the Effective and Implementation Dates of License Amendment for Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme Based on Adiabatic CalculationExemption Request
Water rod
ML18227A33826 October 2018Issuance of Amendment No. 295, Proposed Defueled Technical Specifications and Revised License Conditions for Permanently Defueled ConditionSafe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Cyber Security
Emergency Lighting
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Safeguards Contingency Plan
License Renewal
Deep Dose Equivalent
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Grace period
Unidentified leakage
Potassium iodide
ML18221A40017 October 2018Issuance of Amendment No. 294, Revise the Site Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme for the Permanently Defueled Condition (CAC No. MG0160; L-2017-LLA-0307)Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Exemption Request
Minimum staff
Fire Protection Program
ML18220A98016 October 2018Letter and Safety Evaluation, Exemption from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and Appendix E to 10 CFR 50 to Reduce Emergency Planning Requirements Consistent with Permanently Defueled Condition (CAC MG0153; EPID L-2017-LLE-0020)Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Aging Management
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
Exemption Request
Control of Heavy Loads
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Grace period
Potassium iodide
ML18226A33028 September 2018Review of Update to Spent Fuel Management PlanExemption Request
ML18165A13627 June 2018Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Review and Acceptance of Changes Decommissioning Quality Assurance ProgramNondestructive Examination
ML17356A2137 March 2018Issuance of Amendment No. 293, Revise the Site Emergency Plan for On-Shift and Emergency Response Organization Staffing for Permanently Defueled Condition (CAC No. MF9352; L-2017-LLA-0177)Health Physics Network
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Abnormal operational transient
Minimum staff
Fire Protection Program
ML17289A22222 December 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 292, Request to Revise Cyber Security Plan Implementation Schedule for Milestone 8 and Associated License Condition (CAC No. MF9550; EPID L-2017-LLA-0193)Safe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML17163A35531 August 2017Calvert Cliff, Clinton, Dresden, LaSalle, Limerick, Nine Mile Point, Peach Bottom, Quad Cities, R. E. Ginna, and Three Miles Island - Issuance of Amendments to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules(Cac Nos. MF9470-MF9490)Safe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
ML17170A01326 June 2017Proposed Alternative to Eliminate Examination of Threads in Reactor Pressure Vessel Flange (CAC Nos. MF8712-MF8729 and MF9548)Stress corrosion cracking
Thermal fatigue
ML17067A04223 June 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 291, Request to Delete Decommissioning Trust Provisions in License Conditions 3.F Through 3.K of the Renewed Facility Operating License
ML17150A0915 June 2017Fleet - Proposed Alternative to Use Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques (CAC Nos. MF8763-MF8782 and MF9395)Hydrostatic
Nondestructive Examination
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML16235A4137 March 2017Issuance of Amendment No. 290, Changes to Administrative Controls Section of the Technical Specifications No Longer Applicable to Facility in Permanently Defueled ConditionSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Incorporated by reference
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Deep Dose Equivalent
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML16222A7876 September 2016Unit 1; and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 - Review of Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining ProgramJob Performance Measure
Minimum staff
ML16230A2376 September 2016Fleet Request for Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-513-4 (CAC Nos. MF7301-MF7322)Incorporated by reference
Operability Determination
Through-Wall Leak
Through-Wall Leakage
ML16131A7506 July 2016Staff Assessment Preliminary Decommissioning Cost Estimate and Spent Fuel Management Program (Cac. No. MF5577)
ML15245A34615 September 2015Review of Physical Security Plan, Revision 13
ML15153A28230 July 2015Issuance of Amendments Revising the Completion Date for Milestone 8 of the Cyber Security Plan (TAC Nos. MF4728, MF4729, MF4730, MF4731, MF4732, MF4733, MF4734, MF4735, MF4736, MF4737, MF4738, MF4739, MF4740Safe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
ML15141A05828 July 2015Issuance of Amendments Regarding Emergency Action Level Schemes (TAC Nos. MF4232-MF4251)Fuel cladding
ML15097A1531 May 2015Fourth 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program Plan Requests for Relief and R-45 (TAC Nos. MF3406 and MF3407)Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Liquid penetrant
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML15040A7213 April 2015Issuance of Amendment to Revise Technical Specification for the Snubber Surveillance RequirementsSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Incorporated by reference
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Deep Dose Equivalent
Fire Protection Program
ML14329A62530 March 2015Issuance of Amendment Regarding Reactor Building Vital Area Access ControlSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML14295A30029 January 2015Issuance of Amendments Regarding Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler, TSTF-535, Revise Shutdown Margin Definition to Address Advanced Fuel Designs.Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Recently irradiated fuel
Fire Protection Program
ML14226A94024 December 2014Issuance of Amendments Regarding the Emergency Plan Definition of Annual Training (TAC Nos. MF3003, MF3004, MF3005, MF3006, MF3007, MF3008..Grace period
ML14175B59331 July 2014Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-786, Alternative Requirements for Sleeve Reinforcement of Class 2 and 3 Moderate-Energy Carbon Steel Piping Section XI Division1Nondestructive Examination
Through Wall Leak
ML14008A35027 May 2014Issuance of Amendment to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-522, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours Per Month, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement...Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML14100A35930 April 2014Peach Bottom... Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-649, Alternative Requirements for IWE-5240 Visual Examination Section XIIncorporated by reference
Integrated leak rate test
ML13175A1117 August 2013Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. I5R-06VT-2
ML13175A1256 August 2013Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. I5R-07
ML13169A0625 August 2013Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. I5R-01EVT-1
ML13175A1005 August 2013Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. I5R-02VT-2
ML13079A37220 June 2013Issuance of Amendments Staff Qualifications Education and Experience Eligibility Requirments for Licensed Operators (ME9047)Safe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
ML13092A40118 April 2013Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. l5R-01 for Expanded Applicability for Use of ASME Code Case N-661-1Weld Overlay
Incorporated by reference
ML12145A70314 June 2012Relief Request to Extend the Fourth Inservice Inspection IntervalIncorporated by reference
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML12121A63710 May 2012Request to Use Code Case N-789
ML12082026629 March 2012Request to Use Later Edition of Code for Listed PlantsNondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
ML12005035024 January 2012Relief from the Requirements of the ASME Code, Relief Request No. VR-02 for Fifth Inservice Testing IntervalHigh Radiation Area
Incorporated by reference
ML11186134110 August 2011Issuance of License Amendments Regarding Exelon Cyber Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
Cyber attack
ML11165009730 June 2011Fleet - Approval of Change from Emergency Action Level Scheme Based on NEI 99-01, Revision 4, to NEI 99-01, Revision 5Internal Flooding
Fuel cladding
ML11131015328 June 2011Issuance of Amendment Changes to Appendix B, Environmental Technical SpecificationsSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML11117019416 June 2011Issuance of Amendment Elimination of Daily Testing of an Operable Emergency Diesel GeneratorSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML10243055118 October 2010Issuance of Amendment Secondary Containment Boundary Definition During Shutdown ConditionsSafe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
Temporary Modification
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML10193017227 September 2010Issuance of Amendment Relocation of Surveillance Requirement Frequencies to a Licensee Controlled Document Based on TSTF-425, Revision 3Safe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Mission time
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Scram Discharge Volume
Large early release frequency
Fire Protection Program
Unidentified leakage
ML09253056122 October 2009Issuance of Amendment Control Rod Drive System Rod Notch Testing FrequencySafe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
Stress corrosion cracking
Fire Protection Program
Power change
ML09252003915 September 2009Relief Request for Alternative Examination for Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell WeldsIncorporated by reference
License Renewal