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ML17354B10626 February 1998Submits Listed Requests for NRC EA Per 10CFR2.206 to Modify OLs for All FPL NPPs Until Licensee Can Demonstrate Open Communication Channels Exist Between NRC & Licensee.Also Requests EA to Address Alleged Discriminatory Practices
ML20217M07513 August 1997Licensee Response to Supplemental 10CFR2.206 Petitions Filed by Tj Saporito & National Litigation Consultants.Petition Provides No Basis for Extraordinary Relief Requested. Petition Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20141F54413 June 1997NRC Staff Response to Presiding Officer Memorandum & Order (Questions Relevant to Remand).* Staff Submits That Tetrick Request for Reconsideration of Grading of Question 63 on SRO License Written Exam Should Be Denied
ML17354A51827 May 1997Licensee Response to 10CFR2.206 Petition Filed by Tj Saporito & National Litigation Consultants.Petition Should Be Denied,Based on Listed Info.W/Certificate of SvcBackfit
ML17354A56317 May 1997Second Suppl to 970423 Petition Requesting Enforcement Against Listed Util Employees by Imposing Civil Penalties, Restricting Employees from Licensed Activities & Revoking Unescorted Access
ML17354A56111 May 1997Suppl to 970423 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against Util Former Executive Vice President,Site Vice President & Maint Superintendent by Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty
ML20138J2272 May 1997NRC Staff Response to Questions Posed in Commission Order of 970425.* Staff Respectfully Submits That Commission Should Undertake Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceedings LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6Affidavit
ML17354A56523 April 1997Requests That NRC Take EA to Modify,Suspend or Revoke FPL Operating Licenses for All Four Nuclear Reactors Until Licensee Can Sufficiently Demonstrate to NRC & Public That Employees Encouraged to Freely Raise Safety Concerns
ML20137X59216 April 1997NRC Staff Petition for Commission Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding (LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6).* Commission Should Undertake Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding.W/Certificate of SvcAffidavit
ML20137X55111 April 1997NRC Request for Issuance of Order Staying Effectiveness of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding (LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6).* Commission Should Stay Effectiveness of Decision in Subj Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20137F55525 March 1997NRC Staff Response to Memorandum & Order of 970321.* Presiding Officer Should Grant Staff 970310 Motion for Reconsideration.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20137F50817 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Issuance of Stay.* Requests That Presiding Officer Deny NRC Staff Request for Issuance of Stay in Matter of Issuance of SRO License
ML20137F53717 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Reconsideration in Matter of Rl Tetrick.* Requests That Presiding Officer Deny NRC Staff Request for Reconsideration
ML20136F23510 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Reconsideration Introduction.* Requests That Presiding Officer Reconsider Determination That Tetrick Passed Written Exam & Find,Instead,That Tetrick Failed Written ExamAffidavit
ML20136F34110 March 1997NRC Staff Request for Issuance of Order Staying Effectiveness of Presiding Officers Initial Decision LBP-97-2.* Staff Submits That Presiding Officer Should Stay Effectiveness of Initial Decision.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20129D66818 October 1996NRC Staff Answer to Rl Tetrick Request for Hearing.* Staff Does Not Oppose Request & Will Be Prepared to Submit Hearing File.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance
ML20070E77225 February 1991NRC Staff Response to Licensee Motion to Reject or Strike Appellant Reply.* Sarcastic Language in Reply Should Be Stricken & Applellant Should Be Required to Provide Supplementary Info.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20070C19719 February 1991Licensee Reply to Appeal Request of Tj Saporito.* Licensee Adopts Position & Argument of NRC as Stated in Appeal. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20066G9718 February 1991Licensees Motion to Reject or Strike Petitioners Reply to Motion to Dismiss.* Moves Aslab to Reject or Strike Nuclear Energy Accountability Project 910128 Reply Due to Discourteous & Insulting Tone of Reply.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20073E05128 January 1991Reply.* Board of Directors of Nuclear Energy Accountability Project (Neap) Have Not Decided to Dissolve Neap.Tj Saporito Notification That Neap Will Dissolve by 901231 Was Outside Authority.Aslb 910110 Order Is Moot.Appeal Should Be Valid
ML20070A0379 January 1991Licensee Answer to Petitioner Motion for Reconsideration.* Request for Hearing & Intervention Should Be Denied Due to Petitioner Lack of Standing & Timing of Contentions Is Moot. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20066D59826 December 1990Reply to Answers to Petition & Amended Petition.* Intervenor Finds ASLB 901206 Order Premature & Requests That Hearing on Record Be Granted
ML20066A25321 December 1990Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Nuclear Energy Accountability Project (Neap) Should Not Be Dismissed from Proceeding.* Unless Aslab Denies Appeal Prior to 901231,NEAP Should Show Cause for Dismissal.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20066A10819 December 1990Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Proceeding Should Not Be Terminated.* Nuclear Energy Accountability Project Should Be Directed to Show Why Proceeding Should Not Be Terminated, Unless Appeal Denied Prior to 901231.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20065T87713 December 1990Motion to Withdraw.* Withdraws from Proceeding Due to Dissolution of Organization,Effective 901231.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 901213.Granted for Licensing Board on 901212
ML20065T78513 December 1990Licensee Response to Motion to Withdraw.* Licensee Lack of Objection to Withdrawal of Nuclear Energy Accountability Project from Proceeding Noted.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20065T7928 December 1990Motion to Withdraw.* Nuclear Energy Accountability Project Will Be Dissolved Effective 901231.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20065T8465 December 1990Licensee Response to Notices of Change of Address.* Inconsistencies Re Issue of Standing Have Been Injected Into Proceeding by Notices.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20062B98611 October 1990Licensee Opposition to Nuclear Energy Accountability Project (Neap) Request to Change Location of Oral Argument.* Neap Request to Transfer Location of Oral Argument Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20059L84014 September 1990Applicant Response to Memorandum & Order (Motion to Dismiss).* Board Should Not Undertake Sua Sponte Review Due to Board Lacking Jurisdiction.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20059C50231 August 1990NRC Staff Response to Licensing Board Order of 900717.* Requests That Licensing Board Refrain from Raising Sua Sponte IssuesBoric Acid
ML20059A89416 August 1990Opposition to Motion for Extension of Time to Appeal.* Requests That Nuclear Energy Accountability Project 900813 Motion for Extension of Time to File Brief in Support of Appeal Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20059B01613 August 1990Motion for Extension of Time to Appeal.* Board Should Grant Extension of Time to Insure Intervenor Has Opportunity to Fully & Completely Address Issues on Appeal.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20059A87913 August 1990Motion for Extension of Time to Appeal.* Requests Extension of 15 Days to File Brief in Support of Appeal.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900817.Granted for Appeal Board on 900817
ML20056B21810 August 1990NRC Staff Motion for Extension of Time.* Requests Extension of Time Until 900831 to File Response to Licensing Board 900717 Order,Per 10CFR2.711.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20056B2013 August 1990Licensee Motion for Leave to Submit Citation to Supplemental Authority.* Licensee Moves for Leave to Call Recent Supreme Court Authority to Attention of Appeal Board.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900803.Granted for Appeal Board on 900803
ML20056A37531 July 1990NRC Staff Response to Licensee Motion to Submit Citation to Supplemental Authority.* NRC Has No Objection to Granting of Licensee 900716 Motion.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20056A38225 July 1990Notice of Appeal.* Requests Oral Argument on Issue of Standing & That Argument Be Held in Miami,Fl to Permit Fair & Equitable Opportunity to Address Issue in Proceeding. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20055G64916 July 1990Licensee Motion for Leave to Submit Citation to Supplemental Authority.* Licensee Moves for Leave to Call Recent Supreme Court Authority to Attention of Appeal Board & Parties. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20055G78512 July 1990NRC Staff Response to Applicant Motion for Reconsideration.* Advises That Nuclear Energy Accountability Project Has Not Established Standing to Intervene in Proceeding,Therefore, Petition Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20055F5896 July 1990NRC Staff Response to Motions for Change of Location of Oral Argument.* NRC Does Not See Necessity for Aslab to Depart from Practice of Holding Oral Arguments in Bethesda,Md. Motion Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20058K75524 June 1990Intervenor Motion for Reconsideration of Appeal Board Order Setting Oral Argument.* Requests That Appeal Board Move Oral Argument Scheduled for 900710 in Bethesda,Md to Miami,Fl. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20055D92420 June 1990Appellant Motion to Move Place of Oral Argument.* Appellant Motion Should Be Granted.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20043H18019 June 1990Unopposed Request for 1-day Extension.* Extension Requested in Order to Seek Legal Advise Re Board 900615 Order on Intervention Status.Granted for ASLB on 900619. Served on 900620.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20043A67617 May 1990Applicant Reply to Nuclear Energy Accountability Project (Neap) Response to ASLB Memorandum & Order.* Neap Petition to Intervene Should Be Denied & Proceeding Dismissed.W/ Certificate of Svc
ML20042E60120 April 1990Intervenors Answer to Applicant 900413 Response & Intervenors Motion for Sanctions Against Applicant & Intervenors Motion for Leave to Amend Contentions.* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20012F70513 April 1990Applicant Response to Notice of Withdrawal from Proceeding.* Advises That Nuclear Energy Accountability Project (Neap) No Longer Has Standing Since Saporito Withdrew from Proceeding & Neap Has Not Established Standing.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20011F10823 February 1990Intervenors Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Brief.* Extension Requested to File Brief Due to Intervenor J Lorion Involved W/Family Health Matters.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900226.Granted for Aslab on 900223
ML20011F11523 February 1990Intervenors Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Brief.* Requests 5-day Extension Until 900305 to File Appeal Brief Due to Author Family Health Matters Interfering W/ Ability to Meet Commitments.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20006G11721 February 1990Motion for Reconsideration of Time Extension.* Petitioners Ask That Board Reconsider 900208 Request for Extension of Time Until 900305 to File Amended Petition & Contentions Based on Parties Agreement.Certificate of Svc Encl