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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-99-035, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Versions of Farley Units 1 & 2 LBB Calculation Results Due to SG Replacement & SG Snubber Elimination Programs, Used to Support SG Replacement Project.Proprietary Encl Withheld18 October 1999Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Versions of Farley Units 1 & 2 LBB Calculation Results Due to SG Replacement & SG Snubber Elimination Programs, Used to Support SG Replacement Project.Proprietary Encl Withheld
ML20217G0807 October 1999Informs That on 990930,staff Conducted mid-cycle PPR of Farley & Did Not Identify Any Areas in Which Performance Warranted More than Core Insp Program.Nrc Will Conduct Regional Insps Associated with SG Removal & Installation
ML20217P0666 October 1999Requests Withholding of Proprietary Rept NSD-SAE-ESI-99-389, Farley Units 1 & 2 LBB Calculation Results Due to SG Replacement & SG Snubber Elimination Programs
ML20217B1894 October 1999Submits Clarification Re Development of Basis for Determining Limiting Internal Pressure Loads Re Review of NRC SE for Cycle 16 Extension Request.Util Intends to Use Guidelines When Evaluating SG Tube Structural IntegritySafe Shutdown
ML20212J83930 September 1999Forwards RAI Re Request for Amends to Ts.Addl Info Needed to Complete Review to Verify That Proposed TS Are Consistent with & Validate Design Basis Analysis.Request Discussed with H Mahan on 990930.Info Needed within 10 Days of This Ltr
ML20212J88030 September 1999Discusses GL 98-01,suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Util 980731,990607 & 03 Ltrs Provided Requested Info in Subj Gl.Nrc Considers Subj GL to Be Closed for Unit 1
ML20217F64029 September 1999Forwards B&W Svcs,Inc Liquid Effluent Summary Rept for Jan- June 1999. Source & Special Nuclear Matls Described in 10CFR40.46 & 10CFR70.59 Are No Longer Possessed or Used as Described in Sections
ML20212E70323 September 1999Responds to GL 98-01, Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Util Requested to Submit Plans & Schedules for Resolving Y2K-related Issues
ML20212F88623 September 1999Forwards Revised Relief Request Number 32 for NRC Approval. Approval Requested by 991231 to Support Activities to Be Performed During Unit 1 Refueling Outage Scheduled for Spring of 2000
L-99-032, Responds to NRC Re Adequacy of Kaowool Fire Retardant Fire Barriers in Use at Jfnp,Units 1 & 223 September 1999Responds to NRC Re Adequacy of Kaowool Fire Retardant Fire Barriers in Use at Jfnp,Units 1 & 2Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
L-99-034, Forwards Comments on Draft Current Tech Specs Discussion of Change Tables for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant.Units 1 & 223 September 1999Forwards Comments on Draft Current Tech Specs Discussion of Change Tables for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant.Units 1 & 2
ML20212F11121 September 1999Discusses Closeout of GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals
ML20212C23516 September 1999Submits Corrected Info Concerning Snoc Response to NRC GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal
ML20212D01015 September 1999Informs That Submittal of clean-typed Copy of ITS & ITS Bases Will Be Delayed.Delay Due to Need for Resolution of Two Issues Raised by NRC staff.Clean-typed Copy of ITS Will Be Submitted within 4 Wks Following Resolution of IssuesEnforcement Discretion
L-99-031, Informs NRC That Review of MOV Testing Frequency & Changes Made to Frequency of MOV Testing Has Been Completed13 September 1999Informs NRC That Review of MOV Testing Frequency & Changes Made to Frequency of MOV Testing Has Been Completed
ML20212C46413 September 1999Forwards Info Requested in Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20212D45810 September 1999Responds to to D Rathbun,Requesting Review of J Sherman Expressing Concerns That Plant & Other Nuclear Plants Not Yet Y2K CompliantSafe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
ML20212C80410 September 1999Responds to to D Rathbun Requesting Review of J Sherman Re Y2K Compliance.Latest NRC Status Rept on Y2K Activities EnclSafe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
ML20212A6959 September 1999Requests That Licensees Affected by Kaowool Fire Barriers Take Issue on Voluntary Initiative & Propose Approach for Resolving Subj Issues.Staff Plans to Meet with Licensees to Discuss Listed TopicsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20212A8349 September 1999Requests That Licensees Affected by Kaowool Fire Barriers Take Issue on Voluntary Initiative & Propose Approach for Resolving Subj Issues.Staff Plans to Meet with Licensees to Discuss Listed TopicsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20211N8048 September 1999Informs That on 990930 NRC Issued GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Condition, to Holders of Nuclear Plant Operating Licenses
ML20211N4308 September 1999Discusses Proposed Meeting to Discuss Kaowool Fire Barriers. Staff Requesting That Affected Licensees Take Issue on Voluntary Initative & Propose Approach for Resolving IssuesSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20212C0072 September 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-348/99-05 & 50-364/99-05 on 990627- 0807.No Violations Noted.Licensee Conduct of Activities at Farley Plant Facilities Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations & Sound Engineering
ML20211Q4801 September 1999Informs That on 990812-13,Region II Hosted Training Managers Conference on Recent Changes to Operator Licensing Program. List of Attendees,Copy of Slide Presentations & List of Questions Received from Participants EnclSignificance Determination Process
Fuel cladding
Power change
ML20211K41031 August 1999Resubmits Relief Requests Q1P16-RR-V-5 & Q2P16-RR-V-5 That Seek to Group V661 Valves from Each Unit Into Sample Disassembly & Insp Group,Per 990525 Telcon with NRC
ML20211K21331 August 1999Informs That Snoc Has Conducted Review of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database,Version 2 (RVID2) & Conclude That Latest Data Submitted for Farley Units Has Not Been Incorporated Into RVID2
L-99-030, Forwards SNC Review Comments on Draft SE & marked-up Copy of Draft SE Incorporating SNC Comments Re Proposed Conversion to ITS30 August 1999Forwards SNC Review Comments on Draft SE & marked-up Copy of Draft SE Incorporating SNC Comments Re Proposed Conversion to ITSShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Turbine Missile
Offsite Circuit
Overspeed trip
ML20211G68526 August 1999Informs That During Insp,Technical Issues Associated with Design,Installation & fire-resistive Performance of Kaowool Raceway fire-barriers Installed at Farley Nuclear Plant Were IdentifiedFire Barrier
ML20217G73723 August 1999Informs That During Jul Sampling Evolutions,No Flow Was Available at Upgradient Diversion Channel or at Down Gradient Deversion Channel,Due to Current Drought Conditions
L-99-029, Forwards Revised Response to Chapter 3.1 RAI Requested in 990726 Conference Call,Rai Response Related to Beyond Scope Issue for Chapter 3.5 Requested by Conference Call on 990805 & RAI Response to Chapter 3.8 Requested on 990615 & 072719 August 1999Forwards Revised Response to Chapter 3.1 RAI Requested in 990726 Conference Call,Rai Response Related to Beyond Scope Issue for Chapter 3.5 Requested by Conference Call on 990805 & RAI Response to Chapter 3.8 Requested on 990615 & 0727Shutdown Margin
Qualified Offsite Circuit
Offsite Circuit
Operational leakage
ML20211B94317 August 1999Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data for six-month Reporting Period 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d).Rept Covers Employees at Jm Farley Nuclear Plant & Southern Nuclear Corporate HeadquartersFitness for Duty
ML20211B92117 August 1999Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-348/99-09 & 50-364/99-09.Corrective Actions:Security Response Plan Was Revised to Address Vulnerabilities Identified During NRC Insp
ML20210R51012 August 1999Forwards Revised Page 6 to 990430 LAR to Operate Farley Nuclear Plant,Unit 1,for Cycle 16 Only,Based on risk- Informed Approach for Evaluation of SG Tube Structural Integrity,As Result of Staff Comments
ML20212C8149 August 1999Forwards Correspondence Received from Jm Sherman.Requests Review of Info Re Established Policies & Procedures
ML20210T2026 August 1999Forwards Draft SE Accepting Licensee Proposed Conversion of Plant,Units 1 & 2 Current TSs to Its.Its Based on Listed Documents
ML20210Q4645 August 1999Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Authorized Representative of Facility Must Submit Ltr to La Reyes,As Listed,With List of Individuals to Take exam,30 Days Before Exam DateGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20210J83430 July 1999Forwards Second Request for Addl Info Re Util 990430 Amend Request to Allow Util to Operate Unit 1,for Cycle 16 Based on risk-informed Probability of SG Tube Rupture & Nominal accident-induced primary-to-second LeakageNondestructive Examination
L-99-028, Responds to NRC 990730 RAI Re 990423 OL Change Request to Allow for Risk Informed Approach for Evaluation of SG Tube Structural Integrity as Described by NEI 97-06, SG Program Guidelines30 July 1999Responds to NRC 990730 RAI Re 990423 OL Change Request to Allow for Risk Informed Approach for Evaluation of SG Tube Structural Integrity as Described by NEI 97-06, SG Program GuidelinesNondestructive Examination
ML20210G49030 July 1999Responds to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal, Issued 990603.Ltr Contains NRC License Commitment to Utilize ASTM D3803-1989 with Efficiency Acceptance Criteria Utilizing Safety Factor of 2Enforcement Discretion
L-99-027, Addresses Clarifications to Selected Responses to Chapter 3.8 RAI Requested in NRC Conference Call on 990624, Resolution of Open Issue Related to Containment Purge in Chapter 3.6 & Response Related to Chapter 3.527 July 1999Addresses Clarifications to Selected Responses to Chapter 3.8 RAI Requested in NRC Conference Call on 990624, Resolution of Open Issue Related to Containment Purge in Chapter 3.6 & Response Related to Chapter 3.5Qualified Offsite Circuit
Offsite Circuit
ML20210G81826 July 1999Forwards Insp Repts 50-348/99-04 & 50-364/99-04 on 990516- 0626.One Violation Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violation
IR 05000348/199900923 July 1999Discusses Insp Repts 50-348/99-09 & 50-364/99-09 on 990308- 10 & Forwards Notice of Violation Re Failure to Intercept Adversary During Drills,Contrary to 10CFR73 & Physical Security Plan Requirements
ML20210E40722 July 1999Responds to NRC 990702 RAI Re Change Request to Allow for Risk Informed Approach for Evaluation of SG Tube Structural Integrity as Described in NEI 97-06, SG Program Guidelines
L-99-026, Forwards Response to NRC 990702 RAI Re SG Replacement Related TS Change Request Submitted 981201.Ltr Contains No New Commitments19 July 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990702 RAI Re SG Replacement Related TS Change Request Submitted 981201.Ltr Contains No New CommitmentsStress corrosion cracking
Power Uprate
L-99-264, Responds to NRC 990603 Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Licensing Action Estimates, for Fy 2000 & 200113 July 1999Responds to NRC 990603 Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Licensing Action Estimates, for Fy 2000 & 2001
ML20209H47213 July 1999Responds to NRC 990603 Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Licensing Action Estimates, for Fy 2000 & 2001
05000364/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re Reactor Trip Due to Loss of Condenser Vacuum Steam Dump Drain Line Failure.Commitments Made by Licensee,Listed2 July 1999Forwards LER 99-001-00 Re Reactor Trip Due to Loss of Condenser Vacuum Steam Dump Drain Line Failure.Commitments Made by Licensee,Listed
ML20196J7472 July 1999Forwards RAI Re Cycle 16 Extension Request.Response Requested within 30 Days of Date of LtrNondestructive Examination
ML20196J6572 July 1999Discusses Closure to TAC MA0543 & MA0544 Re GL 92-01 Rev 1, Suppl 1,RV Structural Integrity.Nrc Has Revised Rvid & Releasing It as Rvid,Version 2 as Result of Review of Responses
ML20196J6192 July 1999Forwards Final Dam Audit Rept of 981008 of Category 1 Cooling Water Storage Pond Dam.Requests Response within 120 Days of Date of Ltr