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ML20212L9935 October 1999Forwards Fr Notice,Notice of Public Meeting & Agenda for Public Informational Meeting to Be Held on 991020 Re Safety of Periodic Shipments of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel for Post Irradiation Exam at GE Vallecitos Site
ML20217F64029 September 1999Forwards B&W Svcs,Inc Liquid Effluent Summary Rept for Jan- June 1999. Source & Special Nuclear Matls Described in 10CFR40.46 & 10CFR70.59 Are No Longer Possessed or Used as Described in Sections
ML20217G73723 August 1999Informs That During Jul Sampling Evolutions,No Flow Was Available at Upgradient Diversion Channel or at Down Gradient Deversion Channel,Due to Current Drought Conditions
ML20195K25410 June 1999Forwards Insp Repts 70-0364/99-01 & 70-3085/99-01 on 990406- 09.No Violations Identified.Nrc Conducted Safety Insp at Parks Township Facility & Shallow Land Disposal Area of Activities Authorized by Licenses
ML20195E5769 June 1999Forwards Copy of Meeting Summary for Meeting Between NRC & Staff of Bwx Technologies That Occurred on 990520
ML20209F8463 June 1999Requests That Nrc,Along with GE Vallecitos Nuclear Center Hold Public Meeting to Hear from County Residents & Share Info Re Shipments of Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods to GE Vallecitos Nuclear Center
ML20209F8762 June 1999Requests NRC Participation & Sponsorship of Efforts for Public Meeting Re GE Vallecitos Nuclear Facility & Planned Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods
ML20205K06525 March 1999Requests Response to Listed Comments Re Review of Parks Shallow Land Disposal Area (Slda) 1999 Field Program Work Plan for Feb 1999
ML20206S22419 January 1999Forwards Rev 0 to B&W Svcs,Inc Parks Facility Final Survey Rept for 1996 Remediated Area Outfall 3. Licensee Requests NRC Approval for Release for Unrestricted Use of Limited Area of Outfall 3
ML20195G73318 November 1998Responds to Requests & Concerns Raised During 981014 Telcon Re Copies of Manifests for Radwaste Shipments from Bwx Technologies Facilities,Firehose Use to Suppress Dust During Deconstruction & Contamination Along Riverbank
ML20236U75127 July 1998Submits Comments on Draft Environ Impact Statement for Bwx Technologies Shallow Land Disposal Area in Park Township, Pa.Bwx Technologies Encl
ML20236Q9748 July 1998Forwards Insp Repts 70-0364/98-01 & 70-3085/98-01 on 980608-12.No Violations Noted
ML20217N70620 March 1998Provides follow-up to Telcon of 980319 & Concerns Submittal of Info Requested by in Support of NRC Review of Parks Facility Decommissioning Plan
ML20198C0435 January 1998Informs That GE Believes That Responses in , Complete All Actions Requested in NRC Bulletin 97-002
ML20199L33825 November 1997Forwards Amend 6 to License SNM-1270
ML20199E97820 November 1997Forwards Response to NRC Bulletin 97-002,requested Actions 1,2 & 3.Technical Responses for USA/4986/AF & USA/9019/AF Which Resulted from Findings of Formal Review Process,Encl
ML20211N43113 October 1997Informs NRC of Actions Being Taken Re NRC Info Notice 97-047 & NRC Bulletin 97-002.GE Plans to Retain Cocs 4986 & 9019 & Will Comply W/Bulletin.Packages Represented by Cocs 4909 & 9009 No Longer Used or Owned by GE
ML20211H17826 September 1997Forwards Amend 5 to License SNM-1270,per Request Contained in 970314 Application.License Will Expire on Sept 30,2002
ML20151K98224 July 1997Forwards Bwx Technologies,Inc Standby Trust Re License SNM-42,amend 13 & License SNM-414,revs to Schedule a
ML20140A49523 May 1997Forwards Draft Financial Assurance Documents Related to B&W Request to Transfer Various Licenses to Bwx Technologies,Inc & Mcdermott Technology,Inc
ML20147A70415 November 1996Provides follow-up Written Rept Re Event as Specified in 10CFR20.2201(b)(1),pertaining to an Electric Floor Scrubber That Was Returned to Facility After Having Been Borrowed by Former Employee
ML20058E54830 November 1993Forwards Fr Notice Re NRC 930726 Issuance of Final Rule Concerning Decommissioning Recordkeeping & Documentation for Info
ML20056E3705 May 1993Forwards Insp Rept 70-1220/93-01 of Safeguards & Irradiated Fuel Transportation Activities on 930408.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20058M5889 August 1990Ack Receipt of Re B&W Continuing Assurance to Pay for Eventual Decommissioning of NRC Licensed Facilities
ML20055J31324 July 1990Forwards Documents in Support of Financial Assurance & Decommissioning Costs for Facilities
ML20055J31624 July 1990Supports B&W Use of Financial Test to Demonstrate Financial Assurance as Specified in 10CFR30,40 & 70
ML20055J34124 July 1990Forwards Listed Info in Support of Use of Financial Test to Demonstrate Financial Assurance as Specified in 10CFR30,40 & 70
ML20055F38012 July 1990Discusses Financial Assurance for Payment of Decommissioning Costs for Licenses SNM-42,SNM-145,SNM-414 & SNM-778. Certifies That B&W Estimated Costs for Decommissioning Facilities Lower than Company Working Capital as of 900331
ML20055C61118 May 1990Discusses Mcdermott,Inc,Plans to Establish B&W Investments Co (Bwico).Upon Completion of All Pertinent Actions, Mcdermott Will Transfer All B&W Stock to Bwico & Bwico Will Become wholly-owned Subsidiary of Mcdermott
ML20055C9407 May 1990Forwards Response to Questions Re Decommissioning of Pu Facilities
IA-89-346, Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE29 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20246G38729 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20246F73623 August 1989Informs That Amounts Owed Under Promisory Note for Fiscal Yr Ending 890331 Paid,Restrictive Convenants No Longer Apply & Associate Certificates Have Been Discontinued
ML20246G3677 August 1989FOIA Request for Health & Safety Survey Repts Hasl 82,HASL 92,HASL 103,HASL 106,HASL 114 & Hasl 62-9 for 1959 to 1962
ML20248B64131 July 1989Advises That,Based on Review of Labor & Settlement Agreements,No Clauses Identified Which Restrict Employees Rights to Rept Safety Issues to Nrc,Directly or Indirectly, in Response to NRC
ML20246B56823 June 1989Advises That No Restrictions Contractually Exists,Inhibiting Notification of NRC of Employee Potential Safety Issues
ML20245K76921 June 1989Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Repts 70-0135/89-02 & 70-0364/89-01 on 890410-13.Notice Should Be Withdrawn Based on Misunderstanding of Requirements & Circumstances of Entry/Exit Procedures for Eddy Current Area
ML20151Q3081 August 1988Forwards Certificates Showing Financial Assurances for Payment for Decommissioning Costs,Per .Working Capital in Excess of Estimated Cost to Decommission Facilities
ML20237L52111 August 1987Forwards Certificates Signed by Ja Lynott & RA Jolliff Which Provide B&W Financial Assurance for Payment for Decommissioning Costs.Company Working Capital in Excess of Estimated Cost to Decommission Nuclear Facilities
ML20234F5731 July 1987Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plutonium Accountability at Listed Facilities.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in Pdr.App B Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 3 & 4)
ML20207S18413 March 1987Forwards Amend 3 to License SNM-1270,authorizing GE to Possess Byproduct,Source & SNM in Package Designs Approved Per 10CFR71 for Purpose of Delivery of Matl to Carrier for Transport & Use in Private Carriage
ML20205F8624 March 1987Forwards Fee for Application for Renewal of License SNM-1270