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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20147A70415 November 1996Provides follow-up Written Rept Re Event as Specified in 10CFR20.2201(b)(1),pertaining to an Electric Floor Scrubber That Was Returned to Facility After Having Been Borrowed by Former Employee
ML20058E54830 November 1993Forwards Fr Notice Re NRC 930726 Issuance of Final Rule Concerning Decommissioning Recordkeeping & Documentation for Info
ML20127A6077 January 1993Ack Receipt of 921130 Request for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B Package.Certificate of Compliance 5908 Terminated & Use of Package No Longer Authorized.New B&W Package Design Currently Under Review
ML20127A9417 January 1993Informs Registered User of Certificate of Compliance (Coc) 5908 That Coc 5908 for Model DOT-6M,Type Packaging Expired. Records Required by 10CFR71.91 to Be Retained for Period of Three Yrs
ML20062E00015 November 1990Requests Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B Shipping Container
ML20058E0521 November 1990Notifies That Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B Packaging Expires on 910228
ML20058M5889 August 1990Ack Receipt of Re B&W Continuing Assurance to Pay for Eventual Decommissioning of NRC Licensed Facilities
ML20055J31324 July 1990Forwards Documents in Support of Financial Assurance & Decommissioning Costs for Facilities
ML20055J31624 July 1990Supports B&W Use of Financial Test to Demonstrate Financial Assurance as Specified in 10CFR30,40 & 70
ML20055J34124 July 1990Forwards Listed Info in Support of Use of Financial Test to Demonstrate Financial Assurance as Specified in 10CFR30,40 & 70
ML20055F38012 July 1990Discusses Financial Assurance for Payment of Decommissioning Costs for Licenses SNM-42,SNM-145,SNM-414 & SNM-778. Certifies That B&W Estimated Costs for Decommissioning Facilities Lower than Company Working Capital as of 900331
ML20055C61118 May 1990Discusses Mcdermott,Inc,Plans to Establish B&W Investments Co (Bwico).Upon Completion of All Pertinent Actions, Mcdermott Will Transfer All B&W Stock to Bwico & Bwico Will Become wholly-owned Subsidiary of Mcdermott
ML20247K82518 September 1989Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 5908,in Response to 890828 Request
IA-89-346, Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE29 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20246G38729 August 1989Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Repts,If Still in Existence,May Be Maintained in Files of DOE
ML20247P04228 August 1989Requests Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20246F73623 August 1989Informs That Amounts Owed Under Promisory Note for Fiscal Yr Ending 890331 Paid,Restrictive Convenants No Longer Apply & Associate Certificates Have Been Discontinued
ML20246G3677 August 1989FOIA Request for Health & Safety Survey Repts Hasl 82,HASL 92,HASL 103,HASL 106,HASL 114 & Hasl 62-9 for 1959 to 1962
ML20248B64131 July 1989Advises That,Based on Review of Labor & Settlement Agreements,No Clauses Identified Which Restrict Employees Rights to Rept Safety Issues to Nrc,Directly or Indirectly, in Response to NRC
ML20246B56823 June 1989Advises That No Restrictions Contractually Exists,Inhibiting Notification of NRC of Employee Potential Safety Issues
ML20245K76921 June 1989Responds to Violation Noted in Insp Repts 70-0135/89-02 & 70-0364/89-01 on 890410-13.Notice Should Be Withdrawn Based on Misunderstanding of Requirements & Circumstances of Entry/Exit Procedures for Eddy Current Area
ML20235W9072 March 1989Notifies of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 5908,per 890210 Request
ML20151Q3081 August 1988Forwards Certificates Showing Financial Assurances for Payment for Decommissioning Costs,Per .Working Capital in Excess of Estimated Cost to Decommission Facilities
ML20237L52111 August 1987Forwards Certificates Signed by Ja Lynott & RA Jolliff Which Provide B&W Financial Assurance for Payment for Decommissioning Costs.Company Working Capital in Excess of Estimated Cost to Decommission Nuclear Facilities
ML20207S18124 February 1987Forwards Final Results of Site Characterization Plan. Potential Offsite Contamination Will Continue to Be Assessed by Soil Sampling & Direct Radiation Surveys.Part I of Survey Submitted on 861024
ML20203H44417 July 1986Forwards Certificates for Yr Ending 860331 Assuring B&W Ability to Cover Costs of Decommissioning All B&W Nuclear Facilities.Company Working Capital as of 860627 Significantly in Excess of Estimated Decommissioning Costs
ML20203H31219 June 1986Requests Extension of Expiration Date to at Least 870331,to Allow B&W Adequate Time to Prepare Application to Renew License SNM-145 & NRC Adequate Time to Review Application
ML20206H99519 June 1986Notification of Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B, in Response to 860606 Request
ML20211C1345 May 1986Forwards Endorsement 118 to Nelia Policy NF-111 & Endorsements 115 & 114 to Nelia Policy NF-83,Endorsement 55 to Maelu Policy MF-85 & Endorsements 47 & 46 to Maelu Policy MF-84
ML20137Z0725 March 1986Forwards Rev 12 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20154C78226 February 1986Forwards Rev 11 to Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M Type B
ML20153D16218 February 1986Notification of Registration as User of Model DOT-6M Type B in Response to 860204 Request
ML20214B3695 February 1986Requests Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model 6M Shipping Container.Doe Should Be Registered as Primary User of Package
ML20141M8934 February 1986Requests Registration as User of Model DOT 6M Type B
ML20214D02231 January 1986Requests Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model DOT-6M,Type B Which Expires on 860228.Ltr from Apollo Declining to Pursue Renewal Encl.Change to Item 3 of Certificate Requested.W/O Encl.Fee Paid
ML20137T70622 January 1986Notifies That Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5908 for Model 6M Will Not Be Pursued Since Use of Container Is Unforeseen.Current Certificate of Compliance Expires on 860228
ML20137Z66227 September 1985Responds to 850905 Constituent Ltr Re B&W Plants.Latest Eia Prepared for Plants Available in Lpdr in Apollo,Pa.Response to 850729 FOIA Request Encl
ML20138A82116 September 1985Forwards 850628 Officers Certificates to Company Lenders, Assuring B&W Ability to Cover Decommissioning Costs for All Plants,Per Gc Ziph
ML20136J24813 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR
IA-85-537, Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR13 August 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps, Compliants,Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites.Telcon of 850806 Narrowed Request to Two Facilities.Printouts Available in PDR
ML20136J20724 July 1985FOIA Request for Documentation of Insps,Complaints, Violations,Tests & Surveys Re Nuclear Processing & Waste Disposal at B&W Sites
ML20126C63823 May 1985Ltr to Licensees Informing That Safeguard Event Repts Required by 10CFR73.71,including Unaccounted for Shipments, Suspected Thefts,Unlawful Diversion & Radiological Sabotage Should Be Submitted to Tt Martin,Region I
ML20054M15929 June 1982Notification of Registration as User of Models DOT-6M Type B & NLS-RF in Response to 820521 Request