RS-14-189, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings for 4.16 Kv ESF Buses

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Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings for 4.16 Kv ESF Buses
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2014
From: Gullott D
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14181B254 (26)


RS-14-189 10 CFR 50.90 June 30, 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18 NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374


Response to Request for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings for 4.16 kV ESF Buses


1) Letter from D. M. Gullatt (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings for 4.16 kV ESF Buses," dated September 20, 2013
2) Letter from B. Purnell (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) to M. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 -

Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings (TAC Nos. MF2791 and MF2792),"

dated June 20, 2014 In Reference 1, Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) submitted a license amendment request for LaSalle County Station (LaSalle), Units 1 and 2, to revise the loss of voltage (LOV) relay settings in Technical Specifications {TS) Table, "Loss of Power Instrumentation,"

for the 4.16 kilovolt (kV) engineered safety feature (ESF) buses.

In Reference 2, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requested additional information to complete its review of the proposed license amendment request. The Attachment to this letter provides the requested information.

EGC has reviewed the information supporting a finding of no significant hazards consideration, and the environmental consideration, that were previously provided to the NRC in Attachment 1 of Reference 1. The additional information provided in this submittal does not affect the bases for concluding that the proposed license amendment request does not involve a significant hazards consideration. In addition, the additional information provided in this submittal does not affect the bases for concluding that neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.

June 30, 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 There are no regulatory commitments contained within this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Ms. Lisa A. Simpson at (630) 657-2815.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 30th day of June 2014.

Respectfully, David M. Gullatt Manager - Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachments:

1) Response to Request for Additional Information
2) Supporting Information cc: NRG Regional Administrator, Region Ill NRG Senior Resident Inspector, LaSalle County Station Illinois Emergency Management Agency- Division of Nuclear Safety

ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information By letter dated September 20, 2013, Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGG) submitted a license amendment request (LAA) for LaSalle County Station (LaSalle), Units 1 and 2, to revise the loss of voltage (LOV) relay settings in Technical Specifications (TS) Table, "Loss of Power Instrumentation," for the 4.16 kilovolt (kV) engineered safety feature (ESF) buses (Reference 1). In a letter dated June 20, 2014, the NRG requested additional information to complete its review of the proposed LAA (Reference 2).

NRC RAl-1:

The LAA is in response to deficiencies identified in a component design bases inspection (CDBI) report dated February 15, 2011. The CDBI report identified deficiencies in design basis calculations and TS setpoints for related equipment, including the LOV relay settings, the degraded voltage relay (DVR) setpoints, and the emergency diesel generator (EOG) voltage and frequency tolerances. The GOBI report stated that the licensee entered these items in its corrective action program, including an action to verify the adequacy of the degraded voltage relay setpoint and time delay design. The LAA proposes to revise the TS LOV relay settings but does not describe how these related deficiencies are addressed. Thus, the NRG staff needs additional information to clarify the scope of this LAA review.


Provide the following information:

a. Confirm that the voltage and timer setpoints for the DVR have been verified to be acceptable (e.g., using NRG Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-12, Revision 1, "Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution System Voltages") or identify if an LAA is needed to change the DVR setpoints.
b. Explain how the allowable EOG voltage and frequency tolerances are adequate for safety-related equipment to perform the intended functions. Describe the impact of EOG loading on EOG fuel consumption. Confirm that the minimum allowable EOG voltage is adequate to reset LOV relay or DVR if they had actuated.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-1.a:

As documented in the component design bases inspection (CDBI) inspection report dated February 15, 2011 (Reference 3), the NRG identified a finding of very low safety significance (Green) and associated NCV of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion Ill, "Design Control,"

involving LaSalle's failure to have appropriate analyses for the loss of voltage (LOV) relay setpoints and the second level undervoltage [degraded voltage (DV)] relay timer settings (i.e., NCV 05000373/2010006-03 and 05000374/2010006-03). Reference 3 states that EGG had not established the adequacy of the setpoints for degraded voltage relay time delay and the loss of voltage relay trip function described in TS, and the EGG analysis (i.e., EC 379235) did not account for the potential worst case, non-accident degraded voltage condition, and therefore, did not demonstrate the operability of permanently connected safety-related loads under those conditions.

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ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information The LaSalle LAR submitted September 20, 2013 proposed a revision to the LOV relay settings in TS Table, "Loss of Power Instrumentation," forthe 4.16 kV ESF buses (Reference 1). Increasing the 4.16 kV ESF bus loss of voltage relay settings will provide assurance that, under non-accident conditions, normally operating safety-related motors will not be damaged in the event of sustained degraded bus voltage during the time delay before initiation of the loss of voltage trip function. The September 2013 LAR is intended to correct the finding referenced above. The other findings identified in the GOBI report are outside the scope of this LAR.

EGC has reviewed and verified that the LaSalle DVR voltage setpoints are acceptable and that a LAR is not needed to change the setpoints. The referenced finding from the CDBI inspection report is not related to the DVR voltage setpoints. Further, the DVR voltage setpoints in TS Table are adequate, complying with the applicable regulatory guidance (i.e.,

Branch Technical Position (BTP) 8-6).

EGC has verified the LaSalle DVR timer setpoints in TS Table are acceptable. In the response to NRC RAl-2.a of this letter, EGC provides the basis for the time delay of 340.8 seconds associated with the DVR for the no loss-of-coolant accident conditions. The response to NRC RAl-2.a also describes the evaluation completed for LaSalle to determine the minimum 4 kV ESF bus voltage at which the permanently connected safety-related motors do not stall (i.e., for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 motors and for the ESF Division 3 motors).

EGC continues to work with the industry to resolve issues associated with NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-12, Revision 1, "Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution System Voltages."

EGC Response to NRC RAl-1.b:

The CDBI inspection report (Reference 3) identified a separate finding of very low safety significance (Green) and associated NCV of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion Ill, "Design Control," involving LaSalle's failure to calculate the effects of increased EOG frequency on EOG fuel oil consumption (i.e., NCV 05000373/2010006-02 and 05000374/2010006-02).

LaSalle TS Surveillance Requirement (SR) states, "Verify each required DG starts from standby conditions and achieves steady state ... frequency;?; 58.8 Hz ands 61.2 Hz." LaSalle failed to verify that the fuel oil consumption was based on the appropriate TS basis of EOG operation up to 61.2 Hz.

This finding from the CDBI inspection report is outside the scope of the LaSalle LAA submitted September 20, 2013 (Reference 1).

EGC has taken the following actions related to the LaSalle EOG frequency/fuel oil issue:

  • In accordance with NRC Administrative Letter (AL) 98-10, administrative controls were implemented under EGC Operability Evaluation (OE)10-005 (Reference 4), including implementation of procedural controls to operate the LaSalle EDGs within a band from 59.5 Hz to 60.5 Hz.

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ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information EGC has been working with the industry (i.e., PWR and BWR Owners Groups) on a single, standardized solution to the EOG frequency and voltage issue. In May 2012, the PWROG submitted WCAP-17308-NP, Revision 0, "Treatment of Diesel Generator (DG) Technical Specification Frequency and Voltage Tolerances," to the NRC for review and approval. The WCAP provides a methodology to address the effects on the operation of engineered safety feature (ESF) equipment due to normal voltage and frequency variations of EDGs. The current standard Technical Specifications would allow voltage and frequency variations that could result in non-conservative impacts to the performance of ESF equipment. The methodology of WCAP-17308-NP alleviates this concern, it is generically applicable without consideration of reactor technology, and its use would involve appropriate changes to TS 3.8.1. WCAP-17308-NP is currently under review by the NRC.

As discussed with the NRR Project Manager for LaSalle during bi-weekly status update calls, a future, separate LaSalle LAR is planned to resolve this finding. The planned LAR is tracked within the corrective action program. As this LAR has generic implications, submittal is dependent on NRC approval of WCAP-17308-NP and the associated TSTF traveler.

NRC RAl*2:

The proposed TS would permit the 4.16 kV buses for Divisions 1 and 2 to remain above 2870 volts (V) for up to 340.8 seconds. However, the LAR does not provide a sufficient basis to justify this condition.


Provide the following information:

a. The basis for the time delay associated with the DVR for the no loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions.
b. The grid voltage on the high side of the station transformers corresponding to the 2870 V on the plant satety buses.
c. Details on the ability of the grid to operate at the sustained low grid voltage, identified in question 2.b above, for 340.8 seconds.
d. The consequences on operating safety-related equipment if a process signal results in automatic start of a large motor during the 340.8 second delay with the safety bus voltage under sustained degraded conditions.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-2.a:

The maximum time delay associated with the degraded voltage relay (DVR) for the no LOCA condition is 340.8 seconds (i.e., approximately 5.7 minutes), which is the sum of the maximum allowable time delay for the degraded voltage relay no-LOCA relay timer (i.e., 329.9 seconds) and the DVR time delay (i.e., 10.9 seconds). The time delays for the no-LOCA timer and degraded voltage relays are the existing Allowable Values for these parameters from the LaSalle TS Table, "Loss of Power Instrumentation." The 340.8 second time delay is Page 3 of 9

ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information the maximum time that a degraded voltage condition can exist under no-LOCA condition before the degraded voltage logic trips the offsite power source and transfers the loads to the EDGs.

The basis for this time delay is provided in the following EGC Design Analyses:

  • L-002588, Revision 1E- Loss of Voltage Relay Setpoint for 4.16 kV Buses 141Y, 142Y, 143, 241Y, 242Y, 243- Undervoltage Function (Reference 5)
  • L-003364, Revision 2 - Auxiliary Power Analysis (Reference 6)

Design Analysis L-003364, Section 9.15 and Attachment AN, included an evaluation to determine the minimum 4 kV ESF bus voltage at which the permanently connected safety-related motors do not stall. The analysis for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 motors determined that none of the safety-related motors stall at 2725 V (i.e., 65.5% of 4160 V). The analysis for the ESF Division 3 motors shows that none of the safety-related motors stall at 2704 V (i.e., 65% of 4160 V). For conservatism, this Design Analysis determined that the minimum allowable value should be set at 2870 V (i.e., 69% of 4160 V) for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 LOV function and at 2725 V (i.e., 65.5% of 4160 V) for the ESF Division 3 LOV function.

Design Analysis L-002588 (Reference 5) evaluated the setpoint errors associated with a 24 month calibration interval and determined that the loss of voltage (LOV) relay calibration setpoint between 2946 V and 3062 V for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 and between 2857 V and 3046 V for ESF Division 3 will provide adequate margin with respect to the analytical limit.

These relays have a surveillance interval of 24 months. Once these relays are set, the relays are not expected to drift beyond the allowable values.

Design Analysis L-003364, Section 9.15 and Attachment AN, then determined the motor currents at the lowest allowable degraded voltage of 2870 V for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 motors and 2725 V for the ESF Division 3 motors in order to evaluate the trip times of overcurrent protective devices of these motors. The analysis for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 motors show that the overcurrent protective devices trips for 14 motors will trip in less than 5.7 minutes, and the analysis for the ESF Division 3 motors show that the overcurrent protective devices for 2 motors will trip in less than 5.7 minutes. The configuration changes that revise the LOV relay settings in accordance with the revised allowable values as proposed in the LaSalle September 2013 LAA (Reference 1) also increase the overcurrent protective device settings for these motors to ensure that no permanently connected safety-related motors will trip during the 5.7 minute time delay.

Design Analysis L-003364, Section 9.15, also reviewed the 480 VAC MCC contactors and safety-related relays and verified that these devices will not dropout during the degraded voltage condition.

Therefore, upon implementation of the configuration changes associated with the September 2013 LAA, the design analyses demonstrate that the permanently connected safety-related loads will continue to operate during the 5. 7 minute time delay associated with the DVR for the no LOCA condition without sustaining damage or tripping at the potential worst case (i.e., non-accident degraded voltage condition).

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ATIACHMENT1 Response to Request for Additional Information A copy of Design Analysis L-003364, Section 9.15 and Attachment AN, are provided in .

EGC Response to NRC RAl-2.b:

The approximate grid voltage on the high side of the station transformers corresponding to the 2870 Von the plant safety buses using the transformer turns ratio is 238 kV (i.e., 69% of the rated grid voltage).

EGC Response to NRC RAl-2.c:

EGC does not believe that the grid will be able to operate at the sustained low grid voltage of 238 kV for 340.8 seconds. However, the design has taken this low voltage to protect safety related equipment operating on the plant side.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-2.d:

If a process signal results in an automatic start of a large motor during the 340.8 second delay with the safety bus voltage under sustained degraded conditions (i.e., at the potential worst case, non-accident degraded voltage condition), the bus voltage will drop below the minimum allowable value for the LOV relays. The LOV relays will then actuate to trip the offsite source to the ESF bus and transfer the loads to the EDGs almost instantaneously. Thus, the safety-related loads will not experience any adverse consequences after the automatic start of a large motor during the 340.8 second delay. If the automatic start of the large motor results in a voltage above the LOV relay setpoint, the safety-related motors will keep running for the remainder of the 340.8 second delay and then the time delay relay will trip the offsite source to the ESF bus and transfers the loads to the EDGs.

NRC RAl-3:

The LAA states:

The upper analytical limit for Division 1, 2 and 3 bus [LOV] loss of voltage relays was chosen to ensure that the minimum expected voltage during LOCA block start of all safety related loads remains above this value. This ensures that the [LOV] loss of voltage relays do not trip the SAT [system auxiliary transformer] feeder breaker when the SAT voltage is adequate to supply the power to the safety related loads. The minimum voltage at 4.16 kV buses for Divisions 1, 2 and 3 is more than 3190 V, when all the safety related loads were started at the same time. This voltage improves to a higher value in 2.5 seconds as the motors accelerate.

However, the LAA does not adequately describe the consequences of block starting LOCA loads under degraded voltage conditions and how the voltage improves when the degraded voltage conditions are postulated for more than 2.5 seconds.

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ATIACHMENT1 Response to Request for Additional Information Request:

Provide the following information:

a. Explain the consequences of block starting LOCA loads during a degraded voltage condition given the potential operation of the units under such conditions for an extended duration (up to 340.8 seconds). The NRG staff recognizes that actuation of an accident signal will reduce the time delay for DVR to separate the safety buses from the offsite source if the grid voltage does not recover.
b. Explain how the bus voltage improves to a higher value in 2.5 seconds as the motors accelerate if, as allowed by the DVR time delay setpoint, the degraded bus voltage conditions are postulated for more than 2.5 seconds.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-3.a:

If a LOCA signal occurs during a degraded voltage condition, the degraded voltage non-LOCA relay timer is immediately bypassed. The safety buses will then separate from the off site source and transfer to the EDGs. When the EOG is the only source of power to an ESF bus, the degraded voltage protection for that bus is disabled.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-3.b:

Design Analysis L-003364 (Reference 6) performs a block start analyses at the following switchyard voltages:

  • Minimum switchyard voltage that results in a recovery voltage to 3833 V (i.e., minimum reset voltage of DVR) at the 4 kV ESF buses in 10.9 seconds and does not trip the bus.

This analysis shows that 4 kV bus voltage of 3833 V at time 10.9 seconds corresponds to a switchyard voltage of 343.5 kV for Unit 1 and a switchyard voltage of 342.2 kV for Unit2.

Therefore, for a switchyard voltage below 343.5 kV for Unit 1 and a switchyard voltage below 342.2 kV for Unit 2, the degraded voltage relay will trip and loads will transfer to the EDGs when all the safety-related loads are started at the same time.

At the minimum postulated switchyard voltage of 352 kV, the design analysis determined that the voltage at 4.16 kV buses for Divisions 1, 2 and 3 does not drop below 3281 V when all the safety-related loads were started at the same time (i.e., block start). The voltages at the 4.16 kV buses also recover to the maximum reset voltage of the DVR's within the minimum allowable time delay (i.e., 9.4 seconds) for the DVR LOCA time delay.

At the minimum switchyard voltage that results in a recovery voltage to 3833 V, the design analysis determined that the voltage at 4.16 kV buses for Divisions 1, 2 and 3 does not drop below 3190 V when all the safety-related loads were started at the same time. The voltages at the 4.16 kV buses also recover to the minimum reset voltage of the DVR's within the maximum allowable time delay (i.e., 10.9 seconds) for the OVA LOCA time delay.

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ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information In each case the 4.16 kV bus voltages increase after 2.5 seconds into the block start as the motors accelerate and reach rated speed. This causes motor current to decrease, resulting in lower voltage drops.

Since the upper analytical limit for the LOV relays is 3185 V, a block start of the safety-related loads at the minimum switchyard voltage that results in a recovery voltage to 3833 V will not result in an inadvertent actuation of the LOV relays. Design Analysis L-002588 determined that the LOV relay calibration setpoint between 2946 volts and 3062 volts for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 and between 2857 volts and 3046 volts for ESF Division 3 will provide adequate margin with respect to the upper analytical limit.

NRC RAl-4:

On page 5 of the LAR the licensee states:

The lower analytical limit for Division 1, 2 and 3 bus [LOV] loss of voltage relays are such that none of the safety related, normally running motors stall when subjected to this voltage for the entire time delay. The minimum bus voltage that ensures none of the safety related motors running in Division 1 and 2 will stall is 65.5% of 4.16 kV or 2725 V and for Division 3 is 65% of 4.16 kV or 2704 V. The analysis determined that for these analytical values, none of the safety related motors stalled. Therefore, the lower limit of the analytical limit for Division 1 and 2 is chosen as 2812 V to provide margin. Similarly, the lower analytical limit for Division 3 is chosen as 2712 V to provide margin.

However, the LAR does not sufficiently describe the analysis used to determine that none of the Division 1 and 2 safety-related motors would stall for the predicted bus voltages.


Summarize the analysis used to demonstrate that none of the safety-related motors running in Division 1 and 2 will stall for the predicted bus voltages. Include a summary of the assumptions, initial bus voltages, magnitude of operating and starting loads, and operating parameters for protective devices including contactors used in motor circuits.

EGC Response to NRC RAl-4:

Stall Voltage:

Design Analysis L-003364, Section 9.15 and Attachment AN, (Reference 6) determined the stall voltages for the safety-related motors using the following formula:

Vstall = ~T,,.,

- - X Vrated TBD Where:

Vs1a11 = stall voltage of the motor 7ioad = motor load torque Tao = motor breakdown torque Vrated = rated voltage of the motor Page 7 of 9

AITACHMENT1 Response to Request for Additional Information If load torque was not available, the rated full load torque of the motor was conservatively used.

The calculated stall voltages for the permanently connected safety-related motors are provided in Attachment AN, Table 2, of L-003364.

The ETAP software was then used to calculate motor terminal voltages corresponding to the ESF bus voltage of 2725 V (i.e., 65.5% of 4.16 kV) at the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 - 4.16 kV buses and 2704 V (i.e., 65% of 4.16 kV) at the ESF Division 3 - 4.16 kV bus. The ETAP analyses show that the motor terminal voltages exceed the stall voltages at these 4.16 kV bus voltages.

The results of the ETAP analyses are provided in Attachment AN of L-003364.

Since the permanently connected safety-related loads are continuously running, no motors are started for this analysis.

Protective Devices ETAP was also used to calculate the running currents for the permanently connected safety-related loads at the minimum allowable value of 2870 V (i.e., 69% of 4160 V) for the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 LOV function and at 2725 V (i.e., 65.5% of 4160 V) for the ESF Division 3 LOV function. The running currents were then compared to the motor protective device settings to determine if the load will trip within 5. 7 minutes. The trip rating and trip times are obtained from the Time-Current Characteristic (TCC) curves for the TOL and MCCB. TOL trip times were corrected for maximum postulated ambient temperature during service conditions. Setpoint tolerances were also considered for determining the actuation of the TOL and MCCB. The lowest operating trip times from the TCC curves were used for the comparison.

480 VAC MCCs Contactors Dropout Klockner-Moeller (KM) type DIL universal contactors are installed in the ESF Divisions 1 and 2 MCCs. The dropout voltage for these starters is 40-60% of coil rated voltage. For continuously energized motors, the starter is provided with seal-in circuit internal to the MCC. Therefore, there is minimal circuit length and the starter coil will see approximately the same voltage as the MCC.

From ETAP at 2870.4 V (i.e., 69% of 4160 V) on the 4.16 kV bus, the lowest Division 1and2 MCC voltage is 69.14% and 65.62% of the rated voltage, respectively. Therefore, adequate holding voltage is maintained at the starters to prevent dropout of the coil and loss of the associated load.

General Electric (GE) type CR206/209 contactors are installed on MCCs 143-1 and 243-1 for the ESF Division 3 loads. The dropout voltage for these starters are not available; therefore, the dropout voltage of the CR306/309 GE starters (reference Attachment AP of Design Analysis L-003364) will be used in the Division 3 MCC contact or dropout evaluation. The magnetic coil used in CR306/309 is the same as used in CR206/209 contactors. The maximum dropout voltage for these starters is 68% of the rated voltage (i.e., NEMA Size 2 Starter with 115 VAC coil). For continuously energized motors, the starter is provided with seal-in circuit internally fed from the MCC Bus through the 480/120 VAC Control Power Transformer. Turns Ratio of the Page 8 of 9

ATTACHMENT 1 Response to Request for Additional Information transformer installed with NEMA Size 2 starter is 3.806. Based on the stated transformer ratio and dropout voltage, the voltage on the 480 V MCC (MCC 143-1/243-1) is as follows:

3.806 x 115 V x 68% =297.63 V or 62% of 480 V From the calculation at 2724.8 V (i.e., 65.5% of 4160 V) on the 4.16 kV bus, the lowest Division 3 MCC voltage is 63.14% of the rated MCC bus voltage. Therefore, adequate holding voltage is maintained at the starter to prevent dropout of the coil and loss of the associated load.


1) Letter from D. M. Gullatt (Exelon Generation Company, LLC) to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings for 4.16 kV ESF Buses," dated September 20, 2013 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML13266A107)
2) Letter from B. Purnell (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) to M. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 - Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Loss of Voltage Relay Settings (TAC Nos. MF2791 and MF2792)," dated June 20, 2014
3) Letter from A. M. Stone (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) to M. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), "LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 Component Design bases Inspection (CDBI) 05000373/2010006(DRS); 05000374/2010006(DRS)," dated February 15, 2011
4) Operability Evaluation OE 10-005, Revision 5, "Potential Non-Conservative Tech Spec for EOG Fuel Oil," dated June 13, 2014
5) Design Analysis L-002588, "Loss of Voltage Relay Setpoint for 4.16 kV Buses 141 Y, 142Y, 143, 241Y, 242Y, 243- Undervoltage Function," Revision 1E, September 5, 2012
6) Design Analysis L-003364, "Auxiliary Power Analysis," Revision 2, dated August 15, 2013 Page 9 of 9

ATTACHMENT 2 Supporting Information Design Analysis L-003364, Revision 2 Auxiliary Power Analysis

- L-003364, Section 9.15

- L-003364, Attachment AN 14 pages follow

[ Analysis No. L-003364 Revision 002 Page 150of157 Manual transfer switch OST060-XFER and the two disconnect switches <EPN IST060-DISC and 2ST060-DISC) are rated at -tOOA each <Rd. 4.67). This i:xceeds the pO\.,er panel FLC by approximately 15-t%. Connection Loading Between 4160V SWGR l41X/241X and UAT and 4160V SWGR 1.JlY/24tY The ETAP load flow analyses indicate that the loading of these connections remain within their maximum current rating for this change.

Note: The connection between 4160V SWGR's 141X and 141Y is modeled by Cable 140 in ETAP. Tire connection between4160V SWGR's 141X and 141 Y is modeled by Cable 29 in ETAP. The calculated loading of these connections are provided in the attached ETAP Branch Loading Summary Reports. CKT/Branch ID Cables 140 and 19. Connection Loading Between 480V MCC 133-3 and 480V SWGR 133 Increasing the load of Welding Receptacle OEW 166, which is fed from MCC 133-l, does not cause the feed cable between 480V MCC 133-3 and its associated 480V switchgear ( 133) to become overloaded. In addition, 4160V SWGR 141 Y to 480V SWGR 133 transformer loading remains within its rating for all load conditions I, 2, and 5. Therefore, connection loadings are acceptable for this change.

Note: The connection between 480V SWGR 133 and MCC 133-3 is modeled by Cable 66 in ETAP. The calculated loading of this connection is provided in the attached ETAP Branch Loading Summary Reports. CKT/Branch ID Cable 66. Connection Loading Between 480V MCC 032 and 480V SWGR 232Y Increasing the load of Lighting Cabinet OLL06E, which is fed from MCC 032, does not cause the feed cable between 480V MCC 032 and its associated 480V switchgear (231Y) to become overloaded. In addition. 4160V SWGR 142X to 480V SWGR 232Y transformer loading remains within its rating for all load conditions I. 2. and 5. Therefore, connection loadings are acceptable for this change.

Note: The connection between 480V SWGR 231Y and MCC 031 is modeled by Cable 159 in ETAP. The calculated loading of this connection is provided in the attached ETAP Branch Loading Summary Reports. CKT/Branch ID Cable 259.

9.15 Evaluation of Protective Devices at Sustained Degraded Voltage Condition This evaluation was performed to ensure that:

  • The o\ercurrent protections associated \\ith safety-related motors do not trip during the 5.7 minute time delay of the degraded voltage condition.


__o._L_-_oo_3_3_6_4_____________R_e_v_is_io_n__oo_2___________P_a~g~e_1_s_1_o_f_1_57~___,I I

  • The contactors in the .+80 VAC MCCs do not dropout during the degraded voltage condition.

The results of this evaluation are included in Attachment AN. Several runs of the study cases were performed at various degraded voltages to determine the minimum 4 kV ESF bus voltage at which the safoty-relatcd motors do not stall. Also, the motor currents at these degraded voltages were obtained to compare the trip times of overcurrent protective devices of these motors.

Table I identities the normally energized .f80 V equipment and buses ted from the satety related 480 V switchgears. For each load these tables provide the satety class. rating. loading (HP and Amps).

terminal voltage. and overcurrent protective device (0/C and thermal overload) relay setting. The only satety-related loads that are normally t!nergized are at the 480V switchgear's.

The 480V MCC TOL and MCCB trip settings were obtained from Passport and calculations L-OO 1562 and L-000296 (Ref. 4.4.52A and B).

The motor terminal voltages were compared to the stall voltage of the motor. Table 1 provides the calculation for the motor stall voltages. The calculation for the stall voltages is carried out using the fonnula as follows:

v.,*"' =


'I V.1a11 - stall voltage of the motor T1,"1J - motor load torque T130 - motor breakdown torque vrated - rated voltage of the motor In cases where load torque is not available, the rated full load torque of the motor is conservatively used.

Table J provides lhe analysis for motors that shows none of the satety-related motor TOL trips or

!>tails at 3120 volts I 75% of 4 I 60V) during the 5. 7 minutes. The resulting running currents and motors terminal voltages at ESF Bus Voltage of 3 I20V (see columns LOAD and Vterminal) using configurations U 1_DV_J 120 and U2-DV_3120 are shown in Table 3. TI1e evaluation considers that the bus voltage remains steady at 75% of .J 160 V for as long as 340.8 seconds or 5. 7 minutes.

The running currents were compared to the motor protective device senings to determine if the load will trip within 5. 7 minutes. The trip rating and trip times are obtained from the Time-Current Characteristic ( TCC) curves for the TOL and MCCB. TOL trip times were corrected for maximum postulated ambient temperature during service conditions. Setpoint tolerances were also considered for determining the actuation of the TOL and MCCB. The lowest operating trip times from the TCC curves were used for the compurison.


___03_3_G_4~--~..._~~-R_e_v_is_io_n__oo_2______...____P_a~g-e_1_s_2_o_f_1_s1_____.I I Table 4 provides the analysis for Divisions I and:! motors that show none of the safety-related motors stull at 27:!4.8 volts (65.5% of 4160 V). It can be seen that none of the motor stalls by comparing motor terminal voltage to the stall voltage of the motor. This is considered to be the Divisions I and 2 minimum voltage that ensure none of the safety-related running motors will stall.

This is obtained using the same configurations and methodology used for Table 3. except with fictitious voltage source set to 2724.8 V or 65 .5% of 4 I 60V.

Table 5 provides the analysis for Division 3 motors that shows none of the safety-related motors stall at 2704volts (65% of 4160 V). Using motor stall voltages calculated in Table 2 it can be seen that none of the motor stalls. This is considered to be the Division 3 minimum voltage that ensures none of the satety-related running motors will stall. This is obtained using the same configurations and methodology used for Table J, except with fictitious voltage source set to 2704 V or 65% of 4160V.

Table 6 provides the analysis for Divisions I and 2 motors that show motor TOL trip times at 2870..t volts (69% of 4160 V). It can be seen that there are 14 motors (ODGOSJ-Oil Circ Pump 87.

OVCOICA/CB, OVC02CA,OVD02C. OVE02CA/CB. IDGOSJ-Oil Circ Pump 87. 1(2)VD04C.

1(2)VX03C. 2DG05J- Oil Circ Pump B7 and 2VY06C) for which the overcurrent protective devices trips in less than 5. 7 minutes. The present settings for these motors will be revised in separate calculation (not part of this calculation) to ensure that these motors do not trip in less than 5.7 minutes under a sustained degraded voltage condition.

Table 7 provides the analysis for Division 3 motors that show motor TOL trip times at 27:'.!4.8 volts (65.5% of 4160 V). It can be seen that there are two motors (I E22-S00187 and '.!E22-SOOI B7) for which the overcurrent protective devices trips in less than 5.7 minutes. These motors will be further reassessed and documented in separate calculation (not part of this calculation).

480 V AC MCCs Contactors Dropout Klockner-Moeller (KM) type DIL universal contactors are installed in the ESF Divisions I and 2 MC Cs. The drop out voltage for these starters 40-60% of coil rated voltage (Ref. 4.29). For continuously energized motors, the starter is provided with seal-in circuit internal to the MCC.

Therefore. there is minimal circuit length and the starter coil will see approximately the same voltage as the MCC. From ETAP at 2870.4 volts (69<'/o of 4160 V) on the 4.16 kV bus the lowest Division l and 2 MCC voltage is 69.14% and 65.62% of the rated voltage. respectively. Therefore. adequate holding voltage is maintained at the starters to prevent drop out of the coil and loss of the associated load.

General Electric tGE) type CR206/209 contactors are installed on MCCs 143-l and 243-1 for the ESF Division 3 loads. The Dropout voltage for these starters are not available. therefore the dropout voltage ofCR306/309 GE starters !See Attachment AP) will be used in Division 3 MCC contactor dropout evaluation. The magnetic coil used in CR306/J09 is same as used in CR.:!06/209 contactors.

The maximum dropout voltage for these starters is 68% of the rated voltage (NEMA Size 2 Starter with 115 VAC coil). For continuously energized motors. rhe starter is provided with seal-in circuit internally fed from the MCC Bus through ~801120 V AC Control Power fransforrner. Tums Ratio of the transformer installed with NEMA Size 2 starter is 3.806 (Re( 4.97. p. 17). Based on the stated transformer ratio and dropout voltage. the voltage on the 480V MCC (MCC 143-ln43-l) is:

3.806 x I 15V,; 68% = 297.63V or62% of480V.

~-A~n~a~ly~s-is;..;;..N_o_.L_-_0_03_3_6_4~____.._______R_e_v_is_io_n__oo_2..___~..._---P-a~g~e-1_s_3_o_f_1_s_1____.I I From ETAP at 27::!4.8 volts (65.5% of-t 160 VJ on the -t.16 kV bus the lowest Division 3 MCC voltage is oJ.14% of the rated MCC bus voltage. Therefore, ade~uate holding voltage is maintained at the starter to prevent dropout of the coil and loss of the associated load.


__ o._L_-0

__ 03_3_6_4______.._______R_e_v_is_io_n__ oo_2____~-----P_a_g_e_1_5_4_o_f_1_57____...I I Dropout of Other Safotv-Related Rdav ln~talled in I 20 VAC Control Circuits fhe following safety-related relays are installed in 120VAC control circuits (See Ref. 4.Q8)

Manufacturer Model Inrush VA Potter-Brumfield KRP-1 IAG 4 KRP-1..JAG Agastat 7014AB 8 7024AB GE CR281014AJ 29.4 CR281015AJ Agastat GP! 6 Agastat 7012AE 12 7012AB 7022AB Eru!le HP5 12.95 ITE JIOA202..J 12 JIOA2012 GE CR2820 12 GE IAV-69 110 GE HMA 15 GE HFA 60 The dropout voltage for the following relays was obtained from vendor information:

Manufacturer Model Dropout Voltage(% of rated)

Agastat 7014AB 50 (Attachment AP) 702-1.AB Agastat GPI 10-.W (Attachment AP)

Agas tat 7012AE 50 (Attachment AP) 7012AB 7022AB GE IAV-69 45-115 (Attachment AP)

Agastat 7012AB 50 (Attachment AP)

GE HFA 30-60 (Attachment AP)

Based on a review of dropout voltages of power control relays. it is revealed that the dropout voltage increases \11ith the relays inrush VA. Therefore. the higher the inrush VA of the relay. the higher is the dropout' oltage. fhis is also demonstrated in the Jropout vol rages of the above relays. fhe dropout voltages for Potter-Brumfield (KRP-1 IAG and KRP-14AG). GE (Models CR281014AJ, CR281015AJ. CR2820 and HMA). Eagle (HP5). and rTE (JIOA2024 and J IOA.2012) could not be obtained from the vendor documents. For all of these relays. the inrush VA is smaller than the inrush VA of the GE f-IFA relay. Therefore, it can be assumed that the dropout voltage for these rela~s v,ill be less than the one for the GE HFA relay (60% of the rated).

"------A~n~a1.y_si_s_N_o_._L_-0_0_33_G_4.._~--.a.-~~-R-e_v~...;._;io_n_o_o_2~----'~--P-a_g~e_1_5_5_o_t_1s_1~__.I I Based un the ET AP analysis the lowest Division I. 2 and 3 MCC voltage is higher than 63% of the rated MCC bus voltage. Therefore, adequate holding voltage will be maintained at the relays at the 120 VA C control circuits to prevent drop out of the coi I and loss of the associated load.

9.16 Summary and Recommendations The LaSalle ETAP model database is saved in the following computer tile:

ETAP Data File: LAS_Aux_Power_Anal_R018.MDB File Size: 84.348KB File Date!fime: 08/J 3/2013 I 11: 16 AM This scope of this calculation does not provide recommendations for any equipment that is calculated to be overloaded.

See Attachment AE for complete list of Critical Reports for each Configuration

I Analysis No. L-003364 Revision 002 Page ANO of AN7 ATTACHMENT AN Spreadsheet Calculation and Results for the Evaluation of Protective Devices at Sustained Degraded Voltage Condition

c.lcutltlonHo. L..oo33e.4R..... 002

-AN PagtiAH1 ofAN7 Tllble1 *lnpolil ID

- TOLnn .,.,.


EQ Z...


C2 C2 M:U.EQ


[Ntile9J 10<



Z- Ttmp. CorrttUaa (NtiklO) 1.00 Noln 1.75 C2 104 Ill Ill Ill 11 C2 ...

Ill 21 C2 104 C2 C2 ...

104 C2 C2 1..

C2 l.I C2 C2 C2 104 C2 104 C2 C2 ""

104 C2 C2 ...

104 21 l.7S C2 C2 C2 104 10.5 H4 Ill IE22-C002 HPCS DIESEL COOL WTR PUMP SR 143-1 IAP79E-ID 100 HP IIU -460 WA ll-0 C3 109 J.02 IE22-C003 HPCS WATER LEG P\Jli.fP SR IAP79E>2C 7.S HP 9.S 460 IJ.n CJ 109 1.02: 1,2.4,,

lE22-SOOOIB7A DGIB SOAK BACK OIL PUMP 87A SR 143-l!Local 1E.?2-B7A*L*BKR o.n HP 1.4 l.9l C3 109 l.02 1,2.3.'4.6 IE22*SOOIB7 0018 OU.. CfR.PllltfP 87 SR 143*111.octl 1£22-87-L-BKR I HP 2.0S 460 CJ 109 1.02 I.2.3,.t,6 JV002C HPCSfl,'ELSTORAOETAN'KRME.\lHAN SR J.43.J IAP79E-5F 3 HP 4.6 <<iO 9.01 C3 109 JVDOJC DG-IARMVENTFAN SR IJ6X-3 IAPllE-82 40 lF ro "460 C2 I .. 1.00 I '

!VD04C DGIA FUEl. STOR TK RM EXH FAN SR C2 104 1.00 1. 2. 5 1vrmc HPCSSWGRRMSUPPLYFAN SR 143-1 IAP79E.6A IS HP 21 460 WA CJ 109 1.02 1.2.4.,

JVD06C HPCS BAT RM EXH FAN SR 143*1 IAP79£*3A 1 HP 1.7 460 N/A 9.01 C3 109 102 1,2,4,S SR SR SR 143*1 136X*l 136X*I mx-2 HR' 20HP UHP 2H 21 2.2

"° 4'0 WA

!<A 41.13 27 24 C3 109 Ill Ill 1.02 1.2,4,S SR 25 32 460 C2 SR 13SX-1 IHP 1.7 460 NIA KMZ0-2.1 19 H4 Ill 1.03 '

I. s SR SR SR IJSX-1 136X*2 IJ6X*I 11-F 25HP IHP 1.75 32 1.7

.MO 440 460 NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 KMZ2-40 KMZ0-2.1 "'

19 C2 H4 Ill 104 Ill 1.02 1.00 1.03 I


S SR SR SR 131SX*I 136X-2 136X*I I fF 201-IP I Y' 1.7 26.1 1.7 460 460 460 "A

NIA KMZ0-2.1 Jao.tZ2-.tO KMZ0-2.1 1.9 32 19 C2 H4 Ill Ill L03 l.00 I.OJ I 2.5 I 2.'

I '

SR 20HP 26.I 440 K.~Z2-40 Ill VR' 37

" H4 Ill 103 I '

SR 32 460 KMZ2"'° 1.02 I SR SR NIA "'


"'"' Ill Ill Ill 1.tt2 LOS I


SR SR SR 236X*2 N'A 21 i.n C2 C2 ...


1.05 1.00 1.00 I

I 6 S

6 10.S SR SR 236Y*I 243-1 WA WA llO CJ Ill 109 1.05 1.02 I.'

1.2.4,5 2E22-C003 HPCS STAJIDBY .,,'ATER LEO PUMP SR 243*1 2AP79£-2C 7.S HP 9.5 460 13.!t C3 109 1.02 I. 2.4,'

2E22.SOOOIB7A 2800 SOAKBACKOILPUMPB1A SR 3 24J*M.. ocal 2£22-B?A*l*BKR 0.75 HP 1.4 19' 109 2£22*500187 2D DG LUBE Oll.. CIRC PUMP B? 3 243-lfl.. ocal 2£22-97-t,..BKR I HP 460

" C3 109 1.02 1.02 J,2,3,4,6 1,2,3,4,6 SR 2.05

" 2ll C3 2VIX12C 2\'DOJC HPCS flTEL STOR TANK R.\.I EXH FAN DO 2A ROOM VENT FAN SR SR 243*1 236X-3 2AP79E-SF 2APllE-B2 3 HP 40 HP 4.6 50 .

460 NIA 7l ..

9.01 CJ 109 104 1.02 1,2,4,5 DG2A STO n: RM EXH FAN Hl'CS SWGR RM SUPPtY FAN SR 236.X-2 243-1 2.AP79£-6A ISHP 21 ... l.I C2 CJ 104 109 SR 2AP19E-5A l HP 1.7 9.01 CJ 109 SR 20-1 C3 109 SR 236X-1 10HP 25.3 .-SO 27 H4 Ill SR 236X-1 2AP71E-A2 UHP 2.2 460 2l Ill SR 235X*2 2AP72E-BI 25HP 32 460 3l "'C2 104 SR Zi5X-1 2AP71E-CI I HP J.7 460 Ill SR 23SX-1 2AP71E-C5 I HP l.7S 4'0 WA Ill S1t 236X-2 2AP10£.BI 104 S1t 236X-1 IHP 1.7 460 Ill 236X-1 SR SR SR 236.\:-2 23C\'.-I I HP 20HP I

1.7 2U 1.7

.f60 460 460 19 30 "'

C2 Ill 104 Ill SR 23SY-2 20HP 26.I .uo Ill 236Y-1 2AP82E*Fl 2!iHP 3 4'° Ill SR 235Y-2 2AP76E-E3 Ill SR 2' HP 32 460 SR SR SR 235Y*2 236Y*I 235\'-I 2AP76£-FS 2APl2E-F5 2AP75E-EJ

>HP 460 460 l<A WA I

H4 Ill Ill Ill 1.05 1.05 I

I S Nota:

1. L..:1 iltror..oo. m. ETAP.
2. ll>>dS4<<y 0-, J);ica. Ba, MCCB. mdTot. ~Imm f'awporl txupt"' IMJMd~e
3. Tite TOL ~ h llia.e ladon WU m.i \QJtdowa (For waA:doWJI pjdurtll Sft Attadmem AO).

4.TkTOL"'-'<<SdtmearlfhMftTripOJnwttb-G£ .. ..._~o(liek.mm1*1t~~...-tiidlaproYidie-diA6eTOll)pecota..bltieOETOU~4.4,~2A~8)..

5. new bdewn:ml t.. "-Pf1 arVETFBiildi:J" J~(Rd. 4.93)~ * ..-!~.
6. fieMio.dawmitblk:&t'~-~tn:....a.doin(farw~~Se.:,~AO).
7. Tlw ful ~~adlOL WonUb;i bOCOColC oo.iMdm.i clbkriol!. L--000276(Rcf. *.~)

I. EQ for .::8 MCC 119 P&tporl 9.~~EQa.eT~t"..UfSAATllNec3.ll*l~.3.11*241M3.11*27{Jld.4.99)

ID. T~.-...eO:irm:ib f.ckn &tm Pnx:t'dlln LEP*AP-03 (Ref .t.100)

Calculation No. L-003364 Rev. 002 Attachment AN Page AN2 of AN7 Table 2 -Calculation of the Motor Stall Voltages T load Low BHP"'~151' ID Description Ratfng Tbd Vr BHP FLT Vs tall Noles RPM ,RiiJ OCOOlC NA N1A NA N.A N:A N'A 8 ODG05J 460 0.9 NA 4.59 4.13 251.95 1,2,6 ODG05J-B7A 460 0.5 N'A 1.40 1.52 289.25 1.2 3 OVCOlCA 460 48.7 1770 N'A 148.3 144.50 251.49 1,2 4 OVCOlCB 460 48.7 1770 N/A 148.3 144.50 251.49 1,2.4 OVC02CA 460 21 1775 N'A 73.9 62.14 238.42 1,2 OVC02CB 460 21 1775 NA 73.9 62.14 238.42 l 2 OVC03CA N.A N/A N*A NA NA N*A NA OVC03CB NA NA NA N°A NA NA NtA OVC04CA 460 71 1781 NA 294.89 20937 220.65 1.2,4 OVC04CB 460 71 1781 NA 294.89 209.37 220.65 1,2,4 460 90.7 1775 NA 295 268.37 302.05 1.2. 7 460 90.7 1775 NA 295 268.37 299.92 1.2. 7 460 30.2 1765 NIA 118.9 89.86 218.17 l 2 460 2.8 1735 NA 9.1 8.48 250.16 1.2 460 76 1781 1780 294.89 22424 228.35 1,2,4 460 76 1781 1780 294.89 224.24 228.35 1 2.4 460 46 1770 NA 148.3 136.49 244A2 1.2.4 460 46 1770 N*A 148.3 B6.49 244.42 1,2,4 460 83.5 1781 N 1A 294.89 24623 23928 1,2 4 460 83.5 1781 N:A 294.89 l.2,4 460 116.25 1784 NA 368 1.2.5 460 11625 1784 NIA 368 t.2 5 13.2 460 NA 1770 NA 2.97 1,2 13.76 460 0.9 1145 NA 4.59 1,2.6 3.85 460 0.5 1725 NA 1.40 1.2.3 40.00 460 3515 NA ll.21 l 2 317 460 78 3557 NA 147.8 1,2 7.5HP 40.00 460 6 3515 NIA 11.21 l,2 0.7511P 628 460 0.5 1125 NA 2.28 1.2.3 l llP 13.76 460 0.9 ll45 N1A 4.59 1.2.6 28.66 460 2.8 1730 N*A 9.1 1,2,4 399.5 460 30.2 1765 N!A 118.9 1,2 460 2.8 1730 NIA 9.1 1.2,4 460 13 1770 N.A 44.5 1.2 460 NA 1770 !750 2.9 l.2 460 13 1770 NIA 44.5 1,2 460 13.9 1770 1765 59.40 l.2 NIA N.A NA NIA NA 10 460 22 1775 NrA 73.9 l.2 460 0.14 1770 N,A 2.9 1.2 460 NA 1165 NIA 4.5 1,2 440 21 1775 N:A 73.9 1,2 460 OJ25 1766 1750 2.9 1 2.4 460 0.14 1770 1750 2.9 1,2.4 460 16.8 1770 1750 59.3 l.2.4 460 0.14 1770 1750 2.9 440 11 1770 NA 59.3 460 21 1775 NIA 73.9 460 23 1775 N'A 73.9 460 1730 NlA 15.2 460 1730 NA 15.2 12.14 460 0.9 ll45 NA 4.59 4.13 460 0.5 1725 NIA 1.40 1.52 460 6 3515 NA H21 8.97 217.77 460 NA 3557 NeA 147,8 106.50 266.63 1,2 460 6 3515 NA 1121 8.97 217.77 1 2 460 0.5 1725 NA 2.28 1.52 226.49 1,2,3 460 0.9 1145 NA 4.59 4.13 251.95 1,2,6 460 2.8 1730 NA 9.l 8.50 250.52 1,2.4 460 30.2 1765 NA 118.9 89.86 218.17 l.2 460 2.8 1730 NA 9.1 8.50 250.52 1.2 4 2VD05C 460 13 1770 NA 44.5 38.57 23090 l 2 2"VD06C 460 NoA 1770 NfA 2.9 NA 218.10 l,2 2VD07C 460 13 1770 NA 44.5 38.57 230.90 1.2 2VG01C 460 13.9 1770 1765 59.40 41.36 259.47 1,2 2VG02C N.A NA NA N.A NIA NA NiA 10 2VXOlC 460 22 1775 NA 73.9 65.10 244.03 1.2 2VX02C 460 0.14 1770 NA 2.9 N"A 460 NrA H65 1150 4.5 NA 440 21 1775 NIA 73.9 62.14 460 0.125 1766 1750 2.9 0.38 460 0.14 1770 1750 2.9 0.42 460 16,8 1770 1750 59.3 50.42 460 0.14 1770 1750 2.9 0.42 440 17 1770 N:A 59.3 50.44 460 21 1775 N*A 73.9 62.14 1,2 460 23 1775 NA 73.9 68.05 1,2 460 4 1730 KA 15.2 12.14 1.2,4 460 1730 NIA 15.2 12.14 241.85 1.2.4 460 1730 NA 15.2 12.14 241.85 1,2,4 Notes:

l. Load information from ETAP.
2. Brt:akdown 1orque (TBD), BHP, RPM and full load torque (FLT) from VTEIP Binder J-0299 (Ref. 4.93) except as noted oterv.ise.
3. Basis for 3'4 HP motor Breakdown torque:

Full load torque of3.4 HP motors listed in the table above is calculated as follows FLT3'4 = 5252*HP,RPM"' 5252*0.75. 1725 ~ 2.2835 lb-ft (36.54 oz-ft).

PerNEMA Standard MG*l. Part IO, page 6(Ref.4.4.l.1),60Hz. 1725 RPM, 3 4 HP 1 phase motor breakdown torque ranges from 5K0-82,5 oz-ft or 158°.-226°0 of3/4 HP full load torque (36.54 uz-fl).

1'.'Ef'.tA MG-1 (Ref. 4.4.U, Part 12, p38e 9) recommends the breakdown torque ofpolyphase small motor torque lo be not less than 140 percent of the breakdown torque ofa single-phase small motor.

Therefore, the breakd0\\11 torque of3.'4 HP motor shall range from 22~r316"* of full load torque, MMeover, NEMA MG* 1 pro\ides LR torque \*alue for 1 HP poly phase motors, bU1 does not provide same values for 3, 4 HP motors.

Hence, l HP motor LR. torque of275*e(See Ref. 4.4.l.J, Part 12, page 10) will be used as breakdown torque for 3 4 HP motors.

Use of2751 ii breakdown torque for14 HP motors is conservative and falls in the recommended NEMA range of220"o-316'"*.

Afso, review of small moloo shows that breakdown torque normally exceeds 300 "*of full load torque.

4. BHP for tbc$e motors obtained from Attachment A.
5. Breakdown torque for mo1or0VE04CA(B)wu obtaied from Performance Test on page At 12 of Attachment A.
6. PerNEMA MG*l(Ref. 4.4.1, Parl 12,pagc 11) breakdown torque for lHPmotorsis 300'% of full load lorque. and for 15 HPmowrs breakdown torque is 200"iioffu11 load torque.

Therefore, breakdown torque of3()()'l. and 20()'JI, of full load torque is wed in stall n'>ltage cakulation for t HP and I 5 HP motors.

7. Breakdowntorqueof2l~ooffuU load torque is used for IOOHP motorOVC05CA(B)(seeNote 5) based on smilarity between JOO HP and 125 HPGE motors.

This f$ conservative becilti$e perNE!l.1A. MG-I (Ref. 4.4.1.l ), motors with lower HP have higher breakdown tmque exprcsed in percent of full load torque.

8. Carbon Dioxide Refrigeration Unit motor OCOOJC is not evaluated in !his an:dysis:, as !his nwtof's safety dau is Augmented Quality !AQ).
9. FansOVC'03C'A(B}\\i1I automatically re-align (go into service) on either of the tollo\\-ing initiation signals lo insure trt:ated and positive air pressure in the Confrol Room and AEER
a. High Outside Air Radiation 12 detectors ;::6.0 mR hr in the same trip system). These detectors are divided into 2 trip systems \\ith 2 channels per trip system.

A high radiation signal from two deteclora in the same trip system automatically places the EMU imo service.

Either trip sys1em will initiate the aru. Two channels in M=ries per trip system prevents spurious operation of the EMUs because of the lo\\ value setpoint.

b. High Outside Air Smoke (any one of 4 loo smoke detectors).

Either condition results in the following action: the VC System A{B} is aligned to Emergency Makeup Mode (Pressurization Mode) and OVC03CA(B1 Control Room Emergency Makeup Fan STARTS.

Therefore. based on the stated above Control Room Emergency Makeup Fans OVC03CA(BJ are not normally running although ETAP has modeled them comervatively to be running under normal conditions.

Hence, OVC03CA(B} are nol evaluated in this analysis.

to. SBGTS Cooffng Fans li2)VGQ2C are not normally running during plant operation since standby gas treatment system is only operated in the test mode during normal plant operation (Ref. 4.101).

Thm,SBGTSCoofingFam 1(2)VG02C are not evaluated in this analysis.

ClilcWlbn No. L-003364 Rev. 002 AllachmefllAN f'-oe AN3 of ANT T Equlpme .. Loading al Oeg111ded Vobge of 312W (75% of 4160\I)


Trip Unit LTD Load Trip Unff WAD s.ttk1f, er Ainp (% Trip ID TOLTYPE v.... Yn/Na (AMP)

LTD Time Sddllll lAtu) Seulnc) (MIN)

OCOOIC CARBONDIOXJDEREFRJOUNJT 5J57 JS 39.0S NT A*BW4S 1.00 NIA NIA N!A 362.7 NIA OOOOSJ OOOENOOILCIRCPUMP87 2.359 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 LOO 117.95 5.8 251..95 359.2 No 2.3 OOOOSJ..B7A DOOENOOll.SOAKBACJOUMPB7A l.196 NIA NIA N1A KMZ0-2.1 1.75 1.00 61.34 NT 2S9.25 362 No "3 OVCOICA CRHYACSUPPLYFANOA 14.21 100 !4.21 NT KMZ4-IOO 75 1.0S 117.19 10 251.49 337.9 No 2.3 OVCOICB CONTRMHVACSlil'PLYFANOO 83.16 100 B3.16 f'.I KMZ4-IOO 75 1.05 117.40 10 251.49 339.3 No 2.3 OVC02CA CRHVACRETIJRNFANOA 3!.12 52 73.31 NT KMZ2-40 37 35 1.03 112.18 IS 231.42 341 No 2.3 1

~~~~~~r~!tt::;c~.~""".A"+_;~,t"'!;,_. +-7.L2':-+-;:~;c::;;:+~~,,_+-~K... :_!-_ *_~_r_+--~-~-1-~:,,~"'f'-: +-~r"'~"':~'-+--~.,,

..~,_+--"~:"':--l 1

OVC04CB ~ 107 160 66.81 NT

. tZ2-40 I 2.,'l(),65 353.9 No "3 O\'C05CA CRHVACREFRJOCOMPOA 143 ISO 79.44 NT 312.45 354.l No 2.3 ovcosce OVDOIC OVOOlC CONTRMREFRIOUNITOB ODOROCUVE!'ffFAN OOORM\'El\TFAN 143.9 48.84 49.15 180 75 75 79.94 65.12 65.53 NT NT 1T KMZ2..fl0 60 60 LOO 11.40 11.92 NT

!\I 312.45 211.7 218.7 351.9 358.3 356 No No No 2.3 1.3 2.3 OVD02C ODOFL'EL=~EF~NKROOM 5.713 NIA NiA N:A KMZ0-6.6 5.1 1.00 112.02 250.16 356.1 No OV -rt* *n .,..,..L1 FAN > 793 NIA NIA NIA KM 71)..f;f, 5. 1.00 1'>0.16 'i . N.-.. ,

OVEO CA AUJUfV*.\CSt..'Pf'LYfANA IZJ.9 160 11,oM NT <*'" m,J.~ J"'6j Ne>

OVEDICB AEERSUPPLYFANOB Ill.I 160 NT 221DS 343.4 No OVE02CA AEERHVACRETI...'R.HANA 77.63 95 81.72 NT KMZ4-SO 69 1.00 112.51 ti 244.42 342.6 No OVE02CB AEERRETUR.""'FANOB 7139 95 82.52 NT KMZ4-IO 69 l.00 ll3.61 10 244.42 339.3 Na OVE03CA A AEERHVAC~~COOLEDCNDSR IS4.6 160 96.63 13.2 239.11 345 No 10005.J..2 DO-IAENOOJLSOAKBACKPl1'MPB7A 1.239 NIA NIA NIA KMZO-l.I 1.75 1.00 70.IO NT 289.25 349.5 No IEl2-C003 B!CRHRWA1ERLEOP1JMP 9.913 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-14 10.S 1.03 97.14 NT 217.77 352.4 No 1E21..C002 HPCS DlESEL COOL WTR PUMP 111.1 Ni A NIA NIA O~ l~~~:i~)IC 15-0 I .02 80.38 Y...'T 166.63 348 No OE CRl2.lCl37B IE21-C003 HPCS WATER LEO PUMP IO.D4 NIA NIA NIA 13.88 1.02 73.71 NT 217.77 347.9 No 2,3


IE22- OECRl23Cl.96A DOI B SOAK BACK OIL PUMP 87 A NT 226.49 No SOOOIB7A 1.259

" 139 NT (1.S6-1.73A)

OE CRJ23C2.61A 1.9' 1.02 1.02 97,61 11.5 251.95 342.2 No IE22*SOOIB7 IV002C DOIBO!L CIR PUMP 87 HPCS FUEL STORAGE TANK RM E.\'.H 2.469 6.IS NIA 16.46 NIA NIA 12.06-221A)

OE CRI 23CS67 A 258 9.01 1.02 69.62 NT 25DJ2 3433 No FAN (7.21 *8.22A) 1V003C IVOOIC 00-IA RM VENT FAN DOIA FL'EL STOR TK RM EXH FAN 50.19 5.90S 1*

NIA 66.92 NIA KMZ(l.(j.6 l.1 60 I.Oil IJ)I) 13.65 115.71 NT 21!.7 250.52 341.6 346.l No IVOOSC HPCS SWOR RM SUPPLY FAN 24.64 N/A NIA OE CRl23C366B 33.6*31.IAi 42 1.02 ,.,,. NT 230.9 346.l No OECR123CS67A IVD06C HPCS BAT R.\f EXH FAN 2.243 Nr'A NIA Ni A 9.01 1.02 2539 NT 218J 3473 No

<7,21-l.22A) 1V007C HPCSSWORRJl.iE.AlHAN 24.67 NiA NIA N/A OE~~;~~:\58 41J3 1.02 6U8  !'.I 23{1.9 34S.6 No IVGOIC SOTS Effi TRAIN SUPPLY FAN 25.68 40 64.20 NT KM Z2-40 27 J.05 99.87  !'Iii 259.47 34H ., 3 IVG02C SOTSCOOLINOFAN l.93S NIA NIA NIA

"-~"~~~01~c_.__~rn~v~1~sw~o~R~1U>""'1s~UP"-'-'FAN,,,__-+~'~'~*01--1---'"'----1-""~"~'-1--NT~,,_1-- -+--'"---+---"1.~oo'--+-~1~03~Jl6"-+-~NT:,;-+-='~~~*'~'+-~'~'~"1;--+--"'No'--+-~'~'--1 1VX02C DIV 1 BAT RM E.\'.H PAN 0.721 NIA NIA NIA 1.9 J.03 39.D9 NT 211.1 362.8 No ., 3 IVXOJC 250\'DC BAT RJl.t E."\"H FAN 2.254 NIA ~A NIA L02 11495 7 246.98. 356.7 No 2. 3 IVX04C DIV2SWORRMst:PPLYFAN 3629 41 75.60 NT KMZ2-40 3S 1.00 103.69  :-IT 221.0"5 349.9 No 23 IVXOSC 00'2125VOCBATRJi..fEXHFAN 0.751 NIA NIA N/A KMZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 41.09 l'\'T 211.1 345.9 No 3 IVX06C RPMOSJtMIBATRMEXHFAN O.I03 NIA NiA N1A KMZ0.2.1 1.9 1.03 43.53 ~I 211.I 345.6 No 3 IVX07C ~OSETRM:SUPPLYFA.1'.l 31.17 40 79.6! NT KMZ.2..w 32 1.00 99.59 NT 225.45 346.6 No 2.3 IVXOIC RPMOSRMIBATRME\'.HPA.i"\ 0.803 NIA N.A NfA x:MZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 43.53 ':-IT 211.1 345.6 No ., 3 lVYOIC ARHRPVMPRMCOOLERFAN 29.99 37 ll.05 ITT KMZ2-40 35 1.03 U.26 NT 21S.7 357.7 No 3 IVY03C RHRPUMPR.\18/CCLRFAN 41.43 52 79.67 NT KMZ2-40 40 1.02 JOHS NT 231.42 3SS.4 No 3 l\'Y04C LPCSPUMPRMCOO~ -41.D-4 S2 78.92 NT K.."11.2-40 40 1.02 104.65 NT 249.52 351.1 No 23 JVY05C RHRAIBSWPUMPRM 9.:J.77 NIA NIA NlA KMZO..ll J.OS 123.07 12.5 241.15 341.9 No 1VY06C 20005J.B7 RHR CID SW PUMP R.'\1 D02AOILCIRCPMP87 t*::t~9~.26~6ct=~N~'AL=t~N~'At:1c)NT~=t=!KM~Z~O-~ltl 2.425 N/A NIA NiA KMZ0-2.I


2.1 1.00

~=¥.12~<~73Ct=f12~~2'~1.~"=t=434~5~.9=t=~N~'o=t='g:3 llS.48 6.8 251.95 349.5 No 2.3

1 2D005J.B7A D02AOll.SOAKBACKPMP87A 1.227 N<<A NIA NfA KMZ0.2.1 1.75 l.00 70.11 NT 219.15 351.1 No 2.3 2El2..C003 RHR&CWTRLEOPUMP 9.997 NIA NIA 1T ~"vtZ0.14 10.S I.OS 99!11 30 217.77 349.4 No 1.3 2E.12.C002 HPCSOOCOOUNOWATERPUMP 118.2 NIA N/A N1A O~l~~~:i~)lC 150 1.02 &0.38 NT 266.63 3-41.2 No 2E22..C003 HPCS STA.."JDBY WATER LEO PUMP IO.G9 NIA NIA NIA OECRl2.lCl37B 111.1*12.4A) 13.81. 1.02 7415 NT 217.77 3463 No 2E22-SOOOIB7A 2B 00 SOAK BACK OIL PUMP 87A 1166

" 8.44 NT OE CRI23CL96A (U6*1.73A) 1.9' 1.02 95 226.49 No OE CRl23C2.61A 2E22*SOOIB7 28 DO LL'BE OIL CIRC PUMP 87 2.411 15 16S4 NT (2.06-2.11A) 25! 1.02 9i.09 1.5 2SL95 J..41.6 No 2\'D02C HPCS FUEL STOR T AA'K. RM E.\'.H FAN 6.149 NIA OE CRI 23Cl67 A 9.01 ID2 69.61 NT 2~H2 3432 No 2V003C 2VD04C 00 2A Roa.t VENT FAN D02A STO TIC RM EX:H FAN 50.01 75 N/A 66.61 NIA t7.21-1.22A)

KMZ2..fl0 Kl\olZ0-6.6 60 l.l 11>0 1.00

!335 115.53 NT 211.17 2j-O.S2 J..49.1 346.!

No No ,,

2VD05C HPCSS\VORR.l\1 Sl...'PPLY FAN 24.61 N/A NIA NIA OE CR113C366B l33.6-37.IA) 42 1.02 S9.77 NT 230.9 346.S No 2VD06C HPCSBATJERYRMEXHFAN 2.241 N1A NIA NIA 0~7~~~~~~A 9.0) 1.02 2531 218..1 347.7 No 2VD07C 2309 2\'00IC SBOTTRAINSUPPLYFAN 2S.71 45 57.13 1'<1 K.MZ2-40 27 I.OS 99.91 NT 259.47 345 No ., 3 Z\'002C SBOTCOOUNOFAN 2.936 N;A NIA N'A KMZ0-3.7 2.5 I.OS N/A N/A N1A 3-45.1 N'A S 2VXOJC DIV I SWOR RM SUPPLY FAN 3S.98 47 76 55 ITT KMZ2~ 3S 1.00 102.10 hi 244.03 363 No Z. 3 2VX02C DIV 1125\'DCBAITRMEXHAN 0.72 N/A NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 1.9 J.03 39.03  !'<'T 211.1 363.2 No 3 2VX03C 250VDCBATR."dE.XHFAN 2.242 N,A NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l 2 1.02 114~ 7 246.98 358.6 No 2.3 2VX0-4C DIV2SWORR.\1SUPPLYFA."l" 36.13 41 7S.27 NT KMZ2-40 35 LOO 103.23 NT 228.05 351..5  !'lo 2.3 2YX05C DIV 2125\'DCBATR.ld EXH PA..'I 0.758 N.A N1A N 1A KM Z0.2.l 1.9 1.03 41.09 NT 211.l 34S.7 No 2. 3 2VX06C EXHFA.""'BAITRMR.XPROTMO 0.803 NIA NJA NiA K.\tZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 4353 NT 211.1 34S.6 No 23 t-;;,~~;,;,x;;;:~;;~;--j-"EX'"":;';;oF;;';~;';;'~c;:~!1RMSUPPLYFA!~N!Q:::tj~(!.io2j':=i:=J:~.AL=t='1j!~'.~~:2;;~,AW=1::.:Ml:~~-40b2.LI:j=ji°;2.9=t=j:j::t=:t:1:3~~~3=t:~~~t:ltL2l~i~l::t23~~~~I*=t::t~~:::it:~t:t::l 1 1 5 20 225 2VYOIC A RHR PUMP 30.19 44 61.61 NT KM Z:?-40 35 l.03 81.J.4 NT 215.7 355.3 N"o 1 3 2VYOJC RHRP\JMPS 41.9 52 W.SI  !\T K..MZ2-40 40 1.02 106.15 NT 2llA2 351.4 So 3 2VY04C LPCSPUMP 4J.15 52 79.13 NT K.MZ240 40 1.02 104.93 NT 249.52 357.1 ~o 2VY05C 2VY06C RHRAIBSW RHRODSWPUMPRMVENTFAN 9.175 9.596 N/A N*A NIA

~'A XiA l'i'A KMZ0-11 KMZ0-11 1.05 I.OS 120.42 11595 15 10 241.15 241.iS 349,4 334 No No 2VY07C RHRSW'P2A&:2Bet:BRTill"FAN 9.264 N1A K'A K1A KMZO.ll IOS 121.59 15 241.85 346 No Newt:

I F_,OVC03CA(B)Wll mtom1.Dcahy rt*dip (So inlo terYitt)Oll~ ofile imtiati.on lip.ah to il:uwt n*1t ...:I p;:l&itiveait pres~ in Ike C~ Room Mid AEER a J-hsh0ulili.X-Aif~(21kkci1n~.On>R!lirifl*wnieiripsydml).Th~ddttson1ttdi\ilkdinto2iriptyAnu'ft'i4!1~ptttripsyRmi.

A 1UF radiarion tipd Rom nrro*1eetort in 1he .ame rip l)W:!n ~ p&.e.e:. *ie EMU into .:o-W:.

Ettltn.-jpJYMDiYl'il.....,_kv.n.'.T"o~ialltriHP""1ripS)*Am1p-n-=ts~opn~ofkEMl1 t~ol'~kiowvatr.e~

b Higb OuUide AV s..oke l~*~ of4 ico cwke dttec:ton).

EiW:reondrtioanwhl i1!1 il.t rolJowi:nt -.ctloi:i; ~ \'C Systtn:i M,8) iit-.liped to~ Makeup Mo&e-(Pr~ Mock)-1 OVCtl3CA(8)Coonl Room~ !..ute., Fm STARTS Thtrebt, ~..,. - "*4 .ho"e C:O.wol Room~ Mabup Fau OVC03CA(B)*eaot DClf"MJllly , _ . . ETAP ~ ll'IOdtkd lll:tmi (:(_,-;'*livdy to br~ undcs"omn.I COJldiM:cu.

H~ OVC03CA(B)arell0t n<ak.icd ia .U

2_ MCCBJMl TOL TripT*&mic.kuMliou L-001562..d L-000296(}Uf 4-4.52A-.d 0). lfbdcwreotuloea._ mp.nns. NTwumtoed bSlpt8w.

3. w.d(Amf'l)udYtmainalfumETAPl.oMFlow,Jtallvot-.e(Yrtlll)m.T-':llc2ollbit~.
4. ~DioDie~Uniir~OCOOJCi.DOtn~il'lthU~MtlW:moh'*tafetyclutUAupitmlcdQmhry(AQ)
5. SBOTSClHlliiDJ Fan* 1(2)Y002C 1re aotaonuffy ramiat--, f'lmtopuation .Ccc r:i.mdby p tm.m:-1 l)*ttem it I'd)* opentrdio ~ tett111ode ct..1 Mllmal pl.- opcnjfi. {Ref. 4.101)

Thm., SOOTS Cootirrg F- 1(2)V002C *tad n~ * *-iya..

Calculation No. L*003364 Rev. 002 Attachment AN Page AN4 of AN7 Table 4 *Divisions 1 and 2 Motor Tennfnal Voltages at Degraded Voltage of Z125V (65.5% of 4160V)

St.U ID Imcription VstaU Vlrrminal YwNo 311.7 No 315 No 286.6 No 2879 No 2902 No 291.l No N'A N.A No No No No No No No No No No No No 281.S No 292.7 No 290.4 No 298.1 No 300.l No lE12-C003 303.1 No 1VD03C 299.2 No JVD04C 296.J No lVGOIC 295.-1 No 1VG02C N*A lVXOIC 315.1 No IVX02C 315.9 No 1VX03C 308.8 No IVXO.JC 300.6 No JVXOSC 2% No 1VX06C 295.6 No 1VX07C 2%.8 No 1VX08C 295.6 No 1VYOIC 309.2 No 306.7 No 310.4 No No No No 2VX08C 295.2 No 2VYOJC 306.4 No 2VY03C 302 No 2VYO.JC 309.3 No 2VY05C 299.4 No 2VY06C 281.1 No 2VY07C 295.4 No Notes:

I Control Room Emergency Makeup Fans OVC03CA(B) autorna11cally re-aJign (go inm service) on either of the following initiation signals

a. High Outside Air Radiation (2 detectors 2:6.0 mR*hr in the same trip system}
b. High Outside Air Smoke{any one of4 ion smoke detectors).

Either condition results in the following action: the VC SystemA(B) is aligned to Emergency Makeup Mode and OVC03C-A(B) STARTS.

Therefore, based on the stated above OVC03CA(B) are not nonnally running although ETAP has modeled them conservatively to be running under normal conditions.

Hence, OVC03CA(B) are not evalualed in this analysis.

Motor terminal voltage (Vterminnl) from ETAP Load Flow, stall voltage (Vstall) from Table 2 of this attachment.

3 Carbon Dimcide Refrigeration Unit motor OCOOIC' is not evaluated in this analysis., as this. motor's safety class is Augmented Quality (AQ) 4 SBGTS Cooling Fans 1(2)VG02C are not normally running during plant operatioo !Unce standby g.u lreatmenl system is ooly operated in the test mode during normal plant opetaliun (Ref. 4.101).

Thus., SBGTS Cooling Fans 1(2)VG02C are no! evaluated in lhis analysis

Calculation No. L-003364 Rev. 002 Attachment AN Page AN5 of AN?

Table 5 - Division 3 Motor Terminal Voltages at Degraded Voltage of 2704V (65% of 4160V)

Stall ID Description Vstall Vterminal Notes Yes/No IE22-C002 HPCS DIESEL COOL WTR PUMP 266.63 298.3 No I IE22-C003 HPCS WATER LEG PUMP 217.77 298.l No I IE22-SOOOIB7A DGIB SOAK BACK OIL PUMPB7A 226.49 292.7 No 1 1E22-SOOIB7 DGIB OIL CIRPUMPB7 251.95 294 No 1 1VD02C HPCS FUEL STORAGE TANK RM E.XH FAN 250.52 292.5 No l 1VD05C HPCS SWGR RM SUPPLY FAN 230.9 295.9 No I IVD06C HPCS BATRMEXH FAN 218.1 297.4 No I IVD07C HPCS SWGR RM E.XH FAN 230.9 295.4 No I 2E22-C002 HPCS DG COOLING WATER PUMP 266.63 298.5 No 1 2E22-C003 HPCS STAND BYWATER LEG PUMP 217.77 296.3 No I 2E22-SOOOJB7A 2B DG SOAK BACK OIL PUMP B7A 226.49 290.8 No I 2E22-SOO 1B 7 2B DG LUBE OIL CIRC PUMP B7 25l.95 292.2 No l 2VD02C HPCS FUEL STOR TANK RM EXH FAN 250.52 292.6 No I 2VD05C HPCS SWGR RM SUPPLY FAN 230.9 296.4 No I 2VD06C HPCS BATTERY RM EXH FAN 218.] 297.9 No I HPCS DG COOLING WATER PUMP RM VENT 2VD07C 230.9 295.8 No l RETFAN Notes:

I. Motor terminal voltage (Vtcrminal) from ETAP Load Flow, stall voltage (Vstall) from Table 2 of this attachment.

Calculation No. L-003364 Rev. 002 Attachment AN Page ANS of AN7 Table 6 - Division 1 and 2 Motors Protective Devises Trip Times at Degraded Voltage ol 2B70V (69% of 4160V)

Trip Unit LTD TOL Load TripUntt TOL LOAD Sdtlne or Amp(% Trip Heater Tua.p. )(Rated Lo*d Trip ID Description Breaker TOLTYPE Trip Corrtttloa Current (*A;. Notes (AMP) LTD Thoe Time Thermal Current Factor TOLSettlnl)

Settla&) (MIN) (MIN}

Setting (Amp) (A)

OCOOtC CARBON DIOXIDE REFRIO UNIT 6.J78 I5 42.52 NT A-BW45 539 1.00 NIA NIA 4 OD005J DOO ENO OIL CIRC PUMP B7 2.574 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.I 2 LOO I28.70 3.5 2, 3 DOO ENO OIL SOAK BACX PUMP OD005J-B7A l.302 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l 1.75 1.00 74.40 NT 2, 3 B7A OVCO!CA CRHVACSUPPLYFANOA 9J.09 100 9J.09 NT KMZ4-IOO 75 l.05 13033 5.5 2.3 OVCO!CB CONTRMHVACSUPPLYFANOB 92.67 100 92.67 NT KMZ4-100 75 l.05 129.74 5.5 2 3 OVC02CA CRHVACRETURNFANOA 42.06 52 80.88 NT KMZ2-40 35 I.OJ I2J.78 5.2 2, J OVC02CB CONT RM HVAC RETURN FAN 41.92 52 80.62 NT KMZ2-40 J7 LOJ 116.70 9 2. J OVC03CA CR HVAC EMERO MIU FAN OA 28.57 28 102.04 NT KMZ2-24 2I 1.00 NIA NIA l OVCOJCB CONT RM EMERO MU AIR FAN OB 28.5J 28 101.89 NT KMZ2-24 21 LOO NIA NIA l CR HVAC AIR COOLED COND FAN OVC04CA 141.6 160 88.50 NT 2, J OA - -- *.

OVC04CB CONT RM AIR COND FAN OB 117.2 160 7J.25 NT 2.J OVC05CA CR HVAC REFRIO COMP OA Il6.6 180 87.00 NT 2 3 OVC05CB CONT RM REFRIO UNIT OB 157.8 180 87.67 NT 2 3 OVDOIC 0 DO ROOM VENT FAN l3.3 75 71.o? NT KMZ2-60 60 1.00 88.83 NT 2, 3 OVDOIC ODORMVENTFAN 53.73 75 71.64 NT KMZ2-60 60 1.00 89.55 NT 2 3 0 DO FUEL STORAGE TANK ROOM OVD02C 6351 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-6.6 5.1 LOO 124.53 3.2 2, J EXHAUST FAN OVD02C 0 DO FUEL STOR 1K RM EXH FAN 6.24J NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-6.6 5.1 LOO 122.41 3.8 2,J OVEOICA AEERHVAC SUPPLY FAN A 136.3 160 85.19 NT *. 2, 3 OVEOICB AEER SUPPLY FAN OB IJ0.2 160 81.38 NT 2 J OVE02CA AEER HVAC RETURN FAN A 8l.56 95 90.06 NT KMZ4-80 69 LOO 124.00 5.5 2 J OVE02CB AEER RETURN FAN OB 86.6l 9l 9L21 NT KMZ4-80 69 1.00 12S.58 S.4 2 J A AEERHVACAIRCOOLED OVE03CA 170.2 160 106.38 9.8 2, J CNDSRFAN OVE03CB AEER COND FAN OB 177 160 110.63 10.l 2 J OVE04CA A AEERHVACREFROCOMP 206 200 lOJ.00 Il.5 2, 3 OVE04CB AEER REFRIO UNIT OB 207.4 200 103.70 I!.l 2 3 IDOOSJ DO-IA ENO OIL CIRC PUMP B7 2.677 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l 2.1 LOO 127.48 3.S 2 3 DO-IA ENO OIL SOAK BACK PUMP IDOOlJ-2 l.359 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l L7l LOO 77.66 NT 2,3 B7A 1El1-C003 BIC RHR WATER LEO PUMP 10.87 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-14 10.S LOJ 106.6J NT 2, 3 1VD03C DO-IA RM VENT FAN S5.ll 7l 7J.48 NT KMZ2-60 60 LOO 91.8l NT 2.J 1VD04C DOlA FUEL STOR 1K RM EXH FAN 6.49l NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-6.6 5.1 LOO 127.Jl 2.9 2, J IVOOIC SOTS EQT TRAIN SUPPLY FAN 28.25 40 70.63 NT KMZ2-40 27 l.Ol 109.86 30 2. 3 IV002C SOTS COOLING FAN 3.229 NIA NIA NIA KMZO-J.7 2.4 I.OS NIA NIA l

!VXOIC DIV I SWOR RM SUP FAN J9.29 47 83.60 NT KMZ2-40 3l LOO 112.26 14 2 J 1VX02C DIV I BATRMEXH FAN 0.78S NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l 1.9 I.OJ 42.56 NT 2 3 IVX03C 250VDCBATRMEXH FAN 2.462 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.I 2 1.02 125.56 J.9 2, 3 IVX04C DIV 2 SWOR RM SUPPLY FAN J9.83 48 82.98 NT KMZ2-40 Jl 1.00 113.80 11 2. 3 IVXOlC DIV 2125VDCBATRM EXH FAN 0.833 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.I l.9 1.03 4l.16 NT 2 3 1VX06C RP MOS RM l BAT RM EXH FAN 0.883 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l l.9 l.03 47.87 NT 2 3 1VX07C MO SET RM SUPPLY FAN 3l.04 40 87.60 NT KMZ2-40 32 1.00 109.lO 18 2 3 1VX08C RP MOS RM I BATRMEXHFAN 0.883 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 47.87 NT 2 3 lVYOlC A RHR PUMP RM COOLER FAN 32.8 37 88.6S NT KMZ2-40 3l l.03  %.S3 NT 2 3 IVY03C RHR PUMP RM BIC CLR FAN 4S.3S S2 87.21 NT KMZ2-40 40 1.02 115.64 IO 2, 3 1VY04C LPCS PUMP RM COOLER FAN 44.8S 52 86.25 NT KMZ2-40 40 1.02 11437 12 2 3 lVYOSC RHR A/B SW PUMP RM VENT FAN 10.36 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-11 7.9 1.05 137.70 6 2, 3 1VY06C RHR CID SW PUMP RM VENT FAN 10.2 NIA NIA NT KMZ0-11 7.8 I.OS IJ731 6 2 3 2DOOSJ-B7 D02A OIL CIRC PMP B7 2.663 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 2.1 1.00 126.81 3.6 2, 3 2DG05J-B7A DG2A OIL SOAKBACK PMP B7A l.346 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l 1.75 LOO 76.91 NT 2 3 2El2-C003 RHR BIC WTR LEG PUMP 10.98 NIA NIA NT KMZ0-14 10.S I.OS 109.80 NT 2, 3 2VD03C DG 2A ROOM VENT FAN 54.9 7S 73.20 NT KMZ2-60 60 LOO 91.lO NT 2 3 2VD04C D02A STG 1K RM EXH FAN 6.481 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-6.6 5.1 LOO 127.08 2.8 2 3 2VOOIC SBOT TRAIN SUPPLY FAN 28.31 4S 62.91 NT KMZ2-40 27 I.OS 110.09 18 2 3 2V002C SBGT COOLING FAN 3.232 NIA NIA NIA KMZD-3.7 2.S l.05 NIA NIA s 2VXOIC DIV I SWGR RM SUPPLY FAN 39.18 47 8336 NT KMZ2-40 3S LOO 111.94 IS 2 3 2VX02C DIV l 125VDCBATTRMEXHAN 0.784 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 42.50 NT 2, 3 2VX03C 250VDC BAT RM EXH FAN 2.447 NIA NIA NIA KMZD-2.l 2 1.02 124.80 4 2 3 2VX04C DIV 2 SWOR RM SUPPLY FAN 39.63 48 82.56 NT KMZl-40 JS LOO 113.23 11 2 3 2VX05C DIV2 l25VDCBATRMEXHFAN 0.834 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l L9 L03 4S.21 NT 2 3 2VX06C EXH FANBATTRMRXPROTMG 0.884 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.l l.9 L03 47.92 NT 2, 3 2VX07C RPS MG SET RM SUPPLY FAN 34.65 40 86.63 NT KMZl-40 30 LOO 115.SO 10 2, 3 2VX08C EXH FAN BATT RM RX PROT MG 0.884 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-2.1 1.9 1.03 47.92 NT 2. 3 2VYOIC A RHR PUMP RM COOLER FAN 33.06 44 7S.14 NT KMZ2-40 3S LOJ 97.29 NT 2. J 2VYOJC RHR PUMPS BIC COOLER FAN 4S.97 52 88.40 NT KMZ2-40 40 1.02 117.22 8 2,3 2VY04C LPCS PUMP RM COOLER FAN 44.99 52 86.S2 NT KMZl-40 40 l.02 114.72 10 2 3 2VYOSC RHR A/B SW PUMP RM VENT FAN 10.08 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-11 8 I.05 IJ230 6.5 2 3 2VY06C RHR CID SW PUMP RM VENT FAN 10.65 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-11 8 I.OS IJ9.78 5.4 2, J 2VY07C RHR SWP 2A&2B CUB RTN FAN 10.2 NIA NIA NIA KMZ0-11 8 I.OS 13J.88 6.S 2 3 Mlafmam trip time (mlnates)

  • 2.8 Notes*
1. Control Room Emerxency MakeupFamOVC03CA(B) automatically re-align (go inlo senice) on eilheroftbe following initiation signals
a. H;gh OutsW!e Afr RO<liotion (2 deteelon "6.0 mR/br in the...,,. trip system).
b. High Outside Air Smoke (any one of 4 ion !make detecion).

father condition n:sult> ;n the following action* the VC System A(B) ;. a~gned lo Emerge..:y Makeup MOO. and OVC03CA(B) STAR TS.

Therefore. based on the stated lbove OVCOJCA(B) arc not normally running although ETAP bas mode Jed them coosen...iively kl. be running undCT nonnal conditions.

Hence. OVC03CA(B) ~not evaJuatcd in this analysis.

2. MCCB and TOL Trip Time from Calculations L..001%2 and L-000296 (Ref. 4.4.SlA and B). tfload CWTeDI is less than trip setting, NT was entered for trip time.

J. Load (Amps) from ETAP Load Flow, stall voltage (Vstalll from Table 2 of this attachment.

4. CaJbon Dioxide RefrigerztionUoit motorOCOOlC is not C\'aluatcd in thi.sanalysis, as this motor's safety class is Augmcllled Quality (AQ).

S. SBGTS Cooling Fans 1(2)V002C.,. oot normally running during plant oper>tion sio::e standby gas l<ea1mell< system;. only oper1lled ;n the test mode during oonnal plant opemiDn (Ref. 4.101).

Calculation No. L-003364 Rev. 002 Attachment AN Page AN? Of AN?

Table 7. Division 3 Motors Protective Devises Trip Times at Degraded Voltage of 2725V (65.5% of 4160V)

Trip Unit LTD KRated Load TOL Setting or Trip Unit TOL Temp. Load LOAD Amp(% Trip ID Description Breaker Trip Time TOLTYPE Heater Trip Corredion Current Notes (AMP) LTD Time Thermal Setting (MIN) Current(A) Factor (%TOL Setting) (MlN)

IAnm) S-"'--'

GE CRl23Fl6!C IE22*C002 HPCS DIESEL COOL WTR PUMP 136.8 NIA NIA NIA 150 1.02 93.02 NT 1,2 IJ20-131Al GE CRl23Cl37B IE22*C003 HPCS WATER LEG PUMP 11.62 NIA NIA NIA 13.88 1.02 85.39 NT 1,2 Ill.I* 12.4AI GE CRl23Cl.%A IE22-SOOOJB7A DGIB SOAK BACK OIL PUMP B7A 1.46 15 9.73 NT 1.95 1.02 76.37 NT l,2 ll.56- l.73Al GE CR123C2.68A IE22*SOOIB7 DG 1B OIL CIR PUMP B7 2.859 15 19.06 NT 2.58 1.02 113.03 5 1,2 (2.06- 2.28A)

GE CRl23C867A IVD02C HPCS FL'EL STORAGE TANK RM EXH FAN 7.153 NIA NIA NIA 9.01 1.02 80.98 NT 1.2

'7.21*8.22Al GE CRl23CJ66B IVD05C HPCS SWGR RM SUPPLY FAN 28.57 NfA NIA NIA 42 1.02 69.38 NT 1,2 (33.6

  • 37.8A)

GE CR 123C867A IVD06C HPCSBATRMEXHFAN 2.598 NIA NIA NIA 9.0! 1.02 29.41 NT 1,2 (7.21*8.22Al GE CR 123F395B IVD07C HPCS SWGR RM EXH FAN 28.62 NIA NIA NIA 4!.13 1.02 70.98 NT 1,2 (32.9

  • 35Al GE CRl23Fl61C 2E22-C002 HPCS DG COOLING WATER PUMP 136.7 NIA NIA NIA 150 1.02 92.96 NT l,2 ll20-131Al GE CRl23Cl37B 2E22-C003 HPCS STANDBY WATER LEG PUMP 11.69 NIA NIA NIA 13.88 1.02 85.91 NT I, 2 lll.1*12.4AI GECR!23Cl.%A 2E22-SOOOIB7A 28 DG SOAK BACK OIL PUMP 87 A 1.469 15 9.79 NT 1.95 1.02 76.84 NT 1,2 (1.56. l.73Al GE CR!23C2.68A 2E22*SOOIB7 28 DG LUBE OIL C!RC PUMP 87 2.876 15 19.17 NT 2.58 1.02  !!3.70 5 l.2 (2.06* 2.28Al GE CRl23C867A 2VD02C HPCS FUEL STOR TANK RM EXH FAN 7.15 NIA NIA NIA 9.01 1.02 80.94 NT I, 2 (7.21*8.22A)

GE CR 123C366B 2VD05C HPCS SWGR RM SUPPLY FAN 28.52 NIA NIA NIA 42 1.02 69.26 NT 1,2 (33.6. 37.8A)

GE CR123C867A 2VD06C HPCS BATIER Y RM EXH FAN 2.594 NIA NIA NIA 9.0! 1.02 29.37 NT I, 2 f7.21*8.22A)

HPCS DG COOLING WATER PUMP RM GE CRI 23F3958 2VD07C 28.59 NIA NIA NIA 41.13 1.02 70.90 NT 1,2 VENTRETFAN (32.9

  • 35Al Minimum trip time (minutes)= 5 Notes:
l. MCCB and TOL Trip Time from CnJculations L~OOl562 and L-0002% (Ref. 4.4.52A nnd B). Ifload cWTerJt is less than trip setting, NT was entered for trip time,
2. Load (Amps) from ETAP Load Flow, sta11 voltage (Vstall) from Table 2 of this attachment.