Press Release-03-018, NRC Approves Power Uprate for River Bend Station

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Press Release-03-018: NRC Approves Power Uprate for River Bend Station
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/2003
Office of Public Affairs
Press Releasse-03-018
Download: ML030360504 (1)


NRC NEWS U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Telephone: 301/415-8200 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Web Site: No.03-018 February 5, 2003 NRC APPROVES POWER UPRATE FOR RIVER BEND STATION The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved a request by Entergy Operations to increase the generating capacity of the River Bend nuclear power plant by 1.7 percent.

The power uprate at the plant, located in St. Francisville, Louisiana, increases the generating capacity of the plant from 1043 to 1060 megawatts electric. The licensee intends to implement the uprate by the end of April.

NRC previously published a notice about the power uprate application in the Federal Register providing the public an opportunity to comment or request a hearing. No comments or hearing requests were received by the NRC.

The NRCs safety evaluation of the requested power uprate for the plant focused on several areas, including nuclear steam supply systems, instrumentation and control systems, electrical systems, accident evaluations, radiological consequences, operations, and other technical specification changes.

The NRC staff determined that the licensee could safely increase the power output of the reactor primarily through increased feedwater flow measurement accuracy.