NUREG/CR-3262, Advises That GE Signed Encl Agreement W/Nrc to Obtain COBRA-TF Code (Cycle 10) & Manuals (NUREG/CR-3262,Vols 1-5). D Patterson Should Be Contacted at Listed Address to Discuss Tape Format & Shipping & Handling Charges
. .
JLfc191985-Mr. G. W. Johnsen EG & G Idaho Idaho National Engineering Laboratory P.O. Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Dear Mr. Johnsen:
The General Electric Corporation has signed an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to obtain a copy of the COBRA-TF Code (Cycle 10) and its associated manuals (NUREG/CR-3262 Vols. 1-5). A copy of this agreement is provided as an enclosure. Please contact Mr. Don Patterson, Mail Code 611, General Electric Company,175 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 92125 (408-925-2671) to discuss details of tape format and arrangements to cover shipping and handling charges.
Please contact me at (FTS 427-4422) if you have any questions.
L Sincerely, Jose' N. Reyes, Jr.
Reactor Systems Research Branch Division of Accident Evaluation l
As stated t
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