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NY 11 B8.;
Dr. W. Derek Robb Cray Research, Incorporated ATTN: Mr. H. Hakowitz 1440 Northland Drive Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55720
Dear Dr. Robb:
This letter is in response to your February 14, 1984 letter expressing an interest in receiving the most recently released version of the Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC /PF1-M001). The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) will permit a copy of the code to be made for your exclusive use, provided that Cray Research, Incorporated (Cray) agrees to the following.
- 1. Cray will not release the code software to any third party.
- 2. If Cray discovers code errors, Cray will comunicate these code errors to the code developers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
- 3. Cray will make the results of any improvements / modifications of the code available to the NRC in the form of a computer tape sent to Mr. Harry Tovmassian.
- 4. Cray will refer all inquiries about code availability to the NRC.
The signature below of an authorized official of your company will indicate acceptance of these items. Please feel free to contact Mr. Tovmassian of my staff should you have any further questions.
Sincerely, Ort!nal S!gned By L She: kin -
Louis M Shotkin, Chief Reactor Systems Research Branch Division of Accident Evaluation s.
G701140375 070109 PDR
$LIO^6-706 .
Dr. W. Derek Robb 2 Cray Research, Incorporated hereby agrees to the terms outlined in Items 1 through 4 of this letter.
Name (Date)
Title (Position)
Distribution Subject
- Chron Cir Branch R/F OEBassett F0dar HSTo m w hn '
eMSroVihassiaD/F DAR:RSRB DAE:RSR DAE:RSRB LJ HSTovmassian:bsd F0da LMShotkin 05/ 7 /84 05/f/84 05/V/84 i
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