NLS2002068, April 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Cooper Nuclear Station

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April 2002 Monthly Operating Report for Cooper Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/2002
From: Hutton J
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-97-002, NLS2002068
Download: ML021400457 (6)


N Nebraska Public Power District Nebraska's Energy Leader NLS2002068 May 15, 2002 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:


Monthly Operating Status Report for April 2002, Docket No. 50-298 Enclosed for your information and use is the Cooper Nuclear Station Monthly Operating Status Report for April 2002. In accordance with the guidance provided by Generic Letter 97-02, this report includes an Operating Data Report and Unit Shutdown Report for the month ofApril. In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.4, this report also includes documentation of challenges to the safety/relief valves.

Should you have any comments or require additional information regarding this report, please contact Paul Fleming at (402) 825-2774.

Sincerely, J* es A. Hutton P ant Manager

cb Enclosure cc: NRC Regional Administrator NRC Senior Resident Inspector ANI Library R. W. Beck and Associates J. M. Cline A. L. Dostal J. W. Dutton D. T. McNeil -N Cooper Nuclear Station P.O. Box 98 / Brownville, NE 68321-0098 Telephone: (402) 825-3811 / Fax: (402) 825-5211

NLS2002068 Page 2 R. L. Gumm INPO Records Center D. Bantam G. W. Griffith B. Lewis W. R. Mayben W. D. Shanks R. D. Stoddard D. L. Wilson W. D. Leech Records

APPENDIX A OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 050-0298 UNIT NAME Cooper Nuclear Station DATE 5/15/2002 COMPLETED BY Rodrick Wilson TELEPHONE (402) 825-5135 Reporting Period: April 2002 This Month Yr-to--Date Cumulative Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe). 778 N/A N/A The nominal net electrical output of the unit specified by the utility and used for the purpose of plant design.

2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 764 N/A N/A The gross electrical output as measured at the output terminals of the turbine generator during the most restrictive seasonal conditions minus the normal station service loads.
3. Number of Hours the Reactor Was Critical. 719.0 2,879.0 186,768.1 The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the reactor was critical.
4. Number of Hours the Generator Was On Line. 719.0 2,852.9 184,207.7 (Also called Service Hours). The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the unit operated with the breakers closed to the station bus.

The sum of the hours the generator was on line plus the total outage hours should equal the gross hours in the reporting period.

5 Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours. 0.0 0.0 0.0 The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the unit was removed from service for economic or similar reasons but was available for operation.

6. Net Electrical Energy (MWH). 549,906.0 2,129,705.0 124,473,226.0 The gross electrical output of the unit measured at the output terminals of the turbine-generator minus the normal station service loads during the gross hours of the reporting period, expressed in mega watt hours. Negative quantities should not be used.

5/7/2002 8:24 AM

APPENDIX B UNIT SHUTDOWNS DOCKET NO. 050-0298 UNIT NAME Cooper Nuclear Station DATE 5/15/2002 COMPLETED BY Rodrick Wilson TELEPHONE (402) 825-5135 REPORT MONTH April 2002 Type Method Of Shutting CAUSE/CORRECTIVE ACTIONS No. Date F: FORCED Duration (Hours) Reason (I) Down Reactor (2)

Down eacto (2)COMMENTS S: SCHEDULED None

__________ I __________ A L .5. ______________ 1 _______________ .5.


None (I) Reason:

A - Equipment Failure (Explain)

B - Maintenance or Test C - Refueling D - Regulatory Restriction E - Operator Training/License Examination F - Administrative G - Operational Error (Explain)

H - Other (Explain)

(2) Method:

1 -Manual 2 - Manual Trip/Scram 3 - Automatic Trip/Scram 4 - Continuation 5 - Other (Explain) 5/7/2002 5:26 PM

APPENDIX C SAFETY/RELIEF VALVE CHALLENGES APRIL 2002 There were no challenges to the safety/relief valves during the month of April.

ATTACHMENT 3 LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS Correspondence Number: NLS2002068 The following table identifies those actions committed to by the District in this document.

Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by the District. They are described for information only and are not regulatory commitments.

Please notify the NL&S Manager at Cooper Nuclear Station of any questions regarding this document or any associated regulatory commitments.



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N Nebraska Public Power District Nebraska's Energy Leader NLS2002068 May 15, 2002 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:


Monthly Operating Status Report for April 2002, Docket No. 50-298 Enclosed for your information and use is the Cooper Nuclear Station Monthly Operating Status Report for April 2002. In accordance with the guidance provided by Generic Letter 97-02, this report includes an Operating Data Report and Unit Shutdown Report for the month ofApril. In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.4, this report also includes documentation of challenges to the safety/relief valves.

Should you have any comments or require additional information regarding this report, please contact Paul Fleming at (402) 825-2774.

Sincerely, J* es A. Hutton P ant Manager

cb Enclosure cc: NRC Regional Administrator NRC Senior Resident Inspector ANI Library R. W. Beck and Associates J. M. Cline A. L. Dostal J. W. Dutton D. T. McNeil -N Cooper Nuclear Station P.O. Box 98 / Brownville, NE 68321-0098 Telephone: (402) 825-3811 / Fax: (402) 825-5211

NLS2002068 Page 2 R. L. Gumm INPO Records Center D. Bantam G. W. Griffith B. Lewis W. R. Mayben W. D. Shanks R. D. Stoddard D. L. Wilson W. D. Leech Records

APPENDIX A OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 050-0298 UNIT NAME Cooper Nuclear Station DATE 5/15/2002 COMPLETED BY Rodrick Wilson TELEPHONE (402) 825-5135 Reporting Period: April 2002 This Month Yr-to--Date Cumulative Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe). 778 N/A N/A The nominal net electrical output of the unit specified by the utility and used for the purpose of plant design.

2. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 764 N/A N/A The gross electrical output as measured at the output terminals of the turbine generator during the most restrictive seasonal conditions minus the normal station service loads.
3. Number of Hours the Reactor Was Critical. 719.0 2,879.0 186,768.1 The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the reactor was critical.
4. Number of Hours the Generator Was On Line. 719.0 2,852.9 184,207.7 (Also called Service Hours). The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the unit operated with the breakers closed to the station bus.

The sum of the hours the generator was on line plus the total outage hours should equal the gross hours in the reporting period.

5 Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours. 0.0 0.0 0.0 The total number of hours during the gross hours of the reporting period that the unit was removed from service for economic or similar reasons but was available for operation.

6. Net Electrical Energy (MWH). 549,906.0 2,129,705.0 124,473,226.0 The gross electrical output of the unit measured at the output terminals of the turbine-generator minus the normal station service loads during the gross hours of the reporting period, expressed in mega watt hours. Negative quantities should not be used.

5/7/2002 8:24 AM

APPENDIX B UNIT SHUTDOWNS DOCKET NO. 050-0298 UNIT NAME Cooper Nuclear Station DATE 5/15/2002 COMPLETED BY Rodrick Wilson TELEPHONE (402) 825-5135 REPORT MONTH April 2002 Type Method Of Shutting CAUSE/CORRECTIVE ACTIONS No. Date F: FORCED Duration (Hours) Reason (I) Down Reactor (2)

Down eacto (2)COMMENTS S: SCHEDULED None

__________ I __________ A L .5. ______________ 1 _______________ .5.


None (I) Reason:

A - Equipment Failure (Explain)

B - Maintenance or Test C - Refueling D - Regulatory Restriction E - Operator Training/License Examination F - Administrative G - Operational Error (Explain)

H - Other (Explain)

(2) Method:

1 -Manual 2 - Manual Trip/Scram 3 - Automatic Trip/Scram 4 - Continuation 5 - Other (Explain) 5/7/2002 5:26 PM

APPENDIX C SAFETY/RELIEF VALVE CHALLENGES APRIL 2002 There were no challenges to the safety/relief valves during the month of April.

ATTACHMENT 3 LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS Correspondence Number: NLS2002068 The following table identifies those actions committed to by the District in this document.

Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by the District. They are described for information only and are not regulatory commitments.

Please notify the NL&S Manager at Cooper Nuclear Station of any questions regarding this document or any associated regulatory commitments.



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