ND-19-1527, Submittal of Incorporated by Reference Document

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Submittal of Incorporated by Reference Document
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/16/2019
From: Whitley B
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ND-19-1527 WCAP-15871, Rev 5
Download: ML19350B897 (78)


B. H. Whitley Southern Nuclear

~ Southern Nuclear Director Regulatory Affairs Operating Company, Inc.

3535 Colonnade Parkway Birmingham AL 35243 Tel 205 992 7079 December 16, 2019 Docket Nos.: 52-025 ND-19-1527 52-026 10 CFR 50.71(e) 10 CFR 52 App. D,Section X.B .2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 Submittal of Incorporated by Reference Document Ladies and Gentlemen:

This submittal is made with regard to Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 (VEGP 3&4),

combined license numbers NPF-91 and NPF-92, respectively, pursuant to the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e) and 10 CFR Part 52, Appendix D, Section X.B.2. On June 14, 2019, Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submitted several documents pursuant to the reporting requirements listed above . Among the documents were the VEGP 3&4 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 8, including incorporated by reference (IBR) documents [ADAMS Accession Number ML19171A093]. The June 14, 2019 submittal lacked the following IBR document, which SNC is hereby submitting with this letter:

This letter contains no NRC commitments. This letter has been reviewed and confirmed to not contain security-related information.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Mr. Adam Quarles at (205) 992-7031 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 16th of December 2019.

Respectfully submitted, Brian H. Whitley Director, Regulatory Affairs Southern Nuclear Operating Company

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-19-1527 Page 2 of 4


1. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Units 3 and 4, WCAP-15871, AP1000 Assessment Against NFP 804, Revision 5

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-19-1527 Page 3 of 4 cc:

Southern Nuclear Operating Company / Georgia Power Company Mr. S. E. Kuczynski (w/o enclosure)

Mr. P. P. Sena III (w/o enclosure)

Mr. M. D. Meier (w/o enclosure)

Mr. D. H. Jones (w/o enclosure)

Mr. G. Chick Mr. M. Page Mr. D. L. McKinney (w/o enclosure)

Mr. T. W. Yelverton (w/o enclosure)

Mr. B. H. Whitley Ms. C. A. Gayheart Ms. M. Ronnlund Mr. D. L. Fulton Mr. M. J. Yox Mr. C. T. Defnall Mr. J. Tupik Ms. S. Agee Mr. M. Humphrey Ms. A. C. Chamberlain Mr. S. Leighty Mr. N. Kellenberger Mr. E. Riffle Ms. K. Roberts Mr. J. Haswell Mr. D. T. Blythe Mr. K. Warren Document Services RTYPE: VND.LI.L00 File AR.01.02.06 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. W. Jones (w/o enclosure)

Mr. M. King (w/o enclosure)

Mr. C. Patel Mr. C. Santos Mr. B. Kemker Mr. G. Khouri Ms. S. Temple Mr. C. J. Even Mr. A. Lerch Mr. S. Walker Mr. N.D. Karlovich Ms. N. C. Coovert Mr. C. Welch Mr. J. Gaslevic Mr. V. Hall Ms. K. P. Carrington Mr. M. Webb Mr. P.J. Heher

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-19-1527 Page 4 of 4 State of Georgia Mr. R. Dunn Oglethorpe Power Corporation Mr. M. W. Price Ms. A. Whaley Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Mr. J. E. Fuller Mr. S. M. Jackson Dalton Utilities Mr. T. Bundros Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Mr. L. Oriani (w/o enclosure)

Mr. T. Rubenstein (w/o enclosure)

Mr. M. Corletti Mr. D. Hawkins Mr. J. Coward Other Mr. S. W. Kline, Bechtel Power Corporation Ms. L. A. Matis, Tetra Tech NUS, Inc.

Dr. W. R. Jacobs, Jr., Ph.D., GDS Associates, Inc.

Mr. S. Roetger, Georgia Public Service Commission Ms. S. W. Kernizan, Georgia Public Service Commission Mr. K. C. Greene, Troutman Sanders Mr. S. Blanton, Balch Bingham NDDocumentinBox@duke-energy.com, Duke Energy Mr. S. Franzone, Florida Power & Light

Southern Nuclear Operating Company ND-19-1527 Enclosure 1 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Units 3 and 4 WCAP-15871, AP1000 Assessment Against NFP 804, Revision 5 (This enclosure consists of 74 pages, not including this cover page.)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-15871 October 2016 Revision 5 AP1000 Assessment Against NFPA 804

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 WCAP-15871 Revision 5 AP1000 Assessment Against NFPA 804 Thomas A. Runyan, Jr.*

AP1000 Engineering Area Management and Plant Layout October 2016 Reviewer: Steven D. Hendrickson*

U.S. Regulatory Support Approved: Joseph C. Halackna*, Manager AP1000 Engineering Area Management and Plant Layout

  • Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA

© 2016 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved APP-0000-N4R-001.docx-102816

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision Section Description of Change 0 All Initial Issue 1 2.4 (6) Changed from: [NC. Not included in AP1000 fire protection analysis.], to: [Comply. Release of contamination. NC. Other areas not included in AP1000 fire protection analysis.]. Changed from: [The AP1000 fire protection design criteria document applies NFPA 50A by reference to NFPA 803, it does not apply to NFPA 50B.], to: [Comply.]. Changed from: [AC - The AP1000 fire hazards analysis assumes a single worst case spurious actuation regardless of cable failure mode except for valve motor operators.], to: [AC - The AP1000 fire hazards analysis assumes spurious actuations regardless of cable failure mode except for valve motor operators. The spurious actuations are postulated one at a time (except for high/low pressure interfaces). Spurious actuation of the redundant valves in any one high-low pressure interface line are postulated if the circuits for those valves are located in the fire area. The spurious actuations that are evaluated are those that could cause a breach in the reactor coolant boundary or defeat safety-related decay heat removal capability or cause an increase in shutdown reactivity of the reactor.].

Chapter 9 Changed from: [Chapter 9: The AP1000 fire protection criteria document requires conformance to NFPA 803 requirements for the construction period. NFPA 804 Chapter 9 requirements are more prescriptive that those in NFPA 803. A detailed comparison of the NFPA 804 Chapter 9 requirements with the AP1000 construction plan has not been made.], to: [N/A - Heading].

2 Changed from: [N/A - AP1000 has no charcoal adsorber beds containing more than 100 lb (45.4 kg) of charcoal.], to: [Comply];

Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-483.

3 6.2.1 Changed from: [Comply], to: [NC. Deviations from the Life Safety Codes exit and egress requirements are identified and the degree of life safety justified in the Means of Egress Studies.];

Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-3037.

4 DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-4940 was reviewed and no changes were found that directly impacted this document. Changed from: [Comply] to: [AC - HVAC charcoal beds are provided with fixed water spray systems. The WGS charcoal adsorber beds are provided with a permanent connection from a nitrogen purge line to allow nitrogen to be injected into the enclosed space containing the charcoal to extinguish a fire.];

Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-4922.

8.3.1 Changed from: [Comply - except AP1000 does not have automatic smoke dampers installed in the fire barrier walls between the main control room and the peripheral rooms.], to:

[Comply - The MCR/Operator Work Area wall is not fire-rated based on other design criteria. Manual fire suppression is Revision 5 ii APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 Revision Section Description of Change provided for peripheral rooms. See Appendix 9A of the Design Control Document.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-4977.

8.3.5 Changed from: [Comply], to: [NC - Smoke detectors are not provided in cabinets and consoles. The control room is continuously occupied so that a fire is promptly detected and extinguished.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-4977. Changed from: [Comply] to: [NC - Protective Coatings used as interior wall and ceiling finishes meet the criteria of noncombustible from the BTP CMEB 9.5-1 Regulatory Position C.5.(a).9.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-5266. Changed from: [Comply] to: [NC - Protective Coatings used as interior wall and ceiling finishes meet the criteria of noncombustible from the BTP CMEB 9.5-1 Regulatory Position C.5.(a).9.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-5266.

5 Changed from: [Comply] to: [NC. Auxiliary building stairwells and elevator shafts, with exception of the exterior wall sections enclosing Stairwell S03 and the wall separating Stairwell S03 from the elevator shaft above the Auxiliary Building Roof as described in Section 9A of the DCD. For buildings outside of the Nuclear Island, exterior wall sections enclosing stairwells and elevator shafts do not have a fire resistance rating of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, only interior stairwell and elevator shaft wall sections are rated for the minimum 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> fire resistance rating.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-5366. Changed from: [Comply] to: [AC - Filters will be listed for UL 900. As of May 2012, Class 1 filters are obsolete as UL no longer lists filters to the former Class 1 criteria.]; Change made per DCP No. APP-GW-GEE-4948.

Trademark Note:

AP1000 is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

Revision 5 iii APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... viii WCAP INTRODUCTION AND LEGEND ......................................................................................... Page 1 NFPA 804 Section Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Equivalency Concepts......................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 2 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM .................................................................................................. 6 2.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2 Management Policy Direction and Responsibility.............................................................. 7 2.3 Fire Prevention Program ..................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Fire Hazards Analysis ......................................................................................................... 7 2.5 Procedures........................................................................................................................... 8 2.6 Quality Assurance ............................................................................................................... 9 2.7 Fire Emergency Plan ........................................................................................................... 9 2.8 Fire Brigade ...................................................................................................................... 10 3 FIRE PROTECTION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ................................................... 10 3.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Plant Inspections ............................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Control of Combustible Materials .................................................................................... 10 3.4 Control of Ignition Sources............................................................................................... 13 3.5 Temporary Structures ........................................................................................................ 14 3.6 Impairments ...................................................................................................................... 16 3.7 Testing and Maintenenance............................................................................................... 16 4 MANUAL FIRE FIGHTING......................................................................................................... 16 4.1 Prefire Plans ...................................................................................................................... 16 4.2 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability ...................................................................................... 17 4.3 Training and Drills ............................................................................................................ 17 4.4 Fire-Fighting Equipment................................................................................................... 18 4.5 Off-Site Fire Department Interface ................................................................................... 18 4.6 Water Drainage ................................................................................................................. 19 4.7 Fire-Fighting Access ......................................................................................................... 19 4.8 Radiation Shielding........................................................................................................... 19 4.9 Smoke and Heat Removal................................................................................................. 19 Revision 5 iv APP-0000-N4R-001.docx


NFPA 804 Section Title Page 5 NUCLEAR REACTOR SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................. 19 5.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 19 5.2 Fire Hazards and Safe Shutdown Analysis (FSSA) .......................................................... 19 5.3 Design Basis Events and Requirements ............................................................................ 20 5.4 Separation Criteria ............................................................................................................ 24 5.5 Manual Actions ................................................................................................................. 25 5.6 Alternative Shutdown Capability...................................................................................... 26 6 GENERAL PLANT DESIGN........................................................................................................ 26 6.1 Plant Arrangement ............................................................................................................ 26 6.2 Life Safety......................................................................................................................... 29 6.3 Building and Construction Materials ................................................................................ 30 6.4 Ventiliation ........................................................................................................................ 31 6.5 Drainage ............................................................................................................................ 34 6.6 Emergency Lighting.......................................................................................................... 36 6.7 Lightning Protection ......................................................................................................... 36 6.8 Electrical Cabling ............................................................................................................. 36 6.9 Exposure Protection .......................................................................................................... 37 6.10 Electrical Systems for the Plant ........................................................................................ 37 6.11 Communications ............................................................................................................... 37 7 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT ............................................. 38 7.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 38 7.2 Water Supply..................................................................................................................... 39 7.3 Valve Supervision ............................................................................................................. 40 7.4 Yard Mains, Hydrants, and Building Standpipes .............................................................. 40 7.5 Portable Fire Extinguishers ............................................................................................... 42 7.6 Fire Suppression Systems ................................................................................................. 42 7.7 Fire Alarm Systems ........................................................................................................... 43 7.8 Fire Detectors.................................................................................................................... 44 8 IDENTIFICATION OF AND PROTECTION AGAINST HAZARDS ......................................... 44 8.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 44 8.2 Primary and Secondary Containments .............................................................................. 44 8.3 Control Room Complex .................................................................................................... 46 8.4 Cable Concentrations ........................................................................................................ 47 8.5 Plant Computer and Communication Rooms ................................................................... 48 8.6 Switchgear Rooms and Relay Rooms ............................................................................... 49 8.7 Battery Rooms .................................................................................................................. 49 8.8 Turbine Building ............................................................................................................... 49 8.9 Standby Emergency Diesel Generators and Combustion Turbines .................................. 52 8.10 Diesel Fuel Storage and Transfer Areas ............................................................................ 53 8.11 Nuclear Safety-Related Pump Rooms .............................................................................. 53 Revision 5 v APP-0000-N4R-001.docx


NFPA 804 Section Title Page 8.12 New Fuel Area .................................................................................................................. 53 8.13 Spent Fuel Pool Area ........................................................................................................ 53 8.14 Rad Waste and Decontamination Areas ............................................................................ 54 8.15 Safety-Related Water Tanks .............................................................................................. 54 8.16 Record Storage Areas........................................................................................................ 54 8.17 Cooling Towers ................................................................................................................. 54 8.18 Acetylene-Oxygen Fuel Gases.......................................................................................... 54 8.19 Storage Areas for Ion Exchange Resins ............................................................................ 54 8.20 Storage Areas for Hazardous Chemicals........................................................................... 54 8.21 Warehouses ....................................................................................................................... 54 8.22 Fire Pump Room/House.................................................................................................... 54 8.23 Transformers ..................................................................................................................... 55 8.24 Auxiliary Boilers............................................................................................................... 55 8.25 Offices, Shops, and Storage Areas .................................................................................... 56 8.26 Simulators ......................................................................................................................... 56 8.27 Technical Support and Emergency Response Centers ...................................................... 56 8.28 Intake Structures ............................................................................................................... 56 9 FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE .......................................................... 56 9.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 56 9.2 Administration .................................................................................................................. 56 9.3 Site Clearing and Construction Equipment....................................................................... 57 9.4 Construction Warehouses, Shops, and Offices.................................................................. 57 9.5 Construction Site Lay-Down Areas .................................................................................. 59 9.6 Temporary Construction Materials ................................................................................... 59 9.7 Water Supplies, Supply Mains, and Hydrants................................................................... 59 9.8 Manual Fire-Fighting Equipment ..................................................................................... 60 10 REFERENCED PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................ 61 Revision 5 vi APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 LIST OF TABLES NFPA 804 Table Title Page Minimum Separation Distances .............................................................................................. 15 8.23.1 Transformer Spacing Separation Distances ............................................................................. 55 Revision 5 vii APP-0000-N4R-001.docx


NFPA 804 Figure Title Page 8.23.1(a) Transformer Spacing ......................................................................................................... 55 8.23.1(b) Transformer Spacing ......................................................................................................... 55

  • The actual figures are not recreated in this WCAP. Only a compliance assessment appears.

Revision 5 viii APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 WCAP INTRODUCTION AND LEGEND The purpose of this WCAP is to compare the AP1000 fire protection design to the requirements of NFPA 804 (2001 Edition). The comparison that appears on the following pages is performed on a paragraph basis. The comparison is by Westinghouse to support the AP1000 Design Certification.

Compliance promises are for Westinghouse as the plant designer, not for the combined license applicant or the owner/operator, who must comply separately. The only reference besides NFPA 804 is the AP1000 Design Control Document (DCD), APP-GW-GL-701, Rev. 19. The following legend is provided to assist in interpreting the results.

Legend AP1000 Compliance Statement N/A The paragraph is not applicable to the AP1000 design N/A - Heading The paragraph is not applicable as it is only a section heading N/A - See Below The paragraph is a lead-in statement for the requirements that follow N/A - General The paragraph contains no requirements Comply The AP1000 design complies or intends to comply with this paragraph AC The AP1000 design complies with the requirement by alternate means or intent. The alternate means or design is provided in the compliance statement.

COL The Combined License applicant (COL) will address this paragraph O/O The plant owner/operator will address this paragraph NC The AP1000 design does not comply with this paragraph Revision 5 1 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Chapter 1 Introduction N/A - Heading 1.1* Scope. This standard applies only to advanced light water reactor electric generating plants, and provides N/A - General minimum fire protection requirements to ensure safe shutdown of the reactor, minimize the release of radioactive materials to the environment, provide safety to life of on-site personnel, limit property damage, and protect continuity of plant operation. The fire protection is based upon the principle of defense in depth.

1.2 Purpose. This standard is prepared for the use and guidance of those charged with the design, N/A - General construction, operation, and regulation of advanced light water reactor electric generating plants. This standard covers those requirements essential to ensure that the consequences of fire will have minimum impact on the safety of the public and on-site personnel, the physical integrity of plant components, and the continuity of plant operations.

1.3 Equivalency Concepts. N/A - Heading 1.3.1 Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or N/A - General superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technical documentation shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method, or device shall be approved for the intended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.

1.3.2 The specific requirements of this standard shall be permitted to be modified by the authority having N/A - General jurisdiction to allow alternative arrangements that will secure as nearly as practical the level of fire protection intended by this document, but in no case shall the modification afford less fire protection than that which, in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, would be provided by compliance with the corresponding provisions contained in this standard.

1.3.3 Alternative fire protection methods accepted by the authority having jurisdiction shall be considered as N/A - General conforming with this standard.

1.4 Definitions. N/A - Heading 1.4.1* Advanced Light Water Reactors (ALWRs). ALWRs are next generation light water reactors. N/A - General 1.4.2 Alternative Shutdown Capability. The ability to safely shut down the reactor and maintain shutdown N/A - General using equipment and processes outside the normal reactor shutdown process.

1.4.3* Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. N/A - General Revision 5 2 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 1.4.4* Associated Circuits of Concern. Safety-related and non-safety-related circuits that are not directly N/A - General required to perform a safe shutdown function and that do not have a required physical separation.

1.4.5* Authority Having Jurisdiction. The organization, office, or individual responsible for approving N/A - General equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

1.4.6 Cable Tray Fire Break. A noncombustible or limited-combustible material installed in vertical or N/A - General horizontal cable trays to limit fire spread.

1.4.7 Cold Shutdown. A stable nuclear power plant condition in which the affected reactor is subcritical and N/A - General the average reactor coolant system temperature is less than or equal to 200°F (93°C).

1.4.8* Combustible. Capable of undergoing combustion. N/A - General 1.4.9 Combustible Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C). N/A - General 1.4.10* Defense in Depth. A principle aimed at providing a high degree of fire protection by achieving a N/A - General balance of preventing fires from starting; detecting fires quickly and suppressing those fires that occur, thereby limiting damage; and designing a nuclear power plant to limit the loss of life, property, and environment to fire and to ensure continuity of nuclear power plant operation and safe shutdown capability.

1.4.11* Fire Area. An area that is physically separated from other areas by space, barriers, walls, or other N/A - General means in order to contain fire within that area.

1.4.12* Fire Area Subdivision. A portion of a fire area that is separated from the remainder of the fire area N/A - General by substantive barriers, which are not necessarily fire rated; by physical features, such as pipe tunnels; by spatial separation.

1.4.13 Fire Barrier. A continuous vertical or horizontal construction assembly designed and constructed to N/A - General limit the spread of heat and fire and to restrict the movement of smoke.

1.4.14* Fire Brigade. As used in this standard, refers to those on-site persons trained in plant fire-fighting N/A - General operations.

1.4.15 Fire Door. A door assembly rated in accordance with NFPA 252, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of N/A - General Door Assemblies, and installed in accordance with NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows.

1.4.16 Fire Hazards Analysis (FHA). An analysis to evaluate potential fire hazards and appropriate fire N/A - General protection systems and features to mitigate the effects of fire in any plant location.

1.4.17 Fire Prevention. Measures directed toward avoiding the inception of fire. N/A - General Revision 5 3 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 1.4.18 Fire Protection. Methods of providing fire detection, control, and extinguishment. N/A - General 1.4.19 Fire Protection Manager. The person directly responsible for the fire prevention and fire protection N/A - General program at the plant.

1.4.20* Fire-Rated Cables. Cables with an hourly fire resistance rating based on maintaining functionality N/A - General when exposed to fire tests in NFPA 251, Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials.

1.4.21 Fire-Rated Internal Conduit Seal. A conduit seal that is a tested and approved hourly rated fire seal N/A - General in accordance with ASTM E 814, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops.

1.4.22 Fire-Rated Penetration Seal. An assembly provided in a fire barrier opening for the passage of pipes, N/A - General cable trays, and so forth, to maintain the fire resistance rating of the fire barrier.

1.4.23 Fire Resistance Rating. The time, in minutes or hours, that materials or assemblies have withstood a N/A - General fire exposure as established in accordance with an approved test procedure appropriate for the component under consideration.

1.4.24 Fire Safe Shutdown. Actions, components, capabilities, and design features necessary to achieve and N/A - General maintain safe shutdown of the reactor after a fire in a specific fire area.

1.4.25* Fire-Safe Shutdown Component (FSSD). Components (nuclear safety related and non-safety N/A - General related), equipment, instrument-sensing line, or cable, including associated circuits of concern, that are required to safely shut down a nuclear plant in the event of fire.

1.4.26* First Break. The first place in a conduit run where the interior of the conduit is accessible to install a N/A - General seal.

1.4.27 Flame Spread Rating. A relative measurement of the surface burning characteristics of building N/A - General materials when tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

1.4.28 Flammable Liquid. A liquid that has a closed-cup flash point that is below 100°F (37.8°C) and a N/A - General maximum vapor pressure of 40 psia (2068 mm Hg) at 100°F (37.8°C).

1.4.29 Free of Fire Damage. The structure, system, or component under consideration is capable of N/A - General performing its intended function during and after the postulated fire, as needed.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 1.4.30 High Impedance Faults. Fire-induced faults on non-safe shutdown essential circuits routed through a N/A - General common fire area that are assumed to occur simultaneously and have a current magnitude below the trip point for the individual circuits and the sum of the currents generated by the simultaneous occurrence of such faults could trip the main circuit breaker and cause the loss of a safe shutdown power supply.

1.4.31* High-Low Pressure Interface. A valve or set of valves that separates a high-pressure primary N/A - General coolant system from a low-pressure system.

1.4.32 Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark N/A - General of an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.

1.4.33 Limited-Combustible. A building construction material not complying with the definition of N/A - General noncombustible material that, in the form in which it is used, has a potential heat value not exceeding 3500 Btu/lb (8141 kJ/kg), where tested in accordance with NFPA 259, Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials, and complies with (a) or (b) below. Materials subject to increase in combustibility or flame spread index beyond the limits herein established through the effects of age, moisture, or other atmospheric condition shall be considered combustible. (a) Materials having a structural base of noncombustible material, with a surfacing not exceeding a thickness of 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) that has a flame spread index not greater than 50. (b) Materials, in the form and thickness used, other than as described in (a),

having neither a flame spread index greater than 25 nor evidence of continued progressive combustion and of such composition that surfaces that would be exposed by cutting through the material on any plane would have neither a flame spread index greater than 25 nor evidence of continued progressive combustion.

1.4.34* Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is N/A - General acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose.

1.4.35 Noncombustible. Not capable of supporting combustion. N/A - General 1.4.36 Normal Operations. All modes of non-emergency nuclear power plant operation, ranging from 0 N/A - General percent to 100 percent power, which include refueling outages but do not include extended outages when fuel is removed from the reactor.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 1.4.37* Nuclear Safety Function. Any function that is necessary to ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant N/A - General pressure boundary; the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of nuclear power plant conditions that could result in the potential for a significant fraction of allowable off-site releases.

1.4.38* Nuclear Safety Related. Structures, systems, or components that are required to remain functional to N/A - General ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off-site exposures comparable to regulatory guideline exposures.

1.4.39 Postulated Fire. A fire that is assumed to occur in a specific area of a nuclear plant. N/A - General 1.4.40* Power Block. Structures that have equipment required for nuclear plant operations. N/A - General 1.4.41 Redundant Component, System, or Subsystem. A component, system, or subsystem that N/A - General independently duplicates the essential function of another component, system, or subsystem.

1.4.42 Safe Shutdown. A shutdown with the reactivity of the reactor kept subcritical as specified by the N/A - General technical specifications for the unit.

1.4.43* Safety Division. The designation applied to a given system or set of nuclear-safety-related N/A - General components that enable the establishment and maintenance of physical, electrical, and functional independence from other redundant systems or sets of components.

1.4.44 Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement. N/A - General 1.4.45 Should. Indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required. N/A - General 1.4.46* Spurious Operation. An unwanted change in state of equipment due to fire-induced faults (e.g., hot N/A - General shorts, open circuits, or shorts to ground) on its power or control circuitry.

1.4.47 Spurious Signal. A fire-induced signal that could cause the spurious operation of components or N/A - General equipment, which would adversely affect the safe shutdown capability.

Chapter 2 Fire Protection Program N/A - Heading 2.1* General. All elements of the site fire protection program shall be reviewed every two years, and updated O/O as necessary.

Exception: Other review frequencies are acceptable where specified in site administrative procedures and approved by the authority having jurisdiction.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 2.2 Management Policy Direction and Responsibility. N/A - Heading 2.2.1 A policy document shall be prepared that defines management authorities and responsibilities and COL establishes the general policy for the site fire protection program.

2.2.2 The policy document shall designate the senior management person with immediate authority and COL responsibility for the fire protection program.

2.2.3 The policy document shall define the fire protection interfaces with other organizations and assign COL responsibilities for the coordination activities.

2.2.4 The policy document shall include the authority for conflict resolution. COL 2.3 Fire Prevention Program. A fire prevention program shall be established and documented to include all COL of the following:

(1) Fire safety information for all employees and contractors, including as a minimum familiarization with plant fire prevention procedures, fire reporting, and plant emergency alarms, including evacuation (2) Documented plant inspections, including provisions for handling of remedial actions to correct conditions that increase fire hazards (3) A procedure for the control of general housekeeping practices and the control of transient combustibles (4) Procedures for the control of flammable and combustible gases in accordance with NFPA standards (5) Procedures for the control of ignition sources, such as smoking, welding, cutting, and grinding (see NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work)

(6) A fire prevention surveillance plan (see NFPA 601, Standard for Security Service in Fire Loss Prevention)

(7) A fire reporting procedure, including investigation requirements and corrective action requirements 2.4* Fire Hazards Analysis. A documented fire hazards analysis shall be made for each site. The analysis N/A - See Below shall document all of the following:

(1) The physical construction and layout of the buildings and equipment, including fire areas and the fire Comply ratings of area boundaries (2) *An inventory of the principal combustibles within each fire subdivision Comply (3) A description of the fire protection equipment, including alarm systems and manual and automatic Comply extinguishing systems Revision 5 7 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (4) A description of any equipment necessary to ensure a safe shutdown, including cabling and piping Comply between equipment, and the location of such equipment (5) An analysis of the postulated fire in each fire area, including its effect on safe shutdown equipment, Comply assuming automatic and manual fire protection equipment does not function (6) An analysis of the potential effects of a fire on life safety, release of contamination, impairment of Comply. Release of contamination.

operations, and property loss, assuming the operation of installed fire extinguishing equipment NC. Other areas not included in AP1000 fire protection analysis.

(7) An analysis of the potential effects of other hazards, such as earthquakes, storms, and floods, on fire AC. Not included in AP1000 fire protection protection analysis, but is included in other sections of the AP1000 DCD.

(8) An analysis of the potential effects of an uncontained fire in causing other problems not related to safe NC. Not included in AP1000 fire protection shut-down, such as a release of contamination and impairment of operations analysis (9) An analysis of the postfire recovery potential NC. Not included in AP1000 fire protection analysis (10) An analysis for the protection of nuclear-safety-related systems and components from the inadvertent Comply actuation or breaks in a fire protection system (11) An analysis of the smoke control system, and the impact smoke can have on nuclear safety and operation Comply for each fire area (12) An analysis of the emergency planning and coordination requirements necessary for effective loss control. COL This shall include any necessary compensatory measures to compensate for the failure or inoperability of any active or passive fire protection system or feature.

2.5 Procedures. A formal procedure system for all actions pertaining to the fire protection program shall be N/A - See Below established. This shall include all of the following:

(1) Inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation of fire protection systems and equipment, both manual and COL automatic, such as detection and suppression systems (2) Inspection, testing, and maintenance of passive fire protection features, such as fire barriers and COL penetration seals (3) Trend analysis requirements COL (4) Provisions for entering areas with access restrictions COL (5) Training requirements COL Revision 5 8 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 2.6 Quality Assurance. N/A - Heading 2.6.1 A quality assurance program shall be established in accordance with ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Comply Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities, for all of these aspects of the fire protection program related to nuclear safety:

(1) Design and procurement document control Comply (2)* Instructions, procedures, and drawings Comply (3)* Control of purchased material, equipment, and services Comply (4)* Inspection Comply, COL (5)* Test and test control Comply, COL (6)* Inspection, test, and operating status COL (7)* Nonconforming items Comply (8)* Corrective action Comply (9)* Records Comply (10)*Audits Comply 2.6.2 The quality assurance program shall be documented in sufficient detail to verify its scope and adequacy. Comply, COL 2.7 Fire Emergency Plan. A written fire emergency plan shall be established. As a minimum, this plan shall COL include the following:

(1) Response to fire and supervisory alarms (2) Notification of plant and public emergency forces (3) Evacuation of personnel (4) Coordination with security, maintenance, operations, and public information personnel (5) Fire extinguishment activities Revision 5 9 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (6) Postfire recovery and contamination control activities (7) Control room operations during an emergency (8) Prefire plan (9) A description of interfaces with emergency response organizations, security, safety, and others having a role in the fire protection program, including agreements with outside assistance agencies such as fire departments and rescue services 2.8 Fire Brigade. A plant fire brigade shall be established as indicated in Chapter 4. N/A -COL Chapter 3 Fire Protection and Administrative Controls N/A - Heading 3.1* General. N/A - Heading 3.2 Plant Inspections. N/A - Heading 3.2.1 The owner or his or her designated manager shall develop, implement, and update as necessary a fire O/O prevention surveillance plan integrated with recorded rounds to all accessible sections of the plant.

3.2.2 Inspections of the plant shall be conducted in accordance with NFPA 601, Standard for Security Services O/O in Fire Loss Prevention. A prepared checklist shall be used for the inspection. Areas of primary containment and high radiation areas normally inaccessible during plant operation shall be inspected as plant conditions permit but at least during each refueling outage. The results of each inspection shall be documented and retained for two years.

Exception: For those plant areas inaccessible for periods greater than two years, the most recent inspection shall be retained.

3.3 Control of Combustible Materials. N/A - Heading 3.3.1* Plant administrative procedures shall specify appropriate requirements governing the storage, use, and COL handling of flammable and combustible liquids and flammable gases.* An inventory of all temporary flammable and combustible materials shall be made for each fire area, O/O identifying the location, type, quantity, and form of the materials.* Temporary but predictable and repetitive concentrations of flammable and combustible materials shall COL be considered.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Combustibles, other than those that are an inherent part of the operation, shall be restricted to O/O designated storage compartments or spaces. Consideration shall be given to reducing the fire hazard by limiting the amount of combustible Comply materials. The storage and use of hydrogen shall be in accordance with NFPA 50A, Standard for Gaseous Comply Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites, and NFPA 50B, Standard for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites. The temporary use of wood shall be minimized. Plant administrative procedures shall specify that if O/O wood must be used in the power block, it shall be listed pressure-impregnated fire-retardant lumber.

3.3.2 Housekeeping. N/A - Heading Housekeeping shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize the probability of fire. O/O Accumulations of combustible waste material, dust, and debris shall be removed from the plant and its O/O immediate vicinity at the end of each work shift or more frequently as necessary for safe operations.

3.3.3 Transient Combustible Loading. N/A - Heading* Plant administrative procedures shall require that the total fire loads, including temporary and O/O permanent combustible loading, will not exceed those quantities established for extinguishment by permanently installed fire protection systems and equipment.

Exception: Where limits are temporarily exceeded, the plant fire protection manager shall assure that appropriate fire protection measures are provided. The fire protection manager or his or her designated representative shall conduct weekly walk-through O/O inspections to ensure implementation of required controls. During major maintenance operations, the frequency of these walk-throughs shall be increased to daily. The results of these inspections shall be documented and the documentation retained for a minimum of two years. When the work is completed, the plant fire protection manager shall have the area inspected to confirm O/O that transient combustible loadings have been removed from the area. Extra equipment shall then be returned to its proper location. The results of this inspection shall be documented and retained for two years.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT* Only noncombustible panels or flame-retardant tarpaulins or approved materials of equivalent fire- COL retardant characteristics shall be used. Any other fabrics or plastic films used shall be certified to conform to the large-scale fire test described in NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films.

3.3.4 Flammable and Combustible Liquids. N/A - Heading Flammable and combustible liquid storage and use shall be in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable Comply and Combustible Liquids Code. Where oil-burning equipment, stationary combustion engines, or gas turbines are used, they shall be installed and used in accordance with NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, or NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, as appropriate. Flammable and combustible liquid and gas piping shall be in accordance with ANSI B31.1, Code for Comply Power Piping, or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, as applicable. Hydraulic systems shall use only listed fire-resistant hydraulic fluids. Exception: Where unlisted NC - The AP1000 fire protection design hydraulic fluids must be used, they shall be protected by a fire suppression system. criteria document does not explicitly invoke this requirement. Hydraulic fluids will be in accordance with equipment manufacturer recommendations. The ignition of leaked or spilled liquid shall be minimized by the following methods: N/A - See Below (1)

  • Keeping the liquid from contact with hot parts of the steam system (wall temperature greater than or AC - The AP1000 fire protection design equal to ignition temperature), such as steam pipes and ducts, entry valve, turbine casing, reheater, and criteria document does not explicitly invoke bypass valve this requirement. The layout has been designed to pass flammable and combustible liquids below hot piping.

(2) Using suitable electrical equipment NC - The AP1000 fire protection design criteria document does not explicitly invoke this requirement.

(3) Sealing the insulation of hot plant components to prevent liquid saturation AC - The AP1000 fire protection design criteria document does not explicitly invoke this requirement.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (4) Using concentric piping AC - The AP1000 fire protection design criteria document does not explicitly invoke this requirement. Piping for distribution of fuel oils is concentric.

(5) Using liquid collection systems Comply 3.4 Control of Ignition Sources. Plant administrative procedures shall require an in-plant review and prior O/O approval of all work plans to assess potential fire hazard situations. Where such conditions are determined to exist, special precautions shall be taken to define appropriate conditions under which the work is authorized.

3.4.1 Hot Work. N/A - Heading The owner or his or her designated manager shall develop, implement, and update as necessary a O/O welding and cutting safety procedure using NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work, and NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, as a guide. Written permission from the fire protection manager or a designated alternate shall be obtained before O/O starting activities involving cutting, welding, grinding, or other potential ignition sources.* A permit shall not be issued until all of the following are accomplished: N/A - See Below (1) An inspection has determined that hot work can be safely conducted at the desired location. O/O (2) Combustibles have been moved away or safely covered. O/O (3) The atmosphere is nonflammable. O/O (4) A trained fire watch (with equipment) is posted for the duration of the work, and for 30 minutes thereafter, O/O to protect against sparks or hot metal starting fires. All cracks or openings in floors shall be safely covered or closed. O/O 3.4.2 Smoking. N/A - Heading Smoking shall be prohibited at or in the vicinity of hazardous operations or combustible and flammable O/O materials. No Smoking signs shall be posted in these areas. Smoking shall be permitted only in designated and supervised safe areas of the plant. Where smoking O/O is permitted, safe receptacles shall be provided for smoking materials.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 3.4.3 Temporary Electrical Wiring. The ignition of flammable materials shall be minimized by requiring O/O that all temporary electrical wiring (1) Be kept to a minimum (2) Be suitable for the location (3) Be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code , or ANSI C2, National Electrical Safety Code, as appropriate (4) Be arranged so that energy shall be isolated by a single switch (5) Be arranged so that energy shall be isolated when not needed 3.4.4 Temporary Heating Appliances. N/A - Heading Only safely installed, approved heating devices shall be used in all locations. Ample clearance shall be O/O provided around stoves, heaters, and all chimney and vent connectors to prevent ignition of adjacent combustible materials in accordance with NFPA 211, Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances (connectors and solid fuel); NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code (fuel gas appliances); and NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment (liquid fuel appliances). Refueling operations of heating equipment shall be conducted in an approved manner. O/O Heating devices shall be situated so that they are not likely to overturn. O/O Temporary heating equipment, when utilized, shall be monitored and maintained by properly trained O/O personnel.

3.4.5 Open-flame or combustion-generated smoke shall not be used for leak testing. O/O 3.4.6 Plant administrative procedures shall specify appropriate requirements governing the control of electrical COL appliances in all plant areas.

3.5 Temporary Structures. N/A - Heading 3.5.1 Exterior Buildings. N/A - Heading* Temporary buildings, trailers, and sheds, whether individual or grouped, shall be constructed of O/O noncombustible material and shall be separated from other structures. Temporary buildings, trailers, and sheds and other structures constructed of combustible or limited- O/O combustible material shall be separated from other structures by a minimum distance of 30 ft (9.1 m).

Exception: Where all portions of the exposed building (walls, roof) within 30 ft (9.1 m) of the exposure constitute a rated fire barrier, the minimum separation distance shall be permitted to be reduced in accordance with Table

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Table Minimum Separation Distances O/O Minimum Distance Where Exposing Minimum distance Where Exposing Exposed Building building is Without Protection Building has Automatic Sprinklers Fire Barrier Rating Ft m Ft m 3 hr 5 1.5 0 0 2 hr 10 3.0 5 1.5 1 hr 20 3.1 10 3.0 1 hr 30 9.1 15 4.6 All exterior buildings, trailers, sheds, and other structures shall have the appropriate type and size of O/O portable fire extinguishers.

3.5.2 Exterior Temporary Coverings. Where coverings are utilized for protection of the outdoor storage of O/O materials or equipment, the following shall apply: (1) Only approved fire-retardant tarpaulins or other acceptable materials shall be used. (2) All framing material used to support such coverings shall be either noncombustible or fire-retardant pressure-impregnated wood. (3) Covered storage shall not be located within 30 ft (9.1 m) of any building.

3.5.3 Interior Temporary Facilities. N/A - Heading All interior temporary structures shall be constructed of noncombustible, limited-combustible, or fire- O/O retardant pressure-impregnated wood. Structures constructed of noncombustible or limited-combustible materials shall be protected by an automatic fire suppression system unless the fire hazard analysis determines that automatic suppression is not required. The structure shall be protected by an automatic fire suppression system if the structure is constructed of fire-retardant pressure-impregnated wood. This use of interior temporary coverings shall be limited to special conditions where interior temporary O/O coverings are necessary. They shall be constructed of approved fire-retardant tarpaulins. Where framing is required, it shall be constructed of noncombustible, limited-combustible, or fire- O/O retardant pressure-impregnated wood. All interior temporary facilities shall have the appropriate type and size of portable fire extinguisher. O/O Revision 5 15 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 3.6 Impairments. N/A - Heading 3.6.1* A written procedure shall be established to address impairments to fire protection systems and features COL and other plant systems that directly impact the level of fire risk (e.g., ventilation systems, plant emergency communication systems, etc.).

3.6.2* Impairments to fire protection systems shall be as short in duration as practical. O/O 3.6.3* Appropriate post-maintenance testing shall be performed on equipment that was impaired to ensure that O/O the system will function properly. Any change to the design or function of the system after the impairment shall be considered in establishing the testing requirements and shall be reflected in the appropriate design documents and plant procedures.

3.7 Testing and Maintenance. N/A - Heading 3.7.1 Upon installation, all new fire protection systems and passive fire protection features shall be O/O preoperationally inspected and tested in accordance with applicable NFPA standards. Where appropriate test standards do not exist, inspections and test procedures described in the purchase and design specification shall be followed.

3.7.2* Fire protection systems and passive fire protection features shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in O/O accordance with applicable NFPA standards, manufacturers recommendations, and requirements established by those responsible for fire protection at the plant.

3.7.3 Inspection, testing, and maintenance shall be performed using established procedures with written O/O documentation of results and a program of follow-up actions on discrepancies.

3.7.4* Consideration shall be given to the inspection, testing, and maintenance of nonfire protection systems O/O and equipment that have a direct impact on the level of fire risk within the plant.

Chapter 4 Manual Fire Fighting N/A - Heading 4.1 Prefire Plans. N/A - Heading 4.1.1 Detailed prefire plans shall be developed for all site areas. COL 4.1.2* The plans shall detail the fire area configurations and fire hazards to be encountered in the fire area COL along with any safety-related components and fire protection systems and features that are present.

4.1.3 Prefire plans shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated at least every two years. COL Revision 5 16 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 4.1.4* Prefire plans shall be available in the control room and made available to the plant fire brigade. O/O 4.2* On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability. N/A - Heading 4.2.1 General. N/A - Heading A minimum of five plant fire brigade members shall be available for response at all times. O/O Fire brigade members shall have no other assigned normal plant duties that would prevent immediate O/O response to a fire or other emergency as required. The brigade leader and at least two brigade members shall have sufficient training and knowledge of O/O plant safety-related systems to understand the effects of fire and fire suppressants on safe shutdown capability. The fire brigade shall be notified immediately upon verification of a fire or fire suppression system O/O actuation.

4.2.2 Fire Fighter Qualifications and Requirements. N/A - Heading Plant fire brigade members shall be physically qualified to perform the duties assigned. O/O Each member shall pass an annual physical examination to determine that the fire brigade member can O/O perform strenuous activity. The physical examination shall determine each members ability to use respiratory protection O/O equipment.

4.2.3 Each fire brigade member shall meet training qualifications as specified in Section 4.3 O/O 4.3 Training and Drills. N/A - Heading 4.3.1 Plant Fire Brigade Training. N/A - Heading Plant fire brigade members shall receive training consistent with the requirements contained in O/O NFPA 600, Standard on Industrial Fire Brigades, or NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, as appropriate.* Fire brigade members shall be given quarterly training and practice in fire fighting. O/O A written program shall detail the fire brigade training program. O/O Revision 5 17 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Written records that include, but are not limited to, initial fire brigade classroom and hands-on training, O/O refresher training, special training schools attended, drill attendance records, and leadership training for fire brigades shall be maintained for each fire brigade member.

4.3.2 Drills. N/A - Heading Drills shall be conducted quarterly for each shift to test the response capability of the fire brigade. O/O Fire brigade drills shall be developed to test and challenge fire brigade response including brigade O/O performance as a team, proper use of equipment, effective use of prefire plans, and coordination with other groups. Fire brigade drills shall be conducted in various plant areas, especially in those areas identified by the O/O fire hazards analysis to be critical to plant operation and to contain significant fire hazards. Drill records shall be maintained detailing the drill scenario, fire brigade member response, and ability O/O of the fire brigade to perform the assigned duties. A critique shall be held after each drill O/O 4.4 Fire-Fighting Equipment. N/A - Heading 4.4.1* The plant fire brigade shall be provided with equipment that will enable them to adequately perform O/O their assigned tasks.

4.4.2 Fire brigade equipment shall be tested and maintained. Written records shall be retained for review. O/O 4.5 Off-Site Fire Department Interface. N/A - Heading 4.5.1 Mutual Aid Agreement. N/A - Heading A mutual aid agreement shall be offered to the local off-site fire department. COL Where possible, the plant fire protection manager and the off-site fire authorities shall develop a plan O/O for their interface. The fire protection manager also shall consult with the off-site fire department to make plans for fire fighting and rescue, including assistance from other organizations, and to maintain these plans. The local off-site fire department shall be invited to participate in an annual drill. O/O 4.5.2 Site-Specific Training. N/A - Heading Fire fighters from the off-site fire department who are expected to respond to a fire at the plant shall be O/O familiar with the plant layout. The access routes to fires in the controlled area (to which access doors are locked) shall be planned in COL advance.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT* The off-site fire department shall be offered instruction and training in radioactive materials, O/O radiation, and hazardous materials that might be present.

4.5.3 Security and Health Physics. N/A - Heading* Plant management shall designate a plant position to act as a liaison to the off-site fire department O/O when they respond to a fire or other emergency at the plant. Plant management shall ensure that the off-site fire department personnel are escorted at all times and O/O emergency actions are not delayed.

4.6 Water Drainage. The fire brigade shall have at their disposal the necessary equipment to assist with O/O routing water from the affected area.

4.7 Fire-Fighting Access. N/A - Heading 4.7.1 All plant areas shall be accessible for fire-fighting purposes. Comply 4.7.2 Prefire plans shall identify those areas of the plant that are locked and have limited access for either COL security or radiological control reasons. Provisions shall be made to allow access to these areas. If necessary, this shall include having security and health physics personnel respond to the fire area along with the fire brigade. Health physics personnel shall confer with the fire brigade leader to determine the safest method of access to any radiologically controlled area.

4.8 Radiation Shielding. N/A - Heading 4.8.1 Full advantage shall be taken of all fixed radiation shielding to protect personnel responding for fire O/O suppression purposes.

4.8.2 Health physics personnel shall advise the fire brigade leader of the best method for affording radiological O/O protection.

4.9* Smoke and Heat Removal. If fixed ventilation systems are not capable of removing smoke and heat, the O/O fire brigade shall utilize portable ventilation equipment. (See Section 6.4.)

Chapter 5 Nuclear Reactor Safety Considerations N/A - Heading 5.1* General. N/A - Heading 5.2 Fire Hazards and Safe Shutdown Analysis (FSSA). A fire safe shutdown analysis (FSSA) shall be Comply, COL prepared and maintained for the operating life of the reactor. The FSSA shall include as a minimum all of the following:

(1) Fire hazards analysis (FHA) Comply (2) Safe shutdown analysis (SSA) Comply (3) Internal plant examination of external fire events for severe accident vulnerabilities Comply, COL Revision 5 19 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 5.2.1 Fire Hazards Analysis. The fire hazards analysis shall include the criteria indicated in Section 2.4. Comply 5.2.2 Safe Shutdown Analysis. A safe shutdown analysis of the effects of a fire on those essential structures, AC - The AP1000 fire protection analysis systems, and components required to safely shut down the plant and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition exists, but does not include the shutdown shall be performed. The analysis shall include as a minimum the requirements of this section. logic diagram per paragraph A safe shutdown system available/unavailable calculation or table shall be prepared and maintained for Comply each fire area. This document shall identify all safe shutdown equipment that is operable or inoperable due to the effects of a fire in that fire area. This document shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Sections 5.3 and 5.4.* A shutdown logic diagram shall be available that identifies the conditions necessary to achieve and NC. The AP1000 fire protection analysis does maintain safe shutdown capability in the event of a fire and those plant features necessary to realize these not include a shutdown logic diagram.

conditions, including auxiliary and support features.

5.2.3 Internal Plant Examination of External Fire Events for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities. N/A - Heading A risk assessment that estimates the potential risk from a fire in relation to the plants core damage frequency Comply. Westinghouse has a fire PRA for shall be prepared. AP1000. It is not, however, referenced by the fire protection analysis.* An industry-accepted examination process shall be used for the risk assessment. Comply. The Westinghouse fire PRA is consistent with the EPRI FIVE process.* An acceptable risk assessment shall demonstrate that the probability of core damage as a result of an Comply internal fire is less than 1 x 10 -6 per reactor year. The internal plant examination of external fire events for severe accident vulnerabilities shall be used Comply - In some fire areas the fire is to evaluate the level of safety of the plant and shall not be used to reduce the overall plant fire protection assumed to progress through the area and design basis. operator action is necessary to assure no spurious ADS actuation.

5.3 Design Basis Events and Requirements. N/A - Heading 5.3.1 Fire. N/A - Heading Only one fire is assumed to occur at a given time. For the purpose of a safe shutdown analysis, Comply damage shall be assumed to occur immediately.* All components, including electrical cables, that are susceptible to fire damage in a single fire area Comply (except primary containment and annulus areas) shall be assumed to be disabled or to be spuriously actuated, whichever is the worst case.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT* A fire shall not be assumed to impair safe shutdown capability inside primary containment or annulus Comply areas. The plant shall be assumed to be operating at 100 percent power, with all components in their normal Comply configuration, when a postulated fire occurs. The analysis also shall consider changes in plant configurations during all normal modes of operation. A concurrent single active component failure independent of the postulated fire shall not be assumed to Comply occur. Plant accidents or severe natural phenomena shall not be assumed to occur concurrently with a Comply postulated fire. Exception: For seismic/fire interaction, see 5.3.2. A loss of off-site power shall be assumed concurrent with the postulated fire only where the safe Comply shutdown analysis (including alternative shutdown) indicates the fire could initiate the loss of off-site power. Fire safe shutdown components shall be capable of performing all of the following functions in the N/A - See Below event of the postulated fire:

(1) Achieving and maintaining subcritical reactivity conditions in the reactor Comply (2) Maintaining the reactor coolant inventory such that plant safety limits are not violated Comply (3) *Establishing reactor decay heat removal to prevent fuel damage and achieve and maintain cold shutdown AC - AP1000 is a passive plant designed to establish reactor decay heat removal to conditions prevent fuel damage and achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions. Additional protection has been afforded to also protect cold shutdown equipment. This safe shutdown end state was accepted by NRC for AP600.

(4) Providing support functions such as process cooling, lubrication, and so forth, necessary to permit Comply operation of the FSSD components (5) Providing direct readings of the process variables necessary to perform and control the FSSD functions Comply Limiting Safety Conditions. During a postfire shut-down, the fission product boundary integrity shall Comply - A fire near a containment electrical be maintained within acceptable limits (e.g., fuel clad damage, rupture of any primary coolant boundary, or penetration may affect the leaktightness of the rupture of the primary containment boundary). penetration.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Spurious Signals. N/A - Heading An evaluation of spurious signals shall be performed based on these assumptions: Comply (1) All potential spurious components shall be assumed to be in their normal operating positions for the Comply particular mode of operation being considered by the spurious signal evaluation.

(2) The fire-induced cable damage shall determine if any of the following cable failure modes are possible: AC - The AP1000 fire hazards analysis assumes spurious actuations regardless of cable failure mode except for valve motor operators. The spurious actuations are postulated one at a time (except for high/low pressure interfaces). Spurious actuation of the redundant valves in any one high-low pressure interface line are postulated if the circuits for those valves are located in the fire area. The spurious actuations that are evaluated are those that could cause a breach in the reactor coolant boundary or defeat safety-related decay heat removal capability or cause an increase in shutdown reactivity of the reactor.

a. Hot Short. Individual conductors within a cable are shorted to individual conductors of a different AC cable such that a de-energized circuit might become energized by shorting to an external source of electrical power.
b. Open Circuit. The cable failure results in the loss of electrical continuity. AC
c. Shorts to Ground. Cable conductors short to grounded structures. AC
d. Short Circuit. Individual conductors within multi-conductor cable short to each other. AC Functional failure or damage modes of equipment and components that can spuriously operate shall Comply be considered. Fire-Induced Spurious Actuation. The following postulates shall be used when analyzing fire- Comply induced spurious actuation of equipment.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT FSSD capability shall not be adversely affected by simultaneous spurious actuation of all valves in a Comply single high-to-low pressure interface line where the power or control circuits for the valves can be damaged by a postulated fire. For other than high-to-low pressure boundaries, FSSD capability shall not be adversely affected by Comply spurious actuation or signal. Separate conditions shall be analyzed concurrent with the spurious actuation(s) or signal addressed Comply in and All automatic functions (signal, logic, etc.) from the circuits that can be damaged by the postulated Comply fire shall be assumed lost or assumed to function as intended, whichever is the worst case. All potential spurious signals shall be analyzed. However, only one spurious signal shall be AC - See (2) postulated to occur at a time for purposes of analysis, except for high-low pressure interface valves.* For the purpose of analysis for cases involving high-to-low pressure interface, hot shorts involving Comply - See AP1000 DCD 9A. three-phase ac circuits shall be postulated. For ungrounded dc circuits, if it can be shown that only two hot shorts of the proper polarity without AC - See (2) grounding could cause spurious operation, no further evaluation shall be necessary except for cases involving high-to-low pressure interfaces.* All associated circuits of concern shall be isolated from FSSD circuits by coordinated circuit Comply breakers or fuses.* Circuits Associated by Common Enclosure. N/A - Heading Protection for circuits associated by common enclosure shall be demonstrated by ensuring that Comply suitable electrical overcurrent protection devices are provided for all cables. Appropriate measures to prevent the propagation of fire, such as rated fire stops and seals in the raceway or enclosure, shall be provided. The overcurrent protection devices shall be located outside of the fire area containing the common Comply enclosure. High Impedance Faults. N/A - Heading A high impedance fault shall be assumed to occur as a result of a fire. Comply Evaluation of the impact of high impedance faults on the ability to achieve and maintain safe Comply shutdown shall be performed. This evaluation shall demonstrate that there is sufficient capacity in the electrical protective system to preclude a trip of the main source breaker to the supply.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 5.3.2* Seismic/Fire Interaction. N/A - Heading A risk assessment that demonstrates the potential risk from a seismically induced fire in relationship to NC. AP1000 has not prepared seismically the plants core damage frequency shall be prepared. induced fire PRA.* An industry-accepted examination process shall be used for the risk assessment. N/A. AP1000 does not have a seismically induced fire PRA. The assessment shall be used to evaluate the level of safety of the plant. This assessment shall not be N/A. AP1000 does not have a seismically used to reduce the overall plant fire protection design basis. induced fire PRA.

5.4 Separation Criteria. N/A - Heading 5.4.1 One safety division of systems that is necessary to achieve and maintain safe shutdown from either the Comply control room or emergency control station(s) shall be maintained free of fire damage by a single fire, including an exposure fire.

5.4.2 One safety division of systems that is necessary to prevent the initiation of a design basis accident shall Comply - At least one safety division remains be maintained free of fire damage from a single fire that occurs outside the main control room. available following any single fire anywhere outside the control room or the containment.

5.4.3 Redundant cables, equipment, components, and associated circuits of nuclear-safety-related or safe Comply - See AP1000 DCD 9A.2.7.1.

shutdown systems shall be located in separate fire areas. The fire barrier forming these fire areas shall have a 3-hour fire rating and automatic area-wide detection shall be installed throughout these fire areas. Structural steel forming a part of or supporting such fire barriers shall be protected to provide fire resistance equivalent to that of the barrier.

Exception No. 1: Where redundant system separation inside containment cannot be achieved, other measures shall be permitted in accordance with Section 5.6 to prevent a fire from causing the loss of function of nuclear-safety-related or safe shutdown systems.

Exception No. 2: Redundant cables, equipment, components, and associated circuits of nuclear-safety-related or safe shutdown systems shall be located in separate fire areas. The fire barriers forming these fire areas shall have a minimum fire-resistive rating of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, and automatic area-wide detection and suppression shall be installed throughout these fire areas. Structural steel forming a part of or supporting such fire barriers shall be protected to provide fire resistance equivalent to that of the barrier.

5.4.4 Fire areas separated by minimum 3-hour fire barriers shall be established to separate redundant safety Comply divisions and safe shutdown functions from fire hazards in nonsafety or safe shutdown related areas of the plant.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 5.4.5 Within fire areas containing components of either a nuclear-safety-related or safe shutdown system, Comply special attention shall be given to detecting and suppressing fire that can adversely affect the system.

Measures that shall be taken to reduce the effects of a postulated fire in a given fire area include limiting the amount of combustible materials (see Section 3.3), providing fire-rated barriers between major components and equipment to limit fire spread within a fire area (see Section 6.1), or installing fire detection (see Section 7.8) and fixed suppression systems (see Section 7.6).

5.5 Manual Actions. N/A - Heading 5.5.1 Shutdown Procedures. Procedures shall be developed for actions necessary to achieve FSSD. COL 5.5.2 Operator Actions. N/A - Heading Operator actions necessary to achieve FSSD of the reactor shall be kept to a minimum. Comply* No credit shall be taken for operator actions required to effect repairs to equipment in order to achieve Comply FSSD of the reactor. Personnel necessary to achieve and maintain the plant in FSSD following a fire shall be provided from O/O the normal on-site staff, exclusive of the fire brigade. The operator training program shall include performance-based simulator training on FSSD O/O procedures. Walk-through of operator actions necessary to achieve FSSD of the reactor shall be performed to verify O/O that the actions are feasible and shall be integrated into the operator training program. Postfire shutdown and recovery plans shall be included in the station emergency preparedness plan. O/O Drills and operator requalification training shall ensure that operations personnel are familiar with and can accomplish the necessary actions.

5.5.3 Operator Access and Equipment Operation. N/A - Heading Operator Access. N/A - Heading* Access routes to areas containing equipment necessary for safe shutdown of the reactor shall be Comply protected from the effects of smoke and fire. Two separate access routes shall be provided from the main control room to the remote shutdown Comply location.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Emergency lighting shall be provided for the access routes and the remote shutdown location (see Comply Section 6.6). Equipment Operation. N/A - Heading* Operator safety shall not be threatened by fire conditions while implementing FSSD of the reactor. Comply* Operation of equipment required to effect FSSD of the reactor shall not require any extraordinary Comply actions by the operator. Operators (e.g., handwheels of valves that require manual manipulation for FSSD) shall be readily Comply.

accessible. If the handwheel is located more than 5 ft (1.5 m) above the floor, it shall be provided with either a chain operator or a permanent platform. The platform shall be of sufficient size to allow the operator to safely perform the manual action.

5.6 Alternative Shutdown Capability. N/A - Heading 5.6.1 Alternative shutdown capability provided for a specific fire area shall include achieving and maintaining AC - See AP1000 DCD Table 9.5.1-1 subcritical reactivity conditions in the reactor, maintaining the reactor coolant inventory, achieving safe items 25 and 76, and section 9A.2.7.

shutdown, and maintaining safe shutdown following the fire event.

5.6.2 During the postfire shutdown, the reactor coolant system process variables shall be maintained within Comply those predicted for a loss of normal ac power, and the fission product boundary integrity shall not be affected.

5.6.3 Performance goals for reactor shutdown functions shall be the same as those required by Comply 5.6.4 The safe shutdown circuits for each fire area shall be known to be isolated from associated circuits in the Comply fire area so the hot shorts, shorts to ground, open circuits, or short circuits will not prevent the operation of the safe shutdown equipment. Isolation of associated circuits from the safe shut-down equipment shall be such that a postulated fire involving the associated circuits will not prevent safe shutdown or damage the safe shutdown components.

Chapter 6 General Plant Design N/A - Heading 6.1 Plant Arrangement. N/A - Heading 6.1.1 Building Separation. N/A - Heading In multi-unit plants, each unit shall be separated from adjacent units by either an open space of at least Comply 50 ft (15.2 m), or at least a 3-hour-rated fire barrier.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Buildings or portions thereof containing nuclear-safety-related systems shall be separated from Comply buildings or portions thereof not related to nuclear safety by barriers having a designated fire resistance rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

Exception: Buildings containing nuclear-safety-related systems shall be permitted to be separated from buildings not related to nuclear safety by an open space of at least 50 ft (15.2 m).

6.1.2 Fire Areas. Advanced light water reactor (ALWR) electric generating plants shall be subdivided into Comply separate fire areas to minimize the risk of fire spread and the resultant consequential damage from fire gases, smoke, heat, radioactive contamination, and fire-fighting activities. In addition, the subdivision into fire areas shall allow adequate access for manual fire suppression activities. A listed fire barrier having a fire resistance rating of at least 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, and with listed 3-hour-rated N/A - See Below penetration seals, shall be provided as follows:

(1) To separate all contiguous buildings or portions thereof serving different purposes, such as reactor Comply containment, auxiliary, turbine, radwaste, control, service, administration, and other occupancy areas as dictated by reactor design (2) To separate safety-related standby emergency diesel generators and combustion turbines from each other N/A. There are no safety-related standby and the rest of the plant emergency diesel generators and/or combustion turbines in AP1000.

(3) To separate the turbine generator lube oil conditioning system and lube oil storage from the turbine Comply building and adjacent areas (4) To separate diesel fire pumps and associated equipment from other pumps in the same pump house Comply. No other pumps are in the diesel fire pump house.

(5) To separate all areas with heavy concentrations of cables, such as cable spreading rooms, cable tunnels, Comply cable penetration areas, and cable shafts or chases, including those within the reactor containment, from adjacent areas (6) To separate auxiliary boiler rooms from adjacent areas Comply (7) Wherever so determined by the fire hazards analysis Comply Revision 5 27 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT To prevent vertical spread of fire, stairways, elevator shafts, trash chutes, and other vertical shafts and NC. Auxiliary building stairwells and plenums shall be enclosed with barriers having a fire resistance rating of at least 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Openings in such elevator shafts, with exception of the exterior barriers shall be protected with listed automatic or self-closing fire doors having a fire protection rating of at wall sections enclosing Stairwell S03 and the least 1-1/2 hours. wall separating Stairwell S03 from the elevator shaft above the Auxiliary Building Roof as described in Section 9A of the DCD.

For buildings outside of the Nuclear Island, exterior wall sections enclosing stairwells and elevator shafts do not have a fire resistance rating of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, only interior stairwell and elevator shaft wall sections are rated for the minimum 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> fire resistance rating.

6.1.3 Openings in Fire Barriers. N/A - Heading All openings in fire barriers shall be provided with fire door assemblies, fire dampers, penetration seals Comply (fire stops), or other approved means having a fire protection rating consistent with the designated fire resistance rating of the barrier.

Exception: The use of assemblies that are not listed or approved due to nuclear safety or security requirements shall be demonstrated to be equivalent. Fire door assemblies, fire dampers, and fire shutters used in 2-hour-rated fire barriers shall be listed as Comply not less than 1-1/2 hour rated and shall meet the requirements of NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows, for fire door requirements and NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, for fire damper requirements.

Exception: Where approved full-scale fire tests indicate that opening protection is not necessary, opening protection shall not be required. Windows in fire barriers, such as for a control room or computer room, shall be provided with a Comply listed or approved fire shutter or automatic wall curtain. Cable openings, piping openings, and building joints shall be provided with fire-rated penetration Comply seals. The sealing material shall be of limited-combustible or noncombustible material and shall meet the requirements of ASTM E 814, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops, or UL 1479, Standard for Safety Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Internal Conduit Seals. All conduits shall be sealed at the barrier with a fire-rated seal, if Comply accessible. Alternatively, internally sealing with a fire-rated seal at the first break in the conduit on both sides of the barrier shall be acceptable. For the above configuration, the fire rating of the internal conduit seal shall be equivalent to the rating of the fire barrier being penetrated.

Exception: Where approved full-scale fire tests indicate that internal conduit seals are not necessary, internal conduit seals are not required. All fire-rated assemblies shall be tested with a positive pressure in the furnace. Comply Normally closed fire doors in fire barriers shall be identified with a sign indicating Fire Door - Keep Comply, O/O Closed. Design features that provide for monitoring and control of fire doors to assure fire door operability and Comply fire barrier integrity shall be provided. Exception: Administrative procedures instead of design features shall be permitted.

6.2 Life Safety. N/A - Heading 6.2.1* NFPA 101, Life Safety Code , shall be the standard for life safety from fire in the design and NC. Deviations from the Life Safety Codes operation of the ALWR, except where modified by this standard. exit and egress requirements are identified and the degree of the life safety justified in the Means of Egress Studies.

6.2.2* The majority of the areas involved in the transfer of nuclear energy to electrical energy shall be Comply considered as special-purpose industrial occupancies and special structure, windowless buildings, as defined in NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.

6.2.3 In determining the exits for an ALWR plant, the actual number of personnel and occupancy hazards Comply during maintenance, refueling, and testing shall determine the exit requirements and occupant load based upon NFPA 101, Life Safety Code.

6.2.4 Cafeterias, lunchrooms, conference rooms, and assembly rooms having an occupant load greater than 50 Not part of the standard AP1000 certified shall conform to the new assembly occupancy requirements in NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. design.

6.2.5 General office areas, office buildings, and training facilities shall conform to the business occupancy Not part of the standard AP1000 certified requirements in NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. design.

6.2.6 Warehouses and storage areas shall conform to the storage occupancy requirements in NFPA 101, Life Not part of the standard AP1000 certified Safety Code. design.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6.3 Building and Construction Materials. N/A - Heading 6.3.1 Construction materials for the ALWR plant shall be classified by at least one of the following test Comply methods appropriate to the end-use configuration of the material:

(1) NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction Comply (2) ASTM E 136, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C Comply (3) NFPA 251, Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials Comply (ASTM E 119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials)

(4) NFPA 253, Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Comply Heat Energy Source (5) NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (ASTM E Comply 84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials)

(6) NFPA 256, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings Comply (7) NFPA 259, Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials Comply 6.3.2* All walls, floors, and structural components, except interior finish materials, shall be of noncombustible Comply construction. Interior wall or ceiling finish classification shall be in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, NC - Protective Coatings used as interior wall requirements for Class A material. and ceiling finishes meet the criteria of noncombustible from the BTP CMEB 9.5-1 Regulatory Position C.5.(a).9. Interior floor finish classification shall be in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, NC - Protective Coatings used as interior wall requirements for Class I interior floor finish. and ceiling finishes meet the criteria of noncombustible from the BTP CMEB 9.5-1 Regulatory Position C.5.(a).9.

6.3.3 Thermal insulation materials, radiation shielding materials, ventilation duct materials, soundproofing Comply materials, and suspended ceilings, including light diffusers and their supports, shall be noncombustible or limited combustible.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6.3.4 Electrical wiring above suspended ceilings shall be kept to a minimum. Electrical wiring shall be listed Comply for plenum use, or armor-metal-jacketed, or routed in metallic conduits, or trays having both solid metallic bottoms and covers.

6.3.5 Roof coverings shall be Class A as determined by tests described in NFPA 256, Standard Methods of Comply Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.

6.3.6 Metal roof deck construction shall be Class I as listed by Factory Mutual or fire acceptable as listed by Comply Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

6.3.7 Bulk flammable gas storage, either compressed or cryogenic, shall not be permitted inside structures Comply housing safety-related systems. Storage of flammable gas, such as hydrogen, shall be located outdoors or in separate detached Comply buildings, so that a fire or explosion will not adversely affect any safety-related systems or equipment.* Outdoor high pressure flammable gas storage containers shall be located so that the long axis is not Comply pointing at the building walls.

6.3.8 Bulk storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall not be permitted inside structures housing Comply safety-related systems. As a minimum, the storage and use shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code.

6.4* Ventilation. N/A - Heading 6.4.1* The design, installation, and operation of ventilation systems necessary for normal and emergency AC - The AP1000 fire protection design operation of the plant shall be in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air- criteria document does not explicitly invoke Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. this requirement. It does, however, meet the intent of this requirement.

6.4.2* Automatic damper closure or shutdown of ventilation systems shall be consistent with nuclear safety Comply and safety of on-site personnel.

6.4.3 Smoke removal shall be provided for nuclear-safety-related areas of the plant. Equipment shall be Comply suitable for removing smoke without damage to equipment. The release to the environment of smoke containing radioactive materials shall be monitored in accordance with emergency plans.

Exception: For those plants provided with complete automatic sprinkler protection, fixed ventilation systems for the removal of smoke is not required.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Smoke and heat removal systems shall be provided for other fire areas based upon the fire hazards Comply analysis.

Exception: For those plants provided with complete automatic sprinkler protection, fixed ventilation systems for the removal of smoke is not required. Smoke from nonnuclear areas shall be discharged directly outside to an area that will not adversely Comply affect nuclear-safety-related areas.* Any ventilation system designed to exhaust potentially radioactive smoke or heat shall be evaluated to Comply ensure that inadvertent operation or single failures will not violate the radiologically controlled areas of the plant.

6.4.4 To facilitate manual fire fighting, smoke control shall be provided in high-density cable-use areas, Comply switchgear rooms, diesel fuel oil storage areas, turbine buildings, and other areas where potential exists for heavy smoke and heat conditions as determined by the fire hazards analysis.

6.4.5 The power supply and controls for mechanical ventilation systems used for smoke removal shall be AC - Some equipment is located in the area routed outside the fire area served by the system or protected from fire damage. that it serves. Some fires may disable the system, requiring the use of portable smoke removal equipment.

6.4.6 The fresh air supply intakes to plant areas shall be located remote from the exhaust air outlets and smoke Comply vents of other fire areas to minimize the possibility of contaminating the air intake with the products of combustion.

6.4.7 Enclosed stairwells shall be designed to minimize smoke infiltration during a fire. AC - See AP1000 DCD Table 9.5.1-1 item 55.

6.4.8 Where natural-convection ventilation is used, a minimum ratio of vent area to floor area shall be at least N/A 1 to 200, except in oil hazard areas, where at least a 1-to-100 ratio shall be provided.

6.4.9 Duct Systems. N/A - Heading Combustible ducts, including fire-retardant types, shall not be used for ventilation systems. Comply Interconnections of individual fire areas via the ventilation system shall be kept to a minimum. Comply Revision 5 32 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Fire dampers shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air- Comply Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. Consideration shall be given to the velocity in the duct.

Exception No. 1: Where full-scale fire tests that are conducted by testing laboratories indicate that fire dampers are not necessary to prevent fire spread through a fire-rated barrier, fire dampers can be omitted from the fire barrier.

Exception No. 2:* As an alternative to fire dampers, the duct system can be enclosed or constructed to provide the required fire barrier through adjacent areas. (Refer to Figure A. Exception No. 2.) Listed fire dampers having a rating of 1-1/2 hours shall be installed where ventilation ducts penetrate AC - Portions of the auxiliary building are fire barriers having a required fire resistance rating of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Where ventilation ducts penetrate required conservatively rated for 3-hours to provide 3-hour fire barriers, approved fire dampers having a fire protection rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> shall be installed. exposure protection from a turbine building fire. Fire dampers are not provided for roof penetrations, which are adequately protected by housings of noncombustible construction. Fire dampers shall be equipped for automatic closure by thermal release elements. The fire damper Comply shall be mounted directly into the separating wall or the duct shall be protected between the wall and the damper according to the fire resistance of the separating wall structure. Fire dampers shall be designed and installed so that the air velocity in the ducts assists in closing fire Comply dampers and does not preclude proper damper closure. Ventilation ducts containing fire dampers shall be provided with access ports for ease of inspection and Comply for replacement of the thermal element.

6.4.10 Filters. N/A - Heading Air entry filters shall have approved noncombustible filter media that produce a minimum amount of AC - Filters will be listed for UL 900. As of smoke (UL Class 1) when subjected to heat. May 2012, Class 1 filters are obsolete as UL no longer lists filters to the former Class 1 criteria. In order to decrease the fire hazard of these filters and of oil-bath-type filters, only approved fire- Comply resistive adhesives and oils with the Cleveland open-cup flash point (ASTM D 92, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup) equal to or greater than 464°F (240°C) and that do not produce appreciable smoke shall be used.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT High-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) shall meet the requirements of UL 586, Standard for Comply Test Performance of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter Units. Fixed water spray systems shall be provided for charcoal adsorber beds containing more than 100 lb AC - HVAC charcoal beds are provided with (45.4 kg) of charcoal. fixed water spray systems. The WGS charcoal adsorber beds are provided with a permanent connection from a nitrogen purge line to allow nitrogen to be injected into the enclosed space containing the charcoal to extinguish a fire. Fire suppression systems shall be installed to protect filters that collect combustible material. Comply 6.5 Drainage. N/A - Heading 6.5.1* Drainage shall be provided in all areas of the plant for the removal of all liquids directly to safe areas, Comply or for containment in the area without adverse flooding of equipment and without endangering other areas.

6.5.2 Drainage and the prevention of equipment water damage shall be accomplished by one or more of the N/A - See Below following:

(1) Floor drains Comply (2) Floor trenches Comply (3) Open doorways or other wall openings Comply (4) Curbs for containing or directing drainage Comply (5) Equipment pedestals Comply (6) Pits, sumps, and sump pumps Comply 6.5.3 Drainage and any associated drainage facilities for a given area shall be sized to accommodate the N/A - See Below volume of liquid produced by all of the following:

(1) The spill of the largest single container of any flammable or combustible liquids in the area Comply (2) Where automatic suppression is provided throughout, the credible volume of discharge (as determined by Comply the fire hazards analysis) for the suppression system operating for a period of 30 minutes Revision 5 34 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx


  • Where automatic suppression is not provided throughout, the contents of piping systems and containers Comply that are subject to failure in a fire (4) Where the installation is outside, credible environmental factors such as rain and snow Comply (5) Where automatic suppression is not provided throughout, the volume shall be based on a manual fire- NC. The AP1000 drains are not designed for 500 gpm, nor does the present fire hazards fighting flow rate of 500 gal/min (1892.5 L/min) for a duration of 30 minutes, unless the fire hazards analysis demonstrate a different flow rate and analysis demonstrates a different flow rate and duration duration.

6.5.4 Floor drainage from areas containing flammable or combustible liquids shall be trapped to prevent the Comply spread of burning liquids beyond the fire area.

6.5.5 Where gaseous fire suppression systems are installed, floor drains shall be provided with adequate seals, N/A - AP1000 has no gaseous fire suppression or the fire suppression system shall be sized to compensate for the loss of fire suppression agent through the systems.


6.5.6 Drainage facilities shall be provided for outdoor oil-insulated transformers, or the ground shall be sloped Comply such that oil spills flow away from buildings, structures, and adjacent transformers. Unless drainage from oil spills is accommodated by sloping the ground around transformers away from Comply structures or adjacent equipment, consideration shall be given to providing curbed areas or pits around transformers. If a layer of uniformly graded stone is provided in the bottom of the curbed area or pit as a means of Comply minimizing ground fires, the following shall be assessed.

(1) The sizing of the pit shall allow for the volume of the stone.

(2) The design shall address the possible accumulation of sediment or fines in the stone.

6.5.7 For facilities consisting of more than one generating unit, a curb or trench drain shall be provided on Comply solid floors where the potential exists for an oil spill, such that oil released from the incident on one unit will not expose an adjacent unit.

6.5.8 Water drainage from areas that might contain radioactivity shall be collected, sampled, and analyzed Comply before discharge to the environment.

6.5.9 Water released during fire suppression operations in areas containing radioactivity shall be drained to a Comply location that would be acceptable for the containment of radioactive materials.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6.6 Emergency Lighting. N/A - Heading 6.6.1 Emergency lighting units shall provide adequate lighting levels. The lighting units shall be sized to Comply provide a duration of operation that will adequately illuminate the egress and access routes to areas containing safe shutdown equipment and the equipment operation until normal or emergency plant lighting can be re-established.

6.6.2 The illumination of means of egress shall be in accordance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. The Comply illumination shall include emergency lighting and marking of the means of egress.

6.6.3 The floor of the means of egress and the safe shutdown operations shall be illuminated at all points Comply including angles, intersections of corridors, passageways, stairways, landings of stairways, exit doors, safe shutdown equipment, and access and egress routes to safe shutdown equipment to values of not less than 1 footcandle measured at the floor and at safe shut-down equipment.

6.6.4 The required illumination shall be so arranged that the failure of any single lighting unit, such as the Comply burning out of a single light bulb, will not leave any area in darkness.

6.6.5 Suitable battery-powered hand lights shall be provided for emergency use by the fire brigade and other Comply operations personnel required to achieve safe plant shutdown.

6.7 Lightning Protection. The plant shall be provided with a lightning protection system in accordance with Comply NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.

6.8 Electrical Cabling. N/A - Heading 6.8.1 As a minimum, combustible cable insulation and jacketing material shall meet the fire and flame test Comply - The insulating and jacketing requirements of IEEE 383, Standard for Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices and Connections material for electrical cables are selected to for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. Meeting the requirements of IEEE 383 shall not eliminate the need meet the fire and flame test requirements of for protection as specified in this standard and the fire hazards analysis. IEEE Standard 1202 or IEEE Standard 383 excluding the option to use flame source, oil, or burlap.

6.8.2 Fiber optic cable insulation and jacketing material shall meet the fire and flame test requirements of Comply - The insulating and jacketing IEEE 383, Standard for Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices and Connections for Nuclear material for electrical cables are selected to Power Generating Stations. meet the fire and flame test requirements of IEEE Standard 1202 or IEEE Standard 383 excluding the option to use flame source, oil, or burlap.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6.8.3 Group cabling shall be routed away from exposure hazards or protected as specified in this standard. Comply Specifically, group cabling shall not be routed near sources of ignition or flammable and combustible liquid hazards.

6.8.4 Cable raceways shall be used only for cables. Comply 6.8.5 Only metal shall be used for cable trays Comply 6.8.6 Only metallic tubing shall be used for conduit. Comply Exception: Nonmetallic conduit shall be permitted to be used with concrete encasement or for direct burial runs. Thin-wall metallic tubing shall not be used. Comply Flexible metallic tubing shall only be used in lengths less than 5 ft (1.5 m) to connect components to Comply equipment. Other raceways shall be made of noncombustible materials. Comply 6.9* Exposure Protection. Buildings shall be protected from exposure fires by any one of the following: Comply (1) A listed 3-hour fire barrier with automatic or self-closing fire doors having a fire protection rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> and listed penetration protection of a 3-hour rating (2) A spatial separation of at least 50 ft (15.2 m)

(3) Exterior exposure protection 6.10 Electrical Systems for the Plant. The electrical design and installation of electrical generating, control, Comply transmission, distribution, and metering of electrical energy shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, or ANSI C2, National Electrical Safety Code, as applicable.

6.11 Communications. N/A - Heading 6.11.1 The plant-approved voice/alarm communication system in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Comply Alarm Code , shall be available on a priority basis for fire announcements, directing plant fire brigade, and fire evacuation announcements.

6.11.2* A portable radio communication system shall be provided for use by the fire brigade and other Comply operation personnel required to achieve safe shutdown.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 6.11.3 The radio communication system shall not interfere with the communication capabilities of the plant Comply security force.

6.11.4 The impact of fire damage on the communication systems shall be considered when installing fixed Comply repeaters to permit the use of portable radios. Repeaters shall be located such that a fire-induced failure of the repeater will not also cause failure of the other communication systems relied upon for safe shutdown.

6.11.5* Plant control equipment shall be designed so that the control equipment is not susceptible to radio Comply frequency interferences from portable radios.

6.11.6 Preoperational tests and periodic testing shall demonstrate that the frequencies used for portable radio Comply communications will not affect actuation of protective relays or other electrical components.

Chapter 7 General Fire Protection Systems and Equipment N/A - Heading 7.1 General. N/A - Heading 7.1.1* A fire hazards analysis shall be conducted to determine the fire protection requirements for the facility. Comply 7.1.2* All fire protection systems, equipment, and installations shall be dedicated to fire protection purposes. The PCS tank has a dedicated volume for fire Exception No. 1: Except when in accordance with 7.4.9. protection, however the balance of the tank serves other purposes Exception No. 2: Fire protection systems shall be permitted to be used to provide redundant backup to The PCS recirculation pumps, which serve as nuclear-safety systems provided the fire protection systems meet the design basis requirements of the nuclear-safety systems. Fire protection systems used in this manner shall be designed to handle both functions. a backup to the fire pumps after a seismic event, are not dedicated for fire protection PCS ancillary water tank has a dedicated volume for fire protection, however, the balance of the tank serves other purposes The fire pumps:

serve the containment spray function through a normally closed valve

  • can provide containment cooling
  • can provide component cooling to the RNS heat exchangers through temporary (not normally installed) connections Revision 5 38 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The second fire water storage tank has a dedicated volume for fire protection, however, the balance of the tank serves other purposes (raw water storage) 7.1.3 All fire protection equipment shall be listed or approved for its intended service. The PCS tanks are not listed or approved equipment The PCS recirculation pumps are not listed or approved equipment 7.2 Water Supply. N/A - Heading 7.2.1* The fire water supply shall be calculated on the basis of the largest expected flow rate for a period of 2 Comply hours, but shall not be less than 300,000 gal (1,135,500 L). This flow rate shall be based on 500 gpm (1892.5 L/min) for manual hose streams plus the largest design demand of any sprinkler or fixed water spray system as determined in accordance with this standard, NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, or NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection. The fire water supply shall be capable of delivering this design demand with the hydraulically least demanding portion of fire main loop out of service.

7.2.2* Two 100 percent {minimum of 300,000 gal (1,135,500 L) each} system capacity tanks shall be Comply installed. The tanks shall be interconnected such that fire pumps can take suction from either or both. A failure in one tank or its piping shall not cause both tanks to drain. The tanks shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 22, Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection. Exception: Refill times for filling the water tanks do not apply.

7.2.3* The tanks shall not be supplied by an untreated, raw water source. Comply 7.2.4 Fire Pumps. N/A - Heading Fire pumps shall meet the requirements of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps Comply for Fire Protection, and shall be automatic starting.* Fire pumps shall be provided to ensure that 100 percent of the flow rate capacity will be available Comply assuming failure of the largest pump. Individual fire pump connections to the yard fire main loop shall be separated with sectionalizing Comply valves between connections. Each pump and its driver and controls shall be located in a room separated from the remaining fire pumps by a fire wall with a minimum rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. The fuel for the diesel fire pump(s) shall be separated so that it does not provide a fire source exposing safety-related equipment.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT A method of automatic pressure maintenance of the fire protection system shall be provided Comply independent of the fire pumps. Supervisory signals and visible indicators required by NFPA 20 shall be received in the control room. Comply 7.3 Valve Supervision. All fire protection water supply and system control valves shall be under a periodic COL inspection program (see Chapter 3) and shall be supervised by one of the following methods:

(1) Electrical supervision with audible and visual signals in the main control room or another constantly attended location and monthly valve inspections.

(2) Locking valves in their normal position and monthly valve inspections. Keys shall be made available only to authorized personnel.

(3) Sealing valves in their normal positions and weekly valve inspections. This option shall be utilized only where valves are located within fenced areas or under the direct control of the property owner.

7.4 Yard Mains, Hydrants, and Building Standpipes. N/A - Heading 7.4.1* The underground yard fire main loop shall be installed to furnish anticipated water requirements. The Comply type of pipe and water treatment shall be design considerations, with tuberculation as one of the parameters.

Means for inspecting and flushing the systems shall be provided.

7.4.2 Approved visually indicating sectional control valves such as post-indicator valves shall be provided to Comply isolate portions of the main for maintenance or repair without simultaneously shutting off the supply to both primary and backup fire suppression systems.

7.4.3 Valves shall be installed to permit isolation of outside hydrants from the fire main for maintenance or Comply repair without interrupting the water supply to automatic or manual fire suppression systems.

7.4.4* Sectional control valves shall permit maintaining independence of the individual loop around each unit. Comply For such installations, common water supplies shall also be permitted to be utilized. For multiple-reactor sites with widely separated plants {approaching 1 mi. (1.6 km) or more}, separate yard fire main loops shall be used.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 7.4.5 Outside manual hose installation shall be sufficient to provide an effective hose stream to any on-site Comply location. Hydrants with individual hose gate valves shall be installed approximately every 250 ft (76 m) apart on the yard main system. A hose house equipped with hose and combination nozzle and other auxiliary equipment specified in NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, shall be provided at intervals of not more than 1000 ft (305 m) along the yard main system.

Exception: Mobile means of providing hose and associated equipment, such as hose carts or trucks, shall be permitted in lieu of hose houses. Where provided, such mobile equipment shall be equivalent to the equipment supplied by three hose houses.

7.4.6 Threads compatible with those used by local fire departments shall be provided on all hydrants, hose Comply couplings, and standpipe risers, or the fire departments shall be provided with adapters that allow interconnection between plant equipment and the fire department equipment.

7.4.7 Sprinkler systems and manual hose station standpipes shall have connections to the plant underground Comply water main so that a single active failure or a crack in a moderate-energy line can be isolated so as not to impair both the primary and backup fire suppression systems. Alternatively, headers fed from each end shall be permitted inside buildings to supply both sprinkler and standpipe systems, provided steel piping and fittings meeting the requirements of ANSI B31.1, Code for Power Piping, are used for the headers (up to and including the first valve) supplying the sprinkler systems where such headers are part of the seismically analyzed hose standpipe system. Where provided, such headers shall be considered an extension of the yard main system. Each sprinkler and standpipe system shall be equipped with an outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) gate valve or other approved shutoff valve.

7.4.8 For all power block buildings, Class III standpipe and hose systems shall be installed in accordance with Comply NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and Hose Systems. For all other buildings on site, the requirements for standpipe and hose systems shall be appropriate for the hazard being protected.

7.4.9* The proper type of hose nozzle to be supplied to each area shall be based on the fire hazards analysis. Comply The usual combination spray/straight-stream nozzle shall not be used in areas where the straight stream can cause unacceptable damage. Approved, electrically safe fixed fog nozzles shall be provided at locations where high-voltage shock hazards exist. All hose nozzles shall have shutoff capability.

7.4.10 Seismic Fire Suppression Capabilities. N/A - Heading* Provisions shall be made to supply water at least to standpipes and hose stations for manual fire Comply suppression in all areas containing nuclear-safety-related systems and components for safe shutdown in the event of a safe shutdown earthquake (SSE).

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The piping system serving these hose stations shall be analyzed for safe shutdown and earthquake Comply loading, and shall be provided with supports that ensure pressure boundary integrity. The piping and valves for the portion of hose standpipe system affected by this functional requirement shall, as a minimum, satisfy the requirements of ANSI B31.1, Code for Power Piping. The system shall be designed to flow a minimum of one Class III standpipe station in accordance with Comply NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and Hose Systems. Where the seismic required hose stations are cross-connected to essential seismic Category I water Comply systems, the fire flow shall not degrade the essential water system requirements.

7.5 Portable Fire Extinguishers. N/A - Heading 7.5.1 Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers shall be installed, inspected, maintained, and tested in Comply accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

Exception: Where placement of extinguishers would result in required activities that are contrary to personnel radiological exposure concerns or nuclear-safety-related concerns, fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be inspected at intervals greater than those specified in NFPA 10, Standard on Portable Fire Extinguishers, or consideration shall be given to locating the extinguishers outside high radiation areas.

7.6 Fire Suppression Systems. N/A - Heading 7.6.1 Automatic suppression systems shall be provided in all areas of the plant as required by the fire hazards N/A - See below analysis. Except as modified in this chapter, the following NFPA standards shall be used:

(1) NFPA 11, Standard for Low-Expansion Foam N/A (2) NFPA 11A, Standard for Medium-and High-Expansion Foam Systems N/A (3) NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems N/A (4) NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Comply (5) NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection Comply (6) NFPA 16, Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems N/A (7) NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems N/A Revision 5 42 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (8) NFPA 214, Standard on Water-Cooling Towers Comply (9) NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems N/A 7.6.2 The extinguishing systems chosen shall be based upon the design parameters required as a result of the Comply fire hazards analysis.

7.6.3 Selection of extinguishing agent shall be based on all of the following: Comply (1) Type or class of hazard Comply (2) Effect of agent discharge on critical equipment such as thermal shock, continued operability, water Comply damage, overpressurization, cleanup, and so forth (3) Health hazards Comply 7.6.4 Each fire suppression system shall be equipped with approved alarming devices and annunciate in a Comply constantly attended area.

7.7 Fire Alarm Systems. N/A - Heading 7.7.1 Fire signaling systems shall be provided in all areas of the plant as required by the fire hazards analysis. Comply The requirements of this chapter shall constitute the minimum acceptable protective signaling system functions when used in conjunction with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code.

7.7.2* The signaling systems initiating device and signaling line circuits shall provide emergency operation Comply for fire detection, fire alarm, and water flow alarm during a single break or a single ground fault.

7.7.3 The fire signaling equipment used for fixed fire suppression systems shall give audible and visual alarm Comply and system trouble annunciation in the plant control room for the power block buildings. Local alarms shall be provided. Other fire alarm signals from other buildings shall be permitted to annunciate at the control room or other locations that are constantly attended.

7.7.4* Audible signaling appliances shall produce a distinctive sound, used for no other purpose. Audible Comply signaling devices shall be located and installed so that the alarm can be heard above ambient noise levels.

7.7.5 Plant control room or plant security personnel shall be trained in the operation of all fire signaling Comply systems used in the plant. This training shall include the ability to identify any alarm zone or fire protection system that is operating.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 7.7.6 Fire signaling equipment and actuation equipment for the release of fixed fire suppression systems shall Comply be connected to power supply sources in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, and shall be routed outside the area to be protected.

7.7.7* Manual fire alarm boxes shall be installed as required by the fire hazards analysis. Where manual Comply release devices are installed for the purpose of releasing an extinguishing agent in a fixed fire suppression system, the manual releases shall be clearly marked for that purpose. The manual release device circuits shall be routed outside the area protected by the fixed extinguishing system.

7.7.8 All signals shall be permanently recorded in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Comply 7.8 Fire Detectors. Automatic fire detectors shall be selected and installed in accordance with all of the Comply following:

(1) NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code Comply (2) The design parameters required as a result of the fire hazards analysis of the plant area Comply (3) The additional requirements of this standard Comply Chapter 8 Identification of and Protection Against Hazards N/A - Heading 8.1* General. The identification and selection of fire protection systems shall be based on the fire hazards Comply analysis. This chapter identifies fire and explosion hazards in advanced light water reactor plants and specifies the protection criteria that shall be used unless the fire hazards analysis indicates otherwise.

8.2 Primary and Secondary Containments. N/A - Heading 8.2.1 Normal Operation. Fire protection for the primary and secondary containment areas shall be provided Comply for hazards identified by the fire hazards analysis. Operation of the fire protection systems shall not compromise the integrity of the containment or other Comply safety-related systems. Fire protection systems in the containment areas shall function in conjunction with total containment requirements such as ventilation and control of containment liquid and gaseous release. Inside primary containment, fire detection systems shall be provided for each fire hazard identified in Comply the fire hazards analysis. The type of detection used and the location of the detectors shall be the most suitable for the particular type of fire hazard identified by the fire hazards analysis.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT A general area fire detection capability shall be provided in the primary containment as a backup for Comply the hazard detection described above. To accomplish this, suitable smoke or heat detectors compatible with the radiation environment shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Standpipe and hose stations shall be installed inside containment. Standpipe and hose stations inside Comply containment shall be permitted to be connected to a high quality water supply of sufficient quantity and pressure other than the fire main loop if plant-specific features prevent extending the fire main supply inside containment.

Exception: For inerted primary containment, standpipe and hose stations shall be permitted to be placed outside the primary containment, with hose no longer than 100 ft (30.5 m), to reach any location inside the primary containment with a 30-ft (9.1-m) effective hose stream. Reactor coolant pumps with an external lubrication system shall be provided with an oil collection N/A. AP1000 RCPs use water lubrication.

system. The oil collection system shall be so designed, engineered, and installed that failure of the oil collection system will not lead to a fire during normal operations, or off-normal conditions such as accident conditions or earthquakes.* The oil collection systems shall be capable of collecting oil from all potential pressurized and N/A. AP1000 RCPs use water lubrication.

unpressurized leakage sites in the reactor coolant pump oil systems. Leakage shall be collected and drained to a vented closed container that can hold the entire oil system inventory. Leakage points to be protected shall include the lift pump and piping, overflow lines, oil cooler, oil fill and drain lines and plugs, flanged connections on oil lines, and oil reservoirs where such features exist on the reactor coolant pumps. The drain line shall be large enough to accommodate the largest potential oil leak.

8.2.2 Refueling and Maintenance. N/A - Heading* Management procedures and controls necessary to ensure adequate fire protection for fire hazards O/O introduced during maintenance and refueling shall be provided. Adequate backup fire suppression shall be provided so that total reliance is not placed on a single fire suppression system. Adequate self-contained breathing apparatus shall be provided near the containment entrance for fire- Comply fighting and damage control personnel. These units shall be independent of any breathing apparatus or air supply systems provided for general plant activities and shall be clearly marked as emergency equipment.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.3 Control Room Complex. N/A - Heading 8.3.1 The control room complex (including kitchen, office spaces, etc.) shall be protected against disabling fire Comply - The MCR/Operator Work Area wall damage and shall be separated from other areas of the plant by floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs having a is not fire-rated based on other design criteria.

minimum fire resistance rating of 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. Peripheral rooms in the control room complex shall have an Manual fire suppression is provided for automatic water-based suppression system, where required by the fire hazards analysis, and shall be separated peripheral rooms. See Appendix 9A of the from the control room by noncombustible construction with a minimum fire resistance rating of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Design Control Document.

Ventilation system openings between the control room and the peripheral rooms shall have automatic smoke dampers installed that close on operation of the fire detection and fire suppression systems.

8.3.2 Manual fire-fighting capability shall be provided for both of the following: Comply (1) Fires originating within a cabinet, console, or connecting cables Comply (2) Exposure fires involving combustibles in the general room area Comply 8.3.3 Portable Class A and Class C fire extinguishers shall be located in the control room. A fire hose station Comply shall be installed immediately outside of the control room.

8.3.4 Nozzles that are compatible with the hazards and the equipment in the control room shall be provided for Comply the fire hose stations. The choice of nozzles shall satisfy fire-fighting requirements and electrical safety requirements, and shall minimize physical damage to electrical equipment from hose stream impingement.

8.3.5 Smoke detectors shall be provided in the control room complex, the electrical cabinets, and consoles. If NC - Smoke detectors are not provided in redundant safe shutdown equipment is located in the same control room cabinet or console, the cabinet or cabinets and consoles. The control room is console shall be provided with internal separation (noncombustible barriers) to limit the damage to one safety continuously occupied so that a fire is division. promptly detected and extinguished.

8.3.6 Breathing apparatus for the control room operators shall be readily available. Comply 8.3.7 The outside air intakes for the control room ventilation system shall be provided with smoke detection Comply capability to alarm in the control room and enable manual isolation of the control room ventilation system, thus preventing smoke from entering the control room.

8.3.8 Venting of smoke produced by a fire in the control room by means of the normal ventilation system shall Comply be permitted to be acceptable; however, provision shall be made to permit isolation of the recirculation portion of the normal ventilation system. Manually operated venting of the control room shall be available to the operators.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.3.9 All cables that enter the control room shall terminate in the control room. No cabling shall be routed Comply through the control room from one area to another. Cables in spaces under-floor and in above-ceiling spaces shall meet the separation criteria necessary for fire protection.

8.3.10 Air-handling functions shall be ducted separately from cable runs in such spaces (i.e., if cables are NC routed in under-floor or ceiling spaces, these spaces shall not be used as air plenums for ventilation of the control room). Fully enclosed electrical raceways located in such underfloor and ceiling spaces, if over 1 ft 2

  • The under-floor space of the control room (0.09 m2) in cross-sectional area, shall have automatic fire suppression inside. Area automatic fire suppression complex is used as a distribution plenum shall be provided for underfloor and ceiling spaces if used for cable runs unless all cable is run in 4-in. (101.6- for ventilation of the main control room.

mm) or smaller steel conduit or cables are in fully enclosed raceways internally protected by automatic fire Smoke detectors in the under-floor space suppression. cause prompt closure of combination fire/smoke dampers to shut off air flow.

  • Automatic fire suppression is not provided for cable runs.

8.4 Cable Concentrations. N/A - Heading 8.4.1 Cable Spreading Room. N/A - Heading The cable spreading room shall have an automatic water-based suppression system. The location of N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

sprinklers or spray nozzles shall consider cable tray arrangements to ensure adequate water coverage for areas that could present exposure fire hazards to the cable raceways. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be designed for a density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 (12.2 L/min*m 2) over the most remote 2500 ft 2 (232.2 m2 ). Suppression systems shall be zoned to limit the area of protection to that which the drainage system N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

can handle with any two adjacent systems actuated. Deluge and water spray systems shall be hydraulically designed with each zone calculated with the largest adjacent zone flowing. Cable spreading rooms shall have all of the following: N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

(1) At least two remote and separate entrances for access by the fire brigade personnel N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

(2) An aisle separation between tray stacks at least 3 ft (0.9 m) wide and 8 ft (24m) high N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

(3) Hose stations and portable fire extinguishers installed immediately outside the room N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.


  • Area smoke detection N/A - AP1000 has no cable spreading room.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.4.2 Cable Tunnels. N/A - Heading* Detection Systems. Cable tunnels shall be provided with smoke detection. Comply Suppression Systems. N/A - Heading Cable tunnels shall be provided with automatic fixed suppression systems. Automatic sprinkler NC. AP1000 does not provide cable tunnels systems shall be designed for a density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 (12.2 L/min*m 2) for the most remote 100 linear ft with automatic fixed suppression systems.

(30.5 m) of cable tunnel up to the most remote 2500 ft 2 (232.2 m2). The location of sprinklers or spray nozzles shall consider cable tray arrangements and possible Comply transient combustibles to ensure adequate water coverage for areas that could present exposure fire hazards to the cable raceways. Deluge sprinkler systems or deluge spray systems shall be zoned to limit the area of protection to that Comply which the drainage system can handle with any two adjacent systems actuated. The systems shall be hydraulically designed with each zone calculated with the largest adjacent zone flowing. Cables shall be designed to allow wetting undamaged cables with water supplied by the fire Comply suppression system without electrical faulting. Cable tunnels over 50 ft (15.2 m) long shall have all of the following:

(1) At least two remote and separate entrances for access by the fire brigade personnel AP1000 is not explicitly designed to meet this requirement.

(2) An aisle separation between tray stacks at least 3 ft (0.9 m) wide and 8 ft (2.4 m) high AP1000 is not explicitly designed to meet this requirement.

(3) Hose stations and portable fire extinguishers installed immediately outside the tunnel AP1000 is not explicitly designed to meet this requirement.

8.4.3 Cable Shafts and Risers. Cable tray fire breaks shall be installed every 20 ft (6.1 m) for vertical cable AP1000 is not explicitly designed to meet this trays that rise over 30 ft (9.1 m). Access to cable shafts shall be provided every 40 ft (12.2 m) with the requirement.

topmost access within 20 ft (6.1 m) of the cable shaft ceiling. Automatic sprinkler protection and smoke detection shall be provided at the ceiling of the vertical shaft.

8.5 Plant Computer and Communication Rooms. Computer and communication rooms shall meet the AP1000 is not explicitly designed to meet the applicable requirements of NFPA 75, Standard for the Protection of Electronic Computer/ Data Processing requirements of NFPA 75.


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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.6 Switchgear Rooms and Relay Rooms. N/A - Heading 8.6.1* Smoke detection shall be provided and shall alarm in both the control room and locally. Cables Comply entering the safety-related switchgear rooms shall terminate in the switchgear room. The safety-related switchgear rooms shall not be used for other purposes. Fire hose stations and portable fire extinguishers shall be readily available outside the area.

8.6.2 Equipment shall be located to facilitate fire fighting. Drains shall be provided to prevent water Comply accumulation from damaging safety-related equipment. Remote manually actuated ventilation shall be provided for smoke removal when manual fire suppression is needed. (See Section 6.4.)

8.7 Battery Rooms. N/A - Heading 8.7.1* Battery rooms shall be provided with ventilation to limit the concentration of hydrogen to 2 percent by Comply volume. Loss of ventilation shall alarm in the control room.

8.7.2 Safety-related battery rooms shall be protected against fires and explosions. Battery rooms shall be Comply separated from other areas of the plant by fire barriers having a 1-hour minimum rating. Direct current switchgear and inverters shall not be located in these battery rooms. Fire detection shall be provided. Fire hose stations and portable fire extinguishers shall be readily available outside the room.

8.8 Turbine Building. N/A - Heading 8.8.1* The turbine building shall be separated from adjacent structures containing safety-related equipment by Comply fire-resistive barriers having a minimum 3-hour rating. The fire barriers shall be designed so that the barrier will remain in place even in the event of a complete collapse of the turbine structure. Openings and penetrations shall be minimized in the fire barrier and shall not be located where turbine oil systems or generator hydrogen cooling systems create a direct fire exposure hazard to the fire barrier. Smoke and heat removal systems shall be provided in accordance with 6.4.3.

Exception: For those plants provided with complete automatic sprinkler protection at the roof level, smoke and heat removal systems are not required.

8.8.2 Beneath Turbine Generator Operating Floor. N/A - Heading* All areas beneath the turbine generator operating floor shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler or AC - AP1000 does not sprinkler all areas foam-water sprinkler system. The sprinkler system beneath the turbine generator shall take into consideration beneath the turbine generator operating floor.

obstructions from structural members and piping and shall be designed to a minimum density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 Sprinklers are provided as identified in the (12.2 L/min*m 2 ) over a minimum application of 5000 ft 2 (464.5 m 2 ). AP1000 DCD Section 9A.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Foam-water sprinkler systems installed in place of automatic sprinklers described above shall be N/A. AP1000 does not use foam-water designed in accordance with NFPA 16, Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam- sprinkler systems.

Water Spray Systems, and the design densities specified above. Electrical equipment in the area covered by a water or foam system shall be of the enclosed type or Comply otherwise protected to minimize water damage in the event of system operation.

8.8.3* Turbine Generator Bearings. Comply Automatic fixed suppression systems shall be provided for all turbine generator and exciter bearings. Comply - Automatic fixed suppression If closed-head water spray systems utilizing directional nozzles in accordance with NFPA 15, Standard for systems are provided for oil spill areas around Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, are provided, bearing protection shall be provided for a the turbine-generator and the generator seal oil minimum density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 (12.2 L/min*m 2 ) over the protected area. unit. Accidental water discharge on bearing points and hot turbine parts shall be considered. If necessary, Comply these areas shall be permitted to be protected by shields and encasing insulation with metal covers.

8.8.4 Lubricating oil lines above the turbine operating floor shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler Comply - Automatic fixed suppression system covering those areas subject to oil accumulation, including the area within the turbine lagging (skirt). systems are provided for oil spill areas around The automatic sprinkler system shall be designed to a minimum density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 (12.2 L/min*m 2 ). the turbine-generator.

8.8.5 Lubricating oil reservoirs and handling equipment shall be protected in accordance with If the Comply lubricating oil reservoir is elevated, sprinkler protection shall be extended to protect the area beneath the reservoir.

8.8.6 If shaft-driven ventilation systems are not used, the area inside a directly connected exciter housing shall NC - AP1000 is not explicitly designed to be protected with an automatic fire suppression system. If shaft-driven ventilation systems are used, an meet this paragraph.

automatic preaction sprinkler system providing a density of 0.30 gpm/ft 2 (12.2 L/min*m 2 ) over the entire area shall be provided.

8.8.7* Clean or dirty oil storage areas shall be protected based on the fire risk evaluation. The designer shall Comply consider, as a minimum, the installation of fixed automatic fire protection systems and the ventilation and drainage requirements in Chapter 6.

8.8.8 Hydrogen Systems. N/A - Heading* General. N/A - Heading Revision 5 50 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT* Bulk hydrogen systems supplying one or more generators shall have automatic valves located at the Comply supply and operable by dead man-type controls at the generator fill point(s) or operable from the control room. Alternatively, vented guard piping shall be permitted to be used inside the building to protect runs of hydrogen piping. A flanged spool piece or equivalent arrangement shall be provided to facilitate the separation of Comply hydrogen supply when the generator is open for maintenance. Control room alarms shall be provided to indicate abnormal gas pressure, temperature, and Comply percentage of hydrogen in the generator. The generator hydrogen dump valve and hydrogen detraining equipment shall be arranged to vent Comply directly to a safe outside location. The dump valve shall be remotely operable from the control room or from an area accessible during a machine fire.* An excess-flow check valve shall be provided for the bulk supply hydrogen piping. Comply Hydrogen Seal Oil Pumps. N/A - Heading Redundant hydrogen seal oil pumps with separate power supplies shall be provided for adequate Comply reliability of seal oil supply. Where feasible, electrical circuits to redundant pumps shall be run in buried conduit or provided with Comply fire-retardant coating if exposed in the area of the turbine generator to minimize the possibility of loss of both pumps as a result of a turbine generator fire. Hydrogen seal oil units shall be protected in accordance with 8.8.2. Hydrogen seal oil units shall be See response to 8.8.2.

protected by an automatic, open-head water spray system providing a density of 0.30 gpm (1.13 L/min) over the hydrogen seal area. Curbing or drainage or both shall be provided for the hydrogen seal oil unit in accordance with Comply Section 6.5. Hydrogen in Safety-Related Areas. N/A - Heading Hydrogen lines in safety-related areas shall be either designed to seismic Class I requirements or Comply sleeved such that the outer pipe is directly vented to the outside, or shall be equipped with excess-flow valves so that, in case of a line break, the hydrogen concentration in the affected areas will not exceed 2 percent. Hydrogen lines or sensing lines containing hydrogen shall not be piped into or through the control Comply room.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.8.9 Hydraulic Control Systems. The hydraulic control system shall use a listed fire-resistant fluid. AC - The AP1000 design follows equipment manufactures recommendation and does not explicitly include this requirement.

8.8.10* Lubricating Oil Systems. N/A - Heading Turbine lubricating oil reservoirs shall be provided with vapor extractors, which shall be vented to a Comply safe outside location. Curbing or drainage or both shall be provided for the turbine lubricating oil reservoir in accordance Comply with Section 6.5. All oil pipe serving the turbine generator shall be designed and installed to minimize the possibility of Comply an oil fire in the event of severe turbine vibration.* Piping design and installation shall consider all of the following measures: Comply (1) Welded construction (2) Guard pipe construction with the pressure feed line located inside the return line or in a separate shield pipe drained to the oil reservoir (3) Route oil piping clear of or below steam piping or metal parts (4) Insulate with impervious lagging for steam piping or hot metal parts under or near oil piping or turbine bearing points Cable for operation of the lube oil pumps shall be protected from fire exposure. Where feasible, Comply electrical circuits to redundant pumps shall be run in buried conduit. Protection shall be permitted to consist of separation of cables for ac and dc oil pumps or 1-hour fire-resistive coating (derating of cable shall be considered).

8.9 Standby Emergency Diesel Generators and Combustion Turbines. N/A - Heading 8.9.1 The installation and operation of standby emergency diesel generators and combustion turbines shall be Comply in accordance with NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines. Exception: Automatic shutdown and remote shutdown features, which shall be governed by nuclear-safety requirements.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.9.2 Standby emergency diesel generators and combustion turbines located within main plant structures shall Comply be protected by automatic sprinkler, water spray, or foam-water sprinkler systems. Sprinkler and water spray protection systems shall be designed for a 0.25-gpm/ft 2 (10.19-L/min*m 2 ) density over the entire area.

8.9.3 Fire detection shall be provided to alarm and annunciate in the control room and to alarm locally. Fire Comply hose stations and portable fire extinguishers shall be readily available outside the area. Drainage for fire-fighting water and means for local manual venting of smoke shall be provided.

8.9.4 A day tank shall be permitted in standby emergency diesel generator and combustion turbine rooms if Comply the day tank is located in a diked enclosure that has sufficient capacity to hold 110 percent of the contents of the day tank or is drained to a safe location.

8.10 Diesel Fuel Storage and Transfer Areas. N/A - Heading 8.10.1* Diesel fuel oil storage tanks shall not be located inside buildings containing other nuclear-safety- Comply related equipment. If aboveground tanks are used, they shall be located at least 50 ft (15.2 m) from any building, or if within 50 ft (15.2 m), they shall be separated from the building by a fire barrier having a minimum 3-hour rating. Potential oil spills shall be confined or directed away from buildings containing safety-related equipment.

8.10.2 Aboveground tanks shall be provided with automatic fire suppression systems. NC 8.11 Nuclear Safety-Related Pump Rooms. These rooms shall be protected by fire detection systems. N/A. AP1000 has no safety-related pumps.

Automatic fire suppression systems shall be provided unless the fire hazards analysis determines that fire suppression is not required. Fire hose stations and fire extinguishers shall be readily accessible.

8.12 New Fuel Area. N/A - Heading 8.12.1 Fire extinguishers shall be located within the new fuel area. Fire hose stations shall be located as Comply determined by the fire hazards analysis to facilitate access and use for fire-fighting operations. Fire detection systems shall be provided. Combustible material shall be limited to the minimum necessary for operation in the new fuel area.

8.12.2 The storage configuration of new fuel shall always be maintained as to preclude criticality for any water Comply density that could occur during fire water application.

8.13 Spent Fuel Pool Area. Protection for the spent fuel pool area shall be provided by fire hose stations and Comply fire extinguishers. Fire detection shall be provided in the area.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.14 Rad Waste and Decontamination Areas. Fire barriers, fire detection, and automatic fire suppression Comply shall be provided as determined by the fire hazards analysis. Manual ventilation control to assist in smoke removal shall be provided if necessary for manual fire fighting.

8.15 Safety-Related Water Tanks. Storage tanks that supply water for fire-safe shutdown shall be protected Comply from the effects of an exposure fire. Combustible materials shall not be stored next to these tanks.

8.16 Record Storage Areas. Record storage areas shall be located and protected in accordance with N/A - Not in AP1000 certified design.

NFPA 232, Standard for the Protection of Records. Record storage areas shall not be located in safety-related areas and shall be separated from safety-related areas by fire barriers having a minimum 3-hour rating.

8.17 Cooling Towers. Cooling towers shall be of noncombustible or limited-combustible construction and Comply located such that a fire in the cooling tower will not adversely affect safety-related systems or equipment.

Cooling towers shall be of non-combustible construction when the basin is used as the ultimate heat sink.

Exception: If combustible construction is used, the cooling towers shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or water spray systems in accordance with NFPA 214, Standard on Water Cooling Towers, and shall be located so that they do not affect safety-related systems or equipment in the event of a fire.

8.18 Acetylene-Oxygen Fuel Gases. Gas cylinder storage locations or the fire protection systems that serve Comply, O/O those safety-related areas shall not be in areas that contain or expose safety-related equipment.

8.19 Storage Areas for Ion Exchange Resins. Unused ion exchange resins shall not be stored in areas that Comply, O/O contain or expose safety-related systems or equipment.

8.20 Storage Areas for Hazardous Chemicals. Hazardous chemicals shall not be stored in areas that contain Comply, O/O or expose safety-related systems or equipment.

8.21 Warehouses. Automatic sprinkler protection shall be provided for warehouses that contain high-value N/A - Not in AP1000 certified design equipment or combustible materials.

8.22 Fire Pump Room/House. Rooms housing diesel-driven fire pumps shall be protected by automatic Comply sprinkler, water spray, or foam-water sprinkler systems. If sprinkler and water spray systems are provided for fire pump houses, they shall be designed for a minimum density of 0.25 gpm/ft 2 (10.19 L/min*m 2) over the entire fire area Revision 5 54 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.23 Transformers. N/A - Heading 8.23.1 Buildings shall be protected from exposure fires involving oil-filled transformers by locating the Comply transformer casing, conservator tank, and cooling radiators at least 50 ft (15.2 m) from buildings, by providing a minimum 2-hour fire barrier between transformers as required in Figures 8.23.1(a) and (b) and exposed buildings or by complying with Table 8.23.1. {See Figures 8.23.1(a) and (b).} A minimum 1-hour fire barrier or a distance of 30 ft (9.1 m) shall be provided between adjacent transformers. Means shall be provided to contain oil spills.

Table 8.23.1 Transformer Spacing Separation Distances Comply Minimum (Line-of-Sight)

Transformer Oil Capacity Separation without Firewall Less than 5000 gal (18,925 L) 25 ft (7.6 m)

Over 5000 gal (18,925 L) 50 ft 50 ft (15.2 m) Bushing FIGURE 8.23.1(a) Transformer spacing. Comply FIGURE 8.23.1(b) Transformer spacing. Comply 8.23.2 Oil-filled main, station service, and start-up transformers shall be protected with automatic water spray Comply systems in accordance with NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, or foam-water spray systems in accordance with NFPA 16, Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems.

8.23.3 Transformers installed inside fire areas containing safety-related systems or equipment shall be of the Comply dry type or insulated and cooled with noncombustible liquid. Exception: Transformers filled with combustible fluid that are located indoors shall be enclosed in a transformer vault {see Article 450(c) of NFPA 70}.

8.24 Auxiliary Boilers. N/A - Heading 8.24.1 Auxiliary boilers, their fuel burning systems, combustion product removal systems, and related control The AP1000 is not explicitly designed to the equipment shall be installed and operated in accordance with NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems requirements of NFPA 85. It is designed to Hazards Code. NFPA 8501.

8.24.2 Oil-fired boilers or boilers using oil ignition within the main plant shall be protected with automatic Comply sprinkler, water spray, or foam-water sprinkler systems covering the boiler area. Sprinkler and water spray systems shall be designed for a minimum density of 0.25 gpm/ft 2 (10.19 L/min*m 2 ) over the entire area.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 8.25 Offices, Shops, and Storage Areas. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided for storage rooms, offices, N/A - Not in AP1000 certified design.

and shops containing combustible materials that present an exposure to surrounding areas that are critical to plant operation, and shall be so located and protected that a fire or the effects of a fire, including smoke, will not adversely affect any safety-related systems or equipment.

8.26 Simulators. Simulators shall be provided with a fixed automatic suppression system. Simulators and N/A - Not in AP1000 certified design.

supporting equipment shall be separated from other areas by a fire barrier with a minimum 1-hour rating.

8.27 Technical Support and Emergency Response Centers. Technical support centers shall be separated Comply - The AP1000 fire hazards analysis from all other areas by fire barriers, or separated from all other buildings by at least 50 ft (15.2 m), and does not require fixed suppression in these protected by an automatic fixed suppression system as required by the fire hazards analysis. areas.

8.28 Intake Structures. Intake structures shall be of noncombustible construction and shall be provided with COL automatic sprinkler protection.

Chapter 9 Fire Protection for the Construction Site N/A - Heading 9.1* General. Consideration of fire protection shall include safety to life and potential for delays in O/O construction schedules and plant startup, as well as protection of property.

9.2 Administration. N/A - Heading 9.2.1 The responsibility for fire protection for the entire site during the construction period shall be clearly COL defined. The administrative responsibilities shall be to develop, implement, and periodically update as necessary the measures outlined in this standard.

9.2.2 The responsibility for fire protection programs among various organizations on-site shall be clearly O/O delineated. The fire protection program to be followed and the owners right to administration and enforcement shall be established.

9.2.3 The fire protection program shall include a fire risk evaluation of the construction site and construction COL activities.

9.2.4 Written procedures shall be established for the new construction site, including major construction COL projects in existing plants. Such procedures shall be in accordance with Chapter 3.

9.2.5* Security guard service, including recorded rounds, shall be provided through all areas of construction O/O during times when construction activity is not in progress.

9.2.6 Construction schedules shall be coordinated so that the planned permanent fire protection systems are COL installed and placed in service as soon as possible.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 9.2.7 Construction and installation of fire barriers and fire doors shall be given priority in the construction COL schedule.

9.3 Site Clearing and Construction Equipment. N/A - Heading 9.3.1 Site Clearing. N/A - Heading Prior to clearing forest and brush-covered areas, the owner shall ensure that a written fire control plan COL is prepared and that fire-fighting tools and equipment are made available as required by NFPA 295, Standard for Wildfire Control. Contact shall be made with local fire and forest agencies for current data on restrictions and fire potential, and to arrange for necessary permits. All construction vehicles and engine-driven portable equipment shall be equipped with effective spark O/O arresters. Vehicles equipped with catalytic converters shall be prohibited from wooded and heavily vegetated areas. Fire tools and equipment shall be distinctly marked and used for fire emergencies only. O/O Each site utility vehicle shall be equipped with at least one fire-fighting tool, portable fire extinguisher, O/O or backpack pump filled with 4 gal to 5 gal (15 L to 19 L) of water. Cut trees, brush, and other combustible spoil shall be disposed of promptly. O/O* Where it is necessary to dispose of combustible waste by on-site burning, designated burning areas O/O shall be established with approval of the owner and shall be in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and guidelines. The contractor shall coordinate burning with the agencies responsible for monitoring fire danger in the area and shall obtain all appropriate permits prior to the start of work.

9.4 Construction Warehouses, Shops, and Offices. N/A - Heading 9.4.1 All structures that are to be retained as part of the completed plant shall be constructed of materials as COL indicated in Chapter 6 and in accordance with other applicable sections in this standard.

9.4.2* Construction warehouses, offices, trailers, sheds, and other facilities for the storage of tools and COL materials shall be located with consideration of their exposure to major plant buildings or other important structures.

9.4.3* A fire risk evaluation shall be performed. COL Revision 5 57 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 9.4.4 Warehouses that contain high-value equipment (as defined by the individual responsible for fire O/O prevention and fire protection), or where the loss of or damage to contents would cause a delay in start-up dates of the completed plant, shall be arranged and protected as indicated below. Although some of these structures are considered to be temporary and will be removed upon completion of the plant, the fire and loss potential shall be thoroughly evaluated and protection provided where warranted. Building construction materials shall be noncombustible or limited combustible. O/O Automatic sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for O/O the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Waterflow alarms shall be provided and located so as to be monitored at a constantly attended location as determined by the individual responsible for fire protection.* Air-supported structures shall only be used for the storage of noncombustibles. O/O 9.4.5 Temporary enclosures, including trailers, inside permanent plant buildings shall be prohibited except O/O where permitted by the individual responsible for fire prevention and fire protection. Where the floor area of a combustible enclosure exceeds 100 ft 2 (9.29 m 2 ) or where the occupancy presents a fire exposure, the enclosure shall be protected with an approved automatic fire suppression system.

9.4.6 Storage of construction materials, equipment, or supplies that are either combustible or in combustible O/O packaging shall be prohibited in main plant buildings unless either of the following conditions exist:

(1) An approved automatic fire suppression system is in service in the storage area (2) Where loss of the materials or loss to the surrounding plant area would be minimal, as determined by the individual responsible for fire prevention and fire protection 9.4.7 Construction areas comprised of mobile buildings arranged with the buildings adjoining each other to O/O form one large fire area shall be avoided. If buildings cannot be adequately separated, fire walls shall be installed between units or automatic sprinklers shall be provided throughout the buildings.

9.4.8 Fire alarms shall be connected to a constantly attended central location. O/O 9.4.9 The handling, storage, and dispensing of flammable liquids and gases shall meet the requirements of O/O NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code; and NFPA 395, Standard for the Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids at Farms and Isolated Sites..

9.4.10 Vehicle repair facilities shall meet the requirements of NFPA 88B, Standard for Repair Garages. O/O Revision 5 58 APP-0000-N4R-001.docx

WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 9.5 Construction Site Lay-Down Areas. N/A - Heading 9.5.1 Fire hydrant systems with an adequate water supply shall be provided in lay-down areas where the need O/O is determined by the individual responsible for fire prevention and fire protection.

9.5.2 Combustible materials shall be separated by a clear space to allow access for manual fire-fighting O/O equipment. Access shall be provided and maintained to all fire-fighting equipment including fire hoses, extinguishers, and hydrants.

9.6 Temporary Construction Materials. N/A - Heading 9.6.1* Noncombustible or fire-retardant scaffolds, formwork, decking, and partitions shall be used both inside O/O and outside of permanent buildings where a fire could cause substantial damage or delay construction schedules.

9.6.2* The use of listed pressure-impregnated fire-retardant lumber or listed fire-retardant coatings shall be O/O provided.

9.6.3 Tarpaulins (fabrics) and plastic films shall be certified to conform to the weather-resistant and fire- O/O retardant materials described in NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films.

9.6.4 Where it is necessary to store new nuclear fuel in areas other than the permanent storage facilities, a N/A written procedure shall be developed to address separation from combustible materials, security, nuclear criticality, packing material, noncombustible or limited-combustible building materials, standpipe, portable fire extinguishers, and hydrant protection.

9.7 Water Supplies, Supply Mains, and Hydrants. N/A - Heading 9.7.1* General. The permanent underground yard system, fire hydrants, and water supply (at least one water O/O source), as indicated in Chapter 6, shall be installed during the early stages of construction. Where provision of all or part of the permanent underground system and water supply is not practical, temporary systems shall be provided. Temporary water supplies shall be hydrostatically tested, flushed, and arranged to maintain a high degree of reliability, including protection from freezing and loss of power.

9.7.2 Hydrants shall be installed, as indicated in Chapter 6, in the vicinity of main plant buildings, important O/O warehouses, office or storage trailer complexes, and important outside structures with combustible construction or combustible concrete formwork (e.g., cooling towers). The underground main shall be arranged to minimize the possibility that any one break will remove from service any fixed water extinguishing system or leave any area without accessible hydrant protection.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 9.7.3 A fire protection water supply shall be provided on the construction site and shall be capable of O/O furnishing the larger of the following for a minimum 2-hour duration:

(1) 500 gpm (1892.5 L/min)

(2) The inservice fixed water extinguishing system with the highest water demand and 500 gpm (1892.5 L/min) for hose streams The highest water demand shall be determined by the hazards present at the stage of construction, O/O which might not correspond with the highest water demand of the completed plant.* As fixed water extinguishing systems are completed, they shall be placed in service, even when the O/O available construction phase fire protection water supply is not adequate to meet the designed system demand.

However, when the permanent hazard is introduced, the water supply shall be capable of providing the designed system demand. Where using construction water in permanent systems, adequate strainers shall be provided to prevent clogging of the system by foreign objects and dirt. The water supply shall be sufficient to provide adequate pressure for hose connections at the highest O/O elevation.

9.8 Manual Fire-Fighting Equipment. N/A - Heading 9.8.1* Fire-fighting equipment shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 600, Standard on Industrial Fire O/O Brigades, and NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations.

9.8.2 Portable fire extinguishers of suitable capacity shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard O/O for Portable Fire Extinguishers, where one or more of the following occurs:

(1) Flammable liquids are stored or handled.

(2) Combustible materials are stored.

(3) Temporary oil- or gas-fired equipment is used.

(4) A tar or asphalt kettle is used.

(5) Welding or open flames are in use.

9.8.3* A standpipe system shall be provided in any permanent building that has two-floor equivalent wall O/O heights erected. Additional standpipe hose connections shall be added to each floor level as soon as sufficient landings are available to fight fires from that level. Protection from freezing shall be provided.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 9.8.4 Hoses and nozzles shall be available at strategic locations, such as inside hose cabinets or hose houses or O/O on dedicated fire response vehicles.

9.8.5 If fire hose connections are not compatible with local fire-fighting equipment, adapters shall be made O/O available.

Chapter 10 Referenced Publications N/A - Heading 10.1 The following documents or portions thereof are referenced within this standard as mandatory AP1000 compliance to this paragraph is requirements and shall be considered part of the requirements of this standard. The edition indicated for each addressed in the given paragraphs above.

referenced mandatory document is the current edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this standard.

Some of these mandatory documents might also be referenced in this standard for specific informational purposes and, therefore, are also listed in Appendix B.

10.1.1 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, N/A - General Quincy, MA 02269- 9101.

NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 1998 edition.

NFPA 11, Standard for Low-Expansion Foam, 1998 edition.

NFPA 11A, Standard for Medium- and High-Expansion Foam Systems, 1999 edition.

NFPA 12, Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, 2000 edition.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1999 edition.

NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and Hose Systems, 2000 edition..

NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, 1996 edition.

NFPA 16, Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems, 1999 edition.

NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 1998 edition.

NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 1999 edition.

NFPA 22, Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, 1998 edition.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, 1995 edition.

NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2000 edition.

NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, 2001 edition.

NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, 1998 edition.

NFPA 50A, Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites, 1999 edition.

NFPA 50B, Standard for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites, 1999 edition.

NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work, 1999 edition.

NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code, 1999 edition.

NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2001 edition.

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code , 1999 edition.

NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code , 1999 edition.

NFPA 75, Standard for the Protection of Electronic Computer/ Data Processing Equipment, 1999 edition.

NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows, 1999 edition.

NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code, 2001 edition.

NFPA 88B, Standard for Repair Garages, 1997 edition.

NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 1999 edition.

NFPA 101 , Life Safety Code , 2000 edition.

NFPA 211, Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances, 2000 edition.

NFPA 214, Standard on Water-Cooling Towers, 2000 edition.

NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, 1999 edition.

NFPA 232, Standard for the Protection of Records, 2000 edition.

NFPA 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, 2000 edition.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT NFPA 251, Standard Methods of Tests of Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials, 1999 edition.

NFPA 252, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies, 1999 edition.

NFPA 253, Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source, 2000 edition.

NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, 2000 edition.

NFPA 256, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings, 1998 edition.

NFPA 259, Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials, 1998 edition.

NFPA 295, Standard for Wildfire Control, 1998 edition.

NFPA 395, Standard for the Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids at Farms and Isolated Sites, 1993 edition.

NFPA 600, Standard on Industrial Fire Brigades, 2000 edition.

NFPA 601, Standard for Security Services in Fire Loss Prevention, 2000 edition.

NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films, 1999 edition.

NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems, 1997 edition.

NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, 1997 edition.

NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, 2000 edition.

10.1.2 Other Publications. N/A - Heading ANSI Publications. American National Standards Institute, Inc., 11 West 42nd Street 13th floor, N/A - General New York, NY 10036. ANSI B31.1, Code for Power Piping, 1992 edition. ANSI C2, National Electrical Safety Code, 1993 edition. ASME Publications. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, N/A - General NY 10016-5990. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, 1992 edition. ASME NQA-1, Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities, 1994 edition.

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WCAP-15871 APP-0000-N4R-001 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 AP1000 NFPA 804 PARAGRAPH AP1000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ASTM Publications. American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West N/A - General Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM D 92, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup, 1990 edition. ASTM E 84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, 1994 edition. ASTM E 119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, 1988 edition. ASTM E 136, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 , 1994 edition. ASTM E 814, Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops, 1994 edition. IEEE Publication. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, N/A - General Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. IEEE 383-1974 (R-1992) Standard for Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. UL Publications. Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. UL N/A - General 586, Standard for Test Performance of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter Units, 1990 edition. UL 1479, Standard for Safety Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops, 1994 edition. U.S. Government Publications. U.S. Government Printing Office, Ishington, DC 20402. NRC N/A - General Generic Letter 86-10, Supplement 1. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria.

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