ND-23-0575, ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 588)

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ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 588)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/2023
From: Coleman J
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
ND-23-0575, ITAAC
Download: ML23199A309 (1)


Jamie M. Coleman Regulatory Affairs Director Vogtle 3 & 4 7825 River Road Waynesboro, GA 30830 706-848-6926 tel July 18, 2023 Docket No.:

52-026 ND-23-0575 10 CFR 52.99(c)(1)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4 ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 588]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with 10 CFR 52.99(c)(1), the purpose of this letter is to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of the completion of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 4 Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Item [Index Number 588]. This ITAAC verifies that: the Main AC Power System (ECS) provides the capability for distributing non-Class 1E ac power from onsite standby power system (ZOS) to specified nonsafety-related loads; the ECS provides two loss-of-voltage signals to the ZOS, one for each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear bus; the ECS provides a reverse-power trip of the generator circuit breaker which is blocked for at least 15 seconds following a turbine trip; controls exist in the main control room (MCR) to cause the specified circuit breakers to perform the listed functions; and displays of the specified parameters can be retrieved in the MCR. The closure process for this ITAAC was based on the guidance described in NEI 08-01, Industry Guideline for the ITAAC Closure Process under 10 CFR Part 52, which was endorsed by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.215.

This letter contains no new NRC regulatory commitments. Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) requests NRC staff confirmation of this determination and publication of the required notice in the Federal Register per 10 CFR 52.99.

If there are any questions, please contact Kelli Roberts at 706-848-6991.

Respectfully submitted, Jamie M. Coleman Regulatory Affairs Director Vogtle 3 & 4


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 4 Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 588]


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Page 2 of 2 cc:

Regional Administrator, Region ll Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

Director, Vogtle Project Office NRR Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle 3 & 4

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 1 of 9 Southern Nuclear Operating Company ND-23-0575 Enclosure Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 4 Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 588]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 2 of 9 ITAAC Statement Design Commitment 4.a) The ECS provides the capability for distributing non-Class 1E ac power from onsite sources (ZOS) to nonsafety-related loads listed in Table 2.6.1-2.

4.e) The ECS provides two loss-of-voltage signals to the onsite standby power system (ZOS),

one for each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear bus.

4.f) The ECS provides a reverse-power trip of the generator circuit breaker which is blocked for at least 15 seconds following a turbine trip.

5. Controls exist in the MCR to cause the circuit breakers identified in Table 2.6.1-3 to perform the listed functions.
6. Displays of the parameters identified in Table 2.6.1-3 can be retrieved in the MCR.

Inspections, Tests, Analyses Tests will be performed using a test signal to confirm that an electrical path exists for each selected load listed in Table 2.6.1-2 from an ECS-ES-1 or ECS-ES-2 bus. Each test may be a single test or a series of overlapping tests.

Tests on the as-built ECS system will be conducted by simulating a loss-of-voltage condition on each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear bus.

Tests on the as-built ECS system will be conducted by simulating a turbine trip signal followed by a simulated reverse-power condition. The generator circuit breaker trip signal will be monitored.

Tests will be performed to verify that controls in the MCR can operate the circuit breakers identified in Table 2.6.1-3.

Inspection will be performed for retrievability of the displays identified in Table 2.6.1-3 in the MCR.

Acceptance Criteria A test signal exists at the terminals of each selected load.

A loss-of-voltage signal is generated when the loss-of-voltage condition is simulated.

The generator circuit breaker trip signal does not occur until at least 15 seconds after the simulated turbine trip.

Controls in the MCR cause the circuit breakers identified in Table 2.6.1-3 to operate.

Displays identified in Table 2.6.1-3 can be retrieved in the MCR.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 3 of 9 ITAAC Determination Basis Testing and inspection were performed to verify that the Main AC Power System (ECS) performs the following:

The ECS provides the capability for distributing non-Class 1E ac power from onsite sources (ZOS) to nonsafety-related loads listed in Combined License (COL) Table 2.6.1-2 (Attachment A).

The ECS provides two loss-of-voltage signals to the onsite standby power system (ZOS),

one for each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear bus.

The ECS provides a reverse-power trip of the generator circuit breaker which is blocked for at least 15 seconds following a turbine trip.

Controls exist in the MCR to cause the circuit breakers identified in COL Table 2.6.1-3 (Attachment B) to perform the listed functions.

Displays of the parameters identified in COL Table 2.6.1-3 (Attachment B) can be retrieved in the MCR.

A test signal exists at the terminals of each selected load.

Testing was performed as documented in Reference 1 to verify that electrical paths exist for each selected load listed in Combined License (COL) Table 2.6.1-2 (Attachment A) from the ECS-ES-1 6900 Vac Switchgear Bus 1 or the ECS-ES-2 6900 Vac Switchgear Bus 2.

Reference 1 verified that power supply cables/wiring were installed and terminated from an ECS-ES-1 or ECS-ES-2 bus to the terminals for Day Tank Heater Pads A & B, Air-cooled Chiller 2 & 3 Piping Heat Trace, and Air-cooled Chiller 2 Control and Heat Trace (as identified in Attachment A) and documents continuity testing performed on each of the installed cables/wiring to verify that a test signal exists at the terminals. ECS-ES-1 and ECS-ES-2 were energized from the standby diesel generator by paralleling each diesel to its respective ES bus and loading the diesel to full load as documented in Reference 1. Work instructions listed in Reference 1 tested each remaining load listed in Attachment A and verified that each remaining load was de-energized, the power supply breaker(s) were then closed, and the load was verified to be energized. Pressurizer heaters (listed in Attachment A) were de-energized and during RCS pressure control testing, it was verified that the heaters were energized as documented in Reference 1. This constituted a series of overlapping tests to test all components. The combined test results confirmed that a test signal exists at the terminals of each selected load.

A loss-of-voltage signal is generated when the loss-of-voltage condition is simulated.

Testing was performed as documented in Reference 1 to verify that the ECS provides two loss-of-voltage signals to the onsite standby power system (ZOS), one for each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear bus. The loss-of-voltage protection circuit for each switchgear bus and the diesel generator starting control circuitry were monitored. A loss-of-voltage condition was simulated at each diesel-backed 6900 Vac switchgear to initiate the loss-of voltage condition.

The loss-of-voltage condition was verified to initiate switchgear supply breakers opening, switchgear load breakers opening and the starting of the respective standby generator. The completed test results confirmed a loss-of-voltage signal is generated when the loss of voltage condition is simulated on each switchgear bus.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 4 of 9 The generator circuit breaker trip signal does not occur until at least 15 seconds after the simulated turbine trip.

Testing was performed as documented in Reference 1 with the turbine tripped. Test equipment was utilized to simulate a reverse power condition to the reverse power relay (RY1) and a timer was started. The timer was stopped when the reverse power relay output to the generator lockout relay (86SEQ1) was actuated, and the time was recorded. The generator circuit breaker trip circuit contacts were verified to close when the 86SEQ1 relay actuated. This testing was repeated for the RY2 and 86SEQ2 relays. The time delay for the Unit 4 RY1 relay was 16.99 sec and 16.99 sec for RY2. The test results confirmed that the generator circuit breaker trip signal does not occur until at least 15 seconds after the simulated turbine trip.

Controls in the MCR cause the circuit breakers identified in Table 2.6.1-3 to operate.

Testing was performed as documented in Reference 1 to verify controls in the MCR operate to cause the 6900 Vac Switchgear Bus 1 and 6900 Vac Switchgear Bus 2 circuit breakers listed in Combined License (COL) Table 2.6.1-3 (Attachment B) to operate. The control functions of each circuit breaker were tested and verified by inspection. The test results confirmed that controls in the MCR can operate the circuit breakers identified in Attachment B.

Displays identified in Table 2.6.1-3 can be retrieved in the MCR.

An inspection was performed as documented in Reference 1 for ECS and ZAS (Main Generator System) which visually confirmed that when each of the displays of parameters identified in Attachment B was summoned at an MCR workstation, the summoned plant parameter appeared on a display monitor at that MCR workstation.

Reference 1 is available for NRC inspection as part of Unit 4 ITAAC Completion Package (Reference 2).

ITAAC Finding Review In accordance with plant procedures for ITAAC completion, Southern Nuclear Operating Company performed a review of all ITAAC findings pertaining to the subject ITAAC and associated corrective actions. This review found there are no relevant findings associated with the ITAAC. The ITAAC completion review is documented in the ITAAC Completion Package (Reference 2) and is available for NRC review.

ITAAC Completion Statement Based on the above information, SNC hereby notifies the NRC that ITAAC was performed for VEGP Unit 4 and that the prescribed acceptance criteria were met.

Systems, structures, and components verified as part of this ITAAC are being maintained in their as-designed, ITAAC compliant condition in accordance with approved plant programs and procedures.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 5 of 9 References (available for NRC inspection)

1. SV4-ECS-ITR-800588, Rev 0, Unit 4 ECS Non-1E Distribution, Trip Signals, Controls and Displays
2., ITAAC Completion Package

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 6 of 9 Attachment A COL Appendix C Table 2.6.1-2 Load Description Power Source Load Center Transformers EK-11, EK-12, EK-13, EK-14 ZOS-MG-02A ECS Panel Transformers ZOS MG 02A Diesel Oil Transfer Module Enclosure A Electric Unit Heater ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Oil Transfer Module Enclosure A Fan ZOS-MG-02A Class 1E Division A Regulating Transformer ZOS-MG-02A Class 1E Division C Regulating Transformer ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pump A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Room A Building Standby Exhaust Fans 1A and 2A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Service Module A Air Handling Unit (AHU) 01A Fan ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Cooler Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Module Unit Heater A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Jacket Water Radiator Fans A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator AC/OC Radiator Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Building Engine AHU MS 03A Fan ZOS-MG-02A Fuel Oil Day Tank Vault Exhaust Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Lube Oil Cooling Motors A (Front/Rear)

ZOS-MG-02A Diesel Generator Transformer A ZOS-MG-02A Day Tank Heater Pad A ZOS-MG-02A Startup Feedwater Pump A ZOS-MG-02A Service Water Pump A ZOS-MG-02A Service Water Cooling Tower Fan A ZOS-MG-02A MCR/Control Support Area (CSA) AHU A Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02A Divisions A/C Class 1E Electrical Room AHU A Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02A Divisions B/D Class 1E Electrical Room AHU D Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02A Air-cooled Chiller Pump 2 ZOS-MG-02A

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 7 of 9 Attachment A (Cont.)

COL Appendix C Table 2.6.1-2 Component Cooling Water Pump A ZOS-MG-02A Air-cooled Chiller 2 ZOS-MG-02A Air-cooled Chiller 2 Piping Heat Trace ZOS-MG-02A Air-cooled Chiller 2 Control and Heat Trace ZOS-MG-02A Chemical and Volume Control System (CVS) Makeup Pump A ZOS-MG-02A CVS Pump Room Unit Cooler Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS) Pump A ZOS-MG-02A RNS Pump Room Unit Cooler Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Equipment Room AHU Supply and Return Fans VXS-MA-01A/02A ZOS-MG-02A Switchgear Room A AHU Supply and Return Fans VXS-MA-05A/06A ZOS-MG-02A Non-1E Battery Charger EDS1-DC-1 ZOS-MG-02A Non-1E Battery Room A Exhaust Fan ZOS-MG-02A Non-1E Battery Charger EDS3-DC-1 ZOS-MG-02A Class 1E Division A Battery Charger 1 (24-hour)

ZOS-MG-02A Class 1E Division C Battery Charger 1 (24-hour)

ZOS-MG-02A Class 1E Division C Battery Charger 2 (72-hour)

ZOS-MG-02A Divisions A/C Class 1E Battery Room Exhaust Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Divisions B/D Class 1E Battery Room Exhaust Fan D ZOS-MG-02A Supplemental Air Filtration Unit Fan A ZOS-MG-02A Backup Group 4A Pressurizer Heaters ZOS-MG-02A Spent Fuel Cooling Pump A ZOS-MG-02A Load Center Transformers EK-21, EK-22, EK-23, EK-24 ZOS-MG-02B ECS Panel Transformers ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Oil Transfer Module Enclosure B Electric Unit Heater ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Oil Transfer Module Enclosure B Fan ZOS-MG-02B Class 1E Division B Regulating Transformer ZOS-MG-02B Class 1E Division D Regulating Transformer ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pump B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Room B Building Standby Exhaust Fans 1B and 2B ZOS-MG-02B

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 8 of 9 Attachment A (Cont.)

COL Appendix C Table 2.6.1-2 Diesel Generator Service Module B AHU 01B Fan ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Cooler Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Module Unit Heater B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Jacket Water Radiator Fans B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator AC/OC Radiator Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Building Engine AHU MS 03B Fan ZOS-MG-02B Fuel Oil Day Tank Vault Exhaust Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Lube Oil Cooling Motors B (Front/Rear)

ZOS-MG-02B Diesel Generator Transformer B ZOS-MG-02B Day Tank Heater Pad B ZOS-MG-02B Startup Feedwater Pump B ZOS-MG-02B Service Water Pump B ZOS-MG-02B Service Water Cooling Tower Fan B ZOS-MG-02B MCR/CSA AHU B Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02B Divisions B/D Class 1E Electrical Room AHU B Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02B Divisions A/C Class 1E Electrical Room AHU C Supply and Return Fans ZOS-MG-02B Air-cooled Chiller Pump 3 ZOS-MG-02B Component Cooling Water Pump B ZOS-MG-02B Air-cooled Chiller 3 ZOS-MG-02B Air-cooled Chiller 3 Piping Heat Trace ZOS-MG-02B CVS Makeup Pump B ZOS-MG-02B CVS Pump Room Unit Cooler Fan B ZOS-MG-02B RNS Pump B ZOS-MG-02B RNS Pump Room Unit Cooler Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Equipment Room B AHU Supply and Return Fans VXS-MA-01B/02B ZOS-MG-02B Switchgear Room B AHU Supply and Return Fans VXS-MA-05B/06B ZOS-MG-02B Non-1E Battery Charger EDS2-DC-1 ZOS-MG-02B Non-1E Battery Charger EDS4-DC-1 ZOS-MG-02B Non-1E Battery Room B Exhaust Fan ZOS-MG-02B

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-23-0575 Enclosure Page 9 of 9 Attachment A (Cont.)

COL Appendix C Table 2.6.1-2 Class 1E Division B Battery Charger 1 (24-hour)

ZOS-MG-02B Class 1E Division B Battery Charger 2 (72-hour)

ZOS-MG-02B Class 1E Division D Battery Charger 1 (24-hour)

ZOS-MG-02B Divisions B/D Class 1E Battery Room Exhaust Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Divisions A/C Class 1E Battery Room Exhaust Fan C ZOS-MG-02B Supplemental Air Filtration Unit Fan B ZOS-MG-02B Backup Group 4B Pressurizer Heaters ZOS-MG-02B Spent Fuel Cooling Pump B ZOS-MG-02B Attachment B COL Appendix C Table 2.6.1-3 Equipment Tag No.

Display Control Function 6900 V Switchgear Bus 1 ECS-ES-1 Yes (Bus voltage, breaker position for all breakers on bus)

Yes (Breaker open/close) 6900 V Switchgear Bus 2 ECS-ES-2 Yes (Bus voltage, breaker position for all breakers on bus)

Yes (Breaker open/close)

Unit Auxiliary Transformer A ZAS-ET-2A Yes (Secondary Voltage)

No Unit Auxiliary Transformer B ZAS-ET-2B Yes (Secondary Voltage)

No Reserve Auxiliary Transformer A ZAS-ET-4A Yes (Secondary Voltage)

No Reserve Auxiliary Transformer B ZAS-ET-4B Yes (Secondary Voltage)
