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Comment (1) of Eric Meyer and Madison Schroder, on Behalf of Generation Atomic, on Kairos Power, LLC Receipt of Construction Permit Application
Person / Time
Site: Hermes  File:Kairos Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/2024
From: Meyer E, Schroder M
Generation Atomic
Office of Administration
NRC-2023-0138, 89FR32462 00001
Download: ML24145A059 (1)


5/24/24, 6:49 AM blob:

SUNSI Review Complete As of: 5/24/24, 6:47 AM Template=ADM-013 Received: May 09, 2024 E-RIDS=ADM-03 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONADD: Antoinette Walker-Status: Pending_Post Smith, Peyton Doub, Mary Tracking No. lvz-qlwx-13aa Neely Comments Due: May 28, 2024 Comment (1) Submission Type: API Publication Date:4/26/2024 Citation: 89 FR 32462 Docket: NRC-2023-0138 Kairos Power, LLC Receipt of Construction Permit Application

Comment On: NRC-2023-0138-0005 Kairos Power, LLC; Hermes 2; Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact

Document: NRC-2023-0138-DRAFT-0001 Comment on FR Doc # 2024-08964

Submitter Information

Email: Organization: Generation Atomic

General Comment

See attached file(s)


Kairos Draft EIS Public Comment-Generation Atomic

blob: 1/1 GenerationAtomic 1878 PascalStreet SaintPaul,MN 55113

May 9,2024


GenerationAtomic Comments on[Docket Nos. 50-611 and 50-612 NRC-2023-0138], referringtothedraftEnvironmental Impact Statement (EIS)forthe ConstructionPermitfor theKairosPower Hermes 2 Reactor.KairosPower, LLC (Kairos).

DearU.S.Nuclear RegulatoryCommission Staff,

Thisletterprovidesformalpubliccomment on behalfof GenerationAtomic strongly supportingthedraftfindingof nosignificantimpact(FONSI) fortheKairosPowers Hermes 2 testreactorprojectdraftenvironmentalimpact statement (EIS).TheNRC's thorough environmentalassessment ofthe Hermes 2constructionpermit applicationprovidesrobust evidencethatthe proposed reactortechnology canbe deployed with minimalenvironmental impacts.

TheNRC staff'sdeterminationthatthe construction,operation,anddecommissioning of the Hermes 2 reactorswould have negligibleimpactsacrossallenvironmental resourceareas -

includinglanduse,airquality,waterresources,ecology,historicandculturalresources, human health,and waste management -validatesthe environmental advantages ofKairos Power'sadvanced reactordesign.Furthermore,the NRC's analysisfound nosignificant cumulativeimpacts from theHermes 2 projectwhen considered alongsideotherpast, present,andreasonably foreseeablefutureactions-includingtheeffectsofclimate change.

Importantly,theNRC staffidentifiedarangeof alternativestotheproposed actionand assessed theirpotentialenvironmentalimpacts.Based on thisanalysis,theNRC staff determined thatthereare noalternativesthatwould meet theneed forthe Hermes 2 project whilebeingenvironmentally preferabletoKairosPower's proposed reactor.

We commend theNRC stafffortheirmeticulousand transparentenvironmental review of theHermes 2 constructionpermitapplicationand urgethe Commission to proceed efficiently infinalizingthisfindingofnosignificantimpact.

Thank youfor consideringourcomments onthisimportant matter.


EricMeyer Madison Schroder ExecutiveDirector PolicyCoordinator GenerationAtomic Generation Atomic